The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 11 October 1916

Total Pages: 42
1 1735 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 22 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. ■7.50 Per Antrim. Single Copy. 40 eh I Vol. 14. Penang, Wednesday, October 11, 1916. No. 41.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 375 1 i I "HfHiffiiiiiiiif lii/Hitif {////////tuna a t/miif at tn unit t tn tiff CONTENTS. 1 Lbadbbs: Pigs. MiB<lllanious (Continued): How to Help 1,696 The Future cf Prai 1,707 t x Rumania's Mistake 1,702 Malaya and the War 1,708 v Alternatives J. 710 Telegraph Muddle in Perak 1,706 Amusements 1,716 Local
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 201 2 k. 4, tirnariiTrri itt i r- lt |r > rfl 1 < THE S ST RAJI'S ECHO J I MAIL EDITION. j 9 Published the day prior to the departure of sach mail B d. for Europe,, and contains the latest local and States a .1 news originally published in
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  • 18 1696 Powell —At King Edward’s Hoapital, Penang, on September 30th, to Mr. and Mr». Basil Powell, a son.
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  • 28 1696 Wilron Anthonibe— Aug. 31, at Richmond, Cadet W. F. P Wilson (late of the London Scottish), to Sheila Miry, daughtjr of J. O. AnthooDZ, C. M. G.
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  • 1638 1696 At this stage of the controversy regardiog the income-tax proposals it is hardly necessary for us to reiterate tho objections that have been raised to the introduction of such a far-reuching fiscal change at the present juncture of the C Pony’s affiirs. Suffice it to note that
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  • Page 1696 Advertisements
    • 100 1696 U 33 3333, {JvAJJ \*tsK Published daily (eicept Sundayi and public holidays) AT TH! L CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 NJ».-A II busineM
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  • 535 1697 Mr. Allen D:nnys is going on well at the General Hospital. Dr. Jesaer Coope, of Gula, returned from home by the mail yesterday. Mr. H. Langham Carter, District Judge, Singapore, has been paying a short visit to Penang. Mr. E. C- Lawford, of Sabrang Estate, went home
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  • 986 1697 The Stock Exehaage. We have recently come across two pungent references to the Stock Exchange. A lecturer on the subject said: Imagine four men in a railway carriage, playing a game of cards. To the accompaniment of a good deal of tobacco-smcke, profanity and drinking, money will pass
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  • 164 1697 Verdict of Accidental Death. An unanimous verdict of accidental death, without any blame attaching to the syce, Mun, was returned by the Coroner’s jury at noon to-day at the inquest of the death of a Tamil, named Muuusamy, which took place on the 16th instant as the
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  • 120 1697 The following lettar has been received from the Organising Secretary, British Women’s Hospital, London —dated 30th August, 1916 My Committee greatly appreciate the generous gift of .£690 from the Women of Penang to build and equip two rooms in the Star and Garter Hospital.
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  • 465 1698 (Reuters Sen ice.) Copyright IMPRESSIVE SPECTACLE. Graphic Details. London, October 2. The bringing down of the Zeppelin at Potter’s Bk was a very impressive spectacle. It was visible from all the northern suburbs ol the outskirts of London. Spotted. The airship was poked up by searchlights sho
    (Reuters Sen ice.) Copyright  -  465 words
  • 481 1698 (Rwter'i Service.) Coprr;«bl Telegram. ROUND AND ABOUT EAUCOURT. Fierce Fightiag. London, October 3. 1.15 a.m. General Haig, in a communique, state, Severe fighting took place in and about Eaucourt where the enemy succeeded io regaining a footing in the buildings. “We improved our positions nra" Guendecourt and Courcelette.
    (Rwter'i Service.) Coprr;«bl Telegram.  -  481 words
  • 455 1698 ißruter'i Srnio). Ctwrhcbt T-.MTMI SPLENDID SUCCESSES Oa All Froals. Bukharest, October 3. An official announcedent, issued at Bukbarest, stat» s “Ou the southern front we cruisei the Danube betwe n Rustcbuk and Turtukai. “Oa the northern front we mide 511 prisoners m the Tuhurtuhu 1 and Harghitm mountains
    ißruter'i Srnio). Ctwrhcbt T-.MTMI  -  455 words

  • 265 1699 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. STRIKING SERBIAN SUCCESS. A Bulgar Defeat. Salonika, October 2. Au announcement from Salonika, dated October 1, states that tie Serbians scored an important success in the Kajmakalan region yesterday» After a violent artillery preparation, creating fightful havoc in the Bulgarian ranks, the Serbian infantry
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  265 words
  • 207 1699 (Krom Our Oxen Vorwpotoleitt.) London, October 4. The following were the pricis in the London Rubber Market to-day Pale Crepe 2/4 J Diamond Smoked 2/4 In the second police court at Singapore on Friday last, Dr. Brooks, Port Health Officer, prosecuted Captain Salvages, master of Norwegian steamer,
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  • 839 1699 The article on Local Affaire” which we reproduced from the Malay Mail a few days ago brought our Kuala Lumpur contemporary a protest agaiust its “jeremiad from a correspondent who signed himself Obadiah.” Jeremiah now sends an amusing rejoinder from which we take the following
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  • 259 1699 Last week, says a London paper of September 6, a further rise in fine hard Para to 3s. 4d. per lb., while the price of plantation grades remained almost stationary, again emphasised the extreme artificiality of tbs market position. The Brazilian prndnqi reached, in fact, a premium
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  • 199 1699 is -rr'-; —TOM. Latest Quotatioas Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $84.10, business done, in Singapore, (refined) at 585.62 J, business done (160 tons sold) and in London at .£175 10j. spot and three months’ sight. The football match in aid of Our Day” Fund to be played
    is -rr'-; —TOM.  -  199 words

  • 1814 1700 Application for Commitmeat. In the Supreme Cjurt b.foie M-. Justice L P. Eoden the heiriog w A9 resumed of tbe application of Mr, E.E. C;l--jnan, Assistant Official Assignee, for a commitment order against Chej Kok Foo, a ‘Government pensioner, under section 107 a CUbseHion (C) ot the Bankruptcy
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  • 101 1700 Tennis Tournament. The following ware the results rf the ties played <ff yesie d»y Double Handicap H. L M Evans and H OxenhAtn beat R D Pit «-nth y and G Savage 6—4, 6_4 J T Nicol and J J L Harvey beat K'<ulffn<in d Van der
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  • Page 1700 Advertisements
    • 62 1700 Ckrnic DUrrbon. Are you subject to attacks of d arrbom? K'Mrp absolutely quiet for a fpw days, rest in b< d if p.oiMbl»’, be caMul of your diet acd take Chamberlain’s Colic, Ch dara and Diarrhoea Rornr-dy. This medicine has cured crmm of chronic diarrhoea th<t physicians have fsilwl or»,
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  • 1166 1701 A very valuable and interesting discussion took place at the meeting of the Legislative Council after the delivery of the Governor’s sp.ech on Friday afternoon. We congratulate our new Colonial Societary on the high tone of his remarks in presentiug the estimates, says the Straits
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  • 167 1701 Bakap 27 400 lb. Batu M itang 12.475 lb, Jong Landor 57.073 lb, Parit Perak 7,810 lb, New Columbia 32.531 lb, Consolidtted 39,797 lb, Krian 36,400 lb, Jawa 18,693 lb, Gula Kalumpong 108,783 lb. Samagaga 15,051 lb, Padang 25,300 lb, Kar«n 11,368 lb, Bukit Jelutong Syndicate 3,468
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  • 698 1701 “The Hunting Dog s SuiMARINI CHA9KRg n °«r' ly B P aaki »g. Bays a K>ib> Oady Mail, official nsmes ummigiustive conceptions. Onlv th know ths Navy from stam t<> h from its title what special Xtv ou^ t uai m jUr Flee i9 eDtru -SF Jaok holds in m&
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  • Page 1701 Advertisements
    • 77 1701 The sudden changes of temperature that occur tewtrds evening are liable to produce that nasty sne zing and snivelling sensation known as a cold in the bead. A swift and certain remedy for this disorder is WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE, A toa*poonful dose immediately the trouble is fnlt, followed by
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  • 1178 1702 Although the Ruminiana are not yet by any means out of the wood and it would be foolish to attempt to niinimiaa the serious nature of the reverses they have suffered, they have certainly ra'lied very effectively and are patting up a fight which proves conclusively that even
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  • 600 1702 Mr. W. Lsnghim-Cartor returned to Sing ipore yesterday. Mr J. M Kydd, cf Caledonia Eititc, has goje ou a short holiday to India. The Hol ble Mr. A. Pay ne-Gallwey has gone on a short visit to Kuala Lumpur. Sr Chai hi Parsons, of steam turbine fame,
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  • 971 1703 Huth! It is said to tn the life-ambitio? of a certain very exalted Government servant in Singapore —oh! no, not t) ba Governor of Ceylon or Viceroy cf India—but to re-dis-cover the Tyrian purple and apply it to the dyeing of waistcoats and neckties. The Poet Bitmarek, These
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  • 158 1703 [To the Editor of the Straits Echo Dear Sir, It is to be regretted that religion has tern left out of reckoning in the mitterof “Our Dav efforts to get in money. Without rant or emt, permit me tj make a suggestion to the persons in
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  • 80 1703 New Minaret Opening. The Committee of Management of the Captain Kling Mosque cordially invite all Mohammedans to the Captain Kling Mo que on Saturday, Octobdr 7, at 4 30 p.m. to witness the inauguration ceremony of the Minaret by the Resident Councillor. The public are informed that
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  • 470 1703 (Rwter’j Senice.) txipn.ght Te.egr Bad w «*th«r CoaditioM «-W rhe fighting near Eaujourt I’Akk proceeding satisfactorily. It ehowhere, except for interm/tent 8 belli,?, The weather interfered with the wnrV 1 E> U eo«rt L'Abh.y. C. P t« r U. ,tt Londo “> October 4 p.m. T? era Ea!g,
    (Rwter’j Senice.) txipn.ght Te.egr  -  470 words

  • 460 1704 (Reuter's Senice). f'ooyr.gnt Tdegnun. IN THE DOBRUDJA. Heavy Fighting. London, October 3, 9.50 p.m. Tne Ruminiiu communique savs: Wo ar j violently attacking on the whole front ia the Dobrudja. The is t>tubbornly resisting.” IMPORTANT OPERATION. Part of Co-ordla&ted Plat. Paris, Octobei 3. It is stated that the
    (Reuter's Senice). f'ooyr.gnt Tdegnun.  -  460 words
  • 447 1704 (Reuter's Senia) CocjTwbt Teler-aaj. BRITISH ADVANCE. Couater-Attackt Repulsed. London, October 4. A British official announcement, issued at balomki, states that across the Strum* w advanced and captured p»rt of Jen k, soutn of the Seres Riad. Theen?my immediately counter-attacked, but never reached closer than a thousand yards, bung
    (Reuter's Senia) CocjTwbt Teler-aaj.  -  447 words
  • 463 1704 Federal Cbtoaber Views. (Fnm Our Oim G'rrc'pon/f/’nZ.) K Bl» Lumpur, October 4. Tne Fed rd C iamb*r of Commerce in a letter to the Uuffi’.tl Mem‘«er* of the Federal Council, dep-ecatea an ineotne tax and sugg«Mta a lup'r-tax on rubber and tin exported from the Colony, the prcr°e Is
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  • 33 1704 (From ()ur (hm L »u 1 D, OHob jf 4. The M low ng were the prices in the London R ibber Market to-day Pale Crep* 2/4’ Diamond Smoker) 2/4,
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  • 88 1704 The unJennention-’d prices were realise 1 fir rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co at their Auction Sale yesterday Smok'd Ribbed Sheet SI It to 112) per pic il. .X 2 Smoked Sheet SK 4 M Unstn ked Sheet... >195 fill No. 2 L’nsmokcd Sheet SlOl
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  • 350 1705 On the complaint of one Sheik Badati a Sikh P. C. named Chor Siogh was this morning charged before Mr. J. C- Sugars with theft of >5 in Cintra Street. The accused claimed tri il and Court Inspector Nicol prosecuted. The complainant stated that shortly after midnight on
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  • 272 1705 We are asked to point out-—which we readily do—th it the Yjo Boon Tean, trustee of the Seh Yroh kongsi, whose arrest w j reported yesterday, is an elderly man and carries on the business of a draper, and that he is not the Yeo Boon
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  • 599 1705 Musical Evening Account. We give below the accounts of the two Musical Evenings arranged by Mrs, L. P. Ebden and Mr. V. G-. Ezechiel in aid of the Officers’ Families Fund. Receipts. By sale of tickets $527, By sale of programmes $90.90 cts Total >'517.90. By donation
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  • 199 1705 2 AMD P.SAXO MOTO. Ambulance. Tha following letters b iva been by Ciptaio D. C. Macintyre Achnacarry, Spean Biidge, Inverness-Shire n ni• >r 3bt Au guat, 1916. Dear Captain Macintyre, On 15 th instant I received from th, Cb-rtered Bank on our bebalf cheque fo? £4OO for
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  • 294 1705 Sept.2l By Balance >2,117.67 Oct. 2 “Anonymous” monthly 20.00 3 Mrs Pedley 5.00 W. B. Gibson 50.00 Oct. 3By Balance >2,192.67 Amt. previously acknowledged 27,310.72 Total >29,503.39 A picture of Britannia drawn by the wellknown Singapoie Chinese Artist, Mr. Low Kwav Song and speciallv commissioned for Mr,
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  • 1502 1706 Annual Exhibition. Tn’ luopresMDni-ts Sketching Club opened their annual exhib tion at the of the Chinese Cub, kind y plic-d at t >eir disposal by the b-rs tn?re f, which wis f air y well a: t mded there war, at any rate, more room to m ve
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  • 430 1706 R«port of Directors. The f llowmg np»rt w»s submitted at the nve mg r f the abarjhoiders at Glasgow on Sq t u. b r 14. 1 ue D. ect >ri hive pleasure m submitting to Ih S’iA: e iol lers tne Balina Sheet and
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  • 99 1706 TfcNNte IoUkMAMtNT. Toe f dlowing were the results < f the ties played < ff yes’e d »v Pair». 8 F B Martin «nJ A W Harries Seal E H Sver and F N Syor 6 -4, 7-5. R E Preutis and E H Everest wo.from Forrest
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  • 988 1707 CHANDU SALEB AND CHINESE PROSPERITY. Work of the Department in 1915. The report on the working of the Government Monopolies for 1915, signed by Mr. F. M. Baddelly, was laid b3fore the Legislative Council on Friday. It states With the exception of a few deliveries of Persian opium
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  • 105 1707 Penang Women Workers. Amount previously acknowledged $2,808.50 Mrs. Jamieson (14 h Donation) 10 00 Mrs. Ebden 10.00 Mrs. Heim (13th Donation) 5.00 W.” 1.60 $2,835.10 Hospital garments fo 1 soldiers ready cut out for workers will be g ven out on Friday at 9.45 t il
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  • 132 1707 Oct. 2 By Balance $4,743.56 H. Lupton 25 00 3 J A. Thomson 50 00 K. Patchee 50 00 4 Joseph Heim 25.00 Penang Bar Fundi 100 00 Basil Powell 25.00 G S Evans 25.00 J. E. Velge, Jinriesha Office 15.00 Jinricsha Peons p. A.
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  • 339 1707 8.D.1f The Federated Mai» v 3tat» g WMr lately b 3n discussing Prai. whicbTs will naturally come into increased the completion or the junction with Siamese and Kedah railway system? k h general thing there seems a disposition? blame Penang for the somnolence?it hu Au played
    8.D.1f  -  339 words
  • 300 1707 At the last meeting of the Straits Trading Company in Singapore the directors proceeded in American park nee to cut the melon. Hitherto, says the Mining Journal, the company has had a capital of $3,000,000, and it has now been decided to double the capital to $6,000,000,
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  • 941 1708 A SUPER-TAX.' F.M.S. Opinion. ParßJDil recrimination anl bitter infective form no argument.” Abuse is not the ballmark of the patriot. The Phar.aee it hardly the mcs". attractive character in the B.ble. Intemperance of language defeats its own object It seems a thousand pities that the question
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  • 398 1708 Peaaag Service Cut Off The telegraph service from Penang to Perak has always been a source of the utmost cencern to business people owing to breakdowns and delays of abnormal length, says thi Ipoh pqer of last night. Indeed. Ro unsatisf&c'o y has the sei vice
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  • 1229 1708 —T. O. M, In the sp cial war Irgialati n which has engaged the att.nhonof the L'gi< ahve Council of the Straits Sjttkments during the last two years there is one important mat 3r that ■t-ems to have cuspid tbeatMntion of the authorities, for the quite plausible
    —T. O. M,  -  1,229 words
  • Page 1708 Advertisements

  • 93 1709 Ojt. 3By Balance 12,192.67 04 4 M. Maudi ‘monthly” 15 00 Teoh Cheow Chcaug “monthly” 2.00 H. de Z Lincaster monthly” 25.00 Staff of the Malay da Rubber Co. Lt). 40 82 Oct. 4 By Balance $2,275.49 Amt. previously acknowledged 27,310 72 T0ta1...529, Duiing the months of
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  • 729 1709 Fraudulent Possession. Smthanam, a Tamil employed as a motor car cleaner in the Conservancy Depaitment of the Penang Municipality, was this morning arraigned before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel, Third Magistrate, charged with being in fraudulent possession of a pair of Chinese silk trousers which he had tried
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  • 260 1709 It was during Columbus’s second visit to the New World that his sailors observed tbe natives of Haiti playing with a ball of gum which possessed extraordinary elastic quafi. ties. Many years later when it was dig. covered that this gum could ba used to rub
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  • 304 1709 A Sigli correspondent writes “On entering a shop, a gkenaduneie soldier intended to buy a pair of socks, instantly received a pierce right through his abdomen, and fell heavily to the ground, A murder!” suddenly called out of a stentoiun tone by several shop-keepers, while they caught
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  • 1875 1710 Now that the Federal Chamber of Commerce has expressed its views on the subject of income-tax, there can hardly rema n a representative bidy in the country which has not condemned the proposal to introduce this form of taxation during the war. As a matter of fact, there is
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  • 94 1710 Deaths. Cubbie —On October 2, at Neidpatb, Htmpsteai, Andrew Currie, Ute of Singapore. Bbift. —Oi October 3, at 26, Rue Coarse Boat, Siigipore, Agnes Mathiids, beloved wife of H. C. Brett. Clarke.—o.l October 4, at 8, Qaeen Street, Singapore, Francis Leonard Marcus Clarke, dearly beloved son of Mr. an j
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  • 445 1711 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegr am. Hostile Artillery Activity. London, October 5, 1 10 p.m. General Haig, in a communique, reports that the hostile artillery is active, especially in the neighbourhood of the Zollern R’doubt and between Fueu de Court and Eaucourt I’Abbaye. An attempted bombing attack by the
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegr am.  -  445 words
  • 476 1711 (Renter’s Senice) Copyright Telegram. Why the Cabiaet Resigaed. Athens, October 5. The Government resigned because it was unable to get into touch with the Entente representatives and the settlemeit of national questions was consequently hampered. Probable Premier. Athens, October 4. It is believed that M Dimitracopoulos will
    (Renter’s Senice) Copyright Telegram.  -  476 words
  • 447 1711 (Reuter's Service), GAINS ON TWO FRONTS. I Prisoßcrs Captured. I a barest, October 4 I ha^" aD OUQOement iBsued B«k. I On the Tran.ylvani. front we d eteatoi I the enemy in d.ffarent regions and over I thousand were made prisoners. 0 I “In the Dobrudja
    (Reuter's Service),  -  447 words

  • 1299 1712 Fateful Date for Politieiaai. October 6 has become a momentous anniversary in modern politics. On this date in 1881 Mr. Gladstone made his famous speech at Leeds warning Parnell that the resources of civilisation aie not exhausted.'' It on the same day ten years l‘ter that Parnell
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  • 606 1712 Mr. W. Acton leaves to-morrow by the s.s. Ct'y of Norwich bjund for London. We heir that Messrs. J. 8, Haycroft, W. H Elkins and M. L. Anderson, of the M. 8- V R.. are receiving commissions and will shortly 1-ava this country ox war service MM.
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  • 984 1713 TO.Af. There appears to be remarkable unanimity among the public of Perak, so far as we have been able to gather, on the subject of increasing the freewill contribution of the Federated Malay States to the Imperial Government’s war chest by means of a super-tax on the
    TO.Af.  -  984 words
  • 103 1713 (From Our Own Correspondent,) Singapore, October 6 At the S ngapore Rubber Auction 653.456 lb. v.eie so'd at the following prices: per picul Smoked Sheets >l2O to $124 Good l2O Fine plain 105 to 118 Uusmoked fiae 109 to 113 Good 106 to 109 Fine 105 to
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  • 153 1713 Alma 25,000 lb, Bukit Tuh Alang 15,029 lb. Shanghai Klebang 12,800 lb, Kota Bahroe 36 882 lb, Sungei Duri 15,449 Ib, Chemor United 18,741 lb. Shanehai Malay 20,361 lb, Cluny 21,629 lb, Kinta Kellas 36.536 lb, Klien Kellas 4,726 lb, Tanjong Pau 12.774 lb, Kallas 21,573 lb,
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  • 667 1713 [To The Editor of the strait, Sir,—Under the above headin» issue of the 3rd inst., the public with a brief and succinct report of the wod mg of the Government Monopoles for In other years such a document would tai passed the notice of meat
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  • 1397 1714 From whatever point of view we may wish t) regard the opium question, there is not the lightest doubt that the Government G tne S'raits Settlements can no longer rega-d the revenu? from th 3 opium monopoly in the fame light as it did some ten years
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  • 657 1714 F.MS. MEN KILLED. RbCBMT CIBUALTIBS. Captan Han 11 Selman Richmond, K R.K.C., wio fad on Aug. 24. was the young» ft son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Richmond, of H atl.w >'3, Iz-ighton Buzzard. He was educated at Berkham»t»ad, and obtained a schohrahip at Br-zmoae College, Oxford,
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  • 1385 1715  -  Bt Tom Wright. It is like living in a yarn by B-et Hart or Rolf Boldrewood. Miles upon miles of mulga scrub, and a red dust that evokes unpleasant memories of the sand storms of the Gobi Desert in North China. Tin shacks, too, though
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  • 227 1715 A Business man", wrifiug to on, contemporary on the eu H ct ,f a V the Telegraphic Department, lav de ‘Dby The primo cause is tb»t the T.i. Department is about 25 v e r k times, and is unable to cope with h i? d th creased
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  • 66 1715 Oct. 4By Balance >5,539.56 5 R. N Goodwin 50.00 J. P. Souter 50.00 „W.J. D. Trengove 25,00 6 A. E. Keymer 50.00 A. J. Plumb 20.00 7 „G. A. Hereford 100,00 „He ah Swee Lee 200.00 Lye Koon Sam 100.00 Kbaw Joo Tok per Lim
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  • 207 1715 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at >85.50, buyers no sellers. Messrs. Boustoad Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on Spot in London yesterday Plantation Ist latex crepe 2/4J. Smoked sheet 2/4]. Au unanimous verdict of accidental death was returned
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  • 598 1716 Thinking seriously over Puritan's” letter to the JVe« Press deploring and denouncing tbe or#y wbicb, be says, 19 b i a g orgiuisel in connect on with ‘Our Dav,” we are led rather platitudinous conclusion that in everything (m the mitter o f amosemeiits as in the matter of
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  • 739 1716 From Salonika comes excellent new-. The Allied push has begun in red earnest and a general advance on ail the fronts has carried the left wing to within ten miles of Mmastir. Sc tbit the Serin once more within tbe Mace lonian t°rritory whi'h was allotted to
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  • 646 1716 Mr. Justice P. J. Sproul* has arrival m Si igtpore from Penang Mrs-Sprouls has gune for a trip to Hongkong. Mr. J Leonard, chief bailiff of Hmgkong Supremo Coa t. died there on Sipt. 24 at theigiuf H. Hi leaves a wi low and thirteen children to
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  • 1308 1717 Personal Ateeadaaey Maiataiaed. They fly so low it is a wonder that they do not pull one out of the trerch.” Aftar making due allowance for exaggeration, we can begin to realise the respect our airmen have inspired in the Boches when such an admission as the above
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  • 431 1717 Canon Alexander On Tn» Need For Inquiry. Po? a n r Dg e r mjn Pfeached atg, Peters, Hitton-garden, C.non Alerts pleaded earnestly f or a wider and sympathy in the Church towards pro 2* eive movements in the world of intel 1~. mqmry and of social reform.
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  • 166 1717 Awards for Gallantry. The following appears in the Gazette of India His Majesty the King has baen graciously pletsed to appreva of the undermentioned rewards for distinguished service in the field, dated June 3rd, 19.6 Awarded the Military Cross:—Caps Philip Thomas Blanford, Malay States Guides. The Governor
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  • 471 1718 (Renter’s Sen ice) Uopyright.Tel»<r am latermitteat Shelliag London, October 5, 2 35 p.m. General Haig, in a communque, states Intermittent shelling took place at night oo our front south of the Ancr?, Our artillery caused many casualties among the infantry on the move north of the Schwaben Redoubt.
    (Renter’s Sen ice) Uopyright.Tel»<r am  -  471 words
  • 522 1718 (fatal Senia). &lt;soorri«ht T*l«cnu. BOARD,S RECOMMENDATION. The Qjestioa of Ireland. London, October 5. In connection with the question cf finding fresh supplies of men wno ar? urgently needed for munition work the Man Power Distribution Boird recommends m&lt; re dilution of labour and diversion of a large put
    (fatal Senia). <soorri«ht T*l«cnu.  -  522 words
  • 456 1718 (Peittr’i ServKC.) CopTrght CONTINUED PROGRESS. Mor, Cap!.red. London, October 5, 3.55 p.m. The Paris c iromunque says Tn® night w»i calm cn the entir* front, Baring our advance east of Mom’, y stardiy we io k nine gun».’ Artillery Activity. London, October fl, 15am The Paris communque
    (Peittr’i ServKC.) CopTrght  -  456 words

  • 405 1719 (Rwter’s Senice.) Copyright Telezram BETWEEN KOVEL AND LEMBERG. Etemy Concentration. Petrograd, October 5. Experts are of opinion that Marshal von Hindenburg has concentrated very formidable forces on the Kovel front in the direction of Vladimir Volynski and Sokal which are resisting very obstinately General Karendin’s thrust, in an
    (Rwter’s Senice.) Copyright Telezram  -  405 words
  • 393 1719 (Reuter's Senice.) copyright Telegram. ALLIED SUCCESSES. A General Advaaee. London, October 5, 4.15 p.m. The French official communique from Salonika says that the battle is going in our favour on the whole front. The Allied advance-guards have begun to cross the Cerna in|the region of Dobrovenibrod and are
    (Reuter's Senice.) copyright Telegram.  -  393 words
  • 233 1719 laves iture Ceremony, (From Own Own Correspondent,) Kuala Lumpur, Oct, 5. The insignia of the K.C.M.G, was Drft sented to H. H. the Yam Tuan of Neeri Sembilan yesterday at the Afetana Sri Menati, twenty-fivo miles from Seremban. The ceremony took place in a specially
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  • 92 1719 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 6. At the meeting of United Engineers, Ltd.. Mr* V. V. Lemberger, who presided, in a very lengthy review of the position and replying to the criticism of Glasgow shareholders, maintained that the directors had conserved, improved and increased most of
    92 words
  • 48 1719 (F’rom Our Own Singapore, October 6, Messrs. Fraser A Co’s weekly report states that steady improvement continues in local rubber shares. Mining shares ;are quiescent and there were small transactions in industrial shares, excepting the F.M.S. Wat Loan dealings in which took place ar $lO4-1105,
    48 words
  • 55 1719 Tennis Tournament, The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Double Handicap A. R N Byatt and E H Everest w o.from F W Harris and S F B Martin Double Handicap B. G M Terzano and JTryner beat H Oxenham and L M
    55 words
  • 27 1719 Sept. 29 By Balance ...113,257.79 Oct. 2 Penang Band, 22nd irstalment 4 R. Scott, monthly 6 Municipal Staff, 24th instilment Oct. 6 By Balance
    27 words

  • 1801 1720 INAUGURATION OF MINARET. In response to the invitation of the Committee Management of the Captain gling Motqna on the occasion of the inBU guration or the Minaret by the Hon’b'e Mr. A T. Bryant. Resident Councillor, there was a large gathering of the Mohamedan community in the
    1,801 words
  • Page 1720 Advertisements
    • 98 1720 Chsmbcrhin'i Couth Rrmsdy. Tb s rr m«&gt;dy has no superior as a cure for c I ls, croup and whoop ng cough. I’, has been a favorite with the mothers ot yuuug children fur almost forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Rimedy canalways be depended up u and is pleasant to take.
      98 words

  • 1345 1721 It has been the current opinion of all classes in Penang that the proposals of the majority of the unofficial members of the Legislative Council, put before the Governp'ent, with the object of increasing the contribution of the Colony to the Imperial Exchequer for
    1,345 words
  • 628 1721 —T O.M. m. k- A SI!JOAP “BE Vlw, The objection ot tbe Selangor Ch.», ot Commerce to any sagged' come-tax is, if possible, even rnoie ..J M as regards tbe Federated Malay is the objection of the Settlements al h e t C t° h
    —T O.M.  -  628 words
  • Page 1721 Advertisements

  • 1260 1722 At the presentation of the of the K.C.M.G. to the Yam Tuan of Negri Sembilan last week H. E. the Governor and High Commissioner once more brought to the fore tbe question of female education in Brit sh Malays a question in which Sir Arthur Young takes a
    1,260 words
  • 544 1722 Mr. W. C. Micbe’.l, District Judge, was well enough to come down to town and take couit this morning. Mr. H- G- James, an old and popular Peniug man now stationed in Singapore, ia paying a business visit to Penang. Capt. 8. T. Djuglas, R.F A, Ute
    544 words

  • 1297 1723 Ruled Out. Reuter’s cryptic cable of yesterday Correction Declared War Bulgaria naturally aroused much interest and speculation, the general opinion being that Greece had at last made up her mind to assert herself and expel the hereditary enemy from the soil of Hellas. But it may possibly be
    1,297 words
  • 427 1723 (Reuter’s Service.) Upright Telegram. A REVIEW, Aad a Waraiag. Petrograd, October? Toe public are warned not to eireot -1, developments in Volhynia and GaKfi weather is unfavourable-,ain, snow falling while the enemy ha! ed his main forces and reserve, Consequently every yard of Russian will be contested. The
    (Reuter’s Service.) Upright Telegram.  -  427 words

  • 1019 1724 (Renter’* Senice.) Copyright Telegram. Heavy Shellies. London, October 7. General Haig, in a communique states: Heavy shelhng took p'ace on most of our trout south ot the Ancre. •‘Our artillery successfully dealt enemy working parties. “There is nothing to report elsewhere.” THE SOMME OFFENSIVE. VON ARMIN'S REPORT,
    (Renter’* Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  1,019 words
  • 552 1724 (Vertex’s Service.) Copyraht Tslaatnsn Sharp Artillery Dual. Lindos, October 7, 1 a.m. A P &gt;ris c unmunique st Vei A sharp artillery dud took place on b’h banks of the Somme. There was no infant y act on except a slight a Ivance east of Bouch-a- Veanes. The
    (Vertex’s Service.) Copyraht Tslaatnsn  -  552 words

  • 485 1725 (Reuter's Service) Copyright Telegram. BUCHAREST REPORT. Bukh*rest, October G. A Bukharest communique eUtes that the Ruwsian and Rumanian troops are making progress in the centre and the left in the Dobrudja but admits a retirement in the region of Fogaras General Avereseu's Raid. It is reported that the
    (Reuter's Service) Copyright Telegram.  -  485 words
  • 386 1725 (Reuter's Service). Copyright Telegram. Allied Advance, London, October 7. A British official announcement issued at Salonika states th it enemy attacks on Nevoljen were repulsed. We occupied five more villages on the Struma front. Salonika, October 7. The Italians have joined in the attack in the region of
    (Reuter's Service). Copyright Telegram.  -  386 words
  • 336 1725 (Reuter's Senice.) Telegram. Proposed ExtcMioaa. Peking. October g. The American contractor Mr Carey, supported by the American Iot“! national Corporation, has concluded a. agreement with the Chinese Government u construct and finance 2.000 milesof ways at a cost of £20.000,000. in ShX' Che D ki U 4
    (Reuter's Senice.) Telegram.  -  336 words
  • 30 1725 (From Our Oran Correspondent.) London, October 6» The prices at the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe Diamond Smoked London, October Pale Crepe Diamond Smoked &gt; 1
    30 words
  • 24 1725 Latest Quotation. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here t at $86.20, business done, and m b R (refined) at $86.70, business done (2dd sold).
    24 words

  • 212 1726 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. latcrcstiag Details, London, October 7. Reuter’s correspondent visited the Zippefin captured in Essex on September 22 Barring external injuries to the alumnium trellia. which were inevitable in the descent of the monstrous machine, the Zeppelin is practically intact. It is still under close
    (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  212 words
  • 301 1726 Handicaps. The following are the handicaps for the fi'stdiy of the Autumn R ch Meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club to b« h *ld on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, the 17tb, 19th and 21st instant. I.—The Visitors Stake*. Value $690 And 8150 to the Second h.Tse. A
    301 words
  • 1400 1726 —S.F.E There is a good deal of talk going on about extra taxation, so we can only supp se that, so far as the F M.S. is concrned, the idea is to render further financial acutance to Great Britain But befo r e any particular scheme need be
    —S.F.E  -  1,400 words
  • Page 1726 Advertisements
    • 47 1726 Tretlmtsl far DjMotery Cb imbe a'li’t C’jhc, Cholera and Diar» rboea It-uv-dy followed by a d ise of oastor oil wid tff ctusliy cure the mist stubborn &lt;)t dyaeut* if. It is «specially grxid tor »*umm»r diarrhea in children. For sale by all Di-pcnsa'HM xu 1 Dealers.
      47 words

  • 752 1727 Home Victort. A very clean and well contested game of football was witnessed by a Urge concourse of spectators on the Esplanade on Saturday evening when the P, C. C. met the Ipob. Casuals (n)ttha Birch Club as previously stated). Both ends were visited with equal frequency and
    752 words
  • 605 1727 The October Monthly Medal Compatition, lOd yards handicap, was held at the Swimming Club on Sunday morning with the following result:— Start. Ist T. H. Stone 14 secs. 2nd G. N. Burnham 14 3rd C. A. Padday 7 There were 9 starteis and Mr. Stone won by
    605 words
  • 637 1727 Yeoh Boon Tean. a Yeoh Konesi, who -a, aro int* pore on a charge of criminal bre.rt Jr m servant of the Bum of 17 000 tn placed in the dock before Mr J o in the Second Court thia mornin, U On the application of
    637 words

  • 924 1728 [To tub Editor or the Strain Echo Sir. Sine o I last wrote to you I have been reading that delightful book of A C Ren. son’s-Thy Rod and Thy Staff,” and the description of the ideal life pictured bv the wriier seems to me very
    924 words
  • 87 1728 At tho Eastern Produce Exchinge Auction yesterday the following prices worn obtained: Diamond Smoked Sheet from 1113 to 1123 Plain Smoke 1 Sheet $lOB to $llO Diamond Unsmikad Sheet,, sl&lt;»s Plain Unsmoked Sheet $lO3 to $lOB Diamond Smoked Cuttings,, $lO3 Smoked Scrap Sheet $Bl Scrap $75 Blanket
    87 words
  • 353 1728 H'h Excdlnncv the Governor Fa&lt; v rv kindly °-*nt to tin llon’ble the ResidentCouncillor Hix ah its of Cyprus atampi for tho auction sain to je Inld in Penang cn behalf of ihi Rd CroHrt Society. Tin gift is a valuable and generous one and local philatelists wdl
    353 words
  • 906 1728 —Times of Malaya, Some remtrktb’.e are contained m the rep rt on the working of the Straits Mon&lt; pel eg for i&lt;it year, which haa bern published overthw signature of Mr. F. M. Baideley, p*rt;culsrly those dea ing with Ih A ethics of opiunwmiking have ben
    —Times of Malaya,  -  906 words

  • 196 1729 The following was the result of the shooting at Kampong Bahru yesterday:— Del. Firing. u &lt;D -2 rrj 72 &lt;-&gt; Q.O OP* a i Mrs. Liston 31 28 28 87 Miss Mathieu 32 22 29 83 Mrs. Oxenham 27 27 22 76 Mrs. Sayers 27 22
    196 words
  • 138 1729 Monthly Medal, October, 1916. Result: R. H. Pinhorn... 414-50= 91-20=71 nett A. A. J. Waner 504-52=102-24=78 H. Oxenham 444-48= 92 14=78 A, 8. Hall ...524-47= 99-20=79 8, F. Bre ret on Martin 41 4-38= 79+ 1= 80 H. B. Pile .-.47 43= 90-10=80 W. 8. Dunn ...55
    138 words
  • 1297 1729 Further Evidence Required, The inquest into the cause of the death of a Jawipekan named Mohamed ss the result of a motor accident at the junction of Transfer Road with Hutton Lane on the 24th of last month, was begun yesterday afternoon in the Second Court before
    1,297 words

  • 1225 1730 Following the British and Fiench successes in tbe west, the entry of Rumania into too Grand Alliance and the Allied advance in Macedonia, Germany baa reverted with increased vigour to the use of two of her favourite forms of frightfulness.” Zeppelin raids on England have become quite
    1,225 words
  • 1084 1730 Rubber Rhi»|. Rubber continues to ris°, slowlv but pnt’y steadily, and is now almost bac&lt; at the balf-cr wa lev»!. Tbe rise ju*t n &gt;w is particu arly significant because this is the tiro? of y a* when the forward contracts are arranged and tbe big dealers do
    1,084 words

  • 82 1731 Presentation Ceremony. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, October 10. Commander John F. Mills, R. N., Harbour Master, Port Swettenham, was presented by H E. the Governor with the Imperial Service 0 der this morning. His Excellency stated that Commander Mills had been for twenty-four years in
    82 words
  • 26 1731 Kuala Lumpur, October 10. {From Our Own The death has taken place at the front of Mr. Frank Kennedy, formerly of Broome Estate.
    26 words
  • 28 1731 Up Alain, (From Our Oum Correspondent.) London, October 9. The prices at the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 2 5’ Diamond Smoked 2/5
    28 words
  • 1386 1731 Charge Against Government Servant. In the Police Court this morning before Mr. A. Cavendish the hearing was begun of the case against Mr. A.A. Surin, Chief Clerk, Police Courts, who was charged with receiving a gratification of $3 which was other than legal remuneration. Mr. RD. Acton,
    1,386 words

  • 263 1732 A Co»traetor'a Claim. Before Mr. Justice P. J. Sproule in the Supremo Court this morning the hearing was begun of thi suit instituted by T.J. J. Dorasamy Pi Uy, a Government pensioner and contractor, against the Prve (Penang) Syndicate, Ltd., of London by their agents Mi ss-s, Huttenbach
    263 words
  • 142 1732 ForiifLd Peak Captured. Rome. October 8. An offi.iil announcement issued in Rome states that the Alpinists ciptur.d Busa A’ta Peak, 8,187 ft high and situited at the head of the Vanoi Valley, p actically annihilating the strongly entrenched enemy. Twenty survivors were captured. Eaemy Attacks Repulsed. Romp, October
    142 words
  • 996 1732 (Renter’s Sen ice.) eh: T* EXPLOITS Of 'U53’ Meaaee to Trass- Ulaatie Traffic. New York, October 9. The British steamer b.trathdsne, bound f rotn ew York for Bordeaux, has been orpedoed. Twenty of her crew have been 03 k° Ar d the Nantucket Lightship. The American destroyer flotilla
    (Renter’s Sen ice.) eh: T*  -  996 words
  • Page 1732 Advertisements
    • 87 1732 CUmberlain’i Couth Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cure for colds, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers of young children for almost forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures colds
      87 words

  • 424 1733 (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. THE CHENG-CHIA-TUNG INCIDENT. Toward* a Settlemeat. Peking, October 9. After a long delay due to the vacancy in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, negotiations arising out of the Cheng-chia-tung incident have been re-opened. It is stated that the Chinese Government adopted a conciliatory
    (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  424 words
  • 408 1733 (Reuter’s Senice) Copyright Telegram. Strategic Withdrawal. Bukharest, October 8. It is semi-officially announced that on the northern front the Rumanians withdrew from their strategic positions before stronger enemy forces, mostly German, so as to assure the powerful defence of the four passes leading from Rumania to Brasso. Everything
    (Reuter’s Senice) Copyright Telegram.  -  408 words
  • 472 1733 (Rwttr’i Service.) Copyright Telegram Amaesty to Re»i*t&lt; aa ph Canea, Octobers. Following the provisional Governnwmi’ Proclamations of an amnesty to the reiiX! of the Venezehst movement provided they deposited their arms within a day the f™ remaining who are standing out have yieM..2±“" r la Search of
    (Rwttr’i Service.) Copyright Telegram  -  472 words
  • Page 1733 Advertisements

  • Page 1734 Advertisements
    • 680 1734 I 4FI 17 4Tf fi L® IB B The Modern Scourge WKsJlVwllj B and How to Meet it. B A Ihe pace at which we live, the hustle now so necessary for Zv success have unfortunately a \erv adverse effect on the nervous A and digestive systems, and the baneful
      680 words

  • Page 1735 Advertisements
    • 217 1735 I CRITERION PRESS, Ld. j No. 59, Beach Street, Penan*. 3 ESTABLISHED 1883. M' 3 PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. 3 Proprietors of the “STRAi'iS ECHO’’ and “PENANG SIN POE.” I? The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and K m lithographers in the Orient. B fcl Our plant is of the very latest
      217 words