The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 28 July 1920

Total Pages: 39
1 1223 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 19 1 The Straits Echo. MAIL EDITION. (K rlB Single Copy <• et» m U PENANG, WEDNESDAY, JULY. 2STH 1920 NO. 10
    19 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 155 1 r; CONTENTS. I MuciiAAMßOct: th J Eff.rSilt'ml ...MW L W 3 Mining Matt... Ul5 IJ. Ho d WW Th. Wo-Ohi.- Girl. Mml 1.21» 1,206 Pttfinot Nm 1,220 f MH Jai ißjw 1,2» E VnM.Brit.iii. Syria and th. Rio. Mixed With 8ran 1,230 Up. 1,317 The America Cup 1.221 kw Corm:
      155 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 185 2 g\ r *T<« thc ix I “STRAITS ECHO” MAIL EDITION. f/' '■—'—m«b<m>oo<mw*» Ml JkLj v* s Co us Published th? diy prior to the departure of each mail for Furope, W, and contains thc latest local and States news originally published in the &T yr? daily issues, as well as
      185 words

  • 1333 1187 feSj* 10 I i‘ io '916 we r >« Inwi, a| ivocatinz lke •« model U.L.. Tb P'°po«l met, of nuly o D °rE niOQ i& Offici&l »T’ ilk, l’iblie l?h? M ,0 .1 v k ll l tbit “it a I’°uj the |;p til." rp c
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  • Page 1187 Advertisements
    • 111 1187 ecD* published daily. Plblic H#M M AT THI (gITERION PRESS, LID.» jj, Buch Btiset» of FHiBLI IM ADUKCI. DAU? XDITXON Lc«i/ Torttgn DilutT]/. I I. Mb. fev, ...,8.00 ...13.50 ...,4.00 faraJ, 8.00 10.50 13.00 Jjj.TMtiy 18.00 SI.OO 84.00 tenj 86.00 42.00 48.00 yniil ID 111 ON, Jv Pott.' M >
      111 words

  • 585 1188 The following p»«ngere arrived bore by n.. Perak to-day :—From Singapore Mr. Haio. ?Mr M. kid, Mr. W. Wood.tock Mr. A. M. Taylor, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Murray and Mr. Brunton. We are informed that Hii Excellency the Governor will now leav. Singapore for the Eaat Coast on Saturday, July
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  • 216 1188 HOSTILITIES BEGIN. Panic in Peking. [Rbutkb’s Telegrams.] London, July 18. A Peking message says that fighting has occurred at Kwachun and the wounded are arriving in Pekirg. The city is quiet, but telegraphic and railway communication with Tientsin is interrupted. Mediators, despatched to endeavour to reconcile the opponents,
    [Rbutkb’s Telegrams.]  -  216 words
  • 64 1188 Democratic Pabtt’b Police Washington, July 18. After conferring for an hour with Governor Cox, the Democratic candidate for the Preeidency, President Wilson stated that he found fh&t they were absolutely in accord regarding the Ltague of Nations. Governor Cox will havo the support absolutely of united Party in
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  • 61 1188 Discovered in America. New Yoik July 18. In the hamlet of Boylston, in Massa' ehuEOttS; a rensatiou has been caused by me discovery that a local farm labourer named David Cant 5§ one of the heirs to a milliondollar estate in Dundee, for whom lawyers have searched
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  • 27 1188 Sbqoxt to Mbntal Depression. Berlin, July 18Priuce Joaohim, who has baea eufEjring from great meatal depression, has conr rjjtet«i I «ijicidj» by shooting ’rny-jK
    27 words
  • 64 1188 Government's I olicy. London, July 19* In the Home of Commons, replying to ft question, Mr. Boo&r Law said that if was the Governments policy to band back t e railways co the Companies »1 the expiration o the present agreement. Mr. Bonar L*w assented to the suggestion
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  • 187 1188 D 1 p.... IMcna’, In ‘h« Hoa,e o eV*’* “?vog »n *dj JUrnme t ■mmwli.t. d.nge, of B?iti lh a Brising out of thp iaiet »a Syri.” Cpto (Stafford, Co. the Government and deelard •to'* «□preme Briiiih interest East aa elieehen war the of paacs, which alon.
    IMcna’,  -  187 words
  • 45 1188 ObdebuCouicil. London, July H An Order-in-Council atatet that, a order to remove miaapprehemion, of the termination of thi war wM many was January 10 but the of the war as a whole will be of the peace treaties are signed and
    45 words
  • 139 1188 (From A Corrwnfak ThsSungeiP^-X;,” 1 .nd Mrs. Seweil <J t ill »od ecneert i««t Saturday” »>«?■ iMtant, on £Jfor New Zasland. fe x D K(e di. P J* Club took pari w prof*!? test of H.H. «b« Mr. Ch. Ahmad, jt ep..». Th. l»w Gueits/’ which 9ieD
    139 words

  • 318 1189 4CoU >blo$ mUKDEB sm t w^“ u) I T 1M London, July J»-. d Comm M'oner, tuio- ll,p L a m Si**h. v- fourteen armed in d fited ,at „1, to* riddied ta"‘ i n edi lT »c” :> r <• “'VmMWWOCTBAOK. i (krfl sia at eleven D
    w^“u)“'IT  -  318 words
  • 17 1189 l lW£w a July 19. Rh, lh ‘ii; *■•’'ah.r i| j o P er *iioD«
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  • 227 1189 defence of general dyer. Lord Sinha’s Reply. [Reuter’s Telegrams] London, July 20. In the House of Lords there was a large &’tendance of members aud peeresses when Viscount Finlay brought up a motion deploring rhe conduct of General Dyer’s ease as urjust to him and establishing a
    [Reuter’s Telegrams]  -  227 words
  • 84 1189 OPERATIONS CONTINUING. Communicat. oxa Rk-Establubed. London, July 17. An Allahabad message says that a cable from Bagdad states that operations in Lower Euphrates region are continuing. A brigade Brigadier-General Congh&m concentrated in the Diwaniyah area. Communication has been restored between Basrah and Samawa by means of armoured trains
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  • 161 1189 QUESTIONS IN THB COMMONS, Mimibtib of Transport’s Definob igRGIBF London, July 17. la the House of Commons, replying to questions with regard to the forthcoming *3 1/3 per cent, increase in the railway fares as proposed, the imposition of which during the holiday season has created great public
    161 words
  • 2427 1189 FIRST DAY’S RESULTS. Brilliant weather, though at times rather too hot, favoured the opening day of the autumn meetingof the Penang Turf C uhand with the attendance, which incluied H. H. «.he Sultan of Perak and Malnf notahles from the States, and the Hm. Mr. H. W. Firmstone.
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  • 1349 1191 SANDYCROFT ESTATE MURDER CASE. The Defence. The following was the evidence of the accused Rethinam in the Ssndycroft Estate murder cast concldsd yesterday: I was a tapper ou Sandycrofc Estate and had been working there for about 8 months. On the night of the 22nd April I went
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  • 1144 1192 THE REGENT'S HEALTH TRIP. (Frwn Our Own Alor Star, July 18. Last Friday night the members of the Stia Keraukaan Club entertained the.r President, H. H. the Regent, on the eve of his departure for Java for the benefit of his health. There was a large attendance of
    1,144 words
  • 411 1192 Sr Wos fF Our Q Wew#lj L’eutenenti p„„ P M t ,,118 Hutted for J m ,“«M encountered thtir worit leaving England Ij "L Mclntosh upon returning that eonoetinoji fiymg upeide down ihoj- BUCC..,fully l.i A «IX inch hole blown i a Znin, 7 8 Singapore, Jtly ft The
    Sr  -  411 words

  • 1566 1193 -0T j .bo it o°* tvavell:Dg j del)t of, h “web ,re “ST teks «if “>« pan: •!>“ 1 t i m9 past »™8 to bead. Oo hieb*» i»i“8 teelli f del> te<l ,Bij A»«« b"‘ b f E ro 7 a corre.pond.Dt <H AT ABOUT
    -0T  -  1,566 words

  • 561 1194 Dr 0. J. Morphy, Seremban, h.ii been appointed to the European Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Mr. W. Duncan of Caledonia is at P r on a vieit to the Han. Mr. R- C. M. Kindersley at Kajang. Dr. Sansom is on a tour of inspection io Ulu Pahang, having viiited
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  • 1117 1194 World’s Need of Oil. I: is abundantly manifest that th& world is becimmitg anxiuui as to its oil supply. Motorists and motor are eag rly aobating tee pos-ibili-y of finding a substitute. There ia a piojptct of serious shortage everywhere, which toe coming of the oil ship is
    1,117 words

  • 280 1195 rf- T.ugum».] Wy 191 o f Melbourne. b “‘Mr D. Valer», 7.. <e con e at a crowded l0 «th» M c wn .g qUi re Gardens c« address w» 8 punctuated rM Arcbb:»bop«J n w hen referring r-J> ‘PP^/X he would not bB :m 2 British soil.
    280 words
  • 54 1195 Armenia and th e Soviet “««wi f roo Jo| y 19U‘ OXI ‘bs refnui HyB that toobev L i- tbt Armenia u b? r *ad i 8 JL;. 1168 occupied a lnuin B to march CH*?! ConsulI* h to th./ lQ th *u le KOSth,. Iron >L u r T
    54 words
  • 595 1195 -M. T While in Malaya planters have been compelled for some time past to cultivate with foodstuff* an acreage equal to 10 per cent of their labour forces, in Ceylon the G vernment has been slow to interfere with planter», and has only recently decided to impose regulations
    -M. T  -  595 words
  • 607 1195 g lf Edltor °f Echo.) I read with no little interest the article which apptand in your issue of the 19 h instant under the caption Chinese Bjhods” and am sure that alt Chinese who have their nation’s welfare at heart endorse the views expressed by your
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  • 644 1196 COST AND PRICE. Considering the lack of investment interest in all marke-8 at the preaant time, Rubber ehares have maintained a remarkably steady front. A good deal of liquid ation has been in evidence on all sides, and if there has been mnoh selling in this group
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  • 621 1196 RESULTS OF BOLSHEVISM. Be it is a Chaplain’s Experiences. London, June 24. A crowded meeting at the Qieen’s Hall last night gave a national welcome to the R vereud Frank North, British Chaplain at Mceciw, who through two years of hardship and danger worked unremittingly on behalf
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  • 470 1196 CONSCR IPTION. r I tiroes tia T* r I the 1««, I cooucription. I uke it J Wt aa l r< 6o fot «neb law j,?* I femal employment for I Hood.wbob.vea a ot I and who imagine J 4 < I Another and more I protection of i I
    470 words

  • 984 1197 tec nt repo j t,ii«ni" lfro „n Belgium aod *’JS* STS»* 1839 hsd Jl. Uii f ’L Ttat tlie ‘f“tta T«lMa«® eo! ot ,1’ Jo« h r v ,k. Dateb ,i,i,tw 7° i» ,h f Holland tad no h,d t,k "S’b!’:L “Station of permanent to of ttom
    984 words
  • 538 1197 ye“'d.y. Wall j°° e ,<,(Unied ,0 Wi rP how SUBn *y ao has been appointed Rafi way tnßll Bloller f the TieQllia Plik Q< Mr. William Duncan, who controls very S? ereil ‘E arak hBB Fedlr^i! 0110 1 M b The Bev. George H. Douglu, thane» Church h l
    538 words

  • 1235 1198 The America Cup. The decision of the New York Yacht Club to defend the America Cup with Resloute. was •omething of a surprise. Reuter was strangely 8 reticent about the trial matches at Sandy Hook and in consequence we know nothing about them beyond the fact that the
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  • 200 1198 VLASH OF ARMS. Explanatory French Stiteaen. [farm’s Tmona] Frfnch^ 1111 frtm French source states that a state rf with Emir FsirtX* from July 19 iB Feisul s temporising attikSe neetron with the French endssm s arrange for the use of the BeyroePAU hne via Reyak, which latte
    [farm’s Tmona]  -  200 words
  • 23 1198 RMraionowWashington, The State Department will. stertiJ -l nounce the removal of importation of Radian roubles, the importation of Roe.isngold totbeli State».
    23 words
  • 38 1198 Boa» of DkU»’. Tbs Board of Trade a tbo tainera’ demeode for i wagea of tm f a* reduction of the r n« of It i. expected U.< th on the queetion of a atrike.
    38 words
  • 35 1198 SIN GAPORE RUBBER AUCTIONS. (From Our A th# 902 tons were realist 2 a The following pn«« wcr Hi w 6; Standard sheets fli ::"-S Off colour late* ta Fine brown Brown T Dark Baifc
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  • 138 1199 pw^ ,cu,a pn'i TW* J London J uly J» Lord» D er debltC lit» 3 %rd Finl*y’> motion, coae-otoi. Genertl Dyer te'wWm d bU hiD n anjMt w w preservation fice of a rebellion, 7 I 2 TOtel t 0 86 •A- tb ‘7 K th» !h
    pn'i TW*-* -J  -  138 words
  • 53 1199 MABSUD STRONGHOLD f BOMBARDED. Hun British Lomu L tj' a» D»don,July 21. laa India amuncei that M foree oa J Q ]y w bombardad the S* Mahtud atronghold at Makin in Md ae: wilh M opposition, fon owed up the ed iv mp> ki lliQ F 27 Riothov*
    53 words
  • 119 1199 iHAB Risin G SPREADING. CiSUHTTm, U AW. July 20. the °P er I** v On) «I "b, 'l’ lr bomb(J “’‘is by 7“ 'offered >* J leliOM troop, nd *la I*®* *Pl»in to k »*?®nk d «ri« »b"' ’i’"*’ l 1 X M H»ed tbT’ i her leant UfcL*
    119 words
  • 136 1199 GREEK ACTICN. Rumania’s Attitude. London, July 20. The Daily Telegraph understands that Rumania is anxious to participate in the task of pacifying Asia Minor and is ready to place a considerable force at the disposal of the British and Greek command in the Levant. Loudon, July 21, A
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  • 127 1199 M. MILLERAND’S RE VIEW. Vote or Confiding b Pabbbd. Paris, July 21. In the Chamber of Deputies M. Millerand, describing the results of the Spa Conference, said that an attempt had been made in Syria to play off Great Britain against France, but Britain loyally recognised France’s position
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  • 107 1199 IWOBBABE OF FAY, WWW Pbilodelpbia, July 19. The Pennsylvanian Railroad announces ten pet rent, reduction of its working force. The reduction is due to the necessity of economising in view of the fact that expenditure has exceeded income for some time. The redaction affects between 11,000 and 12,000
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  • 75 1199 London, July 21. Lloyds state that British merchant botiomg building aggregate 3,578,000 tons for tne quarter ending June 30, an increase of 184,000 tons. American figures show a decline of 467,000 for the same period, British shipbuilding k* DCrea,e d by six y per cent, during the Utt
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  • 400 1199 CHALLENGER’S SECOND VICTORY. No Change of Skippbb, [BeVTKB’s TELKOBiMa, 1 AftAr f York t®’ Thtl inferring with his advisers flir tw; L i ptOn decided t 0 «peleds Captain Burton, Shamrock’s skipper, that 'Nicholson or Colonel Xebim’ 7aChUng UI Givin Another Chanob. New York. July 19. ♦k
    [BeVTKB’s TELKOBiMa, 1  -  400 words
  • 58 1199 London, July 19, Surrey beat Leicestershire by ten v? 1 ckc ts« Warwickshire beat by six wickets. London, July 20. The match Eifex va Middlesex was drawn. Somerset beat Derbyshire by five wickets. Nottinghamshire beM Hampshire by four wickets. Ktn‘ heat Yozkebue by 131 Sussex Lfcit Ltneashus b'
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  • 379 1200 rioting in cork. CxrßFlW' ORDBK EnPOBCBD. [Tteuraa’s Telxgrams.] t London, July 19. A aerions riot cccurrĕd in Cork on Bunday night when a crowd of ex-soldiers, infuriatetat the bayoneting of a comrade, who did not answer a challenge, attacked soldiers in uniform. An annoursd car fired on the
    [Tteuraa’s Telxgrams.]  -  379 words
  • 67 1200 TIIMWNDOUB WiHXJMK. Hobart, July 19. H. R H. the Prince of Wales has arrived here. H« wan given a tiemondons welcome by a large crowd in gaily decorated streets. Climax of Tour. Hcbart, July 21. H. R. H. the Prince of Wales's reception in lasman’d brought
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  • 12 1200 London July 20 frr Const, ct n-H* th** --'’—■A
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  • 287 1200 BOLSHEVIKS’ ATTITUDE. British Proposals Rkjectkd. London, July 22. The Times says that the Bolshevik reply to the British Note on the subject of a Polish armistice practically rrjac s the British proposals, The Bolsheviks decline to attend a conference in Loudon on the ground that England is
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  • 134 1200 American Sugcbss, London, July 20, The last two angles in the D*vis Cup Tie resulted in American wins, Johnston beating Kiugsoote by 6—3, 4—C, 3—6, 6—4, 7—5 fi i;d Tildfin beating Parka by 6—2, 6—3, 7—5. Kiugieote played probably tha finest game in bis dareur and fully
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  • 61 1200 JtJfTXCM OF THS PVACE. Londes July 20. An cffioiil Het baa been published eon lining ths names of 240 women justices cf thw peace in differen parta of the enuu ry. It includes a number of Formes, wives of Bishops, vivas of vx-mHitter?, Mies Mary Aac Arthur, Mire
    61 words
  • 315 1200 ba^ PE!IS! Chl »U [Rem.', A.Peking ntMig "«It of General *Wu P j ’•ntegy the force, of tb e Ckiki eererel, drfeMM th. AnfaSulj* whom nutily retreetritow A OOO 1 ere no. looting Nanymn Hw* lal 1a1 1 w of whiel CoMMtnricATton lanaßupnu, Lnteit new. with reg.rf in
    [Rem.',  -  315 words
  • 3 1200 Akros
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  • 2084 1201 gCOXD^^ 1,18 Pomiß VICTOBI& 1 wawd ICm tafor. «he. fi"‘ lb. Whole it w»i ld ta iD ort waia« enjoyable st timee exciting. i{ftfi2 urti.i2g d attendance, *xX.^“"‘“ o p Ts The i»wa I > lt ed “j 1 attendance of lediee ’“".‘‘“S tiitbe first dej, their iMrel
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  • 717 1202 [To th* Edit<rt of the StraiU £eAo.] Dear Sir. i With referenca to your report on the Education Bill and the many discussions i thereon that have appeared in your column», I should like to say something anent the matter if you will be good enough I
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  • 399 1202 «pecitl Prnaa B Wtn, n '> la.t night n entitled **>»». Theatre under th •f H» Higbnetr the CounoiUorwere preeeet tepOe, I* Harting RhodeeO.B. E„ Mr J*., Anffin Ur 0 A. M entln H. G. Bat..r, Th. perfbrj the whole was a cre diub le 0M to
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  • 1267 1203 —Malayan Le;ider. 7f. mJ> iN,oN< *< w m the W c0 ”-f b e Peninsula over the f* An 'influentially convened ec^ L A I last week passed id r t wo of which supported Jn r. 2 p. mngU la if not tha i t red
    —Malayan Le;ider.  -  1,267 words
  • 412 1203 UNOFFICIAL QUESTIONS. Widows and Orphans. Ihe following questions will be asked by unofficial members of the Federal Council at next week’s meeting; Mr. R. C. M. Kindersley. (1) What progress has been made with the Bukit Fraser Scheme, and when do the Government expect that the approach road
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  • 1224 1204 We regret to observe that there a rreat deal of very mischievous agitation in the Straits Settlements just now over I an Education Bill which is before the Legislative Council Very briefly indeed i the objects of that bill are to prevent par- < nte wasting their money
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  • 435 1204 ALLEGED ILLEGAL GDAtm nos case of 8500 Barry. A. S p 1 «S i by Mr A CA Baker "'<■ was represents U JklSf wheu charged pleaded int gj*? "ry for the prosecution Burry an d L| eturned froßl a faid u fte ,"i °n b<:U1 1’ a
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  • 1050 1205 TUAN’S F ALL ol Ibe 1*“ i!1 f d ,4», t lut r«P td ,h r x eik I ■j Ai tbe p»tro° aI( J politic» l h< b«idqi» rler of a V” 8 i ,fijrtx> al b e has been the fc irclt portions of the LStlimeiHepto- N» tlber
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  • 1243 1205 Dead and Damned? r/k of a meeting of tbe British North Bjrneo Chamber of yammerce, dealing with a meeting between the Chamber and Sir West Ridgeway, president of the B. N. B. Court of we read: Pref.r.ntiil T. t iffi,, -Th. Pre,id. nt »t»ted that probably the Court
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  • 72 1206 ANFUITES ROUTED. Peking's Predicament. MF-!*" w >■ London, July 21. A Peking message of the 19th instant says that over 5,000 defeated Atfuites have arrived at the gates of Pekirg, which were closed. It is feared that general looting will break out in Peking owing to the belief
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  • 24 1206 French Ultimatum Acokpad. London, July 21. It is stated from a French source that the Emir Feisul has accepted the French ultimatum.
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  • 26 1206 Tea Greek Invasion Constantinople, July 21. The Greeks landed on July 20 at Rod os to and Eregli under cover of British dreadnoughts without opposition.
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  • 49 1206 London, July 22. The German rigid airship L 64, handed over under the Peace Treaty, has arrived in England. She is slightly larger than R 34, is 642 feet long and has an endurance of 4000 miles at a cruising speed of fortyfive miles an hour.
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  • 38 1206 London, July 21. The Wingfield Sculls race from Putney to Mortlake (the first race since 1914) was won by Beresford (junior) the time being 23 min 14 sec. Beresford will represent Great Britain in the Olympic sculling.
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  • 30 1206 London, July 21. At the rfquest of the Council of the League of Nations Frsideut Wilson hss summoned a meeting to assemble st Geneva on November 15.
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  • 131 1206 THIRD RACE RESULT. Bandy Hcok, Juiy 2L la tbe Wir.l race the coarse lay to windward «nd leeward. Shamrock L&t the siars but the Resolute crossed her bows an hour later and increased the lead half mile. Bhe rounded t-e half-way a minute and threequartera ahead. On
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  • 280 1206 FUftTHEP, ODlßisg, Bnw Fn Mow (*«Wi SmJwS 1 pence in th. pound t, core, th, 21“ V* th ,r trMDl °g aQ d equipment VclnDteMs will be authorised to dh Anotaer mail traia w&i itopped h a armed baud near Carrick-on-sSttLaw the mails were removed. Sixi Fein Laid
    (*«Wi  -  280 words
  • 23 1206 a LISBI 77i»» ro c H. r. H. t« htre «u oiW*“ suffering from a < ‘g h „»b tn
    23 words
  • 10 1206 lb. Prohibit 1 v“pu>ed. i«* p PwndaMy. b
    10 words

  • 1196 1207 MlSoB wnTrw 001 London, July 21. mU «-I ‘fVtW‘l” Grt,ta a b T S h Tu k ‘J ’"’“u a I S, ta‘" e ,he T “J b M a d 1 uib. i>* n, of b, L ng g”*' Lrv« the dominions left her wi u on
    wnTrw001"'’  -  1,196 words
  • 124 1207 PRESENTATION OF ADDRESS. H» Majesty’s Satisfaciio». London. July 21, The delegates to the Empire Forestry Cimmission attended at Buckingham Palace to-day when Mr. J. E. Mackey, of Victoria, presented an adlress to His Majesty the King, who, replying, said he specially welcomed the oversea delegates and congratulated the
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  • 141 1207 INTEUKSTING EXPBBIMKNTB. London, July 22. Interesting experiments in wireless telephony are proceeding in connection with the voyage of the liner Victorian conveying the delegates to the Empire Press Conference to Canada. Contiouous telehponic communication will be established between the Victorian and ths wireless station at Chelmsford. A wireless
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  • 352 1208 BRITAIN’S NOTE. Testing the Soviet. [Reuteb’b Telegrams.] London, July 21. The British reply to the Sonet Note which "I despatched to Moscow yesterday ev.niog assumes that the Sonet i ready to make peace but suggest hat some of the Soviet'. arguments csst doubt thereupon. Meanwhile in order
    [Reuteb’b Telegrams.]  -  352 words
  • 33 1208 Airman at Banka. ■i Wekevrcdeu, July 21. Lieutenants Parer and Mclntosh, who left Singapore en route to Australia landed on the island of Banka and are leaving for Kalidjati to-morrow.
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  • 64 1208 Violation of White Slave Act. L udou, July 2!. A special message irom Loe Angeles stales that the well known pugilist Jack Johnson, who has l>een for twelve months a fugitive from justice, hus surrendered m American Ruthonttea on the Mexican border He wdl b® taken to
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  • 838 1208 INTERESTING STATISTICS. The Administration Report of the Penang Municipality for last year, which has j ast been issued, is signed by Mr. G.A Hertford, as Preeident of the Commiiftion and dated May 17. From it we learn that the population has increased, totalling 107, 602, whereas on
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  • 162 1208 LEAN CO.’S WEEKLY REPORI Penang, Wjß Under the lead from 1^’ Rubber is quoted at 1/9, looai quH» have further declined, top pn* Singapore auctions being report* cents for sheet, 72 cents for crepe. Tin, in the earlier part of the m further indications of stea p IP
    162 words

  • 928 1209 of the W 18Cer BaC «dDE of al eXtr what 1 hv the Government 21 o f P It H to ri d “P""!” b !L t'. Military Coatnbution ltd ndi d a forma»'. "S 11 “i *X l"i£ n S%«°T< ru lums h ,hoaght W mwri’B
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  • 586 1209 M™. A. L. BoinMt, o f Peis™ h 4, bee. Mtarahwj s< Britieh subject.* ’J?nS !e T 8 ,Jr J,T t li weex to undergo an operation. Mr W ~Ĕ~ Clearer will b. going home about tbe middle of next month. ,lwaok0 menage says that ths Ba.te Damocratio Conference
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  • 1233 1210 Weight and Value. Bays Batuiday’» Straits Times ••Al a result of and heavy sea io the outer roads yetterday tour tongkangs loaded with robber lying ete.mer. were wrecked and it ia reported that about >1,000,0 worth of rubber has been lost. The harbour yesterday was, practically strews
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  • 125 1210 FIGHIIXi 'Tw llli B UTII Or,. (BKnaT^ lu i i= h Churchill .ccno^ 1 Coloma rnobtii Rameit. li "4 J»iy 20 With regard to th, wfamry with »t d»wn on Joly 18 ani j ““"'.“is of Ju y 19 fournConklt ?1?“ u 7 her 2000 «< d
    (BKnaT^lu,i  -  125 words
  • 55 1210 Fbocb Ultimatvm Aacirm. London, July 22. It is now confirmed beyond doobttel the Emir Feiiul baa accepted te French ultimatum. It ia understood th. although French troop* are en mu to Aleppo, a march on totvii Damascus is not part of the pregnom There has been no
    55 words
  • 77 1210 Nxw Mas mitt Uw. Washington, Joly Th. Shipping Bo.rd hu nupaddu J.nuary 1,1921. ihe operstion of of tha new merchant marine law prWM for preferential rail rate! op «P’ eent to the eeaboard for ehipm" American bottomi. Admiral Bei Chairman, explained that the poitp«** was necessary for the
    77 words
  • 70 1210 Load®» j a t k- wo Reviving the“Lj Huddersfield. Admiral W Fira* Sea L«d, h thetto-d.y’e ’®h’ nB in r«.r«. '>■’ wiih the eafwty of ‘“’Jj P tio bai policy regarding ™iti t ca-vrdinat® *1 mart o°®*', tha tune cams, lhty ebou d b e io
    70 words

  • 963 1211 Actfoa j”rdoo. J» y 22 t roomoDS st qu*»’i° n Chief Secre:*ft that it wa9 ,i ftf J H8 %2000 000 of r >d ‘/-‘rftd by Sinn Feinera m tti» S IW 0T ;;)W,OW B R° D e bfing to i,p rth «wi”«f <*»«•' Lnc nrr*u »i>*
    963 words
  • 199 1211 Mb Hasding's Views. w Marion, July 21. Mr. Harding, replying to the cfflcial notification of bis nonoinaiinn for the Presidency, said that the Republican Party meant to hold the heritage of American nationality omm pared and unaurrendered. He deicribed the L°ague Covenant as M conceived for world Super-Government,
    199 words
  • 98 1211 PIOFOfiXD iNOBBAaX ov Fabbs. Washington, July 22. The Railroads have applied to the Commerce Commission to sanction an increase of twenty p«r cent, on ordinary pmengcr fares and fifty per cent on Pullman fares in order partly to cover the $600,000,000 (gold) increased wages entailed by the recent
    98 words
  • 48 1211 Ew Route to Sydney. Hubart (Taamomia) July 22. H. R. H. the Prince of Wales has returned from Launceston granting reception! to the inhabicnnts tn route after recovering from the slight attack of laryngitU *H. M. S. Renown L sailing for Sydney oc July 23.
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  • 24 1211 Date or Tlbmination. London, July 23. An Order-in-Coiucil fixes July IS as ths data of tU tarminitiom of war with Autirtea
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  • 394 1212 bolsheviks halt Success of Peace Overture* London, July 23. rflhe Bolshevist® have now invaded Poland proper. The War Office report, that the Bolshevist right wing has occupied Seiny, a town oorth-weit of Grodno, about thirty miles east of the German frontier. The Bolshevists are reported to nave
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  • 28 1212 Reooed Keturns. Washington, July 23 The exports during the past year were valued at 18,111,100,000 and imports 16,289,000,000 Both are r&eords and the imaaaua the previous
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  • 210 1212 SPONSOR? DEFECTION. Bright Future Predicted, [Reuter b Telegrams] London, July 22. In the House of L?rde, replying to an enquiry by Lord Parmoor as to how far the Covenant of the League of Nations had become operative, Viscount Curtin referred to the painful crippling the League sustained
    [Reuter b Telegrams]  -  210 words
  • 119 1212 BUOOISBFUL COMPXTITIOH. London, July 24. The fifth Aerial Derby was held at Hendon this afternoon, the course consisting of two circuits of outer London, in all 250 miles. The we» th er was fi-e but a gusy north wind was blowing. The visibility was good for flying. A
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  • 43 1212 London, July 28. Surrey wae by nine wickets. The march liampihira vb Warwick abandoned and Somerset vs drawn, Kent beat Norihamptonahire oy innings and 23 rune. The match Yorkshire vs Gloucestershire wsaabandoned owing to rain. Noitingbsmsbir» he»4 Hnw* T 41 wicksts.
    43 words
  • 91 1212 London, Ju'y 23riu the House of Common», reply** to Major R. W. Bamett (Bt. Fancras, U.) regarding the evil conditions under which British prisoner, in Baku r fined, Mr. Cecil Harnnwcrtb, Pariiamen. ry Secretary fur Foreign Affrirs, tQ ?Rilitv Soviet authorities disclaimed respond bill I for
    91 words
  • 265 1212 IRELAND and [Aeurii'e Tezoiaxi,' Th. cffie W port to» th. Trad. Union Premier to present the Congr ?“‘a n bj,Ct rf Lloyd George, replying to th. spokesman Mr. J. H. Tbomu k? said that Labours'» echeme of Hotai L was truncated Dominion Home Rak ■> was idle
    [Aeurii'e Tezoiaxi,'  -  265 words
  • 77 1212 Low or OW Do»’ London, M* In the House to Mr. Aworin iW« Mr. Cecil>.-ortb the Gorernmeot ,»t J ip .n... nnoexiuoj of Kon the owntaeot of tb npl Tre.ty of 18«? J J clow th» “"m ‘lols tb. O»""* from August 2», > in th< «I»
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  • 21 1212 irrrt F Bo Ur" 1 The Anfn fwiio» 1 b ,e. to negotiate P*** fry falling Tb« printing
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  • 124 1213 Accident TUcnoT'*’*'*’- 1 ii(i l> l,d /n, iaiptc io» e led were 1 1 -H day in > Wcrkuea >P* Dl b«Ddy Hook, July 23. I» frd.lTwM »«< *wr A h,OID B l d 4 barailVtoeatdown the lead aid she “m Reflate tbe oniy time three from
    TUcnoT'*’*'*’-1  -  124 words
  • 163 1213 Thi BiiiniCm Tse burieg of the care against Aug It B-og on tbe charge of offering an 1‘ gratifies foo of *5OO to Captain, P., with tbe motive of making x* 1 oi 7 rt^ri D l rona raiding houses 8- b»e Lane and 24 Rope Walk,
    163 words
  • 2622 1213 FINE DAY’B BFORT. Cloak Finishes and Good Dividends Favoured wi h fine weatQf-r tbe closing d»y of the Auiumn Meeting rire* a record sitendance at tbe ccune, far exceeding in camber ary previous gathering in ncent times. Among those present were His Hubneas tbe Sul'an nf Perak and
    2,622 words

  • 517 1215 lthongh constitutes an un t wealth to the State as Xmers and mining nationalities the :xi the l&st few months j kmentable 1 of soliclt J^e S mining communitiesAttention was drawn in our T.h^e«t loss6B and 3erWU9 «perieneed by short»?’of M- owin B c hiefly expeditiously trans- Tnntl
    517 words
  • 424 1215 BRANCH FORMED AT KLANG A well attended meeting wa® held st the Selangor Coast Club. Klang, on Saturday last, the chair being taken by Dr Malcolm WaUon Dr Ansley Young explained the aims and objects of the Society for the Prevention of Venereal Disease, and, after other gentlemen had
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  • 1849 1215 FURTHER details. Amplified Report of Speeches. T London, July 8. lue following 1B 8n amplification of the Commons Amritsar debate: Mr Montagu emphasised that th® situation in India was very serious owing to events m the Punjab last year and the controversy regarding the matter He pointed
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  • 146 1216 A Generous Response. London, There has been a g eneroU th® appeal of the J serintions on behalf n The Post says: "A great done to a man «ho sen ;iJ( well, who by courage a moment of ,< or immeasurable cala m WS rDver'sa’ved iLia,
    146 words

  • 1030 1217 Emir Fe> iu! “4 g V b. n duputfl between w? to Gonroment, the b -Lt ‘hat they hava fiwti f «ni the Emir’s capital» •and which the eDea, y' tor J J equipment and the d War w*» hilled.. The outbreak of boociliMM
    1,030 words
  • 905 1217 Anniversaries* j WJ hundred, and forty-five years ago J a y France lost one of her most brilliant «o ld r «-Vicomte de Turenne. The life of tbe famous Field-Marshal who won Franca so many notable vic ories was closely united with the scene of the recent confine,
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  • 233 1218 Forged Notes Case. Chan Hak Wan, a Hokkien, was to-day charged with (1) being in possession of 803 forged or counterfeit 10-ceuts currency notes in house No. 21, Lorong Hiisu. Knowing or having reason to believe the same to be counterfeit or forged and intending that they might
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  • 43 1218 TCAN CHI-JUI RESIGNS. Military Pact Nullified, [Reuteb’s Telegbams.] Peking, July 22. The President has accepted Marshal Tuan Cbi-jui’s resigna i n, abolished the Frontier Defence Force and placed the troops under tho War Ministry, thereby nullifying the Bino- Japanese military pact.
    [Reuteb’s Telegbams.]  -  43 words
  • 66 1218 BERIOUB NEWS. Damascus Occupied. S I TMiT. a u London, July 26. The French entered Damascus in consequence of an attack by the Emir Feisul's troops on a small garrison holding a pass In the course of their flight the enemy abandoned nine guns, twenty-five machineguns and
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  • 37 1218 Operations in Thrace. Athene, July 24. The newspapers announce that the Greeks have occupied Adrianople. The Turkish Military Governor, Jafar Tayar, retreated towards Kirk Killisse. King Alexander imrmriiateiy entered Adrianople, which is not damaged.
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  • 32 1218 Diplomatic Relations. Vienna, July 28. Full diplomatic relations between Great Britain and Austria, have formally been renewed. The Honourabl»” Francis Oswald Lindley baa prerented his credentials hi British Minister.
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  • 33 1218 World’s Heaw weight Championship. New York, July 23. Mr. Coch rake has made an offer to Jack Dempsey of Ji5O,COO to fight Georges Carpentier in London at the end of this year,
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  • 150 1218 Chicago, July 23. The Railway Unions have decided to bring their case before the Labour Board again. The Hon. Francis* Oswald.Lindley, who has just presented his credential? as Bntis Minister tu Austria, was barn on Jane 1A 1872, and was the fourth Bon of Lord Lindley. Ho was
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  • 51 1218 Suno. ELn (Reuter's Telegram.) A .polio, wrput new near Berebaven wai n Ugi guards are reported to r.., BITUATIOS Ai Bsutn. b :5 J fot apa from ,w tontmi U’ght, was quiet today, Thera wT* further admissions to the hoepiul C teen arrests have been made is with
    (Reuter's Telegram.)  -  51 words
  • 203 1218 Engiiiihid From Imm Lahore, Jilj fl, The Civil and Military Gaiitte ayt. From latest information to hand it to be established that the trouble will i Connaught Rangers st Jullundar w engineered from Ireland, ai Sinn Feii were hoisted In the barracks, and Fein colours and
    203 words
  • 42 1218 SEDITIOUS UTimflCS AICHBUBOr MO’U Mdb T- j&* Mr. W. M. Hugb«. < d I (Loud cheers), a ea intend 10 Empir.l w t A incid«< lk who*. de mJ i Dlt Pacific. It i® to High Como» 8 100 |O
    42 words
  • 9 1218 e.. teak* h, w wdl Ilr«*
    9 words

  • 165 1219 IN LONDON. Pari., Joly 2 jih. Ru«i»o ormirt >“*» ft*!" 3 b. ataorbiog wtereit M.Jai«r»“ d French «.rtrf J* P«\ vUtion f Vof th. F h “’““I .111 S> »i th ,b Poli h ibe Alli"’«’ i cce "**.W jQßerwd Qeneral Chief of Staff, d'Anbaieaiie Vignon, as wt
    165 words
  • 131 1219 Durci and Pam Distribution. •tereto!k. a > fM Hl meat PP«arin2 elset V“ th «P<-n»ng ht t 0 1 oloie on h w tth the th T H n b,, B e »iy «kiwiiu.iiiL 8 or a»"", «o'! tod the rc^ ,tr& i Q attenbehind!a yeneni r,g k?
    131 words
  • 701 1219 [Zb t/U Editor of the Strait* Echo Dear Sir, The Perak Government euddeoly issued an order to refuse all applications for renewal of mining leases if there are subleases on them without Considering chat the Joes has to be suffered by those who have given cut subleases some
    701 words
  • 609 1219 WMV -ar.?. Ginxboc, CatNigi Scwoßr. A v.ry much needed annex and tiffin Jhed are being built at th, Anglo-CbinTea Girls School, Anson Road. The entern.i.. wul cost elB,ooo, and will, when completed make a very fine additioa to the pre.en building, fhi, i. being mad. peuib”,
    WMV -ar.?.  -  609 words

  • 250 1220 F H. McCORMACK V. THE CRITERION PRESS, LTD., AND CHESNEY DUNCAN. judgment for Defence. Iq the Supreme Court itoia mornin before Mr. Justice A. V. Brown, tb< case wse concluded in which Mr. F, H McCormack sued Criterion Press, Ltd., and Mr. Chesney Duocan, until recently Acting
    250 words
  • 316 1220 The annual general meeting of Penang St. Andrew’s Society was held at the Penang Cricket Club yesterday afternoon, Mr. Ji L. Louie, President, being in the chair. The others present were Messers. W. 8. Goldie, W. 8. Dunn, E. V. C. Thomson, J. G. Brown, J. G.
    316 words
  • 539 1220 A FATAL ACCIDENT (From Our Own Bukit Mertajam, July 24. A fatal accident occurred at Kubaug Ulu which resulted in the death of a Tamil bullock-cart driver named Kaden on tho 20th instant. It seems that the deceased and seven other carters left Lunas at 2 a.m. on
    539 words
  • 179 1220 home 5,000 bZ J V TUe rk the 6Uo;ect 01 Wo CWg Hal, m Court before Cant wJk. day, says the W Besides being charged wih these 5,000 upon to explain wb; he maiejtSj claration to the Registrar of 1 Exports therewith. ib r r. W
    179 words
  • 214 1220 Menace to Australia. I Sydney, June 19- 1 Commenting on reports from Javpl gurding Japanese investments and mercial activities there, the Sydnev-w remarks that this brings Japan nearer Australia. Japan is graduatecircling the island continent from»! north. It is peaceful penetration. contains the germs of a menace
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  • 1611 1221 TH E AMERICA CUP «TORY OF TH ftACĔS the America’s to conclude at Sand} i X which we t j Je twelfth at Hxk July Cu p s i n ee it was |j rf t 0 r f eC °the New York Yacht Club Ibrestnted to h America and
    1,611 words

  • Page 1222 Advertisements
    • 246 1222 W77\jrJinS <>■ <■"/> ■..a-**9c?j?sp? C/kM *j J o is* v 'at j tA/ z M > cr*b.>HS CRITERION PRESS, ltd., 1J O9, BEACH STREET, PENANG. X’ J >X3 X/7 J JTT ,T".-?--=gs.r. ESTABLISHED 1883. < I PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. 1 1 Proprietors of the STRAITS ECHO and PENANG SIN POE.’* /1
      246 words

  • 2044 1223 f I I j: e w ,..i Jx w., e<*<-r. B s, s| l V““. rX“3i ._L i I RUBBER—DOLLAB SHARES. I eta. ot J 1910; 65,000 2/- 2' March /Padang Rahbar Estate, Ltd. 3/9 4> |2t Q 60,0<»0 1 1 Allenby Rubber Co, Ltd 0.90 1903. 30,000 2/-
    2,044 words