The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 26 June 1918

Total Pages: 32
969 1000 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 715 969 of Oo.etDment ii akin NMnii of jq it grinds slowly, JA’n* 01 M rp B‘ rd9 the new ceat it has not b<gun Uttad 11 M tbe public is ktaandi Mlo J“ ago subscriptions ,a and sioce then money hr nS‘“ lcdbM 686,1 held oVrr fr to
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  • 863 969 The telegrams received to-day confi r m the vitw rxprened yesterday on the tactical f*ilu e of wnat was intended to b? a great Austrian (ff?ns‘vd on Italy, but which really degenerated into a series of isolated attacks, neither time! nor co ordinated as they would b*ve
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  • Page 969 Advertisements
    • 92 969 -restraiis ecl)0 MW PUBLISHED daily Suijjs and pnbllc holldwi.) AT THE CUSHION PRESS. LIMITED. H, Beach Street, Penang. Price I Local 180 per annum. Outstation Postage Extra. laDldltlon (Post Free) |lB per annum. ÜbJi Address: ECHO PENANG.’ Telephone Nos. (Soho) 586. Printing Dopsrtmont 3<3. J.J-111 h«H> eotuaun .ition» ihould be
      92 words
  • 78 969 DEATH. CoLiMAi,—Editb S.Co’emar, the beloved vii dO. G. on Jane 13, of eatenefor#',et Coonoor. (By cable Obituary, London, June 18. Mrs. Ida Cavell, mother of E iith Gavel), baa died at her home at Henley-on-Tbames aged eigbty-one. Bne bad been in failing health since her daughter's d atti at German
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  • 604 970 Mr B. J Fennycuick, Agent of the Eastern Smelting Co,, Ltd., ia Puket, has been transferred to Sungei Basi. It will probably he about two month! yet before H. E. Sir Wm, Manning arrive! to aiiume the Governorship of Ceylon, The death ie announced at Ooonoor of
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  • 1549 970 [Biutub’b Tiligbams.] INITIAL FAILURE COMPLETE. In the Chamber. London, June 17, A Rome message reports scenes of extraordinary enthusiasm in the Chamber when the Minister of War dwelt on the heroism of the troops who repeatedly drove back the enemy's assaults, restoring the lines. He dwelt on the
    [Biutub’b Tiligbams.]  -  1,549 words

  • 555 971 [Riutbu's Tbligbamb] London, June 17. A French communique states 1 —Between the One and tbe Atsne we successfully carried eut a Iccal operation this morning which enabled us to extend our positions north and north-west of Hautebrays. We took prisoner about a hundred and captured some machine-guns. London,
    [Riutbu's Tbligbamb]  -  555 words
  • 532 971 [Rutrrii’s TiLiaMans,] Imperial Conference. London, June 17, ibe Press Bureau announces that at the second meet ng of the Imprial War Conference on the morning of the 17th there was a full attendance of members, includirg tbe representatives of Australia and India, to whom the Secretary of State
    [Rutrrii’s TiLiaMans,]  -  532 words
  • 26 971 Lateat Quotatioaa. Tin (unrefined) is quoted he 0 to day at 1153.25, no busiaf-sa done, and in Singapore froftaed) at |l53 t buyers no Mlitrs.
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  • 938 972 THIRTY YEARS AGO. O.her work took the writer back to the Singapore and dtraita Directory of Thirty years ago, 1889, and out ot pure curioiity he timed t> the Pt nan g section of thia "histojy written in namei.” Of men in the Government Service still living,
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  • 361 972 A contributor to the Contemporary Review. under the pen-name of Treaty Port,” says it is important that we should understand Japanese policy in the Far East, and remember all that Japan has done to counter German it fluence, both before and since the beginning of the war. Japan may
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  • 479 972 It has been i roposed th*» children ef Pen^ glhc 8i1,, r Wadi,.!**». M.jeely Q aMn M ehoald be for tbe benefit ot ik h? •«ggeetedtbet tbe gift lh o, d of money .nd be tent to throngh tbe Q un Gold ot whico Mr.. wUSt*'
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  • 613 973 Vr«W OF F® l f lB 1 S< ”s V9 ■< ,,lt wi l after» ?b «c» otb.i’. cbJdre», qfc 'r! tteir lespsct.FJ socks, the 3F 7A^ ri T,B:0to bP Coo p! 1 '.<id To ftt J Wlt 1 0 “neretoget another, And h.ct ‘Ob, dear,
    613 words
  • 204 973 No. 78 of the Journal of the Straits Branch of the 8.A.8. contains the report of the proceedings of tbe annual general meeting of the Society at which a paper was read on Forty Tears Work of the Society by Mr. W. Makepesoe, A collection of
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  • 149 973 By T. Waltuu Williams, B ittterdam, April 28, (via London,)—A row In Rotterdam between a German Major and a De'oh landlady has caused some excitement, The Major rented a high-class apartment, with two other officers, for a month, and haviog found cheaper quarters, decided to
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  • 120 973 (To thi Editoi or tub Siraitt leho). Sir, Yesterday afternoon I bad occasion to use tbe ferry running from Penang to Began Tuan Korobil. Woi e cross og I noticed that we were wandering about considerably, instead of making direct for tbe pity on tbe ottnr sid<>,
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  • 372 973 At the ropfitiotf ot tna Puak Assoc aiinn at Ipoo oa Satoicay, the following p»*-- d:— Tn* Cba imin n'd t’a‘ they h»d a Jet of troun e io tbe matter of food p especi* y as x .c®, tbe price of wo cb bad rernaono ti aly
    372 words
  • 326 973 CFrom Our Own CorrcspondenQ Te’uk Anson, Juna 17. The following case was brought before Mr, Black, the Ma< at rat 0, by Inspector G jwland on tbe 14 b iowtantat TJuk Ansor. L m Ab King wn charged on the 14 h instant wltnhousetr®«pss,on tbe 21st u
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  • 611 974 heavy penalties. Ati» Etam Ih»i*tb». Tn the Pol es Court before Mr. 8. H. Langston this morning Ong Tek Pin was charged with (1) fßiliog to «P or ,e of small-pox, of a Siames. women named Kling Mt. (2) Ming to report a cm of ■mall-pox of a
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  • 364 974 (TOM, report of Perak Planters Meeting.) The Chairman said that the idea of appointing Dr. Strickland as a general adviser on malaria treatment on estates had been brought up. It had been proposed that be should take charge of the whole of Perak, and a circular
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  • 220 974 Au.tbo-Geb Maw Alliance, It is reported from Zi ioh that the Munich Ntueite Nachrich en referring to the visit of the Kmg of Bava-ia to German headquarters to participate io the AustrcGerman negotiations, states: —"Tto b<u r is grave. Bavaria cannot allow Prussia to bj the s jle
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  • 392 974 On foot! Teo much like expensive when the d- nk. m Ina ebshp Btne)ly. sb» By the Hui Bailwaj? A 'j for our grtndchi'drsn Bt t motor ro td opBD cat in the future. By aeionlm» T > bB n Py ü ßj TeU
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  • 100 974 Taipiog Rubber 12,550 lb, Mr. Goodleigb, 1 ‘5 you in helplessly ip »i evening” Tipple» itind myself. I thought I CvUia mors." .ju Foggs Yon -fr. Bichlelghs, eten’t yo»’„ distant «'““Vn ”diit»>» distant f” Hoggs: Well, as they can keep Tbe Little P*« graph over h<art ?,T.
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  • 651 975 referring to frl M J '?4rvog 'under* coconut tw»- irldol r e f it hgood for us to b 0 o- o«”° with ‘‘'“'Xrftb.g-eUw.r.ethe l.c.nae I» on Koi». >»»•• lh a,ticl,i b0 ld binds of o»rm»n in a .h‘ *••'«> E l, li!e i that
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  • 1196 975 What tbe German estimate if the British los.-es n the year's fighting in the West are it would be into esting to know. Their cla ms have never appeared in tbe wireless German official*, now locaPy discontinued because of tbe claims to prisoners being too ridiculous for publication
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  • 54 975 Cog hill —M AIIAMI. Tbe merra?e w,a cslt-brared to-day ot Augusta t-r cf Sonora E isa Mariani of Batavia wi-h Dougla- Co/bill, Punti-r cf Ku im, the civil ceremony b ng reformed at tbe D»atrict Court, after which the happy couple and par y returned to the Hotel
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  • 564 976 Mr. L, H. Clayton returned from The Hon. Mr. B. 0 M. Kindersley has retimed from Hongkong. Mr* St J Robertson, of Biting Banir Eitite, who has been indisposed for some time, was admitted to Kuala Lumpur Hospital on Saturday» In a casualty list under killed appears
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  • 1122 976 Not to very Late Generally the Editor can piss any mis* take on to ihe Proof-reader or someone ebo. But not in the account of Penang at 102 published in yesterday's issue where tte veteran Mr. J. R. Macfarlane was referred to as the late A grave—and yet
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  • 419 977 [Reuter's Telegrams.] 4'!•'“A,'*?»*r‘"° d h,en ld ulillerj and ,lon No 1 7k<«7Mo k°“* ,retot,olf Tb e r en B’« ed under .»!i name| y T 0“ between A»t co and Arekdok. Jotepb’» »t Montello. £l*d, of bodiei corer th? ground r« wentem c;or 7' »e*P«d 'P' Alrn?
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  419 words
  • 557 977 [RiUTIA’b TILIGBAJfa Montdidier to Noyon. Tin bitt’a Mont;ilier to Niyon which has been brgun b«s beeo, despite its brief duration, one of tbe most Banguiaa r y of tattles for the enemy. Authentic deca* meats prove tb.t thi best of the picked storming troops have been dtcimaf d
    [RiUTIA’b TILIGBAJfa ]  -  557 words
  • 1208 977 [RiUTii’e TiLiaixMs 1 Lordcn, June 18 Mr, Bonar Law in the Home of Commo: e,moving a vole of credit ot five buidred millions eteiling, recalled that tbe vote mevtd on 7ibM*icb la-t was six hundred in. i oni, Ibe esiimat'd (xp-nditu:e for the sixty-nine d*ys to 8
    [RiUTii’e TiLiaixMs 1  -  1,208 words

  • 990 978 Coronir’s Inquiry. Tbe irqu y intotne cause of d Mb of Mohamed Abdui Rtbinoan w do ii nl egod ‘o have b?en struck with a he.vy on the head as the result of which bis deith tick place at tbe General Hospital wns resumed yesterday
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  • 162 978 The report "of the~proceedings J Monday’s Legislative Council en this 1» i?ct is as follows.— J Tbe Hon Mr Agnew put the questions, of which he bad g* l B3 (i) e ’ls it the cate that Government fianctioned cinema pirformanoea i# Bl pore on Sundays (ii)
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  • 27 978 in Messrs. A. a. share lilt i— Yeiterdayil H Mining. S’ fl A 0 ><o IS' U it 6 15» Desbook jjo I*J jgX
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  • 1139 979 ..l i< ,tih 4 f l t th' D,t “‘d t .-er ib‘*« btTJ ro dl K* e ,t Io m»tioD, tho bud, Tb»t 1« tbe re»aon why, ttt/p-^r. or p’ l •>' rtm-ot of tbi. Colony, tn nXthto»' I» of e,,ic be d <i»y lhey ,r 9
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  • 579 979 Mr. D Butkr has returned to Serrmhan C Air. D. M. Barry takes over ctoarge of tbe Rai way Police. Commodore Bartoloma, C. B. (since 1918) was NavU Sec.etary to ths First Lord of tbe Admiralty before bis appointment la succession to Capt, Lionel Halsey announced tc-day,
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  • 1332 980 That Important Second Word. fo 9 Oiy tae f *i’g b *ef announcement of what d oat here by the thousand ward B c ntains the pith of the who e matter. "A formal protest against the taking over of the Dutch shipping h<*s been made to the
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  • 758 980 [RmiiS I AN OPfENSiVE-Dlnj',, An Italiin Jioie-ca ol tbe b .ttl, decre.. e4 oalb n ODt increasing along the P llle 111 renewed attempt. o Follt C.ndelu to e.tibi.b M riKbt Mood., w„ 6 nog it A boggle reged ncwL,’?*» to O.noide 1...J?’ olte-o.t.d .Ith th,
    [RmiiS  -  758 words

  • 60 981 Pisano WoMIM WOHKIRB, U:ut previously I, ,tkt ’»l:dged ...17,533 22 M.L 20 00 UT«,”t 500 kkU WOO 10 00 3 00 17,683 22 r? u ’X“!,’j o L ,oidw s “it la» T nw ~e ITen out every QB Tow Hail f rom 9, 15 J)
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  • 6 981 D -’WOr
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  • 1062 981 [Biutbb’s Tilkgbams AT MONTDIDIER, London, Jane 19. French commun'quet Artillery activity was fairly lively north-west of Montdidie r Aho between Montdidier and the Aisne. We carried out a local attack south of Valsery, improving our positions ar d taking p<B:ner a hundred and some micbine-guns. A German raid
    [Biutbb’s Tilkgbams ]  -  1,062 words
  • 90 981 The Hague, Ap il 12—Three hundred and seventy tbcusmd Geomans were kiled in the first week of tbeir ffmsive on tbe western front, according to a report printed by the Beljitche Dajblad to day. It B*id that twenty btsker», m-ssu'ing 24 by 16 inches in
    90 words

  • 574 982 [Rbutib’i Tiligbami London, June 19. At the H*gue it ii repoite 1 tout Scot.demann interviewed Tioehtra («8 mentioned on 16th Jan?) and has returned to Berlin. Troelstra hitherto hai not rece.ved hii passports to England, It it believed he may not receive them, London, June 18, The
    [Rbutib’i Tiligbami ]  -  574 words
  • 284 982 [Rbutbr’b Tblbgramb L nd d, June 19. A Ne utral correbpond-nt gives barrow ng details in connection with the destruct oa of one of the largest and most rtc’nt Ger. man submarines near Z. j ebiugge lately. The submarine struck a mine and from a crew
    [Rbutbr’b Tblbgramb ]  -  284 words
  • 365 982 Thu Our Dat Appbal. The following abbreviation of a message from Field-Marshal His Riyal Highness the Duke of Connaught and the Marques of Lmsdowne has been telegraphed by the Bight Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the High Commissioner and is published for
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  • 285 982 Comp ulsory Service. [To th« Editor 0» b OearBr,-i ro the 14th ins ait that 4 ■ho Honzkoog Con-c,^ down, y .ur,rgo m ol i,tbj tj V admit a Tir Maloy, «nd to get tbim to I’!? 1 want the enoobren. m.cbioer,of tk*’" men hakd Irom t h ,i queition,
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  • 117 982 Oo« 8. Hock ,Bd three woa>« lu morning oh.rged before Mr. 8. H. wilh gammg ia P«blle. All lb" pleaded guilty and tbe three wouta w fiapd 13 eacb. ja* Inspector McLernon elated ths ga .dto tbe accused, be bad J m.n watched for Information
    117 words
  • 61 982 Dbportationb Sni.l E-en in the r 2 <je t o:Utioni »«d i, the F ,r Im cl and M.ld f Z b,lD b ,od tec d,n»l '''.JU M r b V Tb'ir .'Jit. Tt he otbfr remain, but ai J( ,0008#« tp ,o e,.cn»tri- I all IM
    61 words

  • 1028 983 nf this 11 tfl* ’jftbs »p»f |a di l s ot fast t>l B P oD>®’ ch ®P- IfUt td,r Ct nH’ 10 \Zrrtaod inierestiag »8j c m og quaHijoi, but t teri are reported. det.iU o\ -fie I* Oil coofiraed the first im» .nf G*rn)*ny was b
    1,028 words
  • 547 983 Mr Harry G P, at ooe lime of Ip »h and now of Tiecgannu, has arrived in Ipob. M- E O. Lane, of Rubber E-tatrg of K’lkn, p i:i t Buotar, Ip.vs for the Southern Sol tkment this aftuco n. Mr. HT. V.n d*r L ode, of
    547 words

  • 1161 984 Rumours of War. When the war b gaci those rrembers of the S og*p ij Vo unteer Carps who were in certain place uh-ire one would think that the troth certainly existed, were entertained to bloodthirsty accounts from absolutely reliable sooreas of dreadful tights which had occurred in
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  • 29 984 (From Our Own. Correspondent,') London, June 20. (The prices in the London Rubber Market to day were: Pale Crepe 2/2 J Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/1 j
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  • 60 984 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to day at 1154.50, business done, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at 1155, no buyers no sellers. Messrs, Boustead A Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on spot in London on the 20th inst,
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  • 409 984 [Reuter's Telegrams.] »n C re a in g An It.'i.n cffici.i battle 1. contioßie, rom M0.,4 10 ”S back the enemy cn tha M.. 11 Wt U t> north of the Meet, E,ll^ „1 >■ Pelling b'n to withdawch* of .om.wb.t towd. •aitorn aahent .t Mootelk, pn.oner.
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  409 words

  • 397 985 Mtet TnMM*’' THE BBIIMB REPULSE. 1 Paris, Jane 20. VAMRheimi 1 beB V and jpfeit who counted on sur- delo *v' F M l3e .pcedd, tb fl B^icb J ine h Bt> L an »i |ln, er b tble o .r» bw ,h Fr B h »T J*
    Mtet TnMM*’'  -  397 words
  • 1199 985 [Eiutib’s Tuligrams] BEPOEC OF COMMITTEE. London, June 20, The report has been published of the committee appointed by the Board of Trade to consider the position of the shipping and shipbuilding industries after the war. After reviewing the situation created by the war, including the heavy financial bmdens
    [Eiutib’s Tuligrams]  -  1,199 words

  • 624 986 In P.iks’tin*. J. ndoo, Ju i-i 20, 7 -55 pm. A Pal* t-t ne tffi >.i it s<a/e stabs: Our civ-*> r T iec' dqq.leq luo 1 7th east ot tbe Jordan, kii.'d a numt.-r of the enemy. Imperial and Auitrutn ar squadrons in extensive bombing in
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  • 401 986 [Bbutbb’s Tblkgramb] Amsterdam, June 20. Telegrams from Vienna and from Berlin shew that the Austrian food crisis is reaching a climax, Ludwig Paul, the Austiian Food Minister, interviewed on the subjet of the reduction of the bread ration, sajd only the most deplorable circumstar cea compelled I the
    [Bbutbb’s Tblkgramb]  -  401 words
  • 592 986 Subscription List. Penang Tent N>. 2 amount previously acknowledged 12,190 52 Rev. E A Hone, proceeds of two collections taken at Church 8 »vic o sat tbe Crag Hot 1 on 16/6/18 60 00 The Guardian Press 100 J Mr. J V Chelliah 10 00 Mr.
    592 words

  • 7322 987 I Q<ia»»w Mmw»« I t« M l 1 I **W* Agricultural I Mu! F ?u ,t th. O.ledonia I J Frt, I 5«<*!!Z«iMM.r.W Denoon I (B.ta K.wan), 1 I S’) D r I J 8 O'd l W H I 8 Di Ba el I «r/TEXa (8"« b Alor
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  • 323 991 Batuiday b At Homfi The Peoirg (1918) Bteley was brought k i ncce»ifu! conclusion on Saturday theloter-Platooa Brick Competition vuibetcff. After a very exciting contest aeVekrws wan it. Io fact the Veterans vs iktbeteim shoots at this B aley. The Ir.r-C nopany B ick Competi ion which Liav
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  • 16 991 Oliver—O.i tbe 8?h Jun», P«Ddam%ian E<tite, to Mr. and Mrs, E N. W. Oliver, daughter.
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  • 1201 991 In ordinary times the remarkable confes« gion of failure on the part of the Government which is connected by the practical abandonment of Home Rule and conscription in Ireland would mean a change of Government, but happily enough we do not live in ordinary days, so that
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  • Page 991 Advertisements

  • 545 992 Mr. P, W. cf Jalan Aoob, is ■hortiy baring for Homa tn pin u«p. Mr Chung Ah Ming left Ipnh for Penang on Saturday afteroon for a abort stay. Mr Tan Chew Peck the well-known Eice Merchant of Bangkok died on June 30. Mr R Daviaon, manager
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  • 1111 992 Long Days and a Long Reign. luere was a noticeable conjunction cf important occasions on Saturday June 220 d this year, This was the anniversary of the D.amond Jubilee of Qoeen Victoria aud also, thia year, the longest day of the yoar. A rather fitting conjunction in that
    1,111 words

  • 1628 993 T^IUBAM 9 ,.s asm M»» London, Jane 21. -,„l,no«=i»> me«“ge states i J t* ,k Il ‘Brituh front «nchangl’ ov P'i’»» er d« rltl B tLB i’•'““ d u>d P l6ib nu “«d 1060 o th9r< O’ f ,ir ft o**"Z h. 19ib “> d destroyed tea
    T^IUBAM9■] ,.s asm  -  1,628 words

  • 1587 994 [Eiutib’s Tbliorams Sueoersful Erit'ph NEW AI TACK EXPECTED. London, Juoe 22 12 50 p.m. A Pari* semi-cfficial statement says that the present besvy artillery work ba* tween the Somme end the Ancre possibly heralds a resumption of the offensive. London. June 21,1 45 a.m. A French communique states:
    [Eiutib’s Tbliorams ]  -  1,587 words

  • 587 995 i Ewch«w j ami ter He recent Ifcl»- 3 hlTo fi ll1 Jasso’S*® MB L lC *k’ F*** 5 cfefl (distinction in bookiel Fas K’b< Khoo Hooi Hy*> M* Basse (diitmoTan Cbye Thi.n, •£sS«rf.Li!fiS Teik (distinction m Job Teow Peon, f inder 18 yea» of nge who
    587 words
  • 329 995 Captain William Gilbert Don Gurdon Rorison, H. L. I, who was killed on April 9, was the son of the late Dr. Vincent Rorison, Dean of St. Andrew’s, ard Mrs. Rorison, of Jußtfi Id, Newport, Fife, Educated at Trinity College, Glenalmond, and Sandhurst, be was gas tied
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  • 277 995 It Pats to Advirtisr.” If the P-nang tbestre-geing public had any Otubis befoie toe began last night as to whether it was worth wmle gung to see the Frawley* they had we think, no doubts at all after the perfoimanJheXl7 er h6 Coa, P‘ D J h,d
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  • 257 995 Im Aid om Cmuboh A amt Tut» Town h‘.U Oo a e, 1,r ‘«lioo M th» E° t‘ be r UrgB a “dienoe at the Empire Theatre last night when a r.rr atrong bill wa. presented in a d of the Oenrob Army Recreation Tent r ßo d
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  • 31 995 London, 4.h J sue U 15 p m (d f i aye(i frunsmuston). Fook Bu-ney, fount\ n ?i--neer of the steamer bemali, has ditdU R.cheater of bubonic plague,
    31 words

  • 412 996 (jfynn Our Owr» A fine of 110 or 1 4 (by** impr sonment each wai the award of the M g st a e to 5 (f the 6 T*mls wdo boiled Lem Sjogti Dalong Biutj in December las*, one discharged, wn le a Javanese cooiv,
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  • 253 996 aiUUU IU UIBUJQ. a-a'J |/avuvM wlm luo defence of compu lory pilot«gv.—(L, 0, In the Admiralty before M Janice HiV, sitting with Captain L. H. Crawford, C. B. and G*p ain Owen Jones, B. N. R* E dsr B eth en if Trinity Hou»e, the
    aiUUU IU UIBUJQ. a-a'J |/avuvM wlm luo defence of compu lory pilot«gv.—(L, & 0,  -  253 words
  • 244 996 At the pres a nt t m*, says the Landin and China Erprets wh?a match** ira a scarce c mmid t may ‘e m <up*ifluoua to c* 1 to th<? mirket that awiits exp citato nin the Fa- Eot; but after the w tr new
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  • 410 996 The story come* f om 8 ogapore, says the Siam Obtervsr, that a me ca-es of s'e ry directed in a ah p's mao fast to Witd-or and Co. passed muster as far as Colombo the other day without a h ch bu on the Singapore auiboi.tes er»mhing
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  • 400 996 -Ei. Mr, Bon ar Lt.T 1 >», tb? gre‘t or g;o. b for 1 09 « “CM 8.1 bu tiom new 0fi774.000.000. Toth’’ »dd a In tber j067.000.0C0 ui, 'l'’!*'t.iition which h expected to j’j ye.r no lei, thenin^oo^-y.'' 1 b.te on tha new b.mot
    -Ei.  -  400 words
  • 54 996 To-dit’ 1 T I,K uj, •n nh pa Bard caF"’ U-* Indies Doub el 1 Mr i and Mrs Adatn’O° Miss Jone» *cr. ,F* Tin uD EBIC kI M-n’» 8“" ,0 A P 1 e owe 15 vw a IHa vG A 8«.» «wdi-f*' 1 A
    54 words

  • 1135 997 miking oat that A h a d0 8 Otber ,be entirB Aa,,r: a handed in» complete uilßrt of *h« enemy attack Ifmd <!»•«> a,rD3 Dy *T fljr d_ i!Ldw«tae to weiken her we.tnrn ■*JJ,ulr-«»n «etore the sitattion. attack when tt ,S SS.W the l»oke were eecure thanks "iwiU-ut
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  • 519 997 u McGecban of Beaufort Estate borne t fi‘ B b p B raeo lBf Sslicitcr-General hft y t e man train this morning for the Southern Settlement, 8 w** Td?^, B k." n a io f tbe Ei Urfl Exten.ion AJn 8 v ph i °i?P‘ n
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  • 884 998 Wild Fancies. Reader! of M*x Ade’er, and there ara fewer now than his ak 1 juat fi may jqmember the discussion wnhh took placets regards the best way of ensuring the efficient use of a canal for transport and tha brilliant suggestion of the who sent in
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  • 392 998 [To Tm Editob or thu Biraitt Echo,] Sib, The letter signed Wot 'Opes,” suggest’ ing that the Grand Hotel, Ipoh should be run by an Englishman on English lines” readi very wel’, but the treatment of British Hotel keepers by Britishers out here is such common knowledge, that
    392 words
  • 430 998 [Raw».-, Tb, Mu TITDM a. m J eat Austrian Defeat ITALY’3 REJOICIIQj Rec prced rtUIW) k ong th, Pi.,-, rtli, to assure t.rtic.l.L proceeding. Th, firat pb .M jroat battle ba. bo.JA, It has been full of defut Au tro-Hungarlan a-mit. 2 ««cc.eded in
    [Raw».-, Tb,Mu TITDM a. "mJ  -  430 words

  • 458 999 —r^; T lw »AMs.] EBAZiL TAKING PARISi•* 1 swa; **>’’ rJork with taa B:lt 93 tl!d ►N J, *»d u tf B'»’ l W ,e 6 c.« 59 8«“““ ~b;p?, ,b;p JT w Rncil oorts of wnich 33, *“*J quarter of million Uns. hud “73 F<««- Ha
    —r^;T,lw»AMs.]  -  458 words
  • 569 999 [RiUTix'a Txlegraus,] TANKS TAKE PaRT. London, June 23 10.10 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig states that there ia nothing to report. London, June 23, 10.40 p m. Sir Dunglas Haig in hie aviation report states Clouds and winds hindered activity on the 22ud Juno. There was no
    [RiUTix'a Txlegraus,]  -  569 words
  • 406 999 [Ruutuu’s Tiligbams ERIN’S HONOUR AT STAKE. m Eondon, June 23,11.10 p m. 1 he Press Bureau says tbe Irish Government has usued an appeal to all Irishmen signed by tbe Irish Rtciuiting Courcil consisting cf M Sullivan, Maurice Dockrell, a ir Ci Stephen Gwynn as follows
    [Ruutuu’s Tiligbams ]  -  406 words
  • 221 999 Th! meeting of the ladies of Ptnang at the K'sideroy on Saturday to ditcuts the question of a rilver wedding present to Her Majesty th* Q reon was well attended by haoieg members of all tbe vwicus nationalities and it was decided to sen! a pift of
    221 words

  • 439 1000 CFrom Our Own CorretyondenQ London. Jone 22. The prioei in the London Rubber Market today were: Pah Orepe 2/2 Diamond Bracked Sheet M 2/1 [The Market Report of Messrs. Aldens’ Successors Ltd., wan*— London, April 10,1918, Since oar last the London market baa been somewhat easier owing
    439 words
  • 111 1000 (To THi Editor of the Straile Echo). Dear 8 r, Io your editorial of yesterday you make a remaik “The days of Roman Catholic intolerance have passed happily?' I big to disagree with you. Roman Catholic Theologians to this day maintain that it is the duty of the Church
    111 words
  • 884 1000 Concluding Day. Event No 11,—Saturday, 300 p.m 22nd June. Inter Platoon Brick Competition (200 Yards Open to—Teams of 8 persons irg Platoons and Myx ms P.V. Conditions- Same as No. 10. Prizes—Eight individual prii’s te members of the winning team. Presented by the Public of Penang. A very
    884 words
  • 45 1000 Ne» Bro»'»' £k Secretary of tb» kt Butger. Colley. »»>d summer the Utlt d B iUlo»W»*! ship» to cmiy not ««'J of Ln to Freooe ud W to cenvoy 300,000 men io the frf»"* 400,000 icon. Tbey» re they are needed.
    45 words
  • 18 1000 The drawing »t be d Iri-Jt' E Lo,,erJ T ±o« Fond took P’*“ i The 1722,
    18 words
  • 4 1000 Tin (wefin*!) j,
    4 words