The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 7 May 1919

Total Pages: 50
604 653 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 22 604 The Straits Ecbo MAIL EDITION. Lg FEB ASM !M. Single Copy 40 cis. tol. 17 Penang, Wednesday, May 7, 1919. No, 10.
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  • Page 604 Advertisements
    • 361 604 J CONTENTS. I Liadim J Miscillanioub (Continued): I Food Control 606 The Rice Crisis 631 I The Ptb'io Service 616 Education in the Orient 632 I F"od Problemi 624 Food Growing in Malaya... 632 I Pity the Porr 624 Crime in Malaya 633 I F*lie Economy 630 Central Milling Agenoy
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  • Page 605 Advertisements
    • 179 605 31 S/S TAB 5" >rr SMB Srf’ THE O I “STRAITS ECHO” 1 z£) Cffl Tl T MAIL EDITION. 1 i Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the Br I daily issues, as
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  • 2182 606 In our issue of the 28th instant wc gave publicity to a lengthy report of the proceedings at the meeting held in the Federal capital last Saturday. Having had a deal to sav, in the public interest, about the food shortage and cognate matters during the last few
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  • Page 606 Advertisements
    • 99 606 Cbe Straits €cbo. <05 > pUBX» iaHED BAttST (Except Sundays and public holidays.), AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Dally Local 880 Per annum Outstation Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 918 per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Non. (Boho) see. Printing Department 343. JV.A—All
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  • 13 607 have arriv- ad by the Faailka from Bangalore.
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  • 231 607 suggestive of the aimplicity of Highland life and with Scottish interest* closely interwoven, took place on April 11« at the Bcoti Kirk Koliupi tiva Ceylon The bridrg oom Mr. John Menzies Booth, has old ties with Cevlcn in that his late reversed father Mr, Wm.
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  • 1022 607 Toe death of SirJobn Jaidine, is annouoc* d Mr. Chung Ah Ming and Mr. Leong En Khean are on a visit to Penang. It is reported that the deaths of two infan's occurred on board the Mrs. H F Moraes. Ta pinp, b seriously ill and has been ordered
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  • 125 608 [jECTES. IBLEOBUie-] London, Aoril 23. «'•"“■ftha b .ok troop, bj gi»i»8 i re.p’Ot of loot »»d tho treat. BttSS. •X’Sr ft*' 71’ T0 »ri of most strenuous osm,h,,’' h J Atrooitle. oooMionoliy committed ptigning. h treatment of our n °"J «nechlb r0Bt b buUhe Germane themselves with i»t»" ell
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  • 111 608 Paris, April 21. The Flume question has reached a crisis. President Wilson did not attend the Council of Font to-day which io endeavouring to reconcile Italian and American pointn of view in order to consult tho American delegation, which has decided to pnblieh the f*cts if the deadlock continues.
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  • 58 608 London, April 22 A Hindley-Page aeropl me, while leavh g ill a»roireme from D »var thia morning, •trick a telegraph pole, fell on the roof cf a hit and caught fire. Five out of the crew of seven,, namely three officers and two nuncommissioned i fleers, were burned to
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  • 26 608 London, April 28; The Foreign Office announces that goods •xported to China and Siam may be consigned all persons and firms in those countries.
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  • 56 608 hs. l j Mil April 21. at is stated in French circles that progress is being made in regard to the scheme IbiiL w B,lTa alliaaoe between Great ?"*•'“■Freeoe »»a the UaiUd St.te.. Wtcebl. to the Bhine ere. only, providing ““‘‘«T d *otion in ot G’vmmy br.ehiag the
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  • 45 608 t‘.M fo.t.d Hit night •>viet h .h r k*/““ dool,re *be O ntr.l B.v,ri...‘ b t 01,,,, d d M>Pe»l. to the OoverZ. pp r Uw,al,t Hl” o"‘ foreign •werai.. ft,b *”l?"“ r hB Hiflm.nn M W?£j irt*'"* 1 M lw M< jroelni».
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  • 233 608 Vienna, April 20. The action of the Oammunist Govern, ment at Budapest was precipitated by the report of the agreement betwem the B«maui«ns and the 8s kiers, who are akin to the Magyars inhatiaag Transylvania and hostile to the Communists. Bala Kun said that hints had reach’d them that
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  • 57 608 Lj&doD, April 22. The Conference of the Independent Labour Party st Huddersfield almost unanimously njseted tbs motion, demand ng that the Government of the United Kingdom should be based on the Soviet systemLondm, Apr 22 The Daily Expreet states that Sir Eric G dd a s has been
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  • 151 608 London, April 22 The lategt Reuter's telegrams from lodia indicate that the Moderat s are rallying to support law and order against the extremists. A cable from Bombay of April 18 states that Mr. Gandhi issued a statement advising temporary suspension of passive resistance and urg ng his supporters
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  • 537 608 Lwuon, A.piii 22, A Paris communique states ihit the G rman Government has accepted the A Les’ conditions and is sending plenipotentiaries to Versailles to negotiate the prelimlnvies of peace, namely C'un) Brockdnff R*nisau, Herr Landsberg, Herr Gilberts (Muhtert), Herr Leinert (President of the Prussian Anemb’y) Herr Melchior
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  • 136 608 London, April 22. Router laams that there was fighting on Aoril 19 outside S btotopol. Tne French retook Mtmtbn Vert at the point of the biyonit and inflated heavy losses on the enemy, The French agreed to a sevan-day armistice which the Bolsheviks proposed. Thu French permitted the firmuion
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  • 44 609 Madrid. April 21. The Anglo-Spanish agreement s^ n d to day under w«»ch Spam won A ian Britain X3.OO0.OOO at five per cmt while Groat Britain would permit free f t oranges from Spain and export to Spam 150,000 ton» of ooal monthly.
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  • 89 609 Constantinople, April 18. The Porte is doing its utmost to itate itself in the eyei of the Weatern nation*, hoping «till to influence the Peace Conference favourably to Turkey. Arrests of officials of the Unionist regime who were implicated in the massacres of the Armsniaos and the Greeks are
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  • 72 609 Londor, April 22 N*w York’s Victory Liberty Loan of 14.500,000.000 was inaugurated with celebrations and speeohmak’ng in the various cities. Toe feature at Washington was the reading of President Wilson’s Inn message from an at a height of 2,600 feet by means of wireless telephone, the sound
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  • 106 609 Visit of Food Controller to Penang. INVITATION TO CHINESE TO MEET HIM. Mr. Clayton, Deputy Food Controller, kindly informs us that the Hon. Mr. F.S. James, C.M.G. Food Controller, has telegraphed him to the effect that he will be in Penang on Friday, May 2nd, and Saturday,
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  • 103 609 PROTECTIVE VALUE MUCH LESS THAN OENEBALLY SUPPOSED, We learn on good authority that the experience of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia is that the practical protective value of Influenza Masks is limited to their use in Isolation Hospitals, where trained and reliable persons wear properly applied
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  • 69 609 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 30. Captain Hashim, the Malay interpreter of the Supreme Court who is proceeding to 1 enang to take over the duties of District Officer at Balik Pulau, was the guest of his Moslem friends at a dinner given in
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  • 369 609 PROSECUTIONS in PENANG. Tn the Police Court before Mr. S. H. Langston this morning Shaik 1 akir, wh was charged with selling rice be\on the price fixed under the food control regulations, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a fine of $75, $30 of which was ordered
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  • 274 609 Our Bukit Mertajam correspondent reports, under date 29th instant, that in the police court that day eight petty shopkeepers were charged with failing to post up in a conspicuous place on their premises the food control fixed retail prices for rice. Mr. C H. G. Clarke, the presiding
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  • 164 609 On 29th April before Mr, G. A. Smith, First Magistrate, Ipoh, the police charged three shopkeepers with selling Burma white rice at prices above the controlled price. All of them pleaded not guilty excepting one. In the first case the manager of Chop Koon Yan Choon, of
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  • 80 609 LATEST IEVELOeMENTS. Our Singapore correspondent wired us to-day as follows i There is a possibility that the shipmasters and officers may not have to strike. Negotiations are proceeding between the masters and the owners, the Government intervening. The Chinese shipowners have agreed to give their captains *500
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  • 120 609 Honouring Mr. Elliot. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 30. A great meeting of the Freemasons was held in Singapore in honour of the Hon. Mr. F.M. Elliot who was presented with an address, detailing his services to the craft. He mentioned his wish that their apprecia* tion
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  • 658 610 ia the Report of the Directors I Fol O T Uĕ holders as prepared for present»to t S tentb annual general meetmg k M in Singapore, May 5. I to h eld __Your Directors beg to submit I of the Comp the g working oi to which
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  • 346 610 Twice Sentenced to Death. Pans, March 20.—M. Clemenceau was anxious to recompense with his own hands the heroism of a young French girl, and in his Cabinet to-day, in the presence 1 of M. Jeanneney, M. Georges Mandel, and General Mordacq, his principal collaborators, he handed
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  • 34 610 The following subscription has boon reoslvsd by the Inspector of School», Psnang, to bo forwarded throngh the Director of Ed «cation to the above fend»— St. Xavier's Institution 3192 40.
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  • 449 610 MUNICIPAL MEETING. The ordinary fortnightly Meeting ef the Mnnioipsl Commission was held at the Mnnioipal Often yesterday afternoon, there being present Messrs. A. B. Vonlse (President), F. Dnxbnry, Choo Wor Lok, A. M. Goodman, A. F. Goodrich; L. M. Bell (Mnnioipal Engineer) and L. A, 0. Bigge (Secretary).
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  • 99 610 Berideni aad Bail way Manager Decorated. (From Our Own Corretpondoni.) Koala La nope r, April 99. His Excellency the High Oommiseioner presented the insignia of their order to the newly created Companion of the meet dietingnishod order of St. Michael and St. Georgo to the hononrable Mr. A.
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  • 34 610 of the Traffic Department of the F.M.8. Bail ways mot on. Friday afternoon and presented a framed illuminated address to Mr, F. H. HonshhWi who is shortly going Hems on leave»
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  • 356 611 Famoui Hobsb Dbops Diab oh Cbtloh Eaobcoubsb. An unfortunate incident toek place during the gallops on the Newer* Ehya Sweeouree e few days ege. Mr, Heather s Cartes dropping down deed after a. feat wallop. Cartes wee a eix-year-old gelding by Gteten out of JLthumia. He wee a
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  • 181 611 8imh, Dabby A Co.’* Buyout. Singapore, April 28. Lowdom Quotations.—The lateat wire from London wae received here on the 19th, dated 14'h instant, the quotation being 1/11 j. 1/11 j market steady bat qniet, Awctiomo 24th A 25th Apbil.—The quantity catalogued wae 880 tone of which 570 tone
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  • 630 611 It will doubtless be recalled that at the food control and production meeting held in Kuala Lumpur last week-end the Hon. Mr. F. S. James, Food Controller, said (in reference to observations made in an article in this journal, to the effect that the Food Controller had
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  • 292 611 CHINESE USE BOMBS. A daring robbery waa committed in Friday night at Cherah, a email ▼illagt about ten miles from Esub. At about 9,30 pm, four Chinese walked into a coffee «hop and smoked cigarettes until after ten o’clock, when the other shops in the village pit
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  • 59 611 managing editor of the Straits Times, Singapore, accompanied by Mrs. Still, is a passenger by the *s. CerdigansAirs, which arrived here this morning, homeward boundi We heartily wish him bon aoyago and safe return in enjoyment of the best of health to these sunny regions, where
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  • 76 611 occurred on Thursday last of Mr, L, Tburaisamy, until reoently Postmaster at Raub, Pahang. He was 48 years of age and had served the Postal Department of the F.M.S, for about 25 years. H fl had been postmaster at Kuala Lipis and Raub successively for the past 18
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  • 99 611 haa'been received in Ceylon of the cbath, on March 23. at Lucknow, of Capt» W. G. Mortimer, planter and manager of Moolgama, Galaha. The late Mr. Mortimer waa a member of the first Ceylon contin* gent that aaw service in the South African war. He left Ceylon on August
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  • 2343 612 CHINESE IMPORTBB HEAVILT FINED. t I la tk, D’utriot, before Mr B D. a ,terday atteraoaa, Y-P Oaor Ee, ot chop B» Hi» L«. -Tmm k tSu«Wl Lgalatioa. firrtly for i, 10 f Burma white ric8 on or b lfc23r Xh at the rate of $1126
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  • 315 613 Tun Fonibal. The funeral of the late Mr, W« Kelso took place yesterday afternoon when his remains ware removed from the General Hospital to the Protestant Cemetery at Western Road for interment. The coitege waa met at the entrance to the cemetery by the Rev Donald
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  • 46 613 “P lease Take Rity:” Thanks for your letter, which will be published to-morrow. We do pity men of yiur class, and agree with you that owing to the high cast of foodstuffs and the rack-renting which is rampant special allowances might well be granted to you.
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  • 59 613 with thanks, of a copy of the annual rejjort of the British Adviser to the Kedah Government for the year 1336 A.H., t.e. October 1917—October 1918, by Mr. G. A. Hall, Adviser to the Kedah Government. Embodied in this interesting document is the report of the British
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  • 749 613 Pr Wu Lien Eh (Gnoh Lian luck) has been awarded the Chia Ho decoration. The annual tree-planting ceremony will take place throughout China this day week. The port of Amoy and Swatow are infected with cerebro-spinal meningitis and come under the quarantine regulations. The meeting of the old
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  • 100 613 Penang, May 1. Meaon. Allen Danny a A Co. advise that the following prices were realised fer rubber sold by them by private and Auction Sales held this week per pound ots. ots. Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 70 to 76 Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 64
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  • 170 613 measuring twisty feet and of abnormal girth, caused a sensation on Sunday evening on the Strand Boad, Moulmenin, says ths Moulmtin Advertiser. After swallowing a large fowl belonging to the owner of a bicycle repairs shep near the Bail way jetty yard, it slowly crossed the large
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  • 1312 614 HOWLINGS SCREAMINGS. .Straits Times, April 28.) stern rule of the civil service that k rs ol that service shall not enter into members 1 but this controversy did uot d0 V°the front door. At all events Mr F Seton James has been howling and F* inv about the press in
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  • 126 614 The report of the Food Controller’s speech at Kuala Lumpur on Friday which, as stated, we reproduced yesterday from our Kuala Lumpur contemporary, the “Malay Mail,” contains an error which puts a different construction upon Mr. James’s reference to the “Local Thunderer in the Southern Settlement.” He
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  • 2217 614 SEVERAL NEW MEASURES. An ordinary meeting o£ the Legi.htiv. Council was held m the Council Chamber» April. In the absence of H. E the Governor, the Hon. Mr. W. G. Maxwell presided. There were also present H. E. the General Officer Commanding the troops, (Major Gen, Ridout, c.b.,
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  • Page 614 Advertisements
    • 48 614 A Good Rule lor the Home. Make it a rule of your home to always keep on hand a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bo-wel complaints. It always cures promptly and no household is safe without it. For sale by all dealers.
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  • 216 615 ARRIVALS. Per s.s. Hunt/ lliva from Rangoon:— Messrs. W. Price, F. E. Wright, W. W, Wilson, Teh Hee Lai, Yeoh Hong Pin, Lo Kim Sweat, Chow See and sou, Pung Twai Loke Chong, Wong Shun Lim, Yong Kim, Mrs. Ooi Lai Lee, Mrs. Ooi Kuat Chooi and daughter,
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  • 186 615 In their report the Public Services Commission states Malaya is a country exemplifying in the highest degree the necessity for the maintenance of a proper standard of living by members of the Public Service. When every unofficial member of the Legislative and Federal Councils joins in pressing
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  • Page 615 Advertisements
    • 43 615 Now Is the Time. For rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. Now is the time to get rid of it. Try this liniment and see how quickly it will relieve the pein and soreness. For sale by all dealer».
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  • 2470 616 lency t Commissioner of the ffs to enquire into certain matters tn the public service, to wit, the Ind th/ conditions of service as "ffSsuch salaries of certain officers in ffect rv cc of the Straits Settlements “Vffi fK and the provision of free usages to such
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  • 23 617 Medan has been declared infected with cbolar| as from the 23rd April, says our contemporary Het Htewn v. a. Daf,
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  • 985 617 Estates Staffs Association. There would appear to be an epidemic of trades unionism abroad. First of all we have the doctors, disgusted by the treatment meted out to them by government and people alike, proposing, in despair, to turn the profession into a duly registered trade union for
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  • 39 617 O.B E., of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, H ngkong, has beta appointed an nncffiolal member of til E lenitive Oonnoil dor ng the absence from the Colony of Mr. Ernest Hamilton Sharp, K.O., O.B.E
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  • 44 617 Mr. and Mrs, L** Ohoon Gian, Mr. and Mrs. Chua Eng War, Mr. and Mrs, Tan Soos Meng, Miss P. N. Lea, Miss YI. Lm, Messrs, Drost, Brnaokman, Pot, Webbt Hashimoto, Toknmitsn,
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  • 53 617 for permit ■ion to open a dairy has been ref me d ai the Kinta Smitary Board sers no reason to depart f>om its present policy by which all cows, the milk of which ii intended for sale in Ipoh, mast ba milked at the
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  • 51 617 Kam** Stone crushed 8 881 tom void obtained 786 oas, average per ton 4,017 dwts Bukit Malacca i Stone crushed 8 353 ?ons gold obtained 919 on, average per ton 1,300
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  • 55 617 ii retiming from Mesopotamia, shortly, to take np old appointment is manager of the Bahber Oo’i Cher oh estate near B«ob. The galhnt major j ined the Boyal logimiri early In 1917, and has been stationed at B*sra where he has done Biefel werk in
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  • 59 617 cholera exists in a sporadic state at Medan (Belawan Deli), it ie declared by H’ 1 ce lency the Governor in exercise of tno powen conferred by Bee‘Ion 48 (1) Quarantine and Prevention of Diie** Ordinance 1915, that the port of Medan (Belawan Deli) is
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  • 2021 618 msus I COOMMTIT» «OCHTIl», Wiri» fiUPPLT, HO .i| t*. Ted.r.l Ou.ooil h Chamber, ri H Qomminioner I Mited with the 0«t9m»ry ceremonial. Those rroient included s H, B 8 r Arthur Yotrg, F The Bije Mid*. rrpreionting the 81llaB I e< w e H3he Sultan of Selangor. H.H.
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  • 1273 619 The following paper waa laid before the Federal 0 >aaoil by command of Hia Excellency the High 0 jmmieaioner i B*port on po nta raiaed in a queation put by the Hon’ble Mr. B, 0. M. Kiaderiley, at the meeting held on the 3rd December 1918
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  • 429 619 SHOCKING REPORTS FROM 8,8. MARAMA. ACTIOX TO Bl TaKIK. B’ca Shortage-Bounty Suggested. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 1. The meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malava lasted the whole of yesterday. There was a lengthy discussion upon the subject of the Marama scandal. A number of
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  • 5770 620 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Marama Scandal, Food Growing, Election of Officers, etc. Ta the Town Hall, Kuala hamper, at 11, m on Wednesday. the annual gener. DMtiog of the Planter.’ A.rooiation of Maleva took p'aoe. the proceeding, ooouping whole of the day. Th. chair wa. taken hr Mr.
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  • 1315 623 MEETING IN 8EBEMBAN. Mb, Boil AN8WBBB MANT QuBBTIONB. Then was a packed meeting at the bungei Ujine Club Saturday afternoon when Mr. E 8. Hose, Director of Fond Produo» tion, repeated the address he gave in the Town Hall, Kuala Lumpur, on the previous d*Mr, J Bruce,.
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    • 335 623 [To the Editor of the Straits Echo,] Sir—In your announcement rogardin the proposed visit of the Food Controllert! Penang, you cay that you are informed k Mr. Clayton, the Deputy Food Control].; that the Food Controller will be glad t meet the Chinese Chamber of Commerce iJ
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    • 223 623 [To the Editor of the Straits Echo.] Sir,—We are invited to prepare to celebrate the signing of Peace with decorations, processions and rejoicings. Pending publication of the finally agreed upon terms of Peace, our rejoio ngs must be founded on a faith which sees the vision of things
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  • 35 623 Sailings Continub as Usual. Our Singapore correspondent, telegraphing at 11 a.m. to-day, reports that the Straits Steamship Company’s sailings are again published. The Commission of Enquiry into tht shipping dispute is sitting
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  • 1165 624 «r thp magnitude of our food pro* In e Lf f the fact that it would be difficult Hems nd 'X importance of (a) growing U) exaggerate t impo quantities »s speedily as p masses to of foodstuffsi (6/ t l flour fo r rice substitute whea extensively
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  • 913 624 The poor are indeed to be pitied at the present time, with foodstuffs far dearer than was the case prior to the outbreak of the Great War, with rents exacted by heartless rack-renting landlords soaring to giddy heights and with wages at practically peacetime level. Clerks of
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  • 516 625 Mr. W, A. Graham has retimed to Siam* Mr, and Mr», Lea Choon Guan retimed to Singapore fro» Bangkok last Wednesday, Hor, Mr, F. 8 Jama», omq, the Food Controller, arrived here leak light from Kuala Lumpur. o Captain Bankia Jones, formerly of Tronoh Mine», joining the
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  • 119 625 [hECTEBS TELEGRAMS-] Lindon, April 23, A British Imperisl Antarctic Expedition has been formed under the ieadersbip of MrJohn Cop*. The member of the expedit.on, from 1914 to 1917 who expects to leave in Jinn 1920 and to return in 1926. His ot jeot is te ascertain the position and
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  • 76 625 London, April 23. A cable from Melbourne states that the federal government is establishing sn air force immediately. It is estimated that the initial cost w.ll be half a million sterling. Annual pay, maintenance and general costs will require a similar amount, A Melbourne telegram states that in connection
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  • 111 625 London, April 24The press bureau states that the foreign cffice publishes the following note communicated to General Sir Edmund Allenby on April 22 by the United States minister at Cairo announcing that President Wilson recognises the British protectorate of Egypt proclaimed in December 1914:— “The president reserves for further
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  • 244 625 Paris, April 23. A highly placed personage in the French ministry of marine has communicated the sentiments of the ministry and the navy inspired on the occasion cf the visit of Admiral Sir Divid Baatty and the repreaentatives of the British navy in Paris, fie says that France is
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  • 40 625 [beutbbs telegrams.] Chvleroi, April 28 An outbreak of fire in a cinema here, cau«£ a great panic among the audience, mJJJ jumped from the stalls and galleries whE others jumped into the street from th» windows. Forty were injured.
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  • 259 625 London, April 23 A cable from Cologne of April 22 states that the strike in the Biihr district is ujd to be practically ended, but the damage owing Io deliberate destruction or fl iodine of the mines, is incalculable. Many mines which were prosperous before the war an I
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  • 253 625 London, April 22. A cable from Barlin of the 22ad April issued from Vienna states that the Rumanian advance is making the positioa of the Hungarian soviet very difficult. The Rumanians have advanced a long wiy and it is declared that South Bkv troops will fi rally march on
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  • 43 626 Paris, April 22. Wo daoiiion hai been rfliohed reg J Hodaoiii George conferred with pi«me. M morning a°d it >■ 8>t ior J that he is endeavouring to find a 4 r,^ d hetw.M the hitherto inoompet'Kwl of Ue It.lien. d the Ameri»».,
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  • 404 626 London, April 23 I ruble from P.rie th»t Signor I Ortnd. thr«t.ned to le»n Peri.i to-d.y Lloyd Giorgi ia trying to indnoa him to hi. a Mhla from Berlin says that probably the German peace delegates wiH leave Berlin on April 28 and arrive in Parison Paris,April
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  • 91 626 (■sjrvHDansi eaaiaau] Copenhagen, April 21A cable from Berl n states that the German notes accepting the allies conditions cabled in the morning cays that the German Government presumes that the presentation of Iha draft of preliminaries'* will be followed by negotiations on the contents of the draft. It
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  • 365 626 London, April 22. I A message from Copenhagen in connection I with the Ukrainian communique cabled I earlier stated that the Bolshevists I surrendered 20,000 rifles, 85 cannons and I 200 machine-guns, j A cable from Hamburg of April 22 states I that owing to serious disturbances at St,
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  • 11 626 London, April 29. Silver is steady at 48 11/16.
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  • 60 626 London, Aprill 22. The H. M. 8. Ironduke, fhgship of the Mediterranean fl set, has arrived in Oon* stsntinople and Admiral Darobeok has taken over command. There is no confir* mation of the Balsbevist report that a revolution has broken out in Turkey. A revolutionary committee has been established
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  • 100 626 [belters telegrams.] 4 Loedoo, April 23« A B. lecevist Communique admits tbs loss <f Lown and Vilna but it is not clear whether the Pole? or the Germans captured it. Copenhagen, April 22. A telegram from Warsaw state* that General Haller has arrived. The Polish troops have occupied Vilna
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  • 43 626 London, April 23, The coal commission resumed its publie sittings in the House of Lords this morning to discuss the nationalisation of mines. The commission has fixed May 5 as the date for the presentation of the final report to parliament.
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  • 114 626 London, April 29, A press bureau communique from Para of April 24 states that before his departure for Rome Signor Orlande, accompanied by Baron Bonn I no, had another meeting witn President Wileon, Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. Clemenceau. Throughout the discussion all displayed the strongest desire to reach
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  • 92 626 Government's Intervention Successful. Agreement Arrived at. Telegraphing at 12.20 to-day, our Singapore correspondent reports: It is officially announced that the shipowners have agreed to accept the demands of the deck officers and engineers regarding increase of wages pending the conclusion of the labours of the Commission of
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  • 49 626 Rksumfuon or Busiwusa. Th« Aor no n Oonaul at P nang has received cffile advica from the Department of S ate that the War Trade Board has authorised resumption of trade with all countries of the world except Germany, Hungary, and parti of Russia under Belihevik control.
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  • 32 626 in shipping oirales happily Indicate j that the recent trouble ii in aifair way of amicable settlement, the Government intervening and everybody awaiting iti decision with perfect tqiam* ■ity.
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  • 30 626 [rECTEBS TELEGRAMS.] OBITUARY. London, April 23. Th. death ii annonnoad of 81 He ?7 T Daane, K, C. J« d R 0 the Ad Jirflly conrt from 1905 to 19i7,
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  • 525 627 Kluala Lumpur, April 3). The tarn for the better which developed daring the p»«t fortnight has not been con* fin?d to any particular notion. That little beeinere ac ually accrued is. however, of imfcll acc ent beside the fact that bargain hunters wera abroad and all markets opened
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  • 36 627 of the Penang Municipality, who, wo regret to hear, has been in indifferent health lately, will be leaving towards the end of thio month for Hemo on long leave, on medical advice.
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  • 37 627 generally and ths people el Cbioeg B I district in pa*ticular will learn with d-p regret of thedmthat home of the Bev, William A- Briggs, M.D, •A* W wwwtod with Si.a .i.n |IW.
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  • 271 627 Flack List Bivoksd. A Straits 8*ttlam n*s Government j. /aIaAA’I issued on the ov.h JX 4, S. UeUxU« .P— Uni'ed Kingdom o) Great Brdamand Ireland and cf British tioae King, Ditendsr of the had P of India PROCLAMATION. Artbub Young, Governor and CommanderinLniej, Whereai ty a Proclam
    271 words
  • 136 627 The twenty-sixth annual report of the directors of the Mercantile Bank of India says: —The net profits for the year, after providing for bad and doubtful debts, and including £58,432, Is 2d brought forward from last Account, amount to $239,543 18s fid. From this sum has to be
    136 words
  • 39 627 are reported to have complained that Japanese are joining th» bandits on the Mongolian frontier It is also reported that Minister Obata, at present in Peking, mstruccted the consuls in the districts involved to make an investigation,
    39 words
  • 85 627 cricket captain of ♦he Ipoh Club, is endeavouring to arrange a match on Saturday and arother against Taip>ng as soon as possib with the object of unearthing talent outside of Kinta aud of providing practice for the inter state match against 8e angor h Ipoh
    85 words
  • 208 627 JoNXS—fclUCKfeY On Weduesdav, the SOth of April, a quiet but pretty wed dug between Mr Harry jhomas Jones, barrister of Ipoh, atd Mui Clara Stuckey was solemnised at the Church of the Assumption, Penang, the Rev Father Davelle officiating. Mr. M D. Butley wy best man. filling a
    208 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 143 627 [To the Editor of the Straits Echo.] Daar B<r,—May I. in common with maay others, exp ess the hope that the Committee in charge of the Bar ou the above memorable ccissior, will endeavour to procure some really good wine in which to trait the coming of
      143 words
  • 285 627 Eleven Chinese womrn aid two Chinese were this morning conv by Mr S. D. Lingstm for playing in No. 30 Kampoog M Jaber last night which was kept as a common gaming house ard sentmeed to a fine of |20e*cb, htlf or which was ordered to go to
    285 words

  • 2988 628 Y OTES ON SUPPLY. NEW ENACTMENTS. wbi transacted as follows. padiaxd aioi. wua Chief Sscrotary: Before proceeding with the resolutions I mote that thia Counci molves that the F.M.8. Government shall «trintaa a price of 13 cents for each otprti grown mthe Fader.Ud Ki .J 8t»t«»nd delifered at
    2,988 words

  • 376 629 RICE FAMINE PREDICTED. Whbat Floub and Othbb Foodstiim Rising in Valub. In a special report to his Gevarnment os the subject of riee shortage in Scuth China, Mr. George E. Anderson, United States Consul-General, Hongkong, writing os the 10th January stated i There is a
    376 words
  • 61 629 In some of the large banks inside guilds are being formed, with the obj ot of looking after the interests of employees, but the staffs of other banks are tu favour of joining the centra) organisation—the Bank Offioar*
    61 words

  • 926 630 nr trust that the action to be taken upon the Chief Justice and his h "C i/the Commission of Enquiry into associates jntne q t j 10 public the conditions an F.M.S. will be 8erV C i. e MOT towards sweeping clean n«X at which the pres, has
    926 words
  • 1103 630 In previous issues lately mention has been made of several troubles arising out of the present scarcity of rice as affecting all classes of the community. Our attention has now been drawn by correspondents, whose letters follow, to the very hard lot of the poorer classes of consumers
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  • 557 631 MiM Jean Graham has returned much benefited by her holiday in Australia. Mr. G. E. Shaw has replaced Mr. V. F. Richards as Adviser of Lands at Kulim. Mr. J. A, Le Doux has resigned the managership of the Italo-Malay Rubber Plantation Co., Johore. Mr. J. V.
    557 words
  • 1412 631 CHINESE DEPUTATION'S SUGGESTIONS. PARI PASSU SCHEME INEQUITABLE. I Tbs deputation to represent the Chinese I Chamber of Commerce and the Chinese I Town Hail, comprising M sirs, Oheah Keo Ke, Lim Eu Toh, Ches Wor L»k, Lim Boon Haw, Ktooo Bin Hoe and Lim How Thoo r
    1,412 words

  • 221 632 Ixbia-Galistan. A pretty weddiog was solemnised in the Cathedral of the Good Siepherd, Bingap ire, on Bitordij last at 9 a.n?. by the Esvd F*ther Bsaadel. The contracting parties were Mr. Frank Clarence Aeria, of the Straits 3 eamship C 1 secord son of the late Dr. W. A
    221 words
  • 123 632 ln “>» U.S. Commercial ««port, issued March 4 that the Pre., •ommectine mou? 1 ‘Ti prin iD tiole MuutioMl 8 m.H. OUr blj L" p0 uciXb, 1 th. pwiiJ» k Ph i li pp in best in thn 1 Phlh PP ne schools as the »
    123 words
  • 298 632 [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.] Loodon, April 24. On the invitation of the French govern, moot two British f quadrons are visiting France. An elaborate programme of a week’s entertainment has been arranged for the sffisrs and crews commanded by Admiral Sir Divid Beatty in Paris, The officers will maka a tour
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  • 125 632 Paris, May 1. To-day’s Paris journals publish a numbir of authentic documents obtained from Eisner’s private secretary hitherto unpublished including Eisberger's memorandum to German state and army, leaders in 1914 outlining the German war aims and objects, which were the establishment of Germany’s military domination on th continent of
    125 words
  • 60 632 complairs to the T. 0, M, about the condition of the Chinese banal ground in Teluk Amon (Hokkien and Cantonere), and asksi "Who are the trustees and what have they been doing all these years ’’—Possibly this hint nny ooffici to stimulate tboie ieip< ndble to take
    60 words
  • 72 632 were this morning fined |50 each tog? thar with costa for fating to report a cass of small-p o x. In both those cases the patients died. Omar who aho committed the same breach was fined |20 and costs. In h's case it was his child who
    72 words
  • 535 632 Ebfobt of th« Dibiotom. The foULW.og i. h 3 B.pjrt ot th, liia 7'h f r ‘u® r J nd d 81,t Dumber* 1918, to be .abmittad to the .t Be 0 »»”»11 g«er»l mi,ting wh.oh will L .t h^:t‘il’ 8 0p.m d ;i Q V
    535 words
  • 67 632 Dry Padi and Raqi Sibd. An advertisement of Messrs The Planters Stores <nd Agency Co., Klang, in another part of this issue announces tba p this firm has for eale a large quantity of Dry (hill) Padi and Busi s ed. Supplies of seed will soon
    67 words

  • 1505 633 nREAT IMPEOVEMEMT of the MTUaTION IN PEBAK. (From Our Own Correspondent.) T.l«k Al.oo, Apiil 29,—A. »«"> I,m .p’cdl g»J ion ln M.l.n It i. fin’ t0 3 M. k o*"< tb br ht ear wh J oh is only obgttly Bwiire thin UaveiiiDg by ra,lwa Y al
    1,505 words
  • 302 633 MILLERS INTERVIEW THE FOOD CONTROLLER. All contracts and standing orders to be Cancelled. DISTRIBUTION OF PARBOILED RICE TO BE HANDLED BY GOVERNMENT. A deputation consisting of Messrs. Lim Cheng Law, Lina Chin Guan, Chua Kee Ee, Leong Tek Khean, Ng Seng Sooi and Ghoong Lye Hin (partners
    302 words
  • 49 633 in a fourth supplement to At IR nuiiu-u in 1UUKU --rr" the FM8 Gueth of 25th ult. pr e» of firr grade rubber for P* r P® 8e J in g export duty is fixed at 791 a a pikul tor the period from 2i« iMtut»
    49 words

  • 8704 634 SIR ARTHUR YOUNG'S DEFENCE OF GOVERNMENT POLICY. F M.S. Surpluses and Alleged Losses of 100.000,000 Dollars by Rubber Shareholders. RUBBER RESTRICTION INCIDENT. (Continued from May 3.) At Tuesday’s sitting of the Federal Council, lhe Legal Adviser, introducing the Rubber Dealers Bill, said this was almost entirely a
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  • 165 638 ONLY TEMPORARY AGREEMENT REACHED. at 10.52 a.m. to-day our bmgapore Correspondent reports that the Service Guild at a meeting of its members on the 24th ultimo decided to 'ufiexibly adhere to the proposed scale of wages. It agreed to submit its differences with the owners to a
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  • 15 638 snout the middle of thia, month -i* *®®>ch England
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  • 24 638 a ChrnebB npma,. was j a. vuiuebB noma, was la *i»n Ipoh on Saturday for ana s enieni {9 g^ bi
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  • 395 638 OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE. We received on Saturday the following copies of a communique by the Hon. Mr. F. S. James, C.M.G., on the subject of the threatened shipping strike, with annexures, from the Secretary, Shipping Committee, Straits Settlements, for publication Hon. Mr. James’s Communique. In connection with the
    395 words
  • 241 638 [Extract from Minutes of Meeting of' the Straits Merchant Service Guild, held on April 24th 1919-J Capt. Duringer reported that a committee meeting bad been addressed by Mr. Oldman, representing the Government, asking nothing should be done hurriedly, as tne question of feeding the population would
    241 words
  • 1256 638 STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTDTHE SECRETARY, Shipping Control Committee, Singapore. Singapore, 25th April, 1919, Sir, With reference to your interview with the shipowners this afternoon on the question of threatened strike of Deck Officers and Engineers, I have the honour to confirm the opinions expressed by
    1,256 words

  • 393 639 Retirement of the D.G.M. The May meetings of the District Grand Lodge and District Grand Chapter were held much earlier than usual this year, in consequence of the approaching departure for Europe, and retirement, I of the District Grand Master, R. W. I Bro. Elliot, says the “Singapore Free
    393 words
  • 160 639 I a. c. School Paper Chase. Last Saturday morning the villagers of Kampoug Pharu were startled by the sound of bugles. It turned out to be the A.C.8. boys out on a paper-chase. The party ©on.* sisted of two hares and. eighteen hounds each carrying a union
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  • 70 639 Taiping Dredging Co. Acquires New Phut, The Taiping Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. have purchased from the Deebook Dredging No Liability their No. 2 Dredge, Workshop and Plant for tho sum of £33,000/-. Arrangements have been made to pay for this plant by equal monthly instalments commencing March
    70 words
  • 18 639 has opened ft branch in Station Road, Ipoh. Mr. J. Doughty Smith is in charge.
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  • 30 639 has been pleased to approve the grant of the colonial I' auxiliary forces long service medal to. Tern* 1 porary lieutenant J. C. M. Mathews.
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  • 42 639 is announced of Mr. Victor Edward Lesslar, youngest son of tho late Mr. Edward Lesslar and Mrs. Lesslar, of Taiping, and Miss Alice Capel, youngest daughter of the late Mr. James Capel and Mrs. Capel of Rosamond,” Larut Road, Penang.
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  • 93 639 says the British North Borneo Herald and it would seem that some of the milkmen of Jesselton are under the erroneous impression that they, may with impunity make their little profits by the simple
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  • 145 639 which hitherto has been a waste I product in copra-making countries, has I been found to be an excellent rubber I coagulant. The discovery has been I lately made in Ceylon. Millions o* I gallons of coconut water allowed to tun to
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  • 510 640 (From Out. Own Correspondent.') Bathing Fatality. An the 25th April Mr, J*rrett, oyroaer, mining cwly Sungel Way. From the fSes it appeared that the docoasodj Poh Sihe th. 5th of the month ta th* •«tornoon, with 1» other,, in an old •laiM pit. Poh Koh wai swimming
    510 words
  • 850 640 Tbxt or thb Food Cowtbollib’s OlBCVLAB, Following is tha fill text of the Circular, in several languages, referred to in onr last issue: Mr, James, Colonial Secretary, now Food Controller, was the Chairman at a large meeting held at Penang on March 7th,
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  • 320 640 Gbawd Mastbb Bb Iliotbd. Lord Ampthill Pro Grand Master, presided at the quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons, which was at headquarters, last night, and was supported by Provincial Grand Masters Colonel F 8 W. Cornwallis, Kent; Colonel 0. W. Napier Clavering, Northumberland; Wor. Broil,
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  • 182 640 The Hongkong CAinu Mail correspondent at Shanghai wired lately that the Chinese Peace Conference had resumed, and spoke of It. There bad bean a hitch, owing to Tang Sbao-yi's refusal ’to discuss anything but the fighting in Shensi, which was a hr—ob of the armistice. The fifth session
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  • 249 641 The following excerpts are taken from a ftriking report entitled Dying of Hanger” in the Batavia Niwnnbladt from Tjilatjap. About six weeks ago, two native boys about eight years of age died in the bazaar in Tjilatjap of hunger. A week later, another boy died. of hunger.
    249 words
  • 114 641 Protection of L:cal Industry* {From Our, Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 5« His Excellency tbs High Commissioner was entertained a by large gathering of mem* here of the F.M.8. Chamber of Commerce to luncheon at Selangor Club Chambers on Saturday, Mr. Clodd presiding, In the course of
    114 words
  • 162 641 8no apo bu Pbosbcutioms. Mr. Langham Carter, Smior Magistrate, Singapore, had before him on April 80 three eases, in which dealers were brought up for breach of the food regulations. Lim Mee and Tan Whan Tang were charged with selling a number of bags of Bangoon rice
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  • 23 641 Straits 176,800, Penang 165.000, Tali Iyer 88,COO, Ba ban a71 000, Began 8 rai H.080 end Batak Eabit 28,000 lb.
    23 words
  • 441 641 SECOND P. o' cTdEFEAT* The Penang B*c eation Cieb on Satutda) afternoon fir a eecurd t;me s cc ®®d e defeating the Penang Criofcet C »b. in Beoreationhts baiting first compiled a total of 142 rues towards wh ch Foley contribnt-d 56 which was wJI obtaireL We may
    441 words
  • 57 641 It is reported from Paris that the United btates are no longer opposed to the trial of the ex-Kaiser, provided the accusation of crime be withdrawn. Holland is to be requested to surrender him together with all other persons who are co-accused with the ex-eovereign of having
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  • 235 641 WAB8HIPS TO BE STATIONED Dr SOUTH SEAS. Stbamh® Ri<4U1st or Jap amiss Cluu ti Bingapobb With the return of the fighting fleets of Japan, now that the special duties for which the warships were sent out to various quit, tern of the globe htva b’en practically completed, a
    235 words
  • 167 641 Tuuxie Toubwamiut, Following are the results ef ties playtd last Saturday evening Bbsults, Open Double—-Chau Book Nghee and Chan Fook Shein beat Chua Sin Bam and Oh Beg Loong by 4—6, 6—4, 8—6, Sngle Handicap B—Goh Soon Cheat +>18 beat Wong Pak How Son by 7—5. 3—6,6—4,
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  • 64 641 The output of Kampong Kamunting Tie Dredging for the mouth of April Hours run 1214; Cubic Yards treated 168,000; Total Piculs 803.74; Bealised on sale 846,287 82. Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co* N.L» output from 27th April 1919 to 3id M»J 1919 beiog 1 week 17 tons* Tocgk*
    64 words

  • 1067 642 Hitherto there has been very H ?„„in on regarding the desirability of C < «nTtbe Huns and their trade from «eluding t t h e domains of S if not all, Of our Allies for a term It has been with regard *to Huns’ ability adequately to
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  • 130 642 Limit or Civil Sibvakts’ Utility, Ii the Report of the Public Betvoes Commie don it ia stated that it is a well knewn medical fact that after the age cf fifty the mental and physical powers of the large majority of Europeans who have spent a number
    130 words
  • 100 642 Tle r e ia now pending before the United S ates Railroad Ad<r>inurition the matter of reduo nsr westbound expo t raidroad freight rates. We understand tbit it plaanedio make the combined rail and water charges from mills in the producing dist id’s of the
    100 words
  • 507 642 Mr. La ham of Telut -x tb.Feibug. oa Marshal F?ch is to lit f L: a Bn Willi.» Orpe», J d g«Hopley, (he or b. Hltk Oo.rt of 8j»tbern Ebcda-i., h M d d l<B At Amerang.» tbe K h •»i»iog large be-oh, hi, 1 OOl.t tree.
    507 words

  • 30 643 [■ECTER8 TELEGRAMS.] 8t. Johns, April 23. Both «Irflight P- r «’“’j".'* Th« Lina to the prospect of a long delay. They go not contemplate to start before nsxt month.
    30 words
  • 535 643 Patio, April 22. A message from Paria atatea that Sir David Beatty baa arrived by motor oar with Lady Beatty and General Petain. mAt the reception at the in hp B01 J of the visit of the British fliat M. Pomcarĕ handed to Sir David Beatty the grand orooa
    535 words
  • 190 643 [recterb telegrams.] Herr Erzbarger has c»cDp r ekensively outlined the creation of the German colonial empire in Africa. Any pretensions to Morocco are disclaimed but Italy wi obtain Tunis, Austria will have My pl, Germany will annex Belgian and French Congo, the British will annex Nigeria and the French
    190 words
  • 111 643 London, April 28 The L st of honours recommend by the Prime Minister public services In the war includes. Vise ounti us.—Biron Burnham and Biron B)thermere. BABONixe —Sir J, He Roberts, Sir B. T H rmon Hodge, Sir T, E, Dewar, the Ho a T. H. Cochrane, Babonitoim 8
    111 words
  • 122 643 Copenhagen, April 23 A cable from Budapest states that the Rumanians continued to advance on April 22 on ths entire line between Theiss and Maros. The Hungarian soviet troops show d complete lack of discipline at eevai al pointe, especially at Dabreczen, which they therefore evacuated at night time.
    122 words
  • 40 643 a M Lo do». April 23 that 4 d Apnl 23 that isushdi Pasha has rasigcrd, th issued a proclamation declaring tha( the government Bn pby ei who are new o’ str ka must return to work or resign.
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  • 25 643 a ti London, Anri' 29 firn 0 t rd n that th, oX. o, .?y n t e,M|ird th. ,Blber J3) raw,.rriiedon b .rd
    25 words
  • 666 643 [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.J Peril, April 23 Signor Orlando announces that in oonse. quenoe of the situation created by President Wilson's manifests he will leave Paris for Italy to-morrow. London, April 24 A Paris message states that Signor 0 lando’s departure has been postponed till eight o’clock in the evening. London.
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  • 76 644 London, April 26. The Board of Trade announces that all aontrol. on the ■a'e and di.'rlbnt.on of oom■odities exercised under DO B,A. have been abolished or will cease on May 81, except afewiostaaois, including Australasian wool, fl ix fl*x seed and Egyptian cotton. The last named continues until July
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  • 19 644 L'ndor, April 24, The Prince of Wales will be initiated as a Freemason on M*y 2.
    19 words
  • 416 644 Paris, April 23. President Wilson has this afternoon made the first statement dealing directly with the controverted question before the I peace con* foresee and is issuing an official statement dealing with the Adriatic problem. In iining the statement the President wishes to let it be known that he
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  • 846 644 [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.] London, April 24 It Is decided that the oflhial summary if the Peace terms will be mide public when they are handed to the Germans. Paril April 24 Signor Orlando’s counter proclamation says that President Wilson s attitude is an innova* tion in international affairs. This is
    846 words
  • 145 644 London, April 24. The government has been informed that the Russian soviet government hae taken possession of the passports of foreigners Raa, a which th’v are altering and distributing amongst bolshevist propagandists who are being sent abroad. The bolshevist headquarters staff hastily evaouated Orenburg on which General Detoff’s army
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  • 157 644 London, April 24. A message from Berlin of April 23 states that Marshall F ch's reply to the Go man telelegram of April 21st says the German delegates can depart when they arc ready* They will be accorded entire freedom of movement for the fulfilment of their mission
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  • 27 645 London, April 24. Renter learne that the Pelbh in Lithmnia which hasi resulted in the captern ot Vina and Bnaaovitchi extend alee < a 1W mile front.
    27 words
  • 38 645 Londor, May 1. 8 her h quiet at 48 13/16. London, May 1 M, lloatog*'* "P"‘ b t k «■otaitkna is nr«. are w<der thia et JriEtotb. TMllUtioB otthe Amerwen Bhngtai .xobMig. riwn to 4/1H ,m1
    38 words
  • 283 645 C«*i«ToraiB AMD Columbus —By the author of EZuateth and her German Garden (Macmillan Q>-, London 7/6). Their names were Anna-Rose and Anna Felicitas von Twinkier. Their father, a Pommeranian nobleman, and their mother, an Englishwoman, were both dead; and these halt-German half-English twins of seventeen years of age,
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  • 168 645 Public Mmiiwo in Fun ano Last Night, A wall attended public masting of ladiani and Ceylonese, cos silting mostly ot Hindu and Christians, was hrid last evening at the Hindu Bibha Hall. The leading others were preiint. Mr P. K. Namhyar fhM PUAOB OULBBHATION. It was unanimously
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  • 408 645 Lian A Co’s W«klt Bipobt. Penang, May 2. Wth Bubb r remaining steady, tlere has again been a wel 8U ed enquiry for shares, and Bassettes are strong demand in several q a *T^ 8 havebeen freely placed at 81,<Xc brng buyers a shade hi.her. Tema wanted
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  • 177 645 Falsi Bipobts about Amritzab. The following has been received by cable from the Chief of the General Staff, India, relative to a rumour which has been circulated in India describing the bombing of the Golden Temple Ainritzar. I have been requested by Sardar Sunder Singh Majitthia, Honorary Secretary,
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  • 496 645 Guthbiu A Co, Biogapore, May Following advices of declining valui Laodon and N<w York, the Waekly Auction opened yesterday with a slightly weaker tme and, in the earlier mages of the sale, not more than 76J cents waa pud f or Fiie Bibbtd Smoked Sneet. Later in tbs
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  • 60 645 (chief olerk of Mm Ksm Berg and Co.) father of M’isrs. G n Sang Eav, Gan Teng Teow, ftlies Y-m Te°g Chao, hor, secretary of Gymnastic F*r'y« Gan Teng Yab. etc., passed away M*y 2 after six months' illness at residence, 83 Hill Street, Singapore, Ho
    60 words

  • 915 646 JXIBAOTS FROM BEPOBT. FvMin Bwoxmwbatiox». fka Wroih «Uba P«bhc f.lbar«x' r *o M ,ep Sarfio»» 0 Diluction Fbom Salam* 1 .«hams The dedeotion ie ■<>», Sim M r ■<> n it t, on ‘V! emelemee»' which oonatithiea hie d, siren r«« iB th ,erflofl ,0 r irritation »nd
    915 words
  • 228 646 Dure® Pbofauawda iw Amirioa, Accord ng to the Bnf NM a meeting wee h*»ld In Batavia of the of the Tea Expert Bereau for the diocuwion of plana fcr propaganda in favour ef tea in America. Is appeaii that, o* th? 7 hof Ma cb, the rnpreeeatativa of M*l<rs
    228 words
  • 1247 646 V,— Yon Mu T so Ex JOT You» Oww < B PHJETr AS NuT TO IXJCBU THAT OF A NO’Hrw. Motorists will take heed of the warning conveyed to them hy the facts set forth in the following case; and proprietors of garageswill feel a little safer when
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  • 127 647 Championship Cup. A strung and even game, before a large •ttendence, resulted uu Sunday in Crescent •coring twice against Crescent btar in the first semifinal. Crescent having elected to take the risk of playing V.M. Pawan, now a Kedah resident, under a protest lodged before the start,
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  • 969 647 marriage doubles expenses. I Suggestions for Government. The following is taken by the Straits Times from the report of the public services commission It is impossible to suppose that it should be contemplated by government that is officers should remain unmarried. In ng theory and in right practice
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  • 252 647 BUSH FOB BERTHS. MbICAL COMMITTBB A PPOIKTBD. I Ths Java paper* report that the «turnI ship cumpanie* are about to inititate a Medical Committee, ooDataHeg of thru deuton, fa ad vise upon the medical csitifiaitai forwarded with application* for paasagM, beoaiae the number of medical
    252 words
  • 81 647 Gula Ktluspunu 108,000, Samagaga 17,000, Padang 2* 000. K» r »ti 8,400, Baotau 4.1(10, New Colombia 82,667, Nell* m*v 6,283. Krun 24 000, P-daog Jaw* 19 367, *****, P rak Biver V Hey 12 *40, Semanggoi *****, Jem *****, Kong Lee r 'erak) 890, Suegai Bntu (Malay»)
    81 words

  • 953 649 Lord Northcliffe and Lloyd-George That Mr. Lloyd George is largely indebted to Lord Northcliffe for his senes of political successes cannot be gainsaid. It is also a matter of common knowledge that Mr. Lloyd George’s government which succeeded Mr. Asquith’s coalition was nominated and controlled by Lord Northcliffe.
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  • 76 649 Widow Dkmands Rsvengf. The enquiry into the death of Chew Yew Pang, who was killed as the result of wounds received during the affray which occurred in Weld Quay some time in February last, was concluded yesterday when Mr. S. H. Langston, the Coroner, returned
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  • 154 649 MEE I ING AT THE 8ABHA HALL. Ata meeting held at the Sabba Hell on oenday, the 4th inetmt, at 5 p.m. for the parpoie of arranging the celebration of victory and P,aoe rt joinings, Mr, E. A. Me ioen, the Hon. Secretary, delivered a lengthy addr*«i
    154 words
  • 169 649 I [REUTERS TELEGRAMS.] L nd n, April 25, The ban on civil aviation will be remov-* Ld on lit May when firing will ba permitted along seven trunk aerial routes radiatiig from London ex’endmr to Scotland, Biblis, R if*st, Plymouth, Bristol, Franco and Holland. In a statement issued by
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  • 95 649 London, May 1, The Timet is of opinion that preference will not affect the trade in high class China teas but will affect the importation of cheap China grader. It is thought that one result •f the preference will be a keener competition with British teas in
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  • 20 649 Lor don, April 25, The coal commissioner’s report will ba presented on 20th June instead of 20th May.
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  • 63 649 Berlin, April 25. ’*Tb*i Garman press is attentively following the Italian oriaia. Dae Vouieche Zsihizg attacks Britain and d clarea that Britain's aim is to Balkanlos Es-npe and to fp'it up its forces. Dm Berlin TagellaU says that it is not Lallan egoism alone that is to blame but
    63 words
  • 189 649 Paris, April 22. Signor Orlando continuing his remarks to the Lt Malin representative said thit nothing must eh*ke Italy*’ alliance with France and G:O*t Britain» because witboat tbit protection a dangerous breach would remsia in the Alp*. ~He WM of rpinion that President Wilson, as an advocate of the
    189 words

  • 70 650 [beutebs telegrams.] Rome, April 25. .«rj-her. IB M» 7 be9t6 d for Fianw ’MS ’J’ p3 9 del r; dD fl»il« d««on.t.»»ioM ocoirred at April 25 the p«a03 o th8 giving o f Adie,g X w“ .to roo D.lmrti.- Mort rtthetOBble rt<bl t>y’‘' d Pltil April 24. The lim*
    70 words
  • 84 650 New York, April 24. Most of the evening papersi commenting on tb* Italian o ri8iB are 100 l° 0d t hl'M that lily’s detection would not vitally »ffottbe fl **l peace treaty and support Pie Ident Wilson in Me content-one as Larde the Adriatio -ettlement professing to ward
    84 words
  • 63 650 Washington, April 25. Senator J >hnion of California and other mablioan senators endorse President Wibon and promise to give him their fall nr pert if he maintain bis present sttitsde sod declines to carry into execution secret bargains whereby peoples are disposed of withoit their knowledge or
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  • 65 650 Vienna, April 24. Th* Hungarian Siviet having requested the artiste mission to send rep ewntatives to Budapest to negotiate concerning an armistice the entente repliad indicating their mdieew to core 1 ode an armistice if the soviet gov-rnment abdioitid ini a new cabinet representing all bourgeois parties in Hsngaiy
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  • 46 650 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 6. i u* occurred at Singapore yesterday •f Miss Lilian Cohen from pnt«ric f-svar, ole waa formerly a teacher io R*ffl slnstituon. 8re Wfcs also a Sunday School teacher wo k Cathedral and a popular church
    46 words
  • 70 650 G1NBB0U8 OhINBSK DoNOBS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) u_ w 9 ogapore, M*y 6. *L xwe > presiding at a meeting of Riffl an™| tte0 a to c °ll®°t subscriptions for nd tha tg 8| ®Wore, yesterday announoPeaant W8M beiD<? BO PO’ B M in ■tatid 8 Lim Bion
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  • 736 650 CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING SOCIETY FOBMED. A well attended meeting was he’d in the Perak CMnaae Chamber of Oommtrce, Ipab, on Saturday afiernoor, to diacues the the question of forming a Oc-jperative Building Society. Nonces for the meeting were sent out by Mr. Fjo Wha Cheng, who was s
    736 words
    • 462 650 [To the Editor of the Sirtlio Echo.] S r,— I have read an artiolo published in your people's popular paper dated the 29th ultimo, anent the Public Services Commissions Report, mentioning alleged high increase recommended. Is Is stated that the salaries are insufficient ail round. Taking this to
      462 words

  • 535 651 BIOS BY BAIL AND WAE8HH8. Mr. A 0. J- Towers Writes to the Ipoh Times as fellow*, Sib— It bn jut recurred to me that toe Go re foment could very easily reduce Jho p 10» of lice by biingmg it mto the tree of freight charger. Siam
    535 words
  • 114 651 TO ESTATE MANAGERS OTHERS. Puvwe Railway Rbsibvis yob Food i boductiom. Es'ate Managers are hertby inf.rmed that the Railway D partment is prepared to i«»ue free licences for the temp ra r y occupaticn of Rilway Reserves io the neighbour, ho-d of Edates fcr p’au'iig of fthditaff Applies o ston'd
    114 words
  • 532 651 TOBACCO SHARES BISING. lAtoa Balis or 1918 Chop at Good Paicxs, The Deli Courant of the 1st instant has he following on the Sumatra tobacco trade We have received information fon Amsterdam to the effect that shares in tobacco oompanee which for montbs past were dull have now
    532 words
  • 17 651 of 8ir George Smith, Rawn n omiiD. B.U M G as Governor aid Commander ir.
    17 words
  • 331 651 (From Dutch Indiee It is reported by wire that on account of I the refaval of the coalmine-owrers in New South W*les io sign an a-raement with ths miners, the Local Government B a’d bn decided to se si all co»l fcr the Board, Hindbnbubg against Polis. Tok
    331 words
  • 1026 651 G*v3 a delightful entertainment at the E. AO. hotel last night. The priis packets consist o', three Australian children, bound to aohieva fame and fortuce if they pursue the path that has chosen for them and do not overdo i f and their mother wha to ter
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