The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 5 April 1916

Total Pages: 46
1 505 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. $17.50 Per Annum Single Copy, 40 eft. Vol. 14. Penang, Wednesday, sth April, 1916. No. 14.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 353 1 CONTENTS. s s V X s s x Leaders: page. i Miscellaneous page. China and the R.-ca of the Far East 62 s Press and Public 470 .-k Q The F.M.S. War Loan 470 War Items «5 A 494 5 Education in Malaya 474 166 I uT 7 w 100
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 196 2 i 1 1 THE F STRAITS ECHO f MAIL EDITION. I TWMMMWni»— K I Published the day prior to the departure of each mail I for Europe, and contains the latest local and States L nev.s originally published in the daily issues, as well as s all important news from
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  • 962 462 President Yuan Shi Kai’s mandate frankly abandoning the monarchical movement, which we were privileged to publish in full in yesterday’s Strait» Echo, has given entire satisfaction among the Penang Chinese and may be welcomed as the expression of a statesmanlike decision which
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  • 580 462 Dr. Edgar, of Tp»h, is on a visit to Mrs. E. D. Lanp, of Parit Buntar, is going on a trip to Japin. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon, of Jong-Landor Estate, Perak, are leaving for home in the near future. Mr. David Baatty, of the Straits Settlements Civil Service,
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  • Page 462 Advertisements
    • 93 462 vqs svaaivs ssQQk 00 pibHshad daily (except Sundays and pvblia holidays) AT TMU CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang Pbiom. Daily Local W 4 per annum. M Outstation... Postage Extra. Util Edition (Poet Free) 917.50 cased ADDaaaa: ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Noe. Echo, 588 Printing Department 343 JfJ.—AIl bvaiMM ahonM
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  • 1342 463 Tbe Invasion Bogey. Naturally, an enemy attempt to invade Great Britain ii not altogether outside the bounds of possibility though the general opinion in well-informed circle» is that the Germans, having missed any chance of a successful coup-de main in the first few months of the war, are
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  • 466 463 (Reuter’s Service.) Lpynaht Tel'-zram VERDUN LOSSES. Terrible German Casualties. London, March 27, 5.40 p.m. The terrible lostes of the Germans at Verdun are shown by the fact that the greater part of more than twenty-seven divisions which have so far been employed by the Germans had to
    (Reuter’s Service.) Lpynaht Tel'-zram  -  466 words

  • 366 464 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. GERMAN version. London, March 27, 8.20 p.m. Berlin communique states that the Russians have renewed specially violent attacks against General von Hindenburg, employing masses of men and ammunition north and west of Jacobstadt to an extent hitherto unknown in the Eastern theatre. The
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  366 words
  • 410 464 (Reuter’s Senice). Copyright Telegram. HISTORIC GATHERING. In Historic Chamber. Paris, March 29. Never in history have so many Allied nations met in conference. Twenty-nine delegates gathered in the historic room at the Quai d Orsay, which was the scene of the Peace Conference after the SpanishAmerican War
    (Reuter’s Senice). Copyright Telegram.  -  410 words
  • 428 464 (Revter*i Senia.) Copyright Telegram. FURTHER DETAILS. Dnmage Done. Copenhagen, March 28. Besides the two German patrol boats which were sunk when the British made an air raid on Schleswig-Holstein, two other patrol boats werj badly damaged. Hoyer and Tondern weie bombed and a corn magazine at
    (Revter*i Senia.) Copyright Telegram.  -  428 words

  • 852 465 FROM DUTCtfsOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Bitmaira Pott of Monday, March 27 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Tke New Lot*. The Queen-Mother has subscribed for a considerable sum in the new Dutch war loan The Cott of Livios. Delegations from the Christian professional unions waited
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  • 204 465 War Loaa Bill. (Irom Ouz Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur March 28. The Federal Council was occupied in the foreno >n with the main speeches on the subject of the Loan Bill which was accorded the unanimous and whole-hearted support of the unofficial members and the rulers. A
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  • 451 465 AIRCRAFT FUND. CONTKIBUTORB AND COLLBCTORS. Having assisted very considerably— to the extent of approximately 17,000 towards the completion of the air squadron presented by Malaya to the British Government, the women of Malaya are by no means resting on their oars. Their latest effort is directed towards the
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  • 823 466 ,—Free Press. Wo must confess to having experienced a fueling of some astonishment, when leading the Hon’ble Mr. Darbishire’s speech at the Chamber of Commerce, to see that what mS y now be termed enemy trade bulks so very lightly in the total overturn of the
    ,—Free Press.  -  823 words
  • 419 466 An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Municipal Office yesterday afternoon. There were present Mr. W. Peel (President), Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok, Mr. A. F. Goodrich, and Mr. J. Mitchell with Mr. L. M. Bell (Municipal Eugineer) and Mr. L. A. C. Biggs (Secretary)
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  • 1304 466 We regret to note already signs that the question of enemy trade is not likely to be tackled from the one point of view. At the recent meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce the President, referring to imports from enemy countries, passed over the question in a
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  • 829 467 TwCMV-MVE PER CENT. DIVIDEND the Year. .Mr. C. Everitt signs the following directors report on the Changkhat Serdang tflrtatea to be presented at the meeting, on Saturday, April 1. Gentlemen,—Your director» submit herewith a duly audited statement of the accounts of the company for the year ended
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  • 168 467 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their Auction Sale yesterday Smoked Ribbed Sheet $177 to $lB2 Plain $165 No. 2 Smoked Sheet diamond $l6B $176 Unsmoked Sheet $l6O $165 No. 2 Unemoked Sheet $l5B $159 Crepe Fine Pale
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  • Page 467 Advertisements
    • 75 467 k Faoaily Ntcmity. Every family should lie provided with Chamberlain's Pain Balm at all times, bprains may be cured in much less time when promptly treated. Lame back, lame shoulder, pains in the side and chest and rheumatic pains are some of the diseases for which it is especially valuable.
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    • 47 467 Rub It In. A good many people think rheumatism and not be cured without taking nauseous medicine. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm massaged thoroughly into the skin has cured far more rheumatism than any internal remedy in existence and gives relief quicker. For sale by all Di»p*n»arie» and Dealers.
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  • 1296 468 HONOURED BT SINGAPORE CHINESE. The members of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce gave a party in their rooms in Hill Street, on Saturday, in honour of Mr. fan Jiak Kim, C. M. G., on his retirement from public life. There was a large gathering present
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  • 847 468 Interesting Lecture at the That the social and roli„ious uustoms'of the multitudes of the Middle Kingdom are vastly interesting to many people was evidenced by the crowd that attended Mr. Tan Teck Soon’s lecture at the T.M.C.V last night, says the Straus 'limes of Tuesday. The Chief
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  • 130 469 Beat “New Year” for Years. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, March 29, At the annual general meeting of the Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce Mr. Yap Loong Hin, who presided, said that the year had been satisfactory. Chinese business was slow at the beginning of 1915
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  • 177 469 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 30. At the Singapore Rubber Auction 402,307 lb. were sold at the following prices Smoked Sheets >lBO to 1189 per picul. Good 1175 >179 Plain >l7l >179 Unsmoked >165 >l7l Plain >157 >172 Crepes >lB4 >lBB Good >l7B >lB3 Fine brown
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  • 884 469 5 .—M. M. Local business men are awaiting with nterest the verdict of their Perak confreres on the proposal put forward by the Selangor Chamber Committee for the formation of a Federal Chamber of Commerce. It is rather premature to say that the scheme has been practically
    5 .—M. M.  -  884 words
  • 294 469 Annual General Meeting. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, March 22. Presiding last evening at the annual meeting of the Ipoh Golf Club Mr. V. Hill said thit, considering the number of members who had proceeded to the front and the large number of others engaged in local
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  • Page 469 Advertisements

  • 697 470 Our Ipoh contemporary, the Times of Unlaw has had a difference with the rMS Chamber of Mines, which wished in lav down a rule that reports of general meetings of the Chamber should only be Wished after they had been submitted to the Council. That was, of
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  • 493 470 -MJL Elsewhere to-day in our reading columns we publish the prospectus of the F.M.S. War Loan. Upon the advantages which the issue offers as an investment we have already remarked. To resume them very briefly: the loan represents the soundest security that can be desired by
    -MJL  -  493 words
  • 526 470 Dr. J. S. Rose is slui to hit bed at his residence. Mr. J. R. Murray, who has Uudcrgone a successful uperaitou, is progressing favourably. The Chinese community of Selangor are entertaining the Hon. Mr. W. F. Nutt to a farewell dinner on April sth. Mr. C. 0. Hughes,
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  • 510 471 (Renter's Senia.) Cpy right T*)-scram VERDUN BATTLE. Germa* Attack Repulaed. London, March 29, 12.40 a.m. A Parii communique states that a fire directed on the enemy battery at Bois Montfaucon cawed a violent explosion. The bombardment of our positions from Avocourt to Jiethincourt was violently resumed about
    (Renter's Senia.) Cpy right T*)-scram  -  510 words
  • 428 471 (Reuter’s Senia). Copyright Tei<-gram. EFFECTIVE AIR RAID. Turkish Bate Attacked. Suez, March 28. A British air-squadron dropped fifty bombs on the Turkish base at Bir-el-Hassanah, a hundred miles from the Suez Canal. They burned the camp and severely damaged the water-works. One airman attacked the Turkish infantry
    (Reuter’s Senia). Copyright Tei<-gram.  -  428 words
  • 447 471 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. IN THE NORTHERN SECTOR. Adverse Weather Conditions, Petrograd, March 29. A Petrograd communique states that the weather is becoming worse along the whole front but fighting has not diminished, the Germans desperately resisting especially in the vicinity of Postavy and Late Narotch. Russian
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  447 words

  • 456 472 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. UNPRECEDENTED damage. London, March 28. A blizzard which swept over the United Kingdom did much damage London, March 29. The combination of snow and wind is unprecedented. It will be days before the full effects of the blizzard is known owing to the
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  456 words
  • 127 472 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. FIGHTING AT GORIZIA. Rome, March 29. Desperate fighting at Gorizia is announced by the Italian communique which says that it lasted forty hours and was very fierce on the heights to the northwest of the fortress The Austrians, after an intense artillery preparation
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  127 words
  • 362 472 Absolutely I.noceat. A Chinaman named Lim Ah Pin was this morning arraigned before Mr. E.E. Coleman in the Second Court, charged with theft of a sampan. Court-Inspector Nicol stated to the Court that he had no evidence to offer as there was absolutely nothing against the accused.
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  • 36 472 (From Our Own Correspondent,) Kuala Lumpur, March 30. The Selangor staff of the Straits Trading Company gave a farewell dinner to the Hon Mr. W. F. Nutt last night- Mr. Frank Adam presided.
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  • 186 472 (Reuter's Senice.) &lt; Copyright Telegram. Question ia the Commons, London, March 29. In the Hou«« of Commons Sir J Jardine asked whether cteps w&lt; re being taken to supply the forces in Mesopotamia with drugs and appliances useful in cases of diseases which are likely to occur in
    (Reuter's Senice.) < Copyright Telegram.  -  186 words
  • 62 472 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 30. At a meeting of the Pahang planters at Raub on March 26 it was decided to form a District Planters Association. Mr. Staples of Shanghai Pahang, was elected Chairman and Mr. P. J. A. Williams of Karak, Secretary. Mr.
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  • 227 472 (From Our Own Correspondent,) Kuala Lumpur, March 30. The meeting of the Serendah Hydraulic Co. passed a resolution reducing the capital from $850,000 to $170,000. If we do not owe quinine to the late Sir Clements Markham, we owe to him its accessibility and cheapness, for it
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  • 1176 473 doyen of straits urnalism DEPARTURE FOR HOME. Tribute from the Pre»». Major Bt. Clair, Editor of the Singapore Prte Press, leave* the Colony to-day after a career of fortytwo year», during twenty-nine of which he ha* occupied the editorial chair. Ah already stated, Major St. Clair ha*
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  • 542 473 Ihe Prospectus. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 29 Tne F. M. S. War Loan prospectus his been issued. The following notification appears in the F. M. S. Government Gazette Extraordinary, dated March 28 The list will be closed on or before April 29th, 1916. Federated
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  • 1235 474 There are points of unusual interest in the annual report of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and not the least of these is the scheme for making Singapore a local centre for the holding, under the London Chamber of Commerce, of examinations in commercial education. Figures dealing
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  • 546 474 P*.e. Carmichael of “A” Company has been promoted a Lince Corpoial. General Galheai’s resignation has not rurprised Paris, siys a London cable. An operation will probably be nce.BB.iry. A Lindon c*blo to the Times of Ceylon. dated March 17ch states M&gt;. Jack Cirey, eldest son of Mr. Valentine Carey,
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  • 1281 475 Ab Annivcrtnry. Bronte lovers—and they are legion—will remember to-day the sixtj-first anniversary of the death of Charlotte, which followed so close upon the marriage that had promised bo much happiness. Though the eldest, and only thirty-nine at her d*ath, Charlotte was the last survivor of the fam &gt;us
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  • 858 475 (Rett ter'a Senice.) Cpyright Tel°zram. IN THE VERDUN REGION. French Offensive Move. Paris, March 29. A French offensive move in the Verdun region is the feature of the communique to-day. The Germans did not attempt further infantry attacks west of the Meuse but the bombardment was intense
    (Rett ter'a Senice.) Cpyright Tel°zram.  -  858 words

  • 436 476 (Rtater’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. FRESH AND URGENT APPEAL. FUNDS IMMEDIATELY NEEDED. London, March 30. Reuter has been requested by the National Committee for the Relief of Belgium to publish a fresh and urgent appeal for more funds. The Signatories. The appeal is signed by the Lord Mayor of
    (Rtater’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  436 words
  • 504 476 (Reutei’s Senice). Copyright Telegram. MINISTERIAL STATEMENT. Lord Derby's Suggestions Adopted. Lo don March 29. In the House of Commons Air. Walter Long, President of the Local Government Board, in a statement on recruiting, said that the Government was able to adopt nearly all Lord Derby’s suggestions. Revision
    (Reutei’s Senice). Copyright Telegram.  -  504 words

  • 374 477 (Eeuter'i Stnicc.) Copyriebt Tc)'-&lt;r*m DISASTROUS AUSTRIAN FAILURE. Air Raid Completely Defeated. Rome, March 30. Th® Austrians failed disastrously in a great strategic air-raid aimed at paralysing the supplies and creating havoc behind the Italian lines. Seventeen aeroplanes anc twelve seaplanes participated in the operation and only succeeded
    (Eeuter'i Stnicc.) Copyriebt Tc)'-<r*m  -  374 words
  • 1158 477 PENANG FREE’SCHOOL TROOP. Inspection by the Resident Councillor The Hon. the Resident Councillor inspected the Penang Free School Troop of Boy Scouts yesterday afternoon at half-past four. T he weather conditions were most unfavourable as there was a heavy downpour of rain but nevertheless the Troop succeeded in
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  • 4882 478 FEDERAL council debate. A L ull Report From the Malay Moil of Wednesday we take the following account of the historic debate in the Federal Council on the FM S. War Loan Bill The War Loan. Tas Legal Adviser, introducing the War jjoan Enactment, 1916, on a
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  • 1412 480 We are sorry that our virile contemporary, the straits Echo has seen fit to support the attitude of the President of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce regarding enemy trade. It may, or it may not be, that we have a good deal of enemy trade to fight here.
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  • 376 481 15 Per Cent for The Year. The sixth yrjarly report of the director! of the Teluk Anion Rubber Estate, Ltd is as follows: Your directors beg to submit the comCny’i accounts for the year ended Decernr 31, 1915. The profit for the period after making full allowance
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  • 47 481 The Straits Rubber Co. Ltd. 117,000 lb. The Penang Rubber Estate Co. Ltd. 120,000 lb. The Rubaua Rubber Estates, Limited. 46.000 lb. Ihe Tali Ayer Rubber Estate Limited 38.000 lb The Batak Ribit Rubber Estate. Limited 16,000 lb. The Hagan Serai Company, Limited 18,000 lb.
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  • 1166 481 —Straits Times, We experienced a certain feeling of uneasiness in regard to the proposal tor fleating a &gt;15,000.000 war loan under the auspices of the F M.S. Government. It is a fact that there are great many people cut here who do most earnestly desire to
    —Straits Times,  -  1,166 words
  • 54 481 Mar. 23 By Balance &gt;8,338 75 „27 Amount collected by Mr. J. H. Phipps for July from Audit office 5.50 Registry, Supreme Court 3 00 Municipal Staff, 17th instalment 315.08 30 R, B. Osborne monthly subscription 25.00 31 Chief Post Office, Ptnang 15th contribution 52.05 Mar.
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  • 35 481 Kam unting Tin Dredging Ltd, Piculs 980 Hours run 648 Yards treated 90,000 Chenderiang Tim Dredging Ltd. Dredge Piculs 480 Hours run 580 Yards treated 85.000 Elevators. Piculs 120 lotal output (Chenderiang) 600
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  • 1113 482 Regarding the Mesopotamian campaign there is undeniably a good deal of uneasidoM i n the public mind and, as we pointed o ut the other day, the manner in which the medical and sanitary services in connection with it have broken down constitutes a grave scandal and calls for
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  • 126 482 To the Editor of the Straits Echo Dear Sir, Not only do the P. O steamers not come alongside the wharf, but while they are lying out in the stream they make it difficult and even dangerous for passengers to get on board by blocking up the
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  • 631 482 We regret to learn mat Mrs. Guud.y Fox, of Taiping, has lost a brother killed in the recent fighting in Mesopotamia. Mr. E. J. Chandler, of D-mnistown Estate, Parit Buntar, was a passenger homeward bound by the mail which left early thia morning. Mr. J. H. Garrat, general manager
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  • 1087 483 Malay* aad th* War Fna4a. Mr. and Mn. Wright-Motion are to be congratulated on haring been able to send the iub*tantial sum of over £l5O to London for the relief of the de«t tube Belgians, ai a result of their “Tableaux Vivante and Dance. It is to be
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  • 129 483 Raeisi or No. {From Our Own. Correspondent.') Ipoh, April 1. The question of the advisability of holding a race meeting in the near future was raised at a meeting of the Ipoh Gymkhana Club last evening. The opinion was expressed that the class of griffins procured in
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  • 33 483 Rice Merchant Fiacd. {from Our Own Curr&ipondent.') Singapore, March 31. «I aa! Bek, a r GO merchant, was fined 31,000 and costs for attempting to export Saigon nee to Batavia,
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  • 503 483 (Better's Sen ice.) Cpyright Tel-zrun. round malancourt. Floatiaf Miaea ia the Meaae, London, March 30, 4.50 p m. The Paris communique states that the Germans did not attempt a fresh effort at Malancourt. There was intermittent bombardment east of the Meuse and in the Woevre. The Germans
    (Better's Sen ice.) Cpyright Tel-zrun.  -  503 words

  • 477 484 (Renter's Senice). Copyright Telegram. 11 graphic story. Fightiat uader Difficult Coaditioa». London, March 31. A graphic story of the naval battle fAllninng the British air-raid on Schleswigffolstein opposite the island of Sylt has received at Edinburgh. Battle ia a Blizzard. The attacking ships sailed
    (Renter's Senice). Copyright Telegram.  -  477 words
  • 487 484 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. COMMISSION OF INQUIRY SUGGESTED. Questioa ia Parliameat. London, March 30. In the House of Commons Mr. lan Malcolm, Unionist Member for Croydon, asked whether Mr. Cham* berlain would appoint an independent Commission to investigate the share of the Military and Financial members of the
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  487 words
  • 631 484 (Reiter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. OPERATIONS ON GREEK FRONTIER. Freftch Official Review. Paris, March 31, The official account ot the operations on the Greek frontier states that activity of the German patrols was observed on March 13. The French forces advanced to the frontier south of Ghevgeli. An
    (Reiter’s Senice.) • Copyright Telegram.  -  631 words

  • 412 485 Welcome to Mr. aad Mr*. Ro»». There was a large gathering, last evening of the members of the congregation of Penang Presbyterian Church and friends from other denominations, at “Mayfield”, the residence of Mr. J.C. Benson, when a welcome wa» extended to the Rev. Donald Ross M. A.
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  • 373 485 rhe Late Mr. Darby. Ou/ Own Cvrr&ipoaderd,') Singapore, April 1. At the meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday H. E. the Governor spoke in eulogistic terms of the late Mr. H. M. Darby who, he said, was an independent and powerful advocate. Peaaag Chaplaiaey. The Hon. Mr. W.
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  • 100 485 A further telegram has been received by the Chinese Consul regarding the abandonment of Monarchy by China. The Presidential mandate says I find that Yunnan is communiciting with Chinese settlers abroad, proclaiming a revolt and requesting contributions. Explain to the settlers that as monarchy has already been nerounced
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  • 608 485 Struck by Lightning. Before Mr. V. G. Ezecbiel in the Third Court yesterday a Malay named Zichanah, a vernacular school teacher, was charged with theft of a pair of bootf, valued at $5.50, and a gold wristlet watch, valued at $22.50, the property of Messrs. Whiteaway Laidlaw
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  • 25 485 The following was the result of the tie played off yesterday Profession Pairs. Sells and Threlfall beat Hall and Evans. 6-1. 6-2.
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  • 1212 486  -  [By Tuan Wright.] To gain a remarkable spiritual experience, &gt;1 have to do is to leave your native nlace, wander in strange places for twentythree’years, and then return unannounced, f ve done it. I feel, as I told Sir John, as jip Van Winkle must have done. The
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  • 828 486 OHUU i 1 LUU yirvu ,—Malay Mail. Many people will find it convenient to p iy their subscriptions to the F.M.3. L ian by instalments, but on the oiher hand there are many other people who have a certain sum of money to invest and prefer to
    OHUU i 1 LUU yirvu ,—Malay Mail.  -  828 words
  • Page 486 Advertisements
    • 47 486 Rub It In. A good many people think rheumatism and not be cured without taking nauseous medicine. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm massaged thoroughly into the skin has cured far more iheumatism than any internal remedy in existence and gives relief quicker. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 454 487 Ahvukl General Meeting. The annual general meeting of the members of the Penang Golf Club was held at the Club premises yesterday evening with the Hon. Mr. A. T. Bryant (President) in the chair. There were also present Messrs. C. C. Rogers, J. Crabb Watt, W. Peel,
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  • 794 487 Farewell by Tamil Congregation. The members of the St. George’s Tamil Congregation (S.P.G.) met the Colonial Chaplain and Mr». Haines at ths Mission Chapel on Thursday at 5.30 p.m„ to bid farewell to them on the eve of their departure to England. Several members were unable
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  • 258 487 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, The note has been struck amiss by the author of Polygamy Elucidated at this juncture, when the crime of polygamy has never yet been permitted to go unhindered. Having absolutely no inkling cf knowledge of the law, I beg
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  • 187 487 A masonic banquet to Wor. 80. B. oun gi D D.GM. of the Eastern Archip Tig-, was held at the E. AO. Hotel Aonexe last night. Covers were laid for about eighty Freemasons. A few nonMasons were also present. Bro. Saikies provided the dinner. During the
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  • 246 488 To th® Editor or the Straits Echo. Sir, I shall be much obliged if you can find space to publish the enclosed accounts. The balance of 41,328.73 was remitted by me by yesterday’s mail to the Hon. Mrs. Oliphant Murray, the Founder of King Albert's Civilian Hospital Fund,
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  • 63 488 The Output for the month of March of the Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging, limited, was as follows No. 1 Dredge No. 2 DredgeHours run 618 552 Cubic yards treated 111,000 82,C00 Al Oxide produced piculs 948.36 682.00 °tal tin oxide produced piculs 1630.44 Realised on sale $90,361,30 2
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  • 3565 488 14UU WCIIC .—Free Press. ORDINARY MEETING, FRIDAY, MARCH 31st. Present, H.E. the Governor (Sir Arthur Young K c.m.g.,) the General Officer Commanding The Hon. Atg. Col. Sac. (W. G. Maxwell.) i, Col. Treasurer (A.M. Pountney.) Attorney-General (G.A. Goodman. Col. Engineer (F. J. Pigott.) C. J, Saunders. I»&gt; n
    14UU WCIIC .—Free Press.  -  3,565 words

  • 238 490 The cricket match between ‘A’ company and the Veterans and *B’ company and the Maxims, which was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon, ended in an easy victory for the former team. The vanquished team went in first and compiled a total of 93 towards which L/C W.H.
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  • 1283 490 Thia morning’s cables regarding the precautionary military measures taken in Holland during the past few days are both interesting and important. Naturally, people in the Straits, where we are near neighbours of Netherlands India, take a special interest in the attitude of the Dutch towards the
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  • 567 491 Mn. R D. Acton han left Penang and will be away for tome months. M ra. Allen Dennys and her children are going for a abort visit to Southern India. Mr. G. E. London, District Officer, Dindinga, arrived here this morning by the ■.a. Pangkor. The Hon. Mr C.
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  • 1052 491 A Tip. A correspondent, who thinks that the advice it contains may be useful to secretaries and committees of certain clubs in thia part of the world, sends us the following extract from Capital: “Traveller” writes to me; —“Some time ago I heard a weird story about an
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  • 249 491 The Rev. E, M. Graenhow, on the staff of the Diocesan Association, is expected to arrive in Penang on the next P. &O. mail from England and will be in charge of the Penang Chaplaincy till the arrival in June of the Rev. K. Garnier who has
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  • 951 492 (Renter’s Senice.) Cpyright Tel°zram. DESPERATE enemy offensive. Struggle for Malancourt. London, March 31, 4.10 p.m. A Paiii communique states that the Germans made another desperate offensive in the Verdun region. The bombardment redoubled in violence at Malancourt and the enemy launched a series of night attacks in
    (Renter’s Senice.) Cpyright Tel°zram.  -  951 words
  • 489 492 (Reuter’s Senico Copyright Telegram. SENSATIONAL RUMOUR. London, March 31. It is reported tint news received from Peking in bhang Lai otates that the resignation of President Yuan Shi Kai is imminent. Li Yuan Hung, the Vice-President, will probably succeed him. Mr. Asquith at Rome. Whole-Hearted Welcome. Rome
    (Reuter’s Senico Copyright Telegram.  -  489 words

  • 979 493 (Brater’i Senia). Oopyruibt T*l-&lt;rarn ZEPPELIN CAPTURED. Niacty Bomba Dropped. London, April 1. The War Offioe announces fan air raid on the Eastern counties yesterday evening. It is believed that five Zeppelins participated in the raid. They crossed the coast at different places and steered different courses. Ninety
    (Brater’i Senia). Oopyruibt T*l-<rarn  -  979 words
  • 455 493 (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. Hongkong, April 1. The steamer Chiyo Maru has been stranded in a fog at Ham ma Island. Tugs and launches and a British destroyer assisted and rescued the passengers and crew. Japanese Cruiser to Assist.* Hongkong, April 2. A Japanese cruiser has been
    (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  455 words
  • 32 493 Obituary. Lee-Cpl Cotter, V, C. London, April 1. Cotter CrU her Death. Turner —At Jawi Estate, P. W., Fyfe Turner, son of Mr. John Tamer, of Alva House.'Alva, N. B. aged 25.
    32 words

  • 498 494 Measures of Precaution. The Hague, March 31. (Delayed by the Censor). provisional! v no furloughs will be granted Qje Army or Navy. The highest mili--0 an d naval authorities were busily conzjing this morning. There were also conferences between the Premier, the Minister fthe Interior, the
    498 words
  • 434 494 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. Paris, April 1, 4.15 a.m. The French hospital ship Portugal, which was lent to the Russian Government, has been sunk by a German submarine or destroyer. Numerous wounded were on board. Worst Outrage of the War.” London, April 1.-—Later. The sinking of the
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  434 words
  • 484 494 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following specui telegram» are from the Sumatra Post of Friday and Saturday, March 31 ard April 1: HOLLAND AND THE WAR. 1 he New Loa a. Subscriptions are coming in well for the new Dutch war loan. Telegraphic Commuaieatioa. Until lately there has
    484 words
  • 20 494 lbs. 8.8. (Bertain) 55,000 Krian Estates 23,500 Total f&lt; r 3 mon 1 hi 1316 96,900 1915 67,500
    20 words

  • 1371 495 ;—S T. BOARD DECIDE TO CUT OUT ALL COCONUTS. Low Cost or Pboduction. The annual general meeting of the Malakoff Rubber Co., Ltd. was held on Friday at the office® of the company, Singapore. Mr. R. J. Addie, chairman, presided, others pretent being Messrs. A. D. Allan, W.
    ;—S T.  -  1,371 words
  • 190 495 Chamber of Commerce Report. Our KuaU Lumpur correspondent has wired the following resume of the report of the Selangor Chamber cf Commerce for 1915, to whi«h we shall refer at greater length in a later issue The report notes a decrease in the tin output from Selangor, due
    190 words
  • 102 495 The April monthly Medal competition 440 yards handicap, was held at the Swimming Culb on Sunday morning with the following result:— Start. Ist S. A. Yell 10 seconds 2nd G. M. Terzano 16 3rd W. H. Threlfall 40 There were S starters and Mr. Yell won by
    102 words
  • 260 495 Cup-Ties. Jamathol Moslem rather failed to come up to expectations on Saturday and Crescent Star again won a three to nil victory. Sergeant S. S. Atsagoff refereed. Jamathol Horea were only one goal down two minutes before time, but never looked like drawing level with the League Champions, on
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  • 1274 496 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. I j tfe take the following excerpts from the I -nort of the Selangor Chamber of Comfflerce for 1915 The year 1915 opened with the European War still raging and every day developing, the tendency being in favour of the Allies. The price of
    1,274 words
  • 274 496 PAPER BY DR* STRICKLAND Ludlowi Species Te Blame. Dr. C. Strickland, Government Travelling Medical Entomologist, F. M. S, has written a monograph entitled Considerations regarding an Outbreak of Malaria at Morib, F. M. S., which has keen published by the Cambridge University Press. The paper deals at
    274 words
  • 125 496 The following were the scores made by the P. L. R. C. at Kampong Bahru on Monday, the 13th instant ”3 rr? a. o 2 O S a, O «3 Q R (Joi Miss Mathieu’ 28 31 21 (80) Mrs Wright-Motion* 26 27 26 (79) Miss M Pritchard* 28
    125 words
  • Page 496 Advertisements
    • 48 496 kives the Whole Family. The fame of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is world wide. It is good for the deep seated cough ol the adult or the croup and whooping c&lt; u»h vf the children. The same bottle serves the whole family. For sale by all Disp-msanes and Dealers.
      48 words

  • 884 497 (F*OII TUB Straits Timet' CORRESPONDENT.) Kuala Lumpur, March 30. The topic of conversation in Kuala Lumpur this w«ek ii the war loan which ia generally regarded aw a traatea s curity at. exceptionally good int ireat. I is rumoured that certain Chinese financial bout's arc willing to
    884 words
  • 65 497 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Rubber Auction vestorday 11,607 lb. were sold out of 21,747 lb. effered. The following prices were obtained Diamond Smoked Sheet from $l6B to $175 Diamond Unsmoked fine $166 Plain Smoked Sheet $166 Plain Unsmoked Sheet $157 Scrap Crepe $l5O Brown Crepe $153
    65 words
  • 303 497 Padung, 14,600 lb. Karan, 6,057 lb. Krian, 23 500 lb. Padang Jawa, 11,519 lb. Samagaga. 7.000 lb. Consolidated, 24,694 lb. Gula Kilumpong, 61,023 lb. From Friday’s Straits Times Shortly before the P. and O. Novara left yesterday His Excellency the Governor, Sir A. H Young, K. C.
    303 words
  • 601 497 To the Editor of the Strait» Echo Sir, “Contrary Opinion his apparently taken up a wrong and contrary vjew of ti e subject under discussion in his points of argument. There can be no question of grounds of facility” and conveni-nce in point of law Justice must t
    601 words

  • 1051 498 By rejecting the final appeal entered by byed Abduirahman Aljumd and confining the sentence passed upon him by the Court of Anpeal the State Council of Kedah has released the case for public discussion and made it possible for us to criticise the proceedings in the lower
    1,051 words
  • 182 498 Appeal to State Council. Tae State Council ot Kedah has rejected the appeal of Sy‘ d Abduirahman A’junid, bi tter known as Tuan Mun, and Wong Ah Ghee, a well to-do Cantonese woman, the keeper of a house of ill-fame at Kulim, who wore convicted by the
    182 words
  • 592 498 Dr. J. Kirk leaves by the N.Y.K. f&gt;.”. Kitano Matu, which is due here within a fortnight. The Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Hiws were passengers homeward bound by the Japanese mail which left Penang this morning. Mr. R. D. Acton, who has already had soma experience of the
    592 words

  • 1268 499 Assaa*ss aad laflvaaza. Such of the ancient ansenna trees as the minions of the Municipality have been pleased to leave standing round the Sepoy Lines and the Racecourse are now io full bloom and a magnificent sight they make. There is a persistent theory among old Penangites that
    1,268 words
  • 976 499 (Reuter's Senice). Go orris hi Telegram. AROUND VAUX. Lively Fightiag. London, April 3, 4 a.m. A Paris communique states that the French artillery was particularly active between the Somme and the Oise where the German trenches were wrecked. The Germans made several attacks against a redoubt in
    (Reuter's Senice). Go orris hi Telegram.  -  976 words

  • 473 500 (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. MINOR OPERATIONS. Petrograd, April 3. A Petrograd communique reports minor operations generally. A German aeroplane bombed the station of Zamiere on the Minsk—Baranovitchi railway. The Germans were repulsed with much bloodshed in the attacks thev made on the heights of Olyka, east of
    (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  473 words
  • 196 500 (Reuter's Senice.) C°py right Telegram. Bold Taraiag Movsasat. Rome, April 3. igsued iu Rome sUtef artillery actions were continued Valsugana.and Rovereto. The Italian» made a bold turning movement in the Upper Rienz region and B eized three blockhouse capturing 81 prisoners They continued their activity in the
    (Reuter's Senice.) • C°py right Telegram.  -  196 words
  • 88 500 (Prom Our Own Correspondent,) Kuala Lumpur, 4. At the fourth Annual General meeting of Balau Planting Syndicate the Hon. Mr. W F. Nutt, who presided, said that there was a profit of $26,228. A dividend of 18/b wss declared. The average price realised was 3/ld. and the
    88 words
  • 60 500 Selangor Miners Association, (From Our Own Correspondent,) Kuala Lumpur, April 4. At the annual meeting of the Selangor Miners’ Association Mr. J. A Russell presided Mr. Yap loong Hin was elected President, Mr, J. A. Rusnell temporary Vice-Presi-dent, Mr. Choo Kia Peng Secretary, and Messrs. J A. Russell and Choo
    60 words
  • 45 500 April IBy Balance $880.27 3 J. McNeill, 2nd donation 20.00 H de Z. Lancaster, monthly subscription 25.00 M. Maude 15 00 Teow Cheow Cheang 2.00 Amount collected from Pritchard’s collection Box 1.07 3By Balance 943 34 Amount previously acknowledged 23,913.74 Tula! $24,857,08
    45 words

  • 1327 501 CHIEF SECRETARY 3 LETTER. Critic Answered. (I 'rr/Tii )ut ()wn. (yrrrrsjron/lwi* Kuala Lumpur, April 3. Sir E. L. Brockman, m a letter to the Malay Mail, expresses his appreciation of the warm reception of the F. M S. Loan by the PreM of the Staten and the Colony,
    1,327 words
  • 267 501 It is with great regret that we announce the death of Mr. Fyfe Turner, elder toi of Mr. and Mrs. John Turner. formerly of Caledonia Estate. Province Wdhsley, and now of Alva House, Alva, Scotland, Mr. Fyfe Turner, who wasonlv twenty-five years of age, was
    267 words
  • 290 501 At the Bukit Mertajam Court yts v erday, writes our correspondent in that town, a Ceylonese named J. S Mutukumaru was brought up on a charge of cheating one Low Chin Seng in repict of $2OO. On the applicition of Inspector Sheedy the accused was remanded
    290 words

  • 726 502 Presentation by the Staff. On the occasion of the departure of the Mr R Young on retirement, the staff K. Young Go Ltd y&lt;”te"K’ ftanoon presented him with an illuminated aaress on silk, a group photograph of the another of the Hou. Mr. Young and
    726 words
  • 479 502 Tongkah Harbour Tin dredging Coy. N L. Weekly output from 26th March tj Ist Apri l 24 tons. Output for the month of March. 101 tons. Katoo Deebook (No Liability Output for the month of March. Cubic yards Hours Piculs 57,735 633 370 Deebook Dredging (No Liability.) March
    479 words
  • 732 502 Heavy Fimbeob Sbbtovb Omwoi. Last week before M r R. Scott in the Singapore District Court, a Chinaaa merchant ntmad Lio Hong Sek, pleaded guilty to a charge of attemptingto export Saigon rice to Batavia, in breach of the proclamation of January 31 last. Mr. C.I.
    732 words

  • 1171 503 The annual report on Labuan for the year 191 r which is signed by Mr. G. E. Cator, shows that the revenue collected during the year, exclusive of opium, wa-. 143,151 and the expenditure totalled $81,281. This doea not include the amount paid in bingapore on account
    1,171 words
  • 808 503 Memorial Proposals. There will lie none who will criticise the intention of having a memorial erected to the late Sultan of Perak, but we (Timex of Malaya) are not so certain that opinion will be unanimous on the point or the suitability of the memorial
    808 words
  • Page 503 Advertisements
    • 52 503 Serves the Whole Family. The fame of Chamberlain’s Cough R medy is world wide. It is good f&lt; r ihe deep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooping c&lt; ugh ot the children. The same bottle so.-vt-s the whole family. For sale by all 1 ’Dp ns.irios
      52 words

  • Page 504 Advertisements
    • 394 504 Vet Weather Rheumatism. Why should rheumatism, a disease of the blood, be worse in wet weather than in dry The rheumatic poison in the blood is the predisposmg cause of the diseue. If you tovatbe taint in your blood you may have rheumatism wbenevar the exciting cause ibre it to
      394 words
    • 448 504 r— THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDYj AV hich has now borne the Stamp of Public Approval for OVER FORTY YEARS. I ENO’S ‘FRUIT SALT’ Pleasant to Take, Refreshing and Invigorating. IT IS VERY BENEFICIAL IN ALL CASES OF Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Errors in Diet—Eating or Drinking, Thirst, Giddiness, Rheumatic
      448 words

  • Page 505 Advertisements
    • 208 505 CRITERION PRESS, Ld, j No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. ESTABLISHED 1883. H B PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. Proprietors of Ills "STR/.iTS ECHO" and “PENANG SIN POE." The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and B lithographers in the Orient. L Our plant is of tiie very latest pattern and by constantly supplementing our
      208 words