The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 13 May 1925

Total Pages: 34
1 508 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 299 1 CO N TE N S a! c 3 LEADERS MISCELLANEOUS: (Continued) 9 71 News From Siam 492 x I Precepts and Proverbs 477 Rubber Prioee 493 g jl The True Sportsman 481 Farewell Dinner 493 g The Civil Service and the Benoh 487 Asiatic Planters 494 cAi Malayan Affairs 491
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 188 2 str B I STRAITS ECHO j MAIL EDITION. 1 3%p Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the n/* VS daily issbes, as well as aH important news from various pans of the Far
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  • 998 477 >r.— M.M. In these days, when he importance measures to safeguard the health of the population in Eastern cities and t largelv in the direction of sanitary science, compels greater attention and recognition, Municipal rules and reflations tend to multiply, and all involves a good deal of
    >r.— M.M.  -  998 words
  • 447 477 .—M.M. 1 he engagement is announced of Mr Cecil Trafford to Monica Clifford, Sir Hugh Clifford's daughter. The wedding will take place shortly. Lady Maxwell arrived from Home this morning by the P. X G. Kalyan and was met by Sir George Maxwell, who had come up from Kuala
    .—M.M.  -  447 words
  • Page 477 Advertisements

  • 1590 478 COMMISSIONERS’ FAREWELL VALEDICTORY DINNER At a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners yesterday a tribute was paid to Mr. Stewart Codrington, who is retiring after a useful and strenuous career in the public service. There was a full attendance of the Commissioners and heads of departments were also
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  • 281 478 The Directors of the Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate Limited, state, in the report to be presented at the annual general meeting of the Company to beheld on May 12, that the standard production for the seven months April/Ootober 1924 was assessed at 476,640 lb. and for
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  • 245 479 the rice export of Siam, save BaJkok Times, the corrected b j7* fell below the approximate by pic oLnd Tee. 506,986. None th, iiiwM best oo record as regard, .fcitf to be beaten, one may hope, by q MaJoh figares. The approximate r aa for March
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  • 219 479 n, e ave reee ived a copy of Who's 7? in Malaya, 1925. The editor and publishers Mr. Julius S. Fisher, Singapbre. The book is now being issued to ibscnbers. it has been compiled with redt are an <i attention to detail. In black rovers with
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  • 2517 479 THE ARCHITECTS BILL Mu. G. C. Clarke Voices Engineers’ (iPI’OSITION His Excellency the Governor (Sir Laurence Guillemard) presided at the meeting of the Legislative Council on Monday. reports the Free Press. Police Force Bill On the proposition of the Acting At-torney-General, the Police Force Bill (to consolidate and
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  • 185 480 Duke Street Murder Sheik Hussain bin Sheik Mydin, th Mohamedan Tamil who was put on b trial before Mr. Justice Whitley special jury yesterday, for the ntur®-’ of his sister-in-law behind the Municip offices on the morning of March 4 w* this morning unanimously found gu*f His Lordship
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  • 1667 481 B Voules, who is leasing )lr /this week id many an.l 3a lg expressions of regret, would on youioe P have com pleted thirty ioly rears in the Government Service e Jvalava, having been appomt--1 tX Officer in Perak in 1892 "Vimmediately after coming down He will
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  • 1605 482 The Proper Spirit A correspondent writes to ask why Mr, G. C. Clarke, the Singapore representative of the Asiatic Petroleum Company, was moved to display so keen an interest in the Legislative Council in the splendid gift of 1350,000 whioh Dr. A. L. Hoops has obtained from the
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  • 196 482 t d other er _Malacca Gbsen Alleged Use of Forged Proxies (From Our Own Corretpondtni) Kuala Lumpur, May 7 The Kuala Lumpur magistrate has issued a summons against Mr. J. A. Russell on charges of using as <? eDn js? forged documents, under Sections w
    td other er _Malacca Gbsen  -  196 words

  • 675 483 TH E arovlle road tragedy PRBD'.MIS» ARY enquiry Uminarv enquiry in the ease in Ih ,P Cbi De «ilchari-e<l with the murder .fh.K Ab Moy. Chinese female adult, 3f I Ah Nv a woman, and a man Toe Fook was he’d before Mr. W A Sennett in the
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  • 196 483 The directors of Changkat Serdang Estates, Ltd,, in their report and for the year ended 31st January, 1925, say The profit and loss account for the year shows a net profit of 521.436.58 (as against a loss of $7,372.70 for the previous year) which reduces the debit
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  • 215 483 The prompt issue of the Import and Export Department Rubber Statistics for April places us in possession of the records for the first four months of the present year. In a summarised form the figures read thus 4 months 1925 1924 tons. tons. Total Exports 90,055 86,109 Less
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  • 772 483 ANNUAL MEETING As briefly reported the fifteenth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate, Limited, was held at noon yesterday at the registered offices of the Company, No. 9 Beach Street, Penang, Mr. L. C. Brown presided and the others present were
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  • 332 484 in relinquishing command of the J. V. R. Major W. B. Y. Draper, M. C., issued the following message: On relinquishing command of the J.V.R. 1 would like to express my appreciation of the loyal support that has been given me by the officers, N.C.Os. and men. Although
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  • 665 484 THE SIKHS’ FAREWELL ADDRESS Local Sikhs entertained the Hon. Mr. A. B. Voules and Mrs. Voules to a farewell At Horne” yesterday. The function took place at the Gurdwara in Brick Kiln Road, the exterior of which was decorated with flags and presented a pleasing appearance. Members
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  • 425 484 ich is a M.M. A Chinese was charged before r Pratt m the District Court, to-dav being in possession of chandu on April 3 in a house in S Quay. Inspector Lyons entered th house on a gambling raid and found tahil of chandu in the place when
    ich is a M.M.  -  425 words

  • 1075 485 niRECTORS’ REPORT FOR THE DIR PAST YEAR n directors Collieries, T he il their eleventh annual report tor ended December 31, 1924, Sta the end of the prebb financial year the issued capital 'X company was 310,000 shares. By n nf the judgment of Mr. Justice TS,
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  • 490 485 SINGAPORE RACES The Coming Meeting The approach of the Spring Race meeting is emphasised by the fact that entries for it close to-day at 5 p.m. the first race day being on Saturday week. There is every prospect of a record gathering and if the up-country horses
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  • 948 486 Regular captures by the Preventive Fleet keep the smuggler well in the public eye, but no fresh efforts to stop the huge traffic that has been built up are being made, says the Malaya tribune. Yesterday we report ed the cap ture of no less than S3(X),(XX) worth of
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  • 185 486 MathieuPaterson A pretty wedding was solemnised at the Church of the Assumption yesterday when Mr. W. B. Paterson, of the Pinang Gazette staff, was married to Miss Edith Mathieu, the daughter of the late Mr. IL Mathieu and Mrs. F. Mathieu. The Service which was fully choral was performed
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  • 475 486 APPALLING CONDITION A Local Ap PEal As already mentioned t the special representative of th, National Flood Relief drive ed under the joint auspices of thm International Famine Relict r hDU Sion and the Chinese Cross, Peking, is 1U p en unds from the Chinese community u*
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  • 901 487 ru announcement of the appointment u Xessor to Sir Walter Shaw as ft, f Justice of the Straits Settlements L, tr j] v be delaved much longer. Furthermore, it seems unlikely that Sir Lionel Woodward, who recently returnJ from Home leave to resume the
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  • 148 487 Alleged Breach of Trust [From. Our Own Corr9»pond9nt] Singapore, May 7 M. E. Joseph was charged at the instance of Mr. F. C. Peck with criminal breach of trust respecting 2,000 shares in Alor Gajah Rubber Company, 2,(XX) in Bukit Jelotong, 4,000 in Bukit K. B. and S,(XX)
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  • 456 487 Captain E. A. Ash, D. 5.0., on his return from leave, has resumed command of B” Company, M.S.V.R. Dr. J. G. Dunlea is now the Medical Officer at Batu Gajah, having been transferred there from Pahang recently. Mr. Isen Ah Wong, health inspector, Seremban, has been transferred to Klang.
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  • 35 487 Domestic occurrence death Rangoon Road, Penang, KhuO-'R at 9 a m., Mrs. Khoo "ThX nee Ang Chia Neoh. 2er of Khoo Kheng Hoo, Khoo Kheng Leong, aged 69. d wd 1' M.S. papers please copy.
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  • 1193 488 Obituaries: Sir Doveton Sturdee Reuter cables news of the death of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Doveton Sturdee, of the Falkland Isles.” Admiral Sturdee, who was 65, entered the Navy in 1871 and had a distinguished career ashore and afloat. He rose to be Rear Admiral commanding the
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  • 1265 488 CHINESE FAREWELL HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS At noon to-day in the Mr and Mrs Voalee reoX ed g their last farewell from the local oZ’* ties this was from the largest Db representative, the Chinese mort Shortly before noon repZnUti,, r L nese began to assemble and
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  • 1278 489 MM. ALLEGED EXTORTION The cise in which four Chinese, three of whom are employed in the Fire Stati n, were charged with extortion of 82 from the proprieter of a barber’s shop at 12, Armenian Street was continued before Mr. C. W. A. Sennett, in the Police Court
    MM.  -  1,278 words

    • 338 490 First Day’s Handicaps The following arc the handicaps for the First Day of the Spring race meeting to be held on Saturday, May 10: Race 1 :Nader 9.7, Y. Not 8.12, Spangle 8.12, Shansi 8.10, Royal Hussar 8.7, Betty 8.3, Hastrey 7.4. Race 2:Jadi 9, Hummingway 9,
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    • 708 490 P.C.C. v. P R C. A Close Game A splendidly contested game of Association football was witnessed on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon when the P.C.C. met the P.R.C. After a close game the match ended in a draw, each side scoring a goal. Both sides were at
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  • 614 490 GOVERNOR’S NOMIN EB Mr. bong Ong Siang is v gratulated, says the Free PrJ* u result of his speech at the I Council meeting on Mondav Municipal Ordinance AmendmJ lhe report ot the Sneeial r Mr. Ong Siang dissecting’ removed from the preset the minimum and maximum JiZ* the number
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  • 1722 491 j i zi., vs there used never to be In tbe t nf a Colonial Governor BJ I 0 81 10 He came out for his «and «as expected to remain at S e lTduring that period, or, if Ins .Throke down, to resign. Latterly, K as regards
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  • 1597 492 SHAREHOLDER’S CRITICISM INTERESTING MEETING The fifth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Malau Tin, Limited, was held at 11 a.m. to-day at the Hongkang Bank Buildings. Mr. A. R. Thornton, Chairman, presided and the others present were Mr. T. A. Powell (Director) Mr. C. R Samuel
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  • 209 492 Military Appointment Colonel H.R.H. the Prince of Sukh*daya, Assistant Director in the Genera Staff Department of the Army, bk been appointed General Officer Commanding the 2nd Division of the Army The Prince has just lately returned froc. France where he specialized in higr military training. Gunboat Launched
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  • 79 493 FURTHER RISE sgOBTAGE A«isK DEMAND [Reuter’s Telegrams]' London, May 8 in the price of rubber for delivery to two B hillio g9 attributed to the shortage of P O d a brisk demand to meet '‘fict’oew maturing in America. The intensified by the delay in the Ia! 2
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  • 129 493 Charge Against Mr. J. A. Russell iFrom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, May 9 J. A. Russell was charged and Dieted not guilty to using forged proxies it the Malayan Collieries meeting. He hinded in a statement admitting using the proxies mentioned in the charge and that
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  • 489 493 Messrs. Voules, Codrington and Goldie Entertained The last of a series of functions in honour of the retiring Resident Councillor lhe Hon, Mr. A.B, Voules, was held last night at the Penang Club, when local Europeans entertained him to dinner. With Mr. Stewart Codrington, Municipal President and Mr.
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  • 486 493 STATUTORY MEETING The statutory meeting of Klang River Tin Dredging Campany, Limited, wan held at noon to-dey at the offices of Messrs Katz Bros, Secretaries, Mr. Hobbs reprenting them. Mr. A. H. Miles presided and Messrs E. Riemann and C. R. Sameul were present. A lift
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  • 261 493 WELD QUAY MURDERER CONVICTED At the Assizes yesterday before Mr. -Justice Whitley and a special jury with Mr. F. Duxbury as foreman, Teh Buan long, the Hokkien Chinese who was pu+ on his trial for the murder of his wife, Ong Chian, on or about February 17, on
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  • 253 493 (To the Editor of the Times of Malaya) Sir, You will agree with me that the Chinese form about 80 per cent, of the population of Malaya. Hence in the hospital the patients ought to be mostly Chinese. But one sees comparatively lew Chinese patients in Government
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  • 1129 494 Yesterday’s meeting of Asiatic planters at Kuala Lumpur was remarkably successful and if the feelings oxpressed at that meeting continue to animate future policy untold good will accumulate to all planting communities of Malaya, as well as to the country, says the Malaya Tribune. The I lon hie
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  • 430 494 M.A. P. Mr. F. G. Bourne, the Coroner, is indisposed, sufcZt* influenza. 8 nd® Mr. W. R. Forde, Becrpt Messrs. Mansfield and Co home on leave. 13 M Vi n Tri t of A -i.l .C. s Pulau Samboe inst ji., goes to Europe by the Macedoni!,. Mr. D. Bartlett
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  • 18 495 On 9th May, at Deane Bectory, TrTon Hampshire, to Dorothie, w.fe S oord nAlan Potts, a son.
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  • 1038 495 Saturday the King re-opened the Empire Exhibition at Wembley, k Jde having been happily chosen as fading his loyal subjects an oppornitv ft the same time of celebrating he fifteenth anniversary of His Majvs proclamation as King-Emperor, fbe pageantry this year appears to have L arranged
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  • 450 495 Mr N. Gourlay has been appointed to act as Assistant Adviser, Segamat, Johore. Air. H. A. Smith, Kombok Estate, has been admitted to Seremban Hospital suffering from fever. lhe Hon. Mr. W. Peel and Mrs. Peel arrived by car from Kedah on Saturday and are now installed at the
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  • 1524 496 The Doyen of Dominion Premiers I here wi'l be ivei a H i reg»et thrcu .io on the Empire T 'he de .th of the Ki a t Hon. William Ferguson Massey, Prime Minister of New Zealand. It was not unexpected. Mr. Massey, who wan 69, and the
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  • 255 496 Train Driver’s Report (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipob, May 11 The d iver and guard of the night train on Bu>i io.-1., reported that two Europeans v. re lying unconscious near Khota G,i.e, near Taiping, having appati nMy ci ishtd into the gate. They woe «amoved to the
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  • 1192 497 rcie or T O.M A FURTHER objection JUDGMENT reserved TheappHoatiounf Mr. Irving Arnold de P iiriwardhene, Barrister at-Law, Tnn for admission to practise again before Mr. Justice Whitby to AKa B. Terrell, for the Bar Com!L add that'no further communication n received from the Treasurer of but OU
    rcie or T O.M  -  1,192 words
  • 518 497  -  PRESENTAIION OF COLOURS By Lady Guillemard. An impressive ceremony took place mi Saturday at Mayfield,” AlacAliMvr Load, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Robinson, where the local Girl Guides fell in for the presentation of olours by Lady Guillemard, which Her Excellency promised them when
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  • 1161 498 SCHOOLS’ FAREWELL The Hon. Mr. A. B. Voules and M»s. Voules yesterday afternoon visited the Penang Free School. They were received by Mr. XV. Hamilton, Acting Headmaster, the European masters and Mr. H. R. Cheesemaa, Inspector of Schools. Scouts lined the verandah and kepi the passage clear.
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    • 51 498 A PERAK VICTORY Bowlers w y OH [Pr.-n Our O„u C«r«^ n| Perak were out for l«Vtk *1 «.‘4 Selangor compiled 106, and m made 44 in the first innings Carter took 8 wickets for w u bowling was deadly. Speldewinde had 7 for 40 n in great form.
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    • 162 498 Few persons, save know that the Kadir Cup, for which th. late Lord Rawlinson was to have co tt peted this year, is the blue riband” of the hog-hunter.” Originally the Mee rut Tent Club held a point-to-point over a pig-sticking country for the Forbes Cup; but
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  • 255 498 A Farewell Function The members of the staff of the Government Treasury, Penang, held a tarpwell at-home at the Subordinate Civil Service Association premises on Saturday. The club precincts were beautifully decorated and tea was served on the padang to about thirty Mr. G. C. G Muller,
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  • 4250 499 fI TIRE oF m aNAG Ino A(iENC (rjTICISMS by mb pECK ok Company s Prospects L' mnual general meeting eleVe Collie“i“ Ud, held yester- regLred offic th® <g"j W 3 Kuala Lumpur, was presided H V Ferrers, says Saturr C i>v Mail The others present S Messrs J-
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  • 192 501 (To the Eidtor of the Free Press) Sir, The hon’ble Mr. Guy Clarke in his speech on this Bill is reported to have said with re-gard to similar legislation in other countries: It does not exist in Hongkong and he was told that the only case
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  • 503 501 LEAN CO.’S WEEKLY REPORT Thursday Evening lhe metal suffered a severe set back at the close of last week losing £l2 ss. in two days. However since then 11 has steadily appreciated and closes today at £244 155., a loss of just £7 on the period under review.
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  • 897 502 ANNUAL REPORT The following is the Committee’s repo»t to be submitted at the annual meeting to be held on Sunday next: Your members of Committee have muoh pleasure in presenting their annual report together with a statement of accounts, duly audited. They feel their task doubly pleasurable because
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  • 459 502 Annual Report lhe Committee in submitting the report and audited statement of accounts for the year ended 31st March, 1925, say: One-hundred and six new members were admitted to the Club during the year and the total number of members on the Active List at 31st March,
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  • 240 502 The following letter from the Bishop of Singapore appears in the Church 0! England newspaper: Sir, T wish to bring before the Junk? Clergy the needs and claims of the Diocese of Singapore at this time. TlDiocese extends a long way in all dirertion from Singapore itself,
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  • 1176 503 ute Mr William Cameron, [hat the Government Siir06 long ago as 1885, efor ,W or visited the area of level Dettr hieh elevation, just on the tr v kof the Perak-Pahang border, iaili f g Xn as Cameron's Highlands," k first fact that emerges from Str l X
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  • 450 503 t J J. MM. Mrs. L. Forwell, Seremban Estate, is leaving for England in the course of the next few days. Mr. Mrs. W. Duncan, who arc residing at the E. <fc O- Hotel, arrived from Medan on their way home. Lieut.-Col. J. M. Boyd, who arrived from Kuala
    t \ J J. MM.  -  450 words

  • 1237 504 M. Caillaux’s Chance President Coolidge is believed to be in earnest about a renewed naval conference at Washington, and one imagines that no-one will be more ready to accede to the plan than M. Caillaux, the French Minister of Finance. It is notoriously the French naval pro gramme,
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    • 454 504 Week-End H Mchs The following are the week.»„j with details, of the P enaß now in progress: 0 Colonial Chaplain’s Clock Sgt. Ooi Choo Taik, D. C™ Pte. F. R. Mason, P.W.V I Sgt. F. W. Stewart B. oy. Snap Shooting Ist L/C. W. Flint, P.W.VI 2nd CQMS.
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  • 3412 505 £tlA8 GES AGAINST_MR. RUSSELL PROXIES IX FICTITIOUS NAMES Mb. Hexggeler’s Evidence kriefly reported in our Saturday AS Mr J Russell appeared before S:U u- T K Stark, the Kuala Lumpur Ir on Saturday morning, wer° two charges brought against sections 405 and 471 of the Pe were:
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  • 164 507 L*/’JS>g for n :n Iraudul f**'.STS a bic ck )<U P aS t* l^ Tune months rigorous iml**® c Accused was -< o n.liking IRw» Street With a basket m hrs I** Tk. Basket was cor rd with a Foe beaked by a D P.C7 F Uhad got
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  • 263 507 Mb. Youtman Entertained H ffrMi Out Own Correupondent] Klang, May 12 -of esteem towards their Mr. A. C- Youtman, manaA. C. Harper Co., Port Svettenham, who goes on leave latte 15th, the office staff entertained KM| to a tea party yesterday at the Bfaition Club. A group photograph
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  • 1696 507 ANTHONY CO.’S SHARE LIST Name of Company. Buyers Sellers Rem BUBBKR—DOLLAR BHARBB. Cts j c ts. Allenby Rubber Co., Ltd. 1.55 j A lor Gajah Rubber Estate, Ltd. ...I 1.30 149 Ain&ltraniated Malay Estates, Ltd 2.40 250 1 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate Ltd! 12.03 12 75 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate,
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  • Page 508 Advertisements
    • 218 508 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., wf 60, M4OH 9TMfT, MNANG. 1 ESTABLISHED ISBB. S PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. J yV Proprietors of the STRAITS £CHO and PENANG SIN POE XJF V* The most enterprising and up-to-date Printers and Litho- s Wx graphers in the Orient. Jf y£ Our plant is of the very latest
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