The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 4 October 1916

Total Pages: 48
1 1696 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. 7.50 Per Annum. Single Copy. 40 ctr Vol. 14. Penang, Wednesday, October 4, 1916. No. 40.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 384 1 z z z//z/z/z/zzz/z///z/zzzz//z/z/zzzzzz/z/zzzzzzzzzz/zzzzzzzz/zzzzz/zzzz///z/zzzzzzzz/zz/zz//zzzzzzz/zzz/z/zzzzzz//zzzzz/ z //z z zz/zz/zzzz/r/zzzzzz c CONTENTS. X X X_.._ -A N X X X X x x < x Leaders: Page. Miscellaneous (Co*t<nue): A Formidable Criticl.6sl Words Words!'. Words !!l l/‘ 5g Sunny Singapore 1,661 The Arab Revolt I»*** About it and About 1,667 Income Tax and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 200 2 d I •1 THE p 1 STRAITS ECHO I I MAIL EDITION. I 11 r;x LJ. > m Published the day prior to the departure of each mail H a for Europe, and contains the latest local and States b .3 news originally published in the daily issues, as well
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  • 998 1651 Mr. C W. Darbishire occupies a position unique in this Colony by reason of bis well-known independence of thought, his almost unrivalled experience of local commerce, his skill as a controversialist and bis personal popularity which is particularly strong with the younger generation. A generous giver and
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  • 517 1651 SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING. The adjourned sixth annual general mrot ng of the Nelltnay Rubber Company, Ltd was held at no n ti day at the (first of Mess s K nn*<lv and Co. There were present Messr-. W. Duncan (Chairman). F Duxbury and A L ndLy
    517 words
  • 139 1651 At a sprcial general mating of the sub*c ibers to the Penang Nursing Association held in the Town H ill on Monday, the 25th September 1916, it was unanimously decided that the Association should cease its activities for the present. It was found that partly owing to
    139 words
  • Page 1651 Advertisements
    • 94 1651 938 s-iaam subs. MibM daflj («nep* Bw>days aU petite \MWays) at vn CBITBBION PBBBB.Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Fbiob. Daily Lee*! m 124 pt> onum. Oatefetioß... Postage Extra. Mail Eiitm (Port Free) >17.50 OABLI ADDRISB BOHO—PENANG." Tstephoae Noe. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 JV.jß—All Svslmm esnaunlcatloss ahouM ba «MrsMsS
      94 words

  • 1270 1652 Tie Air Raid. The renewal of air raids on England was only to be expected, for something obviously had to be done to flog the public enthusiasm in Germany. The unprecedented scale of the invasion testifies eloquently to the desperate anxiety of the General Staff to bring off
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  • 591 1652 Dr R. Dane, 5.M.0,, Penang, is retinas I in the near future. I I Mr. Allen Dennys continues to makegood I progress towards recovery. I I Mr. J. R, Macfarlane, we are sorry to I hear, is now a patient in the General Hoi- I pital. I I Private
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  • 953 1653 (Reiter’i Senice.) GCopynght Tel.zram. FALL OF TAIF. At Important Sueceii. Cairo, Sept 25. The Grand Sherff of Mecca reports that the Turkish Garrhoi of Taif has sur. rendered. Fifty offi-ers, 18,000 men, ten guns and large quantities of mili(a r y stores were captured. [Taif (Or Tayif) is
    (Reiter’i Senice.) GCopynght Tel.zram.  -  953 words
  • 243 1653 (Rewtev'i Senia) Coomsht Tel-cran». Gs-df.l Oeevphd R >me, September 25. An official announcement states thit the Alpine troops have taken the summit of Gardfal R t lB6 ft high, north-east of Mount Cauriol. The enemy stubbornly resisted. The positions were strongly consolidated notwith s tanding immediate bombardment by
    (Rewtev'i Senia) Coomsht Tel-cran».  -  243 words
  • 307 1653 Obituary. London, September 25. The death is announced of the Earl of Essex Obituary. U'rom Our Oisn Ctorr&ponrteM',) Singapore, September 26. The death his taken p'aoe of Towkay Leong Man Sau. [One of the pioneers of the timber industry has passed away in Mr. Leong Man B*u who carried on
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  • 552 1654 (letter's Senia) Cocyright Telecram. GENERAL HUG'S REPORT, Attack Coatiaues. London, Sept. 25, 3.45 p.m. General Haig, in a communique, states: A small enemy attack was made east of Couicelette and repulsed. We blew up mines yesterday evening north of Neuve Chapelle and north of Hulhicb, considerably damaging the
    (letter's Senia) Cocyright Telecram.  -  552 words
  • 461 1654 (Renter's Senice). CkiDyright Telegram. VIOLTNE BATTLE PROCEEDING. Simultaneous Attaek. London, Sept. 25, 3.40 p.m. The Paris communiqud says: “A violent artil’e-y engagement took place on the Somme. German attacks on Vaux Wood were easily repulsed. London, September 26, 2.15 a.m. North of the Somme a violent battle was
    (Renter's Senice). CkiDyright Telegram.  -  461 words
  • 243 1654 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. Special cables to the Sumatra piperg O f Monday, September 25, contain the follow, ingjnews items: Holland a«d Ike War. A Bill is being prepared in Holland to prevent increases in rent. Th* Western Froat. The Timet states that the road from Combles to
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  • 152 1654 Court’s Decision. (From our own Corretpondent) Singapore, Sept. 25. Mr. Jutfee Earnshaw gave judgment in the interesting insurance claim in which Won Lian Choe, proprietor of Chop Wah Hin, sued the Norwich Union Firs Insurance Society, Ltd., for XB.OOO, the amount the defendants bad insured his stock-in-trade
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  • 27 1654 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, September 26. The following were the prices in the London Rubber Market to-day Pale Crepe 2/4, Diamond Smoked 2/3j
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  • 64 1654 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $B3, buyers no sellers, in Singapore, (refioed) at »83.371. buyer, no seller,, and in London at £172 spot and X 172 ivi. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us tba the following were the quotations for Rubber
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  • 2221 1655 bore support w —b'rt- Fite Per Cent Bonds. Apart from any questions of sentimental loyalty, it is a maittr of supreme impjrtatjca to ail who live within the boundsrie? of tud British Empire that Biitaiu shou'd be successful in the great war—not merer successful in
    bore support w —b'rt-  -  2,221 words
  • Page 1655 Advertisements

  • 1514 1656 Queen Street Tragedy. The hearing was resumed yesterday afternoon in the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice L, P. Ebden and a special jury of the case against Muna Slaiman who was charged with attempted murder of Sheik Mydin and murder by causing the death of a woman named
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  • 90 1656 The following prices were obtained at the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday Diamond Smoked Sheet from $lOB to $ll9 Plain Smoked Sheet $lO5 to $lO9 Diamond Unsmoked Sheet $lO4 to $ll2 Plain Unsmoked Sheet $lO2 to $lO4 Diamond Smoked Sheet No. 2 $lO5 Scrap Sheets from 78
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  • 115 1656 At the installation ceremony of the Victoria Jubilee Royal Arch Masons, which was held at the Freemason's Hall, the following principals were installed by M. E- Z, P. J. Sproule D G, U. M.EZ. R. J. Kirke Z. Companion F. Fletcher H. A. S. Wilson J. M.
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  • 78 1656 A postcard informs us that “there wifi be a practice of the “Pirates of Penzance a the Town Hall on Tuesday, the 28th inst. at 9-15 pm punctually.” Further wore, it add s politely, “Please endeavour to attend. Alas, our sing ng days are over but wj
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  • Page 1656 Advertisements
    • 59 1656 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoea* Keep absolutely quiet for a few days, rest m bed if possible, be careful of your difc take Chamberlain’s Colic, Coolers and 1 rboea Remedy. This medicine has curw cases of chronic diarrhoea that pbj |ic have failed on, and it
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  • 1389 1657 A Typical Case. Very rarely do we bear nowadays of cases of Amok but the British North Borneo Herald of September 16, ccutains a report of a typical instinc?. It is interesting to note that whereas three people w-jre killed and fjur wounded by the Amoker" four
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  • 502 1657 Year's Aggregates. Season 1915 1916. Tbe Cbampu nshp includes only nett scores and all tbe otner Aggregates contain band'cap scores. Scores counting for 200, 500 A 600 Aggregate sbest scores during Season. 300 600 I best scores during Season, Grand Aggregate the t til of 200,500
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  • Page 1657 Advertisements
    • 87 1657 ChßberUie'i Ceegh Remsdy. This remedy has no superior as a cure for elds, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers of young children for almost forty years. Cbamherlain’s Cough Remedy can always l>e depended upon and is pl»*asant to take. It not only cures colds
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  • 726 1658 New By-Laws Passed, An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Municipal office yesterday afternoon. There were present Messrs W. Peel (President), P. T. Allen, F. Duxbury, A. F. Goodrich, Quah Beng Kee, and L’m Eow Hong, with Messrs L. M. Bell (Municipal Engineer) and
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  • 458 1658 Magistrate’s Finding. The bearing was resumed this morning before Mr. V G, in the Third Court of the case against Ooi Kim Cheng, Mohamed Hassan and Tambyah who were all charged with theft as servants of one bale of doth value $3OO. Mr-G.N. Saye appeared for the
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  • 311 1658 Says the Singapore evening paper We published on Saturday a ratbernn.;letter from a Miss T 3.C.” which apL 2 m a Penang contemporary. The 1X it again. She is all for self-education if she says, a mediocre student after leavu2 school would learn only ten words a
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  • 238 1658 For many years the Arabs, chafing under Turkish misrule, Lave looked forward to the day of regaining their former freedom, and revolts against Turkish domination in Arabia have been cf frequent occurrence. The misdeeds of the present Government in Constantinople and its complete subservience to German influence,
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  • Page 1658 Advertisements
    • 73 1658 The moment a man does his best bit of quick thinking is when attacked by violent pain in the stomach. His thought immediately fly to WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE, The wish for a doie of that famous medicine is uppermost, a wish founded <n experience, because he knows that m
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  • 2096 1659 iu ?i»-w mu an our locals and all our legislation must be dit.rm ned —Dr t James Denney, Me. Dabiishiee's Speech, From the Singapore pipers of Tuesday we take the following more complete report of the Hon. Mr. C. W. Dirbishire’s speech M Chairman of
    iu ?i»-w mu an our locals and all our legislation must be dit.rm ned —Drt James Denney,  -  2,096 words
  • Page 1659 Advertisements
    • 40 1659 Trntmest for fiyienttry. ChamixsfWin's Cohc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a d?seof castor oil will effectually cure the most stubborn casts of dysentery. It is (specially good tor summer diarrhoea in children. For aah by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 430 1660 [To th Editor of th® Sirtiit Echt t Sir, Since reading Miss 8. T. C‘s first contribution about Chinese Marriage Law, I have been contemplating of raising a protest to her rather mystic language, but being diffident of my judgment and abilities, I have refrained, so far, from committing
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  • 66 1660 Penang Women Workers. Amount previously acknowledged 12,791.50 Presbyterian Church Ladies (3d Donation) 12.00 Mrs. Trengrove (13th Donation) 5.00 12,808.50 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for workers will be given out on Fridays at 9.45 till 11 a.m, at the Town Hall. There will be
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  • 549 1660 [To the Editor of the Straitt Echo.'] Sir, In Mr A. C. J Towers’ letter in your Tuesday’s issue he says:— A point which should not be lost sight of is the fact that a servant can always prosecute his employer should he feel aggrieved (at
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  • 943 1660 QUEEN STREET TRAGEDY. Accused Sentenced to Death The hearing was resumed yesbrd afternoon in the Supreme Court before M Justice L.P. Ebden and a special comprising Messrs. J. R. Murray (Foreman A. Hastie, A. W. Blackstone, F. D. HiS R. M, Richards, G. B. Fitzgerald and T. Nash,
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  • Page 1660 Advertisements
    • 11 1660 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Qreat Peppermint Cuie ls.6d.
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    • 59 1660 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhooa? Keep absolutely quiet for a few days, rest in bed if possible, be careful of your diet and take Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine has cured cases of chronic diarrhoea that physicians have failed on, and it will
      59 words

  • 132 1661 A meeting of tha Board of Licensing Justices to consider applications for public house and billiard saloon licences for 1916 was held in the District Court yesterday afterno( n There were present Mr. J. C. Sugars (Chairman) Dr. G. VV. Park, Messrs. A. 8. Anthony, D. A. M.
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  • 147 1661 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their Auction Sale yesterday Smoked Ribbed Sheet $ll7 to $ll9 per picul. No, 2 Smoked Sheet $lO3 $ll2 Unsmoked Sheet... $lO5 $lll Crepe fine pale thin and blanket sl’2o $122 Good pale
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  • 1294 1661 Mr. C. W. Darbishire’s speech to the Singapore Chamber of Commerce on the subject of the income-tax and the Colony’s war contribution has met with what is called a “mixed reception” in the Singapore press. The Straits Times attacks it violently. The Free Press rejoices to find that
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  • 619 1662 —S.F.F. Gunners Y. L. Peterson and C. Moore, formerly of ‘B Company of the Penang Volunteers, who are with the Mesopotamian Field Forces, have already proceeded t? the firing line. Mr, Bateson, Government Mycologist, B.N. Borneo, is seriously ill with appendicitis, which developed during his recent visit to Tuaran,
    —S.F.F.  -  619 words
  • 1093 1662 A Captious Critic, A Critic” writes to us objecting to the action of the Municipality in granting permission to the M.F.A. tempciarily t 3 enclose Dato Kramat Gardens in order to collect a “gate” for Our Day. He says I have read with great interest your issue of
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  • 159 1662 Red Cress Fusd. Mr. W. G. Peter, as Honoraiy Treasurer, f irwards us the first list of subscriptions to Our Day fund. As an initial effort it >■ vefy encouraging and satisfactory. Thi Fsl reads: Saptll By Surplus transferred from War Demonstration Committee Fund 1551.45 26 Hon. A.
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  • 1044 1663 (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Tele-ram COMBLES CAPTURED. admirable co operation. Eatirely Successful Operations, London, September 26, 12.40 p.m. General Haig, in a communique, states Fifteen hundred Germans have been made prison era. We have entered Combles and are overcoming the enemy’d res sUnce London, Sept. 26. .3.45 p.m, The
    (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Tele-ram  -  1,044 words
  • 528 1663 (Rrvtr’i Soviet) cuemebi T-i-ursir. FALL OF COMBLES. Further Details. Lond. n, September 26, 5 15 p.m. Tee Pam ommuaqne, continuing, at vtes: "Violent enrmy attacks oa the Thiaumoot Wjrk and b leu’-y were repulsed with serious los-er. "Our reconnaissances penetrated the cemetery of Combles and reached the southern
    (Rrvtr’i Soviet) cuemebi T-i-ursir.  -  528 words

  • 492 1664 (Reuter’s Service.) thoyright Teiegra-D. action by venizelos. Provisioßal Goveranaeat Formed. London, September 25, A telegram from Athens confirms the report that M. Venizelos left this morning accompanied by Admiral Condouriotis, some superior officers and other supporters. They are probably bound for Crete and thence for a tour
    (Reuter’s Service.) thoyright Teiegra-D.  -  492 words
  • 47 1664 (From Our Own Correspondent,) Singapore, September 28. At the meeting of the Ampang Tin Company it wasbtatdd that the decrease in the output was due to an outcrop of limestone. It waa decided to write off the preliminary expentea and to carry forward |2,211.
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  • 423 1664 (Poster's Senice.) Copyright Telegram FIERCE FIGHTING ON TWO FRONTS, I Bombs OB Bukbarest. London, September 27, 1 30 a.m. t The Bukbarest communique says There was fierce fighting in the Jiul I Valley in Transylvania where the Rumanians I advanced. The enemy made three massed attacks I in
    (Poster's Senice.) Copyright Telegram  -  423 words
  • 64 1664 Latest Quotations, Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $83.50, business done, in Singapore, (refined) at $B4. business done (175 tons sold) and in London at <£l73 spot and X 173 ss. three months’ sight. Messrs. Bousfead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for
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  • 466 1664 (Reuter s Service) Copyright Telegram. Violent Fighting. London, September 25,4-30 p.m A French official telegram from Salonika says We heavily repulsed violent Bulgarian counter-attacks east of Florina.” Bulgarian Attacks Repulsed. Lo. don, September 2?. A French official despatch, issued at Salonika, states that three Bulgaiian heavy and violent
    (Reuter s Service) Copyright Telegram.  -  466 words

  • 1353 1665 We print ii another column, says the Singapore Free Prue, advance informal.on with reference to the proposed War Loans Investment Trust of Milaya which is in process of organization and will probably be working about the middle of October. This movement which, as we noted some
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  • 620 1665 [To the Editor or the Slrmto Echo] Sir. The rage at the present mcment am ng our local ge itry is tj have ui all made gxid by law. Was anyone made goed by law? Is it not known that a lac, which has not public opmi
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  • 885 1666 We are afraid, says the Free Press, that Singapore will always fiod a difficulty in posing in full dignity as one of the 8 Handmaidens of the Sea. Tnere a:e too many conflicting interests, or ®b*ll we say too many narrow views of her responsibilities and privileges as
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  • 437 1666 (From Our Own Correspondent,) Singapore, September 29. At the Singapore Rubber Auction to-day 730,503 lb. were sold at the following prices per picul Smoked Sheets 1120 to $123 Good 113 to 120 Fine 105 to 115 Unsmoked 107 to HO Fine plain 103 to 107 Crepes 121
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  • 243 1666 Province Murder Cise. The hearing was resumed this mernir® before Mr. Justice L. P, Ebden and J special jury, comprising Messrs. H W Oxenham (Foreman) J. P. Scute-, A. Via Vollenhoven, P. Carmichael, J. Vreede, J. ft, Murray and J. T. Nico), of the case a'gai’nn Tech Tek
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  • 338 1666 [To The Editor of the Free Preu.] Sir, —Referring to your leader of to*dav in which you commend the Hon. Mr. Darbishire as a strong unofficial member of Couoci’, is it not somewhat incongruous that be points out his confidence in the word of Sir Arthur Young
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  • 739 1667 The Malaya Tribune f jllows the Straits Times in heaping abuse upon th? bead of Mr. C. VV. Darbibbire for his speech at the Singapore Chamber of Commeics. Its article is just as devoid of argument and reasoning as that published by the evening paper except
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  • 1290 1667 In all th** Berlin communiques when the loss of aposition on the Somme is admitted great emphasis is invariably laid upon the t «rrible cost at which the Allies have achieved their success. Well, we know that the British casualties have been numerous and nobody has ever attempted
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  • 596 1668 a.-M M Mr. P. K. Dickson is on a visit to this place. Mr. E.R. Henderson will be leaving for home shortly. Mr. Allen Dennys continues to make good progress towards complete recovery. Mr. A. L. Milne, of Nordanal Estate, Muar, left by the s.s. Tara to-day for India.
    a.-M M  -  596 words
  • 976 1668 I The Baad. I How much the Band adds to the ameniI ties of life in Penang will be experienced on I October 1 when the bandsmen go on their I annual fortnightly holiday. If nothing else, the Band gives us something to grumble at, without which, according
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  • 311 1668 -T. O U. A cable received in Penang to-day announces the death at the Colombo Hospital of Mr. P. E. Laws, Accountant of the Eastern Smelting Company. Mr. Laws left Penang for home sometime little ago by the lyo Maru for he bad been ill
    -T. O U.  -  311 words

  • 471 1669 (VettUr'i Senia.) Copyright Telegram FURTHER PROGRESS. Capture of Stuff Redoubt. London, September 28, 2.40 p.m. Haig reporta excellent piogreas. “We carried north of Fiera further enemy trenches on a front of 2,000 yards and are now level with the east side of Eaucourt I'Abbaye. •'Fierce fighting tcok place
    (VettUr'i Senia.) Copyright Telegram  -  471 words
  • 442 1669 (Itttefi Senia.) Oocyrah’ Ta BRUSILOFF CONFIDENT. Waltiag for the Propitious Momeat. Petrograd, September 27. General Brusiloff is very confident and declares that we have reached a period where success is no longer estimated by the territory captured but by the number of the enemy put hors de combat.
    (Itttefi Senia.) Oocyrah’ Ta  -  442 words
  • 358 1669 (hotir’i Ssrvio.) '-«©rn<ai T»<«crsin. SOUTH OF THE SOMME. Briliiaat Attack. Loudon, Sept. 27, 4.55 p m. ine i ans Cuiniuumque, continued, Mases Sjuth of the Somma tnere waa a fairly lively artillery contest in the Bsrleux u C j brilliantly executed attack at the end of it yesterday
    (hotir’i Ssrvio.) '-«©rn<ai T»<«crsin.  -  358 words
  • 133 1669 (From Over (hen Oerr&ptndenQ Singapore, Sept. 28. At the meeting of Mergui Rubber Company, Mr. Bsddeley, who p esided, said that they h*d taken up &gt;15,000 of the Federal War Loan. The crop should steadily expand and the exp oses increase very little if at all. Conservative
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  • 663 1670 (Reuter’s Senice) Copyright Telegram. COLLABORATION WITH THE ENTENTE. Sigalfieaat Report. Athens, Septembar 28. It is reported that the Council of Ministers is in agreement with the King and has decided upon military collaboration with the Entente. Greek Battleship Join Allies. The battleship Hydra has joined the Allied
    (Reuter’s Senice) Copyright Telegram.  -  663 words
  • 236 1670 Tin. The following prices were obtained at the Eastern Produce Exchange Auctiiu yesterday Diamond Smoked Sheet from $lO7 to $ll7 Diamond Sheet sl&lt;&gt;4 to $lO7 Plain Uusmoked Sheet $lOl to .05 Lump Scrap 53 Laose and Virgin Scrap s3Bto 50 Loose Scrap s49to 63 E irth Scrap
    Tin.  -  236 words
  • 662 1670 JTo The EDITOE r IHK S&lt;ra fo Eelv&gt; The Colony can well be proud of a like Mr. Darbishire who. holding tbe tion of President of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and of representative of that Chamber in the Legislative Council, haatha courage of his convictions
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  • 5067 1671 GOVERNOR’S ADDRESS. COLONY'S PROGRESS. The Year** Review, Toe fjllowing is the address of His Ex’ celiency the Governor Sir Arthur Young» a.c m.g., the Meeting of the Legislative Cjunnl held on Friday, last. Honourable Members or the Legi-la* tive Council: This is the third time I deliver
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  • 653 1673 A Diath Simtisci. Tbe h “'ring was resumed vesterday afternoon b«f re Mr Justice L. P. Ebden and a special juiy. c mpnsing Messrs. H. W, Oxenham (Fo-emao) J. P Souter, A. Van Vollent oven. P. Carmichael, J. Vreede, J. R. Murray and J. T. Nicol, of
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  • 25 1673 Straits 228,000 lb. Penang 179.000 lb,Tali Ayer 79 OX) lb, Rubins 61.000 lb, Bagan Sent 29,000 lb, aud Bitak iUbit 27,500 lb.
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  • 637 1674 ACCIDENTAL DEATH. The inquest into the circumstances attending the death of a Bengali named Karam Khan, which took place on ths 24th instant at the General Hospital after admission on the 12th instant with wounds on the head, was held thia morning before Mr. J. C. Sugars and
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  • 464 1674 Qaestioa of Costs aad Trustee's Salary. The further hearing of the case instituted by the Shanghai Klebang Rubber Estates Limited against the B inking and Trading Corporation, Naudin Ten Cate and the Hon. A. R. Adams was resumed this morning for the purpose of bearing the argument
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  • 131 1674 Proposed Amendment of law. The F.M.S. Government Gazette contains the draft of an Enactment to amend the Federal Rubber Dealers Enactment of 1909. As the law stands no persm other than a licensed deiler may purchase cultivated rubber, and even he may purchase it only at bis own
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  • 338 1674 Inteb-Settlemest Match At the adjourned meeting of tLeA.-oci. tion, after reading a letter from tb e pality, it was unanimously agreed to the ground on 14‘h October and chares fif, cents for chairs on tbe bandstand .ide AJ otherwise ten cents entrance, children haS price, subject of course to
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  • 160 1674 Tennis Tournament, The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday: Mired Doub'es A, Mr and Mrs E J Bennett beat Mrs Simuel and F C Gr.’gson 9-7, 6-2. Mrs Harrop and E A Swan beat Mrs Ebden and C C Roger" 6-3, 7—5. Profession
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  • 1256 1675 There is nothing sensational but much that is satisfactory in his Excellency the Governor’s Budget speech which we print in exiento on pige 8 of this issue, The “difficulties” of 1916 foretold by Sir Arthur Young two years ago do not seem to have come to pass.
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  • 616 1675 Tne Chief Secretary to the F.M.3, Government records with de&lt;»p regret the death of Mr. H. 8. Richmi nl, cadet, who was killed in act on &lt;n A- gJit 24 and, of Mr. L. M. Davenport. Grade 11. which occurred on 8 •p'emb'r 6, 1916, as the result of
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  • 966 1676 Miftiater»’ Book», The publication by Mr. Balfour of an important book while holding one of the chief positions in the Cabinet is not by any means unprecedented, though sufficiently rare. The standard case is that of Beaconsfield and the publication of ‘•Endymion,” Gladstone was, of course, a busy
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  • 85 1676 Tennis Tournament. The following were the results of the ties played off ye^rday: Mired Doub'et A. Mr and Mrs E J Bennett beat Mrs Samuel and F C Grogson 9—7, 6-2. Mrs Harrop and E A Swan beat Mrs Ebden and C C Rogers 6-3, 7-5. Profession
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  • 81 1676 By Balance ...$13,154.34 25 Members of Nova Scotia Club 52.00 29 Post Office 21 at instalSept. 29 By Balance ...$13,257.79 J. H. Spoweis (bolder) beat H. N. Hanmi°t by 6-1, 6-2, 62, in the Challenge Rjuud of the Tennis Championship at Ipob. Our Ipoh correspondent states
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  • 433 1676 (Reuter’» Service.) Copyright Telegr »m. The Battle of Thiepval DETAILED ACCOUNT. “A Task’»" Good Work. London, September 29. Reuter’s correspondent at the British Headquarters says that good progresg was made at the beginning of the attack on Thiepval, but hard fighting developed and the machine-gun fire assumed terrible
    (Reuter’» Service.) Copyright Telegr »m.  -  433 words

  • 339 1677 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. PEACE TALK RIDICULED. Mr. Lloyd George Interviewed. London, Saptember 29, 1,40 a.m. literviewod by the United Press of America Mr. Lloyd George emphasised that the British bad only begun to fight. The Empire had invested thousands of its best lives in the
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  339 words
  • 331 1677 (Reiter j Service) Copyright Te'-gram. AN APPEAL TO PATRIOTS. Provitioaal Goversmeat's Proelamatioa. Athens, September 29. A telegram from Canea stit.*s that a proclamation has baen issued by the Provisional Government, signed by M. Venizjlos and Admiral Counlouiiutis, of which the mun points are these It compares the
    (Reiter j Service) Copyright Te'-gram.  -  331 words
  • 61 1677 (From Our Own Corrcpondsn'.') Ipoh, September 29. News has b*en received Lee announcing that Mr. Micky” Thunder, a L&gt;uteoant iu the Flying C rps, has tw eu 1 ill* ci at the fron'. He was formerly in Tekka and Goptn; Cunsohda’ed and van a cousin of Mr.
    61 words
  • 481 1677 (Rexitar’i Sen ice.) BETHM4NN-HOLLWEG 3 SPEECH The Fury of Amsterdam, September 29, Tho &lt; p»mng of the Raicbstag was eagerly awaited as Dr. von Bexthmann-Hoilweg. Imperia] Unancellor, was expected to reply to aeve e cii'icisms. Attack oa Britaia. The Chancellor, at the very out et, attacked
    (Rexitar’i Sen ice.)  -  481 words
  • Page 1677 Advertisements
    • 59 1677 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoea? Keep absolutely quiet for a few days, rpst in bed if possible, be careful of your diet atd take Chamberlain’s Colic, Coolera and Parrboea Remedy. Thu medicine has cured cases of chronic diarrhoea that phveicuns have failed on, and it will
      59 words

  • 401 1678 (Reuter'l Senia). Copyright Telyram. Committee'» Reeommeadatioa». London, September 29. The Committee of the Board of Trade, which investigated the increase in the cost of foodstuffs, recommends acceleration in the construction of merchantmen compatibly with naval needs, the immediate provision of sufficient dockers and railway men to prevent congestion,
    (Reuter'l Senia). Copyright Telyram.  -  401 words
  • 480 1678 SUPPLY BILL. Polley of Coaservatioa. (From Out Oren Correspondent Singapore, Sept. 30. In the Legislative Council, following the I Governor’s Address which appears on page B—, the Hon. M. F. S. James, Colonial Secretary moved the Supply Bill. He said that their policy must be one of conserving
    480 words
  • 237 1678 —Ex, In politics, the lull in Ireland ig marked Two new Leagues-a Repeal of the Union League and an Irish Nation League—are working quietly both of them aim at changing the Parliamentary l oa( j er ship and piomise to prepare opposition to any new proposals for a
    ..—Ex,  -  237 words
  • 85 1678 Sept.2B By Balance $3,239.87 Mr. Justice Sproule... 25 00 Jules Martin 200 00 Hon. John Mitchell M 100.00 29 T. E. Dibbs 10.00 W. Duncan 250.00 R. T. Reid 200.00 C. M. Henderscn 100.00 8. M. Sharma 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. C. C* Clarke 2xoo
    85 words
  • 27 1678 (From Own Own Correspondent,) London, September 28. The following were the prices in tbe London Rubber Market to-day Pale Crepe 2,4 Diamond Smoked 2/3
    27 words
  • 23 1678 Straits 228,000 lb, Penane 179,000 lb,Tab Ayer 79,000 lb, Rubana 61.000 lb, Serai 29,000 lb, and Batak Rabit 27,500 lb.
    23 words
  • Page 1678 Advertisements
    • 88 1678 CUftberlain'i Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cure for col Is, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers of young children for almost forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures
      88 words
    • 64 1678 How few people realise that indiges ion is nearly always caused by wind on stomach, and yet it is so 2sow a ose WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURB, taken after meals would remove all that over-loaded feeling which makes tbe ferer so miserable. If you are afflic this way buy a
      64 words

  • 1392 1679 The question of the advantages and disadvantages of the chit system is one whch crops np periodically in the Eastern Prets. There has recently b-en some discussion of this matter in Hongkong, where H.E, the Governor (Sir F.H. May) in opening a new ctub expressed his strong
    1,392 words
  • 658 1679 'To The Editor or the Strad» Echo,] Sir, Ex-Free'i viewr on the Chinese Marriage Law q i stion a'e laudable while bis sug-ge-teu measures to meet (he situation are rather severe (bough prac(icable. It will do well to treat those who neglect ore woman to pay homage
    658 words

  • 611 1680 Good Profit for Last Year. The directors of the United Engineers, Limited, in their annual report to be submitted to the fifth ordinary general meeting on October 5 state After a lowing for the fees of directois, auditors, and debenture trustees and after making full allowance for depreciation,
    611 words
  • 635 1680 (To the Editor of the Times of Malaya,) Sir,—Recently I read in your paper that this subject may be brought forward at the next meeting of the Federal Council, whether by the Government or by the unt fficial members did not appear quite clear. Doubtless those
    635 words
  • 99 1680 The outputs from the following companiei for the month of September were: Kamunting Tin Dredging Ltd. Piculs 6CO Hours run 630 Yards treated 78,000 Value of output &gt;25,500 Cost of mining 9,000 Chenderiang Tin Dredging Ltd. Dredge. Piculs 32q Hours run 609 Yards treated 90,000 Elevators. Piculs 159
    99 words
  • 90 1680 A meeting of Bombay merchants was held yesterday to discuss the subscriptions for Our Day in aid of the Red Cross Fund. There were present the| represents, lives of Messrs. Wassiamull Assomull&Co., Tollaram Dholiamall Co,, J. O. Gianohand, Kewalram Chellaram, K A. J. Cbotirmall Co. It was to
    90 words
  • 283 1680 Octcber Fixtures. Mens’ Links Monthly Medal 7/8’ m Commercial Scholarships for 1916 have been awarded to the following Singapore: Tham Ying Khew and A Zuberbubler, Anglo-Chinese School; Jap Joon Hee and Chin Kee Chow, St. Joseph’s Institution. Penarg: Bahadar Singh and Yeon Cheong Hoe. F»ee School;
    283 words

  • 4548 1681 introduction of the supply bill. WAR LOAN AND EXCHEQUER BONDS. As already reported by telegram a meeting of the Legislative Council was held on Friday, at which there were present H. E. the Governor (Sir A. H. Young, G.C M.G the Colonial Secretary (Hon. Mr. F. 8. Jimes,
    4,548 words

  • 25 1683 Latest Quotation» Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day *t 185, business done, and in Singapore, (refined) at $B5. 62J, business dene (150 tons sold).
    25 words
  • 50 1683 (From Own Own Correspondent.) London, September 29. The following were the prices in the London Rubber Market tc-day Pale Crepe 2/4 Diamond Smoked 2.3 London, Septemb r 30. The following were toe priori m the L n lon Rubber Market to-diy; Pale Crepe 2/4| Diamond Smoked 2,4
    50 words
  • 16 1683 Henggeler.—On September 26, at Zurich, Switzerland, to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Henggekr, a daughter.
    16 words
  • 1344 1683 It is not difficult to see the connection between Herr von Bethmann-Holiweg’s hysterical outburst in the Reichstag and Mr. Lloyd George's clear statement to an American interviewer of the determination ot Great Britain and her Allies to make no terms with the enemy until Prussian militarism has been
    1,344 words

  • 522 1684 Mr. A Payee Gallwey was on a visit to Penang during the week end. Mr. O. H. Grove has been appointed to act as assistant District Officer, Pekan. Mr. E. Tourner is to act as a Deputy to the Port Officer, Singapore. Mr. E. Bagot is to set as
    522 words
  • 1242 1684 Salonika. To a correspondent who enquires as to the value of the penultimate syllabi in “Silonika” we make reply: Long i as in Longinus (or in Ikey not short i as in gin." Rubber. Returns for September are mostly rather down, owing to the drought, but we believe
    1,242 words

  • 1691 1685 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyr.ght Telegr Aerial Activity, London, September 30, 1 10 a.m. General Haig, continuing hh despatch, states that we attacked enemy reinforce-m-iotE on the move yesterday. Enemv aircraft patrolled actively behind our lines but showed little offensive enterprise, Combles. Further Details. Lordon, Septembar 30, 1.5 a.m. Bouter’e
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyr.ght Telegr  -  1,691 words

  • 553 1686 (iwtet'i Senice). Copyriaht Telecram. RUMOURED GERMAN VICTORY. Berlta Veraioa. Amsterdam, October 1. A German communique states that General Falkenbayn commanded the German and Austro-Hungarian troops which •‘crushingly defeated strong portions of, the first Rumanian army at Hermannstadt. It says that the Rumanians fled to the mountains on both
    (iwtet'i Senice). Copyriaht Telecram.  -  553 words
  • 522 1686 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. A Laeoaie Report, London, September 30. The Petrograd communique states that there is nothing to repoit. Advance on Brody-Krasay Railway. London, October 1. A Russian communique states: “We are advancing in the neighbourhood of the Brody-Krasny railway and southwards and made 2,000 prisoners. I
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  522 words
  • 395 1686 (Renter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. I PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT I Proclamation. Salonika, September 30 A telegram from Crete announce, ik. proclamation of a Provisional Government for the salvation of the Fatherland c™ Bisting of M. Venizelos and Admiral I Coundounotis, who are empowered Io add I a third member.
    (Renter’s Service) Copyright Telegram.  -  395 words
  • Page 1686 Advertisements
    • 87 1686 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cure for colds, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers or young children for almost forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures colds
      87 words

  • 5287 1687 FULL TEXT OF JUDGMENT. We append the full text cf the written judgment delivered by Mr. L. P. Ebden in the suit The Shanghai Klebang Rubbe- Estate?, Limited, vs. The Banking and Trading Corporation Naudm Ten Cate and the Hon. Mr, Arthur Robert Adams The plaintiff company
    5,287 words

  • 802 1689 Mas. Cooriß s Success. Mrs. Herbert C&gt;jper and her company of Ipob amateurs score! ano*h)r great success at the Peoing Town Hall on Saturday evening wh-n they produced “Ann”, a comedy in three acta by Lecbmere Warrail. Ann is decidedly a one-part play, of the well-km wo type written
    802 words
  • Page 1689 Advertisements
    • 64 1689 Rheumatism. Have vou ev r tried Chirnberlain’s F’aiu Balm for rheumatism If not, you are wasting time, as th) longer this disease runs on, the h.r ier it is to cure. Get a bottle t.Jdsy. »Pply lt with a vigorous rr.e-'-age to the cted parts and yuu will be surprised
      64 words

  • 89 1690 (Reuter*! Senice.) Copyright Telezraro. London, September 29. The Band of the Garde Bepublicaine arrived in London yesterday evening and were warmly welcomed. They visited Windsor to-day and played before their Majesties the King and Queen, receiving an enthusiastic reception, la the City. London, October 1. Tue Band
    (Reuter*! Senice.) Copyright Telezraro.  -  89 words
  • 334 1690 Bad Roads. CFkowi Our Own Malacca. October 1. There was a small attendance at the meeting of the Malacca Planters, over which Mr. Campbell presided, the principal subjppt being the condition of the roads in The Chairman criticised the present state of affairs, suggesting that the causes
    334 words
  • 463 1690 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram Chaßcellor’s Hyma of Hate. London, September 29 Dr. von Bethmanu-Hollweg, in his speech in the Reichstag, said that Great Britain was fighting for world supremacy with an expenditure of strength unexampled in history, and breaking one international law after another. Great Britain was
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram  -  463 words
  • 421 1690 Reuter's Service.) Copyright Further Progress. London, Ssptemb:r 29, 4,5 p u A Pans communique states: “We made progress bttweei Fremmrt and Morval. 8 n “An intense artillery duel took nW north and south of the Somme.” P 7 Comparative Calm. London, September 30,12 50 pm. A Paris official
    ( Reuter's Service.) Copyright  -  421 words
  • Page 1690 Advertisements

  • 1681 1691 America, not too proud to when the eotjuiy wigopaiuaad the spoils liy ather veiy dojr, his entirely failed to maintain during tha present war an attitule calculated to inspire respect in any of the belligerents. la fact the only manly utterance in any way connected with
    1,681 words
  • 168 1691 Verdict. (From Own Own Carretpondenl,) Ipob, October 3, The Full Court of Appeal, consisting of Sir Thomas Braddell, Mr. Justice Innes and Mr. Justice Farrvr-Manby, has concluded th) hearing of the appeal of Narain S ugh in whit is known as the Krob murder case. Ntrain Singh,
    168 words
  • 79 1691 Proaiat-t rreslss Arrsstsd. We leirn th*t Y-.h Bon Tran, a Chinese merchant well-known in Penang and one of the trusses &lt; f the S b Yeob Kongti, was arrested in bingipore yesterday on a warrant iatu-d in P-ux g charging him wi'h having rni»4Dpr-'Ori&lt;t-d a sum
    79 words

  • 580 1692 Mr. and Mrs. C. R. A. Goatly left by the P. and O. 8.8. Nore to-day on a trip to Hongkong. Mn. O. V. Thomas and Miss Sakaguchi left by the s.s. Nore to-day bound for Shanghai. Mrs P. J. Sproule left by the mail to-day for Hongkong. Mr.
    580 words
  • 1226 1692 The Attitude of Greeee. Greece’s declaration of war against Bulgaria, about which we heard so much a few days ago, does not seem, as the newspapers say, to have “eventuated”. Personally, we never expected that it would at that juncture. When Venizelos has got his provisional government established
    1,226 words

  • 1027 1693 (Reuter s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. AIRSHIP DOWNED. No Damage Dose. London, October 2. It is officially announced that ten airships crossed the East Coast yesterday evening. One approached north London but was driven &lt;ff by gunfire and pursued by aeroplanes On attempting to return she was again
    (Reuter s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  1,027 words
  • 416 1693 (Rfeter’i Service.) Coprr ihi TaUcr am. CAPTURE OF EAUCOUtT. Puthi.g Oawardt. Ljndon, October 2, 2.5 am Gen r»l H &lt;ig, continuing his commumou*. states ’’Further cast we pushed our post* well b?yond the original front. Bo f* r three hundred prisoners have been made. Our casualties were small.
    (Rfeter’i Service.) Coprr ihi TaUcr am.  -  416 words
  • 72 1693 Latest Quotaiioas Tm (unreHoed) is quoted here to-day at $54. buy»*', no s&lt;Tiers, in ,Biog-&gt;pore, (refine 1) at 185 50. buoness done (125 tons sold) and in London at X 175 ss. spot and tiree monin*’ sight. late in the day as compared with the B’raita SetL mettle the
    72 words

  • 480 1694 (Renter’» Senice). Copyright Telegram. HINDENBURG’S STROKE. Situation at Hermaaastadt. London, October 1. It had been generally expect’d that Marshal von Hindenburg would attempt an audacious stroke somewhere in the East as a counter to the Allied offensive in the West. The bitterness of Dr. von Bethmann-Holl-weg’s references to
    (Renter’» Senice). Copyright Telegram.  -  480 words
  • 419 1694 (Renter’s Service) Copyright Telegrsm. Attitude of the Entente. Athens, September 30. The Greek Government is still ignorant regarding the intentions of the “Entente” Powers and will probably resign on Monday. It seems that the Entente” is determined to refrain from pressure with a view to imposing any
    (Renter’s Service) Copyright Telegrsm.  -  419 words
  • 1269 1694 Application for Commitment In Iha Supreme Court before Mi Ju.tiJ' L. P. Ebden this morning the hearing .J resumed of the applicat on of Mr F p Colman, Assistant Offi ial Assisnw. tor. 1 commitment order agiin-t Chee Kok Foo J Government pensioner, under eertion 107 J subsection
    1,269 words

  • 1017 1695 (By Tom Wright), I was sharply reminded how hr from mv proper kampeng f have be?n Graying by i aD piper a poem “The Echo-Man ar, death, travel, micropecuniosity, j gold-seeking, politic», snd other knavish tricks have been seduc ng me from my metier, which, as the
    1,017 words
  • 93 1695 Mr. Khaw Joo Tok advises ns that the outputs of the following four Companies fur the month of September were The Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co. No Lability 96 tons. Bangkok Valley No Liability, Cubic yards. Hours. Piculs. 62 037 518 430 Deebooe Dredging No Liability. Dredge. Cubic
    93 words
  • 72 1695 At the Eist&lt;*rn Produ?e Exchange Audi &gt;n yesterday the following prices were obtained Diamond Smoked Sheet from $lO9 to $llB Plain Smoke 1 Sheet $lOB Diamond Udbok ked Sheet SB»S to $lOB Plain Unsmoked Sheet $lOl to s&gt;o3 Birk and Scrap Crepe $6l Blanket Crepe $65 Lump
    72 words
  • 39 1695 The Stiawau Kubocr PuLtitions, 9,683 lbs. .-Pl I»., 1,,,, According to the Fo- *'•4'’Zei/uny 430.U00 Iron Crosses, including JO.vOO first cla»s bare b-en distribute! •iugm the beginning of the war. Their total weight is 150 cwt.
    39 words
  • Page 1695 Advertisements
    • 59 1695 Rheumatism. p kr you ever tried Chamberlain’s Pain for rheumatism If no f you are **b Q gtime. as the longer this disease runs ta'ik i 9 cure. Get a bott'e (ITL* B Pp!y it with a vigorous message to •ffl cted parts and you will be surprised 2"&lt;Wighted at
      59 words

  • Page 1696 Advertisements
    • 211 1696 I CRITERION PRESS, Ld j »J No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. &lt;1 ESTABLISHED 18S3. PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. 5| Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO” and “PENANG SIN POE.” The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and lithographers in the Orient. 5 Our plant is of the very latest pattern and by conH stantly
      211 words