The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 27 May 1925

Total Pages: 34
1 570 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 246 1 CONTENTS LEADERS MISCELLANEOUS: (Continued) Viscount Grey’s Memoirs ...539 Madras Storms 55t The Respectability of Shanghai... 545 I A Big Haul ...559 A Great Soldier 549 Faction Fight 560 The Civil Service 557 Prince George in Singapore 560 The Curse of Malaya 563 Volunteering in the F. M. S. 562 Empire
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 187 2 r THB Jp I STRAITS ECHO J g MAIL EDITION. Mk\ cD 5G Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the daily issuer, as well as all important news from various parts of the
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  • 1048 539 Viscount Grey of Fallodon, Amioiscences have been read with interest, is still one of the most ELtire personalities of the J“ and he has been one V the State's ablest servants. It is doubtful whether a British Minister, stall events a Secretary of State tor Fon-i<m Affairs,
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  • 437 539 Mr. P. Trump, Executive Engineer, Johore, goes on Home leave this month. Mr. A C. Cooney, Assistant Inspector of Schools, Singapore, is proceeding on leave to Europe shortly. Mr. C. A. Vlieland, of the Malayan Civil Service, is due back from Home leave by the P. 0. Kashmir. Mr.
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  • Page 539 Advertisements

  • 1561 540 Trinity House Yesterday the Dake of Connaught lunched with the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House, doubtless to mark its anniversary, for it is 411 years to-day since Trinity House” was fonnd by Sir Thomas Spert, Comptroller of the Navy, and captain of the famous Hurry Graae de
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  • 281 540 CLAIM FOR WRONGFUL DISMISSAL Yeldon v. Thompson and Co. The Civil action in which Mr. B. C Yeldon, late of Messrs Si me, Darby and Company, Kuala Lumpur, is suing Mem Thompson Co., Penang, for wrongfn. dismissal and for $15,000 as damage 4 (less $BOO received by cheque
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  • 469 541 f„ the Editor i the Straits Ecl>Oi rfd Bagan Ferrv was always a concern although .t was never a? san tv resort to barriers and Why Should all these paraphernalia be necessary on \lucbell Piar at Began Luar? ThL things are always irritating and necessary evil, one supposes,
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  • 639 541 A SHARP DROP There has been a sharp drop from yesterday 8 price of abber, this morning’s quotations being 2s 9d for smoked sheet and 2s 6d for ciepe, as against 2s lid yesterday for both varieties. This decline is by no means a bad thing,
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  • 962 541 CLAIM FOR DAMAGES Yeldon v. Thompson 4 Co. I he following is the full statement of claim and the statement of defence and counter-claim together with the reply to the counter-claim in the Yeldon versus Thompson Company action which was mentioned in the Supreme Court this morning and
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  • 1301 542 The defendants admit that the plaintiff was in the employ of Sime, Darby Co., Ltd., in the month of November, 1924. The defence was that the plaintiff was acting as manager in Kuala Lumpur during the absence on leave of one Mr. 0. Court. I’he defendants have
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  • 1012 543 This states inter alia: i s to paragraph 9 and 13 of the defence the business of the defendants yas carried on by the plaintiff in the following manner (a The defendants in Kuala Lumr sold shares to purchasers in Lang indicated to them by
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    • 45 543 Tuesday’s Events Postponed [From Our Own Corrtipondent] Singapore, May 20 Owing to very heavy rains Tuesday’s races were postponed till Thursday, which programme will be given on Saturday, Saturday's races taking place on May 26, if the day is declared a public holiday.
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    • 170 543 Objection to A By-Law A special meeting of members of the Singapore Cricket Club was held on Monday evening, in response to a notice received from 21 members under Rule 9 of the Rules of the Club. The business of the meeting was to obtain the opinion
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    • 452 543 P. C. C. v. A League Team A match between the P. C. C. and A League Team” was played yesterday on the Esplanade, in the presence of a large crowd, and resulted in a Win for the P. C. C. by one goal to nd. The P.
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  • 423 544 The annual report of the Singapore Assessment Department for 1923 is signed by Mr. C. 1 Snell, Mr. 11. Carprnael, the Assessor, being away on leave. Ihe annual value of the City with municipal boundaries at the end of the year was $23,945,594, an increase for the
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  • 466 544 An extraordinary statement made by the leading counsel tor the defence in the course of the hearing of the Russen case before the Kuala Lumpur Police Magistrate yesterday cannot be passed by this journal without comment. During a discussion as to discrepancies in the various notes taken
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  • 644 544 .—T.O.M. I ri»>nds ot the St. Xavier's Institution and relatives of the School boys formed the audience at the concert given bv the t* tellers and boys of the school in honour of th- St. John Baptist de-la Salle. At p in. sharp in response to the bidding
    .—T.O.M.  -  644 words

  • 701 545 lar»elv to the cosmopolitan Jits community, which seems C’'n Ldered a friendly and healthml v ,he attainment of a high I in the administration of local X 4e Municipality of Shanghai is erpmelv efficient and up-to-date 'Xta which justly earned for that
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  • 269 545 (fTo the Editor of the Strailn Echo Sir, T agree with Provincial” in his letter which appeared in your issue of yesterday. and can even assure him that if he presented himself at a Europe” Zoo no ticket would be required of him nor would he be made
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  • 440 545 (apt. J. Davies, of the Circe, is proceeding home on leave by the Mentor. Mr. S. Madsen, of the Eastern and Pacific trading Co., Penang, is visiting ipoh. Mr. William Duncan, of the Straits Rubber Co., will probably be coining out to Malaya in November. Inche Mustapha Albakri bin
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  • 26 545 D OMESTIS OCCURR CE death i 9.5 u' 12, < urzonJff- -Apr prances Isabella nieee of Sir Stamps”’ he celebrated Governor "S Founder of Singapore, red 83.
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  • 939 546 Rather Mixed On Tuesday, we had a short note on the dinner of the Association of British Malaya, to be held in London on May 29. In a reference to this reunion”, the China Express and Telegraph has succeeded in presenting a mixture of facts and inacsuracies, regrettable
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  • 46 546 Claim Against Mr. Peck Dismissed [From Our Own Correspondent] Singapore, May 21 Mr. Justice Barrett-Lernard dismissed with costs the Eastern Mining Company’s claim against Mr. F. C. Peck for $2,089, which it was allege d he received for the use of plaintiffs. :o
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  • 168 546 ST. As has already been announced, His Imperial Highness Prince Chiohibu, second son of the Emperor and Empress of Japan, is making a trip to Europe shortly. The Prince is due to arrive at Singapore from Hongkong on June 11. He will then proceed to Malacca and
    ST.  -  168 words
  • 465 546 VISIT TO SWIMM, NG CUt Hi» Royal Higbn... youngest son of Their V. George and Queen Mary Je,tlw h join H M.S. Hawkinson th e eV 11 arrived in Penang this P- <fc 0. Malwa. Ornin t, The Malwa, under the comma mander F. G. Cadiz,
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  • 18 547 birth No- 9th ace (ourse on Monday, May 18. >Mr. and Mrs. J. Rodrigues, a son.
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  • 1073 547 jutaM the long repor T ut iu T which appear in our Singapore the members of the SinSeket Club have no objection to ina their affairs m public, so it rXSible to take a recent meeting text for a few comments on e ub M Ihe mee^D p
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  • 452 547 Mr. A. E. Holmes-Brown, who ha» been seriously ill in the Kuala Lumput General Hospital, is leaving for homo immediately. Capt. H. Berkeley, District Officer of Grik, Upper Perak, is on a brief visit to Penang and is staying at the E. O. Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Dunford Wood,
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    • 357 548 SECOND DAY’S RESULTS Kenildor Wins Big Race (From Our Own Correipondent) Singapore, May 22 Ihe following were the results of the races run yesterday: Archdeacon Stakes Koh Dhulu 1 Tigablas 2 Zara 3 Won by a length, two lengths between second and third. Time: 1 min. 5 2/<5
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    • 622 548 Crescent Draw with P. R. C. A large gathering assembled yesterday afternoon on the Esplanade to witness ihe League Football match between the Crescent and the P.R.C., which the P. R. C. w;ys expected to win. It was ihe last match lor the Malays in the League. In
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    • 413 548 Penang v. Selangor I’he undermentioned have 1 ed to play fcr Penang T a q T A Kuala I. S. Anthony, E. G. Bird J n Bettes, A. Gilmour, N. A. V r F. D. Laßrooy, M. Orr. p BeZ" C. Rodrigo, 0. Scharenguivel and A V Other.
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  • 23 549 BIRTH civoH On Friday, May 22, 5lO m. nt Vink Lodge,” ilD U P-ang, to Mr. and y,'Gurehum Singh, a son.
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  • 1116 549 in Marshal the Earl of Ypres, J* M KP 0.C.8., G.C.V.0., "rVG «hose death Reuter an-to-day, submitted to an operaon March 19 and for j avs his condition gave Rarest anxiety. He made a partial but was never out of danger, Sthe paßsing of this great soldier,
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  • 79 549 Ladies v. Gentlemen One of those inter-sex” cricket matches which have often proved so interesting and amusing in the past is being organised to take place on the Esplanade in Penang on June I. Airs. L. M. Evan» will captain the Ladies and the Gentlemen—who will bat and
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  • 118 549 The Government English School, competed with the Penang Free School for the Empire Day Sports Shield presented by Air. H. A. R. Cheeseman, Inspector of Schools, on the Free School ground yesterday. This is the third time they have met. The Government English School won the shield
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  • 209 549 The Malay Team In our reports of the League matches, to prevent repetition we have used the word Malays” to denote the Crescent F C. Everybody knows, of course, that it is the Crescent F. C. as a Club who are taking part in the present competition and
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  • 1241 550 A Slight Difference German is r;t a fashionable lingua, o among English people nowaday-. Still, there may be one or two who id appreciate the following story of how the American opera-singer Minnie Hauk, who afterwards bee tine Barones* d Wartegg, took the critical Viennese by storm, and
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  • 879 550 LOCAL DEMONSTRATION imposing "parade at THu residency Lmpiie Day, o r Britain's v, C.o Hon. Mr. W Peel morning, was observed to-da/ k hl o idets and scouts of the lord lh Yesterday there were demonsW addrosse*» in all the sehooh 10 was a military epecUele on
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  • 240 551 Suicide in Kimberley Street In the Police Court this morning, 'lr. C. V\. A. Sennett, Coroner,, held o enquiry into the death of a Chinese. L r bttchinaiidsaniy. assistant surgeon, General Hospital, said at 12.25 a.m. on 3an adult male Chinese was Wbt to the Hospital. He
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  • 2396 551 TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS GAINED Memories are short and as the e is a good deal of talk about ending restriction because prices have touched an almost unhoped for figuie, it may be well to restate the chief facts. Stocks in London at December 31, 1919, were 22,283
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  • 557 552 ARRIVAL in PENANG Rome-to-Melboubne LIGiiI Commander de Pinedo (hiu < Italian Air Staff, who Rome to Melbourne, arrived about 11.30 this morning and bably resume his flight some morrow morning. As a matter of fact, been expected in Penang f or t h two or three days The
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  • 443 553 Installation Meeting fte meeting of Lodge voia, Penang, was held on the Scotia Masonic Hall, 12, ,‘U Koad. After preliminaries, intVding the reception of visitors, Wor Bro EV- Thomson was installed Worshipful Master for the year Worshipful Bro. J. Howard Saun4 the Installing Master, who made 1
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  • 447 553 SCHOOLS AND THE ANNIVERSARY Among the Schools which hud the honour of a visit of the Hon. the Resident Councillor and Mrs. Peel to-day were St. George's Girls’ School and the Convent. At 9.30 am. the visitors arrived at the St. George's Girls’ School and were received by
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  • 568 553 From St. George’s Girls' School the Hon. th< Resident Councillor and Mrs. Peel drove to the Convent, where they were Did by the Eady Superior, Madam St. Albans and Mr. H. R. Cheeseman, the Inspector of Schools, and led by the former they went to the School hall,
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  • 94 553 YELDON v THOMPSON Co. Action Settled W hen the civil action between Mr H C Yeldon, late manager of Messrs. Sime, Darby A Company, Kuala Lumpur, and Messrs. Thompson and Co., sharebrokers, Penang, was mentioned today, before His Lordship Mr. Justice Whitley, Mr. A. K. &B Terrell, who appeared for
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  • 1197 554 AN UNECONOMICAL PROPOSITION Shareholder’s Criticism The sixth annual ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Sungei Arak Rubber Company, Limited, was held at noon yesterday at the registered offices of the* Company, No. 33, Beach Street, Penang. Mr. R. Michaux presided and the others present were:
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  • 200 554 The Exhibition The Siam Exhibition has been fixed to open at Lumpini Park, Bangkok, oo January 1, 1926, and is expected to last 10U days. Siamese Royalty In America H.R.H. Prince Chandaburi, Minister of Commerce, accompanied by his two daughters and a secretary is at present in America.
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  • 1158 555 MOTOR CYCLIST’S DEATH fnquiry Again Adjourned jjjyiNAKj enquiry into the fl* Pr Y3P Van. Sam, the motor>tb of 2 Collided with motor-car cvel* 1 ftb< Jontinned before Mr. C. XX the police Court yesterA Sennett Thornton actPublic’ Prosecutor and 1 "p D Hume appeared for accused. Mr E
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  • 1041 555 HELP FROM PENANG Chinese Chamber’s Decision lhe Committee of the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce held a meeting last Tuesday, the 19th, at 3.30 o clock, to consider the question for relieving the famine distress in North China. Mr. Leefong, the representative of the Chinese National I’lood
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  • 1209 556 Three shillings in sighttwo and eightpence passed already. I here is excitement all over Malaya, much joy and not a little sorrow also. What everyone wishes to discover is the reason for the sudden rise which takes us back almost to the golden days of the glorious
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  • 1073 557 pn slightlv acquainted with >'» 0M nbl pretend that at the pre*ffaCtS i ?t the Civil Service of British understaffed. According to »*s* ail Service List available, "T IW4, there were, at the f 923. in the Malayan Civil Ser®J lier-et<clusive of the Police and and Miscellaneous
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  • 418 557 Mr. Henderson, of the Chartered Bank, Seremban, has left for Home. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Cowan, Bradwall Estate, were passengers from Home by the Malwa. Mr. and Mrs. H. de B. Williams have returned to Siliau after spending their honeymoon in Penang. Mr. T. C. Marshall, Warden of
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  • 1414 558 Defaulting American States Daring ail the talk about Grea Britain’s dot to the U ited States o Atneiica, nrlcdy srems to have though it worth whue to mention t a debts wniob a number of the individui I States of thi Union owe to bot-dbolde s in Britain
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  • 168 558 LIBEL ACTION WITHDRAW! Terms of Set’Lement (From Our Own Correspond KualalLumpar, May 25 Mr, H. N. Ferrers’ action amittk Straits Times was withdrawn this Mr. C. Everitt read the terms of th» meat as follows A discussion hvtih place between Mr. Ferrers and repm*
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  • 237 558 Observation in Vernacular Fcbow Empire Day was observed in the Ver» euiar schools yesterday, Sunday, there was a demonstration in the can school of each district. The Belden o® nillor attended the celebration e Kampong Java School, Brick-ki n About 400 boys of the town school atte the
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  • 252 559 vrra West Monsoon Reported To SorT be parting. The Wither baa b9HL sto my at Mid »8 b n r T n-8d P y ,H WeP M ihnsedmeisin 'h H bou 0 f oiu q 1 9 10 rafJ o«iogB in .< ddifl H»r noU'. lE \i t
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  • 251 559 Revolvers and Ammunition at Bangkok Anotable haul of firearms and ammunition was made by the Customs Authorities, on board the Selandia on her arrival in port at Bangkok. These motor (Ships, h®ing the only ones that make the feet trip from Europe to Bangkok, W 8 searched
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  • 1273 559 SOUND FINANCIAL POSITION. REDEEMING J)EBENTU RE S The annual general meeting of members of the Penang Swimming Club was held at noon yesterday at the Clubhouse, Tanjong Bungah. Mr. Palgrave Simpson, President, occupied the chair, and the others present included Messrs. E. J. Bennett, P. W. Saftery.
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  • 89 560 ECONOMIC GEOLOGIST WANTED The Hydro-Electric Scheme [h'rum Our Own Correspondent] I poh, May 25 At the annual meeting of the r’.M.S. Chamber of Mines on Saturday, Mr. It. P. Brash, presiding, made a comprehensive survey, pointing out that bright times were ahead, but warning them against
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  • 177 560 JjEiAki t HE From Penang Commander de Pinedo, Chief of the Staff of the Italian Air Force, who arrived here on Saturday morning from Puket, on his flight from Borne to Melbourne, left for Singapore yesterday at about 7,45 a.m. He circled for some time round the town,
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  • 317 560 ONE FATALITY /About fort\ members of a Kongsi in Bridge Street attacked two Chinese, one of whom formerly belonged to the Karripong Lye Kongsi in Malax Street, and was employed at the Khie Heng Bee Rice Mill, while they were taking a walk along Bridge Street at about
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  • 198 560 A Chinese was sentenced to 3 months’ imprisonment by Mr. C. VV. A. Sennett in the Police Court this morning for theft of a bicycle from a boy whom he knew but w’ho diu not give him permission to take it away. Accused was trying to come to
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  • 465 560 -JI.JI. ATI ENDS ANGLIN BALL ikn pageant H. R. H. Prince George affine afternoon performance of m a< arms yesterday afternoon' presence attracted very lar™ 1 both grand stands bein« f U |i g Crowai room being left stadium, says Saturdays 1 limes. J His Royal
    -JI.JI.  -  465 words

    • 445 561 p c c.TthĔ rest Y Close Game Tl -match was continued on Saturday Ir an d after a closer game than resulted in a win for hcit nmv on Friday V,fl n u %fc Best had compiled 118 for On Saturday they carried £talto 159, C. A. Reutens scoring
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    • 414 561 THIRD DAY’S RESULTS Prince George Attends [From. Our Own Correapondent] Singapore, May 25 Wet weather again marked the third day's racing of the Singapore Turf Club meeting, which w r as attended by H.R.H. Prince George. The following were the results: Farrant Purse Lady Sydney 1 Chinta Hati
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    • 415 561 A Walk Over The second League fixture between the P. C. C. and the Chinese will not be played, as the Chinese have been awarded a walk-over, the Club having been unable to raise a team on the date of the fixture. According to the rules therefore
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  • 279 562 ANNUAL MEETING '1 he annual general meeting of members of the Parish Dall, Penang, was held at. 9.30 a.m. yesterday in the Parish Hall. The Bev. Father A. Devals presided and the others present included Dr. J. Emile Smith, Messrs, hred Aeria, C C. Stewart, A. A. Jeremiah,
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  • 346 562 Loh Chow Tow, a Chinese, appeared before Air. C. W. A. Sennett in the Police Court on Saturday charged with attempting to murder "Wee Jin, his wife, and another Chinese named Goh Sam Tee, in a house in Noordm Street on February 28. Mr. Goh Kok Kee,
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  • 260 562 Story of Absconding Manager The proceedings in the Bankruptcy Court at Singapore on Friday were marked by a rather unusual occurrencethe public examination of a Chinese woman. Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard having proceeded on leave and the judge who takes his place, Mr. Justice Deane, not having
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  • 207 562 P C. C. The Rfest The cricket match arranged between The Rest and the P. C. C. will begin to-morrow (Friday) at 4.30 p.m. and be continued on Saturday at 2 p.m. This is the fii-st time that a match will begin on a Friday in Penang. Owing to
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  • 507 562 THE SHYNESS" OF THt I younger men e I "hy the younger men of Kua) I pur and Ipoh fight S U* b I M. S. V R. iB indeed,!/ I cover. Many cutting made about them °bv h I men as well as th M
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  • 1050 563 ipj Straits-born Chinese U'* B f Malaya who are by no Urmista or scaremongers, T o feel seriously peri- vCThu recent increase in the the activities and the memth(. Chinese secret societies Jntrr Down in Singapore, aware, there has time past been a regular < prime,
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  • 468 563 Mr. J. Hobbs, chief superintendent, Preventive Branch, Trades and Customs. 1 .M.S., has returned from home leave. Mrs. Alan Loke and family are spending a short holiday in Penang and are staying at Chatsworth, Mr. Alan Loke’s Penang residence. We regret to announce the death, which took place early
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  • 967 564 R. N. V. R. for Malaya Sir Walter de Frece (Conservative, Blackpool) will soon have to be included in the small company of members of the House of Commons who take an interest” in affairs in this part of the world. Yesterday he was concerned about the alleged
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  • 226 564 In celebration of Empire Day, the Government English School, Alor Star, held a short parade on the School Ground last Saturday morning. The boys fell in in three columns. The i Scouts Troop under Scoutmaster E. i Cranfield Hicks faced the School and the other pupils
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  • 598 564 PENANG CHAMBER’S _REPRESEN TAI|Vt MR. SIMPSON TO ACT A t a special general mefeti r f the Penang Chamber of p nm at 2. 30 p. m t>day Mr. of Messrs. Presgrave and Matti unanimously elected t 0 renJ!”’ M Chamber in the L, i,hti„ lhi the absence
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  • 199 565 The Latest Information Im Ho». r a C M K ludtrsle y nA R 8 folioWS J» ik« Mi<>r f the Stnit> Eeh9 'tmt «P» oi y a «“Ler ot the si J Dutch and British Com mites nted t 0 investigate the position native rabber
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  • 211 565 the dismissal of senior men An M. P.’s Allegations London, May 25 nthe House of Commons, Sir Walter de J® 6 declared that younger men were wingly disinclined to take up plantation 10 mHn T °f Hie oversea Colonies X D Vk° the i DBeCQrit y
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  • 1798 565 ENQUIRY CONTINUED Accused Committed for Trial The preliminary enquiry in connection with the death of Yap Yam Said, chief clerk of the Land Office, who died in consequence of the Kimberley Street motor collision on March 29 was continur ed before the Coroner, Mr. C. W. A.
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  • 1051 566 ANNUAL REPORT OF WARDEN OF MINES The report of Mr. G. E. Greig, Senior Warden of Mines, on the administration of the Mines department and on the mining industries of the E.M.S. for the year 1924, shows that there was an increase in revenue from all sources
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  • 1179 567 Mr. Ramsay Macthe official wireless serIH*‘ kl c r rt c eived it when he was in Indies, partly because too iK rrtion of it was devoted to the Tf Ministers. We understand wireless service which is sent 41 the Foreign Othce is the only portion of the
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  • 480 567 LOUGHNAN—LAMBERT The wedding was solemnised today, ai 10 a.m. at St. George's Church, Penang, ot Mr. Cyril Ruthven Pym Loughnan, a well-known planter of Kinta, Perak, second son of the Rev. John Edward and Florence Edith Loughnan, of Walton Rectory, Bridgewater, Somerset, and Miss Winifred Lambert, second
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    • 212 568 Extra Meeting Entries Ihe following are the entries for the first day oi the spring extra race meeting, to be heid on Saturday, May 30. Open Horst s.7 I- urlongs Madam Berry, King ole, Kenildor, Queen of Clubs. Son of Erin, Silap, Orelway, Gentle Eva, Sir Hatan, Red
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    • 170 568 1 C. v. A Ceylon Eleven As has already been mentioned, a whole day match between the Pcnam' ricket Club and a Ceylon Eleven, led by Mr. Seharenguivel has been arranged to be played on the local Esplanade on Saturday, June 3, which is peeled to be a
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    • 210 568 I he annual race for yachts with visib’’' 1 the helm took place on Sunday M Sirmanore. Twelve boats were started by Mr. Roy Perry at 10 a.m., the helmsmen being as follows: No. 1. Captain R. S. Bainbridge: No. I. t’ettv, C. F. Moriee; No. 7, Gertrude. 1
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    • 195 568 .Free Press. Those who witnessed the TurnerTrono contest at the Boxing Stadium last Friday night were treated to a good fight as far as it went. Turner is a clever performer with the gloves and, with training, he seems capable of taking on the best flyweights in
      .Free Press.  -  195 words
  • 96 568 At Kuala Llmpi a ll'rcm Our Own Correspondent] Kuala Lumpur, May 22 1 fie special train conveying H.R.H y i iinc( George arrived here shortly after 8 o clock last night. The Prince was met by the Hon. Mr. Stonor, Resident of Seiangor. The precincts of the
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  • 40 568 Singapore, May 22 1 rim-e G< < ig has arrived. There was 1 H >n.i;« I. Ile will attend the as at-arms this afternoon and the '■wos to morrow. H R will sail 9 t a Sunday morning
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  • 235 568 (j11.1.L1 \n— Srixt\ asagam ',Alor Star correspondent writes: 3 ij alter the marriage of Mr. I). "bhah. of the Anglo-Chinese s -hool. Penang, and Miss Rosalind eldest daughter of Mr. A]rs Srinivasagam. of Alor Star reception was held at Alor Star m the premises kindiv lent r Dr. A.
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  • 306 568 A Charge That Failed A Chinese was charged before Mi. E. Pratt, in the District Court this morning, with criminal misappropriation of property belonging to a deceased Chinese at Sungei Kluang on April 1. Mr. Hastings Rhodes appeared for accused and Court Inspector D. Lucy prosecuted. Tan Teong
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  • 1111 569 ANTHONY CO.'S SHARE LIST /.—S.F.P. Buyers Sellers Rew L- ct cti L 1.60 1.65 ex 1 ODoLW- 139 1.40 7-20 7.50 fibber 2.40 2.60 fSwj®»Ertrte, Ltd 105 1.10 TtH 0.72} 0.75 [SfJJzXubber o^ 1,14 085 0.90 I MBS Ld 0-75 0.77* 57 i 0-6 i ~E?wy.?£S.Lw.'::: o.»» BKiffir ua ft»
    /.—S.F.P.  -  1,111 words
  • 620 569 LEAN <& CO.’S WEEKLY REPORT I hursdax evening Y\ hile tin has been a featureless market closing at £248 10s. with a rise of £5 ss. on last week s level, rubber has provided further excitement and after a continued rapid advance to 2 11 A, closes at
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  • Page 570 Advertisements
    • 216 570 I CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., 1 JV 80, BBACH BTBBBT, BBNANQ. ESTA«LI»HKD IMI. J 3j PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. 5 71? Proprietors of the STRAITS ECHO and PENANG SIN POE I 1 JW The most enterprising and up-to-date Printers and Litho* graphers in the Orient. I y* Our plant is of the very
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