The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 21 July 1920

Total Pages: 45
1 1189 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 19 1 The Straits Echo. MAIL EDITION. |}o PER AA.AI'U WinglP Copy cis. NI.IL PENANG. WEDNESDAY. JULY. 21ST 1920 NO. 29
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 177 1 CONTENTS. foun; MißOßLLAjrioni; Continued): 1 Pacific Problem! 1,147 A Rice Romance 1,172 Kira' 0 1 o’' 0 1 1457 The Rico Qaeetion 1.176 Th. Tilth About the Rice Critic" 1’165 The Rice Criiie ...1,178 Rice Againl,l73 A Debt Pref.rFed 1,178 hitieg Something on Hone ...1,181 Th. Ric Problem 1,178 War
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 182 2 Cj' '’\P*V '?tfs?» v G'“ THE I “STRAITS ECHO” B MAIL EDITION. JLy-5 VI Jp Published the dry prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, as well as ail important news from various parts
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  • 1320 1147 1* M c f t*'w«<X i d S g «t b Jl** o<r;liE- ,ri>t fro, to», 17“ Tee w n A.. P»rts Fi a n of hi s eble 7 ,kn being Pm tf ‘*b nt he boards Ry»’* M b *’•/'-•'‘•'e-l 3 ,b >eb is i :r;
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  • Page 1147 Advertisements
    • 114 1147 atStralKtcW. I published DAIkY’ Lsniiyiari Public Holiday*.) I IT THI ICIITERIOaN press, ltd., I Bftth Street, PesMtfI P4TIBLE IN ADVANCE I DAIL! EDITIOM I Forti o n Lb 13.00 13.50 14.00 Eh 9.00 10.50 12.00 Esh 18.00 21.00 24.00 B| 80.00 42.00 48.00 I WBILY IDITION. By Pott, ■L t
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  • 543 1148 The Secretary of the Penang Turf Cub, Mr. H. Oxenbam, has returned frum Australia looking very fit and well. Mr H. Goffs, arrived at Hongkong a few d’aye ago en route to Canton where be 11 officiating as British Consul General during Mr. Jamiesons absence. Mr. H. Benge, who
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  • 1054 1148 Municipal Matters. Fn no the report of the special meeting of the Penang Minieipal Commission h-lj yesterday afternoon it will bo that lhe Pr.indent was able Co ind Jgj in cunmeuts that should prove gratifying to the ratepayer* of thi? own. Supplemental Bulget No. 1 of 1920 aggregating
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  • 275 1149 KING’S MESSAGE. mW»* London» July G» tU K-nz’« message to ffsi W ,re an imp 'B ,D g N** ’■!/'uwlimoo July 1° by Bir jTshlsge is J (j om niiBji3Der. E T »8 ‘b“ ,hS A T L o Great Britain the hf« ea:rui. d tbe j u tereB*«
    mW»*  -  275 words
  • 109 1149 Houri or Laboub. "•■i-g to the towel «iib „f A a ale(i ,il3 hWI IhelnZn feMCS to Indian t e L Qw r l <■« difeX “7 W ,bf 0“ ■l’« J 1 Otou. Oh» C clßl ,e fatbits M> ker dtle S»<e< urged yr.;, COUtSfl w
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  • 50 1149 Huge Contract Ab banged. Montreal, July 10. A Canadian Syndicate (A. A. Hioh) recently obtained a $3,000,000 (gold) contract from the Soviet Government. It is announced that the question of credit has been satisfactorily arranged and at present arrangements are being completed to carry out tbe contract.
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  • 43 1149 State Department's Denial. Washington, July 10. The State Department emphatically denies the report from Paris that Great Britain has ma ie overtures with a view to an Anglo-Ameiican Pacific Alliance to subjiituie the Anglo-Japanese Alliance after the expiry of the latter.
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  • 45 1149 London, July 12. A message from Niagara Falls Bayg that Mr. Hitvens of Bristol, Fogland, was killed iu attempting to negotiate the Horseshoe Falls in a barrel. Ttio barrel dashed to pieces ou the rocks at the bass of the falls.
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  • 19 1149 Mobb Incendiarism. London, July 12. Three disused police barracks iu Cork City were burned simultaneously on tfatuiday night.
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  • 25 1149 French Denial, Paris, July 11. 1 herepnrtofihe saleof French air material to Caiua is denied. It is declared that none exists.
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  • 83 1149 Arrangements for Race. New York, July 10. The Government has decided to prevent all excursion on steamers except a few ocean going liners accompanying tbs America Cup defenders wi h the result that there w*s a (scramble fur pLces Destroyers will keep all ships from the course
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  • 48 1149 Another French De eat, London July 10. At Eastbourne in the Davis Cup P übbs Tddea and Johnson (America) b at Go’ ert aQ! j Lauren z (France) by J "~2, 6 —3, 6-2, and thus qualified to i'-ay tha Briiish Isles on July 16.
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  • 52 1149 FURTHER GRbLEK SUCCESS. Government Fokclb Disarmed. C HiHlaDiim pie, July 10. The Greeks have occupied Bruasa ut d y opposition. Numbers cf Ns.’ionabsta hava turr udered. All the government forces in Constantinople were disarmed without any resistance by order of Genarftl Sir G-orge Francis Milne owing to
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  • 337 1149 SERIOUS SIIUATION. Punhivk Expedition Despatched. [Reuteb’s General Ch T h&B re ched a Cri ia rh?hl. Chftng i, 180 LlD ,Gad r of the C Jh party hag departed for Mukden, nf trn r P °7 ed h 0 haa oHered two divisions oftroopa tomarch to Peking. The
    [Reuteb’s  -  337 words
  • 131 1149 New Yoik, July 11. Giving evidence before the Congressional Committee investigating the Presidential Campaign Funds Mr. Johnson, Republican Negro delegare of Georgia, declared that eighty-five per cent of tbe negroes of Georgia were disfranchised hy brute force, i he negroes voting for the Republican were lynched. New
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  • 1 1149 Obituary
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  • 524 1150 trial of war criminals. Gbiat Bbitain’» DBtIBB. [Rbcteb'b Tblbubamsj g pfti July IQ. It i. reported from an authoritative BriSi.h oouwe that Great Britain» only deaireoa the a,d WffJXf warfare. Forty-five name, have been ,<c Fd as aoecially bad P rllQ It is declared that if the
    [Rbcteb'b Tblbubamsj  -  524 words
  • 67 1150 Knlgoorlie, July 9. H. R. H. the Prince of Wales was given an ovation at Coulgardie and Kdgoorbe. Replying to an address the Prince paid a tribute to the energy which had enabled the gold industry to be built up in a waterless country. He was
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  • 29 1150 Loudon, July IL The strike of gasworkers h s spread to Bris’ol and Weston-euperm<re. Those out of cmployent in Manchester are estimated at a quarter million.
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  • 192 1150 F. M. a. Man’s Triumph. London, July 12. The prii&J winners at Bisky are as follows: Daily Graphic Pn’zi (ten «hots at 500 yards) won by Lieutenant F. D. Evans (Federated Malay State*) with a score of 47. Daily Telegraph Prizi (ten shot! at 600 yards) won by
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  • 189 1150 -B.N.B.H. Mexico City, July H. h is repurted that Manual Larragi who rroeotly beaded the rising i«i rhe S.’?a u Sanluia Potosi has scut an emmimiy tu President Hu r a to airarge terms of surrender. President Huerta has approved or ihc establishment of wirektsu s.uTuas m all State
    -B.N.B.H.  -  189 words
  • 119 1150 IsiBBMBNT mWmxuan,. [Rkuteb’s j The death i, aneo Fisher of Kilverstone. Message, of Of the death of L>ri F.ih„ in from all parts of the EbhwEh! M.pity the King, H. R. R. t£ of Wa eg and other royalties, Pr®tand other military and naval 'penouft have telegraphed
    [Rkuteb’s j  -  119 words
  • 77 1150 Two Conflicting Pabtm. Calcutta, July 11 The Englishmen’s frontier corrwpoodul describing the position in Afghanistan up that there are two parties in Afghani»»», one in favour of giving the Bolihwb free passage to India and joining is 111 Boisbevik attack but the other pirtyi mainly agriculturist determiaed to fight
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  • 93 1150 FPBTH.B BoubkvU A eommuniqvĕ cro«eed tho Pnp’t b o( d t h. Pnp« with Iwavy So jt wa have j. o occupy of Horyn. The Woib Sarny. We hava fallen back on accordinz to P sft0 Paitb1 w 0 is, voLv OT «B.Pou««;j alr a i wm
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  • 38 1150 (From Ow A o=- iW A M X l io» SMtlem»'. A"“ ke tb« ir ngardieg -ej'in b solutii n P S .;Uer»ble look wiii> co action oDMr.J ilb deaveur io inte wllb J 7 tbc
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  • 607 1151 lbe other d»y < bB “j' e e C'k‘ bl f f T’c W*' to VM M M“i‘ “J 9 lhit Ti W- Bi r L.ur® 08 owlug c>i' c ii> at Q clinoaUi, might »'’i*r“ c |i o w to think *y' b t u»l‘! b, t
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  • 656 1151 (To the Editor of the Straits Echo Sir, —According to your report of the debate on tbe so-called E ucatiou Bill,’the honourable Mr. Nutt is reported to have said that the object of the Bill was to put these (Chinese) schools under one control.’ “It has also
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  • 314 1151 I here was a large gathering at the Resident Councillor’s Office yesterday al ernoon the occasion being the presentation of Imperial service medals to two members of the Subordinate Civil Service m the persons of Mr. E. S. Kader Mustan, lamil and Hindustani Interpreter of the Supreme
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  • 1557 1152 SPECIAL MEE IINU' A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held in the Municipal Chamber yesterday afternoon, tin i being present Messrs. G. lule (PretdLt), D. Shards, The 1 on. Mr. W. H. Thorne, Dr. I'. Liston and Me»»»J. D. Fettea (Waler Engineer), G Dunn (Municipal Engineer).
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  • 1058 1153 .TTcLvernors ever Very “< in British Malaya ff colleagues in b hi the tfaer Crown Goloniea, r»f« bet u«J .f.Xd to thosd epb rs R T ‘f UI» t<”»V bat that no hietoiy, b c iM!y ibit b r istbefoct in the Strait» 0 Dfioe discontent is
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  • 594 1153 Phya iiiirinJra Raji, the newly appointed High Commissioner ot Puket, left for hil putt cn 6 h instant, VVe are informed that ‘His Excellency the Governor will arrive in Penang on August 18d), for a short visit to the Hill, and that Lady Guillemard is expected about July 28ih.
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  • 158 1154 momentous issues. Pao Japah Pabty'B Fatb at Staab. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 12. A Peking message reports that the situation is critical and that it is impossible to overestimate the importance of the issue, as the fate of the Pro-Japan party hangs in the balance. T Shanghai-Nanking Railway
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  158 words
  • 109 1154 Case Dismissed. (From Our Own Corroopondent.) Singapore, July 15. Mrs. Kirkpatrick was charged with criminal intimidation by intimidating Mr. J. G. Campbell, a lawyer, and his wife who alleged that the accused threatened to injure their child and injure the reputation of the Campbel’s. The trouble arose over
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  • 187 1154 Co operative Building Society. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 15. The meeting yesterday with regard to the shortage of houses approved of the Government’s term», fermed a Co-operative Building Society ano appoiulcd the following direetorj; the Hen. Mr. H. P. Clodd, Mr. A. K. E.
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  • 273 1154 ZIONIST DEMONS IRA HON. Mr. Balfour’s Warning, [Reuter’s TELEGRAMS.] London, July 13. There was a great Zionist demonstration at Albert Hall to celebrate Great Britain’s acceptance of the mandate for Palestine. Lord Rothschild presided and the others present were Mr. A J. Balfour, Marquess of Crewe, Lord Roliert Cecil,
    [Reuter’s TELEGRAMS.]  -  273 words
  • 117 1154 GOVERNMENT’S SUPPORT King’s Patronage Promised. London, July 12» It is proposed to hold in London .in 1923 an exbibiiion of the representative indu tries and rosouices of toe Lrrtisn Empire. The Government psopws to F>k Pirliameac to sanction u vote or £lOO,OOO to g lh8 tund conduion&lly
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  • 85 1154 Incident at Kaohaqari. Ixjndoo, July 12. An official arrange from Abbottabad »ap that skious altercations recurred at we station at Kacb.gari with British miW police endtAveuring to evict from a ‘.wo Modem emigrants for Afghanistan were travelling wi bout tickets w crowd attacked, seriously wounding British officer and
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  • 37 1154 Compa ny Boom. Forthefint sir J «h 11 new ccmpMiw capital of X 448.734 < '■cord of the "hen registration, *1» I a capital of £252,734,<H/j J I' 1 companies numbar 653* —i/k £116,000,000. W h “f* i
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  • 22 1154 Pomibli OtiTp.Bur or Trrrx thirf’ per,tor niff t"i batUwiwJ, Hoffmp Inland for observation. Th a», cians «re watchful for possible
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  • 30 1154 Satibpacioby Rbowitbo, London, Joly II Recruiting for the New Territorial in| 18 proceeding at a satisfactory rata Ji» thousand while over 1000 regaits ws being recruited weekly.
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  • 207 1154 The Shanghai Gazette states that pits are being rapidly matured to imaih duns profiteers and relieve the local rice dm Leading Cantonese boiicews-men o taking active measures in consultation rj the directors of the Chinese Chambe d Commerce. shiploads of rice are to be imported fra Hongkong
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  • 136 1155 |ES vjiption °f tradE TBW«*«d l London, Juty j Comnioni» repyog I» t3< n H DIO C R Thorne (Wolver- confirmed tb.t Government had British Government's condiH to the rrsompt’on of in that con- ‘“J been re red with regard co M* 3 1,1 British Government fca S“V: L
    TBW«*«d l  -  136 words
  • 89 1155 Ootiion ii this Commons, London, July 12, h the Hoose of (k-mmoai, replying to Sir Frederick Hall (Dulwich Co. U Mr. L.w rued that there were fifty» Sr- B itiio nawal atd military prisoner# io amfii ani aln a number of civilians lman j a9d n^ r
    89 words
  • 73 1155 SlATle Ke8POI8!BILITY. u, i ureBt ry Conference Of h> ii it 5? 1 Ibe sub7 tV' Cl c,b “ck. c u i!ed > W ft T tbe Mtiontv Tl d>BCQ’BlGu Up m J w cf A* di.f??-' d »«imXr t i coB iiion i at Gw' 1
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  • 19 1155 Lar p D M eau'n°‘ Ju ’y 10. **ei V ark *tcti j n p| tti Q vip
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  • 460 1155 THE REPARATIONS PLANS. German Reluctance. [Bbutbb’s Tblkubams.] London, July 12. A Sp.i communique issued this afternoon shows that arising out of the solution of iba coal question Herr von Simone dieplayei a reiucacce to submit the German reparation plans as previously arranged. He sai l he had
    [Bbutbb’s Tblkubams.]  -  460 words
  • 76 1155 Villa Suhrounded. Mexico City, July 12. he \V r Minister has aun ui.ced that as y iirul. of the bat le near Parral iu w y 600 rebels and 300 Federals pa J Villa hag b-en surrounded. The b-#l Pj vvho lost for y, fled. ~i Q in ii*
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  • 186 1155 FEARLESS NAVAL REFORMER. His Great Part in Winning the War. [Rbutkb’s Telegrams.] t London, July 12. r Tt aily fele g™P h says that Admiral .Fisher created an instrument which in association with other agencies brought Germany’s world ambition to the dust. The Daily Mail saya that
    [Rbutkb’s Telegrams.]  -  186 words
  • 335 1155 Reduction of Lkvy Defeatmd. London, July 12. In the House of Commons, replying to the motion of Capt. R. Terrell (Henley Co. U.) in favour of the abolition of excess profits duty, Mr. Austen Chamberlain, Chancellor cf the Exchequer, poin'ed out that Great Britain had not suffered
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  • 519 1156 The following i. the Excellency movemeon frjm 26th J i-j 18th Auguit. July. Monday, 26th.- Leave Singapore, ITieiday* 27 th. Arrive Port Swettenham and proceed to Kuala «..umpur. Wednesday, 28th.— Federal (Joaoc’l. Thursday, 29th.—Leave Kua'a Lumpur via Port Swettenham. Friday, 30th.—Arrive Singapore. August. Sund.y, Ist.-Leave Singapore, creu
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  • 675 1156 Planters and otb r mployers ol Indian i read with inter l ist th 3 leilow iog ari ii 1 ch w e take Irorn a Cai u iu contemporary: The report by the Protector ot Emigrants in (’ab.utta, Lieutenant-Colonel E. A. \V. Hail, on
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  • 245 1156 (From Our Own TiipiDg, Jolyll Daring the last few week» idhwafa been very prevalent in thii pirtofft* 1 here have been acoree of caiei—pily few deaths—in the town, whils j labour forces on some rubber Htitakiwii rather badly affected. It seems that this foul diseue ii a good
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  • 74 1156 Latest Qeoaiiio 58, A. A. Anthony i I* liubbar. 4 y a 3« «5 ‘J Kush Sidirn 28) 3'9 ti i |sn o>?s W Suugei -J Min'DK- 1.15 L; a. F? Ei.tsng P» u aD 8/6 y? 1.78 peebook 1 65 o# Jelantoh 0 «J S lem Rih
    74 words

  • 896 1157 „«nt drop > n t guctufioM h lod,a ,f z r.“ 4 urai y t““ L. of r lw i 1 ““or »11 fftcud b/ B»« M will lh> P°° r "f. M.t»l WorM Wing lM BUbJ C of .»ioh it drew »ltenuon of «10» a( t(w Broken effect
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  • 28 1157 '2O VISIT MALAYA. brom Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 15. H.u.H. the Prince ot Wales will »i»it Mui yi tar ly j a April, 1921.
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  • 40 1157 [Riuign’e London, Jniy 12. r rn Adelaide says that Piitcu of Wales arrived and was given a most enthusiastic r i.>>pti3n in which th? ‘rvoikers joined tojfr heartily in c Labour tdiQ&'-y of t ;mrrs atdiadex-
    [Riuign’e  -  40 words
  • 544 1157 Che^er-tXace^Ea^ CathberUon of of Ki ß g’ Bench •’arrieter-.t-Uw f °loo h“ Ple L K ,C--e»t»te of the gross Ta l ue of eft ..--..."a K “1’ V B On a ok Seng, if K p Kong, Poh E« fa., §’,n 79 P9Dg Capt E. F. M. Bsrrett, Suprnntendent
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  • 1391 1158 Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. On the national festival day ra! •hirh has iust celebrated w. h fining entbu.iwm the «Ct»»' ®»P tu Butille 131 year, ago eervee as ao aun v aarv The mere overthrow of a prison containing political or criminal offenders an insignificant reminder if i associated
    1,391 words
  • 353 1158 COAL 1 P 0 tox*,. fB,CT^T^ MV T^Conf«e no thll continue it j, I »nd aI M decided iTX reparauon propose Geis el 0“ and “'»G«m. n^ P S' r f J r exam-nation and rLn London, Jaly nf that thW Herr K deleg io Herr behrenbach
    fB,CT^T^MV  -  353 words
  • 12 1158 Super-Zepp elin for France. g the Germ»» J %,e* i, j.lire'»-' 8
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  • 76 1159 London, J Q y D mXJfi'i 0 mt ruber o l tbo proposed /b Bcaih.M' Hi i 'P pl lb !r.» ,ouid Mt be d(Sir ble «id d» 1 w °7 K( P 1 S who would 7teir ebiloreu utteod tbs .nd »bo epe.k German o=»P«'d olly f
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  • 52 1159 i Bonn AsMOUMCBMMr. N«w York, Joly 13. M. MirUci, the ttoriet representative hlserm, scnouncH that arraDgem‘Dis iiw been ode with Canadian bankers Wtrsmfer >lOOOO,OOO (gold) to Caoada hr tlx parcbaae of Canadian goods» The will be shipped vii £>ih >nia cr f-ken inn Ui deposit in the
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  • 41 1159 Tnffouir Rkriwal London, July 13. Th Duly Mail «aye that the British ni th jipauHi Governments have afoneei ibe League of Nations of the Huttos of the Anglo-Japanese il'sß for a year. Henceforth the Lime will be renewable yearly.
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  • 8 1159 Eroi vs Habbow, k July 12.
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  • 129 1159 Editor «1 «wWh.f? i ad any fl werB H’ k ttl bKk’° d f f l^®l P* 1 1 1 h<l h l "bo wm 7* “tlH-Ojnrl f k? f, **> to I ’t b t rBre,ur Qkk?' M b Sut C«.rir‘ d “'’’•yoisungbu- r
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  • 152 1159 BOLSHEVIK ADVANCE, Polish Claims. [Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, July 12. A Warsaw says tDat ths Poles have abandoned the line of the RiVf’r Vilna. The B >khevigts reached the fortifies.! ions cutside Minsk. The Polish army in the Pripet region, advancing in the rear of the enemy,
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  152 words
  • 93 1159 QUESTION OF SOVEREIGNTY. Intervention by the. League. London, July 12. The Ouucil of the League of Nations has decided to refer the Finnieb-Swedioh dispute relating to the sovereignty cf the AaLnd Islands to a commission compose I of three international jurists to be nominated by the President of
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  • 72 1159 Large Majorities. London, July 12. A cable ftnm Berlin states that according to tho returns the East and West Prussia plebiscites under the Peace Treaty, to decide the nationality at certain destriefs. have boen in the nature of a landslide in favour of Germany against Poland. The
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  • 51 1159 A 6eriod9 Situation. Paris, July 13. M. Paui Dsschaad, President of the Republic, h-.a written to tha Minister of War regretting that his health does not permit him to artend toe National FAie review on July 14. To-night’s paper* freely auggeet ‘he c dvitabiiity of handling the presidential
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  • 33 1159 Parsed b? Shall Majority, Lo don, July 14. 1$ f he <;f th? Corpora den I|s Jt srvtjkfd prolonged diecnftjion in tel rat eo.’.sijh.‘ai ii carried cLiy K: ki »C.
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  • 121 1159 impressive obsequies Striking Tributes to HU Memory. [BrUTEB’s TsiAGBAMi.j Q t v. London, July If, Striking tributes to the memory of Lord Fisher were paid at the funeral oerenajny <> ay. The Metropolis has seldom witness* ea h more impressive spectacle. Full naval honours were accorded. Ths route
    [BrUTEB’s TsiAGBAMi.j  -  121 words
  • 85 1159 Anti Japambse Agitation. New York, July IL Mr. Kentaro, a member of the Japanese Privy Council, in an interview, said that the proposed anti-Japanese legislation in California would cause an ineffaceably bad impression in Japan. Good or bad feeling between America and Japan depends on the action
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  • 45 1159 London C. Cn Obdbb. London, July 14. The London County Council have adopted a standing order not to employ aliens except teachers in foreign languages or holders of other special positions or those who served with the British forces in Tientsin, e:c.
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  • 39 1159 New York, July 13, The American Railway Express Com* pany have asked the Inter-State Commerce Commission to authorise the consolidation of the express transportation busineM in a merger including the Adams, American Welltfargoafl i Southern Express companies.
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  • 56 1159 Loudon, July 13. A mesaage from Santiago de Chile says that the Chilean G ;vernmeiit has received private news from La Paz that the jevoln* tionaries have seized the President and the Ministers. Signor Saavedra, leader of the Republican Party, has organised a movement which has led
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  • 40 1159 London, July 14. I’he Japanese June trade returns show that expor s amounted to and imports £218,000,000. .o The Kuala Lumpur property known an N'j 1 Bakit Nanas, bar h*en purchased by Gc Samant. It s sc|ystad
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  • 129 1160 ORANGE DEMONSTRATES. Speech bt Sib E Cabbjm. [Rauraa’s Tekegbxms.] London, July 13. The Orsnge demonstrations p off without any disorder. Sir Edward Carson, in a speeco Belfast, declared that if the Govunable to deal with Bmn Ferners O'.-.uj ask somebody else to do so; if the Government was unable
    [Rauraa’s Tekegbxms.]  -  129 words
  • 151 1160 LOCAL ARAB RISING. Burns» Riiwforcbmbmtb DuBTATOim» London, July 13. In the House of Commons, replying to Captain W. G. A. Ormsby— Gore, (b‘afford Co, U)Mr. Winston Churchill staled that tho Arabs on July 2 attacked the government buildings at Rumaila ou th Euphrates and killed the Amb Guard
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  • 158 1160 IMPORTANT DECISIONS. Empihk-widm Co ofhritios. Ixudor, July 14. At the British Empire forestry conferences Sir Claude Sill, a member of the Viceroy’s Council, introduced the su’jot of forestry education and research. Tetra was general agreement that whatever is practicable should be proceeded with side oy side both in
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  • 633 1160 ['Zb the Edit rcf thi Slrai'g Echo Sir, 1 have no wish to criticise the method in which Government rice control is carried on but apart from the high price charged for rice in Ipoh i.e. $1.38 a gantang, the public feels that it does not get ts
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  • 412 1160 '“’P-xtantN^E Ou page 4 (jf thls copious extracts from t l,"'*?* new company tbatisbek I '^-> •note the cultivation tf 1 dm in Malaya. dntwfci The Subscription Ljjt -any winch is st.rled i opened" tb, Utb'iX a 1 tl,e Pmeipal trade I \ugust, proximo. I Ihe '■npitalof thtconceniKiiiijj,
    412 words

  • 2254 1161 Steiwuoo'o to itecu" he It »as the largest iu«l jgquistwn- h h gp ea ks «er heW 1Q reuaDg the !f lb immense importance me 1 „1 pu“ hc capaC 1 .11 8 to -its utmost and all S,. pri «nLd. Among* th.»- 111 Ilw b mcloded
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  • 570 1162 We believe that nine out of ten Ame rieuns are for th > League of Nations and th Treaty of Peace. Some of these nine favour the League with reservations, some ace pt the whole programme just as Pre iebtit Wilson brought it back from Versailles.
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  • 382 1162 Si “gapor t K t >n hc “gsion cl the ence Guillemard was p™'- H. L. Mallett, ll'ffi Mn H 8 Excell ‘wv ?‘hcer Command,ug the nnd iT °i f I I K doUt cal!ed Laj and extended his congratulate rench Consul. Members of fccJ u’ar body
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  • 2967 1163 n >u»“’'" ESlS to Tenang lately lor a short *g*' B ly V d uai ve ry favourably riupresse. 1 ■"[.< ot progress and pio»rt, B uy #P» P lhat Malaya n 1^' rest of the world was m aDeeted by-the 'tlKv it was pleasing JjteAur not nearly
    2,967 words

  • 143 1164 The case against six men, four of whoa are g ivernment servants, on a charge laying in a common gammgW" im ntioned again before Mr. A. in the Second Police Court, Mr. Crabb-Watt, the Acting M<* general applied for P° S ‘P J "?“L-, the case
    143 words

  • 2210 1165 ownin' ul,! s > th h til flr*” 1 0 ia d noib’Dg but 1* lb»"' cl nOt B k:1 l“ a comp 3l W |O |j, Jg wi.b 10« g ww» l i IS ’J£ food Aar ■ik-P 5 “J J, 00 ,j
    2,210 words

  • 519 1166 BRIUSII IMcKVaSNTION. The Fai l of Minsk, [Rkuteb's lelegbams.] V wreaw, July 13. A commurrquA admit» the bss of Minsk aid ftUds tha* fighting condon e south and south-east ot Miu?k. lhe BiK-y-B'XbQ E .i-'itvik i gin nt operating oa ii e Poh-h rear was completely annihila
    [Rkuteb's lelegbams.]  -  519 words
  • 55 1166 Parr, July H. A m-c.iagi from Bjrlia ea-s t"* l Q Frerch fiig was hoisttd Emhtftsy co tho occasion of the ecle ra tioa gb July 11 was removed by l* rBO woo climbed to the roof. I' immediately rep! c?d. ’lb* rf rea ft reptiseutatne Ln?
    55 words
  • 51 1166 «'«jTjS.rii F»»d to comb.. “J' tut i-i,000.000 tirna India, the h being invited to m k ’Kh th!i Mo l b e rco» Qtrji in paign for the b..mri (ot He ™ph m(M the cb. Qe nw name of our united BriiU p«2l* «olac. and healing
    51 words
  • 61 1166 Cosfmubici a Lona. I bond», fol I Representatives of Great Brikiil United States, Canada, frl Africa, India, and other ooutni*| attending the conference of thtfasl national Federation of Unirwßy J women in London. Earl Grey, addreeaing the phaj gathering, said that the only nnh for peace was intemationsl
    61 words
  • 51 1166 Amkbican Dootom Mudbb. New York, Jihftj A cable from Warlaw sayi tbit W Raeif Fiedlander and Bernard OR members of the American Joint DiiW| lion Committee, have been monW i the Ukraine by armed binli'J Bolshevik uniform. It i> a ■jj"deceased doctors were cirrjiec r“" when they
    51 words
  • 54 1166 BRITISH YACHTS SUCCE» The Difumb a Hot Fato® 8 NevYork,JoJ Excitement Cop i* approach of J? f tct Jjj particularly owing drydock. lute suddenly, returned to only «phnaiiou the is looking dirty. M rck IV reocaio. H K>k Expert ep 10 c u a awarded nir of
    54 words
  • 9 1166 The < nieeiege to ■s rx-j* cheerful
    9 words

  • 303 1167 w uSDi«5 E6OVIKr PjiCß^oson 10 8, puem. Tn*»""'! Ju’j 13. aujt P.r:.i«’« BP‘ W TT„ -be Tbe k Alli* OO j UJ F <> uod ot P Poland renounces her 7 t b e gapieme Council qa «ll 08 J t t line running Rrao sao p
    puem. Tn*»""'!  -  303 words
  • 29 1167 Ju, y’3. 4 api at Byd 8 S anV*’ B Uai pl h BULC n si; Al A cf b e J W 4 “s» ltaMie
    29 words
  • 4 1167 Melbourne
    4 words
  • 146 1167 SKIRMISH NEAR PEKING. Iscbiabing Popularity of Chihli Pabtt, [RECTfca’a Telegrams.] London, July 14. A Peking message repGr s that with the exception of a f-kirmish twenty miles south of P<kiDg, iu which the Aufu outposts were driven back, hitherto there baa btn no fighting oecween the rival military
    [RECTfca’a Telegrams.]  -  146 words
  • 120 1167 Partixb’ Joint Statkmknt. London, July 14, The Lesgua of Nations has published a cnmmuaicition from the Governments of Great BriUiu and J*pan dated Spa, July 8, sign d by Vncouut Cbinda and Eirl Curzm s ating for their Governments that Greai Britain and Jtpan have concluded that
    120 words
  • 121 1167 Washington, July 13. Ao unofficial message says that exchange have already occurred arising oil' of the petition circulated in California, urging an amendment s atiug the limit of the rights oi Orientals to hold real esiate. At least it is uuderetood there is likelihood of eaccess. The
    121 words
  • 69 1167 Siquel to Reject io». Jxjndon, July 14. A Tr.k’o mpssßge says that disorderly ® followed the Hoose of Reprrsen<Vts* rej otion of tho Universal Suffrage 'lh Thooeftu of s nd ata who attempted to demonstrate vgainat the government wp re dispera.-: by the police. A number cf
    69 words
  • 122 1167 Further Malayan Successes. T j D Loadon, July 14. ihe Bisley p rIZ9 winners are as follows Alexandra (ten shots at 200 and 600 yardd) Private Q. Santeena (Malacca Volunteer,) 90 fl); Sergeant H. W. Lambert (Shanghai Volunteers) 89 (2). Qualifier (ten shots at 200 and 600
    122 words
  • 43 1167 Ea-President Taft’s Appoietment. Montreal, July 13. Ex-President Taft has been appointed to represent the Grand Trunk Railway on the Board of Arbitration which will determine the amount the Dominion Government will pay for the Grand Trunk stock it is acquiring.
    43 words
  • 31 1167 London, July 14. A message from Berlin says that an unknown man broke into Marshal von Hindenburg’s house and fired at Hinden* burg but missed. The assailant escaped.
    31 words
  • 40 1167 London, July 14. A fresh wireless crisis has arisen. It is understood that the negotiations of June 24 have broken down. Tbe recent resumption of work was conditional on a settlement within a month ending July 23.
    40 words
  • 144 1167 London. July 15. The Bri iwh Empire Forest Conference unanimously approved of the suggested standardisation and verification of forest terminology throughout the Empire. Mr. Mickey, of the Forests Commission of Victoria,, introduced the subject of Empire resources and consumption and presented au interesting tabulated statement iu that
    144 words
  • 38 1167 bantLgode Cb»h, July 14. A revolution in B.livia has overthrown the G vernment. Tbe Revolutionary leader Signor Buav*dra bes power. Tbe President and the members of the Government have taken refuge at the American Legation.
    38 words
  • 26 1167 New York, July 13. Tex Rickard has sbtamed a letae of Maison-Square Gardens for ten years and will bold leading boxing contest! whro
    26 words

  • 379 1168 SPECIAL TRADE UNION CONGRESS. IMPORTANT RESOLUTIONS General Strike Threatened. [Rctter’B Telegrams.] Loudon, July 13« A special Union Congress bold al the Central Hall, Westminster, by an oyerwhelming vote rejected the addendum to motion by the Locomotive Engineers Society in favour of an immediate ballot on tue q’ltetion
    [Rctter’B Telegrams.]  -  379 words
  • 62 1168 Chicago, July 14. The Thirty (third?) Party Convention up to the present has been unable to complete a platform, Senator LaFolletre objecting to a foreign plank which endorses the League of Nations, favours the recognition of Soviet Runaia and Irish independence and the raising of the Ruuian blockade.
    62 words
  • 29 1168 Cawvab3lng Campaign. Cc.lumbuH, «July 13. Governor Cox and Mr. Franklin-Roose vy** have decided to c/.nvißa in every State for the coming Presidential Camis expected that Mr. Roosevelt
    29 words
  • 150 1168 CRE ITC’SOBS IN ATE CREW. U. 8. AUiUOHITIUJ 1 iIBCAUTIOSS. (RKUTEH’B T ELEO KAM 8.-] Boston, Ju y 13. The liner Cretic (Celtic, Cediic?) ha* been quarantined since Friday owing to the refusal of the c w to during detention. It affects 1,500 steerage and CuStd the
    (RKUTEH’B T ELEO KAM 8.-]  -  150 words
  • 38 1168 Florida Court's Ruling. Paloicach, July 13. The Florida Court has annulled the temporary injunction restraining Lois Crocker and hrs wife from diep sing the former’s estate. The ju igo med Crocker was mentally competent. :0:
    38 words
  • 297 1168 Prize Distesbut»oiv and Dakce. Entri's for tha local BiJey close at uonn next Wednesdey. The prix? distribution will take p.sco in th» Town H*!i on Monday, August 2at 930 p.m., and as Teddy Long’s orchestra has been engaged for the which is ?o follow the distribu'ion, s.-d to
    297 words
  • 202 1168 CONDIn OHB OF Ex^ Tmo Wj Bom, l« hu Jum to the Houw of cJI, I condn,,., undet «to of t g 7 eto W'* 1 fot >1» «2! 0 tr&( k relations with rJ? 1 raHy (ball uodertalu to U 1 y action or propaganda, tU
    TmoWj  -  202 words
  • 47 1168 London, Joly U Nottinghamshire beat Nerthimptouta by an innings and 41 runs The match Lancashire vs E«i abandoned. t Yorkshire beat Derbyshire by in u»W and 71 runs. The match WarwicbW ve. Somerset resulted in R ra y* Old Etonians beat Old Harronus 162 rum.
    47 words
  • 133 1168 AMERICA’S TRIBUTEGerman Immjll P»rii, M For (he first time Itt tni >ved yesterday the oin r of July. The programme of eluded bi B m,lit *7""l Am t free perforriMCts at “J auddtncwg ‘‘-Slta* oeessiou America’s b H of tbe presentation o |bdH> 0 Marahal Fonb Focb
    133 words

  • 1123 1169 ''SecXt f«il >° JX i" d d be 7 ,y J *',j 0 p'“” b d G.W>“ fDt f° r ‘7 W lit Ct i»»'»” lbt Ja! lothotown», <* al CK ”J ltin og» pr ic ical E 0 .«I W tk iO h, UTi g ht.n«cf«’
    1,123 words
  • 504 1169 S.F.P. Leak A Co.’s Weekly Repost, Tin has improved to j 8271.10 0 3 m/s, being a gain of £16.10.0 attained witnout a single set-back. Rubber—in sympathy with the Londonprice of 1/10 is again lower locally aronn<| 72 cents and the share-market continues idle ana inactive and
    S.F.P.  -  504 words

  • 614 1170 Heavy Fimb Impose Lun Ma Huat, who was remanded t-cm Friday last on a bail of ’9,000 on a c large of being in possession of cm Govern m» chandu to the value of ?2,900, pUc d in the dock yesterday Wore Mr. A U Baker, in
    614 words
  • 975 1170 prt-e Press. y lS! n- rnr?--* aro. in the days when the an w■" iown only Eu to a f'flect circle of English and j ;tch advent. Penang was an important place. Before Singa- pore w n s '.io" than a mud settlement, the nor*h rn t t
    _ prt-e Press.  -  975 words
  • 40 1170 1 iiis F’flk' Kramat 1 anions. "G-t n .i* < pable of ac- r’ Kilj Tl south I dull n: mi ng bear.. Hi. ,r;,rn ZC th- wonderful t’ rr f-rm.mce .if A fine oi $l, Thir j Get-
    40 words

  • 1550 1171 fl dorms breaking c° n -jt-e £el and Asia L clouds in toe —d trouble are P IJ -U f renewal ot our due within the n ordinary circum«oose, the afiair would in the qniet fashion ri-c 6 without diverting our u Bolshevism i/aurdercr
    1,550 words

  • 549 1172 The first concert of the Penang Grebes-tr-1 Society was held fast night, at the ToL HaU and Mr. Teddy Lung, imer whose baton the Society commenced its career is to be heartily congratulated on an excellent and most enjoyable performance. Mr. Ung almost entirely by hie own
    549 words
  • 642 1172 JAPANESE GAMBLER’S EXPERIENCE. There is a romantic tala going the rounds of Kakigara-cho and Aabutocho these days of a man who came to Tokyo vv,th pract*ca..y nothing, played the rice market, won millions and then lost it ail. The rocket-like career of this onetime child of xortune
    642 words
  • 345 1172 [Ta fAa Editor of ths Straiu Edn.j Dear Sir, In reading the lengthy report a rpaper of the meeting in the Chinese lor. Hal! at which our rice supplies were fa cussed and certain resolutions was particularly struck by what cse f the speakers said about
    345 words

  • 1020 1173 f rd tfldrt tb'i» ’j.-tl»! 881 U- at oatioa ua r 18 d k> P o^' 8 f °be ;fi> w r t bĕ°f- ici9 r *> :i ,.l cf tbe con-X-i -1 E,c f r I cf tbe moding 1083 on.rice, ana !iCrecy iQ whlCh i
    1,020 words
  • 459 1173 H. R. H. the Prince of Wales hu left Adelaide fur Tasmania. Mr. J. Johnston is appointed Librarian, Raffias Library, Singapore. Mr. R Bird, Cadet, h appointed to act M District Officer, Alor Gajah. Mr. F.O. K Brown, wio left to join up in 1915, bus returned to Malaya.
    459 words

  • 265 1174 RAIDS ON RAILWAYS. KTATLMENT IM THE CcMMONE» (Reutkb’s Telegrams.] London, Ju y 15. In the House of Comnone replying to a question regarding the njwg M Rameita cabled on Ju 7 U U Wiiston Churchill eaid th?, muiary owraliona were progressing nit *y were hampered by the snortage of
    (Reutkb’s Telegrams.]  -  265 words
  • 239 1174 A Bolshevik Success. London, July 16. The Times' correspondent at K vuo says that the BokheViks occupied Vilna on July 14 without any opposition. New Govkhmmbniq Policy. Buenos Aim, July 17. Ebcalier, the lender of the Bolivian Republican Party, interviewed priori to bis departure io join
    239 words
  • 139 1174 Great Bkichh Increase, L’ v?« shipping b atie ice ebow tbs 3 578 153 tons are bung built in the Umt J Kin* him and that the June increase w«.<? 184,000 compared with March end 1,054,000 c 'mp red wi h last yean The ships b.gua during thw
    139 words
  • 166 1174 Fhamfcck Puzzles Experts. < York, Jbly 15. The L docking g*ve rise to a fl ;od of rumours which ham pr-.c icily swamped lha belli g motrtn -fily. i.xp'’"’ admit th‘y wfrs p-uzzel ly e IV which they drscribe as a “real freak.” Both boa’s uhd rwent their
    166 words
  • 81 1174 Great B wling Feat. London, July »5. Yorkshire bo.t Nortibamptonsbire by an iEiiaig» And 173 run?. Waddington took r jr wick-ts f»r 31 runs in ‘he fit* innings rd 7 lor 18 iu the second, which ;r.c ud-d tba a t trick K ot best L ieestershiro by
    81 words
  • 68 1174 DiacovrsY Investigated. London, July 17. Duly Mail’s N w Y-k corres-po-deni (rv, ti-t. Mr. Pey»’ 'vho h vi i ing he Al fek .a co a b" 9 is *3O i v -’x tog reports r”gar mg a di c very 'f oil in sou f b-wee
    68 words
  • 309 1174 debate MOTlO,f o»J^o >t)WM LBEriEß’a TtLB&a4 Ml i In the Howe of on th, Fininct M Wedgwood Benn (Uith L) 2* ire reprel ;f j ~I FW Dntte,. He declared t h trifling wnh n tbnri J?* Penal Preference led t,,*"* fnc'.ion and adverse to th peace. Commander
    LBEriEß’a TtLB&a4Ml i  -  309 words
  • 17 1174 Polish ’boedoa. Poland declare. recognise the jdy p /U3f ia »bled who voted publicly-
    17 words
  • 7 1174 y IU BliebW’ff ron
    7 words

  • 46 1175 fcn" Thtr -ere £TO"?*’j ,be rffici»!' of the !*>** fifteen Bnioo, ia»» ,Dter r* 8 A u .mnzeaent W P urel ra |d r«»l‘ i»i“'’ ii,l! b e the that ig invested in iL •JJS the NcrdJeotecber Lloyd St,* wof dek» »ndh»ibour bun only.
    46 words
  • 49 1175 CoDUL EkUTIOMS. Brakes, July 16. hridat» of the Bmate and the fan proceed to the United States iod handed Mr. Braud Whidock 11 MH'4'joQ a tout from the Palliajg tia token of gratitude. The Pre* ild the Senate in hie speech deacrited ■l*thgreat friend of Belgium."
    49 words
  • 75 1175 London, July 15. 3th Hcnse of Common!, replying »Wi Curra (Bauer-ea Co. U) as W» h sweeping up of mines, Mr. iaui aid that Great Britain and th Cut: S'.ates han cleared the areas them. France baa nearly done khlta'.j ail! has a considerable porti; n it
    75 words
  • 38 1175 c Bra «w Gbkuu. 1b Mexi< »Cuy, July 16. tiie l*s»ni PiWn n i°‘ n* evolutionary Oirei F 1 h hwa-s c f they ccneider h ami Jv hfl «cent revolts in ■4 ‘«1 formerly praideatial
    38 words
  • 26 1175 I/ndoD Jul y 1 5. o-b,r Xn 105 iHs print», Tu aTfB l aia P 18 (^e t 0 n °R of the new
    26 words
  • 17 1175 GOVe action. K toi of th. ks C 4b Dl> tk. A .it. s&s&s s
    17 words
  • 272 1175 THE COAL QUEd ON. Allies' Terms Accepted. [Recteb's Teleghams.) Spa, July 15. At eleven this morning Herr von Simons sent Mr. L’oyd George a Note intimating the Germans’ acceptance of the Allied t?oms with regard co ths delivery of coal. The Note was »*nt to Villa Fraineuse
    [Recteb's Teleghams.)  -  272 words
  • 94 1175 Education of Children. London, July 15. D >C'or Morrison left estate to the vdue of •C 27 545 in England and requested that his eta drei, b given the bast education procurable ata Prep-ra ory School or English Public School, thenca to be sent to Oxford, completing
    94 words
  • 91 1175 Official Statement Lotdon, July 16. top<£.king at a banquet at the Mineion House, which was attended by bankers ®nd merchants, Mr. Amten Cnamberlain, Chancoli rof the Exchequer, in aa optimistic lcti reviewed the country’s fia#ncial position. Ha siid wo have passed the R kcf our finsoeial difficulties and
    91 words
  • 21 1175 T Mexico City, July 15. oa ihrusin l in the petroleum «it rampico hart dsnjen'iirg pvi in si4g e.
    21 words
  • 252 1175 OBVIOUS EVASIVENESS. Viscoust Grby’s Viiws. [Reuieb's Telegrams, j London, July 15, .v speaking at a meeting of Conned of th League of N J ioM Union, said he bad hoped that the first meeting of the League would pass a unanimous resolution inviting Germany to become
    [Reuieb's Telegrams,j  -  252 words
  • 136 1175 INSULT TO THE TRI-COLOUR. French Demands. Paris, July 16. At Spa it is reported that France on 1 hursday made the following demands in connection with the insult to the French flag in Berlin (1) The Chief of Police to be dismissed (2) a perronal apology by
    136 words
  • 77 1175 New Party’s Candidates. Chicago, July 15. The convention of the New Party, which adopted the name of Farmers-La hour Party, has nominated as its candidates for the Presidency Mr. Henry Ford, the Socialist Debs and Mr. Christensen, a Salt Lake City lawyer. Chicago, July 16. The members of
    77 words

  • 111 1176 BERIONB INCONSISTENCY. Nebd of Complete Remodelling. (Rbvtkb’s Telegrams.] Loudon, July 15. The Manchester Guardian, comni n ing on the Anglo-Japanese Note (f Ju y 14 with regard to the Alliance, dec are® that the treaty ha® alway® been entirely out of harmony with the spirit of the Covenant
    (Rbvtkb’s Telegrams.]  -  111 words
  • 164 1176 Alcohol ab SußSTirnrE London, July 16. The Fuel Research Board has ii&ued a memorandum regarding the employment of alcohol a® fuel. After referring to its great suitability for certain class?® of motor vehicles Sir Fredric K. Nathan, a member of the board, states that alcohol cannot be produced
    164 words
  • 94 1176 Another Post Office Raid, London, July 16. Fifty men raided ths Poes Office at Rotunda Rink, Dublin, secured and removed a motor care with all the mails for Dublin Castle and th® Viceregal Ledge Lighting u B£ULkLAMDi.x% London, July 1/. Eighty aolditt®, accompanying policemen, entered Beliylander® in Limerick at
    94 words
  • 28 1176 A Falbb Rbfort. T t Paris, July 17. ine bbinese Legation denies that Chir a ha® premised France the delivery of 100,000 tag® at f,fareeilles.
    28 words
  • 26 1176 h.M.S. Maia Furtuer Bucc k At w i t L-indm, July 16. ul «y L.®utenan’ F. D. Era of aud Mal,? Bta s ’hi! sad
    26 words
  • 154 1176 [Tc tf*e fitter of t’ie Strain Ecto Sir# M-y I be permit'el, through the nvh um cf ycur columns, to congratulate ths Chinese communi f v on ih* lucid and well thoughtout speech*e mid® a' »ho Dieting y® the Rice Qiettiuu on 14 h inst. They should try
    154 words
  • 383 1176 Appeal to Lord Milner. We that the Committee, appointed »t a public meeting of the Chinee? Community hrld nt the Chinese Town Hall on the 14th insomt forwarded on the 17th instant to the H incurable the Resident Cou> ci I lor for transmit! >n to the
    383 words
  • 469 1176 a Einlauwie on S.iurdLf m P wi nin J. and sent in Fet>< »nJ r to bowling of Gard J T fc ’> l **i Ran» came preny e ow! M*, btl at borne 0B Afer 7 r M lurnball who was j ait beginning T? wa 9
    469 words

  • 335 1177 r£!r7^‘ r U> P ,w c f welcome wH S-!<mco'« Aestuj' 1 commactty «the if’F* 2 Xee Force BUI, j’L'b» Bill 6,d af:er to P‘“,’“ Ch r, r t“ At .«.fend S' e p r J- A •7,^.»«^ prrT r.'?; J.,T.r re» <■» »0 tbe SL’.MttanW»
    335 words
  • 813 1177 (To the EdiVtr of the Strait* Echo r i fhere is a question which at the moment id engaging «he a ent ion of iny country men here, particularly ti*at flection who are hiereaitd io Chinese education and that is tbe Educa’ion Bill which is on the eve
    813 words
  • 112 1177 Malayan Delegates’ Decisioe. (From Our Own Corretpondmi.) Kuala Lumpur, July 19. Mr. Oliver Marki presided at the meeting of delegates yesterday at which representative* from Singapore, Penang, Malacca, Perak and Sdkngor attended. It was unanimously decided to resuscitate the annual athletic eports and it was agreed to hold
    112 words
  • 181 1177 '.t aipiDg U,b2t) pounds. The Directors of Pajim, Limited have sold forward—January-December, 1921, 5 tons per month Fine Pale Crepe at 93 cents per lb. o Wi n regard to the Times announcement recently tuat the Ellerman Lines, Limited, are inaugurating in July a regular mmthly service,
    181 words

  • 1189 1178 .—Straits Times SINGAPORE COMMENT. o We note that the Chinese in Penang are appealing to the Government to reduce the price of rice. 1 seemed to us that the case was stated very fairly in the communique issued by the rood Controller a few days ago. It
    .—Straits Times  -  1,189 words
  • 193 1178 r-uuwy, out less numan, policy Press. The Tonicist’s svmnathies are these who have nf been agitating for a reduction in the selling price of rice. The position has improved so much that rice can be bought more cheaply Than k/mctflv i: tfee TV- the Government kTI up
    r-uuwy, out less numan, policy Press.  -  193 words
  • 507 1178 ted §700,000 be forgotten.—Ma- bnltae 'there has been a hope that with uimprovement of exchange on Indiafe Government might be disposed to reext the control price of rice. An authorsfive statement shows that- this hopeh little prospect of satisfaction. Andthe*: is good sense in the reasons giver.
    ■ ted §700,000 be forgotten.—Ma■ bnltae  -  507 words

  • 112 1179 The fallowing is a list of tickets entitled k Premiums in respect of the sixth hiring held on July 13th 1920: A.: $1,000,1738; §5OO, 1941; 8894; $lOO, 8035. each, 1528, 4292, 4721, 4793. M Mi. 7588, 8907. $lO Each. ■v.2'S'®U«9,l664, 1860, h-7 V v 3 2 3301
    112 words
  • 1116 1179 agitation against control. Modification of Restrictions, A very important conference took place at the office of the Food Controller (Mr. E. B. Alexander) Ceylon on the 6th instant, at which there were present Messrs. E. B. Alexander (in the chair), T. L. Villiers, H. L. de Mel,
    1,116 words

  • 1479 1180  -  THE TWBN (.By j. O. P- Blasdj On July 14, 1920, the third term oi the Alliance will begin its tenth year, and it will then be open to either of. the contracting parties to gnt months’ notice of their desire to ate the agreement. This means
    1,479 words

  • 999 1181 ■r’rf’pi'>’ i in b bMpeciWly 00 c fc F j he vocabulary of Sfr«e’± „tue Mi a b i> dottk nl-iV tho *r..k. ahortitioa to P‘J a» (be comp«b« D,iC w r*' d “> d a eXer i ita t»« e, y P a,tlag «•’"'"«‘‘i
    999 words
  • 579 1181 A Cdnmbo ttl-.gram of 5 h July says d 1 kv, Culwnial Civil S-rvice, rolice Magistrate of Megomho, was drown* ed yesterday morning while bathing. ar at tw3 d red’iag propositions in Petaimg swamp are likely to be put through shortly. It is thought that thera future for dredging
    579 words
  • 47 1181 The F‘»od Controller baa fix d maximum prices as follow far the sale of Cirgj or ike i ties in the Colony: In Hiugipore ill 20 per bag; in Penang 510.98 p*r bag. For the purpois of ibis notice a b*g meaui a bag
    47 words

  • 882 1182 Comparisons art You can hire a motor car for 83 an hour or 11 for twenty minutes m Shanghai. How does that compare with local chargee r The Heavenly Twins. The Poles Mem to be getting all the trouble they anked for, and the peace that followed the
    882 words
  • 126 1182 111 O; 1 [Rkuteb’s Telegrams.] British Heavyweight Championship. Londcn, July 16. At the Albert Hall in the Heavyweight Championship of ths British Empire of twenty rounds Joe Beckett beat Tommy Bu ns of Canad’, ex-H avyweight Champion of the World. Burts, who is aged thirty-nin-, put up a good
    ■ 111 ; O;1 ' [Rkuteb’s Telegrams.]  -  126 words
  • 36 1182 Land Vawi Duties London, Jaly l The House of Commons confirmed by 194 votes to 60 the clause of tho Firance Bill providing for the repeal of Land Duties an ceso-tion of valuation.
    36 words
  • 38 1182 Last Yxab’b Earnings. New York, July 19. Ihe gross earnings of the loiernational Mercantile Marine last year were $67,500,000 compared with 534.500.000 in 1918. The jrofits w*»re $17,750,000 comr.arfd with $13,000,000 and a surplus of £39,250,000.
    38 words
  • 18 1182 Los Angeles, July 17. Thrai w?ire eartbqiake ahocki war felt here The paopls were panic
    18 words
  • 69 1182 Bonn Aonrr', T HUIII (Reuter's Telegram.) Th. AtMiicu ‘«ft* «.nt of Bolshevist agitator I? tbad England the wntrsrt wtoTV* bankers to transfer 110 am Canada for the parchaiTA^ l will be cancelled. fr.m U N« V r t MDtly hU, HA N Y rk Q ln in
    (Reuter's Telegram.)  -  69 words
  • 130 1182 Thud Paitt Cafdiw». Chicago, Jalfil At the Convention the Nsw Third hn which adopted rhe title of Farmin Ufa Party, nominated the Salt Laks City km, Mr. Christensen, as its Presidential CaU date. The nominees included tbsaas magnate Mr. Ford and ths Booialist Dsd Qovunob Cox’s Assuuici Washington,
    130 words
  • 49 1182 Peiiidbnt’b Hialth Impiovdw. Paris, July Uteit report, that Present Derehiiuli Wth ihowing improvement. It u 1» > Preeident intende to return to W Monday next. Withdrawal op Pbommco li. 1 i. The French authoritiej ffjg to withdraw the decree of prohibited the importation into F large number of articles.*
    49 words
  • 24 1182 Cwix>onGluh< Bow* Londcn, July Meure. anil inetitute n regoUr goode aeroplnne 10 tepWl it Bi The time mH ten by rail.
    24 words
  • 12 1182 ExfobTw’?' 0 1 n J "KT £jl I a ok
    12 words

  • 449 1183 IB Sj ?j: Tuxokams Ppe, July b PM TVAni« J* ,’tJaioß, hu be* lunmaoeii to return 10 HttWAI Ejtbiat m. Bpa, July 15. J m m Sitcom t«« «mt pereooal In, w Mr. Lloyi <W» ,tk,D L, hip bj illo’ipg G« man y >“ wi tbs difference between
    ?j:® « Tuxokams ]  -  449 words
  • 59 1183 King’s Prize London, July 17. Sergeant F. H. Morgan, of Sou h Africa, won tbe Kin/a Prin with a score of 281. N. R. A. Badgx Wiwmib. London, July 19. Lieut. F. D. Evans, of tbe Federated Malay States, won the N. R. A. Badge and a Two
    59 words
  • 112 1183 FURTHER AMERICAN SUCCESSES. Engmbhmxn’b Gbiat Efpobt. London, July 16. In tbe Davis Cup Singhs at Wimbledon Johnston A meric*) beat Parke (England) by 6-5, 6-4. 2-6. 3-6, 6-2; Tilden (Ameroa) beat Ki-mcote (England) by 5-6, 6 -1, 6-3, 6-1. London, July 17. At Wimbledon in the D*vis
    112 words
  • 176 1183 PBMBHTATIOir OF ADDBESB. There was a l*rge gathering of the Moslems of Penang and Province Wellesley at the Town Hall, yesterday afternoon, in response to the invitation of the Mohammedan Advisory Board, (acting on behalf of the Moslems of Penang and Province Wellesley, the occasion being
    176 words
  • 501 1183 FIRST and SECOND CONTESTS, Sr R T. Lipton Interviewed. [Bbcibb’, Tsleokaiu.} Great In*».* London, July 15. for .KS c" 0S t x fif r t “y e “o be C eL l. a^ hMk oe completed m six hanr« oomeal wa regarded ae moat open. Tb« IV.
    [Bbcibb’, Tsleokaiu.}  -  501 words

  • 249 1184 THB ALLIES’ DECISION Timi Limit Fixkd. [Rama’s Txixgbams.J London, July 17. The Allied reply to the Turkish Note with reference to the Turkish Ireaty declines to modify the clauses relating to Thrace, Smyrna, the Syrian Frontier or Armenia. Regarding the regime of the Strain the reply says
    [Rama’s Txixgbams.J  -  249 words
  • 148 1184 Gbbmak Rxpabation. Berlin, July 6. With regard to reparation for hauling down the French flag mentioned on July 15 today the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, called at the Embassy and expressed regrets. Subsequently a company of the Reichswehr inarched past the Embassy and as the flag
    148 words
  • 43 1184 Ambbioa.’» Rxpbmb.ntaiivk£. Boston, July Over a hundred leading athletes, mostly college stars, were finally chosen to represent the United States in the Olympic Games at Antwerp, including Meredith, the winner of the 800 metre contest run in Stockholm in 1912.
    43 words
  • 31 1184 Booth bh Toub. London, July 16. Xbeir Majesties tl e King and Queen have emnpleted their tour of Bcotl-nd wh-re thev w Cuth, returning givto a Very
    31 words
  • 1970 1184 6ANDYCR9FT ESiATE IRAGEDY. ACCCBED StNTENCkD TO DfATH i Mr. Justice A V. B-own presided at the Asuiz 8 yesterday in toe Fir»’ D visional Court. There are altogether ten on the calender. lhe Acting Soliciior-Geuer»! at the cutset applied (and his request was granted) that the murder cases
    1,970 words

  • 398 1185 f 7o iht Editor of ths Straits Echo Sir, I in common with the general public in F. M 8 quite with you that the present posi ion of affairs as regards rice control by Government is deplorable and that unless the Government sees its way to
    398 words
  • 595 1185 In an artic i e in the Timeg on the substantial decline in the xumk j it wnfl tlOnS f lh 2 Chlef uonle rrouB metals Drict n/ Crtea thBt the fall has bought pr*ces of copper, tin, lead, and spelter rnr^m' 6 at whlch
    595 words

  • 1475 1186 PROGRESS DURING CENTENARY YEAR. Th® following ixtraols ar® mad® from the report on th® Strait. Settlementsi for_the y®ar 1919, prepared by the Hon. Mr. F, 8. James, C.M.G. Th® year wm memorable. Lt int Anniversary of the founding of by Sir Stamford Raffles, end in February Seat
    1,475 words
  • 163 1186 EASTERN AND WESTERN COMPETITION. H. A Wateon and fM»* known mineral brokers of L ,T a recent report, atate: Reg“’d“i( war England dividad th. .mel.w, while of the Bolivian P r^ uc c many, England smelting thegr «FJj America, which «“ntrrba tin before, has now a* on a
    163 words
  • 4 1186 a* B;
    4 words

  • Page 1187 Advertisements
    • 672 1187 9\ww Formula P 5 f^e fashion among certain sections of the r '*lfr PSI community to sneer at Proprietary Medicines, «L j Vt/ but in many cases there is considerable self-interest —v kA/V-w behind the sneer. In spite of this attempt to discredit j 1 all Proprietary Medicines, thousands of
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    • 215 1188 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., $7 J V-u= 59. BEACH STREET, PENANG. X° 'fi g ESTABLISHED 1883. X 2§ K PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. S Proprietors of the STRAITS ECHO and PENANG SIN POE." r$ dFD M) The most enterprising and up to date Printers and Litho» graphers in the Orient. Our plant is
      215 words

  • 2445 1189 1 jSg Capital. Up I Buyers Sdh«. «♦mark I I I f > > RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. S cte. s eta i«?k i rAa’antl J I o T* pt Alor Rubbar Estate, Ltd. 3.50 379 .«12 I, 'A<i’ono une Amalgamated Malay Estate», Ltd. 4.4) 46» lloM xS’aOO 11'1 A De^
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