The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 12 February 1924

Total Pages: 24
1 120 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 201 1 T E M T S f Vrrt LEADERS i MISCELLANEOUS (Ctatevaa) d X J Chinese Troubles 99 S. S. Association Dinner 104 U M Recognition” 107 Onr Naval Vieitors 109 The Admiral and the Naval Ora iie 11l The Chinese New Year 110 R 2 The Open Mind 115 a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 183 2 g TH I STRAITS ECHO I MAIL EDITION. Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, as well as all important news from various parts of the Far East, including China, Japan,
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  • 808 99 For ways that are dark, and trick» i.itwe seek to justify in vain, the Chinare not peculiar. They persist m .King of China as of an individual. (i:..a has done so and so. China must be made to do this or that. China, like other large countries, contains
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  • 92 99 This morning H.E. the Governor laid the foundation stone of the Union Jack Club, facing the Cathedral. Sir Neill Malcolm and a naval detachment were present. The Commander-in-Chief of the China Station telegraphed to the Governor felicitations on the Colony’s anniversary. :o: Tin is up £2
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  • 852 99 Chinese New Year Celebrations The Chinese New Year celebrations were mar ked by the customary enthusiasm associated with the festival. There was a great deal of visiting and entertaining and the outward evidences of the occasion were striking, as usual. It is largely a children’s festival to begin
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  • Page 99 Advertisements
    • 31 99 ;j)e Strain fccbo PUBLISHED DAILY MA il EDITION th. news of fLe week prior to Containing the news departure of Mail. for Europe The Criterion Press. Limited 59, Beach Street, Penang.
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  • 36 99 domestic occurrence DEATH 2, at 7, Hillburv Road Tooting Common, John bturracK Scrvmgeour (formerly of Singapore ana' Calcutta), within 13 days of his rh birthday. death Yew -Aged 50, on February Sot 20. Purvis Street, b.n-
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  • 287 100 The Govebnoh’s Speech Wsm Our t/um C<jrre^>ondeiif t Singapore, February 7. At the Straits Settlements Association dinner H. E. Sir Laurence Guillemard, 11. E. Major General Sir Neill Malcolm, G.0.C., Sir Walter Shaw, Chief Justice, Bishop Ferguson Davie, Sir Irederick James, Sir David Galloway Hid the Member.-»
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  • 1747 100 BATTLE CRUISERS AT PORT SWETTENHAM Official Visit The two batle-cruis.-rs we e sighted in the afternoon of th-s 4‘,b. Announced to arrive at 6 30 in the evening on Monday, they were almost exactly to time when they swung rnijestically to their positions at Deepwater Point, says
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  • 1268 101 NAVAL VISITORS ENTERTAINED THREE DAYS’ FESTIVITIES The officers and men of the light cruisers Delhi, Danae, Dauntless, Dunedin and Dragon which put into port on Monday morning were entertained throughout the afternoon and evening. We have already chronicled the events of the morning and the official luncheon
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  • 333 102 Volunteers v. Navy An innmiee gathering turned out on the l*.>phinade on Monday, including quite a number of the fair sex, to witness the -A ceiidion football match between the Navy ami the Penang and Hrovince Wolledey Volunteer Corps. The gath< ring imdmh <1 Rear-Admiral Brand and Mr.
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  • 997 102 OPENING 01 NEW CLCB-HOCSE Water Carnival and At Home’' lb' I'enaDg Swmimmg Club field a galu yesterday, on the occasion ol the opening 01 their new Club house. Trie t Hupieiion ol tin building had been ac(clebruti 1, a-, the N .al vioitors were expected. liic opening
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  • 769 103 T HE GYMKHANA peS ANG wixsrelay RACE .1 nn the race-course in Tue^ ay after our S an unqualified success pr t. oTvfew of the variety !*”>' tb t e S the attendance. There lar e numberS t "tver frequent a race-cotffse were The Convent Sisters and P ret D
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  • 1995 103 Interesting Contests The Town Hall was never so crowded as it was on Tuesday night for the first day of the boxing tournament between men of the ships, by courtesy of Admiral Brand and officers of the Light Cruiser Squadron, and held under the patronage
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  • 450 104 PENANG OVERWHELM THE NAVY The cricket match on the Padang oa Tuesday ended derisively for Penang. It Was rumoured that the Navy had seme good cricketers and consequently the best that Penang could get were asked to play. The game however demonstrated that the Navy had no cracks
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  • 240 105 England was the principal importer of patchouli oil from Singapore during the first seven months of 1923, her supply being valued at 55,000 Steaitg dollars. Japan was next with imports to the value of 49,540. dollars, and the United States third with 37,840 dollars’ worth. The
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  • 453 105 The death is announced of Air. R. N. Goodwin, Managing Editor of the Pinang Gazette since 1910. Air. Denham, Inspector General of Police, is unfortunately ill in hospital at Singapore with a bad eye. Mr. A. T. Sabapathy, of Teluk Anson, was admitted to the F.M.S. Ear
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  • 2460 105 THE GOVERNOR ON COLONY AFFAIRS Ihe second annual dinner of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association was held at the Singapore Club. The President, Mr. H. B. Ward, presided over a large and representative at tendance, which included His Excellency Sir Laurence Guillemard, H. E. Major General
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  • 214 107 C 0 Court yeatedayafhr[o the Dl, t c r < smith, the hearing »W> b e _L h 'fiTe Chines®. Lee «M Ah Mok, Lee Cheng Chooi H*"?’ K nd T a n Ee Eng, are ToU.n lwS.nan being Three witnflflSoB W 3.? ill l J Ind the
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  • 198 107 A Chinese who is believed to be one of Singapore’s worst criminals was arrested early on Sunday morning bv Mr. Oaksbott A.S.P., on an island off Singapore. The accused who has been cnarged with being a member of a secret society ig alleged to be the same
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  • 1087 107 Presumably Mr. Ramsay MacDonald who, like Lord Salisbury, combines the duties of Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary, is determined that no time shall be lost in attempting what he calls the establishment of peace and the conditions of peace. He began with France, through the medium of a friendly
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  • 1357 108 Chingay” To Kar< peahs *> 1» > b-v- b ui lon' leGdent in t* e E ibt the Chiogwy proa seton rnny le f>mi in ba the e are nwwmM to whom the w rd C* ingay’ conveys no meaning For their i a form-d ion it may
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  • 461 108 .Mr. H. Mortimer, Headmaster n Zahrah School, Johore Bahm k turned itoi.t leave. ha X Captain U. E. Vyvyau, M.C \i k K.C.0.5., was taken on the the command at Stngapore L February 1. Mr. I Lives Marr.ot, General Advis» Johore, goes on leave on the 28th* stant.
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  • 2171 109 H OW yesteroay, waS S,,ENT T L s cX r n e lhe to evening e P» rt came from them, 1 1 de thTofficial dinner whiqh U» iotbeS d e on board the Delta, Aunhral 0 given on board the I ir ®,n“entwbifh had been looked
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  • 222 110 (To the Editor of the Straits Echo Sir, It would have been a mutter oi indelicacy of manners if 1 had attempted a criticism oi the civic luncheon to oi*r naval visitors before the departure of the Fleet. Now that the whips have sailed away, permit
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  • 318 110 The first day of the first moon of the year Kah Tsz has come and gone. Am it its also the first year of the cycle, much importance is attached to it by magicians and astrologers, and of course the ordinary Chinese citizen looks upon this
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  • 503 110 -A the Malacca ter re Mr. Justice A y Air. H. P. Whitley, D.pp rOWI Incting the prosecutions, a coolies employed on Diamond t lilee estate, Malacca, were X/ vitl, bemg member, of an iMinbh, in prosecution of the W non object of which, namely, an
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  • 23 111 BIRTH ~l iar„ 1, 1924, at Nelft Mr- »nd Mrs of Sellgkang O JI P kM S., a son. M Dickson,
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  • 982 111 rio to the departure of the battle "L Hood and Repulse from I ort "Xbaai Vice-Admiral Sir Frederick MSo led the line at Jutland gave the principal reasons for the tour o XhipUthe Special Iron Wien the announcement of t m was made,
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  • 471 111 misund .—M.M. The Hon. Mr. A. N. Kenion is expected back in Ipoh by the end of this month. Mrs. G. C. Denham arrived in Singe pore from Shanghai by the P. and O. steamer Macedonia. The Rev. W. G. Parker of Kuala Lumpur, Mrs. Parker and
    misund .—M.M.  -  471 words

  • 896 112 Rubber Smuggling it to* appt*»» 11 ras y. question, tat the bps 1 dr ution of rubber smuggli'./ be re i e until adequate to he'd; it >••) enforced with greitr s v nty. In l,i first instance, r ffe» d m c 1 us f aBfcS of
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  • 174 112 Mi. H. A. Forrer, as coroner, delivered his finding to-day in the enquiry held in connection with the death of a Tamil, Nadason, which occurred at Macalister Road on January 15, as a result of being knocked down by a Municipal night soil van. It will be recalled
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  • 128 112 In the First Court to-day, before Mr. G.A Smith Inspector MacQuarrie of the Central Police charged a Chinese, Leung Cheok Hung, with criminal breach of PUbhC 9ervant in respect of Office pro P 9rt y of General Post th« A PrTnffi H 8 5n 0 jUL
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  • 503 112 THE DEPARTURE Punctually at. 5.30 p. m DJhi.fl&asbip of the Cru iBP »> ron which had been in Penan? day, moved from her positional" H berth and made for the en route to Singapore. She wa B by the Danae, next came the tT* fourth the Dauntless
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  • 1136 113 .THOMSON H.M S; HOOD There is a J pj om e 'ona ng All the surroundings i likctb u he' hosts are so genia 6O 0V to aive their guests a good xÜb it would be strange tintf that. on w ere not the success jfsuchan occ home
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  • 633 113 INTE KE SilN G iN lER v IEW Uue oi toe most succeasiul oi oae many industrial careers tuat nave liud luc.r origin m modest beginnings is uiou o nt nibo prominence by uie arrival in omgupore oi mr. Kobeit .Dollar, tne iieau of u.e
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  • 481 114 Of Mr. C V. Thornaa, who is on a visit to Malaya from Cornwall, the Mining World has the following: Surely one of the moet hard-working men in Cornwall and even in Great Britain, must be Mr. Charles Visian Thomas, and, it may be added that, as
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  • 1111 114 HISTORY AND REMINISCENCES The visit co Singapore of the Special Sen ice Squadron, the Empire Squadron it- i- more fittingly called, is yet another memorable epoch in the history of the Settlement, with which Hi 8 Majesty’s ships have been prominently connected ever since Sir Stamford Rattles
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  • 1079 115 T HE OPEN MIND I q man claim to I C-ually ben j' e n j W e hear the adI .«are is the admission Hat I :lgb Ull s o l iie other matters lie has I rep™ 8 rhe well-deserving I loSdl ID o M) "ever open I
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  • 426 115 Mr. S. Codrington is appointed an unofficial trustee of the Penang Free School. Mr. H. G. Sarwar, District Judga, Singapore, is granted leave of absence for eight months. Mr. J. S. W. Arthur is to be a member of the Advisory Committee for Malacca, vice Captain V.
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  • 986 116 Labour and the Colonies Reuter aent us a «nrnmny of the eeci made by Mr. J. H. Thomas. Secretuy of SUU for the Colonies, at the bi richer n in London to celebrate Aust-aha Day. From the longer official wireless report, we notice that he specially e pliwsed
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  • 228 116 First Day’s Entries and Weights The following are the first day’s entries of the Selangor Turf Club meeting on the 19th instant: Race:-Ji 11 10.0. Se-ond Start 10.0, Bobsdil 9.6. Master Reggie 9.6. Norah’ 9.2, Chinta Hati 8.9. Klong Toi 8.7 Hongkong 8-6, Captain Cuttie 8.1 Smasher 7.12,
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  • 590 116 -MM Hindu I*oad-Sweeper Kiu Eo I On Saturday recorded I fatality, and stated that it w the I within a fortnight. To-day we I report yet another, which occurrV* I the Penang Road shortly before 7 p i 011 I This is the second of the three cL
    -MM  -  590 words

  • 885 117 F-M.S .^ernde C- As T‘ ndeDl Chandu Monopoly, ji Supenn e wnt superintendent, to l I ,ederated Maay jjudu Mo»»! 10 T« J B. Clayton, to be District r lower Perak. Tr \V- Harrison, to be Commie saner of e s, Assistant Public Works Department, W KL r
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  • 1097 117 s— M.T Our charming and industrious City is in Ganger ci liav.iig to buy a new hat but perhaps when the eight days are over, we shall feel inclined to join the liatiess brigade I he Three Admirals form too lofty a subject for this column, though from
    s— M.T  -  1,097 words

  • 1223 118 V. e Mr; t- Times) o often condemn that it i- a pleasure to congratulate, and ran otter congratulations to ail the p< er.-» al the dinner of the Straits Settlement Singapore) Association. Hie (.overnor gave his audience a Malay prox< th. irom which we infer that, modest man’,
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  • 828 119 ANTHONY CO.'S SHARE LIST Buyers Sellers Remark XtlO e of Comply- cte. I cts< ,rnn- IX)LUB 110 1.15 ffw’tfiSff KstatFS 1 12 ci 12.50 «iStabbei Estot*. Ltd. 100 1.05 Sfi&ksXk'-H I i ®S“ff tor 7' L ft B ffltobber Estates, Ltd. 4.50 hJjwri Bibber, Ltd. 25 00 30>00 noin £*®r
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  • 145 119 Sangei Batu (Malaya) 32,000, Vai D’or 26,0 )0, Malakoff 43,600, Bertam Consolidated 124,000, Bertam Extended 3,700 Windsor (F.M.S.) 40,200, Mayfield (S.S.) 27,600, Foothills (Malaya) 14.200, Kuala Sidim 30,471, Brnsett 19,100, United Patani (Malaya) 64,800 and Lunas 23,000 lb. Kedah 41,644, Batu Lintang 15,417, Jong Landor 50,780, Bakap
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  • 212 119 Rahman Hydraulic, for the month of January, 1,000 piculs. Ngow Property of the Siamese Tin Syndicate, for the mon’ih of hnmry, 1,801 piculs. Kramat Pulai, for the month of January, from the mine 3<SO picul®, from tributora 252 piculs, total 632 piculs. Kamunting, for the month of January,
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  • Page 119 Advertisements
    • 135 119 TRANSLATION. The Undersigned undertakes to translate any document from English into Chinese and vice versa. Also Chinese accounts mto English. Fees according to the following scale: (1) For translation for insertion in the Straits Echo or the Penang Sin Poe” or to be printed by the Jobbing Department of the
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    • 47 119 <1 THE PENANG SIN POE Established 1895. (Published by The Criterion Press, Ltd.) CHINESE DAILY NEWSPAPER. The oldest jind leading Chinese paper in Penang consisting of 24 pages. SINGLE COPY 10 OENTS. SUBSCRIPTION ONE MONTH $l. The best medium for adyertimßf. For rates, please apply io the
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  • Page 120 Advertisements
    • 217 120 y* CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., 59, BEACH STREET, PENANG. yC %fr ESTABLISHED 1883. Ytf PRINT RS PUBLISHERS. "L Proprietors of the STRATS cCHO and PcNANG SIN POE ut \!V The most enterprising and up-to-date Printers and Lithographers in the Orient. y*» Our plant is of the very latest Pattern and by
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