The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 23 December 1915

Total Pages: 36
1819 1854 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 1610 1819 Mr. Bmir Law’s pUin talk to the dissentient Unionists in the House of Commons will raise him immensely in the estimation of all honest patriots, whatever their party. True, it was only a little band of sixty that assembled under the presidency of Mr. Henry
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  • Page 1819 Advertisements
    • 94 1819 MB JRSmIL -'v few Vt®PuWiiW daily (except Sunday® and public holiday®) AT THB CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Peuaug Fbicb. Daily Local $24 n®r Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 117.50 OAILI ADDKISS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 N.ii. All bualß«M communioatiop* chould ba
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  • 575 1820 Mr. W. Stoten, of Merlimau Estate, Malacca, has returned from home, bringing his bride with him. It is notified in the F.M.S. Gazette that the Rev. A.D Harcus, of Kuala Lumpur, is appointed Minister of the Presbyterian Church of England. Mr. C. F. Green has been appointed
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  • 1238 1820 No P»tched-Up Peace. •‘lt the peace was the right petce, no life that had been lost had been sacrificed in vain.” The truth of these words, u ed by Mr. Austen Chamberlain exactly a year ago, still bolds, despite the terrible death-roll which has accumulated in the interval;
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  • 996 1821 Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE ALLIES’ RETREAT. PROCEEDING SATISFACTORILY.” Athene, December 14. The retreat of the Allies is proceeding as rapidly as the transport of their material of war to Salonika allows. Works for an entrenched camp are being quickly effected. Belligerents’ Position. If the Germans only
    Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  996 words
  • 383 1821 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyr.ght GREAT ARTILLERY ACTIVITY. London, December 15. A Paris communique states Great artillery activity took place in the Dardanelles. The supplementary report! show that our bombardment on Sunday severely damaged the Turkish defence!.” Fighting in Egypt. A British Success. Cairo, December 14. It is
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyr.ght  -  383 words

  • 362 1822 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. GERMAN SEAPLANE FELLED. London, December 15. The Admiralty announces that Flight Sub-Lieutenant Graham, with I light SubLieutenant Ince as observer, ’while patrolling the Belgian coast yesterday afternoon, sighted and .chased a large German seaplane. After a severe engagement the German machine was hit,
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  362 words
  • 442 1822 (Router Service.) U >pyrigbt Telegram A LULL. London, D comber 14, 5 45. p.m. A Paris communique states that there is nothing to report Artillery Duel. Loudon, DdCv rnber 15, 3.5 p m. A Paris communique states “An artillery duel to-diy turned to our advantage, eueaiy troops
    (Router Service.) U >pyrigbt Telegram  -  442 words
  • 507 1822 PARLIAMENT THE WAR. (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram A UNIONIST MEETING. Loudon, December U. Mr. Henry Chaplin presided oyoinug over iha h rBt meetimr of n V Members of the House of bince the formation of the Coalition ivrtry. Sixty members, including SirEd»°'a Carsou, were present. It was deSdh* oppose the
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram  -  507 words
  • 155 1822 Obituary. Sir William Jardine. London, December 15. The death is announced of Sir William Jaxdine. Obituary. Earl di la Warr. L ndoo, December 17. E irl da la Warr has died at Messina of rheumatic fever and pneumonia. D, I. G. P’s Suicide. London, December 18. Mr. Charles Beatty, Deputy
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  • 161 1823 Discussion in the Lords. Loudon, December 5. In the House of Lords Lord Parker c tiled attention to the post-war problems attending the return of soldiers to industrial pursuits. The Marquess of Crewe said that he recognised the seriousness of the matter Hi deprecated emigration as a remedy
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  • 406 1823 Towards the end of last month, says the Straits Times, a report was received by the Chief Police Officer, and by the management of Raffles Hotel, that a gold watch and chain had been lost at the hotel. The report was made by the Rev.
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  • 918 1823 w [Et Tom Weight] nch animal most rtsembles a human bt ing r Ans: A German I bat kind of argument is in the sense that it scores, and is not soon forgotten. The arguments of Wu Kwan-yin tor reform of Chinese marriage usage are plausible, even reasonable,
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  • 189 1823 Our Own Correspondent.') Singapore, December 16. The Moslem Association gave a dinner to Mr R. J. Wilkinson in honour of his being appointed Governor of Sierra Leone. The most prominent modems of the town were present. The Address in wh ch the community presented their congratulations to
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  • 50 1823 Our Singapore correspondent wires: Pijnn Ltd shows a profit for the yeir of $215,127. A final dividend of 25% will be paid and 164,432 carried forward. Alor Gajib shows a profit of $66,185. A fin ‘I divided of 25 pur cent, will be oaid and Id-5,412 carried forward*
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  • 1196 1824 To the Editor o? the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, Herewith I beg to hand you list of names of subscribers to a special fund for the supply of Christmas.preseuts to the “VV ives and Children” of the Belgian Soldiers now fighting at the front. The sum
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  • 103 1824 Djc. 14 By Balance $2,783.66 15 OB Pike, 10th contribution 25.00 Employees of the Caledonia Estate Cum Sections, Nov. subscription as follows W B Wilson 50.00 W M Miller 28.57 J M Kydd 21.43 G Phillips 20.00 K M McLeod 18.00 H E Mason 17.86 W H
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  • Page 1824 Advertisements
    • 66 1824 Whooping Cough. When your child has whooping t() careful to keep the cough loose.and exp t tion easy by giving Chamberlain s Remedy as may bo requrred. m&ko will also liquify the toug ugo j it easier to expectorate. It &g ifc successfully in many e P ld n 4
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  • 853 1825 At Kuala Kangsab. 12,410 22. The ladies of Kuala Kangsar are doubtless congratulating themselves on their decision to devote their energies firstly to raising money to be used in Britain for the purchase of clothing and other requisites for the F.M.S. Auxiliary Hospital rather than to sewing,
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  • 375 1825 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, 1 would like to call the attention of the F.M 8. Kail way Officials to tae following: not with inucu hope tual it wdi receive attention as 1 nave lung ago come to conclusion teat
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  • 625 1825 The Moslem i»i»« We take from the Malaya Tribune the following full test of the f m w- il address presented by the Moskui® io Mr. R. J. Wilkinson Sir, We the members of the Moslem Association, Singapore, beg to approach you with these few words
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  • 742 1826 The following extracts from a leading article in the Straits Times are not without a certain interest and application for Penang “Our attention is again called to the question of a Volunteer Harbour Patrol for Singapore, and from what the correspondent whose letter we published recently says, as
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  • 74 1826 Dec. 13 By Balance ..,$43,776 30 15 P. Nagalingam 6.00 Amount collected by Lower Perak Club from F. A. Sugden 15th contribution... 10.00 J. W. Manington 15th contribution 10.00 WAT Kellow 14th contribution 5.00 W B Wilson November subscription 50,00 Caledonia. Engineering Dept.
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  • 84 1826 (From Our Own Correspondent,') Singapore, December 17 At the Rubber Auction at Singapore 425 tons were offered for sa'eand 242 tons were sold at the following prices Smoked Sheets SIBS to $2OO per picul. Good $l6O $l7O Unsmoked $l7O Good $162 $165 Fine Sid'd $163 Good $1
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  • 177 1826 Dec 15 By Balance $3,122 15 16 Ladies’ bridge winnings at G If Club, monthly subscription 40 00 S. Agerholm 50.00 16 Balance $3.212 15 Amount previously acknowledged 18,558.21 Total ...$21,770,36 The Times of Ceylon to hau l /announces the impending stiling of the Ville de la
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  • 704 1826 r i Accused Sentenced Lok Chu Pow, L'm Yan P r Siang, Kui Lii and Moh Pa Khoo Siew were yesterday alla9 ed before Mr. Scott in the b ?>oUcbiirKwith rioting in Brick Kdn Ro^dl oT^ C Urt ber 30. The cbaige against Ku• ?u.Vemwithdrawn.
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  • 1133 1827 It is six years to-day since King became Roi des Beiges.” The course of the war has alreadv proved many times over the truth of Bacon’s aphorism, “Prosperity discovereth a vice, but adversity discovereth virtue.” The first months revealed a strain of insolence, of self-confidence, and
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  • 743 1827 In view of the fact that for many years past the Strait» Echo has advocated the formation of a Chinese Company of the Penang Volunteers and that some part in the recent negotiations on the subject between the authorities and the leading members of the Chinese community has
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  • 1012 1828 A Noble King. It is six years ago to day since King Albert succeeded to the throne of Belgium on the death of his uncle, Leopold IL His Majesty’s brief reign has been marked by a remarkable change in the relations between sovereign and subjects, and the events
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  • 252 1828 Huge Quantity of Rubber Destroyed. We regret to learn that there has been a disastrous fire on Gedong Estate, Bagan Serai, the smoke-room, drying-room, picking-shed and rubber store all being destroyed. The loss is covered by insurance. Gedong Estate, where there was a serious fire some
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  • 1284 1828 Police Court C a se. A Cheating Case. Before Mr. R. Scott in the ty 1 yesterday morning Mohamed aM? Court charged with robbery o f gold n y w&g value of «65.70, the nronerfv? 108 to the Ismail, a money-changer. Oue Chained Brom the evidence of thp would appear
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  • 452 1829 Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE ATTITUDE OF GREECE. RELATIONS Si IMPROVING.” Lou lou, D :camb-r 15, 325 p m. A telegram from Athens states that everything is at present going very favourably for the Entente Relations with Greece are steadily improving. King Constantine will attend the Russian
    Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  452 words
  • 274 1829 (iLuter Sei vice.) «WTrignt. Telegram. SI: JOHN FRENCH’S 'UC FSSOR. WAR OFFICE AN OUNCEMENT. L I) c .über 16. lhe War Office announces that General Sir Jhuglas Haig has been appointed to succeed Sir John French in command of the Army in Flanders, Sir J bn Fr*
    „ (iLuter Sei vice.) ’ «WTrignt. Telegram.  -  274 words
  • 798 1829 Ike Outgoing Commaadcr. After sixteen months in the field, often in desperate straits, cheerful ever and confident of his men while enjoying their entire confidence, Field-Marshal bir John French relinquishes the command of the British Army .a France with a reputation greater even than when be crossed
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  • 472 1830 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. HOSTILE ARABS DEFEATED. Cairo, December 16. An official announcement states that another engagement took place on the Western frontier on the 13th inst,, Colonel Gordon encountering twenty-four miles westward of Matruh 1,200 hostile Arabs with guns and machine-guns under Gaafar Pasha. The enemy
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  472 words
  • 542 1830 (Restefi Stniu.) Copyright Telegram President Wilson Au,tna created by the Ancona. It was agreed iko* 1 relatione must be severed if the AmS demands are not met. American Austria’s Eva*i« Reply, The wm handed to the United States Amta? sador at Vienna on December 14 th. completely
    (Restefi Stniu.) Copyright Telegram  -  542 words

  • 436 1831 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram GENERAL ACTIVITY. London, Decembe- 15,5-55 pm. The Pans communique ret arts: was greuade-fightug iu Artoil “Some big French bo.-i os blew up a German am nuuitioa depo; in the region of of Tracy lu-Vai, Our batta ias in tin Vosges prevented the Germane
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram  -  436 words
  • 254 1831 (Renter’ j Service.) Telegram. STATEMENT Iq PARLIAMENT. T London, D cember 15. in the House of Cumin Mr. Austen Chamberlain, Secretary uf S<ate tor India, Baid that it would nut b* in the public interest to disclose the means at his disposal to ascertain tne str ngth of
    (Renter’j Service.) Telegram.  -  254 words
  • 259 1831 The outputs from the following companies for the first half of lb*cptnb**r were; Kamumting Tim Dbbdcimg. Ltd Piculs 360 Hours run 289 Chbmdbriamg Tim Dbbdcimc, Ltd.— Dbbdging piculs 250 H >urs run 304 Htbbaulic Elbvatoms— Piculs 40 Total output (Chenderiang) 290 For the first two weeks in December
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  • 441 1831 A WIM 808 TIB C R. C. The fiiendiy gam- of football on the Esplanade yualerday evening b*-tw n the P. U. U. and the U. R. C., which resu ei in the latter winning by two goale tu nil, was one up n which no uuauim.ty of
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  • 40 1831 To-day's Q«otstio*s. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to day at 383, buyers no seders, in Singapore (nfimd) at 383 50, business d <na, (200 tous sold), and in London at 4167 10s. spot and 4168 10s. three mouths’ sight.
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  • 112 1831 Ex. A telephone inspector named Eneasa has died at Batavia of hydrophobia. An indirect message from Waraga says that at Lodi Prussian despotism is beonming unbear*b'e for the Polish population, Court-martials ait daily, and people are imprisoned for trivial offence*, s>D'e itß‘s for two or tbrpA years
    Ex.  -  112 words

  • 1238 1832 When Sir Henry Howard w sent on his special mission to the Vatican the world was given to understand that he had been merely appointed to salute the Pope on his accession. However, there he is, still in Rome and, despite the Kensitites, there is no
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  • 545 1832 4« typhoid, i 9 making good progr4’ P W wift The Chinese gentleman wk n near Menglembu the other dart. Mr C?' Ah Kow. Storekeeper at the A dinner of 50 covers wai Hotel De Boer at Medan on Monday"»’ ing o celebrate the appointment of M.
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  • 985 1833 1* It Traaf Who wrote this Domocracy, in multiplying newspapers, in allowing them to write everything, has not disarmed them n r diminished their venom The Press h remained that extraordinary organisat u so strongly mitigated in good and Mil, that without it liberty and even society could
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  • 141 1833 A conductor formerly employed on J u Jmg E-tate, Sentul, named de C uz w charged m the Kuaia Lumpur Police Coivt on Wednesday with crimping fivc >lies from Jin Jmg Estate. M E A Wigner appeared for the prosecution and Mr. A. B- for the
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  • 85 1833 ißpreasiv* Route Marek. (From Owt Own Singapore. Decernb«r 18. Yesterday evening saw a great turn out to watch the route march ot the n<v«l men Military and Volunteers- It was the largest parade ever seen in Singapore. Pissing the G >vernment House gat r, H E the
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  • 457 1833 L«wk ’> Service.) Copy rot hl Tel»<T*m BULGARIA AND GREECE. A NEUTRAL ZONE. Ams Hrdaui. Dec mber 16. A Bulgarian official cunmuuique says that the capture oi Mouastir and other places near the G<e*-k frontier made it desirable to avoid Greco- Bulgarian accid nts. Consequently, Bulgaria proposed
    L«wk ’> Service.) Copy rot hl Tel»<T*m  -  457 words

  • 406 1834 The Next Theatre of War. London, December 17. The Italian Press states that the next Austro-Bulgarian objective will be Albania. The Austrians purpose to over-run Montenegro and advance to San Giovanni di Medua. joining with the Bulgarians, and advancing by El-bassan and Tirana Hence Albania will shortly be the
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  • 475 1834 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. UNANIMOUS TRIBUTE. “STILL PRECIOUS TO HIS COUNTRY." London, December 17. The papers are unanimous in declaring that Field-Marshal Sir John French is assured of the lasting gratitude of the nation and will still be precious to the country for the very valuable assistance
    (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  475 words
  • 491 1834 Smet's Uowritbl T.lht. b VIVI» account., Mw tk London, December 17 A vivid account of the crisis in d November has been received hfp' l agency. It describes a the Palace on November 15 Shah was trying to decide J i° Ung the capital. On one side
    Smet's Uowritbl T.lht.b.  -  491 words

  • 451 1835 (Reuter Service! Cpyright Telegram. PRO AND ANTI-CONSCRIPTIONISTS BUSY. Deputation Waits o n Premier. London December 17. The ove of Mr. Asquith’s speech on Lord Derby a campaign finds the supporters and opponents of compulsion very active, A deputation of anti conscriptionist members of the House of Commons waited
    (Reuter Service! Cpyright Telegram.  -  451 words
  • 725 1835 FROM DUTCH SOURCES The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Pus' of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, December 14, 15 and 16: HOLLAND AND THE WAR. German Eseapees Caught. The German officers who broke out of the internment camp at Bergen have been recaptured at Rotter lam
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  • 354 1835 Mtstebt or Mubdebous Attawk upoe Young Cbild. An extraordinary case came up in the second police court this morning, says Thursday’s Straits Times, when a Hokien sampan man, known as Ong Koon Chiat, was charged with voluntarily causing hurt and kidnapping. Those charges, however, have merely been
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  • Page 1835 Advertisements
    • 46 1835 The Children's Colds. Watch the children’s colds and cure them before they weaken the vitality. s Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy free y. perfectly safe. It has bsen tested. oy chemistsand pronounced free from mj 1 substances and costs but a trifla. tur by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 43 1835 Bad Tuts ia the Mouth. If you have a bad taste in your mouth in th i morning, your stomach is not in rrropsr order. Chamberlain's Tablets regular tius and give you a relish for your uasals. For sale by all Dispensaries kwl.Djalers.
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  • 1606 1836  -  [By Tom Wright]. This is no time to point out the pimples on the glorious empire we all yearn to die for. There were pimples (like your banishment ordinance) my ideas of which are known. I will abandon the pimple metaphor, and report to you as an amusing
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  • 542 1836 Assaulting A Beggar. A Tamil named Pueu appeared before Mr. V. G this morning, charged with using criminal force to one Singaram at Macalistr.' Road yesterday afternoon. The complainant stated in evidence that Be was a beggar. Yesterday evening as he was walk ng along Micalister Road
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  • 445 1837 Rain Hsaviist vox Fifty Yiabs. Nakon Sridharmaraj, December 3. The oldest inhabitant of Nakon states there has not been a rainfall equalling that of the last few days here for fifty year?. It is certain there has been an unusually heavy precipitation. Some of the evidences
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  • 616 1837 A friend in another part of Malaya, referring to recent Colonial Official changes ~E’^ rOWn Colon y Governorships, says:— p'°“ B^ l of the West C.*? t fch, k Wilkinson has got the worst of the lot. In 1900-1901 they had a scurrilous, native press. The product
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  • 611 1837 Tkstbrday’s Fibld Day. The Penang Volunteers, including tha Cidets and a party of the Sikh Police, had a fieid day yesterday in the vicinity of the grounds extending from the Cemetery at Mount Erskine to the Bw im ming Club The fall-in was at Gottli. h Road for
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  • Page 1837 Advertisements

  • 1292 1838 To the Eoitor or tbs Malaya Tribune. Dear Sir,—Your leading article on education yesterday I have read with much interest and gratification. What you say about bad hand-writing ia quite true. My two sons write horribly, yet they are supposed to be well educated and fit to
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  • 498 1838 .sj. Fo» Thi TOi HA lew This competition took place 0B afternoon and resulted 1« s.ii 8 t 200,500 and 600 yardsBQ MS Murray Wlth Pte Kinder M.W Forrest Robertson Everest J2&lt;O Corpi Nicholas .1« Mrs Wright Motion 7 Mr» A E Murray 2nd /Lt Ezechiel
    .sj.  -  498 words

  • 1324 1839 There seem to be ua nistakeable si.-ns that Christmas in the Western theatre is to be celebrated this year not by peace on earth and goodwill towards men but by a mighty clash between the opposing forces and mutual slaughter on an immense aid terrible sialo. Before the
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  • 540 1839 Sir Thomas Braddell, C. J. C., is paying a visit to the Crag. Mr. H. N. Ferrers, of Kuala Lumpur, has been spending a short holiday in Penang. Mr. B. C. N. Knight has returned from his trip to Japan much improved in health. Mr. ard Mrs.
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  • 1243 1840 A Mighty Scribe. President Wilson has found time in the intervals of diplomatic correspondence to get married, disregarding in two particulars th 3 advice of the elder Mr. Weller. If the President writes love-letters with the same gusto as be indites Notes the new Mrs. Wilson ought to
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  • 1910 1840 SAIURDAY S crowded meeting, Hearty Support. A meeting of Stiaits-born China pu-pose of discussing the add u f orthe torming a Chinese Company of Volunteers drew nearly twA,,..? Peo “»8 to the Chinese Town’Hall re lu R Practically all the prim bjru Chinese attended, Mr Ou h n**"'
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  • 402 1841 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyr.ght Tel«er»m. artillery activity. BOMBS ON METZ. London, December 18. A despatch from the British headquarter in France reports that last night the enemy X bombln about the Quarries north of Loos. It was easi y repulsed. There was artillery activity all day long especially
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyr.ght Tel«er»m.  -  402 words

  • 511 1842 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. A GRaVE POSITION. Washington, December 17. The United States Government his not yet received the Austrian Note regarding the Ancona but if it is in accoidance with the outline given in the press telegrams it will be entirely unsatisfactory and result in the
    (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  511 words
  • 501 1842 (Reuter Service) Cpyright Telegram. SENSATIONAL L B L ACTION. London, December 17. Mrs. Asquith, wifj of the t’limo Mini-tor, is suing tho Globe &gt;o retrain tha publication ot alleged libels upon h&lt;&gt;r. Counsel stated that M s Asquith had been persecuted by &lt;ic us i(io
    (Reuter Service) Cpyright Telegram.  -  501 words
  • 365 1842 (Sfoter’s Service.) 61 1 ght Telegram. t &lt;• 1 M. M. Kuua ..a kjured uent--1 don December 17 I here h is been a terrible rail m at S utu Shields a m 1 Wci dent S&lt; veral ejaebes of i he pwsenger'trainaJ 1 burueTto delth? Pet
    (Sfoter’s Service.) 611 ght Telegram. t <• » . 1; M. M.  -  365 words

  • 450 1843 Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. POSITION AT SALONIKA. GREECE TO PROTEST. Paris, December 18. The official communique states that there is no change to report in Macedonia or the Dardanelles. The Allies in Greece have prepared a ■olid defensive. The German heavy guns do not seem to have
    Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  450 words
  • 538 1843 (Reiter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. HIS SORROW AT PARTING. AND HIS CONFIDENCE IN ULTIMATE VICTORY. Viscount French, in a farewell address on relinquishing the command of the British Army in France, says 1 wish to express to the officers, noncommissioned officers and men with whom I have been so
    (Reiter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  538 words
  • 579 1843 (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram GERMAN CRUISER SUSK. ALSO A TOR PED3-HO xF. Amsterdam, December 18. An «official communique issued in Berlin reports that the small cruiser Bremen and a torpedo-boat that was accompanying it have been sunk in the Eastern Baltic. A considerable portion of the crews
    (Renter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram  -  579 words

  • 173 1844 LA TRAVIATA.” There was a fair house at the Town Hail on Saturday evening when the Italian Grand Opera Company just back from a most successful visit to Medan staged Verdi’s “La Traviata.” Mlle Gonsakz, as Violetta, was in very tine voice and scored a veritable triumph. Her
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  • 198 1844 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, —Sometime ago tha Indi ms of Penang offered their services to Govern neat and applied that they be enrolled as Volunteer.-’, but were informed that owing to insufficient equipment, the Government could not. grant their request. At the same time
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  • 764 1844 For many decade» those who pose as medical authorities” in Mahya have been somewhat dogmatic as to the value of alcohol as a stimulant,” affirming practically that a soda kring ”is a bati thing for an orang puteh if it is not actually in itself a deleterious
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  • 332 1844 RESULT OF 1915 LEAGUE matches. “A” Division. .9 Clubs. q fl 5 85 O fl a S tj ,5 z- O o o 3 ft ft 6 o fi Hutton Lane F C 10 8 2 0 8 0 18 Majlis el-Aintiked FC 10 6 3
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  • Page 1844 Advertisements

  • 992 1845 It is just a year ago to-day since Egypt was converted from a Turkish Province into a British Protectorate. We are reminded of that fact by the rumours of a great Turco Germ tn expedition which is to be despatched to the Suez Canal with the
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  • 240 1845 The Jaffna Fighter.” Mr. Alma Baker cables to us a« follows: I have to-day cabled to the War Office $l4/00, remitted by the Ceyl- n Jaffna Tamil c immunity of Malaya as a first instalment for the Milaya No. 11 “The Jaffua fighting biplane costing $19,300 This
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  • 1015 1845 Bad Raee Psychology. 1 be Kaistn s effer’ o g&gt; Ui»j Albanians into an attack upon the rbians affords another instance of Gormin igm rancn of race psychology. A cor- rt -I ruck by all the Albanian tribes upon terbia is impossible, for each tribe is a law
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  • 65 1846 Dec. 15 By Balance 643,888.15 20 Amount collected by Mr. J. H. Phipps as follows: Audit Office 6.50 Public Works Department and Survey Office 12 05 Registry, Supreme Court 7 50 Education Department 26 00 Prisons Department 25 50 Gardens Department 2.35 20
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  • 65 1846 laquest Postponed. (From Our Own Correspondents Singapore, December 20. At the inquest into the death of G. P. Muckhart, Surveyor of Ships, the evidence showed that he was found in his bedroom on Thursday last with a bullet through his head. A revolver was in his
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  • 430 1846 Reuter's Senice.) Co.yright Telegram. GREEK ATTITUDE, CURIOUS MORAL DEVELOPMENT. Paris, Dtcember 20. A Salonika telegram mentions a curious moral development among Greek Army officers who, hitherto loyalists, now declare that if the Bulgarians cro a s the frontier they will join the French and fight them. It.
    Reuter's Senice.) Co.yright Telegram.  -  430 words
  • 407 1846 (Reuter s Service.) Copyright Telegram. wecwe m ON BR,TISH UNES' trFECTIVE MEASURES lagainst g« The British enemy on Sunday morning that the British lines north-east y 880(1 th,j accompanied the maucmvre w itlT\ and bombardment a heavy repulsed ow”faJ b J w re P d the Germans
    (Reuter s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  407 words

  • 673 1847 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. WAR OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENT SUCCESSFUL TRANSFER OF TROOPS London, December 20. The War Office announces that all the troops at Suvla Bay and Anzac, with their guns and stores, have been successfully transferred with insignificant casualties to another sphere of operation. Oae of the Greatest
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  673 words
  • 283 1847 Narayanasamy Chetty, who was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of a hundred odd dollars, the property of S.P.P, L. Pallaniappa Chetty, appeared before Mr. E. E. Colman in the Second Court yesterday afternoon. Mr. W. R. Armstrong said that he had instructions to appear
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  • 447 1847 FROM DUTCH SOURCES The following special telegrams u t ...n the Sumatra Pot' of Friday and Saturti &lt;y, December 17 and 18: HOLLAND AND THE WAR. The Dutch Navy. The Second Dutch Chamber has adopted the Naval Estimates, the Socialists voting against them. A Diplomatic lllaesa. The
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  • Page 1847 Advertisements
    • 43 1847 Bad Tgjte in the Mouth. If you h '/e a bid taste in your mouth in the morning, your stomach is not in proper order CUinberlain’s Tablets regulate this and give y-n a relish for your meals. For sale by all Dispensaries Dealers.
      43 words

  • 1204 1848 “FaUsT.” Since the notices appeared in the local press informing the public that they were to have the opportunity of hearing the Italian Grand Opera Company in Charles Gounod’s masterpiece ou Monday night, music-lovers have been looking toward eagerly to a real treat, aud it can now be
    1,204 words
  • 508 1848 Alleged Theft of a Ria| R A Tamil named Kanniah w as thi. mg arraigned before Mr V ft p tnorn charged with theft of a eo ld’ Kz9chiel at $6.50 from the person offfi years old named Kistna. Oy five Court Inspector Nicol. wh rt stated
    508 words
  • 53 1848 To-day’s Quotation®» Tin (unrefined) is quoted he D r l at $B3, business douo. in B (1 00 (refined) at «83.90, business done t tons sold) audio London ss. three months’ sight Messrs. BcusteM Rubber the following is the quotati on Spot in London Plantation Ist latex
    53 words
  • Page 1848 Advertisements

  • 1248 1849 Obviously wo were in error when we put the caption, Gallipoli Abandoned over the Renter’s telegrams which announced yesterday the withdrawal of the British forces from two of the positions in the Dardanelles, Suvla Bay and the Anzic zone. At the Western extremity of the
    1,248 words
  • 617 1849 Mr i[. li. Ell &gt; ni- pp unfed to officiate is Di.» net Officr. Kri W h' ar 11 a r D. W N- Bright and I) VV.ibstn, t th» Gov-rrment Medical Serr e, m&gt; I at Bilonika rec-mtlv. Ihe Poking G t has d*c d d
    617 words

  • 839 1850 Oa the Stage. Will the pantomimes at home this year reflect the war as they did last year and in 1870 At Covent Garden in that year the piece was the Sleeping Beauty,” and the heroine in one scene appeared with her toys in life«size. Among them were
    839 words
  • 161 1850 Chuah Cheng Kim, charged with voluntarily causing T-t to one Chuah Cheng Mei by means of a heated substance, to wit, hot iron, was brought up before Mr. E. E. Colman in the capacity of District Judge this morning. Court Inspector Nicol intimated that be understood this
    161 words
  • 96 1850 The Batavia Handelsblad states that the Government of Netherlands India has been informed by the British Consul-General that in three weeks’ time the Suez Canal will be entirely closed to traffic. The Times says that coal-merchants in England do not understand the reasons given by the Rotterdam
    96 words
  • 70 1850 To-day’s Qaotatioas, Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $81.25, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $B2, business done (105 tons sold) and in London at «£167 ss. spot and «£l6B ss. three months* sight. The s.s. Carlyle will leave here for Singapore at 3 p.m to-morrow, the
    70 words
  • 923 1850 (Reuter s Stnict'i Copyright Telegram. IBRITISH operations Tkn p London, December 21 despatch from s’* An enemy bombing attack near the TTnl luch quarries was repulsed. 09 Aerial Aetivity. To-dty there ware twenty-four ghts J eßter day two enemy machineswere brought down behind their lines. One of
    (Reuter s Stnict'i Copyright Telegram.  -  923 words

  • 395 1851 Reuter’s Senice.) Cicrright .Telegram. FRESH DEVELOPMENTS. GREEKS .ND BULGARS FIGHT. Brindisi, December 20. Greek and Bulgarian advance-posts have been fighting on the Greco-Bulgarian frontier in the region of Koritza Both suffered killed and wounded. Greek reinforcements have been sent to the scene. It is also announced that
    Reuter’s Senice.) Cicrright .Telegram.  -  395 words
  • 22 1851 (From Our Own Correspondent.') Singapore, December 22. The Chinese Volunteers of Malacca, numbering a hundred strong, are now drilling.
    22 words
  • 515 1851 (Renter’s Senice.) Conyruht Telr«r*m. STATEMcN T IN 1 HE COMMONS THE CABINET'S DECBION. London. D cumber, 5 30 p m. In tha Hou-e of Commons Mr. H. H. Ai-quitlf announced the withdrawal from Anzac and addtd tbit it waa effected in pursuance of a decision of the Cabinet
    (Renter’s Senice.) Conyruht Telr«r*m.  -  515 words

  • 714 1852 (Reuter’s Senice.) CopyriKht Telegram. STATEMENT BY MR. LLOYD GEORGE. MACHINERY AND THE WAR. London, December 20. In the House of Commons Mr &gt;t Lloyd George, in a statement on the Ministry of Munitions, dwelt on the enormous importance of the part machinery played in this war. The
    (Reuter’s Senice.) CopyriKht Telegram.  -  714 words
  • 434 1852 The Christmas Tree entertainment organised by the Rev. F. W Haines, Colonial Chaplain, for children attending the St George’s Sunday School was held yesterday evening at the Town Hall which was crowded with children and grown-ups as well. The Hall was lined on three sides with
    434 words
  • 584 1852 Robertson opened theen,,.,;». «Wray Mr. Government Marine Surveyor found dead on hie bed on Thur»d. h M with a bullet wound in hie head Engineer of the Sh-akrs^am^n *****^111 of 52, Spottiswood Park Road Baid°S?‘ deceased lived in his house and had since just before the
    584 words

  • 1314 1853 -T 0. M. Last Sunday s Operations. The Penang Volunteers fell in on the Esplanade yesterday evening and marched to the Drill Ha l for a paw wow” over the field operations on Sunday last. Major the Hon. A. R. Adams said that the officers’ reports were sent
    -T 0. M.  -  1,314 words
  • 157 1853 —M T. A R J. A writer asks if we anticipate another ruhb boom \V»« &lt;]. not, and we are ghd t° say so. Booms are disastrous to an inuus’ry h’nbbei has suffered badly from the 1908 epi-ode. Ihe price of rubber is very latistactoiy, it i-
    —M T. A R J.  -  157 words
  • 359 1853 —MM. The Hon’ble Mr. Bryant will ba “At Home” at the Residency on W dnesday, January 5, from 5 p.m. No special invitations are being issued. The publication of tho Courrier Saigonnais has been suspended by the French military authorities for having published on December 9 information
    —MM.  -  359 words
  • Page 1853 Advertisements
    • 73 1853 Whoopiat Cough. When vourchild ha-i whooping cough be careful to keep I be cough loose and expectoration easy by giving Ch tn b-rlain’a Cough Remedy as may b‘ requ red. This remedy will aLo liquify the tough mucus and make if. easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully m
      73 words

  • 478 1854 Penang Women Workers. Amount previously acknowledged 1875.00 Mrs. Haines (2nd Don,) 10.00 Mrs. Horton (2nd Don.) 5.00 Collected by Mrs. Wilson, Caledonia (3rd Don.) 5.00 Mrs. Balfour Ross od Don.) 3.00 S. H. (3rd Don 2.00 Mrs. T. A. Martin (2nd Don 1.00 La Traviata 2.00
    478 words
  • 565 1854 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennya Co by auction sale yesterday and during the week: Smoked Ribbed Sheet &gt;lB7 to &gt;195 Plain &gt;l6B &gt;174 No. 2 Smoked Sheet diamond &gt;172 &gt;lBl Unsmoked Sheet &gt;l6O &gt;175 No. 2 Unsmoked Sheet &gt;152 &gt;159
    565 words
  • 28 1854 «•«•nor. Ou, Own The the new bye-laws and refuse as long as the principal oWt 1 8 regulations for sake wjgr th?V®. Drugs Act an,
    28 words
  • 32 1854 (■fro» Our Own CbrreqwfenQ Singapore, December 22 The Johore European Volunteer, of u, were inepected on Sunday by Genend Bidout Mr. G. p. Cuecaden i.the S commandant of thi. corps.
    32 words
  • Page 1854 Advertisements
    • 254 1854 TRy-i Beecham s Pill», they art just the thit&lt;Ma family medicine. Nothing to bo compared with them has yet been put before the public. For over half a century this medicine has been an easy First Favourite in countless households and the name and fame of Beecham's Pills have spread
      254 words