The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 26 April 1916

Total Pages: 34
1 614 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 20 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. 'l7. 50PerAnnum. Single Copy. 40 eta Vol. 14. Penang, Wednesday, 26th April, 1916. No. 17
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 219 1 CONTENT S. Leaders: page. Miscellaneous: page Late War Items 586 A 598 Tbe S tUation 583 An Attack and a Repl» 587 EastandWest 589 Malay Barrad '587 Aril and tbe War 593 Queen Mary's Needlework Guild 587 Crime and Punishment6os Belgian Reliet Fun! 587 Law i The Humphrey Bishop Co.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 181 2 J f THE STRAITS. E< Hf? MAIL EDITION, lj Published the day prior to the departure of each mail B u for Europe, and contains the latest local and States s nets originally published in the daily issues, as well as ft w all important news from various parts of
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  • 1004 583 Certainly it is most distressing to read of fresh differences of opinion in the British Cabinet at a time like the present, but the whole question of compulsion is very com plicated and it is really a marvel that compulsory service for unmarried men was carried at the
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  • 605 583 The Resident Councillor will spend Easter up the Hill. Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Mtcuellare going up Penang Hill for some weeks. The Rev. Father Renard hreturned to Kuala Lumpur from Hongkong. Mr. Buyers, the Eastern Smelting Com* panys agent at Tongkah. has come to Penang for
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  • Page 583 Advertisements
    • 99 583 ~r-. M *T **mH s' Published (b.ily (except Siin<lay« Mid pablit holiday*) AT TUB CRITERION PEE33. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang Fbkjb. Daily Local m 124 per annvoL M Oatotation.M Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Poet Free) 117.50 CABX.B ADDBBI* ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nob. Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 A All
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  • 1313 584 A Waraiag Nate. We doubt very much whether it in proper to promote, or politic for the police to permit, boxing or wrestling matches in Penang just at prevent between persona of different race* or nationalities. A Good Thiag. Europeans in Penang are, we hear, giving hearty support
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  • 522 584 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. ENEMY ARTILLERY ACTIVITY. Bombardment of Hill 304. London, April 18, 1.50 a m. A Paris communique states that on the left bank of the Meuse there was great enemy artillery activity against Hill 304 and our second lines. Furious German Attack. On the
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  522 words

  • 972 585 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. CABINET CRISIS. Premier’s Statemeat Postpoaed. London, April 17. Mr. H.H. Asquith announced that he hoped to deal to-morrow with the maximum number of men that could be withdrawn from industry for the army. London, April 18. Mr. H. H. Asquith has postponed his itatement
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  972 words
  • 251 585 (Renter's Senice.) Cpy right Tele Tram. QUESTION OF RESPONSIBILITY. Statemeat ia tke London, April 17. In the House of Commons Mr. Austen Chamberlain, Secretary of State for Indie, said that the first proposal to advance to Bagdad after the Battle of Kut-el-Amara was made by General Nixon. General
    (Renter's Senice.) Cpy right Tele Tram.  -  251 words
  • 106 585 Perak Decision. Our Own Singapore, April 19* At a general meeting of the Perak Chamccr of Commerce which was held yesterday afternoon it was decided that it was advisable to form a Federal Chamber for the better advancement of commercial interests in the F M.S. The
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  • 44 585 Makomedaa Trader Fined. (/rom Our Own CorrespondenC) a n Singapore, April 19. Syed Omar bin Mahomed Ashible haa been fined 11,000 and costs for being in possession of aniline (dyp), believed to be of enemy or gm, shipped from Java as strongs
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  • 59 585 (Nrom Our Own Currc>pondenf,) Singapore, April 19. 1 ne Ayer I anas Rubber Comp toy’s report shows a profit on the yeai’s working of 12J7.803. A final dividend is recommended to be p kid, in iking 35% for the yeir bonus to the staff >3.911, Malacca
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  • 1069 586 (Renter's Senice.) Copyright T®l*«ram. SPLENDID RUSSIAN VICTORY Nearia* Trebizond. Petrograd, April 17. A Petrograd communique states that the Rusuans have occupied the village of Arsenek-el-Bsai, twelve ruilee east of Trebizond. FALL OF TREBIZOND. London, April 18. Trebiaond has fallen. Tbbbizowo —Although the operations in the Caucasus have
    (Renter's Senice.) Copyright T®l*«ram.  -  1,069 words
  • 502 586 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are f om the Sumatra Post of Monday, April 17 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Relatioaa with Germany, The Union of Dutch Potato Exports has complained to the Du f ch M nister cf Commerce that thousands of wagguns of potatoes
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  • 1110 587 We would allow, says the T O.M. of Tuesday, the most amusing article in the Malay Tribune, under the heading of the F.M S. Chamber of Mines,” to pass without comment did it not contain certain innuendoes against this paper. These, in turn, would have
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  • 193 587 To the E iitor of the Straits Times. Sir —On Saturday last I sent a telegram to the Government Telegraph Office for transmission to a friend at Penang, was leaving there, on that day, per the P. and. O. Mail for Europe. The telegram was a short one,
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  • 38 587 Penang Women Workers. Amount prevcuslj acknowledged in no Mrs. Connolly 4 T H,o Mrs. Craigen, Byram Eatate. (3rd Donation) Mrr. Heim, (7th Donation) Total 1,872.28 There will I® no distribution of work this week.
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  • 479 587 To the Editor of the Straits Erho. Dear Sir, I disagree with the Pena g Pedagogue whose views on the subject of Grammar in schools you published in your issue of the 13th inst. His suggestion is (I hope I don’t misunderstand him) that Grammar should be
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  • 29 587 April 13 By Balance 11,633.34 19 Ladies Bridge Book at Golf Club, contribution for March 24.00 19 By Balance 1,657.34 Amount previously acknowledged 23,913.74 Total 525.571.08
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  • 216 588 MEETING AT SEREM BAN. COMMITTEE APPOIMTBD. A meeting in support of the F.M.B. War Loan was held at Seremban on Monday morning, but the attendance was rather disappointing. Mr. J. D. McCulloch who was in the chair in opening the proceedings referred to the short
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  • 79 588 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their Auction bale yesterday Smoked Ribbed Sheet $169 to 1175 Plain $l6l No. 2 Smoked Sheet diamond 1160 $165 I Unsmoked Sheet $155 $157 No. 2 Unsmoked Sheet $154 I Crepe Fine
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  • 168 588 The following were the scores made by the Penang Ladies Rifle Club at Kampong Bahru yesterday Del Firing a Ol Lu 7. 5 S HO co oj Miss Mathieu 21 28 32 81 Mit" M. Pritchard 24 20 16 60 Mrs V. Thomas 18 24 12
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  • 695 588 While the audience at the Town Hall last night did what it could to make up by enthusiasm for what it lacked in numbers, r it would be idle to expect M r Humphrey y Bishop to feel anything but dissatisfaction at the result of the
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  • 399 588 A Really Good Show. Fillis’ Circus, after a very successful tour in India, opened for a short season last night at the Dato Kramat Gardens. The programme, which contained no less than twenty items, has never been excelled by any circus. It was a really good show. Miss
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  • 177 588 The following Club shoots (handicap) l will take place over the Easter Holidays: Saturday 22nd 7 am. 200, 500 <& 600 yards, Monday, 24th 7 am. 300 600 yards. Xminunition can be purchased cn the Range at the Club rates. These two shoots arethecommEncementof the club’s
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  • Page 588 Advertisements

  • 1322 589 Events in the Near East are moving rapidly and the repercussion of Trebizond will soon be felt'n it only in Constantinople but in Bagdad also. Once more the valua of sei-power has been most forcibly demonstrated and the success of the combined naval and military operations in
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  • 588 589 Mr. F. G. Penny is going to Ipoh for the Easter Holiday!. Mr. P. E. Laws, Secretary of the Eastern Smelting Company, is, we are glad to hear, much better to-day. Mr. Stephen Harrison, of the Eastern Smelting Company, proceeds to Sungei Siput on transfer in the
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  • 1020 590 Separate Peace Illutioaa. Russia’s victory at Trebizond is certain to revive the stories of Turkey’s ardent dheire fir a separate peace. Too much attention ahould most certainly not be paid to such reports. Talk of sep irate peace, by the way, recalls some rem irks by that embarrassingly
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  • 321 590 At the Eastern Pioduce Auction 9,003 lb. out of 38,155 lb. offered, were sold at the following prices Diamond Smoked Sheet ln,m $l5B to $167 Diamond Unsmoked $157 Plain Unsmoked Sheet $152 $154 Loose Scrap $7B„ 93 Rolled Scrap $93 $ll5 Lump Scrap 70 96 Pressed Scrap
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  • 406 590 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. JUDENITCH’S EASTER EGG. A Triumph of Co-ordination. Petrograd, April 19. Only the optimists expected General Judenitch. the conquerer of Erzerum, to present Russia with an Easter egg in the shape of Trebizond, where the Turks are known to have an Army Corps and
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  406 words
  • Page 590 Advertisements
    • 49 590 Bjwel Comphint in Children. During the summer months children are fubj<*ct to disorders of the bowelsand should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of the bowels n noticed Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given, hor sale by <»11 Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 453 591 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. RUPTURE IMMINENT. Joist Ssisioa of Senate and Representatives. Wshington, April 19, The gravity of the situation between Germany and America is indicated by the fact that President Wilson has decided to submit the whole submarine issue to a joint session of the Senate
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  453 words
  • 367 591 (Reuter's Senice.) Cpyright Tele,-ram. WEATHER HAMPERS OPERATIONS. London, April 19, 1.15 a.m. A Paris communique states that in the region of Verdun bad weather hampered operations. An intermittent bombardment took place west and east of the Meuse, but there was no infantry action. Our artillery actively shelled
    (Reuter's Senice.) Cpyright Tele,-ram.  -  367 words
  • 419 591 (Renter’» Service.) Copyright Telegram. LORD CURZON'S REPOMT. London, April 19. In the House of Commons Mr. H. fl. Asquith announced that Lird Cun on on behalf of tbe Government. had carefully examined the whole aircraft litua* tion and had presented his report, recommending large changes in the
    (Renter’» Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  419 words
  • Page 591 Advertisements
    • 92 591 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will
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    • 10 591 Fer Chronic Cbost Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure Is. <4
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  • 543 592 (Reuter’i Service.) FURTHER DELIBERATION. Premier*» Statement ia the Hou»e. London, April, 19. In the House cf Coma-ons M. fL H. Asquith «aid that be regretted that there were still material points of disagreement in the Cabinet and that if these were not settled bv an agreement the
    (Reuter’i Service.)  -  543 words
  • 1042 592 To The Editor of the Straits Echo Dear Sir, It strains me very much when it should be my lot to respond to “K. B. T’s” letter re Chinese marriage customs, as I could find no response from the more qua ified source locally. I
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  • 77 592 (Frm Our Own Correspondent?) Singapore, April 20. At the Singapore Rubber Auction 336 tons w< re offered for sale and 233 tons sold at the following prices Smoked Sheets 5169 to $174 per picul. Good $l6O $169 Plain $l6O $l6B Unsmokel $157 $l6B Hain $l5l $162 Crepes
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  • 38 592 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Mired Doubles A. Mrs. Phillips and Thielfall beat Mrs. Ebden and Savi. 6-3, 7- 5. Championship. Everest feeaf 8. F. B. Martin 6-2, 6-2.
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  • 650 593 Theft At a Mosque. Before Mr. W, C. Michell in the District Court this morning a Ma’ay named w bo admitfel four previous conviction, after bring found guilty of theft of 13 cents the property of Sulaiman at the Captain Kling Mosque, was s mtenced to six months*
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  • 170 593 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Langkaw', April 18 S nee last week H. H. the Sultan of Kedah has lein on a visit to Lingkawi. He is staying at the Rest House and last Sunday paid a visit to the Kisap Rubber Estate. Oa Thursday some twelve Sam Sims
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  • 395 593 To The Editor of the Times of Malaya, Sir, —In your issue of yesterday’s date 1 noticed two letters written apparently by members of the M S. V. R. and referring to certain matters connected with the runinng of the recent Camp in Taiping.
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  • 1288 593 Before we can fully appreciate the causes that led up to the wa r and that have been leading up to it from the day that the power of the last Napoleon was killed before we can estimate the part that Asia—lndia, the Straits Settlement?, the
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  • 548 594 Mr. Stephen Harrison has left Penang for Sungei Siput, Mr. G. 11. Gartsi le has been admitted as a memter of the F.M.S. Bur. Mr. P. E. Laws, Secretary of the Eastern Smelting Co., L‘d is much better to-day. M. Maurice Gourbeil, the Governor of Cochin-china, is
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  • 972 594 Cinematograph Censorship. We are all for a rigid censorship of cinematograph films and we recognise moreover that certain themes which might pass in London would be harmful in Penang, because of race prejudice and susceptibilities and because here we are dealing with a cosmopolitan population and an entirely
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  • 396 595 (Reuter’s Senice.) Cpyright Telerram. GREAT ARTILLERY ACTIVITY. German Attack on Les Eparges. London, April 20, 1.40 a.m. A Paris communique states that west of tho Meuse there was great artillery activity against Hill 304 and our first lines between Morthomme and Cumieres. East of the Meuse there
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Cpyright Telerram.  -  396 words
  • 1571 595 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. CRITICAL SITUATION. Gist of U. S. Note. London, April 19. President Wilson has sent a Note warning Germany that unless attacks in violation of international law against merchantmen carrying Americans are stopped diplomatic relations will be severed. Practically aa Ultimatum. The Note is
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  1,571 words
  • 199 595 Obituary. Couat de Bondy. (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, April 22. Count Raphael de T>illepied de BondyRairh, Consul-General for France at Si gipore, died this morning. [Count de Bondy was born on May 21, at Paris. Hew-s the son of Count Emile do Bondy, formerly Plenipotcnri try Minister, and of
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  • 522 596 (Reuter's Senice.) CoDyri«ht Telegram. FRENCH COUNTER-ATTACK. Prisoners and Gubs Captured. London, April 20, 4.20 p m. The French made another brilliant counter-attack in the Verdun region. The Paris communique states that, “We strongly attacked at dusk the German positions north-west of Vaux and occupied portions of the
    ' (Reuter's Senice.) CoDyri«ht Telegram.  -  522 words

  • 467 597 (Poster's Service.) Copyright Telegram. BERNSTORFF PERTURBED. Rupture Imminent. Washington, April 23. Cjunt Bernstorff is very perturbed. He has at great length recom mended Berlin to take soma step in obder to avoid a rupture. The correspondent of the Times at New Yoik states that high financial circles
    (Poster's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  467 words
  • 1078 597 (Reuter's Sendee.) Copyright Telegram. SETTLEMENT REACHED. Press pinion. London, April 20. Th: Daily Express states tnat no other Ministry is onceivable. The Daily Graphic states that the divergent elements uf the Cabinet must meet on the common ground that Great Britain is the workshop of tho Allies.
    (Reuter's Sendee.) Copyright Telegram.  -  1,078 words

  • 478 598 (tater’i Service.) Copyright Talxram. PICKED FORCE AT MARSEILLES. Warm Wtkome By Geatrai Joffre. London, April 20, 7.15 p.m. A telegram from Pari» state» that a picked Ruisian force arrived at Marseille» today. General Juff ein an Order cf the Dip rejoices at being able to wdcome the
    (tater’i Service.) Copyright Talxram.  -  478 words
  • 226 598 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special tebgrami are from the Sumatra Post of Tuesday and Wednesday, April 18 and 19 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. The Seizure of Mails. The Netherlands Government has addressed lengthy Notes in almost identical terms to Great Britain and France on the subject
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  • 304 598 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 22. Messrs. Fraser and Neave’s weekly report states that the Treasury restrictions of Colonial dealings have been removed, enabling the selling of Stirling shares. There was a slack exchange, the proceeds being rc-iuvested in Government securities. There was a lull in
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  • 645 598 Friday'» Teaai» Matehea. During the Easter holidays Victoria Green will ba the rendezvous of the sporting public of Penang because of the interesting series of football, tennis, and cricket matches which will be played there between the Singapore Visitors and the Chinese Recreation Ciub. The Singapore representatives
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  • 2445 599 Born April 23, 1564. Died April 23, 1616. Festival of Saiat George* The plays of Shakespeare and the English Bible ore, and will ever be, the twin monuments not merely of their own period, bud of the perfection of English, the complete exprestion of the literary capacities of
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  • 1280 600  -  (By Tlan VVbight.) Ju-t now in England the word science threatens to become a sort of sibboleth. We are urged to take a leaf Pom the German book and make our commerce mere scientific. With beaee-hments almost teaiful we are asked to conduct the war more scientifically.
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  • 1210 601 Prize Distribution. Oa Thursday morning the Prizs Distribu- f or ]915 of the above school took pla f e formally. The R s-.deot Councilor, Mr. Clarke ([csp r ctor of Schools) and Mrs. p| ir kP, tbe Bishop of Singapore and Rev: p N. Greenbow wore among
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  • 565 601 An Extraordinary Ipoh Casi. A Judge is often called upon to intervene in matters that cannot always be decided on existing laws and enactments and so finds himself in many a queer situation, especially among communities that are prone to litigation. At the same time, instances are
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  • Page 601 Advertisements

  • 576 602 German Imfluince on Indian Revolutionaries. On March 30 the Special Tribunal pronounced judgment in the Lahore Conspiracy Supplementary C me. Of the 74 accused six were sentenced to death, 55 to transportation for life, eight to various terms of imprisonment and 15 were acquitted. Among tboie sentenced
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  • 659 602 To the Editor of the Straits Echo, De»r Sir, With reference to the question of Polygamy among the Cunese which appeared in your journal for the last lew days I for one am quite following tho views of Mr, C. B. Teat and Madam Suffering Woman. There
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  • 158 602 According to the return of the RegistrarGeneral the number of persons married in England and Wales during the third quarteref 1915 (205,134) corresponds to an annual rate of 21 8 per 1,100 of the popu. latior; it is the highest rate recorded in any quarter since
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  • 452 602 Owing to the i carcity of ships’ surgeon?, some of the passenger lines are having considerable difficulty in inducing medical men to take service at sea. All the d ctors who can be spared are going into the Roval Army Medical Corps, and this applies in particular force
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  • Page 602 Advertisements
    • 50 602 S«:ves 11 e Whole Family. The fame of Chamberlain’s Remedy is world wide. It is good for the dts p seated cough of the adult or tho croup and whooping ecu ;h uf the children. Tho same bottlo selves tbo whole family, 1\ i tale by all Dispensaries and I'ealei
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  • 390 603 (Belter’* Senice.) Copyright Telegram. the submarine warfare. American Note Preseated. Amsterdam, April 21. The American Ambassador at Berlin, Mr. j. W. Gerard, presented the United States’ Note on the submarine campaign to the German Government on Thursday. Support For President Wilaon. New York, April 21. The State
    (Belter’* Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  390 words
  • 488 603 (Benter’* Senice.) Copyright Telegram. BATTLE OF VERDUN. Abortive Germaa Attack*. London, AprP, 22, 5,50 p.m. A telegram from Paris reports that the latest French communique says “West of the Meuse, after a violent artillery preparation, the enemy attacked in the course of the night our positions on
    (Benter’* Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  488 words
  • 412 603 (Reiter’* Senice.) Cpy right Telegram. YUAN SHI KAI S POSITION. Resignation Probable. London, April 21. The correspondent of the Timet at Peking states that the indirect negotiations between the (central) Government and its opponents are understood to ba proving futile owing to the latters’ insisting on the
    (Reiter’* Senice.) Cpy right Telegram.  -  412 words
  • Page 603 Advertisements
    • 64 603 A Parent's Duty. Your boy is always getting scratched or ent or bruised. Because thefe wounds have healed all right is no «ign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that every injury is cared for immediately. You can get nothing better, snd blood poison
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  • 830 604 (Restefi Senice.) Oorrnht Telerrar*. MR. LLOYD GEORGE S POSITION. Radical Pre»» Comae»!». London, April 23. After a vehement attack on Mr. Lloyd George in yesterday’# Daily Neat owing to bin attitude in the recent crisis, Reynold* Newtpaperto day equal warmth and says that if the Liberals continue
    (Restefi Senice.) Oorrnht Telerrar*.  -  830 words
  • 849 604 A PENANG VICTORY. I First and Secoad Places. (From Gw Own Ipob, April 24. > I The following was the result of the play I for the Straits and F.M. q Golf ChampionI ship; I J. Crabb-Watt (Penang) 169 j S. F. Brereton Martin (Penang) 170 n A.
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  • Page 604 Advertisements
    • 44 604 The Fo.ty Year Test. An a r ticle must have eiMntinnai survive for a period of forty years ChTb >v.h ti,.d .n,tb,.rg i« at r- Y u yoais. ChamborWn-s fw ■mly gives rmief~ lt 01t g ~I Jcn ot Dispaasarka aal D'al, ls all
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  • 189 605 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their Auction Sale tc-day Smoked Ribbed Sheet $167 to $176 Plain $l5B No. 2 Smoked Sheet diamond $l6l $166 Unsmoked Sheet $156 $l5B No. 2 Unsmoked Sheet $152 $153 Crepe Fine Pale
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  • 18 605 Waugh— At the Maternity Hospital, Penang, on April 21, the wife ot H. Waugb, of a son.
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  • 1255 605 Lovers of Russian fiction, so fashionable just at present, will be disappointed if they expect to find under this heading a criticism of Dostoievsky’s famous novel. Our caption refers to the Kuala Lumpur cause celebre which has been a topic of conversation in places where people meet
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  • 535 606 Messr?. W. K. Sharps and M. N. Merican hive been granted licences as town auctioneers for Penang. Mr. J. H. Pedlow, Cadet, pasted bii tmal Examination in the Hokkien dialect of Chine** < n Ap r 'l 7, 19! 6. Mr. Buyer*, of the Eastern Smelting Company
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  • 1351 606 CbiA» I roubles. It is mort sincerely to ba hop 1 t tbe appointin'n: of a Premier and Cabinet thoroughly Republican in their sympathies will heal the unhappy differences between North and South Chiu*. It is to the interest neither of China as a nation nor of the
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  • 454 607 (Renter's Service.) Cpyright Te!e;ram admiralty announcement. London, April 24. Tbo Admiralty announces that an attempt WA3 made to laud army (arms and) ammun»ton in Ireland by a venae! under the guise of a neutral merchantman, but which was in reality a German anxiitaiy, in conjunction with a
    (Renter's Service.) Cpyright Te!e;ram  -  454 words
  • 408 607 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telograin. ROYAL TRIBUTE. The Gallant Dead. London, April 24. < >n the oc asion of the anniversary of the landing in Gallipoli the King tent a message to the Governor-General of Australia and the Governor of New Zealand to the fol lowing effect: “Tell my
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telograin.  -  408 words
  • 48 607 (From Our Own Correspondent;) Kuala Lumpur April 25. Al the annual general meet ini» of the Negri S' rn'nlan Planters A social i>n Mr. Dupuis Brown was elected Chairman and Mr. Fane ret ary. It was diciled to invest $3,0.0 in the War
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  • 572 607 ißcuter’s Service.) Ccoyricht TH-vram BOMBARDMENT OF HILL 304. London, April 24 A Paris ommunique states that west of the Meus» there w*s a violent bombarr’ment of Hill 304. E «st of the Meuse and in the Woevre there w-ta artillery salvoer. There was no infantry action. We
    ißcuter’s Service.) Ccoyricht TH-vram  -  572 words

  • 63 608 Negri Sembilaa'a Coatribvtio*. (From Our Own Corrcrponrtent,') Kuala Lumpur, £3. At the War Loan meeting at Seremban Mr. McCulloch presided. There was a good attendance. Speakers of all nationalities addressed the meeting. It was antounced that $300,0 )0 bad been subscrib'd by Nejri Sembilar, the
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  • 360 608 (From Our Own Corrcsrpondent.') Ipoh, April 25. The result of the Interport Golf Championship was as follows: Singapore 11, i’eoang nil. The “At Home” given at the Ipoh Golf Club was largely attended. The prizes wgre presented by Mrs. Hall Mr. Crabb Watt’s was the most popular
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  • 667 608 Drowned Engineer’s Mother Claims Damages. An action of novel interest earns befor the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, k.c.) in the Supreme Court, yesterday. The ptairftiff wai Mrs J. A. de Souz», a widow, of Sr. Michael's Road, and the defendants the Heap Eng Mob Steamship Co
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  • 565 608 Annual Sports. The Malay Residential College Annual Athletic Sports, which would nave taken place at Kuala Kangsar on the 14th January, if it bad not been for tbe lamentable death of tbe late Sultan of Perak, were neld on the 22nd instant. His Highness Sultan Abdul Jalil
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  • Page 608 Advertisements
    • 48 608 Serves tie Whole Famiiy. The fume of Chamberlain's C-ugh Itmwly i* world wide. It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup sod whooping ci of the children. The Mine ImMHh serves the »huh fatuilv, F<l taie by all Dup nasties and Dealer
      48 words

  • 2876 609 CHARGE AGAINST MR. GREY. Accused Discharged. The case was hoard by the Kuala Lumpur Magistrate on Thursday afternoon of the case in which (says the Malay Mail) John George Grey, assistant telegiaph engineer io the P. and T. Department, Kuala Lumpur, was charged with that be,
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  • 249 610 To the Editor of the Stsailt Times. Sir, —In case it should not yet havecomo to your notice I beg to draw your attention to the following paragraph in a recent issue of the Sourabaya HandclMad Astounding News from Buitenzorg Acting under instructions from the Colonial Secretary
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  • 175 610 April 11 By Balance ...$10,316.18 17 "E. W. J.” 100.00 20 By Balance 10,446 18 Less Draft L nlon X23-ILII 200 CO 10,246.18 The Chaitered Bank of India Australia and China have tc-lay received a subscrip. hoi nf 125 from Mr. Alex. Jack for the Air
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  • 585 610 The Direct ns’ report for year ended 31st December, 1915, reads. Accounts.—After making ample prevision for depreciation and bad debts, the net profits amount to $116,399 80, which, with the balance of $10,712.57 brought forward from last account, gives a total of $127,112,37. From this has
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  • 4332 611 glorious uncertainty of SPORT. Football and Cricket Matches. Victoria Green attracted Urge crowds during the Eister Holidays owing to the SiDgrtWO visit. Tte tennis, football and cricl matches ware witnessed by a huge concourse <f spectators. In the tennis matches the honours were evenly divided, each side
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  • 379 613 Spbcial Golf Competition for the Easter. The play for this Competition resulted as follows B. D. Acton 37 3 =34 T. S. Nash 41-6=35 P.T. Allen 41-4=37 W. 8. Goldie 40-3 =37 Duncan 43—6 =37 .C.G. May 42 2|=39| gjtA. J. Warner 52 -12 =4O Wjr.Hp. Pike,
    379 words
  • 786 613 To the Editor of the Straits Echo, Sir, Beware of the present endemic season for ep.demies. There is an indication that the controversies on Chinese Marriage Laws and Customs have developed into a ’‘symptom of ‘Three—disagreements’” (which is known to the Chinese as Sam— Put—Hap” between snake,
    786 words
  • 183 613 Wind in the stomach is caused by the food being retained so long that it ferments if it is vegetable food or putrifDs if it is animal food. The usual treat mint is to forbid the eating of the food that causes the trouble. This stops
    183 words
  • Page 613 Advertisements
    • 136 613 HI Put real fruit sg into your Jellies. Jellies made from the juice of stewed fresh fruits are much richer in flavour, and more wholesome than ZZ j .-flies prepared from arti- < ficially flavoured powders. y. Z/ Delicious, natural fruit jellies can be quite easily A\y made by combining
      136 words

  • Page 614 Advertisements
    • 211 614 f CRITERION PRESS, Ld. f No. 59, Bsach Street, Penang. g I 8 ESTABLISHED 1883. g PBINTEKS PUBLISHERS. Proprietors of the “STh/.HS ECHO” and “PENANG SIN POE.” ./V to The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and lithographers in the Orient. Our plant is of the very latest pattern and by
      211 words