The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 10 March 1926

Total Pages: 36
1 266 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 272 1 1 I CONTENTS 3 LEADERS MISCELLANEOUS: (Continued) The Navy Estimates 233 Takut 251 ttS §8 At the Eleventh Hour 237 Asiatic Planters 251 SR J 2 The Reds in Canton 241 Motoring Notes 252 tS (3 Amerioa and the East Indies 245 Singapore Bank Robbery 252 gl <S From Kuala
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 200 2 X/y sft -g* r JR I -Y B dfl I STRAITS ECHO g MAIL EDITION. jl Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, I I and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the txl <xp yK daily issues, as well as
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  • 1001 233 iuv ->dv'y USllHldtCS Lui' ij-m, WHICH s iiuv> a rvauciiou ox x.£,-±uu,vw uciuw iuuoC ui tne current j ear, rtpieseuL a woiiiiHg between me ciaims ol reasonable ecuiwlii) ana ol aacquuic provision xur tne imperial ana national services lor which tne JJoaru ui naimraitv and lue
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  • 460 233 Raja di Hilir, of Kuala Kangsar, is on a visit to Kuala Lumpur. Mr. M. C. Corbett, the general manager of the Kinta Tn Dredging Co., accompanied by Mrs. Corbett, left 1 poh on Friday on a trip to Australia. I’he Committee and members of the W.W.C.A., Penang Branch,
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  • Page 233 Advertisements

  • 914 234 The Crackers The amount of damage that a packet of crackers can cause has never, in the history of the Colony, been demonstrated on a more dangerous scale than on Monday afternoon when, it is said, the origin of a fie at Geylang, which razed numbers of attap
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  • 344 234 For obstructing the passage of the Municipal Fire Brigade at Aier Itam Road on February 13 Mohamed Ariffin bin Isa, the driver of a hi<e motor oar P. 1486, was this morning Sued $75 or two months imprisonment by Mr. C. W. A. Kennett, who
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  • 462 234 THE WAYS OF THE CHETTY WINS ON TECHNICAL POIR? At the recent Court of Appeal in p en Mr. Justice McCabe will bereca||3 observed that according to a J Ordinance two Judges of the Supre Court may hear an appeal from the Distfi Court: until then Distriot
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  • 136 234 Honoured it Asiatic Plantbrs (From Olur Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, March e The Asiatic Planters’ Association y* terday conferred its honorary membership on the Chief Secretary, Sir Maxwell. There was a largely attends meeting at which representatives from a parts of the country were present. The Hon.
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  • 1123 235 preliminary inquiry Accused Committed In the Police Court yesterday afternoon Mr. C. W. A. Sennett, Second Magistrate, held a preliminary enquiry into the death of Louis V. Karl ,the Chief Conservancy Inspector, Penang Municipality, who died from stab wounds alleged to have been inflicted on
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  • 560 235 JUDGMENT IN CIVIL SUIT In the Second Police Court yesterday Mr. C. W. A. Sennett delivered judgment in the civil suit in which P. K. Shakkari Rowther Co., tongkang owners, represented by Mr. E. A. de Buriatte, claimed $97.57 for landing charges between August 11 and 15, 1925,
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    • 165 236 P. R. C. v. E. S. Co. The Penang Becreation iub pay off their fourth League fixture on Saturday on the Esplanade when they meet the Eastern Smelting Company. The following will play for the Becreationists: M. E. C. Orr (Capt. >, C. A. Rcutens, F. Beutens,
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    • 341 236 Tennis Tournament The results of the tennis tournament ties played yesterday were: Single Handicap, Class B 5 M. J. B. Watt beat 3 11. Morris 62, 6l; 15.2 G. C. Watson beat 3O G. C. Tait 6—3, 3—6, 6—4; 15.2 A. I. Burnie beat l5 J. M.
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    • 49 236 Monthly Medal Result The following is the result of the February Monthly Medal played on February 27 and 28 against Bogey A. Clarke, C. D. Ahearne and J. M. Roberts, all square, tie. Ball Sweep: A. Clark and W. E. 0. Stanford, 2 up each, tie.
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    • 519 236 ON MARCH 20 Record Entries The Penang Municipal Sports, which have now become an annual fixture, will be held this year on Saturday March 20, on the Esplanade. No invitations are issued for these sports but an open invitation is extended to everybody. The entries for the various
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  • 291 236 February Exports (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, February 3 The rubber exports from British Malaya for February and the values for two months are United Kingdom 7,269 tons, vaaie $36,202,000. U.S.A. 19,945, $119,923,000. Europe 1,957, $9,906,000, British Possessions 600, $3,368,000. Japan 668 *53,499,(X>0. Other Foreign Countries 1, $21,000.
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  • 1572 237 On Monday next, the Bth instant, there js to be a meeting of the Federal Council in Kuala Lurnpur. This meeting j iaS been awaited with great interest, not unniixed with anxiety, by the public, not ~n l v of the Federated Malay States, but o
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  • 924 238 The Art of Rowing The University Boat Race, which appeals to more kinds of sportsmen thin any other event, is once more within sijjht. The Oxford Grew have been favoured with fine weather for their practices but the Cambridge crew have not been so fortunate. The Thames if
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  • 302 238 A Disputed Ownership Mr. Justice A. V. Brown, Senior Puisne Judge, Penang, was engaged this morning for a little while in the hearing of a Civil Suit which had to be postponed owing to an amended defence being put up. The parties in the suit wme N. R
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  • 417 238 SATISFACTORY PROGRESS (From Our Own Correspondent} Alor Star, March 3 That education in Kedah is j n oa hauds was amply demonstrated at K kong School, Kedah, last Sunday Monday, when the Malay Schools of No-th Kedah. for the first time in the education I histoi y
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  • 217 238 Before Mr. 0. W. A. Sennett in the Police Court this morning M. A. Subbiah Pillay, secretary of the Valiba Snngam Association, Penang, was called upon to how cause why he should not be bound over to keep the peace. He was alleged to have assaulted Ramalingam Pillay»
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  • 220 239 (To the Editor of the Straits Echo) gir, A tourist passing through Penang last week was fascinated by the beauties of the island, but was disappointed at finding no tourist office where trips could be arranged and one could obtain information. The only guide-book obtainable was that
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  • 276 239 Another Double Murder Just at the time when the road leadin to Geylan? distiict was congested, on th* nh-ht of the big fi <, a double murder wa< committed in an attap house situated in w Ine off Lave Her Strre*. revolver shots b-ing heard about 9 o’clock
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  • 972 239 lengku Mohamed. Assistant Com < ni’ssioner of Police. Trengganu. has arrived in Kuala Kangsar on a Miort visit. lhe Indian community of Lower 1 erak are g ving a dinner to the retiring District Officer and Mrs. R. .1. Clayton at the Indian Associat on premises on
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  • 563 240 CASE OF FORGERY The case in which Ooi Ix>ck Theaii, a Chinese, was charged with forgery of a document in order to explain the possession of rubber belonging to Messrs. E.A. Barlmur, was continued before Mr. C.W'.A. Senr.ett in the Police Court yesterday afternoon. Mr. J. Crabb Watt
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    • 133 240 Lawn Tennis Tournament The results of tennis tournament ties played yesterday were: Championship Pairs: G. A. Potts A P. X. Knight beat J. Schiess E. Reimann 46, 6l, 6o. Single Handicap, Class A: 15.2 A. K. aB. Terrell beat scr. D. D. B. Cook 6—4. 3__r >t
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    • 34 240 K ey—Perera Battling Ke\ has stated that he is willing to meet A’incent Perera, lightweight champion of the Malax States, in a contest of twelve rounds at Kuala Lumpur without a side bet.
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    • 192 240 Monopolies v Municipality The Penang Municipal Recreation Club met the Monopolies yesterday on the Renong Ground and were successful in defeating the latter by two goals to one. The play was inclined to be rough, and Syed Mansur, the Monopolies half back, was ordered to leave the
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    • 657 240 Fixing the New Totalizator The Singapore Free Press writing with regard to the new Electric Totalizator which is being installed and other arrangements being made for the forthcoming meeting, says:There has been considerable activity at the Racecourse lately in preparation for the spring meeting. The building which
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  • 1086 241 v L en a Government is in a fix with I to a situation responsible xUinre°r' are accustomed to say that they 18 watching events, as if difficulties a n be solved by the mere process of Liking nil at them. So Sir Austen iOerluU, concluded
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  • 439 241 Mr G. B. iayv, of Singapore, is due in Penang next Monday bv the s.s. Klang. Mr. Arthur Edmonds, on his return from leave, has resumed duties as State Treasurer. Negri Sembilan. Mr. and Mrs. L. Fearon have come to Penang to meet Mr. Fearon’s mother, who is returning
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  • 1312 242 Rule Britannia’ Nearly everyone i« familiar with the well-known fong Rule Britannia’ which hat preserved and endeared the name of Dr. Th omas Arne with the whole of the British nation for all time. To-day is the 148th anniversary of Dr. Arne’s death. He was ednoated at Eton
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  • 1654 242 THE END IN SIGHT. Conclusion of the Evidence. The evidence in the Moslem fiLi case, which has been occupying the at tention of Mr. Justice Deane for te* days in the Supreme Court, came to a conclusion before the lunch adjourn men! yesterday, (says Thursday’s Free Press),
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  • 520 243 SOON THEAM CO.’S SHARE REPORT Penang, March 5 Earlier in the week there was a sharp reaction in lhe price of rubber, followed by a set-back at the close. The gain on balance is ifd. The rubber share market experienced renewed buvirig enquiries during the temporary reaction with business done
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  • 1571 244 CHAP JI KI INTERESTING I )ECIBION In the Supreme Court last week, Mr. Justice A. V. Brown delivered an injudgment of tho appea. against the magistrate’s decision in a rec nt Chap Ji Ki” case. Mr. J. J. Saunders appeared lor the appellants. lhe following is the full
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  • 184 244 La ster Tournamen t The Penang Polo Club, which has Mr. G. A. Hereford as President and Dr. T. W. W. Wright as Hon. Secretary now', has drawn up an ambitious programme for Easter and it is anticipated that several teams will be competing; it is probable
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  • 1057 245 Much has been heard recently of American inquiries in Malaya and the Dutch East Indies,* and it’ would appear that keen Interest has been 'wakened across the Pacific in the commercial possibilities of this part j- the world. Lhere is, of course, a good deal
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  • 569 245 ALAI MONDAY’S COUNCIL MEETING M y, KINDiRSLEY'S REFOLD HON (From Our Own Correspondent. > Kuala Lumpur, Al arch 6 At Monday s meeting of the Federal Council, the Hon. Air. R. M. Kindersley will move the resolutions approved at the recent meeting of representatives of public bodies on
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  • 934 246 Worse and Worse! The eight express from Kuala Lumpur due at Penang at 6.43 a.m. with mails from Singapore, F. M. S., Malacca, etc. arrived at 8.35 a.m. to-day, 1 hour and 52 minute; late.” Thue this morning’s mail notice, which seems to take an almost malicious pleasure
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  • 425 246 SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE Town Hall Filled To Capacity It might just as well have been called by some other name, for the Merry Widow did not seem to have a great deal to do with the issue of the plot, which was reached in a very roundabout way.
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  • 341 246 St. George’s Day (From Our Own Corrttpondini\. Singapore, Marek 6 The Hon. Mr. C. Everitt presided at tbs annual meeting of St. George’g Society. It was decided to celebrate Saint George’s day with a dinner and danceBoxing Walley and Al Trono met in a twelve* round contest here
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  • 736 247 SUMATRA JAVA NEWS A FREAK OF NATURE (Translated for the Echo) The Pelita-Andalas, a Chinese-owned naper of Medan, publishes the news that a native woman recently gave birth to a male child that had an image < f another child attached to his stomach. The size o f this image
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  • 501 247 The half yeas ly general meeting of the F.M.S- Poetsand Telegraphs Co-operalive Thrift and Loan Society, Limited, was held on February 28 at Kuala Lumpur. It was stated that the accumulation of subscription capital, and the lack of necessary outlets to invest such funds, have been the cause
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  • 443 247 Inspector T. Burke, of Ipoh, is shortly be ng transferred to Kuala Lumpur. Mr. 1 H. Grumitt, of Messrs. McAuliffe, Davis and Hope, is on a visit to Bidor. Sister Margaret, of the Penang Con vent, is a patient at the General Hospital Dr. (Mrs.) Ferguson-Davie has been relieving
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  • 2566 248 CONCLUDING ADDRESSES Plaintiffs Not Called Kafir I he .Moslem libel case cubic to a conclusion in the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon (says the Free Press of Thursday) on the eleventh day of its hearing. Mr. 11. D. Mundell, for defendants. who concluded his address just before the
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  • 268 249 Government Technical Classes 1 he Acting Inspector of Schools sends us particulars of Government Technical Classes, for which students will be enrobed and deposits taken at the Penang Free School at 5.45 p.m. on W ednesday, March 10. Students must have taken the Junior Cambridge Local Certificate or
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  • 1092 249 LEAN <S CO s WEEKLY REPORT Thursday evening 1 he week under review has seen some fairly pronounced fluctuations in the price of both Rubber and Tin, that of the commodity declining to 2 1, thence rapid.y lecovering to 2 5, from which point a fresh loss of
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    • 397 250 Skye Aleeting Results (From Onr Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. March -> The following were to-days results at Hie Skye Meeting. There was a large attendance, the going was good, and fair dividends were paid: Race 1. (5 Furlongs) JANE 10.12 (Mr. Elliott)... 1 THE GIFT 11.9 (Mr.
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    • 541 250 Lawn Tennis Tournament 'the results of tennis tournament ties played yesterday were: Championship: Dr. J. H. Bowverk A. K. hB. Terrell. Single Handicap, Class B: 4s]? T Williams beat 5 Al. J. B. Watt (Ci .64; 3O C. A. Scott beat n i’ Spilman 6-3, 57, 62.
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  • 1117 251 Once in the course of our function as commentators on public affairs we -Straits Tinies) discussed "the policy of Tid apa.” Takut is not a policy: it is merely a condition which produces strong inclination to evade. In the partcular case we have in view, interest has been revived
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  • 745 251 In honouring Sir George Maxwell, who first suggested the necessity for their collective organisation and whose subsequent and encouragement have considerably lightened the efforts of the organisers, the As atic pointers of Malaya have honoured themselves, declares the Malay Mail. The non-Euro-pean communities of Malaya owe Sir
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  • 381 252 An issue arising out of litigation between the Oversea Chinese Bank and Chop Bian Keng was tried by the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) at Singapore on Thursday morning. The issue was whether The Sam Yang, a wealthy Chinese resident in Sumaraiig, was a partner as he
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    • 46 252 Triumph’s Success United Engineers, Ltd., local agents for Ihe Triumph Cycle Co., Ltd., have received advice that in the recent Motor Cycle Reliability Trial run in Singapore on February 28, the new Model P. Triumph Motor Cycle secured the second, third and team prizes.
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    • 191 252 Under the above heading we read m the Malay Mail: There is no escaping the realisation that, throughout Malax a. traffic has gone beyond the old methods of controlling it. and. despite the secret conferences, and much public discussion, there is as yet no sign that the authorities
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    • 317 252 Need For Mirrors In our motoring notes of last week we published a letter from a correspondent complaining that the equipment of the Municipal motor buses lacked the essential item of mirrors which prevented the drivers from seeing following cars and thus they did not pull to one
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  • 409 252 Hie three Indians who stand charged in connection with the robbery of the Banque de 1 Indo-Chine were again, produced before Mr. Bull, the Second Police Magistrate, on Tuesday morning when the case was mentioned and postponed. The case against the third accused was postponed until the
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  • 1179 253 Originally it was our intention to use this column to-day for a final article on the meeting of the Federal Council which is sitting at Kuala Lumpur even as we write in one of the most important sessions it has ever held, for the Hon.
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  • 457 253 Mr. A. Gilmour is appointed a police magistrate for Malacca. Mr. C. D. Ahea rne is appointed to ad as Controller of Labour, Malaya. Mr. G. A. Trimmer has been appointed a member of the Pilot Board, Singapore. Mr. B. Ashworth Hope, of the legal firm of Gibb and
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    • 422 254 Skye Meeting Results (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, March 7 There was a bigger crowd for the second day’s Skye Meeting on Saturday. The going was good and the dividends were fair. At the conclusion of the races Mrs. Blunn gave away the trophies. The following
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    • 193 254 The following tie* have been fixed for to-morrow: Single Handicap, Class A: 15.2 A. K. aB. Terrell v. l5 E. J. Bennett, Court No. 4. Single Handicap, Class B Winner of l5 J. H. Pedlow 15.4 L. M. Howlett v. scr. A. W. Frisby, Court No. 5.
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    • 462 254 P. R. C. v. E. S. C. The match on Saturday on the Esplanade between the Eastern Smelting Company and the Penang Recreation Club ended in a draw. This result was not flattering to the Club but even then it was only due to a superb effort
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    • 781 254 P.R.C. Defeated by Home Side After an interval of many years, the Penang Recreation Club went away’ to engage in a cricket fixture yesterday, their opponents being the Alor Star Cricket Club who had sent down a challenge. Mr. O. Watson, the skipper of the Kedah
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    • 263 255 Al Trono-Walley a ver y large attendance, on L <r Urf a,V aigbt in Singapore, Walley was awarded the decision over Al Trono, who was disqualified for hitting low in rhe eleventh round. It was a perfectly justified decision. At the time Walley had established a clear run of
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    • 321 255 Final Positions (From Our Own Correspondent) z\lor Star, March 6 The Kedah Football Association League matches have been concluded successfully. The final positions are as follows: G' als P. W. L. D. For Agst. pts. Sebrang Perak 6 4 2 8 4 10 Perak Bahru 6 4
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  • 1132 255 THE IMPORTERS’ GRIEVANCE Our remarks about film censorship earlier in the week have met with the unanimous approval of Film importers in Singapore, says the Malaya Tribune, 'l hey are anxious to see the scheme tried out because they feel that it will be some sort of insurance
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  • 586 256 SOME PERTINENT QUESTIONS THE DEVOLUTION'' PROPOSALS Conference to be Held (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, March 8 In the Federal Council replying to Mr. Kuadersley’s question as to when me Higu commissioner proposed to afford the Chief Secretary and the Residents an opportunity of stating their views
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  • 420 256 Directors’ Circular The following circular has been i B »ued by the directors of Malayan Matches, Ltd., to the shareholders We regret to have to inform you of action taken by the debenture holders of the company, who have given notice calling in the principal moneys due to
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  • 296 257 another crowded house That Penang will turn out in full force to support a really popular show was amply demonstrated on Saturday evening when the Russian Imperial Light Opera Company of Shanghai again played to a capacity house at tne Town Hall, many who were unable to find seats
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  • 221 257 Five Arrests At Geylang A meeting of members of a Triad Society in Singapore which was broken up by Mr. Ingham, the Assistant Protector of Chinese, on Tuesday, had a sequel in the Police Court on Friday morning, when the five men who were arrested during the raid
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  • 546 257 Hie following appointments, etc., up pear in the current issue of the F.M.S Government Gazette: Air. P. L. Stilton to be a Chief Per manent Way Inspector, F.M.S.R.; Mr. E. C. S. Sichel to be an Assistant Superintendent of Customs, Customs Department, F.M.S.; Mr. H. Holland to be
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  • 400 257 At the meeting of the Federal Council on Monday, Mr. Robson is asking he Government to make a declaration egarding its policy in education, and whether it does not think that an educationalist at the head of the department would be better than a civil servant. The
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  • 157 257 Members, from different parts of Malaya, of the Institute of Chemistry (Malayan Section) met in Singapore over last week-end. Visits of inspect on were paid, on Saturday, to the Government Opium Factory and to tne Mun.cipal Sew’eragc installation at Alexandra Road. Private installations were also visited. In the
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  • 1177 258 The Bear should be listened to quite as attentively as the Bull, and that is why we gave yesterday a circular .ssued bv Messrs. E. A. Barbour, Limited, Singapore, says the Straits Times of Tuesday. But Bull and Bear before they have any right to claim a
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  • 479 258 Our Singapore corresponded t graphed yesteraay a bnet summit the quantity ana value of rubber export ed from British Malaya duruw pL/ ary. These figures were statement circulated by the Acting Her trar of Imports and Exports, which loaches us this morning, jj. interesting to note that
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  • 1732 259 "DEVOLUTION" DESTINY On page 8 of this issue will be found i fairly lengthy report of the proceedings at yesterday’s meeting of thpederal Council, for which we are in debtecl to our excellent contemporary, the Malay Mail. Its most important part is the memorandum regarding the proposed Federal changes laid
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  • 1240 260 A Little Better The Penang Poet OSoa Daily List issued yesterday anwounced thit the night express iron Ku*la Lumpur due at 6.43 a.m. with mailt from F. M. S. and Johore arrived at 7.35 a.m. to day”only 52 minute* late. In 1910 Sixteen years ago, yesterday, two hundred
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  • 154 260 YESTERDAY’S MEETING THE EDUCATION Interesting Debate (From Our Own Corrt 9 p ondeni} At yesterday’s meeriug of th. Council Mr. J. H. M. Rison’s e al on education— That in the opinion ,10 Council it is desirablo that the G nvo should declare its policy erniSfD l the
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  • 379 260 MR. KINDERSLEY’S MOTION unofficials press for a DIVISION Government Majority of 1 M\R. C. M. Kindersiey then intr ducad his decentralisation” resolution 1 follows That this Council, being of opinion that ti great agricultural, mining and commercialdevelo: meat of Malaya in recent years has sprung mainl from the confidence
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  • 633 261 LIM l HEAH The (f Mr. Liui Kwan Uhuan, only sou of Chentr Law J. P f and Miss Cheah Chew Ter n j S. e, only dmi-’h-er* of Mr. Cheah lat Jin, wacelebrated yesterday nt the >eeid<ucvs uf the hi ide and bridc-g oom, acce ding
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  • 422 261 Mr. I. Rogers. Deputy Municipal Electrical Engineer, will go Home on leave by the Hector to-morrow. A cable from home announces the death of Mrs. Reid, wife of Mr. Alexander Reid, formerly of McAlister and Company, Singapore. Mr. and Afrs. Lim Cheng Teik, who went for a health trip
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  • 3566 261 THE DECENTRALISATION PROPOSALS YESTERDAY S COUNCIL MEETING His Excellency’s Statement From a long account in the Malay Mail of yesterday’s meeting of the Federal Council we make the following extracts, omitting those matters that were fully dealt with in our telegram from Kuala Lumpur published in last night’s
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  • 755 264 ALLEGED RASH ACT A Motoring Case The second session of the Penang Assizes for this year opened before JI is Lordship, Mr. Justice A. V. Brown, Senior Puisne Judge, Penang, this morning. The calendar as already stated, contains seven cases, one of murder, one of forgery, one of
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  • 259 264 'Lhe results of the London Chamber of Commerce Autumn Examinations 1925 are as follows: Senior Certificates Book-keeping and Accountancy: Leong Hoe Lum, Lim Cheow Hock, Ooi Choo Hong, Tan Chin Ghee. Teachers’ Diploma:Khoo Chong Kooi (with distinction) Shorthand:Lim Seong Cheng (150) Yeang Cheng Hin (150) with distinction) Teachers’
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  • 553 264 An Ipoh Criticism On one of the outside p ages of paper yesterday (says the Times of \r xaja) there was published a letter fW E. A. Barbour, Limited, SingapoV the outlook for rubber, a very 0(1 picture being painted. Barbour Li?/ ed’s primary point is that
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    • 217 265 \{onoi’<>> Beaten by Chinese Although the Monopolies entered the field warm favourites, they had to own defeat at the hands of the Chinese in a League fixture which was played yesterdav afternoon, in the presence of a large crowd, on the Esplanade. The Monopolies had the better
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    • 155 265 V H.M.S. Concord v. Nondescripts An interesting match between a team from H.M.S. Concord and a local combined eleven (Asiatics only), styling them selves the Nondescripts, was played on the Esplanade? yesterday in the piesence of a large gathering and, after a keen tussle, resulted in a win
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    • 132 265 At a recent meeting of the Penang Swimming Club, Mr. J. P. Souter was elected President to fill the vacancy Caused by the resignation of Mr. Dudley Warde, who is going Home on l< »ve, and Mr. W. H. Gladwell has been elected Hon. Secrevice Air. J.
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  • 1013 265 RGPORi FOR iJ2u The annua! general meeting of memof the Penang Library will be held a. 1.30 p.m. on Wednesdav, March 24, when the following report will bt submitted d’be financial position of th. Library rvtnains sound there was on December 31, 1925. a balance on Current Account
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