The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 9 December 1915

Total Pages: 38
1 1785 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 22 1 STK l n\\ MW mail edition. $17.50 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 eta Vol. 13. Penang, Thursday, 9th December, 1915. No. 49.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 273 1 CONTENTS. Leaders page Miscellaneous: page. The German Soul 1,750 T Tt i Poetry and the War 1 756 Lafce War ItemS 1,753 7s7 Capturing Enemy Trade 1,760 r XT The Civil Service 1,766 Queen Mary 8 Needlework Guild Parliament and Peace-Talk 1,772 T Greece 1 772 De llB at Loo
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 175 2 u 1 THE 1 STRAITS ECHO I MAIL EDITION, H Published the day prior to the departure of sach mail J for Europe,.and contains the latest local and States 1 news originally published in the daily issues, as well as i! all important news from various parts of the Far
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  • 1024 1750 Perhaps the most astounding feature of this war is the German mind and its attitude to the conflict. The Germans, we know, are fighting with a whole heartedness that has subordinated all things to the campaign. Their soldiers, driven either by their blood and iron discipline or
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  • 550 1750 Inspector, E. 11. Ltwrenre, who is proceeding to Singapore on transfer, will probably leave on SatUidiv. Mr. J. M. Anthjny, the Honorary Vice Con-ui for Portugal at Penang, is on a short visit to Singapore. Mr. W. Duncan, has b a appointed Captain and Officer Commanding of
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  • Page 1750 Advertisements
    • 97 1750 ffas swaun® ma©. r W Pibliahod daily (except Sunday» and pitbl'a holidays) AT TH B CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang, Pbic*. Daily Local 124 per um Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) >17.50 CAR LB ADDBBSB ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 58® Printing Department 343 N& All
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  • 1288 1751 To-day has many memories for France. On December 2, 1804, Napoleon assumed the dignity of Emperor, and in 1805 he celebrated the first anniversary of his rule by the victory of Austerlitz. Half a century later, L>uis Napoleon brought off his famous Coup d’Etat on December 1851, and
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  • 433 1751 (Reuter s Service.) Copyright Telegram. STRICKEN SERBIA. A terrible journey Salonika, November 30. There is deep snow. A nartv in of the British Vice Consul at Nish arrived here on November 29 after a tryine i onn through Albania. Owing t/tb? lack A conveyance the party, including ladies,
    (Reuter s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  433 words

  • 460 1752 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. desultory fighting. Petrograd, December 1 A Petrograd communique states that desultory fighting took place in the regions of Pinsk and Styr. The Greek Attitude. Reply to ’the Entente. London. November 30. The Greek reply to the Entente Note declares that Greece will miiatain
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  460 words
  • 511 1752 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SPEECH BY MR. bONAR LAW. London, December 1. Mr Bontr Law, Secretary of State for the Colonies, speaking at a banquet of tne Scottish Corporation and referring to enemy assertions that Great Britain was not doing her share, asked whether any one at the
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  511 words
  • 459 1752 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. LULL BEFORE THE STORM. London, November 30, 4.45 p m. A Paris communique states that there is nothing to rep >rt London, December 1, 12.55 a.m A Paris communique states tint the diy was snowy and foggy with a thaw. Champ.gne was the
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  459 words

  • 165 1753 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. TERR FIG ARTILLERY COMB AT STEADY PROGRESS. Rome. Ddcembar 1. Terrific artillery hammering is being continued uninterruptedly in the 'Prentino wheie, a Rime communique says that, the barracks and railway station at Levien were bombarded. An enemv column in Carnia was caught by
    (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  165 words
  • 401 1753 Chi Bam a b Convicted. In the District Court before Mr. R Scott* a Chinaman named Seah Poon, was arraign ed on a charge of living wholly or partially on the proceeds of immorality. The accused, who was represented by Mr. S. M. Shaima, claimed trial and Court
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  • 549 1753 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following items are taken from the Sumatra Post of November 26 and 27: The Balkans, A Rotterdam tekgram states that is an uneasy feeling in Berlin regarding Bulgaria’s present attitude The Berlin public, according to semi-official utterances, are prepared for the passing over
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  • 73 1753 The undermentioned prices were i- fu rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dunn Hie C week U yeSterdl during Smoked Ribbed Sheet $153 to $163 No. 2 Smoked Sheet ribbed $l2O iu" Unsmoked Sheet «ion No. 2 Unsmoked Sheet Crepe Fine Pale Thin and Blanket Crepe Good Pale
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  • 371 1753 -S.F.P. Penang Women’s Work. Amount previously acknowledged 1794, Mrs W G Peter iJ Mrs Ebden jq Mrs G H Pritchard (2nd Don 5 BID 2 Mrs SC G Fox, Taiping (3rd Don).., 2 A Well-wisher 2 Mrs C B Mills 1 1826 Hospital garments for soldiers
    -S.F.P.  -  371 words

  • 1443 1754 (By Tom Wright.) Mr. Wright desires it to be understood that the following record has been affidavited before a Commissioner for Oaths in consequence of the sceptical attitude adopted by the Editor of the Church Times when the ms. was submitted to him. He made the extraordinary
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  • 179 1754 The outputs from the following companies for the month of November were Kamunting Tin Dredging Ltd. Piculs 950 Hours run 522 Yards treated 101,000 Chenderiang Tin Dredging Ltd. Drbhging Piculs 55Q Hours run 626 Yards treated 90,000 Hydraulic Elevators. Piculs 103 Total output (Chenderiang) 650 The output
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  • 13 1754 lbs. KM S (Malay States) Rubber Coconut Plantations, Ltd. 8,545
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  • 153 1754 (From Our Own Correspondent») Singapore, December 2 At the Singapore Rubber Auction 368 tons of rubber were offered for sale and 240 tons were sold at the following prices <Sheets $157 to $163 per picul fair $146 $156 plain $143 $156 Ribbed unsmoked $l4O $146 plain $129
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  • 825 1755 Annual Report. The following is the Annual Report of the Penang Ladies’ Rifle Club to be presented at the Annual General Meeting which is to be held on December 14th at 430 p.m. at 21, Northam Road, Penang: Ladies, Membership. At the commencement of the year
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  • 61 1755 Dec. 1 By Balance $42,772.92 2 Chief Post Office 11th instalment 49 95 Simpang Estate, Co. Ltd. Sept., Oct, and Nov. subscriptions 30.00 Govt. Servants in the District of Balek Pulau 12th monthly subscription 11 94 Dec. 2 Balance 42,864.81 Remitted to Loudon
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  • 34 1755 Dec. 1 By Balance $2,558 43 2 Mr. and Mrs. F., monthly subscription 25.00 11. de Z. Lancaster, monthly subscription 25 00 2 Balance $2,608.43 Amount previously acknowledged 18,558.21 Total ...$21,166.64
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  • 593 1755 Says the S.E.P. Many Gunner Volunteers will w di member Lieut. Mathew S,kes. Rq f J* .isfrom the frost, somewhere Our men are those who camo f rom Ho koog with me when I passed through Singapore m Dacember 1914. Qur Sereeant Map. >s SM. Careless, who
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  • 1318 1756 The time of crisis is for hundreds of men and women throughout the British Empue a test ot beliefs which they have thought themselves to hold for a lifetime us permanent articles of faith. Confronted with personal and national loss, they ask themselves of what value
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  • 592 1756 Lady Paget of the Red Cross Society, is a prisoner at ILkub. Mr. H. C. Atkin Berry was in Flanders at the end of October. Mr. J. B. Parrington, of Midlands Estate, now 2nd Lieutenant in the Army Service Corps, is in Franca. Inspector G. Harries arrived
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  • 949 1757 Hicdenberg the Headlong has become Hitideuberg the Hindeied, siys a L udon joker. In the Franco German war toe Germans fired off 30 million musket cartridges and 363,000 rouods of artillery, with which they killed or mortally wounded 77 00J •French, being 400 shots to kill, as compared
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  • 233 1757 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following items are taken from the Sumatra Post of November 30 and December 1. The Italiin Foreign Minister Baron Sonnino stated that the feeling in Greece was in favour of the zXJlies. The Greek government would permit, if ciicumstances arose to need it,
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  • 422 1757 (Reuter s Service,) Telegram SERBIA INVaDED still HOLDS OUT. Salonika, December 1. lhe Serbians are still holding Mjna.tir lhe Bulgarians are endeavouring to mil flank the town from the south-west if Bible and to surround it. l 08 15® Below Zero. The thermometer in the French line,
    (Reuter s Service,) Telegram  -  422 words

  • 439 1758 (Neuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. OVER HALF A MILLION. 107,000 KILLED. London, December 2 Mr. H. H. Asquith, in a written answer in the House of Comm ins, announced that the total British casualties in the Army and Navy up to November 9 were 510.230. Military. Of this number
    (Neuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  439 words
  • 527 1758 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram SIGNIFICANT FA T m Loudon, D cember 1. Lwo s'gn.ficant f lC u. r.flacuug bedrock neutral opinion regarding the result of the war are the New York Exchange rate on Berlin is now Oeluw 80%, and the strong support of Hoilaud-strouger
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram  -  527 words
  • 509 1758 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram WORKERS’ CONFERENCE. FOLLY OF HIGHER WAGES. London, December 1. A thousand delegates, representing over 4,000 000 organised workers, attended the conference at Westminster on War Finance. Mr. Arthur Henderson, President of the Board of Education, presided. Mr. H H. Asquith (Premier), Mr. Reginald Me
    (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram  -  509 words

  • 1856 1759 PRELIMINARY ENQUIRY. ACCUSED CHARGED WITH MURDER. The preliminary enquny into the case agamst Donald Pengelly, a private in B Company of the Penang Volunteer Corps, who is charged with the murder of Robeit Richard Nelligan, by shooting him •wuh a Service rifl-i wa« commenced this forenoon b’fore Mr.
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  • 127 1759 Our Bukit Mertajam correspondent News has been received here to. the effect that a daring gang-robbery was «’“‘S at Sungei Kicbil in the Southern District of Province Wellesley. g an It appears that about midn g day last, seven armed Chinese broke house of a
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  • 1232 1760 Here in Penang trade at present, if m t actually dull, is not particularly biisk, Dawn in Singapore, on the other hand, it is very satisfactory and the merchants who foregather in the Singapore Club wear the beatific smiles proper to a period of large profits and
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  • 571 1760 Mr. G. Savage, Superintendent of Mails, Penarg, who went to Singapore last Sunday is returning by the s.s. Tara. Mr. and Mrs. H A- Low returned yesterday evening from Singapore where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tomlin. Mr. H. H. Norri", formerly Malay interpreter
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  • 1062 1761 Overheard on board the ss. Maloja last Sunday afternoon Elderly Passenger (with a ricey Austry Han accent to Tired Penangite Excuse me. Mister, but what are all these young fellows doing walking about with guns?” Tired Penangite Oh, didn’t yoij know There’s a war going on with Germany
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  • 257 1761 A Sikh named Isar Singh, who was arraigned before Mr. V. G. Ezachiel this morning on a charge of being drunk and incapable, chimed trial. Nat Tahan P. C. 457 stated that he was on duty at Acheen Street at 10.10 p.m He saw the accused, who was
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  • 417 1761 (Reuter s Service.) Copyright Telegram. FALL OF MONASTIR. n i -rr a l oQ ika, December 2 MooX VhTui’ h ldiDg a Cln i g r th6,r OUtpoBt9 the Greek frontier south-east of Moua,til but Serbian reinforcements from the North are within measurable distance of the town. *£i
    (Reuter s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  417 words

  • 436 1762 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram, ARTILLERY DUELS. Peiris, r 2 A Paris commua que states that the artillery duels continue but are of le->s intensity, London, December 3. 1.35 a m. A Paris communique states that the artillery duel has increased in intensity. Aerial torpedoes are being used
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram,  -  436 words
  • 489 1762 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. S FATEMENT IN THE COMMONS London, December 2. In a written reply to Sir J. D. Rees who asked in tue House of Commons under what leaders the Persian gendarmerie at Shiraz were acting, Loid Robert Cecil said that he had not received
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  489 words
  • 517 1762 (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. STATEMENT BY BARON SONNINO. SURVEY OF BALKAN SITUATION. Rome, December 2. In t,he Italian Caambir Baron Sonnino, Foreign Minister, announced that Italy had joined the other Allies in an agreement not to conclude a separate peace. He had every reason for believing that
    (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  517 words

  • 427 1763 Rwer's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. ADMIRALTY ANNOUNCEMENT. London, December 3. It is reported that the Admirdty his intimated a number of shipbuilding companies that they miy complete their ordinary mercantile tonnage which has been left unfinished. This is regarded as an indication that the programme of the
    Rwer's Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  427 words
  • 350 1763 And Germa» Influence. Zurich, December 2. The names of the new Austrian Ministers indicate that Germany’s control over Austria militarily has been extended to internal administration. Prince Hohenlohe Schillingfuerst is a member of a pro-German aristocratic house and the brother of the Austrian Ambassador to Berlin. The
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  • 28 1763 It is officially announced that Mr Frederick Seton James, C.M.G, Administrator of Nigeria, has been appointed Colonial Srcretary in succession to Mr. R. J. Wilkinson,
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  • 535 1763 from dutch sources T “e following special telegram, are t the Sumatra P„ et o f Thured «etam Holland aad the War. Wi: Dr. Ort, the Dutch Minister «p t has ordered the pro-Allv n UBtice Tdegraaf, to be prosecute? Mr. Posthuma, Minister of Agriculture and Industry
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  • 49 1763 Obituary. Sir S. C. B. Ponsonby-Fane. London, December 2. The death has taken place at the age of 91, of Rt, Hon. Sir S. C. B. PonsonbyFane. Obituary. London, December 4. The death has occurred of W. J. the well-known professional billiard p J who discovered the anchor cannon.
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  • 1463 1764 accused committed for trial. The hearing was resumed yesterday afternoon of the preliminary enquiry into the case againt Donald Pengelly. a private in “B” Company of |the Penang Volunteers, who was charged with the murder of Robert Richard Nelligan by shooting him with a Service rifle on November
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  • 127 1764 lbs. Samagaga Rubber Company Ltd. 10,100 Rubber Estates of Krian Ltd. 38,500 Pad an g Jawa Rubber Estates Ltd. 18,804 Gula Kalumpong Rubber Estates Ltd. 102 899 Karan Rubber Co. Ltd 10 893 Padang Rubber Co. Ltd. 21,000 Bukit Jelutong Syndicate 2 672 New Columbia Rubber Co.
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  • 129 1764 A Skort Maetlag, (From Our Own CorreepondenL) Singapore, December 4. At the meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday the business was finished in thirty minutes and Council adjourned sine die. An item of 134,074 under Miscellaneous stands over in the Treasurer's motion as irrecoverable expenditure. The third reading
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  • 39 1764 (From Our Own Corretpondml,') Singapore, December 4. Messrs Fraser &Co reports that the business done dui ing the week calls for little comment. The general tendency is good. Ample money was available for really cheap shares.
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  • 39 1764 The output of the Ayer Wang Mine for the month of November was 75 piculs. There have been numerous earthquake shocks at various > places in the Dutch East Indies but nowhere was any serious damage done.
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  • 1454 1765 NEW WAR MEASURES PASSED INT LAW. VOLUNTEERS ON ACTIVE SERVICE. A meeting of the Legislative Council was held on Friday afternoon, at which there were present HE. the Governor (Sir A. H. Young, K.C.M.G.), H.E. the General Officer Commanding the Troops (Brigadier-general D, H. Ridout, C. M. G.),
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  • 281 1765 Dec. 3 By Balance $*****£t 4 A. R. W. Landon monthly subseription Anonymous monthly subscription oee 8&« Lim” Kongsi :10th instalment 3050 4 Balance 485M1R Remitted to London £lO,OOO on 24-2-15... «>6M.78 Total subscription to date Judgment was delivered by Mr. Justice Manby
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  • 1227 1766 Undoubtedly the Colonial Office has done the right thing in going outside the Straits and F.M.S. Civil -S rvice for a successor to Mr. Wilkinso.. as Colonial Secretary. This remark, be L said at once, is not intended to imply or convey the slight--ogt reflection on the
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  • 487 1766 Mr. GA. De C. De Moubray is to be an assistant Superintendent of Immigrants. The Rev. W. Murray will conduct divine service on Malakoff Estate on Wednesdav evening. Mr. and Mrs John Mitchell, who have been on a visit to Shanghai, returned to Penang this morning. Douwes
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  • 1219 1767 A Modern Babel. Mr. R. J. Wilkinson, who has gained some reputation as a philologist in Malaya, will find plenty of scope for his bent in tnis direction in his new post for the languages of West Africa are commonly reputed to be more numerous and difficult than
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  • 929 1767 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. FALL OF MON ASTIR. London, December 3.11 2K A cable from Salonika states Serbians evacuated Monastir on ThurJJ* lZ D nan y 8 Order Amtro-Germaa*’ Fresk Move, London, December 3, 6-30 n m A telegram from Paris states that wcoiding to a telegram
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  929 words

  • 938 1768 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. ARTILLERY ACTIVITY. London, December 4, 1 30 a.m. The Pans communique reports that artillery actions continued. A small post which the Germans had surprised south of Lombaertzyde was recaptured There was mine and grenade fighting almost on the entire front. The French silenced
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  938 words

  • 508 1769 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. BLOODY FIGHTING. London, December 4, 12.10 a.m. A telegram from Koine states it is officially reported that a tierce enemy onslaught on the Mtzli redoubt, proceeded by a terrific artillery preparation, resulted in the enemy entering the Italian lines, from which be was
    (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  508 words
  • 492 1769 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. OBJECTIONABLE DIPLOMATS. London, December 3, 10.25 p.m A cable from Washington states that it is understood that Mr. Lansing, the United States Secretary of State, informed the German Ambassador, Count Bernstorff, that Captain Boy-Ed, the German naval attacbĕ is persona non grata as
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  492 words
  • 448 1769 -vuyngnt Telegram. fOR» AS PEACEMAKER ftiniriiinrT. (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Teleirrnm RIDICULOUS ANTICS. Tho American 5 Mr. Henry Ford, who at the T the British Loan was floated in States threatened to withdraw his deno from any bank subscribing to recently issued two hundred inviut onuo’ prominent American, to sccompM, on
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Teleirrnm  -  448 words

  • 391 1770 from dutch sources. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Friday, and Saturday, December 3 and 4 Hollaed aad the War. Mr. Pleyte, Minister of the Col.- nies, was expected to be well enough to attend the sitting of the Chamber on Friday There
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  • 149 1770 We learn that in consequence of the article, A Scandal in Sumatra,” which appeared in the Straits Echo some weeks ago arrangements have been made by the Anglo-Dutch Agency, who act as agents at Medan for the P. and O, ss. Mata Hari, to terminate the
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  • 770 1770 PERAK RAVxGED BY BUSHRaNGERS. Necissitt or Prompt and Effective Action. D is abundantly manifest, says the Malay v rom appearing in the “.M. 8. papers recently as well as from what we have learnt from a valued correspondent m Perak that a gang of bushrangers is terrorising
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  • 483 1770 Malacca Branch, A general meeting of the Straits-born Chinese of Malacca was held in the Chinese Malacca Club last Saturday, says the Malaya Tribune, to elect officers and to consider what form of service the British born Cuinese of Malacca are prepared to offer the Governmentand,
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  • 270 1771 Edmund Gosse, writing to The Times, 9&ya My excellent friend, Professor Seippel, of Geneva, who is a fervant supporter of the Entente Allies, has asked me to bring to your notice the melancholy and mysterious fate of the poet, Max Dauthendey. The professor assures me that
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  • 302 1771 Fortnightly Handicap Shoot. This took place on Sunday morning, the ranges shot at being 200, 500 and 600 yards and resulted as under: Mrs. Wright-Motion with h’cap .70 made 93.90 Mrs A. E. Murray .60 93.40 2nd Lieut. Hogan .09 92.26 Pte. Gilman .76 9180 Pte.
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  • 227 1771 Oae Killed Two Injured. Not a little sensation and excitement was caused in the area between Acheen Street and the Pitt Street Station early yesterday morning when a Chinaman, named Ong Lang, who was armed with a knife, rushed into the Pitt Street Police Station and admitted
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  • 331 1771 Daniels—Godwin. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at St. George’s Church this morning by Rev. F. W. Haines, Colonial Chaplain, the contracting parties being Mr. Henry George Daniels, Planter, of Batak Rabit Estate, Teluk Anson, and| Miss Muriel Herbert Godwin, of Clevedon, Somerset, who arrived here a
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  • 56 1771 Lifted, fwlhe 1915, were as follows Member Output. Estimated Dressed Ore. From the Mine From Tributors 870 Total 805,78 The total output of the Mhu Ltd. from all sources for the November was piculs 2,722 The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dfodgmg Company f ot th, week
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  • 70 1771 Alma BukitToh Along Shanghai Klebang o'„7 Kota Bahroe qi ’»>* Sungei Duri ’IS Chemor United 15 347 Shanghai Malay ***** Cluny 16 10g Kinta Kellas Tanjong Pau Old Kellas 14,527 Kuala Kangsar 32,303 Alor PongBu Rubber Estate Ltd., 20,065 Brieh Rubber Estate Ltd., 6,303 Merbau Rubber Estate
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  • 288 1771 "The November Monthly Medal Competition viz. 200 yards handicap was swum off on Sunday with the following result:—| Start. Ist SA. Yell 7 secs. 2nd W. H. Threlfall 20 3rd G. M. Terzano Scratch. There were six starters and Yell won by a yard in 2 min.
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  • 882 1772 Very sincerely do we hope that it is true that the Government has decided to reduce the salaries both of Cabinet Ministers and members of the House of Commons. It is not that reasonable people will consider «£5,000 a year excessive pay for a member of the
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  • 777 1772 Decidedly, -the attitude of Greece is disquieting. The late-t news indieites that the Greek Cabinet is still refusing to accept the arrangements which the Entente Powers consider necessary for the safety of th 1 ir tr »ops and it would appear as if Gieece, officially at any rate, as
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  • 145 1772 $3,000 to British Red Cross. As a result of the Baziar hold recently under the auspices of the Ministering Children’s League a sum of $3,000 was realized for the British Red Cross Society, in addition to a small sum that was given to the Belgian R
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  • 972 1773 Where There’s a Swill There's a Sway. Overheard at the bar What, Billy drink No, of course, he don’t drink. He can’t drink. Why, if he reads a whiskey advertisement in the Straits Echo he begins to hiccup.” A Persevering King of Beasts. Lions, are, perhaps, the strangest
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  • 46 1773 Dec. 4 By Balance ..443,041.81 6 W. H. Threlfall monthly subscription 10.00 Employees of United Engineers, Ltd. monthly subscription 40 00 6 Balance 43,094.81 Remitted to London «£lO,OOO on 24-2 15... 85,618 73 Total subscription to date ..4128,713 54
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  • 92 1773 Dec. 2 By Balance $2,608 43 6 M. Maude 13th contribution ]5.00 Teofi Cheow Cheang 2 00 6 Balance $2,625.43 Amount previously acknowledged 18,558.21 Total ..421,183.64 For the reformation of the currency system of China, the Government has decided to remit all the silver and copper coins
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  • 400 1773 (Reuter’s Senice.) Cooyright Telegram, BU G A B AN attack kepulsed. is, December 6 •i&SE •MA U„ E...... .J IX-c.imber o these were particular?, 'sh?.“ m the direction of Kostnneo. i he r f Bu ganan attack was repel ed Two Bulgarun attempts to c os. the Corn’
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Cooyright Telegram,  -  400 words

  • 384 1774 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. INCREASED ARTILLERY ACTIVITY. London, December 6, 1.20 a.m. A Paris communique states that there was increased artillery activity on both sides. Movements of enemy troops were reported in Belgium, hence the French guns effectively shelled the communication trenches Near Hetsas there was a
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  384 words
  • 417 1774 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. REDUCTION OF GOVERNMENT'S SALARIES. London, December 6. The Daily Telegra/)h says that there is reason to believe that the Government is contemplating a reduction of the salaries of themselves, the members of the of Commons, and political pensioners by a third. Example
    (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  417 words
  • 464 1774 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright A RUDSECENCE. GERMAN FEELERS. London, December 6. Thĕre has been a recrudescence of German “peace talk” These feelers receive short shrift from the British press which points out that Italy’s adherence to the Convention of London emphasises the unbroken determination of the Allies to dictate
    (Renter’s Service.) Copyright  -  464 words

  • 259 1775 London, December 26. Mr. Austen Chamberlain, S cretary of State for India, has addressed a letter to all Indian civil servants on leave in England, reminding them that they are liible in case of necessity to be recalled immediately to duty in India unless they
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  • 105 1775 CRUISER FIRES ON ARSENAL. (From Our Own Singapore, December 7. The Straits Tinies learns from its Shanghai correspondent that the cruiser Chaohao has revolted and fired on the arsenal, the shells falling on the Settlements. A Chinese cruiser and a gunboat attacked the Chaohao the fate of
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  • 71 1775 Chairman's Announcement. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, December 6. Mr. W. 11. Macgregor, Chairman of the Pulau Bulang Rubbor Co announced that enemy nationals own 26/o of tne issued capital and owe $29,550 on calls arrears. The directors h kVa decided to forfeit the shares with calls
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  • 949 1775 YESTERDAY’S MEETING. A public meeting was held at the Town Hall yesterday evening for the purpose of discussing the advisability of closing the Prince of Wales’ Relief Fund and deciding to what public fund or funds the contributions hitherto appropriated to the Prince of Wales’
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  • 202 1775 Monopolies’ Fine Haul. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, December 6. The Monopolies Staff have seized a ton of opium and 200 tahils of chandu on board the steamer Tydeus. From the Malay Mail M Frank Posth. late of Selangor,, is now attached to an aviation camp in
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  • 971 1776 The Hall Walker Horses and Some Others. It is said that the foundation of this stud was due to the great impression made upon the founder and his popular wife by the reception of Persimmon s Derby win. True, the Colonel had in 1896 won the National
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  • 306 1776 There will be a competition shoot on exactly the same lines as the one held on 27th ulto. at Campong Bharu on Saturday afternoon next the II th inst at 3.30, to which all men are invited. The ranges to be fired at will be the
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  • 880 1776 M. T. <4 R. J. Dr. Strickland a I'heokt. erbaps it is nut wholly surprising that the paper submitted to Government by Dr Strickhnd, irav-hug Entomologist, containing certain observations in the epidemiology of malarial lever in the Malay Peninsula,” should not at first have been properly appreciated
    M. T. <4 R. J.  -  880 words

  • 252 1777 Wife’s Successful Claim. Judgment was delivered on Friday last by Mr. Justice P. J. Sproule in the Supreme Court in the suit in which Goh Hooi En sued her husband Toh Eng Swee for the return of articles of jewellery and clothing and furniture which were alleged to
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  • 468 1777 UNDER DIRECT AUTHORITY OF THE WAR OFFICE. Ten Aeroplanes Presented to Date. Malaya No. 1 Craft (Scout)—“ TheEu Tong Sen” presented bv the Honourable Mr. Eu Tong Sen, Kampar, Perak F. M S. Malaya No. 2 Craft (Scout). The Kinta,” presented by the people of
    468 words
  • 500 1777 A Tamil newspaper sailer Vaitilin ßam was this morning charged betore Mr V ft Eaechiel with attempted theft on’bearf the s.s. Klang of $2l the property of D O R Potter, Second Officer. The accused claimed trial and Insnector Benge prosecuted r The complainant stated that when the
    500 words
  • Page 1777 Advertisements
    • 61 1777 A Favorite Rub Down. The golfer, the foothill player and the all round athlete know the value of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It is just the thing for a rub down after a hard game All soreness disappears like magic and sprains and swellings are cured in one-third less time than
      61 words
    • 39 1777 Early Colds. thi Be careful of tbs colds you take a time of the year. They P*" 1 n r'T ,S Ad B9 tf C am“ e y rl“n’e Cough »y a o J' by al! Wsaries and Dealers.
      39 words

  • 2127 1778 ENEMY owned share holdings. Mr. Rowland’s Position. The annual general meeting of the Pulau Bulmg Rubber and Produce Company, Ltd., was held (says the Free Press) on Saturday at the registered offices, French Bank Buildings, Singapore. There were present Messrs. W H. Macgregor (chairman). J. W. van de
    2,127 words

  • 297 1779 At the Council meeting held on the 26th, November. 1915, the following were present: Mr. R. P. Brash (Vice-President) in the Chair, Messrs. E. J. Vallentine, C. Pearse, J. Boy, Cheah Kee Ee, A. H. Flowerdew, J. Descraques and the Secretary (Mr, A. C.
    297 words
  • 38 1779 Dec. 6 By Balance ...543,094.81 7 Hon. A. B. Adams monthly subscription 100 00 7 Balance 43,194.81 Remitted to London £lO,OOO on 24-2 15... 85,618.73 Total subscription to date ...5128,813.54 c
    38 words
  • 677 1779 The Excess Piofits tax has continued (says the L. A C, Express') to hand this morning to excite consideiable discussion amongst rubber shareholders. Mr. McKenna has thrown some light on the situation. He is reported as saying If a rubber company were brought out with
    677 words
  • 91 1779 PENANG WOMEN’S WORK. Subscription List. Amount previously acknowledged tnoc Mrs. Wright-Motion CoDected by Mrs. Wilson (Cdedouia) 7 Mr. F C. Marples (sale of Limes) 5 Mrs. Jamieson jq Messrs. Wassismull Assomuli” 2 855 Garments will be distributed as usual at the Town Hall on Friday from
    91 words
  • 93 1779 lbs. Par it (Perole) Rubber Syndicate 4.550 Kedah Rubber Co. Ltd. 38.769 Batu Matang Rubber Plantations Ltd. 11,903 Bakap Rubber Plantations Ltd. 26.260 Jong Landor Rubber Estates Ltd. 42,136 The Sungei Batu (Malaya) Rubber Estates Ltd. 16 861 Vai D’or Rubber Estates Ltd, 21,518 The Koran Rubber
    93 words
  • 192 1779 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys Co by auction sale yesterday and during tli© week Smoked Ribbed Sheet $157 to $163 Plain $142 $152 No. 2 Smoked Sheet ribbed $139 $156 Unsmoked Sheet $l4O $l5l No 2 Unsmoked Sheet $135 $l3B
    192 words
  • Page 1779 Advertisements

  • 466 1780 Apparently it is to be left for the Crown Coloni s to lead the way in the matter of compulsory military service. The example set by the Straits has already made a great impression and has been quoted with approval by the press all over the
    466 words
  • 315 1780 It is highly satisfactory to learn from Peking that the incipient trouble at Shanghai has been nipped in the bud. Ilia mutinv on I he Chaohio (which looked at one time like following the course of that which took place on the Kniaz Potemkin in the Black Sea
    315 words
  • 121 1780 With reference to the question of forming a company of Chinese Volunteers in Penang, we may state, without making any premature disclosures which might possibly hinder or postpone the realisation of the idea, that the matter has been under consideration for some time past. It is understood that
    121 words
  • 297 1780 Two cases of plague have occurred in the vicinity of the junction of Penang Street and Cbulia Street and both have proved fata). One case was discovered last week and the second this week. The Health Officer’s staff are taking every precaution to prevent the spread of
    297 words
  • 607 1780 The Java Bode denies the report that Mr. Douwes Dekker is to be its Editor-in-chief. As stated in the Echo some time ago, Mr. J. L. Humphreys has been appointed to act as British Agent, Trengganu. He will fill the post admirably. Mr. Oliver Marks, Secretary to
    607 words

  • 974 1781 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. GENERAL GALL WITZ’S ARMY. REORGANISED AND REINFORCED. London, December 7, A telegram from Rotterdam states that information from Dublin indicated that General Gallwitz’s German army, which has not been mentioned for some weeks, had been reorganised and reinforced with a view to attacking
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  974 words
  • 510 1781 (Reuter’s Senice.) CoDynght Telegram. artillery activity. London, December 7,1.15 a A Paris communique reports awinl activity in Artois, around Loos and u J and between the Somme and the O lBe q 2 batteries shelled convoys of trnnno behind the German fX. f tr P A
    (Reuter’s Senice.) CoDynght Telegram. *  -  510 words

  • 459 1782 Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. DISCUSSION IN THE LORD'. QUESTION BY LORD BRYCE. Lindon, December 7. In the House of Lords Lord Bryce cillad attention to the position in the Persian Gulf and emphasised that the situation in Persia demanded the most drastic action by Great Britain and
    Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  459 words
  • 538 1782 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. the "CHAOHO incident, lxnd and sea attack. Lindon, December 6. A telegram despatched from Shanghai on December 5 states that the crew of the cruiser Ch/ioho mutinied and open id fire on the arsenal. Two warships were watching the Chxoho, but did not
    (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  538 words
  • 494 1782 (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. NEW VERSION OF GERMAN TERMS. Ridiculous Proposals. London. December 7. A telegram from New York states that Mr. W. J. Bryan has issued a manifesto in which he urges President Wilson to mediate between the belligerents immediately. Simultaneously,a newversion of Germany’s peace terms is
    (Renter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  494 words

  • 975 1783 (Reuter Senice.) Copyright Telegram. A REPUBLICAN DEMAND. Loudon, December 6. A number of New York newspapers, headed by the Tribune, is urging the Republicans in Congress to demand that President Wilson should suspend relations with Germany till the Lusitania crime is disavowed, Count Bernstorff Wants to Know.
    (Reuter Senice.) Copyright Telegram.  -  975 words
  • 442 1783 F»O M DUTCH SOURCES. HOLLAND AND THE mi ta M r F rd Not W *4ed. lhe Dutch Government has nrAk u-i the American pacifist Ford f-om in Holland hi»;beadqiurter, for on a peace prop.ganda among th soldiers of the belligerent Powers. Dutch Army Command, Major-General Van
    442 words

  • 795 1784 PENANG LADY'S EXPERIEN: E. A well-known Penang lady who travelled home recently says in the course of an interesting letter posted at Malta The submarine was fir.-t sighted about 1.30 p.m. while we were all at tiffin, so we were blissfully ignorant at the time
    795 words
  • 253 1784 A Chinese painter was yesterday arraigned before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel in the Third Court on a charge of criminal breach of trust of a tricycle, the property of one Ong Beng Cheng. On the accused claiming trial Court Inspector Nicol said that the complainant made
    253 words
  • 210 1784 Some people are naturally thin. There is also a natural pallor but most people who are both thin and pale are far from well and they need a tonic. Many people neglect to take a tonic until they get so sick that a tonic is not sufficient just
    210 words
  • Page 1784 Advertisements
    • 26 1784 FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS CHKO ,'r FREE CLOTH B MMHCAL B .OK write for FK-.t f R{ s effected by THERAPION NO Price 2 9 LIAOINOCHIMH.TS
      26 words
    • 386 1784 Nerve cidd Digestive Disorer completely cured by the WorldFamous Remedy, Dr. Cassell’s Tablets. A E Burley, of 427, Golden Hillock-road, Birmingham, England, says: 1 was in tip- grip of indigestion ar.d nerve trouble, and pain after food was so sharp that it felt as though I had swallowed knives. To
      386 words

  • Page 1785 Advertisements
    • 215 1785 w ,g|fe CRITERION PRESS, Ld i No. 53, Beach Street, Penang. ESTABLISHED 1883. n PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. S Proprietors of the STRATI i ECHO” and “PENANG SIN POE.” The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and K &lt;4 ithographers in the Orient. F Our plant is of the very latest pattern and
      215 words