The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 27 October 1920

Total Pages: 46
1 1721 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 24 1 The Straits Echo. MAIL EDITION. ISO PER ANNUM I **.4» r < r- Single Copy els. VOL. 18. PENANG, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 27TH, 1920 NO. 45
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 225 1 |T I CONTENTS. Uu»n« Mwctluiiow Cbn'wwerf: Tin Control 1378 Labour's Objective 1,708 The Malaria Evil 1,686 The Motor Danger 1.708 Labour's Revolt ...1,882 F M 8 Railway Aumdent ...1,703 I I Chll to, Duty 1,700 China Mows 1,700 Uncertainty 1,704 Ruieian Jewels 1.700 Rationing Credit 1,718 Famine in China 1,710
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 191 2 THE s “STRAITS ECHO” MAIL EDITION. Hr I if* «nilCOOtWi JP 1 V-> 1 Cn w> Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, m and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, as well as all important news from
      191 words

  • 1028 1678 Report» of proceeding» at meetings of ibanbolden in public companies do not ■uallv form very entertaining reading, though they are of course very interesting to ■miori directly or indirectly concern* d. Sometimes, however, chairmen not ®ly give expression to views on matters ci wmiderable importance to commercial WBBunities
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  • 541 1678 Lord .nd L.dy Sin'.» w.r. .t,ji ag Udg., 81ml., on tb. 13 h iu.t.nt M guests of Hu Excellency the Vicerjy. P Buckl ">>d, Addiion.l Judge, Ca.cutta High Court, has bcm made a permanent Judge vice Justice Fletcher resigned.—Ex. A M rt trankl yn R’lbicsm is
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  • Page 1678 Advertisements
  • 27 1678 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE. DEATH. Bucxxa.—At Colombo, on the 19th October, 1920, Mr. E. Z. Blacker, father of Mr B C. Blacker of Messrs. Adamson Qilfillu A Co., Ltd
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  • 897 1679 Illusion of High Wages. The miner»’ strike, while it ii the chief Labour difficulty upon our present agenda, is not a solitary phenomenon. Formidable demands have recently been advanced by a variety of other trades, including tramway men, road transport workers, bakers, textile workers, the eleotrioal trades and
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  • 53 1679 increase of Capital. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 20. At a meeting of Jeram Kuantan Rubber Estate, Ltd., it was agreed to increase the capital to 1500,000 in order to push on building and road construction. It is hoped the work will be completed at the end
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  • 209 1679 Alleged Wrongful Dismissal. (From Our Own Correspondent.) o Singapore, October 20. In the Supremo Court Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard gave judgment in favour of Mr. H. Cheshire, Secretary of Henderson Brothers, Ltd., for $5,800 against Messrs. Henderson Brothen, Limited, in respect of alleged wrongful dismissal. The postponed distribution
    209 words
  • 877 1679 E «««ve', IMtrucdou EmpText •jquentl, m «> will b, held m OcX T' «Midw th. nooDori thM «th, RaX" gi«n initraotiou to th, mg oat whet ltrioM «•■nf A. to h,ddX£ to bear thi« io miod i a wai T* andbopropMri toict»l oon jJT» traouoM
    EmpText  -  877 words

  • 184 1680 1 ampaign speeches. Harding and the League. 8, ua h ludl,n ‘Poli». October 17 -e uS:“ 0 0 7 a, on the contrary ht. purp’;,, Z J nnh. to’uie'ka pUb fp ion u l’ t,n modification, to the league coyen.ut or ü b, j tale or j Governor
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  • 24 1680 t rench Government’s Concessions. Paris, October 17. The G has decided to encourage importers of American coal by granting certain financial concessions.
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  • 297 1680 Rkquisitb Minimum Absubkd. The following copies of sables have b»rn r ceivtd from ihe Local Secretary, R.G.A., Kuala Lumpur: To Rubber Growkis’ Association. Cable despatched on Oct. 7ih 1920 by by Local Hecretary, R G.A., to the Rubber Grower»’ Association, L ndon “At a meeting held in Kua'a
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  • 31 1680 DANGEROUS CONDITION Nomination of Regent. [Reuteh's TELEGUAMB.] Ihe k’in. A,bfn Ootcber 16. Tt ..J- K®cjtditiou is iik.i,.. p±L ha d ided 10 “h. r‘g.u’. f r lh of
    [Reuteh's TELEGUAMB.]  -  31 words
  • 68 1680 Fatal Conflict. t R' me, Oltnber J ft, trpm R, „„d 0 SLlitioal i* a C n Ct cccurr *d between at h?; Mld,he Carabinieri at be niD i t ef he h rb <f f)9 former •tD'? 'hi municipal buildirgs ht ,d i empting io hoist 'he
    68 words
  • 88 1680 SOCIALIST CONGRESS. Adherence to Third International. I he German Indep ndent H< ciali.t Party, holding a Congress at Ihlle, adopted a roolution b, 237 rot., to 156 f or adhering to the Third International. The resolution at-h«* Halle Ciogress for adhering toihe 1 bird luternatinoal resulted in
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  • 73 1680 Relief Measures. Bagdad, October 14. The reiitf column entered Samawa this morning after stubborn fighting. In Middle Euphrates. London, Oc ober 16. A War Office emmuo qut from Mesopotamia reports that the cdumns opt rating in Middle Euphrates »nc »U’.t> red coisiderabla resistance but th» E™gi Yorke, esnsted by
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  • 30 1680 Missing Magistrates Released. Lond n, October 16. Mr. Moore and Mr. Hyde, the misaing Magistrates, who have bean released, stats that they were well treated «luring their incarceration.
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  • 139 1680 Amir’s HANGID ATT IT UDI. Calcutta, 13ih October. The Et’glisbmtu’s Frontier Correspondent reports a change i i the at iiud»- of the Amir of Afghanistan toward! the British Government. It is seated that the Foreign M nister, Rar 'ar Ali Mahmed Beg Tarsi, is stirring up the ccuntry
    139 words

  • 211 1681 TEXT OF AGREEMENT. Main Objects in View. [Rkuteb’s Telegrams.] London, October 18. The Times’ correspondent in New York says that the Chinees Consortium agreement reads as follows: The national groups are of opinion that the interests of the Chinese people can, in the existing circumstances, best be served
    [Rkuteb’s Telegrams.]  -  211 words
  • 81 1681 TRADE RELATIONS. Chinese Delegation in Moecow. Helsingfors, October 16. The Bolshevist journal, Krasnaya Gaista, states that a Chinees Military and Diplomatic Delegation headed by General Tsan Si Lin has arrived at Moscow with the object of opening normal political and trade relations between Russia and China. The
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  • 97 1681 THE CALIFORNIA ISSUE. Negotiations Discontinued. New York, October 16. The Washington correspondent of the Associated Press telegraphs that the negotiations between the State Department and the Japanese Embassy regarding the proposed Anti Japanese land legislation in California have been temporarily discontinued and will not be resumed until
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  • 43 1681 Wrangei’s Further Successes. n London, October 17. T Q T *l Wrangel continues his successes, rmx communique claims the capture 01 Nikopol with three thousand prisoners eight guns, whilst in north Taurida tour thousand prisoners were taken with iweiye gone,
    43 words
  • 602 1681 PRESENTATION OF ADDRESS. Baku Tambun Ettat.a war. en fAte on oa'urday l&st on the occasion of the im. pending departure of Mr. F. D. Hindi., the Manager, on les.,. There were Tamil’ Chinese and Siamese Wayang», betide, ether amusements, including a Ronggeng nerformance. In the evening Mr. and?
    602 words
  • 144 1681 1 he following Free P„„ j, aj pli^L{*‘«day s Mons. T^l“ d nd h > few. p ietre, spent ths g rwtlr M sasfts a» I.™. H. ~11«,; Hi. Officer Coumadin. t b. c’-’mo- S u. M. G., ths Acting Ury, Sir William Muri*. 7* the French
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  • 140 1681 (From Our Own Corrtipondent.l Singapore, October 20. M. Georges Clemenceau wsi icccrtsi a rousing reception at the 7 where M. P. Darnerin, on behalf of tne French community, presented him with an address extolling his war services. M., replying, «id tW yesrs he g» w.mia, to German
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  • 3374 1682 CLAW FOR damages. 'EBS TBDTH SYNDICATE ve. 'TiIBEIBO AND CO., LTD. Yesterday’s Proceedings. hearing was resumed in s Supreme Court, yesterday before Mr. Justice A. fßrofn of the suit in which the Truth Syndicate, the partners Jfbieb are Messrs. Allan, Teddy Long, Greening and A. X. Dumaresq, r
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  • 2666 1684 government control. Astounding Re\elaiions. 40th ordinary general meeting 4. of Tmcroft Mmes, Ltd., held at the Mining Exchange, Redruth, Cornwall, on Thursday, September 2,1920. to receive and consider the direcreport, accounts and balance sheet. 2 to transact the ordinary business of tteeompanv. Mr. James Wickett. J.P Chairman of
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  • 140 1685 New Sub-Agency. -hirst in the field in Taiping, several decades ago, first also, if we mistake not, ,u one or two other Malayan trading contres, the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China opened to-day at M° r tar Kedah, a sub-Agency, with charge. nee d e d,
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  • 509 1685 SUBIOBIPTIOM LllT. Amount previously acknowledged 126.676 on Btudente of the Tong Bean School 61.94 Mr Choong Chi Kbeat ®a no Staff of United Traders Ltd 20 tn Staff of Sin Tat Lee ACo 41 S Members of Ean Man Club: Chung Thye Phin
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  • 144 1685 Effect of Gandhi Agitation. With reference to the recent murder of Mr. R. W. Willoughby. Commissioner for Kheri- Oudh, wW occurred in a small out-of-the-way bion, a Bombay message wyi from details that are available. M pears that there is no that the crime had ita anti-British
    144 words

  • 39 1686 MARRUGk. rm».—Sept. 21, 1920, at Bt. 2?*Sc!>, Jcfiu Ciop.r j “f John B.rr, J. P.. and Mr,, S’irdrouaii co*! Belfast, to Violet ft CM», d “S b r f Iron. Chop», of Singapore, and X Cbope. Streatham.
    39 words
  • 1547 1686 Oliver Cromwell died of a teryae( the physicians of hie day no Bgely remarked that fate overtook ri for neglecting precautions euoh as mhovnto them. If a former Goverff id High Commissioner had been bitten by the Anopheles Macula* dtir clearing the valleys round (hNB which the
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  • 87 1686 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 21. M. Clemenoeau visile 1 the Chinese Schools and dined at the Garden Club on lueeday and among those present were His Excellency the Governor, His Highness the Sultan of Johore, Majur-General D. H. Ridout, G. 0. C. Troupe, and others.
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  • 522 1687 Mr. C. G. Daubenny left for Home on Bunday by the s.s. Nankin. The engagement is announced of Capt. John F. Hermanson and Miss Luba Engel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Engel, of 5, Oxley Road, Singapore.—B.D. Mr. H. G. van Ovon, recently vice-consul of the
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  • 933 1687 Constitutional Changes. With reference to tne lesd t.ken by the Strait. Government in the important matter of oomtiiutional change, and the appoint, ment of a Select Committee to report whether any and, if so, what changes are desirable in the constitution of the Leiislalive Council, the Malay Mail
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  • 632 1688 SCENES IN LONDON, Government's Prompt Action [Riuteb’3 Telbgbams.] London, October 18. [bi mireh of thousand! of unemployed jug tbs Embankment to Westminster ltd to afljiDgscenes in Djwning Street, where a of fifteen London Mayors was ijurfierof Mr. Lloyd George with regard U penployment. The orowd of demonmien,
    [Riuteb’3 Telbgbams.]  -  632 words
  • 89 1688 AMUNDSEN’S EXPEDITION. Explorer’s Great Difficulties. Th. n. v York October 16. The New York Tribune save that a X**H»h fro B, A ule w P’rt« ‘h. «irlwl of -k' h 0 K.moh.tko, th. cptoin “f AusMt A andMn > »I»W» on North’pL* to Ma<lh “>• North Pol. on
    89 words
  • 33 1688 Foreign Policy, a i /xP* 11 < Te October 18. General Obregon, speaking at an international banquet, declared that Mexico would recogaise all legal and foreign debts andjbe rights of Mexicans and foreigners
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  • 31 1688 New State Loan. Copenhagen, October 18. It is reported that the Minister of Finanoo intends to raise in America a nine per cent State Loan of 825,000,000 (gold).
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  • 233 1688 Germans Expel Russians. Berlin, October 18. It is reported that the authorities have ordered the Russian Soviet delegates, Zinovieff and Losovsky to leave Germany, q The following from the Free Press amplifies our wire-news from Singapore yesterday Wo deeply regret to announce the death of Mr. Cuthbert Lawrence
    233 words
  • 106 1688 ampaign speeches. '•r-ident wiiwn n t er v, B l(>B [Rxctbb’s Tklxorams.] P.M.d.n. w i W, hiD g‘o». Ootob«r 18. He point, out tbe .yj .xtreordinerr i±m. C h p W l J'" 0 h w P, i,nt W,l dinotwi »n inquiry M l 0 wh
    [Rxctbb’s Tklxorams.]  -  106 words
  • 124 1688 First Hunger-Striker’s Death. Tk na j v London, October 18. Iho first death as the result of hunger■triM in the Cork gaol occurred yesterday evening when Michael Fitagerald, aged thirty, died on the sixty-eighth day of hnnger-stnkiag. He was imprisoned on a charge of participating in an attack
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  • 49 1688 THE CALIFORNIA ISSUE. Negotiations Proceeding. Now York, October 18, The State Department an Bounces that tho Japanese oonversations with regard to tho Calfornian land question are continuing quite satisfactorily though somewhat delayed owing to Mr. Bbidehara and Mr, Davis being engaged in communications with tho conference.
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  • 48 1688 The Relief Measures. London, October 18. Tho War Office communique states that all military families in Mesopotamia, except hospital esses are now below Kat ol Amaro en route overseas or have already sailed for India. Tho notification allays tho considerable eneasi nets up to tho present felt.
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  • 44 1688 CABINET CRIBB, Premier’s Serious Decision. Brusaols, October 18, The Libre Belg qus states that M. Dolaoroix has definitely decided to tender the resignation of hie Cabinet to His Maysoty as soon as ho returns from Braail andnot to officiate at tho next Mlaistry.
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  • 906 1689 {To the Editor of the Straits Echo). Dear Sir, Will you permit me sufficient space to survey the critical financial position which stares us gloomily in the face The gravity of the financial situation throughout the world with its consequent general commercial depression is quite evident aid has
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  • 782 1689 MR. SMILLIE’S SPECIAL DEFENCE. In giving publicity on the 15th ultimo to a long letter from Mr. Robert Smilho, the Secretary of the Transport Workers Federation, the Times commented as follows: Mr. Smillie expresses the belief that tne great bulk of the people of this country would
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  • 2949 1690 CLAIM FOR DAMAGES. ySTEBN TRUTH SYNDICATE vs. C A.BIBEIBO AND CO., LTD Yesterday’s Proceedings. The hearing was resumed in a Supreme Court, yesterday toon before Mr. Justice A. Brown of the suit in which the •aterc Truth Syndicate, the partners hhichare Messrs. Allan, Teddy Long, iooert Greening and
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  • 226 1691 THE CHINA FAMINE AND FLOOD RELIEF PEND SußMumeg Lm. Amount previoMlyacknowWgd DO OOM Cheong Chen Beong j J Liew Kim Bwee CollecticDi per Heah Joo finne, Khoo Bwee Chin 4 Low Geek Swee: Low Geok Bwei K, Robert J Kirke3o, Bek Eng 30, Heah Joo 8f ang 28, Oog Been
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  • 1114 1692 LABOUR S REVOLT.. M. Mossagß. oar last issue publicity was given uaninßtioD of the special defence ite eosi sioen’ attitude and monstrous w bioh the Secretary of the Trans* Jforksn’ Union (Mr. Robert Smillie) Md to th< Times and other journals. JL wi invite attention to this arch* deliberate challenge
    M. Mossagß.  -  1,114 words
  • 541 1692 Jol j. l ni of Mr. P.hiei, jow d. Lo,, ao o d r (lrtent nf P««ed away m hi, 65:5 Jf r Bn«i‘«r l l’ I l3ll etl b,r: Mr K.cwl.a b k h r T g r n lft 'H-J-hh, »0« has left Rio do
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  • 1192 1693 Malay Mail. Malaya Defence Force. Holding that the suspension of the Defence Force Bill is apparently merely temporary in order to find oat whether or not it ia possible to form an adequate force for local defence compoaed of volunteers, the Bangkok Daily Mail contenda that the suspension
    Malay Mail.  -  1,192 words
  • 89 1693 rH E Vilxa COUP. I ranco-British Xo, e EmpText Reuiw h. m U. th. h X ofVil,K u A situation is not quickly JJ French .nd Bri t to oonnder what forth» necessary. 1 Withdrawal from Minsk. m London, October 11. A Warsaw communiqsl dated Oc*4h 17/Chroaiolei continued
    EmpText  -  89 words
  • 76 1693 (Havas) Passport and Custom Paris, October IS, The committee on pasaporti id causa appointed by the League of Natal nda several recommendation! tending to facilitate international traffic of travalien d goods through simplifying viasi fonuuae and co-ordinating cuatomi regulaiiosa Chinese Students. The M. Andrd Lsbon from Yokohsa arrived
    (Havas)  -  76 words
  • 70 1693 Postal Leader’s Threat Bombay, October The strike situation is telegraph office bal Booott cruits to n of India lb Girl Guidw. d sanctioned an «>£** .trikert ban rupees a month bat th ib, postal "‘“J"" 1 bM ’h* strikers, has threawu poetal employ** ’//‘““J i vita unlew
    70 words
  • 24 1693 Th. Diily A.peci‘l l l grin® th« do °ch Lo” 1 T Mn qß ’Xnginii for lb t- ?W(i «««SaUSM in neW
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  • 16 1693 T birds of PJ r btf e been g 0D th raLese
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  • 65 1694 U. S. POLITICS. Senator Harding's Excuses. M»rrn (Ohio) October 19, aJfiol to President Wilson’s letter Herding has written to White that in his .perch nt rLttli. be only enggntsd that there 7 C wi to him those who «poke the which they represented and this "JbTfery msntfeet among the French
    65 words
  • 84 1694 Lloyd’s Returns. London, October 19. foikiri evidence of the ability of Britiih to restore Great Britain’s pmpoeiticn ai the world’s greatest ship Jnjseer ii provided by Lloyd’s register of eliding The returns for the quarter aduig September 30 ehow that during the tfioyhteen months the tonnage being oonnMd io
    84 words
  • 45 1694 Notable Social Function. Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 22. 1 Clemenceau was present at an “At i» 11 at Government House yesterday, a which he signed numerous autograph «Band wa« introduced to a number of arnica men who fought in France.
    45 words
  • 248 1694 Epidemic in Sblangor. •uderitaud, on the authority of one wuwtitled to know, that there is some* RU the nature of a ms Uriel epidemic *»wiviDg tbe attention of the States’ authorities in general and the Lumpur Sanitary Board in PNir, fotathe have occurred from malaria occurred n? Period
    248 words
  • 461 1694 general election probable. Gravity oi the Situation. IReuteb’s Telegrams.] London, October 19, 4.55 lhe question of a general election is again being dmcussed. Some of the miners’ leaders declare that the Government intend soon to go to the country. The decision, 11 unl,kel y y et
    IReuteb’s Telegrams.]  -  461 words
  • 524 1694 —Daily Telsgrapb. The Wages Question. No Minister could do more than offer to submit the wages claim to arbitration, the miners’ leaders persist in their refosa to accept that offisr, they will put tbeir followers utterly and hopelessly in wrong and if they force the nine tbe
    —Daily Telsgrapb.  -  524 words
  • 37 1694 Purchase by Britain. Ixiodjo, October 19. The Direct United Hrates Cables Company has been sold to lhe British Government for £560,000. Tbe sale means the transfer of tDe cable from American to British eontroL
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  • 19 1694 Retirement Accepted. Lcnooe, October 19. General Townshend announces that bis reiirsDosut from tbe Army has been accepted.
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  • 24 1694 Relief of Kufah London, October 19. A ’oes*aK p f rfJCJ Bagdad saye that the jown of Ketah which was beleogvod siooe Joly
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  • 435 1695 Latbbt Chop Rkpobt. The report cn the paddy crop in the six inner provinces has now been issued for the third week of September, says the Bangkok Times of October 14. The planted area was then 6,527,078 rai, a gain of 411,461 rai in the week. At the
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  • 311 1695 luouip oaiu bun —Free Press. Bbbangbr v. Bishop. In the Supreme Court, Singapore, on the 20ch instant, before Mr. Justiie BarrettDennard, the c&se of Malcolm Beranger against M. W. Bishop was mentioned by Mr. G. S. Carver, who is Counsel for defendant. This is a case in which
    luouip oaiu bun —Free Press.  -  311 words
  • 494 1695 Maoibtratb’s Decision The case that was commenced before Mr. Baker in the Second Court, Penang, on the 15th instant, in which Mr. Khoo Sin Tan summoned Mr. Wong Hook Woon, alleging that he was in possession of stolen property, to wit a ricksha valued at $l7O, was
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  • 277 1695 Amount Mr.E, K Dutnot Offic, N.’bX T 1«« s Kftß-‘-US Khor Boon Kang 10 ottir subscribers 40 Dr. Chan Kun Shing Mr. CbowYeeOn Anglo-Chinese School, J? Kung Gna KhawSeotion fpaSly collected): Messrs. Choo p o h Lsn 150, Bin Joo Leong 50, Bin
    277 words
  • 19 1695 dance W b« S 1" 10 oll k h^Xar« i I** ,-ei»! «ff«' w J •all.
    19 words

  • 1799 1696 claim FOR damages. TRUTH SYNDICATE vs. Teweiro and co., ltd. Yesterday’s Proceedings. heariog waR resumed in J* Supreme Court, yesterday before Mr. Justice A. o f the suit in which the Truth Syndicate, the partners are Messrs. Allan, Teddy Long, ,2: Greening and A. N. Dumaresq, e claiming
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  • 931 1696 mote probability. —Singapore Free Press. GROWING OPPOSITION. We do not know u htther Government is sufficiently in touch with general opinion- we call ter phrase connotes some measure of organization and expression—to realise that slowly, but apparently steadily, feeling is rising against the continuance of the income
    mote probability.—Singapore Free Press.  -  931 words

  • 738 1697 HEAVY DEATH-ROLL. Passenger’s Thrilling Narrative. Madras, October 8. The No. 7 Madras to Bangalore mail train of the 7th was derailed near Arkonam owing to removal of a rail by persons unknown. The engine and iron coaches were telescoped and several passengers killed and injured. At day rea'
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  • 3415 1698 CLAIM FOR DAMAGES. I nSTEBN TRUTH SYNDICATE vs. I QA. RIBEIRO AND CO., LTD. I The hearing was resumed in I Be Supreme Court, yesterday I dernoon before Mr. Justice A. I I Brown of the suit in which the I bitem Truth Syndicate, the partners I iwhich
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  • 79 1699 F Thi Hm Memberi of th, j*. ,bat the Mod., .«nieg, 25 amre end Bnch b J, c, lk „,ebok W <f«* all iiud.nt, of W and moral addn,, touch* H g( g» ioflnance of J h»* nrompt dfciwo». “7‘ d W'2 d "lib Of ck‘’ ,cl *2»
    F  -  79 words

  • 559 1700 tbt falltit jjat-Scitioa exists for 'ble r< W DuuCau’s appeal to haring influence to txercise it *L%ite toffl’k‘ D g tb Rubber Grower»’ £lnon’« henJo of voluuUr y restricoutpu;» effective, assuredly will i qaiitioned by a large majority of interested in the great rubber JJ- of Malaya.
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  • 552 1700 Mr. A. C. M. Wall, Assistant Commissioner of Pooce, Ipoh, has gone to Taiping on transfer and Mr. L. A. Morriss, Taipm* has gone to Ipoh to take his plage. At the conclusion of the spores of the men of H.M.S. Curlew, which were held on the
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  • 720 1700 In most parts of the world pioneers who have bjrne the heat and burden of the day who have devoted the beet years of their lives to the welfare cf the people and of the State, receive at the heads of Goverameate possible consideration. In many caeee
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  • 1301 1701 DEBATE IN THE COMMONS. Disastrous Effects. [Rxutkb’b Tklkgbims.] London, October 19,6.10 p.m. In the Hour of Commons Sir Robert Hone (President of the Board of Trade) made a statement with regard to the coal strike. He emphasised its gravity, deprecated recrimination and urged goodwill and oommoneense. He
    [Rxutkb’b Tklkgbims.]  -  1,301 words
  • 26 1701 R‘p'y ,o It i, underatw- 1 ccuruomly lo ,jj b tiou of Vil»». jj (jußiwF-jS .nd French «o to* ~4 J X conflict'
    26 words
  • 10 1701 r»t of 13* 11 w' oo0 8 I
    10 words
  • 8 1701 oftheg» rr breoght jjocs jpg I o,#l
    8 words

  • 1002 1702 pebate ON REPRISALS. Sinn Fein Plane. irbuteb’s Telegram.] London, October 20. ry question of Irish reprisals will be ifl Hoo’ e of Comm ins to-day ’’jjjch connection an argent Government JL jii been issued. The feeling ia op. *moDg numbers of well-informed The eituafion in Ireland has imJcJd since
    irbuteb’s Telegram.]  -  1,002 words
  • 109 1702 Dutch Comment. Amsterdam, October 19. Ths Handelsblad ctrnmecting on the subsidiary Standard Oil Company to be established in Paris, states chat fifty gbs per cent of the capiu.l will be allotted to cbe Barque de Paris and forty per cent to the 8 andard Oil grr up.
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  • 144 1702 Expedition tn Chiwa Tk London, October 20. The correspondent of the Daily Mail in N«w York says that the Miesiog link M P N. .U On > P' onnt,d by lb» MUMU of Natural History and American Asiatic society, for which a fund of £60.000 hae F«hm ProT
    144 words
  • 63 1702 America and Frauen. London, October 20. The recent controversy in America with regard to Senator Harding’s statement, cabled previously, is somewhat enlightened by tbe Peris Liberte which states that their correspondent recently questioned Senator Harding in that connection who declared that no official representative of Frsmoe haw approached
    63 words
  • 349 1702 r they had given him and hie wife Malays Tn bans. OPENING OF NEW, ROAD The Tiger’s Speech. (From Out Own Correapondent.) Singapore, October 23. M. Clemenceau opened the work in connection with the main road from Tank Road and Orchard Road to Bnkit Timah Road via
    r- – – they had given him and hie wife Malays Tn bans.  -  349 words

  • 730 1703 Why thi Strike Occurred. Writing io mail week on the coal crisis, the Observer exposed the deliberate intention of Mr. Smiliie and hie confederates to bring about a strike regardless of its effect upon the nation as a whole. Quite accurately it asserted that coal stoppage would mean,
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  • 382 1703 Subscription List. Amount previously acknowledged $35,525.13 Messrs Seng Kee A Co 100.00 Staff of Messrs Seng Kee A C 0... 16 00 Yeap Tee Khuaa family 15 00 Messrs Sang Loong A Co 5000 Cbear Yee Thin Esq 50.00 Staff of Messrs Stark
    382 words
  • 264 1703 M.L. Aocmun b F» mi CtWu Ob Wedwd.y nwi KBiitonocciirradamtb, kJ, K? riddM by Mr. D. P. IOT) Kit and Sono, and > eu which Europwn. Th. motor qelo, Jk th. property of Main. Chow Kit ud was badly damaged, while the cv k ■aid, got off
    M.L.  -  264 words
  • 125 1703 ENGINE CAPBI® I Th. m»il ‘"“/TcyW’W .hould hue. r«< i K J 6.35 ..w. on Tk “‘J tf c d< '-«SI Malayan Leader, a hter. On preceding the mat J eß wn<i With m»h»p J i, d, with Stilion, th. e 7 c k w<
    125 words

  • 962 1704 MT, res*nt eaic’dal revolt of Labour g e reeahs, »b it probably will sooner uncertainty being <W -4«i hr normal commercial conditions, that, with sight of relief, rsry g ener, Ny conceded that the 2L strike of modern times—ill-wind jTjl be-came as a great blessing in JX It is,
    962 words
  • 95 1704 [To the Editor of the Strait» Echo.] Sir, I have to inform you that on and from the 25ih instant, a mail for Buttierworth will he closed at 8 45 p m. daily. Correspondence for inclusion in the mail must be received in this office before 3,45. pm
    95 words
  • 529 1704 splooi.T^'^chi.*/ T'.'^ of^' r Oct. 11. eb, f Ju, w > “A M ftta ft A.d. f .o n B el U nX nae been elected Hon Z Hongkong Dni..r.Uy c „^l^° < b. t T wM O m M r i ul w. k U7iL E,
    529 words

  • 1090 1705 The Malaria Scourge. In oonnectoin with the of malaria in Malaya the Senior Health Officer, F.M.8., has prepared a chart for the identification of the common anopheline larvae of Malaya/’ which may be of interest and use to medical practitioners. It is in effect an epitome of the
    1,090 words
  • 1141 1705 STRIKE IN FULI. SWIRg. Miners' 8 TlLlotiM, „Mr. Frank Minarf FiattatiJcJu?’J? tktt th. mman condition fa th. nuntti uauauM that fa, anxnu mgudug ottpu nd in X a eo-oporsto in securing it 4 Swnndly, th. tn must be ooaoodod mnoaditioully Thirdly, Committees shall be «aUiu to deal
    8 TlLlotiM,  -  1,141 words

  • 38 1706 Huge Death Roll, litnieio, October 21. A terrible explosion in tho ooal minM at Tongehan in Chihli resulted in 422 Chinese coolies being killed. The disaetor is attributed to tho coolies’ practice of lighting cigarettes.
    38 words
  • 184 1706 Huge Sum Involved. Waehingtoc, October 21. The American Bankers' Association has approved of the report of the commitfee recommending the organisation of a •100,000,000 (gold) Corporation te provide means to extend American trade abroad. Tbe plan contemplates the sale in the United Stales >1,000,000,000 (gold) worth of
    184 words
  • 107 1706 SUPPLIES FOB BUBBIA. Important Deal ArrawgM [Rxutxx’s Tilboiaju.) T Ixmdon, October 22. In an interview with Mr. W. K Rena, who on behalf of tbe Rubber Planters' Union has arranged a £2,000.000 cohtraot tor «applying rubber to Kaesia, the rubber to be delivered between March 1921 and Decumber
    [Rxutxx’s Tilboiaju.)  -  107 words
  • 61 1706 CAPTUBE OF VILNA. Protest to the League. London, October 22. The Lithuanian Chargt d’ Affuroe in London protested to tho League of Nations against theoccupation of Vilua, requesting tbe application of article XVI of tho Covenant with reference to arbitration by tho Loagno. Ho added that tho
    61 words
  • 80 1706 Statement by Lunin. Stockholm, October 22. Lonin, addressing tbe Congress at Moscow, eaid that General Wrangel was the only danger. Ho claimed that the Russian economic situation is being strengthened despite the blockade. This is hardly borno out in tho current budget which has bosn published showing
    80 words
  • 21 1706 Operations Ceased. Warsaw, October 21. Military operations have ceastd on the entire front tn accordance with the a/mimoe terms.
    21 words
  • 171 1706 Specialists ia Attendance. Loudon, October 2L A telegram from Athens says that Professor Vidal who wont from Paris specially to attend on King Alexandres of Greece loft after a palhstto scene in the Royal chamber. His Majesty dr curated Professor Vidal and lbs government handed him
    171 words

  • 406 1707 Explosions in Dublin, [Rxutkb‘B Telbgrams.] London, October 22* Frequent violent explosions and firing occurred this morning various parte of Dublin. It is reported that a Government armoury has been raided. One report states that the raiders captured a large quantity ef ammunition and bombs and that the explosions
    [Rxutkb‘B Telbgrams.]  -  406 words
  • 10 1707 Stockholm, October 22. The Branding Cabinet baa resigned
    10 words
  • 48 1707 Soviet Ultimatum. Paris, October 21. It is reported that the Soviet G vernment has sent an ultimatum to Armenia demanding permission for the immcdiaie transport Bolshevist troops through Armeim in 5 to effect a junction with the Tuikisb Minor. It is probable resu 1t will
    48 words
  • 726 1707 general meeting. The thirteenth autul general meeting of shareholders of the Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited, was held at the registers office of the Company, British India House Penang, on Saturday, the 23rd instant. Major H. F. Nutter, in the unavoidable absence of the chairman, Mr. G. N.
    726 words
  • 140 1707 SußSCßircoi Lib. Amount previoMlyackoowWgid WMIG Collections per Mr. Khw Chos Employees of Estate, Perak Kung Gss Kow Section (pwtlj collected): Chin Hie 4 250, Sympatbiear Ise W, J* Ho.4CoM,YwhCbipM<* 60, L Y B<m Co M, "j* Khu.n Joo 80, Choog Hw gj Btud«nt.
    140 words
  • 6 1707 8,1 pity r"
    6 words

  • 1644 1708 THE 1921 BUDGET. The Governor’s Address. VrflowiDE 18 the address by His Excelthe Governor to Members of the Sstive Council at the meeting held ’Honourable Members of the Legislative 'nuncil: H has been the practice when annual budget is introduced, to pys id review the principal events in
    1,644 words

  • 792 1709 trouble so long as Yunnan tries to maxe a vassal state out of Szechuen.—Hongkong Post. FAMINE RELIEF MEASURES. Four Honorary Treasurers have been appointed for the China Famine Relief Fund: Mr. Sung Han-chang, Bank of China; Mr. Fu Siao-en, Commercial Bank of China; Mr. William Morris, BritishAmerican Tobacco
    trouble so long as Yunnan tries to maxe a vassal state out of Szechuen.—Hongkong Post.  -  792 words
  • 253 1709 Read Lodge Installation. The installation meeting of W Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall, Kuala Lumpur, on Thuesdaj when Wr Bro. C. J. Perkins installed bro. A R Wellington as W. M. for the ensu ing year. The other incoming officers t-f P. M„ Wor. Bro. C. J.
    253 words
  • 362 1709 on Silo. London, September ia on the connection betw^»^ 1 Russian jewels in bonded mg to-day. The Dail. r. U Mrs. Glassman wfife"’" l Mr. Edgar Lansbury editor the Dah ‘S was associated with one 1 scene of some of the was Mrs. Glassman’s house in ChichaS* man
    362 words

  • 371 1710 Directors' Report. Following *s re P ort presented at the general meeting of the Kubana Bobber Estates, Limited, on the 27th September:— The directors have pleasure in submitLag their tenth annual report and the jUkment of accounts for the year ended •Mb April, 1920. licreast of Capital.—
    371 words
  • 447 1710 Chinese Bookkeeper’s Death An inquest was held by Mr. A C HF’ 0 1 S on thol9th ln6laD wlrn Uan 00 manager of the chop, who gave evidence, stated that accused had been employed in the firm for about years and was about 40 years old. He had
    447 words
  • 515 1710 More Totes and More Meetings. Writing in the Singapore Free Press “Tote” asks, Why not four meetings a year? Singapore is a large city and judging by the amount of enthusiasm displayed at the last meeting, there would, I feel sure, be no lack of sup port.—Again—Why not
    515 words
  • 412 1710 I HANSPOfcTATION ARRANGEMENTS. Writing to the N. C. Daily News from I‘eking on September 21, Mr. Rodney Gilbert says:—A system of special rat«-s for the transport of food and clothing into famine areas has been drawn up by the Ministry of Communications and will be in effect
    412 words

  • 341 1711 With reference to the recent meeting between the strik* promoters and the miners’ executive and delegates the Pall Mall Gazette of September 18 says that Mr. Smillie and his confederates must have realised that the situation was a very different one from what they had hoped would
    341 words
  • 1745 1711 CLAIM FOR DAMAGES. EABT£B> TRUTH SYNDICATE ys. U A RIBEIRO AND CO., LTD. The hearing was resumed in the Supreme Court last Saturday before Mr. Justice A. V. Brown of the suit in which the Eastern Truth Syndicate, the partners of which are Messrs. Allan, Teddy Long, Robert
    1,745 words

  • 298 1712 Unqualified Success. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, October 24. The Rercmban Ekye Meeting which was held yei*erday wti carried out very buccaiifnlly providing a pleasant afternoon to a larg* number. Appended are the details 1. Civil Skbviok Cup. The Bolter 9.18 Mr. Elliot 1 Battleaxe II
    298 words
  • 583 1712 THE R.G.A.’S SCHEME. Hu i comm mlauons of the Rubber a !li !on for a reduced out- u;th gen l iq-provi.l by th. members of the As Vu UiUU sa > s b und Express f u'put was recommended J m cons quence of the freight ’io.u nity,
    583 words

  • 1623 1713 PRESENTATION TO MR. STUART. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star, October 22. Last Friday at 4.30 p.m., the members of the G.E.S. Union were “At Home," the occasion being the impending departure and presentation of an illuminated address to Mr. E. A. G. Stuart, the President, who has
    1,623 words

  • 425 1714 t. the Editor oj the Straits Echo;. jj-Ithas always been the custom in ik country for employers to regard as astjLal a full seven days working ttti limes were when the extraction a liter from the rubber tree was rejgied as a work of necessity; that
    425 words
  • 3 1714 outputs.
    3 words
  • 561 1714 Claim For Damages. Tn the Supreme Court, vesterdav noun, before Mr. Justice A. V. Brown wlmdl Mr. g oTSn s“ d CMe chop Chung Hm, of 55, Beach’sUeet 'is suing Mr. M. K. Kader Bawa, a Mnhan dLmao m ercba t of p enang Street, for ama
    561 words
  • 1279 1714 Lv.l, h u :j mlise i I who ftij co ll I.H f r.ri. i lighU r :u '«n doabt«d w fora ths '«'J »r«k r.foi,„, i( A" 1 wu “*d my, Won i Briuah lu r f tuaiii.y nor is 1 tie i,. i at Indi..
    1,279 words

  • 332 1715 Sumoriptioh List. Amount previously Acknowledged 140,290 63 B T 'kq 120.00 Oa Liang Hm Esq tt< 1000 Htaff of Mosers Standard Oil Co 8100 M« lira Stark A McNeills 50 00 Collections per Mr Boey Keoog Choong of Butterworth Chop Loo Fait 20,
    332 words
  • 564 1715 Fp.ei.l eherge» were by the B»bn B»»n Party people of Penang on the cooauon of the r third public appearance at the Emp Theatre laet week-end four tinw. when they played China Klentong. Comedy > and Obelorong and Chell Dg lI R Jj i ./F an
    564 words

  • 580 1716 Il has frtqo® been P°i nt «d out in -ooiawiM wtll 11 in lhoM oi several «L Colonial journal», the only Jjind inre way for Great Britain and X ooeotriM to «merge out of its ggp-aiie troubles ii for each country to to work out its own salvation,
    580 words
  • 482 1716 SinglpoN. J AmfPJ b ’V l-ek <0 ComuHor Bi,» Col. h mbo. bMn PP in d Mr. 11. Nell has been appointed controllar under the Clearing Office Ordinance. Mr. G. R. K, Mugliiton is glutted a visitor to the Singapore Lunatic Asylum. pl; r Beill ?7 A,lton
    482 words
  • 1186 1716 Value of Restriction. lo the P reM °t movement res* is Iff Ot L° D u° f P ,an a ioa «hber rntXmn 5°;"L bj thi efftol of a ila restriction of tobacco production in Java and three yeers ago similar steps wtrc uken to curi.ll output, by
    1,186 words

  • 885 1717 IMPROVED OUTLOOK. Premier’s Warning Note. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, October 23, 4 a.m. This morning’s outlook of the industrial situation may be summed up in the words of Mr. Lloyd Georgs yesterday to a deputation on the temperance question in which the Premier declared that peace may be
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  885 words
  • 31 1717 v.ry .out. p jjin'cl. hi O ondi»o» Proleswr Profeiior reg" d b Sent so ’•“‘tta of <4-* ibe ±?r*vS^ viotim oi peewit Infaitio., ««J'*. todowitbr. bl -.nJ,
    31 words
  • 3 1717 In
    3 words

  • 232 1718 IOR D MAYOR OF CORK. At Death’s Door. [Riutib’s Tiligbimi.] London, Ootober 23. T| ji stated that at midnight Mr. Mo Mur was at tho point of death. The Last Hours. gj MoSviney was lingering on till and wee then still unconscious. oL tours were not allowed to
    [Riutib’s Tiligbimi.]  -  232 words
  • 79 1718 FURTHER PENETRATION. button Going From Bad to Worst. London, October 24. J* Lithuanian situation grows proJtoly worse. The Poles, not content *y>pying Vilna, are now apparently their annexation to Kovno in official disapproval. The so called Corps are pushing on towards •o ana there is reason to
    79 words
  • 85 1718 Successful Aerial Work. Pot» n i Mineola, October 21, States army aeroplanes teta 16 trip to Nome, 000 mil? tk" ompleUd the round •serial object was to establish te Anrifian 10 ■h® north. west corner of 00ntlnenk and ko photograph «wmibl. JAIMk.. M Commander’s Report. Y v rk
    85 words
  • 22 1718 At/s" 1 Sa M« Work. Ootober 22. C* beaahin learner Farmer Vu*"* Jlfaf' Z wbi h “OB Safety* ‘k*
    22 words
  • 95 1718 BORDER DIFFICULTIES. Precipitate Japanese Action. London, October 23. A telegram from Peking says that 2,000 Japanese troops from Vladivostok entered Manchuria to protect national interests in Korea° n hail di tnOt which ia COQti g&ous to A brigade of Chinese is also advancing towards Hunchun. China has
    95 words
  • 182 1718 Increase of Import Duties. Washington, October 21. The Sino-American treaty has been signed providing for graduated increases in custom duties on imports to China of tobacco, sugar, spirits and luxuries from China, instead of the present five per cent, flat rate. London, October 22. The Slate Department explains
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  • 109 1718 RAILWAYMEN’S STRIKE. Madras Cotton Operative Lock-Out. Lun dun, Ootober 24. A Bombay message says that strikes and rumours ot strikes are the order of the day in India. The Bombay gas strike has ended and the strikers have been dismissed. Good tramway service is maintained. It is
    109 words
  • 84 1718 American Bankers’ Suggestion. Washington, Ootober 22. The Bankers’ Association decided to request President Wilson to recreate a War Finance Corporation for the purpose of aiding the export of cotton, wheat and other agricultural products. The daily, weekly and monthly newspapers in Australia require 70,000 tons of paper annually
    84 words
  • 505 1718 THAT 40 PER CENT. I I rom Our Own Correspondent.) T r 8in ff 1 P°™» October 26 An the LegislaUve Council, following on Hi, Exe.ll.ncy th. Got.,nor’. tddrn., th. Hon. Dr. Lim Bun King th. following questions !s it a fact that the 40 per cent allowance
    505 words

  • 168 1719 TROUBLE WITH NATIVES. Bloodshed in Cape Colony. London, October 25. A message from Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony, says that following the arrest of a native leader a crowd of natives rushed a police atation. The police resisted for a considerable time but were ultimately driven out, necessitating military
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  • 140 1719 The League Issue. New York, October 21. The Presidential campaign is becoming acrimonious. Governor Cox in a speech in Boston denounced Senators Harding and Lodge for their opposition to the League. He described Senator Lodge as an arch-conspira-tor of the age and declared that Senator Harding was deliberately
    140 words
  • 91 1719 The Franco-American Deal. Paris, October 20, It is generally believed that the subsidiary Standard Oil, entitled Standard Franco-Americana in addition to placing the Standard Oil Company’s products on the French market will devote considerable capital to the exploration of petroleum strata in France and French Colonies in order
    91 words
  • 52 1719 National Loan Paris, October 22. koan operations opened Tk T moik fwurable circumstances. B Finance Minister, speaking at asbourg, pointed out the steady pregross B rMt w °rk of reconstructing the wv-»tnek.n dietriota R.ilwsy traffic has fn* n 00Da pl«t*ly re-established but few miles. The commercial balance improved.
    52 words
  • 70 1719 An Attempt Foiled. Cleveland, October 22. An attempt by thieve* to oarry off 150,000 (gold) from a safe cf the Cleveland Trust Company’s Bedford branch in broad daylight was foiled by a brave clerk, named Petre, who alarmed the town. A pistol battle followed and two bandits were
    70 words
  • 75 1719 Arrival in France. Marseilles, October 21. A hundred Chinese students, including six women, arrived on board the mail steamer Andrĕ Lebon to study the French language and commercial methods. The students will be distributed to the schools and colleges in France. The party was accompanied by M. Kemlon,
    75 words
  • 32 1719 Question of Recognition. Washington, October 22. Senor Roberto Pesquiera, confidential agent of the Dela Huerta Government, has arrived in Washington to negotiate for American recognition of the present ?6gime in Mexico.
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  • 30 1719 A Notable Decision. Stockholm, October 22. The Executive of the Suodish Bolshevist Party passed a resolution by 13 votes to 2 accepting in principle the Moscow conditions
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  • 44 1719 Legislation Tavoured. Vancouver, October 21. British Columbia voted in an overwhelming manner in favour of Government control of the sale of liquor at a special emotion. The defeat of the present Dry Act was conclusive, the,majority against >t g 15,000 vote».
    44 words
  • 155 1719 THE M.C.C.’S TOUB. Sickness Causes Inconvenience. P.rth, October 21. Owing to. CM. Of typbu. bo Osterley was quarantined. t 0 bone Cricket Team was not allowed disembark at Perth and the match wa b doned. The Osterley sails for Adelaide 1 Pleading that he was leannng a well dressed
    155 words
  • 380 1719 EmpText On behalf of the poor widow nt to thank yodmoa? ertiole published in yon, A?!*. the 23rd instant The poor helpless widows considered by the GownmL With the 25 per cent wtr di Peneioner» by pnvileg., but with th’, very hard to siill, the cost of
    EmpText  -  380 words

  • Page 1720 Advertisements
    • 319 1720 ROSE’S 3 ISWw LIME JUICE 4 IRpS I Dj fc®W I solely^^g, < (Mr ->'.?■ I from pure Lime Juice y I and the finest refined E .M Weakness j I F I kTxS/ 1 M amount of vitality. That OLlgai. u J® a i, why you feel ttred .t
      319 words

  • Page 1721 Advertisements
    • 213 1721 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., ?tC BEACH STREET,' PENANQ, 'A 3b ESTABLISHED 1883. V PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. < ProprUtm of the STRAITS ECHO and PENANG SIN POE.” Ij The most enterprising and up to date Printers and Litho. Our plant is of the very latest Pattern and by constantly supplementing our type we
      213 words