The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 30 December 1915

Total Pages: 26
1855 1880 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 1076 1855 At Birmingham recently Sir Charles Lucas, formerly of the Colonial Office, delivered an address on the Biioish Empiric which he made some interesting obsere vations ou an old subject worn somewhat threadbare by popular lecturers. Wa ail know Professor Pauly’s memorable sentence that England acquired an Empire
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  • 608 1855 Our Singapore correspondent wL the Re?. Mr. 11. C. Pmle he* i> •i, p iuuml Cum mi ti.-ary to the Bi*liip< t auvirii-' Mr. K. A. Currie, of K-ril!i Estate, Kelanta is now Lieutenant m the Highland Light Infantry and in serving in tbe lAidanePo».— M M. Ata recent
    608 words
  • Page 1855 Advertisements
    • 95 1855 VQB ':£L $W xjF wpjy PlbbuhM dally (except Sunday? snd public holidays) AT TH» CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, B-aach Street, Penang Fbicb. Daily Local m per waaim. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) >17.50 CAILS ADDBKBB ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 IT. rf.—All bu»ia»i» o»rui3Eunic«tios*
      95 words

  • 949 1856 Keepiag Memory Green. To-day, for the sOOth time, the Guild of Merchant Taylors is observing a trust solemnly committed to its care. One John Vernon left a sum of money to the Guild so that on each anniversary of his death December 23rd—the members should attend divine service,
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  • 80 1856 With reference to the paragraph regarding the prob ble closing of the Suez Canal which we took from the Batavia Handelsblad and published yesterday, we have been asked to make it clear that the statement was unofficial and that no official notification to that effect has been
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  • 53 1856 (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, December 23. The Rubber auctions, at which 378 tons were offered for sale, are unfinished. A feature of the auctions was the strong demand of the lower grades. There was an increase in the price generally of about $5 per picul in
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  • 145 1856 Pajam. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, December 23. At the meeting of the Pajam Rubber Co. Ltd. Mr. Watkins, who presided, pointed out that a dividend had been earned. Prices ware much lower than recently and allowance must be made in the estimated crop of this year for
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  • 948 1856 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Tdema. ART,LL A ®rM ENT London, December 21,4.55 pm A Pans communique states that th. fZa Caunoaado slackened -S’ rench were successful in minn? J h 0 especially in the bombardment ofX™ movements in Lorraine. Uernwn MINOR OPERATIONS. Freach Success, London, December 22,130 a.m
    (Reuter Service.) Copyright Tdema.  -  948 words

  • 1108 1857 (Peuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. AN ADDITIONAL MILLION. PREMIER’S STATEMENT IN THE COMMONS. London, December 21. lhe House of Commons presented an animated scene when Mr. H. H. Asquith moved an Army estimate for an additional million men. He announced that at the end of sixteen months we
    (Peuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  1,108 words

  • 413 1858 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. GOVERNMENT’S HEAVY DEMANDS. London, December 21. The Times thinks that freiglis may still be higher if the Government’s pre£ nt heavy demands on the mercantile marine recur The regular lines are daily refusing offers ol freight. It estimates the total amount of British
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  413 words
  • 499 1858 Reuter’s Senice.) Uovyright Telegram. ELABORATE SMUGGLING SCHEMES. London, December 22. Oi the elaborate schemes to smuggle rubber into Germany from America the latest revealed is from Naw York. The seizure of 3,500 lb. of raw rubber, about to bo shipped without a declaration, had its sequel in
    Reuter’s Senice.) Uovyright Telegram.  -  499 words
  • 240 1858 •Wet’s Senia.) CoDyright Telegram. RUSSIA INVADES BULGARu landing at vakna. London, December 22 1 The Daily Chronicle learns that ths Russians landed at Bulgarian port on the Black st',,?’ razing the town. The earrisnn v ter heavily did not interfere with thehSg* Coafirmatioß. London, December 22. Diplomatic
    •Wet’s Senia.) CoDyright Telegram.  -  240 words
  • 39 1858 Dec. 16 By Balance $43,968.05 22 Municipal s'aff 14th instalment 384.97 Penang Band 12th E 22 Balance 44 471 92 Remitted to London £IU,OOO on 24-2 15....85, Total subscriptions to date ...$130,090.
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  • 18 1858 $3,212.15 Dec 16 By Balance 22 P£ a|ey 22 Balance 715 Amount prevmusly acknowledged Total
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  • 24 1858 To-d.y's QuotationsTin (unrefined) is at $Bl.lO, buyers no seile an( j (n fined) at 881 50, buyers no London at-6166 spot months’ eight.
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  • 1049 1859 Some little time ago, says the Straits Tn**, we bad the pleasure of noting the formation of a Chinese British Association in Singapore. More recently the Chinese of Malacca met together and took steps in the same direction, and in Penang an enthusiastic movement is in progress to
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  • 315 1859 The Malacca Chinese Volunteers Company is already an accomplished fact, the movement having been successfully organised by the Malacca branch of the Straits Chinese British Association. The Governor’s reply to the memorial praying to be allowed to serve as Volunteers for the Settlement of Malacca was Received
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  • 877 1859  -  (Br Tom Wbiuht.) Goodbye leafy valley, farewell ru- c cheer, Il’s a long way from several pl c but my heart’s right here. My heart’s in London I brou o h. it wab me- It was “in my throat,” as the saving is, coding along in the train, wbere'two
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  • 168 1860 The Committee of the M. C. L. wish to thank all those who generously helped to raise the extra sum ($850) required for the purchase of a Motor Ambulance for the British Red Cross Society. Owing to the untiring efforts of Mrs. Jamieson $1,139.10 has however been
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  • 208 1860 These clever entertainers, with Mrs. Harry Woods leave this evening for Calcutta by the s. s. Laisang. They will long be remembered in Penang as they intioduced to us a distinctly novel, and charming entertainment. They claim to be the first and only aitistes showing on these
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  • 728 1860 Coroner’s Inquest. The inquest into the death of a Chinaman named Chan Ah Tong was held yesterday afternoon before Mr. E. E. Colman, the Coroner, in the Second Court. Inspector Wilde conducted the inquest. Dr. Juuichero Ando, Acting Medical Officer General Hospital, stated that at 11 am
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  • 229 1860 -uinutes ot an ordinary General iw of the Mohammedan Football AssS" 8 held at Hutton Laue Football Oh k Wedneeday. the 22nd Mr°E iD F t O t f leab8e, !e tbe Pr Mr. KE Colman was voted to the chair. L Result of 1915 League Matches
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  • 293 1860 In an interesting letter from Java the correspondent of the Singapore evening paper says As was expected, the news received here from Peking to the eif< ct that Yuan Shi-kai had accepted the Imperial crown caused little or no commotion among our Celestial friends locally,
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  • 1262 1861 (Contributed,) 1 iiQ time draws near tho JLiirtb of Christ. lire Church, true to the things which are eternal, will once more proclaim the Angels’ message, Paace on Eirtn, Good Will towards Men” To many, regarding only things temporal, they will nave, this year, a ring of
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  • 640 1861 Brigadier-General Ellison, who was in Malaya with General Sir lan Hamilton du-mg the last tour of the latter as Inspec-tor-General of the Imperial Forces, is now Quarter-Master-General at Gallipoli. We regret to announce the death of Mr. Tan Bo#n Tee, sixth son of the late Mr. Tan bun Ho,
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  • 909 1862 O Si Sie Omae» I Here is a little paragraph which is calculated to make the Librarian* of Raffles Library and his colleague of Penang turn green with envy On the report of the special committee about the improvement in the Punjab Public Library, the Lieut.-Governor has been
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  • 24 1862 Dec. 22 By Balance 53,237.15 23 Anglo Chinese Girls’ School 40.00 23 Balance $3,277 15 Amount previously acknowledged 18,558.21 Total ..421,835.36
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  • 162 1862 Dec. 22 By Balance ...$44,471.92 23 of the Eastern Pacific Trading Co., Ltd 42.00 Staff of Messrs. Brown Phillips Stewart, monthly subscription 65.00 23 Balance 44,578.92 Remitted to London £lO,OOO on 24-2-15... 85,618.73 Total subscription to date ...$130,197.65 Says the Kuala Lumpur paper
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  • 370 1862 liievtefj Senice.) Copyright Telegram. STATEMENT in THE COMMONS r L ndon December 23. Tennant. UudT-sXeu“ TslaM V’ «udtbatue casualties In Wounded. fficera 2,969 Me 72,222 Total 75,191 Missing. Officers q S i_ Men 12,114 Total 12,471 making a grand total of 87.662. There is every hope that sickness
    liievtefj Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  370 words

  • 386 1863 (Reuter’s Service.) Conyright Telngram. C ENTftAL POWERS CONCENTRATING. BIG OFFENSIVE EXPECTED. Athens, December 21. According to the Greek papers, the Central Powers are concentrating forces at Gevgheli and are expected to take the offensive this week. Another Report. Salonika, December 23. The situation on the front is
    (Reuter’s Service.) Conyright Telngram.  -  386 words
  • 509 1863 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. GOVERNMENT AND COMPULSION, STATEMENT in the commons. London, December 22. lh« House of Commons has agreed to the vote for an ad liti >nal million men. Mr. Tenuint, ITader-Secrettry of State for War, m the cjurse of the discussion said that he hoped
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  509 words
  • 492 1863 (Reuter Senice.) (Copyright Telegram. FRENCH ADVANCE. numerous german prisoners, Loudon, December 22, 5.20 p.m. The Paris communique says that yesterd iy’s*attack enabled the French to extend their positions on the slopes east of Hartmannsweilerkopf. Twelve hundred Germans are now reported to have been made prisoners. 1.300 Germans
    (Reuter Senice.) (Copyright Telegram.  -  492 words

  • 600 1864 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. STRAITS PASSENGERS ABOARD. INSURERS LOSE £.1.000,000. Port Said, December 23. The Japanese mail steamer Yasaka liaru has been sunk. The passengers and crew were saved. London, December 23, 1.20 p.m. The N. Y. K. s.s. Yasaka Maru went down in 45 minutes. The
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  600 words
  • 353 1864 REXSSURING STATEMENT. Official Communique. (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, December 23. A communique signed by Mr. R. J. Wilkinson, Colonial Secretary, says that the recent wild rumours as to the probability of an airraid and German warships in adjacent waters were absolutely ridiculous. There was not a
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  • 68 1864 (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, December 24. The Chinese community presented Mrs. Wilkinson, wife of the Colonial Secretary,, with an Album of views of Singapore as a token of the esteem and affection they entertain for her husband and as a momento of his successful solution
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  • 212 1864 DUTCH SOURCES the Sumatra F a°° December 20 and 21: an< Tuesday, Peace Talk. thJl h nternlZl has been further postponed to Em Jr The Westers Frost. The Germans admit that the lU’i penetrated into a German trench X‘h east of Armentieres, but claim to hava obliged
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  • 77 1864 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, December 24 At the Singapore Rubber Auction 371 tons were offered for sale and 256 tons were sold at the following prices Smoked Sheets $lB5 to $l9B per picul. Ribbed $175 $lB4 Fine $172 $lBl to Good $163 $l7O u Unsmoked $l6O
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  • 69 1864 (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, December 24. Messrs. Fraser and Co’s weekly states that the week closed with better-ton all round. The tendency was bright as regards raining and interest was in the Australian Companies. A few weeks ago two Indian supected of being German s P
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  • 1267 1865 Nearly always on a rising rubber market, though owing to the unfounded Suez Canal rumours it has not been so lately, better prices —when freight, insurance, charges, etc. have been considered—are obtained at the local rubber auctions m Penang and Singapore than at the sales held on the
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  • 561 1865 Our Singapore correspondent tele?»?» 1 doas of rhe death of Captain Fall< u ibtj 8.8. Sappho Wo much regret to learn tbu th-latest news received of Mr. H. M. Darby it extremely disquieting. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Evens and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wilson, of Cal donia,
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  • 432 1866 (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. GREECE'S A SIGNIFICANT VISIT. 1 London, December 24, 3.40 aJm. General Castelnau, Chief of the h/reuch General Staff, has arrived at Salonika to inspect the Allied front. Positioß at Varaa. London, December 24, 2.20 p.m. It ia announced that two German submarines have
    (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  432 words
  • 483 1866 (Reuter’s Senice.) Cpy right Telegram. FURTHER FRENCH ADVANCE. London, December 23, 4’45 p m. The Paris communique reports artillery and grenade activity except at Hartmanns weiler where our right advanced all day long. The position on the left wing remains unchanged. Hartmana&weilerkopf Again. London, December 24, 15
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Cpy right Telegram.  -  483 words
  • 487 1866 (Reuter s Service.) Copyright Telegram. LUN he A l N k CANad >an >Vr. W Hugb^ !b tZ rn Fedeurp r 23 announced to-day that 200 000 wheat had been sold to the Rri, l ot French Government. British Mr. Andrew Fisher, ex-nromi» corded an enthusrastic
    (Reuter s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  487 words

  • 453 1867 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SPEECH BY M. SAZONOFF. RELATIONS WITH GREECE AND PERSIA. Petrograd, December 23. M. Sazonoff, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, in a strong speech in the Budget Committee of the Duma, said that relations with Greece were now clear in consequence of the
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  453 words
  • 422 1867 (Reuter Senice) C->pyright Tel*<rsra, A GROWING LIST, London, December 24. In the House of Commons Mr. Asquith announced that the total British casualties to December 9 were: In France: 317,517 of whom 4,829 officers and 77,473 men had been killed and 1,699 officers and 52,685 men were missing
    (Reuter Senice) C->pyright Tel*<rsra,  -  422 words
  • 564 1867 (Reuter Service). Coomeht Telegram. NEARING THE C.U'i I au Petrogiad, December 23. Tihtran reports that Kus* n tu«o- i mui Savitothe nuthand Eugi Imam to the norui are engaged at Rabatkerim, 35 versts from the city, with forces under the Emir of Khishmet. Tbe fighting is rapidly
    (Reuter Service). Coomeht Telegram.  -  564 words

  • 1261 1868 (Reuter Senice.) Copyright Telegram. GREAT MEETING AT GLASGOW MB. LLOYD GEORGE ON THl&lt; MUNITIONS QUESTION. I London, December y 4. Mr. Lloyd George, Minister of Muui/ions, received at Glasgow a deputation of officials and Trades Unionists engaged in munitions work, with whom he had a general
    (Reuter Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  1,261 words
  • 189 1868 Three Men Killed. (Front Our Own Correspondent.) Ipob, December 24 News has reached Ipoh of a gmg robbery at a mining village at Temffi were raided and goods 11 the value of were taken The robbers were armed with revol and knives and at tack id the
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  • 1206 1869 Mrs. Besaat and India. An English newspiper' in j apHUf the oM established and highly reputab! CAromde of Kobe, said lately in the cum of. t most interesting article on recut events in India: For one thing the Government of India mav be commended at least. Although it
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  • 370 1869 P. C. C. beat C U. A. C. The Cncti&’v game (ft- thill, was p the E-p.unt i- v dry evening betwvn the Penang Crick t Club and the Cen. ral Union Athletic Club, end m for Ibe premier club by three g ;l to one. ThJ large
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  • 216 1869 The new edition of thu Roll of Honour issu&lt;-d as a supplement to the Malay Mail of Friday includes a list or sixty naim sof past and present residents-of Malay States under Bi nib!) protection who h va lost then lives in the bell or otherwise.
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  • 263 1870 Another Satisfactory Report To SHAREHOLDERS./r The Hon. W.W. Cook, managing director of the Straits Trading Company, Ltd., signs the following report to shareholders to be presented at a meeting to be held on the 31st inst:— j The directors now submit the accqauts for the half-year ended
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  • 302 1870 Inquest and Verdict. The inquest into the death of Chan Ah Tong, who died as the result of a wound in the head caused by a pair of tongs which was alleged to have been thrown at him by a Malay who has absconded was concluded on
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  • 630 1870 An Offer or Service in the Fighting Lines. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —May I appeal through the medium of your influential columns to the Government for facility to certain Chinese Volunteers who are desirous of doing something more than mere patrol work; of showing
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  • 601 1870 Husband Stabs Wife, A Chinaman named Worn? morning charged before Mr in the Third Court with voluntarilv^ 1 1 hurt with a knife to Chow Ah Rk UB ‘s wife. hie The accused claimed trial and Cm»* t peotor Nicol prosecuted. b Urfc IbB Dr Junichero Ando stated
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  • 459 1871 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Port of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday last. December 22. 23 and 24- 7 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Pacifist* Acquitted. The Court at Assen has acquitted the three persons who signed the manifesto urging recruits to
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  • 26 1871 (From Our Oun GrregxmdenQ Singapor, December 24. General Kidout has ben informed by Admiral Grant that there, no retention of closing the SufcZ
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  • 1326 1871 As His Holiness the Pope was not speaking ez cathedra when he mentioned bis hopes of peace to the Cardinals who came to bring him their Christmas greetings, we are not called upon to attach any particular significance to the pontifical utterance, except in so far
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  • 521 1872 DINNER AT THE C. R. C. Mr. Loke Chow Thye's Appeal. Messrs. Loke Chow Thye and Li m Seat? Hooi, President and Vice-President of the Chinese Recreation Club, gave a dinner to the member of that Club at the Club premises in Pangkor Road last night. There were
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  • 1008 1872 A Terrible ledictmeat. The English race, according to the Vossische Zeitung, is composed of barbarians who take baths, and have thus unjustly acquired the reputation of being civilised,” Had the writer of this diatribe read Max Muller’s Lectures on the Science of Language” he might have added “cats”
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  • 265 1872 Quarter or a Centrrt’s Pbogrms. On the first of January, 1916. the Kouinklyke Paketvaart Maatschappy (Royal Packet Company), locally known under its initials as the K. P. M., will have existed twenty fiveysars. The history of the company has been one of continuous and rapid progress. It started
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  • 440 1873 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. POSITION OF GREECE. CONTRADICTORY REPORTS. London, December 28. News from Greece id vary contradictory. It 18 stated that the Greek military authorities, despite the German threats of a post-Cbristmas advance, believe that the enemy will not enter Greek territory owing to the hesitation
    (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  440 words
  • 442 1873 (Renter Service) Copyr ght Telegrtra. LULL BEFORE THE STORM. Londoj, December 26, 5 45 pm. A Paris communique states that the night was quiet along tne whole front. GERMAN TROOP MOVEMENTS. Attack Delayed. According to advices received at Amsterdam from the Belgian frontier the Germans are carrying
    (Renter Service) Copyr ght Telegrtra.  -  442 words
  • 405 1873 (Killer’s Soviet.) s Aright Tel*gr»m FAC& TURKISH CLAIMS. Lend- »n, D c inbo 26. Tlte Press Bureau states tuai recent Turkish reports of the sinking of monitors in the Tigris are untrue. No armed vessel has been sunk except two smtll river gunboats, the abindonment of which was
    (Killer’s Soviet.) s • Aright Tel*gr»m  -  405 words
  • 28 1873 Dec 23 By Balance 13.277 U 24 Superintendent and Steff, Post and Telegraph Perak 184-32 24 Balance 1-1,461 67 Amount previously acknowledged 1a,558.21 Total ...122,*****
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  • 393 1874 (Renter Serial Copyright TeW- FINANCIAL CONDITIONS COMPARED. V A CONTRAST AND A DIFFERENCE. London, Decern oeif 27. The Hoa. E S. Montagu, Fi/.aucial Secretary to the Treasury, by a correspondent of the New York .Tribune made a very favouiabie comparison of Great Britain’s with Germany's financial position.
    (Renter Serial Copyright TeW-  -  393 words
  • 40 1874 Dec. 23 By Balance $44,578 92 24 Chief Post Office Penang, 12th instalment 50.70 24 Balance 44,629.62 Remitted to London .£lO,OOO on 24 2 15... 85,618 73 Total subscription to da'!e ...$180,248 85
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  • 564 1874 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. IN FRANCE AND MACEDONIA. London, December 26. Christmas at the Front is graphically described by Reuter’s special correspondents in France and Macedonia. In France the day broke wet, blowing and cheerless, but at noon the sun struggled through and later it became
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  564 words
  • Article, Illustration
    839 1874  -  (By Tom Wbiqbk Hidden on the after deck in boxes that horses are s im o um eR 8 ,1 h 8 p &lt; 2 ho,e the two men were playing che« ln aboard were anxiously watebiup tber meats of a periscope. Tb« 8 m Te railway
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  • 154 1875 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys A Co., by auction sale yesterday and during the week: RSSmoked Ribbed Sheet 8187 to $193 Plain Sl7B 8179 No. Smoked Sheet ribbed $l7l $lB6 Sheet $169 $177 No. 2 Uqkismoked Sheet $165 $l6B Crepe
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  • 422 1875 MEETING AT TmE GURDWARA. n Ab Fuaatioft. lhe Gurdwara at Brick Ki.n R &gt;ad, where the Sikhs held their annual celebrations during the Christmas Holidays, was the scene of a pleasant function yesterday afternoon. Punctually at 2 pm. the Hon’ble air A. 1. Bryant, Resident Councillor, accompanied by
    422 words
  • 77 1875 Editor Seateaeed to Prison. The Sumatra Pott states that the committee ot the Dutch Second Chamber which investigated the complaint of Tan Tji Noen, Chinose Lieutenant at Sourabaya, that he had not been appointed Chinese Captain, decided that the petitioner had suffered no wrong. The High
    77 words
  • 1321 1875 lhe btra&gt;' .Government have found it necessa y to is-&gt; ie a statement in a G n dto Extr «ordinary, denying ««verai rum us that./ppear to hive had free cicuation in bGgapore and Penang. Ever sine- the commencement of the war butu the Straits and have seetned
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  • Page 1875 Advertisements
    • 64 1875 A Germ tatroyer. There is no danger whatever from lock jaw or bio d poison resulting f om a wound when Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is promptly applied It is an antiseptic and destroys the germs which cause these disease-, It also causes wounds to heal without maturation and in one-third
      64 words

  • 269 1876 A Eurasian named Justin Ebert was yesterday morning brought up before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel in the Third Court, charged on two counts with theft at the Runnymede Hotel of articles of clothing and other articles belonging to Mr. A- Kerdijk and Mr. Macduff. The accused pleaded
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  • 344 1876 Small-Pox Outbreak. A meeting of the Municipal Commission was held at the Municipal Office Tuesday afternoon when there were present Mr. W. Peel (President), Mr. A. F. Goodrich, Mr. P. T. Allen, and Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok with Mr. L M. Bell (Municipal Engineer) and Mn L. A.
    344 words
  • 302 1876 Ustallatioa of R e a The Annual Installation of Bin v Lodge took place last night in than 0 masons Hall, Northern Roa? a gathering of Freemasons, both kf n The Installing Master was Wot. Bro ft Young who very ably carried ott u arduous duties and was
    302 words
  • 147 1876 Ladies’ Montmlt Medal ior Dimuuum 1915. The play for this competition resulted m MrB° W Kinder Setlar ’.J. 'kisl Brown and also but returned no score. 4 Mrs. Kinder wins th® Ladißi M Medal for December with the swre W nett. dfiV December 1915 Monthlt The play
    147 words

  • 1066 1877 Britons overseas will await with real anxiety the result of the present ciisis in the Cabinet though most of them will entertain but little doubt as to the lines on which it ought to be settled. For the condition of comparative unreadiness on the military side in
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  • 133 1877 Objects and Reaiom. (Front Our Oxm Correspondent) Singapore, D comber 28. At a public meeting yeiterdiy ev ning, at which the Hon. Dr Lira Boon K-ng presided, it was resolved to form a Singapore Landowners and Ratepayers Association. The Chairman explained that they wished to protect the
    133 words
  • 562 1877 M•. W. W. K r, &gt;t Messrs Paterson, Simon, i&gt; 1- f&gt;‘ l oin lor Sing ipore. A D B ai'y i- r, turning from home by the P. aud O. Nore, due here at the end of January V 7 &lt; r G. F. Pin y, Managing Director
    562 words

  • 1284 1878 Jacky's Motto. y. Twenty years ago Admiral Sir J. A. Fisher) was askeSt by Mr. Stead to write a motto for a boolqLhe was publishing. This is what he wrote “The frontiers of England ar| the coast of the enemy.” Conscience-Money. When a captious critic once reproached General
    1,284 words
  • 488 1878 s Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE COMPULSION QUESTION further discussion Nt Ths Oh- &gt; Landon December 21. The Cabinet met this morning i W 6r A Wa “i a Urge “‘tendance wd H. Asquth presided. a HIt is considered likely that fm4k a ings will be necessary* before th«
    s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  488 words

  • 433 1879 (Reuter Serw) Copyright FRENCH OPERATIONS. London, December 28, 12.15 a.m A Pans communique states that the enemy in the morning spring a mine op poaite our line south-east of the Hohenzollern Redoubt. Wa consolidated the nearest edge of the crater. Our artillery bombarded the hostile trenches south
    (Reuter Serw) Copyright  -  433 words
  • 587 1879 (Reuter Senice.) Copyright Telegram. TEXT OF K NG’ MESSAGE. London, December 27. Ibe text of the King’s message to the Indian Army Corps is as follows More than a year ago I summoned you from India to fight for the safety of the Empire in honour
    (Reuter Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  587 words
  • 481 1879 I\Jdkuter Service). Copyn.hl Tfebgram. QUIET IN MACEDONIA. London, December, 28. /.he Central Powers remain inactive in Mice onia. Various stores are being accu tulated at D i'm and Gbevgeli, apparently with a view to an off waive. GENERAL CASTLLNAU INTERVIEWEDSalonika Impregnable. London, Deci mber 29. General C
    I\Jdkuter Service). Copyn.hl Tfebgram.  -  481 words

  • 471 1880 r ulers ie/ Cpyright Telegrai*. SERIOUS SiTU/iTIOV FEELING IN KWANGSI. 3 London, December 17. It transpires that the revolutionary movement iu China is notcmfiued to Yinnan and has spread to Kwaugsi, where very bitter anti*in marchist feeling is prominent Revolutionary leaders are hastening to the scene. Contributing
    r ulers ie/ Cpyright Telegrai*.»  -  471 words
  • 513 1880 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following «pecial telegrams are from the iSMUiafr i f Monday, December 27 HOLLAND AND THE WaR. More Mails Seized. The British hive seized the mails on board the steam» r Goentoer, Military Service Extended, The Second Chamber his adopted Bills extending the service
    513 words
  • 80 1880 Doc^ B m' ‘T »44,629.62 "O Members of Lower Perak Club 251.00 Members Nova Scotia 4 Club 62.00 Amount collected by A. L. M. Scott of Sungei Kecbil Estate, from A. L M. Scott, monthly subscriptLn 10 00 Khoo Cheng Hock, monthly subscription
    80 words
  • 44 1880 Dec. 24 By Balance $3,461.67 28 The Members of Lower Perak Club 111.50 The European employees of the Malakoff Rubber Co. Ltd and the Malakoff Plantations Co. Ltd. monthly contribution 120.00 28 Balance $3,693.17 .7 Amount previously acknowledged 18,558.21 Total ...$22,251,38
    44 words
  • 90 1880 A Successful Year. (T'ram Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, December 28. The report of Wearne ro that there is a total available o nda of $129,927.47. The report reco the payment of a final divi e° qqq making 15% for the year, asu of $30,000 to the General
    90 words