The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 30 March 1926

Total Pages: 26
1 344 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 279 1 contents a LEADERS MISCELLANEOUS: (Continued) 8 Trawler Fishing in Malaya 321 89 I Strikes and the Publie 325 S I P r 3 H i F M.S. Affairs 329 The Revolt of Women 337 H 3 The Boycott in China ...333 Singapore Bank Robbery ...338 M fl Some Thoughts Upon
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 200 2 > JfCK 7 4? B X I STRAITS ECHO I MAIL EDITION. 5u Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, >sXg Svj ML and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the Av daily issues, as well as all important news from
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  • 1060 321 The fisheries experimental vessel which is due to arrive in Malayan waters within a week or so represents the first attempt by the Colonial Government to explore the possibilities of local fishing grounds with a view to their exploitation by modern methods of power fishing. Similar
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  • 491 321 S 1 P. Mr. 11. C. j) has r turned io M t lay a i> m a < n_f hcMday in Last Africa. .Mr. A. E. Lae l> rt, oi Messrs. Sime, Darby and <... Ltd., Malacca, proceeded on Home leave on Friday. Air. J. C.
    S 1 P.  -  491 words
  • Page 321 Advertisements
    • 28 321 Cbe SINHS tc!)o PUBLISHED DAILY MAIL EDITION Containing the news of the week prior to departure of Mails for Europe THE criterion press, limited 59, Beach Street, Penang
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  • 539 322 NO CAUSE FOR ALARM Ample Stocks with Dealers With regard t-o the Random Note in yesterday’s Straits Echo, suggesting the advisability ol Government looking into the rice position, we learn from enquiries made at reliable sources today that, shortly, there is not the least cause for any
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  • 482 322 FURTHER STARTLING DEVELOPMENTS Since the three first arrests were effected by the Detective Branch some time ago, in connection with the sensational robbery of over S3OO,OCX) from the Banque De L’lndo Chine some years ago, the Police and Detective Branch have been making extensive enquiries which have
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  • 524 322 Wife Refutes Charge Against Husband Before Mr. C. W. A. Sennett in .1, Police Court yesterday, j ns Matthews charged Valian, a T r coolie in the Patarri Road coolie lin with assaulting his w jf e es Monday night. Sekapi, wife of accused, who Wa a witness
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    • 123 323 Lawn Tennis Tournament The results of tennis tournament ties plaved yesterday were. Doubles Handicap, Class A: 3O E. j Bennett N. A. Sedwick beat 4 C. H Kent C. 13. Terdre 7 5, 63. Doubles Handicap, Class B 2 G. J. Gilmour J. T. R. Ryder beat
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    • 450 323 p. R. C. Draw With Chinese The standard of football was very poor and the result disappointing to a large section of the crowd in the Deague meeting yesterday between the Penang Recreation Club and the Chinese on the Esplanade but the game, nevertheless, was obviously enjoyed
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    • 653 323 P.C.C. TOURNAMENT Pinckney Defeats Threlfall The Penang Cricket Club tennis tournament which began about a couple of months back is now rapidly drawing to a conclusion as the semi-finals and finals in the various classes are being reached. Yesterday two matches were played both of which provided
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  • 392 323 Over thirty-eight thousand do.lars were distributed among the Geylang fire sufferers on Saturday at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Those: who had been burned out were carefully listed some time ago and found to number over eleven hundred, including men, women and children. it was found that
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  • 578 324 European Injured Mr. J. N. Berridge, Accountant, Mercantile Bank, Penang, is lying seriously ill in the General Hospital, Penang, as a result of a motor car accident which befell him in the early hours of this morning. There appear to have been no eye-witnesses whatever of the
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  • 596 324 TAIPING TIN DREDGING, LTD. 25 Per Cent. Dividend The following is the Directors report of the Taiping Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., to be submitted at the annual general meeting of shareholders to be held at the registered offices of the Company, 33 Beach Street, on Saturday, April 10:
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  • 450 324 20 Per Cent. Dividend The following is the Directors’ Report of the North Taiping Tin Dredging Company, Ltd., to be presented at the seventh annual meeting of shareholders to be held at the registered offices of the Company, 33 Beach Street, Penan» on Saturday, April 10:
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  • 30 325 BIRTH Liston. On 22nd March, at 146 l‘adang Boelanweg, Medan, to Dorothy Kathleen, the wife of C. Prosper Liston, of Messrs. Sandilands, Buttery Co., Medan, Sumatra, a daughter.
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  • 1051 325 y'ow that Penang is once again in complete possession of its loading and unloading facilities, an easy complaisance may lead to the putting out of mind of the disturbing events of last week- Even though it was the third or fourth time this year that one
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  • 453 325 Mr. D. Bird mis now been abie to leave the Seremban Hospital. Mrs. Al. L. J'hillips, of her mban, has sailed for Home, with her so”. Air. and Airs. o’lard and ch. nt, of Jelebu, have gone Home en leave Airs. .1. Bloom field Dougla* h. s returned iiom
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  • 1078 326 As Usual! The night express from Kuala Lumpur due at Penang at 6.43 a.m. with mails from Singapore, E.M.S., Malacca, etc., arrived at 7.36 a.m. yesterday io minutes late. There was a breakdown near Parit Buntar. English As She Is Written From a leading article in the Times
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  • 646 326 (By Anna Carey) Although intellectuals may menW| sniff and assume their hiiuehtipn* n y air at the sight of the gail magazines that thrill th 8 7 a.I'C adolescent and adult alike, sooner 80 later they, too, succumb to the )n re ik* popular Most of
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  • 518 327 Sevkre Criticism (From Our Own Corrttpondeni) Singapore, Match 25 In the Supreme Court here Mr. Justice Deane, giving judgment in an Lotion setting aside a deed of gift, strongly criticised the solicitor Mr. Aitken who, be said, had not taken the slightest trouble to find oug the
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  • 1137 327 DISCUSSION IN SUPREME COURT Chinese Boy s Claim li teiesting references to the law as it relates to Chinese principal and secondary wives was made :n the Supreme ouri yesterday afternoon (says Wednesday's Singajiore Free Press) in the course of the hearing ol an act'on before the
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  • 658 328 ALLEGED CHEATING Tiif hearing of the case .11 which Mi. Peter Richardson stands charged with cheating, it being alleged that he presented a cheque for $l,l KM) Mi Peate, manager of Battles Hotel, knowing that he had no funds to meet the cheque, was commenced before Mr.
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  • 356 328 Annual General Meeting The Hon. Mr. V\ Peel, Kesident(ouncilior. presided over the annual gciier;.l meeting of tin members of the Penang Library which was held in the Library yesterday. There was only a small attendance. Mr. Peel, after the minutes of the last annual general meeting had been
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    • 78 328 the League match between cm and P.S. fixed for 27th February' postponed and will be played on 17? May, on the C.R.C. ground. p Ue < p 11 match between P.R.C. and C.R C for Ist May was postponed and win played on the 10th April, on
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    • 86 328 Lawn Tennis Tournament The results of the tennis tournament ties played yesterday were as follo WB Championship: G. H. Pinckney beat J. H. Bowyer 6l. 64. Singles Handicap, Class A: -15 (i Robertson beat scr. E. Reimann (M 6—l. Ladies Doubles Handicap: 1 yfo Sedwick A Mrs.
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    • 351 328 Visit to Penang \rrangements for the Singapore Recreation Club to visit Penang during the Easter Holidays and engage its sister club here, the P.R.C. in a series of games are completed and the visitors are assured of a good time. The following fixtures have been definitely arranged:
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  • 1320 329 .-.official members of the Federal assembled in Kuala Lumpur C meeting of the Devolution” JUittee-and perhaps H.E. the High mmissioner as well-may be interestno learn that we heard by the mail ed week from a friend in London that V kmery had intimated to a former Eminent resident
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  • 335 329 An inquest, conducted by Inspector Tunn, was held by Mr. C. W. A. Sennett, Coroner, in the Police Court this morning in connection with the death of a Chinese woman named Wong Ong Sam who died from poisoning, in 58, King Street, on February 15. The Coroner after
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  • 948 330 Straw Voting VVhiL the abjvu term is not in common uss iu England, it is very frequently used in America as recent telegrams Lorn the United States have indicated. A 9’raw vote is one that is taken without previous notice in a casual gathering or otherwise. Thus the
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  • 188 330 Final in Ladies Handicap Singles The Penang Cricket Club courts which were (dosed for a few days last week were re-opened for match pla\ yesterday and several ties were played off, the most interesting of which was the final in the Ladies Handicap Singles between Mrs. B. Powell
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  • 586 330 WILLIAMSREAD RECEPTION AT IHE RESIDENCY The fourth wedding at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church yesterday solemnised at 4 o’clock, the oontractio parties being Mr. Arthur Williams nJ trict Officer, Balik Pulau, Penang, au( j Miss May Lilian Read who arrived from Home yesterday by the P. O. Macedonia
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  • 660 331 500,000 GALLONS SHORT A DAY atnFSTSEST SUPPLIES SIDE 81 T 0 BE reduced w ill have been notiaed from an nnanoemeot in the papers yesterday, p enft n* Manioipabty have decided, 9 to shortage of water in the re°Winire to cut off oertain supplies for two a
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  • 187 331 BIG OPIUM SEIZURE Captain Heavily Fined (From Our Own Corrttpondtni.) Singapore, March 26 Captain Cotton, of the steamer Seang Bee, was fined 81,000 in connection with the seizure of 8,200 taels of opium and 2,430 taels of ohandu, vduid at $44,424, from Amoy. The Charge Against Richardson The
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  • 197 331 An approximate idea of the state of labour supply in Malaya is obtained by extracting Indian, Chinese, and Dutch Indies figures from the Arrivals and Departures by sea from and to Foreign Ports," published month.y in the Straits Settlements Government Gazette, Figures lor the two months ending February,
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  • 513 331 The Ipoh Hospital Board of Visiters consists of the following for the year 1926:—C01. C. Rae, Rev. Fr. J. B. Coppin, Mr. S. Supramaniaui. Mr. Lan Ek Chin, Chettiappa Chettiar, Date Panglima Kinta, and Mrs. Chung Thye Ph in as a lady visitor. According to a letter dated March
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  • 1123 332 M.M PROBLEM DISCUSSED IN SHIPPING PAPER The question of whether the floating dock which is to be constructed for the Singapore naval base should be assembled at Singapore, or whether the present Admiralty poacy should be changed and the dock towed out complete from Home, is discussed in
    M.M  -  1,123 words
  • 609 332 DIRECTOR'S BAR CRITICISED (io the Editor of the Malay mail) bir, 1 associate myself entirely with what was expressed by Outsider” m y OUr issue ot the 15th inst. about the educational system of this country. the Director, in his litt-e world, can frame rules to
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  • 1086 333 There is so wide a gulf fixed between t p e Colony of the Straits Settlements and the Colony of Hongkong and so little is known in the one of what goes on in the other that it seems not impossible that the Chinese readers of
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  • 466 333 Mrs. J. L. is going Home by iti? Macedonia in May. C. pt. C. IL Morrish, of the DetecC.e G..c, Ip-.h, is in 1 eiiang on a lew days’ leave. -I- Eeiridge of the Mercantile Bunk of India, who met with a serious accident in Burman Load a
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  • 1248 334 Mr. Alan Cobham The announcement that Mr. A an Cobham will ihortly visit Singapore will be received with pleasure by all those who have followed the career of this intrr-pid British airman. Mr. Cobham, with the help and approval of the Air Ministry, intends to survey a commercial
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  • 197 334 Man "aught in Fly-Wi ebl A fatal accident occurred in >» Kwan Ice factory, Puket, Tougkah w k- l is owned by Mr. Tan Mah Sean? at 2.30 on Sunday morning when M r V Rodrigues, formerly employed in the Snr» Office, Penang, had both his kg 8
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  • 28 334 (From Ohzr Own Corretpondint) Singapore, March 27 It was stated at the Municipal masting yesterday that the G wernment had decided not to licence riceha-pullers. o:
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  • 325 334 Penang v. Perak It is most unfortunate that this year the Inter-state match with Perak has happened to clash with the visit of the Singapore Recreation Club to Penang for this means that the services of four or five P.R.C. batsmen will not be available for the Settlement;
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  • 660 335 FURTHER SHORTAGE economy absolutely NECESSARY Briefly» the Penang water fupp y is getting shorter and shorter and there iabsolnte need for the strictest econotn Jhe aonsumption per head per day is 5 a; d, if this oaouot ne reduce i to 25 gallons, greater privations m *.y
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  • 504 335 P.C.C. Defeat Monopolies Yesterday’s League encounter on the Esplanade was that between the Monopolies and the Penang Cricket Club. It was a close game and resulted in a win foi the Club by one goal to nil. Neither side was at full strength, E. A. Davies, H.
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  • 1129 335 LEAN CO.’s WEEKLY REPORT Thursday evening Tin, b\ successive daily drops, has declined £6.17.6 to £282.0.0., but since the cash-price at £291.0.0. continues to command a premium of £8.10.0., the tightness of the position reported in to-day’s mail-advices from London does not appear to have abated and the
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  • 1145 336 -S F. P. YOUNG CHINESE LADY’S ACTION ReMARKA BLE Su G GE ST lON The suggestion that the claim was a false one, brought because the defendant had not married her was emphatically denied by a young Chinese lady plaintiff, Koh Chong Moey, during the hearing
    -S F. P.  -  1,145 words

  • 2033 337 problems of feminism (By Anna Carey) Whenever the Woman question is brought forward, either in popular literature, journalism, or in private or public discussion, sides are usually taken, and she is discussed as if she were a member o f a sex that has suddenly and
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  • 226 338 Two More Indians Arrested The Singapore Detective Department effected the arrest of two more Indians in connection with the robbery of the Banque de ITndo-Chine in 1922. Altogether eight men have been arrested and charged in connection with this affair. On Wednesday morning about 7.30 Ramasamy Kandian
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  • 781 338 DEED SET ASIDE IN SUPREME COURT Solicitor C riticised The following, from the Singapore Free Press of W ednesday, supplements cur special telegram published yesterday Judgment ordering that a deed of conveyance by which the plaintiff, an old lady of a hundred years of age, Inche Nori ah
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  • 158 338 A correspondent writes to the Malav Mail as follows: Following the publication in your paper of recent date of information re silk duties, 1 am in a position to give the following facts and figures to the public: The concession is £3 per head; if exceeded, duty
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  • 161 338 According to to-day’s Singapore Garrison Orders, the Army Council hai drawn attention to the urgent necessity for exercising the strictest economy during the forthcoming financial year, and Officers Commanding Units are to pay special attention to the care and preservation of stores so that their period of .ife” may
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  • 2062 339 (By Anna Carey) All her movements were silent and mousey. Once she was in her room and the door closed, she might have been dead for all that you could hear. Perhaps it was because she was a little old lady. Not too little and with a
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  • 280 340 SULTAN AS PLAINTIFF A Correction In our issue of March 17 there appeared a paragraph headed Johore Estate Action,”' Sultan as Plaintiff.” relating to an action by His Highness the Sultan of Johore and others against Dato Jaffar bin Haji Mohamed. The paragraph' contained a statement that
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  • 667 340 A SCOTCH APPRECIATION His friends in Malaya will read with interest the following which appeared in the Oban Tinies of February 27. i he announcement of the death of Mr. John Wm. Mackenzie while still in the prime of life has brought unfeigned sorrow to
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  • 143 340 The case in which Chooi Weng Koon a P.W.D. contractor, is charged with rash and negligent driving Relau Road on February 9, and thereby knocking down Inspector Dawson’s son was continued before Mr. C. W. A. Senndt in the Police Court yesterday. Inspector Dawson, officer in charge
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  • 282 340 (From O.T/r Oini Correspondent) Klang, March 24 Goh Heng Fong, a Hylam Chinese, was yesterday charged before Baja Ya’acob at Port Swettenham by the O.C.P.D. with having caused the death of a fireman on the s.s. Seang Bee. It appears that the steamer left Penang
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  • 1079 341 wireicss enthusiast recently drew Mr our benefit an alluring picture of an m which thousands of happy homes eia M-ilaya would be furnished with reriving’ »ets, and in which the family it nightly around the loud speaker sten with bated breath to the Trains u Mr.-,
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  • 424 341 Mr. M. Rex is appointed Controller of Rubber, Straits Settlements. 11. R. H. Prince George has left Sin gapore on a visit to Malacca. The name of Mr. F. E. Harmer is added to the Commission oi the Peajc for Penang. Mr. Goodman Ambler takes over the headship of
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  • 599 342 Behind the Times’’ The electric light in Penang is like an erring hasbar.d, it has a tendency to go ent. List night mysterious figures again crept around in the dark, and muttered apologies, to the sound of discreet coughs from those who inadvertently wintered into the wrong spheres
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  • 573 342 SHORTAGE CONTINUES NO GAIN YESTERDAY Although the water supplies were considoiably decreased for the greater portion of over the principal areas of thu town, and in spite of the fait that there was a slight shower on Saturday night, both the Ayer Itam and Waterfall reservoirs
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    • 86 342 Results of competitions held :(t T joiig Bimgah yesterelax lari < bill hampionship |iki Yanik)- Ford. I> min. 58 secs. 2. 1’ \y 8 min. 3, I). D. B. (’ook. 8 min. Pen dimmers started and all the course under 1 1 mm. the time sop? tied
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    • 53 342 B-\i ri.ixe, Kia Retains Title (From Oiur Own Correspondent} Kuala Lumpur, March 28 In a boxing tournament here last night Battling Key got the better of Perera, on points, for the Lightweight Championship of Malaya. Al Trono knocked out Yesong in the fourth round and Aman
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    • 45 342 Sixgxpore v. Kuala Lumpur (From <b/r Own Correspondent} Kuala Lumpur. March 28 The following have been selected to pla\ for Selangor against Singapore during the Easter holidays: Mustard ((’apt.), Jordon. Green, Carter. Richards. Penman, Carey, Grenier, Lail Singh. Sirmiah. Williams and Robson (reserve).
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  • 215 342 \kmy v. Navy Matches (From Our Own Correspondent./ Singapore. March 29 In a boxing competition here the Navy beat the Army, thus winning the Low-ther-Grant Challenge Cup. Rugby \t Rugby football, the Navy beat the Army by ll> points to 3. The Yacht Club beat the Navy by
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  • 1103 343 SOON THEAM CO.’S SHARE REPORT Penang. March 26 ait 1 P ree ol u ,ljer continues to flucWa U. and ck -t'- Id. below last week's i e vel In the early part of the week «hare quotations showed distinct ad tVnces. which were not maintained at close, cxci pt
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  • 491 343 SUMATRA JAVA NEWS FACTION FIGHTS Translated fur tin Echo) bcriouib faction tight» between < hinest tiii'fi Javanese coolies on Ijinta Radja Estate near Medan, took place last week and many are reported to have Been wounded. The lights were alleged to have been caused by a woman. The manager of
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  • Page 344 Advertisements
    • 231 344 1 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., «Y £>&, BEACH arnEBT. PENANG. Jj ESTABLISHED 1883. VJ k PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. 1 Proprietors of the STRAITS ECHO and PENANG SIN POE 8 The most enterprising and up-to-date Printers and Litho- tC graphers in the Orient. Our plant is of the very latest Pattern and by
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