The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 11 May 1927

Total Pages: 26
1 420 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 19 1 The Strats Echo Weekly Edition. tlB PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPY 4OCTS. V6L. 25 PENANG: MAY II 1927 NO. 18
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 335 1 i|in wig COIM M I'MTT s X LEADING ARTICLES MISCELLANEOUS: (Continued) J An Unsatisfactory Affair .»97 The late Mrs. Lim Cheng Teik 410 jr tF Malayan Need of Hill Stations 401 The Governor’s Departure 411 R| I Anglo-Phobe ...105 Narrow Beach Street 411 A I Good-Bye 408 Latest Books 412
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 202 2 H TH s STRAITS ECHO I WEEKLY EDITION 3k* Published the day prior te the departure of each mail for Europe. -y\ and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the ft? daily issues, as well as aN important news from various parts of the Far East,
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  • 624 397 Public respect tor the Law is base-1 l a coLepUou of a force Jure winch rides rougii aiud over opposition and obstacles and slowly but surely draws aside the veils of calumny and evasion mid at length reveals the naked truth for all to see. A sort
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  • 287 397 BISHOP’S FAREWELL GATHERING Singapore. May 3 The Bishop of Singapore gave a farewell party at the Parsonage to his EngI 'peaking congregation. Mr. Jordan <!i bi'c.-'f of the congregation expressed h's de' _'ht at the opportunty of meetII II Lordship prior to his retirein iii. I'lw B shop
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  • 586 397 Sei ingapatam I (’-(.Ry the b 111 V < I tr\ <-f t taking ot Serin-apatam. the ext njuishmen; oi the great of llvder Ali and the death of I'ippoo Sultan. Th s cruel monarch had long been a thorn n the side of th-' East Ind
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  • Page 397 Advertisements

  • 703 398 COMPANY MEETING SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING The sixth annual general meet ng of l adang Plandok T.n Limited was held in Penang on Saturday, April 30. 1 here were present:Messrs, it. D. Hoblyn (in the char), Palgrave Simpson, J. J). Kemp, R. D. Finlay and 1 C.
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  • 393 398 (Phom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Kangsar, April 26 Major N. Anup Singh, 1. M. S., of the Burma Rifles, will be leaving Taiping at the end of the month for India on three months leave. New Bridges The two wooden road bridges which wot! damaged at Kuala
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  • 576 398 h r LAM’S iwo iu the Second Police Court oq s uuy Air. 8. lung, Corouer.Z the hearing of an inquest touciwi. death of lull iLng Soon, a who died al idia, Aiuntn bir tfcl April lb. Inspector Aliller conducted proceedings. Mr. Crabb-\\ att Bai(i held
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  • 214 399 jo the Editor of the Straits Echo) 1* permitted—through your valuable columns— to thank 1’ .A. J. for his defence of my country—Austraa I hare been absent from my native chores for more than nine years, but I h rdly think even my much maligned Australia could
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  • 247 399 (To Ihe Editor of the Straits Echo) .1 The Book tells of a certain inundaion which covered the entire world all a e Mount Arrarat.” Nowadays there 1 a tendency to discredit the above fact you stated in your leading article »y especially by those
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  • 660 399 MAGISTRATE’S WRITTEN JUDGMENT The following is Mr. 8. N. King's judgment in the case in which he di«charged Syed Mohamed Ismail, the driver of the Hudson car which came into contact with another at the junction of Northam and Larut Roads on March 12, resulting in
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  • 197 399 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. Rubber Sales Department Penang, April 27 The rubber market continues to show a steady tone and there has been a fair amount of business done. London stocks show an increase this week of 478 tons and now stand at 65,511 tons. Cables to hand this morning report
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  • 102 399 'Fhe Cycle A Carriage Co., Ltd, who are the local agents for the Ciossley otors, Ltd., Manchester, are in re c.eipt of information by the latest mail that one of the latest type of Cro-s--ley’s Six" enclosed 1 mous nes has been supplied to H.M.
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  • 100 399 I'o-rnorrow will commence the \n nual Pilgrimage to Mecca, tin Ho' Ct\ of the Moslems, whose numb* rs iru o great that they compr-e a mth of the world’s populat o n Ihe Strats l .cho hi- med exclus vc r ghts n this area of ;m
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  • 593 400 COMPANY MEETING PROPERTY 10 bE SOLD A general meeting of members of Ji; 'J epan 'lm Dredging Company wa* held at Messrs. Katz Brothers, 33, jieach btieLi, at noon yesterday tor the puqiose oi con»idermg and if thought lit, adopting the following resolutions: that the be,
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  • 531 400 Cri/ALiEELK A'i TACKED bl aIOB in the 10l ce Court yesterday alter ucon before Air. B. N. King, u Malay chauffeur was charged Willi negligently tira mg i car on Apr J 14 ano causing injuries to a r csiia puller. Air. G. 11. Goh appeared for
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  • 29 400 hi a fnendlv game of soccer plaved 1 l»at<> Krnmat erounds yesterdsv yOu Ma.A.„o<, r F.c. defeated hi lo<t other- Re-reation Chib bv two goals to one.
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  • 382 400 i Ulna great believer in doi n a, lluug at n,<• right time andnotth/T th mg at tlrn «rung time o We wrong thing at the right l liere is a meeness and propnetj things winch the official eye be incapable of perceiving. At the scene of a
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  • 90 400 From Bukit Tengah comes the that a Penang ear No. 2534 volved in a serious accident o' weekend, as a result of which tnt was totally destroyed. It was learned that the was driven by a native was ing to Bukit Tengah on night, when either through
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  • 578 401 matters have been suggested Vsr X e the attention of Sir Hugh e lf en he arrives, takes up the office and settles down to the work of governing. But in partiwould emphasise the matter of Rations, in which Malaya .s so sad y -ingbut
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  • 476 401 Charlie” and the Bolshies 1 see it is reported that Charlie C haplin has received a telegram from the Soviet Government inviting him to flee from the persecution to which he is being subjected in the United States and to come to Moscow which is a further proof
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  • 315 401 ATTEMPTED MURDER I he first case on the present cn'endar which opened yesterday befoie 11 s Lordsh p Mr. Just ee Sprcuie was» over in fifteen nunutes, the accused pleading guilty to the chargt f attempting to murder a woman by the name of Mun ammal at Bukit
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  • 194 401 (To the Editor oe the Straits Echo) Sir, One often reads in the papers that some Institute, Association or Club is called upon, to show evidence of its continued existence Failing which it is struck off the Register. Now there is an insti.ution which for many
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  • 2503 402  -  BAL IK PULAU MAN FOUND GUILTY OF MURDER ASTONISHING CLAIM BY A LONDON MEDIUM At the second day’s trial of Laz Lin Mat Esa a Malay paddi-grower of Balik Pulau who was charged with the murder of two other Malays at the Assizes yesterday the accused
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  • 840 403 'rhe trial of Laz bin Mat Esa, the Balik Bulau Malay who was indicted on two charges of murder w as concluded at 1.20 p.m. yesterday when His Lordship pronounced the death sentence in a hushed Court. The accused was charged with firstly committing murder by
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  • 515 403 I ne third ami List case tak< n up at the \ssizes wa- one in which a tall and pow. rfnl 100 in/ I 'm 4 bv the nime of Lan isamy al hin m v, md-> a-d w ith commit» ng murder bv knowingly e
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  • 93 404 Willi reference to Gazette Notification No. 1812. <| itcd October 15. 1926, it is I" i b h :iii. <| that th Bhtlidayof His Jaj< <ty th< King will be celebrated in the Colony on Friday, June. 1927. Official announcement by the Colonial Secretary. o: Mr. Ng
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  • 427 404 SIME, DARBY CO., LTD WEEKLY RUBBER REPORT Singapore, April 28 Cables received in the market since last report: LONDON. 1 7‘. 1/7s. l/7‘. 1/8. l/i.\ NEW’ YORK. Cents Gold 40{. 40 41|. 41. 401. 40 <- 40 iLocal quotations for Singapore Stand ard Ribbed Smoked Sheet have ranged as follows:
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  • 519 404 DR. T. C. BORTHWICK INTERVIEWED Wt le{ >, Consular ions x\ t 1 t.'ir.-f words Dr mers Borthwick of the Church <_f nd- Mismm, cq viicu »t brief, but ven ntir- Gmg talk a Straits T. nsh> presentat ve on Wednesday morning Dr. has been fifteen
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  • 449 405 I t jg a little difficult to reconcile he oft reiterated and pious hopes exposed in America for a firm basis of friendship between the two great Engish speaking nations with the spasmodic of vituperation that from time to time cloud the horizon of AnjioAmerican friendship. The very thought
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  • 478 405 GOVERNOR’S LAST WIN The Guillemakd Challenge up The first race, on Sunday, April 24. was no race. The result yesterday, says Monday’s Free Press, was what maiay skippers regarded as a disappo'nting morning.' The race was started by Captain Flettin whose unavoidable absence for many weeks past
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  • 229 405 Cur Singapore correspondent tele graphs that the Rajflk of Sarawak is among the passengers on the Malwa. Mrs. Welham. wife of Mr. 11. Wclham, formerly Editor of the 'Straits Echo and now of th e“ Malay Mail”, returned yesterday from London on the Kashmir Dr. Che ah T’iang Earn
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  • 188 405 APRIL STATISTICS Singapoke, May 5 'Die following are the figures of the quantity and value of rubber exported from British Malay i during the month of April, 1927: Value of Rubber April Exported Destination. Exports in 1927 United Kingdom 4,635 #43,957,(XX) America 21,396 $126,408,(XX) Continent of Europe
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  • 110 405 FUNERAL notice —i of the late Mrs. Lint S 'nee Khoo Guat Lee Neoh on Sunday, the 8th May. a.m- When her mortal «-Il be removed from hei ioNo. 52, Larut Road, Lment at Ratu Gantong Cen.eV The cortege will take the '•«.-Larut Road, Argyll Road, Hoad, Chulia Street,
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  • 697 406 A Moving Mountain A mountain 1,200 feet high that mows a yard a day is threatening the Yalta motor road which skirts the Crimea along the Black Sea. The mountain is coming so close to the precipitous sea line that it is feared the highway may be upset
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    • 189 406 (l o The Editor of the Straits Echo; Sir, With regard to the retirement of the Maharajah of Burdwan news of which you publish to-day, the above chief is one ol the most loyal of Indian Princes. When Mr. Keir liardie the Labourman went to India
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    • 198 406 (To The Editor of the Straits Echo) Sir, I is true as you say in your leading allude today that we in Penang have i hill station at our very door but as gards accessibility it might as well be miles away. I nless one travels upon a
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  • 1500 406 MALAk LnAiyuED WITH DOUBLE MURDER Ihe Hon. Mr. Justice P. ,j y and a Special Jury with Mr. D. son as foreman w ere engaged the of yesterday in the trial of a Ban ß h lau Malay paddy planter, Laz bin 3k Esa, who was called upon
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  • 221 407 CHINESE WOMAN CHARGED Mr. S. N. King was occupied yesterday afternoon in hearing a case in which a Chinese woman named Liin Yek Ewe was charged with disposing of stolen property consisting of a pair of gold earrings set with diamonds valued at and five gold buttons
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  • 385 407 END OF BUTTERWORTH TRIAL When the trial of Ramasamy, of Bagan Luar. Butterworth,who was charged with causing the death of a Malabarian named Marikan on February 25 last—was resumed before Mr Justice Sprjule and a Special Jur\ morning, Mr. Hastings Rhodes, who appeared for the prisoner, said that
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  • 105 407 BRITISH RESIDENT’S REPLY TO UNOFFICIALS (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, May 6 Replying to the letter of resignation of the unofficial members of the Sanitary Board the British Resident, Sei ingor, while noting with regret their resignation and conveying His Highness the Sultan’s thanks for their services,
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  • 373 408 To-day His Excellency the Governed Sir Laurence- Guillemard sails for Horne after administering the Colony for seven years. e wish Sir Laurence and Lady Guillemard a pleasant voyage and we assure them that they will carry with them the good wishes ot the people of Malaya for a happy
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  • 179 408 A quarrel between a Mohamedan father and h’s married daughter had ts s<-<piel in the Police Court before Mr. S. N. King yesterday afternoon when the former summoned the latter to show cause why she should not he bound over to be ot good behaviour. She had
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  • 350 408 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Welham leave this afternoon for Kuala Lumpur via Port Swettenham by the s.s. Ipoh. Mrs. Bridges, wife of Dr. Bridges, of Alor Star, Kedah, was a passenger from Madras to Penang yesterday by the 8.1. s.s. Tairea. Mr. G. B. Taye arrived here from Singapore
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  • 48 408 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. May 6 Iwo Malay police constables were convicted ot permitting a prisoner to escape from tin- Inn Toch Seng Hospital Ihe first, having a previous conviction was sentenced to three months’ rigorous imprisonment, while the second w as fined SSU.
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  • 34 408 engine disabled (I rom Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. May 6 Ibt mail train from Kuala Lumpur broke down at Batang Benar. The ongin»- disabled. Ihe train arrived four hours overdue.
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  • 246 408 Somewhere in the wilds of the K hara there lives an ostrich n, his head in the sand of wr.tcs to say he does not Ik. V f ol ,mn H e cl T es a i"- and utter drivel. It i s uit freshing in these
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  • 187 408 rhe Directors submit their Seventh Annual Report and the Statement of Accounts for the year ended December 31, 1926. The crop harvested for the year amounted to 402,524 lb., against an ex port allowance of 432,934 lb. The standard production allowed to the Company for the year
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  • 406 409 \t Home youthful devotees ol all ages the game of cricket are peering into and retrieving from the lumDer bats and balls and wickets and are leoring, in anticipation, many Boundaries and enjoying in retrospect past glories on the field, hngD(j. less fortunate than some countries, ran onlv
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  • 642 409 The Defaulting American States Once every year in the City of Lon don tbe names of the eight American States which have repudiated their debts art* cried aloud on the Stock Exchange, ami if any of these defaulting States were now to attempt to raise a loan in
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  • 47 409 DAMAGE NEAR IPOH (From Our Own Correspondent) I Pon, May 8 The giant sna I has made its appearance locr'ly. Tbe damage sat present confined to the Kampong area but the Agr cultural Department is taking vigorous steps to combat th< invas ons.
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  • 271 409 The Directors Seventh Annual Report and the Statement of Accounts for the year ended December 31, 1926 shows that an area of jungle land adjoining Nova Scotia Estate, aggregating approximately 979 acres, was acquired during the year. An area of 68 acres on Nova Scotia Estate has
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  • 1632 410 AN IMPOSING FUNERAL The funeral of the late Mrs. Lim Cheng Teik nee Kh<x> Gnat Lee Neoh took place yesterday morning from her residence, Limburg" Larut Road, to the Batu Gan tong Cemetery, after passing as usual through the principal thoroughfares of the town
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  • 953 411 TOUCHING PENANG 1 farewell edbyth Penang Hu Clubs m hoi -often- a dv <inlll.*:»iur<l »>ii .MiUir- < nth iy Public A "A 'LI nn l 1 ">P"- 1 ..sufiat- l vvth :,H aninmi 1, indv Giiillemai’ I o clearly loves. b tcom* e was w i t
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  • 56 411 We are advised by th S“" t I y writing under dute tie* I Ith ultimo, o* the di’claratio'i by the Board ot a Ii rd dividend of 1(1 per con'., le tax. m 'king 1?2 per cent, for the year ended bl-< December, 192 G, 'The
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  • 45 411 We are similarly ad vised that th» Board of this Cmnpanv have deCaro a final dividend <>’ !>“•• cent., legtax, m iking p*r cent, in all for th year ended 31st December, I'JTi. Ih dividend was aDo p'tv.ib]. i th °e 1 in taut.
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  • 326 411 \n\ visitor strolling down Beach St.-ert cannot fail to notice that to a go nt extent its pbuming lias been of a mo-t haphazard character. This re--11 ark indeed applies to the whole town w'th its gingerbread buildings many of v, hid; are in a bad state
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  • 236 411 OLD FREES v. YOUNG FREES The cricket match played on the school ground between the Young Frees and the Old Frees resulted in a win for the Old Frees: The principal scorers were:Md. Hashim. Chin Kok Cheng. Jam Khyc Seng for the Old Frees and Tan Boon Team F<x>
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  • 498 412 It is a little over a month ago since the Committee appointed to enquire into and rejiort upon the present methods of landing, delivering, receiving and shipping goods in Penang, outside the area controlled by the Penang Harbour Hoard with speciail reference to the congestion in the Weld
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  • 467 412 Mr. J. D. Joseph, a European Master, is due out shortly from England for the local Education Department. Mr. Gan boo Liat has left by the s.s. I utopia on route to Brastagi where he ntends to stay for a lew months. We are informed that the funeral of
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  • 272 412 Specially Reviewed Fop, The“S The. Frantic Master bv Douth, letnu (Chapman A Hall 7/6) C aa M Jy be recommended for fanr’v and the author puts into the n.outt.J bis characters some rather dar D|t eft cT„,s of aeeejttcd otthodox institution,' Nevertheless the book is the scene being
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  • 203 412 TROLLEY BUS BOYCOTT (Fhom Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, May 9 At a meethig of the Committee of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Afr sociaion Mr. Campbell pres ding stated that a number of requests had been made for the Association to consider the trohev bus boycott but the
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  • Page 412 Advertisements
    • 37 412 NOTICE OF REMOVAL MR. L. FLINTER beg s to nforrn his clients that lie ha- now removed to No. 65 We-'trii Ro,id when they cun consult him on the of d amonds. Phone No. 81 1.
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    • 384 413 first day s results r OWN CORRESPONDBNT) (I*”’ 018 SIXGAIIORE Ma¥ 7 ««t dav’s races were run in fine j hpfore a large attendance. ?CHon Mr W. Peel. OfAltering the Government. ing waa heavy and there were .Sa. reaching 14 in some events. S.lnew iockevs were also seen.
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    • 357 413 S.F.P. FIRST DAY’S EVENTS Flat Race for all Horses. (6 fur longs): Santos I; Popanda 2; No. Li mah 3. Won by 3 lengths. Time I min. 19 sees. Shell Cup. (Deli Griffins 1927. One Mile 1.000 metres): Petacre 1; Vatoy 2; Bobby 3. Won by 3 lengths,
      – S.F.P.  -  357 words
    • 300 413 (>n flic occasion of the farewell Al Home to Sir Laurence and Lady Guille mard to-day. play will begin at 4.30 p.m. The first two chukkas will I» pick-up chukkas and the third rliun' a will be the match between H 11. the Sultan of
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    • 55 413 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. May 6 The annual Tennis match between the Colony and the F. M. S. will be plaxed in Singapore during the Whitsun holidaxs. Six single players and three pairs of doubles will represent each side but there is no restriction
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    • 37 413 W’e are asked to state that the first and second holes will bo closed for play from 4.30 p.m. to-day owing to the Polo Club reception to 11. E. the Governor and Lady Guillemard.
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  • 238 413 REASONS FOR UNOFFICIAL MEMBERS’ RESIGNATION (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, May 5 A letter from the unofficial members of the Sanitary Board to the British Resident, Selangor, is published. It says that for a considerable time successive unofficial members were dissatisfied with the system of apjiointing
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  • 499 414 jhe Hon. Mr. A. S. Haynes and All». liayac» were the guests of honour .it u garden party given by inc r anang Jamman Absocniioii, on baturuay, April 30, at 4.30 p.m. at the Lipis lie Citation Club, Kuala B.pis. Ine club was lasteiully decorated
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  • 756 414 HAS PENANG BEEN NEGLECTED? (To THE LIHTOR OF THE STRAITS ECHO) It must be gratifying to our departing Governor that so many dinners and receptions have been given in his honour in the capitals of the Federated Malav States and the Colony, culminating in a farewell
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  • 257 414 RUBBER SALES DEPARTMENT Penang, May 4 There lias been practically no fluctuation locally slice last reporting, and the market has maintained a steady tone. London and New York markets have also shewn no unusual activity and are to-day quoted quiet at l/7jd. and 10.] cents gold
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  • 228 415 1[)IOSS T»AnON AT TOWN 2^yK»t'who V co "'P let :nen thp Far East in the m<O Xienee will give a deii.onstra--r'Vpowers of hypnotism and te",ttlie Town Hall on We.lnes'kt nt <l3O The Professor, we til' is not giving a lecture but «“»1 demonstration o feats of vltism presenting
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  • 70 415 SUCCESSFUL AT HOME” (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, May 5 hie Officers of the Burma Rides held n uy successful At home at Taiping «Wednesday in honour of the batta--011 festival. There was a large num>fof guests, inclining the British Recent and Mrs. Thomson. A very infating entertainment
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  • 194 415 j/jd n. We i B f racn 8» wll turned up in a\ morn' trS Ht the acecou rße yesteraaJn V Sa%VB uesda y s Free Press, P*iW im r»,n pourwl aUV trial g a^°pin g and is h-tUL*"? &Kain second s quite i^ k de t‘V
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  • 1530 415  -  LOCAL INSTITUTIONS VIEWED FROM AN ENTIRELY NEW ANGLE A VISIT TO THE ZOO To-day we publish another of the articles specially written for the Straits Echo” by Captain A. Claude Brown, M.8.E., on various aspects and features of Penang, from the point of view of a new
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  • 522 416 Ibe resignation ot the unofficial b rs of tie- Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Hoard brings to a head a quarrel oi long duration. niys yesterday s Malay Mail, hl their letter to the Resident they have statefl the reasons for their action, and though the contents of the letter
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  • 254 416 CHINESE DENTIST KILLED Keith Stieet was the scene of a d tressing necident at about 7.30 on Satur '.lien a Chinese dentist named \,ong Ah Kong living n Muntri Street, was killed by a VoluX" motor lorry driven by a .Malay named Mohamed bin Mydin. it appeared
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  • 211 416 CORONER’S INQUEST (From Our Own Correspondent! Singapore. May 9 The inquest into the death of MrFlynn, who died of a gunshot woun< wliiie motoring to his estate, was r®' sinned to-day. .Mr. Svvaine, assistant on Buk t benibaxvan Estate, gave evidence to the effect that the
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    • 267 417 ~r Defeat Tcblic Services match on the Esplanmatch between the Pub- ,n,l the Chinese Recreation 'vvrX Green also resultl\ n poor scoring. The ground r eh cd condition after the rain, ces firSt kn <X; R <T' i (or 39, towards winch Scha--0 was the highest
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    • 382 417 SINGAPORE TRAINING we atl ,er w as a gaj n favourable on Way morning, says the Free Press, *'UrseJ lnt f view of the Race v a hit*? atC T and tlie k ,o >ng had dried u. nt 1 1G crowd of those ri ne H 7?
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  • 206 417 On Saturday last a most successful concert was given by members and friends of the S.P. Amateur Choral and Dramatic Society in the Club at Sungei Patani. 'Ehi 1 Club was crowded with an appreciative audience, amongst those present being the British Adviser and Party from Alor Star.
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  • 78 417 At 3 pan. to-day, the Ist annual athletic meeting under the ausp ces of the Butterworth Recreation lub wil' take place on the Butterworth Padang, and tlie programme proves to be an interesting ne. There will be Hi events and there i> a large number o;
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  • 524 417 DEMONSTRATION BEFORE POLICE The most wonderful man I have met” was the remark made by Mr. N. A. M. Griffin, the Chief of Police, at the conclusion of a private demonstration given by Professor Maximilian Langsner. the noted psychologist, at the Detective Station last evening. A large number
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  • 971 418 WEEKLY MARKET REPORT Sa I I UDO E-. ENING I)e pite the steadiness of both tin rind rubber, the coursi of the share market remains disappointing. M mng share- Lava- contr.but’d the bulk of the business but lubber hare-, lor lack of support, uh easih ,nllm um
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  • 159 418 Sir. Having had previous dealings in matter- sanitary in another British Colony, 1 am sorry to note that Penang, as far as sanitary conditions are couc iiieil, is on a low standard. lamat a I»-, to understand why the local sanii.i.y authorities do not take occasional steps to
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  • 42 418 ,r I’frmd i iat unless you can 1 he lown li i'l for treatment on ;hi IB'i xou will be unable to L m r -an r w l;os< s’ ay in Penang of try bort duration.
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    • 490 418 (To the Editor of the Straits Ecuoi Dear Sir In your issue of Saturday, April 30 you printed an article entitled Tha Slump in Alsatians. In it the cause ot the slump was attributed to the don ferocity towards their masters and it as said the same was
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    • 62 418 Sir< rr ta’l W ill, regard to Mr Cheah Kee j letter in your issue of Saturday, wt endorse everything he says regar Penang's arrears of improvemen 8, cannot be gainsaid that anv unit fort has been put forward by the i;,unity with regard to this
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  • 911 419 1( AND CO.’S WEEKLY if* 1 report Thursday even ng. > -jter dropping to t 294 spot and three months advanced to t j 6089 17s. 6(1.. but at the then: n ga n o oJthe Cash position and a loss of In 6d. In the three months
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  • 709 419 SOON THEAM CO. WEEKLY REPORT Pen ano. May 6 'Hie price ot rubber records a small gain of |d. during the week the closing price being I 7’d. Despite this, rubber shares were neglected. Sellers are willing to accept lower prie< >. but. buyers are apparenth keeping off the market
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  • Page 420 Advertisements
    • 226 420 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., 0», aiXOH TM«T. MAMA/fi, 3 At ESTMM.ISHKD IMS. YL 3j PRINTERS 4 PWJ9HBRS. J Proprietors of the STRAITS ~CHO end PENANG SIN POE S| Tfc The most enterprising and up-to-date Printers and Litho- JK Wll graphers in the Orient. "w yA Our plant is of the very
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