The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 8 November 1916

Total Pages: 54
1 1918 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 23 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. 17.5$ Per Annum. k A Single Copy. 40 cis Vol. 14. Penang, Wednesday, November 8, 1916. No. 45.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 400 1 11 I Z,Z/z ZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ zzzz I p CONTENTS. Leaders: Page. Miscellaneous (Continued China’Cixil Sertio. 1.867 Inoome-T.x 1871, 1,872 A 1892 The Situation 1.879 of Be„. o u .«<2 I*. Confuting the I..ue 1.887 For the SoMier. .8-3 H- In the Went 1.895 S.ogaporo Brttan Market .873 The Council and Income-Tex
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 210 2 i V«lal v *~5 ;-->-■ S»/ STRAITS ECHO I MAIL EDITION, S B JI '<■ 'P 8 Published the day prior to the departure of each mail B fl for Europe, and contains the latest local and States t > 1 news originally published in the daily issues, as well
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  • 990 1867 Daring the seventh century one of China’s greit ruler* devised and established a very complete system of civil sei vic», entrance to which was only obtainable through the gateway of a very eLbor t* and exacting exsminaticn process. Tuat system continued practiully without change until the closing
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  • 634 1867 FINANCIAL ACTION. As Attractive Issas. Fro n the Treasury in Siagspire wthave received particulars of the St ats St terne its W ar L >an B n Is which it is intended Io issue in the near future in order t enab residents in this
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  • Page 1867 Advertisements
    • 106 1867 SW&TO 332 D. Fibliihtd daily (except Sundays and public holidays) I AT TH! CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 5?, Beach Street, Penang. Prick. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLI ADDRESS I “ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 313 X«.— All busin*»» ccmaitnira<innt
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  • 994 1868 Profiteeriaf. Of coursa it is the war. To those who believe in menthol as a cure for headache a word of warning is necessary. The stuff that ia sold in some of the shops about town is merely a blob of wax with a thin coating of menthol.
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  • 174 1868 The famous* law action between the Amalgamation Properties of Rhodesia, Ltd., and the Globe and Pl mix Gold Mining Compn y—one of the world’s greatest producers—reached its concluding sta es on September 22 bofoie Justice Eve, who reserve! judgment. The action which concerned some underground rights,
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  • 79 1868 The ss. (Bertam) 92,000 lb, Straits 226 000 Ib, Penang 174.009 lb, Tali Ayer 78,500 lb, Ruba”a 55,000 lb, Bagan Sirai 35,000 and Batak Rabit 26 500 lb. The forthcoming marriage is announced of Sub.-L'.eutenant Liwder, r.n, youngest son of Mr. Frank E. L wder, late Civil
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  • 663 1868 Oct 30 By Balance |46 381 no a fe Thoma, 40, Oct, 31, Jap I 140. E O Special Dinner I I ruceeds of Concert given by th« r jP* I School 1,000, P. Forrest 10, R*d Crt F I No 24 Chartered Bank 3
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  • 62 1868 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to*d>y at $87.50, business done, in Singapore (refined) at ?88, buvers no sellers, and in London at A‘lBo 15s. s f ot and three months’ Messrs. Buustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations foriiuboer on Spot in
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  • 384 1869 FURTHER DISCLOSURES. Bail Increased. Teao, trustee of the Seh Yeob Koogsi, charged with criminal b each of trust as a servant of the k D g?i fundappeared in the dock before M*. J Q Sugars again this morning to answer the charge against him. rer ton
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  • 154 1869 Leong Ah Cborg, a Chinese P. C., was this morning airiigned bef< re Mr. 8. H. Langston in the Second Court charged with alsenting himself from duty without good cause on three occasion-. Accused pleaded guilty to all three charges, stating as his excuse that he was
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  • 65 1869 The scrutineers report that the Committee for the Turf Club for the ensuing y'ar is the same as that L r list vear Messrs. D. A. M. Brown. W. Peel, H. B Pike, W, 8 Goldie, G. G. Hereford and W. Duncan. Mr. Jules Martin, who had
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  • 129 1869 (Reiltr’i Service.) Copyright T..*<rvn O>« r alioag is Traasylvaaia. p London, October 30, A Rumanian commun’quti stats'-: In the Jiul Valley our pursuit <f the enemy continues. We have taken 312 more prifoaers and four machine-guns. npulstd Iw) enemy attacks north Ezuga near the P.eiesl Pass, six miles
    (Reiltr’i Service.) • Copyright T..*<rvn  -  129 words
  • 86 1869 Half-Yearly Report. (From Own Own Correspondent). Singapore, November 1. The report of the Harbour Board fur the half year ended October 30 shows a credit balance of $1,083,726 of which interest paid on due to the Government loan was $1,001,315. The revenue from the Wharve, and Docks
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  • 182 1869 [To the Editor of the 'times of MaMyn.] Sir, —It ha- been poiiPttlout to me that my ktter which appeared in your paper of yesterday under the above headii g is not quite clear. What I intended to convey was (hit a super-'ax on rubber will
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  • 86 1869 -T.O.M Trals Daih&lt;« iate Railway Gates. The goods express from Kuala Lumpur to Ipoh was app r oaching the Ipoh station a* about 1U35 on Monday night when it dished right through the railway gates at the Silibm Road cre sung, comp:etely .mehing both gates, which were
    -T.O.M  -  86 words
  • 407 1869 (leu tr i Stnict.) Copy- Brtiith Oysrattess. L indon October 30. A British c ffi tai ano&gt; uncemect, issued at SsUniki, states We ia ded position at Cr-He-dentrs, not th-eat tof Ntkukovo and in ti ded considerable loss on the Turco-Bulgarian Cornu. Enemy aeroplanes were brought down north
    (leu tr i Stnict.) Copy-  -  407 words
  • 27 1869 I rom &lt;hir Own CvrreepQndcWtJ) L ndon. t/ctober 31. The prices in the Lunduu Rubber Market te-dajr were Pale Crepe 2/SJ Diamond Smoked 2/5
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  • 454 1870 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copy right Telegram. Towards SailHacl. London, October 30, 4 15 p.m. A Paris communique states "We carried the trenches north-west of Siilly-Baillisel and advanced eastward in the direction of Saillisel. We made 60 German prisoners. The Germans attacked Biaches to the south of La Maisonette, but
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copy right Telegram.  -  454 words
  • 445 1870 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. Raid oa Enemy Trenches. London, October 30, 2.5 p m, General Haig, in a commuuique, states: During the night two successful raids were made on the enemy trenches west of Wytschaete and east of Boesinghe. We took prisoners and inflicted considerable damage. “We bombed
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  445 words
  • 435 1870 (Reuter'» Seni«.) Copyright Telegram. Glasgow Steamer Sunk. New York, October 30. The State Department has received adiL that the Glasgow steimer Marina with British and American crew was sunt u gun-fire without warning, The crew American Aboard. Newport News, October 3d rifty Americans (were on board) ffa American
    (Reuter'» Seni«.) Copyright Telegram.  -  435 words
  • 43 1870 Obituary. General Sir Frederick MauaaeH. London, October 31. The death has tai en place of General Sir Fr'derick Maunsell who served in the Afghan campaign (1878 Obituary. Baros Claamorris. London, November 6. The death has Uk u place of Baron Clan mor mi.
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  • 714 1871 Demonstrations in Pkrlu. There was a large gathering cf the Sikh community cf Perlis at the Aro Railway station on the 26th instant on‘the occasion of the Djepavali Festival to P" siDt through Mr. fl. C. E-khvdt, B iti.h Adviser, Perlis, an address of 1 &gt;vaitv to the
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  • 607 1871 Ez. [To the Editor of the Strai'i Tima.} Sir,—in your issue of Friday, O.tcbu 13, 1916, there appeared the following statement taken from the Sarawak Gazrtte His Higbmss the Rajab has selects! the Rev, C. B Beamish tor the Bishopric of Sarawak rend red
    Ez.  -  607 words
  • 468 1871 la view of tbi discuasi m wb ch is to taka p.ace in the Chamber of Comm»*rcj this afternoon, says M mday’s S. F. P, we prop se to put forward i&gt;mo of the su ge tious wl.i h have b&gt;en made from t&gt;m to time with regard
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  • 564 1871 To liia Editor or ths S.F.P] B:r,—A greit deal has bom written on this complex que tion but I t ust you can still all iw me a little space in your c Jumna. Tue whole point fur consideration at the present time is:—How mu:h new mmey
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  • 327 1872 [To the Editor of the Times of Malaya] Sir, —With regard to the above question I have read several opinions, but Mr. Hop &gt;’s lettqr is the most amusing of all, particularly bis asser ion that the Cbiaete have failed to recognise what the British Navy—or the B-i'ish Army—is
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  • 842 1872 proposi MM. A private Bill providing for the registration of domestic servants in the Federated Malay States has been drafted by an unofficial member of the Federal Council and will be considered at the next meeting of that body. Registration of servants is one of those topics,
    proposi MM.  -  842 words
  • 358 1872 The members oFthe' Penang Ladies Rit, blub held their last shoot of the season yesterday afternoon at Kampong Bh&n/ when the Club Prizes were presented by Mrs. Sproule. Miss Mathieu was the winner of the two prizes presented by the Club for the twelve beat scores
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  • 415 1873 MALAYAN SCHOOL CHILDREN'S GIFT. A SrtEXDiD Rj c-lt. The Director of E location, SS. and *7 1’ ii! ieJeiVe&lt;l XiOO from echooi ch 1 Iren in 119 Straus Settlements and Federated Malay Br&lt;t ca towards toe Overseas ClubTobicco Fund. A social appeal was sent to the Director
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  • 675 1873 Progress of Female Education in W. C. of Sumatra. [Io the Editor of the Straitg Echo I. or, J h i fl my gratific.t on and much thankful 0 you if you will kindly leive a spice of your Echo g column*, as to allow mo to exhibit my ex
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  • 502 1873 Approximately 90 percent of the total world’s supply of rattan is, says the American Con-ul Harry CampheU. 8 ngapore. s p »1 from 8 ngapire. Tais does not meur, how. v.-, (bit the raw f r -du t origtn. atea in the Straita B*ttlementa or Fed-»a’od M»l&lt;y
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  • 216 1873 f&gt;'V(.ra! acc»d ntal &lt;l&gt;aths occurred during the month. One H j. Mat of Kahong dissl mysteriously on th mgbt uf the 2nd be went to the bdat3 a m. m sound health and was found dead at 5 a m. with bis child s’e ping in
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  • 954 1874 Siveral Hundred Houses Destroyed, The coEflagration, to which brief refer* ence was made in our issue of yesterday, (says Tuesday’s Straits Times) appears to have been quite as serious as we anticipated, and has unfortunately resulted in the loss of at least one life by suffocation. The
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  • 256 1874 [To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune] Sir, —I have done my best to personally write my thanks to those Members of the various Committees who have helped so splendidly in making the Our Day” movement in Singapore the complete success it has turned out to be. It
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  • 149 1874 —M T. Whole Village Aflame. Shortly after eleven o’clock on Monday a fire broke out io one of the attap shanties composing the Chinese fishing village at the eud of Martin Line, off River Valley Road This village, a straggling collection of huts, lies just on
    —M T.  -  149 words
  • 622 1874 Dutch Authority and the, the Natives, 01 For many reason- Netherhnd. InJ occupies special attention in the H* C juatry at the present time. th, of a recent article on the future colonies the Ateuws expressed regret that in referring to Indies, the Speech
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  • 4065 1875 SINGAPORE C. OF C. VIEWS. Appointment o f a Commission Recomm ended. The members of the Singapore General Chamber of Commerce and Exchange, in special meeting a*semb&lt;ed on Monday afternoon, held a full dress debate on the question of extra war taxation. A resulution to the simple effect
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  • 673 1877 Total Subieriptioa i (/rorn Our Own i S asap re, November 2. I The Oar Diy committee rep ,rta that tbe Bub*C’iptioDs to the Fuad amount to I &gt;120,608 of whi?h the Cninisa Chamber of Commerci collected 17,919. The Colony’s bub&cnp'iuns towards the Fund should amount to
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  • 580 1877 /■’row Onr Own C &gt;rrf-ponden-.') L ndon, November. 1. The price# in the London Rubber Market I tc-jay were Pale Crepe ,„2 6 Diamond Smoked 2 SrppLT amd Comsumptiom.—Says a Ixm- I don w-ekiy to hand by the mail yesterday It is n:,w p elty general? recognised
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  • 42 1877 Penang Women Wobkibm. Am unt acknowledged &gt;2,860 10 Mrs. Eoden 10.00 &gt;2.870.10 Hospital garments for soldiers r»*ady cut nut f&gt;r workers w 1 be »iveo out at the Town H all every Friday st 9.45 till II ».m
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  • 438 1877 The Legislative Ccunc.l will meet temorr wat 2.30 pm lo transact tbs fallow. ing b-jsmcsf 1. M &gt;tion by tbe Attorney-General Resolved tl a‘ tbi« Conned approves tbe Rules made by the Chief Justice pursuaai tn tbe Co.j pames Ordnance, 1915, section 252 si to procedure ox applications
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  • 84 1877 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by M*a«rs. Allen and Co at their Auction Ba’e to-day Smoked Ribbed Sheet &gt;127 to &gt;l3B per’ptoul. Smoked Plain Sheet &gt;l2O &gt;l2l H H No. 2 Smoked Sheet &gt;122 H &gt;126 H Unstnoked Sheet &gt;ll6 &gt;l2l M No. 2
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  • Page 1877 Advertisements

  • 236 1878 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special cables are from the Sumatra Post of Monday and Tuesday, October 30 and 31: HOLLAND AND THE WAR. A Serious Step, The Dutch bureau for the distribution of grain has decided to provide no more supplies for the Schiedam distilleries several
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  • 105 1878 Kamunting Tin Dredging Ltd Piculs 500 Hours run 654 Yards treated 100.000 Va’ua of output 124,000 Cost of mining 8,500 Chenderiang Tin Dredging Ltd. Drdge. Piculs 310 Hours run 598 Yards treated 85,00 u Elevators. Piculs 95 Total 405 Value of output $2O 200 Cost of mining
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  • 617 1878 —Ex, Tragedy at Pulo Tikus. A sad tragedy was enacted yesterday morning at Pulau Tikus, the little island off the Swimming Club. Mr. J. St. Clair Saunders, who is described in the Straits Directory as Assistant on Jementah Estate, Lanadron Rubber Estate, Ltd, Batu Annam, Johore, was
    —Ex,  -  617 words
  • 629 1878 °y Ta, P 1 correspondent, the daring robbery in tbat town in our issue of Tuesday, states -L It would appear that at about 6Ki. on Monday four Chinamen, two with I vare, entered the private dwelling b o J"*| chandu shop owner in Cross Street v'l
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  • Page 1878 Advertisements
    • 103 1878 Diphteria-How It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. r l’he cold prepans the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the neighbourhood children that have colds should be kept at home and
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    • 62 1878 Sunshine and Cotnmn S nse. Don’t doctor your blood for rh umatism Use an external application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. In a few days it will get you up and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red b’.ood to your veins and soon rid the system
      62 words
    • 37 1878 Chamberlain s Pain Balm There is nothing so good for rheumatism, sprains, lameness. crismp muscles, bruises and like itnu j n berlain’e Pam Balm. I w For less time thauany other treatment, by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 1313 1879 While it is rather disappointing to tini that the original official account of tne German destroyers’ raid on our crossChannel communications required to be modifi d in the sense indicated bv Mr. Balfour in the House of Commons, the justice of the Firs' Ljrd’s observations regarding the advantages
    1,313 words
  • 591 1879 Lt-Col. the Hon. A. R, Adams left b? train to- lay for tbe Southern Settlement to attend tbe Council meeting. Mr. and Mr-. Ng Ann Tbye, wlo h ve b“en spending f &gt;rtmght in Penang for a cbaog-, have atturoed to Taiping. The funeral will t«ke p’a» at 10
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  • 1320 1880 A Daaierou Weapoa. A recent innovation m connection witn the route marches of the Penang Volunteers leads us to give publicity to the following dialogue: Yes, my boy, I have oatmeal on my table every morning. I consider it the most wholesome, most Rut, see here don’t you
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  • 531 1880 (Renter's Senj«.) CODTnght Telfgram. Russian Reports. London, October 3k Tie Russian communique reports tk.» the situation in the Djbrudji is nuchal Tne Rumanians continue to press tU a™» to the north in the Jml Valley where tU captured 300 more prisoners and machine-guns. More Prisoners Captured* London, November
    (Renter's Senj«.) CODTnght Telfgram.  -  531 words

  • 367 1881 (Reuier’i Senice,) Copyright Telegram. LOSS OF THE ••MARINA America** Killed. London, November 1. The American Consul at Qaoenstown baa received a wire that fifty-one of the Americana on bea d the Warnia were saved, six killed and two injured. The Consul baa arranged to take the depositions of
    (Reuier’i Senice,) Copyright Telegram.  -  367 words
  • 27 1881 Latest Quotations. Tin (uoretitnd) T 1^ 1 »t »87.20. bu».r« no .eller». F (refiood) *t »37.70. .pot Ua,«&gt;ld)»adin L x ail I) three moot™ s&gt;g fc
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  • 445 1881 Attack oa Sailly Sailltsal. Lindon, November 1. A Paris communique states "We male prigre?* north-fast of Lm Boeuf?. Violent en a my attacks on Sully Siillisel were repulse!. Wj mide seventy prisoners, Tbe night was relatively calm. On the right of the Meu-e a German attack southwest of
    445 words
  • 550 1881 (tatef s Senia.) STATEMENT IN THE COMMONS. Fif»t Lord Eaplaaailo*. L indon, October 31. In the House of Common* Mr. A. J. Balfour. First Lord of the Admiral’v. replying to a question said that the German destroyers which took cart in the raid in the Channel on
    (tatef s Senia.)  -  550 words

  • 1051 1882 (Renter's Service Copyright Telegram. TRANSPORT AND SUPPLY. Statemeat ia the Lords. London, October 31. In the House of Lords the Earl of Derby, Under-Secretary of State for War, described what the War Office had done to supply the tro »ps in Mesopotamia since it took over the responsibility on
    (Renter's Service ) Copyright Telegram.  -  1,051 words
  • 464 1882 evtei s Service.) Copyright Telegram KING AND VENIZELO3 I ATTITUDE OF THE “ENTENTEStatemeat ia Parliameat. I t tr in the House of Commons K, d I McNeill called attention to the official statement that the Allied ments have refused to recognise M. I and the Government. I
    evtei s Service.) Copyright Telegram  -  464 words
  • Page 1882 Advertisements

  • 434 1883 To the Editor or the Malty Mail. S'f.-Wby proporal to alter the value of the local dollar must remain abeyance pending a decision by ths Br t sh Government about the iitroductron of a decimal coinage" is not clear, seeing that the V.lue of the dollar as &gt;t now
    434 words
  • 242 1883 -MM. Capt. C. S. Robinson, Norfolk*', wluse name appears m a casualty lint published on Saturday as having died of wound*, was formerly in the F M S Government Serv c-. Born in 1873, Mr. Robinson was from IK9O to 1897 in the 4h Norfolks, retiring
    -MM.  -  242 words
  • 555 1883 I To th i Editor of the Timti of Malaya Sir, —I a m turpnt»ed to Bee that tbo I lanters* Association of Maliya has thought fit to propose that a commit:e) be appoint »d to go mto th- question of asking tbe Government to put Cnines-) labour
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  • 70 1883 Sungpi Bitu (Mala?*) 22.439 lb, Vil Dor 29,800 lb, Kurau 30,400 lb. MaUk&lt; ff 40.000 lb, S.S. (liertarn) 92.000 lb. Windsor (F.M.S ***** lb. Mofidd 20,0H0 lb, M-r histon lb, Foothills (M«laya) 10,039 lb, Mud» Syndicate 8 166 lb, Sa’magatfa U,93&lt;» lb, New i Columbia 33,327 Ib,
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  • 350 1883 [To tub Editor of thb Free Prtta Sir,—An inference in your leader of ln»s morning Nppealed to me as touching tubj ct which it a matter fcr genu ne regret in ibis Colony—the dearth of really capab’e public sp* akers You refer to the abaeoew of b li.ant
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  • 273 1883 Aa F.M 3. View. Commenting on tbe resolution finally I adopted at M&lt;&gt;ndav meeting of tbe Bing«I pore Chamb r of Commerce, the Ipob |tper I tays All’s wed that ends well,” and tbe I Colony ned tot be a»h*roe 1 o*l foil* wing I tbe
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  • 1872 1884 Eighth Annual Meeting. The eighth annual general meeting o£ the members cf the Penang Volunteer Rifle Club was held at tbe Di ill Hall yestsrday evening. Tbe-e were present Ca .P‘ a n H. A. Neubronner, Captain W. Hamilton, Captain J. G. Allan. Lt. R. Owen, SecondLieuts. C, D.
    1,872 words

  • 1284 1885 The other week Tomkins had a bad attack of totalitis. That is the disease contracted by people who impoverish themselves by paying ten per cent of anvthing thev happen to possess to the Sporting Club, ft derives its name from the weird instrument in which it breeds—the totalizator.
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  • 913 1885 —Ex, All appoar&ncoa surest that history is likely to repeat itself so far as concerns one of the Powers who wen- parties to tho fimous Armed Neutrality formed in the eighteenth century to defy the Bntish Fleet. From the outbreak of the war bweden s attitude
    —Ex,  -  913 words
  • Page 1885 Advertisements
    • 78 1885 Suff rerw from lud gasticn will find spo Jy and permaneLt r-hef by taking a CjUTbC of WOODS’ GREAT FEFPERMINT CURE, This m&lt;dicin»‘ has been pr&lt; vrd by gen*rati ns tf Eigh-h Colonists throughout the w&gt;rd to ix- the b-t for f xmdy use. Dis a true corrective «nd pr-v.
      78 words

  • 98 1886 {From Our Own Corramondcnt,') Singapore, November 3 At the Singapore Rubber Auction 555,440 lb. were sold atthe following prices per picul Smoked Sheets 1130 to SI3R Good Plain 114 to 120 Uosmoked 118 to 121 Good 116&lt;o 117 Fine 114 to 118 Good Plain 112 to 113
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  • 91 1886 A r ongragation ot the University of Hongkong will be held in the G»«at Lail cn Thursday, the 14th December, at 5.30 pm. at which The Chance'lor of the University, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony, will confer Degrees. The G jvernor-in-Council has procl.iinvd that for
    91 words
  • 976 1886 Auction Sale and Bazaar The following is a list of thoss who have bean good enough to send free gifts t) the above, compiled from the nimes B?nt in with the gifts to Sergt-Major Webb, myself and Mrs. Liston. In addition to these there ara many other donors
    976 words
  • 192 1886 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auc'im yesterday the following prices were obtained: Diamond Smoked Sheets from 1128 to 1138 Diamond Smoked Sheets fair $122 to 1126 Pla n Smoked Sheets from f 117 to $126 Diamond Unsmoked Sheets $ll4 to $l2l Plain Unsmol e l Sheets $lll
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  • Page 1886 Advertisements
    • 65 1886 Sunshine and Common S ns 9 Don t doctor your blood for rheumatism l’ie an external application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. In a few days it will get you up and out into the sunshine, then n. tore will restore the rich red blood to your veins and soon rid
      65 words
    • 34 1886 Children s Colds. Why let the child eu rack their bodies in such a dhtressing manner you can io easily cure their coUs bottle of Chamterlain’s F» r sale by all Diepenßanes and Dealer
      34 words

  • 1296 1887 S.ngaporh! s Chamber of Commerce has nottakan us much further in the IncomeTix controversy, and it i, significant that neither berj nor in the Southern Sett'emont has the leading European commercial organisation able to see its way clear to commit itself and its members to any
    1,296 words
  • 628 1887 Mrs. Prosper St. L. Listao has collected (£ll7-14 2) for the above fund. We give be&gt;ow a list of subscribers. All subscriptions set t to M l, Liston will be acknow edg“d in the Press. Col. Adams &gt;25, Mrs 2*\ Mr acd Mrs Armstrong 2U, Mr
    628 words
  • 127 1887 Lalssl Qaolatioa*. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day *t bu«inpss done, in Singapore (refined) at &gt;BB, bu»inn«s dona (100 tone •old) and in London at £lBO 10s. spot and £lBl 15*. mor ths' sight. Mee-ra. B- ustead A (Jo. inform us that the fo.lowing wore theqnotations for
    127 words

  • 1264 1888 Local Oratory. Remarks on the poor debating powers or the Legislative Council much the same as those of Qharles”in his letter to the Free Preet reproduced on page 9 to day were made some little time ago in this column. After they appeared in the Echo they seem
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  • 567 1888 Mr. Jutstice Earnshaw will m I I Mr. W, J Cix. formerly Police I Q|TW K here, has taken up planting. Batu Kawan Estate. to»!® e I Mr. Richard Thomas, head renowned Welsh tinplate firm of Richard Thomas and Co., has died age of seventy-eight years. 4 I The
    567 words

  • 1027 1889 (tewter’» Service.) Coprrant Teh&lt;run A Local Attack. London, November 1. General Hug, in an cfficial announcement, states that the British and French forces made a local attack east of Les Boeufs and gained ground. Hostile shelling took pDce between Le Bars and Guendecourt and in the neighbourhood of
    (tewter’» Service.) Coprrant Teh<run  -  1,027 words
  • 520 1889 (Rottr i Scnice.) &lt;&gt;&gt;©▼? &lt;ht T*!*crMI IMPORTANT GAINS. Fatila Gtraa* Effort». Lindon. November 2, 3 a ru. A Pans communique state* North of th* w* mads important gams dumg the day, following up «nr night successes nerth-eawt of L*s B jenfa. We Captured after a rapid action two
    (Rottr i Scnice.) <>>©▼? <ht T*!*crMI  -  520 words

  • 439 1890 (RevtcM Senice.) Copyright Telegram. JN THE DOBRUDJA. New'Commaad. Bukharest, November 2. The Russian General Sakharoff, who was in command in Galicia, has arrived here and will take command in the Dobrudja. The Eastern Theatre. Fieree Fixhtiaj. London, November 1, A Russian communique states that fierce battles are proceeding
    (RevtcM Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  439 words
  • 408 1890 (Peuter’i Service.) Copyright Telegram’’ THE MARINA INCIDENT. Ameriesa Actio». Long Branch (Naw Jersey), November 1. President Wilson, on learning that six Americans were killed in the sinking by u German submarine of the Marina, telegraphed to Mr. Lansing. U. S. Secretary of State, to expedite the securing of
    (Peuter’i Service.) Copyright Telegram’’  -  408 words
  • 241 1890 (Reuter’, Senice,) Copyright Telegram. British Success, London, Nuvember I A British official statement i lnwl Salonika announces U 8“ H I Despite heavy raid we cap'ured Bn»t I Mzouma by a smartly executed aitmK made 390 prisoners Our losses w 9re We also occupied the village o f
    (Reuter’, Senice,) Copyright Telegram.  -  241 words
  • 50 1890 Question la Council, (From Own Own Correspondent). Singapore, October 3, At the meeting of the Legislative Council to day, Lt. Col, the Hon. A. R. Alams,is asking what steps aroboing talrenfor the final realisation of enemy property in Penang» such as Messrs. Schmidt, Kustermanns building in Weld Quay.
    50 words
  • 31 1890 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore October 3. Messrs Fraser Co’s Weekly Report states that there was steady business io local rubber and mining shares. Industrials were rather neglected.
    31 words
  • 96 1890 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, November 2. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-davwere:— 9/fil Pale Crepe L Diamond Smoked Mr H. M. SimpsonTiate Chief Assistant of Qal iny Beson Rubber Plantailions, been trans fired to the Ho»"® nosition Rubber Estate to act in a similar positio
    96 words

  • 1216 1891 118 cnoice ana in* hi toe uiißeuaivaa nisi have E en doing so much bairn. Malaya Tribune. The result of the discussions at the Singapore Cnambzr of C.mmeioe amounts to a refusal of the members to follow the lead of their Caairman on the subject of
    118 cnoice ana in* hi toe uiißeuaivaa nisi have E en doing so much bairn.—Malaya Tribune.  -  1,216 words
  • 216 1891 An extraordinary general mr iting of the Straits Trading Comrvny, L‘d, was held in Singapore on Wednesday, under the pr’Sidemy of Mr. Fr«ok Adam, at which a resolution was pa‘a&gt; 1, alt 'ring the articles of association bv substituting f&lt; r article 115 (d) the follow.og —When
    216 words
  • 779 1891 -6. T. To THE EdITOB OF TH! Sira ti T\m»l j tiir,—Why dont't you tike up the matter of a heavy super-export tax on rubt?r with a corresponding rebate to comp’nns p lying taxes at heme, now the refer «m at home have given their &lt;i&gt; cision, mikirg
    -6. T.  -  779 words

  • 792 1892 Master and Boy’s Struggle. In the second police court, at Singapore before Mr. C. H. G. Clarke, on Wednesday a Hylam boy named Han Ah Juan was charged with attempting to murder Mr. Cyril Campbell Johnston, a wharfinger at Tanjong Pagar, living at a boarding bouse at Pater*
    792 words
  • 258 1892 [The Editor of the Malay Mail.] Sir, —I cannot congratulate the Chinese Chamber of Commerce on its acquiescence in taking over the responsibility of issuing railway platform tickets to the Chinese people. The Railway Department, if it chooses to show individual distinction, should be made to stand
    258 words
  • 90 1892 The following contributions t) the Kedah Red Cross Fund were collected by Mr. G. A. Hall, Alor Star, and sent Io the Chartered Bank: Mr W S Gibson 150, Mr J Arthur 100, Mr C 0 T Powell 25, Mr EA G Stuart 16 50, Mr
    90 words
  • 42 1892 Oct. 13 By Balance ...513,618.44 24 lot, on Deposit Receipt 180.78 Nov. 2 P -st Office 22nd instalment 51.45 Penang Bind 23rd nstalmont 18.90 113,869.57 Oct. 24 To “Our Day” Rd Cross Fund 10,000.00 Nuv, 3rd By Bdance $3,869.57
    42 words
  • 533 1892 Irm P LEA FOR Further f I [To The Editor of the I Sir,—Since tbe fateful meHbur of June 16 hat. whit one makes two propositions abnmi fir.t that thia Colony i, in I contribution to tbe Imperial E,i secondly that an income tat &gt; m nt'
    533 words
  • Page 1892 Advertisements
    • 59 1892 Sunshine and Common S ns?. Don’t doctor your blood for rhrumjtism. U*e an external application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. In a few days it will get you up and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to your veins and soon nd-the system of this
      59 words
    • 103 1892 Viphihsria—Hew It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prep»"» child’s system for the reception an opment of the diphtheria germs 'Vhe there are cases of dipbther.a in the bourbood children that have eolde ehould W kept at home and eff
      103 words

  • 1453 1893 (By Dan di Quille.) In Camp. As things are, you think of acres of canvas, of in i peg-, of pickets ind sentries, of grey army shirt-, of trum-p.-t calle, of ail the interesting things that mark a gang of fighting men at rest. But that is
    1,453 words
  • 348 1893 TtNNIS CHAMPIONSHIF. Thrsdall Rstaias Hosour. Excellent wiathtr favoured the players in the final tie b&lt; W. H. Thrvlfall, the boldtr, and A V. Perrin, runner-up, for ths championship. Although Tbreifall sueceedad in retai ing bis chatnpion«bip Perrin put up a most stubborn fight The nature of the
    348 words
  • Page 1893 Advertisements
    • 36 1893 Children’s Colds. Why let the cbildien rack their httlbodies in such a distressing manner when you can JO easily cure their cold» with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough For sale by all Dispensaries an 1 lAsaler*
      36 words
    • 51 1893 Ckißbtfliia's Fan Ba n There is nothing s» g&lt;»r&gt;d foe muu'ular rheumatism, spva u», lamen*»», rratnpa of the mu-cus. truiaea I k- ir juries A CbsmU sP&lt; n Halin, b wn| effect a cure in less time than any o'.be- i e&lt;t meat. For talq by all Dispensaries and
      51 words

  • 335 1894 First Day’s Faces. (From Our Own Correspondent,) Ipoh, Nov. 3, 1916. There was a large attendance on the opening day of the Ipoh Gymkhana. The going was good and the weather Hue. We append the results. Back 1. Black Prince 11. 1 Mr. Don 1 Lechumie 11. 1
    335 words
  • 64 1894 Latest Quotations. Pin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $88.35, business done, in Singapore (relined) at $88,85. businewß done (125 tons sold) and in London at XIB2 ss. spot and XlB3 10s. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for
    64 words
  • 513 1894 One of the subjects of debate connected with the question of further taxation or not, for war purposes only or for general revenu 3 is the financial position of the Colony and F. M S. (which may be more closely associated in commerce than in government). Figures
    513 words
  • 573 1894 N. Pbbbhotvmda, &Co.. p. i M. Waghji. Pwa I This action was tried at the Honourable Mr. Justice Ebd 8 Ist and 2nd days of NoveX 19 I Plaintiffs claimed an Injunction I l I the Defendant unt.l Vbe 30 I January 1917 from engaein. in h„. J
    573 words
  • Page 1894 Advertisements
    • 57 1894 It Never Fails. ChAinberlain’s Colic, Cholera and rboea Earned» is all its name implies. cures diarrho a and dysentery in either ch dien or adult and tbe most violent c,Be cramp colic or pain in tbe sloinacb give oy to a lew of this medicine, bate, s always cures.
      57 words

  • 1285 1895 Those who would rexbsj whit the trench have accomplished in winning back Forts Douaumont and Vaux should turn to the thirteenth volume of Mr. John Buchan’s "History of tne War’’ which contains an illuminating chapter on The First Battle of Verdun. That battle, be it recalled, began
    1,285 words
  • 615 1895 Captain Stvcr, of the i s. Providence, with Mrs. Steen will t«e leaving fur home shortly. Mr. Harold Lxtham is taking over charge of Messrs. Latham and Co.’s Kuala Lumpur branch. Dr. W S. Sheppard, medical cfficer nf Province Wellesley, is going on leive in the near future. Mr.
    615 words

  • 968 1896 a Rubber Up. That generous planter who undertook to roast a snipe whole on the Parit Buntar padang and feed the local multitude when rubber passed the half-crown mark is doubt* less making ready to redeem hrs promise. Personally, we should not be surprised to see the plantation
    968 words
  • 25 1896 (From Our Own Correspondent») London, November 3, The prices in the London Rubber Market io-dav were: Pale Crepe 2/6J Diamond Smoked 2/6
    25 words
  • 714 1896 Perak River Valley 12,988 lb, Juru 13,250 b, Konk Lee (Perak) 1,070 lb, Semanggol 6,731 lb, Batu Matang 13/997 lb, Bakat 25,800 lb, Jong Landor 56,796 lb, Parit Perak 9 444 lb. Kedah 45,570 lbs. An unfortunate incident occu red on board the s.°. Providence this morning
    714 words

  • 466 1897 (Voter’s Senice.) CopTn«bt VAUX RETAKEN. Further Sueeestes London, November 3, 12.50 a m. A Paris officia' ancounc meat states: North of the Somme we carried out a new operation between L;s Boeufs and Sailiy Saillis* 3 by which an appreciate amount of ground was gained and two hundred
    (Voter’s Senice.) CopTn«bt  -  466 words
  • 427 1897 Itater'i Scrvic), Copynahl T-t-crun Review of the Sitvatios. London, Noven. b j r 3 A Rumanian communque sta'es: Toe situation is unebangdd between the Moldavian frontier and Prtd j a'. The all-dav fighting which took place in the Prabova Valley resulted in the repulte of counter-attacks. “An enemy
    Itater'i Scrvic), Copynahl T-t-crun  -  427 words
  • 485 1897 (Bcvtr i«nrut) &lt;o»v7t4'.i T«hwr». 1 brilliant success. Maay Prisoasrs Tabsa. Rom**, November 2. An Italian official announcement stat&gt;« We attacked in the Gonzia area and occupied the trerches on the east slopes of livoli and San Marco and He heights east of Sober n the Ctrso front. “The
    (Bcvtr» i«nrut) <o»v7t4'.i T«hwr».1».  -  485 words

  • 518 1898 (Reuter’x Service Copyright Telegram A CURIOUS INCIDENT. Varyiag Stories. Amsterdam, November 2. Het Volk states that the Batavier Line streamer Oldambt, which left the Hook of Holland yesterday, was stopped by a German submarine which placed a prize crew on board her in order to take her
    (Reuter’x Service ) Copyright Telegram  -  518 words
  • 448 1898 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram Greek ladigaatioa, London, November 2. The Greek steamer Kikiisaia his been sunk. Athens, November 3, Siven Greek steamers were torpedoed during the past twelve days, including tue Angeliki and Kiki Isaias. The Government at Athens is striving to diminish the public agitation regarding these
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram  -  448 words
  • 524 1898 (Reuter's Seni«,) Copyright Tfcleg r&ln A MASS LEVY. I Every Maa aad Womaa Called «9 E Amsterdam, November 2 Germany. &gt; 8 preparing another 6O o2, ft k I 1 8 ej P ?cted ‘&gt;&gt;*1 a man e ,?5 ft shortly be decreed and that every mdrt ft
    (Reuter's Seni«,) Copyright Tfclegr&ln.  -  524 words

  • 4325 1899 THE GOVERNMENT AND THE WAR CON TRI BUI lONS. MR. BI SHIRE S VIEWS CRITICISED A full mating of the L gidative Council was hßld on Friday, at which there w-re pren n M*n E A he Tornor (Slr A 11 Youq K* G.C M.G.) tie Colonial Secretary
    4,325 words

  • 2996 1901 Unofficial Members Taken to Mr. Adami said be was extremely glad tbit, on this occasion, bp, as a member' from the extreme point of the C 4ony, was not called upon to voice their views at any length. (Hear, hear). They had practically nothing of which to complain
    2,996 words

  • 968 1902 Meeting wishes or Singapore Chamber or Commerce. The Governor, in a brief reply, in leference to the toddy question, said that Mr. Niven's was the first complaint that he bad heard in the Colony as regarded the method in which the toddy farm was conducted, though the
    968 words
  • Page 1902 Advertisements
    • 57 1902 It Never Fails, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is all its name implies, it cures diarrhoea and dysentery in either children or adults, and the most violent cases of cramp colic or pain in the stomach give wav to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure always cure»,.
      57 words
    • 94 1902 Diphtheria—Hott It May Be AvaiM. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold preparrs the child’s system for the reception and here opment of the diphtheriagerms. there are cases of diphtheria in the bourhood children that have colds kept at home and off the street un
      94 words

  • 2072 1903 future c tnm f, :ci Strait» Time», The report of the Committee appuinfel I by the Governor to advise as to the hnee and details of a Bill te provide for the levying of an income tax in the Cobny wn laid on the table of Council
    future c tnmf,:ci Strait» Time»,  -  2,072 words
  • Page 1903 Advertisements

  • 1447 1904 To celebrate the wedding of tbeir daughter Mias Quah Chooi Huab Mr, and Mra. Quah Bmg Kee yesterday evening entertained their European friends at dinner at their residence in Bishop Street. Mr. Beng Kee occupies the leading position among the Chinese community in the public and business
    1,447 words
  • 403 1904 We have received from Mr. G.E. Wrieht. Motion the two following letters in acknow ledgment of his cheque for £*****1., beinv the proceed» of the entertainment got no hv himself and Mrs. Wright-Motion attheTowi Hall in April last in aid of the King Albert’. Hospital Fund:
    403 words
  • Page 1904 Advertisements
    • 58 1904 SunibiM and Common S’nse. Don’t doctor your blood for rh-uuntism Use an external application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. In a few days it will get you np and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to your veins and nd the system of this troublesome
      58 words
    • 44 1904 Chamberlain’s Pain Ba’m There is nothing so good for muscular rheumatism, sprains, lameness, cramps of the muEclps, bruises and like injuries as Chamberlain’s Pam Balm. It will effect a cure in lees time than any other treatment. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      44 words

  • 765 1905 To the Editor of the Strait* Echo Sir. Apparently the taiationists are percase imbued with a pensea that the war can onlv be brought to a close by all the Colonies laying their hands on whatever thev can get in orde- to replenish the coffers
    765 words
  • 544 1905 The funeral of the late Mr. Lee Kang Thi w took place yesterday morning when h’s lomains were removed to Swrt enham Pi r where theccffin was placed in a Chinese junk and conveyed to Bitu Biwan for interment. The funeral wis on a grand
    544 words
  • 381 1905 C NCLCDijcr» Dav’s Rksultj. (From Our Oum CorreeptrndenL) Ipob. Nov. 5, 1913. There was arother very goed atteedaecu of members at the Ipob Gvmkhana cb Saturday. I here was a sight drizzle durirg the first race but after that the weather was fine The going was on the
    381 words
  • 40 1905 O-’t 13 By Bdanc/ 33,271.84 Nev. 1 -Anonymous” ••Monthly” 20 N jv. 4M. Maude H TrohChvow Cbeaug 2 Total 33 308.84 Njv. 4 By Bahaci 33,308.84 Amount preriova'y at- koowhdg.i ...»*****.72 T U 1 ...|30.01».M iry n.
    40 words

  • 466 1906 (Rental Soviet). Copyrisht Telegram. A STRIKING TRIBUTE. From Germa» War Minister. Amsterdam, November 3, General Stein, the new German Minister of War, in his stat ament to the Reichstag •aid: The Kaiser ordered me hither from the Somme battlefield where I learned much. The enemy, especially the
    (Rental Soviet). Copyrisht Telegram.  -  466 words
  • 429 1906 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. THE VICTORY AT VAUX. Further Details. London, November 4, 12-45 a.m. A Paris official announcement states: “On the right of the Meuse, after the capture of Fort Vaux, the infantry continued to advance as far as the outskirts of the village of Vaux tc
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  429 words
  • 494 1906 (Feuter’i Senice.) Copyright Telegram' AUSTRIAN THIRD LINE REACHED. Heavy E.emy Lou.., Udine, November 3. Prisoners state that the Austria» com manders urgently asked for rdinlu lUCrnaf J from Rumania. The Austrians have lost 25,000 men ain». October 30. Prisoners Takes. a tl v London, November 4 An
    (Feuter’i Senice.) Copyright Telegram'  -  494 words
  • Page 1906 Advertisements
    • 103 1906 Diphlbsria —lbw It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When are cases of diphtheria in the neighbourhood children th it have colds should be kept, at home and
      103 words

  • 1301 1907 Saturday’b debate in the Emulative Cjuqcil on thi financial p sitiun of the Colony and the proposed additional contribution to the cost of the war was fir the most part barren and futile. Mr. Daibishi.e Treated with force the arguments against tresh taxati &gt;n With which
    1,301 words
  • 557 1907 ,-B. T. Dr. R. Dan i is t ranted three a intha' leave of abvenc»» with fu 1 salary from O t 16, Mr. Pang Ah Pan 1« app&gt;int«d a member of the Clineae Adv.tory Board for Malacca. e e lx?’ Sgt. R. M. Richards is app ipted Second
    ,-B. T.  -  557 words

  • 284 1908 The last session of the Assizes opened thia morning in the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden, There were altogether five cases on the calendar. Mr, Yeoh Guan Seok stated he had just received a notification to the effect that he had been assigned by the
    284 words
  • 332 1908 Latest Quotation*. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $B9 bu iness done, in Singapore (refined) at $B9, no sellers. Meaara, Bo u stead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on Spot in London on Saturday:— Plantation Ist latex crepe 2/6 J.
    332 words
  • 95 1908 Nov. 2 By Balance 56,058.25 3 P. K. Nambyar 15.00 Proceeds of Moonlight trip 650.00 Taeng Leng Jin Seng Koan 20.00 Lim Teng Kwan 5.00 Box, No, 126 Criterion Press Ltd. 2 07 4 R. G, Parker 100.00 F. D. Kenny 50.00 H. C. Harvey
    95 words
  • 45 1908 Ayer Kuning (F.M.S.) 76,250 lb, Brad wall (F.M S.) 47,929 lb, Chersonese (F.MB) 60.716 lb, Dennistown (Krian F.M 8.) 52,300 lb, Higlands and Lowlands 120,756 lb, Klabang 19,807 lb. Krian 26 000 lb, Sungei Krian 66,000 lb, Sungei Way (Selangor) 38,560 lb.
    45 words
  • 812 1908 ,—S,T. Another Rise. (From Our Own London, November 4. The prices in the Loudon Rubber Market to-day were. Pale Crepe 2/7 Diamond Smoked 2/6JIt was decided to ship furtier drafts of Chinese labourers to France at the end of last month. Recruiting for the purpose was attended by
    ,—S,T.  -  812 words
  • Page 1908 Advertisements
    • 57 1908 It Never Fiib. Chunberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is all its name implies. It cures diarrhoea and dysentery in either children or adults and the most violent cases of cramp colic or pain in the stomach give way to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure always cures.
      57 words

  • 958 1909 (Reuter’» Service), Copyright Telegrra. A Fraak Report. London, November 4, 1 25 a.m The Bukharest communique says: Oir pursuitin the Vulcan Paes continues, We here captured four more guns and much material of war. “There was violent fighting on the who’e front in the Roterturra Pass. “Toe enemy
    (Reuter’» Service), Copyright Telegrra.  -  958 words
  • 425 1909 (Intcr’i Stfviu.) Rbodstiaa Police Anbuibcd London, November 4. A common q*:e regarding tbe operaionst io East Afric* »tatt s that tne German foros which were dislodged from Tab&lt; ra had la n endeavouring to trwk tbr mgh to Msheoge and Bom&lt;wba. C&lt; ntused and severe fighting occiirnd
    (Intcr’i Stfviu.)  -  425 words
  • Page 1909 Advertisements
    • 11 1909 For Children’» Hacking Cough at Night, sireat Peppermint Care Is 6d.
      11 words
    • 89 1909 It is but a abort step from a chilled condition of tbe body to Posumoni and uol«?&gt;a tbs chill be driven off that second serious cor.d tion is rearbei, scmHimea in leas than 24 hours. Apply this warning to y*&gt;nrseif when you t«**l o» t of sorts with a ©cl
      89 words

  • 479 1910 (Reuter's Senice,) Copyright Telegram. Heavy Lot* of Life, London, November 4. The North Western Railway sterner Connemara, while proceeding to Holy bead, collided last night with the steamer Retriever, There was only one survivor of the two vessels. It is estimated that 300 perished, Later Detail*. London,
    (Reuter's Senice,) Copyright Telegram.  -  479 words
  • 499 1910 (Reuter’s Service Copyright Telegram. RETURN OF HOLY CARPET. A City Improved. London, November 4. The Times correspondent at Cairo states that the ceremony of receiving the Holy Carpet on its return from Mecca was held on November 2. The participants of the Pilgrimage expressed themselves as very
    (Reuter’s Service ) Copyright Telegram.  -  499 words
  • 459 1910 (Reuter s Service.) Copyright Telegram, OCCUPATION OF EKATERINI. I Acute Situatioa. Salonika, November 4. no Tbe VBoizellBta occupied EUleriai k cause the garrison attempted to prevent X passage ot a battalion from Vrria I joining the National Army at Salonika”** v v i Athens, November 4 M.
    (Reuter s Service.) Copyright Telegram,  -  459 words

  • 822 1911 THE DIRECTORS’ REPORT. Work During the Year. Tho Direct &gt;rg of Pulau Bulang Rubber and Pro luce Co, L‘d„ report as follows on the working of company for the year ended 30:h June, 1916: No further ca ls were ma’e during the financial y p ar, the contnbutcry
    822 words
  • 288 1911 Penang Women Workers. Amount previously acknowledged &gt;2,870 10 I Mrs. Jamieson (15th Don.) 10.00 I Mrs. Heim (15th Don.) 10 00 I Mr*. Trengrove (15th Don.) 500 1 Buttons 0.33 I Debit Balance 9 31 Total &gt;2,904 74 The following is a statement of accounts 1
    288 words
  • 1229 1911 Coroner’s Finding. Th-' hearing w*s conclud'd vrsterdsy afterno n beto'e Mr. 8 H. L angst n in the Second Court cf th»» enquiry into the cau e of the death of Mr. J St. Clair 8 ut»9a a planter of KUng, who wo foun I dead n
    1,229 words

  • 86 1912 At tbe Eastern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prices wore obtained: Diamond Smoked Sheets from &gt;l3B to &gt;142 Diamond Smoked Sheets fair &gt;l2B to &gt;137 Plain Smoked Sheets from &gt;123 to &gt;l2B Diamond Unsmoked Sheets SUB to Jl3l Plain Unsmoked Sheets &gt;ll7 to &gt;123 Diamond Smoked
    86 words
  • 73 1912 Alma 22,200 lb, Bukit Toh Alang 14 38 J lb, Shanghai Klebang 9,543 lb. Kota Babroe 36,543 lb. Sungei Dun 15.835 lb, Chemor United 17,648 Ih, Cluny 18 679 lb, Kinta Kellas 42.794 lb, Klian Kellas 5,795 lb, Twjong Pau 15,037 lb, Old Kellas 17,718 lb, Kamuuting
    73 words
  • 771 1912 At yesterday’s meeting of the Legislative Council, says the Malaya Tribune, of Saturday last, the Hon Mr. Darbishira, speaking on the second reading of the Supply Bill, dealt at length with what, according to the Hon. Mr. Adams, “he had vomited and eaten again” on the subject
    771 words
  • 501 1912 Malay Mail. In 1915 the expenditure of the P. W. D. under Annually Recurrent was 12,956 988 In 1917 it is proposed to spend 53,473*081 An increite of 1516,093. Special Services (P. W. D.) in 1915 cost *****,978 In 1917 it is proposed to spend 13,837,502 An
    Malay Mail.  -  501 words

  • 1291 1913 —Ex. Wg have been wondering why Eurasians do not patronise the Maternity Hospital to a greater extent. A corresp jndent giv?s the reason. He says In most cases Eurasians here live in large families and they consider that more assistance and facilities are provided in their nwn houses
    —Ex.  -  1,291 words
  • 609 1913 Mr. B J. P. Joaquim, barrister at* iw, arrived here thi« morning from C«'cut a by the s s Aui S&lt;i*g. Mrs. C. Arathoca and Mi A. C. Arathoon are on t oard the s.s. K U S&lt;xr»y on a tour of tie Etr Eash Lt-Col. the H n
    609 words

  • 973 1914 Troth aad Fietioa. Out of the details of the railway steamer collision, wired out by Reuter yesterday, one fact stands out by itself —the sole survivor of the disaster was a man who could not swim. Truth, if not stranger than fiction, sometimes copies fiction faithfully m that
    973 words
  • 306 1914 All Passbngbre Safi. Mes&lt;&gt;ra. B ustead A Co., the focal agents have received a telegram from the owners of the Glen Line to the effect that all passengers and crew of ss. Glenlojan were safely landed. While practically all nations, belligerents and neutrals alike, are piling up great
    306 words
  • 322 1914 A Ssbiovs OrrcN.i The hearing of the case agai nßt T Muniappen, charged with having a eeriou, offence on a Ta«il Mumammal about eeven years of concluded yesterday afternoon before’ s? Th'?/ P EMeQ nd common The accused m h.a defence defied th. clmrge preferred against him and
    322 words
  • 35 1914 Latest Quotation*. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $88.90, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $89.35, buyers no sellers, and in London at £lB2 15s. spot and £lB4 ss. three months’ sight.
    35 words
  • 182 1914 {From Our Own Correspondent) London, November 7» The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were:— Pale Crepe 2/7 Diamond Smoked 2/6J The death is reported on Sept. 29 of Clifford Joseph Brooke Hunt, Canadian Infantry, only son of the late Joseph Brooks Hunt, of Woodford-green, Essex,
    182 words

  • 341 1915 (tattr'i Senia.) copyright Teie&lt;r*m. Vcaixslista Pcrscevt«4, London, November 6. Telegrams from Athens state that the Royal Government is persecuting the Vemzalists. Twenty-five officers are at present prisoners and one was executed at Ekatenm before the Venizelist occupation of the town. Roys! Deeres. A decree dismisses from the
    (tattr'i Senia.) copyright Teie<r*m.  -  341 words
  • 38 1915 The output and profits from Kramat Pulau Limited for the month of October, 1916, were as follows: Output. Estimated Dressed Ore, Profit. From the Mine 307 piculs. 310/*OO From Tributors 248 1,0/5 Total 555 piculs. 111,075
    38 words
  • 497 1915 fleeter’i Stniu.) Opraght admiralty reply. London, N ivember 6, The Admiralty states that the German Press is attempting to make capital out of what it describes as a second Bar along case. One object is the incitement of Amen* can opinion against Great Britain and
    fleeter’i Stniu.) Opraght  -  497 words
  • 477 1915 (tattr'i S«vic4.) Cctf- «bt T-Mwrua Atnstnda-n, November 5. A Vienna psp«r statas that Count Burian, replying to a deputation from Warsaw said that the future of thi kingdom of Poland wnuld only bogm her full national existence after the war in closi connect! in with the Central
    (tattr'i S«vic4.) Cctf- «bt T-Mwrua  -  477 words

  • 495 1916 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Important Advance. London, November G, 1 5 a.m A Paris communique states North of the Somme we executed several attacks during the day and made a series of appreciable advances from south of Le Transloy to the south of St. Pierre Vaast Wood. “We
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  495 words
  • 445 1916 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. Further Progress. London, November 6, 1.80 a.m. General Haig, in a communique, states: We attacked several points and made some progress. We cleared a pocket of Germans on the extreme right and made progress in the centre on a front of over a
    (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram.  -  445 words
  • 455 1916 (Roller's Senia), Copyright Telegin Gains and Losses, London, Novembsi 6 A Rumanian communique states ‘•Wa repulsed several enemy .«ufai, the Prahova Valley. The enemy evening succeeded in occupying Mrtour trenches on Mount Dihamu. north-.-ofJAzuga. Several enemy attacks in the 1&gt;,a,0,k vele region, on the left bank of the
    (Roller's Senia), Copyright Telegin  -  455 words

  • Page 1917 Advertisements
    • 795 1917 ESiS'Wi l IS t f eil 2 8 of weariness -depression, fatigue, ft UCAIK f whtch affects equally men women and child. 1 ft T ift z ren, and it is most important that these signs g V| *1 V g ot a run-down condition be not neglected. 5 g
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    • 249 1918 i CRITERION PRESS, Id, j M j •J No. 53, Bjdich Street, Penang. |f i ESTABLISHED 18&3. H j PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. S s* T it, 1 Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO" and “PENANG SIN POE.” I? i| The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and S 4 lithographers in the Orient.
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