The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 25 October 1916

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1 1824 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. 7.50 Per Annum. Single Copy. 40 eta Vol. 14. Penang, Wednesday, October 25, 1916. No. 43.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 337 1 I I ,ZZ/////ZZZZZZZZZZZ////ZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZ IfIIHIIHIIIII CONTENTS. Leaders: Page. Miscellaneous (Continual A Hope of the Future... 1,777 Children’» Christman Gift l, <r 4 S After the War 1,787 Queen Mary’» Needlework Guild Ireland 1,793 Convent Children’s Concert East Africa 1,803 Our Day Fund 1.786. 1,795 S The Situation 1,813 1,801 A 1.8
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 183 2 t Hrr h it the I STRAITS ECHO I MAIL EDITION. Published the day prior to the departure of sacb mail H for Europe, and contains the latest local and States a nevs originally published in the daily issues, as well as j all important news from various parts of
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  • 1051 1777 On July 30, 1913, a Memorandum on Public Opinion in Germany was hani'ei to Mr, btipben Pichoo, French Minister fir Foreign Affairs, It cjutained the two following passages: 11 Others, again, want war from a mystic hatred of revolutionary France.” In addition, doctrinaire manufacturers declare
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  • 636 1777 Ki, [To ths Editor of thi Tim'* of Jfa2ipi.] Bir, —There are rumours emanating from var oua s >urc ?s regarding what appears to be a tentative effort on the part of soma Am*ric<n rubber manufacturers to obtain ***** ol of the plantation rubber output of M
    .— Ki,  -  636 words

  • 1340 1778 Tke British** Ford. An advertisement in a Bulawayo newspaper states that the South African Government has bought 100 Ford cars for the campaign in German East Africa. If it is a fact, it is one to be sincerely deplored the 8. A. Defence Department has set an example
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  • 506 1778 Mr. and Mr,. Guy C CUrke hat, to Singapore for the races 0 8081 Mr. M. B. Shelley has assumed dutiM Regrar of the Ipoh Court», reliwil Mr. F. H. Sperling, of Matang, wh01... 00 a "bort ™it to Auitrali! tßt by the mail to-day. ri fl r P
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  • 1233 1779 Excerpt from the Minutes of a Meeting of the Penang Chamber of Commerce, held in the Chamber on Tuesday, 10th October, 1916. Present: —Hon. J, Mitchell (Chairman), A. F. Goodrich Esq., (Vice-Chairman), W, G. Peter Esq.. J C. Benson Esq., A. W. Blackstone Eeq, F. Duxbury Esq.,
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  • 227 1779 Stnioj Co*rr4lht The Traaeyleaalaa Froat. London, October 16 A Ruminian communque shows that vigorous fighting took pl ice on the Traneylvani in front, especially at Rucar where the Rumanians meintaine 1 their positions. It says that we repulsed the attacks on tbe Oituz and Buzen Valleys and at
    Stnioj Co*rr4lht  -  227 words
  • 57 1779 The following are the exports of Penang for tbe first half of October: To Unitbd Kiwodom Tons. Tin 1.540 Pepper (Black) 40 (White) 5 Tapioca (Pearl) 315 Copra 325 Rubber 910 To U. 8. Amur* a. Tin 155 Tapioca (Pearl) 150 Rubber 404 Copra 50 To Cowtimrkt
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  • 64 1779 Latest Qaotatioes. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at >B7 25, busineo don*, io Singapore (rifinwl) at >*<7.25, buyers no sellers, and in London at XI7B spot and XI7B 10s. three months’ sight. Meears. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber
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  • 61 1779 (J'rwi (htr f/un r L nd on. Oatot er 17. The prices at tbe Lindon Kublmr Market to-dav were Pale Crep’’ 2 4j Diamond 3mok**d 2 4 I H Owing to tbe great scarcity of pork in Germany, the Municipal Council of Berlin has de-idol th*t f>r
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  • 440 1780 Copyright Telegram. (Reuter's Service.) FROM FLERS TO MORVAL. A Move Forward. London, October 16. Reuter’s correspondent with the British Headquarters says “We advanced on Thursday on the front Flers to Morval and retain several new positions. We fell back from others sometimes as far as but never behind
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  440 words
  • 560 1780 First Day’s Results. (/rcz/i Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 18 The weather was splend d and the attendance good on the opening day of the Autumn Meeting. The Hon. Mr. F.S. James. Colonial Secretary, other prominent people, and many visitors from Penang and the F.M S. were present.
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  • 368 1780 Copyright Telegram. (Reuter’s Service). laterestiag Figures. London, October 17, In the House of Lords, Lord Darby said that pending the decision of the Government regarding recruiting in Ireland, he will make an appeal for voluntary recruiting. The numbers who joined between April 24 and October 12
    (Reuter’s Service).  -  368 words

  • 1518 1781 Times of Malaya. At the psychologic-» 1 moment, when the outstanding topic in the Federated Malav States is a suggested war super-tax on rubber and tin, as a means of raising revenue for diversion to the Imperial Exchequer as a freewill offering from this Protectorate to
    Times of Malaya.  -  1,518 words
  • 222 1781 To thk Editor or tub Straits Times Sir,—ln your issue of October 12 I was much struck by one passage in the case against Messrs. Caldbeck, M.acgregor and Co The passage reads as follows 1 a Monopolies Department has always given Mr. Stevens credit for being an honest
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  • 194 1781 The hearing was resumed this morning before Mr. J. C. Sugars of the case against Fernands, Assistant and Book-Keeper of Messrs. I unail and Raheem who was charged with criminal breach of trust as a servant of a gold watch which was entrusted to the firm (or
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  • Page 1781 Advertisements

  • 1326 1782 PUBLIC REPRESENTATION. A Systim Outlined. (Contributed,) There are a certain number of people who, whilst admitting the practical difficulties and the political inadvisability of imposing an income tax in the F.M.S, at the present time, still believe that this is the only absolutely fair tax which can be
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  • 247 1782 I Puteh, P. C. 139, was this morning charmd before Mr. V. G. Ezectid in the Thir® with leaving his poB t while O n quarantine duty at Armenian Street and slespmg while on duty cn the Ist instant I Hamat, P, C. 171, stated that on
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  • 395 1782 The eighth annual general meeting of the members of the Penang Volunteer Rifle Club will be held at the P, V. Drill Hall on Thursday, November 2, at 5.30 p.m. In the agenda for the meeting will be included, (1) 2nd Lt. C. D. D. Hogan's proposal that a
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  • 1411 1783 We have been solemnly told by the Hon. C. W. Dirbishire that this Colony has done much more than any other colony in the Dependency, and that it was wanton’raabnes* to think of doing more in view of cur financial position. The beat thanks
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  • 406 1783 Pe ittom or Naims: Official t TATKMK.VT, T bgnpSic n' ws received in the last few dos f- m N th» r'.aods India confirms the Gov m it* v.ew th -t the demonstrations hold there on August 31 must be regarded remarkable expnaa.ons of the d
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  • 124 1783 [To the Eoi tom of THi Straitt Timet Sir, With reference to your leader in yesterday’s issue J quite agree with what you write regarding the proposal which the Hon. Mr. E Macfady»’n intends to move at the next session of the Federal Council. It recurs to
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  • Page 1783 Advertisements
    • 73 1783 j| iviog to live a< we de, under the burn»ng tropical sun, dim>t cal conditions render us paiticulirly liable to Colic, a most distressing complunt. Ibe correct meritcine to produce a (juick cure is. WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CCRE. Il is a w joderful cor'rctive of all sUmach disvrd'-r». Nevir be
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  • 1071 1784 —Tim cs of Malaya. A very good reception has been accorded by European employers of domestic servants to the proposed Enactment for the registration of domestic servants to be introduced in the Federal Council at its next session by the Hon. Mr. Arthur N. Kenion, who is
    —Tim cs of Malaya.  -  1,071 words
  • 181 1784 A correspondent writes: A pretty Tamil Christian wedding was solemnized at St. George’s Church yesterday evening between Mr A.R. Mutbiih Pillay, Sub Post Master, Tanjong Mahm and Miss Mary Manikkathammal, 2nd daughter of Mr C S Pakiam Pillay, the Court Tamil Interpreter, Butterworth. The Bev D
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  • 340 1784 Contractor Fined, Tan Kian Seng, a Chine,, contr.-» appeared before Mr. V. G. Third Court yeeterday in a,.w^ d mona issued at the instance of InLl* frayne for causing obstruct oa in McAU* Road with bricks, sand, ana building The accused pleaded not euiltv that he held
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  • 105 1784 The pupils of ninety-two Schools of all nationalities in Penang, and Province Wellesley, and the Dindings have subscribed 568.22 to the Christmas Gift from the children of the Empire to our soldiers and sailors This amount has been sent by the Inspector of Schools, Penang, to the
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  • 37 1784 Penan* Women Worxibs. Amount previously acknowledged Mrs. Trengrove (14th Don.) Mrs. J. A. Brown (sth Don.) Miss Harding (4th Don.) $2,860.10 There will be no distribution ot work till Friday, the 3rd November.
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  • Page 1784 Advertisements
    • 59 1784 Sunshine and Common Sense. Don’t doctor your blood for iheumitiam Use an external application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. In a few days it will get you up and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to your veins and soon rid the system of thia
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  • 1787 1785 Mb.. Hope's Rbplt. [To THE Editor of the Strait» Echo,} fair, My attention his been called to the leading article in your issue of the 6th instant and I should iike the opportunity of replying to your criticism of my letter to the Strait» Times of the 4tn
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  • 125 1785 Latest Qeotatioas. lin (unrefined) is quoted here» to-day at SK7 50, buyers no sellers, in Biogaporw (refined) at 75, buyers no sellers, and ia London at £\7d 10«. spot and X 179 ss. three months' sight. Messrs. Boustoad A Co. inform us that the follow ng were
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  • Page 1785 Advertisements
    • 43 1785 Chißb.’flaia’i Paia Bi'a. Hi»re is nothing so gool for mutcular sm, sprains, lameness, cramps of tbe, bruises and like injuriets as Chainheroin’s Pain Balm. It will effect a cure io le-s time than wi o’.ber treatment. For by «11 Difpeosariee and Itealeri.
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  • 519 1786 Old Offender Sentenced, In the District Court before Mr. J. C. Sugars this morning a Malay named Syed Hashim was charged with criminal trespass by entering into the house of Mr. L. Hoefeld with intent to commit an offence. Court Inspector Nicol prosecuted on behalf of the Crown.
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  • 68 1786 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their Auction Sale to-day Smoked Ribbed Sheet Jl2l to $126 per picul. No. 2 Smoked Sheet $lO5 $llO Unsmoked Sheet... $lO7 $llO Crepe tine pale thin and blanket $122 $126 Good $l2O
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  • 354 1786 Preliminary Enquiry. The preliminary enquiry into the case against Yeoh Boey Sin, charged with falsifying accounts, was commenced this morning before Mr. J. C. Sugars in the District Court. Mr. C.D.D. Hogan appeared for the prosecution and Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok for the defence. The circumstances
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  • 184 1786 The Town Hall was crowded to its utmost capacity yesterday evening on the occasion of the concert given by the Convent children iu aid of Our Day Fund. Only standing room was available for late c Hirers. From start to finish there was not a dull moment
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  • 213 1786 Sydney Cups. R H Pinhorn b vq V G Ezechiel G A Carmichael P T Alien A S Hall Dr C Henry Hertz, G N Saye f Dr J Gray > D M Miller j C M Henderson C B Redway j W R Armstrong T E
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  • 161 1786 His Majesty’s Help. [To the Editor of the Free Press.] Dear Sir, —By now most people in Singapore will have read Reuter’s message announcing that His Majesty the King has sent $5,000 to the funds of the Red Cross, Her Majesty Queen Mary also contributing £l 000,
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  • Page 1786 Advertisements
    • 57 1786 It Ne/er Faih. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is all its name implies. It cures diarrhoaa and dysentery in either children or adults, and the most violent cases of cramp colic or pain in the «'omach eive way to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure, always cures
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    • 11 1786 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cars l®«dd.
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  • 1291 1787 When we published some little time ago a of special articles on the trade position aft n r the war over the signature Periscope,” there were tome of our reader? who, disagreeing both with the premises and the conclusions of the writer, gave us to understand that
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  • 352 1787 An Irish correspondent writes in mail wrek The renewed cry for conscription in Ireland arouses our curiosity; and some peopls have even associated with it the very marked prominence given to the deeds of Irt»-h soldier* m recent news from France. Every week now the Irish Timas
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  • 285 1787 Our Day" Red Cross Fund. *()ct. 16 By Bxlance 110,773.17. Oct. 17. K. A O. Hotel Red Cross Box 131.50, Cricket Club Red Cr »ss Box 76.0, A. Bat J L. L.” SU, C G. May 25, Butterworth 25, L°an A Co. 100, Bnnahan Lunas Ng Dahta 25, J W.
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  • 1320 1788 Canute or Mr*. Partiagtoa? The Figaro tells us that Hindenburg, with a big blue pencil inherited from Bismarck, drew an iofl >xible line beyond which the British and French were not to go. That line is already to the rear of the Allies. Haekaey Carriage Scarcity. There has
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  • 429 1788 CoDyright Telegram. (Reuter’s Service.) WAR*IN THE AIR. Artillery Activity. London, Octobsr 17,1,55 p. m Genaral Sir Doughs H»ig states that entered the enemy trenchei wst of otherwise there is nothing to report. 1 Many Maehiaes Misstag. London, October 18,1.25 a.m. General Sir Doughs Haig, in his official communique,
    (Reuter’s Service.)  -  429 words
  • Page 1788 Advertisements
    • 37 1788 Children's Colds, Why let the children rack their little bodies in such a distressing manner whee you can so easily cure their olds with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers,
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  • 488 1789 Copyright Telegram. (Renter’! Senice.) STRUGGLE FOR THE PASSES. New Politics» Occupied. London, October 17, 4 p.m. The Rumanian communique says that the enemy violently attacked our troops in the Oituz Valley, but was driven back. *We repulsed enemy attacks at the Tolgyes Paia and at Predeal, the latter
    (Renter’! Senice.)  -  488 words
  • 1074 1789 Copyright .Tsiemm. (Rtiteri Stnke). PRESENT SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT. Mr. Rcdmosd's Motion. I London, October 18. In the House cf Commons Mr. John I Redmond moved: That the present I system of Government in Ireland is incon- I sistent with the principle for which the I Allies
    (Rtiteri Stnke).  -  1,074 words

  • 393 1790 Copyright Telegram. (Reuter i Senice.) Serbia*» Staid Fast. London, October 17, 4.5 p.m. A French official message from Salonika states that the Serbians repulsed violent counter-attacks at Belavoda on the Cerna. The was a violent artillery duel on the right bank of the Vardar. Allies’ Attack oa Moaastir.
    (Reuter i Senice.)  -  393 words
  • 545 1790 Copyright Telegram (Renter's Service.) Allie»' Strong Action. Athens, October 17. French and Italian bluejackets have landed at the Piraeus and occupied commanding points in Athens. Official Explanation. Athens, October 17, later. It is officially explained that the purpose of the Allied occupation is to ieinforce the police,
    (Renter's Service.)  -  545 words
  • 320 1790 Questions ia the Commons, r al it c London, October 17. In the House of Commons Anau» Sc J cr etary o£suta tor Indi» ■Uted that he did not propose to publish the report of the troop-train enquiry Since the war every effort had been mad. to re-employ
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  • 209 1790 Major H. A. Ironside. (From Own Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 18. The death has taken place from wounds of Major H. A. Ironside, formerly of the Straits Trading Company, He was attached to the 110th Brigade, We read in the French consular cables: The Italians continue their
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  • 522 1790 Obituary. Mr. J. Gilhooly M P. London, Oct, 17. The death Ins place of Mr. J. Gilhooly, Independent Natiomlist Member for Cork. Co., West. Mr. W. B. Oldham. Mr. W. B. Oldham, formerly a member of the Bengal Legislative Council, is dead. Lady Poaaoaby. The death has taken place of
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  • 1425 1791 In view of the interests since created and of the numerous rumours that are rife, it is a pity ihit the discussion at the last meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya should have led those interested into nothing more nor less than a culde-sac on
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  • 662 1791 ANOTHER SUGGESTION. What About Exchamgs Eichaog j” writes to th” Malay Mad 1. Tin greater tbe real.nd wealth of this cmi try, tne larg* r the revenue wh ch can to r<w-d without ud htional taxation? 2. Tte trade returns for 1915 show the v.dun of tin, rubtor,
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  • Page 1791 Advertisements
    • 46 1791 Cbildtsß i Culdl. V» by 1 t ti e child eu rack tbe»r little Lol.»-, in »u.’b s didrttkiag «tanner wh»e you n•» ea.j y jre th*ir &>!ds with a bottle ot b*mto lain a Remedy. For -ale by all Lhsp nsn e» an 1 I)mleis
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  • 981 1792 A European resident of Kuala Lumpur went down to the Railway Station early on Monday morning to meet a friend arriving by the special train which brought the M.S.V.R, contingent back from Singapore. He was refused admission to the platform and, on inquiring the reason, was informed that
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  • 170 1792 The proceeds of the above, obtained on the 4th and sth October for the benefit of the National Institute for the Blind, were as follows Sale of Pictures by Mrs. Macintyte 90.00 Mrs. Aid worth 100 00 J. Brown 35 80 Le Fevre 18.00 Haruerton 30
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  • 57 1792 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prices were obtained: Diamond Smoked Sheet from $ll5 to $122 Diamond Unsmoked Sheet $lO6 to $ll7 Plain Unamcked Sheet $lO7 Brown Crepe $92 Scrap C epe s76to 90 Pressed Sciap $4O Loose Scrap s46to 71 15,879 lb. we
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  • 556 1792 Cruelty to Animal, A Tamil named Appasamy aDD aro L fore Mr. V. G. Ezschiel in toe Third 0 this morning charged with working a k lock while in an unfit state. On thJ.L pleading guilty Mr. Sundrum, MI S Veterinary burgeon, state I that the was
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  • Page 1792 Advertisements
    • 52 1792 It Never Fails. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is all its name imp cures diarrhoea and dysentery in ei dren or adults, and ti e most vio en cramp colic or pain in the to a few doses of this medicine. always cures. For sale by al* S P
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  • 42 1793 WiTsoN-LiMDiAT—Oa th* 19th October, B t St. Andrew’s Church, Penina, by the Rev. Donald J. Ross, William Harold Watson, second sou of William Wat-on, of Boddin, M mtrose, to Anne eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay, of Montrose, Scotland.
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  • 1190 1793 .V M Critics sometimes complain that neither the British Government nor the British public understands the nature of war. Herein they are often contrasted to their disadvantage with the German people, who have been schooled in the dcctrine ot Clausewitz and subdued to a perfect discipline by their military
    .V M  -  1,190 words
  • 652 1793 B*ys Thursday’s TOM Very keen regr»t and sorrow will be aroused bv tbe n r wi of the d**«th this mormnu Kuala Kangsar of Her Hghness Raji Che Sapiab, tbe Raja wife of H H ih• Su tan. The Raja Permeisun, was ab iut 15 yea's
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  • 1265 1794 The Dutehmea'» Gift. Congratulations and thanks to the Dutchmen of Penang who, like their fellowcountrymea in Singapore, have raised a handsome sum of money and forwarded it to the Honorary Secretary of Our Day Fund. We have long known towards which side the neutrality of our Dutch friends
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  • 581 1794 Dr. Chen Cbin-tao has again the President and the Premier him of the office of Acting Chinese > Mmhte of Foreign Affairs. which he holds in to the Ministry of Finance. ll The PeLnj GmcH. vehemently detnmdi the dismissal of Hsu Shu-cheng, qS Secretary of the Chinese Cabinet, wb™
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  • 802 1795 I UTCH CONTRIBUTION. Tbe Honorary Treasurer gratefully ac* knowledges having received per Mr. Van der Woude and Mr. Van Vollenhcven a cheque for $1,775 with the request to accept same on behalf of "Our Day” Fund as constituting the total amount of contribution from Dutch Firms" and
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  • 399 1795 Watson —Lindsay. A wedding of great interest to p’an-tei-s in Province Wellesley was solemnised at St Andiew’s Church, Northam Road, yesterday afternoon when Mr. William Harold Watson, of Byram Estate, second s>n of Mr. William Watem of Boldin, Montrose, was jiinel in in image to Miss Aune MacLirei)
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  • 403 1795 O>OTT |hl (kvUr s SirviaJ. War ia the Air. London, October 19. Tn« Fr n:h effi :ial communique says The enemy aeroplanes were brought down on tie ibmme, One of our aviators was a*Uck»'<i by three Fokkers. He brought down one of bis opponents anl drove off the
    (kvUr s SirviaJ.  -  403 words
  • 60 1795 Latftt Tin (unrefined) s quoted b* r e to-day at $87.75, busines* d m»*, and in London at X 179 10*. spot and £l*o s*. three months' sight. A special wire to th Eistern Produce Exchange giv» tbe following quotation* yeabinlav Pale Cr»q* 2 4j Di imood
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  • 542 1796 Copyright Telegram. (Reuter's Sen ice.) PREMIER'S SPEECH. Sympathetic Atteatioa Promised. London, October 18. In the House of Commons, during the Irish debate, Mr. H. H. Asquith promised very sympathetic attention to Mr. Redmond’s suggestions in filling up the gaps in the Irish division with Irishmen. He admitted
    (Reuter's Sen ice.)  -  542 words
  • 439 1796 Copyright Telegram. (Reuter’s Senice.) NJEW OFFENSIVE. Russia* Help, London, October 19. The Rumanian news is regarded as showing that a new and vigorous offensive has b=en begun with tho timely help of Russia. Compared with the subdued tone of the Austrian and Garman communiques which describe the situation
    (Reuter’s Senice.)  -  439 words
  • 475 1796 Copyright Telegram (Hwttr'» Service.) ADMIRAL FOURNET’S ANNOUNCEMENT Co*ditioas at Atheaa. i i? Athens, October 18 Adimral Fournet has informed the Mayor of the Piraeus and the Chief of p ollc Athens that the Allied detachments war* landed to ensure order in consequence of events on the parade
    (Hwttr'» Service.)  -  475 words

  • 6381 1797 CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS. History of the Institution. I he following notes on the history and present condition of the Penang Free School appear in the Centenary number of the School Magazine—an excellent number by the way—over the initials, R.H.P. In 1815 or 1816 a proposal for the estab
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  • 701 1801 -S T, The fo’lowing t’legram received from H.s Majesty the K ng, has been us by the Hon. the Resident Councilor, for public ition The message from Hii Maj sty the King to the B'itish Red Cross Society and Order of St. John for Our Diy begins.
    -S T,  -  701 words
  • 410 1801 9<eoa4 Day's Kaselts. (I'rom Ow (hsn Singapore, October 19. The f bowing were the results on the Sjcond D*y if the Siogspo'e Race Meeting I—First1 —First Pont Griffin Handicap. Orion 8.5 1 Motor Cyel* 9.8 2 Income Tar 8.2 3 Wun by half a length one and a
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  • Page 1801 Advertisements
    • 51 1801 CUahbtflaia's Paia la'*. There ia nothing a> go*»! for mu*cu'ar rheumat am, sprain». I<(dno*ss, cramps of the muse es, bruis-s and like injuries as Chaml> r «in aPa n Balm. It will effect a cure in teas time than my o her t-eatajAat. For sale by all D.»pnn<*riea and D
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  • 1162 1802 (By Tom Wright.) Freedom How Live 1 set the ideal of freedom in the forefront of my ambition. I have sighed, as sigh the blind to see” for freedom. Always and chiefly, anywhere and everywhere, for freedom. My spirit npeds it. ’Tis all in life,
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  • 86 1802 Singapore, October 19 At the Singapore Rubber Auction the following prices were obtained per picul Smoked Sheets 1122 to $126 Good 115 to 122 Fine 113 to 120 Good, plain 114 Unsmoked 114 to 116 Fine plain 108 to 111 Crepes 125 to 129 Good 118 to
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  • 39 1802 The following are the particulars of the output of the Renong Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. for the first half of October No. 1 Dredg j 197 Piculs No. 2 Dredge 151 Piculs; No 3 Dredge 356 Picul%
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  • 367 1802  -  H. L. Accounts of the September Stakes all to agree that Hurry On won w.tb ease. He is a very satisfactory speculSil. as a nve-hundred-guinea yearlmg owner has not had the best ot luck and changing the colours did little till th. advent of Hurry On, Fred
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  • 134 1802 Mitchell —Wong. At the Church of our Lady of Sorrows this morning, the marriage was so’em iised by the Rev. Charles Lettessier of Mr. Percy Dunstan Mitchell, of the Penang Rural Board, to Miss Caroline Madeline Wong, eldest (laughter of Mr, and Mrs. C. L Chong. The bride,
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  • Page 1802 Advertisements
    • 105 1802 Diphtheria—How It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reception and deve opment of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the ne>g bourbood children that have colds should 0 kept at home
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  • 1247 1803 General Tombeur’s well-earned K.C.M G., announced by Benter yesterday, Byncnroaises with the receipt of further encouraging news of Belgian activities in what it is almost a misnomer to term any longer German East Africa. It also serves to remind us that, besides holding an impoitint, if waterlogged, sector
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  • 983 1803 Rroscdy Rr<«ir«d. Tne wet weather wa are at present experiencing is causing some inc mvauieuce to the comiDbfcial and business community who have cause fir anxiety when removing goods and produce from or to their godowos owirg to t ie fact that ti e bullock carts and hind
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  • 300 1804 Latest Quotatioa. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-lay at 188.25, business done, H. E. Sir John Anderson, who is rapidly recovering, is now able to go about Queen a Cottage and gardens, Ceylon, to enjoy the bright morning sun. H'S Excellency’s first trip out since his illness was on
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  • 1015 1804 Copyright Telegram. (Renter’s Scnice.) Enemy Trenche. Raided. London, Octiber 19, 2.10 p.m. General Hr Douglas Hug’s communique reports: There was heavy rain during the night. Ending parties entered the enemy trenches near Loos and south of Arrae.” Slight Advaaee. London, October. 20, 12 10 a m. General Haig,
    (Renter’s Scnice.)  -  1,015 words

  • 441 1805 (■opyr.gbt Tele«. (Reuter's Senice). •Fieree FigMiag. Ljudon, October 19, 4.53 p.m. Taa ’Rusdan communique r?po ti tbit Garmxn a'tacki south aud south-east of Kovel, launched after the liberation cf gas aud under haavy ariulery tire, were repelled. West and south-west of Lu*sk fierce fighting continues. Here also enemy
    (Reuter's Senice).  -  441 words
  • 475 1805 uovj.-jtbt T -n (Renter j Service.). ALL GAINS MAINTAINED. Counter-Attack* Rrpultcd. London, October 19, 4 p.m. The Paris communique *ay« “German counter-attacks at SxillyStillisel were broken by our curtain of tire. All our gains were mainttined. We made progress between Maisonette and Biaches.” STORMING SAILLY-SAILLISEL. Deierip'ioa of the
    (Renter j Service.).  -  475 words
  • 1151 1805 Cormsht T-l-rrara (fata'i Stnio.) London, October 20. In the Hous* of Commons, on the second readingof the Rhodes Estate Bill, providing for the d’-e-tibhshment of the German scholarship*, Mr. H J. King movsd its rej-ctior, criticising the trust* ea* methods in carrying out the object in view.
    (fata'i Stnio.)  -  1,151 words

  • 497 1806 Copyright Teles rim. (Reuter's Service.) All-Round Activity. London, October 19. The French official report states that Bulgarian attacks noith of Dodzeli ware repulsed with heavy losses. The Serbians have captured the village of Brod on the left bank of the Cerna. British and Serbia» Reports, The British official
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  497 words
  • 175 1806 Copyright Telegram (Reuter’s Service.) Situatioa ia Atbea». London, October 20. A telegram, dated Athene October o states:— “The night passed without incident Ihe entire garrison is afoot for the tenance of order. The are filled with Reservists all night, but they are cow 2 by the severe Police
    (Reuter’s Service.)  -  175 words
  • 280 1806 War Taxatioa. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, October 20, The mooting of the Federal Council wai attended by all the members except the rulers of the different States, The Chief Secretary gave notice of the following motion for discussion at the next meeting on November 14:—
    280 words
  • 39 1806 (From Our Own Correspondent») Kuala Lumpur, October Zi. There was a large attendance at e secration of the District Grand L Middle East for the installation cf WO Maciadyen as District Grand Master. Bro. Elliott officiated.
    39 words

  • 517 1807 Copyr gbt T-legram (Peutef’i Senice.) Future of the Trust. Londpn, October 20. During the discussion in the House of Commons vester lay evening on the Rhodes Estates Bill Mr. H J. Mackinder, Unionist Member for Glasgow, said that the trustees proposed to make the (scholarships) scheme apply
    (Peutef’i Senice.)  -  517 words
  • 1023 1807 C«n>rr «ht T»»t»v ißtstei's Senict.) M. P. Heavily Fiacd. L' n lor, October 20. Mr. Joapph King, Lib ra! Member for Norih Somerset, was charged at Bow Str e k under the Defence cf the Realm Act, with communicating without lawful authority informati m in
    ißtstei's Senict.)  -  1,023 words

  • 724 1808 [To the Editor of the Malay Mail,] Sir, —Why this keenness on r the part of your paper tor fresh taxation You yourself admitted the other day that this generation had done enough in all conscience for posterity. Also I think you stated that this
    724 words
  • 2595 1808 CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS. Officials. Judges —Quah Beng Ke°, Etq., M. 11. M. Noordin, Esq., Yeoh Paik K a*, E q., R. H. Pinhorn, Esq., A. Voerappa Pillay, E-q. and Lei Toon Poon, E-q Starters. —W. H mi-ton, Esq., R. Butler, E-q., M. Gopal Das, Esq. and Sbaik Ismail,
    2,595 words
  • Page 1808 Advertisements
    • 103 1808 Biphfhcfia--How It May Be AvmM- phthana h usually contracted woen tw child has a c old. The cold prepirr» the child’s .yt.’e n for the reception and de»e fprnent of the diphtheria germs, th-reare eves of diphtheria in the neig bourboed children that have colds should w kept at home
      103 words

  • Page 1809 Advertisements
    • 44 1809 Chamberlain’s Paia Ba’tn. is nothing sa good for n u J r rheumatism, sprains, laments, er imp muscles, bruises and Ilk inj’i’ berlaiu’s Pain Balm. It wdl effect i <’ur-< in less t»me thauany other treit n :ut. <j< by all Dispensaries and DdU'CrJ.
      44 words
    • 79 1809 It Nt’tf Fail*. Chiml .-|*ii.(’ |t’ f Cholera and bier, rhx-a R o Iv 1 its natai implies. It curei diarfl o a and dya n ery in either cbilhri. or *bi t »nl tip» in >*t violentcaaee of i *iup p*io in th «’oui ii give w iy t
      79 words

  • 815 1810 Copyright Telegram. (Reuter’s Senice.) ANOTHER PUSH. Weather Condition». London, October 20. General Haig, in a communique, statesi: Last evening the enemy heavily shelled the Stuff and Schwaben Redoubts during the night. We twice raided the enemy s trenches in the neighbourhood of Loos.” A LULL. Eaemy Attacks Break
    (Reuter’s Senice.)  -  815 words
  • 133 1810 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special cabhs are from the Sumatra Post of Friday and Saturday, October 20 and 21 HOLLA*) AND THE WAR Officer’» Curious Step. Second-Lieutenant Goedbart, of the Netherlands Indian service, has deserted with the intention of joining the Austrian army. The Mine D&nger.
    133 words
  • 465 1810 Third Day's Results. (from Ow Chen Cfjrr-:.>jirnuienh‘) Singapore, October 23.' The following were the results on L third day of the Singapore races: The Steward’s Stakes. Mr Ben’s— The Earl ...911 i Clyde Kongsee’s—MWiad Graham Zl3 i E S Manasseh’s— Fallovjland 713 Wen by half length halt"'* i
    465 words

  • 1987 1811 INTERESTING LETTER FROM GENERAL RIDOUT. A Timely and Stirring Appial [To the Editor of the Straits Tunes Sir, —We ar* new nearing the laet week of Our Day.” lam aware th*t “Our Day” has become a historic phrase, and that there are several committees now at work,
    1,987 words
  • Page 1811 Advertisements

  • 1928 1812 OUT-OF-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. [We print below extracts fromlbeexcellent Centenary Number of th) Free School Magazine, which give a fair and favourable idea of the out-of-school activities of the pupils of the institution whose centenary was celebrated on Saturday.] School Games Club. [By H. R. Cheeseman The narrow conception
    1,928 words
  • Page 1812 Advertisements

  • 1212 1813 We have rather a mixed bag of war Dewd this week-end. Iu h rance the French have made some slight progress while the British, taking advantage ot a short spell of dry weather, have inaugurated quite a considerable push which has yielded some useful territorial gains and a
    1,212 words
  • 377 1813 —Free Preet. There has deen a subdued atmosphere at the Lace C» u this week, where tne usual autumn rac*s have been carried on in a cba-t n d sprit without any excess of gaiety except hat provided by the remarkable riding which has been st own by
    —Free Preet.  -  377 words
  • 263 1813 The details are now to hand of the programme to be given by the Melbuurnes at the Runoymede oa Wednesday evening The sue less throughout the East of this company has been phenomenal chit fly owing to Mr. Melbourne’s wonderful gift of Burlesque. On Wednesday he
    263 words

  • 951 1814 Singapore as Rubber Centre. Singapore is rapidly becoming one of the great world centres of the rubber trade, and the record of nine thousand tons sold there last year—as against twenty-two thousand tons in London —is likely to be surpassed this year. Penang, it is to be feared,
    951 words
  • 342 1814 The steamer Kepong, built for tl e Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. was successfully launched from the Txikoo Dockyard. Hongkong, on October 12. The Kepong measures 261 teat over all length, 41 feet beam, and 23 ft. 6 ins. moulded depth, and is const:noted of Siemens-Martin steel to the Owners’
    342 words
  • 622 1814 Dr. Gilmore Ellis, P. C. M. o.iii. Penang on inspection duty. w t Mr. Palgrave Simpson has arrived m Penang looking very fit and well Dr W.G Grace, the grea'e-t cricketer of all time, died exactly a year ago to-dav £ri^ da will b 0 S lld lewi that
    622 words

  • 933 1815 Copyright Telegram. (Reuler'j Service,) VIOLENT ENEMY ATTACKS. Absolute Coafideace Felt, Bukhareet, October 20. j Very violent enemy attacks took place on the whole Carpathian Broot. They were I everywhere repulsed witn heavy losses. The enemy has hitherto attacked’ the paeses, especially in the Predeal region, whence I he
    (Reuler'j Service,)  -  933 words
  • 417 1815 C' st* < t Ts •*-sn» (Uuter’i Servic Arrival of It* it* Coatiagrat*. Salonika, October 20. Further impntant Italian contingent* have arrived here. Serb *a Sweet**. London. October 20, 3.26 p.m. The Serbian effi i»l report announce* that the Army of the Voivoda Miabitch ha* occupied the village!
    (Uuter’i Servic ).  -  417 words

  • 488 1816 CopyrightlTelegram. (Reuter's Senice). HOW SAILLY-SAILLISEL FELL. A Brillhat Feat. Paris, October 20. The final capture of Sailly-Biillisel was a brilliant feat of arms. The French previously beat off a score of attacks accompanied by gas and liquid fire. Then, when the Germans weakened, they stormed the village, which
    (Reuter's Senice).  -  488 words
  • 415 1816 Copyright Telegr»m. (Reuter's Service.) Situatioa ia Atheas, London, October 20. A telegram, dated Athens October 19, states: “The night passed without incident. The entire garrison is afoot for the maintenance of order. The cafes are filled with Reservists all night, but they are cowed by the severe
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  415 words
  • 341 1816 Copyright TtlAg r&m (Reuter’s Smi«.) Seasatioaal Shootiag Aff«i r Amsterdam, October 21. A Berlin telegram states that Count Krf Stuergkh was shot at meal time b? 7 Vienna publisher. 1 When tbe shots rang out a numb» m Austrian and German officers rushed irith drawn swords on
    (Reuter’s Smi«.)  -  341 words
  • 32 1816 {From Our Own Correspondent.) London, October 20. Prices in the London rubber market unchanged* Still No Chaage. London, October 21. Prices in the London rubber market 1» still unchanged.
    32 words
  • 44 1816 Super-Tax Motion Withdraw* {From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, October In view of the Chief Secretary’s moW® appoint a committee to considfr fu taxation tbe Hon. Mr. Mr. E. Mac Wye. has withdrawn his motion reg super-tax on rubber and tin.
    44 words

  • 958 1817 Half-yearly Report. We give bei w the report of the Penwg I Harbour Board for tin half-year ended June 30, 1916. An inte est og point to note is the gradual recovery of the Wharf revenu®, though the receipts for the first half of 1916 are still
    958 words
  • 323 1817 To the Editor or the Sira b Echo. Dear St’’. h urte j n of the Penang Turf Clog th rougbb el griffins arr v• 1 this mo mob ty the s.w. Ktimy Ibe balance of eight are l»eing truce 1 in >ingapore. The f allowing the
    323 words
  • 260 1817 .-T.O.M, Mr. and Mrs, Alina Biker are «till m Sydney, wb*>re Mr. Biker it working hard for the Australian Air Squadron Fund. Mr. C. B. Milla, Revenue Auditor, Perak, las gone to Penang in connection with the Uhual periodical audit of the accounts of the Immigration D paitim-nt.
    .-T.O.M,  -  260 words
  • Page 1817 Advertisements
    • 46 1817 ChaUrhia's Pein Bain. There is nothing so good for mu* olar rheumatism, sprain*. I<rnCramp- of th** muscles, brui»*w and lik•? injun»»» is Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will effect a cure in leu time than any other t eatment For as e by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      46 words

  • 1003 1818 A Detective's Suspicion. A Chinaman named Tai Ah Ngan, alias Lai Naw, was this morning brought before Mr V. G. Ezichiel in the Third Court and asked to shew cau=e why he should not be bound over to be of good behaviour. D. P. C. 104 stated
    1,003 words
  • 278 1818 Toe earthquake in Java, with its damage, fortunately small, to some of the buildings on the Telogoredj) estate, is a pl tin bint (says a London paper) to the buyer of rubber shares of the risks which he runs in putting money into any industry carried on
    278 words
  • 361 1818 Committed for Tru l The preliminary erqui.y ln tn against L’.e Ab Lai.alUs l/cheongU 2? was charged with returning to this after being banished from Se’angor f° term of his natural life on December 18 1911, was commenced in ihi Third before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel. Cour<
    361 words
  • 152 1818 [To tub Editor of thb Sirailt Ech»,]> Sir, During the last few weeks, owing to the regrettable indisposition of Mr. Michell, the District Judge, the work of the two District Courts has been considerably disorganisedMr. Sugars bad put on him more work than be could possibly
    152 words
  • Page 1818 Advertisements
    • 54 1818 It Fails. Chamberlain’s Cdic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rained? is all its name implies. cures diarrhoea and dysentery ineither cn dren or adult-, and the moat violentowe cramp colic or pain in the stomach give w J to a few doses of this medmine. bate. always cures. For sale by
      54 words

  • 561 1819 It would seem that we were in an uodu’y crit’cal mood when we wrote the Random No e on this subject winch appeared in the Echo of October 10. I a the interval we have been reachingover theoriginal prospectus and the various annual reportsof thecompmy and in
    561 words
  • 780 1819 It is. we are well aware, puerile t > expect the man in the street to know anything abou* constitutional practice or precelen* but it should surely not be necessary to rem nd an Imperialist that the relations cf the Mother-Country and the Colons •< are upon the principle
    780 words
  • 620 1819 Mr. >. Coinngton has been appuab-d to Betas C'lll c’or of Lind Revenue, Singapore, in addition to hie duties as Inspector of Prisoi.s. Straits S ttlements. We to learn that Mr. A. L. M. Sjor, a brother of Mrs. L. C. Brown. < f I enatg, d d at
    620 words

  • 937 1820 P, V, Batpipe Band. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to congratulate Pte. N. K. Allen, the leader of the Penang Volunteer Bagpipe Band, and his colleagues on the success of the band which headed and inspirited the Volunteers out for a Route March yesterlay evening. It was
    937 words
  • 306 1820 At the E st rn Produce Exchange Audi in yesterday the following prices were obtained: Diamond Smoked Sheet from SI 15 to $125 Plain Smoke 1 Sheet $lll to $ll2 Diamond Unsmoked Sheet $llO to $ll7 Plain Unsmoked Sheet $lO6 to $llO Scrap C epe s72to 85
    306 words
  • 899 1820 —Mjlaya Tribune. "If every British subject e j Tea to his means the Fund will d 0 .nleS? 1 Singapore has never been more than to day. These words of H II Bidoubt ihould make the prosperous people, who have vet done i;hu in comparison to th
    —Mjlaya Tribune.  -  899 words

  • 312 1821 Mr. A. W. B. Hamilton writes:— “Mr. Pirrett has kindly presented all the cups and saucers lent by him for tea at the Bazaar to be ruld at the auction in aid of the fund. Mr. Tan Chye San has given a very fine statuette,
    312 words
  • 1288 1821 ('-.■■«or. (Ru’er i Service) TRANSFtR OF THE TROOPS. Kist's Objectiaat. Athens, O.tober 23 It is learnt on very rel able authority that King Constantine has txpres-ed his readiness to consent to any measures ensuring the protection of General Sarraii’s rtar, but it is pointed out that tue
    (Ru’er i Service)  -  1,288 words

  • 560 1822 Copyright Telegram (Reuter’s Service,) SITUATION IN THE DOBRUDJA. Russian Report. London, October 23. A Russian communique states that under the continuing pressure of the enemy the Russian and Rumanian forces are retiring in the Dobrudja. But they are stubbornly resisting. West Frontier of Moldavia. Stubborn battles continue on
    (Reuter’s Service,)  -  560 words
  • 470 1822 Considerable Enemy Shelling, London, October 23, 1.35 p.m. General Haig, in a communique, states During the night considerable enemy shelling took place between Le Sirs and Guendecourt. Our troops occupy the near lip of two mine craters formed by the enemy yesterday at Bluff and are satisfactorily establishing
    470 words
  • 40 1822 Action at Sofia. A q-fi n m9t erdim, October 23. Qd "o'* been sentenced to eight years’ imprison®-! for receiving and distributing *****000 francs, alleged to have come from a Z source, to be used against the GoverS
    40 words
  • 115 1822 Annual Report. 'Prom Our Own Correspondent,) Singapore, October 24. Tha annual report of the Singapore Cold C A°T a s y > BhoWB a ntt Profitof »34,758. A dividend of 10% i, recommend, ed, also a Jpayment of »5,000 to tha directors, the balance of >lO 662
    115 words
  • 22 1822 Still No Change* (From Our Own Correspondent.) Lindon, October 23. Prices in the London rubber market are still unchanged.
    22 words
  • 38 1822 Latest Quotation. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at >88.40, buyers no sellers, and in Singapore (refined) at >88.87J, business done (100 tons sold) and in London ats£lBo spot and <£lBl s s three months' sig ht.
    38 words
  • 258 1822 The first lecture in connection with the above, will be in the Free School (kindiv lent by Mr. R. H. Pinhorn) on the first Wednesday in November, by Dr. Liston. Visitors to Kedah speak in high terms of the condition of the road to Singora, The freight
    258 words

  • Page 1823 Advertisements
    • 628 1823 jSj» mTJKS*^a rkt t? ae^w3jflWßKz3r*'• »••'„*»,>.■ ’MK? <£*V3 3y a/7T*M w K isRA/nj ipn [■u(u i 7 Zw,l7j and Weak. Jaded I S»W Women MkS( glMiuMi JtmuuJur.s Thc Curc Th C,vcs I Strength and Vital Power. M MKlfii 1 1 1 bor rdl weakness of nerv« or b<»dv, whether in
      628 words

  • Page 1824 Advertisements
    • 211 1824 CRITERION PRESS, Id. > s j j No. 53, Bzach Street, Penan'*. W <• —r==— H W ESTABLISHED 1803. H vs k g PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. ft 51 Proprietors of the “STRAUS ECHO’’ and “PENANG SIN POE.” The most enterprising and up-to-date printers lithographers in the Orient. 15” u <1 Our
      211 words