The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 2 March 1916

Total Pages: 40
278 317 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 22 278 THE STR AITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. 71,50 Per Annum. Vol. 14. Penang, Thursday, 2nd March, 191(1. Single Copy, 40 cfs No. 9.
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  • Page 278 Advertisements
    • 344 278 5 CONTENTS. I I I x Leaders: page. j Miscellaneous: page. i The Defence of the Dutch Indies 280 T ]T noA More Futile "Peace-Talk” ...288 A New Local Industry 280 i For Clio 29° Singapore Sailors Home... 281 A 296 i Battle of Verdun' 292 Q“ ten Needlework Guild
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  • Page 279 Advertisements
    • 191 279 i THE F I* STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. f mjacm»»»»Published the day prior to the departure of each mail B for Europe, and contains the latest local and States a nev s originally published in the daily issues, as well as i all important news from various parts of the
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  • 1019 280 With great interest and genuine sympathy Britons in Malaya are watching the efforts of their Dutch neighbours to tackle the question of the defence of Netherlands India. It is a big problem and will no doubt prove both difficult and expensive to solve satisfactorily,
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  • 560 280 The mysterious word Habrakol” w’ ich adorns our pages to-day is not them.trie formula of some secret scot of dabblers in the art of the unknown. Fanta-Hc and unusual as at first it may aopear, the nam« has been aptly chosen to di>:ingui-». material which promises
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  • 69 280 last evening at Kuala Kangsa Road between Hylams and Hokiens in the course of which long poles and sticks were used. Inspector Me Lemon proceeded to the scene and arrested seven men, three of whom had wounds. On the application of Inspector McLernon before the Magistrate
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  • Page 280 Advertisements
    • 95 280 90S SITBaUIJS 810®. Mliited daily (except Sundays and pvblie holidays) AT TH! CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang Fbiob. DutyLml »S 4 P«r Oatotation,.. Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) >17.50 H OAILI ADDBISS ECHO—PENANG.” v Telephone Noe. Echo, 588 Printing Department 343 Jf.J.—AU biitwM waaunioatiOM should ha
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  • 982 281 Of No l*tort«BC4 Doe. it mean that the Young Turk, are being ousted from the control of things in Constantinople? Anyhow, there is a fa Old Turkish touch about the communique which say that Erzerum was abandoned because it is of no military importance. I he same will
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  • 21 281 for the twenty-four hours ended 9 a.m, to-day was ‘6l inch as registered by the gauge at Fort Cornwallis.
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  • 24 281 hears that Mr. Jas T. Donald, of the Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd Ipoh, is to be transferred to Kuala Lumpur next month.
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  • 40 281 sent from the F.M S. Hospital Clothing Fund has been acknowledged by Sir William Taylor, who mentions that it arrived vary opportunely as the Hospital was short of articles of clothing. Sir John Anderson has visited the Hospital.
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  • 51 281 charged at Kuala Lumpur with the murder of bis wife one assessor, Mr. Christie, returned a verdict of culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Mr. Treadgold’s finding being that it was murder, Mr. Justice Innes, agreeing with the latter, passed sentence of
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  • 117 281 who was banished from the Colony for life, was this morning charged before Mr. E.E. Colman in the Second Court with unlawfully returningfrom banishment. The accused was arrested by Teoh Ah Soo D P.O. 136 on December 25 for thr ft of money for which he was
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  • 937 281 (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. ENEMY ATTACK IN FORCE. Partial Success. London, February 22, 5.10 p.m. A Paris communique states that at Artois in the dusk the Germans attacked in force at Bois de Givenchy and succeeded in penetrating the first trench wb’ch was completely wrecked on a
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  • 539 282 (Reuter Senice.) Copyright Telegram. GOVERNMENT PROPOSAL. Debate ia the Lords. London, February 22. It is stated that the Government thinks that, for the purpose of the enforcement of the blockade against Germany, it was desirable to have a single Minister to coordinate the powers held by the
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  • 404 282 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SUPPLY OF WAR MATERIAL; Paris, F brtnry 22. The new Japanese M. Matsui, interviewed on hi-» aruvaiat Marseilles, said that all the Japanese factories were working for the Russians. The output had not yet reached its maximum, but already they were supplying
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  • 438 283 (BeiUr’i Serried Copyright T-l*«r»rn. FALL OF ERZERUM. Tvrkisk Loss*»Petrograd, February 22. The Turkish losses at Erzurum were 40,000. Farkiak Expl*«»tio».” London, February 22. A Turkish communique states that for military reasons the Ottoman Army had been withdrawn from Erzerum to a position westward of that town. Erzerum
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  • 856 283 (Renter’s Senice.) COpyrieht Telegram. ENTHUSIASTIC SCENES. Tsar’s Visit. Petrograd, February 22. The Tsar made a surprise visit to the Duma on its re assembling and received a warm ovation from the members who repeatedly sang the National Anthem Enthusiasm prevailed throughout His Majesty’s stay. He received
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  • 57 283 {From Our Own Correspondent,') Singapore, February 24. The report of Tapah Rubber Estate shows an available profit of 1164,703 from which $53,000 had been paid in dividends. Out of the balance a sum of $25,000 was recommended to be put to the reserve, The report recommends a
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  • 80 283 Singapore, February 24. (I'rozn Ouz Own Correspondents In the tennis matches Singapore won one Singles and one Doubles and Penang one Singles, LA. private telegram states that in the Singles Foo Soo Wan beat the Singapore representative by three sets to one. In our announcement of
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  • 817 284 A Detailed Account. Souidbiya, February 17. A Fensatiou was caused throughout the island on Monday afternoon when it became known that local aviation had claimed its first victim in the parson of his Excellency Lieutenant-General J P. Michielsen, Commander-in Chief of the Dutch Indian rmYi as the
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  • 283 284 [To The Editor of the Straits Echo.] Dear Sir, It is with the greatest interest that I have read the comments made by Bystander in hea article entitled Impressions of a Bird of Passage which appeared in your issue of tbe 19th instant. Though I understand
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  • 74 284 the fact in connection with the appointment of Lord Chelmsford as Viceroy of India, that of the twelve holders of the office since the days of the John Company five have been under fifty years of age. The Marquess of Lansdowne was 43, Earl Curzon
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  • 132 284 seem to have got pretty badly beaten at lawn tennis in Singapore on Monday for the Malaya Tribune says The first fixture of our Penang visitors took place last evening, when the lawn tennis team met a team of Straits Chinese Recreation Club on the latter’s ground. The
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  • 613 284 Some Particulars as to How it ib Run.” [To the Editor of the Free Press Sir, lam a sailor, —rating, petty officer, —on board one of H.M. ships, at present in harbour. A party of us had leave on Saturday night, and we spent the evening at
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  • 14 284 State Engineer, Koflah, has been paying a flying visit to Pe’qjtofc.
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  • 665 285 Mt«tiriouh Hanging Ca.-:«. An inquest into the circum-tano s attending thedeith of a Cantone-e woman nam id Biew Ah Soon, who was foun 1 dead in a sitting position leaning against a wall of the bathroom of No. 101, Rope Walk, with a cloth string loose round her
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  • 58 285 ’Special issues of r-- -1- losurs ui stamps for the “Lical Relid Fund” and for ’’Lord Rulierts’ Memorial Workshops” are now on sale at the Saving# Bank Counter of the Penang Fust Office. Such stamps are not valid for prepayment of pobtage. The issues oomprise the following
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  • 283 285 Penang Women Workers. Amount previously acknowledged 81,409 00 Offertory Intercession Service, 2nd Jan 1916 197 28 Mrs Ritchie, Ge long Estate (4th Donation 10 00 Mrs Heim (6th Donation) 10 00 Mr Marple-, Sale cf Limes (3rd Donation) 10 00 M s Trengrove (6r h Donation)
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  • 23 285 of tho Chartered r. »>• ‘uo quartered Bink at Aledan and formerly of Penang is now in Bombay, 6
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  • 98 285 contained in Sir John CampWlS l. t;or thlt Mr. Harry Vn T V !l “V t be front incorrect 'vntiug to Mr. Birr under date Great Missenden, Bucks, January 20, 1916 Air. Harry Jennings states that his ’knee (Whore he w„ wounded; wa s mikin «low progrtu and
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  • 100 285 contains a picture of Miss Hermione Kenned;, niece" picture s.v* 5 A''"’ le tfir ’P ress UD, ler the Al J T 11,0 daughter Of Lad? Alsnndor Kennedy, widow of the Ute Lord Alexander Kennedy, who w.s a son of be 2nd Marqu.s of Ailsa
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  • 394 285 Claim for Jewellery. In th- Full Court of Appeal before tlm Chief Ju<ic j m J A Bu kmii, Mr. Justice L. P. Ebdt'n and Air Jls ce Edmonds in the feupreme C urt yesterday the hearing was c< mmt nci d of the appeal of
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  • 243 285 To the Children of the Southern Cross. 1 appul to diol yju living in the I Ala.ay Peninsula, men, and women, who claim a birthplace under the Southern Cross and who have a birthright to glory in the undying fame of the “Anzics”, to help to incluie in the
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  • 945 286 Anniversary Dinner. On Saturday evening last, says the BangJcoh Daily Hail of February 14, the members of the Bangkok Straits-Born Chinese Association celebrated the completion of the first year of its existence by means of a dinner at a house in the Surawangse road which had
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  • 262 286 Aa Appreciative Notice. In the course of an appreciative notice of the Chinese theatricals given by the Penang Amateurs in Singapore, the morning paper in the Southern Settlement says As to the audience, the theatre last night was well packed with Chinese ladies and gentlemen. Iti«
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  • 17 286 will be leaving for Home on furlough sometime in March, wires our Singapore correspondent
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  • 22 286 of the death at Naples of Marquis de Goyzueta. Italian Consul at Singapore from 1882 to 1899.
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  • 23 286 son of the Colonial Chaplain, Penang, has berm promoted from Second-Lieutenant to Captain. Heil now in France with bis regiment.
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  • 550 286 TRIBUTE BY Luiiu COOMER Interesting Comparison. Reviewing in the Spectator a book entitled Java Paet and Present” by Donald Maclaine Campbell, the well-known British statesman, Lord Cromer, writes Mr. Donald Maclaine Campell lived for twenty-three years in Java, where he had business ccnmctions. He was also
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  • 38 286 a Malay, caretaker of the mosque at Telaga Ayer, Butterworth, was yesterday charged at the Police Court. Butterworth, with criminal assault on a Malay girl about 8 years old. The case was postponed to the 29th instant.
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  • 403 287 Pk.*.an<* C. R.C v. Straits Chinehe F A. Oq the S. R C. ground yesterday evening say* (Wedi eiday’s Free Preu) before a record crowd, a fa-t and very interesting game of soccer was plajel t t wc-u t he teams of the Penang Chinese Recreation Club
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  • 80 287 Rubber Auction At the Eastern Produce Rubb ir Auction yesterday 60,004 lb, were ffeted for sale and 19,110 lb. sold at the following pric s: Diamond Smoked iron 5161 to $167 Plain Smoked $156,,5157, Lump Scrap 165 Loose Scrap 573 $lO5 Prr-sed Scrap ?84 fBW Set dp
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  • 23 287 Vice C u’sul for China ii <n China <>n three months* l< are by the P. u I O. Novara.
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  • 60 287 W<» ar* inform <1 that <»f th* twenty-five new poy eriMira recently imported for’ the May Im”?'" 1 0,6 l‘»'H b‘en jMUM-d by the Club. Veterinary Surge»» wamd and approved bv the uh c< tultui; o A cftghueoat the
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  • 88 287 To The Editor of the Straits Echo Dear Sir, Some little time ago I saw an advertisement in vour paper announcing the amalgamating of the Sun Life and the Manufacturers Life Insurance Companies of Canada. Now I read in a Shanghai paper that the Canadian Government has
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  • 62 287 Ladies’ Monthly Medal. The play for this competition for February resulted as follows: Mrs Sprou’e 43-4-41 84—16=68 Mrs Denrys 48-4-46=94 —24=70 Mrs Duxbury 41-4-49 90—12 =7B Mrs Winfield, Mrs Kinder, Mrs Macintyre, Mrs Large, Mrs Powell and Mrs Tomson also played but returned no score. Mrs Sproule
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  • 35 287 the officer at present in charge of the British Post Office in Shanghai, is shortly going home for uood, and a successor, from the General Post Office, London, has been appointed.
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  • 35 287 of January 14 repro- due*.s “an interesting snap-shot of Englishmen at Singapore with their Chinese helpers busy packing comforts which have been made for the Rad Cross hospitals at Cairo and Alexandra.”
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  • 48 287 of the Rubber Growers’ Association states that they have retained counsel and chartered accountants to prepare a strong case for submission to the Board of Referee’ administering the excess profits duty. It is hoped that as a result some substantial c recessions may be obtained.
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  • 139 287 Says Wednesday’s Straits Times A witness in the District Court yesterday, who was foolish enough to give false evidence, received a sharp reminder that it does not pay to commit such foolish indiscretions. It was in the course of the hearing of a claim in which the sum of $450,
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  • 185 287 From Tuesday’s Malay Mail Mr G. T Lamb, late of the Straits Trading 0.. who enlisted in the Royal Fusiliers, has now obtained a commission in the R. F. A. Lieut. H. Groom,of the l/sth Warwicks, son of the late Mr. 8. R. Groom, has been mentioned in despatches and
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  • 77 287 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Mixed Doubles A. Mrs Striven and Newton beat Miss Pritchard and A S Hall 6-3, 1- 6. 6-1. Mixed Doubles D. Mr and Mrs E J Bennett beat Mr and Mrs C D I) Hogan x
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  • 92 287 (From. Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, February 24 At the Singapore Rubber Auction 412 tons of rubber offend Ur sale and 263 tons were sold at tl e foilown g pric w Smoked Sheets $l7l to $lBl per picul Good $153 $.70 Fine pi i 0... $165 $166
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  • 87 287 THE KULIM CASE. Accused Fouad Guilty. (I'rom Our Own Correspondents Alor Star, February 23. The Kedah Court of Appeal yesterday reversed the decision of the High Court in the case of Syed Abdulrahman Aljunid and Wong Ah Ghee Both were found guilty and Syed A'junid was sentenced
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  • 235 287 A correspondent writing to the Times of Ceylon says Perhaps it is not generally known that every one of Sir Cecil Clementi Smith’s sons and sons-in-law were connected either with the Army or Navy. His eldest daughter was married to the late Major Talbot, of the Army, but he held
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  • 960 288 While it is satisfactory to note that the ..2L, debate" initiated in the House JcMimonsby Mr. Snowden and Mr. T„ re lyan collapsed ignoinm.onsly a ter firm and statesmanlike declaration L the Prime Minister, it is a matter for L regret that the subject was even broached.
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  • 20 288 is open for the present from 10 a.m to 4 p.m. on week days only.
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  • 19 288 is attributed to the sinking of a vessel bringing supplies—Jf.M.
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  • 22 288 who is alleged to have been stabbed by Mat Noor, a local jockey, has died in Kuala Lumpur hospital.
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  • 28 288 to whom articles to be exported to Siam may be consigned has been further amended by order of the Governor.
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  • 28 288 ten gang robbers were recently convicted and each sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment by the court at Alor Star, Kedah,
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  • 45 288 informs us that he felt a distinct swaying of his house on Monday night, He recalls a similar incident in Penang some years ago Possibly there is some connection with the heavy earthquake shocks experienced at Sabang last week. M.M.
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  • 69 288 invites suggestions from our readers as to wh it new industries could be started in this country after the war. There are Dunlop Rubber factories ia Japan and Australia. Malaya could provide cheaper labour than Australia and is sufficiently central to cater fora large aiei in
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  • 611 288 His Highness the Eajih Mudaof Sarawak is a passenger to Singapore on the Katori Maru duo to laiva London next month. Mr. N. A. M. Giiffio, of the Kedah Police, who has been down with a sharp attack of fever lately, is paying a visit to Penan".
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  • 515 289 (Beckt’i Service.) enrr nht Tetorrwn BATTLE I* PROGRESS. Brili'h Operation. London, F’ebruary 23 A (Brit.ih) rommun'quc gtateg that activity toek pl*» in the iwbbomhor.dtfthe Libvce canal northeast o t Ypre«. The enemy’s position was cons’der üblv damaprd. (jn our r jtremo we ibell' d wor>. mg par
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  • 340 289 (Rxicr Senice.) "'-Jccrsni NEWS FROM SANTA CRUZ, Madrid, February 23. An official announcement from Santa Crus (Teneriffe) states that the British steamer Westburn has put in at that port for repair, flying the German flag and with a pnzi crew on board, consisting of an c
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  • 65 289 S. C. C. vs C. R. c. ('From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, February 25. Although the Singapore Cricket Club won by 2 goals to nil in the football match which was played on the Esplanade yesterday, the Penang team cutchssed the Singapoie players in combination and speed.
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  • 37 289 (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, February 25. Messrs. Fraser Co’», report slates that oubiness W4S fair and there were a number of bargains dunug the week. Dealings however, were on a bUH II tcalo.
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  • 297 289 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. UNREPRESENTATIVE OPINION. London, February 24. Speaking in the House cf Commons Mr. P. Snowden (Labour Member for Blackburn) gave it as hie opinion that the time was ripe for a movement towards peace. The German Socialists ware, he said, solidly in favour
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  • 70 289 Annual General Meeting, {From, Our Own Singapore, February 25. At the annual general meeting of the Singapore Golf Club it was decided that the present was not the time to take over portions of the Sporting Club which would mean an expenditure of $lO,OOO. H L. Sir
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  • 48 289 Obituary. Mr. H. J. Hitnmy, (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, February 25. A cable has been received at Kuala Lumpur announcing the death in England alter a short illness of Mr. H. J. Hemmy, corveyur ami miner, and for manv years a resident of oelangor and Pahang.
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  • 930 290 A BU P»liey. Tbe charges for messages sent through the Penang Wireless Station have been fixed at such an exorbitant rate that we otnnot imagine anybody making use of the except in circumstances where money is no object. Of Topical laterest. To morrow is the forty-fifth anniversary of
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  • 46 290 Feb. 15 By Balance 11,590.04 22 W. B Wilson. Dec. and Jan. subscription 100.00 Amount collected by J. H. Phipps as follows Audit Office 5.50 Registry, Supreme Court 3.00 Gardens 11.57 23 Municipal Staff, 16th instalment 323.63 Feb. 23 By Balance 12,033.74
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  • 91 290 in tbe Settlement of Singapore of the week ended February 19 was 22 77 per mill of the population. The total number of deaths was 153, of which 101 were male subjects and 52 female. Convulsions claimed 24, phthisis 40 and malaria fever 12 The highest
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  • 90 290 pub- lishes the following tbe late Babu Durlab Mazumdar was senior pleader of Nowgaon in Assam. His godson and daughter-in-law Lila had been to Japan for commercial purposes and remained there for a long time. Lila returned to India a few days ago. News has
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  • 321 290 Mjs. Phi,,i P B H-m. R. notary of the Ministering Children’s League, has received the following letter from the British Red Cross Society, British Red Cross Society. The Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Joint War Committee. __\Wiman The Hon. Arthur Stanley, M. V. 0.,
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  • 75 290 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday:— Single Handicap A. A O M Forrest beat L N Byatt 6 1, 4—6, 6—4. Double Handicap A. Penny and Winfiold beat Newton and Threlfsll B—6, 7-5. Mixed Double» B. Mrs Shephard and Dr Smith beat
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  • 54 290 were this morning arraigned before Mr. V G. Ezechiel in the Third Court charged with robbery of >3 in notes from the person of one Thuan MtnTohat Batu Ferringbi Road- Both cliimed trial and were remanded until Mirch 3, bail being allowed in the
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  • 524 291 Cbiae*e Detective Charged. Befoie Mr. V. G Ezichiel in the Third Court this morning Leong Chan Chong, D P.O 514, w<i charged with giving false information a public servant, to wit, lu.pector MacLernon, to the injury and annoyance of one Low Seng by arnsting him for fraudulent
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  • 132 291 Municipal B<cretaiy, Fat inah Bee Kbow, Cheng Kut g, K tin Cheang Yt-ap Neoh and I'huah Cheng 8»-ng w«rc this morning summoned la-tors Mr. E. E. Colman to nhow cause why certain lumeof u aney were the ripe .set incurred
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  • 340 291 Meeting at Ipok. (Jrozn Our Own Correspondent February, 25. The public meeting convened at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce yesterday, to ascertain what amount of ‘■up port the public are prepared to give to a F.M.S. War Loan, was well attended the speeches were few and
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  • 26 291 Feb 22 By Balance $1,886 34 25 Anonymous 2 45 Feb. 25 By Balance 1,8:8 79 Amount previously acknowledged 22,216.50 Total $24.105 29
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  • 68 291 To-day'» Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted heie to-day at $90.20, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $9l, business done (150 tons sold) and in London at .£lB4 spot and £lt4 15s. three months’ sight. A special wire to the Eastern Produce Exchange gives the following prices
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  • 90 291 From Thursday’s Malay Mail Messrs. A.W K. Money, of Kuala Lumpur, ami 1. St Barbe, of Kajang, have gone to Egypt. Mr- 11. M. Batten, of Durian Tunggal Estate, Malacca, has left for England on sick leave, A photograph of Col. Hubback appears in a London illustrated paper under the
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  • 650 291 Heavy Sentence for Dangeroui Character. As the result of one of the smartest and most important captures made by the police for some time now Mr. Ralph Scott, in District Court Singapore on Thursday morning, was able to deal with a dangerous character who has made a
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  • 26 291 British of artillery consisted of six guns. I bey now consist of four guns, like those of the French.
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  • 739 292 Tn ordinary times the daily newspaper?, counts of meetings of the Legislative Council, the reports of corporate bodies like the'Chambers of Commerce, and similar publications constitute the raw material from which the historian of a country w bich has reached the condition of development attained by British Malaya
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  • 299 292 The German attack north of Verdun was evidently an operation of the first class, meant to produce results, and supported by all the resources at the enemy’s disposal. That it was a partial success we are prepared to admit, inasmuch as the French line had in certain
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  • 9 292 six cases of cholera at Macassar.
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  • 20 292 Governor General of the Butch East Indies has begun his round of farewell visits to tne high officials.
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  • 21 292 thd Garman firms established in J .va are dismissing their Dutch employees and replacing them by Germans,
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  • 24 292 the Bishop of the Diocese is holding his visitation at Penang on Quinquagesima Sunday March 5. Services will be announced later.
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  • 25 292 the celebrated Dutch airman who was injured in the accident in which General Michielson was kilb-d, is making good propress towards recovery.
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  • 41 292 buttery and Co ad- vise having received a wire from the secretaries in London of the Singapore Luited Rubber Plantations, Limited, informing them that the directors have declared an interim dividend of 5 per cent, tor the year 1915-16.
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  • 1034 292 A Dari ng come to Justice Ask some member of the Bar to tell you the Chief Justice’s story of the old lady, the bank manager and th o change for the forty-pound chcqus. Freight os Rice. As a pendant to the article on Shipowners’ Profiis” which appealed
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  • 41 293 (From Our Own, Correspondent}. Singapore, February 26. At the moating of the Singapore Municipal Commission yesterday the President, Mr. F. J. Hallifax, state 1 that the Municipal finances were more satisfactory than they had any right to hope.
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  • 14 293 we have received a neat calendar for 1916.
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  • 52 293 formerly w th the Central Engine Works, Ltd who as an officer of the H. N. *R. was attached to Admiral Jarram’s staff here, end who left in the Triumph, is now a' Sub-Flight Lieutenant. Mr. Hann w-a Jn the Triumph when she was sunk in
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  • 80 293 ■ns ti e T.O.M has shown us a photograph I e M j UBt received from the War Uffi > u f (b a-moured L unplaue fighter of the Malayan Air S qUrt druu. Malaya No 8, the Menasaer Meyer," the guup'aoe be.nng the name of the
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  • 511 293 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. NEWSPAPER COMMENTS. Political Eeeeatries Denounced. London, February 24. The newspapers unanimously pay a tribute to the patience of the House of Commons in listening to the negligible group of peace faddists who, as the Daily News and Leader points out, are absolutely unsupported
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  • 509 293 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. BATTLE OF VERDUN. French Version, London, February 24, 4.50 p.m. A Paris communique states that northward of Verdun the fighting throughout the night was of the same inteisity on the right bank of the Meuse to southward of Ornes In consequence of the
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  • 410 294 (Renter Senice.) Copyright Telegram. effect in turkey. Uaeaaiaess in Bulgaria. Athens, February 24 The fill of Erzerum has caused disturbances in Constantinople. Many persons hare been arrested including Ahmed Rza, a friend of Yusuf lazedin. 1 Paris, February 24 A telegram from Salonika states that the
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  • 166 294 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. POLITICAL CRISIS IN AMERICA. President’s Patience Exhausted. Washington, February 25. A political crisis has arisen on the question of the arming of belligerent merchantmen. President Wilson is threatened with ths revolt of the Damocrats in both house?, in which bills have been introduced, warning
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  • 362 294 ‘‘When Rogues Fall Out.” Early this month a Chinaman was taken to Kampar Police Station with several wounds on his body and minus half an ear, of which latter wound more anon. His story was that he was a mining coolie and was travelling along
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  • 51 294 the eminent astronomer, who is seventy-four to-day, remarks that we know the Poles of Mars better than the Poles of our own earth. This, at first sight, seems rather rematkable. But after all most of us have seen the back of our neighbours head more frequently than our
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  • 383 294 FROM DUTCH SOUR ‘'ES The following special teleg.aui# are from the Sumatra Post oi Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, February 22, 23 and 24: HOLLAND AND THE W »R. 'I he Queitioa of the Mails. The British cantinue to examine the Dutch mails. New Loaas aad Taxatioa. Bills
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  • 62 294 who celebrates bio seventy fifth birthday to-day, helps to supply one of the few instances of brothers being created peers Seven years before he was raised to the peerage in 1892, his brother, Edward Charles Baring, was created Lord Revelstoke. There are two other peerages in
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  • 80 294 at the Engineers’ In- stitute last night was a distinct success and the thanks of the community are due to Mrs. H. S. Balhetchet, the organiser, and her assistants. The hall was simply but tastefully decorated with fltgs and fernsand
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  • 663 295 C RICKET CLUB vi. PLANTERS. The cricket match between teams representing the Penang Cricket Club and the Planters was commenced on tr.e Esp anade this forenoon. There was a large gathering at the pavilon to witness the ma’ch and every available spot under the shade of the antenna trees
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  • 1000 295  -  (Bt Tuan Wright.) Schoolboy, of a thoughtful turn are p,stponing the study of geography until the after-the-war mrps are readied Whowon Id deny the reasonableness of that ISot J. I could wish in my own case, since 1 was foolish enough to open a Sunday newspaper, to
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  • 15 295 assistant Protector of Chinese, Penang, has gone to Singapore on duty.
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  • 27 295 Commander-in- Chief of the N dherlands Indian Army, in the War D.pntmeut building at Bandoeng.
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  • 55 295 sailed from Penang to-day b.’ the homeward bound P. &O. «termer Mongara: For Colombo, Mr. G. N. Magill Mr E E. Glorney; i:or MarseiTs Mr. J. R Bennett, Mr. A Mrs H. D. Nicolsoo, child infant for London, Mr. R. T C'lke. Mrs. S. A Yell Mrs.
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  • 60 295 from the Superintendent of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company states that the “abnormal delay on traffic is due to cable interruptions.” Which is unfortunate with the enemy attack north of Verdun apparently still in progress. Ain a iy we have evidence that it has been scotched, but we
    60 words
  • 103 295 the Master Attendant at Singap ro, h-«s received a letter from the captain of th»» Providence which t-teamed in o Colombo a few weeks back and caused consternation among the shipping authorities by reason of tl.e fact that she had no clearance payiers or bill of
    103 words

  • 569 296 Singapore Sailors Home. On Tuesday morning we (the Free Preu) nnblished, after some enquiry, a letter iicned “Jack Pitch,” describing the experience of certain Royal Nary men with regard to this Institution. The main point was that a party of sailors on leave, on Saturday last, applied to stay at
    569 words
  • 37 296 kn ;> appeared in Negri SembiSelan 8 ~o r<^ere<l by the Resident|of Bal*ti^° r th o importation of dogs into lan r r? l an d or Bea from Negri Sembi- prohibited until further notice.
    37 words
  • 655 296 FUND ORGANIZED UNDER DIRECT AUTHORITY OF THE WAR OFFICE. The Smallest complete Air Squadron IS COMPOSED OF 16 AIROPLANEB, 12 Reconnaissance and 4 Fighters. 14 Aeroplanes Preseated to Date, And No. 15 partly Subscribed. The F.M 8. Service “Gun Biplane” completes the four Fighters.” One more
    655 words
  • 360 296 TENNIS MATCHES. S. C. R C. vs P, C. R. C. At the Chinese Recreation Club ,on Wednesday afternoon, there was a large assembly of members and friends to see the Penang visitors play the S.C R,C. at tennis on the club’s lawn, says the Malaya
    360 words

  • 717 297 FTo IHR Edhor of the Time» of MaZaya S.r.-Tne Tunee </ its reader» Article* ot special value specially written for it» columns. Article» on momeoton» question» are its daily special y, The re*der may well fw*l fortunate in having acces* to clear, bold, unbiased and state»manlike
    717 words
  • 304 297 Suicide by Hanging. The inquest into the circumstances attending the death of a Cantonese woman named Siew Ah Soo, who was found dead in the bathroom of premises No, 101, Rope Walk, with a piece of string round her neck was resumed yesterday afternoon before Mr. E. E.
    304 words
  • 260 297 wiil realise that the sweet and genial Miss Ellen Terry was sixty-teven years old yesterday Here is a story of her kindness to those who have acted under her binner. It was Christmas time in the North of England and the company had rehearsed all day with
    260 words
  • 548 297 Beaten in Finely Contested Football Game. Says Friday’s B.T. There must have been several thousand spectators gathered around the S.C C. football ground on the Esp'anade last evening when the members uf the Penang Chinese Recreation Club met a local team captained by R. W. Sinclair and fairly
    548 words
  • 18 297 made under the Trac- tion Engines and Motor Care Ordinance are published in the Gaicite
    18 words
  • 36 297 Estimates for IX I U AJL Jj5J vX 111 Cv vt- O Avz A 1916, as approved iy the Rt. Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies, are published m tue Gazette.
    36 words
  • 53 297 of 1164 East Coast O j UL llvT, JjjdbL v/UaDU Road, Singapore, chemist, and St Vincent B. P »wn, < f i he Arcade, Singapore, accoun>mt, have been authorised to file a specificstioi. nf -ii invention for improvements in a ipiuicd! process for the manufactuie of
    53 words

  • 18 298 ir lCB lLi —On February 26th, at Penang, the wife of Walter C. Michell of a son.
    18 words
  • 884 298 Oar excellent contemporary the Rangoon fiiHM had a leadiog article in its issue of February 19 in which it deplored the deciiion of tbe Government of India to allow wolfram to be exported from Burma to the Straits. Our contempo ary actually appears to think that there
    884 words
  • 11 298 for Penang are fixed for Monday, March 20.
    11 words
  • 13 298 undischarged in Ppnwg, whose adjudications date back to 1889.
    13 words
  • 24 298 Practically all tbe Government and private bungalows have been taken and tbe Crag Hotel is also almost full.
    24 words
  • 27 298 to Russia and Rouma ii, vii London aie su-peoded. Tbe rates of postage or parcels for Russia via Japan will be announced later.
    27 words
  • 46 298 Slrtits Settle- men»*, n< tides that wireless stations have been e.’-lab ished at Singapore and Penang for the transmission of radiotelegranis to ships. The norma! range by day is 350 miles «nd bv night 700 mde*’, while the normal wave length is 600 metres.
    46 words
  • 53 298 to his pownr of d sal owmce with respect to the ordinance to amend the Arms and Explosives O.distance, 1913, the ordinance to further amend the Arms and Expl".s.ves Ordinance, 19 13, o- the ordinance for making p ovision for tbe Public Service for
    53 words
  • 70 298 inclusive, tl e value of the highest grade <f rubb r is fixed at 3s 5d per lh, and tbe duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the rules under
    70 words
  • 61 298 with tbe casualty lis e of the Malay States Guides has been received by the Genera! Offic a r Commanding, Struts Spttl 'im j nt-, and is published in the F M.S. Government Gazette for general inform j .tv n February 11, 1916 Iransferted India
    61 words
  • 104 298 bear that His Excel- bncv tee Geueial Officer C imrnand ng, who recently inspected all sections of the R-serve Force, was extreme ly gratified by the progress made, tbe intelligence displayed and the smartness and accuracy of the work donn. The Reserves ate a fine bjdy of
    104 words
  • 499 298 Mr- A. Sark es has rutu.n.d from hu visit to Rangoon. Mr E. Bra4bp y. of ih« Straits Trading Co, Kuala Lumpur, u ohurtly going on transfer to Seremban. Mr. H. L. Sumner, Inspector of Schools for Per. k, has had a recurrence of his illness since
    499 words

  • 899 299 I tifcfctilW *Bd tkbC WIF» Dr. Bobertwo, tb« physician «upenn endent of tbe Morning»ide Asylum in E burgh, describes in bn aonud 'eporttbe effect of tbe war on bin patient a. A num of them imagine them a- -Ives to o Kai.r. which. ..J. U>« Uwor 1» no»
    899 words
  • 36 299 vested in him bv section 5 of “The Labiur Code, 1912,” the Chief Secretary to F.M S. Government has appointed Mr. H C. Batburst to be an Assistant Controller of Labour.
    36 words
  • 35 299 of the Forest Da- partmeut, is expected back from leave next week, and will be stationed at Sungkai. Mr. Henbrey goes to Kuantan, relieving Mr. Watson, who comes to Kuala Lumpur.— M.M.
    35 words
  • 66 299 G A. de C. d« Moubray, L. A. Allen, G M Kidd, I*. 8 Williams. C Wilson and N. R. Jarret, of the F M.S C vil Sf-rvice having passed the prescribed examinations in law and language and having c impleted three years’
    66 words
  • 201 299 of Csptain C.W.A, Stewart, of tbe steamer Wilhelm with Miss Miry C. Leicester, a daughter of the lata Dr. A. B. Leicester and Mrs. M.C. Leicester, of E<iecburst, Thomson Road, took place at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, yesterday afternoon, (sxys the Straits Times of Saturday) the officiating clergyman being
    201 words
  • 1963 299 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. BATTLE OF VERDUN. Magnitude of Germaa Designs. London, February 25, 5.10 p.m. The great four-days’ attack north of Verdun is at present ebbing in intensity but the most eminent authorities do not minimise the magnitude of the German designs. Consequently the minutest precautions
    1,963 words

  • 433 301 (Renter Senice). <’>>vrright Tiiwraa. Yuan Shi Kai’» Eatkr»»*m*at Postponed. Peking, February 27The enthronement of President Yuan Shih Kai has ben postponed owing to the revolt of the Yunnanese. Air Raid Casualties. Fiaal Figures. London, February 26 An official announcement states that the final figures of the casualties
    433 words
  • 409 301 P. O. LINER SUNK. (Benter Senice.) Coprrixht Telwrrana. “MALOJA” MIMED OFF DOVER. London, February 27. The P. O. liner Maloja. carrying passengers and mails, was sunk off Dover. It is believed that she was mined. Tue Mtdoja was a vessel of 12,800 tons gross. Passenger List. The passenger list of
    409 words
  • 426 301 (Renter’s Senice) Oonrright Telegram. ANOTHER RUSSIAN VICTORY. Petrograd. February 25. A Petrograd communique states that after a series of battles in Persia the remnants of the enemy concentrated in the Kermanshah region, where the Germans and Turks had fortified two mountain passes. The Russians stormed the Budesurkh Pass
    426 words

  • 1802 302 P.O.C. VI •'LAXTER. Easy Victory f<»k IL-W? 'fam Q IM .<i ,|blg 11 H -tM I ffi 'Ut.HfV J G. C. Clt'k' (3*) fUi< E z C,l H <3, took their stand at in wick t- a ,'ainst in- bowling of Jf cktv it the s :l Pn 1
    1,802 words
  • 37 302 his been d’diwed at Si me, Estate, Kuala Lumpur, add ess»d as followsGiyoni Estate, CoU No., Penang.” To find “Ku da Lu npur” in C»la Number” is cerram'y a Post Office tr umph.
    37 words
  • 56 302 Port Swettenham has b- p n prescibpd as the po*t for the dijemhirkati >n of all cattle, sheep, and gofttg, and Ku Ja Lumpur railway station as the place f >r the d itrainment of all cattle, sheep, and g >ats impo-ted into the State of
    56 words
  • 52 302 has been meted cut. at Kuala Lumpur v siz-stoGan TQ' t who w<s c mvict *d of <• u-in m>schi»f by fi e to the attap roof of Yap Hang’s houwe. Accused and soother man were seen running away after the roof had burst
    52 words
  • 100 302 A Penang Macao named Chan Ah Jin was arrested in Sin '«p -re, yesterday, <<n a charge of criminal breach of trust as a servant in resp«ct of gold to th) of .’99 and a gold locket vduel at ?5. The facts allege I ag* a
    100 words
  • 243 302 before Mr. W. C. Michell a man by the name of Percy Johnson Fernandes failed to appear tn answer to a civil summ ms, issued by the 1 inawj Gazette Preas, to recover the sum of 286.08 for printing and stationery supplied to the
    243 words

  • 319 303 CIWTiMABT ClLilttA loM POSTPONED A meeting of pit *od P rPgeDt pup l« <»f the Penang Free School took phce at spm on Saturday at the school for the purpose of diseasing the ndvifability of •rlebrating the Centenary of the school which fall» on Octode 21 this
    319 words
  • 10 303 of F.M.B. war fund stamps is in preparation.
    10 words
  • 27 303 of M ’rton Eiute -nd n>w 2 id L eut in the 9<h R >yal Boot*, has bem awarded the Military Cross. —M.M.
    27 words
  • 30 303 Mr. E. G. W ood has been appointed to act as D'puty Superintendent, Rev-nue Survey Branch F.M 8 Su vey Dep>r mmt, with effect from N »v 26 h, 1915.
    30 words
  • 29 303 Syed Abdulrahman A ljunid, who wts convicted recently of a serious crime at Kulirn, is at present in Alor Stir gaol pending his appeal to the Kedah State Council.
    29 words
  • 38 303 has received through Sir Ernest Birch from the Wr Offici a photograph of the aeroplane Miyer” presmtHi by the w4l known Singapore cit zm of tbit ilk. A very work* miulikr machine it looks.
    38 words
  • 43 303 secured a black panther al the 7u mile, G mibak Boid, list night, bringing it in to Kuala Lumpur this morning, strapped on the back ut a bicvcl**, in order to obtain the 115 reward, aays Saturday's Malay M dl.
    43 words
  • 86 303 approved of the follow* ing appointment and promotions in tbi Singapore Volunteer Cor piMr. F. G. Stevens to be Second Lieutenant and attached to the Malay Compiny, Singapore Volunteer lotat t y. M day Company, jJiuga--B>re Vlu ite>*r lutautry H murary ♦cond L -utenant N-r Mohain-d H.»him
    86 words
  • 208 303 R.. s vdiog lb" b M.S W.r Lmd. T„r w to» Io He TOM: Theie are probably a good many p opl« w bt are unable to take up any Urge amount of w.r loan at but who wou d bo able to invest a
    208 words
  • 24 303 The current F. M.S. Gazette contains the nam suf fourteen per-om binished fir various periods from Perak and thirty one persons trom S' langor.
    24 words
  • 69 303 pleaded en'lty before Mr. E. E- C >lman to a charge of criminal breach of trust in respict of go'd to th>< va'ui of $29 05 and a locket, valu’d at $35. the p ope ty of one Chui Ho T.i Trie accused wuown entruit d
    69 words
  • 136 303 c» 1 fi hrated its anniv-rsary on I’uesday and W do» Slav. F b. 15 ind 16. Oa the fbst day the < lub i .ner wis hn| 1, at, woe i Mr Koh Kng B <k, ihi Hm. S’Creta'y. welcomed the uewly el cted Vci
    136 words
  • 189 303 in Ku da Lum- pur announcing the death at T uquiy, after a short illness, of Mr. HJ. H-mmy lite of Selangor. Mr. H iinmy j uued the Sdangor Su vey Ddpirtm nt about 25 years ago, aft»r being in New Guinea. After sme yean
    189 words
  • 130 303 T v e fortnightly hand c p 4»oot fo< k p’ace on S 'll ‘I J atteruoui U i'g to a rtiung auu Vui bie wind lbe rCmiug wmp or. Wlb b’cap. nodft, Pte G 8 Evans SO 9 50 t P ed t er 72
    130 words
  • 70 303 A Victory fo- P/nanf, (From Our Own Oldgap >r-, Feb U*ry 26 The Penang team beu. tha Uni> ese Volunteeis at association fmtbdl by three goils to one. [Wi are informed that at the nquest of the Singapore C »mmittee tw > «X a pertormauCHs will ‘be
    70 words
  • 65 303 Playing one afinru von last at the R cecouise Mr C. E Wi >ter d d t e 2 d m»le in ou** stioke. I’uis, wi (6£ <-uils elieve, constitutes a rec nd, no other hole on the Rm cou se ever hiving bien accomplished in 1,
    65 words
  • 49 303 who mile hinmlf sowellliksi du iug hissray iu Ipihas manager of the P Tak B anih of ihe Straits I'radiug Cmpmy, is b-ck in Stngipire from his holiday at Hum He ar iv 4 oil the 14 h the snip being nine diyi ae. TOM
    49 words
  • 56 303 lite tbi Rival I*iwh R'guniur, assu n’d tin du'in of S’ ff Officer, L Cal Firoes, excluding hl A i'll* ant's du ids wuh the Siug»pore V diiuteer C »rps, trom the 16 n lust m bucc-s*i n to Msj T J U. Hooper, th-* Iv
    56 words
  • 83 303 C»pt. C. W. D ’Arey Irvine, of the Limsters, who bis bion killed in Fran’ 0 w.ig the elder an I only her of M H C. D Arcy Lvine, mintg-ir i f the Biuting C >’i estate at Btnuug. Kail* Lsugat and t-Tinerly an assistant on Kunuuiug estate,
    83 words
  • 142 303 furnish the following statistics ot the export of Para i übb r from the four p ir B of the Pnm ula for varying periods tr m J nua yl, 1916 The q nntities are stared in lb^, w.ih the h.ur*-8 for the corresponding periods of
    142 words

  • 854 304 M v we point out that the Government the Straits and F.MA would do well to realise that modern finance cannot be nducted in a hole-and-corner fashion, that be successful. When the Imperial Government fl >ated its war loam it very •igely undertook an extensive campaign
    854 words
  • 403 304 We are not yet out oi cue wood north of Verdu.n where apparently the battle still continu though with decreasing intensity, but them is plenty of evidence iu to-day’s wires to show that the German thrust, which came with remarkable suddenness and was pushed with unprecedented fierceness,
    403 words
  • 42 304 io aid of 11 -5 F. u. Ufti >-r WiduWa’ ai d Families' !'uud m »»t u •..>« vmg obj ct <s »aid by the 1, O» M. lu i*Vu xUoU.ixd in a UclC DIUU? ofi vVvk
    42 words
  • 400 304 Mrs. A. L. Hoops, Mrs. W. Peel and Mrs. A. Cavendish, with their children, are going up Penang Hill for a mmth. Mr. A- B. Milne, the well-known visiting agent, is engaged to be mimed to Miss Gertrude Weitzel, daughter of Mr. H. Weiixd, of London. Mr.
    400 words
  • 90 304 Upeott vs. Foo Joo Was. CFrom Owr Own Correspondent?) Singapore, February 29In the presence of H. E dir Arthur and Lady Evelyn Young and a large gathering on the Esplanade, Upeott played a tennismatch against Foo Joo Wan. The Penang representative showed good serving and neat placing.
    90 words
  • 56 304 held yesterday the fodow ng pH e.i worn obtained Diamond Sin<>ktd oh et 168/ 83, Flam Sm< k d Sheet 163/168, Hi.iD'invi Uuamoked She-t 164/169, P>..m Uo mtked heel 163/168, Pale Urep*i i76/llr* ad C"’pe 158/-6 ?>iik Ur* pe 134/145, 3c p Hv/117,
    56 words

  • 1074 305 For Leap Year. Spinster*, young and old, attending the np'C al dinner ar.d danre which Mr. Sirkies U giving at the E. A 0. H«>t I this evening may perhaps be grateful for the following topical advice which we cull from an American exchange Listen girls If you
    1,074 words
  • 15 305 has returned from leave, and will be stationed for the present at Seremban
    15 words
  • 19 305 of the Tongkih Harbour Tin Dredging Co. f-'r the week ended February 26 was thirty five tons.
    19 words
  • 38 305 officers passed in Law at the examination held on the 15th December, 1915, and following days:—Mr. HH Stevens, Mr. G. A. de C de Moubray, Mr J. A. Black (cadets) and Raja Ahdul A zz
    38 words
  • 59 305 who celebrates his eighty-second bi'thday today, seems to hive a taste fir “first things” in music After making Lis professional debut as Adam in Haydn’s “Creation,” he had the privily f creating a number of famous 'd’es. being the first in England to play V dentine in
    59 words
  • 74 305 who writes friendly letters to “lonely mm” in the tfinches sometimes ge' into difficulties. John Bull says that, a West End lady who had cunei-ponded in this w.ty with a braw Highlander” (who must have boasted in liscri etly of bis new acquaintance) received this letter from
    74 words
  • 74 305 took place n a grand scale yesterday at Green Hall of Mr. Cheah Beng Cheang, the Singapore Manager of S»ang Line Steamship Co., of which Mews. Gioog Hoe Co. are the managing agents, with Miss Lm Sor Yong, the unge t daughter of the late Mr. Lim Kek
    74 words
  • 1541 305 (Reuter Senice). Copyright Telegram. FURTHER DETAILS. Terrific Explosion. London, February 27. The explosion, when the Maloja struck the mine, was terrific. This happened about two miles from Dover and shook the houses on the sea front. Another Steamer Sunk, A three-masted steamer which went to the liner’s
    1,541 words

  • 1483 306 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegrsm. TREMENDOUS GERMAN EFFORT. Kaiaer Witnesses Verdun Battle. London, February 27. A Berlin official announcement states that the Kaiser was present at the battle of Verdun. Flame Squirters. The German Guards are using two kinds of flame squirters, hurling flames respectivey to a distance
    1,483 words

  • 33 307 of government of the Bismaick Aicbipelego, which was annexed by the British at the beginning of the w<r, has been changed from Herbertshohe to Kokopo. Secretary of the
    33 words
  • 140 307 Ant-German Union, informs tbe Daily Graphic that he is assured that tie Union btvo an excellent case in law against the decision of the Court over which the Lord Chief Justice presided dtclaiiug that there was no statutory power to remove bir Ernest Cassel and Sir Edward
    140 words
  • 378 307 (Benter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. GERMANY’S THREAT. Loudon, February 28 It is semi-officially announced in Berlin that a vigorous submarine war will begin, as stated, on March 1. There will be no question of deviating from the measurei announced. THE NEW PHASE, lalimatioa to America. Washington, February 28.
    378 words
  • 114 307 was brought up before Mr. V.G. Ezechiel in the Third Court this morning on a charge of culpable homicide not amounting to murder by causing the death of tone Chew Seng Lai at Gopeng on January 25, 1914. Chew Kuw Eh stated that he knew
    114 words

  • 536 308 EXCELLENT DIMAND 10R AMERICAN Market. In a review of the tin mining industry in 1915, The Times says In comparison with what happened during the closing months of 1914, when the holding up of supplies, the need tor a reorganisation of the trade, and tbe closi °g
    536 words
  • 95 308 discusses the possibility of a separate peace between Germany and Belgium. It says that as long as Belgium has not 81 gned the London agreement not to sign a separate peace she is free to do as her interest commands, The paper adds that Belgium has until
    95 words
  • 538 308 Before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel in the Third Court this morning a Chinaman named Teoh Boon Seang was charged with disposing of stolen property, to wit, a diamond ring valued at $3O, the property of one Nooh Mit, knowing or having reason to believe the same
    538 words
  • 95 308 of the French Parliamentary Naval War Committee tbe Minister of Marine explained the Bill lowering the age for retire ment of naval officers, which the Committee afterwards approved. The measure fixes the age of retirement for the senior grades as follows Vice-Admiral 62, Rear -Admiral 60, Capitaine
    95 words
  • 233 308 There was t crowded hou™ at th» Straits Kinema last night »o witness the twentyround boxing match betweenC.W. Williams, tbe British coloured middle-weight champion boxer and wrestler of the Far East and R. B Bowermann of Ibo s.s. Maia Hari, the well known European Boxer. At tbe scheduled
    233 words
  • 148 308 Mrs Sam (tel’s Prise. The following is the draw Mrs Powell f Mrs. Duxbury J. Crabb-Watt WF. Duxbury Mrs. Hoefeld f Mrs. Liston V. G. Ezecbiel J T 8 (F. T. Ellis Mrs. Kirk fMiss Mahler W. S. Goldie (C Cuoradi Mrs. Macintyre j J Mrs. Ebden
    148 words
  • 91 308 Rubber Auction. At the Rubber Auction yeiterday 65,887 lb. were offered for sale and 46,606 lb. sold at the following prices: Diamond Smoked Sheet from $l6B to $lBB Plain Smoked Sheet |164 Diamond Unsmoked Sheet $164 |J69 Plain Unsmoked Sheet $163 Pale Crepe |]7g Brown Crepe »1
    91 words
  • 14 308 has accepted the presidency of the Canadian Red Cron Association.
    14 words

  • 877 309 In reponae to our request tor suggestions m to new industrie« for Malaya the war ia over, we have received several from a local resident. He fir it instances the case of chenopodium oil, used in moat of the hospitals in thia coantry and in Ceylon now for
    877 words
  • 267 309 CFrtm Our Own Correspondent.,') Bukit Mertajam, 29-2-16. At the Bukit Mertajam Police Court, before Mr. G. A. Hereford, yesterday, (1) Kani Mydin. and (2) Nagalingam were convicted of theft in a dwelling of 25 coconuts belonging to one Peer Mabomed bin Kadir Naina Ma homed. Sentence was
    267 words
  • 69 309 on hnr voyage from T) 1.1 l/11l Bangkok to Hongkong. It seems that on tbe way up the steamer touched a bank and sprung a rivet in tbe water tanks. Tbe water became brackish aud tbe passengers in consequence became rather
    69 words
  • 481 309 (Fbom a Siraitt Timet Corbesfondbnt.) Trengganu, February 21. There arrived to-day by the Abbotsford H. H. Tunku Besar, of Rhio. He ia visitmg hie father, H. H. the Sultan of Rhio, who haa been ill for some time, but is now making a good recovery. The healthy,
    481 words
  • 89 309 Tbe undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennya A Co., by auction sale yesterday and during tbe week Smoked Ribbed Sheet $173 to $lB7 Plain $l6B $l7O No. 2 Smoked Sheet diamond $162 $165 Uusmoked Sheet $162 $165 No. 2 Unsmoked Sheet $156
    89 words
  • Page 309 Advertisements

  • 1206 310 We are constantly reminded that the King rules over more Orientals than any sovereign in the world, and one would, therefore, suppose that the way would be made easy for such of his natural Oom subjects as nuy wish to acquire some knowledge of Oriental languages or
    1,206 words
  • 23 310 to the Straits are said to have become double and even treble of what they were before the war.
    23 words
  • 21 310 withdrew $40,000,000 (gold) from the American banks that helped to float the Allied Loan in the United States.
    21 words
  • 26 310 Mr. Khoo Cheow Taong and Mr. Gao Gnoh Dee, of Penang, are going to give a Reconnaissance Aircraft to the British War Office.
    26 words
  • 27 310 presented to the Kuala Lumpur Chinese Minstrels by Towkay Loke Yew has baen installed in the new premises of the Club in Campbell Road.
    27 words
  • 489 310 Mr. F. J. G Aeria, Overseer, P. W D proceeded to Bertarn on tiausfer to dny. Mr. E. G. Wood, assistant Superintendent, Revenue Survey branch, F.M.B. has teen appointed to act as deputy Superintendent in that department. From y sterday’s T O. M Inspector Sweeny, of Kampar,
    489 words
  • 38 310 of the Selangor Ceylon Tamils’ Association held in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday a committee was appointed to approach Government with a view to the Theepavali festival and Hindu New Year’s Day being made public holidays.
    38 words
  • 54 310 have publiclv advertised that after March I nocompradores’ order?, other than cash orders issued bj banks, will be accepted in payment of collect ima or accounts due to the banks and cornpradores’ orders will not be received for credit of constituents current accounts. Quite time, toe,
    54 words

  • 898 311 Name. Pl«*»« I Ton Penang pdient explained hit symptoms fully. The Singapore ipecialist regarded him cloie’y over tbe top ot hit spectac es. Yer, I w*,’ be commented, gravely now tell me, nave you ever been operated on for appendicitis Well,” responded the patient, dubiously, I certainly had
    898 words
  • 227 311 We are very pleased to give publicity to the following The Post Office is now in a position to receive and forward literature for the following British forces (1) His Majesty’s Ships on this station. (2) All Local Military Forces. (3) The British Forces
    227 words
  • 53 311 The Straits Rubber Co Ltd. 186 000 lbs Iho Penang Rubber Estates Co., Ltd. 132,0u0 lbs., Tbe Rubana Rubber Estates, Ltd. 5b omj lbs., £ho Tali Ayer Rubber E-tite-, Ltd 43 300 lbs.. The Batak Ribit 1.0i.i.M- Ltd. 21,503 lbe„ The Ragan b -Hi Co.. Lt 1.
    53 words
  • 610 311 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Monday, February 28 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. A Sixaificant Move. Tbe German and Austro Hungarian Ministers at the Hague have left for Berlin, Press Prosecutions. Herr Schroeder of the and Herr Polak of Het
    610 words

  • 58 312 To-day’s Quotatioas. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at *****, business done, in Singapore at |9225, business done (125 tons sold) and in London at £lBB spot and <£lBB 10s. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following is the quotation for Rubber on
    58 words
  • 17 312 is reported to have been sold recently to a Shanghai company.
    17 words
  • 29 312 Australia and China has received the following subscriptions for the Air Fleet Fund, Ipoh Mr. R. Owen $5O, Mr. H. W. Rickeard, Kulim, 120.
    29 words
  • 43 312 wishes to know the penalty for declining an offer of marriage made by a lady in Leap Year. He has heard that it is a silk dress. Perhaps some of our lady readers can supnly correct and authentic information.— M.M.
    43 words
  • 42 312 Miliary Commissioner of Kwei-chow, who abandoned his post when the Yunnan rebels advanced against Kweiyang, has been deprived of his rank by order of the President. Instructions have been given by the President to arrest Liu and execute him,
    42 words
  • 39 312 that the German news- paper Die Zukunft, the publication of which in Germany has bem prohibited for the duration of the war, is to appear in future in Switzerland. Herr Maximilien Harden will remain in charge.
    39 words
  • 169 312 depend on the tin industry. If it is bad, trade for the time hemg is bad in sympathy. With the exception of the early days of the war, When there was so much uncertainty as o what was
    169 words
  • 1001 312 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. BODIES IN THE MORTUARY. London, February 28. Fifty bodies from the Malojx are now in the mortuary. Several have been identified. Two of the liner’s boats have been washed ashore. Mrs. McLeod, wife of BrigadierGeneral McLeod, is among the dead. Germaa-Sowed Miaes. London,
    1,001 words
  • Page 312 Advertisements
    • 56 312 Don’t Risk Pneumonia. ble. 8 ever y 88 quickly as possitrouble 1 18 i^ e f° rerunner of all pulmonary fa* an< pneumonia may develop in a Remed UrS t Chamberlain’s Cough the eL? a eim P le thing to do, but ill n; D .r eCt is marvellous. Fur
      56 words

  • 1027 313 (Revter x Senia.) Copyright Telegram. RECAPTURE OF DOUAUMONT. Premier'* Graphic Description. London, February 21, 6.45 p.m. M. Briand, in the lobby of the Chamber, gave a graphic description of the recapture of Fort Douaurnont. The enemy had advanced to Champneuville and Douaurnont wn thought to have been
    1,027 words
  • 38 313 (I'rom Own Correspondent.') Singapore, March J. hoo Joo Wan being indisposed Tan Tool '•ng and lan Cheong Kee opposed Miles i..d Kleinman m the doubles. The latter c U|le wen the match bv 6-2, €-1
    38 words
  • 267 313 (Reuter Senice). Copyright Telegram. A DECISIVE SUCCESS. Eaemy Commander Killed. London, February 18. General Maxwell, commanding the British forces in Egypt, reports that Saturday’s fight ended in a decisive success Nuri Bey, who is a brother of the Turkish Minister Enver Pasha, commanding the enemy forces was
    267 words
  • 67 313 recently endeavouied to justify the German fleets remaining in the Kiel Canal, it now remark*: Unless the German sea power has been absurdly over-rated our sea-dogs cannot much longer content themselves with merely showing their teeth and remaining bidden in the Canal Better dare and die
    67 words
  • 186 313 attributes the following remark* t the Kaiser during bis Nish visit: “If Rumania does not merit the fate of Belgium because that country is remote. I hope she is not blind io the spectacle of Serbia. If that fails to awaken her frcxn her dreams, we
    186 words

  • 1186 314 E NT IBTAIMID it Rb> Cross Committbb. days Monday’s Malaya Tribune At the residence of Mr. Khoo Hun Yang, A ng Siang Hill, on Saturday afternoon, the Singapore Chinese Committee of the Red Cross Fund entertained the Penang visitors prior to their embarkation for the north
    1,186 words
  • 95 314 telegraphing on January 21, says:—l am authoritatively informed that the contracts for no fewer than 127 lattice type girder bridges, ranging from six to sixty feet in length, for the extension, of the Mymemsingh Bbairab Bazir section of tbe Assam-Bengal railway system, and for
    95 words
  • 1177 314 Though we feel thst we may be laying ourselves open to the charge of carping criticism at a critical time is the history of the Empire by g) doing, we would like' to make one or two observations un Volunteering in the F.M.B. The supreme consideration
    1,177 words

  • 154 315 The following interesting tit-hit is culled from M r Gossips column in the MM issue of the Daily Mirror A Musical Scamp Wolseley Charles, of Nicely Thanks.” f m /> looked in to say goodbye to me yestenuy He sails to-day for the shiny East where he is
    154 words
  • 788 315 FIGHTING IN SZECHUEN. Rebels Repulsed at Luehow. That hard fighting is in progress in Bze chuen is indicated by telegrams now being received by the central committee of the Ryd Cross Society ot Chins. The following is a copy of a telegram received yesterday (says the China
    788 words
  • 252 315 An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners wn« held yesterday afternoon at the Municipal offic e. There were present Mr. W. Peel (Pres dent) Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok and Mr. A. F. Goodrich with Mr. L.M. Bell (Engineer) Mi. L A.C- Biggs (Secretary) in attendance. The wnutes of
    252 words
  • Page 315 Advertisements
    • 73 315 Don't Cough. It is absurd to allow a cough to hang on and sap your vitality when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure you You don’t know where a persistent cough will land you. You can’t afford to allow your throat and lungs to become diseased when it is such a
      73 words

  • Page 316 Advertisements
    • 524 316 r You Stand the Cold B fcßfl people ec jov cold weather and take T trips to cold countries in order to pleasures of winter sports; the Kiff&ir calls the pink to their cheeks and I Sred to their lips. Others shrink from f Jggnd turn blue at the least
      524 words
    • 516 316 SOME MAKES OF PENS ft ft are pretty, but fail the test of hard work. Some pens write under favour m able conditions, but fail when driven The “Swan” stands every test. Mv/jg njr llpr vniT rrT tux* Unqualified satisfaction is gua- BE SURE Y U GET E ranteed. Does
      516 words

  • Page 317 Advertisements
    • 225 317 s CRITE 1j HSSS, Ld. I td 2 No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. FJ I 3 51 •J ESTABLISHED 1883. M I PRINTERS cz PUBLISHERS. fll jh I Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO’’ and “PENANG SIN POE. The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and I lithographers in the Orient. Mg
      225 words