The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 28 May 1919

Total Pages: 40
1 786 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 20 1 The Straits Echo. MAIL EDITION. IfB PER AVVIII. Single Copy 40 cts. koi. 17 Penang, Wednesday, May 1919. No, 2£.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 314 1 C O N T W N $'S. ,7> < f 'I Ludixi MiB«®llaxiotti (Continued) War We kers and W*r Losses 749 Moslem Affairs... 775 Siam Bice 749 E Inoation Rate,*. 777 Peace Prospects... 755 China and Japan 777 A 784 Military Matters 755 Bad News 773 The War Bill 761
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 174 2 SR THE STRAITS ECHO” MAIL EDITION. vK Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the £jr daily issues, as well as all important news from various parts of the Far X? East, including China,
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  • 707 749 II the prre nt tim 1 when we are anxiously awaiting news of acceptation by (ha Haos of the terms of peace imposed by ths lilies, it may bi of interest to consider thi luupective sacrifices of those who fought to wia i jaet and
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  • 596 749 Recently the Singapore Free Pren t in an article relating to the food ends, mentioned that the price of Siam rice had soared to No I 325 a bag and No II 317« Oir contemporary proceeded to assign causes for this rise, suggesting it might be due to
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  • 102 749 Mr. E J B Clayton is to be Director of F >ed Production for the Colony of the Soaits Battlements and Commander D O Mclntyre, EN B. is to be agent for the Food Controller in Ponang vice Mr R J B Clayton. We welcome the appointment of
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  • 85 749 Successful Sinuapoku Entirphsm. The Kemayan Rubber Estate Company, L'mited, have recently appointed Mr. L. Ligease, formerly of Bigan Datoh, to take charge of their property, succeeding Mr, >. Jenxen in that position. Toil estate wa believe to be one of the first that was planted up on
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  • Page 749 Advertisements
    • 94 749 Straits €cbo. PUBLISHED DAJXTST (««Mt Swdw« and pnbllc holidays.). AT THE CRITERION press, limited, 99, Beach Street, Penang. price: puny Local ISO pep annum Outstation Postage Extra. Mat! Edition (Pont Free) 118 per annum. Cable Addreuss ECHO PENANG? Telephone Non. (Eoho) 886. printing Department 143. 9 J,-All baaina* oommunteationa should
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  • 1123 750 Bishop Ferguion-Davie hai returned to Singapore. Mr W* G. Huntings has to 3* papolnted a member of the Omema Films Committee of Appeal rice D*. D. Galloway. Mr. B. D. Pringle, who is with the YMCA, it now stationed with the 2nd army B E F at Cologne in
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  • 564 750 [rEUIEEB 1ELEG&AM8.] Vienna, May 12 —Too position a! the re. volu‘ionary cabinet at Budapest during the last few days has been seemingly stroeeer Bala Kan himself is more optimises th,, the government appear to be. News hig been received fom Rumania that m dingeroas offensive thence need no longer
    [rEUIEEB 1ELEG&AM8.]  -  564 words

  • 1151 751 [ueffli nuiou“ s Mov 14.—10 th 9 001,80 of jjondoo, M! to a question by Mr. Oo»®° r l iwtber as to whether the peace C |l,d mDe lied the enemy to pay the allies Ur ®Mii hhl) Mr. Bonar-Law referred to «r on the 12rh M.y
    [ueffli nuiou“s-]  -  1,151 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 584 751 [To the Editor of the Strath Echo.] p ,r 8ir 1 -",” > rl ti ßg ig column, yeiterday reg.rding robb.rie. in rt."w r? doßbt the bM la ‘hs w«. Id bat to many he i, bit toe pe,. simistic in his suggestion, F »1^7.7*' 81n il I
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  • 2044 752 KIAT SENG CO. ve PENANG HARBOUR BOARD. la the Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon, before Mr. Judice P. J. Sproule, the hearing wai resumed of the suit instituted by Merers. Keat Seng Lee A Co. against the Penang Harbour Board in connection with the alleged abort delivery of 201
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  • 3688 753 «EXO A co V 3 £,A fIABBOUB BOABD. f «ha 8«P’»»’ Cj rt T e, r J‘ T terßo ,B J J.rtio» P. J- Sprouls, th» 7«' the »«it in»tit«ta<i b Messrs. I. r.»e i Ci. *fain’t '•>’ Pen*»g Boird in connection with ths allsg2Ol b’g. onto. ..on-
    3,688 words

  • 425 754 —Malay Mail. Gross Outbagh Nuab tub Frdrbal Capital, The old Chinese towkay of Pudu, who was robbed of 14,000, which he had drawn from the bank shortly after tiffin on Wed. nesday, told the police that his four assail, ants went into a stretch of jungle after having
    —Malay Mail.  -  425 words
  • Page 754 Advertisements
    • 82 754 Cause of Despondency. Despondency is often caused by indigestion and constipation, and quickly pears when Chamberlain’s Tablets are ta e These tablets strengthen the digestion an move the bowels. For sale by ail dealers. A Good Rule for the Home. Make it a rule of your home to a ways
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  • 636 755 -..•ent wtifln th o Huns are A* tb P ro baggie over cue terms ot peace tu,op n /I|;H Le determined to impose ’“’•llrtd o gam by 6 ba t ng doo.mi.nt to mi.oed.neou. Ik’ fn/of ...let., monroom rtp.blio., f i"f hodia. »od a.o died National of intere.t
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  • 618 755 Judging by what our London correspondent writes under date April 25 there is ri-awcn f jr believing that as soon as the War Offi ia has cut away some of the red tape which is, as usual, fairly strangling it, noteworthy decentralisation will probably be effected. One of
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  • 560 755 M.jor N orm.o Bruusth. f alßol| f eali ?J* y n* rr lT sd Oolombo on April nby the Demmthenee on hie way to Landon, 7 Mr. Yamasaki, who has been Japanese Consul-Ganeral in London for many years will leave England shortly for Tokyo to take up
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  • 1731 756 [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.] Paris, M<y 12 —Tne Abyssirim mission ha« arrived and has hsued a dedal that the Abyssimans desire their countiy to be a protectorate of France, Atlantic Aviation. Lor don. May 18,—It ia expected that an American Blimp dirig b!e will accompany the American Aviator* when they start
    [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.]  -  1,731 words

  • 329 757 m bee» to R. ejrrwp»»**"* »1»"’ o Zmmld tbem-th.t very B S r.a'iol oio be exarched by lhe f Siee ii etepe are taken to o.uee W TX and ratep.yer in the town and b.«eeh»l«s a J/ we ll a. Frovwoe W d to tormU.y dtolare th. exact
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  • 213 757 [beuters telegrams.] Ostend, May 11,—The anniversary of the nntish raid of light cruisers and destroyers R™ki»°p“i? od< ,e (low Bir > TjrwblttEN. w* o eleven ere ay r Nl,wol > »»d drove them Z’ebrHge >n Miy 10th 1917 w.a d S thß o,t re 'noni*l manner Her
    [beuters telegrams.]  -  213 words
  • 684 757 The sixth annual general meeting of the Taipiog Rubber Estitrs, L d., was held at the office of the agents Messrs, Hopkins, Dunn and Co., Ltd,, at Shanghai on Anril 30. Mr. Brodie A. Clarke presided There were also present Messrs. E. 8 Kadoorie and J. Frost,
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  • 466 757 H^ bllMo^ nTy Brown. Cjnnsellor of hs Chinese Ligation, has returned to L J nd^ n f su m Par,R whore h has baen attending the Peace Conference. The President has become optimistic of tbu situa'ion generally, and regards the projected visit of Admial Lin Pao-yi and General
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  • 667 758 The following is the sixth report of the Mirectors to the shareholders to bo submitted nt the seventh ordinary general meeting of the members of the Jerarn Kuantan‘Rubber Estate, Limited, at the office of the company, Chartered Bank Chambers, Singapore, on Tuesday, the 27th May, 1919, at 12
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  • 140 758 j.—" Straits Timos." The annual meeting of the Rubber Growers’ Association was held in London on April 25. Mr. J. Alee Roberts was elected chairman and Mr. Norman W. Grieve vice-chairman. Sir John Anderson in his valedictory speech emphasised the necessity for the Crown Colonies receiving special
    j.—" Straits Timos."  -  140 words
  • 117 758 -"Sydney Herald." Despatches received in Sydney say Mr. Hughes was interviewed regarding the proposed Japanese amendment to the League of Nations Covenant, recognising racial equality. Mr. Hughes said: "Australia cannot accept a proposal which strikes at the roots of the policy we have long maintained and which is
    -"Sydney Herald."  -  117 words
  • 54 758 Championship Cup, Friday week, the 80th instant, has been fixed for the Final. A v omriitte Moetrng he id yesterday made arrangements for seats, erection of an attap pavilion, light refreshments, a special referee, and ether matters. Muthibol Ahzan hag never previously reached the final, in rhich
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  • 608 758 REPORT OF DIRECTORS FOR 1913. The Court of Directors present to members of the Corporation tho report; 9 I accounts and balance sheet for the year 1918 I The Corporation has acquired the total assets and undertaking of The British Law I Fire Insurance Company, Limited. Life Department.
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  • 798 759 -“Straits Times’’ position Clearly Explained, «nmi&l general meeting of the Estates Ltd., wag SftSy^'-chßB“kßu,ld-gXrCpreaent Mr. C. Everitt. Tl ?f* Kev N. J. Couvreur, Messrs. w. A. Sims, M. Hinuekindt X?. b B. Ward (for the secretaries.) notice convening the meeting hav. read, and the minute, of the
    -“Straits Times’’  -  798 words
  • 2996 759 810 COUNTRIES COMPLETE THEIR PLANS. High Marks in Aviation in the Last 16 Tears. 1908—December 17.—-Wright brothers made first successful flight. 1906 September 13.—Santos Dumont made first officially recorded European flight. 1907 October 26.—Henry Farman, Eng lishman, flew Voisin 2,500 feet in fifty.two and five-tenths seconds in a
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  • 1192 761 h<» decided Garminy I It b«> be hate ~0“ I «H »d h.odred million •U k '7 “/,«700.000.000) to h Bdr d W 1»" .5 a,sod O'«et hondred end to> V I Ata (»*****0.000.000); >n other ten tboeeend m.llion to teelre O i d allho»powd» ete,ln< by
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  • 555 761 Mrs. F. J. Kennedy of Kajang is |g hospital* Mr, K, Tsmasaki, managor of the O B,KJ Hcngkoog branch, is coming to Singapore whore the will assume charge of OS K interests, 1 The marriags of Miss Dorothy M. Purdy to Ma. Harry W. Jack will take
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  • 482 762 {ucthi tbliobams.] Faris, May 15.—M. received the Abyssinian Mitt ion, Afghanistan. London, May 16 —-Renter learnt that the cap ere tf the Dakki fort bv General Barrett's troops on May IS it moat important strategic operation and it regarded at a moat seiious blow to Afghan preitige. It hat
    {ucthi tbliobams.]  -  482 words
  • 646 762 [BEUTBBB TELEOBAMB.) Zirich. May 15-An laternational Women's Congress, sitting at Zarich. is d scssdng a number of demands for insertion in the Peace Treaty including equal rights for women of every domain in life and measures for ths protection of divorced wives, nrotect on of women against
    [BEUTBBB TELEOBAMB.)  -  646 words
  • 65 762 CIBTIFICATBS ON BALI Hbb«. War Saving certificates, issued under th. Provisions of Federated Malay fl Enactment 28 of 1918 and guaranteed by the Federated Malay Sates Government, ars on oale at the General Pest Offices, binespore, Penang and Malacca. Price 515/- each redeemable in 5 years from date
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  • 219 762 Stiil Pontoon Will bi Ebkotio. The U*u Yam Tin Dredging L'mitsd, ths floatation of which was recently referred to in these ojiima% have decided not to build the pontoon of their dredge of timb r, as was first intended, as, owing to the changed conditions in Europe,
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  • 254 762 OBITUARY. We greatly regret to announce the at the age of 73, <f Mrs Ward, one of tbs oldest residents of Punang and deaHy bnloved mother Mr, W A Ward Mrs H« Ward, wbish occurred te d»y. With the relatives and friends cf tk® ceased, who was universally esteemed, tM
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  • 1605 763 Malay Mail. JjTSTILGATIOM AT PIKAW. Tp £4 w- Bd Cf »i<h foll ea ,e «»i»» 8“>• 00,, ,0 p*y hom B f ir ite 8«lio. Th' prw.ilißg note ..d wu MM’ -Ik.broken her. L «ere »y‘he eeeert «nitorme of the W,l.r.n Vol.e'eer Infantry. Lodging in the few.
    Malay Mail.  -  1,605 words
  • 248 763 Captain Davidson os the s.s. Pin Baay oa arrival here yesterday mcraiog reported that while off the Bindings on the voyage from Singapjre he sighted two masts sticking out of the water with five men dinging to them shouting and making signals for help. Ho stopped his
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  • 353 764 (From Our Own Correipondent.) Bilb anotH thecrdmary o,arsis! B ff <ri cftjMiffly gay tndfeaiive. Uodartbepreieat meUocboly regime it bee been indeed innerei n olnernntegrepb ehew made ite eppeerenae aboil a month or io age aad bee kept the little tewn qiita lively ever einoe. On ci in day,
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  • 206 764 Pabiik Haxl Toubwambwt. Ths Parish Hall Billiard Tournamsnt was brought to a cd to on Wednesday evening when ths final in ths Double Handioap between J. W. B>yle aadT.J. Williams (403) and F. A Batons and JG. Phipps («60) was played iff and resulted m a victory
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  • 30 764 I (From Our Own Correipondent.) Singapore, May 28. The bankrupt h»s informed the court that bo has no offer of a competition to propose W bii errtiteri,
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  • 996 764 REASONED CHINESE OPINION. NO CAUSE FOR ALARM. Government can and will Steer us Through all Difficulties. Following is a more or less literal translation of a well written, very interesting and very useful leading article in a local Chinese journal:— The rice shortage experienced this year has
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  • 332 764 Messrs. Baker, Morgan and Co., Ltd., in their report upon the F.M.S. sharemarket dated Saturday, 17th May, 1919,make the following observations:— Only a small week’s business falls to be recorded, fairly evenly distributed, however, amongst the various Sections of the market. Mines have had their turn, to a
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  • 556 765 flU as AND bapid EXPANSION. /77 th? Ucihd Stites W« 1W R« D ort» ii.aed 18 M ,ob ,h,t of th» to*» 1 tr d e of tbe tnnUdin» import", «18 done with ‘ho Far But d r ßg 7 m0 orto from the Far Eut T
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  • Correspondence.
    • 213 765 [To the Editor of the Straits Echo.] 3r, —Being a witness at yesterday’s alleged frindly football match which lo>k place at the Esplanade, mty I ask yoa, whether a linesman during a football match b’s a right to come into the field and strike one of tbs p'ayrrs
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  • 106 765 Tha friendly game of football between Muth-Hibol Ahstn Football Club and the Per. nog Municipal Recreation Ciub, which was played on tha Esplanade yesterday evening, ended in a w n for tha former by two goals to one, The game was accompanied by what apparently is going
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  • 611 765 Intkbkbting Cbbemont at Tamglim Babbacks, An in'erestng cremony took place on the E-poidi of the Barracks at 7 45 on lußfday ns when Capta n Frink J»m>B Lanham Mayger, M.C., 2nd South Waits Borderers, received a bar to the Military Cross already held by h>m, at the hands
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  • 971 766 Liai A Co.’s Wuixlt Riport Penang, M*y 23.—Wons Babbar still continues withost any decided change, the London price for Tin which now oiaodo at .2233/10/0 3 m/s, records a farther rise sf £***** on the week and bssiness has besn done locally up to IllSf per piosil. The
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  • 269 766 To-day’s Pbioub, The retail prices of Siam rice, so far from showing any tendency to fall, are firm at the same rates as on May 21, namely i Ist Quality per bag* 834.70 per gantang 81.16 2nd 825.80 cents 86 3rd 822,90 i, 76 80 gantangs to the
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  • 388 766 CILUBBATION» AT Si. Xavißß’s. Empire Day was celebrated in a mad fitting way at St. Xavier’s where th newly-formed Cadet Cjrps, the Scoiu and the boys of the higher forms were assembled in front of the school to salute the British ensign, the flag that symbolises truth justice
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  • 86 766 Th. following i, list #f oandidatw who passed the Senior Cambridge Examination in December, 1918, in order of merit as they are eligible so far for Government Scholarship i—--1. Lee Boon Chooßt, Xavier's Institution 2. Oj Ching Siah do 8. Sydney H, Evans Singapore 4 Ch’ng Eng Kim
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  • 102 766 INGAPORE—TIMOR AIR ROUTH. (From Qur. Own Corre»pondtni.\ Singapore, May 24, General Borton and Captain Ross Smith have arrived from Timor and reported to IM Air Ministry the suggested air route M! tween Singapore and Timor It is believed that the aerodrome in •■fjj pore will be at the
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  • 1112 767 TH o»««tio lunoar of Mr. K d l‘ rd T u.i faaad ample «ope tor its KP"’’ J£ A’treatment of tbo tho.ghttod’ g X«.t»f»l woorded to ditobled or IrXri X' .-d 9 ir of th. efgbmntb O’Otory new wroned in Lpf.toMO... the P» bll ooneMooe to ,f
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  • 1044 767 The caption of this ariioie is not one of our own creation nor is it strictly in keeping with our ideas of the proper conduct of an east rn daily. But “circumstances alter oases” and it is so exactly adapted to the subj ot in hand that we
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  • 425 768 It is a relief to pass from the eternal turmoils of war and sqiabblings over peso* to the epoch—marking efforts of tku plucky B i* iish and American airmen whose attempts to cross the wild Atlantic are being watched over the cables with an intensity of interest that
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  • 64 768 The funeral of the lats Mrs. M. E. Ward, whose death is so deeply and universally mourned took p’aca yesterday afternoon at the new cemetery, Western Bead, where the Bov. D J. Eas conducted the solemn service, There was a very Jarge attendance of son owing
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  • 252 768 Ia t:-w of tt. c.rr ut Mgb prior, of rice and the profi eenng th»t is eviientiy going on at the expense of iuo peopl*, who often have to p»y much more than the legal (controlled) p ioa for taeir principal article of diet, we nave dac d
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  • 296 768 VOLCANIC ERUPTION IN JAVA. BLITAR DESTROYED >5OOOO DEAD Damage to Pbopebtt Enormous A B»tavia message of May 20th says i A volcano at Kloet ia the residency of Kediri, in the island of Java, ata ted work ig last night at one o’clock Ibe railway station of Blitar
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  • 540 768 [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.] London, May 18—R preseotatives o i British airmen who have been interviewed irs unstinted in their praise cf Amer C 1? great feat in flyhg the Atlanta wbJ marks an era in the progress of a via tin They deolaie that it is in object leuoa
    [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.]  -  540 words

  • 1206 769 (bectebs telegrams.] Mav 15 —Mr. Cool Ha ms* lindsD \hA flou’e of Common., m a wo Hi, n ;he affairs in E«PP* Q uoted in ,he reoe hr** 27 killed and 70 wound* B Indian sold ers, 9 killed »d fll Tli*nr,4 Armen iani 15 killed and |Dd 40
    (bectebs telegrams.]  -  1,206 words
  • 606 769 [reUTEBB TELEQBAjfS.I P-riß, May 19-L’h„ I .a-Anerlo.n d,>.. S“ b ‘tord Mr. L.naiag to nq.-.t tb. B irlsh Soverutnpnt to grant de VJrtm Giiffi ha and Ple&kett a ia r e«oondnot to oom. to P*ru and tabmit tteeir a M th. peace conference. 1 Victory in North RuMia. BOLSHEVIKS
    [reUTEBB TELEQBAjfS.I  -  606 words

  • 1318 770 What’s in a Name! Elward Oarsor, »n the action brought by B<r Charles Walston against Bird Galway, is reported to have said that tte J il« tntiff originally "hade German ram», ait ai G»n»ral Foot and General Weigand had.” Ae a matter of f*ct, th G-rman-ook-hg F<cb ie
    1,318 words
  • 551 770 WfIAT BEMOVAL* OF BLACK I.I» MAY LEAD 10. DaMGUB O» G IBM AN GOOD! COMIMG AiALATA via Java a&d Sumstia The tuhewing from the btraiU well worth a good deal more than m Jr cursory perusal i It we take a bread view, there
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  • 110 770 With reference tuNotfi’ation No. 556, pub i bed in F- M 8 Government Gatetle on the 9 b February, 1918, the careful attention of all persons desuiug to land ai any port iu Jipan, evea for a f<*w hours while their v-sse' m»y ba in harbour, is
    110 words

  • 5349 771 MEETING. t Ah anntil genera! meeting <f I h» tk< B r A ,,00 .tio» hBld tbe cZw. her. th.. morm« B Mr J W K«»rdj (') P® «W h pre.-nt iool.Jed B S «W. L D P Hmdley. J o r I(( eB.
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  • 280 773 Important Notlflcationg. fhe following important information has been received to-day from Commander, D. C. Maclntyre, R.N.R.. Agent Food Controller, Penang, who is obviously making great headway with the reorganisation of the rice trade and rice supplies generally of this port:— Wmte Rice. A percentage of stocks held
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  • 304 773 to make much of it.—“ Sydney Morning Sir James Readings Fairfax, senior proprietor of the “Sydney Morning Herald” and the “Sydney Mail,” who died on 28th March last at a quarter to 2 o'clock, at Ginahgulla, Bellevue Hill, after several months’ illness, was born at
    to make much of it.—“ Sydney Morning  -  304 words

  • 1183 774 better prospects to follow MISFORTUNES. Tho tenth annual ordinary general meeting of shareholders m G Bervie Rubber Company, Lmit- 1, was b< d at the offices of tne company, 59, Eatiuheap, E.C., on April 10. Mr. W. F. de Bois Maclaren (chairman of the company j preside
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  • 591 774 Directors’ Report for 1918. The report of the Directors of the Ayer Ktming Rubber Estate, Ltd., to be submitted at the ninth annual general meeting to be held at the office of the Company,, 9, Beach Street, Penang, on the 27th instant at noon states: Your Directors
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  • 99 774 Gibbons’ Cup Competition. t Thu following was the result of the Gibbon» Cup Competition (100 yards handicap) which was swum yesterday morning: Handicap. T. E. Dibbs 12 secs. 1 8. Weihen 8 C. L. Malden (scratch) also entered. ■•Mrs. Vaughan-Hughes, the oldest tant of Slough, has died
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  • Page 774 Advertisements
    • 43 774 Now Is the Time. For rheumatism you will find aothiM better than Chamberlain’s Pain Balm- is the time to get rid of it. Try this hi®®? and see how quickly it will relieve the P and soreness. For sale by all deal»» 1
      43 words

  • 1156 775 i a tolar from the B’ ore ie < We hl oi C Amerce copi«« °< <»'• I j.tMO»»- 1 0 between the WP’“ li, M J* Mr PA- Anthony. General I Ob.«ber and M* p d ted M*Uy State. M** that the B.tlw.y ••hope” that they wi>>
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  • 144 775 The annual general meeting of the mem- I bers of the Parish H*ll was held yesterday, whan Rev, L, M. Davelle (President onofficio} presided, There ware over twentyfive members present including Mr. Fred Aeria (Vice President), The minutes cf the last annual general meeting and those of the
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  • 83 775 Appointments to advisory Board, Ha Exec 1 noy Governor h<* b pleased t) make the following appo n meats in oonn<s ion with the Muhammadan Advisory B lard, Penang:— Mr. 1. A. Hertford, Acting Collector of Lmd Revenue, Penang, to ba Chairman. vice Me. A. Cavetdish on leave.
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  • 595 775 Mr. P. A, Anthony, G neral Manager F.M 8, Railways is on a visit te Singapore, Mr. L. Y- Bwea of Kuala Lumpur is on a brief business visit here. The Chief Secretary, Sir Edward Brockman, arrived at Singapore yesterday morning. Archdeacon Swindell and Mrs, Swindell are
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  • 3117 776 [reuters telegrams.] HAWKER. et Johns, M»y 18. 1120 orowd< wituussed the departure of Hawker f r m Mount Pearl six mile» wsat of the city. Thousands were assembled and saw the Martinsyds ground. The weather was moil favourable. oeld, dear, sunny, and c oidie»», Hawker made a mo»t
    [reuters telegrams.]  -  3,117 words

  • 186 777 Whereas the Government is empowered by section 5 of the Board of E location Ordisanco, 1909, to request any Rural Board to levy an Education Bate of not more than one per co atom on the annual value of all lands and buildings assessed for Rual Board purposes
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  • 210 777 Thobi 21 Duiundbl The London and China Eaprott (10th April) mentions that “a brief communique is cabled from Peking to the Chinese delegation to the Peace Conference, wherein the Chinese Government insists on the cancellation of Japan’s twenty-one demands, which were preferred and ioiisted on during the
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  • 280 778 THB MAHENO COMMANDEERED. We regret to learn from the Hon. the Colonial Secretary th»t the trtnsoort Ma&MU. which, as recently announced, wae to hare been diverted from her course to call at the Btraiti to take homeward-bound passengers, will, after all, not come here, the ailing having been
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  • 121 778 Yhbtebday’b Rusultb. A Club shoot took place yesterday at 800, 900 and 1,000 yards and rtsalted as undeu— Pte O Bayers H’cap *44 made 96.80 LMBall ...'6O 95 80 Ooy Bgt/Maj G Wright7 Motion *l3 93,68 Pte B N Goodwin ‘6O 92 60 EBenrett *67 90
    121 words
  • 178 778 The 1918 report of the Hongkong branch of the Missions to Seamen is to hand from Rev. W, T, Featherstone, the Chaplain, Secretary and Superintend'nt. It states that Mr, B. W. Bristow is now tbe manager of the Institute, succeeding Mrs. Allen, Tbe report says that Mrs.
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  • 422 778 Official Cobekbpondencu. We are udibied to rhe courtesy of the Commi tee of the Chamber of Commerce for tbe following copies of co'rdspoodeoce which have passed between the Chamber and the General Manager, F.M.8.R., regarding very desirable improvement of tbe means of rapid and safe communication between thie
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  • 130 778 When you speak of the Great War don't forget the merchant seamen—they have stood by vs all tte way. All our amhe and naves wouldn’t hive availed as had it not been fortheseseamer.” Tbei« words were recently spoken to newspaper representatives bv R^r. Admiral Sims on his
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  • 189 778 P. O. C. vs. I. R. 0. The cricket match b- tween the P«. Cricket Club and tbe Ind an Recreation cm*! which was played on Saturday aft ar^ b resulted in a draw. The PC.O scored Ito towards wbioh R. T. Reid (not out? 2? trlbnted 39,
    189 words
  • 271 778 Sim Dabby Co’s Ripoxt, Singapersi May 93, London Quotations.—The latest wire from London was received here on 20th instant, dated 12th instant, tbe quotation being 1/lCf 1/11J market steady but quiet, Auctions 21bt and 22nd Mat,—Tbs amount (find was 820 tons of which 468 tons were sold.
    271 words

  • 436 779 i. tb. report ot the D T’Otor. ft llo d to tb. .b.r.liolder. »t the F «7 to be b»W* 11.8 Q d* t ’rd»y« pleaoere in wbmit- ’A ’porteoJ 8 .ument of Acoonnt. ~ded Slot March 1919. b V.» .ett profit tor the period »f« providT, J
    436 words
  • 1306 779 OLD MEN AND YOUNG BOY 3 IN KOKEI BaYONETTED dY JAPANESE SOLDiEiiS. Hcrkiblu Wovnaa Inflict in ON Ko&baxb, Bhmghai Gatetla Special Correipondenee 9 (Note.—The following latter from our special correspondent was carried from Seoul to Tientsin by a special friend who posted tho same to Shanghai—Ed. 8.
    1,306 words

  • 1399 780 -Shanghai Gan&h, FboJapabbsb Ministbr Killbd. Shanghai May 6—The bomb has exploded ti last. A p.triotic demonstration held in Peking on tbs 4th at 5 p.m. by students of many schools has resulted in the death of Ohang Tsung-hsiaug, Minister to Tokio, who has been visiting Peking to
    -Shanghai Gan&h,  -  1,399 words
  • 318 780 Gbibvancis or Subordinatis. COMMITTEE OT INQUIRY APPOINTID, In addition to various other branches ot the Government Service in Malay?, the Federated Malay States Railway department has its host ot subordinates who find their p»y acd prospects a good deal below what the conditions now obtaining render
    318 words
  • 131 780 The mortality returns for theMunic’paW of George Town, Penanf, for tho week ending May 17, show that the total number ot death wio 73, of which 66 were mike and 17 females. The death rate per millo per Aonum was 86 €0 compared with 89 77 in
    131 words

  • 1961 781 far. fr«» P i ranntime tO deVflJep f* r ,k impraaeme»* of th British- j t M ema Uat according M dBd b f_., r i«l Aitbor.tiea that toe Samoa bB,d rt*‘ ,l ,ld iS th f r s ’A^i“ eD '^T r H"L" d a tborslfhly ,uff
    1,961 words

  • 495 782 Dr F B Oreicher and Mr W Pod re appointed controller» of pas .'ague. Mr E F Stovall replaces Mr A Snow as a member of thu Pilot B rard for Singapore, The Mme ot Mr W H Throifall is added to the Commission of the Peace
    495 words
  • 1660 782 [recters TELEGRAMS.] (T.0.M.) hawkeb. Lo.don, M.J 20. M «.m.-The P°.>‘ io thia morning regarding H.wker m.y b. ..aimed ap a, follow» i—“Hu ■«”> ■tmo.t .niaty.” A «.rm of» from Inland ye.t.rd.y cito.m.t.ntUliy locking H.wker at» of bl» putney railed the hlgheit hops»; and whin ihe
    [recters TELEGRAMS.]; (T.0.M.)  -  1,660 words

  • 835 783 Shanghai Gautta. The 9ch anneal meeting if shareholders of he Shanghai Malay Bebber E grates, L <h, I was held at Ba*o«h*i, April 30. There w-mb prrarnt Msirs G. G ayigge (Chairman), E. i?. Bad one, E, N. Trumao, L. E. C-nuing 'D.rectora), H. P Wnkinso», L?gal
    Shanghai Gautta.  -  835 words
  • 251 783 Guthbih A Oo *s Bxpobt. Singapore. M»y 22—For tne Weekly Bobber Auction held yesterday and <o day the quantity catalogued was 1,023 tons. With manufactutiog interests almost completely out of the market, the heavy supplies precluded serious competition, and a fmther decline in the prices of practically all
    251 words
  • 157 783 Luong—Chono. The Church of Osr L«dy of Sorrows was this morning the scene of a pretty Chineeo wedding, the contracting parties b»Lg Mr. John Leung Sin T«t, temner in 8- X vi r’a lofetitutlor», and Miss Rjho O ioo K Ny >uk Pom, secund daughter of M*-.
    157 words

  • 518 784 rSICM RISING IN BANGKOK. STATISTICS DirriCffLT TO OBTAIN. E oentiy our Bangkok coni stop varies have been trying to get down to b.d rock foots regarding the suppliss of rice is the osuntiy end the extent to which the nreMßt extsasivs export trade can be continned without prohibition
    518 words
  • 122 784 INTERESTING SPECIAL FEATURE. PBIOM BISING LOCALLY AND IN LONDON. The local tin market ha* been excßpttenally interesting lately owing to refined tin being sold here. The p»ioe on the 22 nd instant waa 3115} at which rate buaicea* waa done and it hie aince advanced, the price
    122 words
  • 306 784 BHANFUNG RECOVERY QUESTION. Chimui Fl AC a Confiisnci Dilmah, taxi Action. Shanghai, May 6. ini* morning, a special formal session w»s held by the Northern and Southern D»leg»t a for the diaoassion of the Shantung Question, which resulted in the drafting and osnding of a cablegram in
    306 words
  • 255 784 InDBPBNDBNCB DIBCUBBXD. In the ioo-nt sitting* of the 8 rand Cham* ber, the 1919 Badgat for the Daoh Eiat Indies wao brought up for discussion. The chairman, desiring to in his capacity as a member of tie Oba tb;r, trans* ferred his function temporarily to Mr. Kooler.
    255 words
  • 615 784 THE FUTURE HEADQUARTERS Several of our Lindon contemnorark. notably the Duly Chronicle, ha*e\ritt!i sympathetically and strongly i B f MTOIr a making Bressels the future cipital of th. League of Nations. Tne idea certalsk appeals to the British people as a Rraceful act of reparation to a
    615 words

  • 739 785 r Ho«telet, D. Sc., who MOD J‘ U p’f G in the Cavell was b,rn th‘ several of his compatriots, aff ir leaned the death penalty owing «kernel intervention of a German to the in tbe <• \meteenth journalist, vr o the following CeDtU 7 n ?Lrse
    739 words
  • 445 785 NATIVES’ DEMAND FOR INDEPENDENCE. Senor Manuel Quezon, the Resident Commissioner for the Philippines in the United a e 8 1G b ca d of a mission of forty Filipinos, on 4th April formally presented to Air. Baker, United States Secretary of War, claims for the independence of the
    445 words
  • 333 785 BIRTHS. Datuox—Oi M>y 17, »t th, 0.n.r.l Hoi p.uq Scigapora, Ko Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Dav so’, a daughter, Mvad.— o Ami 12 h. at or«u.lM» T<<idiu.t‘m, th* wile of J P M arf, Foreet D pa rukert. Sana, t 4 wgiier. Oaten —O Apri! 17 u,
    333 words

  • Page 786 Advertisements
    • 216 786 PRESS, Ltd.l NO. 59, BEACH STREET, PENANG. IS' ESTABLISHED 1883. PRINTERS PUBLISHERS./ 4 Proprietors of the •‘STRAITS ECHO’’ and “PENANG SIN POE.” fi| The most enterprising and up'to-date Printers and LithoH| H graphers in the Orient. 11l Our plant is of the very latest Pattern and by constantly supplementing our
      216 words