The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 7 July 1920

Total Pages: 47
1063 1109 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1063 The Straits Echo. MAIL EDITION. Single Copy els. DO FEB AftM n WL. 18- PENANG. WEDNESDAY, JULY. 7TH 1920 NO. 27
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  • Page 1063 Advertisements
    • 276 1063 r~ i_ CONTENTS. Luhb: Misoillanbous (Continued): i V Municipal Mysteries 1,065 China and Japan 1,090 “Drink” and Drinks 1,073 Government Pensions 1,090 I Mr. Montagu and General Dyer 1,095 De Minimill,oBl The Colony’s Trade 1,095 Bl Cant and V D. 1,095 r rjti The Great Illusion 1,087 F.M.S. Appointments 1,096
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  • Page 1064 Advertisements
    • 178 1064 w *4? THE I “STRAITS ECHO” B MAIL EDITION. yj&g? >.-. TT *<r If <. tJ™ wi| Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, WL and contains the latest local and States news originally published In the daily issues, as well as all important news
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  • 621 1066 According to the Sarawak 9 ax e ff s'priza X 1798 in the local Derby Sweep. Our Singapore correspondent wires that Dr D J. Galloway has left- the hospua it being found that he was not buffering from appendicitis. An engagement is announced between Major W. B.
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  • 200 1066 DECLARATION BY NEW CHANCELLOR. Reparation and Disarmament. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Berlin, June 28. At the first m a et»ng of the new Rrichi-tng, the Chancellor, Herr speaking on foreign policy, said that the Germans scaic ly recognised the heavy burden cd the Versailles Treaty. The Ge»man Government
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  • 117 1066 Ports’» Counter Pboposals. Constantinople, June 28. The Turkish counter-pruposah to the Treaty suggest the is abli-hment of a neutral zine in Thrace, an immediate p ebisci o in Smyrna, the creation of a corridor to Bruosa through international z men enabling the Sultan to reach his djminiocs
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  • 82 1066 Important Recommendations. The Hr.gue, June 28. The Jurists Advisory Committee has urged tnat provision ba made so that pure!? legal cases go i-u omatically before the Court of International Justice. They suggested that an immediate International Conference should be recommended to she Council of the League of Nations
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  • 61 1066 Japanese Fucceas. Lun lou, June 28. At Wimble too Shim’ zu has rescued i lhe semi’fi jal of the Worhi’e Tennis feii'gles Cuem; i iU'iiip. Ir. is no -w rthy that tris j is the ii st o n sun in which a Japanese I baa got that
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  • 377 1066 THE D£Moc^^sv QrAs A Bn T«H Split, [Reuteb’B Teugumb.’ London, A cable .f rom San F[in| »n increasingly bitter split J*? D micratic CooTeotioa bet,.. supporters of President Wilson Brysn, partrcnlarly regarding tb, [2 of Nations. President Wilson', resist on complete endorsement of Fnra Wilsons policies, while ths
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  • 6 1066 n ou S w*
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  • 43 1067 OtfW rt £xrun«o». Bombay. Ju» o 28 Bombay, enphM lBH Khalifat C»““' llee h on Jun® 51 1 hrt"*" f*K d that the first 3 '“8 0 Wes.ndlb 0 a!ion i* ,B U nclt| if Ihia i« non-effrft've ’i' l
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  • 46 1067 fjECflJllOira IS BELFAST, jgoon Despatched. I/iodon, June 28.. Bepfricg ko a deputation bea S f UiJcaTion, regarding the bkehhood I of wkiaßelfait,Mr. Lloyd Geoige stated battalion had just arrived at B»fa«, another was going immediately and a arf hid been ordered to leave.
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  • 33 1067 (fim Our Own Corrttpondtnl) Singapore, June 30. Captain R. 8. Carroll arrived at the raceamt ti 135 minutes from Kuala Lumpur tatplionll bag of mails for H, E. the Gwenoi.
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  • 50 1067 Kuala Lumpur, hon. secretary of lived Benicai Great War Association m Malaya, a copy of the rules of the Awoctnicn. It is impossible to find room nr these in our cj’umas, but toy interested penoa may see them at oar office.
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  • 38 1067 in h,° Atl'onfpmn. k’ mMCB °ril e community u X'r e T iin the^iB i,<(S Bit”? own E 0 M.b,.Ls .hfr? o7 «HwiideoiLn p'ndon Association
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  • 73 1067 «waation h u J*n Praocia MA p r Ce Ved *7 P M fcMV' d ll1 h,Z Company cn the PaHfic M •l 0^8 Rre t 0 b *^P»ci£ c T (1 Mail »-8. Company’a i-gtb, lUMriou h? ,of «oites acco ®mod. *i<b“«th S ,te It,( i a r
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  • 1045 1067 Special Meeting. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held in the Municipal Offices yesterday afternoon, there being present Mr. G. A. Hereford (President), Dr. P. Liston, Mr. W. H. Thorne, Mr. D. Richards, Mr. Lim Eu Toh, Mr. Yeoh Guan Beok and Mr. P. K. Nambyar.
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  • 102 1067 Columbia Cup. The fallowing was the result of the Columbia Cup:— *J.CrabbWatt 36 37 36 37=L6 6 =152 E. A. Davies 43 49 48 E G. Bird 49 47 44 45=185-22 =163 VV. M. Bower 50 48 55 ♦Winner. Five others played bat made no return. Optional
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  • 303 1068 (TetAe Strait, D o r ir a to vour article under the K r '7of B “Ciul/ »nd Blackball," it m.y beading Of y tbe Si U g K p re inierct you to than tbe had V mi»d «hen you penned which .aaupp-ed to
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  • 276 1068 Ribult of P. M. I. A. Entertainments The proceeds cf the various performances given by the P. M. I. A. (Chinese Amateur Dramatic Party) in Singapore, Malacca and Kuala Lumpur are to be distributed as follows:—At the Victoria Theatre, Singapore, the sum of 116,000 was realised, twothirds of
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  • 10 1068 is Io o —in iij our Sing*.
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  • 630 1068 I FAREWELL UY SUBORDINATES. (From Our Own Curretyondent.) Bukit Mertajam, June 28. In view of the impending departure ol Mr. T, W. Patton, District Officer, Bukit Mertajam, on well-earned furlough, and also the transfer of Mr. M. Y. Meriean, a pleasing function took place at the District
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  • 297 1068 B enel al ““ting of the elation was held at the Baha.cU 1 iiday, 2oth -lune, at 6 p.m. lowing members were J Green (Kuala Jelei), f. (Kepis), C. W. Keppel-Powh Johol), T. Worthington-Browne (Li I’ilah), A. M. Monro (Sungei Jdei,L V. Dubois (Bahau), G. Perkins
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  • 22 1068 jf Ths friendly e QnMnd Pfnß nf! Municipal were B i i Xavier’» ia s draw of
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  • 19 1068 in a draff »< The Centra' K^‘ b ib< Club g i» eh a ip-
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  • 1017 1069 the I ral n> eeUD yj tins |li* a Hbe Chafer of Com- 111 9 ,Vr J. Bruce vice- >' s !00 S The' 6 was a lar preside |^“m± S Lewtou Brain, 1 0 M neullure W Dun- 6l M Edwards P dl x H r
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  • 184 1069 Ihe following passengers are homeward bound: Per s.s. Bhamo, 13th July, from Ran; goon: Mr. and Mrs. Belgrave and child, Mr. and Mrs. Hakker, Mr. and Mrs. Mason, Airs. Warren Smith and children, Mr. and Airs. D. Maccoll (Sitiawan), Messrs. J. A. Hunter, W. Sellar, S. C. Guthrie
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  • 119 1069 “We spent Saturday, May Ist, at Naples, steaming into the beautiful Bay at dawn —a cloud resting on Vesuvius, lit up .with gold. We very soon found out that it was to be a disappointing day —‘Labour Day’—no
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  • 123 1069 When the war stopped trade with Germany, the local dealers imported cheap goods principally from Japan. “To give the devil his due, as a trader put it, it must be admitted that the German articles
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  • 2126 1070 ADVISER’S ANNUAL REPORT. (Continued from Yesterday.) Prisons. There are three prisons in the State, situated at Alor Star, Sungei Patani and Kulim, and seven small locK-ups attached to Police Stations m country dis tricts. 1 he mam prison is at Alor Star and all but short sentence
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  • 788 1071 SWING OF THE PENDULUM. The findings of the Non-Ferrous Commission with reference to Cornish mines, may be. issued during this week. Ihey may be shelved by a Government which has to raise immense sums in taxes, and which may hesitate to spend in order to get,” secinn
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  • 169 1071 the fugitive P. W. D. overseer from Kedah, was before the Colombo Police, Magistrate to-day, says the Times of Ceylon of June 16. The police officers from Kedah who arrived here on January 22nd lust were present in Court The Magistrate pursuant to the, decision of the/ Supreme Court
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  • 1540 1072 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL NOMINEE. A special general meeting o£ the mein bars of the .Penang Chamber of Commerce was held at the Chamber yesterday afternoon to propose a nominee to act temporarily as an unofficial niirnb-.r oi the. Legislative Council during th absence on leave from the Colony
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  • 714 1073 J#A* Kt CMpled *L| *?S ‘l>’ Cbin. P««. fta* hwib abl V represents Amen•2“%lS\r. the J*» «orM going do with thio Sffiiriob Art they going oAmrie» h» been until •‘'ffth.j going ,h^ h S,lwi u A®»"»» b do uthttbeir pncn Jito .ill be much elower than S?to
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  • 25 1073 Chung Chee Leng —2/6) beat Oh Eng Leong(—3/6) by 6—4, 6—2,
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  • 70 1073 was charged this morning with committing a breach of tbe passport regular ions by coming into the Colony without a passport on the 30th June last. The accused who possessed a ten years’ old Netherland Indies passport without his photo being pasted on it, said
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  • 68 1073 on Sunday of Mr. S. Muthia Pillay, subpostmaster. The deceased was in the postal service for about 21 years and was 55 years of age at the time of his death. He was very popular among
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  • 102 1073 Rubbbb Auctions. (From Our Own Corretpondent At <>. c- Singapore, July 1. 1 w 100 blD B a Pore Rubber auctions there in P nceB &ieet fetched to 72 cents and crepe 73 cents. The Use of Padi. or der prohibiting the use of padi noHi T or
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  • 2164 1073 J a D Kemp h goße on a business visit to Singapore. Mr. G. A. Hereford, as Chairman of the r*nang Rural Board, visited Balik Pulau District yesterday. Mr. Alec L. Davidson has been appointed Ch7mh! eC 7n ry t 0 the Peking British Chamber of Commerce,
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  • 75 1075 bEBAIE London, Ja“ e CimmoBB during the k* fIX kS Mr. Lloyd G«ofg« in the present condition b iu DO proposal acceptable acceptable to tne A heleB9 Mr Lloyd »> opinio» but .mproyement I* ■J «ben it became clear to propio of Great Britain i*Jr”«ot extreme demaon.
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  • 124 1075 S&o Fr&nciico, Jane 28. Mr. Cmnming’, Chairman of the Demonot Contention, character aed as non and superficial the Republican n»eot tbit Britain had six. votes the mbtj d the League of Nations, comm with the United States’ one. The arsing body ci tbe L’ague was not
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  • 51 1075 r_ a n London, June 28. “»f Cmumm, npljing to J. 0 Botcher (York (j, jA <b« the Goversinent ha j •L™ Fr w 8,li P. «be S«Xh ,U tap <w<l ,0 ld he •XS 1 "'T 11 10 Mwj b. 1 11 a:lme aaiud. 1 1)6
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  • 75 1075 oe «ociutic_c ONVENTIOn U ’S Live Wilson;” to the J ““9 28. tt chur'.'.j 6 ““’«"ion J**» W|, 'ra d adm r Htion k L a “,“«<>r of e».„L 2 !!”‘"‘acks b Mth ltd 8 h 'he J* I ‘•lire to finding with rf^X iiC J "‘■'«gdo,»
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  • 10 1075 I S L- j I ‘‘•kilt
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  • 618 1075 QUEENSLAND PREMIER’S CRITICISM. Disadvantages of the Alliance. Denunciation of Japan s Policy in China, Sydney, June 5. Mr. E. G. Theodore, Premier of Queensland, in an artic’e in the Review of Reviews, deals with Anglo Japanese relation». He says: “If Australia is admitted into the League of
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  • 166 1075 A deputation of the Society for the I revFocion of Venereal Disease consisting of Lord Willoughbv de Broke, Sir W. Arbuthnot Lane, Sir James ChristenBrowne, Mr. Athelstan Rendall,, M. P., Mr. W. Wansey Bayly, Miss Norah March, Dr. Jane L. Hawthorne, Dr. A. Mearns
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  • 43 1075 London, June 6. The Hungarian Government admits the existence cf a white terror against workmen and Jews, and announces a relentless application of martial-law against the perpetrators of murder, arson and other crimes against all classes, nationalities and sects.
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  • 55 1075 London, June 1. Martial-law has been revived at Athens owing to political disturbances. M. Venizelos has informed the representatives that if the agitation for the return of Constantine continued to be pressed he would raise tbe question of the maintenance of tbe Greek monarchy itself. The statement
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  • 222 1075 living temporarily in Singa- pore, on her way to Penang from Bangkok, charged her Siamese amah before the second magistrate in Singapore for leaving her service without giving a month’s notice. The facts, according to the prosecution, are that Mrs. Lazaro engaged the amah at Bangkok sometime about
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  • 163 1076 CASE OF THE EX-KAISER. Premier’s Statement. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, June 28. In the House of Commons, re P’Y ID V° Viscount Curzon (Battersea C U r Lloyd George stated that the Allied Committee was considering steps to ensur? the trial of war criminals at Leipzig wa. not
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  • 308 1076 Thk Dhan’s Appjbal. London, June 6, The Dean of Westminster in a letter to the press earnestly appeals to the English speaking world to subscribe £250,000 for the upkeep of Westminster Abbey which, he says, is in danger of entering the phase of steady structural deterioration. The funds
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  • 41 1076 the new United States a. VUIICU kJIUUB Minister to China, presented bis credentials 10l resident H«u Hshi-ehang on the 13ih anl lb reciprocating the good jnshta °f P t e tl( lu O t Wilbgd and expressing cf cordial
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  • 671 1076 To the Editor of The Straits Echo,] Sir, May I bava the bo-pitality of a corner of your paper to comment on th® Chamber ot Commerce election of a representative to serve on the Legislative Council. There was actually an opposed election, there being two
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  • 79 1076 a European, to a charge of landing two don in without permission on the 28th of Jam •aid that tbit wu hii tat*», btraits from India and he was the local law. He was fined !20uifc dofs were ordered to bo detainedi* animals’ quarantine station a 4
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  • 127 1076 of President Wta i circus parade through Washiagtoi a diverted the other day so as do pa b fore the White House, says the Nev In correspondent of the Telegraph. Seated a a wheel chair and swathed in a terr overcoat, despite the balmy a golf cap
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  • 162 1076 comp* sl A marine couri u* Commander C. D. Beckwith, > K.N.,Stopford,D.B 0 Mr. W. tSX,*> Ocean Service., L’d., Mr. X of the British .learner «k» E. D. Blackbun., “"“J O L. »1» .reamer Kaabiaj, B irea a, lM c 15 to enquire mm
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  • 242 1077 fOl 82 0M ►--rSi'bSS.» Ita/ki 8s “8 C“ 6o 0 a l, Bt Saturday LrXbip eM <d Hi Jadg p: ,Li=ut u 6 ago Lanahaoi Caiiti ttsac R*±'2M ot January,, he rbeuuponatian of opium fr ,v to iha provuioud cf opIninHilW»" «"M °,C jut Appellant loada to
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  • 84 1077 Axiraic Found Guilty, yfcftsst L,, !lar •citg Ckiet JudiH In Ju tlC3 h P rCu K E^*^.^ v’ZA iih e :T;" 1 c! ie i of ih «puu ««Unou i"‘l the ‘k« at fir 4 tt ar.A thae ‘ff-ct. £V 4 »-U 1 lb ac ET I*-»
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  • 15 1077 thi > |Sk>.‘ the ee P« who ISC’ Dr. 1
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  • 253 1077 (To the Editor of the biraite Echo.) Drar Sir, I heartily congratulate Mr. Tan 800 Liat, J.P. of Singapore, otherwise known eb Luang Pipat Pandit, who has been recently promoted to Phri Anukal Siamktch by iii« Majeity the King of Siam. 1 now beg you to
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  • 52 1077 has vetoed the Bill for estubliabiug a budget system, or submitiing appropriation esumatos lor Guverum-nt Departments. He said the Bill Ruthons! d Congress to remove th-j Comptroller General, which should be reserved for tbe Executive. He said ha returned the Bill with greater regret as he approved of
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  • 73 1077 is raging in almosi; nil South American countries, as well as in Argentina. The National Department of Public Health has put in force special preventive measures at Biients Aires, and had decided to establish disinfection stations in all the ports of the republic. The province of Si.nta. Fe, which
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  • 85 1077 The main business will be a coLsikration cd the tariff. A protracted delate is expected. It is probable that m"ny of the exceeaivs duties will be ecnsideidhiy reduced. It is unlikely that the debate «ill
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  • 98 1077 :—The Officers A asocial ion, which hue some thousands t f memht re, w.»n not represented the lab-ur ch h gallon at the Marine Conference, because the officers’ in: erests are not necessarily the’s interes s s ud the cfficers do not
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  • 2406 1077 AOV'iStR'S ANNUAL REPORT. (Concluded from Xebterday.) Monopolies Departuieut. U iS l >urchased irom the Mono poues Depaitment of the (Jolonj and sold bt e .Monopoly The number of tahik sold during the year was 264,209 le net receipts from uhieh after de' 'I.T. b g ,,'o St
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  • 11 1079 A 〓 V -'-l fan S SX iL 6 B'-n z T?frjyy+
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  • 2147 1079 STIGGINS AND HIS FRIEND. On Tuesday we published the following leading article: Stiggins’ Innocent Victims. While the general campaign in favour of the Society for the Prevention of Venereal Disease initiated and conducted by Dr. Malcolm Rattray is making splendid progress throughout the country and is
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  • 752 1080 A LITERARY REVOLUTION. William Milne, in 1814, though himself no mean Chinese scholar, uttered an anguished and much quoted cry over the difficulties of the Chinese language. He wrote To acquire the Chinese, is the work of men with bodies of brass, lungs of steel, heads of. oak,
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  • 51 1080 for the Ttcawj «21,547 60, being damages for najfoMta* of contract in respect to a ehip» r Gomcer z. st Hongkong, gwm»“ the plaintiffs with coats. He «aw “J* did not believe the defentantw
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  • 105 1080 -Froalk tM u»l report of W,I4M Company in J»P«n we «tr»« tion that there v«e mge year, a Special Bonne to M«** of Yl,500,000! Ibcre B Managing Director. w he roa? be donbted wbete UJ anywhere in the world tbi., CEd i 8 tXT (S W*
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  • 25 1081 r 0 the 30 th June. Paris d BW Kenpel Garo‘« r Br‘° oji ty the P N’zri Bembilan, o f B Grik
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  • 607 1081 ii-t ot the remark. which ft: t« »»d S“ h J Site «non bat to «11 Bt6e E7J? two loc.l mature in SA oar opinion «form n 5 u take the food b.wkere ETh it reeliad that tb«e bardnia. t»li- M 000 h »lf of the mlimi of
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  • 71 1081 who writes us urging that a Million Dollars Lottery should be conducted in Malaya in aid of ex-Service men we do not agree for the country had a surfeit of such methods of raising the wind during the war which, if we mistake not,
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  • 80 1081 Singapore, of Captain Thomson Robinson, who during the past decade has been engaged as a pilot in Singapore and who was formerly commander of the s.s. Singapore on the Bangkok Siraits run. The faneral, which took place this
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  • 84 1081 The engagement is announced of Lord Montagu o f Beaulieu and Pearl, daughter of the late Major Crake, Rifle Brigade. Lord Montagu who is 54 and was adviser ou Mechanical Transport Service to Governof India, (hence his C. S. I.) married M L dy Cecil Kerr, daughter of the Marqaia
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  • 97 1081 appeared before Mr. A. C. B ker in iha uiice C urt this morning on the charge o aodment of the offence of offering an 11 ‘egal gratification of $5OO. p ■‘be police alhge that accused offered apt. Barry i he laid sum of
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  • 602 1081 .Mr- H. C. Robinson, Kuala Lumpur, ia ill in hospital,—T.O.M. Mr. C. J, Perkins returns to Kuala Lumpur to act as Surveyor-General vice Mr. G. M. Goodyear who goes Home on sick leave.—-M. M. Major-General F. Ventris, C. 8., has returned to Hongkong from bis visit to
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  • 271 1082 debate IN the lords. Government’s Policy Criticised, [Rruteb’s Telegrams.] London, June 29. In the House of Lords during the debate on the situation in Palestine and India Lords Sydenham, Lamington and Islington criticised the Government s policy esjeciaily the appointing of a Jew as ligh Commissioner of
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  • 61 1082 GENERAL LUCAS’ FATE. Troops’ Retaliation. London, June 29. Up to the present there has been no news about Brigadier-General Luc-8. The troops at Formoy broke out of barracks on Sunday night and wrecktd a number of shops in retaliation before the patrols arrived. There were similar occurrences
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  • 62 1082 Punitive Measures, Constantinople, June 26. A powerful British squadron yesterday visited Moudania, landed a party of marinas and arrested several Nationalist leaders, including the Harbour Commandant and the Governor. The small garrison fltd at sight of the warships, A proclamation was read slating that punitive action was
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  • 30 1082 tu n London, June 30. kS h EB,p,re to the fhh f MDC met n 10 Street g 10 matter. pricr to Bit J.UPS Allen o f
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  • 177 1082 COMMEMORATION OF ARMISTICE. Repetition Contemplated. [Reuteb’s Telegrams.] London, June 80, In the House of Commons, replying to Commander J. M. Kenworthy (Hull L.) Mr. Bonar Law intimated that it was contemplated to repeat last year’s armistice commemoration this year. Enforcement of Mandates. Captain W. G. A. Ormshy.Gore
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  • 106 1082 MR. MCADOO’S CANDIDACY. The Democratic Platform. San Francisco, June 30. At the Democratic Convention Mr. Jenkins, who intended to propose Mr. McAdoo, announced that he had received definite instructions from the East’’not to present Mr. McAdoo’s name. The loaders of the subcommittee on the platform agreed on
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  • 71 1082 Highly Satisfactory Position. London, June 30. The revenue for the past quarter totalled «£314,986,452 compared with £185,795,/62 for the corresponding quarter of 1919. The expenditure was £284,728,238 compared with £401,199,089 for the coi responding quarter of 1919.. The surplus of revenue over expenditure is thus £30,258,214 compared with
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  • 43 1082 Employment of Youths. Genca, June 29. The International tieamea’s Conference passed a draft convention providing that nobody under fourteen be employed in Any vessel except echool ships, training ships or when other members of the family ftifi wkieg igths laaaeihip.
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  • 57 1082 EttIMITS Puim. J ect by 6* *****0 amendment for Qb •stimates of 12 000 an. fated by Canada’/ *2 Britain’, O ff er of L-ber. pan/a “P«ditu re w Mnot n ’"4«k formation of Government conUndri tfoLZ* mitted the preservation of a unh!? until the permanent Dominion’!
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  • 50 1082 A Labour Victor, London, The following was the result of th U and Colne bye-election:— Mr, Graham (Labour) Wainwright (Coalition '‘Unionist) w Rea (Independent Liberal) i# Labour Majority 6$ [At the general election Captain A. Bsh (Labour) secured 14,074 votes Io Mr. I. Greenwood’s (Liberal) 8,623].
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  • 57 1082 Rehabilitation or Trade London, line 80. The House of Commons passed the hcm reading of the Ovarseas Trade Bill pinih credits to British traders of £26,000,000 a enable the shattered countries of Europe» rehabilitate trad*. The measure panieskf aims at encouraging export w ibsuwi countries, including Poland, Czecho
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  • 38 1082 Adopted by thb Lobde London, Jan* The House of Official Secret. Act Jf} amendment. introduced ai discussion among pr«a P providing tb at B 0 knits f<* authority officia purpose tepikf interests of the misdemeanour,
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  • 6 1082 weeks.
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  • 33 1082 n 1 hi of According to aL° 11 the belief >« C«""£ r 2* rapidly tending Kioe Cooita" 1 1 tLj, Greece. The pr*» 1 W atantly ichemmg marriage.
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  • 25 1082 nr.d Min VioJen‘ Mr Blytb P'*!*' The r *L< Oxford Theatre. signed by Mr-? ol( W n i ght'
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  • 138 1083 jokaho^ saTION [jutm'i London, July I; a s®nd i(il g p u en t o f the Board yr Robert Horne, g| Ministry !D i' t k. aa independent o“»« Board of SJ’ftrapta.iied that there "<»“ b* .nation of the coal industry I br tb. State and
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  • 158 1083 Wught-Niubroiwib, ThsChurchof Bt. Andrew, Parit Buntar» woo Wednesday afternoon the scene of a W tedding, tbe contracting parties being ir.iriclutn Wright, of Laba Estate, ioq of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wright, Hillside” Ritherdon Riad, Upper Tooling, and Min Ivy Helen Grace NeohmoMT, only dinner 0 Mr. atd
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  • 38 1083 *A»Wed Writ «i in 2A p, k M ,e, bjiM alt brU was du» F 80®e**VL’hich wer. to lha( “»of nd I fcr Cm r ed ‘be ODi if nL“ 8 p ‘be '“l»'of ths
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  • 433 1083 (2o lAe Editor of the Straits Echo.) Dear Sir, As you touched upon a matter deeply affecting the public in your article yesterday, when you denounced the action of the Straits Government in presenting the Imperial Government with £1,000,000 (wrung from the taxpayers of this country) at the
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  • 31 1083 elsewhere to-day that a committee meeting of the S P. V. D. will be held in Messrs Ligau and R)Bj’s office to morrow, Saturday, 3rd instant, at 12.30,
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  • 67 1083 Replying to Lord Salisbury in the Lords, Lord Curzon said that he understood that «eucral Dyer was making a statement which Aroiy Council would consider. The Council s decision w»s likely to be reached *t tuo en( o f nex t week and
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  • 74 1083 in kuwuui iiaLivciy auuuuuuru m •London that tho recent anti-British cu.breaks on the Tigris and Euphrates are duo to incitemont and bribery by Arab officials. Thu ia confirmed by the *rtw of a brother of a former Governor of ■Uairez-zor who was captured while superintending th
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  • 349 1083 (To (he Editor of the Straits Echo.) Sir, inL h PeyoU bit of a space in your paper. o Jj ead J irh L amaz3mBQt a letter on the above subject by a planter appearing in yonr 26th UQe i 192 **e complains of the system and
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  • 217 1083 LENIN’S LETTER INJURES CAUSE. Poland’s War For Polish Territory. London, June 11. Tbe report of Labour delegates on Russia is adverse to Bolshevism and, coupled with Lanin’s letter, is a great setback to Extremists. Tbe publication cf such documents as the letter has done more damage to
    217 words
  • 10 1083 the prapneUi of Gtenier’i Rubbsi
    10 words

  • 1544 1084 review of the rice position. (Cantribuled.) Our object in writing to-day 18 not to create undue alarm, but simply £Uer note in due Beason lest the very recent decision of the. Government to increase the monthly nee allowance to 5 gantangs from 4 gantanga per capita of adult
    1,544 words
  • 28 1084 la lian delegate on the Reparations ConausM stated iu au interview that Italy would clua twenty per cent, of the German iaderncirj.
    28 words
  • 81 1084 formerly belongs to the Norddentscher Lloyd, Bremen, x which Messrs. Behn Meyer Co., were to local agents, and was on the PsnMg~M run carrying mails and passengers, sm* here from Singapore this morning nyiDjtj Inter-Allied 8«g. B wiU >» that the Malaya wai one of t" eteamers
    81 words
  • 66 1084 Ng Sian, Cheong vdu* b were charged by p a P l ?l a c Ui Second Court, before Mr. W morn ng with piay 1D t h use, No. 57 China 8wet All the accused
    66 words
  • 81 1084 The nomination of P(aiJu( j Warren G. Har-t®! :u o0 t **/Seo’Af a surprise to. a political Condi»»»’' Rudirt Let the cbotee of b gical one. b ich L* Republican |he real chance to reun n He i« e cll n d> nif.n with
    81 words

  • 789 1085 DA YUGHfBA VINa C B^’V r Td 1 d Mr .O. A. Hereford i.t .««in the ra< ,ion oi T 1W Com“ i io ar t lu fcT** Jk. MvioK of ot le th P d u»»oi “0“““* lh n ?T f elcckinibe deck er M b'o» iiS
    789 words
  • 148 1085 Speech By Maharaja of Alwar. TI London, June 18. ĕ dinner at the Carlton Hotel on the occasion of the thirty-ninth birthday of the d a arajah of Alwar was attended by Mr. Montagu and Mrs. Montagu, the Jam «atnb of Jamnagar, the Maharajah of Jhalat ic Maharajah
    148 words
  • 69 1085 j.. y<ia Office warns intending visitors to r re gard to the difficulty of obtaining 11 a^Sf *ges next, spring owing to the like•h'' 1 d'* demand for homeward passages thl SU PPI.V» and also with regard to t k a e of hotel accommodation. It says
    69 words
  • 2107 1085 HUNTER COMMISSION REPORT. Shall Gen. Dyer be Sacrificed? (By Sir William Joynson Hicks, M.P.) It is understood that the report of the Hunter Commission to inquire into the disturbances at Amritsar, in the Punjab, in April of last year, and particularly into General Dyer s action, is to be
    2,107 words

  • 95 1086 A Motor Accident. Paris, May 29 King Alexander of Greee.• Madame Manos, were mo tom, car which had swerved,' j child» C OU „t Dekergarios and lus eand were thrown on to the ioa< h ollslv The Count alter legs had been amputate l bad to he
    95 words
  • 10 1086 nterred the P rt the Society of |S
    10 words
  • 61 1086 the society i ,-1 the L* s Sir Valentine Pure in uieinoi? J gaiety of “''•g'- gVITo I'on -In"» 18 airtinp>' sll nyd „f Hinduism. sir Valent" 11 j D rs«penj ’’g* h rulers posted that but' h w ,»dtf J"' Eonod enough 11 ulhA InM iUMI
    61 words

  • 905 1087 L it «M ralh l, lh,J 0»™» Borman Angell wno,e t Illusion” w« «“P- b. M-mf«rn> e d to b«v« daolar M be Li «hereae, of coarse, it U w ■P* 10 r! Of the author's Xdonbted. The present I» •>» 1118 ‘7°" r vet to meet
    905 words
  • 75 1087 whica lefc here on Monday last forlpoh deiemed the learn of the Anglovtiim so School there by two goals to one finer a go d contest. Mr. Hinch, former traumas er of the School there, officiated 9 rt feree. Ou Wednesday the same team
    75 words
  • 90 1087 motor syce employ- j Ajusguu-, motor syce einpiov* by Dr Crag.,, was fined SlOO and iu the Vent of th e tine not being paid, sentenced to month*’ imprisonment by Mr. Codriagton n the Magistrate's Court at Kuala Lumpur He Cl tul breach of trust as a
    90 words
  • 577 1087 The Krungieb Daily Mail states that the King of Siam’s visit to Japan is to bs postponed. Our Singapore correspondent wires that H H. the Sultan of Trengganu is making his first official visit to H, E. the Governor next week. It is reported from Paris that
    577 words

  • 102 1089 SI VAI, FUsmvi[M EASum Qgxtimior Post [Recteb' 8 Telegrams.] London, June 29. mM ’eorr«pondent at Constantinople JS’bX.b nml fo.c* occu. S &»>. -i ">• Port of hl 2k iligbt resistance. Occupation of Chan**» njlimee’correiponient says that Greek jap bare occupied Cbanak «a the Dudtseliet Tumi's Claims. flie Tiiw’
    102 words
  • 76 1089 AMERICAN’S NOTABLE SUCCESS. Mm. Chimb-pa Defeats the American Lad i Champion. London, June 29. At Wimbledon in the World’s Tennis Vb*mpton»bipm i Q the tingles semi-finals Mwrogordato by KM 60,6.2: Tilden (America) beal G»ri»nd(America)by64,B.6 ft. 2 In the hmi-finaliof the Ladies’ Singles P««onby 6 4. 6 2 l
    76 words
  • 40 1089 1011 Or Session. 3 at t k 1 9 J C) Q re h of clo r 81D g of the SJ? of CoiamerL f Wt». wtlQ g M a pyr? .P er Manent oCis 4 iuiaja
    40 words
  • 16 1089 Clort W‘‘'«'«l wl? 'I P<Deit the Snioa. ’“J ‘"Bi«.n o 7‘od «i <; *».X"r < -X
    16 words
  • 10 1089 B Co 8p eP£ CTATOHa. The tu? fter
    10 words
  • 673 1089 REPORTS FROM AMERICA. No Formal Negotiations. New York, June 9. The Washington correspondent of the World says that it is clear from a statement emanating from reliable sources that no formal negotiations have taken place between the Japanese and British Governments regarding the renewal of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance.
    673 words
  • 56 1089 Serious Italian Reveme. Belgrade, Ju ae 30. n A B n gra l emPBBa g e Bi J« that the news. TIX k P da P ub liBbea a telegram from thl k !uh ta lDg that Bfter dea Perate fighting the Albanian insurgents stormed Valona and captured
    56 words
  • 140 1089 Presentation of Long Service Medals. At the Penang Drill Hdl yeiterdny afternoon Colour Serjeant G.B.F. Southam and Serj *ant W. A. Ward were presented with L mg Service Medals. Colour B<jij j ant Southam and Serjeant Ward are the first recipients of this honour who have served the
    140 words
  • 61 1089 {From Our Own Corrotpondoni.) Singapore, July 3. At the annual general meeting of Balgownie Rubber Co., Ltd., Mr. Kindersley, who presided, said that the greatest problems at present were labour shortage and rubber prices. The remedy, he believed, was to be found in combination amongst the producers whether
    61 words
  • 104 1089 had been in the General Hospital for examination, it being supposed that he was threatened with appendicitis A day laier we ako on the highest authority bad the pleasure of announcing that Dr Galloway was out of
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  • 217 1090 An Appeal for a Equare Deal. According to a Shanghai despatch the Chinese Press Association baa issue i open letter to the Japanese peop.e, whicu it desires to recommend to the attention of the Japanese political pities and various public organisations, tniougn the big papers in
    217 words
  • 282 1090 Mobs Proposed Legislation. New York, Juue 8. An investigation of Japanese immigration on the Pacific coast by the House Immigration Committee is asked for by Mr. Phelan, with a view to passing legislation which will bar all Japanese immigrants from the coast and prohibit Japanese children
    282 words
  • 45 1090 in vmv.wnj mwriwQ icac tne Mowing are the number of anivaL fr auddepanurea to the Madns P, theory Id± T«h° f ’’“"•t-Arrivab, 5500 d 6 de i'»' lurf 4363 io ?.d d 1M UllBo r,le «l»t« 12 djabicDgexa only, the
    45 words
  • 136 1090 The Pillowing olj cfs and reasons are appended to a bill ab >u. to ba introduced into the Federal Council to fur.her amend iln Pensions Enactments ;—Under the existing law a public (other than a police r fficer below iho rank of probationer) cannot retire on pension before
    136 words
  • 97 1090 London, Juue 12. Serious labour tr< übies are developing in England. The well known motor builders, Cote and Sons of Hammersmith, are closing with orders worth half a million on hand owing to the refusal of 40.) employees to adopt piecework. Another strike is among the
    97 words
  • 89 1090 Daylight Saving Bill, Legislative Council wid meet on Monday. A number of motions is on the agenda msinly for email sums, the litrg e 3t being *182,000 for Penang Police Barracks. A Daylight Saving Bill (io provide for a half-hour advance of lim will be introduced, as also
    89 words
  • 37 1090 Gratifying Returns. (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 3. Trade returns for the first- quaner for Penang show that imports -7 $31,232,316 and exports by ‘33,696,733 a* compared with the corresponding j.eir-»v of l‘Jl9.
    37 words
  • 22 1090 on AVtnaUgC J -«nr I- dii or Ceylon to-day —I ■’suing xw. A*’$lOO. Paying Rs 140—$100.
    22 words
  • 138 1090 Says the Peking Daily News of J une 12: The Cabinet has issued an instruction to General (Ji ang Chitig yao, '1 uchuu of Hunan, stating tb it be is Authorized to adopt any me* sures he deems u should any al I ok 0 xn ufe by the southern
    138 words
  • 343 1090 With KMW d Ji,! which aft*r a H» Uew U at X2SIL 1 /ini 3 ivJ^r down f„ 7 10 < for sheet and 1/11M a l alroM 0">« and cult to bring buyer. Rubbib. Offering. i n the but there i« no rarciiy of wo
    343 words
  • 13 1090 B t'X»*' hwr d o eoatMsP-“>-_^-. l
    13 words
  • 54 1090 close at 1.45 P'®The Sis? J.paoe.6 t‘“P t h b» l( ,n Ba U£ k<k l)daW Siamese. 1 braD cbe» il business an new»F»P’b |6CV OCaKWNCE. <-f b e o^,*^M) og Boon iaD o f condolence, b their motor-cars. DEATH. u. 9? Sir Theodore Thomas
    54 words

  • 590 1091 we b»ve never hankered fa dte “vote,” realising only too with how little wisdom the world j rrernd and preferring to follow wtj with the more or lees cynical ludneot of a spectator rather than mm ewi that leeser responsibility nicfi attaches to him who may accord I
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  • 23 1091 at the recent meeting of the Municipal Commission Mr. Thorne’s motion on Daylight Saving was carried by one vote.
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  • 32 1091 2,007 coolies arrived here yesterday by the s.s. I'eesta and that 759 went to Pulau Jerejak for quarantine and the balance to Port Swettenham also for quarantine.
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  • 42 1091 who was brought before Mr. Baker on a charge of abetting the offering of an illegal gratifica'ion Jo Capt. Barry was allowed bail in the sum of $l,OOO in two sureties —not $lOO as previously stated.
    42 words
  • 49 1091 are gr ing to Mecca on pilgrimage. They will bo leaving Bombay to-day and are back in Bombay about September. lhey will bo returning to Penang after celebrating tha marriage of their younger daughter Mias Koolsoombai about the end of October.
    49 words
  • 78 1091 has been placed at the disposal of a Mwvu au Hiu UlKpUßal UJL Hie Highness Sultan Suleiman ibni Atonehum Al Sukan Zuualabidin Sultan of Trengganu, who will be coming by her to Singapo e next week on bis fi st
    78 words
  • 106 1091 was the gu-st of honour at a dinner > b u e ui ii 'iiour at h uinuer B'v< a <jy the merchants an 1 other rssiden’s 5 9 l ,®’ghb«)uriug town, hip, the occasion
    106 words
  • 594 1091 evy is a PP° iated a Cadet in tue Civil Service of the Colony, Mr. E. T. Williams is granted leave of June 2S, m n h 00 mendD on A mandate is being issued at Peking, conferring the First Class Tasho Paokwan Chaoho on dir John
    594 words

  • 832 1092 Satisfied Acoording to the Gazette, the Governor in Council is satisfied that the Singapore Social Parity Union has ceased to exist. At Tanjong Bungah. The celebrated Brothers Brown with their wonderful aquatic dog gave a thrilling display at the Swimming Club yesterday morning. Rubber Profiteers.” Accompanying the annual
    832 words
  • 35 1092 which was coming from the Far East with passengers collided on Juno 20 with the port commissioners’ s earn lug Chapala at Kidderpore docks, causing some damage to the latter.
    35 words
  • 41 1092 Ships in communication with the Wireles Station, Penaga —-West Calumb, Ttes'R, Kalyan. Selandis, Aiuirnl Nielly, Syrens, Malacca Maru, Clan Mathean, West Conob, Ganges Main, Amizjne, Bendoran, Atna, Himalaya, Edavana, Kofuku Maru, D lagoa Marti, Wiils. Namsaiig, Clan Cumming and Inaba Maru.
    41 words
  • 358 1092 Mr. W- H. Lre Wsru-r who has been to Hongkong on special business is due bac.c in Singapore in the course of a day or so. Wo are inioriued by Mr H.J. Dck nsrn, the ag cm Consul Gfve al, that MrEdwin N. Guusanlus, who left
    358 words
  • 141 1092 AOREEMENro?M iST Striih, [Beuteb’B Telbguu.; tJJJ’ r k »>‘.Mplj to peaty recogoisei the it< J Armenia, Hedjw, the FreocKjJ to to Libya, Egypt, hlands io AmL*? recogmees the independeo«Tu Mesopotamia and Palestine, BriL 2 in the Suez Canal, Sudan ia?f? ngreta to the opening oitheßai'. requests a
    141 words
  • 124 1092 America Not REranwoLondon, Joiy. Mr. Lloyd George, Earl Carsoii Sir L. Worthington Evani, rt replacing Mr. Austen ChambinWJ their respective staffii have Brussels. The French delegation by M. Millerand has departed i Paris, accompanied by Pru>* the Japanese Ambassador J» in Biu»,el«. There “J** that America will
    124 words
  • 19 1092 in the H° U! Law iDli Bill 1 0 1 the Home 8» >o’ The Bill
    19 words

  • 1171 1093 DE MOCR^ iTFOBM Io IsBDt s»n Fratciico, Jun® b f M r McAdoo have "’’’’l'T.o omnieation i> eeek- d 1 i“ the eopport of delegate» "t f dark how», loclading T A, AmbaaD.»i« »»d Mr Cumm, T I Ltam Committee, deepito the T I» nf Mr Brvan,
    1,171 words
  • 51 1093 Washington, July 2. Admiral B nsoo, Chairman of the Shipping B.iard, announces that the agreement between the Hamburg-America Line and the American Ship and Commerce Corporation by which the ex-German traderouies are opened to American shipping has been submitted for approval to the Shipping
    51 words
  • 40 1093 The Vote in the Senate. London, July 1. A Paris message states that the vote in ihe Senate on the question of ratification of the Austrian Peace Treaty resulted in 263 votes for and 23 against ratification.
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  • 44 1093 Surrender of Great Airship. London, July 1. The German supcr-zeppelin, L7l, built specially for the purpose of bombing New York, surrendered under the terms of the Peace Treaty, hog arrived in England. It is the largest airship in the world.
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  • 49 1093 The Valona Report. London, July 1. There is no confirmation of the report that the Albanians have captured Valona but ou the contrary Valona telegrams state that the Italian Plenipotentiary Biguur Aliotti has arrived to endeavour to negotiate a settlement with the Albanians. Ih3 town is quiet.
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  • 44 1094 Important Results. Loudon, July 1. At Wimbledon in ‘be Tennis A (Holler) beat Mrs. Lambert Chambers by 6 3 6-0 Doubles Semi-Finals. At Wimbledon in semi-final Doubles Garland and Williams (America) beat Johnston and Tilden (America) 4-6. 6-4, 6-2, 4 6, 6-2.
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  • 36 1094 New York, June 30 Government purchases of silver at present amount to 3,040 000 ounces r New York, July 1. A further government purchase of a million ounces of silver is announced.
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  • 40 1094 Movement Abandoned. New York, July 2. It is announced that the billion dollar campaign for the inter-church world movement has been abandoned owing to the number of collections of various kinds at present being made throughout the country.
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  • 223 1094 [To the Editor of The Straits Echo Bir In answer to “Anti-Opium's” letter which appeared in your issue of the 2nd instant I am inclined io disagree with him as regards the sale of one tahil and three chee pots of opium which, he says, are obtainable
    223 words
  • 164 1094 For example, Mr. E. R. Wilson tells us the whole story of the invention of swerving, which, now it is understood and consciously practiced, is one of the modern bowler’s most valuable resources. It was in 1901 that George Hirst discovered
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  • 150 1094 CRISIS IN LUEBECK The Fatherland’s Debts. [Reuter’s London, July 1. A Berlin message says that Herr Wirth, the new Finance Minister, of estimates the total debt of Germany at 265,000,000,000 marks. The Security Police. London, July 1. A Berlin message reports that Herr Severing, Prussian Minister of the inJerior,
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  • 80 1094 London, June 29. Lancashire beat Warwickshire by 197 Nottinghamshire beat Northamptoninire by three wickets. Kent beat Sussex by seven wickets. Hampshire beat Yorkshire by au innings and 72 runs. Hampshire made 456 runs for two wickets and declared. Brown contributed 232 not out. Leicestershire beat Somerset by 47
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  • 56 1094 Internal Conditions. Lmdon, July 1. Mrs. Snowden, who has just Teturned from Russia, says there 18 no Sccl l Communism. It ia ail amV ter o ca t The Soviet do s not make a P r^ en00 J being a democratic dlct^? rBh ’P’ n knn‘ proletariat
    56 words
  • 42 1094 Increases and Decreases London, July 1» T’oe revenue for the past fl sh ws the following increr^■ with the fisme quarter in i y iy £17,762.600, Stamps £2J)17,000 a Income Tax £14,604.000. Decrease in Customs £2,014,000 and Exc‘BB Duty £7,423,000,
    42 words
  • 76 1094 Paris, July 3. The government announces that it ia r f ady to aid French aircraft u tructora in China by selling material now in China y’ 11 originally intended for Russia. Fiench companies, the E wtuic Orga > i tioa Bureau and the Compagnie J i Colombienne,
    76 words
  • 64 1094 [Ritnn’s In the Rohm of to Colonel J. Gtellon (Bum Mr. Boner Lew iteted thuft, negotiations were «ill preM J* ee the Government bed the time for a decision bad irmu bad intimated this to M. KrZ! was returning to Rmsi* in ori mit the British Govern
    64 words
  • 82 1094 Control or Expok, London, JqL In the House of Couhmm a second reading of the Coal BE w affirmed by 217 votes to 91 St Robert Horne, President of the fai of Trade, replying to the debate, itai that the control of the export of would cease
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  • 58 1094 Admiraltt’s Actios. London, Joly 1* In the House of Commons, replß« Mr. Horatio Bottomley (Hackney Ind),!’ Bonar Law stated that all tbs marine commanders wb«M, published by the Admiralty n&g* 1918 as prisoners o WJ" leased except one who grave violation of the Id who would be
    58 words
  • 25 1094 Statement in th® Commojb London, In B- "aJS carefully < r lde "”>LcU P i .f the American Merco» on British Shipping-
    25 words
  • 11 1094 DisrauunoN of IRCRi In the Hef f G XT
    11 words
  • 15 1094 w of Cc O to Mr. Bonar u r»* A»s Dt ‘"'t
    15 words

  • 559 1095 m ,e'i7g of Sung?! Tukang »fa^^.Uber e g.«re d Ir-efCO'k on ltQf P Mitford “W 3 ilr vi» he mwtiog aaa X.wg be< read by a beSecrelarits (M«««. 4 Hope) the Chairman *JS»W! R-port which ba» >t 4 ihowa that the whole of the been
    559 words
  • 86 1095 Th® Winners The following are the successful competitors at the recent Bowls ournament b Id under the auspices of the Penang Cricket Club:—Championship, G. B. F. Sou ham; Runner up, G. Wright Motion; Single Handicap A, G B F. Southam; Single Handicap B, F. N. Syer;
    86 words
  • 87 1095 Says a special cable to the Free Press i ast night a ti a broke out at Taojong Pa- dan. the capital of the isUud of Bildton and deaf roved tw-4 e shops, one godown and nineteen other build nos The damage is put at s’x hundred t.nd fifty thousand
    87 words
  • 312 1095 The decision of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to retain—and even increase—the Excess Profi s Duty c*rae as a *evere Gnappoin’ meat to tba rubber share market, where it had confidently been anticipated that that duty would he removed. The inequalities of this
    312 words
  • 428 1095 The following appear in the F. M. S. Government Gazslte of July 2: Mr L H Clayton to ba official Assignee. F M 8, Class I (Grade B). Mr A J Weiier to be Chief Inspector of English Schools, F M 8 and 8 8. Dr
    428 words
  • 14 1095 are building a large fuctcry in the outskirts of Calcutta,
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  • 24 1095 has collaps-d. 400 employees are now oat of work, their places having been filled.
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  • 106 1095 it is reported, to AJiujru o 40 4 'V establish a corporation in Japan to facilitate the classification of newly built sups, turveying, and all other matters c innected with merchantmen. Except where Lloyd corporations nre (stablisbed, such matter» era handled by the head office in London
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  • 496 1096 BIR M. O’DWYER’B REVELATIONS. «< A Bombshell on the Public. London, June 9. An entirely new completion hue ton h e ton W* Mtcbaei O'Dwyer .c m day. that the facta were comnuuicu* 1 y Indian Government day by Michael arrived in London on hat
    496 words
  • 549 1096 HEAVY RISE IN BUSINESS. The return of imp rts into, and exports from, the Straits Settkm n s for the quarter ended Mar. 31st shows that the total value of imports of merchandise was §345,338,745 an increase of 5151,513,754 over the corr eponding quarter of 1919, Singapore
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  • 39 1096 A K arachi mot. VYe are inclined to rb Ihe ix.r. cui tiiul. hazard the opinion that not one < Khilafit agitators either in Sind or e where will ever emigrate—unices J t is the An Um I The Daily
    39 words
  • 353 1096 Sir, (2 In the diicuninn great importance are irfk,' 1 **< Immorality i a oiler human knowledge. sr d» i If Christian thtolcgy i, n Ew were fornicatori. N w^i iu, matter, ii eotnethieg y et Morality, uwe g u vention a c», ent for heind
    353 words
  • 9 1096 Reuter cables a shipment of gold j bankers.
    9 words
  • 53 1096 bankers. j Those in charge n “’teo -B at Zoological g« d is J* 0 charmed )>»«*. Bahn Ahehoy gspiil* t»* in charge of O the J Calcu.i. effd. from th» bja w ,y t> Russell viP« am> on 4’ at U« c ,d l m* 'm'
    53 words

  • 168 1097 F [RKW»'» London, J u h gS “Zd T‘he t B^f tute of Agriculture k rnat:onal 1 lhere we re v unUl. Hf «heat and fiH -ill’ ;n exporting countries, to North America, AoT South America, and iifflOOOO in Australia. dements of importing count™, D April and
    168 words
  • 56 1097 impending new offensive. Wes' StiMora Resisteoce. T! »p. T London, July 1. says 72 divisions offensive ■ii ii pVl'r J’’'*" ’‘«bbomly >i A e “nth-east of Wk 011 tu drive the liKdir ;rt™<,fLi m b? r <: MI frontier in #ed Adra nce Ptland A Warsaw July
    56 words
  • 37 1097 E “'°> flespatchea Palwiein k M X I ...luher huv t> 'can newsa. -’-Mal F saikd for Engi ">■* Envoy and st aUishf r j,. n n l tle Euerta -'-““n and h/' be--6 European coun-
    37 words
  • 15 1097 R Mull5 ■■-'■Jr. Th» r i bunion I 4 A h' ll .a played
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  • 79 1097 Visit to VVest Australia. Albany, West Australia, July 1. ICR.H. the Prince of Wales arrived on 11.M.5. Renown and was welcomed by the Governor and Premier of WeM Australia, the Mayor of Albany and leading citizens. There was a fine gathering of eX-soldiers, nurses and school children
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  • 423 1097 Spread of Bolshevism Denied. Baghdad, June 18. Sir Aylmer Haldane has temporarily returned to Baghdad. Sir Percy Cox reaches Baghdad to-morrow on his way to England. The military situation remains unchanged and the falsity of previous reports regarding Bolshevisk natives has been demonstrated. With the exception of
    423 words
  • 1009 1097 annual meeting postponed. Owing to the want quorum the annual general meeting of the Malay eninsula Agricultural Association fixed lor to-day has been postponed to Saturday next, at noon. Committee’s Report. mi X ol owln g is "’<> '"port Of the Commeeting/ Subm ed to the
    1,009 words

  • 1286 1098 [To the Editor of the Straibi Ech) Sir, It is unlikely that the housing problem, as it has been called foi want of a better name, can become more acute in Penang than it has been and still is in the Southern Settlement. In Singapore, the problem
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  • 633 1100 Our Singapore correspondent wires that His Highness the Sultan of TranggauU 4a to arrive there this morning. Mensrß. J. W. Kennedy and T. H Menzies have been appointed members ot th! Indian Immigration Comm.ttee rn place of Messrs. E. Macfadyen and F. G. Harvey respectively. In all
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  • 825 1100 Turning the Tables. Iu the Bangk k Daily Mail a lady advertiser begs to notify the public thus ehe will not be responsible for anv deb's contracted by her husband, Mr. as he has been insane for Hie past two weeks.” Is a wi'e responsible for her husband’s
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  • 31 1100 a Wednesday next ii a meeting of tb Executive Committee of the General lans Committee of Malaya.
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  • 58 1100 Mr. W. li. Bosker, of the P.W.D., bu f °Mr°W.’ L. Crick ha« returned from He* Mr. R. D. Fenton sails for Home tbu** Mr H. W. Evans is a passenger fr MrlTD.Bett.ridgeb M WttaH»H Estate, have left fw cot Mr. a. H. Harrop, bM
    58 words
  • 131 1100 The Kmgsnd Qw" 1 burgh, accompanied by Pr Saiurday, Jul? 10, •"'1 Gourock, wh.r. they board the Koy«ly«cW i Their Majesties are to lew w^t «’he w’ofM»»; i UD X d 1 H l J h d Tulr 16, be K g On Friday. J uiy
    131 words

  • 514 1101 DE MOCRAJ^ TFORM lmmigration. [Birns’B Telegrams.] Ban Frsnciico, July 2- V ft f the platform dealing with that the States with reference b Lii-ion of Asiatic immia lbß oon-sdmi judgment of P“ a support to the States n ieal situation or internal i-rt tbi. policy d ,e
    514 words
  • 47 1101 Intimidation and Raids. London, July 2. Warning notices signed on behalf of the Irish Republican Army have been received by the Mohill Magistrates demanding their resignation and threatening penalties if not complied with. Raids for petrol, arms and munitions continue to b® of daily occurrence.
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  • 20 1101 London, July 2. Sussex beat Gloucester by an innings and twenty-one runs. The match at Leicester was abandoned.
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  • 87 1101 London, July 8. His Majesty the King has approved ®f naval clasps to the war medal for general actions at sea, single ship actions and actions with enemy land troops, etc. Single ship actions include the fights with the Emden and Koenigsberg. Mesopotamia, Red Sea, the African
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  • 61 1101 Chancellob and Businessmen. London, July 2. Receiving a deputation from the Federation of British Industries, Mr. Austen Chamberlain, Chancellor of the h.xchequer, declared that the Government’s efforts to giapple with dabt had been beneficial. He counselled great prudence to businessmen hut declined to give relief as to Excess
    61 words
  • 55 1101 Genoa, July 1. I.‘ ur Montagu Bariow, reporter the Uaemployment Committee at the Seamen’s F°| P re eented a draft convention a >i s ling private employment agencies hn suggests to substitute free State agencies for to have a free choice ships, ihe convention likewise provides f r
    55 words
  • 30 1101 London, July 3. e “ouse of Commons rejacted by P votes to 46 an amendment to the Insurance Bill making n? > non c ODtrinntcry on the part of
    30 words
  • 231 1101 BRUSSELS CONFERENCE. Dividing the Indemnity. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Brussels, July 1. tb. Bri’Jh”'n comm l il P6 st. Ce. that he Bn.i.b, Be,gia as an( i Italians held a prolonged .nformal Conference regarding the drynron of the amoOQt 0 „‘“8 rations received from Germany. There was U^bS e f
    231 words
  • 93 1101 New York, July 2. A meeting of the Associated Railway Executive appointed an Advisory Committee of nine executives to deal with transport emergencies through the cooperative action of all railroads with inter-State commerce. The Commission announced that steps had been taken as the result of the Special
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  • 73 1101 Amekica’b Intentions. Washington, July 2. Admiral Benson, Chairman of the Shipping Board, announced that the Board )8 determined to build up the American Merchant Marine in spite of the threats cf foreign interests to defeat the Bill. In that connection he further declared that if the threats of
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  • 17 1101 London, July 2. A new Hervice of aerial mails between Lop 3 o —MM
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  • 68 1102 NEW CABINET SETTLED. Peace With The South. [Rkuteb’s Telegrams.] Peking, July 1. At the result of conference between the leaders of the rival factions a new Cabinet has been practically settled. Mr. Chou S.iu Mou, the Premier, will attempt to conclude peace with the South and represent popular
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  • 108 1102 A Gbeek Success. Paris, July 2 A Greek communique says that the Greeks occupied Balikessar on June 30. The Nationalists, outflanked from the Cast, retreated after a stout resistance, leaving a number of killed and wounded. The Greeks captured 1,200 prisoners, fifty-four guns, most of the breeches
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  • 61 1102 Foety-foub-hour Week. London, July 2. The meeting of the National Federation of Trade Unions at Leamington passed a resolution in favour of a forty-four-hour week for all industries in spite of the advice of Colonel John Ward, M. P., who urged that it was far better to stabilise
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  • 64 1102 A Busy Day. Perth, Ju’y 1. H. R. H. The Prince of Wales was accorded a wonderful welcome hero by two miles of cheering crowds. His Royal Highness held a reception of thousands of fx-ser-vicemen and nurses at the theatre, took luncheon at the Town
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  • 45 1102 Railway Service Suspended, Vienna, Ju’y 1. Owing to the friction, between pro-boy-aad anti-boycott railway employees of the eastern railway lines endangering the safety o f passengers and goods, the Government has suspended the entire railway service between Vienna and the Hungarian frontier.
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  • 13 1102 Brussels, July 2. t&U Camber by 89 vote? to jgy women.
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  • 314 1102 A few in erstfd members were present at the Racecourse this morning to witness the training o 1 the horses fir the forthcoming race meeting. Though no watches were broken the work doms was of such a nature as to give some indication of the forms of the
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  • 93 1102 Hundred Feb Cent For the Yeab. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 6. At the third annual general meeting of the shareholders of Murai Tin Ltd., Mr. A, A. Hcnggtder, who presided, said that the profit was §105,997; the duty paid to Government amounted to $28,662,
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  • 94 1102 dUiIC kUDDLfI Aver Kuning (F.M.8.) 80.000, Bradwall (F.M.S.) 49,438, Chersonese(F.M 8.) 58 619, Denuistown (Krian F.M.S.) Highlands and Lowlands Para 126.58’. Kiabang 33,725, Krian 31,700, Sungei Krian 73,500, Sungei Way <Be anger; 53.242, vecily 49,600, Sungei TuLaus 5,634, Karangan 8.182, Sungei Batu (MJay«) 29,000, Vai d’Or 24,200,
    94 words
  • 63 1102 who «.fkad a q jestion J AAivaoj n x with r g*:d to tha dunisbmeiß oi t‘ lo abduce Bof the wife ©f a Bitih cificer in Peahawar, Mr. Montagu gave an assuranca that the locM authorities would not rest until
    63 words
  • 162 1102 another, ple^, d It was etated that wS °n the home, No. 5 accused were round aJ' ife I Pack of card, and baby m her armi. oA. found money ranging foA. B** 8 W none on the lady ĕ 8 1173 M8h The Magistrate asked the
    162 words
  • 172 1102 A rather interesting breach of motor regulations case was before Mr. E. fa, the Ipoh Magistrate, on tahjtat, the accused being a Malay chauffdcr Mi. Witham, the Assistant Superintendent i Chandu, who was charged sM drivii without the requisite number oflight*. Ti car had only one
    172 words
  • 111 1102 r o j By removing the b I» Catholic Sovereign and Quirioal, the fXmci f lh desire to promote the pe» y, „ok insular Englishman W estimate the real aWgt S political for» |tiß the merits of the u e temporal P?”tfi w ly the to
    111 words

  • 209 1103 Tine>] i" 1 .rote, our » tfbtoM* at the time of ;i« b«i»« di jon |(j all wag(B nf “"“'.'ji, U lot io gombliug. th» M the P«u..hop. Tbo sb» hlv being run in ccnnec“A ,be gr T e,t high Io pawn their gootk PJ"
    209 words
  • 114 1103 wJV i D J i(! t<k 01,t P u; 10 d, eetimaed tress valua $l4 000 wd co>'g $16,000. Hydraulic Tin, Ltd., 200 piculs *****'nrM9480 1 1 L abilst y» hours r’ J p 7’ 4 0 pM pls 239.20. b«'.b.Mi D ‘T in s Dr '’«d
    114 words
  • 72 1103 ?V* B P=t.r ?2“ C ”'*-4ingf n X? nil e ".fcwlij 1 P' ir 'd b’t a cv"’ 7 Ui readv ?rnan -d rh e t 6 Uni U (i; aq y iron*- TL &tP ‘UI n 2 l 7 y ir,ra ‘Ot in
    72 words
  • 550 1103 THE EDUCATION BILL. Penang Chinese Petition. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 6. At the meeting of the -Legislative Council H. E. the Governor welcomed Mr. Thorne. The feature of the meeting was the Education Bill. Dr.. Lim Boon Keng presenting a petition from the representatives of the
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  • 569 1103 annual general meeting. he tenth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Ayer Kuning lubber Estate, Ltd., was held at the icgistered office of the company, No. 9 Beach Street, to-day. 'I here were present Messrs. L. C. Brown (Chairman), J. G. Brown, B. E. Ross, H.
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  • 1500 1104  -  (By Oliver Coyne.) This July the term set tor the continuation of the Alhance tain and Japan under the revised in U 1 P the Alliance that arises, then, is w undershall be renewed “P°° modified in Britain’s favour, or discarded Since e was
    1,500 words
  • 34 1104 '7/ Asse t0 transit »>'%.**' tempted t t itle o t tnHer,” and o® re __pab' its j < Ministre A9S s£ ‘,“'"|,ave I-" 1111 J t-n-bU..' k l( II- u rv 3f: at
    34 words

  • 59 1106 Lhe famous con- servatory at Chatsworth, the glory of the place, was blown up m mail week th nigh price of 1, lai lifficult expen es hav g u d impossible Fight large hun-ie,-. re< ffiH<d t.> brat the place Thor. •■mi ~f l"!>- and about a -’linn,,,
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  • 540 1106 Sun Francisco, July 2. Gnu of the Democratic Party Con vent ion s Plank favours the League of .Nations as the surest if not the sole practicable means of maintaining the peace of world and terminating the insufferable naval and military burdens, it endorses the President’s views
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  • 35 1106 T i Hade returns show that to Europe were $385,000.000 13 America $58,000,000, India North America $152,000,000 and ini from Europe $92,000,000, South 4? nca $63,000,000, India $*****00(3 North America $138,000,000.
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  • 51 1106 London, JuhL General Willis has arrived atDnj to replace Brigadier-General Lucas. wb| was kidnapped last week by Sinn Piers. The police barracks in one dfc main streets of Cork were severely daaged by a bomb explosion yestdj evening and a girl was injured. Si Feiners previously warned
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  • 110 1106 is not without its funny if ponings, says the Malayan Leader. A couple of weeks ago one of the A.GJX ran down to Singapore for a lew how His orderly took advantage of this to k his master’s B.S.A. and side car. B hadn’t gone far before he left
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  • 77 1106 The United rjtaiub wuat Hankow earns source that General than o tacked the Reformed United States m s?,on ,.?L piling, t the Rev. Reimert was killed. 't s C3 ped to Pm B s W M in ***** Heiraert «'ent to China in in evangelistic work
    77 words
  • 61 1106 Ministers are th f u^M f a verv i,. House of Co ®s'ite! a** Law only hal rt‘l ferring it to Select C° then a nca JY’„ o f the L,< through the the de Key»' r ing itself btb d fMC otno' t *2^ f of war necessity,
    61 words

  • 594 1107 h* vrsxr?. £L’ b coto' heerful £ee lus fc tenSh the waistcoat, induced Ktought of P lMsil V V v y h hT. 1T i( can introduce a Bill which the fed the Colony has asked for on i s The Topicist therefore expects g taghtsmau Of the
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  • 1044 1107 HIS FRIENDS, HIS FUTURE, AND HIS FOES. Cai 11 aux is in Paris. His “banishment” has, therefore, not lasted long. His state 6f health requires care which apparently Mamers cannot provide, and he has received permission to come to the metropolis for a few days. He has also been
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