The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 3 October 1917

Total Pages: 47
1 1538 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. fllil Ptt Ann»®- Single Copy 40 eta fol. I®* Penang, Wednesday, October 3, 1917. No. 40
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 290 1 CONTENTS. Leaders Miscellaneous (Continued'): The Situation 1,493 Colony’s Man-Power 1,512 Found Out 1,503 Words not Deeds 1,515 Britain’s War Aims 1,511 Mr. T. R. Toby 1,515 Education once'More 1,517 Status of Women in China 1,516 Italy’s Part 1,527 Malayan Matters 1.516 Class A Men... 1 533 Penang Our Day.” 1917
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  • 940 1493 The news of the latest success of the British Army has dwarfed all other I news during the past few days wd has, perhaps, blinded us to the ulus of certain other items which have •■me over the wires. Yet these are interesting and valuable as supporting •nd
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  • 590 1493 M r C. St. W igh% of Kuala Lumpu r has le'urned from leave, M A E Itnonds, acting Office AsG-tant, Federal So retariat, has b°en transferred to the Fede-.l Treasury, M-. L R. R.uten, actu as Office Assistant f>r the present. The fol’owing passengers arrived by
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  • Page 1493 Advertisements
    • 84 1493 ««a®» fW Hl frifr (except Sundays and pwblio Ihobdays) 4 as th fIgnBBION PRESS, Ltd. Beach Street, Penang. nicr -W4 per annum. OtMatM*.* Postage Extra. (Poet Free) 117.50 CAiiii ADDBiee: "lOHO-PENING” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 NJ.-All buiines» communications should be addressed t, THE MANAGER, Matter intended for
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  • 1227 1494 Culture and Kultur. When the word Kultur has been used by Germane of late years—roughly, from 1,870 onwards —it has not meant learning, scholarship, art and literature, or it has meant these things in quite a secondary degree. Esther its meaning has been energy or tfflriency, and that
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  • 933 1494 [Ridtib*. n«ght attach. Prew Bar... Th. P p L doD The Pre,, Bureau unonmm P *ne. attacked the .oeth-eu. “J 0, evening. They cam. i n of Kent and E.sei, A Tj™ Thame, and attaokad London wi dropped at several point,. 0 casualties hitherto reported in killed
    [Ridtib*.  -  933 words

  • 436 1495 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Sueeeasful Raid. London, September 25,11.45 a m. Sir Douglas Haig reports:— “We successfully raided to the east of Epeby, An attempt to rush one of our forward posts to the north-east of Lens was repulsed, Enemy artillery was active to the east and north of Ypres,”
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  436 words
  • 508 1495 [Reuter’s Telegrams MAILS BY AIR. Remaikible Fl xkt. London, September 25. An Italian aeroplane officer, a pilot, a mechanic and an observer arrived in London yesterday morning from Turin. They did not stop during the fl ght of 700 miles which were covered in 442 minutes. London,
    [Reuter’s Telegrams ]  -  508 words

  • 1046 1496 [Rbutkk’s Txlegrams.] RUMOURS CONCERNING PEACE. Foreiga Minister's Statement. Petrograd, Sept, 25. The Foreign Minister, M. Tereatobenko, in a statement regarding the rumours that eertain powers had initiated peace negotiations, stated that these rumours were baseless. Equally unfounded were the reports attaching importance to the conference at Berne convoked by
    [Rbutkk’s Txlegrams.]  -  1,046 words
  • 57 1496 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $ll2, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) $112.75, business done (75 tons sold). Met-s-e. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations fo‘ rubber on spot in London on tbe 24 h fast, received yesterday Plantation
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  • 347 1496 [RIUTEa’g TilumT* inc iu with oUlh oftt. CkM.”' There Cumber on intern,ftJJJ** 'b Apparently the majority 2 u#, t’ou. rupture with Germany 7 Wlk Officer I*te r »i <we 4 Buenos A high officer, i Aigentin, could euilj m a di.ieion. to Europe wbil. a. T’ h|
    [RIUTEa’g TilumT* ' inc iu  -  347 words

  • 761 1497 TfiOOPS FOR EUROPE. next SPRING offensive. Dtflre fof Active Participatien. „We ire willing to send 20.000 or more soldiers abroad to participate in the Spring offensive on the Western front m the Allies ■<>desire, P rovided the problems Jtrme munitions, expenses and transportition oan be solved.
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  • 1289 1497 Captain Law’s St by of the Mooltan.” Capt. Law, recently of the General Staff, Fort Canning, was a passenger homeward bound on tbe Mooltan when she was torpedoed in the Mediterranean. Writing to a friend in Singapore on tbe day of his arrival at Marseilles he gives a graphic
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  • 620 1498 Yustubday’s Field Opbeations. Tne general idea of the Field Operations yesterday evening was the defence of the cross roads known as Simpang L ma”, The boundaries were—North Extension of Logan Road until it wen d cut Ayer Bajah Road South Sepoy Lines, Hospital Roid Balington private Road West:
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  • 619 1498 [Th. Editob or tbb Times of Malaya} Sir,—la tbeae day. of abnormal price, one is apt to cast more than a patsing glance at the change for money paid for tiffin and accompanying driaks on the night mail train from Penang. A friend of mine
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  • 422 1498 friend that the W a «dor to Switzerland, Mr, Grant proposed to a member Gothard might ba pined at Un djJJ I Gr«»t Britain, Th. eU I' 8 detail. «a h?* m ,c ’v oB b,tw,ei > and the Mtmber of Council, .howiS j 8 -bol 9 etory
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  • Page 1498 Advertisements

  • 5640 1499 ..—BT. thf military service bill TBE withdrawn. uwffldal Member»’ Opposition. nf tha Leffislative Council was A»“ Mood T H. E. the ld ft” A.thur Youog. GO.MG) the other members pre.ent The d Hon. the Coloni.l 8-oret.ry Kh Mr. 0. J. Sounder., the Hon. Dr. (Wno.eElh’. the Ho’. M-.
    ..—BT.  -  5,640 words

  • 172 1501 Exhibition la Aid of St. Dnnctinj [To thb Edit OB or Tin birail» EcAs,] Dear Sir, Tbe Penang Impressionists Sketching Club will bold their Annual Exhibition on October 4 and 5, at the Chinese Merchants Club, Liiith Street, (lata Engineers’ loetitut-). Oor object is to benefit tbe funds
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  • 458 1502 —a,F.p. At the unanimous request of the Uapfficjals in Legislative Council yesterday the Government agreed to drop the Military Service Bill in its present form. Oar report of the meeting gives the speeches of hon’ble members, which, as was becoming on such an occasion, were marked by
    —a,F.p.  -  458 words
  • 116 1502 PeMAUG WOMUN WOBKEBB. Amount previously acknowledged 15,861.63 Mrs. Samuel 3.00 15,864.53 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for workers will be given out at the Town Hall every Friday at 945 till 11 s.m. All donations should be sent to Mrs, J.M. Anthony, Chatsworth, Northern
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  • 231 1502 Bumow rrache. u., .ay. the China Daily Newt of September 7, to the effect that H-rr Snipping, the ex-OoDsul-General for Germany, is developing anoth r diplomatic malady which will prevent his sailing by the Datch steamer that is understood to ba due herd about the middle of the
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  • 229 1502 Paris, September 21, 650 p.m.—The French 8 per cent bonds are at francs 61 and the 5 per cent at 88.20, The French Chamber voted the withdrawal from Turmel of the privilege of the parliamentary immunity. The artillery was very active in Champagne. The British met with
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  • 57 1502 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day st 1111.75, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at >112.50, business done (125 tons sold). Messrs. Boustead Co. inform w that the following were the quotations for rubber on spot in London on the 25th Inst, received yesterday Plantation
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  • 92 1502 kl “8«of which By sale of tickets ii auction sale of gifts ToW -«Wuh School Sports. One of the attractions of Oar Du will be the Inter-Bcbool ChuL? Athletic Sports to be held oa Cricket Club ground on Friday teS Ire, Bchool. It. X.TierilditXX Anglo-Cbine.e gobool. M.rk.
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  • 118 1502 Kvbber Market, (From Our Own ComipoM) Singapore, September 26. At the half-yearly meeting of theSingv pore Chamber of Commeroe the Hon, Mr. W. W. Cook, Chairman, laid that the development of the local rubber market had been enormow. During the first half year the quantity «old
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  • 107 1502 (From Our Own London, Sspte-h' 21 The price. in the London Bebh» M“ w to-day were: Pale Crepe g.n Diamond Smoked Selangor Coconut.fS that the amount reoei 2, 3,4 and 5 was 1386, MW on these blocks wa eD t account. deducted from dewlop acre.o» bnk Estate
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  • 1203 1503 hu climbed down to 0,9 n d the expense. new to jtffflniw, prove useful a '*'iirr exercit. in »n art hich Bh fnMrtr to IMrni, B htrd r "J" 2J. quit* Th L T Xb ?!S Sr W rd d "v W 1".““ iL Airi of the war
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  • 531 1503 Mr. Jules Martm wid be ieavirg for and Java in the immediate future. L. W. L’oyd, of Bagan Datoh Estate, will ba leaving for India on a short holiday. Mr. R. J, Bartktt has returned to Mai ooa to inspect the Malay schools wtich number some 22.
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  • 1248 1504 Captain Mueller. Penang people will read with interest the account cabled by Reuter this morning of Captain Mueller’s latest exploit. Although aided by the Hun Monte Cristo,” who put in splendid spade work, he was not so successful in getting away as when the Bwadew paid us an
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  • 898 1504 iTItU .£*l powerful COUNI nt. Piere FitktUg. London, Sept. n Haig r ep O r t PA Under a thick mist th. powerful co» nt r X cl po.Hion. on th, ridge' H»ml,t, end Polygon 8 ‘".’m "S. Woo<i h 'mX’* l mei for short distance, a™* 1
    iTItU .£*l  -  898 words

  • 511 1505 [Riutbb’s Tblbgrxms Artillery Struggle Lindon, hept, 26, 5 s.m. A Paris communique announces:— “The artillery struggle was lively in the Hurtebise, Craonne, Bois and Cbaume regions. There was no infantiy action. French aviators dropped ten tons of projectiles on the railway stat oas at Cambrai, Luxemburg and Longuyon,”
    [Riutbb’s Tblbgrxms ]  -  511 words
  • 479 1505 [Riutib'. Tbligbim.] CALMNESS OF THE PEOPLE. Louden Takes Cover. Lmdon, September 24. Contrary to Monday’s moonlight, the ®ky yesterday evening was overcast with low-lying clouds. Again it was noticeable how London had learned to take cover. The thoroughfares were cleared with business-like celerity; there were ample
    [Riutib'. Tbligbim.]  -  479 words

  • 419 1506 [Rbutbb'b Tblbgbams.] admiralty report. A Decrease* London, Sept, 26. The Admiralty returns show that the arrivals at British ports daring the week were 2,775 and the sailings 2,691 Total 5,466 Thirteen vessels over 1,600 tons were sunk and two under that tonnage, making a total of fifteen.
    [Rbutbb'b Tblbgbams.]  -  419 words
  • 485 1506 [Riutbb’s Tuligbams.] KORNILOFF-KERENsKY DISPUTE, Further Light, Petrograd, September 26, M. Savinkcff, formerly Minister for war, writing to tbe Bourse Gazette, explains that General Korniloff’s revolt was due to a misunderstanding, After M. Bavinkoff had obtained M. Kerensky’s consent for Korniloff’s reforms and Korniloff had agreed to Kerensky’s request to
    [Riutbb’s Tuligbams.]  -  485 words
  • 371 1506 N .S.W. Strike. [Bbwib’, Tw. A complete pm W h *«a Ratura taWoik. On September 25 of tbe card »j.tem railway workshops in Bydne/. on August 2. Other Unions struck work in completely stopping ths South Wales which were to? "J” improved by the Bdopted »er firm M ,i d
    [Bbwib’, Tw.  -  371 words
  • 91 1506 Obituary. Earl ef Mowat Edgeeuiabt. London, Sept. 25. Tbe death is announced of the 4th lari of Mount Edgecumbe. Obituary. Paris, Sept. 28. The death is announced of the great pa'nter Hilaire Degas. la Memoriam. (Irom Our Own Singapore, Sept 29. H. E. the Governor ywtsrdiy tablet in V.otori, Memon
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  • 3885 1507 ~8.T. ,mipMAN’S REVIEW OF HALF CSA R YEAR'S TRADE. The «Him Service Bill. Kiifvei’ly meeiiog of the S ogapore of Comm erco w&9 held in the Chambe R 0D Tuesday. The Hon. Mr. w w’cool the ctairmar, preaided,.nd W.W. v marnbers present were: the hoc.
    ~8.T.  -  3,885 words

  • 238 1509 has been a slight improvement amount of recruiting by licensed for Government departments, says XrtoetheFMS L.bour D;P«tme n t «1916 But the figures are still far short ?tk! results attained in 1914 under the Lai introduced and discontinued in that r Up to July 31,
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  • 79 1509 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 28. It the Singapore Rubber Auction tns fol owing prices were obtained Med fine ribbed >122 to $127 per picul HnarytoQood 114 121 do Finn smoked 114 do 1 99 120 do 124,, 126 do ?™\P 118 117 123 do o2
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  • 64 1509 The kit rubh?? 9ri o one<l price. were realised ••dCo «th.°% MeBBr9 AlleQ Denny, •4 d n' lr3l9 h Auction Sale to-day Smoked iv $122 to $124 per picul v Dl *®ond fesfe Ji Bark 99 U 9 do Barky ,M 66 m 96 do r* Virgin
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  • 364 1509 Be<|ubl to Tbluk Anson Incident, I It may be remembered that a few weeks I ago it was reported that a daring gang I robbery bad been committed in the heart cf I leluk Anson town, a well known Chirese I noma being stopp d by
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  • 289 1509 The report on the working of the F.M.S, labour Department for 1916 says that the health on estates in almost all districts has been good. In the two most unhealthy distiicts, Bating Padang and Kuala Kangas, the death-rates for Indians aloae are 24.21 acd 31 29 per
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  • 376 1509 Appbal bx H R H. Thb Dumb of CONNAUGHT. The great Marine Ctmities of this Country have through long ypars rendered continuous and much needed sei vice to the seafaring Members of the Commumtv. Owing to the stress of War, heavy calls have been made
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  • 238 1509 -TO*, It may be a long way from Leicester Square" but from all that we can gather, tbe "Music Hill" of the 19th of next month promises to be a lively show. A full 0 chestra will give popular selections duuog the intervals andbetweenthe "turns.** Dollar
    -TO*,  -  238 words

  • 1497 1510 [Riutkb’s Tblugbams,] MR. ASQUITH AT LEEDS, No Paper Paets. London, September 26. Mr. H. H. Asquitb, speaking on Britain’s war aims ata meeting at Leede, emphasised that with negligible exception wj had presented an unbroken front and unshakeable resolve for three years. We did not require a
    [Riutkb’s Tblugbams,]  -  1,497 words

  • 1182 1511 Aia uith’i important pronouncement .Britai» w im w a.rwv« t r lTm h d white peace”, will be read with L interest by every one. At the back of J? flt raan mind is the idea, fixed and Editable that th# Allie, collectirely, ?T Britain particularly, reject
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  • 502 1511 Mr, B. P. Brash, who was on a visit to Penang, returned to Ipoh yesterday. Mr. E. W. Financial Assistant, District Office, Grik, is in Penang. Mr. H, V. J. Twamley, of the Suivsy Department, Alor Star, ariived here by mail train to-day. Mr. L. O. Hargrav*»,
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  • 1102 1512 A Pretty Quarrel. A pretty bout that between the Hon. Mr. C. W. Darbisbire and Editor of the Strait» Timet over that very controversial subject the habits and habitat of the Cuthbert.” It givei snap and sparkle even to a Legislative Couneil debate, and that is saying a
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  • 110 1512 G.OC.’s CABLE. Aad War Offiee Reply. Singapore, Sept. 27. Major-General Ridout, G.O.C, cables as follows: Some days prior to the meeting of the Legislative Council on the 24th inst. a cable was sent to the War Office asking whether ‘A* class men, who in the opinion of a
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  • 1854 1512 [RiUMa’e si®"? Mli.e yesterday, Succeuhi" ■nadeonthewridromeS' nsh near Ghent wnere a large fir. L’’ “S »l«o on the aerodrome, m billet, to the east of Lan. *h to the aonth.west of Boelen fire ton, .nd a furthsTfc, dropped. M MJ tho».»nd. rfiS maohine-gnn, were fited it Memo and
    [RiUMa’e  -  1,854 words

  • 157 1513 Au Uneeafirmud Rumour. London, Saptember 26. Reports from Berne, which are often unreliable, Ray that Herr von Kuehlmann, German Foreign Minister, has verbally intimated to the Papal Nuncio at Munich that Germany was willing to consider peace on a basis of the evacustion of Belgium, even contributing
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  • 363 1514 [Riuteb’b Telegrams Off the Csurlaad Coast. London, Sept. 27. A wireless Russian official message states The enemy penetrated our trenches to the south-west of Gory, Sareth. Onou and Dory. We counter-attacked and restored the position. German aerial forces and submarines are endeavouring to prevent our vessels approaching the
    [Riuteb’b Telegrams ]  -  363 words
  • 16 1514 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at ♦111.25, and in Singapore (refined) at
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  • 468 1514 [Riutur’s Telegrams Relatioaa with Gcrmaay, Buenos Aires, September 27. It is stated that the President his opposed to an immediate rupture of relations with Germany pending the deciphering of certain documents. It is believed that the President intends to organise uniform action with the Spanish-American republics in
    [Riutur’s Telegrams ]  -  468 words
  • 285 1514 [Reutir’i TetC/***' w ,k lk 1 D< the Bmi,h Houn J'J"'* witetionto thononX". Western f.ont ud the jX? that the Congress ba ran inter-Ailied k," Prendent Wil.ondoe, art «a,. the impre.sion thuths bound lDM dli.nce with th,Z»' WMhington.SMtmiu. A joint meeting of th, FoZ SI Committee,
    [Reutir’i TetC/***'  -  285 words
  • 75 1514 (From Our Own 1 London, The prices in the London Bobber to-day were: gpi Pale Crepe Diamond Smoked [The Market Report don Succfswrs Ltd, n» tOQ states:— 2/7d Spot Crepe hasi risen 42/7 t f/B}J December has been Bib. the price of Grep*’Dl ted London, The London
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  • 1060 1515 if. ftw to Mb. Dabbibhibb. u/ntfbi.biredid not .peak on Tuerday Kao of tbe Chamber of Commerce “Jwconiider hie epeeoh .imply as an n f narsonal opinion. He is as Sj’«titled a. any m«- to epeak bi. mind Neverth-lese we much regret that Sa time as thia the
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  • 241 1515 [To TH! Editob of thb Strait» Echo,] Dear Sir, Would you kindly let as many as possible of your readers know—especially autograph collectors—that a draft telegram written and signed by the late Lord Kitchener is for sale on behalf of the Penang Bed Cross Fund. Offers will
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  • 617 1515 We (T,OM regret to record the death, which occurred in Dutch Borneo, nine miles Pont,analr oo Tu-sday hat, of Mr. T. Rinsome Toby, well known in Perak mining circles. Toe will come as a “hock to his m»ny friends, for when Mr Toby was last in
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  • 711 1516 Dr. Ernest Faber deals with the theory and practise of the position of women in China, for the past three thousand yeara, as depicted in the ancient Chinese Classics and in Chinese Criminal Law, as well as in the popular religious literature of the Chinese.
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  • 784 1516 -MM. Every member of the community, whatever ba his race or position in society, i a j n terested in the question of the local currency At the present moment this interest is more than usually acute owing to the fact that the small change has in a
    -MM.  -  784 words
  • 117 1516 RED CROSS FUND, Lilt of Subscriptions. Amount previously acknowledged Nie Joo Co, m lo’flA A. C Hardouin Ioo.OQ Seh Loh People jjoo Tan 8m Cheng jtyty Amount collected by Assistant Protector of Chinese UOO Khoo Ewe Yong ***** K. Pacbee ***** C. M. Henderson 100.00 Han
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  • 144 1516 At about 11 p.m. on Thunday, ‘P* armed Cbine.e broke Wm known planter named Chiah the fourth mile on the PrW k dam Road. They room occupied by an t.L r up year. old, and her gran S T. Malacca correipondentWi awoke on bearing the now,
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  • 1188 1517 T iew to the establishment «aional system of education avail of f* r \J persons capable of profiting *k° r Mr r isher. the Minister oi introduced a ITS the House of Commonr Jr do not seem to remember Lt st the time Reuter gave attention ffla
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  • 598 1517 Captain D, J, Matthews is now acting as Superintendent of the Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd. 6 The B. N, B, Court of Directors have granted permission to Capt. H.B.H.H. Hall to rejoin his old regiment 3rd Battalion of the Royal West Kents. Mr, A, Colledge, late of
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  • 1214 1518 Nelson's Birthday. To-dsy io the anniversary of Nelson's birth, September 29, 1758. Nelson for ever—any time, Am I his to command in prose or rhyme! Give me of Nelson only a touch, And I save it, ba it little or much. —Bbowniwg. Malay Sub-Inspectors. Our Ipoh contemporary understands
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  • 928 1518 [Reuter's Telegrams.] SIR DOUGLAS HAIG', Aerial Activity. Da.pit. outinen nd .■>_ wind our a.ropl, nM aU di.w*’’* m»ch lm guni t th# to the rear of it, Thirtv were fired at altitude, of upward., Man, enemy eS I pereed with cualtfej d„ three guns were fired on while?.
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  928 words

  • 526 1519 [Rbuteb’s Tilegbams.] London, September 27. The issue is announced of British national five per cent war bonds at the price of £lOO repayable on October 1, 1922 at £lO2 in 1924 at £lO3, in 1927 at £lO5 and four per cent bonds and income tax compounded, repayable
    [Rbuteb’s Tilegbams.]  -  526 words
  • 474 1519 [Riutbb’s TILKGBAMB.] expert review, General Maurice** Statemeat. London, September 27. General Maurice, of the General Staff, in a statement to Reuter reviewing the military situation, said that the pause in the western operations which was just broken was due to the rain and mud of August rendering
    [Riutbb’s TILKGBAMB.]  -  474 words

  • 409 1520 [Rivtbr’s Tilbgbams] the democratic conference. Opening Setae*. Petrograd, September The AU-Russia Democratic Conference has opened. There were present 1,200 delegatee and all the Ministers of the Provisional Government headed by M. Kerensky, besides several diplomats as spectators. M. Tcheids 9 at tbe inauguration, said the reason of the Conference
    [Rivtbr’s Tilbgbams]  -  409 words
  • 770 1520 Tenth Annual Meeting. The tenth annual general meeting of tbe shareholders of the Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited, was held at the registered office of the Company, Downing Street, at noon to-day. There were present the Hon. Mr. J. Mitchell, in the chair, F. N. Pearse, A.
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  • 101 1520 The following are the '•Orders of the Day for the meeting on Monday next: 1. Supply Bill (Bill For making provision for the Public Service for the year 1918.”) Ist reading. 2. Libel (Amendment) Bill (Bill “To amend the Libel Ordinance, 1915,") 3rd reading. 3 Fire Insurance Coopaoiei
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  • 16 1520 The prices in the London B« bber to-day were: < Pale Crepe Diamond Smoked
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  • 36 1520 Latest to-day Tin (unrefined) is Singapore >H2.25, busmess don fi ed) Rou.teld Co Mei.". Bou 7 h a wtatio"'“V w th. following q on tbe ll > on .pot i“ Lonao» received y«et«d‘y- !/9i
    36 words

  • 1453 1521  -  [Br Tom W right 1 T „,reported to hare cherish. Audi®* this world of ours a' l?’ wiU be ih art as the only consolation cnnM" Art f or ii{ e ,ake was his lfth Tki. riew involved some contempt F b e •7. whom he regarded as futile
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  • 329 1521 PENALTIES FOR HOARDING AND EXPORTING A Government Gazette Extraordinary issued os Wednesday contains “Subsidiary Current Coin Regulations, 1917.” They provide that: Except under the authority of the Colonial Secretary no person shall after this date acquire or, having acquired before this date, shall after this date keep in
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  • 97 1522 (From Char Own Correspondent) Ipoh, September 27. At the half-yearly meeting of the members of the Ipoh Gymkhana Club the accounts were adopted. The credit balance was >789 after payment of >BOO towards the Red Cross Fund and >1,630 for upkeep of the course. Toe Chairman mentioned
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  • 74 1522 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ended September 22,1917 {Male 45) > 64 Female 19 j Death rate 31.48 per mille per annum compared with 30.99 in the preceding week and with 29.82 in the corresponding week of last year. nationality.
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  • 45 1522 RED CROSS FUND. Scottish Branch. Amount previously acknowledged >2,960 R. B. Kennedy 50 A. Sharp 150 John Maodonald 50 R. D. Pitceathly 50 James A. Cunnison 50 A. B Robertson 50 A. D, Duncan 50 Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association 500 Total >3.910
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  • 88 1522 Under the Increase of Rent (War Restriction) Ordinance, 1917, the Governor, in pursuance of the provisions of section 3, has established the following Rent Asacwment Boards:—For the Rural Area of Malacca The Chairman, Rural Board (President). Hon. Mr. C. H. Niven, Mr. J. W, Campbell. For the
    88 words
  • 56 1522 The following subscriptions have been received towards the Province Wellesley M Our Day Fund Mr. D. C. MacDougall >lOO.OO Mr. F. C. Ebbels 250 00 Mr. G. A. Hereford 300 00 Police •H Division 70 00 Staff of P.W.D. Bukit Mertajam 20.12 Staff of S.D.O.
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  • 600 1522 THE NEW DIBECTOR, Sir Arthur Yapp. S r Arthur Yapp, the new Director of Food Economy, is a man in the prime of ife. Some twenty-five years ago bis personify attracted the attention of a Y M.C.A. District Secretary in the Midlands and le was persuaded to accept
    600 words
  • 272 1522 ffp t I LTo Til Editob O» ISI 1 Sir,-I cull the following t J'. I ed report of the bon'ble M S'*» I •peeoh.t the half-yearly I r Darhishire) «u I there bad bee»., l Eoraaao, might I for European, but h, did L S l
    272 words
  • 171 1522 Another iretance of the daring of On* I gang robber, i, reported. Two oonirta I were patrolling between Ipoh and Wjt I about two mile, out from town, at W I midday on Tueed.y, when they »»r I ly confronted by Chine.. I their rifles, without being
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  • Page 1522 Advertisements
    • 39 1522 Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. There is nothing s<f good for muscular rheumatism, sprains, lameness, cramps of the muscles, bruises and like injuries as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It will effect a cure in less time than any other treatment, For sale
      39 words

  • 465 1523 'To TH Editor of the Malay Mail.] T o your correspondence column of T. P. T. suggests using <edDe«o y 0 place o{ emt ii Co!n> F’"* B MM l«t :d9 thoueh not at 1,1 >“» h P”"** 9 CUrre i9 11 Wl ‘’‘..ii.d-b.-me b" n 188OPd for
    465 words
  • 92 1523 Our Own Correspondent,') London, September 28. to-day were 8 oa<^on Rubber Market Pale Crepe 2 /8| a mond Smoked 2/6| London, September 29. leCre P 9 2/81 'umond Smoked 2/6 J Q cce| 0 so ar P or t of Messrs. Aidans’ 23, states dated Ljndon, August
    92 words
  • 310 1523 .—B. T. Toe Lord Bishop of S'ngapo r e presided at the opening of a email warri at tbe Malacca Women’s Mission on Tuesday morning. The Bishop said he was grateful for toe response which bsd been mud- to the appeal for a Malacca Church Army Tent
    .—B. T.  -  310 words
  • 347 1523 Second-Lieut. Bartley, 5.V.1., Malay Co., is promoted temporary Captain wbi'e commanding tbe company, and Pte. H. F. Monk, S. V. R„ is appointed temporary Lieutenant while attached to the Malay Company. Tbe Governor has approved of the following promotions in ths Penang Volunteers: Lieut. E. E. C dman.
    347 words
  • 4504 1523 quarterly general meeting. A Record Attendance. The second qanteiiy g neral meeting of tne members uf tne Malaya Peninsula Agricultural Association was held at tbe Kii*D Ciub yesterday. The attendance was a reejrd one and inciuue the following Messrs. J. W. Kennedy (vic» Pretident) in chair,
    4,504 words

  • 1154 1526 Unvbilimg Cbbbmomt, The Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore, on Friday afternoon was tbe acene of a ceremony, which brought to one's mind those anxious days of February, 1915,—the unveiling by Sir Arthur H. Young of a memorial plaque erected on the vestibule of the Hall to the memory of
    1,154 words
  • 417 1526 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Offesiite .ucce.ifwl eucounttn with 01 marine, illustrate the methods employed to deal with th,, 41 First If tanc,. i torpsdoboaSua. periscope of a submarine to the u bow ,ix hundred judi “P‘*> B .iwwg the’ ship fowl Z? the periscope was on bi. Mk!? travelling
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  417 words

  • 1175 1527 ne optimiim displayed by General Miarice in summing up the military tuition as it stands to-day is all the Lrt welcome when we realise that military men usually show a tendency to err on the side of caution. He has not confined hie remarks to the successful operations
    1,175 words
  • 495 1527 Mr. W. Stuart, of Gennang, Johore, it shortly proceeding Home to join up. Mr. S, H. Langston has been appointed an Assistant Registrar of Imports and Exports. The have of absence of Mr. Justice Sproule is for four months, from Sept. 22, on full pay. The Resident
    495 words

  • 1001 1528 Russia. M. Kerensky is still occupied with domestic re-organisation. His War Cabinet of fire did not hold together very long and his principal co-adjutor M. Terestchenko has resigned. Everything now depends on two things. The first is self-suppression on the part of the Council of the Workmen’s and
    1,001 words
  • 255 1528 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $110.50, business done, in Singapore (reined) at $ll2, business (75 tons sold), Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that i:ha following were the quotations for rubber on spot in London on the 28th inst, received yesterday Plantation let latex
    255 words
  • 398 1528 [Reuter's Telegrams.] coun lE r. mt ck T EMt London. S’ptamlmM i« lt There have bean no fnrtk. ettacks, and infmtrv confined to patrols, Ws tool* 1 prisoners. 8 00 to the east of Polygon Wocd by our artillery, rifle, and Many were killed; the si? captured. ori
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  398 words

  • 417 1529 [Biutbb’B Telegrams Camparativ® Lull. London, Sept. 30. i Jreneh communiqtc states d .y ba. been except for canA““ on tbs Aisoe nod on the right of fke Me»»®- Tiiete h baen lnfantr7 action. Artillery Fighting. London, Sept. SO. i french communique states «Thera very considerable artillery fiabtiM
    [Biutbb’B Telegrams ]  -  417 words
  • 1012 1529 [Reuter’s Telegrams IMPERIAL CHANCELLOR’S SPEECH, Relation with Neutrals. Amsterdam, S a pt. 28. Dr. Michaelis, speaking in the Reichstag, declared that Germany’s relations with neutrals were satisfactory and undisturbed by the exertions of the enemy press. Germany would continue to participate in provisioning neutrals. “Inexorable Effects of
    [Reuter’s Telegrams ]  -  1,012 words

  • 967 1530 [Rivtbb’s Tiligrams] M. TERESTCHENKO'S warning. A Policy of Paradoxes. P-trograd, Sept, 29. M. Terestchenko, the Foreign Minister who fan resigned, is temporarily carrying on. He made a statement urging that from hence* forth Russia's polioy should not be the policy of paradoxes as in the last few months. Acting
    [Rivtbb’s Tiligrams]  -  967 words
  • 398 1530 [Bawn-, So-.k-r... c A «a;d. A Britiah official Aeroplane, stacked L' co»,t mue evening W|) V»nou« point, .long tie coin „t jex .nd Kent. The n>X“ d tar inland, A few beidef failed to reach the metropolii bS dropped in Suffolk, report, mention CMwitim b.tfoV' don. ha,
    [Bawn-,  -  398 words

  • 549 1531 rRsuTB» 8 Telegrams.] Admiralty Reports. London, S?pt. 29. Tha reports PJ 1 aircraft dropped seventeen tons N u 8iv e, on Thursday night on the lock O U‘ P oi Zaebrugge, the Saint Deni, .nd Houttave aerodrome, and the ait.hip.hed. All our machine, returned. St Deaia Westrtm
    rRsuTB» 8 Telegrams.]  -  549 words
  • 453 1531 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Espionage ia U. S. A. Washington, S&pt. 29, One hundred and fifty indictm c have been found by the Federal Grand Jury at Chicago while investigating the activt'fs of the Industiiil Workers of the World Over a ton of documents were seized in recent raids on
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  453 words
  • 232 1531 UO U! T. O. M. Sportsmen in Perak will be interested to jn 4r D tbl Mr. John Gilfi lan, manager of Liu Piao M oes, shot an unusually large wild go.t on the limestone hills nsir lambun on Wednesday evening. Wild goats, which were found
    UO U! T. O. M.  -  232 words
  • 969 1531 B.T. Toe Colony has had its message. It is terse and conclusive: “All Class A men urgently inquired for military service.” It seems to go beyond the limits of the question asked which w-s Whether A Class men who, in the opinion of a legally constituted Tribuna l
    B.T.  -  969 words

  • 825 1532 ECHO OF TAPAH DEFALCATIONS. Alleged Forgery of Voucher. Mr. Justice Farrer-Manby was engaged on Friday in bearing a case at the Ipoh Assizes in which Mohimed Abas, till recently Chief Sanitary Inspector of the Tapah Sanitary Board, was charged with having forged a voucher in favour of Johan
    825 words
  • 64 1532 RED CROSS FUND. Litt of Svkieription, Amount previously acknowledg. M. M.Nwdin H. A* Cader R. H. Pinhorn H,A. Cader collecting card No. 70 Hon. Mr. Justice *****0 Woodward EC. Boyce ***** Total proceeds of Mrs* 80,00 Ebden’s concert Sale of tickets >1,018.00 Proceeds Auction 700,00 Collecting
    64 words
  • 63 1532 At the. Eastern Produce Exchingi 1720 d Auction Sale the following prices wen obtained: per picul. Diamond Smoked Fair from 1105 to 114 Diamond Unsmoked 96 to 102 Plain Unsmoked 91 to 100 Scrap Crepe 67 to Untreated Loose, Pressed and Virgin Scrap 33 to 65 41,697
    63 words
  • 32 1532 Latest Quotations» Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day $llO, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $111.25, business done, (125 t° ns and in London at JE243.105. and st £241.10». three months.
    32 words
  • 134 1532 (From Our Own Correspondent London, October 1. The prices in the Loudon Bobber Market to-day were: gl Pale Crepe U Diamond Smoked 1 Captain A. B.lmfo-tb,J ho tie rrcent fiebtios the Mr. W. A. Btlmfortb. chuter Evening Newt. gcfcol.r, and years o£ a s r. He -a»
    134 words

  • 1347 1533 —T.O.M. n who goes home from the > “tor himielf for ct To service is, r a man who will receive 1 jjj molt ca He is a man °I better I c eoamisi' t ion. He has been I f lh t ‘med S to» PO****
    —T.O.M.  -  1,347 words
  • 591 1533 The mairiage of Mr, Tan Boon Han to the sister of Mr. Yeob Guan Sack has been fixed to tajje place on the 11th inst. Lieut, h. C, Bavldon, lately a Perak planter, and now in itamia, is shortly being transferred to France at bis own request.
    591 words

  • 906 1534 Penang Impressionist!. Those who collect souvenirs of Penang will do well to attend the annual exhibition and sale of the Penang Impressionists which will be held on Thursday and Friday next at the Chinese Merchant’s Club, opposite the E A 0. Annexe, in aid of St. Dunstan's Institute
    906 words
  • 264 1534 [Rbutbb’s Tile gram a.] Our Captures in 1917. London, Sept. 30. General Sir William Robertson, speaking in London, said that in 1917 we bad taken more prisoners and over four times ;he number of guns than we ourselves ost during the whole war. Our army was now
    [Rbutbb’s Tile gram a.]  -  264 words
  • 264 1534 J 1 ’I'' 1 Ene E Wl MWDE s VICTORY enemy encircled *t S'. Men and Gnu 1 .•«.X.'X** onFnd.y. After occupying* W we attacked th. main region ol R.madil fr® Meanwhile th, cavalry mond?h' HmJ 0T I 8 6 y 11 4 time to break out to
    J 1’I''1''  -  264 words

  • 430 1535 rßirrw’s THE TROUBLE IN CANTON. c.n Yat Sen’s Arrest Ordered. Peking, Oat. 1, Th. Gjwnment has ordered the »rre»t of 9a ?v.t Sen, leader of the B’pibliean rLmiati and his associates who recently fSbted a so-called Military Government in Canton. The Linling Trouble. Hitherto there have been
    rßirrw’s  -  430 words
  • 468 1535 [Biuter’s Telegrams ENEMY ATTACKS. Betweea Tower H«mlets atd Polygoa Wood London, Sept. 30, 11-45 p,m. Sir Douglas Haig reports:— "Early this morning three attacks on the positions between Tower Hamlets and Polygon Wood were repulsed with loss. The first to the south of Eentelbeek was beaten off by
    [Biuter’s Telegrams ]  -  468 words
  • 480 1535 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] BOMBS ON LONDON, Attack by Mooaligbt. London, October 1. London has never had such a wetknd. The full moon rose on Sunday evening in an unclouded sky and there was not a breath of wind when the raid took place. There waa slight ground fog.
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  480 words

  • 243 1536 [Bjutij’s Tkleguams Britain's Appreeiatio», Paris, October 1. Major-General Sir John Steven Cowans, Quartermaster-General of the Forces, in presenting, in the name of the ling, a British flag to the town of Verdun, declared that the free nations and the British Empire were never more closely united
    [Bjutij’s Tkleguams ]  -  243 words
  • 224 1536 THE SUPPLY BILL. H. E- Tke Goveraor** Speeek. (\FVom Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, October 2. At the meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday, His Excellency the Governor, in his annual speech on the Supply Bill, said that the Revenue for 1916 was $l7 325.695 while the expenditure was
    224 words
  • 72 1536 JUVENILE GAMBLING. Three Chinese boys, all ten years of age, appeared before Mr. S. H. Langston today charged with gaming in public. They pleaded guilty, saying they were playing at pakou for one cent stakes. The Magistrate called up their guardians, all of whom were in Court,
    72 words
  • 121 1536 A Chinese shop-keeper of China Street pleaded “not guilty” to the charge of throwing broken pieces of glass on the public road, thereby making it less convenient for traffic, The P. O. who arrested him said he warned accused not to throw the glass, but accused paid
    121 words
  • 145 1536 Yesterday evening Veramah asked her husband Nallen to go with her to her relative’s house. The latter refused and during the night he forcibly took his little child and disappeared, His wife went out to look for them and found both sleeping on a five-foot-way in Penang
    145 words
  • 218 1536 A Chinese lodging-house keeper w<«s charged with trespassing into Swettenham Pier yesterday. Accused, it appears, who was among the crowd on Swettenham Pier waiting for the arrival of a steamer from Singapore, suddenly picked up a basket which was with other luggage lying on the pier and
    218 words
  • 400 1536 duteZ’ op i etot 01 ««a lai deHer. shop w |m trate with*' Accused claimed to be tried ui defended by Mr. Tech Gnu g< s.™ Inspector Nicol conducted the cue tn h Crown. Fong Teng Fan, head boy at the B, iQ, Hotel, deposed that
    400 words
  • Page 1536 Advertisements

  • Page 1537 Advertisements
    • 166 1537 Fthe <|r iTRAITS ECHO” MAIL EDITION. Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the vk daily issues, as well as all important news from various parts of the Fa r «4 East, including China,
      166 words

  • Page 1538 Advertisements
    • 235 1538 I CRITERION PRESS, U, i, No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. g -W *i X k V, 4 fel ESTabli SHED 1883« •*3 p J > PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. fj Proprietors of the "STRAITS ECHO’’ and ‘‘PENANG SIN POE." f The most enterprising and uo-to-dnfp iWl lithographers in the Orient. P Pmters
      235 words