The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 16 December 1915

Total Pages: 38
1 1820 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. 117.50 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 e’ Vol. 13. Penang, Thursday, 16th December, 1916. No. 60.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 272 1 I CONTENTS. Leaders pagb. Miscellaneous page (Confci.) fa«e. S Penalties of Prominence 1,785 News from Canton 1,793 s In the Balkans 1,789 Bukit Mertajam Notes 1,793 A L’Outrance 1,795 The Trouble at Shanghai 1,793 v Looking Ahead 1803 The Prince of Wales’ War Relief Sarawak 1,809 Fund 1,794, 1,798, 1,804
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 189 2 «ft, L llr 11 1 the: I 1 STRAITS E<IH I MAIL EDITION. I Published the day prior to the departure of ?ach mail I for Europe, and contains the latest local and States K news originally published in the daily issues, as well as all important news from various
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  • 1012 1785 Moat people have heard at one time and another the ridiculous slanders about Mr. Asquith’s alleged failing and his chronic hard-uppedness.” Anybody who reads his speeches will realise that only an eminently sensible and sober man could reason and speak in such eminently sound, sensible and sober
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  • 596 1785 It is reyo I <•.. General Wmg Tah Sieh has been poiiotH President of the Senate and Chi of th j < L«n «ral Staff, I eking, vice Gene r L Fin flong, resigned. Many cf our readers will be very glad to hear that the Hon’ble J. B
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  • 1097 1786 k Good Description. Tne pessimists are people who commit a sort of national suicide every other day, la Defence of Dakl.” There are many people who have a strong prejudice against the Dachshund, and are apt to connect him with Germany and Sausages. But. unlike many other things
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  • 275 1786 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, December 9 The lubber auction is not yet finished Three hundred and ten tons were offered for sale and the top prices obtained were $lB9 per picul for standard crepe and $2O > for sheet. But the average price of both was
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  • 441 1786 Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. HEROIC SERBIAN ARMY Tho Serbian Minister at that the enemy picture o’ the S.rbian a as a miserable herd of refn eis j. With the 191« aud 1917 "borti. he number will be 250.001. ItwilUg the euemy a surprise. 5 DJAKOVA OCCUPIED. Bulgarian Version,
    Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  441 words

  • 453 1787 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. king constant ne INTERVIEWED. INTERESTING STATEMENTS. New York, December, 8. King Constantine, in the interview granted to a correspondent of the Associated Press, gave the following further details of the Greek Government’s policy. Asked whether Germany gave an assurance in respect of Greek
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  453 words
  • 435 1787 (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. FIGHTING in ARTOIS AND CHAMPAGNE. London, December 8, 1.10 a.m. A Paris commun’que states that the Franco-Belgian artillery demolished an enemy work near Hetsas. The cannonade in Artois was very fierce and was accompanied at some points with fighting with heavy bombs. Ihe
    (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  435 words
  • 413 1787 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright AUSTRIAN WARSHIPS’ ACTIVITY. Pans, December 7. The Ministry of Marine announces that, according to a German wireless message, an Austrian warship destroyed the French submarine Freenet on Sunday and made prisoners of twenty-eight of the crew. Austrias Version. An Austrian communique shows that the
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright  -  413 words

  • 539 1788 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SIR EDWARD GREYS STATEMENT. London, Decomber 7. In the House of Common?, in.reply to Mr. J. Dillon. Nationalist Member for East Mayo, Sir Edward Grey said that he was confident that the Persian Cabinet was sincerely anxious to restore order and had already
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  539 words
  • 86 1788 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. DIPLOMA lIC RUPTURE POSSIBLE. Washington, Docember 8. The interest in the controversy with Germany is intense because a diplomatic rupture is considered possible in wellinformed circles. Lansing to Berastorff. The Right Reply. Washington, December 8. Mr. Lansing, the U. S. Secretary of State,
    (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  86 words
  • 483 1788 A Mother Charged With Cruelty. Genevieve Loh, a married woman, was this morning summoned at the instance of Mr P. T. Allen, Assistant Protector of Chinese, on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to Katherine Loh, her daughter, a girl of about six years old. On being
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  • 634 1788 The unrestrained outburst of temporary, the Malaya Tribune, on crimet Perak, is open to the severest censure 0? shock was great, doubtless in common many, when we read the glaringly mdL l h and wholly the article in question. The headings »2 of a R eign of
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  • 1266 1789 From the cables this morning it is evident that the winter conditions in the Balkans are going to make the campaign in that theatre a very severe and trying business for our troops and those of our gallant Allies. But if the British, Serbs and French suffer,
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  • 524 1789 Dr. A. L. Hoops of Kedah is on a visit to Penang. Bishop Ferguson Davie is a through passenger to Singapore by the s s. Novara. Dr. Jacques, of Taiping, goes Home by the Japanese Mail to take part in the War. Mr. J Anderson, of Sungei Way estate,
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  • 975 1790 A Microscopic Difference. We have excellent authority for stating that Austrian naval officers have discarded the telescope for the microscope of the double million magnifying power kind mentioned by Sam Weller. How else could they have mistaken the thirty-ton Gallinaro for a “veiy large sailing vessel.” A Breath
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  • 173 1790 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Tuesday, and Wednesday, December 7 aud 8: Holland and the War. Significance is attached to the journey to Berlin of a member of the United States Legation at the Hague. The English papers publish
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  • 775 1790 Reuter’s Service,) Copyright Telegram. BULGARIAN ATTACK REPULSED. London, December 8 M Jnd 0 »y. WaB ea, 0Q th Wh lo Moaastir Entered. Athens, December 8. An official announcement states that one German and one Bulgarian regiment have entered Monastir. The British and French troops are continuing their withdrawal
    Reuter’s Service,) Copyright Telegram.  -  775 words

  • 942 1791 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. MINOR GERMAN ATTACKS. London, December 8, 5.25 p.m. Minor Garmin attacks are the feature of the Paris communique issued to day. The machine-guns prevented the Germans from restoring the destroyed works at Hetsas. The artillery northward of Arras stopped a German attack. Our
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  942 words

  • 457 1792 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. STEADY f ROGRESS. London, December 8, A cotninunique issued in Rung states that after an intense artillery preparation the Austrian infantry attacked our positions in the Ladro and Villpys, but the attack was completely and immediately repulsed. Oa the Carso Plateau our infantry
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  457 words
  • 472 1792 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. U. S. NO IE TO AUSTRIA. New York, December 9. The Evening Post states that the United States is sending a peremptory Note to Austria regarding the Ancona. It is expected that the Note will ba presented by the American Ambissador at Vienm
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  472 words
  • 388 1792 (Reuter Senice.) Copyright Telegram. Petros-rand. December 8 The Tsar and Tsarevitch have i Tsarkoeselo for the front 6 The Anzacs. Praise from the King. London, December 8. While at Gallipoli Lord Ru- l delivered to the Anzms a masstgefmmX King, expressing his Majesty’s hivh ?r r
    (Reuter Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  388 words

  • 627 1793 POCKET PICKING. A Chinaman was this morning charged before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel in the Third Court with the theft of a purse cont** Hing $5.72 cents., the property of one Scfi 1( at Buckingham Street on December 2. The accused, who stated before the Magi 8trate
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  • 303 1793 Authorities Ready—An Aviation School Opium Smuuling. (from Our Own Canton, November 29. Many ordnance practices hive taken place here in the last few days. They were held to show the preparedness of the Government to meet any attempt of the republicans and to assure the people that
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  • 200 1793 Ladies’ Spoon for December 1915. The play for this Competition resulted as follows Mrs. Tomson 2 up. Kirk 2 down. Rodyk 5 Sproule 8 Mrs. Dennys, Mrs. May, Miss Brown, Mrs. C. Hogan and Mrs. layers also played but returned no score. Mrs. Tomson wins the December
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  • 189 1793 (From Our Own Correspondent). Bukit Mertajim, December 9. News has been received here ou the night of the 7th instant a daring g>ng robbery took place at Ara R°ndang in the northern district of Province Wellesley. It is alleged that six or seven armed Chinese broke
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  • 370 1793 Official Version. Mr. Hoo Wei Yen, Consul-General for China at Singapore, forwards the following copy of a telegram relative to the revolt in Shanghai which he has received from the Chinese Foreign Office at Peking Following communique for your information and press and retransmit to consulate*
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  • 388 1794 A Cbylom Tributb. Galaha, Nov. 21. I was indeed sorry to read in your paper the death of that fine and popular planter Thomas Heslop Hill. I should be glad to be allowed to bear testimony to his many good qualities, not the least being his indomitable
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  • 37 1794 Sumatra Consolidated Rubber Es- lbs tates Ltd, 44,216 Bukit Mertajam Rubber Co Ltd 55,363 Taiping Rubber Plantations Ltd 48,160 Sungei Siput Rubber Plantations Ltd 9,604 Sungei Bey la (F.M S) Rubber Estate Ltd 9,175
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  • 56 1794 Dec. 7By Balance 143,194.81 9 R. B. Osborne, Dec. subset iption 25.00 Hon. A. J Bryant monthly subscription 100 00 Employees of Eastern SmeltinCo. Ltd. Datoh K ram at Works Nov. subscription... 174 50 9 Balance 43,494.31 Remitted to London £lO,OOO on 24-2-15...
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  • 23 1794 Dec. 6 By Balance $2,625.43 9 W. H. Macgregor 100 00 9 Balance $2,725.43 Amount previously acknowledged 18,558.21 Total ...$212,88.64
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  • 529 1794 Th* Ksesat Bazaar. The Committee give most grateful thanks to the Hon’ble A. T Byrant for his patronage and use of plants Major the Hon’ble A.R. Adams and Mr. Justice Ebden for their patronage. Mr. Peel for the use of the Town Hall and the Band. Mr.
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  • 359 1794 To flu Imp»» w the Shufh Bcso. Dear Sir, I beg to acknowledge receipt of the fol* lowing further contributions:— Previously acknowledged $4013.83 Offertory, St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore 126 75 His Honour Mr. Justice Edmonds, Seremban 100.00 Mr. J. H. M. Robson, Kuala Lumpur 50.00 Anonymous 5.17
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  • 1285 1795 Never having supposed for a moment that Germany would be willing to make peace at present on the terms which the Allies have already indicated as the only possible basis of negotiations, the “Entente” nations will read without a tremor the Imperial Chancellor’s speech in the Reichstag in
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  • 1038 1795 Explicit. A telegram from Petrograd states that Russia has called out her 1917 recruits.— Malaya Tribune. A Petrograd telegram states that Russia has called up the 1917 recruits for 19.15, Malaya Tribune. Logie fdr the (German) Millioa, Professor Reinhold Seeborg, of the University of Berlin, says If the
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  • 1060 1796 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. OPENING OF THE REICHSTAG. IMPERIAL CHANCELLOR'S SPEECH. An Outburst Against England. Amsterdam, December 9. In the Reichstag both the House and galleries were crowded when the Imperial Chancellor, Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg, opened his speech with a reference to the intervention of Bulgaria
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  1,060 words

  • 494 1797 Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. ALLIES’ WITHDRAWAL. Athens, December 9 Activity on the French front is daily increasing. The Bulgarians are concentrat. ing against the French. It i s affirmed that the Allies are establishing a new ii ne nearer their base. demirkapu. Orderly Retirement. Salonika, December 9. Reuter’s
    Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  494 words
  • 474 1797 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Tel-gram. situation at hamadan. Mr 1 7 lnru 3n< in reply to Mr.l Ddlou.Urd Robert Ceoil e.ilth.t tn ii ,SU 2 Govoruui,J ut bad endetvoured wbe ?h. 0 6asure9 at where there is reason to believe that the h w BtOred a Urge amouot
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Tel-gram.  -  474 words
  • 396 1797 (Heiter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. WEATHER IMPEDES OPERATIONS. London, December 9, Renter's correspondent with the British headquarters in France reports bad weather Zern h daenal activ «ty. but our airmen were able to do useful work. As the result of a successful little enterprise southward of Arras a
    (Heiter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  396 words

  • 542 1798 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. FIGHTING AT MONTENERO. Rome, December 10. A communique issued at Rome states that, in the Montenero Zone, enemy detachments, under cover of a fog, penetrated one of our entrenchments on the Rodil Spyr but were immediately ejected. On the Calvario height we occupied
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  542 words
  • 112 1798 Mr. Hoo Wei Yen, Consul-General for China, at Singapore, forwards the following copy of a telegram which he received at 5 p.m. on Wednesday from the Chinese Foreign Office at Shanghai:—About 10 p.m. on the 6th instant over 200 rebels, armed with rifles and bombs, attempted
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  • 152 1798 A Return Visit. All those who heard the members of the Italian Grand Opera Company on the occasion of their last visit to Penang will rejoice to learn that they are returning this» coming week for a short season of two nights and will produce “La Traviata
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  • 319 1798 FROM DUTCH SOURCES The following special telegram. t the Sumatra Post of Thursday, Decernd HOLLAND AND THE 9 T n Th CotoM.l Mill, ter. The President of the Unner announced that Mr. Pleyte, Ester ouu Colonies, would not bi able to defend Budget proposals for Netherlands hd£
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  • 45 1798 Messrs, Adamson, Gilfillan A Co*, Ltd., as agents for the P. and O. Company write us as follows The Managing Directors of the Company advise us that passengers for the United Kingdom must have passports or other documents establishing nationality and identity.
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  • 96 1798 Dec. 9 By Balance $43,494.31 10 Staff of Messrs. Adamson Gilfillan A Co. Ltd. llthinstalment 95,50 10 Balance 43,589.81 Remitted to London .£lO,OOO on 24-2-15... 85,618.70 Total subscription to date .„$129,208.54 Judging from the high prices realized at the recent rubber auctions here,
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  • 1980 1799 Annual General Meeting. The annual general meeting of the members of the Penang Criket Club was held at the pavilion yesterday evening. There were about forty members present, among whom were Mr. H. Waugh (in the chair), Mr- H. C. Sells, The Hon Mr. 1 R. Adams
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  • 1920 1800 Young Boy Branded, Before Mr. R. Scott in the District Court yesterday afternoon Chuah Cheng Kim and his wife Lim Lean Meow were charged with voluntarily causing hurt on November 13 to Chuah Cheng Oeh by means of a heated substance, to wit, hot iron. Both accused, w
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  • 854 1801  -  FBt u Tom Wright]. I've seen a Zeppelin. Six, they say, came over us, but I saw only one. One Was enough. I was lying on my sofa, reading when a series of explosions fetched me into a sitting position. Cries of alarm by women over the way brought
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  • 489 1801 To the Editor o? the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, In these days of retrenchment, may I offer on behalf of the large number of supporters of the tote of moderate means, a suggestion that a minimum stake of five dollars is to many
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  • 641 1801 Jaga Convicted Before Mr. V. G. I z i mme Third Court on iS&turuay a Hengali named Akbar was cLargei w th attempted theft from the per-ou <_t Mr. R di at the kunnymede Hotel ua tfiu lu«.h instant. On the accused claiming trial Inspector McLernon stated that
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  • 617 1802 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—la your issue of the Bth iust, there appeared an item about a bill to end the growing scandal of spurious night clubs in London and other English cities. Lord Curzon moved the second reading in the House of Lords
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  • 331 1802 .—ST. > Trengganu, December 6. There arrived to-day by the Abbotsford. Mr. W. G. Maxwell, C.M.G. We understand that he went on shore at several places of interest along the coast on the way up from Singapore, and that he was surprised and pleased at the immense
    .—ST.  -  331 words
  • 267 1802 The 440 yards handicap race for the December Monthly Medal took place at the Swimming Club on Sunday with the following result: Start. Ist G M. Terzino 16 secs. 2nd W. H. Threlfall 40 3rd S- A. Yell 10 lhe race was very keenly contested and Mr.
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  • 569 1802 The following notification ap n oarB Sarawak Government Gazpft*. 10 the Whereas by Order dated May 31, t18 it is laid down that the custody ofth e spring of native women bv Cbin.. shall be with the maternal ±>. “!1 the age of discretion is reached,
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  • Page 1802 Advertisements

  • 651 1803 Early in the New Year, unless wears mistaken, it will be necessary for the Imperial Government to raise yet another War Lan. On the occasion of the Lst War Loin the local Government Wig, we believe, ready to as ist the Home Tr j a-urv actively in tapping
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  • 547 1803 Messrs. H. Smith and G. Heron are to be temporary surveyors of ships at all the ports of the Straits Settlements, Mr. Bartley is to be an assistant Registrar of Imports and Exports in and for the Colony of the Straits Settlements Mr. R J. Wilkinson is leaving, wo
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  • 964 1803 A Fool and Hi» M oaey. Moen ot what ac irrespond» nt says in his I tti r to the Straits on the subj ct of gambling «luhs in Singapore is true of this Settl int-ut also. Especially do the betterclass Chinese deplore and resent the growth of
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  • 27 1804 Dec. 9 By Balance $2,725.43 11 Amount collected from Messrs. Pritchard’s Collection box 8.23 9 Balance $2,733.66 Amount previously acknowledged 18,558.21 *< .1.1. Total ...$21,291.87
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  • 108 1804 Dec. 10 By Balance ...$43,599.81 11 Amount collected by Messrs. Pritchard Co, Ltd., Collection Box 2.79 Staff of Government Monopolies. November subscription 87 70 11 Balance 43,680.30 Remitted to London «£lO,OOO on 24-2 15... 85,618 73 Total subscriptions to date ...$129,299,03 In accordance
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  • 1007 1804 On Saturday last the member-: of this Club gave another of their successful afternoon shoots It was the best attended of all, there b ung 36 entrit s —25 men and II ladies, of whom 32 actually fired. Who vor was responsible for it, it certainly
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  • Page 1804 Advertisements

  • 1356 1805 (Renter Service.) Cwsright Telegram. ALLIED FORCES WITHDRAW ORDERLY RETREAT, oilonika, December 10. Fighting on the British front ceased on Wednesday. All is qu i 6t The Briti h casualtie. since Monday have not been considerable, whereas ths Bu'garians lost heavily The general retirement of the Allied troops has
    (Renter Service.) Cwsright Telegram.  -  1,356 words
  • 238 1805 Obituary. Lord Elleaborourh. Ljudon, December 11. Th, .loath haa taken pl IM t the agB o f 74, ut Lord Elienborougb. Mr. Joseph lira. 'I h> death has taken p f Mr j h Ezra. partner of the (LlcotU firm of Ez a an 1 Co. fi? ll P 8
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  • 447 1806 (Reuter Service)* C pyright Telegram. Reply to Kiag Constantine. London, December 11. The Tinies correspondent at At hans has received from M Venizelos a statement of his policy in reply to the recant, interview granted to the Tinies by King Constantine. Greco-Serbian Treaty Binding. M. Venizelos says
    (Reuter Service)* C pyright Telegram.  -  447 words
  • 469 1806 b cuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. SAINT SOUPLET. London, December 10, 4 59 p.m. A Paris communique states th it the Germans have been thrown back beyond the crest and southward of Saint Souplot. Eaemy Batteries Silenc d. London, D comber 11, 1 50 a.m. A Paris communique
    b cuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  469 words
  • 496 1806 Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. ACCEPTS THtTHRONE E T York, December 12 .he Ass >cuhon Pr a corre >po( ,fl en Pekiu; states that President Yum s ?|J* has accepted the Throne of China T pl* n NewYo, k ’Member 12 t eking Council state that after
    Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  496 words

  • 472 1807 (Rater’s Senice.) Cepniekt Telesram. SPEECH. BRITISH PRESS COMMENTS. v v Lon<3on December 11. The English papers ridicule Dr. von Bethmann Hollweg’s suggestion that the the Allies are beaten and proudly accept the foremost place he gives to Great Britain in the war of liberation. They declare that the
    (Rater’s Senice.) Cepniekt Telesram.  -  472 words
  • 1002 1807 (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Teheran. SPEECH BY SIR WILFRID LaURUR. Montrical, December 11. Sir VV iifrid Laurier, in a speech at a crowded Liberal meeting, said that he was convinced of the victory of the Allies and denounced a section of the Quebec Nationalists who did not
    (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Teheran.  -  1,002 words

  • 576 1808 Mr. Sperling, proprietor of Matang Estate, who has been ill in Taiping Hospital, has come to Penang to recuperate and is staying at the E. A O. Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Sarkies are expected backin Penang to-day; their eldest «son, who has just completed his education in England, is
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  • 660 1808 A Eurasian, named Henry Felix, was yesterday morning charged before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel with wilfully trespassing into the house of one Gertrude Ferrao in Anson Road on Saturday last. The first witness called was Gertrude Ferrao, a married woman, who stated that at 8.30 a.m. on
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  • 454 1808 Annual Mebtin». Lho anuuil meeting of the Tn.r Peace was held at the noon yesterday. There U Hon. Mr. R Young in the cLK the A. M Brown, R. P Phillip, J- R. Brown, C. G. May Juie ß M?i meroD Peel. H. B. Pike and
    454 words
  • Page 1808 Advertisements
    • 56 1808 A Germ Destroyer. There is no danger fr o wd jaw or blood poison ronl ptly when Chamberlain s Pa, Ba j’ 8 ro y, th. applied- It is an antisepta and des germs wbich maturation causes wounds to heal wiin and in nne-third the time q piiprt* usual treatment.
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  • 1284 1809 That Sarawak continues to enjoy under Rajah Brooke the benefits of a truly paternal government is evident from the last Sarawak Government Gaxette which republishes inter alia the following notifications In order to discourage the ad vansing of money to Natives and Chinese on the seeurity of their Rubber
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  • 581 1809 Mr. J. G. B n. editor-in-chief of the Soerabaya Handebblad has been taken to hospital, gufferi .g from typhoid. Mr. A’ Hearne, of the Civil Service, and his brsde are passengers to Penang by the P. A O as. Kar mala which left London on the 11th inst. We
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  • 944 1810 Hvmia Nature. Was it not Tennyson’s Northern Farmer who said that human nature in the looinp is bad”? One is tempted to revise that opinion after a close study of the human boy who frequents our cinema shows. He likes to see virtue triumphant and is quite as
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  • 29 1810 (From Our Own Correspondent J Singapore, D cemb'r 14. Mr. Maingaud and M D «yf'H, formerly of Pathe Freres, Singapore, have been killed at the front.
    29 words
  • 193 1810 (From Our Own Correspondent), Singapore, D. cember 13. In a rugbv match on Situ lay the Nivy beat the S.C.C. by 12 po nts to nil. The departure of Rear Adurral R. F. Phillimore “for the Biltic” is an intimation that British co operation with the Russian
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  • 292 1810 (Reuter Senice) C pyright Telegram. AN UNANIMOUS VOTE. Peking, December 13. The Legislative Council, after a fin i examination of the votes of the Repre3 iqq! 8 the Clfc!Z9ns found that P all the 1993 votes were in favour of a constitutional Em“x y with YalD Shi w
    (Reuter Senice) C pyright Telegram.  -  292 words
  • 159 1810 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, December 13. The Judicial Commissioner yesterday evening delivered judgment in the case rn which Mr. Walker Jackson, of Singapore, sued Mr. C. Alma Baker for an alleged infringement of his patent of an appa for smoke curing and drying rubber. The Judic
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  • 369 1811 (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. TRENCH GUNS IN ACTION. London, December 13, A Paris communique reports lively fighting with trench guns in Belgium in which the enemy guns were silenced. SIR JOHN FRENCH'S REPORT. London, December 12, Field-Marshal Sir John French reports that sixteen aeroplanes bombed the store
    (Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  369 words
  • 211 1811 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram 100,000 IN THE WEEK-END. LORD DERBY'S THANKS. London, December 13. Although official figures are not forthcoming the recruits from Loudon during the last half week are estimated at 100,000 of whom 50,000 were enrolled on Saturday. Lord Dei by, in a message to the
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram  -  211 words
  • 32 1811 (From Our Own Correspondent.) S n/ii’i' December 13 4 fa r o.v> 1 di'in w I g vhh on Wednesday to Mr. R. J. Wilkinson by the Moslem Association.
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  • 455 1811 Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram THE ALLIES’ RETREAT. London, December 13. The Allies still continue to retreat in the Several Bulgarian attacks were repulsed on December 11. Greek Frontier Threatened. London, December 13, 9 35 a m. A cable from Salonika states that it is reported that the Bulgarians
    Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram  -  455 words

  • 523 1812 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Friday and Saturday, December 10 and HHolland aad the War. The Official Gazette notifies that Mr. Pleyte, Minister of the Colonies has been granted sick leave and that Mr. RaixAionnet has been appointed Minister
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  • 666 1812 Tan Seong Hee appeared before the Third Magistrate yesterday afternoon, charged with enticing away Ng Wan, the wife of Yeoh Seng Hoey. The woman Ng Wan was charged with theft of property to the value of $136.80. Both accused claimed trial. Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok, who appeared
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  • 187 1812 Before Mr. V. G. Eicchiel in ths Thi.a Court yesterday afternoon a Tamil n» 5 Anthony was charged with ciiminal of trust m respect of $5,18 tin nmn ac P Mr. B E. Mitchell. P'Wyof The evidence tendered bv the was to tbe effect that the acc?s^‘"
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  • 54 1812 Dec. 11 By Balance $13.680.30 13 Subscription from Subordinate Staff of Messrs. Piesgrave A Matthews for Nov 21.00 J. R. Brown, Oct., Nov and Dec. subscription 7500 13 Bdance 43,776 30 Remitted to Loudon £lO,OOO on 24 2 15 85.618 73 Total subscriptions
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  • 270 1812 A Chinese miner, who was out hunting on Saturday afternoon, near tbe Kledang Hills, came accross a large tigress lying beneath a tree in the jungle. He at once levelled his gun some little distance off, and fired, killing the brute with three shots, one on
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  • 1446 1813 -Ex. As China has defiuit3l y decided to revert to an Empire, the only tiling for those who have her welfare at heart to do is to acquiesce in the new older of things and be thankful that there was a man available so obviously fitted to
    -Ex.  -  1,446 words
  • 542 1813 Mrs. R. O. Woo l, we are sorry to hear, is an inmate of the General Hospital. Mr. J. Rigby, Registrar of Vehicles, Perak, has been granted eight months* full piy leave. Captain A F. Davits, of the West Yorks, is now in hospital in Alexandria having been inv
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  • 43 1813 M-mb rs are h minded that the next Club Handicap bh >ot takes plate on Suurday n xt, the 18. b inst., at 330 p.n>. Ringos 200, ooar d 000 yards, Aumiuuition w,ll be supplitd’cu.the, Rangg at Club rates.
    43 words

  • 1006 1814 CMHriHI. A moat happy misprint takes our fancy in the poets' corner of an Australian newspaper. Trills the songster M The wattles swing faint censors to the moon." That is just what will happen,if the censors do not amend their ways. A New Sort of Detrimeatal.” Under Section
    1,006 words
  • 240 1814 M.M. Messrs. Fraser Co, Managers of the Eastern Smelting Co, Ltd. write to us as follows We have been advised by cable that the Annual Report and Accounts of this Company for the year ending August 31st, 1915, will be issued in London to-day. There is a
    M.M.  -  240 words
  • 701 1814 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright SITUATION IMPROVED. A Salonika Bit nation is much batter. 0 f a «>• who returned on December 11 inspection of the An«lo French f.onM.S op.uton that the Franco- British troop h are abundantly inpplied with munitiU± food will easily hold the Bnl«tk n and Germans
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright  -  701 words

  • 220 1815 PENANG WOMEN’S WORK. SUBSCBIFTIONS. Previously acknowledged $855, Mrs Cleaver (2nd Don; $lO, Mrs Heim (3rd Doo) 15, Mrs Trengrove (4th Don) $5, Total $875. A box containing the last month s work was despatched by s.s, Katori Af ru to St. James’ Palace, London This box
    220 words
  • 460 1815 (R-«ter Senice.) Oocynght Telegram. GENERAL TOWNSHEND'S REPORT. London, December 13. An offijial announcement ttd'es that General Townshend reports that his position was shelled all day on December Bth and again on the 9th when the enemy made desultory attacks on all aides. On the 10th the enemy again
    (R-«ter Senice.) Oocynght Telegram.  -  460 words
  • 322 1815 Relief’s Service) Copyright Telegram. MIMJR ENGAGEMENTS. London, December 13, 5 p m. A Paris commuaq ue announces that nly minor engagements, rusultiag in a French success, tooz place m Champagne. Considerable Activity. London, December 14. An official despatch from the headquarters in France states: We blew up
    Relief’s Service) Copyright Telegram.  -  322 words
  • 156 1815 Mr. Maleo'tn Cutnmaf*» Appeal. (From Ou? Own Kuala Lumpur, Decemuer 15. Sir E L. Bro kman has received a telegram from Sir Willinn Taylor stating that Mr. Male dm Cunming is r using funds to provide Rubber Kn»*e Boot* for the troips A ‘■um of X 1,200
    156 words

  • 744 1816 FROM DUTCH SOURCES The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Monday, December 13: HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Round the Cape. The directors of the Rotterdam Llctyd in Holland have decided that their cargo boats from the East for Marseilles and London shall go round
    744 words
  • 453 1816 Before Mr V. G Ez ichiel in the Thi'd Court yesterday morning a Tamil nam d Shinasami was charge 1 with being in possession of bhang. Tne accuse! claimed trial and M A. W st. Hoad of the Preventive Service, Government M mopolies. pro-MCUt d Rrmasamv, Revenue
    453 words
  • 501 1816 Mrs. John MitchnlH has receiver lowing two letters referring to the fiS Relief Fund: the Belg laa Grand Qairtier General de L’Armee Beige, Dear Mrs. John Mitchell, The Q i en c mmands me to thank bo.rnly torsmdmghera lusher f 1 1 ,,t H-rM j ’ty wisbea
    501 words
  • Page 1816 Advertisements
    • 44 1816 The Child en’s Colds. Watch the children’s colds and cure them before they weakm the vitality* Chamberlain’s Remedy freely, perfectly safe. It has bien tested by chemists and pronounced free from inj substances and costs but a trifla. 0 by all Dispensaries and Dealers
      44 words

  • 802 1817 Supplemental Budget Passed. A meeting ui ihe Muucipal Commission was held a: the Municipal Odica afternoon. Tneie were Air. W Peel (President), Mr. Quah Beug Kee, Mr. J. Mischel! and Mr Lujq Euw Huug with Mr. L. M Bel (Municipal Engineer) and Mr. L. A. C. Biggs (oeciecaiy,
    802 words
  • 340 1817 The undermentioned prices were realised f r rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys Co by auction sale yesterday and during the week Smoked Ribbed Sheet $lB3 to $l9O Plain $146 80 No. 2 Smoked Sheet diamond $162 83 Unsmukad Sheet $l6O $173 No 2 Unsmoked Sheet $152
    340 words
  • 954 1817 NON-GOVERNMENT CHANDU. A Chinese druggist, named Tan Kin, thia morning pleaded guilty before Mr. V. G. Ez *cbiel to a charge of having in his possession dam du (ia certain pills for tale) other than Government chandu. The accused said: I was ignorant at the time but
    954 words
  • Page 1817 Advertisements

  • 662 1818 Annual General Meeting Theannud geueral m eiiuz the members of the Peuaug Lidi s’ it 11 C ub w.ts held at Northam K bid y»‘R erd.iy evei ing. There wete present: Mrs. Li'tou President), Miss Smith, Mi'S Mithun, Mrs Sproule, Mrs. Mrs. Frayne, MisaSMhrs. M,s Webb,
    662 words
  • Page 1818 Advertisements
    • 300 1818 Aids to Digestion. Whatever improves bodily conditions in general aids digestion. Cheerfulness, exercise, fresh air, baths and good habits make your digestion better able to take care of any burden* you impose upon it. But the greatest aid to good digestion is good blood. Aoasnia, or thin blood, is a
      300 words
    • 340 1818 Nerve and Digestive Disorder completely cured by th w Famous Remedy, Dr. Cassell's Teblfc Hillockooadj' 27 eave:-- wks and nerve trouble. a,?d P pai n XG%<:r p is:,» 1 >i *sj To draw a de?p breath was nothing short of agony. My < flh stomach seemed raw and inflamed, and
      340 words

  • Page 1819 Advertisements
    • 876 1819 TUX’ nnmTt ZZk THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY I S Which has now borne the btamp of Public Approval for I Plain CrulM OVER FORTY YEARS. I on the subject of Health are the only accr Ptable pronoiiix-enientM. Ebiir* 5 BB BB SB I B gerated statement* end by ronrinr*
      876 words

  • Page 1820 Advertisements
    • 212 1820 I CRITERION PRESS, Ld. /1 No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. > 3 p 3 > ESTABLISHED 188& H PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. 8 Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO” and "PENANG SIN POE." The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and <4 ithographers in the Orient. Our plant is of the very latest pattern
      212 words