The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 1 November 1926

Total Pages: 28
1196 1227 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 19 1196 The Straits Echo Weekly Edition. $18 PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPY 40 CTS. VOL 24 PENANG: NOVEMBER 1,1926 NO. 44
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  • Page 1196 Advertisements
    • 340 1196 .3 MTE CT S 3® v LEADING ARTICLES MISCELLANEOUS? (Continued) JL 11 The Great Problem 1198 Legislative Council 1212 A 1223 III J The British Film 1202 H. R. The Give-nor 1214 Ji I A Stock Exch inge 1202 Publia Amuesmenti 1215 A 1225 A The Colony and Opium 1206
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  • Page 1197 Advertisements
    • 201 1197 ra. TH< S STRAITS ECHO I g WEEKLY EDITION 48 S Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, JC and contain* the latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, a* well as all important news from various parts of the Far
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  • 720 1198 in Hie course ui ins statement beforw tne session or tile Imperial Coulerencw vn Saturday Hie 1 rune Minister <1 Australia reierred to Hie lure most pioInein in Great Britain winch was -Men, and Markets. Hie ui tile Home markets in motor cars lor example, said Air.
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  • 11 1198 Singa- pore, has been exempted from registration.
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  • 17 1198 of the Legislative Council will be held on November 1 at 10 a. in.
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  • 19 1198 to- day is 1s. 9d., a rise of jd., compared with last Saturday’s price.
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  • 23 1198 made under the Post Office Ordinance on March 25, 1924 is published in the current Gazette.
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  • 31 1198 is to-day quoted at $155.75 and in Singapore at $156, a rEe of 50 cents in Penang and 75 cents in Singapore, as compared with last I ridav’s quotation.
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  • 35 1198 who have gone to Newton College preparatory to ,r oing up to Oxford in a year or so, are finding the cold in England rather more they imagined it would be.
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  • 26 1198 now accompany the Chinese Eastern Railway train from Harbin to Manchouli and render Io passengers en rout<Europe via Siberia any assistance required.
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  • 36 1198 went for a route march on Saturday, the 23rd. mstant, headed by the Penang I'rec School rite ■nd Drums Refreshments were given by Lieut Cheah Cheang Lim MV I. ♦he Club.
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  • 492 1198 Dr. J. B. Van Cuxlenberg fills Dr. N. L. !aik« s place on thq» Social hygiene Advisors B< ard. Mr. J. Ward of the Locomotive Department. F.M.S.R has leit for India on ten months’ long leave. 1he appointment of the Hon Mr. Song Ong Siang as a
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  • Page 1198 Advertisements
    • 27 1198 Cix Sirails tcbo PUBLISHED DAILY WEEKLY EDITION (.«inning new» of th» w.atk prim to departure of Mail» for Europe The Criteria» Pre»*. Limited, M), Be&oh 8Ut«L Pent*|
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  • 882 1199 Sir Ronald Ross A correspondent writes: “Irom what I heard in conversation with a wellknown scientist in London the other day, Sir Ronald Ross, who is about to start on an important tour, will have plenty to occupy his time in Malaya. Sir Malcolm Watson is to be
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  • 18 1199 for rubber to day is Is. 8|d., a fall of id., compared with yesterday’s price.
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  • 47 1199 which arrived here yesterday, brought the following passengers:—From Calcutta—Messrs. \V. A. L. Jacques, R. J. Holt and D. W. Metre w. From Rangoon—Mr. and Mrs. Yeoh Moh Seong, Colonel and Miss Fuller Good, Messrs. M. C- Adhibarabongse, 'Pan Cheng Leng and G. H. Ardron.
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  • 59 1199 are announced be- tween Herbert Reginald Culling Carr, son <f Mr. R. C. C. Carr, O.B.E., I.C..S., (retired), and Mrs. Carr, and Evelyn, elder daughter of Mr. C. Ritchie, of Kajang, F.M.S and Mrs. Ritchie also between Christopher Herbert Cook, I.C.S., and Mclly Vera Ashley Cooper, only daughter
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  • 82 1199 which arrived here this morning brought the following passengers: From Singapore, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Scott, Mr. and Mrs.-J. W. ’Machan, Miss Davie, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hall, Messrs. F. J. Hill, R. R. Turner, H. McLatter, T. J. Evans, Father Da vias, Captan N.
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  • 562 1199 STOCK EXCHANGE FOR I {To the Editor of the Straits I Sir, I 1 have read with interest an artip I under the caption “Stock Excb* I published m the Straits Echo. 0 I To v my mind the Stock Exchange in long felt want in
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  • 269 1200 (Tg the Editor of the Straits Echo) Sir, Herewith a brief statement of the accounts of the Military Pageant held at Singapore in August/September of this year. In 1925, after putting $500 aside as the foundation of a reserve fund, the Pageant accounts showed a balance credit of
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  • 19 1200 empowering Mr. •J- H. Bruins to act as United States yice-Consul in Singapore, has received signature.
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  • 25 1200 oi the Asiatic Petroleum Co., Malacca, proceeded on leave this week, his place being taken by Mr. G. B. Adams.
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  • 26 1200 the man- aging director of Powell and Co., Ltd., bas returned to Singapore after his health trip to Australia and Ceylon.
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  • 26 1200 Assistant Supt. °f Police,has returned frcni leave and reamed duties and Mr. C. H. Sansom, u pt. of Police, has assumed duties.
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  • 26 1200 M.C., of the S.V.R., Negri Sembilan, has been promoted Captain, the pre motion to ta ke effect from January 1, 1926.
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  • 753 1200 PENANG vs. PERAK Penang’s Triumph (Fro>n Our Own Correspondent) rn, Ipoh, October 24 Hie first of the bi-annual hockey ma ches this year between Perak and lenang was played at Ipoh on Saturday and ended in a victory for the visitors by the odd goal in three. The
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  • 111 1200 1he October monthly medal will be played for on Saturday and Sunday, October 30 and 31—stroke play. I he result of the football match played at Balik Pulau yesterday between, the Subordinate Civil Service Association and the Balik Palau Recreat’on Club ended in a win lor the
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  • 187 1200 Europeans’ Lucky Escape 1’hree Europeans, one of Penang and two of Kedah, proceeding to A lor Star in a Bean car, late <n Saturday night, or rather in the early hours of Sunday morning, met with an accident. The scene of the mishap was just beyond
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  • 20 1200 chief delegate b r Japan to the Peking Customs Tariff Confer- nee, is stated to be seriously ill.
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  • 79 1200 from 1'owkay Yong Seng on board the s.s. Kopah, whilst on a voyage from Deli to Penang, caused a mild sensation on board he steamer when it put into port this morning. The money, a sum of 150 odd 'ii'lders, had been placed
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  • 281 1201 JOHORE AND SINGAPORE FAMILIES UNITED A marriage which unites two of the leading Mohamedan families of Singapore and Johore was celebrated before a large company of friends at Bukit Azah, Johore Bahru, on Thursday. The bride was Azizah binte Jaafar, daughter of the late Dato Mentri Besar
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  • 192 1201 Interesting Fact Noted at Negbi Sembilan In the* course of his remarks at the At Home given in his honour at the Negri Sembilan Club, the Hon. Mr. Wolff, British Resident, said: —“Two years ago when I came here as Resident we might well have celebrated an
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  • 25 1201 is announced be- Gopher Herbert Cooke f <-•$., and Molly Vera Ashlev Cooper’ only daughter < f the late Dr. T‘ G Dune.m Cooptr, F.M.S.
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  • 251 1201 MR W J. WILLIAMS APPOINTED ADVISER Penang s Ix)ss We are officially informed that, states the Malay Mail, in view of the rapid devek pment and increasing work of the Electrical Branch of the Public Works Department, the Federated Malay States Government has decided to create a
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  • 83 1201 HINESE COMMUNITY’S TRIBUTE Valedictory Address (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, October 20 Many prominent Chinese assembled at the Chinese Protectorate to-day on the occasion of the presentation of an address to the Hon. Mr. David Beatty, the retiring Secretary for Chinese Affairs. Mr. Seel Tiong Wall
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  • 46 1201 in future, have to contribute to the war chest. Another new tax has been devised for them. For every game played in clubs, hotels or restaurants a fee ranging from six cents to 1.60 has to be paid to the Kuomintang.
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  • 81 1201 occurred suddenly last night of Mr. W. H. Snell ing, who has been employed by the Penang Harbour Board for the past four menths. He was in charge of the pile driving operations on Swettenham Pier. Mr. Snelling had been ailing fon some time but his death from
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  • 332 1201 A prosperous business woman in p sia before the war, then driven out iWa I flood-tide of Bolshevism, exillp I Shanghai, and now managing a very I cellent show, in order to do some ‘W* I such in very brief is the life storv of M dame Stavrinaky,
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  • 101 1201 SEQUEL IN BANKRUPTCY COORT Astonishing Story (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, October 22 An astonishing story of extensive business losses was told by F. C. D Almeida in the Bankruptcy Court. H e said that his father left $900,000 in 1919. Witness received $100,000 and a
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  • 43 1201 of the 1 LIU LI 1(11 Vi tilt/ ULUU uVV udvv* murder of Mrs. Campbell Macfie ha» gun, Reuben, runner at the Hotel Pap an dajan, being charged similarly to EntjunMany Europeans and British Indians a tended.
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  • 49 1201 is asking the ine nora unamoeriam is licensees of theatres to keep first aid ou fits on the premises. Is this becaus British drama is in such a serious ata or is it in order to be prepared for possible effect on members of the hence?
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  • 558 1202 We are glad to observe from the latest papers to hand from London that the British film industry is resolutely engaged in formulating a scheme to secure a measure of protection against what is in effect the monopoly of the United States film industry. Before the immense
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  • 248 1202 1l„. I ariz n g the opinions expressed in letters of correspondents on the subeet of the formation of a stock exchange in lenang, it appears that the majority of brokers and their clients are not in tavour of its immediate establishment. >ne firm of brokers has
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  • 265 1202 Methods of Coping with Growth of Motor Traffic Sir Henry Maybury, Director-General of Roads, Ministry of Transport, speaking to the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers at Sutton said he was told by the President of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders that all the manufacturers in
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  • 52 1202 and subordi- lilt in Ll< nates of the Chandu Monopoly Departnlent entertained Mr. H. G. Bim». Superintendent, Chandu M<nopoly r F M.S., to a farewell dinner at the Nanking Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Mi Sunday n:ght m vi C v of hi;- epar-m Hom* on long leave early
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  • 266 1202 State Councillors Entertained (brom ()ur Oirn Correspondent) Klang, October 19 Datoh Lee Kong Lam and Towkay Low Leong Gan are giving a reception this morning to the members of the State Council at the former’s residence in Kuala Lumpur, at which the following have been invitedH.H. the Raja
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  • 55 1202 Murderer At Largr (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, October 20 A shocking murder occurred yesterday at a house off the tenth mile on the Tarnpenis Road in which a Chinese, aged 18, killed a Chinese woman and her ten yearold son with an axe. Another boy escapescaped
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  • 14 1202 to- day is unchanged, the price being 1s. 9d.
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  • 197 1202 of two Chinese, Thai Siew Hong and Ghee Kuan, aged 18 and 17 respectively, who were found severely burnt over the body at 62 Kimberley Street on the 5th of this month and who subsequently died in hospital was* held on Saturday by H. M.
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  • 886 1203 Tom sky Sir Willi am Joynson-Hicks must be regretting that he did not allow Comrade Tomsky from Russia to attend the Trade Union Congress. For Tomsky was reduced to telegraphing the speech he had meant to deliver, and it would have been a much more effective stimulus to
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  • 78 1203 Water Polo (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, October 25 \t Water Polo, the Chinese beat the Europeans, by eight goals to two during the week-end. Chap Jee Kee In two cases of Chap Jee Kee which came up before the Courts, fines of $300 were imposed on each
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  • 156 1203 Suremban, on Friday afternoon to witness the departure of the Hon. Mr. W< Iff, British Resident, Negri Sembilan, and Mrs. Wolff on leave to England. At 4.45 p.m. the Hon. the Resident arrived and was received by a guard of honour
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  • 1055 1203 REDUCTION IN RETAIL P»ir Kc I CONTEMPLATED ES I Pig Farm Enterprise I The twenty-fourth ordinary geM J meet mg of the Singapore Cold St J.' I Co. Ltd. was held at the Union Built I at noon on Saturday The Mr. J. L. Lome, presided and
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  • 15 1204 arrived here this inorning from Calcutta by the s.s. kook Sang.
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  • 71 1204 District Officer, Lower Perak, who has been appointed act as British Resident, Negri Senibilan, till the arrival of Mr. C. Harrison from leave, during the latter hall of next month, arrived at Seremban on Sunday morning, and was received at the Railway station by the
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  • 673 1204 IMPORTANT AMENDMENT Sunday Cargo Fees I Section 417 of the principal Ordinance I is amended by deleting sub-sections (9) I ana (10) and by substituting the follow- I mg sub-sections therefor:— I “(9) There shall be kept at the Trea- I aury at Singapore an account to
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  • 478 1204 I’hc correspondent of the Singapore Free PrrxK writes as follows: We are now approach’ng the end of the rains and our cool season. The Court mourning for the late Sovereign terminates next month and from then on to February may be styled the Bangkok season. Many events
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  • 870 1205 PROCEEDINGS OPEN TO PUBLIC MR. HOGAN’S ADDRESS In the Second Police Court this morning the Tan Hong Lim enquiry reached the final stage before the accused can be committed to the Supreme Court to stand his trial, this being Mr. Hogan’a (Counsel for the defence) address,
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  • 21 1205 10s. for spot and 5s. for three months’ buying, the respective figures being £310 10s. and £304 15s.
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  • 35 1205 brought the fol- lowing passengers from Rangoon this morning: Mrs. Lim Kar Chang. Mrs. Chan Ah Yeo, Messrs. Seo Kap Ho, Tan Hoh Sie, Gee Lain San, and Yit Chin Chai.
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  • 39 1205 w’ill be in Penang two more days. He speaks at the Anglo-Chinese School Hall to-night at 7.15. His messages are convincing. A special invitation is extended to the English speaking young men of Penang.
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  • 34 1205 will take place next Monday at Orleans (France) of Mr. R. A. Lillen-Corneck, eldest son of Mr. T. Dillon-Corneck, Ipoh, with Miss Orme Delacro’x, daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Delacroix of Orleans.
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  • 43 1205 left yester- day afternoon by the s.s. Kinta: For Port Swettenham, Miss Couling, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Cummings and Mr. Quartley. For Singapore, Hon. Mr. Charles Watt, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Whittaker, Messrs. Bridges, F. Nagle and Luck’ngton.
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  • 47 1205 this morning by the s.s. Ipoh From Singapore, Messrs. J. W. Harris, Thorp, Wheatcroft, Lim Bek Kee. Tan Chin Tah. Tto and T. Ohara. From Port Swettenham. Mr and Mrs. Hopson alter. Messrs C. Ingetman, C. XV U King and F. E. Crossley.
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  • 387 1205 Futile Effort To Get Away We reported yesterday the attempt by a Tamil to get away irom the p re mises of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank with a bundle of notes which h e had snatched from a Chinese customer ol the bank. In the
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  • 21 1205 European War- der, Kuala Lumpur priscn, is due bac from Home leave by the P. 0- 8,s Delta.
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  • 30 1205 of Messrs. Hutter- ivu. r u. nm, vi ivxcboio. bach, Lazarus and Sons, who arrive here from Singapore yesterday, loaves for Hua Hin on Friday next.
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  • 25 1205 by train yesterday were Mr. and Mrj Sedgwick, Messrs. S. H. Williams, H. Louch and Colonel and La<v Thrasahroidhan.
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  • 36 1205 Air. G- W- ■nr. al. Loomarasamv, Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, Mr. Mrs. Shemer, Mr. and Airs. Aeongy Chew and Mr. W. McArthur left DJ last night's mail train for Kuala bu pur.
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  • 42 1205 is due in Si»' i nt DlSLlop Ol luvnuuxi io gapore in the first week in after spending Christmas at Hong K He will stay three days and Malacca, Kuala Lumpur and after* leave for Java and Austral»'
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  • 988 1206 '1'he Singapore Chamber of Commerce has been asked for its opinion regarding the ten per cent, allocation oi the Cokny’s revenue tor 1927 to the opium reserve replacement iund, and has ueclared against it by eleven votes to ten, but that can scarcely be taken as
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  • 46 1206 Branch in Singapore tFrom Our Own Corretpondent Singapore, October 20 The Mission to Seamen is opening a branch in Singapore next month. The Rev. G. G. Elliot is coming from Liverpool to take up the Chaplaincy and will live at the Sailors’ Home.
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  • 69 1206 from a \V C <11' 111 correspondent who chooses to be known as “One of the brokers who did not reply.” It bears the caption “Stock Exchange,” though in our opinion “Journalistic Etiquette” is implied. This correspondence, as already intimated in these columns,
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  • 491 1206 Air. J. Kitchen, ot the F.M.S. Railways, is due back from leave by the s.s. Khiva which is due here on the 14th of next month. '1'he mail train last night took the following to Kuala Lumpur: Messrs. Caldecott, A. B. Walton, J. Scbupf, Keiser and McKenzie.
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  • 34 1206 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Mrs. Snelling wishes to thank all those who sent wreaths and all those who attended the funeral of her late husband, Air. W. 11. Snelling, of the Pen an g Harb< ur Board.
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  • 848 1207 “Punch” and Drink The decision of the directorate of Punch to refuse for the future advertisements for alcoholic liquors came as a complete surprise to the brewing and distilling trades, since there has always existed a most cordial relationship between trade advertisers and the paper, making it difficult
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  • 190 1207 Presented by Mr. Robertson In memory of bis father, the late Mr. Farleigh Robertson, whose death occurred recently. Mr. Murray Robertson has presented a silver Challenge Cup for aj> nual competition between Perak and Negri Sembilan in Rugby Football, beginning from the current season. The terms of
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  • 40 1207 of the Philippines, has returned to Malacanan Palace fix m Sternberg Hospital. He has been in the hospital for several weeks alter undergoing a serious operation. The operation was completely successful, and the Governor-General’s health improved rapidly.
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  • 1741 1207 PROCEEDINGS MADE PUBLIC Accused Discharged As already stated the Tan Hong L I enquiry which has been before the Vi for some time was declared open to th public yesterday, when Mr. Roe Counsel for the accused, Court, a step to which he is entitled be*
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  • 32 1208 and party H ti me irr 'vcd here from Kmtla kangsar to-dav by (ar The: came icros- lr<-m Ir «1 i U a Gov- rnment aunch-
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  • 889 1208 A DISPUTED PRIZE A Third Party Brought In The following is Mr. Justice Brown 8 judgment in a suit in which Ewe Keok Neoh, of 2 Upper Museum Road, Taiping is bringing against Ooi Soon Tin and others (who form the Committee of the Chinese Sporting Club, Jelutong
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  • 175 1209 So many readers have been forwarding queries to this office on subjects ranging horn slock exchanges to poultry, that it has been decided to conduct a column devoted to notes and queries, which will be published at regular intervals. Readers seeking information may send (he r queries
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  • 25 1209 for rubber to- 1 11 i'/I 1 LI MM VI In J•a\ is Is. a fail of |d., compared with yesterday’s price.
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  • 18 1209 £4.10s. for spot and mi [hrtu months buying, the respective figures being £306.10s and £301.10s.
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  • 46 1209 vmuese editors, execnflons without trial, have caused Peking journalists to become extyernelv wroth' against local military anUtso Ass., .,nle Editor of the Kuo W. iD i-ewAn-id k UEU;I D ob, u e hat x-ieu made nor has any tn*J taken pise.-.
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  • 565 1209 SATISFACTION AT NEW REGULATIONS Question of Unused Export Rights Enquiries by the Free Press have revealed a feeling of more or less general satisfaction at the announcement of the regulations which are to govern restriction of rubber output during the next twelve months, in that they ensure stabilisation of
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    • 54 1209 Entry List is now open at the n lor a 'lesnanover Cup” n regPnf L Mr. MK. Whitlock. P UW Entries Close November 10 The Columbia cup will be pl aved f on November 13, 14. and 15-1 J, ditions are:-—Four consecu ive mT rounds of nine holes each
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    • 38 1209 Singapore Football Association c Vp (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, October27 In the final of th* Singapore Football Association Cup yesterday, the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment al’ team beat thi Chinese by two goals to one.
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    • 326 1209 Negri Semhilan Defeats Jorohf, In the first match of the “Malaya Cup Competition between Negri Sem. hilan and Johore, played at Seremban on Saturday, the N\-gri won by 4 points (1 goal and 3 tries) to 8 points (1 goal and I try). The game was a
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  • 15 1209 Of the Di» 1 mgs, arrived hero by the s.s. this morning. >
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  • 22 1209 of the BuWj Air. KoosmaJe INepveu, or me Embassy in Paris, has been app^ 111 Dutch Ambassador to Mexico.
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  • 26 1209 Bn- ini lion. ivir. n n. tsh Resident of Perak, is Ipoh on Thursday, and will stay at British Residency.
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  • 1243 1210 the cut to eighty per cent Notes by A. W. S. A. W. S., writing from London to the Straits Times under date September 30 says: It is now estimated that to prevent a cut to 80 per cent, as from November 1, the price in October must
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  • 233 1210 A dispute relating to a share in the estate of a deceased Arab testator occupied the attent’on of Mr. Justice Leane in the Supreme Court on Wednesd<;\. Jhe action is brought by two plaintiffs against the administrator of tlie estate of a lady named Sheriffa Asia Innte
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  • 220 1210 HONG KONG AND INTER-PORT MATCHES The Visit to Malaya Speaking at the annual meeting of the Hong Kong Cricket Club on October 15, the chairman, Mr. H. R. B. Hancock, referring to inter-port cricket, said: Since our last report has been issued n H. K. XI. visited the Straits
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  • 18 1210 Assist.m If.., ,r'it h u* er is expect d in l’inin by tiarn on
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  • 312 1211 The following is the report by the Directors to the annual general meeting of the members to be held within tiie registered office, Chartered Bank Chambers, Singapore, on Tuesday, October 26, 1926, at 12 o’clock noon. Gentlemen, Your Directors beg to submit herewith a
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  • 243 1211 The market report of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association dated October 21 states: The market ccntinues steady though very dead, and subject to only minor iiuctuat ons. A slight revival of interest was noticeable over the week-end but this has not been maintained, buyers soon
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  • 149 1211 Guthrie Co., Ltd. Singap< re. October 22 Ihe commodity market drags on in an atmosphere oi general uncertainties and there is little inclination to trade ahead pending the Colonial Office announcement. I'hc 20 per cent, cut seems assured on the run of values during the quarter and
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  • 11 1211 returned from home by the Kashima Maru.
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  • 34 1211 in Penang. The size of his audiences has been increasing. Mrs. J. H. Pedlow will sing again to-night. The time of the meeting is 7.15. All are invited.
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  • 56 1211 records the first Annaniite marriage in Tientsin, which took place at the Grand FTotel, the parties being Mr. Nguvuen Van Huong and Miss Hguyen Tbi Nghien. The French (onsul and Mme. Saussine were present, and a number of French guests. 1 he bridegroom made a long
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  • 249 1211 who w r as temporarily employed by the Penang Harbour Board, took place on Monday evening at the New Cemetery, Western Road, and was largely attended. The late Mr. Sne'ling had bet n a diver in his time
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  • 263 1211 .Judge Refuses To Order Re.T»,,. 1he Ch;cf .Justice (SJr \Vill iam s. n) gave judgment on Tuesday 4 ■ng in a petitKii heard on Mo L which the rown asked for a re-trial a police court case in which Mrs G gina Howe was acquitted on a'cham oi
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  • 119 1211 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATION “Bis ley” Meeting We have received from LieutenantColonel Postleth waite, Commandant, S.S.V.F., a 4 copy of the “Bisley”pr°gramme to be held at the Bukit Timah Rifle Range, Singapore, on November6. 7, 13, 14 and 15. The meeting will be open to the Navy, Regular and
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  • 29 1211 of the A»»* Mr. XL. vi Petroleum Company, Penang, 6 for Bangkok by train on Friday ne Admiral Behneke is also leaving by same train.
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  • 39 1211 of siD ga Cw mi. a. m. uavai vi r Saigon arrived in Singapore by t j g mala on Sunday from Europe expected to sail for Saigon by the Lee at early in Nevember.
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  • 46 1211 Mr P. P. J Wodenouse, xtcf perintendent of Police, Hong y' 011 orn e has been on Home leave foi months past, is due to return o l one by the P. and 0 Malwa, sails from London on Novena er
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  • 709 1212 No rule, no international statute, no precedent exists by which the A estern rowers, America, and Japan can deal with the present extraordman situation in China. A 1’eking Correspondent in a message describes tiie situation as “immensely “worse". W,u Pei-fu, on whom some hope was placed,
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  • 104 1212 EU R A SIA NRE PRESENTAT 1ON Nomination Offered to Dr. Clarke (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, October ‘27 It is understood that Dr. Noel L. Clarke, who is at present away in England on leave has accepted nomination as Eurasian representative on the Legislative Council in succession
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  • 19 1212 10s. for spot and 15s. for three months’ buying, the respective figures being .£3(16.10s. and £302.5s.
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  • 18 1212 for rubber to- day is Is. 9d., a rise of -jd., compared with yesterday’s price.
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  • 19 1212 has been appointed to act as Executive Engineer, Kinta, until Air. H. S. I. Smail’s successor arrive».
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  • 41 1212 a copy of the annual report of rmgmvui a vrj/j Ti the department. Extracts from the report will be given in to-morrow 8 Strata Echo when the matter will also be dealt with editorially.
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  • 50 1212 has opened a Man Sales Office in Ipoh where it will be possible to obtain plans and maps not only of the State of Perak but of the other States in the Peninsula. Mr. W D Mavor is at present in Ipoh to open lliis new office.
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  • 49 1212 on the steps of Ihe embankment in front of the High School Old Boys' Association I» H alacca on Saturday last, a Chinese of the 3bouriug class lost his footing and Ol into the river and was carried a short disfauce, where he was drowned.
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  • 78 1212 At tne *-*”*'r I n Tuesdav, before the Chief Jus the case was begun in which one Alohained Taffiel, late cutter of “Little J arts, is suing S. A. Lelah and Son for the rerv'of $l,() b damages for alleged malicious prosecution. ’Ihe firm,
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  • 431 1212 Major Sayers and Maj< r Dunsherville left tor Kuala Lumpur yesterday evenng by train. Mr. E. L. Raymond arrived here yesterday afternoon from Teluk Anson by the s.s. Kampar. His Highness the Sultan of Selangor has given $2,500 to the Methodist Girls’ Schocl, Kiang, with which t4
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  • 1403 1213 Humaner Solicitors There is something charming in the suggestion, made at a recent meeting ot the Law Society, that solicitors’ letters, written to claim payment of debts, ought to be couched in a more humane tone. In future the solicitor is apparently to model himself on Gilbert’s Baines-Ca-rew,
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  • 66 1213 Attack of Phlebitis (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, October 28 His Excellency the Governor, though otherwise in good health, is suffering from an attack of phlebitis in hi 8 and has had to lie up for some The presentation cf Honorary C.M-v-to the Tungku Mahkota of Johore
    66 words
  • 85 1213 for the Settle* J ne mortality returns ror me ment of Singapore for the month September give the total number deaths as 1,294, representing a ratio p mille of population of 30.78. The c 1 causes of death were: Convulsion malarial fever 148, pneumonia 133, p sis
    85 words

  • 467 1214 POSTMAN CONVICTED J u the District Court this morning betore Mr. G. A. Hereford, the hearing was concluded of the case in which a Malay postman, Hamid bin J assin, stood charged with the theft of six letters on September 23, from the Post Office. Court Inspector Randall
    467 words
  • 79 1214 the editor of the Malay Mail who has been in indifferent health for some time, is sailing for Home by the Mantua next month, an medical advice will not be returning to the East. Mr. Herbert Welharn, for many years editor of this paper, assume the editorship
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  • 1088 1214 ACCUSED DISCHARGED D.P.P.'s Address As reported yesterday Mr. Tan Hong Lun, a wealthy Penang Chinese, employed as a coolie contractor by the Penang Harbour Board, who has been before the court on three charges of rape I alleged to have been committed on three slave girls,
    1,088 words
  • 75 1214 before the Hon. Mr Justice P. J Sproule the suit wa mentioned in which the mother of the .’ate .Mr. Wanchee Ariffin sued him (now represented bv his executors) for accounts, etc. Mr. Te’-rell staled there was a possibility of i scMlement and .Mr.
    75 words

  • 357 1215 TOWKAY’S HEAVY LOSSES The curious case arising out of a gambling parly in a house in Smith Street, Singapore, during which a Chinese towkay lost nearly $d,UUU in casn, was cont nued beiore Mr. Smith in the Third Police Court on Tuesday. Mr. Ho Seek Guan, the
    357 words
  • 172 1215 THEATRE ROYAL ‘'The Air Mail” Commencing to-night till Sunday, each night from 8 p.m., at Theatre Royal, will be screened the epic romance ci the daring men who pilot the mail planes through the myriad hazards of the air, “The Air Mail”—an Irvin Willat Production, featuring Warner Baxter—Billie
    172 words
  • 288 1215 (To the Editor of the Straits Echo) Sir, On every hand the evidence is accumulating in regard to the increase of rents in Penang. There are two sides to even case, and different versions could be set out in each one. These increases in rents followed the withdrawal
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  • 257 1215 New Bills to be shortly introduced in the 1 cderal Council are;—An Enactment to further amend the Courts Enactment, the < bject and reasons being: '1 he amendment to section 13 of the principal Enactment is introduced at the request of the Central Advisory Committee who consider
    257 words
  • 133 1215 The following is a list of su k SM to the above Hind with thn bers of their donations:— ani0 Ws Air. Loh Kim Swi, J p m h’" T fan ch uTto J r. Ieoh beng Leong $100; Cheng Lok $KX); Mr. Chan Tek d”
    133 words
  • 91 1215 New Bridge Bangkok, October 25 It is reported that the Barna VI bridge, 1 nking the S< uthern Railway lino with the east bank of the River H naiii. will be opened on January 1, which was the birthday of the late King. Ihe completion of the bridge
    91 words
  • 68 1215 having a number of different coloured lights on their cars is growing in Singapore. Recently, in Shanghai, Chow Ching Chuen, a British subject, was fined for having a green light on his car and he was ordered to adhere in future to regulation lights.
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  • 84 1215 this mornw Mr. Justice Brown, with Commander Oldershaw, Acting Harbour Master, and Mr. Brown, Pilot, sat to hear an admiralty Suit in which Mr. G. N. S. Saba pathy is suing the owners of the MPatrolcus for damages for the sinking of a tong kang. Mr.
    84 words
  • 134 1215 at present, due, undoubtedly, to the ch S of monsoon. On Sunday night, yc 17, 6.18 inches of rain.fell—the heavie on record since the beginning year, —and the lowlying parts were undated. The rain was accompany vivid Hashes of lightning and treinen crashes of
    134 words

  • 387 1220 The Chairman's speech at the annual meeting of the Penang Turf Club, which appears on another page of this issue, is worth perusal for it shews the tremendous strides that racing has made in the last few years. On every side the profits realised were considerably in
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  • 57 1220 Publishers Announcement TTie Criterion Press Ltd., publishers of lhe Straits Echo, announce that, on and after January 1, 1927, the price of the Straits Echo will be reduced to 10 cents. Subscribers, for a period of not less than six months, after November 1,
    57 words
  • 33 1220 the liability of per- sons staying over 60 days in Siam to pa,» the capitation tax are now posted on ah the steamers on the regular run between Singapore and Bangkok.
    33 words
  • 974 1220 Our Own Correspondent) t Ipoh on Thursday a general meeting oi the Central Perak Planters’ As soc ation was held presided over by Mr. ‘T. E. Johnsen, the Chairman. Among others present were Messrs. A. H. Orr° E- C. Pinching, C. Footner, E. L. T). Evans, P.
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  • 17 1220 for rubber to- lay Is. '.id., a rise of id., compared with yesterday’s price.
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  • 12 1220 have signed a treaty of amity and mutual assistance.
    12 words
  • 30 1220 labourers arrived here yesterday by the <-■ Tara; H27 were sent to Pillau Jere jak and the balance Io Port Swett» nham for quarantine there.
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  • 37 1220 of the Central I n n of t’hine-e Students of (treat Bria n and Ireland to commemorate the 19th anniversary of the Bepublic d h. hi al tin Hold Cecil »>u Oct fiber 9.
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  • 502 1221 The Bishop oi Singapore arrived in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. The lion. Mr. Justice A. V. Brow» is staying at Bel Retiro, Penang Hill. Mrs. Latham, who has been on a visit to Penang, returned to Teluk Anson yesterday afternoon by the s.s. Kampar. The marriage of Mr.
    502 words
  • 1032 1221 L.EAN CO.’S WEEKLY REPORT Thursday Evening Tin has been a slightly weaker market and closing at £306 10s. Lor spot and £302 5s. lor 3 months shows a loss of £4 15s. and 5/respectively on last weeks final quotalion. 1he premium on Spot Mt tai has now dri
    1,032 words
  • 29 1221 British Mr. 11. P. Waterlow, British—, fir to Siam, and Mrs. Waterlow leave for Bangkok on Monday by t They are staying at the Residency*
    29 words
  • 45 1221 of th 31 r. .c. Alien, 01 a11pd. D.vers' Association, and VrS fl a jd alter several years' residence have. goodbye to Shanghai and are not re ing. The\ have left for Engl^ 1 Canada by the Empress of Asia-
    45 words

  • 1999 1222 A RECORD YEAR Seating Accommodation to be Increased The annual general meeting of members of the Penang Turf Club was held vesterday afternoon at the Chamber of Commerce Booms, Mr. A. It. Morgan, t b e President presiding. The others present were: —Messrs. q A. Hereford, E.
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  • 21 1223 accom- panied by his A.D.C. and the Chief Judge, lerlis are visiting Malacca thu week-end.
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  • 93 1223 < f Chesterfield House, Tunbridge Wells, who died on August 4, aged 85, daughter of the late Sir John Herschel, the astronomer, and widow of Sir Thomas Francis Wade, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., formerly Ambasiad< r in China and afterwards Professor of Chinese at Cambridge University, left estate in
    93 words
  • 209 1223 is to sue- ceed the late Mr. J. E. Tessensohn as representative of the Eurasian communities in the Colony on the Legislative Council, the offer and acceptance of the appointment being subject, of course, to the formality of obtaining the approval of the Secretary of State
    209 words
  • 433 1223 A meeting of the Legislative Council will be held° on November 1; the following are the orders lor the day 1. Resolution by the Attorney-Gen-eral “That this Council approves the Rules relating to the Printing of Records of Appeal and the Setti ng of Records of Appeal made
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  • 502 1223 HOCK CHEW THIEF SENTER About two weeks ago it will be Ieca >, ed Inspector Matthews and his poli c men in the Dato Kramat Statinn Ct disturbed by cries of “Mata, Mate and on rushing out and making i nV esti gation they discovered that 1 een
    502 words

    • 296 1224 (the Editor oj tiic Strait# Echo; Sir, m the course of perusing the annual return vi imports aim exports, i noticed tnat 4u«± tons q! sales Had been impelled iruni Italy. As 1 am cue oi the oiggesl dealers in sales in Alafaya 1 am aDie tv slate
      296 words
    • 107 1224 (To the Editor of the Straits Echo) Dear Sir, In your paper of the 131 h instant there was a paragraph to the effect that a crocodile hunt headed by Mr.. F. C. Anderson of Taiping took place on the instant. Although it is not a matter of
      107 words
    • 243 1224 (To the Editor of the Straits Echo) Sir, Heading about White Ants in your paper last night recalled to mind an extraordinary occurrence in Colombo a few years ago. For a few days it was locked upon as a mystery. The ants were discovered on the
      243 words
  • 105 1224 Further Tributes (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, October 22 Air. F. J. Bryant, the first solicitor admitted to practise in the F.A1.S., made a feeling referenct in the Supreme ourt this morning to the death <1 Air. T. 11. T. Kogers, one of the senior
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  • 48 1224 .n London states that it has received a telegram from Canton declaring, in reference to a statement in The Times, that the Nationalist Government at Canton has never applied directly or indirectly for British help against its rivals or for any other purpose whatsoever.
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  • 56 1224 of the Turf Club yes- terday the President, Mr. Morgan, said that in addition to the donations already paid out the Y. W. C. A., Penang, had made an application for $500. The application was considered and the Committee has decided to grant them this donation. A
    56 words
  • 89 1224 a .European diamond mer- chant, has reported to the jjolice that a Bengali has absconded with $8<X), says the Straits Times. It appears that Mr. Fink, on leavuig Singapore for a short perkd, handed the money to the Bengali to pay coolies employed on a rubber estate. On
    89 words
  • 84 1224 and Dr. Fran- 1 1 I11VV cis B. Sayre, son-in-law of the lat president Wilson and Foreign Affa r> \dviser to the Siamese Government, ha\e arrived in America, the Praic being cn route to Cambridge (Massachusetts) to take a course in the Br< v.nNichols Schoo 1
    84 words
  • 179 1224 1' Li i on uriox’s io Prize 1 UXD 1 if■ I M ii- ir Aljalfri $50, Sung- ‘I it >.'< Dcunistown Estate 1 i.-'.ite $5<‘, Haling 1 •?.)’>, ''um_ia Rava Estates $50, miia Dmgin i slate $50, 1’awar Estate :r. .Justice Dinsm re $30, Sungei ‘‘«i'
    179 words
  • 29 1224 left yesterday afternoon lor S ngapore by the s.s. Klang to take rp his new duties of hief Chinese Translator at the Chinese Protectorate there. <
    29 words
  • 31 1224 R.N., Master Attendant. Sngapore, is due in Penang <,n Wednesday next by the s.s. Kinta. He will return to S ngapore by 'the same boat the next day.
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  • 35 1224 Committee and mem- hers of the Post Office Recreation Club have issued inv’tations to a Ronggeng performance Io be held on Sunday, November 14, at 344 Dido Kramat Road, beg'nning at 7 p.m.
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  • 37 1224 is opening a laboratory on Bungsar Estate, Kuala Lumpur, next month, and the Director will be pleased to give any information or assistance he can on technical and research matters.
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  • 54 1224 at the Presbyterian hurch, Singapore, the marriage of Mr. damt s Alexander W attic, of the I utch East hid es, s< n of the late Alexander W’attie, Kintral Elgin, to Miss Kathletn Meldrum MacQueen, second daughter of Mr. A MacQueen, Logierait, Perthsh re, was solemnised. 1ne Bev.
    54 words
  • 46 1224 charged at the Thames Police ,'ourt on October 2 with landing in England without, the permission of the immigration officer, were sentenced to one month’s imprisonment and recommended for deportation. Another Chinese who harboured them was fined 120 and also recommended for deportut ion.
    46 words
  • 111 1224 w th IFs Excellency the Governor and Lady Gu hmaid at Government House on V ..•tine d; y lion. .Mr. I). B-atty and .Mi Beatty, Hon. .Mr. I). .J Ward nd Mrs. Ward, aptain |l. S Shipway. 1’ X and Mr Shipway, Dr.
    111 words

  • 680 1225 SOON THEAM CO.’S WEEKLY REPORT Penang, October 29 The publication of Hie new Restriction Regulations is welcome news to the people of Malaya in general and planters and investors of rubber shares in parti cular. More confidence is now shown on rubber shares and prices are steady with a tendency
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  • 33 1225 Japanese Minister to Bangkok, who participated in the recent conference held in lokio for m promotion ol the trade relations with the South Seas and India, returns to S am to-morrow.
    33 words
  • 36 1225 J. I’., oi Hopeterrace, Edinburgh, advocate, a director of the Kuala Pcrtang Syndicate, Limited, in addition to considerable real ('state and pers< jial e* late in Great Britain, left £50,545.
    36 words
  • 38 1225 of West Cliff-road, Bournemouth, formerly L< rd Chief Just ce of the Straits Settlements, who died on August 20, aged 79, left estate of the gross value of £9,6)62. with net personalty £9.506.
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  • 42 1225 sailed for Horn" by the Patroclus last night on thurt leave, before severing his connection with the Penang Municipality. As already stated he will return to Kuala Lumpur next year to take up duties as town planner.
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  • 43 1225 is announced of Mr. James Rea. of S.remban. and Eileen, only daughter of the late Majqr A. O. Fitzgerald, R.A.M.C., and Mrs. Fitzgerald. of Kenmare Castle, Knoeklong, Co., Limerick. The wedding is to take place at Home on the 30th instant.
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  • 49 1225 n Ihe Times, the Filipino conception of independence is that the Filipinos should rule, and that fhe Americans should enforce their rule and protect their independence. Aspirations of the sort are not novel, but they are open to obvious objections, moral as well as political.
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  • 108 1225 by Dr. Bostock Hill and the other by Dr. Gautier, the Drench doct< r now in the l.M.S for the League oi Nations Health Bureau. Both the visitors were very pleased and interested with the
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  • 161 1225 Malay’s Double Crimi A fracas between a Malay and th ree Chinese outside a coffee shop a t Panjang on Sunday afternoon had fatal sequel, for two of the Chinese were stabbed by the Malay and one of them died shortly afterwards from his wound
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  • 111 1225 Theatre Royal For Hi convenience of patrons attend, mg Theatre Royal, for the grand change of programme, from to-night till Sunday, the managemment begs to submit the time. Hie various feature attractionswill begin screening: At 7.30 p.m. “American Manners” a six reel Carlos Production, starring Richard Talmadge, the
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  • 59 1225 a member of the India delegation to the League of Nations, regarding the recent problem of which Asiatic Powers should be admitted to the Council, said he strongly supported the claims of Persia as against China. China not only had no stable Government, but in a
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  • 186 1225 are not leaving lor their Australian tiip until January, preparations are already m lull swing for their departure. The littli Princess Elizabeth is to b® left in the care of tin. Queen, and ah ready steps are being taken to prepare the nurseries
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  • 1136 1226 annual general meeting The seventh ordinary general meeting of Batu Lintang Rubber Company, .Ltd., was held at thĕ registered office of the company, 38, Beach Street, ar upon on October 27, 1926. Mr. D. A. M. Brown occupied the chair and there were also present
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  • 531 1226 ALLEGED MALICIOUS PROSECUTION Tin- cio was continued on Wednesday. at the Kuala Lumpur Supreme Court, before the Chief Justice, in which Mohamed Taffiel, fill lately a cutter employed b\ Little Paris, Ltd., sued the firm tor the recovers of $1,000 alleged to be due to him
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  • 27 1226 Mr. P. Camp ii ijr i »<L Mr. E. M Gull as Seere- j 1 flu Brjtoh h.unbt rol Lumm c -h ing'hai.
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  • Page 1227 Advertisements
    • 207 1227 I CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., Xf 09, BEACH BTBBBT, PBNANB. a ESTABLISHED 1883. jj Sr PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. 5 5 Proprietors of the STRAITS ECHO end PENANG SIN POE 5' The most enterprising end up-to-date Printers end Litho* MX graphers in the Orient. < Our plant is of the very latest Pattern
      207 words