The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 12 April 1916

Total Pages: 42
1 544 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. 117.50 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 eta. Vol. 14. Penang, Wednesday, 12th April, 1916. No. 15.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 346 1 I CONTENTS. j LIADIBS: PAOI. MIiCILLANIOUS: FA«I S? t B r L i C w nCi I**® w r Itoms 808 624 1,0 889 I The F.M&W» Loan 515 Chiue.e Marriage. 509 > The Small-Pox Outbreak... 521 CAn x The Hero-King 527 1 The Cost o£ LlTin 8 809 Sport
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 206 2 I THE I I STRAITS IX HO I J MAIL EDITION. I fl Published the day prior to the departure of ?ach mall p fl for Europe, and contains the latest local and States fl 1 nevs originally published in the daily issues, as well as 9 all'important news from
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  • 1071 505 Last night Mr. Robert Young, best of citizens and cheeriest of good fellows, in what was undoubtedly the best after-dinner speech we have heard in Penang poked some mild and good-natured fun at the Straits Echo's strictures upon the oratorical shortcomings of that august body, the Legislative
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  • 545 505 Mr. W. Duncan is going on a abort visit to Ceylon in th’* near future, The infant child of M-. and M G. C. G. Miiller is a patient ar rn o General Hospital. A correspondent writes from home stating that be baa met Mr. L E. Gaunt who
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  • Page 505 Advertisements
    • 92 505 t?QS swauifs ism ptbliited daily (except Sun«lii»* amd pwhhs holiday*) at r«w CRITERION PRESS, Lri> No. 59. Beach Street, Penang Fbic*. Daily Local M 124 per wio H Owtitation... Postage Extra. jfoil Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CAIL* ADDBISB ECHO—PENANG Telephone Nos. Echo, 5E6 Printing Department 343 All bu.i.M. w«*H*unio»iio.. khouid
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  • 1375 506 Aa Error of Jvdgaoot. Generally ■peaking, the “Hamilton” group of rubber concerns, that is to Bay thoeeof which Mr. E L. Hamilton the chairman, are admirably managed not only M estate* but as compani*?. They s f, em, however, to have been rather badly left this year in
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  • 471 506 (Renter's Senice). Copyright Telegram. Artillery Operation*. Rome, April 4. A communique issued in Rome says that vigorous artillery operations took place from the Lagasina to the tetgana valleys. The Italians effectively bombarded the troops and transports. Enemy aviators failed to make reconnaissances in the Italian lines and
    (Renter's Senice). Copyright Telegram.  -  471 words

  • 391 507 (Renter's Senia.) Cooyrifiht Telegram. AN official statement. Germaa laveatioas. London, April 3. Heater’s Agency is officially informed that theie has been no development between Briber her Allies and Holland to account for the various sensational reports in circulation Nothing adverse to Holland was Q mentioned at
    (Renter's Senia.) Cooyrifiht Telegram.  -  391 words
  • 827 507 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright sTelegram. AROUND VAUX. Freach Gaining Upper Hand. I London, April 3, 5 p.m. I The French are gaining the upper hand I in the fighting in the Vaux region. A I communique states that the battle, which I was continued at night time, was
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright sTelegram.  -  827 words
  • 157 507 Uaiform Imperial Coiaage Suggested. {.Prom Our Own Kuala Lumpur, April 3. At the meeting of the Selangor Chamber of Commerce Ml Ciodd, who presided, emphasised the necessity after the war of protective measures for British trade. He advocated uniform Imperial coinage with the rupee as unit
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  • 455 508 (tater'i Service.) Copyright T.l«gr*n> SIX ZEPPELINS PARTICIPATING. London, April 3. The War Office announces that six Zeppelins took part in a raid yesterday night. Three raided the south-east of Scotland, one the north-east of England, and two the eastern counties. Over Seotlaad. The airships cruised over Scotland
    (tater'i Service.) Copyright T.l«gr*n>  -  455 words
  • 957 508 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special tel fgrams are fiom the Sumatra Post of Monday, April 3:— HOLLAND AND THE WAR Alarums and Excursions. Conferences have taken place between the principal naval beads of department s The secret session of the Chamber was expected to take place
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  • Page 508 Advertisements
    • 42 508 The Fruit Season. Bowel complaint is sure to be prevalent duiing the fruit season. Be sure to keep a bottle of Cliambei lain’s Colie, Cholera and diarrhoea R-muly on hand. It may save a de. For n(t le by all Dispensaries acd
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  • 1039 509 MaZaya Tribune. It is abundantly manifest from the tenor o f correspondence appearing in this and other Malayan journals since our leader on Marital Matters” saw the light on the 22nd ultimo, that the minds of many welleducated Chinese are exercised about a state of affairs that seems
    MaZaya Tribune.  -  1,039 words
  • 78 509 The undermentioned prices were renlised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their Auction Sale yesterdav Smoked Ribbed Sheet 1177 to 1180 Plain 1161 1164 No. 2 Smoked Sheet diamond 1171 1174 Unsmoked Sheet 1156 1160 No. 2 Unsmoked Sheet Crepe Fine Pale Thin
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  • 108 509 New Columbia 24,247 lb., Sungei Batu (Malaya) 12,721 lb., Vai D’or 15,600 lb., Kurau 19,000 lb., Malakoff 35,5001 b., S.S. (Bertam) 55,000 lb., Windsor (F. M. 8.) 19,000 lb., Malakoff Plantations 5,900 lb., Mer?histon 3,000 lb., Foothills (Malaya) 7,500 lb., Muda Syndicate 2,949 lb., Ayer Kuning 40,000
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  • 542 509 .—Free Preu. A Singapore Complaint, The matter of the local rim of prices in certain commodities is worthy the attention of the Government, or the Municipality, as that body has the control of the markets In Hongkong there is an Order fixing maximum prices, which seems
    .—Free Preu.  -  542 words
  • 85 509 The New Tambun Mines ‘»1.63 piculs, Rahman Hydraulic Tin, 400 pikuls. A commercial traveller found him*elf in a rem ti village inn when a heavy downpour of rain set in. I say 1 bo said, addressing the waitress. “It looks like the fbod“ Like what the girl inquired.
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  • 354 510 To thi Editor of thi Strati t Ech*. Dear Sir, Referring to your piragraph concerning the adulteration of drink» and the substitu tion of native liquor» for well-known brand?, Club* are not the only offenders in this respect. At any place where there is not constant European supervision,
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  • 244 510 Ab Harbour laeideat. In the Second Court this morning before Mr. E. E. Coleman two Javanese lascars employed on board the s.s Benoa named Jakaya and Abdul Rahman were charged with voluntarily causing hurt to one Kashim, a serang on board the same ship, with a knife, on
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  • 343 510 n, ano ror T.O.M. It is reported that the authorities have decided to appoint local committees to cocsider applications from members of the M.S V.K. for exemption from the Taiping camp. We would heartily welcome such a scheme, and feel assured that those who have criticised the camp
    n, ano ror T.O.M.  -  343 words
  • 237 510 Directors’ Report. The following is the report of the directors to be presented at the Seventh Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held at the Registered Office of the Company, No. 3. Weld Quay, Penang, on Wednesday, 12th April, at 3.30 p.m. Penang, 4th
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  • 383 510 A Military Fuacral. The funeral of the late Mr. Fyfe Turner, which took place yesterday evening at the Church of England Cemetiry, Western Road, was very largely st.ended by his many friends. His body was brought over from Jawi Estate by train and was accompanied
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  • 121 510 April I By Balance $943 34 3 Mr. and Mrs. D. Ritche 250.C0 The employees of the United Engineers monthly subscription 40.00 4By Balance 1,233 34 Amount previously acknowledged 23,913.74 Total $25,147.08 The late M. Edouard Vaillant, or Pere Vaillant,” as h« was affectionately nicknamed, was one
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  • Page 510 Advertisements

  • 1962 511 A FAREWELL dinner. the Penang Club last night a rttbering thoroughly representative of the U rop€BQ community of Penang entertained tbe Hon. Mr. Robert Young, ML C., at a firewell dinner and presented him with an illuminated address in a handsome silver casket. Major Adams was in
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  • 180 512 The Court at Medan in a very lengthy judgment gave its decision and mentions that there can hardly be reasonable doubt that the wireless station on the Preutten was erected with a view to communicate with the Emden, which then was roaming in waters near the Dutch
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  • 308 512 >1414 -M M. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 6. At the Singapore Rubber Auction 294 tons of rubber were offered for sale and 181 tons sold at the following prices Smoked Sheets SI 76 to SlBl per picul. Good >l7O >176 Plain Sl7l >176 Unsmoked >l6O
    >1414 -M M.  -  308 words
  • 583 512 -M. M. l Twa Editor of the Malay JfatL] Sir, —Few planters, if any, will be found to dispute the truth of the statements made at the recant meeting of the Kuala Lumpur District Planters Association in regard to the serious state of affairs arising from the
    -M. M.  -  583 words
  • 330 512 3i, ana i B,T. Trengganu, March 28. From the 22nd inst, there has been a most unprecedented return to N E. weather. Strong N. E gales have prevailed, with continuous rain, and very heavy squalls, which, inlsome cases, caused the collapse of houses in the town It
    3i, ana i B,T.  -  330 words
  • 75 512 Penang Wwmen Workers. Amount previously acknowledged 1,758.28 Mrs. Jamieson 10.00 Mrs. Ebden 10.00 M. Rex Esq. Taiping 5.00 Mrs. Wilson Caledonia (6th Don.) 5.00 81,788.28 Bandages and Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for workers will be given out by Mrs. Ebden and Miss Pritchard
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  • 84 512 Sumatra Consolidated 33,780 lb., Bukit Mertaj-im, 38,937 lb., Taiping Rubber Plantations, 46,418 lb., Sungei Siput Rubber Plantations, 7,803 lb, Sungei Key la (F M.S 8,039 lb., Alma 14,000 lb, Bukit Toh Alang 8,132 lb., Shanghai Klebang 6,477 lb., Kota Bahroe 30,063 lb., Sungei Duri 11,970 lb, Chemor
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  • Page 512 Advertisements
    • 11 512 For Ohildren’saHckmg Coigh at Night. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cere, li. <J,
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    • 41 512 The Fruit Season. Bowel complaint is sure to be prevalent during the fruit season. Be sure to keep a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand. It may save* life. lor sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. r
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  • 1131 513 Quite a large number of people here in( j in the Native States are merely siting f° r the F.M S. War Loan Enactment to assume its final shape in order to take up the Bonds. We trust, therefore, that if there are to be any
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  • 73 513 laterestieg Legal Decision. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 16 Mr. Justice Earnshaw dismissed with costs the claim of Klynp, formerly Assistant at tbe Municipal Abattoirs, for $2,326 from the Municipal Commissioners, tbe amount of his credit in the Provident Fund. The defence alleged that Klyne was
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  • 588 513 The late Mr, Ricba d Milward was hit by a shell and blown to pieces. The King of Siam returned to his capital from Samuda Sapor on March 27. President Poincare has just entered upon tbe fourth year of his seven-year term of office. The new Russian Premier has
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  • 1022 514 Chia* **d President Y«a*. Io a leading article which we print elaewhere to-day the China Press deals very temperately and intelligently with the situation created in China by the abandonment of the monarchy and the definite return to a Republic. There is no call for us to emphasise
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  • 99 514 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Siugapor April 6. At the meeting of theTtluk anson Rubber Company, Mr. Llewellyn, who presided, said that he was satisfied that the piospects were fine. The property was being satisfactorily managed the factory and smjke shtds were being completed and shortly they would
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  • 102 514 latereati*t Speech. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, April 6. Ihe Chinese of Selangor entertained the Hon. Mr. W. F. Nutt to a dinner last night, Mr. Lake Yew, C.M.G., presiding. The speeches were in Malay. Mr. Yap Liong Hing said that Great Britain's adherence
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  • 1075 514 (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. introduction in the commons. Reveaae aad Expeaditure. London, April 4. In the House of Commons Mr. Reginald McKenna introduced the Budget to a full House. He began by assuming that the war would last the whole financial year. The actual expenditure would be £1,559,000,000.
    (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  1,075 words

  • 419 515 (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. FRENCH ASCENDENCY MAINTAINED. London, April 4. 4.25 p.m. The French are maintaining the upper hand at Verdun. A Paris communique states that a violent artillery duel took place from Avocourt to Malancourt. The Germans in the Douaumont-Vaux region did not attempt a further
    (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  419 words
  • 417 515 (Renter’ j Senia.) Copyright Tehrram. IN THL KATTEGAT. A Swedish Report. London, April 5. It is stated in Stockholm that a naval engagement wag fought in the Kattegat yesterday. A terrific bombardment was heard at sea and a couple of hours later a German torpedo-boat in a
    (Renter’j Senia.) Copyright Tehrram.  -  417 words
  • 137 515 Obituary. Sir Joha Gorat. London, April 4. The death has taken p’ace of Sir John Gorst. Mr. J. N. Campbell. The death has taken place of Mr. J. N. Campbell, formerly a member of the Legislative Council of Ceylon. Obituary. Sir Gerard Lowther. London, April 5. The death has taken
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  • 369 516 (Rwter’i Senia.) Cpyright Flood* Ri*i*(. Petrograd, April 5. A Petrograd state» that the fter man a continued the bombardment of Ikikul bridgehead. Otherwise there has been no change in the northern sector, where the floods are rising Qmain airmen bombed Rovno and Bamy. In the Caucasus.
    (Rwter’i Senia.) Cpyright  -  369 words
  • 63 516 Evroptaa Piaster Killed. (From Ouz Own Coriwpondent.') Kuala Lumpur, April 6. In an outrage at Sepang Road, Mr. VV. B. Lantour, o( Jinderum Estate, was waylaid by gang robbers who shot him earned him into the jungle, and decamped with «be money he was carrying—about •500. Mr.
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  • 818 516 ANGLO-CHINESE READING ROOM CASE. In consequence of a raid by the Police on the Anglo-Chinese Reading Room thirteen Chinese named Gun Ah Lau, Teo Chong Bi, Lim Pek Seng, Ong Kiat, Kai Lion/, Lok Kuan Ni, Cheah Thean Soon, Ah Hood, Litn Chai Hean, L'in Hok Hin,
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  • 139 516 As Interim Dividend. The Annual General M'eing nf the Gloucester Rubber E4,»te Limited was held at the E. &O. Hotel, Penang, at 11 a.m. on thp 3rd instant, the «tatoment of accounts for tbe y«ar ending December 31 was presented to Hu «b oilers. The report
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  • 248 516 April 4 By Balance 11,233 34 5 Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell 50.00 sBy Balance 1.283 34 Amount previously acknowledged 23,913.74 Total $25,197,08 The peace terms sent out from Peking to the rebellious provinces are as follows The cancellation of the independence of Kwangsi, Yunnan and Kweichow, the
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  • 680 517 REVENUE officer charged. Before Mr. W. C. Michell on the District Court this morning, Mydin, a Malay Senior Revenue Officer of the Government Monopolies, was charged with cheating three of his juniors, named Tan Ab Kow, Mohamed Esah and Drahman, by falsely pretending to them that he was
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  • 566 517 A meeting of the subscribers to the above Society was held at the Penang Cricket Club yesterday evening and there were present the Hon. Mr. A. R. Adams, Messrs. C R. Samuel. F. C. Gregson, W. Peel, E D. Hawthorne, E. S. Burges, C. Cunradi, J H.
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  • 1051 517 IUHIUUIUII lUUTt.IT —China Press. The Rhpuilic Saved What Next? The effort to overthrow tbe Republic of China and puc a Monarchy in its place has failed. Out of the myste'y and obscurity that surrounded Chi p litics one pls in fact has emerged and that is that
    IUHIUUIUII lUUTt.IT —China Press.  -  1,051 words

  • 196 518 Annual Cup. The draw for the Semi Finals of I lie Annual Championship Cups of the Association, presented by Mr. Wan Chee Arifin in 1912, resulted as fo lows Sunday 9th Crescent St ir v. Stia Tanjong Tokong. Sunday 16th Muthibol Ahza i v Hutton Lane. The former two
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  • 1287 518 An I fob Opinion. Recently we (Timet of Malaya) have been under the necessity to give expression to one or two sentiments with the object of making clear the position of the Press in order to avoid misunderstandings in the future. From what cause we
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  • 62 518 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Single Handicap A. V. G. Savi beat F. 0- Gregson. 8-6, 6-3. Single Handicap B. M. M. Stewart beat L O. Hargrave-6-3, 5 -7, 7-5. Inquiries instituted amongst miasionarie* living iu Hie inlerior of China show
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  • 639 519 The heavy fines imposed by the magistrate the other day on several persons convicted o f concealing cases of small-pox should act as a salutary check on a practice which is more common than many of us suspect. Uf course the delinquents, ignorant folk as a rule,
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  • 561 519 Inspector Alexander is now in charge of the Gambling Suppression Department. Sir Hugh Cliff ird, who is not yet forgotten in British Malayan, reached his fiftieth birthday on March 5. M r Slow?, of Messrs. Adamson Gilfiilan Co., L*fl., returned from leave at home by Oie P. 0. s.s.
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  • 1223 519 Paper Victories. “Victory wall-paper” h already b tug exhibited in Germany for the benefit of those who may be able to afford redecoration at the end of the war. It shows the German tricolor in vertical bans on a white ground, lined with black zigzags,” and sprinkled with
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  • 466 520 (Benter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. London, April 6. It is officially announced that a Zeppelin attacked the north-east c a*t at 9.50 yesterday evening, but were driven off by antiaircraft guns. Some bombs were dropped. No information is yet to hand as to the casualties and the damage
    (Benter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  466 words
  • 478 520 (Renter’s Senice.) Cpyright Tel-zram. SIR PE*CY LAKE S REPORT. Eaemy's Position Carried. London, April 5. General Sir Percy Lake reports that at 5 o’clock in the morning the Tigris corps carried the enemy’s entrenched position at Umm-el-Hannas. The operations are proceeding successfully. General Nixon's Despatch. London, April 5
    (Renter’s Senice.) Cpyright Tel-zram.  -  478 words

  • 408 521 (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. SECRET sitting of second ch amber. Hague, April 5. A secret sitting of the Second Chamber has been held. All the Ministers were pregent. Goverameat Statement. Hogue, April 6—late*'. After a secret sitting of the Second Chamber the Government i-sued a statement
    (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  408 words
  • 439 521 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright (Telegram. AROUND VERDUN. Fightiag Favours Freaeh. London, April 5, 3.50 p m. A Paris communique states that the fighting at V erdun continues to be in our favourWest of the Meuse it was comparatively calm, while east of the Meuse we continued to make
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright (Telegram.  -  439 words
  • 227 521 (Reuter’i Service.) Copyright T.legraxn lee Breaking ot the Dviaa. Petrograd, April 6 The ice is breaking on the I tvina. Zeppelins were reported eas of Baranov itchi. Ia Galicia. An important enemy force took the offensive in Galicia we*st of Tarnopol, but were repulsed with the bayonet.
    (Reuter’i Service.) Copyright T.legraxn  -  227 words
  • 50 521 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 7. Messrs. Fraser Co.’s weekly report states that the market was fairly cheerful. Few stocks show any particular appreciation but there was a steady demand locally. Oiits de rubber shares the main factors were industrials. Mining shares showed a better demand.
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  • 70 521 (From Our Own C<rrre*pondenl.} 8 ngupore. April 7. A farewell dinner was given yesterday evening to Sir E C. Ellis his hosts were numerous, men prommeat in public life of Sings p >re. In tun speech Sir Evelyn said that he lift them a legacy
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  • 503 522 FROM DUTCH SOURCES The following apoci-*.) telegrams are from the Sumatra Pott (A Wednesday, April 5 HOLLAND AND THE WAR Alarum* **d Exeurtio**. Feeling in Batavia is calmer since the receipt of reassuring cablet from the Hague. AH the foreign representatives at. the Hague called on the
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  • 1069 522 Revenue Officer Charged. Before Mr. W. C. Michell in the District Court yesterday afternoon, the case was concluded in which Mydin, a Malay Senior Revenue Officer of the Government Monopolies, was charged with cheating three of bn junior", mined Tan Ah Kow, Mohamed Esah and Drahman, by fal-ely
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  • 238 522 To the Editor of the Straits Echo, Dear Sir, To cherish and foster ideas of injustice or unfair treatment re marital affairs, one has first to be convinced that the justification of one’s case is borne out by facts. For this reason we should not dissipate our
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  • 156 523 If You Cannot Fight If you cannot fight you can help the Empire by investing all you can in 6 per cent. F.M.S. War Loin Debentures. If you have a relative in the Army, help him to win by giving his Country the money
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  • 439 523 iriiMi hdU -B.F.P. Regarding Mr. J. N. Campbell whose death Reuter announced yesterday our Ipoh contemporary says Mr. Jock” Campbell, as he was familiarly known to a wide circle of friends in Ceylon and Malaya, was one of the leading planters in Ceylon and filled an
    iriiMi hdU -B.F.P.  -  439 words
  • 1232 523 Chief Secretary and the Free Prest. We print elsewhere (says the Singapore morning paper) the full text of Sir Edward Brockman’s letter to the Malay Mail on the subject of the F.M.S. War loan. It is not substantially d fferent from the summary sent us by
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  • Page 523 Advertisements
    • 52 523 Middl > aged people are often sffi cted with that distreseng ailment, windy spasms, they seem to cut like a knife. Sufferers should get a bottle vf WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT COH, Fhe verv first dose will b-ing relief and prove ita value. Sold by Dispensaries and Stores everywhere at 80
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  • 1023 524 SOME COMPARATIVE NOTES. Rt a Honoxono Visitor. A visitor, familiar with some Eastern ports, is naturally curious as to the progress made during the past decade in this important outpost of Empire. Curiosity, says the Straits 'limes, prompts enquiry, and refleetion suggests a comparison with places which
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  • 74 524 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Rubber Auction yesterday 34,525 lb. were sold out of 43,538 lb. offered- The following prices were obtained Diamond Smoked Sheet from $l6B to $l7B Diamond Unsmoked $163 $166 Plain Smoked Sheet $l6B Plain Unsrooked Sheet $152 $163 Diamond Smoked No. 2. $l6l
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  • 599 524 April 5 By Balance 11 283 34 6 0- B. Pike, 15th contribution 25.00 F. C- Ebbels, April subscription 50.00 6By Balance 1,358.34 Amount previously acknowledged 23,913.74 Total $25,272.08 From the Malacca Notes of the Malaya Tribune: It is ann the Vinolia Association of Malacca is rehearsing
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  • Page 524 Advertisements
    • 66 524 A Parent's Duty. Your boy is always getting scratched or cut or bruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and 9fe that every injury is cared for immediately. You can get nothing better, and blood pohon
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  • 635 525 When the Great War has passed into history when epics and heroic dramas are built upon events which are now news paragraphs, there will be one shinina central figure. Army commanders, regimental officers, and the rank and tile of all the forces engaged have displayed qualities of skill,
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  • 614 525 Mr. C. F. Hewitt, Manager of Lumut Rubber Estate?, is an inmate of tbe General Hospital, Penang, suffering from fever. Mr. A. Cameron, of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, proceeds home on a wel’-aamed holiday this evening by tbe homeward mail. Mr. G. Copley, who is retiring from the
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  • 1003 525 The Prime Miaitter. Mr. Asquith, now safely bick m Lmdou, will to-day complete ms eighth year m Prime Minister. He has now occupied the high position for a longer continuous period than any of hie jr ebees o's since Lord Liverpool bold the runs a century ago for
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  • 24 526 April 6 By Balance $1,358.34 7 F. I>. Hindluy 50-00 7By Balance 1 408.34 Amount previously acknowledged 23,913.74 ’Total $25 322,08
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  • 41 526 Mar..3l By Balance SK,73 f >.3B April 3 Hon. A T. Bryant, monthly subscription 100-OO 5 R. Scott, April |subscription *25,00 Penang Bind, 16th instalment 18-90 6 Municipal Staff, 18th instalment 289.00 6 By Balance ...$9,172 28
    41 words
  • 56 526 The output of dry rubier from the underment lined E*‘. t l for the month of March was a* follow i: Al' r Pun.’-ii l >i.'-. r ]!>.., R ieh 9,220 ;b Mi-rb.u 5 758 lb-.. North P« rak 1,157 lbr„ Ayei Luu i g 6,020 lb-. Ten
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  • 451 526 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. ONE AIHSHIP HIT. London, April The War Office announces that three Zmetina took part in a raid yeaterday night. The first was driven off after dropping five bomba no damage was done and there ware no casualties. Observer* say that she was hit
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  451 words
  • 411 526 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. GROWING TENSION. Bukharest, April 6 Rumania is annoyed at the persistent anti-Rumanian campaign in the Buigarian Press The Bulgarian Minister at .Bukharest is accused of provoking an agitation regarding Rumania’s latelyacquired territory at Dobrudja Bulgaria is also annoyed regarding the news of the
    (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  411 words

  • 462 527 (Renter’s Senice.) Copynght’STelegram. ACTIVITY AROUND VERDUN, Heavy German Attacks. London, April 6, 5.5 p.m. A Paris communique reports great activity in the region of Verdun. West of the Meuse, following a very yiolent bombardment in the region between Avocourt and Bethincourt, a series of attacks by very
    (Renter’s Senice.) Copynght’STelegram.  -  462 words
  • 578 527 (Reuter’s Senice.) CpjTight Tel-zram CHANGE IN LEADERSHIP. General Aylmer's Successor. London, April 6. it is officially announced that LieutGeneral Sir G. Gorringe will succeed General Aylmer. THE BATTLE AT UM-EL-HAMMAH. Official Announcement. London, April 6 —Later. The War Office announces that General Sir Percy Lake reports that the
    (Reuter’s Senice.) CpjTight Tel-zram  -  578 words
  • 184 527 REVENUE OFFICER CONVICTED. Mohamed Mydin, a native Senior Revenue Officer of the Government Monopolies, who was charged with cheating three of his juniors, named Tan Ah Kow, Mohamed Esah and Drahman, by I'als sly pretending to them that he was to co’lect $1 from each of them for
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  • 247 527 The Rev. E. N. Greenhow arrived from England on the Namur on Thursday evening and took over charge of the Chaplaincy from the Lord Bishop yesterday afternoon. He is staying at the Runnymede Hotel The war has opened up novel and strange routes for traffic. G >ods
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  • 207 528 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegram, are from the Sumatra Pott of Friday, April 7 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Reattvriag Statement*. After the secret session of the Chamber, which lasted nearly three hour<, there was a public sitting at which the Premier made a reassuring statement.
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  • 266 528 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Double Handicap A. Everest and Harries w o from Sproule and Hall. Prentis and Harris, w o from Stewart and Elton Ladiet Doublet. Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Ha<rop beat Mrs. Souter and Miss M. Pritchard 6—l,
    266 words
  • 1377 528 TWO PERSONS FINED. Before Mr. E. E. Colman in the Second Court this morning Mydin Cader was summoned at the instance of Mr. W. A. Ward for failing to report a case of small-pox. Mr. W. A. Ward, on the accused pleading guilty, said, “At 9 o’clock on
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  • 1235 529  -  [By Tuan Wright. I now have a selfish reason for feeling clad that Conscription was tried, and that I <as privileged to see it in operation. It made me wiser. It has made me think. The Tribunals have been sitting, the papers have reported their doings, and I
    1,235 words
  • 563 529 Excerpt from the Minutes of a’Meeting of the Committee of the Penang Chamber of Commerce held in the Chamber on Tuesday 4th April, 1916. Present —John Mitchell Esq., A. F. Goodrich Esq., J. C. Benson Esq., A. W. Blackstone Esq. F. Duxbury Esq, C, M Henderson Esq.,
    563 words

  • 1045 530 To thb*Ei>itob of the Straitt Echo. Dear Sir, It it with plei«ure I hind you herewith the Account of the B-lgian Relief Fund from which you will note that the total tubtcnbed riace the opening of the fund amounts to the handsome sum of 125,197.08 The
    1,045 words
  • 754 530 Dear Sir, I shall thank you for a apace in your valuable columns to reply to the criticism contained in Mr. C. B. Teat’s letter of the 3rd inst. 1 would refer him to mine of the 2utb ult. which appeared in your issue of the 21st
    754 words
  • Page 530 Advertisements
    • 94 530 The Forty Year Test. An aitic e must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy w is first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has g-own m favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation.
      94 words

  • 471 531 EXAMINATION RESULTS. Final Year. The following have been granted the L M. S. diploma Tan Bin Chiang, Chee Peck Lian, H. S. Moonshi, Pandak Ahmad, H. R. Saravanamuthu and Lee Lian Hoe. Fourth Year. Pathology, Hygiene and Forensic Medicine Passed —Mohamed Ariff, Loh Poon Lip,
    471 words
  • 1267 531 TERROR OF AN IPOH ESTATE. Many Unfortunate Native Victims. The following true tiger story has been written for the T. 0. M. by a lady living on Strathisla Estate, which is situated about seven miles out from Ipoh on the Jelapang Road. The tiger appears to
    1,267 words

  • 639 532 A Black List. A stir wu caused in mercantile circlet at the beginning of the week (says the Java correspondent of the Free Pritt) by a Hague message to the Bat. Nieuwtblad, containing the names of firms in the Netherlands Indies black-listed by the British Government, and for
    639 words
  • 611 532 Mb. LAUTOUR’S DEATH. Further Details. Authentic particulars are now to hand, says the Malay Mail, of the circumstances io which Mr. W B. Lautour met his death. Mr. Lautour came up to Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday morning to get money and returned by the 4 o’clock train from
    611 words
  • 535 532 Married vb. Singles. The cricket match on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between Married and Singles ended in a draw after a very interesting game. The Singles batted first and compiled a total of 179 runs, towards which J. W. Hadden contributed 62 runs which were obtained by fine
    535 words

  • 1183 533 It ig worth while drawing attention to the fact that, in all the great centres jn China, athletic organisations are looking forward to the Far Eastern Games in Tokyo next year and are making plans for securing representation of China by 100 fine athletes. Local meetings are
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  • 548 533 Sir Thomas Bradded has gone’to Kuantarf for the Assizes. Mr. W. Pryde is appointed to officiate as assisaut District Officer, Larut. The will of the late Sir Cecil Clementi Smith has been proved at X 17,329. Mr. J. M, Barron is appointed to be an assistant superintendent of Indian
    548 words

  • 1244 534 vt ais n —M M. Fifty-oae Years Ago. Yesterday was tbe fifty-first anniversary of the final act of the American Civil W ar, the surrender of Lee with his Confederate Army at Appomatox Courthouse after his defeat by Grant. Five days later President Lincoln was fatally shot in
    vt ais n —M M.  -  1,244 words
  • 1356 534 (Reiter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. ENEMY ATTACKS CONTINUED. Freaeh Progress East of the Meuse. London, April 7, 4-30 p.m, A Paris communique states that the Germans continue to hammer away west of the Meuse. The French made ground east of the Meuse. The Germans, after a very violent
    (Reiter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  1,356 words

  • 425 535 (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. GERMAN OFFENSIVE IMMINENT. Waraiaz to Greaea. A them, April 9. Germany has warned Greece that a Bulgaro-German offensive in Macedonia is imminent, Fiaaaee Miaieter Resigas. M. Dragoumis, the Minister of Finance, has resigned despite all the entreaties of his colleagues. This is due
    (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  425 words

  • 275 536 (leuter’s Service.) Uprrigbt Telezram ANXIOUS SITUATIONi Shanghai, April 8. The opinion isjuniversal that Yuan ShiKai moat resign, but 10,000 Government troops are corning to Shanghai. Two train*, bringing quantities of munitions, are due to-day. There is great anxiety in th* whole district British Prisoners in Germany. THE
    (leuter’s Service.) Uprrigbt Telezram  -  275 words
  • 91 536 (From Our o<cn CurreffporuFmt.') K' ala Lumpur, April 9. The Hon. W. F. Nutt announces the inauguration of a fund to provide comforts for the Malay States Guides in connection with the War Belief Fund. I he subscriptions already received amount to »450, including those from
    91 words
  • 473 536 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SURRENDER OF E 4EMY FORCE. London, April 7. General Smuts, Commander-in-Chief of the East African Forces, reports that General Van der Venters, with mounted troops, on April 4 surprised and surrounded a German force machine guns, stationed in a mountain stronghold in
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  473 words
  • 451 536 (Reuter's Sen ice.) Copyright Telegram. Lord Hardiage's Approval. London, April 7. Lord Hardinge, the out-going Viceroy has written to the British Patriotic Pro’ ductions Company heartily approving of its aims. Lord Hardinge says that he is confident that the wide publication of the aid given so
    (Reuter's Sen ice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  451 words

  • 546 537 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Saturday, April 8 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Baseless Rumour, All sorts of rumours are still current in Batavia, including a report of the loss of a Dutch warship. The Sumatra Post waxes very indignant
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  • 521 537 With reference to Prospectus of the Federated Malay States War Loan, inviting subscription to a first issue of «6,000,000, it has been brought to the notice of the Government that some persons propose to wait for the next issue” possibly in the hope that more favourable terms
    521 words
  • 630 537 Yestkrdat’s Field Operations. Tne Penang Volunteers and the P V. Cadet Corps had a Field Day yesterd*}, the fall-in for the VuLerans ‘B Company, ‘C Company and tne Cadets, who .formed the defending force, being at the junction of Barrack Road and Gao] Road, and that for *A
    630 words

  • 727 538 Pknang SucaiMM. We append the lint of the succenful candidate» at the recent Cambridge Local Examination». Again the Penang Schooli hare done exceedingly well. Mr. Ng Cheong Tew, of the Penang Free School, han our congratulation» on obtaining First-Claes Honours. SENIOR BOYS. Student» under 19 year» of
    727 words
  • 370 538 (From Our Ovm Correspondent.) Bukit Mertajam, April 11. At the Bukit Mertajam Police Court before Mr. G. A. Hereford, yesterday, J. S. Mutu Kumaru, the Ceylonese Magician was brought up on a charge of cheating one Low Chin Seng in respect of 1200. As the offencs was
    370 words
  • 326 538 A Tamil named Pakiri was this morning charged btfire Mr. V. G. Ezechiel with criminally tresp using into the compound of Mr. Sydney Woodhili in Logan Road. Mr. Woodhill stated he did not know the accused and he had no Tamil servants emp'oyed i Q his house. The
    326 words
  • 228 538 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, I feel quite justified in suggesting registration for Chinese marriages for the present and the future. As “Contrary Opinion” has pointed out that time is progressive, why then look back to the past instead of looking ahead There are
    228 words
  • Page 538 Advertisements
    • 51 538 Bswel Complaint in Children. During the »ummer month» children ate subject to disorders of the bowel» and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as auy unnatural looseness of the bowel» is noticed Cbambei lain’s Colic, Chuleia and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given For sale by all Dispensaries and
      51 words
    • 9 538 For Ohildren’saHcking Cough nt NigbtWood»’ Great Pepper mintjOe re,
      9 words

  • 605 539 That the F.M.S. War Loan is going to be a g rea t success seems already to be pretty w9 |l assured. As we have declared on gd 7eral occasions, and will never weary of repeating, such an investment with sucn a security is never likely to
    605 words
  • 1348 539 For more than seven weiks now the noise °f battle has rolled atouad Verdun and along the heights of the Meuse. To-lay, despite the horrible hecatombs piled up tor miles round the fortress, the conflict set ms to be raging with greater fury than ever and a wond which
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  • 1247 540 Slaag. Dr. Henry Vizetelly his been deploring the spread of «lang both in the United States and in England. We horn «tly think there in small cause for his concern. Seventy years or so ago Dickens, in Oliver Twist,” and Ainsworth, in Jack Sheppard,” made thieves* argot fashionable
    1,247 words
  • 267 540 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir,—l shall be glad if you will publish the attached balance sheet showing the disbursement of certain sums collected for the benefit of the Malay States Guides and other British troops. I regret that, owing to difficulties of freight
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  • 112 540 To-day’s Quotations. Jin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at »96.35, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $97, business done (100 tons sold) and in London at .£204 10s. spot and 198 10s. three months’ sight, Messrs. Boustead Co inform us that the following is the quotation
    112 words

  • 949 541 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. VIOLENT BATTLE RAGING. New French Line. London, April 10, 3 5 a m A Paris communique states that west of the Meuse a violent battle was fought all along the whole of our front from a Jnrourt to Cumiĕres, extending even to the
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  949 words
  • 54 541 Mr. Bonar Liw states that the estimated area of the German Colonies conquered is as follows Square Africa. Miles. South-West Africa 322,450 Cameroons 300,00 Togoland 33,700 Pacific. Samoa 060 Upolu J4O Kaiser Wilhelms-Land and Pacific Islands 70.000 Bis tj arck Archipelago 22,610 Caroline, Pelew, Marianne, and Marshall
    54 words
  • 458 541 (Renter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. OPPORTUNITIES FuR INDIA. London, April 10. Although the Industrial Commission does not assemble until October Sir Reginald Sothern Holland, who will arrive in Bombay eirly in May, will arrange for a prompt and business-like investigatioo. "Times" Commeat. This is desirable, says the Times, not
    (Renter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  458 words

  • 1067 542 To this Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, Will you please publish in your valuable paper the views of an unfledged bird on Chinese marital affairs, which Ims been the topic of discussion throughout the previous month, and I shall be very much obligor] if the reading
    1,067 words
  • 116 542 Contribution to British Red Cross, I' rom Our (hen Correspondent.) Singapore, April 11, The net proceeds of the entertainments given at Singapore by the Penang Chinese Amateur Dramatic Company in aid of the British Red Cross Fund amounted to 89,909. Mr. W. H. Threlfall, Assistant Postmaster General, is
    116 words
  • 494 542 The Editor of the Straits Times Sir, With reference to the F.M.S war loan, touching the question of the issue bung in the form of beater boad-q which has been raided by critics, and replied to through the Malay Mail, by the Chief Secretary, may I
    494 words
  • 102 542 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Rubber A uefion held yesterday 27,915 lb. were sold out cf 46,880 lb. effered. The following prices were obtained Diamond Smoked Sheet from 8168 to 8177 Diamond Unsmokel 8163 8167 Plain Smoked Sheet 8164 Plain Unsmoked Sheet 8155 8160 Brown Crepe $145
    102 words

  • Page 543 Advertisements
    • 1144 543 B Beauty Fades. tired out every evening may SOME MAKES OF PENS A A I pretty, but fail the test of hard gSBk tncause tbi* getting tireJ ao work. Some pens write under favour jfjLy first warning aymptom of a a e conditions, but fail when driven blood. I The
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  • Page 544 Advertisements
    • 218 544 CRITERION PRESS, Id j jn No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. F j i a' ESTABLISHED 1883. M PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. r -il Proprietors of the ‘‘STRAiiS ECHO and PEBANG SIN POE.” J fe The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and itliographers in tiie Orient. i 55 Our plant is of the
      218 words