The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 6 May 1925

Total Pages: 34
445 478 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • Page 445 Advertisements
    • 269 445 CONTENTS J.l LEADERS MISCELLANEOUS: (Continued) fil KS Hindenburg’s Election 447 Educational Topics 456 LX ES Mr. Churchill’s Budget 451 Supreme Court Cause List 460 g Bjjj Birthday of the Film 457 Another Motor Fatality 460 <fc 463 RJ KM Rubber Shares 461 Singapore’s Champion Baby 462 pg K9> A Spring
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  • Page 446 Advertisements
    • 198 446 ‘Xr ths I STRAITS ECHO I MAIL EDITION. I Aa Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the ms daily issues, as well as aH important news from various parts of the Far C
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  • 893 447 HINDENBURG’ S ELECTION of the most remarkable feaof the voting in the German Preelection was the manner in w hich women electors ralll d to tlie manner of von Hindenburg. Another was the large number of fresh votes polled in -the second ballot; the majority were in his favour and
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  • 68 447 run into a riesha at the corner of Selegie Road and Prinsep Street, Singapore, on Sunday afternoon with such force that the puller received injuries from which he died immediately' afteryvards. The m< tor-cyclist yvas charged in the Second Police Court on Monday morning with
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  • 468 447 Mr. L. A. Thomas, of the Straits Police, and Mrs. Thomas are back after a trip Home. Mr. A. Leaky, ol BouGead s, and Mrs. Leaky have returned to the Straits after a trip Home. Mr. W. E. Pepys, of the Malayan Civil Service, is expected back
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  • Page 447 Advertisements

  • 1022 448 YESTERDAY’S MEETING EX-PRES1DEN 1 S 1 PHOTOG '.A: HS FOR COUNCIL CHAMBER A sp?cial and an ordinary me ingot the Munit if 'I omruiminr -a >' G-sor e Town WmB held yesterday. r. S. Codling lor pr* »idri d the C mmisdc iere present were Mr. J. I).
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  • 263 448 A correspondent writes:—On Saturday night the Cresu< it Star Sports Hub was tastefully ilium, iated and decorated for the 1925 Oilici.ds and Committee "At Home" and also a variety concert contributed by the members in honour of the llari Raya. The Murder Scene from Julius Caesar
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  • 444 448 NEXT MONDAY 5 MEETING Orders oe the B ay The following are the oni« s C1 day lor the meeting of the T Council on Monday, May 4-___^ Sat!v Question by Mr" Clarke: Is it a fact that the Jinr-Vci 1 Foundation has presented atn money to the
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  • 2720 449 chamber of commerce meeting acting CHAIRMAN’S INTERESTING REVIEW CHAMBER AND LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ibe annual general meeting of memthe Penartg Chamber of Com:"ri was held yesterday at 2.30 p.m. “kt Chamber of Commerce building V. r N. Holmes (Messrs. R. T. Reid 1Co the acting Chairman, presided, and the
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  • 42 450 Assistant En gineer, P.W.D., Kedah, has been transferred to Kuala Nerang from Haling to survey the proposed Kuala Nerang to Bukit Kayu Itam Hoad. Mr. St. Paul Wyndham. Special Supervising Overseer, has relieved Mr. Sirup son at Baling.
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  • 543 450 The Acting Chief Ju8ti tice bproule, «-ho has returned H"*gapore after conducting the* i Assizes, was occupied in tU Court yesterday-morning with three criminal appeals, gays Tree Press. -Mayg In the first case seven Chinese aways, Chua Hee Seng, C hua W Seng Chua Yong Kia, Tan
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  • 1025 452 The Way to Promotion Rather a tasty blow, writes the fopioist in the Free Pi ess, for the eager young members of the Malayan Service who have recently been decently concealing their joy at the stream of retirements of eminent prize-post-holder s, to learn that Mr. Hereford has
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  • 92 452 The health statistics for the Municipality of George Town for the week ending April 25, 1925, give a total of 61 deaths—35 males and 26 females—the death rate being 23.85 per mille per annum compared with 20.72 in the preceding week and with 24.38 in the corresponding week
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  • 23 452 miner and planter, arrived by the s.s. Malaya this morning. He is out on a pleasure trip.
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  • 24 452 has been constituted with W M Mayhew as the new Master, telegraphs our Singapore correspondent.
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  • 1817 452 PRELIMINARY ENQu m CHINESE CHAUFFEUR In the ISecoud Police C on t Mr. C. W Sennett began the er.qury of the cuee in whieh B,,? 7 Keo .e charged w>th caueing tb Yap Yam Sam by a rash act aJr 01 Ah Kap the owner of the oar
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  • 36 453 of the Singapore branch of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., have gone to Bangkok. Mr. Vignoles, who is the company’s asphalt expert in the Straits, remains there for some time.
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  • 98 453 has just received per the Director-Secre-tary of the Zoological Society of Scotland the badge of an Honorary Fellow of the Society. In forwarding the badge the Director-Secretary says: “The pair of tigers which Your Highness was good enough to send to the Park have
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  • 1010 453 INSURANCE COMPANY SUED Supreme Court Action A Chinese firm’s loss of merchandise through the burning of a godown on the bank of the Kapoewas River at Pontianak, Dutch West Borneo, had a sequel in the Supreme Court at Singapore on Tuesday, when the Acting Chief Justice,
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  • 25 454 Medical Oflj- cer, Muur, and Mr. Cockman, Collectot of Land Revenue, Muar, are at present patients in the Durian Daun Hospital.
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  • 81 454 Medical Offi- oer, Kuantan, was entertained to a farewell function on Saturday, April 4, at the Kuantan Recreation Club, on the eve of his departure to England on furlough. Dr. Leicester was garlanded at the entrance and was then conducted to a special dais. There was
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  • 1532 454 THE FORM OF A TABLET Interesting Action in the Supreme Court Litigation concerning the form of a tablet in a Chinese shrine occupied the attention of the Acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Sproule, in the Supreme Court yesterday and attracted a large number of members of
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  • 67 455 P ~:o>— Hava’i? was as ’Hari Uj nil A A10r Star 00 Fri e Public Offices, 4. In\h F1Vate h° U8f ‘s were illuminatth* Civil e orn n g the members of J?‘A»essy t t? called u P on Their «»h mu d SU Tv n t he
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  • 877 455 SEQUEL TO BUNGALOW THEFTS The following is a fuller report of the case against the three Malay youths. Chedin, Sheriff, Pawanteh and an old woman who were charged with theft of Mr. Buckwell’s silver watch and a cigarette case belonging to Mr. A. Gregory Jones, the result of
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  • 13 455 Executive En- gineer, P.W.D., has returned from Home leave.
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  • 93 455 tenders her grate- ful thanks to the Hon. President and Members of the Committee of the Penang Turf Club for their generous offering which enabled 287 of the Convent children to enjoy a royal picnic on Government Hill during the holidays. For the majority of them it
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  • 250 455 a Chinese boy who was charged with cheating by making a statement to Wong Yee Kong that he had been sent by his sister to borrow money and thereby inducing Teh Yee Kong to hand him $30 at Market Street was brought before Mr. C. W. A. Sennett
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  • 1011 456 SHOULD TEACHERS BE RE-EXAMINED? This is the very significant title of a letter signed “Head Teacher in the Times Educational Supplement for March 14 and comes in opportunely while we are discussing the Training of Teachers. 1 propose to deal with the questions asked in this letter, and
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  • 135 456 He was admitted for gastric symptoms. At mid-, night one day last week, when the dresser visited the ward he took Leong Yeow’s temperature. When the dresser again visited the ward at 4 a.m. the bed was empty. The attendant
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  • 460 456 DRIVER ACQUITTED n F negligence f Injured Pedestrian to u, Hie hearing was concluded t day al the Kuala Lumpur Iu f. th™ in which driver of hire bus No ST h.j>. De Dion, was 1 nutting a l ash act in connect the accident on the
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  • 61 456 The appeal of Mr. C. Teluk Anson, from the jii<L n Justice David, dismissing against the State of P (r P ostp'*i certain survey fees, has >e" thfor argument to the ne*t Court of Appeal at Kuak T Naested is away from the Hon. Mr. W. H Thorne
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  • 876 457 v«ars to-day, on May 1, W l 0) ni 0 f the World’s lair id& at tbe occurred, perhaps at c 8 11 whlch has ‘“£e ta the entertainment occasion marked the first of a cinematograph display audience. The projection pubb Fdison’s “Kinetoscope, a machine in
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  • 175 457 “The Chief Postmaster of Kuala Lumpur. Mr. E. V. Xavier, retires from the service from to-day. For 16 years or so he has been in charge of the Kuala Lumpur post office and has efficiently participated in the great development of its work during that
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  • 470 457 Mr. L. Lewis, of the Bangkok limes, is in Penang on his way home on leave. Dr. S. Danasamy, formerly of Port Swettenham, is now stationed at Taiping. Air. Stowell has joined the staff of the Penang Free School and taken over the Scout work. The names
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  • 758 458 Plague and Slums At the meeting of the Singapore Municipal Coramissioners, there was a reference to plague. The Medical Officer finds it disquieting that oases have occurred in I the present hot weather. Thirty-nine have been reported, chiefly from thickly populated parts of the town, Bud rat infection
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  • 96 458 [Pram Our Own Correspondent] Singapore, May 1 At the annual meeting of the Ex-Ser-vices Association. Mr. G. S. Carver, who presided, urged the necessity of paying subscriptions. Only half had been paid last year. Tt was decided that Ex-Ser-vice ladies should be invited to co-operate with the men
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  • 57 458 Special Distribution [From Our Own Correspondent] Singapore, May 1 At the annual meeting of the Sandyeroft Rubber Company, Mr. Vincent Gibbon presiding, said the Board had considered the matter of a special distribution and favoured transferring some of their reserves to profit and loss, but the Board was
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  • 56 458 Enquiry Opened [Frtm Our Own Correspondent] Singapore. May 1 The enquiry into the fire on board the Flevo on March 3 was opened. Mr. Thomas Miller, the mate, and eight Chinese were drowned, and papers, manifests, and bills of lading lost. The ship was towed in to
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  • 33 458 who has been seriously ill at Home, has improved to the extent that the dis patch of further cabled bulletins is no longer considered necessary.—M M.
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  • 70 458 “Mr. \V L Watkins of W atkins and Company was thrown out of a ricsha through a collision with a motor car opposite the P. and O. Bank yesterday at about noon. The riesha was badlv buckled and Mr. atkins was severely shaken up. Be sustained
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  • 2601 458 THE CHETTY SUIT BELL JUDGMENT The fobowing is the f a l| Justice Whitley’s judgment in the Mr ohelty action, which aroused consiZ*!? interest in the Chetty world stated that the parties, vyera fighting the action not for th e Z i money involved, which to them was
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  • 94 460 The Cause List for May shows very few eases, there being only eight suits for the month, for which seven dates are mentioned. The parties in all the actions, except two, are Chinese. There is one suit between Chetties. The other action is being brought by
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  • 81 460 Shortly before going to press news was received of another motor fatality which occurred on the Sungei Pinang Bridge, the victim being a Chinese pedestrian. It appears he was knocked down by a hire ’bus which plies between Penang and Balik Pulau. He was brought to the
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  • 23 460 of the Forest Department. Pahang West, who has been down with a bad attack of malaria, is progressing favourably.
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  • 256 460 As the Commissioner, in his notes, says, “It has been felt for some time that the Scout Movement in Malaya has reached such proportions that some attempt should
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  • 934 460 PLANTERS THEIR HEALTH REPORT SIR MALCOLM WATSON'S REMINDER (To the Editor oj the» hchu) Sir,—in the criticism that is published from time to time of the Report of the Estate Health Commission, there is obviously a fear that Government intends to make the large estates pay for the cost
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  • 23 460 of th* ine annual general 6 l-j F.M.S. Chamber of Mines will be Ikon Saturday, May 23, in Ipoh.
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  • 42 460 ijooct news comes iiirougu where the movement has now 8 P re Sungei Patani. The Government t lish School Troops will now have one close at hand with whom o w
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  • 73 460 The. appeal in the Kroh j which was lieing argued m Court of Appeal now sitting, m P° yesterday postponed for ment to the next sitting of e Kuala Lumpur as Mr. Iven8 of s J the respondent, raised a P 01 the course of his argument, w
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  • 1022 461 everal share market reports, not,C'issued in the F M.S., we noticed a tendency lately to emrhe opportunities presented P ba6,he f rs a nd on the whole, no hMteirfvidual whose predilections n w lean in that direction, might Ser from a close and enlightened a of the position
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  • 19 461 for spot and £H for three month’s buying, the respective figures being £236.10s. and £239.10s.
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  • 36 461 Association art being asked to vote for a candidate for nomination a< Municipal Commissioner. The two candidates are Mr. H. J Fougere and Mr. H V Raper, both Insurance Managers
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  • 475 461 Air. A. Hood Begg, of Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Singapore, is proceeding to England on May 11. Air. George Hemmant, Al.C.S., has taken short leave on urgent private affairs. Air. R. G. H. Tait, of the accounts office, Singapore Harbour Board, returned from leave on Wednesday accompanied
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  • 997 462 A “K.L.” Experiment Id our recent leading article, advocating the taxation of unimproved land values U8 likely to help towards a solution of the housing problem in Penang, we mentioned that the Sanitary Boards in the F.M.S. possess certain powers in this respect which it would be very
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  • 19 462 chief electrician, Victoria Theatre, Singapore, and Mrs. Bridges left lor home on Thursday, by the Edavana.
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  • 144 462 that the following candidates from the Anderson School were successful in the London Matriculation Examination which was held in Singapore in January 1925: —Kariappa Kanamey and Haji Abdul Wahab bin Datoli Muda Abdul Aziz. There were five candidates from Malaya who presented themselves for
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  • 681 462 CHINESE SENTENCED FOR TlltR Before Mr. 0. W. A. Senneil in the Police Coart, a Chinese a charge of theft of fifty dnlkf. 08 Malay padi planter in Alor Star ’i" 5 1 who had been allowed to oomplainant’s house for one niola u Penang, with him and
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  • 62 463 Ata careful judging of the winners of the six divisions of Class C. in the Baby Show, infants under jine year, the championship prize of $50, given v Lady Guillemard. was awarded to the little Japanese baby girl. Fujiko Morits, aged four months. The total amount collected
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  • 249 463 Supreme Court Action Concludes The litigation concerning the form of tablet in a Chinese shrine in the burial .rxind at Holland Road, which has oc jpied the attention of the Acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Sproule, for two Jays this week and has thronged the Supreme Court
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  • 92 463 Mr. P S Will’ 0 •bny ’Mliams, who has been '’°n' rllj HS «“eond Police •<r Perlis t en ang. will be leaving. 6,tl H Britiei i?? having been ap- > Wo,' i Vl V T thf rc Mr «"<< IKe very popular be miXd he
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  • 353 463 PENANG “BISLEY” CADETS COMPETITION Free School Win After Six Years The Penang 1925 “Bislev” began this morning on the Kampong Bahru Range, when the Cadets competition was tired off. The Penang Free School A team was the successful side, winning the arent after six years. St. Xavier’s, who
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  • 21 463 on Monday a bill to amend the Kwong-Wai Shiu Hospital will be read a first time.
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  • 125 463 who was hanging about the Serernban market, ran amok and stabbed two Chinese ricksha pullers in the chest, and a police constable in the neck. The-man would probably have committed further mischief, says the Malay Mail, had it not been for the timely
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  • 273 463 LEAN CO.’S WEEKLY REPORT Thursday Evening Tin has continued a rising market, to-day's price £251.15.0 showing a rise of £14. during the period under review. Rubber has steadily appreciated by daily rises, and to-day's price 9Jd. is just $d. better than the closing price from last market report.
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  • 142 463 A Chinese pedestrian was knocked down by a motor bus on the Sungei Pinang bridge (Jelutong Road), as briefly reported yesterday. The accident proved fatal, the body being brought to the Magazine Police Station. We learn that the number of the ’bus, a hire one, was P.
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  • 36 463 the Indian Hakim charg- ed with being in possession of a number of poisons at Hongkong, who formerly practised medicine in the F.M.S., has been convicted and fined $190, or two months hard labour.
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  • 82 463 recorded 249 deaths in Singapore during the week ending April 18th, when two 1‘airopeans, three Eurasians, 197 Chinese. 33 Malays and 10 Tamils died. Most deaths, 28, were caused by pneumonia, 26 by convulsion, 24 by phthisis. 23 by malaria] fever 18 by beri-beri,
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  • 964 464 If the Asiatic Rubber Producers’ Association of Malaya, which was definitely launched at to-day’s inaugural meeting in Ku;«la Lumpur, says Friday’s Malay Mail, achieves anything short of the complete success its promoters hope for, such failure will certainly not be owing to lack of outside encouragement. Wannest wishes
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  • 42 464 Chief Secretary, E.M.S., who is coming to Penang next week to meet Lady Alax well, due by the Kalyan, is expected to arrive by mail train on Wednesday morning and will stay at the E. (J. Hotel.
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  • 41 464 which ap pe.ired in this column yesterday saying that Mr. Beavis had been ottered a position with the Anglo-T’reneh Drug Co., in Singapore.—S.F.P.
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  • 50 464 Mr. W Orr. second engineer of the Medusa, on the Singapore Belawan Deli run, .was admitted, into the Singapore General Hospital foran operation. Mr Orr is one of the oldest Scottish engineers sailing out of Singapore, as hi connection with the port dates back for some 35 years.
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  • 339 464 The first Raya celebration Bindings in the way of took place at Lumut beUinniT •Kandnri al the mosque P' night. About 150 people wert by the Raya Celebrationi The mosque itself was Taily with Japanese lanterns 1 J?" 1 lights. There Wa8 h match on the
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  • 164 464 A Hokkien Chinese, Liin Lean K* was this morning charged in the Btrict Court, before Mr. E. Pratt W hjiving been in possession of of non-Government chandu at Road on April 20. Accused pl guilty. Detective Inspector Fowler. prosecuted, said the facts were a about 9.20 on
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  • 931 465 A SPR ING SONG t do Suring the local sociologist’s 10 n htlv turns to thoughts ot the fancy hg itv Hospital in Macalister "he early leasts of the nt rear s crop are most encouraging, S 2 regards Asiatic and European W ,L aud vintage 1025 promises to '“‘I
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  • 17 465 are published in the Government Gazette.
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  • 19 465 and District Grand Chapter of the Eastern Archipelago meet at Klang, on Saturday, May 30.
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  • 23 465 fof the first quar- ter of this year was $2,804,822 as against $3,266,185 fur the corresponding quarter of last year.
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  • 28 465 tele- graphs that the libel action by Mr. H. N. Ferrers against the Straits limes has been provisionally fixed for hearing on May 26.
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  • 56 465 of another motor car accident which occurred on the Dato Kramat Road this morning. In this case the accident did not prove fatal, the victim being a Chinese woman who was run over or injured on the leg. It appears that she had been
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  • 460 465 Mr. S. K. Sibbald has assumed duties as acting Lown Planner, F.M.S. Mr. G. E. Shaw has accepted the post of chairman, Rubber Propaganda Committee. Dr. L. W. Evans, medical officer, Straits Settlements, has been seconded for service in Kelantan. Mrs. Rose, wife of Mr. W. A.
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  • 1182 466 “Deluding the Unwary” Aocuetomcd, as wo are in Penang, to a variety of sueet olocLs that are rarely absolutely unanimous, we read with interest that the question of “clock-lying” and delusion of the unwary has been raised in London, where there is little excuse for inaccuracy. There is
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  • 300 466 A noth eh Postponement Tho application of Mr. living Arnold de boyza Siriwarc-hene, barrister-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, for admission to the local C urts wif again hat Whitley this rooming Mr Siriwardhene ba Un tin.., Lhey could not agree. Mr Hi’wrote some abusive letf 0 lambyah and f or
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  • 258 466 A short paragraph appeared in our cota on Thursday announcing the death oi i Dunstan A. Aeria at McKenzie Road. The deceased was the son of Mr. te Clement and Paulin Aeria, of Penang ffi was born on October 21, 1870. Hew 1 brother of Mr.
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  • 959 467 H,EWELL “AT BOM" iN diaVs’tribute n n the Resent Councillor and Tbe v fl nles who are sailing for Homa on were entertained on Saturday at bel f t aian Association premises at, Date tbe iLd-the first of a series of jrtmat kto bi j
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  • 23 467 the new chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board, has arrived from Kuala Kubu and taken up his duties.
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  • 26 467 will present the Colours to the three Penang Companies of the Girl Guides at Mayfields. MacAlistcr Road, at 4.45 pan. on Saturday.
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  • 62 467 The calendar is a short one of three cases only. Two arc for murder and one, returning from banishment. The murder cases, which will be tried by special jurors, are the wife murder by a Chinese on Weld Quay and the
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  • 135 467 in a para- graph appearing in our issue of Max 2, 1925, under heading Police Court, “As sault Before Mr. C. W. A. Sennctt in the Police Court yesterday u Kling Tongkang owner and his coolie were charged with assaulting Othman Merican at Church
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  • 1124 467 (Krom a Correspondent) Divorce as allowed by Islam is on« of the rules which comes in for severe critisism at the hands of Non Muslims. But an earnest student of Islam with an unbiassed mind and tolerant attitude, cannot but admire the beneficent rule and high-mindedness of
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  • 16 468 of the Secretary >’■ Stale, Mr. Ralph Scott is appointed Resident Councillor of Malacca.
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  • 1048 468 HEARING CONCLUDES TO-DAY Lar g e Atten d a n c e There was again a large attendance of the Chinese community in the public seats in the Supreme court, Singapore, yesterday, when the Chinese shrine action was continued before the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Sproule, says
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  • 33 468 i r the The annual report of Protestant Benefit Society ended March Bl. edfi of $3,396.47 stood to the Societv at the end of tit there were 31 member» o
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  • 1580 469 official enquiry Marine Court of Enquiry to inne, th circumstances attending ,estate h(j 8tcanler Flevo on b Ttat and which resulted in death of the European mate and ht members of the crew, was held A first Magistrate’s Court jester- savs Saturday s Free Press. d
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  • 18 469 is appointed a mem- ber of the Licensing Board for Penang, vice Dr. J. Gossip.
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  • 70 469 of Singapore, (now in Edinburgh), will be pleased to learn that he has obtained his final degrees in medicine, with honours in surgery. His brother Mr. C. P Burke has obtained second in Roman Law, and first with honours in Constitutional Law,
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  • 68 469 Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association for nomination of a representative <jJ1 the Municipal Commission resulted in Mr H. W. Raper polling 72 votes and Mr. H. J. Fougere 50. Mr. Raper is therefore nominated. The ballot for a representative of the Straits
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    • 770 470 P. C. C. V. “THE REST’’ INTERE ST I NG M ATC11 The cricket match on Saturday between the P.C.C. and “The Rest” proved an exciting affair, the Rest eventually winning by three wickets. Both teams had formidable sides out, stronger in batting than in bowling, but the scoring
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    • 594 470 PENANG BISLEY” A. COMPANY WIN KEDAH PLATE Renfrew Shield Won by B. Company The Kampong Bahru range yesterday presented a busy appearance both in the morning and in the afternoon when two important events were decided in connection with the 1925 “Bisley.” Capt. Saunders, O. C., Capt. Lovell, the Adjutant,
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  • 33 470 the manage! and cashier of Chop Kwei H 1D > Kimberley Street took poison on W day. He was removed to hospital w died at 4 a m. on Sunday.
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  • 165 470 formally opened 1 new wing which has been added tortFairfield Girls’ School, in Neil Singapore, on Friday last. This school, which is conduc the American Methodist Mission, 1« of the largest girls’ schools in t e The new wing, which contains six rooms and a large assembW 118
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  • 84 472 [Frsm Our Own Corruptndini] Singapore, May 4 The Dutch steamer Ceylon is aground in ten feet of water, in the Straits of Temiang and is making water. She has called for assistance. A number of lighters are being sent from Singapore to the Ceylon which is aground
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  • 141 472 Native Cultivation The following is an extract from a letter addressed to Mr. R. C. M. Kindersley, as the F. M. S. representative on the Native Rubber Investigation Committee (Batavia) by the Secretary, Rubber Producenten Vereeniging “Intei im Communiqu6—Now that the investigation in Djambi and both divisions
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  • 45 472 who recently re- signed his appointment on Batang Ihnar estate, has now taken up permanent residence on his property at Sepang. He hopes to return to England with his family for a long holiday at the end of the year —M.M.
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  • 516 472 LOSS ON SHEEP TRADING RegistratioFB?“ arch (From Our Own Co„„ Before the business of begun His Excellency the Gowr?’ Laurence Guillemard., pre8ented V’ Calthrop Calthrop, Master Attendant the Insignia of the 0. B, E. WU In connection with the motion h. a Treasurer That this Council aDI U
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  • 2108 473 another farewell A "at HOME" Interesting Function j of farewells to Penang s T Vk sident Councillor and Airs. a6 continued yesterday when '“fnited Indi® Association, of which f H H. Abdul Cader is the President V nained them to a faren e 1 at
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  • 25 474 will succeed Miss Luke as Headmistress of the Chinese Mission Girls School. Kuala Lumpur, when the latter leaves at the end of May.
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  • 29 474 will he glad to learn that His Royal* Highness Prince Damrong, of Siam, who has been indisposed for some time, is now much better.
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  • 39 474 late of Kuala '<«'1 4J1 Lumpur, and formerly of Penang, has arrived in Ipoh and taken over the Agency of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd., from Mr. Vernon S. Smith who has gone on leave.
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  • 866 474 BANKRUPTCY EXAMINATION Story of Big Property K’ransagtions A well-known figure in recent litigation, Mr. Poey Keng a former managing director erf the Eastern Mining a»d Rubber Company, made some interesting reveiatiots rsgardftig property transactions in At course <•# his public examination in Umbruptcy, which commenced before Mr.
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  • 22 474 O.B.E., Colonial Engineer, is a pected in Malacca this week on a to-' of inspection.
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  • 47 474 who has con. pleted his third term of service in 0? Ion, leaves for Home shortly. He habeen succeeded as Commanding RoT Engineers, Ceylon, by Lieut. G Gandy. There will be many in Jgapore who remember Col. cricket when he was stat here.—S.F.P.
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  • 44 474 Our Klang Messrs. H. A. Wootton, Manager of Messrs. A. C. W* Co., Ltd., Klang, and Kow Chuan have just been appoint Government as members of t Sanitary Board. Mr. K°* Chuans appointment meets w satisfaction of the Chinese com
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  • 57 474 Mr. Lim Hooq Bee, £j special class, F.M.S- us port Duties Office, Sing^ Dt iy f son, Mr. C. 0. Lim. .[a duated as M.A. at the versify, is under orders to P transfer to Port Swettenham B. Francis, lately o General’s Office. Kua-> 1 g
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  • 389 475 murder trial Aun»\x Tamil Charge® TX Assizes opened this > before Mr. J-stice Whitley. „J.r a short one ol three .'•t Jan’with a case of returning c 6 ful banishment. 1'he anwas a Chinese, Wong Ah Yu. pleaded guilty to the charge and fenced to penal servitude for
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  • 29 475 —Sir David Gaiu zj council: —sir David Sir in’ i^ r (-darke (8.8.) and H Wlm Wfet8on and Ur. Mc(F.M.8.),
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  • 113 475 Mr. Leefon g, t lv special rcpresentaM •d, v e .P 1,ne8e National Flood Re"«pir’s of C th- 1,lu rk !1 ""t* the oinl Famine RpiJ China 1‘Hernalional Chines v. r e mission and the n 3 10I1 v Peking, is Smiting funds fro,,, the Keillor of\h'.'■ Mr L< r
    113 words
  • 332 475 A LOCAL ANNIVERSARY Bishop Lowĕ in Penang The 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Penang Chinese Methodist Episcopal Church is being celebrated in Penang at the moment and His Lordship Bishop Lowe has arrived specially in connection with the celebrations. On Sunday at 11 a.m. a
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  • 317 475 The Clock Tower [From Our Own Corretpondoni] Alor Star; May, 4 The at the top of the Balei Besar is now in working order. It only strikes the hours. G. E. S. Union The Union started the new term with an eloquent lecture on ‘The flight of thought
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  • 48 475 M.A., Vice- Principal, Jaffna College, Ceylon, was entertained at a dinner at the Klang Rest House on Friday by old boys of the college in the Klang district. Mr. Chelliah delivered a lecture on Educational Ideals before the Klang Tamil Association on Thursday evening.
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  • 348 475 appear in the current issue of the F.M.S. Government Gazette: —Mr. J. P C. Bell to be an Assistant Engineer, F.M.S.R., Mr. F. Keir to be an Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department, F.M.S.; Mr. W. H. Morris to be a Surveyor-on-Agreement, Survey Department, F.M.S. and 8.8.;
    348 words

    • 68 476 Monthly Medal The Monthly Medal for Aj>ril played for last week-end was won by Mr. C. D. Ahearne with a score of 2 down to bogey. The ball sweep resulted in a tie by Ah issrs. A. Clark, C. A. Scott, J. S. Dawbarn and J. M.
      68 words
    • 44 476 Kleinmann Betains Cup [From Out Own CorrMjMmiwnt] Singapore, May •> In an exceptionally g»xxi game of lawn tennis, Kleinmann beat Hamilton in th--final for the Club Championship by G- 3, 9—7, thus winning for the third year in succession and retaining the cup.
      44 words
    • 224 476 Sunday s Competitions As already reported, the Kedah Plate and Renfrew Shield, in connection with the Penang “Bisley” which is now in progress, was shot off on Sunday, B. Company winning the Shield and A. Company the Plate. Appended are the scores in the Renfrew Shield: No. 6
      224 words
    • 616 476 SINGAPORE SPRING RACES Training Notes 1 he interest taken in the framing for tie races has been greater than usual this Spring and on Saturday the attendance was so large that the late comers found th.- early birds had picked up all the crumbs and butter-—! sa\
      616 words
  • 148 476 A Chinese was charged with theft of two planks, before Mr C. W A Sunnctt this morning and sentenced to six months imprisonment He bad three previous convictions and had returned from banishment. Before Mr C. W. A. Sennett in the I "In-i- ourt this morning, ;< bines»who
    148 words
  • 168 476 With reference to Gazette N otitil No. 2600 published in the- sup 0* tary Gazette of April 20, 1995 Hez.dent of Perak, in exercise' of powers conferred on him by R u fc J under Sections 3 and 4 of “The 0 antine and Prevention of Diseased
    168 words
  • 83 476 was dismissed with costs by the Full Court of Appeal it Ipoh. In this case Mr. A. F. Bidaeh originally sued Mr. Ring for a sum of $2,000, the balance which he claimed to be due to him as
    83 words
  • 66 476 that on “Baby Day” the firs: prize for children of any nationality awarded to Patrick Newell, 4 1/3 years, and the second to Sylvia Paul. Betwetf 1 and 21 years, first Cecil Manasseh. second F anny Mami. Infants under®» year, Malay, Osman; Chinese, Wod Wing
    66 words
  • 145 476 —On the eve of his depart r WHIUB. IB” CVC ma y home on retirement from Mal»y a A B. Sanders, the well-known W* of Kuala Lumpur, was entertained a farewell dinner by a large friends, including several mem the Kuala Lumpur bar and the
    145 words

  • 217 477 A5 sv*i'M»« lsa annual general meeting the Ayer Kuning .fthesha re limited, was held at SU t the registered ofiices of the Beach Street. Penang. >e D > n“ and the others l t B r 'j )> Souter. Mr. h. j re „d Mr Nonis
    217 words
  • 136 477 I Mbr-Company Competitions IHe following is the order of draw for p hfer-Company Attack Competition p Iflter-Conipany Snapshooting to be pi ofi next Sunday: I Snapshooting M Coy- No. 2 Team vs. ‘B’ Coy. No. I Team. rC’Coy. No. 1 Team vs. ‘D’ Cov. No. lie® 0, 1
    136 words
  • 40 477 R O for 192 an Treasurer. r nf d subscti ptk>ns amount aide- inT'f to $59 The 5,406 43 ar chiU? ,00 was trans commen^ 111 a1 3 per centr^U^ Cerneut (A the Fund 48 been received.
    40 words
  • 1392 477 ANTHONY CO.’S SHARE LIST Name of Company. Buyers Sellers Rem RUBBBK—DOLLAR 8HARB8. Cts. cts. < i Allenby Bubber Co., Ltd. 1.42} 1.4?} A lor Gajah Rubber Estate, Ltd. 1.05 1.10 Amalgamated Malay Estates, Ltd 2.10 2.15 AyHitam Plantfrig Syndicate Ltd 11.25 11.30 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate, Ltd... 40.0 0.45 Ayer
    1,392 words
  • 59 477 Penang 213,000, Sabrang nil, Straits 99.363, Rubana 73,400, Tali Ayer 37,100, Bagan Serai 16,500, Batak Rabit 25,000, Karan 12,200, Merchiston nil, Ayer Kuning (F.M.S.) 42,000, Bradwall (F.M.S.) 28,997, Chersonese (F.M.S.) 46,946, Dennistown (Krian F.M.S.) 22,900, Highlands and Lowlands 63,300, Klabang 23,000, Krian 21,750, Muar River 42,000,
    59 words
  • 201 477 Johan, for the month of April, piouls *160.80, yardage 57,455, hours run 661, recovery by tables pls. 129.71, recovery by puddlers pls. 31.09, revenue from sale of ore $11,450.20, tribute received $328.36, total $11,778.56. Menglembu Lode, for the month of April, mill 167 piculs, tributors 3 piculs. Kramat
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  • Page 478 Advertisements
    • 223 478 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd 1 59, MAOH 9TKMT, nNANQ, J 2j* ESTABLISHED 1W8, S PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. Proprietors of the STRAITS ECHO and PENANG SIN POE ff -r ft JJ* The most enterprising and up-to-date Printer» and Litho- > Ml graphers in the Orient. Jf y*» Our plant is of the very
      223 words