The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 14 July 1920

Total Pages: 43
1 1148 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 20 1 The Straits Echo. MAIL EDITION. l|H PER AVMW Mingle Copy «a els. WL.IS. PENANG, WEDNESDAY. JULY. 14TH 1920 'NO. 2ft
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 266 1 CONTENTS. Leader: Mtscbllameous (Continuity I Piper 1,103 Civil Service Pensions 1,130 Ally and Rival 1,114 Two Bills 1,132 I An Educational System,.. 1,120 Shantung Question 1,132 I At Spa 1,125 Bolsheviks’ Foreign Policy 1,132 It Spa 1,134 China and Japan 1,132 Rice and Tribute 1,140 Anglo-Japanese Alliance 1,133 The Price
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 189 2 CT-Xrt t~ A'N-v o UA c 'XhC vhsXj# *V \Asg\ sg ?K >; THE S “STRAITS ECHO” I B MAIL EDITION. f Published the day prior to the departure of each mail Few Europe, £c,Y and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the y TjC daily
      189 words

  • 1365 1108 JWi’. Rubier u *7 ‘1 U» M. 1.. > P'aeti. S* “ft. M, wb TP‘>OMand tain 2’ M»il pants S t, I| ta, Which Mod to L?a PP B£i LJtardir 0 1» now E? wt ,d J etti 'er. conMU". t J ould ‘hat Sw OUr eXtenJ 18 ever
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  • Page 1108 Advertisements
    • 118 1108 (It Straits echo. PUBLISHED DAILY. lt ift S»aday» aid P" blie Holiday».) AT THI CRITERION press, ltd., M, Beiob street, Petaig. ggUsofSubseription. LIABLE IN ADVANCE. daily edition, Lonall S.S.and Foreign Delivery. /.Mo. Mi 13.00 $3.50 $4.00 9.00 10.50 12.00 Siif-jttfly 18.00 21.00 24.00 ImHj 86.00 42.00 48.00 VHKLY KDITION. Bi<
      118 words

  • 588 1109 the High Commissioner has been pleased* to accept the resignation of Temporary See. Lieut. W. H. Hanson, M. V. 1., with effect from May 9. Mr. W. J, Trowel), M. I. N. A M- I, Meeh. E., Survey er-General of Ships, B. b and Chief Inspector of Machinery, K
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  • 1039 1109 Franc and Mark. A notable feu ure of the June number of the Round Table is the presentation of the case against and the case on behalf of revision of the Peace Trea'y by a French and by a German c rreepondent. Both articles, of coms?, must be
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  • 332 1110 W“ er 2 ?K ?u In the second ballot >ff3orp J 1289; Mr. Palmer, -64, The others were Gcnnor vox gaa Francisco, July 3. r« the wnounc«meDt of the 1 staventwn «Jpumed 9.20 Qan Francisco, July 3. tw Ait’ ballot resulted as ji ldta, 3231 Mr. Palmer, 2521;
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  • 119 1110 Unemployment Suggestions Adopted. Genoa, July 2. The plenary si 11in g of the Seamen’s Congress approved of the unemployment convention drafted by Sir Montagu Barlow, reporter of the Unemployment Committee, abolishing private employment agencies and suggesting to substitute free State agencies for seamen to have a free choice
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  • 45 1110 Several Casualties. Scranton, (Penn), July 3. Owing to a telegraph pole being struck by lightning and falling on the track near South Pittston, three tramcars collided, piling up in a heap. It is reported that eighteen were killed and a hundred injured.
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  • 136 1110 A Startling Incident. London, July 4. A cable from Simla stales that on the arrival of the last mail from England the Connaught Rangers g<st much excited over the accounts which reached them of recent events in Ireland. One-fourth cf the battalion remained entirely loyal to
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  • 83 1110 Greeks and Italians Clash. r London, July 3. Ate rimes’ correspondent at Smyrna 8a y* taat a collie ion occurred between. Itaii&u and Greek troops Aidin, the railway boundary between the Greek and Italian zones. x be Greek allege that the Italians were Unable to prevent a Turkish
    83 words
  • 266 1110 memorial to the allies. Fobeign Loan Requested. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] a Berlin, July 4. A memorial signed by twenty-two prominent German economists which was presented to the Peace Conference on July 1 in view of the Hpa Conrerenco, says that the German offer of May, 1919, to pay
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  • 111 1110 Berlin, July 2. Lord D’Abernon, the British ambassador in Berlin, presenting his credentials said that the world crisis could only ba met by general co-operation. He added that the essential foundation for us is a firm maintenance of the present alliances and strict execution of the Peace
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  • 94 1110 A French Suggestion. Paris, July 3. The Temps in an article emphasises the necessity of the Allies settling their debts among themselves since the present uncertainly threatens not only exchange but the relations of the different governments. I The Temps admits that Gnat Britain, which kst so many
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  • 187 1111 NEGOTIATIONS with the WHITEi? A Rbmabkable Document. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 3. The Daily News publishes a remarkable document alleged to have eel covered by member! of the Soviet at Archangel, a copy of which was found among Admiral Koltchaks paper». The document which was handed
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  187 words
  • 101 1111 RED ADVANCE TO ROVNO. Diplomatic Intervention Foreshadowed. London, July 3. Ominous reports are reaching Brussels regarding the situation of the Polish armies which are apparently hard pressed by the Bolsheviks who report a further advance of the Reds to Rovna, an important railway centre on the Galician
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  • 110 1111 THE VICEKOY HOOTED. Sinn Feinerb Killed. London, July 5. Viscount French, on lauding at Queens, town from a destroyer, met with a hostile reception from the crowd which followed and hooted him in spite of the military guard. Two Sinn Feinera were killed in an attack on the
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  • 6 1111 <1 L be»t Marylehoat.
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  • 385 1111 THE BRUSSELS CONFERENCE. Germany’s Disarmament, [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Brussels, July 2. The Conference came to the conclusion that it ia necessary to secure tha disarmament cf Germany at any price and Marshal Foch and Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson have been directed to consider practical means cf imposing upon
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  385 words
  • 26 1111 Spa, July 4. The Allied mission! have arrived and were given an ovation, Ou the contrary, the Germans were received with chilling silence.
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  • 38 1111 A significant Arrest. Cairo, July 4. Abdul Rahman, Secretary of the Local Committee of the Egyptian Delegation in London, lus been arrested. Considerable importance is atfsuhtd to the arrest and important dtvdnpmwt» art expected.
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  • 215 1111 Tilden's LBkutkb’i At Wimbledon th. I hl P Final Ti i don I son (Aurtralia) tbs holder tf t toci2* I .bip by 2-6, 8-3,6^, "J’S* I TilW. victor, I Patterson was tbs most mi D f Dl tV VW BeeU itt th I out the pace was
    LBkutkb’i  -  215 words
  • 65 1111 No Hora of Slump. London. Joly 4 In the Weekly Despatch Bir Cbirii Macara expresses the opinion that the wwn position of the cotton inda,tr J, no hope of a slump or even marked lowering of prices. The J thing that will cause a ««W dtd in
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  • 26 1111 uermany «u» Wj The Minister of D efa to the Allies for the uauUi the tw during the Allied vow inspection eupervumg disar
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  • 10 1111 Cxlbbbatio» 1» On the occasien of few» present.
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  • 47 1111 Hem y DU«”* 'fan Gbamd aW> L** ffJL wu heM Henle, regatta weather. n .1. of the O ’!?V1 h* In the fie» l Os*» cup m^“: 0 “V Leander by twu 1 min. 24 seo. I QtheD rThrM D. Qollan b, 8 minutes 61
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  • 408 1112 Malaya Tribune, v oerM J ll r. 11 'Leif Uuq te «otoVd »1 no‘'o ideal to aim at is punty Hves morally »8 hert bin an immunity indeed by artificial nr an*. 33 a** lt have a v-g -rous owu itee w>H, im by conviction
    – Malaya Tribune,  -  408 words
  • 460 1112 We have ;eason to believe that the Commission of Profiteering have recommended that the Increase of Kent (War) Restriction Ordinance 1917 be amended so as to allow (1) an immediate increase of 20 per cent in rent more than the rent as it stood on the 31st
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  • 116 1112 Rh A ‘'l a 30 0li| j. Bukit Toh Alang 25,693, 41a“n h o Klehau g 12.839, Kota B.h>oo 2S ion o!’ gei Dari Chemor Uniied T.’wrh’ oo a l!b3 Malay 26,769, Ayer k’L» 2 7B2 F “»gM Klah 39,361, 3(II,. T ,og < iQ K-'lah) 24,297,
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  • 722 1112 —Malay Mail. 8^ een I 1 81 or P reient members of the Malay States Volunteer Rifles (half of them ex-Army officers) put in an appearance at Vurps Headquarters yesterday on the occaB]l 8 l0 -n °r l^e Ibe voluntary weekly drills for A Co. which, in response
    .—Malay Mail.  -  722 words

  • 1100 1113 THE QUESTION OF GUNONG TAHAN. Comment has been made in several quarter* recently, on the he, ■mall expedition baa been deapa cied to Gunong Tehan to gather accurate and extended information with regard to its suitability as a health resort or bill for Malaya. The comment hue, wa
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  • 195 1113 Instead of bavin, tebmu I the price of tin has «Ur r I waling down during ft* hfe I a mail paper, and „12 I have also suffered. rt,? /'“‘‘Oat, I Here, and there, I support has been accord ft I values a little among £L"* I and
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  • 215 1113 Lying in the ditch on the left-hand side I of Orchard Road, by Mount Elizabeth, s a motor car in which, it is stated, wat two ladies, one of whom was driving i The mishap occurred late on Friday night; some say early on Saturday morning. But
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  • 31 1113 Meesr** A. A- n with following g a a rd»r 11 H M.rnng jjf SOIAsm Knwbang f(55 0.75 -Menglembu L io S, Taipin? jjaO General. 12.25 L-'J kJS LSivan
    31 words

  • 947 1114 l Government Ji i»i fheQ u A c Ljipanew Alliance competition with in tbe East is restricted and, above all, that »honeßl lJ maintamed in IS. j«r ple(lg d Hou>« °tb« hh T™ import» from J»P“1914 £2,098.000, end tbe figures of India s ta I ft»" hich
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  • 559 1114 Sunday Times regards ths story of Mr. Montagu as ths next Viceroy of India as fiction. An engagement is announced between Lieut. A. Shelton Agar, son of John SheL tion Agar of Ceylon, and the Baroness r urmvall, who is a peeress in her own right. His Excellency the
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  • 1317 1115 The Down-Trodden. A Penang ecboolmaeter writes to point out that “the average wages oil oonta Wales miner is now 33s_ a day, with variations to as much as 575., while his output is 20 per cent, below the pre-war standard. A further conference is expected shortly to discuss
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  • 170 1115 VI EWBOFE^ QaEY “Thwk iMmunwm,. [Reuteb’B Teu GBalis Speaking at the the British I D titato 7 [SU Affairs, formed f or the policies, Earl Grey nid ttai'thS* ment should give it tn k i myself have been a party to makine secret treatie, bat it I would
    [Reuteb’B TeuGBalis –  -  170 words
  • 196 1115 Lord Invebfobth’s Ripobt. London, July 6, Lord Inverforth’s report on bi dealings in raw materials the world over on behalf of the Governtoto. has been issued. It shows that w total expenditure up to March JI 1919, was £277,000,000. The tod sales amounted to 22^® 09,999 01
    196 words

  • 334 1116 GERMAN (Reuter's Telegram.) Jaly 5 w states that the Spa U^ e lefen this morning at under the repre««n< ed S» of the j* B ia 1 were M. M'llerand (i‘«w> d *S. J‘P*r A r“ /han) Germany was re:2?'ir Se r Febrenbacb, the ”*t Vfl Bi
    (Reuter's Telegram.)  -  334 words
  • 155 1116 A Farsighted Policy. London, July 5. The British Empire Timber Exhibition was opened in London this afternoon by Prince Arthur of Connaught. There was a most representative collection of timbers. The Prince in his speech referred briefly to his impending departure for South Africa where he would
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  • 311 1116 A Silly Suggestion. London, July 5. In the House of Commons, replying to a question, Mr. Bonar Law stated that the suggestion to establish an Allied Court in Holland to trv the ex-Kaiser was impracticable. 0: In the Commons, replying to Commander Kenworthy, Mr. Bonar Law intimated that
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  • 178 1116 NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE WHITES Inaccurate Report. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] T London, July 5. 1 t i House of Commons, replying to Lt.-Col, Lestrange Malone (Leyton .Captain Wedgwood Benn (Ueith L.) with regard to tbe report of the conversation between Mr. W. Churchill and the Russian anti-Bol-ehevist General Golovin
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  178 words
  • 151 1116 Questions in the Commons. Lindon, July 5. In the House of Commons, replying to Lt. Col. Lestrange Malone (Leyton Co L) Mr. Bonar Law eai I that tho British naval and military support to the Greeks against the Turks would be confined to what was necessary to
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  • 125 1116 London July 5. In the House of Commons replying to Captain Wedgwood Benn (Leith L.) and Mr. L. D. Kdey (Whitchapel St. Georges, L.) who complained ef the re-inden'UM of Chinese labourers in Samoa before the issue of a mandate, Col. Amery (Under-Secretary of State for
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  • 19 1116 London, July 5. In the Hous a of Commons during the Budget discuasiou a Labour motion
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  • 383 1117 Local Chinese merchants, especially those dealing in piece-goods, find themselves suffering severely from the slump in exchange, and they have appealed to the foreign import houses with which they have forward contracts to help them out (says the China Press of Shanghai). They have been gambling in
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  • 213 1117 (To the Editor of the Straits Echo.) Sir, I have seen Chinese notices baing distributed informing the public that a meeting is to be hold at the Chinese Town Hall to-day to consider the Rice Question. As far as I can remember, whenever there is a meeting
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  • 252 1117 Dealing with the recommendations of the Commission on Profiteering that the Rent (War Restriction) Ordinance, 1917, be amended so as to allow an immediate increase of 20 per cent, on t v e rents paid on December 31, 1915 and further similar increases af er one and
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  • 301 1117 (To the Editor of the Bangkok Daily Mail.) Dear Sir,-I shall be thankful if you will publish in your valuable paper the following few lines A certain European who was medical officer of Bhukut Island some ten years ago opined that Bhuket must lose its importance,
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  • 252 1117 int.rS g, w I fenced off. Black m I th. Bl dd U I the course and coveJ Auberic (Brown) and tJL’ 11 ft ’S I covered the I seconds better time i 1 I Watch. courw at a gwJ I the straight st a brbk acTwJ’ I K-,si
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  • 163 1117 [To th» Editor of Th» Strait» J Your correspondent, the Planter, < j* on mating bone about a matter is no bon. as to require the Planter to that 10 chees make one tahil. be bent on m»kiog a foes. chandu and can afiord lb jc Fol
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  • 1460 1118 jte. tbe tVi r ‘-•lrix AcUDg ilr E T XftS.F. Noil. 0.8.E. y, R, J. Addie. y r W. Lowther hemp. g r M. h I’P^ 1 J. Lornie. Mj p T. Allen, jy Ldn Boon Keng, O.b.e. y. E, E. Smith. Ir W. H. Thorne. absent ’’-.•Aelrxjps
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  • 1187 1119 A CHINESE VIEW. Though no definite pronouncement has yet Ln made on the subject rt seems to be very generally taken lor granted that the Anglo-Japanese Alliance will be allowed to lie m abeyance lor a j eai, the course of which the whole scope o the
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  • 359 1119 MONTAGU HEckub. Wait For The lkb»te London, in the Commons, «plying bmpertGwynne Mr. ne received daily telegrams from the eminent of India from the the disturbances in the middle of May embodying ther W the Punjab Government. All telegnci except two unimportant ones, were wz municated to the
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  • 1001 1120 nl, t Te« “Chief Iwpetoor f ■*ta ta n 0 referred to tbi» i‘* „T«'-tal <»'P fto,ba to*“* J.J U off e ,ed tO J.” 6 a V* «ffiwrt of the Education Da- <*-"*£ ta. ‘to toile 1 6 J £i tad toP 1 1 hr bck
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  • 526 1120 M, 1 Y‘ aQ officer of Class II i« t 0 Ct a 8 British R««ident, Negri mbilan, with effect from June 29, 1920. s The name of Frank Younger Blair appears amoog a list of appointment. M au Ofhcer of the British, Empire for servio,. “n connection with
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  • 1214 1121 g o Echo was agitating for the abjhtio local bookmaker, we wrote: As regards the probable effect of the disappearance of the bookmakers from the local Turf on racing out here, we no n believe that it will occasion any permanent falling-ofi in the quality o. racing or
    1,214 words
  • 86 1121 TH E SPA CONFERENCE. Statement l ß ßna'B Interviewed by th, I ern’T”**?" empbttwd that the M permitted i 0 *»< «I merit, of th. Peace Treaty I allowed in any aenn to treat it of paper, but they would te th, method of A PoBTPONMBn, UodaJiif A message from
    lßßna'B  -  86 words
  • 72 1121 ITALY’B ATTITUDE. I Fab-Reachimg Dduidi, I Brussels, Jaly 5. I The newspaper Le Soir learns tint luh in return for the acceptance d i ten per cent, share of the Geras indemnity demanded the oecupaticc 1 the district of Heraclea, priority regards Hungarian and Bulgarin demnities, and
    72 words
  • 104 1121 The Loot of Othib DatbLondon, July In th. House of Com". Mr. G. B ewart l* Cecil Harmsworih, Perlie®»^ U/ Secretary for ’th, tew g lio b ß he bad no iDfur “7° t lt tion bad been CB !f- b G o v«Bmeol to see how
    104 words
  • 26 1121 yovcik»— ...HaT»'’ Fiaß o, iMVBOVBMn” »> 18 There wa" cheque on Lon d The rate OP«\ 6 77 on cloaiog d French Go«’“ maiket.
    yovcik»— ...HaT»'’  -  26 words

  • 198 1122 u «uss“ ,Kt ..Twouw.l B, n Fr«nci«co, Julys. Messrs* «wi Divis 54 and at N* 17 \A n Liiot’ Governor Cox got 361. Pal[net 169, lll D‘’ l M 6jnF llci3C!ll July 5. n. Itllota ealf l ““‘l* fig T’ h"'l66 an/ Mr. Dwi» 63. 1 Hd» K»k
    ..Twouw.l  -  198 words
  • 33 1122 I3o p R h ng l On July 6 rillB h Ambassador <u *s.S^ Wfof tb9 p *ot’z do Mour ‘he L P ?f' d the “‘“S liberty taca atd
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  • 38 1122 *ar. U 4 «n, Jul, 6 »>’. i# «^4'u fa <!um gives and Look tl °nal M ih ts* 1 Ilc g aery 000 c“^ i r h and £.<ti’ oue 4?* U Pointes! r. 00 and 'tv
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  • 117 1122 VISIT OF THE KING. Extension of Buildings, [Reuteb’s Telegrams.] London, July 6. His Majesty King George laid the foundation stone for the extension of the university buildings at Edinburgh after which the degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred on Her Majesty the Queen. The King in his
    [Reuteb’s Telegrams.]  -  117 words
  • 103 1122 Accident to the Royal Teain. London, July 5. A message from Bridgetown, Western Australia, says that an accident occurred to the train in which H.R.H. the Prince of Wales was travelling. Whilst rounding the curve two Royal saloons were thrown ofi the line. Nobody was hurt.
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  • 314 1122 Result of Decontrol. London, July 6. Home-killed meat was decontrolled yesterday for the first time since 1917. The prices immediately advanced from forty to a hundred per cant. The buyers of Liverpool boycotted the supplies. 0 Thia from the Free Press amplifies our cable from Singapore Those of
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  • 137 1122 nationalist depeat. Stirring Up The Peasants. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] T > T Londoa, July 6. The Times states that the Turkish eea by the Greeks at Balikesri was more complete than at first reported. There is little expectation that the lurk’sh forces cut off in the Troad will
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  137 words
  • 41 1122 Big Increase Threatened. II I London, July 6. France’s proposals for international postage to be made at the Madrid International Conference on October Ist are doubling the present rates with liberty to surcharge according to the state of exchange.
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  • 38 1122 London, July 6. In the House of Commons during the Budget debate, Mr. Austen Chamberlain announced that he propoied to reduce the fifty per cent, ad valorem duty on sparking wines to 331 per cent. :o:
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  • 179 1122 The Penang (1920) Bisley will begin on Saturday, the 17ch instant, and programmes may be obtained upon application from Mr. G. E. Wright-Motion of Messrs. Behr A Co., Hon. Secretary, Bisley, at any time during office hours. Details regarding the distribution of prizes will be published later. Entries
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  • 575 1123 governments view of i. mandate. Sib Percy Coxa Task. London, June 23. In the course of the debate in the Commons! regarding Mesopotamia, Mr. Lloyd George said that, having decided to take the mandate for Mesopotamia, we had to hold the country till Government had been established. The moment
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  • 1070 1123  -  THE COMMISSION’S REPORT. (By Lord Sydenham 1 ho public is expected tj form a judgment on the ac.iou takm by individuals nearly fourteen months ago in circumstances which no one who has not lived in India cm fully understand. Meanwhile, the most determined efforts have been made in India,
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  • 427 1124 JMA"*’, i jKfhiiloc* fGßiri, C OT JD <!»!e Powell yLLindon j GMiiofr CDDHrgin jJAßTerrell ffßoger JBBennett AJLDooildwn HPmiwd D) Championship PairsR1 B«»h« AK A B Terrell jGlWiriG Milner 1 ACVkaod FW Harris l EHFfordeiodCOTvDdale Powell f H Wil rd EE Chambers aye h Bnwtt ind J Stuart
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  • 463 1124 Following are the Objects and Reasons which Mr. R. D. Acton, as Acting Attor-ney-General, attaches to the Daylight Saving Bill 1. The Bill provides for advancing the clo kin the Colony by half an Lour making it 7A hours in advance of Greenwich mean time, 2. Without curtailing
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  • 606 1124 The Germuna were not good coloniaen T were eelfilb. The rights of the d om T oiled or indigenous communities meant little or nothing to them. They made loud profusion», taiaed of the blessings of civilixation they brought. Hero and there, and
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  • 656 1125 Imdian Government’s Attitude. Simla, Juoe 20. The following letter from the Deputy Secretary to the Government of India Commerce Department to toe Secretary to the Government of Bengal Commerce, has been published: lam directed to acknowledge tho receipt of your letter No. 70 C »m. dated the
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  • 628 1125 [To the Editor of The Straits Echo Sir, I notice chut you put a footnote to my letter of yesterday stating that tho meeting bus been postp: ned. On enquiry from one of the C remittee ho replied that be was unable to give any sstEf. c
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  • 424 1125 SUFFER LITTLE CH ILDREN. -['-X'S 7 Si ’wi «t«el llar ™«>ng letter a pp :i*« llt l ’l><-i’sed m the artKTJ* of terribly enraeiated a W from eighth to fourteen rears, due to iftfeT* ’turvation. The too realist,e and neither the pl»*? ot the v,et,ms Of the Indian faZ* those
    424 words

  • 1043 1126 Jmi s *ppreciat>on in j* ri f C du» ‘o ,be e s «ihi»’ f»von™ ble n>»«*L Th! 8 f«Tou'» ble 'Lk recognition bf M. “t? J Mello» deleg.'.»» b 5" 1 tii to 8«t «ny thl the »«y o f i" deß ‘”"s' <sn< 2J that country
    1,043 words
  • 538 1126 From Thursday’s Straits Times: to-day S’ anas Beh is leaving for Europe Mrs. W. Woelz has had to cancel her voyage to Marseilles by tho Porthos owing to the illness of her baby son. Our correspondent in the Southern Settlement wires that it is understood’ that Mr. Justice P.
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  • 323 1127 A RAILWAY ACCIDENT. Detailed Account. [Bbuter’s Telegbamb.] London, July 6, A message from Bridgetown es }s that the details of the accident to the I nnce of Wales’s train show that it occurred at a sharp curve in the line where the track was softened by
    [Bbuter’s Telegbamb.]  -  323 words
  • 501 1127 Speech in Sydney. Sydney, June 17. The Prince of Wales, speaking at a banquet in Sydney on Wednesday, ■aid:-*'You are determined that this nation ehall be pure of race." The Sun in a leading article, quotes the statement as a very notable approval from the very highest
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  • 106 1127 Hours of Labour. Genoa, July 6. At the International Seamen’s Conference Captain Divines, Indian Government Delegate, proposed an amendment to the draft convention relating to the hours of labour, replacing the word lascars by “Indian seamen” in view of the uncertain y of the legal meaning of
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  • 55 1127 London, July 7. In the course of his speech at Edinburgh University yesterday King George referred to the fact that the Dominions had sent many of their best and dearest sens to Edinburgh. His Majesty expressed his graieful acknowledgment or the splendid reception accorded by their kindred overseas
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  • 37 1127 Sensational Contest. Lt Boulie, July 7. ibe French Open Golf Championship was won by the American Hat»en (150) who beat the Frenchman Lafitte (154) in the replay ■kW eighteen hoke after tying with 298
    37 words
  • 157 1127 IMPORTANT LKkctib', T«« Wi H 01 tttll Island Agreement Bill jL I moved an amendment making I jubject to the provisions of AnJSI BirTTp j?’ Ree Mked if it wu I contended that when the mud?! I granted to a great administration of territory itm«L*|
    LKkctib', T««Wi  -  157 words
  • 134 1127 QUESTION IN THE COMMOBi I Army Council’s Dwnioi. I London, JslyL I In the Hoose of Common», JwPj to Sir W. Joynson-Hicki (T<«® Co. U) with regard to General commander of the broope <wns| I Amritsar riots, Mr. W. I ed that the Army Counci 1 eidering
    134 words
  • 32 1127 nor °L tbe of*J»U Coccil > b Lcgi» l 6 C bttn Council f 4 node* British Af be gal»» Keuie Colony. re*’ Psoiecwr.» TW being lb»* 1 uncha
    32 words

  • 142 1128 1»F r*~ Tlv 7 London, July <• m all P* r(B of M th. M meeti j,bP'" fidtry C.ntereoc* a Lori L al l tabT «ppn»» 11 90 P £g i» P Befi,re ««•"SX mi of timber pro«■W the UDitf<l reortsenting tonnage spaca B /wauirtd far ttie
    142 words
  • 98 1128 London, July 7. A trawled meeting of English, Scottish ud Weiah Members of the House of iaaou discussed federal devolution. Mi Walter Long, presiding, referred to th of the present House of Caamio keep abreast of the growing vdauwof work. He believed the system standing eommitets was detrimental
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  • 116 1128 “Nation of Palestine. 0 «UI««I0 5 OP lie Zionist Cnnf July 7. Ut’Xm -fta P«e o TV. re 250 JM» ud (k. h e 'Pulsation a ««ntioa. Tk. P p k prganiaation iaßk Mr. T h,J, bM decUr «d woS‘te‘ mo »g aS b»'l ben Mul,ons '■>
    116 words
  • 919 1128 GERMANS PRESENT. The Disarmament Clauses. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 6. A Spa communique says that the Conference was fully attended, those present including the Allied military and naval advisers. The German Minister of Defence reported with regard to the execution of the military clauses of the '1
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  919 words
  • 67 1128 A WHITE SUCCESS. Bolshevik Corps Encircled. London, July 6. The War Office announces that General Wrangel’s cavalry encircled a Bolshevik Cavalry Corps, consisting of eighteen regiments, which came under the concentrated fire of armoured trains, troops and aeroplanes. Only a hundred and fifty escaped. The battlefield was
    67 words

  • 121 1129 COURT OF INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE. Obstacles Overcome. [Beuteb’b Teuweims.l London, July 7. The obstacle which baa up to the present prevented the creation of an International Court of Justice has been overcome. The Jurists of the Advisory Committee of the League o Nations sitting at The Hague adopted
    [Beuteb’b Teuweims.l  -  121 words
  • 134 1129 Executivi’b Recommendations. London, July 6 The annual conference of the Miners Federation was opened at Leamington. The Executive recommended that the conference demand the reduction of the price of domestic coal by fourteen shillings and twopence, the amount f which was recently added to the price and also
    134 words
  • 132 1129 Bolshevik Concentration. London, July 7. A message from Warsaw gays that the Poles began their counter-attacks in Volhynia. Bolshevist attempts to force the Beresina and the offensives south of Pollock and in Podolia were defeated with severe losses. These local operations tend to develop into a great
    132 words
  • 56 1129 z Tk* t London, July 6, e Limbsth Conference Las opened. by 276 818h °P’ a» Sats n WOrl An official report tfavean.rLi 16 °f Canterbury and int r M u t,ie eu ''j- et °f Christianity N.ti« T“““ relat oo8 the «< Nauon. (w „g especially dieeuwed.
    56 words
  • 180 1129 THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE, Elected By Acclamation. [Reuteb’s Teleghams.l San Francisco, July 6. Governor Cox was elected by acclamation on the forty-fourth ballot. The withdrawal of Mr. Palmer after the thirty-eighth ballot thus releasing his votes, marked the turning point of the Conference, Governor Cox immediately forging ahead until
    [Reuteb’s Teleghams.l  -  180 words
  • 764 1129 Many Discontents, Chicago, June 12. Although the Republican papers praise the platform of the Republican convention as constructive, there are many discontented. The Labour leaders condemn the labour plank as an affront to the working people and they have dicided to condemn the Republican party and appeal
    764 words

  • 83 1130 London, July L &*/<&' wr ,;g d •jfe to Mr. Frederick Hall S Lib), Mr. Bonar Law te h»d read some reports I hi lb* Labour Deputation which ,sm<l ta B»»'» Lb Rferwce wm made to the lymtr Soviet meihode, but the conof the members of the
    83 words
  • 80 1130 London, July 7. I Kite House of Lords, Lord Middleton I aWiMion to the great increase in the Imi mal revenue and moved a I Minin that it was incumbent on the I znnffieut to reduce the present undue law cn the ution'i resources and to •tfoiot
    80 words
  • 75 1130 Deduction Adopted. latUR /A July 6 t" B'™ 8 1 dotv j lhe eduction bwi| f o f V U y Calcu lated whs at 57/? Value n the iv frt£ a gallon p! »cu’d be JL v aui 0D *5 4 p™'™wy S 4 "ft Ptua
    75 words
  • 38 1130 Pfy hi? ewn.t D,J ilyB (South) I >ta.., 6r u.xt T 1 8 at I S> U a” d ate I Sw rflds “Owir" Apnl 1921 I P P° lil ical Sl <**• i^tb 1 ■State?? te;
    Pfy  -  38 words
  • 624 1130 LEAN CO.’S WEEKLY REPORT. Penang, July 9. Tin has undergone the by now usual fluctuations, the prici ranging from =£2sl to £264 and closing £265. Rubber at the Singapore auctions made 76 cents, thus showing an advance of about 4 cents. ihe rubber share market has been so
    624 words
  • 73 1130 CHANDU PROSECUTION. At the instance of Mr. R S W.l>« n pX n T H e k‘ t Of the Q °~t 10 the Second Like Cou “ wiS being m possession, custody ?7“ r übil. found in the vubuuu wm value of ac u cu V
    73 words
  • 149 1130 lambi Kechil, a Malay man who has just come out of jail, h av i D g undergone a term of 12 mouths’ hard labour, pleaded guilty to the theft of one corrugated iron sheet It appears that at 2 p.m. on Thursday the accused went to
    149 words
  • 181 1130 An aged Chinese named Leong Ah Hin was yesterday arraigned before Mr. A.C. Baker on a charge of attempting to cammit suicide by jumping overboard from the steam launch Muda on the 30th June last. The charge was admitted, The Court was informed that the accused was seen
    181 words
  • 68 1130 The opening of a new shop at No. 77’ Market Street, yesterday was celebrated by eight Chinese who represented a similar number of callings with gambling on tie premises. When charged this morning with playing in a common gaming hnuse they pleaded guilty. They wire fined $l5
    68 words
  • 258 1130 Officers ranbferred to Straits And F. M. 8. The following notification in the Ctylon Government will be of interest to offi ere in the F M. 8. aud 8. H. service: H. E. ihe Officer Administering the Government haj bein pleased, with the sanction of the br
    258 words

  • 154 1131 (To the Editor of the Straits Echo,) Sir, This fund will remain open for a short time only. The aim is to raise •30,000 (Shanghai currency) in China and among the Chinese abroad to continue the work of the late Dr. Richard in the preparation
    154 words
  • 151 1131 [To th» Editor of The Straits Echo 1 Sir, I am surprised to find Anti-Opium rather conflicting in his criticism ou my correspondences in your |apcr oa the subject of the sale of opium in Kedah. While he refers to the world being in favour of reducing
    151 words
  • 408 1131 The following are excerpts from the minutes of a Committee hietting held at the Chamber on Tuesday, 6th July, at 2.30 p.m. Present: —Messrs. C. M. Henderson (Chairman), A. Sharp, AV. A. Tell, A. E. T. Murray, W. S. Goldie (Members of Committee) and E. V.
    408 words
  • 262 1131 M. P.A.A. annual GENm IMtEtIK he eetiD B of the A g ncultu r alA SSocialiMwai 1 enang Chamber of Coma^ J* the others present beim? \l. I JUddleton A S. c' M vv n ardB <-■ M. W illiams, N. W. K Sharpe representing Messrs. Kennedy and Co. The
    262 words
  • 93 1131 (7v th. Editor ,f (hiStmuM Dear Sir, Some of us teachers desire to kow Latin Prizeman” m€.m. Il g esa e that the erptWOT b yraduafe who hu tabu P" hi, drgree of the title could be ,j, leu ia bi, n.atricoU'ion hut bsl he eat for bi,
    93 words

  • 514 1132 —Free Press. j public atten- 4 ct \liat it only Louuc.l on MouI»* is uud 12 L e ctl' bears upo“ tbe F twbieb ni l > service or f; |)lli;,theordiuand a>»end the hw Force. The mos undoubtedly is that r establishment in eail F"*.' .-tcobnvofato etobe R
    —Free Press.  -  514 words
  • 270 1132 THE NEW JAPANESE NOTE The Point About the Railway. Peking, June 14. The text of the Note handed by Air. Obata to the Foreign Office on the Tsingtau question is as follows: The Chinese Government has refused to accept the Japanese offer of direct negotiations concerning the Tsingtau
    270 words
  • 86 1132 by M. Krassin. Condon. June 15. pitivo of Liberte has inter- K ras sin in London, but XL 1 ri -'‘bad’- publication owing to gj Government action. M n mssin stated wn-,J.u,' ’-'Poouffi Frenchmen, n 'y Hhuk we want to pursue a pro tlij'7l. 1 b lt
    86 words
  • 1192 1132 *me of the authoritative works oa Japan and its art tells us that J apanese drama is divided into two parts; the religious no, almost exclusively confined to tiic cultured classes, and its actors divided into three classes, those whose business it is to propitiate the gods,
    1,192 words

  • 336 1133 Opinion in Canada. Vancouver, June 14. The leading papers ia Canada have begun to discuss the Anglo-Japanese Alliance. The general opinion seems to be that the Alliance has not served so well of late for the maintenance of the integrity and independence of China as many students of
    336 words
  • 576 1133 ALLEGED GAMBLING. lhe case was mentioned in the Second Court, tins morning, in which six men stand charged with playing in a common gaming house, No. 74, Siam Road, on the dOth June last, and the seventh man with obstructing a public servant in the execution of his
    576 words

  • 296 1134 ?Jd AU d t*»“L ,«1 H»«« «tod > he {io hat siK-isKi.:.: &»fc«»« olil lh **J"th, »il P»P»« »“dd» f iM T c O d; o Wrf , e dld the G»ro»n dekg« El («a w fa»- Mr Ll °J d rL. ia bis best style for what
    296 words
  • 505 1134 Mr. M. E. Sherwood is granted leave of absence for eight months. Mr. L V. J. Laville is appointed to act temporarily as Second Magistrate, Singapore. Mr. W. G. Hennings has been re-elected as a Licensing Justice for the Settlement of Singapore. Mr. A. Munro, of Messrs. Rickard, Ltd,
    505 words
  • 1153 1134 On Principle.” I^q- 0 C' uß that controls the racecourse It’s Tommy This Mail papeis contain a ver? olein U PrOt Bt H»ig to the trade unions which are keeoine «ome thousands of ei Br l(Jier work A, the F.eld-Marshal said“ the attitude of tnese bolie?, chitfly i
    1,153 words

  • 905 1135 DEBATE IN THE COMMONS. Mr Montagu’s Explanation. [Reuter ’3 TelEGH jjlB. London, July 8. lathe H iusa of Common* th 3 greatest interest was manifested during the debate on the Hunter Report and tlm case of General Dyer. The Hou?e was crowded and excited when Mr. E. 8.
    [Reuter ’3 TelEGHjjlB. ]  -  905 words
  • 59 1135 IHE D£MOCB 2I^Presides* Wil B0 o Rambos. kfli Will President ,oGiW T. date for ths Pr mb* tulatiocs and cor d Mr. BRTANB v Nef v RoDohl** 1 o Mr. Harding. bfl N for lhe CT, w rdiJ have xcbft g N 0 2, fellow rurn-' 1 I'.
    59 words

  • 1254 1136 GERMAN [juno'i T e 0BU J —Havas. London, M? 8 T ib.t at 'F' A" to tbe which the .cwt the cb.eri‘, difficultin. by ‘be in intentions be dld ni doubt. He also pointed I ff?ih postponement was only Moile .nd certain condition f*iek intaiion would be
    [juno'i Te“0BU“-J; —Havas.  -  1,254 words
  • 55 1136 Announcement in the Commons. London, July 9. In the House of Commons Mr. Bonar Law announced that the number of war criminals demanded from Germany was 892. He had no information regarding how many accused persons were residing in neutral countries as the Government had not communicated
    55 words
  • 38 1136 Huge Increase. Loudon, July 9. lu the House of Commons questions elicited the information from Mr. C. A. McCurdy, Food Minister, that retail prices on June 1 l6O per cent above those of M*y 1, 1914.
    38 words
  • 65 1136 London, July 9. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. P. A. Hurd (Frome Co. U) ColL C 8. Amery, Under-Secretary of Btate for tbo Colonies, said that a complete list of lhe contributions by the Dominions, Colonies and Dependencies in men, money and
    65 words

  • 171 1137 ORANGE DAY PRECAUTIONS. GoVEBMMBNT’a ACTION. [Bbutsb’b Tblboium..] London, July 8. In the House of Commons, t 0 Mr. H. H. Asquith (Paisley I. L.), Mr. Bonar Law stated that all possible precautions had been taken to prevent < mordera in Ireland on Orange Day. July Aa regards Londonderry, in
    [Bbutsb’b Tblboium..]  -  171 words
  • 22 1137 An American Win, London, July 8. At Queen’s Club in athletics Princeton University beat Oxford by 6 to 4 events.
    22 words
  • 210 1137 Bolshevik Offensive Repulsed. Berlin, July 7. A telegram from Warsaw states that the Bolshevists have begun an offensive on the northern front north of the Molo-detchno-Polock railway. Five divisions are participating. London, July 8. A message from Warsaw slates that a Bolshevik offensive on the middle Dvina
    210 words
  • 182 1137 THE SHANTUNG QUESTION. Statement in the Commons. [ReUTEB'S TELEGRAMS.] London, July 7. In the House of Commons, replying to Sir Donald Maclean (Peebles and Southern,’ L.) Mr. Bonar Law eaid that as far as the British Government was concerned the signatories of the Peace Treaty embodied in
    [ReUTEB'S TELEGRAMS.]  -  182 words
  • 37 1137 Washington, July 8. It is officially reported that Japanese troops have occupied Possiet Bay which is stated to be the last first rate harbour north of Fort Arthur remaining in the possession of Russia.
    37 words
  • 68 1137 Ottawa, July 8. The resignation of the Borden Government will be effective on July 10. It is officially announced to Mr; Arthur Meighen, Minister of the Interior, will be entrusted with the formation of a new administration which, if accepted, two retirements from the Cabinet will result
    68 words
  • 54 1137 London, July 8 In the House of Commons Mr. Stanley Ballwin, Financial Sectretary to the Treasury, replying to a question with reference to double income tax, said ho hoped reciprocal am ion would bo taken in the Dominions but up to the present he bad had no time
    54 words
  • 73 1137 Washington, Ju’y 7, Mr. FaiiohilJ, President cf the American Cotisdtuiioiidl League, has instituted proceedings in the Supreme Court of the district of Columbia to obtain au injunction forbidding Mr. Bainbridge Colby, United S'ates Secretary of Sta f e, to issue a prcckma'ion announcing tho ratification of
    73 words
  • 37 1137 Sensational Contest. La Boulie, July 7. The French Opeu Golf Championship was won by the American Hagen (150) who beat the Frenchman Lafitto (151) in the replay over 86 holts aftex tying ovex 7a
    37 words
  • 266 1137 INT ERNATIONAL AERO EXHIBITION. C,va LoH Londonderry of the Air Mioist,?:’. I’"". 11 national Aero lihibiii^rL 1 recent alarmist and ex.gwn^ l m connection with tb, ,j *J* °f other nations, especially added that Germany at prewS* nine undertakings licensed to m 2 in air traffic which wm reprti<2 nineteen
    266 words
  • 118 1137 PRINCE KROrorPW J® 94 Failvm of Conan” 1 1 Iu a t 0 ySiq* Prince Kropotkin, rf Moscow, urges the t B d n by western nation 1 bit ,b« finite workers of tb b»’ regime is a j n uodii«d. munisnc.nnotbein Ml <ow g t 0
    118 words

  • 53 1138 i/ad™. J “I? Trade reiurne fur June f.j fard C gm oun ,h, d»i'h £123.*****1, r m(( en»l' x;* tol «;< in co lo io he tdv T 00 Tsnonofl Export’ amount.gA’ hl T'«r MaiQ ri ta ,bCatM itwKWo'i* »13 Exon £335,000.0-0 f-. fZedieg Period of l«‘
    53 words
  • 56 1138 fuses VB. Amkbiox. Ljd'Wd, July 8. li» U« Tennis play in Bivis 4P lie between Franca and Anwic& >pi it Eoiibiurne under very unhrjinble weitner conditions, Gober t (Fritxe) focint Johnson (America) ia tte Stigls. When the icore eto' d at UJiakrnr cf Jobneon rain compelled lb
    56 words
  • 32 1138 Loudon, Ju’y 8, Itrbbire beat Northamptonshire Gy SI UM. Zawlrin beat Sent by rn inning udll runi. The match Oxford vj Cambridge eiidid a draw. B*m uKetfaed with the game,
    32 words
  • 25 1138 GENERAL mobilisation, Uroneor F BMC h Troop» “t a.*5 l ,r )l l 00 in Ani,, ii ■^T“X.- 5 ud aV" 6 ia
    25 words
  • 26 1138 l^w^R«v OWTOW e’M July r. S'’ Me bri J gei k?' Pasa bxBf b "S >■«- bur 0tl) H **i«Ka. r-iffluUrs o f a f
    26 words
  • 26 1138 J* ‘«Ut,, J ew r»rk, J u St” 4oT““' nt «Wain R 8i t Syikd cu «"1 t“4in rf e,l P!'cd O-.
    26 words
  • 1694 1138 ANNUAL .GENERAL MEETING. i.iie uajje.rued nineteenth annual gen C ’-j‘ meet eg of the members of the Malay i .»;L‘i .gra'i.:ilmai Association was lu ld in the Penang Chamber of Comlr a Saturday. Mr. William Dunt Hi v as voted to the chair, the others prt-i '.M Ming
    1,694 words

  • 886 1139 EXT RAO Ri) IN AR Y GENE R A L MEETING, Au extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Perak Kiver alley Eubber Company, Limited, was held at the registered oitice of the company, No. 9, Onion Street, on Saturday ihure were present Messrs- W. Duncan
    886 words

  • 317 1140 /1.7s tbfl M*> Ibe ri» tußt T s£*3*io doei r<«* “Uri ux MJ* in relactsnce to p of He® t0 tbe /Saw other, to import 55 rtf it l low ty ure tban tb fear th most strongly Übtta ictioa Of the Colonial SL eodmg Home at
    317 words
  • 596 1140 -Free Press. Mr. A. A. Simpson, of the Federated Engineering Co, Klang, has gone to Singapore to join the United Engineers.— MM. The Shanghai vernacular press reports that Mies Huey Huan will ba married to Dr. Welling'on V. K. Koo, Chinese Minister to tbs United States, in Washington, d,0.,
    -Free Press.  -  596 words
  • 1177 1140 July 13, 1878. It was on July 13,1878, that the Treaty or Berlin after the Russo-Turkish war was signed. At the time it was claimed that it had given Europe peace with honour, but as a matter of fact it distributed i nd rearranged territory without the slighest
    1,177 words

  • 253 1141 POLES IN RETREAT. British Attache s Escape. [Reuter’s Teleouams.] London, July 9. Tekgrami show that th* Poles con’inue retreating on tho whole Pont, the d?pth (f the retreat in the centre being sixty mi'e-i. This will probably involva the abandonment of Minsk. The Times’ correspondent at Warsaw
    [Reuter’s Teleouams.]  -  253 words
  • 131 1141 U. 8. Restrictions Removed. Washington, July 8. The Htate Department has ren*..v<d the restrictions on trad w»th oviet Russia except in material that msy be used for purposes. Individual lie nc s aia required to export locomotives »od railroad material. The decis on wag r<ach-.d after communicati
    131 words
  • 115 1141 Tub Trade Mark Question. Loudon, Ju v 9. The Commercial Committee uf the Home of C nim ms give a luueheon iu honour of -ir John Randles (Miuchrster Exchange Co. U and presented him with an iliurnin. ted ad Ire.s. Replying to the to»3t ox his health
    115 words
  • 98 1141 A «Utement, iiWed N tea Jones, Cnibm. “i“ee of Com®, “’J new shipping 1„ ‘«ta J flats SgMQit !b ipi f «< g l aid to the aX* N mar,n m 8 domenic provisions of ths Bill hvoureil nation treating A vessels but they do not they
    98 words
  • 106 1141 Niw Boabd or Tbadi Im, I At a meeting of the Etspinfal Growing Committee in MiubMril letter was read from the Prefa fl the Board of Trade acknowledgfa k I Committee’s laboursand the Govetndl satisfaction at the willingnM of k| British cotton industry to ignmil annual levy
    106 words
  • 41 1141 New Pbebidbnt’s Attitudi Mexico City, Joly I Provisional President Huerta that the article m the codiUM nationalising petroleum maintained theoretically bu a sued by Carranza prejudicing prior Pg» petroleum owner, will to H» decree to be issued shortly.
    41 words
  • 30 1141 London, J Q J Rain interfered with Gloucester T. E’-« .bwtad The mstch »t Wore e, birt b, Leicestershire w Rlim .1 wicket.. The match Surrey ««“i--was drawn»
    30 words
  • 12 1141 Two Amm lCal ’J^ cclll,B the Frsnchman Lauren 6-3.
    12 words
  • 16 1141 Wrang»’ B FobTBKB k j#lj£, Cbn.fu^ J > General W rang g Berdiaoek on
    16 words
  • 3 1141 The
    3 words

  • 83 1142 Status ol July 9« C mmittee of Jurists 01 K o Nations in a corn***Xiol« of lh <»“P C 1 1 cf "Lr. the .be ,he E%u<iTely«n>« to the cooEX Mthe C urt must be kept free ttliiidl influence the judges 2X be removed except through to
    83 words
  • 100 1142 Bx» SrruATios w thb 'Midlands. London, July 10. .SMUiiiutioD has arisen in the Mdik wbg to the strike of the gas* aten of Manchester, Salford, Bury* sb, Haldenfielii and elsewhere owing i fawfictiou regarding tha increase in Ra fe.rei of workshops in Manchester liMri bate been closed and
    100 words
  • 44 1142 Bi t Firm in Trouble kKUttTk York, July 8. w the banT/cf^ mp Q y been **lhiiidListo UBM OWIDg 10 ■Rds. lhe I meet ’wmediate W)0 Jr to “^IIOOO,GOO. M e8 tXeiUsive of »d h^at!Cellati °n *^intopl 4 J m 5i Of the Profits
    44 words
  • 36 1142 **s* aM >2**-» J “’n ‘n fcnha cb te,d Nt i 4 tbreertor. Choice 55 M bU ebfri JZUnd lain rQal y de. S*e O f“ p &lnin B of **b 01 number of
    36 words
  • 15 1142 The Prince in W. A. Qt,lu B 4SqvßTt h& Pnw! «o^ 8 to e a
    15 words
  • 1109 1142 GERMAN DISARMAMENT. Allies’ Terms Accepted. [Reuter s Telegrams.] Spe, July 9. The Germans have accepted the disarmament terms of the Allies but the Berlin Cabinet has decided to inform the Allies it has no authority, under the German constitution without the approval of the Klcbstag, to accept
    [Reuter s Telegrams.]  -  1,109 words

  • 113 1143 DUBLIN COUNTY*COUNCIL’S RESOLUTION. Vbbt Bkbious Situation [Bbutbb’s TuAoaxMS.] London, July 9. The Dublin County Council resolved with one dissentient not to permit the examination of the Council! book! by Government agent* or to furniah any information for taxation purpose*. Buch information will henceforth only be supplied to the Irish
    [Bbutbb’s TuAoaxMS.]  -  113 words
  • 143 1143 GREEK SUCCESSES, Huai Caftubb®, London, J oly 9. A Greek communique states that in the operations in Asia Minor the enemy's force* opposed to the northern army numbered 20,000 of which were killed and wounded and many, captured and surrendered. It is estimated that only 4,000 escaped to
    143 words
  • 25 1143 COHVIDBNOB IB GOVBRWMBBT. Rome, July 9, The Italian Chamber passed a vote of confidence in the Government by 265 Votes to 148.
    25 words
  • 110 1143 SSOBTAGB OF DocTOBS ABD NuBSAd. {Erem Our Own CerrapondsnE) Kuala Lumpur, July 13. With reference to the shortage of medical officers and nurses I am informed oo good authority that a cable was sent m December 1919 asking for the appoint* meat of twenty-two medical officers, nine
    110 words
  • 637 1143 (To the Editor of the blraite Echo.) Dear b«r, I have noted with great interest that a meeting is to be held to-m»rrow in the ChiuetO Town Hall to consider the rice queuii n. It is limo thut something be dine. The public notification convening this meeting
    637 words
  • 390 1143 i. th. I XT? purcb... w M f oreed /"V »J* 1 >□ ibe tb. o M I ,oa d »Uh u*B to bo, non ti all 00l ’«ybigh p,i«. Government «todj, appl price wu unnd u> lh phea iMd ln by theGorernnni •till are .efficient
    390 words

  • 334 1144 thanks to its rising .nlert.k.og. «d to ffl 1 >“““* d wlh< **rfiXnttb»t,»’xt io the o*' w J progre.»'” B''' TrrU XWrF° drtiU •S, .!(!>,«•« «o' l ,lw e'Vl 0 »nd ba« worked l b e.o, »b.M ®l«r»l<otbe».g««d e .l /anoa! coker that bas eaten intu ajrabofour
    334 words
  • 630 1144 TRIBUTES FROM BENCH AND BAR. Yesterday morning (says Saturday's Straits Times) before the full bar Sir John Bucknill, K.C., Chief Justice, with whom was associated on the Bench Mr. Justice Barrett Lennard, made the following reference to the death of a late Chief Justice of the
    630 words
  • 778 1144 WX r» 1 ULJICV VI V/I 1 v IV/ULVV» causes of anxiety are removed. Finaueird EXPERT VIEWS. Demand." > part from ciu, which fell £2 10 8 f ur in on the \h t\l °F articlea ealfc Head l e,. to„e ;i ,I FI lla, 'f, C
    WX r» 1 ULJICV VIV/I 1 v IV/ULVV» • causes of anxiety are removed. Finaueird  -  778 words

  • 289 1145 Yesterday’s Funeral. The funeral of the late Mrs. Marianna Balhetchet, widow of Mr. William Bal hetchet, Interpreter, Supreme Court and mother of Mr. C. A. Balhetchet, Usher, Second Court, Penang, whoso, death was announced yesterday, took place yesterday afternoon and was attended by an exceptionally large
    289 words
  • 754 1145 Ihe satisfaction of handing over io his successor the government of o restored and pacified country—this, s i said President Carranza a short time ago was ins hope, Thuiu seems to be i title doubt that the hope would have been fulfilled during the present year
    754 words
  • 96 1145 Ng Tak, a Cantonese was to the charge and uas WP e ]< for sentence. was busy buying accused W Market yestedg Stood next to the cow J riobt hand fro” i„to the. con.plamautOM)". abstracted Ins purse Yusuf, a Boyan.-»e was yesterday Street >.»* motor car along Chul.a
    96 words

  • 587 1146 I lh PRODUCT OF RACi I iP® R ?n CULTURE. II AM* U" Cuos uuliuople. I I look U breath l lwu I »W 1 ldl b T overwhelming sense I lrt l h i rell ch conversation* I t dJuge w .'He cant be a I
    587 words
  • 403 1146 Amount previously acknowledged, $857,658.73. Per Consul General for Japan; Mitsui and Co., Ltd., $10,000; Nippon Yusen Kaisha, $5,000; Osaka Shosen Kaisha, $3,000; Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, $3,000; Masuda Trading Co., Ltd., $1,000; Suzuki and Co., $1,000; Miss Sei Tokyo, Victoria Street, $150; T. Nagai and Co., High Street,
    403 words
  • 412 1146  -  By major BROWNING. W. G. di? to °k br,dge players a ion time to the j lairly obvious fact that an 'gmal lead from a king suit is bad. is was logical enough, since bridge payers were recruited from whist P ayers and in the early days of
    W. G.  -  412 words
  • Page 1146 Advertisements
    • 140 1146 WL TORTURE I OFJWLES On Arms, Chest and Limbs. Lost Sleep. Cuticura Heals. “I noticed small red pimples on my arms and chest. They were irritating and I commenced scratching, and they spread from my arms to my wrists. Small pimples also appeared on my limbs, the torture being awful
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