The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 25 August 1925

Total Pages: 34
1 913 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 324 1 CONTENTS kiSESSS®® Ifl lEADERS MISCELLANEOUS: (Continued) Bj B English-Speaking Unions 882 Batu Ferringhi Reservoir 894 &Q B The Beale Case 886 Underpaid European Plante's 895 ftM Opium Revenue 892 Mails and Immigrants 897 uB I The Situation in China 896 Dealers’ Uncouponed Stocks 898 B/B Released But Not Exported 900
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 199 2 V» V* V** *sA" tA h 3L THi STRAITS ECHO I g MAIL EDITION. 3f Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, t't and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, as well as aH important news from various
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  • 42 882 MARRIAGE Cbimier-Bratton.— On the 16th July, \tHoh Trinity, Forest Row, Anthony, gon ofthe late Major-General F. E. A. Chamier. C. 8., C.1.E., to Sylvia Ada *paula Bratton, younger daughter of t he late Mr G. M. Stafford and Mrs. Stafford.
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  • 906 882 .Xustralians and New Zealanders welcomed the United States Fleet with the utmost cordiality, and we gather from Reuters cables that the naval visitors responded with the sailor’s heartiness. The Admirals admire the people of the South, and appreciate their country, and lave not hesitated to say so.
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  • 468 882 Kedah is to havt a Lady Medical Officer in th»- person of Hr (Miss) Garlick. Sh< will be stationed at Alor Star. Mis. <l. 1 Clarke, wife of Dr. J. T. Clarke, medical officer, Kedah, has been admitted into the Penang General Hospital. Mr Ashley Gibson, editor of the
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  • Page 882 Advertisements
    • 28 882 CI)C Straits cuo PUBLISHED daily mail edition Containing the news of the week prior tn departure of Mails for Europe THE CRITERION press, limited 59, Beach Street, Penang
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  • 1518 883 Railway Charges A 00» respondent writes If- may interact yon to know that the Penang H irbou r Board Penan?B >gan-Luar service, relating particularly to motor is getting enormously p'-pnhr and there can be little doubt that the F. M. S. Riilways, which hitherto exclusively carried motor cars
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  • 271 883 To walk round the world ig the ambition of Louis Ebert an iora sian youngster. He inform! Qg that that he is starting to day, going first b the Province and then walking through the F.M.S., to Singapore. From Singapore he hopes to cross to Sumatra and
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  • 583 884 POLICE WITNESSES FINED Before Mr. 0. W. A. Sennett in the l ioe Coart yesterday afternoon Naina u’.meJ, Kl j?. g '™L. *T "'ll lirntoo the Victoria Pier on Jane 11. was defended by Mr. Hastings p C 41St first witness, said that re was a big crowd
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  • 1236 884 ADDRESS BY MR. CAVENDISH Owing to the want of a quorum it was unfortunate that the first annual general meeting of members of the Penang Government Servants Thrift and Loan Society, Limited., had to be postponed yesterday, but as Mr. A. Cavendish, Director of Co Operative Societies, S.S. and
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  • 564 885 SOUND PROGRESS The report for the year 1924-25 presented at the annual meeting of the Malayan Camera Club recently showed a small increase in membership, there being on the register at the end of the year forty-three members. The financial position of the club also shows a
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  • 495 885 GAMING BY MINING WORKERS [from Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, August 17 The Ipoh Magistrate’s' Court was crowded to-day with a heterogeneous crowd. The chief attraction was evidently the successful raid brought about by Capt. Morrish and his men on a notorious gaming place situated on a mine in
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  • 499 885 SIXTEENTH ANNIVERSARY Ihe sixteenth annivi -rsarv of the Indian Recreation Club u at the Club premises on SaturcU H moon. The club ho-se decorated with fl a c. hi inr UWefuD J Electric lights. From members and visitors poured it building. There were Uot, dian musicians and
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  • 1125 886 We think it will be generally admitted the Singapore police took the right sr in instituting further proceedings Private Beale, a soldier in the .5 ,D Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment, 'Jh, at the recent Assizes was acquitted Va charge of causing death by a rash Beale, accompanied
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  • 481 886 1.0 Al. r A M Wail, Assistant Commissioner of Police, is now acting as hief Police Officer, Selangor. Di. James Gossip is returning irom leave by tile s.s. Hector, w men is expected to reach i'enaug about September 7. Lieut Colonei W. H Whyte, D.SO., late Adjutant and Commandant,
    1.0 Al.  -  481 words

  • 858 887 A Loss to the Bar The ae-ith of Mr. M. J. Upco*t d priv-'S the Malayan bar of one of its most p”reminent members. He was in the prime of life, beinp hardly more than 42. A nephew of Mr. Drew, of the firm of Drew and Napier,
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  • 314 887 Disappearance of Cash and Stamps To the still unsolved problem of the disappearance of $70,000 from a post bag between Singap ire and B itu Pahat is added what as yet remains the mystery of certain happenings at the Kuala Lumpur post office, says the Malay
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  • 481 887 OFF,C,AL U(iCEMEXT THE STATES ANDTHK CaifiK With reference to appeared recently i„ the pr,.,„, L? rumours 0 impendine »dn.-^“ n,c ohangee n the Feder.ted following announcement i. authority of the Secret.., rf" the Colonies J 01 Ute f O It has been common prnnr.4 t past that the
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  • 1106 888 MONDAY’S MEETING questions and resolution. LdWwc »»e tbe order» of the day mX of «>-, Legislative Coanoil bT Mr. Nambyxr :—Will the Jl'oLot be P>e» Bed etata whethar effect to the recommendations by the Hon’ble Judges < f the Heart and whioh were laid on the, xrconoeil No.
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    • 77 888 Considerable interest is being shown n this annua, event which this year is being hd.d at I’enang on 2nd, 3rd and 4th. October. I'.ach class of shot has been carefully catered for so that the crack shots will not be the only entrants to carry off
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    • 975 888 SUMMER MEETING Brilliant Gathering (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, August 18 The Summer meeting of the Ipoh Gymkhana Club opened yesterday auspiciously. A brilliant gathering including H.H. the Sultan of Perak and Suite, the Hon. the British Resident and members of owners and visitors from outstations were
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  • 171 889 Sequel to Havelock Road Fatality Private S. Beale, of the Royal Sussex Regiment, appeared in the Third Police Court, Singapore, on Monday to answer a summons for failing to report after an accident. The defendant pleaded guilty, and no statement regarding the circumstances was made to the
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  • 252 889 At the fifth annual general meeting of the Lam Chong Association Singapore, the following gentlemen were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year: Patron Mr. Teo Kim Eng, President Mr. Tay Kah Chong, Vice President Mr. Teo Ah Hock, Hon. Secretary Mr. Koh Pheow Hong, Assistant Secretary Mr. Goh
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  • 452 889 MOTOR cycling the ninety entrh b'lity trial for motor be Singapore Free Press. thlr, *1 Sa V 4* Chinese competitors, am™*” wo are well-known ex-O? Hee and Ong Chin B,.„„ others are m the ani > business men. I bat C. Cheng did not takX' I*"'- 1 he competition
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  • 1660 890 engineer s annual report \lai-keu Pbogkess All Hound «tract the following from the anrenort of M. W s I’unn, MuniciD paf En^ eer n the workl n S of the de expenditure, including the Lffork and current repairs estimated hv other departments, was pi 45.496. 14 compared to
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  • 306 891 -Straits Times. To be Licensed Under Municipal Department Dhobies or laundry-men within Municipal limits here have been notified by the Mumcipal Health Department that from and after January 1, 1926, they will be required to obtain a licence to carry on their business, thereby bringing them under the
    -Straits Times.  -  306 words
  • 894 891 VUIUT) -b.f.p; Penang v. Selangor Writers in the Malay Mail comment at some considerable length on the Malaya (’up Football match played between Penang and Selangor on Saturday at Kuala Lumpur. We extract the following: For three parts of the game, Jack was as good as or
    VUIUT) -b.f.p;  -  894 words
  • 406 891 uur A farrier named charged by Inspector the Ipoh magistrate T day with cruelty ftbu'lock by rhoeing it i n a car cruel manner in that he shaved to the quick and then drove I he accused beaded guiltv but 2?. that II was not intentional *and
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  • 1116 892 -Ex. I spite of preoccupation with rubber other burning questions the Straits tv.'einents Government has not lost 1 f t he important matter of opium nue This is indicated by the resolumoved by the Treasurer at next Tdav’s meeting of the Legislative jncii- The resolution reads: That ~<
    -Ex.  -  1,116 words
  • 554 892 I la -<■ v. ho have noted the gradually increasing balance oi ass> is in the lony over the liabilities, the freedom th which the Government has enter i up» n big building schemes, and th r adine-> with which it has provid'd ncy at a
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  • 1203 893 C. M. G.’s and Sport Sir Hugh Clifford was ono of the speakers after a School cricket match recently, and he had something interesting to say on sport generally, and particularly as played by administrators and budding administrators. For example: In so far as my experienee goes throughout
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  • 604 893 THE CHETTY SUIT In the Supreme Court P»„ mer before Mr. Justice Whitley h Bm f n. K. M. N. Nagappa Ch 1» wb„ fe former employee, ft. M. M > for an accoant to be taken ft* ilU f. received by him as manager of 1. Moona
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  • 362 894 land acquisitions Dissatisfied Owners in Court The Penang Municipality has been airing land in Ferringhi in with the water supply for that o f the island. The acquisitions” Cn now reached the stage when the 'inert, who are dissatisfied with the nrd of the Collector of Land
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  • 685 894 Our Own Correspondent). Alor Star, August 18 Judges constituting the Appeal v iz., the Hon. Justices Whitley, a^fion arrived at the Court i 0 a. m. to-day and were I Hon. the Chief X Judge. There was a guard of r \t CQ d® r Mr. McMillan
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  • 1615 894 MR. r. C. PECK s dealings with M. E. JOSEPH 1 1 Com: on Tue-diij morn.Up at Sim pom, Ii fore the District Judge (Mr. IT.mkhn Robinson in which M. J’.. Ju-' li. iormt rl\ a broker in Singapoi. was charged at the instance of Mr. i
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  • 227 895 J. H. Robinson writing from Sussex to the Financial Times says: lt seems very extraordinary to me that such a fuss in certain quarters’ should be made at the rise in the price of rubber. As is well known, the rubber industry has been going through a
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  • 416 895 Mr. Vernon, a ed m the Ipoh Magistrals Court dnvmg a car at Oopeug Bowl a certificate o f lhe defendant stated that on he was stopped he had been toffi e f oensmg Officer to get a licence sais was leaving. The Officer had, however,
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  • 20 896 birth n n August H>, at Batu to the wife of A. Edmund Ramflavan Forest Service, a son.
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  • 995 896 >mce the disorders in China started, Gretas been much speculation regardog Japan’s policy in the future. This r haps an incalculable factor, but X observers who profess to find it so, out what they imagine to be a ims and intentions of that nation, T jts
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  • 465 896 Mr 1 Marshall has been appointed a magistrate of the first-class for the State of Johore. Ilaja Petra, of Kajang, is at present slaying at Tort Dickson, to recruit his health alter a seven attack of mtluenza. Messrs. San Ah Wing. Chan Wing, Allan Ah Chong and party have
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  • 976 897 Mails and Immigrants On August 17 we reproduced an Associated Press message published in India announcing coming modifications in the B. I. steamer service between India and Malaya. We are now officially inform r d by the Controller of Labour, that a new combined mail and Indian immigration
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  • 380 897 New Contract With B. I. Company The combined Mail and Indian Immigration Contract with the British India Steam Navigation Company whioh was renewed for one year from 12th February, 1924, on terms similar to those in force under similar contracts for many yrai 8 past, expired on
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  • 381 897 U"rom Our Own young Chinese named Wong KoX Si"’* who was convicted at the itm, aseizes at Xpob and sentenced tnT« from the prisoner,Hoepital on July 24, the poli* 2* who was on guard at th, T 7 Hitam bin Drue, before the Ipob Magietrate with allowing a
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  • 536 898 T.O.M. CONTR° LLERS memorandum The Controller of Rubber, S.S. and sends us the following. The Federated Malay States stocks of 1 nnooed rubber were recorded in BDC °tHv returns from the dealers, and the patroller's information is that except in me parts of Pahang they have been
    T.O.M.  -  536 words
  • 1631 898 ENTERTAINED AT BRITISH EMPIRE CLUB Sir Laurt nee GuillemaiM, Governor oi the Straits Settlement, was entertained at luncheon by the British Empire League at the British Empire Club, St. James’ Square. W.C on Jub 21. the Ht. Hon. J .ord Southborough. G.C.8., G.C.M.G., G .C.V.0., K.( S.l
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    • 665 899 SECOND DAY’S RESULTS [Front Our Own Correspondent] The second day’s races of the Tpoh G mkhaha Chib were held yesterday in fine whether. There was a larger e'owd of spectators and the Grand Stand was full to overflowing. H.H. the Sultan of Perak and suite, the Hon. the
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  • 100 899 Soon after the Malayan Championship tussle was over, Khoo Hooi Hye left for Java where he is spending a holiday. Th Java people are taking great interest i their visitor, and are desirous of seem him in action on the 4th of next month* the
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  • 94 899 Beith—Hiam (From Our Oicn Kuala Luinpur, Augusta The wedding took place this St. Man 's. Kuala Lumpur, ofMr--Beith, of Kepong Estate, and i Cecily Hiam, second daughter o W Ilhwu. Engineer, Ways and I-’.M.S. Railways. The Rev. hurts, Chaplain. n,ciat Hi* maids were the three Evm
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  • 1015 900 his memorandum on uncouponed released by the Government, the Stroller of Rubber intimates that the kin* of stocks is a lengthy process; Jhi doubtless explains the delay in issuthe official statement, which was xnected weeks ago. As in the of the new limit of standard propion,
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  • 493 900 Mr. R Lott, of Messrs. W hiteaway, Laidlaw and Co.. Ltd., Taiping, "is now very seriously ill in the Penang H< -j»ital. i robationary Inspector Miller hai been transferred from Magazine to PiU Stieet police station to assist Inspector Dawson, the officer-in-charge. Dr. and Mrs. Burnc and Miss 1
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  • 1179 901 Canton and Hongkong Yesterday Renter telegraphed that Liao Chung Hoi, described as one of the Bolshevik members of the Kuomintang, whioh generally has a red complexion, has been assassinated, presumably by workmen. It is a significant piece of news, for the dead Finance Commissar,” as the Reuter eahle
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  • 482 901 Ml o'®®« cmiJ tong Estate. Mr. 1’ ])J«h. and the others present wot, ft? S’"** The Chairman said: Gentlemen, before formaliv m reeelutione jn B t read out to lke Secretaries I will endeavour to 7 circumstances leading up offering for sale, subject to your the company’s
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  • 1128 902 IS TER’ pIEADER summons claim dismissed rM dv mentioned, H s Lords! ip, Mr. Whitley, was engaged in the Bupio,bCr n nrt last week in hearing an interbrought by aM.N. Nagappa ft, in «bioh be claimed to have had a .Tlule over certain properly belonging ueerah, which property
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  • 688 902 WHAT OUR L.C.’s” MIGHT ASR FORT CORNWALLIS SITE A correspondent signing himself x” writes Sir, the agenda for the next meeting of th? Legislative Council has been published and Honourable Members h rveput themselves down for a number of questi ns. The Hon. Mr. Nambyar has f ur,
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  • 1059 903 The most important matters in the orders of the day for the Legislative Council meeting next Monday are the resolutions which stand in the name of Mr. Pountney, and have reference to the provision of a reserve against the day when local revenue will no longer be derived
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  • 135 903 -S.F.P. There was a sequel in the Police Court, Singapore, to a serious stabbing affair which took place in March. This was the case in w'hich a Malay stabbed a Ceylonese employed at Ahmad Din Brothers, Tanglin Road, inflicting fatal injuries on him, and then
    -S.F.P.  -  135 words
  • 248 903 A MARK£Th GHT In the day afternoon, before bennett, a M a l ay L W. were charged with volumj*, Ch grievous hurt to a Chine® On June 29. \lr A n' Rhodes appeared for «its Mr. Ong Huck Lim Yeok Chee, the oomnin’ the first accused, a
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  • 197 903 In the Police Court, this morning, k C. W. A. Sennett, Coroner, held quiry into the death of a Chinese, was found dead at the back of a W in Tanjong Tokong on July 29. Dr. A. H. Cowan, after giving evidence, said that death asphyxia from hanging. Tew
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  • 19 904 BIRTH on the 23rd August, at the MaterHospital, Penang, to Mr. and Mrs. y Syer, a daughter.
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  • 1071 904 \V make no excuse for returning to ues tion of him censorship in Mai, ltis an important matter, affectthe amenities of a good many M c and the time seems to have come 9 hen d should be fully reconsidered by t be authorities. The text for
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  • 489 904 Miss K M Hill has been seconded for nursing service in Kelantan. Mr. A. P. Cameron fills the place of Mr P. W. Ker on the Harbour Board, Singapore. Mr. S. N. King heard the Police Court cases this morning owing to the absence of Mr. C. A Sennett.
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  • 1215 905 The Chief Justice, F. M. S. It is understood that Sir Lionel Woodward, the first Chief Justice of the F. M. 8., a more appropriate designation than Chief Judicial Com* missioner, in use until recently. will be going on three months’ leave shortly, and a correspondent suggests that
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  • 426 905 Ma* which Oheah Chy. Sen? Amoy, i. Buing M T r de weh.nt*' i^ h th. W r recenUy M in these Courts) for <> P’Vtw which the plaiu fciff of defendant on his 8 be effice. Mr. Hume Of defe ®d*m. fo the who 18 now practising
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  • 66 905 To day’s Mskting (From Our Own C9rre P Singapore. Am?* At the meeting of the L®?’ 8 *g oß< to-day, the Anting Governo E.S. Hose, sympathetically death of Mr. M.J. PoO rf The Treasurer, the Ho J reviewed at length the 6 C °Th n e y opium
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    • 57 906 Singapore Defeats Malacca Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, August 21 the Malaya Cup Football match ,/r, Siugap° re defeated Malacca by goals to one. MuHA.MEDAN hOOTBALL LEAGUE In a League match played yesterday the Dato Kramat Grounds, the Darul fjhsan F.C. beat the B. Alam, after a and
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    • 920 906 Third Day’s Results ro m Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, August 23h The final day of the Ipoh Gymkhana dub's Summer meeting, on Saturday, aD unprecedented gathering present. He attendance again included H. H. the sultan of Perak and suite, the Hon. the Bri»h Resident and Mrs. C. W.
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    • 481 906 P.C.C Defeat R.(’. In this match played on Saturday on the Esplanade the I’.C.C. won by 34 runs. Ihe Chinese were onlv able to put up 51 towards which Lee Tiang Liat contributed 28. The Club replied with 85, Cook scoring 31 and Stevens 28. Ye< h
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  • 573 907 WARREN CHALLENGE SHIELD The most important ritie-meeting of the year, the Malaya Command Rifle Meeting,’ is to be held at Penang on the 2nd4th October, and among the many interesting items on its programme perhaps the one which excites more general interest than any other is
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  • 235 907 V IVUL -S.T. Defaulting Chinese Clerk Leniently Treated In the District Court, Sngapore, a Chinese clerk named Moh Seh Chuan pleaded guilty to a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of $2,028, the complainants being Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng and Co. Accused was alleged to
    V IVUL -S.T.  -  235 words
  • 212 907 140 Pounds Found on Japanese Steamer The seizure of 140 pounds of morphine concealed inside tins apparently containing solidified carbolic acid on board the Japanese steamer Amazon Maru on May 31 formed the subject of a charge against Captain Hirano, master of the vessel, heard by the District
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  • 473 907 what is a balance sheet, da} .—A former partner i n th Livestock Company \i > le again appeared in the 1 Court, before Mr. Justice h Qkrupt< J Friday, when the public oi the bankrupt was to the Assistant Official A-!** -lr. 1. B. Cocker, bankrupt
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  • 1288 908 p v ECU TIVE engineer s report B be report of the Executive EnDepartment of the Singapore SieipahtJ for the rear 1924 gives 1». tin \< evidence ot the big programme 7 'a/reconstruction and other work t-Tthp Department is carrying out. u B. McLay. the Executive En*Dr.,r furnishes
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  • 355 908 .—M.M. No Ball This Year 'Die members of the St. Andrew’s Society, Singapore, held their annual meeting at the S.C.C. on Friday evening, Mr. J. Ix>rnie presiding in the unavoidable absence of the president, Mr. J. M. Sime. The report and accounts were adopted, the chairman
    .—M.M.  -  355 words

  • 1070 909 Lilin Fan writes to the Straits limes; The exhibition ol a mutilated and occasionally unintelligible version of the great film, The Four Horsemen oi the A})ocalypse, at a local cinema should bring to a head the exasperation felt in Singapore at the operations of the local censorship.
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  • 534 909 s HE i A Y> Y oonp thrilling Bceneg e WNE a. susxA gw which, it i s believed orkino j spark from a factory and burn*d ng shed Within' the space «ft f seconds the godown, the iettv 1 were beached near an jetty and several
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  • 969 910 tool climate and cW beautiful country N'gampang and Batavia When I asked what the fare was trnlll Singapore to Batavia 1 was told L t u IS $72 and that return tickets d r,te j h m k in lhe Malav Mail- On arrival m Singajrt
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  • 144 910 Singapore Society Formed Definite steps towards the formation of a Co-operative Thrift and Ix?an Society for local Government Servants was taken on Friday at Singapore, when a well-attended meeting held in the Baffles Institution Lecture Hall passed a r solution deciding that such a society should be furmed
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  • 541 910 HOUSING SCHEMES WANTED A Severage System At a meeting of lhe Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board, held on Wednesday, Mr. Milington presiding, Mr. H. B. 1 alalia moved the following resolution 1 hat the British Resident of Selangor be requested to appoint a committee to advise how and
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  • 1300 911 HOLIDAYS Air. It. J 11. Sidney, Al. A., h R.G.S., Headmaster ol the Victoria Institution and Member oi the Headmaster s Conference, writes as follows in the Malaya Tribune Just at this present moment nearly all over the world Schools have broken up and teachers and taught alike
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  • 462 911 -Ws-UAL Hefobt Oieket Hub f or the June. 1925, to be present .fT* gen.n-al meeting on the 28th I ho Income and Expenditun u shews a surplus of »>g due provision for depreciate S' <y dion has been repaired, reoainw?! colour washed inside and outsider now in very good
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  • 1118 912 ANTHONY CO.’S SHARE LIST B e"‘" Wtr-T-A* BHAFBB. I Ct®. I Ct*p,r 045 2.56 ex lw. i:» w if»l»y Estates, Ltd 3.25 Bfegrthnting SyndieateLtfi i'.CO Rubber state, Ltd... 2 .22 J Co., Ltd i g 4 iK e. !:0i l:R ?S >:§ SfiSjffier Estates, Ltd 3.00 3-25 «S 6i25 EfaSg:.
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  • 253 912 Large Sum Hecovered After Robbery The theft of some thousands of dollars in rupees and Straits currency was the subject of a charge against a Tamil named Govindasamy heard before the District Judge (Mr. Franklyn Robinson) .in the District Court, Singapore. The prosecution alleged that the
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  • 600 912 LEAN CO. S WEEKLY REPORT Thftrsday evening. Im, aftei »omc fluctuations, close* with a loss of £1 15s. at £259 tkl 3 m< nths. Rubber has fluctuated in price during the period under r* view advancing from >» 4Ad per 11». |<> the highe»t touched this week 3-
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  • Page 913 Advertisements
    • 226 913 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd, I wV 59, BtAOH 9TRKET, PENANG. ESTABLISHED 1683. fl PRINTEIS i PUBLISHERS. i yn Proprietors of the STRAITS ECHO and PENANG SIN POE The most enterprising and up-to-date Printers and Litho- i AX graphers in the Orient. J Our pl*nt is of the very latest Pattern and
      226 words