The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 10 November 1920

Total Pages: 42
1 1797 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 The Straits Echo MAIL EDITION. |3O PER ANNUM Single Copy cl A VOL 1«. PENANG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH, 1920 NO. 45
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 309 1 d j* I CONTENTS. m Leaders: Miscellaneous (Continued) The Mantie of Elijah ...1,758 The Law Divine ...1,785 Our Food Supplies 1,/64 Legislative Council Changes 1,7*6 t Mure in Sorrow Ilian in Anger 1,770 Franchise anil Representation 1,701 .Muddling Through 1,780 Denniston Players 1,7'32 |k Tin Control 1,78 G The Men
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 183 2 SIP"? cfe«v< v<\ ~.>•■ w£&« Z T W “STRAITS ECHO’i Il MAIL EDITION. I t_< Published rh> diy prior to the departure of each mail fa, f urape J A,' ar >d contains the latest local and States news originally publistten in the VfS daily issues, as well as ail
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  • 1019 1758 Mr August Hut tun bach—who had lose quaint conceits and was one of w be*t citizens Penang has ever known, lit possessed no ear for metre—once wdiĕd W. J. Gilbert by declaring in Gwoeil that when budgeting duty’s lobe done a Councillor’s lot is not a
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  • 572 1758 lonald will lx? solemnised at Klang to-day. Mr. F. W. Jarman, hte of Mesan. lia.h. I 1 1 rM 6 The Counters of Warwick, th. nominal Ul>our candidate for East Waltha matew, reason r ,lf r Wi l nd Ntw Advt.i Triumph wi.h.x to ««11 a Trmmph cyclo with
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  • 1196 1759 Dutch Indies Dice Policy. From the October number of Pacific Ports we learn that planting has commenced on the first government rice farm in Sumatra, which is patterned after the California rice farms which have proved such a success. The experiment is being made upon an area of
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  • 69 1759 *n*rchist no,, Dmtlo Lnnrlr.n V '1 A telegram from Madrid ,w w l pensive anarchist .ft* it ‘‘oopsinthe promS rfXn been discovered and ann i Li made, white the etaZ 7 Syndicalist centra Sir I '0 metal workers strike it p._j_ has caused 30,000 workers to be
    Lnnrlr.n V '1  -  69 words
  • 277 1759 BIOTING IN THE WEST END. Moderate Speakers Howled Dowy. Allahabad, October H A London cable to the Pioneer the 19th instant says: For some b prior to the commencement of tiie xii strike meetings of the unempluyedwre being held. There were labour maw» these meetings. The “Red Flag"
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  • 17 1759 TTZedth”'' 11 We are deptf 1 ”"..J, 1 IkpaiLr' Icll The arrivals re>» onl v
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  • 12 1759 baffles. Mr. B fUlßea College F“ Fund fro>“ Mr
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  • 45 1760 Encounters with Ins urgent!. London, November 1. A Mesopotamia communique reports a encounters with insurgents. A night attack on the Kufah camp 1 he enemy s casualties are ertunated at over one hundred. The two columns operating in Middle Euphrates have captured 800 insurgents.
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  • 46 1760 Prof. Chancellor's Canard. London, November 1. A cable from New York says that it transpires that the reason for' Professor Chancellors dismissal is the circulation o f fl canard to the efleet that Senator Harding is of negro descent which has been completely disproved.
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  • 35 1760 Considerable Damage, London, November 1, Three firemen wjere killed and six injured in a fire and gas explosion at a large rubber warehouse at Wapping. Thu damage is estimated at over £120,000.
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  • 26 1760 According to a cable received in Penang this afternoon the following was the result dthe Melbourne Cup Poitrel Erasmus 2 Queen Comedy 3
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  • 308 1760 In the course of a leading article Ilia «lay Mad says; Some people, of •Me,question 'lie nisdoni of resorting to measures to maintain the market Wtkentw material. They argue that a "pme opens up the possibilities of in(•red uses of rubber. This may be enough in theory.
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  • 71 1760 ANTI-BOLSHEVIK RISING. Reds’ Resume Offensive. [Reuteh 8 Telegbam.] London, November 1. the ZITi 1 ""I that the anti-Bolshevik rising in Siliria j, P llc Ih-nvda reports that T’ c O'‘ B P>™tors, mainly officers, nave lieen executed at Omsk, Colonel, Semeuoff, leader of the Cossaek rregulars in
    [Reuteh 8 Telegbam.]  -  71 words
  • 112 1760 Bolsheviks’ Sscoess. Constantinople, October 30, Ihe Bolsheviks are making a final effort before the winter and have opened an oflensixe on the whole front. General rangel’s forces are falling back and have evacuated Alexandrov sk and Berdiansk. Fall of Perekop. fhu Red offensive against General W rangel
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  • 131 1760 SUCCESS ASSURED. Unique and Valuable Objeot-Leaton. London, November 1, In the House of Commons, in moving the second reading of the British Empire Exhibition Guarantee Bill, which authorises the Board of Trade to guarantee up to £lOO,OOO any loss on the exhibition, Mr. F. G. Kellaway said that
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  • 65 1760 Destruction of Diesel Motors. Berlin, Novemlier 1. The German Government have depatched a detailed reply to th»» demand of the Ambassadors' Conferetrc for the destruction of Diesel motors pointin'/ out that the Versailles Ireaty doo'- n ,f speak of destruction but only the breaking up of U-boats. Ihe
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  • 24 1760 Norwe#*n Action Cbc.-tiania, November 1 Ihe Nor’* f/ian ttonmills baxe de to work only four day- m 111 to reduce production by
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  • 645 1760 PROGRESS AM) Kospjj Ts revived' -WH "f «1... I ,f vvl, fviuure ..f h'"’' '"'‘■''l"" 8 in P'-'-w.u- a „d «™U»n« «oxmiil ome of it* luem L ~f theiii.,.|v, s in lb? it, v nt ia»<- in i, in wln ill I i 'T 1 11 «<"1
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  • 965 1761 Famine Relief Measures. Peking, October 17. It is officially announced that the Government intends to utilise famine labour for the construction of roads from Peitaiho to Peking, from Haifengfu to Tsinanfu, from Tsinanfu to Tientsin and from t'hefoo to Weihsien under tluj direction of the gentry, not of
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  • 127 1761 Subscription List. Amount previously acknowledge Messrs. McAlister A Co. Ltd.,.. 236.00 Messrs. Nambyar A Cheng Lan 279 50 A Staff Too 00 Chuah Aik Hin, EsqAmount remains of a s 2.15 earning 3 n X ***** Chinese Staff Chartered Ban Staff of Guthrie
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  • 1784 1761 ALLEGED GANG ROBBERY 1» T i murder. i tie second case at tta a that against two Ah Poo and N g All Kj were charged with tmg gang robbery. A special jury was Thej accused, who etaWJL.. were defended by Mr. J y Messrs. Hogan and hens.
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  • 47 1762 Rahman Hydranlic Tin Ltd., during the month of October, 200 picul». Tongkah Harbour Tin Prwlgmg N L for the month of October, i ton*. Tin. No L M ldlity. for t of Wober hours *****. yield pls. oOl'-l’l-nine day». Nu- 1 P K k
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  • 1048 1762 INTERESTING FACTS AND FIGURKf. Follow mg are excerpt, from the aimael ,J t of the Marine Department, Hetn.O for the year bearing the Mgnaturo of Commander A. B. Cet«r. Master Attendant:—— 1 he total revenue collected in lae Coionj amounted to ft*,Kid in IJI9 an
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  • 55 1763 Trade Relations. New’ York, October 31, the h SSi, ge from Washington says that rforinJ of Commerce is consibetween 'n S JV f, P eniu S lr «de relations with n n ssia a,lf i the United States < "<’P''nbag"n trn t^ na clearin house at sardine
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  • 324 1763 EXECUTION OF A STUDENT. Discussion In the Commons. [Reuter’s Telegrams]. Loudon, November 1. In spite ol desperate efforts to secure his reprieve, a medical student of Dublin, named Barry, was executed on the morning following on his conviction for participating in an attack on soldiers. This is the
    [Reuter’s Telegrams].  -  324 words
  • 187 1763 The Ex-King’s Plot. Loudon, October 3L Prince Paul’s reply to Greece is regarded as ex-King Constantine’s first move to regam the throne. The Greek Minister in Berne called on Prince Paul and intimated that the Government considered Prince Paul shou be called upon to ascend the throne but
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  • 56 1763 ’«’•«Notn. 1 ouign Offica a cop, of f tow Government ukflg drawal of Britiah warahip, taek Soviet submarines in fl, flick ho Baltic Sea and ray, flat Mac, n. not consider itself at war with BriUm var operations of Russian submarine confined to attacks on ships of
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  • 143 1763 (Haw). Japanese Dekfatai. Paris, October ft. The Japanese delegation to the Leeptd Nations meeting at Geneva arrived at Kitsoilless on board the Komeno Mara. Chlna'i Plight. Interviewed by a le Petit Journal repreectative M. Painleve stated that then wat Bolshevism in China but economic devstopmerit was hindered by
    (Haw).  -  143 words
  • 58 1763 FLIGHT OF USUBPEBB Occupation 0< Caatofl City* a* The principal» among the Wh fled e Trunin Canton have fled. tbeir flight went to Shanghai- Director» d the so-called fli the Military *5, independence of the rth vinces, had reunited. h for flete however, repudiate aui collation- that
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  • 11 1763 kEE n contestsLabour’» mised in C e been Socialists
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  • 42 1764 marriage. Bullock.—September 29, at Oxford» bv the Lord Bishop of Bath and tolls (ancle of the bridegroom), Claud Severn, C. M. 6., Colonial Secretary, Hongkong, io Margaret Annie Bullock, daughter of late Prof. T. L. Bullock and Mn. Bullock, Oxford.
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  • 1152 1764 In the course of his address at the «cent meeting of the Legislative Council Hi» Excellency the Governor referred to the need of increased production of foodstuffs in this country. In doing tßis he touched upon the establishment of a Department to deal with food production, one
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  • 211 1764 CHINISE H USBANDS AND BRITISH WIVES. t uugi.traU., lt End,.l, gi 1 "^■ide' 7v?" ,g n L ist End j,.*. s""*** 5 tl,,n u,,!l «nd marn ing l.nd lunaman >. n fut. I l, v f; n in the Oriental c. i Fnrrlial. I 1. 1 11 4 London. l.
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  • 370 1764 INCREASE OF CAPITAL. Extkaohi'Jnaky General Mee dkg. Au extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in Malayan Collieries, Limited, was held at tin* registered office of the Company, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Buildings, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday, at 11 a.m., Mr. J. A. Russell presiding, says the Malayan Leader of
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  • 1160 1765 it is hoped that M. Clemenceau will shortly pay a visit to Rangoon. He is expected to arrive about the last week in November. The members of Lodge Royal Prince of Wales (E.C. 1555) at their meeting last night selected as their Principal officers for 1921 Bros, .1. W.
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  • 848 1765 COMMISSION'S RECOMMU I't‘om the ColoniniQ r* received a press cn m ‘l>e Commit reserve our comments merely pointing mumcation is at least.. ‘he information!^“ s the Commission’s ■t imparts. On only five ortUt recommendations in the second port does it pmposeto utte t ie Commission itself ignore, riJJS S
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  • 1339 1766 I’, W. GANG ROBBERS. Heavy Sentence. were chnrgedat "the Cl e wh while committing Ln.rohl tinned ye.sterduy y a C I'i' t her cross-examined hy the SolicitorGe e |,e hrst accused sa,d _From \r.! m f r ">way to Bukit rL' 't T‘"‘ th 9 P lac 1
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  • 768 1767 lua recent issue we dealt with various difficulties that beset the Rubber Plantation industry, and at the present time the fact that something like one hundred ami twenty-live millions sterling of British money is invested m the growing and marketing of plantation rubber is sufficient reason for
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  • 463 1767 Subscription List. Amount previously acknowledged 585.377.43 Butterworth Section: Ooi Hock Ann 100, Chop Hup Aoe 50, Ong Chin Ooh 50, C. H. G. Clarke 50, Chop Kheng Guan 40, Woh Hye Pin 30, Tan Choon Lean 30, Lee Cheow Pah 30, Lim Chai
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  • 236 1767 EmpText FEMALE EDUCATION Penang General Hospital DM (From Our Own ComipoM.) Singapore, November 4 On the Council assembling this after noon Mr. G. G. Seth took the usual oath as Acting Attorney-General. All the votes in the Orders of the Ihj were passed. Dr. Lim Boon Keng referred
    EmpText  -  236 words

  • 284 1768 BLCUttU POLL EXPECTED. Betting on the Result. [BIUW’B TSLEGBAMS.] New York, November 2. The betting is ten to one in favour of beoitor Harding when the balloting for the Prrtidential election began. In spite of the inclement weather the largest poll in history ijexpected owing to the addition
    [BIUW’B TSLEGBAMS.]  -  284 words
  • 122 1768 Laboar Badly Defeated. London, November 2. Ualysis of the returns of yesterday’s kid kJ? indicates that Labour’s or Municipal control was badly defeated. »’!*s V lreri or the seventy boroughs reor "bich w<i.- published ±>how 199 4 ~I? labour candidates T|fc burned and 548 defeated. r *dbrd' ,t
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  • 35 1768 Tn,, t Vienna, November 2. tk. n 1 uno -ion have ;.,th'-t-a OUstrian ’»ov« nin« nt t<> raise u|E>n 1 *»a an c dm trq >r pur'-bn t. hiTm-T H ol IK'
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  • 144 1768 LOAN NEGOTIATIONS. Serious Hitch Retards Aasistanoe. [Reuteb’b Telegram.] Ixmdon, November 2. A Peking message says that following on the banks constituting the Old Consortium informing the Government’ that they referred to the New Consortium the Government’s suggestion that they grant a loan for famine relief amounting to 112,000,(XX)
    [Reuteb’b Telegram.]  -  144 words
  • 154 1768 DEBATE IN PARLIAMENT Lord Loreburn’s Scheme Rejected London, November 2. In the House of Lords Lord Ixjreburn proposed a resolution condemning Sum Iciu murders, denouncing the policy of re* prisals and urging the creating of a complete measure for the self-government of Ireland, including fiscal autonomy but reserving
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  • 87 1768 Sir Percy Cox’s Mission London, November 2. In the House of Commons, replying to Sir Donald Maclean (Peebles L.) with regard to Sir Percy Cox’s miss’on to Mesopotamia, Mr. Bonar l-aw male a lengthy statement in which he stated that there wa. no further cause for serious anxiety with
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  • 16 1768 Present Strength. Vn f .n In th* M. ’H‘ < 't™ l Chnrebill -M-l -h-
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  • 120 1768 BALLUI RETUKNd. Prospect of Favourable Result. [ReVTEB 8 IxUtUHAMgj. U Usuu2. Uny three results ha.« uiiuerto beeu declared regarding the imuvr« mw.ot vi tn» strike settlement terms wfucii Le b an jesterday and «nds to-day, l* u vl substantial but not u-.awhemuug u. isa in favour of
    [ReVTEB 8 IxUtUHAMgj.  -  120 words
  • 61 1768 Import Business lx>ndon, November 2 It i officially -dated that the United Kingdom imported from Germany during the first nine months of 1920 £17,000,000 worth of good* wholly or mainly inanufachir<Ml. The Government is considering the question of taking action with regard to bearing the state of
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  • 98 1768 London, November 2. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. R. Clough (Keighley Co. L.) Col. Amery stated that 115,369 British subjects removed from the United Kingdom to 'other part» of the l.mpire in 1919 and 97,916 during the first two punters of 1920. Col. Amery mi
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  • 24 1768 Key W.-st, (Plvridai Nov. 1. Th' m rial mail patsenger service between th' 1 iubd ‘om. aud Cuba La* been inaugurated.
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  • 89 1768 ASSISTANT E FOR WPANfMtL. Sounding The Powers. Washiu 'tort, N v- ml *t The l’nited States Iris I n a.*' <•>! ret'aivlin/ its attitude w th r rml to ibe bl'M*kad<* of South Ro sri in o der *o li-ibt Geie-r l Wi’.vh'.'l The Stxb- f)epartrnioi* ii- ro-k
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  • 61 1768 Benton Murder Settlement. J-ohdon, N-iveuiU-r 2. Great Britain I a* «-rl to a *rttlcmeut f t! •burn a.’<in-t Mexiin owini* to the rnnnbr >f th»- Rritisher, Renton, near ftj• F. rw,. i. 1911 under which wdi pay Mr* BenVm, who w Mexican, *IO,TKKt, d.n a daily pensum
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  • 1884 1769 AWFUL PLIGHT pF NORTH CHINA. Huo Vhiu, September 26. Ab one comes south along the Kiuhau Railway it is after -u.o passes Paotingfu that one sees the first signs oi bad crops. A line drawn from Paotingfu to Tientsin would mark the northern boundary of the famine area.
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  • 1718 1770 Continual criticism of the local Governinent is not a task congenial to the I journalist who combines a sense of responsibility with public spirit and zest for his work, for he cannot desire to I codermine the authority of an administra- I lion which
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  • 501 1771 Mir J. E. Nathan, Superintendent of Census, Singapore, is to be Superintendent of Census. Johore. Mr. C. M. Hake has been appointed to be an assistant Engineer. Public Works Department, Johore. Mr. J. V. Quinn of Singapore United Rubber Plantations is going home on leave in a few days.—S.F.P.
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  • 902 1771 A Dirty, Shabby Business.” Concluding an editorial on Malayan finance, the Straits Times says ?k\ ere haS k een a good deal discussion about withdrawing our contribution to the Imperial war burden in order that the sum raised by means of the income-tax may be made available for
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  • 637 1771 Subscription Litt. Amount previously aoknowledg ed k The Chinese-CychngCluo rinb- Ooi Tbean See W, Khoo Hean Kwee 10. oth«' 151 00 subscribers 43 Chop Sin Teong Hur S.M Staff of Chop Sin Teoog Em Staff of Cha. SaikCbyc Leong Yin Khea” Eg. St
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  • 922 1772 REPUBLICAN SUCCESS. Senator Harding Sweeps the Polla. [Reuter’s Telegram.] a xr v London. November 3. rk i n,eBsa S e reports that Senator Hardmg has been elected Prebident of the L nited States. Important Republican Oilm. New York, November 3. The promised Republican landslide is hourly materialising. Senator
    [Reuter’s Telegram.]  -  922 words
  • 842 1772 SELECT COMMITTEE S RECOMMENDATIONS. This morning we received copies of the report*» of the Select Committees on the Estimates for 1921. They contained some very inip<»rtant recommendations, and also thej p<-rtinrnt observation, already made in thin pap« r on mo many o»*e;tMions in the pa-t, that
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  • 47 1773 BALLOT RESULTS. Welshmen’s Uncompromising Attitude. [Reuter’s Telegrams] i London, September 3. <i ;M u “.“’T 8 ballot retu s show that Northumberland and Derbyshire have Voted in favour of acceptance of the terms of settlement and that the South Wales miners voted against acceptance.
    [Reuter’s Telegrams]  -  47 words
  • 162 1773 Sentenced at Bow Street, London, November 2. ihe mystery man was sentenced in Low Street to six months’ hard labour and ordered to be deported. It is stated he is a. Finn, named Erki Veltheim. [Wiring oh October 26 Reuter said A sensational story concerning a mystery
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  • 51 1773 THE COMMISSION’S REPORT. Singapore Comment. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, November 4. The communique on the Reports of the Profiteering Commission is regarded as being too brief on which to base opinion. The recommendations are regarded as sound but it is considered doubtful whether they can be given effect
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  • 91 1773 The mortality returns for the Municipality of George Town, Penang, for the week ending October 30 show that the total number of deaths was 65 of which I I were males and 21 females. Ihe death rate per mille per annum was .> 1.38 compared with 36.69
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  • 73 1773 Kramat Puhi, Ltd., ..for Hie month ot October, from the Mine Tin Output Dressed Oro 200 piculs, Sebeelde 2.10 P'cuL. from Tri bu tors Output Dresset ie 0 piculs; total Output Dressed Ore piculs. For the benefit tlie Madias milkmen and the improvement ot the nil P the
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  • 238 1773 s? the E4 «m^ u Just when every (y inßrni I and Neave, Ltd inU few I decision to increase the tX dr* 1 I vi aters. P nce fiain, I The excuse for mnkti on?k«« cl the Company thinks th, pieter tu be penalised geaendl, «a M
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  • 21 1773 Province. Bhodel.l^.!'»'^ 1 Twenty of the crew of C»p. Fear were M m g in colliding with the City
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  • 54 1773 yj', 52,410, New 38,100, Po' Kara» •>0 500, PadangW J 7 0 5, t ,io T?’w 63 M p» ri Kedah *****, LiuUng The Captaja Jl *j. F. lL' ne 5 X„ni' Gy n > U* and Jlr Yjl From Pm] S j. Bfcl> J HarC Mr
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  • 1583 1774 THE forged notes case. f Tb« accused Teoli Bun Chun, who was at the Assizes yesterday with in possession of three $5 forged cuntncy notes, was discharged. In his .Kf eD ce he stated that the notes in question given to him by a friend in the Prowho
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  • 71 1774 Penang Novcihlmt 4. Die Borneo 0., Lt<l., advise us that the undermentioned prices were realised for rubber «old ly them by private and auction sales held this week Smoked Diamond Sheet J 33j to tl cts a lb. Smoked Diamond Sheet No 2 2 ’4 soj Crepe,
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  • 169 1774 Chinese Merchant'i Tragic Death. 1 h»-n* wuh r aenderable commotion m local hine-je busineat criclen tins morning wheu it be ame kn-iuu that .Mr. Ng Tek Chir, Mana/, r of chop Teh Lay Sq»ng, No. MU 1! a h Street, a firm oi traders carrying on
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  • 2987 1775 —Free Press. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER, 1920. PRESENT Hit* Excellency the Governor and Commander in Chief (Sir l.aurcnvt? Gaillemard, k.c.b.) His Excelltiny the General Officer Commanding the Troops (Major-General Sir 1». 11. Ridoilt, K.8.E., C. 8., C.M.G.) Resident Councillor for Penang (the Hon. Mr. IF. \V. Eirmstone). The Hon. the
    —Free Press.  -  2,987 words

  • 1051 1776 UNITED SERVICES GREAT WAR ASSOCIATION. Th« first me* ting of the general committee of the I nited Services Great War Asuociation of Malaya ua M held in Kuala Lumpur on the .3ht October. 3h, M v n branches of he association alrendv formed were reprinted by tin? following
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  • 794 1777 e the important development proern by His Excellency ihc Gov. Address at the recent meeting of w VC Coancil »"<’ ‘hose of the the Straits Timos re- tlinched the doing of an unpopular thing if he thought it right and necessary, pr o posed to broaden the basis
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  • 286 1777 THE UNKNOWN WARBIOI. [Rkdteb’s Tkuowu]. London, November 5 It has now been arranged that thi W’ ot the unknown warrior who is to be tan? in Westminster Abbey un November 11 a mentioned on October 31 will be conveyed h England by the destroyer Verdun on No» ber
    [Rkdteb’s Tkuowu].  -  286 words

  • 205 1778 More Note». London, November 8. ggjj Curzon bad replied to M. Krassin's mentioned on November 1 atating that belief of the British Government regardthe aggressive intention of Soviet sub--gnnee i« based on the open avowal of the tjtiet Minister when launching a submarine die Black Sea
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  • 75 1778 MINERS’ BALLOT. Final Figures. London, November 3. The result of the miners' ballot wag dedired at the Delegate-.’ Conference thia afterMon Sb follows: for acceptance of the terms against, 340,504; majority against, The Conference neverthcleag decided to Wire the strike off and ad vibe the men to
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  • 145 1778 EAST AFRICA THE RUPEE. Btatamant in Parliament. London, November 3. e House of Commons, replying to Mr. «««on, (Walthamstow, Co. Lab.) ine “ttention to the damagproducers in East Africa of the Lr f exchan e with India, Col. ®«cret Amery (Parliamentary Under’b t" r Colonies) stated that be i P
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  • 54 1778 Perak n C RUBBER CROPS |1125 Jnr. V< r a --’*y 25,39 R. SunpL n ftG0 Lre (Perak) r or 25(fr! Hf 32,000, Vai £®>\ R Knrau Malakoff ZMlir/Pv? r, Elated 110,00', •JM u 1. j50 ’000- Mayfield rS.Sj *2O <q ton Foothill&**2ssnA’'\ Kaal Sulim 37.199, fcJWQfo
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  • 1227 1778 CANDIDATES’ PLATFORMS. (POINTS FROM THEIR CAMPAIGN SPEECHES) HARDING cox. PEACE, THE TREATY, AND THE LEAGUE I promise you formal and effective peace bo quickly a s a Republican Congress can pass its declaration for a Republican Executive to aign. Then wa may turn to our readjustment at home
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  • 536 1779 Lean Co.’s Weekly Report. Penang, November o. We again have to chronicle a shrinkage in the price of rubber, No. 1 sheet being quoted in London (a. 1/O|d. on 3rd instant. The local market is very weak and depressed, the top figures realised at the Singapore auctions
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  • 371 1779 Republl^7 ICTObI Overwhelming Flguu tßwiw’s W hatever l lttk .lection 1. 0 UO w aiaappeared bj »>?'ul..r J: oltbeHe P ubl, CMl^toa 2 Hn party returns lhe Hepubl.cana earned the oy enormous majorities and aim Ohio itself, an ae hiCTement to ensure victory. The Democrats' pZ successes were
    tßwiw’s  -  371 words

  • 1183 1780 to what impressions His Excellency Governor has formed of this counS dnring his few months’ residence 3 investigation in our midst we have fgr had only inklings in his public iterances, bat that one of them is that ,b a re John Bull's ability to muddle throogb somehow'
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  • 726 1780 From last night's T.O.M neu r Tu r ‘^y f rd Vood b«k <• Ipoh Co“ r D l >,‘ c W s i i" or hl: ta «WotatM Do Admiral S.r g JJ '> taking a,|, iv trip',, ,h t > “117 VTT on Ho 1 Th
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  • 1205 1781 Some Ratos Wood Green now shares with Leyton the doubtful distinction of having the highest rate in or around London, for in both these urban districts the estimated rate for the year is 28s. 2d. How would ratepayers in Penang and Singapore welcome rates of something like 140
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  • 1314 1781 I Speaking on lamina i I 20th ulti mo M I V S. Minister to China, I national disasters savin» I times a great Chinese’ I worked out system m J** I designed to avert disaster Itrm t/''® I he added, that in X I American engineer, J
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  • 759 1782 Subscription List. Amount previously acknowledged $96,702.23 Mr. Tan Eng Choon 20.00 Staff of Chop Leong Chan 15/10 Chop .Joo Choon, 21 Gladstone Road --8.00 Mr. Ooi Thean Soo, 21 Gladstone Road 120.00 Chop Guan Sood Hon. Mr. W. Duncan 100.00 Penang Rubber Estates
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  • 646 1783 ANOTHER PROVINCE GANG ROBBERY. Four Chinese, all Hailohongs, stood their trial at the Assizes yesterday afternoon on the charge of committing gang robbery at Mengkuang, Province Wellesley, and, alternatively, of housebreaking by night in order to commit theft, on both of which they claimed to be tried. The
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  • 612 1783 (To the Editor of the Times of Malays Sif.—Wiih reference to tlie enclosed extract from your issue of July, 29, which I hope you will reprint at the foot of this letter with paragraphs numbered as T have numbered them, 1, as Chairman of the Malayan Chamber of
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  • 233 1783 campaign op WW|| Police InfurtiuT [Reum's r t’“Uowi Dg au »t Athkne in which three wounded, taen m oifom down and totally works at Athlone. The dk w ‘l™?' £lOO,OOO. Many oI thrown out of work. More Shocking Outage*. Outrages continue to be reported in sihed form from
    [Reum's .. %» r  -  233 words
  • 63 1783 THE PANKHVUST CASE* Utest London, Miss Sylvia Pankhurst, «ho »P against the sentence passed on signing fln abstain fr* pubiishneo—taking part in public hearing of the »PP“' BeuW r [Cabling on Oc has I*™ ii. Sylvia P*"^„ the to six mouth» attempt Division on ths t blitblDS
    63 words
  • 38 1783 l.AWrtB s js- EfFUBI Notsbl. a .t with te |u, ‘“‘utount* ns in Li*, •‘t X'grest b scored n u d j f»« rhU, X IsteX result I.'-'- jj, w i»en O'" of 8 rr Conned.
    38 words
  • 51 1783 T'* because he had not paid poll-tax the voting place late at night on *****6 "kites, killing two and ggveral, whereupon the police arnegro, "horn, however, the mob idiad hinged on a tree and riddled with other negroes who had taken part in disturbance were burned to
    51 words

  • 371 1784 the forthcoming VISIT. Official Preparations. puparations are now beginning to be *ade for the approaching visit of H. M. S. jhhya to these waters. A general Reception Committee for the F. M. S. is being formed, together with separate state Committees for each State. All arrangenenfr will be
    371 words
  • 122 1784 a Vitagraph lo.nL,u Dla ,n Ve parts, will be shown ’brv i Empire Theatre. The •M kt? n rus Townsend Brady's 'rmtj.* Ves a Bt rrin g an(l des tenific of the records of the ti> t ,n l? in France. It is one of Ro c
    122 words
  • 928 1784 In the course of an intarertin s and out.poken .rticle the Straits Time. M vs We have been warm advocates of a larger in USIOU of the representative principle into loesl government, and the prudence of •vtion has been recognised by Hi. Excellency the Governor. At present
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  • 145 1784 EXTRADITION QOEBTION Pnnier’a EiplamHm. [RjtUTKM ImJWMAMJ.] London, November 4. As regards the non-fulfilment of th« promise to bring the ex-Ksiser to justice Mr. Lloyd George replied to a correspondent explaining that twice the Allies notified the Netherlands Government demanding his extradition and emphasising the most pressing need for compliance
    [RjtUTKM • ImJWMAMJ.]  -  145 words
  • 35 1784 Ix>ndon, November 3. In the Hoiim of Commons Sir Jamap Craig stated that 1.231 war vessels had been sold for £'IO.(MM),(MX). Since the armistice A3H ve-Heh were scrapped !'>r which £3,500,000 wa* realised.
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  • 62 1784 Military Bervfoe. Paris. November 4. Wording to the Excelsior the military authorities are nf the opinion that the contemplated reduction of military service will necew-iUte the formation of a spo isl body of instructors to tea<*h the troops the um- of war maclnnerv and new tactics The centre
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  • 327 1785 Province Gang Robbery. The trial of the four Hailohongs ou the charges of gang robbery and. alternatively, housebreaking by night by break* mg into the house of h Chinese at Mengkuang in the early morning of 20th August, was resumed to-day before Mr. Justice Barrett Leonard and a
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  • 55 1785 ASSEMBLY AT GENEVA. Meeting of British Delegates. London, November 5. .The Empire Delegation met iu the House of Commons to-day to consider arrangements for attendance at the Assembly of the League of Nations in Geneva on November 15 Mr. Lloyd George presided and members of the Cabinet
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  • 110 1785 The Rival Brands. London, November 5The executive committee of the Second International to-day held a meeting in London under the chairmanship of Mr. A. Henderson, M.t and issued a manifesto which is renaarkable for its furious demunication of the hird International formed by Lenin. It s owe
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  • 695 1785 Subscription List. Amount previously acknowledg- 597.589.73 Lim bang Km Neoh 40 on K.L.S.P. 6, Ho Kok Choon 4... 1000 Jelutong Section Chia Tiaug Huat 100, Lim Cheng Ho 100, Chop Ee Bee 60, Tan Ee Thong 50, Yeoh Cheng Lim 50, Chop Ban
    695 words
  • 170 1785 Much interest is being disphj^ I advent of the new pany which Mr Edgar present to us to-mk t ea r ical Edgar Warwick associated w,t entoprises in Penang new Wto* (idence for cur pa^ up» him has taught us y hiB wm ark»bk his artistic merit,
    170 words

  • 459 1786 fa question of the expediency of in the interest of producers well is manufacturers requiring the u I or various purposes has been with in our columns on several ions lately and it is very gratifying find that what we have had to say favour of such control
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  • 96 1786 1 •elM Dect On w tb e appointment of c rurn *He to conside r possible htive r 1 e cons tifution of the Legistaent of the Colony, an announce* zi Pai’f- t" t° the public is printed tj istme The P ublic are •hkh ,i,/ of
    96 words
  • 631 1786 Mr. C. A. Christiansen of l Consul for China at Singapore. and I nfederated Malay States. The Chinese Minister in London is to 1» wi nbn ,red l t<> V hinSton Hi W ill be replaced by the present Minister at the capital of the United States, cables that
    631 words
  • 1116 1786 A Clover Tip, wi?ch i wA h d'7 tM t 1“. tip for tllc r in the l>aih ‘c, PU ,d b < Mr Lood <»'” the race: P IC tho reorni °8 of What the Printer 8 aid. Perhaps I am an My mone X but the
    1,116 words

  • 302 1787 HARDING'S SURPRISING MAJORITIES. Further Details, [Reuter’s Telegrams]. ew York, November 3. senator Harding’s majorities are surprising. He has taken every State on the eastern seaboard north of the MasonDixon line, the whole tier of the Central and Middle Western States and even made gains in the Democratic South.
    [Reuter’s Telegrams].  -  302 words
  • 173 1787 London, November 4. Mr. Winston Churchill, ?P eak '?L.'" London, reviewed the worldwide activit y of the Bolsheviks. He declared Wat events in Russia must run lei lt No one could at present help. we must recognise the dange Bolshevism in Britian for eve y X contained
    173 words
  • 72 1787 Early retww that the anti-Japaneae JI? be passed. mendip r v Negotiation to hoc*. Cart' 8 llder9to<)dlha '^«’^e* l L Californian AnU-Alisu ,P not interfere with the renting “u negotiations between the V«M Suu and Japan which have made IK that should the wnMeutlylS’: treaty result it
    72 words
  • 91 1787 Postil Amfitemoiti. Thursday next, the 11th instant, i public holiday, the Chief Post Ofetj be closed at noon, but the Savings Bak and Money Older Branch will be elowd altogether. The Government Telephone Of» will be open from 7 am. to 8 p.a. Only the morning Postal Express
    91 words
  • 200 1787 Critical Fiuadil Mte (From Out Own Singapore, November 8. At the annual general meeting dlt" Pelan Bulang Rubber and Prods» <*■ pany, Limited, Mr. W.H.Macgreg»',•. presided, said that the finances'we m" critical than they had ever the fall of rubber prices and h* sales to the labour
    200 words

  • 340 1788 PARTIAL RESUMPTION OF WORK. Rioting io Scotland. [Rbutbb’s Telegrams] London, November 4. The resumption of work in the coalfields to-dsy was only partial owing to various rtgjons but work is likely to be in full firing on Noveinlier 8. The men generally welcomed the calling-off of the
    [Rbutbb’s Telegrams] .  -  340 words
  • 73 1788 Hugo Profits. Ti London, November 4. b the R I ,c P accountant profit» U 1 o,nui ’fMe investigating wool It l revea lB extraordinary statistics. tii" 1 ue brm made thirty»4r oJ neB profits than liefore the •her a ai b’ twenty-five times more TU u7
    73 words
  • 71 1788 It i s London, November 4. n ed that the net profits f i an< l Co., the cottonyear, after deducting '*F r *atiox> excess profits duty and amounted to £4,164,89 k Tn# O- ’PDninfr. l pb‘ J '--d t > appr V k? nt of,l H>n Mr.
    71 words
  • 710 1788 OCTOBER CRIMES. Chief Secretary'! Review. [BIUTII’I TELEGRAMS.] t n TT London, November 4. n the House of Commons Sir Hamar Greenwood (Chief Secretary for Ireland) in a statement regarding Ireland said that in October 22 policemen and 14 soldiers "ere killed and 28 policemen and 30 soldiers wounded.
    [BIUTII’I TELEGRAMS.]  -  710 words
  • 119 1788 D®M<t of Dry!-” Lmdon, November 4 Many districts in Scotland are at present in the throes of exciting elections to decide whether they should favour prohibition, limitation of licences, or no change in the present system. The voting has Inmid tremendous as the result of a strenuous
    119 words
  • 98 1788 Unionists and General fimnti. Blomfontein, NovcmlnT 4. A momentous Congress of the I’nionist Party considered General Smuts’» recent appeal for the formation of a party of miMleratcs on non-racial lines and unanimously and enthusiastically passed a resolution recognising the necessity of strong party to maintain the fundamental
    98 words
  • 53 1788 Exchange of Prisoner! London, NovemL-r t. hi the House of Commons, Mr. (’ecil Harmsworth (Under-Secretary for I’orei; q Affairs) announced that British prisoners from Baku reh-ased on OcUdjer 2M would be sent to Tiflis. It was thought now possible to complete the exchange of prisoners w ithout
    53 words
  • 40 1788 Control of Exports Ixndon, November L In ti e House of Commons Mr. K Bald in (Hnanr. ,1 of the Treeeury f'/rmally mtnsluced a Bill to control the expoU of gold and silver coins awi bnl.
    40 words

  • 1346 1789 TENTH ANNUAL MEETING. The tenth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Temerloh Rubber and Coconut, Ltd., which was ad journed from the 30th nlto., for want of a quorum, was held at the registered office of the Company, No. 9, Beach Street, on Saturday.
    1,346 words
  • 311 1789 question OF future ounußo, [Rbuteb’s TeIKU,,! The Egyptian returned to London to confe, (Secretary Colonies) with regard to the Anglo-Egyptian Agreement for tITK government of Egypt snd London short y, state that them cation up to the presentthat, «eWm», likely as the EgyptiansregaidtlnKlMau unacceptable unless a number of
    [Rbuteb’s TeIKU,,!  -  311 words

  • 1191 1790 S'bodv woldd dream of defending Arrangement by which men who went “{be war were in reality penalised for •k-ir patriotism and there will be general B nathv with returned soldiers who that on returning to firms or estates a this country men who were their are now their
    1,191 words
  • 703 1790 I ;J n ronw^luo,i co of the recent ancce.a cf in Moro.ha lUeneral LrauU, h»> teen made a Mar -.o <,( tn.nce 7 In the teimia tinal of the 'A' claw SinglM of the biugapore Cricket Club Sinclair boat Tyler by 6-2. 6-4. wires ouv Singapile correspondent. a Our
    703 words

  • 1173 1791 .—Ex Rubbing It In. Thus the F.M.S. Gazette; With reference to Notification No. 98, published tn the Federated Malay Stales Government Gazette of the 3rd January, 1919, imposing an fxport duty of 2$ per ct'nt. of the value of rubber when the price of first grade rubber as
    .—Ex  -  1,173 words
  • 397 1791 '»»’1 With perfect I I would be snrpriiiug were it XX <! I ■xpedieucy of considerable modified l the old order of thing, I «hat generally so far no definite policy has been hitS* I regarding either the Council or the I cipahties. We are told that
    397 words
  • 8 1791 TIM OU*'*’ S 1 p^ h
    8 words
  • 12 1791 OCTOBER 7>q Ayer $76, T»°k°s^ 932 29:922 and b’P‘
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  • 571 1792 KHTRIBS and handicaps. The following are the results of the and the handicaps for the Lawn E. G. Bird Bye n fi R. Leonard f fl. Threlfall F. N. Syer 1 G. B. F. Southam J, G. Allan J J. M Chalmers J jl Lindley G Wright
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  • 467 1792 BANGKOK vs. PENANG. Elaborate Arrangements, A team from the Bangkok Royal Sports Club is visiting Penang to play the Colony at rugby. They will arrive here on Friday evening next by train, and will be met by the various hosts who will look after them during their stay
    467 words
  • 451 1792 aio'll!'"! of b.ading article the heading quoted above the Times O! .Malaya aays Had it hot lieeu for „hat our soldiers wl .e‘. hn ‘"u ,nnll the other fronts wheie would Ma lva ave lx on t<) Are..state authorities in Malaya ««short of memory
    451 words
  • 162 1792 Hl TINGrHHI.h Pm-«K lAN. The death took place last Sunday in Singapore of Dr. Janie?, M. Handy, a very distinguished Ceylon Tamil who was ass 1 ciaU-d with the Straits Settlements npwan g nf a quarter of a century. Or* hi* oomil g out from the Colombo
    162 words

  • 680 1793 To reckless speculation rather than o production exceeding demand and the demand being poor, our Singapore contemporary, the Straits Times, attributes rubber falling to 41* rents a pound at the auctions last week. It suggests that a reason for this may be found in the fact that
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  • 252 1793 Singapore Opinion, rhe report or rather the Government communique on the report—of the local Profiteering Commission recently issued, shows again (in the opinion of the Singapore morning paper) the desire of the Government under His Excellency’s regime to take the public into its confidence on matters intimately
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  • 247 1793 (To the Editor of the Straits Echo.) Sir, It is generally accepted that if any change is affected in anything at all it is for the purpose of improvement, but the alteration of the time of closing the mads for Butterworth seems like the proverbial ill wind that
    247 words
  • 319 1793 Mischie, m p aE I I belonging to another fishemT I 30th August last. I The accused claimed trial I •ntention rf going cut to having my meal when I heard I say Neoh Ah Choon had set 6re to th, I went out and called the to
    319 words
  • 281 1793 Subscription List* Amount previously acknowW ed 1,000.00 Yeoh Wee Gark, Esq. 20.00 Messrs. Han Tong Co. 10. W Tan Giang Jm» Esq- 100.00 Messrs. Seng Joo t; Ah WWO. Hong Ng Ah J U rj l Poh Leong Soon Chan 00, E Seab
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  • 638 1794 “THE LAW DIVINE.” It is long since we have seen a play so »tU acted and so well staged as was "The Law Divine’’, presented last night to *WI house by this talented Company at fcTown Hall. There were of course all cf which were those
    638 words
  • 294 1794 Appeal to the Governor. With reference to the Hon. Mr. XV. H. Thome’s comments in the Council last wi-ek on the dearth of Judges in this country a correspondent <>' the Straits Times, who conreals his identity bv using the nom dr plum»* “Justice,” appeals to His
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  • 177 1794 REPUBLICANS’ DECISIVE VICTORY. Apportioning Blame for Defeat. [Rkutek’s Tilbgiams.] London, N'cnetnteer 4. Belated election returns only raise the crest o. the Republican tidal uave. The Rcpublioen majorities give at least ten in the Senate and over a hundred in the House of Representative seem aasured. The Republicans have
    [Rkutek’s Tilbgiams.]  -  177 words
  • 256 1794 Nev. Yoik, November I. Pre comment a on the elections are generally on party lines. The Demix-iatic Evening Post argues plausibly that Senator Harding's majority is composed of the moat opposing eiementa of discontent in the population of the United States. A Berlin message says that press comments
    256 words
  • 12 1794 I?’ i e 4 d da*e frM kn‘ dCnl»
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  • 257 1795 TOTTERING ONCE MURE Admission» By Leader» [RIUTEU’b TELEGRAMS.] London, November 5. Further confirmation of the seriousness of affairs in Russia is provided by admissions by Lenin and Trotsky writing in the Bolshevist newspaper Pravda. Lenin declares that Moscow and other large cities are paralysed, by famine. Even the
    [RIUTEU’b TELEGRAMS.]  -  257 words
  • 181 1795 Miner’» Leader as Civil Servant. London, November 6. The Right Hon- W. Bract-. Labour member for Abort tilery, has accepted the post of Labour Adviser to the Department of Minos. The appointment will be the fifth recent case in which Trade Inion leaders have accepted positions in
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  • 19 1795 California’s Policy. T ew York, November 4. Califon*;!™ 6 fCßlifor »>a indicate that the XTh alien lands
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  • 222 1795 IMPORTANT PROPOSALS, Groat British Enterprise. [Reuter’ a Telegrams]. London, November 5, Colonel Armstrong, Chairman of the Federa. tion of British Industries, presided at a meeting of representatives of the leading British manufacturers which discussed the formation of a British-China Trade Corporation to take advantage of a charter giving
    [Reuter’a Telegrams].  -  222 words
  • 92 1795 WORLD’S CHAMPIONSHIP. The Dempsey-Carpentier Match. New York, November 0. The contract *for the Dempsey-Carpentier match was signed to-day when the respective managers deposited $50,000 apiece. The prize money will be divided twenty-four hours before the contest. Dempsey receiving $300,000 and Carpentier $200,000. The meeting of these champions will take
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  • 81 1795 AMERICAN ACTION. New York, November 6. Senates Calder and Edge, members of the Senate Committee for Reconstruction, »ave issued a statement to the effect that un ess the coal industry reforms itself and cuts down prices to a reasonable figure by Decern er 6 they will introduce a
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  • 39 1795 Cancellation of Military PaoL Peking, November 5. The Government has decided t 0 Sino-Japanese military pact an* 0 the soldiery. ,nfprThe Government does not propose fere in the affairs of Canton until tongue hr’e settled then
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  • 50 1795 Minaev,. Ad-Wag th, Chud*,***. 1 Xr a 1 ncl Si, mJ! Bnheh Ambassrio, U America and Gr6at f rade competition organic bv f** and supported by polity Xi?? net on begun organising ,Z~ plosive economic adZC2*? ■nevdably coms cWI d would strain the Iriendl; the two countries.
    50 words
  • 245 1795 The King’» Wty I ollowmg Las been received from Hpa the Resident Councillor for j* general information Copy of telegram received hum U» U the Colonial Secretary, 8,8.. Singapore, Bth November MO. “Following telegram dated 6th Novoht from Secretary of State received by (tort*, Begins: My telegrams November
    245 words
  • 110 1795 Undo», N«'« aber In the House oi Common. A. Yeo (Poplar Co. L.) an ia S. Amery stated thatslave J Hongkong or any other cM wb Colony's law does not ffleot fr<m whereby girls nite tnoX parents and 1 of usually tor rhe P*» th. <»'
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  • Page 1796 Advertisements
    • 748 1796 mMsness. ij EBfeWMIIP* I u SZh i Therearemany causes of this complaint, I Tit a-BB IfljF but they al s P rin 8 from a disordered liver which I gi 17// docs not properly fulfil its functions, especially in a I JuMl warm climate, when it becomes sluggish in its
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  • Page 1797 Advertisements
    • 186 1797 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., 59, BEACH STREET, PtNARQ 5F- ESTABLISHED 1883. V PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. Proprietors of the STRAITS ECHO and PENANG SIN POE.” J&7 The most enterprising and up to date Printers and Lithograph rs ir G-’rit. vcr y latest Pattern and by constantly have gained tor ourselves a name sub
      186 words