The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 19 February 1924

Total Pages: 32
1 148 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 333 1 cO IM XJO 14 T S Za LEADERS: MISCELLANEOUS jConttauad) K Personalities 119 Admiral Field Interviewed 128 ft Labour and Restriction 125 F.M.S. War Memorial 131 ftj i German Unity 129 A Focal Point of Empire 132 JF g A Landlord’s Plaint 133 MAV.R. In 1923 132 g j A
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 187 2 THE I STRAITS ECHO g MAIL EDITION. oA) ninioooii i o Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, So SA j/j and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, as well as all important news from various parts of
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  • 1597 119 Rubber restriction, the price of tin and cVe n the forthcoming naval visit were mk overshadowed as topics of converitwn in Singapore last week by the pending departure of Sir Frederick Seton Janes to take up the governorship of tne Windward Islands and the question u in b successor
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  • Page 119 Advertisements
    • 35 119 p vblish^ da,l¥ MAirEDIT ,0N .he new» of the week prior C "T?rtureofM^^ Burope IW Cri Li f ed g miMESTIC occurrence BIRT H ns—On Saturday, February 19, rr daughter. Both doing «ell. l2, 1924.
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  • 1531 120 The Proper Way Mr. J H 'I hon.f.s’n «to»y < f th#- F’nk of Dev retire illustrnUs what might he called the raving trace of British political life. The Colonial Secretary of the Laboar Ministry related how, w! en he took over the duties of his offic<, the
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  • 210 120 ('Po the Editor of the Straits Echo Sir,—l cannot really understand why the Penang Municipality should take the unjustifiable measure in closing down some of the wells in the kampongs of Puhm Tikus, etc. If they do. itisonh right that they should be replaced by pipes. But,
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  • 372 121 u«itli District -lurifec, Pul»» tLwl V to i 9 the latest victim septic throat epidenUO J» i**£ T) \v G Parker, of Kuala lrs Parker and five children gH<^> ria u ia Bangoon Vfonekton has been seconded for the F M.S. as Assistant terries j Fnaineer at
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  • 559 121 TO-DAY’S DECISIONS The first, Court of Appeal for Penang for this year opened to-day. Tha presiding Judges were the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, (President) and Justices A.V. Brown and Me. abe Reay. At the outset the order in which the appeals were to be heaid was
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  • 2248 121 THE SENTIMENTS OF THE CHINESE OF MALAYA The Garden Club (says the Singapore Free Press) was the scene of a particularly memorable function on Saturday night, when a large company, including the leading members of the Chinese communities in the Straits Settlements and F.M.S., as well as
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  • 438 123 mm BAID IN A storm r-Jffil -XSb /<"«■ flefe n of distilling apof manufacturing ,U B t Sulgei Du» at 1.30 a.m g Goh of and Thornton appealed in the course of his evidence Smthe, Mr. Clark,,and several feCue officers, together with the inL“ left the Monopolies
    mm  -  438 words
  • 599 123 P. R. C. v. Eastern Smelting 1 Not for a long time has such an exciting finish taken place as that which was witnessed on Saturday on the Esplanade in the Penang Pricket League when the Penang Recreation (dub beat the Eastern Smelting by one run. A
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  • 127 123 Results of ties played yesterday: Profession Pairs M. K. Whitlock and A J. L. Donaldson beat P. R. Zeeman and R. G. Pash 6l, 64. A Class Doubles 15.3 E. H. Everest and A. K. A. B. Terrell beat 15.3 J. W. Clark and H. C. D. Davies
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  • 261 123 Ex Speaking at the Straits Plantations meeting last October, the chairman, Mr. F. W. Chaine, referred to the satisfactory price of coprathe dried kernel of the coconut—which was then’fetching £26 15s. per ton. Since then there has been a further rise to over £3O per ton, and
    Ex  -  261 words
  • 121 123 An Outbreak at Hongkong < f*Vem Our Own, Singapore, February 12 The new B. I. liner Talma from Hongkong to Calcutta sent out a wireless message last evening that fire had broken out in Number 3 hold among the Japanese cargo. The Harbour fire float went
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  • 517 124 mi eiing of the committee WSr Ofc i nl! Th-re were pr'*‘ nt Mrw k j.-. Gilman, Do.r dical Officer, J .M-b., mt. j. ham, Innet.,r of |,l,bl c rk J."' y r th.- Hon Mr -I- M.tohHl. th ~on/ V I’. K. Narnbyar, the Hg>- 1
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  • 576 124 \fing Huang, despite 1 rl th'it li'- 1-1 over one thouHaml fair »t maidens of U>e Flowery entered about in his Burnerh so bored with life that "is I’-da' j s i, that he Hke 1 ~„„‘,.1 he had heard about. with on smile
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  • 240 124 Ten officers and twenty-five petty a ficens and men from the Battle Ciiil Squadron were enterained at Alor St* last week. They arrived by the train on Wednesday and after tiffin, Z taken to Anak Bukit to nc&s cock fights and buffalo, fights. Che Ismail,
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  • 231 124 M.M. Six Seianoqk Men Chosen Singapore, February 11. The following will represent Malays against the Empire Squadron at rugby on Saturday, at Singapore: Jack; Gibb (Selangor), Warren, Robertson, Ablitt (Singapore); Bryson and McMir’natl (Selangor); Hoblyn (Perak) Green. Whitehorn (Selangor), Phayre, Leonard. Simpson, Bonaventure, ('aineron
    M.M.  -  231 words

  • 1010 125 j Knte on Monday, we exthat the restrict. ,Xu would be continued Xneiupt at interference bj t (tvernxnent, and although lit I aboll »riers we detect uneasiness sxue qu distinctly in favour <>i lie cbance \-An In the lifetime of the terV f the Colonial aG tuallv,
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  • 452 125 Mr. C. V. Newton has returned to Tanjong Malim from Home. It is said that Major G. N. P. Hornidge is to take on the command of C” Company, AI.S.V.R. Mr. IL A. Stubington, Assistant Superintendent, Revenue Surveys, Survey Department, F.M.S., is going Home next week. Dr.
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  • 1307 126 An Expensive Mixture”. I he swimming -pool on beard t< e b;/ Atlantic liDcri is a luxury run h ».y p r ciated. There is, however, food for thruglt n the di*eriminatir n that i* rnfcde in its ate. On one line the notice runs thing like thia:
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  • 164 126 Wet Weather at Sinoapobi (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, February 13 Appallingly had weather hai be« associated with the Special Service Bcqi dron’s visit, nevertheless huge crowdvisited the ships, including His Highnen he Sultan of Kelantan and Tungku Makhota of Johore. Drenched But Cheerful All the sporting
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  • 191 126 England was the principal importer ci patchouli oil from Singapore during th first three months of 1923, her supp*! being valued at 55,000 Straits dollH Japan was next with imports to value of 49,540 dollar», and tM United Stutts third with 37,840 dow» worth. The average
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  • 439 127 -M M. I I to assume that the Motor I r<n,lit R elation > s iu fo s L I everyone withut rancour or I v X>v; it «>uld be easily I the rockier speed he r r:- Bx I ,ari nt accidents that have ochXvn Limit, one
    -M M.  -  439 words
  • 465 127 CASI-ALS v. HOVLJdS A Prawn Game A large gathering assembled on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon to witness the first match in the Penang lootbail League between the Casuals (Eurasians) and the Lovers (Indians). The game produced a poor exhibition of football. It will need many more games
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  • 61 127 lhe following were the results of the ties played on Monday: M)xl? Doubles Handicap(Final) 5 Miss Mitchell and B. E. Mitchell beat 4 Ml. and Mrs. E. Reimann 2111. Championship G. B. F. Southam beat J G. Barrrett 2110. I he following were the results of the ties
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  • 1051 127 The opium question is much in the limelight to-day and the Anti-Opium Societies of Perak and Selangor can congratulate themselves upon having the close sympathy of the F.M.S. Government in their work. 1 understand that the Anti-Opium Societies arc considering ways and means of raising funds to carry
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  • 560 128 Moxth-Old News It was stale news that Sir Neill Malcolm gave us at the S.S.A. Dinner last week, though new enough locally. The Timee aeronautical correspondent in mail week wrote: A number of Royal Air Force officers, including Squadron Leader Tornkinson, are being attached to tho Cattewater
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  • 526 128 Object of the Cruise (From Our Own Corre apoßdeß Singapore February 1 Admiral Leveson on 11. Al. 3 g kins, wall the bloops Bluebell aaj tersfield and the Naval tug, St is due to-morrow. Admiral Field, interviewed by a presentative of the Straits T ilhtb Kuala Lumpur,
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  • 1058 129 t. the French have l““,nd their wretched siwfe have reaped J® >■ 1 J After bolstering up the > hirl nd «Lent in that Bavarian -r rall,t methods which were fully special correspondent of s in mail week, they suddenly attitude of strict neutral.P 1 i enabled the
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  • 467 129 M.M. Mr. D. R. Barwise, of Bujong estate, was admitted to the Kuala Lumpur European Hospital on Tuesday. Mr. Yap Tai Chi is giving a farewell dinner to Air. and Mrs. Haynes, on Saturday night, at his garden house, High Street, Kuala Lumpur. Air. A. S. Alitchell,
    M.M.  -  467 words

  • 1846 130 The Empire Exhibition One cous queue»; of the iai..n<r British Empire Exhibition Uemhh.y will be a remarkable addition to t le g'ea’ 1 thorong f ne-i in the ring J h don. A lot f widening improvement is beirw c* rie l on the routes that traffic
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  • 553 131 uHAYAN branch IHE the Malayan Branch of The report of f or 192 3 states (j, Royal Mia‘> J th Society at beD ßhoe«^ at T 1 eC< t l wi ha total of 543 at the end «BP» red are 15 Honorary Mem4 Corresponding Members and
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  • 341 131 Kuala Lumpuh Handicaps The handicaps for the first day's racin.r at Kuala Lumpur next week are of much interest here, says a writer in our Ipoh contemporary, because of the nd her close intimacy so many hundred people achieved with the individual horses at the Ipoh tote.
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  • 142 131 Dnveiling Next Month The following paragraph appears in the M.S.V.R. Regimental Orders: It is expected that the Federated Malay States War Memorial at Kuala Lumpur will be unveiled on one of the last two Sundays in March and it is desired that a guard of honour of
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  • 1178 131 LANDING OF ADMIRALS AT SINGAPORE Huge Native Crowds Singapore was en fete on Monday following the arrival on the previous evening of the ships ofvthe- Special Service Squadron, for with the landing of the two Admirals of the Squadron opened the epoch-making week during which the Settlement
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  • 774 132 Admiral Field’s Views As soon as the royal guests had departed from H.M.S. Hood, a Free Pre** representative had the pleasure an<| privilege of meeting both of the Admirals. Malaya is a wonderful country,’ said Admiral Field. It is a very rich country, too, and
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  • 229 132 M.M. CoMMAN DAN T' S CONGRATULATIONS The following appears in the M.S.V.B Regimental Orders: The Commandant wishes to thank ranks lor the good work done by the Corps during 1923. The increase in eft ciencv for the year as- against the ttturns for 1922 is* most encouraging.
    M.M.  -  229 words

  • 1081 133 grumble be- And they cause 11 Crumbling these many biVe b X°at the increasing rates and er with eae h rlB e taxes. aD 00 interest their them; grumbling at the 5 the Municipality m general Commissioners in particular aDI nt looking after their interests beta a
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  • 421 133 Air. R. Kellar returned to Ipoh on Wednesday from Singapore, where he has been for surgical treatment. Air. George E. Tait recently arrived from England to join Alessrs. Adamson. Gilfillan Co., as an assistant. Captain R. E. Vyvyan, AI.C., M.8.E., R.C. of S., assumed duty as Command
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  • 1221 134 On the Night Mail Tb® fi'M of kind, f f r a 9 e a J a*are, ac< un.Uly saws up an incident on the mail 1 ain fn in Tank Road to Koala I i.mpuf, referred to by the Malay Mail, lir. it should not Ih psFtrd
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  • 55 134 Woman Jumps From Burning Building i CLro.-i Our U:<ti Ctorrespondenf,} Kuala Lumpur, Felrna yl5 tot a o< n st’s store in 7uo <? a v Thdl 8 < 8 d >. Xib ,ur piip,H ei to Bpjtal, melnding a( l Im SP WOruan> w|>q bnd jnmp.d f.orn the
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  • 191 134 Output and Pbice London, F t .h >nft IL.vio.ving tha results of 2 t‘on, the Limes cits sa'is i^ ebic that hrger consumption, an j IG ia t restrict' d production, laa frs en .5 f»et,r causing the advance in 0 S»y 9 that Since 1921 It steadily
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  • 369 134 The following is the result of the tie s played yesterday: Single Championship: Chua Chen? Liat beat Tan Theam Hock 6-3, Doubles Handicap, Class A: Guan Lav Cheang and Tan Ah Tah walk over fiom Khoo Heng Kok and Khoo Soon Chee Doubles Handicap, Clas s B: Dr.
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  • 434 135 DECISION iPPEH Coart, Penane, tins 1« kT the Coart of Appe» Walter Sharr, Cine A- Xi B ;Tro”? u-Cabe Re«y« Mr 7 A K r If of Mr. Arthur C. >lp«n*,™ B d Solicitor, Penang, S-" -rv* Cci’fc r fused the application on tint in Augurt 1
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  • 690 135 A Visit of Inspection j Cspt. Ro' ert Dollar, head of the Dollar shipping and lumber and allied interest?, was a passenger to Penang yesterday evening l by tie F.ench steamer Amboise Capt. Dollar is bound for Colombo and continued his voyage at 11 a.m.
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  • 537 135 Daring Attack and Robbery In the District Couit, ye ta d y afternoon, a Chinese by the name of Li in Tua Thow was convicted and sentenced to six mouths’ rigorous imprisonment for committing robbery of a out and theft of §39.50 from the person of another Chinese
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  • 1661 136 PENANG PROVINCE EX-SERVICEMEN 1 IKS'! ANNUAL MEETING Mu 1; IL Robertson Elected President Lieut.-C'ol. W. JI. Whyte, D. 5.0., the President, occupied the chair at the fir-t annual general meeting of the J’.-ri.n;;' and Province Wellesley Branch <4 the Ex-Sendee Association of Malaya which was held at 6 >/0 p.rn.
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  • 1099 137 I j imDi'Oveinent in tin discernible, 'P I rubber ou‘ l<x Mme most rernarkI** t f the older staple industry I able re"'» 1 o compa ratively short d i' ala it’«Wd unwise to assume I P** t Jnn snot pri ce of tin, 1281, I
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  • 484 137 Mr. Tan Mali Seang, the well-known miner and planter of Puket, is on a visit to Penang. Major A. A. Lermit, Commanding Officer, M.V.C., Malacca, will shortly be going home on furlough. Mr. Justice Watson leaves Ipoh tomorrow for Kuala Lumpur to attend the session of the
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  • 1469 138 Wisdom and Her Children Oar tin” look*» like tu ni g otR ft j pofiUbl investment. An Empire Menu In a mad r ao< r we have a wonde fupicture of th® no-.Ls f r an epi ik'* w 1 1 mnv be H-rted at the Briu’sh Empire
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  • 431 138 OFFICIAL DINNER AT THE KING’S MESSAGE Hh M.4JKSTY ANL' THE Sett ements 'From Our Own Comspondenl] Singapore, Febnur-h At th official dinner on board th/tt Admiral Hr FieJerick Fii-ld w King George’s message, given when he was received by His U* Mn« linvirg. The Le; nei-t xaterest
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  • 670 138 Trie CIVIL Lun The Admirals of the bpecia were ente t lined to luncheon by Farrer and th menihi rs of the Commissi min the Victori* 0I ll f noC tiji Sii s po r e, rn Thu’sday, an 'd ]e was one of the mst euCce
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  • 518 139 Thrashing that Resulted in Death In the Recon 1 Police Court to dry, Vir H. A. Fo re r sitting hs Cor n~r, held an enquiry touching tho death of a Uhineso who died as the result, it is alleged, of being ted by anothe? Chinese who
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  • 207 139 Mr Foirer to-d ycoi? ud d the hea i'!g of a case in which twj Chinese, Li Ah Chua and Li lok Chaw, were charged with possessing connte fvit coir.s and possessing mate iala or the purpose of ci unterfriting. Detective Insp ctor J. G. Barrett, in the
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  • 1725 139 PENANG CHINESE TRIBUTE Yesterday’s Interesting Function Like the Chinese community of Singapore, the Chinese community of Penang entertained Major General Sir Neill Malcolm to a farewell function on the eve of his departure from Malaya. General Malcolm is retiring from the important command which he held
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  • 265 140 A NONIA’S JEWELLERY In the Court of Appeal ternoon, after the Khoo Thean Tv Mr. J. J. Saunders of Messrs I vens successfully argued a case jewellery belonging to a Chinese ladv concerned. The parties were Le?‘ r? Nio appellant-defendant, and the V tant Official Assignee, respondent-d?
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  • 238 140 Judgment in Chinese Will Case Mr. Justice Acton gave judgment in the Supreme Court on Thursday in an at Mon heard some time ago relating tea Chinese will. This was a claim against the defendant (Lew Hong Pheow) aseie cutor of the estate of Lew Chin Longdeceased,
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  • 60 141 Hamilton .On t'be Church of Styr Penang, by the tart* Colonial Chapiter- k 2P e R y Beckett ierrell, lain, Arthur Arthur a Beckett eidestsouol b d Becke tt Terrell, of T^ nwd Tvenue, N-, and Ash--12 ortT&uA, to Aleyne Helen i laughter of Mr. and Mrs. B HamUtou,
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  • 1038 141 When Labour's prospects of assuming fc first began to appear rosy, the °®L w 7 expressed > u tllls op that if Mr. Ramsay MacS adopted a moderate and Mrv attitude towards the "2. .t h e meant to make a bid for Liberal supt for his
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  • 406 141 Mr. J. Duguid is to be Officer in Charge of the Postal Department, Malacca. A first-class appraiser’s licence for Johore has been issued to Dato W. N. Gawler. Towkay Lam Looking, the wellknown Ipoh miner, has arrived in Penang on a short holiday. His Highness the Sultan
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  • 1065 142 Wha' Would Tutankhamen Think? Many people feel somewhat toe a* O'' the removal of the Luxor trea*ur»H, -nd look upon it almost aa a sacrilege; hut what else oan he done, now that the treasures have l>een discovered What would Tutankhamen thii k That is the main point.
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  • 99 142 Mishap off ITlau Pisang (From Out Own Correspondent Singapore, Febtunry 18 lhe straits Steamship ompinv’s ss. aug put back into port yesterday norning, having broken down while off ulau 1 isang on the run to Penang. o: The wedding on Saturday of Mies Hamilton and Mr
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  • 91 142 THE DEPARTURE Our Singapore correspondent that the Squadron left for Fremantl 10.30 yesterday morning. jj Governor, Sir Laurence Guillemard > on board the Hood just, prior to thdk parture. e At Rugby, Malaya beat the Navv k 21 points to 3. The Navy beat >fk“’ at Association
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  • 713 142 King George’s Message and thb Speeches On Saturday we gave a summary of Vice-Admiral Sir Frederick Field’s speech on the occasion of the official dinner on board H.M.S. Hood, and the reply of H.E. the Governor, Sir Laurence Guillemard. Admiral Field said: Your Excellency, it is my
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  • 248 143 Fimmin’s Commendable Work Smart work was done by two first ekii men of the Penang Municipal Fire Brigade in a fire whioh occurred last light at 357, Beach Street, a candle wd dashing factory. But for the itarity of these men, much greater damage might have
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  • 2787 143 TERRELL—HAMILTON A Brilliant Function A large and distinguished congregation assembled at the Church of St. George the Mart-yr, Penang, at four o’clock on Saturday afternoon, the 10th in st., for the wedding of Miss Aleyne Helen Mary Hamilton, elder daughter of Mr. und Mrs. A. W.
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  • 411 144 Farewell Order to Troops His Excellency Major General SirNeffl Malcolm, who came to Penang to take steamer to Rangoon and was entertained by the Penang Chinese on the ev e of his departure, embarked on Saturday evening, on the Ellora, by a special launch which bad been
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    • 67 145 TBOV> d C ent that h '"T w as play on the *^turd a) iD Th wm A «but the home team altogether. hS there was the semIWS ,be fi j struggle even when ttovtbe visitors had thmgs option oi p lB Result. r« ra .v
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    • 645 145 pct v. PUBLIC SERVICES Win roa P C. Club The Public Sen-ices were rather badly [beaten on Saturday on the Esplanade ,m their League encounter with the Penang Cricket Club. With the strong all-round team they posses 9 they were expected hpfcmp Teague champions. Recent- or rather since
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    • 852 145 Successful Inauguration The first athletic sports meeting under the auspices of The Old Trees Association, which, we are informed, is intended to be an annual affair, was held on the Free School ground on Saturday afternoon and the events were witnessed by a large concourse of pupils,
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  • 976 146 PkFHIDEXT 11AKK1S0N IN IWI tb» .7th' Dollar Line eonduoted cony melion with the San I ranci-‘:o o*ni Commerce, round-the-world trad® tour. A, already stated, following the Jlr<M<i.nt Harnoon every two weeks here" l ships of the Dollar Line will go round he world, and the ports to
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  • 526 146 As previously stated, Chingaj I w ill be held to-day, I and on Thursday, under the I ot the Boh Hock Seah” in ho I Twa Peh Kong, the God of sper’.ty whose birthday falls on I 15th dav of the Chinese first moon. I morrow. On
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  • 940 147 ANTHONY CO.'S SHARE LIST Boyers Sellers Co»!»- j V »<*’'“■ 2 1.17} sgg&gSs l l 15 fcfeS:. S w s Sf WjSiuMM IM 5.25 hSSK? 1 ru 2-m Kbblr Estates. Ltd. 1$ 3.50 3 2.20 Efe L' -2“ 1» 1-2 gftS&fc-* J; MS jg «“'■’A"mW»’.*- 'I- 30 2m 5.00 5-50
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  • 309 147 Malau, for the month of January, 32 picul--. R. itrut Basin, for the first half of February, output 77 piouls, 252 hours worked, 34,000 cubio yards treated. Stopped 3 d iys for Chinese New Year and oleaned boilers. Karnpong for the half month of B'ebruiry, (two dredges) hours
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  • 103 147 Perak River Valley 20,540, Semanggol 25,6j7, J uru 19,729 and Sungei Arak «,151 lb. The following were the outputs for the month of January, 1924, the total to-date and the outputs for January, 1923: Jan Total Jan. Estates. 1924. todate. 1923. lb. lb. lb. Benar (Selangor) Rubber
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  • Page 147 Advertisements
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    • 81 147 TRANSLATION. The Undersigned undertakes to translate any document from English into Chinese and vice versa. Also Chinese accounts mto English. Fees according to the following scale: (1) For translation for insertion in the Straits Echo or the Penang Sin Poe” or to b? printed by the Jobbing Department of the
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  • Page 148 Advertisements
    • 210 148 I CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., ~j- 59, BEACH STREET, PENANG. *h ESTABLISHED 1883. ft PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. 1 Proprietors of the STRAITS :CHO and PENANG SIN POE vA The most enterprising and up-to-date Printers and Litho- Th graphers in the Orient. y*» Our plant is of the very latest Pattern and by
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