The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 18 October 1916

Total Pages: 46
1 1777 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. 7.50 Per Annum. Single Copy. 40 eta Vol. 14. Penang, Wednesday, October 18, 1916. No. 42
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 326 1 CONTENTS. Liaderh: Pigs. Miscillinboub (Continued The Chinese in England 1,734 Oar Day Eid Crow Fund 1.739, Other People’s Money 1,742 1,747 A 1,768 The Premier’s Speech 1,748 The F.M.S. Police 1,740 The BremenlMystery 1,756 Speech is Silvern 1,740 A Sense of Proportion 1,764 The F.M.S. War Tax 1,741, 1,763 A
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 208 2 L 4/ ft THF. I STRAUS E€HO I MAIL EDITION. f «»I— a«—awmw y H Published the day prior to the departure of each mail H u for Europe, and contains the latest local and States fa 4 news originally published in the daily issues, as well as 3 all
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  • 18 1734 Clark—Copley.—Sept. 4, at Minehead, P. G. S. Clark, to Marjorie, daughter of George Copley, late of Penang.
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  • 1732 1734 Any European who has lived for any Hngth of time in China or in one of the British Colonies with a large Chinese community and has come at all closely into contact with the Asiatic population will agree that the average Chinaman is a good, quiet,
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  • Page 1734 Advertisements
    • 95 1734 3323. 'XI WuS > Plbliihed daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT TH! CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 5?, Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS M ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 585 Printing Department 343 MB. —All butin-M crmmin
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  • 1387 1735 Holland and the War. A Lieutenant Malinckrodt who has deserted from tin Dutch army and joined the Austrians in the field is said by the Sumatra Post to be regarded by the Dutch military authorities as een warhoofd.” Considering the position in which Holland may sooner or liter
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  • 564 1735 Mr. G. A. Hall, Adviser to the R j Mr. Liang Shi Ye has given a donor hoX: wmeit T-’b Hon Mr. A. Payne-Gallwey b„ already raised over for war bT i? V lO eilver > c ’PP® r «ndbrau ware which he himself produ a 80
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  • 1612 1736 (Revter’i Senice.) Copyright Tele .-ram The Submarine War. London, October 10. A cable from L3ng Branch states that after the c l! of Count B:ms‘otff, the German Ambassador, it was stated that peace was not discussed, but President Wilson brought up ths question of the submarine I
    (Revter’i Senice.) Copyright Tele .-ram  -  1,612 words

  • 529 1737 (Reuter'x Service.) (Jopyrisht Telegram. Geaeral Haig's Report, London, October 10, 12 35 a.m. General Sir Douglas Haig’s communique proceeds In the neighbourhood of Le Transloy a party of the enemy was caught in the open by artillery and dispersed. Serious losses were inflicted at the Stuff Redoubt. A
    (Reuter'x Service.) (Jopyrisht Telegram.  -  529 words
  • 406 1737 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. Artillery Activity. London, October 10, 1.5 a.m. The Paris communique says: There was sustained reciprocal artillery firing on the Somme. It was especially lively at Barleux, Belloy and Deniecourt. “An enemy attack from the St. Pierre Vaast salient was repulsed and a subsequent
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  406 words
  • 115 1737 (Reuters Senice). Copyright Telecrsm. Proposed Committee. m n t London, October 10 Mr. Bon&r Law, Secretary of State forth. Colonies, announced in tbe Hcu fe o f Cm/ mon. the formation of a Committee on trvU after the war with special reference to tU recommendations of tha Paris
    (Reuters Senice). Copyright Telecrsm.  -  115 words
  • 191 1737 FINDING OF COURT, Apportioaiag the Blame. (From Our Own Correspondent,) S ngapore, October 11. The following is the finding of the Court of Inquiry into the fire on board the Glenartney. The Court finds that (1) Proper steps were not taken to extinguish the fire, but blame did
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  • 53 1737 (From Own Own Correspondent,) Kuala Lumpur, October 11. Tbe Hon Mr. E. Macfadyen has given notice that he will move, at the next session of the Federal Council, that an additional export duty of one dollar per picul be levied upon all tin and rubber
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  • 100 1737 Latest Quotation. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $89.50, business done, and in Singapore (refined) at $BB 35, buyers no sellers, and in London at JCIBI ss. spot and XlBl 15i three months' sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for
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  • 1380 1738 A Contractor's Claim. Before Mr. Ju-tice P. J. Sproule in the Supr<nn Court yesterday afternoon the hear 10t was resumed of *ha suit instituted by T. J. J. Dorasamy Pi lay, a Government pensioner and contractor, against tie Prye (PdOaDg) Syndicate, Ltd., of London by tbeir agents Mess’s.
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  • 567 1738 Pretest at Trala Uaioa Caagraaa. At the mating cf the T ides Union CoogrPM at B Tningbarn on September 8 strong f-e ing w <s d splatt-d at the inerraair g employment of Chineae on British ship» cwiug to tbe withdrawal of British seamen for n tv
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  • Page 1738 Advertisements
    • 8 1738 For Chronic Chest Woods’ i’epperjimt Care h hd.
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    • 96 1738 CEimbtrliia’i Couth B<mtdy. This remedy has no superior as a curs for c Ids, croup atd whooping cough. It has b»-<*n a favorite with tbe mothers of young ch l lren (or aicoust forty years. Chamberlain’» Cough R*medy canalways be depeode 1 upon and is p'easant to take. It D»
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  • 1109 1739 ,—Straits Times. There is, we regret to say, a great deal of misapprehension, amounting in some cases to misrepresentation, in reference to our comment on the speech made by Mr. Darbishire as Chairman of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce. That speech, broadly, was in two parts—the first
    ,—Straits Times.  -  1,109 words
  • 148 1739 An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Municipal Office yesterday afternoon and there were present Messrs. W. Peel (Piesident). F. Duxbury, A, F. Goodrich and Quah Beng Kee with Mr. L. M, Bell (Municipal Engineer) and Mr. L. A.C. Biggs (Secretary) in attendance. The
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  • 29 1739 Oct. 4 By Balance $2,275.49 9 Employees of United Eng. Ltd., monthly.'’ 42.00 Oct. 9 By Balance $2,317.49 Amt. previously acknowledged 27,310 72 Total... $29,628 21
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  • 449 1739 Half a Crow* Agaia. (From Our Own London, October 10. The prices at the London Rubber to-day were Pale Crepe >tt g Diamond Smoked 2/5’ The American Demand:— Plantation ha. again reached the half-crown level ’“J 16 of the position particular interest attaches to the following remarks
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  • 159 1739 Oct. 7 By Balance $6,273.56 Oct. 9, W. E. Hulson 50, R. J. Saunders 50, Loke Chow Thye 50. Oct. 10. “The Warren” 100, Amount collected by Yeoh Paik Tatt from Yeoh Wte Gark 100, G. V. Bowles 50, Cheah Chim Yean 50, Yeoh PaikTatt2s,
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  • 1042 1740 —Timas of Malaya. At a moment when we are not confronted with a sensational account of a typical g iD g robbery or any similar crime, the occurrence of which usually serves as a more or less reasonable excuse f^ r making of the police Force of
    .—Timas of Malaya.  -  1,042 words
  • 186 1740 .—Frrt Prut [To the Editor of thi Fret Prut.'] Der Sir, The accompanying juxtaposition seems to me reasonable. “My personal share in Col. Derrick the result of the year is proposed that a quite insignificant, and if vote of 115,000 any erf dit attaches to me be
    .—Frrt Prut  -  186 words
  • 367 1740 Hotel Proprietress Charged. In tbe Second C urt before Mr. J. C Sugars yesterday afternoon th* hearing was comm nc d of the ca-« aga n*t Mrs. Charkss. proprietress of the Nederland Hotel, who was charged wh ro'untei’y causing hurt to a Chinese Ld L«e Ah Kang, the
    367 words
  • 256 1740 A Coatraetor's Claim. Before Mr. Justice P. J Sproule in the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon the bearing was concluded of the suit instituted by T J. J. Dorasamy Pillay, a Government pensioner and contractor, against tbe Prye (Penang) Syndicate. Ltd., of London by their agents Messrs. Hultenbach B'others,
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  • Page 1740 Advertisements
    • 63 1740 Iktsitua. Have you ever tried Chamberlains Pain Balm for rheumatism If not, you are waiting time, as the longer th s disease runs on, the h ir‘er it is to cure. Get a bottle to day. apply it with a vigorous message to the afflicted parts and you will surprised
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  • 569 1741 T.O.M. An Ipoh Opinion. Ot coursa, the topic round the town during the past seven days his been the projected war super-tix on tin and rubber, and I have listened to some very heated arguments for and against the special levy. It boots not to repeat
    T.O.M.  -  569 words
  • 356 1741 Experiences in France, Mr. M B. Lendrum, lite of the H. and 8. Bank, Ipoh, and now a Lieutenant in the Royal Irish Rifhs, who was wounded some time ago, writes from the Fort Pitt Militaiy Hospital, Chatham, to a fr.end in the F.M.S., as follows,
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  • 270 1741 The Chinese View, A general meeting of the Selan»or Chines* Chamber of Commbrce was held in Kuala Lumpuj on Saturday afternoon with Mr. YapLxn’Hin in the chair. Ab ut sixty members wore present. The question of local taxation for the purpose of assisting the Imperial Government in the
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  • 262 1741 DeSsir, 8 EDITOR 0F TBE Strail > **>•] «‘Mr., o Receipts. Sales of |3 tickets 1537.0 Q •i $1 and $2 tickets 259 00 >• Sweets 95 00 Flowers 88.60 Programmes... 45.67 1,025.27 Expenses Fares of the artists... $77,90 E. O. Expenses of the artists 74
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  • 78 1741 Tennis Tournament. The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Mired Doub'es A. Mrs Harrop and E A Swan beat Mr and Mrs E J Bennett 7—5, 6—4. Double Handicap A. C Cunradi and A W Harries beat Sharpen and Syer 9—7, 6-4. Single
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  • Page 1741 Advertisements
    • 89 1741 Chamberlain’s Cou&h Remedy. 1 his remedy has no superior as a cure for colds, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers of young children for almost forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Rimedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures
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    • 10 1741 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure Is. 6d«
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  • 1309 1742 Probably the question of the proposed increase in the export duty on rubber in the F.M.3 will ba raised at the next meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya. A large body of European agricultural opinion appears to resent rather strongly the idea of an extra impost,
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  • 544 1742 Mr S. M. Sharma baa left for India. Hi will be absent for a couple of months. Mr. Allen D enys is making excellent progress and ought to be cut of hospital m a few days’ time. Mr. Justice Innes, Judicial CammitS’octr, F.M.3. has gone down fcr
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  • 1291 1743 Chiaete Ladles aad Social Life. With the correspondent who sounds a warning note regarding Chinese ladies and social life, and the burden cf whose letter, which we publish elsewhere to-day, is festina lente, we agree to some extent. A too slavish copying by an Asiatic race of European
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  • 947 1743 [To THE Editor of the Strait, Eet,.] I shall ba very much obliged if To grant me space in your valuable nansM» express my views on a subject of importance to tbe social life of the Str.i It is impossible to look on the change
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  • 299 1744 [To the Editor of the Tinnt of Malaya.] Sir, —Has the H >me Government ever hiuted that it wished the Colonies to raise money for the war by means of taxation Some short time back came the cffic'al recommendation to save all we could and invest in War
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  • 940 1744 (Peittr’i Service.) Copy- th! Ttl-c.’vn "NOT ALARMING" Aa Asthoritativ. Statemrat. L mdon, October 11 The Secretary of the Liverpool Steamship Owners Association, in an interview with a representative of the press, said that the renewal of the German submarine campaign was not alarming and did not really promise
    (Peittr’i Service.) Copy- th! Ttl-c.’vn  -  940 words
  • Page 1744 Advertisements

  • 397 1745 (Rester’i Senice.) Copyrisht Telezrano Importaat Progreai. London, October 10. The capture of the three villages mentioned in the British official announcement issued at Salonika yesterday marks important progress in the direction of the Rupel Pass, the nearest point of which is seven miles. The progress brings us within
    (Rester’i Senice.) Copyrisht Telezrano  -  397 words
  • 527 1745 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright THE RECRUITING PROBLEM, laterestiag Figure,. London, October 11. Lord Wimbornp, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, in a speech at Dublin said that the Irish divisions needed 40,000 men before Christmas. There were 34,822 Catholics and 16,224 Protestants in the Army before the war
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright  -  527 words
  • 75 1745 Mesara. Caldbeek, MacGregor Fixed. (From Our Own Singapore, October 12. Mr. Kenneth Stevens, Manager of Messrs. Caldbeek MacGregor, was fined >2,000 besides the forfeiture of $6,000 worth of liquors on charges of making false returns and with failing to give the Monopolies Department notice of the variation in
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  • 24 1745 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 12. The Singapore Rubber Auctions are unfinished. Bidding opened briskly the demand was poorer later.
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  • 25 1745 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Leg»don, October 11. The prices at the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 2/5| Diamond Smoked 2/5
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  • 109 1745 Alor Pongsu 24,000 lb, Brieh 12,005 lb, Merbau 10,534 lb, North Perak 1,939 b. Ayer Kunia? 6,629 lb, Temerloh 4,440 lb, and Taiping 14,125 lb. Mr. G. A. Hereford is going Home on short leave in the near future when Mr. J. L. Sugars will become Senior
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  • 50 1745 Obituary. Admiral Sir W. Keaaedy. London, October 10. The death has taken place of Admiral Sir William Robert Kennedy, who was Cam-mander-in-Cbief in the East Indies from 1892-95. Obituary. M. Filipeseu, Bukharest, October 16. The death has taken place of M. Filipeseu, who was strongly in favour of the Allies,
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  • 1355 1746 An Ipoh Opinion, la the discussion of the idea, of an locoma-t'ix, or of the alternatively suggested super-tax on lubber and tin, up to this morning one fact stood out most clearly above al! others, and that was the absoluta vagueness of any intention on
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  • 673 1746 Right Rotal Kickptio*. Tee members of the Singapore M.F.A. with tbe Football Eleven w.nch will play the Penang M F.A. at Kranca*. Gardena to-mo?row, arrived thu morning from the Southerns ttkment by the ti, Ipoh. On arrival be r e they were given a hearty reception
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  • 298 1747 [To Tdß Editor of thb Straits Echo,] Sir, In enlarging on the subject of our young maidens, I scarcely think an apology is needed. Chinese parents a>3 loginning to rea’ise tbe difficulty of dealing with the problem of what constitutes the prof <r and coir.
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  • 185 1747 Oit. 11. By Balance »7,358 56 Oct, 12. Chartered Bank Box, 5; E. O. Hotel “Red Cross” Box, 81 Captain Frank Bell, 100 Lim Liang Boon, 5; F. B. Rickett, 100 Oct. 13, Poh Choo Boah Association, 1,000; Mrs. R. Weber, 30 Amount collected by
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  • 1248 1747 We welcome, says the Free Press, the leading article in our senior evening contemporary's Monday issue under this heading for two reasons, primarily because we read into it a half-hearted apology for the vitriolic attack recently made upon the opposers of the income tax and secondly, because
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  • Page 1747 Advertisements
    • 59 1747 Chronic Diirrhota. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoaa? Keep absolutely quiet for a few days, rest bed if possible, be careful of your diet an take Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine has cu cases of chronic diarrhoea that p vsi have failed on, and it will
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  • 1295 1748 Mr. Asquith, recently bereft of his eldest Boa, st uck quite the light note when he emphasize! at the end of his speech in the Commons that the suffering and sorrow through which the nation is passing only make it still more impossible to allow the war
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  • 583 1748 -ST. Mr. D. A M. Brown an! Mr. H. B. Pike are going dwn to Singap >re to-morrow to attend the races in the Southern Settlement. Penang will lose f»r a time a particular popular rusid, nt wh«n Mr. J. L Harvey, of Messrs. Piesgrave and Matttews,
    -ST.  -  583 words

  • 1336 1749 A.Good Example. Some of the wealthy Chinese Kong sees will, we feel sure, hasten to follow the example of the association which has just sent to the Honorary Secretary a handsome donation for the Our Day Fund. There is no more important or deserving war cbariy than the
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  • 257 1749 (Reuter’s Service,) Copyright Telegram. I PROGRESS OF I Puxhhg Oaward. Lindon, October 11 I A French official announcement regardin, the operations in Macedonia state* that the right wing the British crossed the I way line. lU I In the centre the French carried th« GbXgheH.’* thB h6ights WMt
    (Reuter’s Service,) Copyright Telegram.  -  257 words
  • 86 1749 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prices were obtained: Diamond Smoked Sheet from SI 12 to 1126 Plain Smoked Sheet Sill Diamond Unsmoked Sheet $lO7 to $ll3 Plain Sheet $lO sto $lOB Smoked Scrap Sheet $BO Pale Brown Mottle Crepe $llB Scrap Crepe sB2to
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  • 64 1749 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $BB, business done, in Singapore (re tinea; at $BB 75, business done (150 tons sold) and in London at .£lBl spot and 10s. three months' sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us tba the following were the quotations forKunoe
    64 words

  • 1052 1750 (Petiter’s Service.) Copyright Telecram SPEECH BY MR. ASQUITH. The Situatioa Reviewed. London, Octol er 11. laths H ju'6 of Commons the Prime Minister, Mr. H. H. Asquith, introduced a Vote of Credit for «£300,000,000, COST OF THE WAR. Loaas to Allie» aad Celoaiet. He stated that for the
    (Petiter’s Service.) Copyright Telecram  -  1,052 words
  • 445 1750 (Rmter’x Senia). <ht The Americas Staadpciat. London, October 11. R‘u‘er’-i Agency understands that the Uoittd St-des' reply to the Allie»’ Memorandum on the subject of ths submarine war wa< despatched prior to the recent sinkings off the American coast. London, October 11. The American newspapers continue to
    (Rmter’x Senia). <ht  -  445 words

  • 459 1751 (Reuter’s Service.) Looyright Telegram. ADMIRAL FOURNET’S DEMANDS. Greek Fleet Headed Over. Athens, Oct. 12,1.10 a.m. Admiral Fournet has sent an ultimatum to the Greek Government, demanding as a precautionary measure and with a view to the security of the Allies, the handing over of the entire Greek
    (Reuter’s Service.) Looyright Telegram.  -  459 words
  • 513 1751 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telezram. GENERAL ACTIVITY. Satisfactory Results. London, October 11, 1.45 p.m. General Sir Douglas Haig in his communique reports that there was hostile artillery activity on ,the greater pirt of the battle front. Our aeroplanes yesterday bombed and destroyed two enemy battery positions and damaged many
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telezram.  -  513 words
  • 455 1751 (Reuter’s Senice) Copyright Telejram. BRILLIANT VICTORY. Imports*! Capture. General Cadorna r£o“S success at Mount Pasubio and the tion of the strongly fortified Giuha front where 861 were made nriJt a The infantry assaulted and went beyond tbi elaborate lines of trenches on the Cart front, occupying the very
    (Reuter’s Senice) Copyright Telejram.  -  455 words

  • 1396 1752 SCENE BETWEEN MEMBER AND THE GOVERNOR. Council Prematurely Closed. There was a little breeza at the last meet, ing of the Hongkong Legislative Council. Arising out of some answers to qrestuni regaling the Government Civil Hospital, the Hon. Mr. Pollock, K C., said Sir, I w&lt;sh to
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  • 310 1752 In Aid or the Kid Cross Find. To tee Editor or thr Stnsils Echo,' Sir, 1 shall be much obliged if you will kindly publish the enclosed (copy of a) letter received by me to-day. This very generous donation is the first given by any of the numerous
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  • 145 1752 TrnNIS TuVRNAMBRT. The following were the results cf the tiee played off yesterday Profeetio* Pairt, R E Preatis and E H Everest beat 8 F B Martin and A W Harries 2—6,6-0, 6-3. Double Handicap B. J T Nico! aud J J L Harvey bod G M
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  • 1054 1753 Charge against Government Servant. In the Police Court this morning before Mr, A. Cavendish the hearing w.s resumed of the case against Mr. A A. Surio, Chief Clerk, Police Courts, who was charged with receiving a gratification of $3 which was other than legal remuneration. Mr. R.
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  • 352 1753 The pl y for the Ladies’ Monthly Medal for Oc'oher resulted as follows Mrs, J. Grav 44 44=88—30=58 nett t. E. ’Winfield 45 43=88-26=62 Brown 43 40=83—15=68 Miss Mahler 41 +45 86-14=72 Mrs. G. C. Clarke 47 +46 93-20=73 Miss Brown 40+35=75 2=73 Mrs. S. F. B.
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  • 473 1753 Detention of 6v, PMli&gt; s7-a of tb,! I Sir, A sboit ago ven lie pest to some p U rp 08a J Tiz kee lottery specuUtore I still a grave evil iu many reBnpf4 Colony Following closely D po n P ,o ed article, the powers
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  • 140 1753 [To the Editor of the Slraiti Echo.] Dear Sir, A Ae one of (hilargest users of the Government Telegraph service, I strongly protest against any suggestion to increase the ra as long as the service is lun on the presen I should be delighted to see the
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  • 1130 1754 Straits Times. When is nation or a Colony highly taxed? V7e have &e°n certiia st-itemen*?, eniaca'ing from a source h«-s created gome interest )a*e y, which wjuld seem to answer cur question by stying Wnen the revenue per bead of population h hi.her than the revenue
    Straits Times.  -  1,130 words
  • 100 1754 Singapore, October 13 At. the S ngapore Rubber Auction 125,129 lb. were so’d at the following puces per picul Smoked Sheets 1115 to 5125 Fine 114 to 117 Good, plain 112 Unsmoked fine 112 to *ll5 Goo 1 107 to 110 Fine pla n 110 to 113
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  • 39 1754 Latest Quotatioaa. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here today at $BB, buyers no *e lers, in Singapore (refined) at $BB 65, business dune (75 tons sold) and in L mdon at £lBl spot and £lBl 10a. threi months sight.
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  • 958 1754 BREACHES OF LIQUOR REVENUE ORDINANCES. Finis Totaling $2 OX). A ca»e which bai been many tim’s pist. xmed yest*rd*y at leo h to came before ttn senior inagis .race, Mr. W. Lm&lt;ham Car e wn-n sixteen were preferred a»*m«t Mr- K-fi n tb A. St vens, m«o«g«r
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  • Page 1754 Advertisements
    • 65 1754 SwnxkißC iU C:maofl Setr. Din t doctor your blond for th un-t «m. TJ.p an external application of Chamber lain’s Pain BTm. In a few d&lt;y* it will get you up sed out into suoabine, then n t ire will restore the rich red b'ood to your vhids and soon
      65 words

  • 389 1755 [To tub Editor of thi Straits Echo,] Sir, My response to your correspondents is Don’t be too sure.” It appoars to me that the first importance is to make anoverhaul of the boys instead of the girls. The Government have not provided the boys with a high school
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  • 1029 1755  -  (By Tom Wright). To a book lover, very few things more piquant would nowadays suggest themselves than an essay by Joseph Conrad on Guy de Maupassant It isn’t a new production, beinz the preface to an English translation published about the beginning of the war but it
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  • 85 1755 Oct. 9 By Balance $2,317.49 12 Employees of Cale-donia-Cum-3 ctions, Sept, as follows: W. B. Wilson 50.00 F. C. Marph s 25.00 A. S. Evens 25.00 W. M. Miller 2857 J. M. Kydd 21.4$ G. 20-00 G. H. Sarzant 12 50 K. M. McL ’&lt;d 1800 A.
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  • 17 1755 Oct. 6 By Balance ,413 '“500 12 WB. Wilson, monthly Oct. 13 By Balance
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  • Page 1755 Advertisements
    • 52 1755 It Neter Fails. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera an rhoea Bemedv is all its name impi cures diarrhoea and dysentery dren or adults ani the most violo nt cramp colic or pain in the stomach g to a few doses of this medicine. always cures. J?or sale by all L&gt;‘ 9 P®
      52 words

  • 1320 1756 The submarine activity near the Amencin coast iecalls again the mystery of the Bremen, It will be remembered that a message from Penland, Maine, d*»el September 30 state 1 that a life-belt marked Bremen, with the name of the maker at Wilhelmshaven, has been found on the
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  • 683 1756 Mr. Justice P. J. 8 rouU is aw*y in Kuala Lumpur. Ha h cxpxtel b:ck oa M &gt;nday. Mr. A. C ian Fook Tet, y'ungost son of Mr. B»chu Acian, will bi leaving in the futu-e for hliaburghwh rchiiu’e d&lt; to study medic n*». The Cevlon Tatni's
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  • 1338 1757 Blackmail. Why is it that Teluk Anson people are so fond of Penang 3 he Governor’s Gift. Stanley Gibbons prices, as philatelists who have to break up their collections know only too well, are seldom obtainable by amateur sellers except in the case of extremely rare specimens, and
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  • 2149 1757 SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING. A special general meeting o f bers of the Penang Turf Cinhr 9 purpose of considering the amend F rula 23, which w prcp e(i t h 1 ike and seconded bv Mr. D A M o 81 was held at the Chamber' of
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  • 532 1758 ißmt&lt;f x Senic 1 I &gt; THE DO3RUDJ 4. lal«r«stiK&lt; Ri«i w. London, October 12. Th? Morning lost c rro-pondint at P.trigrid ttikt th»i Rumaa *nd Rumanian fo e s biv i.i I biidw»y in the I) &gt;brudj« n d idvtnc-d from e ght to tw-mty-five mil*» o»t
    ißmt<f x Senic 1  -  532 words

  • 561 1759 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram TRANSFER To THE ALLIES. Touehiag Scenes. Athens, October 13. Reuter’s correspondent, by the courtesy of the Premier, was allowed to witness the transfer of the fleet from th* cruiser Lemnos for 2J hours into thirteen French and two British tugs, twelve British and
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram  -  561 words
  • 452 1759 (Reuter’* Senice.) Copyright Telegram. ARTILLERY LIVELINESS I Serb Operations. I London, October 12. I The Serbs repulsed violent counterI attacks and gained a footing in the village lof Brod. Gun-firing and skirmishes took I place on the whole Macedonian front, I British Operatioas. I London, October 13. A
    (Reuter’* Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  452 words
  • 438 1759 (Reuter’* Service.) Copyright Telegram. FRANCO-BRIHS AIR RAID. Aroud Sail), Salliul, London, October 13,125, A Paris communique itatea: North of the Somme wo undo nPAMU west of Sailly Sallieel. South of that there was great reciprocal artillery acting po] r P aaes bambird -d Pnlep and PHippl' In the
    (Reuter’* Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  438 words

  • 1879 1760 ANOTHER SINGAPORE VICTORY. A Most Interesting Game. The fourth inter-settlement match between the southern and the northern Settlements under the joint auspices of the Malay* Football Association, Singapoie, and the Mohamedan Football Association, Penang, was played off at the Dato Kramat Gardens on Saturday under very favourable conditions.
    1,879 words

  • 1994 1761 Bd to IV -MM Beasoa —Warhatn. A wedding in which very great interest has been taken locally was celebrated at St. Andrew’s Church, Penang, on Siturday afternoon when Mr. J. C. Benson, manager of the Penang branch of Messrs. Boustead Co, younger son of Mr. Thomas Christie
    Bd to IV -MM  -  1,994 words

  • 2223 1762 Ciarge Against Government Servant. Io the Police Court on Saturday before Mr. A Cavendish the hearing was resumed of the case against Mr. A. A Surin, Chief C*fl r k» Police Courts, who was charged with receiving a gratification of |3 which was other than legal remuneration.
    2,223 words

  • 1117 1763 .—Straits Times. While we consider it a logical necessity to treat the Maliy Peninsula as one unit when discussing questions of commerce, the great political distinction between territory under sovereign rule and under simple protectorate must never be lost sight of. In the Straits Settlements we may
    .—Straits Times.  -  1,117 words
  • 234 1763 I’o the Editor of the Malay Mail.} air, —By all means let us have war taxation, but by all means let the tax be imposed fairly. The two prircaiy industries of the country, mining and p anting, p&lt;y about twelve and five percent lespactively on their gross
    234 words
  • 477 1763 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegratr. THE CARSO VICTORY. Further Details, Rome, October 11 A commuu.que issued in Borne aut-. that as the result of further violent fighting we consolidated and extended ytsterdav’. gams, capturing a further batch of 1771 prisoners. 30,881 Austrians have bees made prisoners on the Giulian
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegratr.  -  477 words
  • Page 1763 Advertisements

  • 47 1764 Bbxson Warham—Oa the 14th Oct., it St. Andrew’s Church, Pjaang, by the Rev. Donald Ros?, Joseph Coruwa'l Benson, ypjoger son cf Taomai Christie Benson, of Aberdeen, to Margaret Ada, third daughter o f Mr and Mrs. Wm War ham of Wilbamstead, North Circular Road, Dublin, Ireland.
    47 words
  • 1223 1764 The Straits Times, although it now condescends to treat Mr. C. W. Darbishire aR a decent rational human being and not as an unpatriotic political pariah, is still unable to see quite clearly in the vexed matter of the income-tax controversy. In its issue of Saturday
    1,223 words
  • 565 1764 Mr G W Brouard baa b«en appointed Chief In-je tjr of Pol ce, F.M 8. Mr. A len Denny? hopes to be well enough to I tve hospital t&gt; morrow, Mr, W. C. Michell wit still not wall enough to attend ffice to-day. We r»gr t to
    565 words

  • 1263 1765 The Kaiser aad Hit Auat. Dr. Norman Macleod wrote in his Diary Memoirs, ”p. 334) October, Saturday. —Went to Balmoral. Found Gladstone had gone. Found the old hearty and happy friends. What do you think ■aid little Princess Beatrice to me. *I am an aunt, Dr. Macleod, yet
    1,263 words
  • 521 1765 (Renter’» Service.) Copyright* TMwrun Eicitiag Adveaturet, T t Petro r »d. October is The Tsar has received Mr rdi. Lampson who is in com mand of the Itor armoured cars in Russia. Bnh These are having varv excitin» Asia minor. The/are opeXg from the railhead and
    (Renter’» Service.) Copyright* TMwrun  -  521 words

  • 1441 1766 (Reuter’i Service). Oooyrxht Telctfr*:». Hostile Shelliag. London, October 14, 1.5 a m. General Haig, in an official announcement, states that south of the Ancre there was considerable hosti'e shelling, especially in the Guendecourt and Martinpuich areas and north of Courcelette; otherwise there was nothing to report. The attempt
    (Reuter’i Service). Oooyrxht Telctfr*:».  -  1,441 words

  • 1014 1767 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telezram THE STRONG HAND. Aaother Note. Athens, October 13. Admiral Fournat has addressed the Government a farther Note, it is behevad, demanding explanation for the despatch ot artillery and ammunition to Larissa» The Cabinet discussed the matter for four hours, the Cmef of the
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telezram  -  1,014 words
  • 410 1767 (renter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. Review of the Operatioaa. Bukharest, October U An official announcement regarding th operations in Transylvania mentions that tha cavalry repulsed six enemy infantry attach on the Magherus Pass west of Oituzu Tha enemy were repulsed and retreated to Predeal, east of Toerzburg, also to
    (renter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  410 words
  • 55 1767 Latest Quotatioas. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $BB, buyers no sellers, and in (refined) at $88.65, business done sold). f Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the fo 1 &gt;wing were thequotations for Ku on Spit in London to-dav: Plantation Ist latex mepe 2 04-.o
    55 words

  • 1152 1768 —Malaya Tribune, At the last meeting of the Legislative Council, the Government presented detailed figures as to the revenue and expenditure of I the Colony fur 1917, giving further comments wmuh seem to justify the assumption that, as the worst, after all our extraordinary commitments, the financial
    .—Malaya Tribune,  -  1,152 words
  • 281 1768 The Town Hall was crowded on Saturday afternoon for the grand rehearsal of the Concert given bv the Convent children in aid of Our Day Fund. The programme, which carried no less than ten items, was by no moans considered too long by the juvenile portion of
    281 words
  • 500 1768 O-itober 13 Bv Balance |R,785 56, Oct. 14 M H M Noordin Bux No. 43 4.20, M H M Nooidin Box No 44 6,41. A C Hardiuin and Bos 150, “Anonymous” 50, Oct. 16, W B Wilson 200. •mount collect'd by M II M Noord
    500 words
  • 193 1768 F.meraeaey M&lt;ctla( of Federal Council. (brom Our Ou n CoTrr&gt;]&gt;ondt nf.) Kuala Lumpur, October 16. An emergency meeting of tbe Federal C' uncil will be held on Friday next tn p*»s the War Loans Investment Trust Easel» moot. It is understood that the rate of interest guaranteed by
    193 words

  • 1181 1769 Straits Times. If the Hod. Mr, (J. W. Darbisbire is not responsible for certain statements which have appeared as to taxation in the Straits, Hongkong, and Ceylon, he has merely to say so and we will apologise. Our present information is that he is responsible, and
    Straits Times.  -  1,181 words
  • 211 1769 Penang vs. Caledonia. We append the results of the golf matches between Penarg and Caledonia. Penang won both the Singles and Foursomes and the match by 10] points to 61 points. Sinolel Penang. Caledonia. S. Martin (1 up) 1 J. E. Scott Brown 0 G. Carmichael (2 up and
    211 words
  • 470 1769 Seniu.) CoDyrigh l Telegiam REVOLUTION AT PALEMBANG, I "A Very Serious Fact.” Amsterdam. October 14 A telegram to the Ttlegraaf from Weltevreden statea that a revolution has I broken out at Palembang. The Telegraaf characterises it as a 7er•erious fact. y Dutch Excess Profits Duty Aad
    Seniu.) CoDyrighl" Telegiam  -  470 words
  • Page 1769 Advertisements

  • 1090 1770 —Malay Mail. At ths present tma the whole F. M. S. budget for next year—ind possibly for several years to come—is in the melting pot. Little more can be done within the limits of short articleB than draw attention to various facts and figures, and
    —Malay Mail.  -  1,090 words
  • 187 1770 The output of Kvmuong K imunting for the halt mouth ended October 1U was: No. 1 No. 2 Dredge. Dredg®. Hours run &lt;&gt;l6 282 Cubic Yatda treated 46,000 42,030 Total Piculs 585,14 Realised on sale $30,192.95 The outputs from the following companiHs for the first half of October
    187 words
  • 667 1770 Th® Rajih of Sarawak has issued the foi-l-wing, wh-cn is pub.ished iu the Sarawik Gazette line 30th day of September I with mirkpd as an importan* ep.»ch in the history of Sanwak for I have to-day handed &lt; vor the control of the Dyaks of the Ulu Ai
    667 words
  • Page 1770 Advertisements
    • 50 1770 CUab. '(lsis's hit Bala Tb‘»re in n&lt; thing so good for mu«cular rheumatism, rsins, lan en**»», cramps ot the rnuecl'S, bruises *n l like injuries as Chaml&gt; rlain'e Pa u Bslin. It wdl eQtct a cure in lets tim® thtnsny other treatment For sa.'t by all D spentariM and Ittaleri.
      50 words

  • 658 1771 A’l the officials, including the Raji Bandhara, and Tunku Kassim and Tunku Ismail of Kel&b, attended the M.F.A. dinner on Saturday evening at the Moslem Mahajana Sabah, who lent their premises for the day. After the Penang President, Mr. K Mydinsah had congratulated the S ngaporeans on
    658 words
  • 709 1771 Jewellers’ Assistant Charged. Fernando, book-ke»per and assistant to I Messrs. Ismail and Raheem, Jewellers and I Diamond Merchants, appeared before Mr. J. I C. Sugars yesterday charged by the Police I criminal breach of trust as a servant in respect of a witch which was
    709 words
  • 307 1771 .—S.F.P&gt; While in Lindor? before laavi». M m V' Q St CUir ‘“’ioglj* wrth Mr. McLwr-ao ot the Bank, came across in khaki an the name of McArthur. Tbi. turned to be the son of the hon’ble Mr. J.R Arthur, who was in Singapore in tk
    .—S.F.P>  -  307 words
  • 220 1771 —Ex. While tho investor has during two years of war been compelled to stand by and watch the majoiity of his securities going on the down-grade in more orleiseasy slaves, his holding iu Ribbir shares has been one of the few to which he could turn in the
    —Ex.  -  220 words
  • Page 1771 Advertisements
    • 105 1771 Diphtheria—Bow It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The coll preparra child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the nci g tourhood children tint have colds should in kept at home and
      105 words

  • 1237 1772 A case in which a great deal of interest has baen taken not only by Government servants anl those more immediately concernfd but by the public generally came to wbat can hardly be regarded as an altogether satisfactory conclusion yesterday when Mr. A, A Surin, Acting Chief
    1,237 words
  • 533 1772 A Substantial Contbibctio». On the initiative of Mudliar B P. de Silva, the well known Singhalese jeweller of 8 ngapore, Mr. Justice P. J. Sproule presided over a meeting of a large and representa‘ive gathering of Ceylonese at No. I, Bishop Street, ye*terd*y evening to consult
    533 words
  • 94 1772 At ti e E-sb rn Produoe Exchange Audi n ye&lt;terdiy the following prices were obtained. Diamond Smoked Sneet from 115 to $125 Diamond Unsm ked Sheet $lll to slls ?l&lt;in Smoke I Shwt $l)3 to $l)5 Plain Un* mo ked Sheet $lOB to $ll2 Diam nd bmok&lt;
    94 words

  • 997 1773 KipUat aad Courage. "It pulled me through the bad times,” slid Colonel Elkington to an interviewer. The Colonel was referring to a copy of Kipling’s If,” the present of a friend, which he bad carried in his pack on many a long march through France. There are some
    997 words
  • 263 1773 Jury’s Verdict and Rider. The adjourned hearing of the inquest into the ciicumstances attending the death of a Jawipekan, named Mohamed, who succumbed to injuries received as the result of a motor collision betwie i two cars at the junction of Transfer Road with Hutton Lvne, wh
    263 words
  • 1193 1773 MAGISTRATE'S DECISION, I In the Police Court yesterday before Mr. A. Cavendish t"e I resumed of the case against Mr a Surin Chief derk, Police Courts, ihowu charged with receiving a gratification of 2 which was other than legal remuneration Mr. R. D. Acton, Solici tor-General L
    1,193 words

  • 76 1774 Royal Coatribution. London, October 16. His Majesty the King ba* given £5,000 *nd Her Majesty the Queen £l,OOO to the Red Cross and St. John’s I und. The Kist’s Me»*a«e. On the occasion of Our Day the, in an autograph It Ver, says “I fully appreciate
    76 words
  • 1359 1774 Waiter's Service.) Tfle-ran; Officialdom Busy. Athens, October 16. Officialdom is very busy again. M, Guillemen had an interview of an hour an 1 a half with the Greek Premi r and F re gn Minister. Tne Premier w*s very reticent but it is declared that tin conversations
    Waiter's Service.) Tfle-ran;  -  1,359 words
  • Page 1774 Advertisements

  • 1172 1775 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. laquiry Committee's Report. London, October 16, The report of the Committee of inquiry into the shooting of Mr. Skeffington, the journalist, during the trouble in Dublin says that apart from insanity there was no excuse for the conduct of Captain Colthurst. It animadverts
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  1,172 words
  • 422 1775 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Tein fam Fierce Figh’i«(. D Bukarest, October 15. A Bukharest communique state, thati» the Caliman region w, foil back to th. frontier Desperate fighting i, proceeding along the entire northern region. The Rumanians are holding up the enemy. Day and night fighting is proceeding in
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Teinfam.  -  422 words

  • 891 1776 of a registration bill. I Principal Provisions, IA upple^ Qtto th o F.M.B. Government contains the draft of a Bill about to Bl t induced in the Federal Council by tbe C Mr. Arthur N. Kenion entitled “An Egtnjent to provide for the Registration of Emetic Savants." fsjfMter”
    891 words
  • 194 1776 Tbe following was the result of the shouting at K mpong Bahru yesterday:— Or I. Firing. &lt;»&gt; ati jf O Q- 22 Mrs. Liston 31 23 33 87 Mrs V. Thomas 25 -7 32 8k Miss M. Pritchard 29 19 32 80 Miss Mathieu 26 24
    194 words
  • Page 1776 Advertisements
    • 67 1776 Sunshine srd C:mmcn S:e&gt;'. Don’t doctor your bl nd f rib o n t&gt;«m Piterua) applicato nof Cb*mtHjc i4iu w Pain Bl'm. Ina few d«ys it will get you up aid out into the vuDHt.inr*. tneun tife will restore the neb red b ood to your v*-io» A nd won
      67 words
    • 434 1776 A l'.&cS *,’&lt;■“ Irfs.” IClarke’s Blood Mixture It you »u Iter .from iuM »uch a medi&lt; me any »uch disrate at It i* complied of mentioned below. inyredirnt» which don’t watte time and quickly attack, overmoney on lotiont or come, and rt|&lt;l from ointment! which can- the blood ail imnot
      434 words

  • Page 1777 Advertisements
    • 228 1777 J* w I I CRITERION PRESS, Id. M I No. 59, Beach SAreet, Penang. a? I 3 BI 3 ESTABLISHED 1883. ml PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. Bl J Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO” and “PENANG SIN POE.” IM The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and s I &lt;3 lithographers in the Orient.
      228 words