The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 17 March 1926

Total Pages: 26
1 291 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 183 1 I |g Oarselves and Oar Neighbours 265 Municipal Commission 285 §Q Geneva 272 Fire on the Glenshane 287 m| Afterthoughts on the Petition 277 Kapitan Keling Mosque 288 MH Jn The Singapore Dock 282 Sumatra and Java News 28» $1 The French Cabinet 286 Penang Labour Strike 291 M a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 190 2 JO7 rv THK S I STRAITS ECHO I $g MAIL EDITION. /JH 2j*ua Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, x *nd contains the latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, as well as all important news from various parts of
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  • 1011 265 If is sometimes said by the type of tourist who notices such things that there is no intellectual life in our Malayan communities. Challenged to explain what he means by that singularly vague and irritating phrase, he will talk at large about our theatres, our amateur
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  • 451 265 Sir George and Lady Maxwell are going to Erater's ILII this week. Captain A. C. Conney, Assistant Inspector of Schools, Perak, has returned from leave. Mr. J. French, of Port Swettenham, arrived in Penang this morning by the Krian on his way to England. Mr. Thurstan, of Messrs. Cumberbatch
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  • 4232 266 PRAI DEBATE AGAIN ADJOURNED UNOFFICIALS’ FIRM ATTITUDE FATE OF MR. KINDERSLEY’S RESOLUTION CLAUSE 3 REJECTED BY ONE VOTE The debate on the Prai debacle was resumed in the Federal Con noil yesterday aiming, (says the Malay Mail of Tuesday) when the Chief Secretary moved H? resolution. He eaid
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  • 289 268 SINGAPORE CRITICISM Lamentable Quibbling (From Our Own Correapondoni.) Singapore, March 10 The Straits Times, in an editorial, characterises Sir Laurence Guille. mard s memorandum as a distressing example of red herrings and quibbling. Everyone over whom the Chief Secretary exercises co-ordinating powers is to be removed
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  • 575 268 -S.F.P. ANOTHER YEAR’S LOSS I I'be tenth annual ordinary I meeting of the F.M.S. Tile r I was held at the office of the°’’Q Ltd J taries, Messrs. Neill and Bell i n k I Lumpur, on February 26 with M» n I Hands presiding. iVlr John
    -S.F.P.  -  575 words

  • 1034 272 The session of the Council of the J.eiv’ue of Nations which, commenced on* Monday last at Geneva will probably rank as the most important that has as yet been held because the fate of the vexed question of the granting of permanent seats on the Council will have to
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  • 443 272 Mrs. A. C. Baker, of Malacca, sails shortly for England. Sir Ronald Ross, F.R.S., has been selected as an additional medical councillor to the People's League of Health. Mrs. H. MacKenzie wife of .hu manager of Bukit Bertam Estate, Rantau, is due to arrive towards the end of next
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  • 1291 273 A Slight Falling-Ofl Che night express froni Koala Lumpar dne at Penang at 6 43 a.m. with mails from Singapore, F. M- S Malacoa, eto., arrived at 7.47 a.m to day, 1 hoar 4 minotos late,” reoords the Post Office D*ily List this morning. Handcuffs for Two” It
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  • 872 273 meeting in penang Period of Great Progress The annual meeting of the Sin Diocesan Association was held Parsonage”, Penang, at 5 o'clwl,' 11 terday afternoon. The Rt. R ev r Ferguson-Davie, Bishop of Sin J took the chair and others present the Resident Councillor, the R™ ,W. Peel,
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  • 235 274 Over A Hundred Victims A question was recently asked in the Legislative Council at Lucknow by a member anxious to know whether the Government were alive to the doings of a ferocious leopard which was terrifying a group of villages in Gurhwal, at the foot of the
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  • 4551 274 UNOFFICIAL VIEWS ON DEVOLUTION SCHEME F. M. S. EDUCATIONAL POLICY take from the Malay Mail of Wednesday the following further account ol the proceedinge in the Federal Council.] 1 he Hon. Mr. Ritchie said: Sir,I need not say how cordially I share the views expressed by Mr. Robson.
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  • 1113 277 We have already commented upon the petition presented by the master tailors of Singapore, and upon the sequel to that petition in the House of Commons, but the incident is sufficiently disturbing to call for further consideration from several points of view. The statement of Mr.
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  • 447 277 Sir George and Lady Maxwell U gone to Fraser’s Hill. Mr. A. H. Miles the well miner, returned to Penansz vesta»,i from Colombo. J Mr. J. \V. 11. Fenner, the Kinta miner, has g.ven up the General Managership of the Phin Soon Mines, Ltd.* owing to private reasons. The
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  • 917 278 The Night Express” .•■[bti nigh S expre 8 fro a Kua’a Lurupur, i a at Penang at 6 43 a.m. with mails from Sin -apore, F. M S MHacoa etc, rr ived at 7 35 am. to-day”s2 minutes hte, records t ie -Post Office Duly List this morning.
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  • 304 278 H.M.S. Concord Defeats P.C.C. Penang, like the rest of the world, loves to see sailors at football and a large crowd turned out on the Esplanade yesterday to witness the soccer match between the H.M.S. Concord and the Penang Cricket Club. On Tuesday the Navy met a Malay
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    • 116 278 Lawn Tennis Tournament The results of tennis tournament ties played yesterday were: Single Handicap. Class A (Unfinished Tie): N. A. Sedwick w.o. R. N. Hyatt. Single Handicap, Class B scr. A. W. Frisby beat l5 N. Lampard 2o, 11—9, 6—4 Double Handicap, Class A: 3O J. AV.
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    • 374 278 Visit to Penang It has been definitely arranged now for the Singapore Recreation Club to visit Penang during the forthcoming Easter hoadays and engage the Penang Recreation Club in a series of sporting encounters. This is a visit that has long been delayed for various reasons; but
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  • 3692 279 F.M.S. EDUCATIONAL POLICY FORMER DIRECTOR’S VIEWS [Wo take from the Malay Mail of Thursday the following further account of the proceedings in the Federal Council.! The Hon. Mr. Ritchie said that he had much pleasure in supporting the resolution. He was quite willing to accept Mr. Robson’s opinion
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  • 259 281 Large Chinese School Empty An excellent school building is now lying empty but for the few teachers and other employees of the school. The trouble between the students and the head of the Chinese High School, Bukit Timah Road, has apparently reached a dead-lock. The difference started before
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  • 1116 281 ALLEGED RASH DRIVING Accused Acquitted Before the Hon. Mr. Justice A. Brown in the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon, the trial was continued of Meh bin Osman who was charged with driving motor car P 253 in a rash and negligent maimer at Bagan Tuan Kechil on December 16,
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  • 1208 282 Only in a very general way does the world* know the plans of the British admiralty for the naval base at Singapore, but the recent announcement that tenders for the construction of a floating dock had been asked for from nine of the leading shipbuilding firms in
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  • 500 282 Dr. Leopold Robert left Bangkok on 1 riday lor Singapore en route for Home. He will be in Nice lor a time. General Pershing, who commanded the I'nited States Army during the war, will shortly visit Australia. He will be the guest of the Commonwealth Government. Mr. A. C.
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  • 1671 283 THE KARL MURDER ACCUSED CONVICTED Before the Hon. Mr. Jastica A. V. Brown and aspeciil Jury in tha Suprem-i Coart yestsrdiy tha trial w is concluded of Cbeiliah, the Tamil Municipal employee who was charged with the murde n of M r L. V. Karl, Chief Conservancy Inspector,
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  • 345 283 Court of Appeal Judgment In the Supreme Court this morning Mr Justice A. V. Brown read the judgments of the Court of Appeal in the case in whiuh the Trustees aud other bineficiaries of the estate of the late Syed P. Merican appealed against the d
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  • 1115 284 LEAN CO.s VVLEKLY REPORT Thursday Evening. fin after slight nuctuuuons. closes ..,-1 as. wit 11 a gain oi £1 las. on ai last week s iinal pi ice. Kuboer has continued to fluctuate, uU a alter advancing from 2/3 to 2/o, experienced a sharp set back oi jjut
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  • 587 284 PROVISIONALLY COMPUTED AT 298,810 TONS Important Statistics 1 he following Notification appears in a supplement to the F.M.S. Government Gazette, dated March 10: Preliminary provisional figures of Standard Production for the Malayan Restriction Area in the fourth Restriction year arc as follows: F. M. 'S. Tons. Large
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  • 206 285 Final Performance The Russian Imperial Light Opera Company gave their final performance in the Town Hall last night. There was not such a large and enthusiastic house as at previous performances but those who went to see Sylvia” were not disappointed. Again, had it not been for
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  • 1076 285 ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT Cheap And Efficient Supply At the end of 1925 the Penang Electricity Department completed its twenty first anniversary, and the year 1926 marks a new era in the history of electricity supply in Penang. The new Power Station at Prai has been completed and was put
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  • 1099 286 french stability is a European interior the existence of a strong and Government in Paris is of pariinount importance to Europe in its preent transitional and highly critical the Government that M. Briand has now succeeded in forming, after a period of extreme agitation, should prove to
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  • 451 286 Sir Malcolm and Lady Watson have gone on a visit to Java. Mr. E. E. F. Pretty is granted months leave from March 9. Mr. W. N, Gourlay is promoted la Class IV Malayan Civil Service. We regret to learn from a Ceylon paper that Major W. G. St.
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  • 552 287 France and Syria The news from Syria, about which the French Government keeps silence, has been far from satisfactory. Although the new Governor, M. Henri de Jouvenel,has shown great tact in dealing with the situation, and has succeeded in preventing the revolt from spreading, be has by no
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  • 685 287 COUNTERFEITING THE KING'S COIN onviction Of Accused When the Penang Assizes were resumed this morning before Mr. Justice R. 1). Acton, the trial was commenced, before a common jury, in which a Chinese named Chan Pang Hong "as charged, firstly, with being in possession of instruments and materials
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  • 116 287 Stiff Sentences Liin Ah Kiow, whow as put- on trial at the Assizes on Wednesday, on charges of robbery and extortion, was found gui,ty by a unanimous verdict of the jury and was sentenced to undergo seven years' rigorous imprisonment in addition to twelve strokes with the cat.”
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  • 245 287 The Glen Liner Glenshane, on her outward voyage to Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan put into port this morning in consequence of a tire which broke out in one of her holds in which there was a general cargo. The extent of the fire and damage was
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  • 482 288 dispute settled (brom a Correspondent) \t the request of the Mohamedan Endowment Board, the Government of Kedah sent to Penang last Saturday its sheikh-ul-lslam to settle a religious disute among the members of the localMusliin community in connection with the niche of the Pitt Street (Kapitan Keling)
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    • 749 288 P.C.C. Defeat Public Services 1 he League match on the Esplanade on Saturday between the P.C.C. and the Public Services provided a close and exciting finish, the Club just managing to pull off victory thanks to a fine innings by Donaldson at the crucial moment. I he
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    • 170 288 Swee Lee Cub The Swee Lee Polo Cup which was contested for on Tuesday, 'Thursday and Saturday last week was won on Saturday by team which comprised Messrs. T. W. W. right, E. A. de Buriatte, E. De La M. Stowell and Cheah Heah Ny an. Three teams took
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  • 613 289 SUMATRA JAVA NEWS PROFIT TAX REDUCTION URGED (Translated for the Echo) The Merchants' Association of Medan has sent a letter to the Official Assignee V Department stating that the profit tax of 10 per cent, on their gross income or profits is excessive and that this extraordinary profit tax should
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  • 389 289 GYPSY LOVE Miss Koosova s Triumph The performance last night of Gypsy Love by the Russian Imperial Light Opera Company at the Town Hall would have been less successful had it not been for the Ballet, m which Miss Slat a Koosova scored yet another triumph. It
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  • 403 289 AYER WENG DEVELOPMENT Satisfactory Results As briefly mentioned already the au Dual general meeting of the Ayer (Rahman) Development and Prospecting Co., Ltd., was he.d at noon yesterday at the registered offices of the Company No. 39 Beach Street, Penang. Mr R Dove presided and the others present
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  • 154 289 Messrs. Katz Brothers, Penang, write as follows:We beg to informjn that at ail extraordinary general meeting of the company held on tlie 23rd the fol.owiiig resolution was put to t meeting, and passed unanimously, That, in view of the sale of Company s property
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  • 785 290 interesting figures j Fourth Restriction Year The Controller of Rubber, Kuala Lumforwards the following statistics re- Hina to rubber restriction in British Malays which will be read with interest d he directs special attention to the J +h a t the Standard Production used L the attached
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  • 538 290 A TEMPORARY RESUMPTION .Meeting of Employers To-day Pending a meeting of employers today, the Weld Quay coolies, who had been on strike since Sunday, returned to work, temporarily yesterday, and it is confidently hoped that a satisfactory set.ement will be reached at the deliberations to-day. The number
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  • Page 291 Advertisements
    • 221 291 t CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., f 6&, BEACH STRUT, PEN AN Q. <J? jMr ESTABLISHED 1&83. V* S PRINTERS POLISHERS. 1| J? Proprietors of the STRAITS ECHO and PENANG SIN POE vf jbC The most enterprising and up-to-date Printers and Litho- Jn MX graphers in the Orient. tfi yjJ Our plant
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