The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 29 March 1916

Total Pages: 40
1 462 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. 7.50 Per Annum Single Copy, 40 cts. 01. 14. Penang, Wednesday, 29th March, 1916. No. 13.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 194 2 THE I STRAITS ECHO I I MAIL EDITION, j i imr**,.TiiOTi M Published the day prior to the departure of each mail |j for Europe, and contains the latest local and States h ncv s originally published in the daily issues, as well as ft y all important news from
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  • 1016 425 If Mr. Runciman has been correctly reported by the Associated Press interviewer the list of luxuries whose importation the Imperial Government intends to forbid in the interests of national economy is comprehensive enough to satisfy the most enthusiastic advocates of thrift. In any future history of
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  • 522 425 Dr. J. S. Rose, who is out of hutpital, is still confined to his bed. Mr. W. Poel, President of the Municipality, has brex suffering from fever. The funeral of the late Mr. Tan Chay Yan will take place at Malacca on Sunday morning, April 9 next. Mr. and
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  • Page 425 Advertisements
    • 96 425 738 svaaivs s®o®« polished daily (except Sxwdays and pwblie holidays) AT TH» CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang F*i<m. Duly Local m. >24 per amum. H Ortrtation.w Poetage Extra. Mail Edit»» (Port Free) >17.50 CABL» ADDBBIB ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noe. Echo, 58® Printing Department 345 Xe.—All buaiMM •MaHunioaCioat ehouW
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  • 1247 426 Quit Cvatodiet. f It ia augge«ted that if a comcientiom Sanitary Inspector were to visit Richmond Bungalow on Penang Hill he w mid at one 3 issue a summons against the owners for permitting abuilding in such an insam ary, dilapidated condition to be inhabited. Also that the
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  • 430 426 (Reuter Senice). Copyright Telegram. ACTIVITY IN THE ARGONNE. German Trenehea Wrecked.’ London, March 21, 2.15 a m. A Paris communique states that our artillery wrecked the enemy trenches in the Argonne aid destroyed the gas reservoirs, releasing clouds of sulphurous gases. We vigorously bombarded the sector Avocourt—Malancourt
    (Reuter Senice). Copyright Telegram.  -  430 words

  • 414 427 (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. IN THE BALTIC. British Submarine Activity. Copenhagen, March 20. The Norwegian steamer Kong Inge bound for Lubeck has arrived at Frederikshavn with a prize crew of six from a British lubmarine which examined the ship’s naners in the Cattegat and ordered the
    (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  414 words
  • 490 427 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special tehgrams are from ;he Sumatra Post of Monday, March 20 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. An Aerial Intruder. Dutch soldiers fired at an airman who was flying over Oostburg in South Flanders. The War Loan. Queen Wilhelmina has approved of the l:erms
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  • 671 427 The quarterly meeting of the memters of the Penang Rural Board was held at the offices of the Collector of Lind Revenue yesterday afternoon. There were prevent Mr. H. C. Sella (Chairman), Mr. C. G. May, Mr. L. V. J. Laville, M Cbeeh Seng Tean, and Mr.
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  • 649 428 HUTTON LANE TRAGEDY. The hearing wm resumed yesterday afternoon in the Supreme Court, before Mr. Justice P, J. Sproule and a special jury, of the case against Mohamed bin Slaiman, who was charged with murder by causing the death of one Chin Ah Tong at Hutton Lane on
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  • 849 428 To the Editor or the Strait» Eeht. Sir Recent events have proved justifiable for something to ba pushed ahead to proscenium in re the inadequate attention paid by the local Government to the status of the local British subjects. Unfortunately now is not the opportune moment to raise
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  • 374 428 Says Tuesday’s T. 0. M,: An extraordinary general meeting of the members of the Perak Chamber of Commerce was convened for 3 p.m yesterday, and its rooms in Hale Street, Ipoh, toe insider a proposal made by the Sdangor Chamber of Commerce for the formation
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  • 627 429 The interest of India in the disturbances which occurred in Ceylon last summer arises tom other cauBoB thaa tllafc alone o£ Lra treosraphical proximity, and hence the rf on the subject published by the Knial Office a few days ago call for some comment here, says the
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  • 279 429 There was no sign of panic or indiscriminateness, however, in the measures taken to deal with a dingerous situation. Though martial law was established all cases were first locally investigated by Special Commissioners, all Civil Servants with judicial powers as district judges and police magistrate?. They assessed the
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  • 208 429 Mrs. Ebden’s Thimble’Competition. The play for this competition resulted as follows Star 2 K 1 q Mrs. C. D. D Hogan IQ KC 3 Mrs. Rodyk j 73-18-55 Mrs. Samuel 4 Mrs.'Dennys j o 1= 56 5 Mr”! Powell j 68-12=56 6 Mrs. Winfield j 72—14=5« 7
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  • 2647 429 -S. T. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING. Volunteers and Mobilisation. The annual meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Singapore Exchange, was held on Monday afternoon in the Exchange Buildings, the President, the Hon. C. W. Darbishire, presiding. Review of the Ybab. In moving the adoption of
    -S. T.  -  2,647 words

  • 230 431 To th® Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, Most of the European firms importing whiskey have only put up the price one dollar per case, or less than nine cents a bottle* As for a prospective shortage, a partner in one of the biggest distilleries
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  • 120 431 In connection with the Y.M.C.A. (Asiatic) Penang, Examination in Pitman’s Shorthand were conducted in the Anglo-Chinese School on 27th December last Six candidates attempted for ten certificates, of whom the following four passed and obtained six certificates Theory Certificates. Messrs. P. S. Sundram, 8. Gurubatha m
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  • 86 431 The undermentioned prices were realised or rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys Co. at their Auction Sale yesterday Smoked Ribbed Sheet $175 to $lB5 m Plain 157 164 50,2S 0,2 Smoked Sheet diamond $163 $175 Sheet $155 $164 2° 2 Unsmoked Sheet $153 $154 vrepe Fine Pale
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  • 1127 431 We publish to-day as a pendant to General Cadorna’s statement regarding the intentions of Italy an article on Italy and the Allies from one of the London weekly papers which, though its politics are advanced is always remarkably well-informed and honestly independent. It should be carefully
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  • 109 431 In the Ipoh Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, says the seven Hylam servants were prosecuted by Chief Inspector Brouard to show cause why they should not be bound over to keep the peace. Evidence was recorded of various assaults and complaints made to the Police against
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  • 683 432 Mr. F. A. 8. McClelland, of the F. M. 8. Civil Service, is on a visit to Penan#. Mr. R. T. Reid is proceeding on Saturday week not to England but to Java and Australia We are very sorry indeed to hear that Mr. A.B. Voules, Solicitor-General, ih still
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  • 965 432 Stere Measures Needed. A Chinese political murder in Singapore, such as our correspondent reports this morning, is quite a novelty and a very unpleas mt one too. Certainly, whatever their views on affairs in China may be, the Straits Chinese will be shocked and horrified at the crime
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  • 173 432 Penang Women Workers. Amount previously acknowledged 11,738.28 Mrs. D. C. Macintyre (2nd donation) 20.00 11,758.21 There will be no distribution of work at the Town Hall till the 7th of April. Finished garments can, however, be sent to Miss Pritchard, “Armagh”, Farquhar Street, who will also
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  • 455 433 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. RENEWED ENEMY ATTACKS. Partial Germaa Success. London, March 21, 3.55 p.m. A Paris communique states that the Germans several times at night renewed foeir attempts on the Avocourt—Malanurt sector where bombardment with Sells of large calibre continues uninterruptedly. The attacks were accompanied jets
    (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  455 words
  • 443 433 (Reuter Senice). Copyright Telegram. RUSSIA'S SMASHING BLOW. I Important Bridgehead Stormed. I London, March 21. The Russians, under General Ivanoff, I have delivered a smashing blow on the I Galician front, following up their success I in February when they took Uscieczka, I some 25 miles north of
    (Reuter Senice). Copyright Telegram.  -  443 words
  • 50 433 Agent Stabbed to Death. (/rom Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 22. Chew Yow Ming, a Peking political agent, was stabbed to death at midnight. The Police have arrested Ying King Kao, who is alleged to have been a general in the Sun Yat Sen regime, on suspicion.
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  • 332 433 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Tiluna. GENERAL CADORNA INTERVIEWED. Paris, March 21. General Cadorna, in an interview, said that Italy will advance when the weather is fine. Baluchistan Tribesmen. Loyalty of Chiefs. London, March 21. In the House of Commons Mr. Austen Chamberlain said that the Baluchistan frontier of India
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Tiluna.  -  332 words
  • 66 433 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 23. At the Singapore Rubber Auction 370,220 lb. were sold at the following prices Smoked Sheets 3178 to 3182 per picul. Good 3169 3175 Plain 3161 3176 Unsmoked Ribbed 3164» 3167 Plain 3150 3164 Crepes 318! 3184 Gx)d 3177 3130 Fine
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  • 448 434 (Pewter’s Senia.) Copyright Tnkwnwn. A "FEELER TO AMERICA. London, Ma rah 22. The New York Evening Poti hear» from Wsahingtxm that the German Imperial Chancellor, Herr von Bethmann-Hollweg, recently requested Mr- Gerard, the United States Ambassador tx) Germany, not to leave Berlin on vacation. The Chancellor told
    (Pewter’s Senia.) Copyright Tnkwnwn.  -  448 words
  • 474 434 p. w. GANG ROBBERY CASE, The hearing was concluded this morning of the case against Teo Ah Hong and Too Ah Ka, who were charged with committing gang robbery at Mengkuang, Province Wellesley, on December 15. The evidence of the p-osecution wa« to the effect that there was
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  • 51 434 The following wore the results of the ties played off yesterday Single Handicap A. A. W. Harries beat A. 8. Hall. 5—7, 6-3, 7—5. Single Handicap B. L. 0. Hargrave beat E. J. Bennett. 6-0. 6-3. Single Handicap C. G. H. Gartside beat 11. W. Maxon. 6-3,
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  • 296 434 Interesting Ipoh Gate. A matter of very general leg 1 interest regarding the validity of acmv.ction against a firm came up for hearing before the Full Court of Appeal sitting in its Criminal Jurisdiction in Ipoh on Tuesday and Wednesday. This was a case in which three
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  • 180 434 Mar. 13 Bv Balance 82,180.79 22 E. Spinks 50 00 The Employees of the Caledonia Estate Cam-Sections (Feb. subscriptions) W. B. Wilson 50 00 W. M. Miller 28.57 G. Phillips 20.00 F. C. Marples 25.00 K. M McLeod 18.00 L. V. Lowe 17.86 L F. Smith 15
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  • 455 435 Annual General Meeting. The annual general meeting of The Mala- i Plantations Company Limited was f°u *t the Chamber of Commerce yesterafternoon with Mr J. C. Benson in the There were also present Messrs. J. £nie J. Sellar, G. Stothard, D. C. Bengali, W. S.
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  • 55 435 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Ruboar Auction yesterday 33 ,5701 b. were offered r sale and 11,865 lb. sold at the folluw“Jg prices• Diamond Smoked Sheet from $164 to $177 Smoked Sheet $164 Unsmoked Sheet $159 $167 Mp“No 6 2 She9t 6 tU7 »121 $l3l U «101
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  • 229 435 A meeting of the Board of Licensing Justices for the purpose of considering applications for public house and billiard saloon licences was held in the District Court yesterday afternoon. There were present Messrs. W. C. Michell (Chairman) A. S. Anthony, Quah Beng Kee, D. A. M. Brown,
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  • 168 435 To the Editor of the Strait» Echo. Sir, C. B. Teat's article, headed Polygamy Elucidated ’in last night’s Echo, touching on a highly important subject, is unfortunately too full of bombastic and antiquated language and foreign quotations for the clear understanding of the great majority of
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  • 151 435 Cup-Ties. Tc-morrow, Saturday, at Dato Kramat Gardena, Stia Persenaugan meet Jamathol Korea in the replay of the Cup-Tie which was drawn one goal aside. To-day, 5 minutes extra time will be played, if necessary. The winners have the prospect before them of meeting the League Champions on April 2.
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  • 1338 435 After twenty pootb-.i var the existence of such a C lamentable state of affairs as clearly obtains in regard to the medical and sanitary department of the Mesopotamian Expedition is a serious scandal and one for which public opinion in Great Britain will clearly insist upon
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  • 118 436 To the Editor of the Strait* Echo. Sir I have found that many of the public are not aware that under tho Quarantine and Prevention of Disease Ordinance IJlo chickenpox has been declared an infectious disease which must be r- p »rted in the s itne way as
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  • 440 436 Irish Soldiers’ Feed. As a result of an appeal to the Irishmen of Penang and P. W. to provide comforts for the Irish Rjgiments at the front, Dr. Liston has been able to send a draft for <560 home to the Royal Dublin Fusiliers and Leinsters. The
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  • 1253 436 A» Easy Way Out. We read in a contemporary A correspondent of the Lokal-Anteiger suggests that owing to the deplorably large number of one-armed men now visible in Germany, many of whom were before the war talented pianists, German composers must forthwith create “an entirely new music literature,
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  • 526 437 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. FIERCE BOMBARDMENTS. East and West of the Meuse. London, March 22, 4.20 p.m. A Paris communique states that, west of the Meuse, a very hvely artillery duel toik place »t Malancourt, Esnes and Hill 304. It was particularly violent at Haucourt Hill. East
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  526 words
  • 451 437 (Reuter's Senice.) Copynghi Telegran.. RUSSIAN SUCCESSES. Fightiag Aloag the Whole Liae. Petrograd, March 23*. A Petrograd communique states that fighting is general along the whole eastern front. The Russians captured two woods in the village of Jacobstadt and a sector of the line of trenches south of
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copynghi Telegran..  -  451 words

  • 447 438 (Reuter Sen ice). (»pyri<bt Tek«rs > GERMANY 3 POLICY. Ualitnitcd Frightfulaci*. Loudon, March 22, 1.35 p.m. A telegram from Amsterdam states that it is reported that Herr Bal lin has declared that Germany’s policy is to prevent all traffic between the United Kingdom and European countries, whether
    (Reuter Sen ice). (»pyri<bt Tek«rs >  -  447 words
  • 376 438 (Renter’s Senia.) Copyright Telegram. Post-War Trade. British Preparations. London, March 22. Mr, Walter Runcimar, President of the I Board of Trade, is appointing small comI mittejs to consider measures for sateguardI ing the post-war position of the important British industries in relation to international competition. Two
    (Renter’s Senia.) Copyright Telegram.  -  376 words
  • 49 438 (,I'rom Ous Own Cbrre.*pondenf.") Kuala Lumpur, March 24. The Kepong Rubber Co’e. report shows profit of »25,111. The rep.rt recommonds a dividend of 20% The -Hilled 34 372 lb., the al io 0 t tier lb Th”? 6 gro prico r6ali,ed 8104 «m“~XX^X“ llCUbe
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  • 484 438 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegram* are from the Sumatra Poet of Tuesday and Wednesday, March 21 and 22 HOLLAND AND THE WaR. The “Tubantia” Outrage, The Dutch press regards as mere diplomatic quibbling the German contention that the Tubantia c&nnot have been torpedoed by a
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  • 68 438 To-day's Quotations. gqj UD J*fined) is quoted here to-day at Lfi ix business done, in Singapore a at business done (75 tons In 01 i a n Dd n Locdon at 2197 B P ot *iyi 10 9 three mouths’ sight. th» r U6^ead Co inform us
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  • 626 439 TABLEAUX VIVANTS" AND DANCE. It was rather a pity, considering the icellence of the object and the trouble the promoters had given themselves, more people did not turn up at the Town Hall last night to witness the Tab- Vivants” organised by Mr. and Mrs. ft E
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  • 271 439 To the Editor of the Straitg Echo. Sir, Your correspondent The Man in the Street has quite appropriately dubbed himself as such, for I certainly do not take him to be a man of virtue for the simple reason that he cannot distinguish a thing between the good and
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  • 757 439 A few months ago attention wa« drawn in this column, says the Mahya Tribune, to Chinese matrimonial affairs, with a view to pointing out how hardly the law as it stands sometimes bears upon the first wives of Chinese. In the case theu cited a first wife
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  • Page 439 Advertisements
    • 61 439 A Life Saver. It is safe to say that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has saved the lives of more people and relieved more suffering than any other remedy in existence. It is known all over the civilized world for its speedy cures of cramps in the stomach, diarrhoea
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  • 615 440 Alleged Cheatiag. The hearing was resumed this morning of the case against Lim Ab Kow, who was charged with attempting tocneat by endorsing on a promissory jote the payment of |B6, whereas only sum of &gt;5 was paid. Mr. J, Crabb Watt appeared for the prosecution and Mr.
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  • 583 440 I To thi Editor of the Straits Timet, i Sir,—Will you kindly find space in your valuable journal for the insertion of this letter? Looking back and seeing what the different nationalities in this part of the East have done in the way of their “bit* and progress,”
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  • 956 440 .—B.T Seme references were made at the meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce to question of local defence. They may be taken as the very temperate expression of views strongly and widely held, and it was hoped that changes were in contempla. tion to meet the just
    .—B.T  -  956 words
  • Page 440 Advertisements
    • 45 440 Best Medicine Made. A better medicine can not be made than Chamberlains Cough Remedy. It relieves he lungs, opens the secretion*, aids expectoration and assists nature in lestoring the «Jotem to a healthy condition. contains no opiates and is perfectly safe to bj Di,wngMiM
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  • 330 441 The annual general meeting of the members of the Penang Library was held at the Library yesterday evening. There were present the Hon. Mr. A. T. Bryant, Resident Councillor (President), Messrs. R. H. Pinhorn, H. C. Sells, C. R. Samuel, N. P. Wai she and EL Welham (Librarian
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  • 1055 441 The Chairman of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce offered some very sane observations regarding enemy trade at the annual meeting the other day. We have heard a lot about commercial warfare, he said, but luckily we have not much to fight against here. The figures
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  • 30 441 Mar. 22 By Balance $823.97 23 Ladies' Bridge Book at Golf Club contribution for month 36 30 23 By Balance 860.27 Amount previously acknowledged 28,913.74 Total $24,774.01
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  • 50 441 Mar. 15 By Balance $8,001.63 20 E W. J. 100 22 Hon. A T. Bryant monthly subscription 100 W. B. Wilson, Feb. 50 Contribution by the Pupils of Penang Free School 27.12 23 Seh Lira Kongsi for February and March 60 Mar. 23 By Balance $8,338-75
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  • 582 442 Inspector A. F. who returned from leave at home thia week ha. been stationed at Bukit Mertajam. The T O M. learns that Mr. Cecil Bae, of Mesara. Edgar and Rae, Ipob, his secured a commission in the Indian Army, and leaves Ipob on Tuesday next for Poona. Mr.
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  • 1354 442 -Central Nevtt. the Magazine organized an international symposium on th question of which is physically the finest race, and the result was thus summed up Broadly speaking, the majority of T&lt; &lt; physical beauty go to the Italians, regards the men So far, however, only are concerned, the
    -Central Nevtt.  -  1,354 words

  • 482 443 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. VERDUN OPERATIONS. A Freach Review. London, March 23, 1.30 p.m. a Paris semi-official announcement states that the German advance of 800 yards at Avocourt is tactically unimportant. Before thev can threaten the Morthomme position the Germans must advance across a glacis Savoid of
    (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  482 words
  • 412 443 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. ACTIVITY AT VILNA. Petrograd, March 23. There is great enemy activity at Vilna where troop trains from the west and north are arriving without ceasing. Ordinary traffic has been suspended. Vilna is thronged with Austrian and German troops. Crowds of prisoners are being
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  412 words
  • 377 443 (Reuter Senice). Copyright Telegram. IjniSH OFFENSIVE POLICY. London, March 23. In the House of Comui &gt;ns, m the course of a debate on tbe an-service, Mr. H. Tennant, Under-Secretary of State for War, said that we were constructing numerous larger type aeroplanes and were pursuing an offensive
    (Reuter Senice). Copyright Telegram.  -  377 words
  • 45 443 Mr, Fraak Poatk. (From Our Own Corretpondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 25. Mr. Frank Posth, a member of the French Aviation Corps and formerly a miner at Ben tong, was one of the drowned in the sinking of the French Auxiliary Cruiser Brovence.
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  • 60 444 (Beiter’i Service.) Ooprricbl Te government suggestions. London, March 23. In the House of Commons Mr. Reginald McKenna, Chancellor of the Exchequer, «aid that the Government considered that at present it was contrary to the national interests that British money should be invested abroad. He even suggested that holder»
    (Beiter’i Service.) Ooprricbl Te  -  60 words
  • 467 444 Through the courtesy of the Penang Chamber of Commerce we are enabled to give below the following excerpt from the Minute» of the Committal Meeting held on Tuesday, March 21. Present:—Mr. John Mitchell, (in the Chair), Messrs. A. F. Goodrich, (vice-Chair-man), C. M. Henderson, W. G.
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  • 889 444 GAMBLING PROSECUTION. Before Mr V. G. Ezechiel in the Third Court this morning a Chinaman named Lan Nim was charged with being the occupier of premises No. 91, Rope Walk, which was kept as a common gaming house. The accused pleaded guilty. Mr. B. W. Allen, Assistant
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  • 265 444 GENERAL meeting. Latex Theft, (From Our Own Correspondent,) Kuala Lumber, March 24. The Kuala Lumpur District Planters’ Association at their meeting discussed the question of latex thefts and adopted a resolution to approach the Government urgently requesting more protection and suitable supervision of dealers and small traders.
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  • 1316 445 By T. Wbight.J Hanng now poked my probe into various ganglia of my actively functioning country, Sb results 'more satisfying to my own .«petite for knowledge than edifying to ou (for which the Censor may be holden Lponsible) I thought a cursory e sannuationof the national vertebra» might
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  • 573 445 To tub Editor of thr s trail» Eehe» Sir, The reply of Mr. C. F. Teat unmistakably confirms the suspicion that his object in writing the article M Polygamy Elucidated was to advertme bis literary abilities, as we now learn that he is compiling an eloborate
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  • 1215 446 auiumj ij -T.O M. A meeting of the Federal Council in to be held at Koala Lumpur on Tuesday next and it might not Im* inappropriate U&gt; a«k if it is the intention of any of the members to raise the question of enemy trading
    auiumj ij -T.O M.  -  1,215 words
  • 55 446 Proposed Bill. (From Our Cor respondent 0 Singapore, March 24. A Bill is published for general information in the Government Gazette, authorising the transfer of Reserves and m»*n undergoing military training to the Volunteer Corps for the purpose of mobilisation. It will be introduced in the
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  • 824 446 Report For 1915. The revenue account of the Committee of the Penang Golf Club to be presented at the Annual General Meeting on Fiiday next shows that a sum of $1,248.57 is to be carried to the pn fit-and-loss account The report, which is signed t»v Mr
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  • Page 446 Advertisements

  • 204 447 By means of bogus cheques the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank has been defrauded, it is understood, of a sum of $B,OOO this week, says the China Mail of March 10. Three men are supposed to have been concerned in the fraud. One arrest has been made and
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  • 28 447 The following is the result of the tie played off yesterday Mixed Doubles A. Mrs. Phillips and Threlfall, beat Mrs. Samuel and Gregson. 6—3, 6—4.
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  • 78 447 Cup-Ties. A perfectly equil match, on Sunday, P*®‘ted in Muttubol Ahzun disposing of oabrul Jamil and reaching the Semi-Finals one goal to nil. Referee Mr. M. Shafee. Again no result was obtained between otia Persenangan and Jamathol Horea, on and these will meet for the third ort on Wednesday
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  • 334 447 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, I am thankful to Molecule of Malacca for giving me an opportunity to explain the circumstances of the attempt made by a few of us in Penang nearly two years ago to start a Domiciled Community Association.” Frankly, I prefer
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  • 221 447 (Contributed). Syed Mahomed Agil, J.P., a leading citizen and President of Mahomedan Advisory Board, Singapore, accompanied by his brother Syed Ahmed and suite arrived today per e.s. Klang from Singapore. There was a gathering of the Arab community and Penang Moslems at the wharf to welcome him.
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  • 858 447 .—Free Preet. It is a matter for extreme satisfaction that we are able to publish the draft of an Ordinance to amend the Reserve Force and Civil Guard Ordinance in such a way ss to give to the military authorities the power to make such an tffecnve u
    .—Free Preet.  -  858 words
  • Page 447 Advertisements

  • 405 448 Owing to rain, the fortnightly Handicap Shoot fixed for Saturday afternoon did not take place. This shoot will take place in April instead, time and date being notified later. The Canadian L.T. Codĕre, who was sent fenced to death for the murder of SergeanOzanne at Graysbott,
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  • 664 448 Annual Report. The following is the report to be presented at the meeting of the shareholders on March 31. Singapore, 23rd March, 1916 Gentlemen, Your Directors beg to submit a duly audited Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31st December, 1915. Accounts. —The nett
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  • 480 448 A correspondent writing on the progress made in the construction of the Kedah Railway, states that the line is now open, and trains running, to Kubang Tiga, 35 miles from Alor Star towards Siamese frontier. Considering that the line up to Alor Star was only opened to
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  • Page 448 Advertisements

  • 2075 449 Anybody who has lived for any length of time in this country and who has moved bout at all cannot fail to have been Struck by the poor physique of a very Urge proportion of the Tamil population. When the batches of coolies arrive from India
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  • 518 450 Dr. J. 8. Roae ia «till confined to bed. Dr. Prosper St. Leger Liston bah gone t/j Coonoor for a month’s holiday. Mr. G. H Richards, of the F.M.B. P. W D., is now serving as an officer in the Royal Engineers. Mr. W. Peel, Municipal President, who had
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  • 1256 450 The Fallinx Mark. Even the Germans admit that they have got a bad mark among the nations. Quite a number of warriors from the M.B.V.R. camp at Taiping have been spending the wtek-and in Penang. We are glad to see them but we trust that, habituated as they
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  • 957 451 (Reuter’s Senice.) UooyriKht Telegram. VERDUN BATTLE. The Thirty-Third Day, London, March 24, 2.30 p.m. A. telegram from Paris says that a semiAfficial statement remarks that the enemy’s intense artillery preparation on the whole front at Verdun indicates that more furious assaults than ever are imminent, but owing
    (Reuter’s Senice.) UooyriKht Telegram.  -  957 words
  • 454 451 Oopyright Teiecram. (Rnter's Senict) GERMAN RAIDER SUNK. Also British Auxiliary. London, March 25. The Admiralty announces that an engagement in the North Sea on February 29 between the armed German raider Greif disguised as a Norwegian merchantman, and the British merchant-cruiser Alcantara resulted in the loss of
    Oopyright Teiecram. (Rnter's Senict)  -  454 words

  • 916 452 (tenter Senia.) Copyright Telegram MANY STEAMERS SUNK. Chaaacl Boat Torpedoed. London, March 24, 5.20 p.m. A Havre iteamer and the Norwegian ▼eaael Koning have been torpedoed in the Channel without warning. The crews were saved. London, March 24, 11.40 p.m. .The croM-Channel steamer sunk was the Susses,
    (tenter Senia.) Copyright Telegram  -  916 words
  • 1036 452 (Renter Senice). Copyright Telegram. GREAT RUSSIAN AGtIVHY. Inportaat Sueeesae*. London, March 23, 9.25 p.m. A telegram from Petrograd says that the main fighting front extends for sixty miles from the Drisviaty Lakes to Narotcb. A number of Caucasian regiments are taking part in the fighting. Experts say
    (Renter Senice). Copyright Telegram.  -  1,036 words

  • 485 453 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. A COMPARISON. The Falling Mark. London, March 25. Reuter’s Agency learns that the official view of the relative position of British and German credit is that, whereas the depreciation in sterling is comparatively trivial, the mark has fallen between 25 and 30
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  485 words
  • 561 453 (Reuter's Service.) Cpyright Tal-xram THE SHkCKLLTON EXPEDITION. Aa Extraordinary Miakap. London, March 23. Reuter’s Agencv sM«*s that Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ship, t &gt;e Kndureuee, is daily expected at Buenos Aires. It Sir Ernest Shackleton is not on board it means that he has probably succeeded in crossing the
    (Reuter's Service.) Cpyright Tal-xram  -  561 words

  • 442 454 Violeat Eomb*r4»*»t*. London, March 27, 12«50 a.m. A Paris communique states that a violent bombardment took place between the village and wood of Malanoourt and of our second line. There was no infantry action but there wu an intermittent cannonade, east of the Meuse and in the
    442 words
  • 850 454 Further Important War Measures PROPOSED. The new session of the Legislative Council commences on Friday next, the 31st instant, when several new measures are to be introduced and carried through to the final reading. The acting Colonial Secretary will move “that this Council approves a vote of $20,000
    850 words
  • 404 454 The Editor of the Malay Tribune. Dear Sir, —I found your article headed Marital Matters,” published a day or two ago, very interesting indeed and so did many of my friends. No doubt the Chinese marital affairs could be greatly improved, for it is hard to see how
    404 words

  • 710 455 Singapore Doss the Wagging. Tn tie Editor of thi Straits Times. q r -111 your issue of the 21st mat., under th, bUdmg of Tr de in S.ugapore,” at the iu.mherof Commerce annual meeting, I ««greatly surprised to read the following Element made by the
    710 words
  • 514 455 Another Fighter Presented, To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, —Will you please allow me space in your columns to let it be known that the “Malayan*” Squadron Air Fund is still open, and will remain open during the continuance of the war. Arrangements
    514 words
  • 568 455 "For the Belgians. There was a packed and well-p’eaiel house at the Town Hall on Saturday evening when the Tableaux Vivants” organised by Mr. and Mr® Wright-Motion in aid of the destitute Belgians were presented fuY the second time. Tin financial resultrof tue two evenings’ entertainment will, we understand, prove
    568 words
  • Page 455 Advertisements
    • 54 455 Best Medicine Made. A batter medicine can not be made than Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It relieves ths lungs, opens the secretions, aids expectoration and assists nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition- Besides, it contains no opiates and is perfectly safe to take, F yr ss j e
      54 words

  • 376 456 PINAMO BEAT CALEDONIA. A .tronu team ot golfer., ™P™ Knt ‘°K Caledonia Golf Club, played the Penang Golf Club yeeterday morning. The weath .r condition» were very good and the aerie» of single* and fouraome* match which were played proved to be very interesting. The «ingle* resulted in
    376 words
  • 240 456 Rud’s XI Beat Mat’s XL The cricket match between May’s XI and Reid’* XI which wa* played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon resulted in a win for the latter team by seven wickets and 26 run*. Mav’* XI went in first and compiled a total of 80 toward*
    240 words
  • 280 456 Proposed Rules Passed. A meeting of the members of the Roman Catholic Community of Penang was held at the Parish Hall yesterday morning for the purpose of confirming and passing the proposed rules and regulations of the Penang Catholic Benevolent Association. There were present Mr. J.
    280 words
  • 118 456 —N.T. The Kuala Lumpur che*&lt; club tournament has almost reached the final heat. The results so far are as follows: Fir-t Heat. Alston beat Hockin. McLean Anderson. Emmanuel, Wyatt, Abei sz, Chart, Armstrong, Grantham, King. Heap, Greening, Coleman, Parbury, Camidge, Joaquim, and Swettenham byes. Second Heat.
    —N.T.  -  118 words
  • 100 456 Annual General Meeting. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, March 26. At the annual general meeting of the Ipoh Club Mr. R. P. Brash was re-elected President. The financial position of the Club was reported to be highly satisfactory, the Chairman remarking that they were paying off their Government
    100 words
  • 116 456 Abbu&l General Meetiag. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, March 26. At the annual general meeting of the F. M. S. Chamber of Mines Mr, E. J. Vallentine was elected President and Mr. J. H. Attenborough, Vice-President. It was decided to hold two council meetings yearly at
    116 words
  • 68 456 Rubber Estates Damage. (From. Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, March 27. A severe storm is reported to have passed over the Trong Selama and Taiping districts with the result that many acres of rubber were destroyed at Selama and many large forest trees were uprooted and bodily transported on
    68 words

  • 1348 457 The fear of a final catastrophe in which the universe known to us shall perish, has always had a fascination for a certain D d or of mind, and has exercised no influence on the evolution of human ideas. It has, naturally enough, been revived
    1,348 words
  • 596 457 Dr. and Mrs. Jamieson and Mrs. Stephen Anthony are going on a short trip to Australia. The German Minister at Sofia, Dr. Michahelles, will be succeeded by the Minister at Christiania, Count von Oberndorfi Heer Idenburg, the retiring GovernorGeneral of Netherlands India, has been appointed Grand Cross of the
    596 words

  • 1240 458 Lueua »&lt;&gt;• l«e«*do. No, Clarence, though they do occasionally loee paperi there, the noun secretariat is not derived from the verb to secrete, to hide.” Uafortvaatc. Not quite so successful as some of its predecessors was the naval air-raid on Schleswig-Holstein and the loss of three seaplanes with
    1,240 words
  • 421 458 (Reuter Senice). Copyright Telegram. MEETINGS IN PARIS. War And Trade, Pans, March 26. Mr. Asquith and other British deb-gates to the Allied War Conferencj have arrived here and received an ovation from the populace. According to the Daily Telegraph, it is understood that Mr. Bjnar Law will
    (Reuter Senice). Copyright Telegram.  -  421 words

  • 396 459 (Reuter’s Senice.) Cpyright Terrain. relatively calm. London, March 27, 4.20 p.m. Paris communique states that west of I the Meuse there was relatively calm, while artillery fighting took place on theDjuaumont—Vaux fronL There was a fairly violent bombardment in the Woevre The mine and grenade fighting in
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Cpyright Terrain.  -  396 words
  • 572 459 (Reuter Senice.) Copyright Telegram. GREEK TERRITORY CLEAR. Enemies Driven Out. Salonika, March 27, 4.20 p.m. All the German and Bulgarian troops have been driven out of Greek territory by the French. Bulgarian Munition Depot Blown up, Salonika, March 27. A large Bulgarian ammunition depot at Middice has
    (Reuter Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  572 words
  • 519 459 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The foil &gt; win er special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post and Deli Courant of Friday and Saturday, Man h 24 «nd 25 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Relatioas with Germaay. The Batavier Handelsblad learns that on Friday last one cff the principal firms
    519 words
  • Page 459 Advertisements
    • 45 459 Trouble Averted. That little cold and sore throat of yours ust be checked at once or it may develop p. 0 B o°iething worse. Take a few doses of amberlain’s Cough Remedy and your roubles will soon vanish. For sale by all •spensanes and Dealers.
      45 words

  • 1437 460 Another View. The shortest and most direct course ha-, been taken in order to create i force ad&lt;-/piate for purposes of local defence. By the amending Bill, the text of which we published yesterday, the Reserve Force created under the Reserve Force and Civil Guard Ordinance, and the
    1,437 words
  • 1165 460 Verdict of Suicide. The inquest into the death of a named Aodul Gani, who was found with his throat cut at xVo. 18, Prangin Road Ghaut, was held yesterday afternoon in tbe Second Court before Mr. E. E. Colman and a Coroner’s jury. Inspector McLernon conducted the inquest.
    1,165 words

  • 85 461 At the Rubber Auction sale held at the Eastern Produce Exchange yesterday the tollowing prices were realised Diamond Smoked Sheet from 8165 to 8177 ain Smoked Sheet »164 Diamond Ummoled Sheet »161 Unsmoked Sheet »158 »159 ale Crepe 8175 »178 Pressed Scrap S B2 f OOBO Scrap
    85 words
  • 689 461 PRESIDENT'S MANDATE. FULL TEXT. A cable to the Chinese Consul in Penang states Waichiaopu has cabled the gist of the mandate of tl e 22nd inst, which is as follows Since the establishment of the Republic disturbancjs followed one another and 1 was called upon to shoulder
    689 words
  • Page 461 Advertisements
    • 438 461 Can You Stand the Cold Some people enjoy cold weather and take annual trips to cold countries in order to enjoy the pleasures of winter spirts; the keen air calls the pink to their cheeks and the ied to their lips. Others shrink from cold and turn blue at the
      438 words

  • Page 462 Advertisements
    • 247 462 ICh IN PRESS, Ld. f w h $J No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. J H ft x® ESTABLISHED 1883. g y PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. 3 Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO" and “PENANG SIN POE.” The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and B M lithographers in the Orient. y Our plant is
      247 words