The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 3 March 1926

Total Pages: 26
208 233 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • Page 208 Advertisements
    • 274 208 CO K TE N T S 1 1 LEADERS MISCELLANEOUS: (Continued) jjS Does China See Red 210 Government and Suitors 222 H| Sj The Foreign Secretary’s Task 21,4 Restriction Must Continue 222 22 Doctors and the Colonies 216 Chingay and Chap Goh Meh 225 Qfi The Air Estimates 218 Garoet
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  • Page 209 Advertisements
    • 186 209 de g STRAITS ECHO I MAIL EDITION. Tr eKKT Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, A and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, as well as all important news from various parts of the Far vj East,
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  • 1143 210 /‘Why China Sees Red", by Putnam Weale, (Macmillan Co., London, 12s.), is a book that should be on the shelves of every student of Far Eastern affairs. The present writer found it fascinating reading. Starting to review it in the time-honoured fashion, making passages tor reference
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  • 277 210 Govindan, the driver of Morris car, 1’ 2451, which collided with an Overland car P.1466 belonging to Mr. C. Ballantyne at the junction of Northam and 'Transfer Roads on February 5, was fined $36 or one month by Mr. C. W. A. Sennet! ths morning for driving in
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  • 19 210 was drowned in a drain in Sago Street, Singapore, during the heavy rain of Sunday afternoon.
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  • 18 210 arc parad- ing at Government House, Singapore, on 'Tuesday, March 2. at 4.30 p.m.
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  • 30 210 which was before Mr Justice Deane for live days before his departure to the 1 M S was resumed yesterday morning
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  • 52 210 was caus- ed on February 1 1 in London owing to the report that Earl Reading, after re iirinieni from the Viccroyalty, would leave the Liberal Party for the Conservative, but, interviewed by the Daily Graphic, Vi.-count Erleigh said he could only regard such a report as
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  • 64 210 have issii >d invitations io three social evenings on Friday, Saturday* and Sunday next, to be held in the Association’s premises at. 16, Leith Str et 'There will be ronggyng in attend mv and fancy dress,
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  • Page 210 Advertisements
    • 28 210 L0C USW VM/V PUBLISHED DAILY MAIL EDITION Containing the news of the week prior to departure of Mails for Europe fhe Criterion Press, Limited 59, Beach Street, Penang
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  • 784 211 Postage Stamps: Artistic and Otherwise With the accession of a new King, Siam will doubtless soon issue yet another new set of stamps. The new issues air mail specials, surcharges, varieties and other philatelic complica ions emanating from Bangkok during the past few years would fill a tfood-8ized
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  • 280 211 The Cat and Imprisonment for A Mandor A discovery of 250 rounds of ammunition in the container of an oil lamp, and an automatic pistol, was described in the First Police Court at Singapore, before Mr. P. A. F. David. Inspector Bostock, of the Marine police, said that
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  • 20 211 cable reports that Bishop Reynaud, who was a missionary in China for 47 years, has died in Paris.
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  • 121 211 who died on February 15, at the age of 91, was one of the oldest ladies in the Chinese community. She came to Singapore from Pontianak some 80 years ago and during her lifetime here she has made many friends. Although she
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  • 493 211 THE WAYS OF A CHETTY I In the Supreme Court this I Mr. Justice R. D. Acton was eJS I in hearing a civil action of some inter I est in which the parties concerns er I a Chetty and a Malay, I in Butterworth, Province Wellesk I
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  • 35 211 records with deep regret t death of Mr. W. Miller, Assistant Superintendent, Chandu Monopoly F.M.S. and oi Mr. L. J. Sort, O* Sanitary Inspector, Medical Dep ar ment, 'F.M.S.
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  • 44 211 has recovered from 11 Air. n. iiucocn uas icvuvucu > recent illness. Mr. Jas. L. is very much better. Mr. S. weather was admitted to the eD y Hospital, Penang, yesterday. Mr* ft Spilman has left the Hospital a successful minor operation.
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  • 841 212 SELANGOR GOVERNMENT APPEAL FAILS Legal Adviser’s Argument Before the Court of Appeal, consisting of Justices Farrer-Manby, Watson, and Dinsmore, in Kuala Lumpur, yesterday, (says Tuesday's Malay Mail) the Hon. Mr. W. S. Gibson, Legal Adviser, argued the appeal of the Selangor Government against the judgment of the
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  • 232 212 BRITISH CONSUL-GENERAL ATTACKED Mr. Johns’ Narrow Escape Last evening, says the Bangkok Times of February 20, the British Minister (Mr. Robert Hyde Greg) and the British Consul-General (Mr. J. F. Johns) went by motor car to the neighbourhood of Phya Thai and there leaving the car proceeded for
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  • 21 212 Secretary, Penang Turf Club, has gone to Kuala., Lumpur to attend the Selangor Turf (flub rn*' n
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  • 418 212 VALIDITY OF CEREMONY TO BE TRIED Application in Supreme Court The validity of an Eurasian's death bed marriage four days before his death is the issue which Mr. Justice Deane directed to be tried in the Supreme Court yesterday, (says Tuesday's Free Press) arising out of the
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  • 19 212 has been appointed High Commissioner for New Zealand in London in succession to Sir James Allen.
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  • 21 212 left 33. Cranlvy Gardens, London on January 21, for Egypt, and will be away for about a month.
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  • 23 212 ,.w as expected at Part Buntar on th-* '17th instant, postponed his visit to ?<>m day this week.
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  • 20 212 were passengers to Penang to-day from Belawan by the Mat* Hari.
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  • 881 213 THE INJUNCTION AGAINST AN EDITOR Party. To Give Evidence Wong long Soo, the complainant in the case in which Goh Hood Kiat was charged with attempted murder, and Goh Lai Kan, the editor of a book entitled “The Trial oi Goh flood Kiat,’ are both to give
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  • 92 213 we published a paragraph, taken from the Times of Malaya, stating that news had been received in Tpoh of the death at Home of Mr. H. B. Polglase, Deputy Accountant, F.M.S.R., who was invalided Home a few months ago. Local inquiries have revealed that the authority for this
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  • 122 213 of Sin- gapore, held at the Club premises in Street on Sunday, the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year:—The Hon. Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok, Dr. Wu Lien Teh and Mr. Loke Yew Bee (Patrons); President, Mr. Yeoh
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  • 421 213 SECRET SOCIETY TERRORS Factory Workers Attacked Mr. Bull, the Second Magistrate h ad a case before him in Singapore on Mon day, in which (says the Free Press) Chinese was charged in connection with a recent affray which resulted in two other Chinese being stabbed. The cused was
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  • 45 213 Senior Executive A. a _JL a JI. -IVliTVLU-L V/ Engineer, Penang, who is going Home on leave, will probably be leaving J the P. and 0. Khiva on March 28.’ G. Holden, his successor, is due n e about March 15.
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  • 37 213 ChairmaD of the Singapore and Penang a^r oQ Boards, who came to Penang on day on business connected with local Board, returned to Singapore y terday afternoon by the 6. Klan o
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  • 878 214 Sir Austen Chamberlain has probably made as definite a contribution towards the settlement of the differences arising from the question of the admission of Germany to the Council of the League of Nations and the granting of further seats to Poland, Spain and Brazil, as Great
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  • 63 214 Supreme Court Action (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, February 25 The evidence was taken of Air. Gilbert Carver in the Supreme Court in the action pending against Dr. Birnie bycertain shareholders in the Eastern Mining Company. The action against the other directors of the Company, who have
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  • 108 214 Residents’ Committee Appointed It is notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette that His Excellency the High Commissioner has appointed a Committee consisting of the Acting British Resident, Perak (the Hon. Air. 0. F. G. Stonor, C.AI.G.), (Chairman); the Acting British Resident, Selangor (the Hon. Air. H. W. Thomson); the
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  • 482 214 Mr. Alfred Grisar, a director of Sipef, and also of the Kuala Lumpur, F.M.S., and Tanjong Alalim Lubber Companies, airived on a short visit to the F.M.S. to-day by the P. O. Morea. Air. Harvey S. 'Firestone jun or was expected to arrive at Singapore by the
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  • 870 215 Correspondents: Please Note Yesterday we received from a correspondent a long letter on a subject of some importance both to the writer and to the general public, We were, however, reluctantly obliged to hold it over, and, even now. we do not know if we shall be able
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  • 25 215 the lady journalist who was recently called to the Bar in England, was a through passenger by the P. and O. Morea to-day.
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  • 68 215 on February 1, were Mr. F. George Penn\, M.P., for Kingston (formerly of Singapore), and Mrs. °yMr. Penny's friends will be interested to hear that he was one of the speakers in the debate which followed the
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  • 109 215 has issued invitations to his fellow' members of the Chinese Merchants' Club to dinner on March 1. Mr. Lim Cheng Law has sent out invitations to dinner on March 8, at his residence “Clear Dew” Logan Road, on the occasion of the wedding of his only
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  • 133 215 at the High School, Malacca, a general meeting of the Cooperative Thrift and Loan Society of Government and Municipal servants of Malacca was held, to elect office-bearers lor this year. The following were elected to the committee: Messrs. B. de Souza, P. F. Pereira. P. W. Thambyah, P.
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    • 401 215 THE PENANG-BANGKOK AUXcfi Bangkok Wins Again During the Chinese New Year holj <lay>, reports the Bangkok Times, p o i in Bangkok has received the biggest stimulus evei. Our Penang neighbours sent up a team to avenge their defeat last, year and after they had been beaten by five
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    • 50 215 Law x Bowls Tournament 1'he results of Bowls tournament ties played yesterday: n Championship: J. G. Allan beat McLeod Craik 21—18; J. Duguid bear W. B. Houston 21—9. n Doubles Handicap: —2 L. R- J, n G. B. F. Southam beat scr, 1Montgomerie J. M. Chalmers 21—18.
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  • 18 215 His Highness the Sultan pleased to recognise Mr. Das Consul of Belgium for Johore.
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  • 98 217 Lawn Tennis Results The following were the results of tennis tournament ties played yesterday: Championship: N. A. Sedwick beat J. Schiess 6—0, 6—2. Championship Pairs: J. Duguid J. H. Bowyer beat C. H. Kent C. A. Scott 0——0, 6—0. Single Handicap, Class B: Scr. A. W. Frisby
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  • 524 217 THIRD DAY’S RESULTS Day of Big Dividends Kuala Lumpur, February 25 The third day’s races of the Selangor Turf Club New Year meeting proved even more successful than the two preceding days from every point of view. There was a larger gathering, including His Highness the Sultan
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  • 344 217 Municipality v. 1). A. F. C. A large crowd assembled on the Esplanade yesterday to witness the meeting between the Municipality and the Darul Aihsan Football Club in the First Bound of the Penang Football League. These two teams are rightly regarded as having the best chances
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  • 204 217 Successes for P.F.S. In a recent note we congratulated the Penang Schools on leading the way in the number of examination passes and also on invariably carrying off all the available scholarships. Since the Queen’s Scholarship was revived two years ago the other Settlements have hardly come into
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  • 108 217 'lo those who have not read the special traffic regulations in connection with the Chap Goh Meh processions to-night, to-morrow and on Sunday, published in the Straits Echo on Tuesday and Wednesday, the following note, particularly with regard to those going to the Penang Cricket Club, will
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  • 34 217 has issued invitations to his fellow members of the Chinese Merchants’ Club and his friends to dinner at the Club's p re raises on February 27 and on March L
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  • 101 217 which has prompted the cap- tains of the Royal Navy to subscribe to a valedictory gift to Captain T. S. Lyne, the only officer in the modern Navy to rise to post raD from the lower deck. On silver salver is inscribed:
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  • 688 218 The range covered by the speech in which Sir Samuel Hoare, Secretary of State for Air, introduced the Air Estimates in the House of Commons could hardly have been wider. Without entering into special details, he gave a most comprehensive account of the aims of the air
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  • 23 218 the respective figures being £293 10s. and £282 10s.
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  • 18 218 with yesterday’s price. a fall of Id., compared
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  • 30 218 was knocked down in South Bridge Road, Singapore, on luesday, by a motor bus. He was taken to the General Hospital where he died the next day.
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  • 57 218 A successful jumble sale in aid of the funds of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church —organised by Mrs. D. Smart assisted by Mrs. A. H. West, Mrs. A. Lindley, Mrs. L. W. Arnold, Miss Green, Mrs. G. F. Pykett, Miss E. Ross, Mr. E. ON Shaw and the Rev. A. Ewing—was
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  • 74 218 a gang of robbers raided a house in Target Road, Singapore, and fired off a number of shots. However, the robbers only succeeded in wounding one of their own gang, w’ho was hit by mistake. They carried the injured man on to a field and
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  • 63 218 has the distinction of leading all the other States and Settlements in respect of the Girl Guides Movement in Malaya, as the following figures in the annual report indicate: Perak: Guides 71, Brownies 42, Rangers 8; Singapore: Guides 58, Brownies, 19; Selangor: Guides 55, Brownies 23; Penang: Guides
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  • 78 218 is at present in progress at Kuala Lumpur. The Conference was declared open last Monday at 9 a.m. by the Chief Secretary, wdio, in a very interesting speech, compared the Forest Department to a very profitable business undertaking, the Directors of w hich w ere Ihe
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  • 73 218 Mr. E. A. Brown moved that the Commissioners pray the Governor-in-Council to hand over to them, for the use of the inhabitants of the town, that portion of land known as the Tanjong Katong Fort site, so that the Commissioners may turn
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  • 458 218 Mrs. Harry Jones, of Ipoh, has come to Penang to meet her brother and his biide, who arrive by the Sarpcdon today Mr. Harold Huntsman, of Messrs Maxwell and Kenion, returned by the Morea on Thursday and went on to Ipoh to-day. His Excellency the Governor and
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  • 1180 219 Responsibilities of a Dean F. cm thj prospect us of a w .men’s colleg in the United >t trs: Stu en s wi > rnirry du r ing their course will n t be permi t d to rtmai j in college. Furtt rr, stndents wl o are
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  • 833 219 CORONER'S INQUIRY A VERDICT OF MURDER Th.. Co.oil-r’s i qtiiry into th, ,j stances attending the rue nt nf u Louis Victor Karl, CiuYf Conserva» Inspector, Penang Municipality wh 0 on his way to hospit d 1S a iesilt of 8 t I wounds,
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  • 2555 220 REVIEW OF YEARS WOKK Me. C. R- Samuel Elected President Mr. Palgrave Simpson, the President, took the chair at the annual meeting of the Straits Settlements (Penang) Association which was held yesterday afternoon at the Town Hall. 'Members of Committee turned up in force but there
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  • 40 221 of the Tapah Hos- pital, left yesterday on transfer to Tanjong Malim where he will be Medical Officer in charge of the station. He will be much missed in Lower Perak and lapah cricket and hockey circles.
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  • 159 221 Writing o f Mr. Stanley Baldwin, Mr. J. L. Garvin says in the Observer: The Prime Minister himself is the instance. What human being at the time of the Coalition could have guessed his career up to the present? Who can predict its future? A few years ago he was
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  • 352 221 ANNUAL MEETING The annual general meeting o f m bers oi the Royal bociety oi St. George Penang branch, was Heid yesterday evening at the Penang Cricket club Pavilion. The Hon. Mr. Palgrave bimpson was proposed to the chair and the others present were: Messrs A
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  • 39 221 of Sungei Way Estate, Selangor, and Miss 8. J. Brown, of the Methodist Girls’ School, will take place in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday, March 10 at 11 am.
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  • 112 221 At the annual general meeting of tb e Union Jack Club in Singapore, the fol* lowing were elected officials for the ehsuing year:—President; H. E. Jh® Governor; Vice-Presidents, H. E.*" 6 Commander-in-Chief (China Station), H. E. the General Officer Commanding, Malaya, the Hon. the Chief Justice, t e Hon. the
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  • 353 222 lean CO’S WEEKLY REPORT Thursday Evening Tin has steadi*y advanced to £283.5.0. aanin <r last week s finat ligure. Rubber continues weak and has deC1 iued to 2/3|, to-day’s London ciosing price. Singapore 91 cents. 1 lie Share market remans very quiet with no inclination on seders part
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  • 388 222 A telegram reaches us (Free Press) lioni our correspondent in Kuala Lumpur that the appeal of the Government n the Collins case has been dismissed W] th costs. The plaintiff in this case Was awarded substantial damages for injuries caused by a collision between motor car and
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  • 250 222 The Shortage of Labour Malacca, February 21 The annual meeting of the Malacca Planters’ Association was held in the Malacca Club to-day, when Mr. L. E. Burgess was elected Chairman, Mr. G. B. W. Gray Vice-Chairman, and Messrs. Pole, Milne, Nixon, Strivens and the Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng
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  • 14 222 Consul-General for China at Batav a. has left for Peking.
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  • 18 222 the water expert who has been inspecting the works at Gm none Pulai If ft ya-b-lay
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  • 952 222 On Thursday last a crowded public meeting was nelu at beremban, under tne auspices oi the Negri bembiian Planters’ Association, in connection with a series oi meetings that are being convened in all the principal centres in Malaya to discuss a point or vital importance to the
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  • 491 223 (To The Editor of The Straits Times) Sir, Amongst the many correspondents who have written to you about restriction, hardly one has a good word to say for the Assessment Committee. At the outset let me say that I consider a bad diplomatic blunder was committed when
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  • 20 223 of Harriman and Co., sharebrokers, Singapore, arrived in Penang last night by the President Garfield.
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  • 24 223 Superintendent J. of Customs, Port Swettenham, is sailing for Home on long leave by the s.s. Hector on March 9.
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  • 23 223 accom- panied by his A.D.C., visited the Police Depot, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday morning, and addressed the Malay Police.
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  • 25 223 formerly of the Methodist Boys’ School, and pastor of esley Church, Kuala Lumpur, returned from leave by the s.s. President Garfield.
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  • 34 223 late of Singapore, and now proprietor of the firm of A. B. David in Saigon, is a passenger for Europe by the President Garfield. He is taking a year’s holiday.
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  • 625 223 EIGHTH DAY OF HEARING The Eighth Witness The eighth of the dozen or more wit nesses to be called for the defendants was in the witness box when the eighth day of the hearing of the Moslem iibei case came to .an end yesterday, 8avs Friday’s Free
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  • 860 225 A New Wembley At an inquiiy at ti e Ministiy of Health iote the future of the Wembley Exhibition •ite it wee stated that a proposal was about to be made to the liquidators for a new exhibition to ba erected "as a me* mortal tn the late
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  • 225 225 Banker’s Heavy Fine Confirmed In the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice A. V. Brown dismissed the appeal of LimOog Lum, who was convicted by the Second Magistrate, Penang (Mr. 0. W. A. Sennett) and fined 91,01 1 or six months’ rigorous imprisonment, for assisting iu carrying
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  • 150 225 Case of Mischief Before Mr. C. W. A. Sennett in the Poiiae Court this morning, Inspector Matthews charged Pho Ham Hook, a Chinese with mischief, by killing a bullock valued at $120, the property of Guvindan, in Green Lane eu Febmary 11. Mr. J. J. Saunders appeared for
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  • 615 225 People other than Chinese in p en and possibly the Chinese themwhS’ will no doubt be glad of relief f roni .l’ several Chinese festivals and celebrate which have been of almost daily occuT rence since the Chinese New Year, V mal business has no
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  • 193 226 Considerable Progress in Police Investigations 1'he Nieuws van den Dag learns from (.informed sources that since a few weeks ago ver Y considerable progress Iras been made in the investigation of the murder of Mrs. Campbell-Macfie, committed some months ago in a hotel it Garoet. The man who
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  • 191 226 Noble-Haddow A very pretty wedding was solemnised at the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Penang, on Saturday afternoon, the contracting parties being Mr. McDonald Noble, M.C. late Officer-in-Charge, P.W.V.C. and assistant on Kuala Ketil Estate, Kedah, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Nobie, and Miss Jean Haddow daughter of Mr.
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  • 100 226 toiler abSlstaUt COmmiBleavin Eai lway Police, is Iron F Ome to-day on retirement. Duke rJ to he served with the joined oruwa h’s Light Infantry, and at thl he Selan gor Prisons Department 1902 Two y ears hiter he 1919 h n ns P ec tor
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  • 267 226 ANNUAL MEETING OF MALAYAN BRANCH lhe annual meeting of the Malayan blanch of the Royal Asiatic Society was held at the Society's rooms in Raffles Museum on Friday last, the Hon. Mr. Hayes Marriott presiding. The annual report, which showed a membership of 546, and the accounts
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  • 257 226 O.B.E., prin- cipal of Amoy University, was the guest of honour at a dinner held at the Garden Club, Tanah Merah, Singapore, last Thursday night. Mr. S. Q. Wong presided, and the guests included the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison), the acting Inspector-General of Police (Hon.
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    • 519 226 ftAST DAY’S RESULTS Record Gathering (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, February 28 A record crowd attended the concluding day’s races of the 'Selangor Turf Club New Year Meeting. Those present included His Highness the Sultan of Perak, Sir George and Lady Maxwell, the British Resident and
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    • 568 227 P. C. C. and P. R, C. Draw Of the two matches fixed for Saturday that between the Public Services and the Chinese, on the Victoria Green, was postponed owing to the Chinese Chap Goh Meh festival. The match between the P. C. C. and the P.
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  • 294 227 A dinner was given by the Music and Recreation Party at the residence of Mr. Quah Beng Hoe, Macalister Road, on Sunday, in honour of its third anniversary. There was a large attendance. Before dinner music was given by the Party’s orchestra. Covers were laid for
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  • 18 227 is due in Singa- pore to-day on his way back to Hongkong fbqm London.
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  • 296 227 FURTHER CAPTURES Last week it was stated that n tines had been effected by the Cye Service launches since Januant Hus was an oversight, as q nn.,/ over 200 pikuls had been February 7, and reported in' columns. The lull in activity j n week before last was
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  • 20 227 of Bristol estate, Kuang, sailed for Home by the 8.5. Malatian. She is going to Switzerland
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  • 197 227 is being taken by the Chinese community of Singapore in a dispute which has broken out at the Chinese High School in Bukit Timah Road, as a result of which the students have declared a strike, and the school may reassemble after the Chinese Neff Year holidays with
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  • 1427 229 The Latest Rumour According to a rumour persistently current in Singapore, somebody in authority has heard that plaintive prayer from the Windward Islands, “Prithee rescue one Fred James,’* and Sir Frederick Seton James, K.B E., C.M-G, is to return before long to Malaya as Colonial Secretary, S.S., with
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  • 125 229 Blase at Getlams (From Our Own Corretponhnt\. Singapore, Marob! There was a huge blaze at Geyhng t noon yesterday as the result of cracks flring, eight or nine lorangs in the Kalhaf and Rochore districts being burnt don the buildings were mostly attap structure There was no loss
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  • 62 229 Earl Haig’s Gratitude A cable from Field-Marshal Bari Hq to the Secretary o r the Malayan Poff! Day Fund requests the Searetary tobr$ east that: The British Malaya P«PF! Day collection of over £10,000 ii b® magnifioient and testifies to thesplM» loyalty and generosity of the
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  • 141 229 a well-fa* 0 1 A>x• .LA- x. Cvlvj a k French journalist and a member Of staff of the Le Journal and I/W sigeant, has been paying a short• vx* to Penang. Last year he was J Le Journal on a special mission vestigate the conditions
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  • 837 230 Air. uud Airs. A. S. Bailey arrived buck in Kuala Lumpur from leave on Sunday. Mrs. Basil Barnard and Miss Barnard, of Taiping, are visiting Kuala Lumpur. Col. and Mrs. Cecil Rae, of Ipoh, will shortly pay a visit to Bangkok, leaving Penang probably on March 13.
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  • 774 230 SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS The Penang Rubber Exchange, with premises now at 14, China Street, celebrated their seventh anniversary by giving a reception to European firms and others on Saturday, February 27. The premises were tastefully decorated with Hags and palms and at night were illuminated. Weil over
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  • 303 231 Before Mr. C. W. A. Sennett in the I’oiioe Court this morning Hussain, a, who had been foreman of the Grosvenor Motors, Ltd., was charged by Chief Detective Inspector J. Costello with dishonestly retaining several motor accessories belonging to the firm in 400, Jelutong Road. Mr.
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  • 593 231 The friends in Penang of Dr. u LienTeh (Gnoh Lean Tuck) w ill be interested in the following article which we clip from the North China Daily News. Among the passengers arriving yesterday at Shanghai by the Blue Funnel mail steamer Hector was Dr. \A
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  • 278 231 During the last eight months the amount of money which the masses have had to spend in Malaya, has been enormous. The high price of tin and rubber are responsible, the revenue on the metal Ln the F.M.S. for the ye» being estimated at fifteen million
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  • 135 231 (To the Editor 0/ the Straits EM Sir. Although the Chap Goh Meh fesh* vities are almost over, many cars from the mainland are st hl to h® seen in Penang. Last night, while out driving, my attention was drawn to the glaring headlights of cars from
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  • 629 232 SOON THEAM CO.’S SHARE REPORT The price t' rubber shows a fuither o ss of 3;d. ,,r ie w eek under review. In spite of this, the prices of good class shares are holding their own quite steadily and an) thing offering below recent levels are qua kly taken up,
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  • 18 232 who underwent a ery serious operation, is making excellent progrcs> at the European Hospital, Taiping.
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  • 44 232 of the F.M S. Railways. is due back from Home leave by the 1*. Davanha which is scheduled to arrive here about March 11. Mr. R. Ingram, of the Timber Supplies Department, F.M.S., is dm 1 back by the Kalyan.
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  • 65 232 Mr. 'F. A. Desmores, Mr. K. Al. Fetterley. Mr. G. W. Hrant, Mr. and Airs. A. Hinchcliffe, Mr. C. P. Penny, Miss C. Al. Penny. Air. and Airs. W. A. Levering, Air. II. Alalet,
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  • 60 232 of Messrs. Sime, Darby Co.,, Penang, returned from Home leave on Saturday by the Sarpedon. Other passengers to Penang by the same steamer were: Air. 1. W. Crawford, Mrs. A. Duncan, Air, and Airs. L. E. Francis. Air. G. N. Francis, Miss Jean Haddoe, Mrs. A.
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  • 231 232 was the scene on Monday morning of a vefy picturesque wedding when Mr. Alexander Graham, Surveyor of Ships, eldest son of Mr. John Graham, Superintendent Shipwright, Singapore Harbour Board, and Mrs. Graham, was married to Miss May Murray Yapp, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
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  • 606 232 PENANG CRICKET Prospects for the Season \1 though at one time it was fearer! that Penang would not be able to put into the field this season as representative a side as it has done for the past few years, when it carried everything before it. it is
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  • Page 233 Advertisements
    • 206 233 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., 2V 69, BEACH STREET, PENANG. J? JW ESTABLISHED 1883. W PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. Proprietors of the STRAITS rCHO and PENANG SIN POE jS The most enterprising and up-to-date Printers and Litho- Tb Mx graphers in the Orient. ja y*» Our plant is of the very latest Pattern and
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