The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 21 May 1919

Total Pages: 52
1 751 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 22 1 The Straits Echo. MAIL EDITION. I|g pEB AW1UUM 4 Single Copy 40 cts. Koi 17 Penang, Wednesday, May 21, 1919. No, 21.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 335 1 |T f CONTIRNTS. Liadimi Miwbllinboui (Ctnlinutd): Biiiaeio Ambassadors 702 p-nfit. 721 714 The Food’" .7 722 787 Three He» Statse 7 4 Basin... 786 mA owL PirnC 728 Shanghai Question 727 7« Peace Celebration. 728 Uairenal Brotherhood 788 Pence Term. 728 Lan: Echo Peace No... 731 Ao Usfaeoeisfil Chien
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 197 2 £M* G-u-S' d S 11 uf i THE S “STRAITS ECHO” I CT I w I MAIL EDITION. |l n, OmnB JP I Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, I and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the I daily
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  • 641 702 In the years immediately following the conclusion of peace —whenever that very desirable consummation ia reached —there h, we are told by the Globe and other London and provincial journals, a probability that a great proportion of British oversea trade will be carried on through Governmental agencies established
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  • 555 702 We may expect a full report of the Treaty of Peace between the Allies and the Central Powers in about six weeks’ time. Meantime the particulars cabled by Reuter give us a very good idea of what is going to happen if Germany has the g »od
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  • 290 702 Fob Damigbs yob Hbobt Dblivbbt, In the Dbtrict Court before Mr. B. D, Acton on Friday last ths hearing was coneluded of the suit brought by Ling K*e 4b Co. against P. K. Saakkarai Bowthrr in which the plaintiffs claimed the sum of 1375 70 being value
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  • 190 702 Aubtbaltan Opposition. Melbourne, March 2 L—-Referring to day to Mr, Tredwen’o statement, published in the European cables Mr. W M M’Pherson, of the firm of W. M. M’Pherson Pty, LtL, said i T have been in touch with some of the leading merchants of Melbourne to day.
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  • Page 702 Advertisements
    • 94 702 CDc straits echo. Mih'W k® -UBt-ISHED DAILY (Except Sunday» and P»" 11 h0 ldw) at the CRITERION PRESS, LIMITER, B.acb Street. Pe»»n». price «at Pop annual U, Po»»aif« Kxtr-a. Mall Edition (Poet Freo) w u <lg p0P ann um, Cable Addr...: ECHO PENANG.’ OLph-n- NO.. (Eoho) Printing Department **3. w
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  • 27 703 (1BCTMS riLBOBAMlJ Cairo, May 7. Gmertl All.nhy b*i proclaimed that .U gonraxe.t college, and .-cond.ry Nbool. bo olo.ed till next term anle.i the student* rttarn immediately.
    (1BCTMS riLBOBAMlJ  -  27 words
  • 28 703 Berlin, May 7 The peace committee of the national Miemb'ypaeaed a re.ol.tion favonriag the rMfUbliibment of friendly commercial relatione with Beilin n<1 fch oon-o.mon of a trace.
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  • 121 703 London, M»y 7, la the House yesterday, Mr. Churchill etated that enlistment* oinoe January 3rd bad totalled eighty-nine thousand. Replying to Mr. Bellaire Sir Walter Long etated that Admiral Beatty had not yet bean offered the poet bat that he hoped that Sir David|weald become first sea
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  • 15 703 Vienna, May 7. The disorganisation of the Hungarian army contiaaer. Only 28,000 are left.
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  • 27 703 L r ndor, May 7.—In the Commons at qaeo i >n time Mr. Cecil Harmoworth announced that Lord B*adin< had resigned his ambassadorship to America.
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  • 70 703 London, May 7,—la th»» Commons, replying to Mr. Canon, Mr. Micaamara stated that, oieoe the armistice, only one British warship, namely a light cruiser, had been sold—in India—bat arrangements wore proceeding for the sale of eleven more Ho also hoped shortly to dispose of a farther hundred and
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  • 46 703 The Bsd cross societies of the Halted Blates, Britain, Franco. Italy and Jap>*n hate formed a league with the cbjeot of anticipdlag» diminishing and relieving the misery produced by disease throughout the world, The league will invite other Bid cross socie* ties to join.
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  • 114 703 Petrograd, May 7 Lenin, ia a speech which was placarded throughout the city, said that the Bolshevists had performed half their task, namely victory over the bourgeoisie, but the diffioalties of the other half were only but beginning, The world revolution depended upon a Bolshevist victory over the imperialists.
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  • 524 703 IMPORTANT RESOLUTIONS PASSED IN FEDERAL CAPITAL. Dhhuatios Waits Uros the High Commissioner. Following, from the Malay Mail, is an amplification of the telegraphic report, published last week, respecting the food crisis:— At a meeting of representative planters, merchants, estate agents and others interested in the question of
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  • 631 703 Dbstrootxon or Mobquitois Throcg. TH! I OLONT. l0|? The draft of an ordin< noe which is Uu passed by the L-gislat ve (Luocil e.rly d»te ia published m the Gaieto M.y. TbeirwLw, m.d. tn. inngO'.t oa of *a oamp-ign. Tue scope ot this useful •Jl? set loan
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  • 1491 704 Lumpur, Dato Stia and family.—Malay Mail. One ta eome ’wMiSble time arr aS t olaee on Saturday last when f' att r 00 Swee Hong, the eldest daughhh®?Mr Lee Kong Lam, was mamed tet 1 Tong Slew Chong of Lanka M AX Road, Kuala Lumpur House, A P
    Lumpur, Dato Stia and family.—Malay Mail.  -  1,491 words
  • 250 704 Medal for Specials. The design for the Sp'cid Const* bW medal has, it Is stated in ths Landon been decided upon. The mtd*l will be oursDouoted by a crown, while the ribbon will be white and bine. Bars will be added •ooording to ths leagth of service. Thorn Specials who
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  • 1014 705 1 HINT FOR ABERDEEN. Utter. from Indi, continue to arrive m Singapore under.tampad, and aro taxed XLTXlv. So general is thia practice that »n be no doubt nua.pprehena.on oxuta in India with regard to present postage os, &*V8 th© 11 Straits limes. j*W© don’t know so much about
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  • 129 705 The Wesak full moon day, the anniversary of the birth of Prince Siddhartha on his attaining Buddhahood and Nirvana» falls to-day, the 14th May. Buddhism, which was founded nearly two thousand five hundred years, teems with lefty principles which make for good citizenship and good lives. This
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  • 69 705 TbSNIS lOUBMAMBNT, The following are ths retake cf ties played last Single Hand cap A.—Chan Foot N?hee —15 1 baat Cbm So Earn —15 hy 6-4 6-0; Kboo 8jo B k -15 1 ha.t Haan Ch an? 8cr bv 4—6 6—4, 6—2 Donbl* Handicap B—Obm Pow Kbooi
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  • 54 705 Law» Fowls 7 oubnamekt, Ltwn Tun Eouies are row open. Events. 1. ObampioMhip 3 Dovble 2. Single Handwp 4 Ch.mpion.bin P.j te 5. Trains of Four» In event No. 5 Tesmi ar B t 0 bf by payers and mt drawn for, IMry tw |100 ?ici p'*yer
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  • 521 705 Principle of Compenutbn, The latest issue of the Straits Governing Gazette contains the draft of an ordinal to amend the Municipal Ordinance of which is to be introduced in tho Legislati Council. The Attorney-General explains that; n. main object ot this bill is to alter the baaii upon
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  • 112 705 Tbeir Excalteneie. M-jor Mr». R^»’ 1 gave a garden party to the Japanese 0 minify reeidmt in Singapore, at t residence in Tanglin, on 8** ,r i'<«d which the Japanese Consul-General practically the entire leading Ik, rh© J.panPBfi commanity wrr* pr-ien
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  • 1038 706 < Mb 0. V. TflOJUfc Bv°> T B anor t describe* the TH» ye« (19 >8) of SHwric T»-’V o' Th» ?IJ1 C jetty »nd J» lu c w#r lier It*® -th reduo»d number» ft ta‘ to e ptien exceptinj »»no“» tb P floodo£ 8th that on the
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  • 323 706 Novel Sight In the Harbour. Since Monday afternoon, when the inhabitants of Penang received an intimation of the arrival of submarines in the Penang Harbour, the scene on the seafront round the Esplanade lias been quite lively, everyone availing himself of the opportunity of seeing some of
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  • Page 706 Advertisements
    • 43 706 Now Is the Time. For rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. Now is the time to get rid of it. Try this liniment and see how quickly it will relieve the pain .nd »oren«e». For ule by »11 dealer».
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  • 1730 707 meeting to raise funds. Handsome Donations. In response to a circular leading members of the different communities appointed a Comittee, with power to add to their number, which assembled, under the presidency of the Governor’s deputy, the Hon. Mr. W. G. Maxwell, in the Council Chamber, Singapore, on
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  • Page 707 Advertisements
    • 58 707 For a Lame Back. When you have pains or lamenesB in the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each application. Then dampen a piece of flannel •lifhtly with thia liniment and bind it on
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    • 74 707 CroupThis disease is so dangerous and so rapid in its development that every mother of young children should be prepared for if* H is very risky to wait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it can be obtainedChamberslain’s Cough
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  • 4977 708  -  J H. 8. K,T 1 H. Smith. ,<M*dingly interesting end mon lectors upon the history of St. Chtroli d«li«red by the Bw. ?.U H Smith to »pj>reoUt>T« J R,f7»ni. Bcotlwd Boid. yedird.y efter. ,1 BjMM- MltU y oi the Bererend U e
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  • 233 710 Ovbb 3b vs. Undue 35. The above match was played on Kuala Lumpur Padang on last Saturday, scoresi— Undsb 35. T 8 Adamr, c Nicoli, b Baven 11 VEH Raodes, c Grenier b Beven 4 W R Cockburn, lbw b Beven 5 E N W Oliver, b Beven 2
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  • 1634 710 N»W 0.D1M BT TH1 CO.TIOLL.». ki I "k eX .L° t D °j f I?’ P< r 00n *’«ed -P»« him b, th. Fo.d Control 1»18, .nd of all other power, enabling him in that behalf, tbe Food Controller in the V M Gaaette orders ae fellows i—
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  • 539 711 MILD MANNERED MOB OF MOURNERS. Distubbbd by Riotous Police, The Statesman commenting upon the recent rioting at Delhi ramarks that from what the A. B Patriko says, all the accounts of the affair that have appeared in all the other papers were absolutely and entire’y wrong, and
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  • 331 711 WARNING TO RESIDENTS TO BI J ON THEIR GUARD. A daring robbery took place abost Ili i a. m. on Sunday at Wolverton, Dalny Road, Singapore, at the residence of M A B. Archdeacon. Tho police at Orchard Bead i station were informed on Sunday and Inspector C-
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  • 2284 712 -s;r. .«noMlVMB PASSED ON TWO W rO»M£B MEMBEB8. TH Ni” ro D B,w TM •‘{‘XfiT.'r’oowmwding (M. jjr-G«niral Gsssral Offio* ggj tfce Colonial BHBid’»*- S“ a'rV8Am.., CMG). ffitt 018 1 1°' > v«.Im) the Tren.rtr eh H»« tuffi*™.). th. l,n 8 0 1,, i l E T LhjUHo».Mr 0
    -s;r.  -  2,284 words

    • 604 713 [To the Editor of the Straits Echo.] Sir, The letter in your paper under the heading '•Strange Tiaffia Rules" needs some comment. Please refer to the paragraphs of your correspondent's letter. He signs himself indeel “Fed Up," but there is no doubt he Is devoured by not the
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    • 324 713 [To the Editor of the Straits Echo.] As there is great scarcity cf rice, I think it is high time for the authonliai to stop loonrgraHcn temporarily. Every I uno g ant from India and China means demand for at bait five gantangs of rice. Of
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    • 422 713 [To the Editor of the 8tralte Beh. 1 Ds.r Sir. "®'J The eciroity that is at present over the skies of th s Peninsula affJu 8 lower classes, te, the labeling -T*? 1 more than any other. The Uppar and Middle classe?, in view of their good
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    • 160 713 MERCANTILE 0LE RKS' UNION. [To the Editor of the Straits Echo.] Sir, It is of great interest to learn that 1 subordinates of the Civil Service have bo established an Allocation of their own, I would suggest that all o erks in the Mircantile Serv ne shculd also form an
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  • 1249 714 It i* th* id«H of th, «it W‘ i,i wh Obtbe Al*» ,rt r h J Wh the Allis* deforC'h J 'J fi.otUg for th* right* «'•"'““iu w<io.. G«r<»»»f rsf..*d “> 0, “'.’h«.M* *ha i"0*P*bl*.o‘ B der Um nMM1 ty, Altrui*» lUndiM Wi8 .imply inoompreh*n»i»e „»tiw of
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  • 505 714 Tb* Food Cootrol er .pp.inted Mr. W* Bartley to bs fcis ag«-nt in Singapore, M .0. H-ed Joresof S.agapore has joined the 6 t,fl ot Jkm. Chow Kit and Co., Ltd., Kuila Lumpur. v Mr. A. C. G. Eiha ot the of Agucnlture is on a tour of iasp&ction
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  • 49 715 [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.] London, April 30-Owi»i? to the de.tb of Mr. Gordon (Coalition Unionist) a byeelection has taken place in Central Aberdeen. The result it >a follows i— Major Wood (L beral) 4950 Mr L. Davidson (Coalition Unionist) 4764 Mr. J. F Dsncan (Labour) 8482 Liberal majority 186.
    [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.]  -  49 words
  • 163 715 The Tim»» correspondent at Simla etatei that Nasrullah Kban was convicted at Kabul for instigating the Amir’s murder and ugi sentenced to Imprisonment for life. The Afghan Colonel who was the actual murderer t0,ted> Mm 12th. Official: We successfully attacked the Afghan poait’on on May 11th and now hold
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  • 140 715 London, April 26—Mr. Herbert Samuel has been appointed a special commissioner to assist in the reconstruction of Belgium. Brunei', April 28— The British naval tug Hughli sank off Mieupoit. Twenty-two wore drowned and tan rescued. The Hughli was carrying explosives for clearing the Ostend Channel. It is not certain
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  • 163 715 London, April 28.—Beater learns that government is considering a proposal to send a special mission to Egypt with Lord Milner at its head to report to the Home government on questions concerning the const!Iulion ot the protectorate. It is not yet decided whether Lord Milner will go, Cairo, April
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  • 87 715 [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.] L>ndo«, Ap il 27-Th- U.iUd SUM 8 oret.iy ut the N.vj, Mr D.BI.l'» th. G.rm.n »t 8->‘P‘ 8* ,U U L «t the l.aoh on the tog, M Darnels emphasised that the Americ-a t.a »1 men brought to Ameno. the spirit of
    [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.]  -  87 words
  • 61 715 London. April 30-Iu the House of OommoDi at question time, Mr, Boo ar Law stated that the principles of the Aliens B-stritions Bill ‘were already embodied in the Indian le/ielation; and the Colonies and Protectorate wou d ba invited to adopt the general principles of any legislation
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  • 35 715 B r« p Apri 29.—A communiqsd dated April 25 announces the capture on April 20 of eight Hungarian town 0 including Groswardeeio, hundreds of pri oaera and several railways. The population everywhere are very
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  • 362 715 Paris. Apri! 25.—The Icalian delegates have issued a abatement denying the accuracy of the report from ELme that the Adriatic difficulty was in course of solution. It ridicules the indicated sold ion that Flume will be autonomously administered not under Jugo-81av sovereignty and under the control of Italy. Borne.
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  • 249 715 Berlin, April 2b —The military against Mun ch by the soviet govern/*’ will tc-day under the connn.Jf e6 General Maehl. Th* Bavarian govern»/! announces that Wurtemberg and imperial troops are participating th* operations. Martial law was nro e ki B! J to-day throughout B varla, The govern mt nt
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  • 98 715 London. April 28.—The labair Wet, Thomas Wilson, has made an unprecedented appeal to the judgment of mankind. Ht says that these in authority havenorigkl to determine the lives and destinies ol millions of people regardless of their sentiments. It was true that we were con* mitted to Italy
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  • 53 715 London, April 30-—The following is the result of the City and Suburban no it Epsom i— Royal Buck» J Arion Daneellon T Irteenran. WonbyoneandahalfleegtMJ feu'* lengths b*tween s cond and third. The bating was 6 to 1 against W Buck», 100 to 7 against Arion and 5 to
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  • 138 715 London, April 26—Every °j tr soldier and sailor on furlough in konaon May 8 will be afforded a unique opporW to witness their comrades’ triumphal m>■ as arrangements have been made for 1 to line the route fl n( i The Canadians will line, the S from west
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  • 953 716 f-gflVUDTISI SUXXOHh] w'/fj. ..v £j, r ai.ii dsl«‘ b t) oomplmo of S"? o de 8 p lt the ‘‘.i J, apartments a.s.gtei to them P m fre access to th* >e of the Tb vk v rhe F,e n KsV.ti.go.ttb.t tb.f.oil.te. U’“ r It »nno«osd that B'
    f-gflVUDTISI SUXXOHh]  -  953 words
  • 80 716 Paris, April 25.—The Ukrduiao government report that the Ukrainians ciptured Kieff. The whole of the peasantry is revolting against the Bolsheviks in Western Ukraine. Paris, April 29—The evacution of Sebastopil was cample'ed on April 28 all tbe war material being either shipped or destroyed. Libau, April 28—The new government
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  • 131 716 London, 30. —The correspondent of the Daily Estpre»» m Paris states that the otigieal responsibilities ommifsim has reported against tha prosecution of theex-Kai-sar which America and Japan also opposed. Certain ohaigi* were insisted upon by the British del ga **s on the nd of th? bhuth Africanr?pr* seatativas
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  • 543 716 [reutebb telegrams.] The crowd dragged the automobile ocalining the delegates and the m*yor to the Qainn*! forcing their way w th difficulty tnrough the masses of people. Flowers were thrown from windows. A group of British officers at one paint shouted “Live the Lalian army.” The crowd responded “Live
    [reutebb telegrams.]  -  543 words
  • 24 716 Pans, April 28.—Tea result of the inter* allied eight-oared race is as follows i—1. New Zealand. 2. America, 8. France, 4> Newfoundland,
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  • 314 717 A oomtnuni4‘e liulu dat'd Apn 29 aut b th-i tb« Sap *m Economic Co«»oil toe naval armutica antbontie! had remotei the reainotloni on fi<nln in the Kattegat and extended the North fiihing limit!. Step! were taken to permit the importation of all commodities exoep war materiil, to
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  • 222 717 L 'ldon, Apri> 80.—A fui(her instalment from Viscount F pech’s book deictb s his visit to M Poinoaid on August 15, 1914, when he found the President very hopeful of a victorious advance of the Al ies. M. Poinoail discoursed playfully on the possibility of the British fighting
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  • 62 717 -Paris, April 24.—Sir J»me> E io Daumond has been appointed the first Stcretary of the haoue of nations. Im Libtrte understands (hat the foreign ministers have settled toe question of the rel aae of German war prisoners who will be liberated gradually after peace has been signed according
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  • 1033 717 Report by Mr. 0. V. Thomas. This interesting report reviews the work of the year ending December 31st, 1918, being 'the fourteenth completed year in the annals of the Electricity Supply Department of Penang. As in the previous year, progress in the matter of extensions was almost
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  • 969 718 Seventh Annual Meetinfl. ThP seventh annual general eellu f, 01 e United Rubber Co., Ltd., the Chemor 22nd April, in the held on gecre^ aries and general offices of K N. Truman and ?“ Hoad, Shanghai. The Co., 13 Xnied by Mr. G. Grayrigge cb Mr t j
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  • 142 718 PEACE CELEBRATION S. Al a meeting held on Saturday, the 10th instant, at 4.35 p.m at the Perlis Rest House, regarding the forthcoming peace celebrations, to be held in Perlis, the following gentlemen were elected to form the general committee with I uan Syed Hamzah as Chairman’. Mr.
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  • 475 718 Annual Report for 1918. 1 oilowing is the report ot the above Kuala Lumpur reading-room Gentlemen.-—Your Committee have great Pleasure in submitting to you the 3rd annua! o.poit for the year ended 31st December Revenue and Expenditure. The total revenue was #1,762.25 as against an expenditure lor
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  • 49 718 Inaugural Cubbmout. The opening ceremony in connection with the newly-formed Subordinate Civil Service Association will be held at No. 421 Dato Kramat Road to-morrow, the 17th May at 5 p.m. The Honourable the Resident Councillor has kindly consented to be present. The Town band will be in attendance.
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  • 32 718 The Fazilka, which arrived here yesterday evaning, brought 1,743 Indian cooliea of whom 650 were sent into quarantine here and the balance taken on to Port Swettenham for observation there.
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  • 1391 719 (Concluded from May 15). Revenue. Details of the Revenue earned are here given, showing an increase of ($26,619.65) or about 7 per cent, on the 1917 figures: 1917, 191dBv Publie Lighting 51,039.64 53,029.03 Private bupply 301,830,97 826,890,07 Miscellaneous Receipt* 3.888.36 4,148,52 $283,209.97,4409.889, 62 These figures show that
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  • Correspondence
    • 206 719 [7a Ma Editor of the Strait» EcAa.J Dear Sir, It is a great pity to see how many scouts among us have very little or at least not the same chances of carrying out their great and honourable work when once they leave school I am sure you
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  • 913 720 new f.m.s. dredging co. Capital Heavily Oversubscribed. Fnllowiug are interesting facte relative to Son of the Ulu Yam Im Dredging h J Ltd Uoated last month in Selangor “d £r.k the capital of £100,000 being i.Pftvilv oversubscribed. Bio Company has been termed lor the „1 requiring and
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  • 420 720 ill 5 U DO 111' OSv’goLc’tl ♦juo facts made known to the public.— Bangkok Times,” High Prices in Siam. The phenomenal conditions of the rice, trade still continue and would seem to be daily getting worse so far as the general public is concerned, says the ‘‘Bangkok
    " ill 5 U DO 111' OSv’goLc’tl» ♦juo facts made known to the public.— “ Bangkok Times,”  -  420 words
  • 433 720 PENANG’S ENTauaiATTn WI LOOMS, HermeWe C roee opened for a abort season in Penang at.the Data K amatGerdene and judging from the nine and demeanour ef the ano fence last night everything aoeme to anger well ter their vieit npon thia eooaeion. There wee inch a demand for
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  • 37 720 London, May 9,—The 9 f gdinhurth from Rin go on had her afterhold on fire. The hold was fllooded and tho fire extinguished. There was only ten foot of cargo ot rice*meal undischarged.
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  • 107 720 The mortality retirni for the Mvatoiptlity of George Town, Penang, for the week ending May 3, show that the total nember of deaths wee 57, of which 84 were melee and 23 femalee. The death rate per mille per anoem wee 27.64 compared with 28 61 in
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  • 349 721 F0BMBB D. 0. TAIPIH<>Tb® numerous friosds of Mr» Abraham Hal*, formerly District Officer at Tapping, will regret to learn of hi® anddeu death, at the are of 64 ye» r e at hie home at Daohnrst H d’nborougb, Kent, on 7ch April, Mr. Ha'*, who
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  • 238 721 APPIAL® THAT FaILBD, (From Out. Own Corretpondeni.) Kuala Lumpur, May 14—Justice® Innes, Earnshaw and Farrer-Manby, who oonsth Ute the Fell Court of Appeal, thio afternoon unanimously rejected the appeals of Wm. MiohaM Perrier Leighton* late Manager of Smdayan Estate, Port Dickson, who wa® convicted before Mr. Justice
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  • 313 721 Messrs, Baker, Morgan A Co e of Kuala Lumpur, report® as follow® i—• The past week’s business, as regard® volume, shews some improvement on recent week®, rubber® being principally reipjnelb e. A number of small investor® are coming in now-a-day® and there i® a tendency for prises
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  • 172 721 Rubber AuctionsPenang, May 15. Meiers. Allen Dennys A Co. advice that the following prices were realised for rubber sold by them by private and Auction Sale® held thio week t— Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 70 to 74 do a lb. Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 65 691
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  • 212 721 Londen, May 9,—The commisiientti fit inland revenue rejected an application various rubber manufacturer®' siiooistion for the increase of the statutory parWnfflp for calculating excess profit® in can IVD ber manufacturing businesses. Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent report® that Mr. C. E. Smith-Marriott, advocate wd solicitor of the Supreme Court,
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  • 785 721 OBITUARY. MB TYE KEI YOOI. We gre.tly regret to b... to rteord tu death .1 ->»r «.turned Tye K« You. wh, pined w Q’;, hi. re.ideyoeiaPen.og .tter V» ripe age et 71. The d.o.iitd, who I* 1 country here as Consul for a number of n, with great credit to
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  • 1737 722 B OLSH EVI SM. tin* so for froro notions Monopoly of crack-brained a ’ll ho" radicals and m.schtef’0cial 3 »r dlr in the West appear to maker» generally > of [he E u t as well, be current in so I arrived when a se the time, has** b j'
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  • 188 722 His Excellency the Governor presided over a private meeting of representatives of the Straits Settlements and F.M.S. yesterday to consider the question of Food Control. About three dozen were present. Th=ro will ba great rejoicing in tha MS.V.R, over ths gcod fortane that has befallen the most popalar
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  • 493 723 Sir Wilfrid Laurier left about £30,000 unconditionally to bis wif*. M, Mitbeuiri, Provident of the Paris Municipal Council, baa E«*ad Pasha, Albanian Minkler for Foreign Attain, is cow ia Paris, William M»rsh, a builder, of Kempi'y, N*w South Walee, survivor of the Buck Hole of Oiwopore, has
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  • 129 723 [HEUTEB3 TELEGRAMS.] Boston, April 27—Mr. Ladg*. the mtj ;iicy I ader io th* U?»* d S'a-<s in a speech, ea d th; t Americas sb old not meddle with Earnp -an qvrations. W? a- was of neoia con* qu nee lo th* A-nencsn, tnau Fiume and D u
    [HEUTEB3 TELEGRAMS.]  -  129 words
  • 621 723 London, M y 30.—Ia the H me of C>mmono the budget wrs introduced bv Mr. Cbarnb*riam who emphasised tha o fikul y cf his ut>k owing to people now re us eg to Siva or lend m a y us readily as during the wir On M*rch 31
    621 words
  • 196 723 He declared that preference on mioi. fac ure art’cles would be of appreciable vtiu-s to Can«da woich w«g becoming a g ret mxnuUc uring country. It wag not a gift tg any of the dominions butic embodied a prisoj. pie which wt uid be iDCalculably valsablsia the future.
    196 words
  • 45 723 London, Ap il 28.^—England wai swept by a terrific blixxud on Sunday. Eight inches of snow fell in London and trains ssd buses were partially paralysed. Thousands of telephone and wires were down and heavy damage to crops and livestock is faared.
    45 words
  • 101 723 Paris, April 30.—In order to draw attention to Labour’s claims there will be cassation of work in and most ot Frw® tc-d»y, the most complete stoppage in tM history of Labour. No new papers JJJ published and shops and theatres will W closed it Paris. The Government has prohibited
    101 words
  • 80 723 Munich, April 25,—It it reported th»| Spartacist soldiars dragged from hospi aid killed Arco Vally, who assassinaMa H«rr E aner, r Harr At ip, ex-Miaister of the 1***' 1 Hirr Auar. «x-Mioister of W*r and B’sshaufter, who were wounded in the U- as cabled cn Febiuary 22, fhd from
    80 words

  • 275 724 f.gVTBBS TELLGUAMS-j ,.ril «»-1» ,h0 fl, deteodi’g C»»-’ 1 th’ don.tkn, tbe million recipient, 108,030 wh0 were «employed celt” ejrt"» Abl were inevitable confident th.t half of the oombit bawitnoat foundation. Any plaint! w i,r ba prosecuted f r „d. taetW* 6 rjni9tioe 3 "'“(’iooboW
    f.gVTBBS TELLGUAMS-j  -  275 words
  • 81 724 Ikii (ffiohlly announctd that all restrictions age nat the import into Holland of ovsrssagoodo have been rescinded so that tbe Netherlands oversea trust is authorised t i grunt licences for unlimufd supplies of all good» except war mate! hl. B iUiu has thatksd Ho land for her valuable assistance
    81 words
  • 46 724 April 27 —The Rumanians J thsBorth9Tn of eastern ba J® jewhed Nagykallo while from Tnpi./k are Udvaucirg towards the in X b8 DeK C Q *P- The South Slavs froot ttUok3d from forced hirb? u direotioa of Sagszard and ad back the Hungarians soma kiloiaetroi.
    46 words
  • 78 724 Oct^VE’ 11 26 ~Hi» Excellency tbe th'Vw, l onatiftT *i*b tbe Mooting c f o’ r,d Mr H irui».», Ed tor with Mr (i ir n c ‘'i w “o w M.ooi.ied ®o»«m«it to u 10 th P' 8E 7e «'»>tM>oe '«nodiXly. e 0 Iad ,or England Sir J'
    78 words
  • 11 724 Wlil > ‘be exception of I'clwfi to.j.y, S«»er»lly impended j B
    11 words
  • 155 724 (eEUTEBS TELEGRAMS] Ptri% April 27-— Le Matin states that wall-informed Italian circles categorically deny the placard posting in Rome aid the report regarding Flume cabled on April 25. Notwithstanding the d fference of view between Italy and Amaricv, the Americans have offered to Italy a fresh credit of 50,000,000
    (eEUTEBS TELEGRAMS]  -  155 words
  • 29 724 Tokio, April 24— A mass meeting passed a resolute m that Japan should not join the league of nations if racial equality is not included in the covenant.
    29 words
  • 93 724 Naw York, Mvy 1,—Thirty-six have been discovered in the mails at N-w York and elsewhere in the U S.A. The post office authorities are convinced that they will uneaith a plot of the terrorists to assassinate high personals by way of a Miy-d»y demonstration. The majority of the recipients
    93 words
  • 44 724 Washington, April 27 —A naval teaphme> on a trial flight, accomplished 1,250 miles in twenty hours. It is estimated that twenty (sic) hours will ba necessary for seaplane toditha trans-Atlantic flight. Destroyrri are now taking up their appointed stations in fhi Atlantic.
    44 words
  • 125 724 Puri», Aoril 25.— Le Matin foreshadows Japan’s withdrawal fcoja ths Oooference unless her claims are satisfied, also that she will not join the league of nations if the principle of rac al equality is not introduced. Paris, April 26. —A council of British. Japanese, French and American foreign
    125 words
  • 256 724 Paris, April 30. A prominent authority mentioned the faot lh 8 t although it is not generally real s d, G oat Britain's part in the work of the peace conference has been almost preponderating. He instances the league of nations a’sd tbe labour convention, pointing out tbit
    256 words
  • 48 724 Oopenhager, April 28.—A cable from Barlin states that the Foreign Office has received over a hundred telegrams from missionary societies expressing the hope that the peace treaty will assure to German missionaries complete right of settlement and unhindered activity in the overseas possessione of all nation*.
    48 words
  • 399 724 LiLan, April 27—Tbe Batlio G rman troops who were operating against the B iUheviks and were brought back to Libau, estensively for rest, have overthrown the Lettish provisional government. The coup d'etat was carried out with the connivance of General von der Goltz, the German generalissimo in Lettland, Replying
    399 words

  • 40 725 [BEUTEB3 TELEGBAM8.] n't ‘.nd i.lA W' oUoodJ.S. wera bemgdehver.dd.iji» B rop daring M-b -n <rd» U to G-nny rM^ u“T.x:T.r«r. 1 ttarona Furthermore we were 1Brg J h.?Z to had France. IU>J. .W-. Greece, 8wit.erl.nd .nd Portng.l.
    [BEUTEB3 TELEGBAM8.]  -  40 words
  • 69 725 Awiterd.r», April 28-The International Bocr.liat Conference resolved to nppo»«' »7 oonfl ctmg with P«e>d»»t Wi fourteen po et, .nd recommended the .end iu of a committee comprising M. Beaming, M HuysmanD, Mr. A. Henderson and others, to remain in Pam wntil the P**®® preliminaries are signed, owing to>
    69 words
  • 389 725 Cediiabt M biting, The ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commission was held in the chamber y uterday afternoon there being presents Mjt era G. A» Hereford (President), A. M Goodman, Yeoh Guan Saok, Chee Wor Lok, F. Duxbury, A. F. Goodrich, L- M* Bell (Muni ci pal Eaginner)
    389 words
  • 1415 725 Conscript on, Anuc* ihamb promisee brandished *.bost daring foe Ust GenerU Elec ioo, perhaps the mot reckless was foe Pr>nx< Mmstsr’a impulsive iff r to abillsn cm crip ton, before fie ka f 'W how th (Jmf*rence of Pvts w uld dtcide tne m*tfer. It is not a
    1,415 words

  • 2118 726 N -r?r H r wB*LD QU* Y E <J VB BBS AS O from Minutes of Committee Meet■JhM otthe Penang Chamber of Commerce No 1 Downing Steel, on Tuesday, 13th 7?’ 1919 at 2 39 o'clock pm: M present i—Mr H A LnwM' 0 M flendersoo, V.ceOh‘irm«»’; M” ,rB
    2,118 words

  • 131 727 Food Pboduction in Pbnang, Pbovincb Wbllbbliy and Malacca, It is officially notified in another part of thio isBua that if advice is required as to suitable areas and the kind cf crop that could be most easily grown on such areas in Proviso! Wellesley, Penang and Malacca, application
    131 words
  • 434 727 Niw Cbuiiirb Coming Out, Under date April 10 our London correspondent reports that the ships of toe Fifth Light Cruiser Squadron allocated to tne China Station under the new order of things consist of the Hawkino (flagship of the Oommanderjin Chief) Cairo (flagship of the second in
    434 words
  • 159 727 Championship Cup Competition. The following standing rules were declared by a general Meeting yesterday to be in force in the present Cup competition and for the future: Players to be members and registered seven days before playing in any match, and for tho final to have both
    159 words
  • 398 727 L«aw 4 Co’. W..ILT e»o»t P... n gM.y 16-Although th. pfU. Rubber is quotably unchanged th* m.r .how. .lightly weaker 6 eharss have again been in good da®, j and the favourable exchange on Indi* h considerably st mulated business with a! quarter. Changkat Berdangs, after busing at
    398 words
  • 199 727 Chinibb Phothst Against Tnansfib or Gssman Rights to Japaniss, A Peking press-message to our Shanghai exchanges states: —Both Houses of Tar* liamsnt passed a resolution to protest, through the Foreign Offioa, to the delegBlM of the Big Five” against the decision W transfer ths control of Kiaochow temporan*
    199 words

  • 779 728 .from the minutes of the It ii q® ltl a tiuz of the Committee proceeding» »t mb of Commerce held of the Pen*®8 f u ii particulars ot which on the 13* a “X r 1B tki9 will befo« ad 8 f h i ing here that the
    779 words
  • 244 728 As announced recently in our columns, a four-Power consortium has been formed to deal with the matter of loans to China, and it is said by advocates of the pool that amalgamation of interacts in concessions and options will probably prove beneficial, The four Powers are Great
    244 words
  • 134 728 Alteration or Fkogbammu, The tollowing alterations have been made in the programme for Peace Celebrations s— The Victory Ball will take plaee at 10 p.m, instead of at 9.15 p m, on the first day and the subscription will be $10 per head, ladies free, instead of $5.
    134 words
  • 105 728 The innundation of stale telegrams from Reuter continues and the water 0 ba rising, We shall have to scrap many of them. Among the latest is a c* e from Paris dated 9th Miy, to the e 0C lhat;ths peaca treaty is not likely to signed for another
    105 words
  • 207 728 [reutehs telegrams.] London, May 2—la the Hcuat of Commons, Sir H«mar Greenwood moved the second reading of the prevention of anthrax bill, empowering the prohibition of the im. portation of goods infected or likely to be infected with anthrax, the compulsory disinfection of infected wool or similar goods and
    [reutehs telegrams.]  -  207 words
  • 138 728 New York, May 1.—It is announced that the American naval Trans-Atlantic flight will start from Trepassey Harbour in Newfoundland and proceed via the Asores and Lisbon to Plymouth. A speed of sixty-five miles an hour will be maintained throughout. The machines will fly to Newfoundland from Rockaway Beach as
    138 words
  • 212 728 Brussels, May 3.—A petition was presented to the King to refuse to sign the peace treaty by the National Political Committee representing 100,000 members and 800 communes, The petition says that the indignation ot the public is growing at the little offered and the lot refused to Belgium. By
    212 words

  • 27 729 Berlin, May 3—A revolutionary movement against the dynasty is reported In Sofia wi*h sanguinary fighting between the government troops and the revolutionaries favouring the soviet government*
    27 words
  • 246 729 London, May 1—Renter learns that there il a general feeling of satisfaction in dominion quarters as regards the movement towards Imperial preference. TheHoa. Sirjohn H- Perley, High Commissioner for Canada, said that the Government andthe people of Canada would be very much pleased at Great Britain adopting the
    246 words
  • 13 729 Faris, May 11.—Marshall Fooh returns to the front to-morrow.
    13 words
  • 292 729 Paris, May 3—A youth, named Cornillon, aged nineteen, carrying a digger and a black flag who was arrested outside M. Clemenceau’s house avowed his intention of attacking but not killing M, Clemenceau, Paris, M*y 14.—French papers state that more important than any other views from Paris is the official
    292 words
  • 89 729 “MR. FAIRIE DEAD. Mr. A. W. Cox, one of the original Broken Hi 1 mine syndicate, better known in the racing world as “Mr. Fairie” has died at Harrow, aged 62. He wen the 1,000 gvas with Qaleotlia in 1895; the St, L’ger with Bayard in 1909; the Derby with
    89 words
  • 35 729 Helsingfors, May 1—The Bolsheviks have closed the Busse-Finnish frontier which resulted in similar steps being taken by the Finnish government, The Finnish naval flag was hoisted for the fi r et time to day.
    35 words
  • 381 729 Barlin, May 2.—The hostages said to have been shot in Munich by the Spartacists include Prines von Wiede, Privy Councillor Dseberlein and Professor Stuck. Marshall von Hindenburg sent a letter to President Ebert resigning the Ganersliesimoship owing to bis desire to retire into private life. The latter accepted and
    381 words
  • 22 729 10C0 gunneas result t— Cos&way Britannia Glacials Fifteen ran. Betting 2—1 a»’-J n way; 6—1 against Britmnh 20-1 Alaoeale. 1
    22 words
  • 76 729 Vienna, May 1,—The n.. government has been overthrow! Peoples Commissaries for food' and foreign affdrs have arrived la yJ? Lorn indl tiD th8lr M Copenhagen, May 4,—A Vienna states that the flood of HubLS! fugitives to Austria is increasing T». representatives of the Budapestr»! turned back to the frontier.
    76 words
  • 41 729 L indon, May 1 In the Hous st Gunmens Mr. Cecil Harmswnth, al qawtica time, said that negotiations were beiagooiducted for the exchange of all British nan| military and civilian prisoners at prenh the hands of Russian Bolshevist!.
    41 words
  • 123 729 Paris, April 30 —A memorandum from President Wilson says that Flume shsuld enjoy very considerable autonomy, ui while it should doubtless be included is tin customs system of the new Jugo-slav state, it should be free to serve commirce< Hi believes there will be common agreement that the Island
    123 words
  • 34 729 London, May 5,—Ths proclamation declaring the city of Limerick as a specisl military area has been withdrawn» the military barriers and guards re To-night permits to enter the city will longer be necessary.
    34 words
  • 55 729 Clev«l»nde, ?ij 2—At the M»J demonstrations a general fight J 001 between the socialists and others attena r the liberty loan meeting. One by»t»® was killed, three policemen shot and hundred persons badly injured. Washington, May 1.—The ag«hi of g department of justice believed tea bombs found in mails
    55 words

  • 55 730 i_L>rd Bjb’ft C cil wiU h T T the British rep e-en-htin >□ >? Committee o! the L «g«e ®f b, g 1 It i« P° lble h t 0 r i3 Emitted to toe ieagua after a short p.ob3*d nrebably twelve months, on the i?o,"do?be»tfi* licfll,anosin
    55 words
  • 50 730 Naw York, M*y 1 -The May Day parades J demonstrations in ths various cities ramltad in several minor encounters with the authorities, notably at Bssion, where 100 rl arrested, and a numbar injured by stray shots, and at Coioago where the prohibitad procession was broken up by the Police.
    50 words
  • 243 730 Owing to the difficulty in finding General Lwrezic Viscount French returned to Le Gateau where late in the evening the climaa of disillusionment was experienced when he received a request from General Lanreu«c to attack the flick of the German columns which were pressing him back, Viscount French
    243 words
  • 427 730 “‘I 8,—To.d»y’, m»roh throigh Mi... p tbe ,v0t9ei s troop, provided of oh ®P !r0 pageant for the dense crowds GaihT Dg JT ple wh0 lin8d the route. nr 0O r tei 8traGts abhzi with a’lied bright pli ant picture in the nkn«a «u j 1 0 w
    427 words
  • 487 730 London, May 2.—The following is noteworthy in connection with Britain's claim of initiating the labour programme cabled yesterday morning, Washington—President Wilson expressed the opinion that the labour programme to be adopted at the peace conference ’•constitutes one of the most important achieve" ments of our day ia which
    487 words
  • 526 730 which the Garmans will be allowed four or five days finally to accept or refuse the treaty m its piesent form or as amended, This peiiod of from twenty.five to thirty days must be expected to elapse before signature of the treaty, Paris, May 4 —Negotiations between the
    526 words

  • 296 731 BmieiPj May A-Popular exoitement regarding Bsig.urn’s c.aima is lacreaaiog. Tneie ware great demons;ra one at Antweip and Gnent tc-Jay. A deputation met the Bsrgumas sia requesting h in to inform the delegates in Paris that Belgium mast receive aompsnsatLn thereby enabling her rebut d her rained towns and
    296 words
  • 45 731 Paris, May 2,—The Polish na'ional conn* oil states that a military convention was con» eluded on April 24 between the Ukrainians and the Bolsheviks, with the result that the Bolshevik army of 18 009 is now marching on Hungary, The Ukrainians are not opposing.
    45 words
  • 17 731 In the Baltic the Women’s Association has applied for help from all the Cross societies
    17 words
  • 16 731 London, May 12— 8 Ivar is at S3 and 171. The market is uncertain*
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  • 25 731 Berlin, Miy 4.— -Taj cx-Kaiter has ask* ed the Ga min government for parmission to return to Lii Kidinen Estate in West Prussia,
    25 words
  • 75 731 Libau, May 5. —Owing to th} Jarman c»up d'etat hare and the weakening of the Lett front the Bolshevists were able to transfer o itifeiltrable fcrces to Esthcnii where there is sanguinary fighting with numerically superior Bolshevist forces, Armoured trains and motor cars are participating on both sidis.
    75 words
  • 157 731 Barlin, M«y 1.—Misery enili '“BW'*’,® .boat 10,000 paopb ot »11 n»tion»lifi«». wao tbe Bol.tieviit. b.m.ti.d to th, nl.nd» on th, Dnna withoit »»y »“d .cantily clad, will E»cc»mb nalcis help arrives as speedily as possible. London, May 4,-Tm War Offiw states that in the reports from Archangel dated May
    157 words
  • 471 731 SCOTIA INSTALLATION MEETING. Last n'ght Saotia Lodge (1005 8.C.), No. 12 Logan Eoad, Penang, was the scene of at great gataenng of Freemasons, the occasion bciog the Lodge’s fourteenth installation meeting. E W. Bro. J. 8. Rosa, D.D, GM. of the Middle East SoAch Constitution, assisted by the Past
    471 words
  • 297 731 la reply to numerous inquiries we take this oppar» unity to state that we are inning a Peace D*y Numbar which will serve ai i souvenir ot the celebration of ths Declaration of the most momentuous Peace of history —-sither ancient or modern. The number will ba
    297 words

  • 3056 732 fBECTEBS TELEGRAMS.] m jT 8-Tu0 Versailla» 1 eaC0 London J t0 tQ0 d rrnan deiega Treat/ P r0e0 > totel portly alter W“ ,b8 r ill the Albed a» I ’,^1&■ 01 9da Won rad JiWbrMrMojd Choree and other the British and AmersYS.“n«d rn' tore. motor oar.
    fBECTEBS TELEGRAMS.]  -  3,056 words

  • 286 733 b? T 7 p8B0a 00 ttae asseab y Harr D mburgs announced ths •ppo ntmeot of an Imperial Commissioner to promote export trade, Ha said G S rmany still had goods fi Coa gh to export and evan able to manufacture them. HerrEabircer announced that G mral von der
    286 words
  • 94 733 Paris, May 3 —The Socialhb, M, Oom. nremorer end M, Bmision resigned thsir Government puts at the Comtniissrei M Agricu ture and Mereintile Marin?, u tbl instance of the Socialist Execstiv*, n t protest against th* May Day events,' M. Jonh aux, Secretary of the Libiir Co ifederatior, who
    94 words
  • 205 733 London, May 10.—The Govarnmeul hu approved the decisions of the Adarirslty arising from the report of the Admiral Jar ram Committee on the pay ef the Navy, Mtuoes will be paid in future, savil, instead of military ratee The total annual mst of the rew rates to b»gin
    205 words
  • 89 733 London, May 3 —Tbe question of new loan was much discu sed in tbe city columns though it is stated no new bar ow* ing scheme is yet seriously considered by Ohancell jr or his Advisers. It appears tM < ha oi’y has been talking of the
    89 words

  • 1681 734 [beutebs TELEGRAMS.] L ndoo» M»y 1. ann tha Bodgit was contiou’d. a T d B.‘ld M.ol«*n dec »r.d »>>»' I-P"» flj lM‘ ia W4g a «tart in ths great T«‘ B B |W liOh inC1 d fc Mr“ Ca.mbdr 1 tat«r«l>ttag. ,»7»o P»f‘ °t ta d»” rn M
    [beutebs TELEGRAMS.]  -  1,681 words
  • 83 734 WellingfcD, M*y 4—Sir J. Allen, acting Premier of N wZ island, declared that ho viewed the developments in the Pacific with some alarm. It was difficult to discover why J»Tan wanted the Marshall Islands unless she wished to dominate the Pacific. It was impossible to indicate the naval
    83 words
  • 34 734 London, May 2—H E H. Tae Prines of Wales was initiated a freemason in the Household Brigade Lodge. Tae ceremony was conducted by the Dike of Oooniught assisted by Lord Ampthill.
    34 words
  • 61 734 Constantinople, M*y 1 —The great trial by Court Martial of Unionist losdvro including the ex-Grand Y.sier, Slid Halim Pisba and the ex-Foreiga Minister, Halil has opened. The ind ctment against th m, which consists of a lengthy list of atrocities against Armenians, foreshadows death penalty against Eiver, Talaat and
    61 words
  • 35 734 Sin Salvador, May 1 —Seventy-five parsons were killed and over 500 were injured as the result of the earthquake on April Ml It also caused extensive damage to tho oity, property and the district.
    35 words

  • 1176 735 GOVERNORS CONGRATULATIONS UPON GREAi SU CESs AHAINaD. 41,2'6 THi Total. In connect on with the Ou' P lv movement 1918 the following is publ.tbed for general info’mation i—1 Telegram f ctn II s the Governor to the tecretaryof State fated 20th March 1919. 2. Statement of
    1,176 words
  • 497 735 Mr. A. who has k* on active serivice biuce 1914 k oa totheF.M.8. haa Bishop J. W. Robinson returned the Philippines, and i 8 vigitin Borneo and the Peninsula on his wav h l to India, Oa( Mr. Claude Severn. ha 8 himself sketches of a building
    497 words

  • 1532 736 Grand and impressive Funeral Ceremonies. Dense Crowds Line Route to Cemetery. mar be •*'<* without indaTging m »ay i,.ktof in>»B io,tio ‘b.tthe osrsimniei a ,Mt.d with the ofo.r lat. unir-r-!,|iye.te««d fellow cl «>□ M-. Gob T.'k Chi J- P« W3re on n at3 P ftr e
    1,532 words
  • 399 736 Championship Cup. Stia Tanjong Tokong found the me* in black a difficult proposition yesterday at Dato Kramat Gardena. A crowd of well over three thousand witnessed the semifinal, and general expectations were realized when, after seven minutes, lusuf scored for Muthibol Ahzan. x 8 0al keeper was
    399 words

  • 426 737 ARMED MEN ATTACK HOUSE IN LOVE LANE. Om Inmate Wounded and in Hospital. The whole of Love Lane was astir at 8 o’clock yesterday evening when the news spread like wiid-fire of a daring outrage that occurred at the residence of Mr. Lim Ewe Chaing in that street.
    426 words
  • 956 737 FIVE STEAMER NOW ON STRAITS INDIA RbUTE RETURNS PUR JaN-APRIL 1919. Food growing >»ow cmfulzokt fob Indian Co lies A meeting ot toe lud ai Immigration Cumojiftee waa held at Kuria Lumpur on M »y 14 h Toere p MPoti —Tne C of Libour, (M-J.RO, Aldworth) Chairman,
    956 words
  • 134 737 Twentysixth List of Subscbibi»» Pcevi. nsiy acknowledged 1228,34^ W Proceed® cf 8w?ep?tika held by Caledonia Go f Club K d>b Plante»s Association Amount received f cm M''. M Ox nham r/a F.M.8. L-itteiy 9 3804» Amount received from Mr. Oienkaou o/a Tank Fund
    134 words
  • Page 737 Advertisements
    • 78 737 Croup. disease is ao dangerous and so rapid in its development that every mother of young children should be prepared for it. It is very risky to wait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it can be obtained. Chamberslain’s
      78 words

  • 1503 738 Grand and Impressive Funeral Ceremonies. Dense Crowds Line Route to Cemetery. ■>., be •*'<* wi*ho»t iadufgiog m »»y im.irn.tioa th.t tba csremoniea X’idwitbtt. «’J™/ "ally e.t«e»«d (allow «> M Gob T.ik Phi J. P. ware on &n ■opar»Uel»d lode, bjth* M r®< ird th» length and
    1,503 words
  • 396 738 Championship Cup. Stia Tanjong Tokong found the men in black a difficult proposition yesterday at Dato Kramat Gardens. A crowd of well over three thousand witnessed the semifinal, and general expectations were realized when, after seven minutes, iusuf scored for Muthibol Ahzan. ihe goalkeeper was seemingly at
    396 words

  • 426 739 ARMED MEN ATTACK HOUSE IN LOVE LANE, One Inmate Wounded and In Hospital. The whole of Love Lano was astir at 8 o’clock yesterday evening when the news Spread like wild-fire of a daring outrage that occurred at the residence of Mr. Lim Ewe Chaing in that street.
    426 words
  • 938 739 FIVE STEAMER. NOW ON STRAITS INDIA ROUTE. EETURN3 TOK JaN AI’EIL 1919. Food growing Now omfuljort fob Indian Coolieb A txo*eticg vt tee Ind aa laoaugratiun C>mmiiue win held •> Kuala Lu ns pur gd M*y 14 h There p —Toe Cin« trelerot labour, (M-J.EO, Aldwortb) Chairman, Principal
    938 words
  • 134 739 Twentysixth List of SubscbibiBi P’avi.Bsly »ckuowif>dged P;cc e3s of Sweepstake held by Caledonia Go f Club 85 W K d b Plantais Aesrciation Aoiount received few Mr. Ox nbam r/* F.M.8. Ljtteiy 9.88WW Amount receded from Mr, Oxen ham o/a Tank Fund Total
    134 words
  • Page 739 Advertisements
    • 79 739 Creup. This disease is so dangerous and so rapid in its development that every mother of young children should be prepared for it. It is very risky to wait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it can be obtained.
      79 words

  • 1280 740 Wilson has enhanced ha rePresiaeat 'V fiae Fp3CObt8 pit»tto B J week; one, upon the Bothsrr* t’e lateto -uon. fcood ot other uponMaa and the •‘“’nffiXotF-aoc.. W. g-T. 8»»i l u d o f n.ckiog them .mong ta B u of .tale n6Wa Wilb wfllob Ba«ter, ‘J’
    1,280 words
  • 47 740 [HEUTERS TELEGRAMS.] Loudon, May 10—A Bolshevist report states that tbe Afghan mission has arrived at Moscow, London, May 13.—Large bodies of Afghans wh j crossed the Indian frontier near the Khyber pass have b»en dispersed by British furoes with aeroplanes but retain positions in the neighbourhood.
    [HEUTERS TELEGRAMS.]  -  47 words
  • 217 740 Copenhagen, May 9—A cable from Yunna states that the Austrian National Ass mbly unanimously appioved of the appointment of Herr Renner as the GermanAustrian plenipotentiary at the peace conference assisted by the Oh istian Socialist, Herr Quertler and tbe Pan-German Herr Schoenbanss”. Paris, May 9,—I: is understood that ths
    217 words
  • 296 740 St. John’s April 30.—Eayaham at 3 o’clock this afternoon in the transUlantio flight, and Hawker will probably follow an hour later. Paris, May 7.—The Qoliath aerobus with twenty fivj passengers ruse to a height of 5,100 meters in an hour and a quarter. This constitu ej a ptsseeger
    296 words

  • 35 741 [BĔUTEB8 telegrams.] Park, May 10.—The mission Mm arrived to congratulate Allies upon their victory and will proceed to Brussels. Two similar mission will shortly leave Abysalais, one for Rjmu and the other for London,
    [BĔUTEB8 telegrams.]  -  35 words
  • 48 741 Braaiels. May 10,—The Bs'ghn Minister it the Hague, M. Carton do Wiart, will shortly open preliminary negotiations with Holland regarding the Scheldt question. London, May 10,—A Dutch sentry near Bliden fired on two unarmed Belgian soldiers walking along the frontier, One bo!tally wounded. An inquiry h proceeding.
    48 words
  • 28 741 Paris. May 12—Anew Consortium for financing China with loans was organise! to-day by French, Bitish, American and Japanese bankers with a reservation of later participation by Belgians.
    28 words
  • 104 741 London. May 8.—In Egypt the ■ituatien is outwardly quiet. The to*al military casualties during the disturbances of the last two months were fire killed and six wounded amongst the British cffiatra, 18 killed and 50 woundoi among other ranks and six killed and 25 wounded amongst the Indians and
    104 words
  • 41 741 London, M*y 13—la the House of Oom* moss, replying to Mr. Norton Griffiths, Colonel Amery stated that the war expenditure of Canada was approximately £255,000,000. Australia £291 COJ,COO, New Zealand £75.750 000, South Africa £18,000/00 and Newfoundland £2.000,C00,
    41 words
  • 89 741 Landon, May 14—The Church of England Powers Bill which was introduced in the House of Lords yesterday by the Archbishop of Canerbury is regarded as one cf I he meat important measures of the present season. Its object is to confer upon the church large powers cf autonomy while
    89 words
  • 271 741 Paris, May 9.—The Humbert treason trial, begun on March 81st, in which 250 witnesses were examined, ended to«day in the condemnation to death of Lsmeir? and a ■•ntem» of 5 years' imprisonment and a fine o? 20,000 f anas on Daeonehes. Both Humberts' associates were charged with communicating with
    271 words
  • 100 741 L?ndor, May 10,—The Franco-British Colonial Conference urged that all measures should be taken so that B itieh and French Colonial products and the import of home merchandiee, also British merchants in Fritch Colonias and French merchants iu British Colonies should be placed on the same footing with
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  • 346 741 Louden, May 8 —Iu the House of Commons, replying to General Page-Croft, Colonel Amery stated that he wae aware that there had been acme unavoidable delay in the repatriation of demobilised officers and men to the Colonies and Protectorates, owing to th? shortage of shipping. He was
    346 words
  • 288 741 [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.] London, May 5—Router leans that th. army invading Hungary under Qensr.i Humbert is progressing rapidly and h probably reached and ocoup’ei the suhark! of Budapest. Ike Roumanians who pait oipating comprise six divisions, with two French, and have been involved in hat»» fighting. The Cuscho-Slovak troops are
    [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.]  -  288 words
  • 179 741 Paris, May 12,—The Korean delegation has petitioned the Peace Conference urging Korea’s claims for liberation from J’P’i and the reconstruction ef an independent state and the abrogation of the treaty ef Seoul of August 1910 upon the ground that tbii treaty of annexation whs concluded under circumetancsof faid aid
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  • 87 741 A further instalment of Viscount French bjok deals with the Antwerp question. MJ Personally was of opinion as late as OctoW 1 t that Antwerp was in no immedi’» dange but w*s most disagreeably surp r1 c’urirg ’ha following days, he when learnt the ser cue situation.
    87 words

  • 251 742 BSHXaSHj Ui 9-From Archangel Genreoorte that on May i ‘J® ml Iro»" de W ?A p 0 iiti»os oa the lfX -hel" L .«t. qaeatly i.f.ntry attack, wb.oh we.. 1— 3 k d n, r oasaaltie. ware very few. M«rm»n.k General M»jnard report. XX ,sd K M* rel 8
    BSHXaSHj  -  251 words
  • 144 742 LindsojMay 12.—In the House of Oom* mom in reply to Mr. Bottomley rega ding oath payments detailed in the Peace Treaty Mr. Bonar Liw point’d out that bonds for £5,000,009,000 were deliverable as on account of the total obligations but farther is ws of bonds might be
    144 words
  • 120 742 JL‘ w d,^‘r 9 A will N? g nd00 18:h “>• remain, will h.” 8 Tae °"«“ony *t Brui.el. Will be very simple. ■arklaVk' 18*—Impressive scenes to Rnt h 7* moval of Nur80 Cavd, body M«»hT nd ln HMS Elisabeth maeofipln/ 1 Cabinet sent ud oth«r r T
    120 words
  • 53 742 Wil, o a Par le «M th»t President th* Uh inti J!i OpO |’i ed ,0 tor Amnio» «Mil tko «M, rea P,ri treaty has bsen ligoid bit the Germans must no protect the discussions beyond a certain paint and everything must I be concluded by the 15th
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  • 72 742 Bern'', May 10.—It is officially announced I that Swhinland has demanded equitable represention on the Rhine Navigation Oom- I mission, the revision of the Rhine Navigation Convention of 1868 in order to place Basle as far as possible in the position of a seaport, the alteration of the Rhine
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  • 91 742 London, May 8.—At a banquet held in I Glasgow Sir Douglas Haig said that the I outstanding lesson of the war was tbe ex- I traordinary military advantage gained by I superior preparation for war, We had no I right to count upon getting the opportunity I of
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  • 64 742 London, May 8, —The Captain of a U-boat who was arrested by the naval authorities on board a Dutch liner at FJmeuth, where he arrived from internment in Spain, with the crew of the submarine is believed to be the commander of U56, which is reported to
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  • 98 742 London, May 10. —The War Cabinet Committee, dealing the industrial position of women, recommends the adoption of equal pay for equal work in the sense that pay should be proportionate te efficient output. Where it is contended that a woman employed produces less than a man at
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  • Correspondence.
    • 188 742 [To the Editor of the Strait» Echo.] Sir, —In view of the prevalence of gang robberies locally, I hope it io not impertinent to ask whether the Police are taking all necessary precautions to safeguard the lives and interests of our cirisans. The cue that occurred
      188 words
  • 2074 742 s t ew Club-Housu Bchimi Postponed. 8 ti9 <°V h8 mem ber« of the enang Swimming Club was held in the lub bungakw at Tanjong Bungah yesteriy at noon, to consider tbe advisability of feting a new Club House and, if thought k to pass the following
    2,074 words

  • 538 743 Ooe of our readers complains that a d IT or two ago while ha and some friends W kJ returning from the Esplanade whither tb» went to have a look at the U boats) wars looking on at a cricket match lomebod» shcuted to them Get out of
    538 words

  • 1390 744 Annual General Meeting. the »hwe Limited, was held at jiubber Compa j Weld Q '•■Sw SX on i raided. There were also Stothard P G N gn y e> j Cruick1 re6 i T H Menzies, J. Wilson (nian•ha“k’a e Mason and H. 0. Maas gating the
    1,390 words
  • 576 744 Chart and Co.’s Report. Kuala Lumpur, May 15. The Stock Markets have displayed a very cheerful disposition, and, if business is not on a gigantic scale, there is every indication of potential activity, which will materialise as soon as peace becomes an accomplished fact. In the Tin group,
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  • 843 745 SUMMARY OF THE CLAUSES. Thu following is an official summary of the Covenant of the League of Nations as amended and published in Dmdon 13 April I. The League of Nations is founded in order to promote international co-operation and to secure peace. 'Hie League will include
    843 words
  • 577 745 Austbaliajt In ubancu Makagib’o Views. Scoring at the annual meeting of tboOito Mai nil Life Assurance Society BidsoJ April 8. Mr. George Crowley, chairman L directors sroke ot the general industrial unrest. Ho laid i 1 It io sometimes glibly said that you OkB not alter human nature.
    577 words

  • 754 746 > iiateo wm msa® I i® ?m> b,ob fc,w difidranoei of jhipowners and tb I *<•«•• *tn& ,hs fqt w W“ n India oomp»»'“® 0 th ««®J ‘iJipiBg i.tereit.. We getker Ym ot Aiitreli*» peper. that h»«leclto“ Mn,!wd W b 5 it qeite oleer from the c»® 1
    754 words
  • 554 746 From several communications that we I have received it is pretty clear that the I public Is of one mind with regard to the I shortcomings of our postal and train services, I and is prepared to supp )rt our plea for the I restoration of the
    554 words
  • 557 746 John Cueien has died at Limerick at the ago of 105. H, 1. the Governor presents the 0. B, K* to Dr, L m Boon Keng to day. Lord Ohetwynd has accepted a seat on the board of the British Mannesmann Tube Company, Mr, Oliver Vaughan Gurney Hoars has
    557 words

  • 1271 747 Ic4 CroiB, The audited statement of the accounts of the Red Crosa Society and of the O-der of Bl John of Jerusalem were made public a month ago in London, It shews the rec^P^ 8 and expenditure up to October 20, 1918. Where»! the expenditure in 1>16 £3,285
    1,271 words
  • 91 747 [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.] EECONarEUCTION ASSOCIATIONS London, May U-I B the report .J adritory oonoctl on kt.l < •toted that Mti.a reoon.treotion i, b J* carried on. Local associations are bain» t edln Birmingham, B isto 1 Devonshire wall, Liverpool, North and South Wale? Ireland. The report mentions as
    [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.]  -  91 words
  • 250 747 Liam Ab Chib-Lucy Lu Yooi. A pretty little wedding was solemnised at the Ohuroh of the Ltdy of the Holy R cltr Brick fi aid a Road, Kuala Lumpur 1m| Thursday morning, the contraoting being Mr. John Lian Ah Chin, only too .f Mr. and Mrs. Kbeo Hoo, Chief
    250 words
  • 94 747 Arbi v al in England Mat 9. Tbe friends and relatives of passengers bound for the United Kingdom by the Marama will be gratifiad to learn that she arrived at London on the 9th instant. For this information wo are indebted the courtesy of Messrs Adamson Gilnllan and
    94 words
  • 101 747 Pergonal Expenditure 3 500 a Month* (From Our Own Correspondent.} Singapore, May 20—In the course of bis elimination before the Supreme Coir S.ngapore yestnday the debtor said torn tha middle of 1915 to the end or 1918 his nett average commissions ed to nearly 1CO.OOO dole ».y
    101 words

  • 675 748 z>a»irrTON OF HELP GIVEN TO I B,CO IBI fund. o Alai Bike Honor.ry Org«ni«er M f 0» u tn a tr 8<iuad r one Fend, I Per k 1Bdw f a M»V ID M fo |lowl J I 8 if B ow finally dosed, I thiok
    675 words
  • 278 748 “Our Day Fund 1918. Following is the statement of account which we had to held over yesterday Balance from Our Day 1917. $605 57; contributed by Singapore and General as acknowledged in the press, 1637,045 81 Penang, 8225,000.00; Malacca, $29,178.<'l; Johore, $136 138 38; Kedah, $166,157.52 Trengganu, $10,493.86 and $6,418
    278 words
  • 144 748 Advices from T;fL*, in Trans«Oauc’»ia» Russia, recjivad at the Stats Department via ravel radio, slate that ths conditions owing to lack of food in that region are becoming frightful, In Envan it is reported that 45,000 are without bread, and there is not even a dog, oat,
    144 words
  • 1628 748 CLAIM AQAINSf HARBOUB BOARD, m I C s ,rt q ki moraiag, Ufora Im A oi I 4 b 1 Me r K 8«»« L.e *Co. agamit ths p eBMg Hsrbo.r Bo»rd in ooueotion with the alleged ibort delivery of 1,000 of white rioe marked K. S.
    1,628 words

  • 395 749 (C te proceeding) Mr O Darby of Narborough Estate, Perak* has received a cablegram announcing the death on April 14>b of his eldest brother Mr H E Darby, at Victoria, British Columbia, while on his way home via Canada. Mr H E Darby, who
    395 words
  • 438 749 8imb Dabbt A Co Rxpoit. 8 ogaporei May U London Quotations —The latest from London was received here on IbJ instant, dated 2 ad instant, the aunu*;? being 1/104, 1/11 market steady. Q Ut 01 Aucrionu 14th 15th amount catalogued was 847 tons, but large amount of
    438 words
  • 109 749 The mortality returns for the Municipal* y cf George To wo, Penang, for tto w* ending May 10, show that the total num1 ot deaths was 82, of which 49 were and 33 females. The death rate per per annum was 39.77 compared with if. in the
    109 words

    • 60 750 Editor of the Strait, Echo.] b the r.ther frequent d.rirg Jadg’Bff I mined in town, and more robberies com oCoarrB d Lrticoler «boat k at an early N.SO, Lo« L.« th» ..thorities to *‘’^?r lled there here H«e to» rried 0Ut thB Imo."» who have la oompen.on.
      60 words
    • 1119 750 [To the Editor of the Strath Echo.] 8 fob reference to yoer oritioum i. yo.r Mt of May 9, of the article on Coneonp. ta which appeared in yoer in»» of May yjear oontribetor hae the following oom. m*nti to makfi If t State has the right to determine
      1,119 words
  • 142 750 Gibson’s Cup Computition. Th? first race of the series in the above competition, 53 yards handicap, was ha’d at the Swimming Club on Sunday morning. The winners of the •♦final” ware as follows. O. L. Malden, 1st handicap scratch, time 36 secs. P. G. Stirling, 2nd, handicap
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  • 117 750 BIRTHS. Latter. —On 11th May, 1919, at the European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, the wife of Reg.-Sgt.-Major Latter, M.8.V.R., of a sou. Hill—On May 14, at the Maternity Ward, General Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. T Hill of Jementa Estate, Segamat, a son. MARRIAGES. Anoozo —Minjoot—At the Cathedral
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  • Page 751 Advertisements
    • 219 751 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., J NO. 59, BEACH STREET, PENANG. J 1 4 ESTABLISHED 1883. PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. Bl B |H Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO" and “PENANG SIN POE.” S. Iff I fiT The most enterprising and up-to-date Printers and Litho- fil Hl nJ graphers in the Orient. H >. Our
      219 words