The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 19 April 1916

Total Pages: 40
1 583 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. 17.50 Per Annum." Single Copy, 40 eta. Vol. 14. Penang, Wednesday, 19th April, 1916. No. 16
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 386 1 1 J CONTENTS. t ■<■■ i x LlADlBI: PAOI. MISCBLLIWIOUS: ,AM x The Strafing Spirit U 6 S? 1 1 A, D^?« ic P O, ilo ice'X The Only Way to Peace 652 elgl B® l l Fund tfx’ JJ? f Jf! Education in Malaya 552 149, W 7 5
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 202 2 4, iMTniTr tafilTit im «I firttiV 1 THE t 1 STRAITS El.'Hft I 1 MAIL EDITION. I H Published the day prior to the departure of ?ach mail n g for Europe, and contains the latest local and States a 1 nev s originally published in the daily issues, as
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  • 1664 546 The alleged example of the London Stock Exchange has been cited to justify the action which certain clubs in the Colony and the F.M.S. have taken in regard to members of alien enemy origin or associations.” In order that there may ba no doubt on the question
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  • Page 546 Advertisements
    • 100 546 tyas maw Mfr A A» irE w||-S finished daily (except S-xudaya *a*d p*cboo ho Li flays) AT TB» CRITERION PRESS, Lro No. 59. Beach Street, Penang Fmc*. Daily Local m* 124 per aanwai H Oetvtation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) >17.50 OABLB ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noa. Echo. !T9»3 Printing
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  • 115 546 Obituary. Raj* Hadji Mahomed Sallelb. (From Our Own Cor respondent,f Kuala Lumpur, April 12. The death had IhL.ii place suddenly at Johore of Raji Hadji Mahomed balleb, who is generally known as R*ji Hadji Bot, for many years a member of the Stats Council of Selangor. Obituary, Master of Triaiiy
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  • 657 547 Dr. and Mr*. T. Hill Jamieson left yeterday by tbes.s. K languor the Southern Settlement whence they proceed to Australia on a trip. Mrs. A. 8. Anthony and her daughter alto left for a similar trip. Mr. D. M. Mason, M. P-, has resigned his membership of
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  • 967 547 Greedy Directors. Congratulations are due to to tho Ulu Piah shareholders who had the courage ttday to withstand and defeat an impude it proposal emanating from the Board itself that the directors’f jes should be increased. There is far too common a tendency among directors out here to
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  • 106 547 We have received from Mr. See Teong Wah IOD. Treasurer) the following accounts in connection with the P M.I.A D.C. performances at Singapore in aid of the British Red Cross Fund.; Rechipts. Subscription towards Entertainment Fund $2,280.00 Sale of Tickets 9,878 30 Donations 399 00 Sale of
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  • 80 547 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their Auction Sale yesterday Smoked Ribbed Sheet $l7l to $l7B Plain $163 $164 No. 2 Smoked Sheet diamond $l5O $157 Unsmoked Sheet $l5B $l6O No. 2 Unsmoked Sheet $155 $156 Crepe Fine
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  • 997 548 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. BATTLE OF VERDUN. FIFTIETH DAY. Reaewed Germa» Offeasive. London, April 10, 4.15 p.m. The ren3wed Garman offensive on the 50th day of the Battle ot Verdun is the feature of te-day’s Paris communique. The bombardment was continued violently at night and was especially
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  997 words
  • 478 548 (Renter's Senia.) Copyright Telegram. AND MILITARY REQUIREMENTS. London, April 11. The Tims understands that the Chief of the General Staff and tha Military Members of the Army Council nave furnished the Cabinet with a vary plain statement as to their immediate requirements in regard to men. Cabinet lavestigatioa.
    (Renter's Senia.) Copyright Telegram.  -  478 words

  • 667 549 (Reiter’ j Senia.) Copyright Telegram. FRENCH PARLIAMENTARIANS' VISIT. Stirriag Address by tbe Kiag. London, April 10. A Franco- British Parliamentary Conferance is being held in London. His Majesty the King stirringly addressed tbe members at Buckingham Palace, welcoming tbe legislators of tbe great Republic, to which he rejoiced
    (Reiter’j Senia.) Copyright Telegram.  -  667 words
  • 187 549 The following were the scores made by the P. L. R. C. at Kampong Bahru on Monday, tbe 10th instant Del Firing H a aS r 7 a T 5 r O 2r «3 d o o 'q° H Mins Mathieu 30 32 30 92 Mrs
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  • 39 549 April 7 By Balance $1.408 34 *1 lhe European Employees of the Malakoff Rubber Co., Ltd., and the Malakoff Plantations Co., Ltd., monthly subHcnption 100-00 11. By Balance 50s Amount previously acknowledged 23,913 74 Total $25,422.08
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  • 606 549 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are fro n the Sumatra Post of Monday, April 10 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Shipping Problem*. The mobilisation credit for th»- N-»v, has had to be increased by 3,200,0j0 guilders owing to the of stationing the Atlas at the Northhindor,
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  • Page 549 Advertisements

  • 493 550 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, Your article in the issue of the 7th current on the Small-Pox Outbreak” makes interesting reading, and I venture to refer to a similar outbreak which occurred in the Ulu Selangor district just over a month ago. A paragraph dealing
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  • 867 550 Half-Yearlt Meeting. The half-yearly general meeting of the members of the Penang Turf Club was held at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon with the Hon. Mr. A R. Adams (President) in the Chair. The others present were Messrs F.C. Gregson, W. Peel, D.A.M Brown. M E.
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  • 170 550 The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Municipal offices yesterdav afternoon. There were present Mr. W. Peel (President). Mr. P. T. Allen, Mr. Quah Beng Kee, Mr. A. F. Goodrich and Mr. J. Mitchell, with Mr. L. M. Ball (Municipal Engineer) and Mr.
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  • 174 550 To the Editor of the Straits Echo, Dtar Sir, Replying to Mr. CB. Teat’s subiequent letters, I agree that his opinion in regards to the improvement on the ex sting law, is to me, quite the Contrart Opinion. Penang, 12th. April, 1916. Bitlis, just captured by our
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  • 508 551 The following reache, us from an official source. There appear! still to be some doubt in certain quarters regarding the F. M. 8. War Loan. In one newspaper it it stated that a large number of persona are “merely waiting for the F. M. 3. War
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  • 1237 551 ’—Strads Times. A correspondent puts to us a question which we have put to ourselves a good many times lately. In point of fact, we have occasionally stated our opinion that far too little is being done in this part of the world to help the Imperial
    ’—Strads Times.  -  1,237 words
  • 182 551 Very Satisfactory Position. The third annual general meeting of the shareholders of the >above mining company was held at the Chamber of Commerce at 11 o’clock this morning with Mr. R. P. Brash in the chair. Others present included Messrs. M. C. Corbett, J. R.
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  • Page 551 Advertisements
    • 93 551 The Fa. ty Tear Test. An artic’e must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberkin's Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown m favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide imputation. You
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  • 576 552 Herr von Bethmann-Hollweg is quite Borrect when he depicts the Allies as 60 willing even to consider terms of peace at JJesent, for it is quite certain that any Government which eviuced the slightest disposition at this juncture even to discuss conditions with the Central
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  • 689 552 It is always a matter of satisfaction to *nd that views expressed editorially on such a subject as education receive the approval of those engaged in teaching. Edi -orial views are very often a layman’s views, *nd, however honest and sincere a layman may be, he is
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  • 594 552 The Hon. Mr. A. T. Bryant, R side it Councillor, who went unpAu, to the Bindings, letumed this morning by the 8.3. Pangkor. Our Singapore c wires that Captain Mullins, N ival Intelligence Officer, who is going home, was presented by the Siccer, Hockey and Rugby
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  • 915 553 Muttoa Dowa. The recent rise in the rates of the Chinese dhoby, which is calculated to take the starch out of some of bis customers, it not, fortunately, being copied by the butcher. Mutton is now selling in the market at 34 eta. a pound, whereas the price
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  • 153 553 Afet.o .'g gale struck Penang about 6 o’cli ck yesterday evauing doing considerable damage to property. In town it whipped off the branches of the ansenna roadside trees, strewing the roads with them and rendering traffic during the storm almost impossible. Some store-sheds in Bridge Street were blown
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  • 101 553 April 11 By Balance 508 34 12 Mr. and Mrs. P. Mifford, March and April subscriptions 50-00 12 By Balance 1 558 34 Amount previously acknowledged 23,913.74 Total 525,472 08 In the second police court at Singapore Chines j noaia named Chan Gwek Pia of kampong Bahru,
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  • 480 553 (Reuter* j Senice.) CoDyri«ht Telegram. VIOLENT ARTILLERY DUELS. London, April 12, 1.50 a.m. A Paris communique states that north of the Aisneour artillery shelled a strong enemy marching column, inflicting heavy losses. Our artillery was very active in the Argonne against the whole enemy front There was
    (Reuter*j Senice.) CoDyri«ht Telegram.  -  480 words

  • 431 554 (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. NO DANGER TO FOREIGNERS. Shanghai, April 12. The notorious Chen Chi Mei, one of the leaders of the 1913 revolution, has returned to Shanghai. He is handling the more violent section of those who are against President Yuan Shi-kai. Chekiang Independent. Shanghai, April
    (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  431 words
  • 502 554 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. LANDING AT KEPHALONIA. Firm Greek Protest. Athens, April 11. The British and French Ministers informed M. Skoloudis, the Greek Premier, of the intention of the Allies to land forces in the island of Kephalonia, west of Greece, and to establish a naval
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  502 words
  • 332 554 (Reiter’i Senice.) Cnvriflfht Tala.ram UNSUCCESSFUL ENEMY OFFENSIVE. Petrograd, April 12. A Petrograd communique states that the Germans unsuccessfully attempted an offensive against an important bridgehead at Ikskull. The artillery was lively elsewhere. In the Caucasus. Russiaa Progress. Petrograd, April 12. The Russians continue to make progress west
    (Reiter’i Senice.) Cnvriflfht Tala.ram  -  332 words

  • 329 555 (BeilerT Senice.) (Jopr right Tei<-gr*m DIFFICULT FLOODED AREAS. London, April 12. The petition in Mesopotamia is not yet clear, but the river h above the level of the land and the water h probably percolating unevenly and causing the British much difficulty. The enemy may have even intentionally
    (BeilerT Senice.) (Jopr right Tei<-gr*m  -  329 words
  • 94 555 Half-Yearly Report, i CFYoni Our Own Singapore, April 13. I The Harbour Board report for the second I half of 1915 shows an increase in the net, I revenue of 195,905 over the previous half year and an increase of $210,146 over the average p3rcentage of the
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  • 99 555 (From Our Oun Corro-pondf-nt,) Singapore, April 13. I'he Singapore Rubber auctions are not yet finished. There was a good demand for ail grades of rubber. If Yuan Shi Kai does resign, it is believed that Li Yu in Hun?, the vice president, will succeed him He is
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  • 1325 555 CASES OF FORFEITURE. A Singapore Opinion. In the course of a leading article the Singapore Free L'reas says Ine question oi the Municipal Piovident Fund hai been rather forcibly brought to the front by a recent case in which toe restitution of ioiUited contributions was sought without
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  • 781 556 .—TOM. dinner given in his honour by the members of the Singapore Club, the Hou. Sir Evelyn Ellis is reported to have stated that no alien enemy should have any place jo the community, commercially or otherwise. That is a pleasant corrective to the unfortunate statement made
    .—TOM.  -  781 words
  • 494 556 Annual Meeting Agenda. The annual general meeting of the P.A.M. will be held at 10.30 a m., on Wednesday, April 26, at No. 12. Market Street, Kuala Lumpur. Agenda (1) Minutes of meeting of January 31st. (2) Affiliation of Central Pahang Planters’ Association. (3) Absconders:—(a) Magistrate
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  • 1981 556 THIRD ANNUAL MEETING. Vert Satisfactory Position. The third annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Ulu Piah Company, Limited, was held at the Chamber of Commerce at 11 o’clc ck yesterday morning. There were present Messrs R. P. Brash (in the Chair) M. C.
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  • 507 557 Five per cent. Dividend Declared. The siventh annual general meeting of the shareholders of The D spensary (Penang) Limited was held at the offices of Messrs. Evatt and C yesterday afternoon with Dr. J. Krk in the Chair. Among the others present were Dr. CH. Hertz,
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  • 598 558 Third Annual Meeting. I Tbe third annual general meeting of the I gbareholders of the Ayer Weng (Rahman) Development and Prospecting Company Limited was held at the Registered Offices o f tbe Company, Messrs. Kennedy Co. I at 2.30 p.m. yesterday. There were present I Messrs. B-
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  • 517 558 PENANG SUBSCRIPTIONS. To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, I beg to enclose full list of the subscribers to the Public Schools, Dorchester House, Hospital Fund and shall be glad if you can find space for same in an early issue of your valued paper
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  • 409 558 Mr. E. C. Sylvester, late of the Tnird Mile Estate, writes to us inlay Mail) to say that atter having served three weeks with the Public Schools’ Battalion he obtained a commission in the Royal Field Artillery. In tbe course of an interesting letter he
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  • 163 558 Messrs. Kennedy &lt;k C’c., as Secretaries to the Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association, inform us that they have received the following subscriptions which have been forwarded to the Central Fund Walbrook Estate, Sitiawan $BB 50 Rubber Estate of Kriao, Parit Buntar 13.33 Brieh Estate, Bagan
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  • Page 558 Advertisements
    • 47 558 Serves the Whole Family. The fame of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is world wide. It is good for the Jeep seated cough of tbe adult or the croup and whooping cough of the children. Ihe same bottle serves the whole family. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 912 559 We would command (says the Malaya Tribune) to our numerous Straits-born Chinese readers, anl indeed &lt;*ll communities, a close perusual of the following extracts from an interesting address given by the Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng b&lt; fore the members of the Malacca Literary Association last
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  • 72 559 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Rubber Auction held yesterday 24,153 lb. were sold out of 54,346 lb. offered. The following prices were obtained Diamond Smoked Sheet frum $l6B to $176 Diamond Unsmoked $l6O $165 Plain Unsmoked Sheet $155 $l6O Scrap Crepe $l4l Bark Crepe $llO $l2O Dark
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  • 196 559 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Single Handicap A. A. W. Harries beat S. F. B. Martin, 6-1. 3-6, 6-3. V. G. Savi beat E. H. Everest, 6-5, 6-4. A portion of the Padang Chong Reserved Forest, at Kroh, in Upper Perak,
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  • 702 559 X RAY APPARATUS. Letter from Home. Sir William T «ylor has written the following letter to Sir Edward Brockman Adverting to my letter of the 17th instant on the subject of an X-ray installation and Disinfector for the F.M.S. Hospital at Blackmore End, I have the honour
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  • 18 560 &gt;A T—At Langdalp, Western Road, on April 13, the wife of Dr. J. Gray, of a son.
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  • 1214 560 ,—T.OM This morning’s cables indicate something in the nature of a lull in the neighbourhood of Verdun. We have never disguised from ourselves the possibility! that this place might fall before the ./German onslaught, nor have we attempted to conceal our opinion from our readers. What we have
    ,—T.OM  -  1,214 words
  • 615 560 Brigadier-General Ridout and Staff arrived at Taipin? on Wednebday fr O u Singapore to insp c. ih« members of toe M.S.V.R. in Camp there. Mr. J. Sinclair, Mmazer, Milacc* General Stores, Ltd,, and Air. a. K. Mariland, Manager, Lobok China Estite, Tampin, are on their way home
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  • 886 561 A Mixed M«t*phor(D The Hon- Mr. A. R. Adam writes: Dear Mr. Editor, I concede to your ruling that libration” is correctly confined to astronomy. But wax not Robert Young a star amongst rm Yours, A. R. A We are quite willing to leave it at that. Liaeala'e
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  • 276 561 S.C.F.A.’s Fixe Show Against P.C.C. (From Ou/ Own. Correspondent.') Singapore, April 14. The Straits Chinese Football Association in a preparatory match against the P.C.C., prior to their visit to Penang, created a most favourable impression. Messrs. Boustead and Co. the agents, are in receipt of cabled advices
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  • 476 561 (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. HILL 504. Violent Bombardmeat Coatiauea. London, Apr-1 13, 1.20 a.m. A Paris communique reports a violent and continuous bombardment of Hill 304 in the Esnes district and of Morthomme, and moderate artillery activity east of the Meuse. There was no infantry action during
    (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  476 words

  • 504 562 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. german admission. Reply to U. S. A. New York, April 13. The German Note to the United States admits the torpedoing of the Englishman, the Eaglspoint, the Manchester Engineer and the Berwindale and tries to justify the acts “under the rules of war.
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  504 words
  • 452 562 (Reuter's Senice.) Cpyright Tel «.-ram. MEMBERS MORE OPTIMISTIC. Sir Edward Carsoa’s Motioa. London, April 13. Members of the House of Commons were yesterday evening more optimistic regarding the recruiting crisis. Although Sir Edward Carson has put on the table a motion in favour of compulsion for all
    (Reuter's Senice.) Cpyright Tel «.-ram.  -  452 words
  • 375 562 (Reuter i Service.) Copyright Telegram. REASONS FOR RECENT RESIGNATIONS. London, April 13. Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, speaking at Birmingham, said that Lord Derby and he resigned from the Air Committee because the Committee was powerless to effect real reform. He emphasised the laek of unity regarding Army
    (Reuter i Service.) • Copyright Telegram.  -  375 words
  • 36 562 (From Our Own Correspondent*) Singapore, April 14. Ten of the crew, mostly Europeans, of the steamer Ardangiarm have been sentenced to eight weeks’ rigorous imprisonment and to forfeit eight days’ p*y for disobedience.
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  • Page 562 Advertisements
    • 68 562 A Parent’s Duty. Your boy is alwiys getting scratched or cut or 1 ruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that every injury is cared for immediately. You c m get nothing better and
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  • 607 563 7 .0 3/. To The Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, I hare read with intercut your two leaders on Education in Malaya and am thoroughly in accord with your views. An old saying it “Business before pleasure’ and tbit rule should be applied to the education
    7 .0 3/.  -  607 words
  • 201 563 To the Editor of the Strait» Echo. Sir, I wish it to be generally understood that what I have been advocating at present is to introduce method to discriminate the status of the first legal wife and the secondary wife or wives, but not to check polygamyism
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  • 287 563 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, April 14. At the Singapore Rubber Auction 443 tons wi re offered for sale and 280 tons were sold at the following prices Smoked Sheets $175 to $lB2 per picul. Good $l6B $175 Fine plain $173 $175 Good $165 Unsmoked $163 $l6B
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  • 172 563 Undeterred by the Government refusal to grant them a free passage to England in order to enlist, on the ground that free passages were only granted to men of pure European descent, L ince-Corporal C. 8. Boyle, and Privates Y. L- Peterson, L V. Hart, and
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  • 133 563 Home Restrictioßi Modified. Messrs. Kennedy Company inform us that sales of Shares to London through the medium of Members of the Stock Exchange are now permitted. Such sales to be made with the approval and at the discretionjfof the Stock Exchange Committee under the following conditions.- The
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  • 28 563 April 12 By Balance $1 ***** 13 H Waugh 50 00’ A. H. Malet 25 00’ 13 By Balance ,633.34Amount previously acknowledged 23,913.74 Total $25,547.08
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  • 167 563 To-day’s Quotations. lin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $96.05, buyers no sellers, in Singapr ire (refined) at $96 75, business done (L 25 tons sold) and in London at .£199 ss. spot and £l9B ss. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead Co inform us that the following
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  • 1290 564 In a debate in the House of Lords in the middle of November Lord Loreburn declared that if the Allied Governments were to depend on a war of attrition they must face the prospect of a continent reduced to the condition of a wilderness inhabited only
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  • 561 564 Mr. Henry James would have b en 73 to-day. Mr. F. K. Dickson, who is bringing with him the Selangor griffinq fm m Australis, is due at Singapore on April 20 ,h. A farewell dance to Mr and Mrs. J. Howell is being given by Messrs. J.
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  • 1288 565 A Qvaiat Custom. To-morrow, which in Palm Sunday for moat people, io Fig Sunday for the folk of Averbury Wilts, and the occasion of a curioua cuotom. Since time out of memory it baa been the practice there on the Sunday before Eaeter for all the people to
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  • 500 565 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. AITACK SLACKENS. Fifhliac At Hill 304. London, April 14, 1.20 a.m. A Paris communique announces that west of the Meuse there was a continuous bombardment of Hill 304 and the Modhomme—Cum ©res front and moderate artillery activity east of the Meuse and the
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  500 words

  • 409 566 (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram, FIGHTING BEGUN, latease Artillery Duel. Salonika. April 14. An intense artillery duel has oppned in ths Ghevgbeli-D &gt;iran sector. Twenty French aeroplanes attacked the enemy positions to the east of Ghevgheli All returned safely. Mesopotamian Campaign. SIR PERCY LAKE'S REPORT. British Progress. London, April
    (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram,  -  409 words
  • 454 566 (Reuter's Senice.) Cpyright Tele .-ram. TENSION INCREASING. Request for Withdrawal of Amerieaa Troops, Washington April 14. The Mexican Government has asked that American troops b 3 withdrawn from Mexican territory and that the pursuit of General Villa be left to the Constitutionalist Army as the Americans had
    (Reuter's Senice.) Cpyright Tele .-ram.  -  454 words
  • 408 566 (Renter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. GERMAN ATTACKS &gt;OILED. Petrograd, April 14 A Petrograd communique statas that after an artillery preparation the Germane attempted to appruauu Ikskull bridgehead, but were repulsed. The Germane west of Lake Narotch, supported by artillery, attacked from the village of Mokristsa with email detachmente
    (Renter’s Service) Copyright Telegram.  -  408 words

  • 547 567 FROM DUTCH SOURCES The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Poet of Wednesday and Thursday, April 12 and 13 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. New Taiatio*. There io general approval for the proposed temporary tax on sugar. With regard to the tax on wa»- profUs steps are
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  • 433 567 To thk Editob ok the Straits Echo. Sir, The lively controversy on the subject of polygamy among the Chinese in Penang which appears in your popular journa creates considerable interest in Ipoh. Here polygamy |is carried on to an extent that would put Brigham Young, the
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  • 117 567 Herr Liebkaecht's Speech. Amsterdam, March 19. Her Liebknecht, the German Socialist leader who created a scene by his speech, said the Government was transforming schools into training stables for war. Commissions were given to non-commissioned officers, because the dregsuf the proletariat were required for the ranks.
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  • 457 567 To the Editor of the Straits Timet. Sir,—Of all H.M. King George’s subjects I think the Chitty community is not ‘‘doing his little bit” at al! in this great horrible war; in fact these market street Indian bankers have done or given nothing to the various funds regarding
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  • 153 567 Conference oa the Camp Question. Says Fridays T.O.M.: “I&lt; -day Brigadier-General Ridout, who is returning to Singapore after a visit of inspection to the first monthly camp of the M.S.V.R at Taiping, broke his journey at Ipoh in order to accept the invitation of the Hon. Mr.
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  • 1267 568  -  [By Tuan Wright.] The population of the United Kingdom consists of so many millions, many of them Indispensables. They get about twenty five shilling» a week. Superficial observers might bolt with the idea that there are as many Conscientious Objectors. This would be wrong. Careful study of tbe skeleton
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  • 786 568 At the instance of Mr. W A Ward, Chief Sanitary Manjoorsah Merican and »vc&lt;e tuia nuniiu.g oim. moned before Mi. E. E. Colman in tbe Second Court to answer a charge of failing to report at once a case of nnill -pox at No. 70, Seang Teik
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  • 706 569 The passing of Rajs Hadji Bot at the age of 63 removes from our midst the most important member of the local Malay aristocracy. Forty-two years ago he interviewed Major McNair and Mr. Davidson at the mouth of the Lukut river and stated that, m his village at
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  • 297 569 Considering the cosmopolitan crowd that goes to make up the population of Singapore crimes of violence are not numerous, remarks the Straits Times, There are, as may well be expected, any number of minor cases but for the most part affairs of the more serious description do
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  • 80 569 Apr. 18 By Balance $9,172.28 10 Eastern Smelting Co,, Ltd., employers Datoh Kramat Works, March subscription 165.85 11 Staff of Govt, Monopoly, March subscription 83.05 F. Duxbury, Dorchester House, Hospital Fund 100.00 M. K. Whitlock, Dorchester House, Hospital Fund 100.00 12 Hon. A. R. Adam u
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  • 928 569 INVBBTIGATION INTO THR CONDITIONS. A Special Commissioner cf the Times cf Malaya writes as follow?. During the past ten days or so reports have been circulating threughout the district, the main theme of which is that th. conditions in eannection with the M.S V.R. camp at Taiping
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  • 333 570 Says the Singapore morning paper of Friday: Mention was made in the second police court yesterday, by Inspector Mann, of a rather peculiar case in which a Malay named Kassim, and a Bengali named Bajang, are charged with interring the dead body of a Malay woman named
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  • 958 570 In the course of a letding article on the outcome of General Ridout's visit to Ipoh. the T.V.M of Saturday says Yesterday’s meeting was most successful. The General insisted on the camps in military interests, but he did so with such deep consideration for th} desires of
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  • 52 570 The following is the output of the above Mine for the first two weeks of April. No. 1 No. 2 Dredge. Dredge. Hours run 305 328 Cubic yards treated 52,000 58,000 Tin Oxide produced pkls 344 68 462.12 Total piculs 806 80 Realised on sale
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  • 234 570 The first race in the Gibbons Cup Competitions was held at the Swimming Club on Sunday with the following result: Start. Ist P. Carmichael 6 secs wins 5 points. 2nd C. A. Padday 3 „3 3rd 8 A. Yell 3 „1 Nine started and Mr. Carmichael
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  • Page 570 Advertisements
    • 41 570 The Fruit Season. Bowel complaint is sure to be prevalent during the fruit season. Be sure to keep a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera anc Diarrhoea Remedy on hand. It may save a hie. For sale hr all Dispensaries anc. Dealers.
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  • 745 571 To The Editor of the Straits Timet. Bir, We are instrucbd by L. R. M. 8. V. Palaniappa, the manager of the Chetty Temple, and other# on behalf of the Chetty community to write to you with reference to two letter# which have appeared in your columns
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  • 557 571 Looking for Trouble. The Municipality and the Government are out for trouble, in again bringing up the question of the abolition of double jmrikisha#. The movers probably do not move in the select circles of Serangoon-rd or they would come across still greater hardships than two people (of
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  • 546 571 Popular Young Chineee Dies In Hongkong. His many friend# in Penang and Hongkong will bear with deep regret of thedeatn of Mr. CheChoon Cheong which took place at the Government Civil Hospital on April 5, says the Hongkong Daily Press. Mr. Chee Choon Cheong, who was only
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  • Page 571 Advertisements

  • 17 572 Palmer—On 15th inst. at Kenley, Surrey, the wife of J. Galbraith Palmer, of a oO D
    17 words
  • 1207 572 Recent events have given an interest that is more than merely academic to the question which forms the caption to tins article. So far Holland has not been directly concerned in the Great War; but there is no*&gt; we should say, at least an even cnance that
    1,207 words
  • 498 572 Sergeant H. K. C. Tobutt is appointed 2nd lieutenant (temporary). M.S V.R. Mr. J. H. Logan has been appointed to act as engineer for ways and work*, F.M.S. Railways. Mr. J. W. Adams has been promoted to Lieutenant in the Singapore Field Ambulance Company. Dr. W. B.
    498 words

  • 1267 573 W. W. G." Once more there seems tn be keen rivalry for the coveted title of W. W. G.” at the Penang Golf Club. A Pieasaat Billet I Would the nationalisation of the breweries revive the ancient office of aletester Poseibly, but it it hardly likely that the
    1,267 words
  • 381 573 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. TENSION INCREASING. "Dcfiaite and Final Demaad.” Washington, April 14. The Wilson Cabinet, it is understood, has agreed to the presentation to Germany of cumulative proofs of submarine violations. These will probably be forwarded within forty-eight hours, accompanied by a definite and final demand
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  381 words
  • Page 573 Advertisements
    • 51 573 Bowel Comphint in Children. During the summer months children are subj ict to disorders of the bowels and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of the bowels ii noticed Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given. For sale by all Dispensaries and
      51 words

  • 896 574 (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. notable french success. Artillery Activity, London, April 15 1,15 a.m. A Paris communique states that in the Argonne our batteries were active in the region of St. Hubert where the German works were damaged, also against the enemy roads in the region of
    (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  896 words
  • 443 574 (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. AN ACUTE SITUATION. London, April 16. An explanation of the Allies’ temporary occupation of Argoitoli, a town on the west coast of the island of Cepbalonia, indicated in a telegram from Athens, is the talk of resisting the use of the Greek
    (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  443 words
  • Page 574 Advertisements
    • 47 574 Serves the Whole Family. The fame of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is world wide. It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooping cough of the children. The •j&lt;me bottle serves the whole family. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers’,
      47 words

  • 435 575 (Renter’» Service.) &lt;&gt;&gt;pyn«ht T*le«r»rn. GROUND GAINED E»tmj Steadily Puthed Back. Romo, April 15. A communique issued in Rome, recounts the fine achievement of the Italian mountaineers. Clambering over glaciers at an altitude of 10,000 ft. they rushed the enemy position». A whole day attack in the Montenero
    (Renter’» Service.) <>>pyn«ht T*le«r»rn.  -  435 words
  • 502 575 (Reuter’s Senice.) Cpynght Tele 'ram SUCCESSFUL RECONNAISSANCE. London, April 15 An official announcement states that the Australians made a successful reconnaissance at Jifjaffa, thirty milps east of the Suez Canal, and occupied the enemy’s camp after a brisk fight, The enemy lost six killed and five wounded.
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Cpynght Tele 'ram  -  502 words
  • 61 575 The acting Colonial Secretary forwards a copy of the following telegram from the Secretary of State to H. E. the Governor, dated April 8 Referring to my predecessor’s telegram April 17, 1915, it is His Majesty’s wish that on the occasion of His Majesty’s birthday as last
    61 words
  • 48 575 10-day’s Quotations. ,n (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 591.75, buyers no sellers, and in Singapore (refined) at $97 25, business done (100 tons sold). The Times Athens correspondent states that in view of an apparently impending Austrian attack onjValona, the local populition is moving into Greece.
    48 words
  • Page 575 Advertisements
    • 94 575 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has g r own in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation,
      94 words

  • 363 576 from DUTCH SOURCES. I Tbe following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Friday and Saturday, April 14 15 i HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Tbe Dealers of the Sea. i The s.s. Columbia of the Dutch West Indian Mail, ran on a mine. The vessel was
    363 words
  • 75 576 A most successfull American Tea” was civen by Mrs Shelton Palmar at Ledbury Estate, Kuala Lumpur, on Friday afternoon (14fh). All were invited to bring a dollar’s worth and buy a dollar’s worth. A dainty afternoon tea was provided, and the State Band was in attendance.
    75 words
  • 840 576 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. D ar Sir, Divergent views have been extant in the “wholesome atmosphere” surrounding the domain of Chinese Marriage Law and it is a gratification indeed that improvement upon it is being agitated for an alleged acceleration of the course of
    840 words
  • 357 576 Monthly Medal for April The play for this Competition resulted as follows: S. F. B. Martin 41+37= 78 Bcr.=7B A. A. J. Warner 49 54=103 24=79 T. E. Winfield 46 48= 94 14=80 R. H. Pinhorn... 47 53=100 20=80 V.G. Savi 46 46= 92 10=82 Messrs. R
    357 words
  • Page 576 Advertisements

  • 575 577 The cricket match which was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between teams drawn from *A’ Company and the Veterans and *B’ Company and the Maxi ms ended in an unexpected victory for the latter Eleven by 11 runs after a really exciting match. On winning the toss
    575 words
  • 327 577 —Free Preet, It is pleasant to notice bow our Baba Chinese friends are responding, not alone to the direct calls on their gratitude towards the land they live in, as shown by their reidy response to the energetic adjurations of their leaders in the mere serious methods
    —Free Preet,  -  327 words
  • 205 577 Annual Cup. As expected by most, the League Champions, who always seem to be at their best on their native heath, had no difficulty in getting through to the Final on Sunday. They will make a good match with Crescent Star. The first goal came in five
    205 words
  • 196 577 Nearinx Completion. Considerable progress has been made in the work on the railway line which is to link Bangkok with Alor Star. In February the line was opened South of Koh Lak another 26 kilometres to Huey Yang and it was proposed to open a further 50
    196 words
  • 354 577 Says the F. M. S. Gcvernment Gazette The appointment of Clerk Class 111 Post and Telegraph Department, held previously by Mr. N. W. deSilva has been rendere 1 vacant from Ist March 1916, by bis absence without leave or reasonable cause. The appointment of Hospital Assistant,
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  • Page 577 Advertisements
    • 40 577 The Fruit Season. Bowel complaint is sure to be prevalent z ruit BeaBOD Be sure to keep a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Dianhoea Remedy on hand. It may save a ife. For sale by a’! Dispensaries and Dealers,
      40 words

  • 1221 578 Two recent events in the Far East deserve more than ordinary attention. The first was the opening of a British School in Shanghai for the teaching of Chinese; the second is the proposed opening of a similar school in Hongkong under the auspices of the Chamber of
    1,221 words
  • 627 578 Mrs. Percy Cubham, of Lauderdale Estate, Taiping, has been on a short visit to Penang, Mr. P. E. Laws, who is an inmate of the General Hospital, is wo are glad to say, progressing favourably. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Michell was christened
    627 words

  • 968 579 A Fortuae from the Law. Lord Alverntone’» estate of over three hundred thousand pound» must be one of the largest fortune» ever made in the law. Moreover the late Lord Chief started his legal career literally without a p nny his father, himself a barrister, having come badly
    968 words
  • 272 579 We have received from Syed Salleh Alsagoff, Secretary to the Mohamedan Advisory Board, the following minutes of the meeting held last Friday; At the meeting of the Mohamedan Advisory Board which was held at the Land Office, on Fridiy April 14 the following subjects were discussed. The
    272 words
  • 422 579 (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. AROUND VERDUN. Another Attack Probable. London, April 17,1.35 p.m. A Paris sumi-official announcement states that it is highly probable the Germans will again attack when their troops are re-con-stituted. But it is doubtful whether they will fare any better. Artillery Activity. London, April
    (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  422 words

  • 442 580 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. SETTLEMENT IN SIGHT. Peking, April 27. X Chengtufu telegram states it is reliably reported that? as the result of negotiations between the representatives of the Governor of Szechuan and Tsai Ao, tbe Yunnanese rebel leader, the latter has agreed to Yuan Shi Kai
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  442 words
  • 1206 580 CHARGE AGAINST A TAMIL. Before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel in the Third Court yesterday a Tamil, named Suppiab, was charged with abetting six coolies to the Colony without permits from the Indian Immigration Agent in or about Mtrch, 1913. The six coolies who were placed in the dock
    1,206 words
  • 85 580 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Rubber Auction held yesterday 22,066 lb. were sold out of 51,295 lb. offered. The prices obtained were as follows: Diamond Smoked Sheet from 1168 to 1177 Diamond Unsmoked 1163 Plain Unsmoked Sheet $155 $l5B Scrap Crepe 1136 Bark Crepe $ll9 Virgin Scrap
    85 words

  • 462 581 AN EXCELLENT SHOW. Quite a fair houae greeted the Humphrey Bishop Company at the Tuwn Hail last night for they had been preceded by excellent report® of their performances in the F.M.B. To-night we expect to t -ee the Hall filled to it» utmost capacity for
    462 words
  • 113 581 To-day's Quotatioas. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 196.50, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $97, business done (50 tons sold) and in Loudon at £2OO ss. spot and JCI9H 15s thro»* months sight. A special wire to the Eastern Produce Exchange gives tha following
    113 words
  • 650 581 No Offence. A Tamil woman named Moteh was this morning arraigned befor» Mr. V, G. Ezechiel in the Third Court on a charge of being in possession of milk at Jelutong which was adulterated with water. On her claiming trial Mehat P. C. 555 deposed that at
    650 words
  • 652 581 Sheilabear’s EnglishMalay Dictionary. At last we have the Rev. M r Shellabear’s English-Malay Dictionary in a nearly, printed, handy volume of 600 pages. Like hie Grammar, it suffers somewhat from its effort to be practical,’ but it should atone largely for certain obv ous defects of scholarship by its popular
    652 words

  • 383 582 Annual General Meeting. fbe first annual general meeting of the Aueholders of the above Company was held to the offices of Messrs. R. T. Reid and Co. wttday afternoon with Mr. W. H. Thorne th* Chair. There were also present gain. A. S. Anthony. G. N.
    383 words
  • 436 582 Bukit Mertajam, April 17. At the Bukit Mertajam Police Court before Mr. G- A. Hereford, on Friday last, (1) Lo Hoot Tee and (2) Thug Hak Seng, who were originally brought up and charged with murder by causing the death of a Tamil named Nachiapen, were convicted
    436 words
  • 203 582 From the languor and weakness of early girlhood to the headaches and backaches of later womanhood, the suffering, of the weaker s?x call for constant watchfulness. Few women can boast that they never know a day’s illness, and few can say that they are always as
    203 words
  • 331 582 To Thk Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, It is a matter of great surprise »hat the detention of the Alor Star train at the Tapiocca Mills, a distance of about 3 mile® from Bedong Station, has not yet tek»»n effect, for the convenience of both the Tapioca
    331 words
  • Page 582 Advertisements
    • 76 582 jßff JjEW FRENCH REMEDY. THERAPION No. 1 *R*S |~2S. a SEXJVITHOUT INJECTIONS. &«’I§^APION i NO. i 2 %H|J?APION u N i ft*»ST*M» A ?r! HGCHEM,STS VRICB IN ENGLAND, 29 »UvnsT?2/pJo Le Cl*RCMed.Co.| n CURt I nJJr R n AMPSTr An London. l FOR YOU I TLI fasy TO take IMERAPION
      76 words
    • 250 582 Nerve and Digestive Disorder completely cured by the WorldFamous Remedy, Dr. Cassell’s Tablots. Mr. A. E. Burley, of 427, Golden Hillock-road, Birmingham, England, says:—“l was in the grip of indigestion and nerve trouble, and pain after food was so sharp that it felt as though I had swallowed knives. To
      250 words

  • Page 583 Advertisements
    • 225 583 v I, *1 CRITERION PRESS, Id, i No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. H Ls’ 4g a M ESTABLISHED 18S3. ss H PRINTERS f: PUBLISHERS. fi »J Proprietors of the “STR/.iiS ECHO” and “PENANG SIN POE.” R The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and p 1 ithographers in the Orient. ,f?'H
      225 words