The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 2 December 1915

Total Pages: 34
1717 1750 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1717 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. $17.50 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 cti Vol. 13. Penang, Thursday, 2nd DECEMBER, 1915. No. 48.
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  • Page 1717 Advertisements
    • 238 1717 r///zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzwzzzzzzzzzzzz/ zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz z zzzzzz/z/zzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzz/zz.<zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/>zzz, fffftf/t S CONTENTS. x Miscellaneous: page. Leaders: page. The Prince of Wales’ War Relief Fund 1,720 1,723 An Ugly Attitude 1,719 Belgian Relief Fund 1,720 1,727, 1,742 5 I Another Rubber Boom 1,723 Wa8 It a Zsp 1722 I E m ia 1
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  • Page 1718 Advertisements
    • 180 1718 1 THE I STRAITS ECHO I MAIL EDITION. I 4nI P I Published the day prior to the departure of mail I for Europe, and contains ihe latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, as well as > t all important news from various parts of
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  • 790 1719 Lord Derby’s denunciation of his fellow peers who have been criticising the military operations, and particularly the staff work in France and the Dardanelles, will carry great weight with the plain man, because the Director of Recruiting—whose ancestor, by the way, declined the crown of Greece is
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  • 21 1719 for the twenty-four hours ended 9 a.m. to-day was 2 inches as registered by the gauge at Fort Cornwallis.
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  • 24 1719 of the Penang Cricket Club will be held in the Club Pavilion on Friday 10th December at 6 p m.
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  • 38 1719 at the Presbyterian Church in memory of the Scots who have fallen in the war will be at 5.15 pm. on the Esplanade. Dress—Tunic, shorts, rifle and side arms.
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  • 43 1719 charged before the District Judge this morning with attempting to commit housebreaking by breaking into the house of one Goh Leong in Bahk Pulau, were both found guilty and sentenced to eighteen months’ rigorous imprisonment each.
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  • 70 1719 Says Tuesday’s Malaya Tribune William Jenkins, third Engineer of the S.S. Krian, was brought up this morning to receive sentence. Inspector North, who was in charge of the case informed the court that Captain Duringer of the Krian refused to pay the >50 which the accused took from the Chief
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  • 570 1719 Mr. O. de Vries, head of the central rubber testing factory in Java, is on a visit to the F. M. S. Mrs. Porteous, wife of Mr. P. G. Porteous of the Madras and Southern Mahratta railway, Perambore, met with a fatal accident on the 9th inst,
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  • 20 1719 has received a subscription of >30 from Mr. 11, W. Kickeard for the Air Fleet Fund, Ipoh.
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  • Page 1719 Advertisements
    • 94 1719 ?os sipaaires saa®» Piblished daily (except Sundays and pnblio holidays) AT THS CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang, Psion. Daily Local M >24 per aniinra Ontatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) >17.50 CABL1 ADDBBSB ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 5&*3 Printing Department 343 Hi- All e»mmunio*tion« nbould b«
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  • 987 1720 Birthday congratulations are due to-day to Mr. Andrew Carnegie, who enters on his eighty-first year. He has Jived so long and has done so much that it is no surprise to find that he has taken an active part in war, though not such a war as the
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  • 55 1720 Nov.23 By Balance ...$42,465.32 24 Ameunt collected by J. H. Phipps as follows: Audit Office... 6.50 Public Works Department and Survey Office 13.05 Registry, Supreme Court 7.55 Education Department 25.00 Prisons Department 3150 24 Balance 42,548.22 Remitted to London £10,000 on 24-2-15... 85,618.73
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  • 27 1720 Nov. 19 By Balance $2,446.23 24 R. B. Kennedy 20.09 B. E. Marsden 20 00 24 Balance $2,486.23 Amount previously acknowledged 18,558.21 Total ...$21,044.44
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  • 19 1720 received this morning reports that the market for crepe is very unsettled.
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  • 223 1720 (Reuter Service.) tonight Telegram. attitude of Rumania. UNEASINESS in BERLIN. London. November»* A telegram from Rotterdam Berlin continues to show Rumania’s attitude, fearine tK?* lt will allow the passage of Bulgaria. The public are for this development. Pupated Semi-official statements are hoin™ at Berlin to the effect that
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  • 162 1720 SUPPLYING WARSHIPS. Important Tria! ia New York. New York, November 24. A very important trial in connection with the activities of German agents has begun here. Five officials, employees of ths Hamburg-Amerika line, are accused of attempting to supply German warships from United States
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  • 40 1720 London, November 2*. Mr. Lloyd George at the Ministry °f Munitions man conference with the J®P.. Governing; French, Russian, and Italian of It is understood that the' c if agsifl the munitioning of th A being discussed.
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  • 212 1721 (Reuter Service) Copyright Telegram. A COLLECTIVE STEP. STATEMENT BY MINISTERS. London, November 24, 1.15 p.m. A telegram from Athens states that the four Entente Ministers (Great Britain, France, Russia and Italy) made a collective demarche to M. Skouloudis, the Greek Premier, and handed him a Note
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  • 98 1721 Fresh Curtailment. London, November 23. There has been some agitation by the Trade Unions in regard to a fresh curtailment of the drink hours in London. Mr. Will Thorne (Labour Member for West Ham) told Mr. Lloyd George in the House of Commons that three public meetings in
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  • 137 1721 STATEMENT IN THE COMMONS. London, November 23. In the House of Commons, in reply to Sir John Rees, Unonist Member for Nottingham, who asked whether an amnesty would be applied to the case of the Buddhist prisoners in Ceylon who were involved in the late riots and
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  • 21 1721 Copenhagen, November 23. The Danish Government has prohibitec the export of cotton goods from November 22.
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  • 233 1721 (Reuter Service.) Telegram. FOG IMPEDES OPERATIONS. Paris, November 24. A. Paris < .mmunique states that the fog impeded ai.tilery operations. Nevertheless we silenced enemy batteries at Roclincourt, on the Aims, and in Argonne. Otherwise the day was featureless. Mr. Winston Churchill. London, November 21. Mr. Winston Churchill
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  • 198 1721 PLAIN TALK BY LORD DERBY. A FIERCE DENUNCIATION. London, November 24. Lord Derby, Director of Recruiting, speaking at the Stock Exchange, fiercely denounced, amid continuous cheers, Lord St. Davids and Lord Ribblesdale for their speeches in the House of Lords and give the lie direct from his
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  • 1050 1721 FOUR CHINESE CHARGED. I'he preliminary enquiry into the case against Poon Ah Ki, Poon Ah Git, Kuan Ah Tong and Yuen Ah Keng, charged with assembling for the purpose of making preparation for gang robbery, was commenced yesterday afternoon in the Second Court before Mr. E.
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  • Page 1721 Advertisements

  • 90 1722 it is interesting to note that on the evening of July 3, 1914, twenty Chinese, armed with revolvers, held up the Government Chandu shop at Chemor. The raid was of the most daring character. The sentry on duty was taken
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  • 403 1722 On Monday, Oct. 25, many of the inhabitants of the country of watched, at four o’clock in the afternoon, a curious object travelling westward in the sky. It was curious because it continually changed its shape. Soon the rumour spread that it was a damaged Zeppelin.
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  • 204 1722 Kota Bahru, November 18. The S. V. I., under Lieuts. Myles and Hashim, left for Singapore recently. They were stationed here for two months. Their duties included furnishing guards at night at such places as the bank, Residency, etc. There have been a number of bull fights in
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  • 383 1722 The Bore a. Our Own Langkawi, November 21. Langkawi is not far behind Penan» matter of the Borea. Although infC?' the season has closed, in Langkawi continue up to the end of MohoX S party Styled Anak Bland»" members of respectable Mala. Tuan Syed Ali Tnd Wtg** organisers
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  • 82 1722 {From Our Own Correspondent,} Singapore, November 25. At the Singapore Rubber Auction 2 tons of rubber were offered for sale and 1*> tons were sold at the following prices. Smoked sheets $160 to $169 per picul fair $160 n plain $152 $162 ribbed $152 $156 Sheets plain,
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  • 203 1722 Obituary. The Hob. Mr, E. A. Hewett. {From Our Own Correspondent}. Singapore, November 25. The death has taken place at Hongkong of the Hon. Mr. E. A. Hewett, Member of the Hongkong Legislative Council, and Superintendent of the P. &0. Steam Navigation Company. [Mr. Elbert Angsar Hewett was fifty-five years
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  • 832 1723 The amended figures of Federated Maliv States-revenue and expenditure for the veJr 1916 show that the Administration expects to receive something over 37| million dollars and to expend rather under 36 millions, the estimated surplus being 81,692,885- The estimated revonuu is as mual very conservative, but it
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  • 106 1723 Penang Women Workers Amount previously acknowledged $781 00 M<s. Hilton Magill 2 00 Mis. Wilson, Caledonia 2nd don:) 500 Bridge Win 3 00 Madame Butterfly 3.00 8794 00 $689.51 his been spent on materials, leaving a balance ot $104 49. Among the garments sent to Queen
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  • 71 1723 (From Our Own Correspondent.') Kuala Lumpur, November 25. Second Lieutenant C. A. MacGregor, of the 9th Gordons, was killed in action on September 25. Mr. MacGregor was f< rmerly p anting in Selangor and more recently he was employed on the Bruseh Tin Mine, Perak. Captain
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  • 39 1723 Nov 24 By Balance ...842,548,92 25 Acting Adjutant Penang Volunteer (Patrol mo ey) 14.00 25 Balance 42,562,92 Remitted to London £10,000 on 24-2 15... 85.618 73 Total subscription to date ...8128,181 65
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  • 146 1723 at the race course, which was nyt of a strenuous nature, the Volunteers fell in at the Grand Stand to listen to the decision of the field operations on Sunday last. Major Adams read the report of the different officers which proved to be very
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  • 117 1723 ANOTHER RUBBER BOOM Considering what Shanghai lost in the last rubber “boom” it would be natural if the inhabitants of the Model Settlement also known as the Sink of Iniquity were* a little chary of touching rubber shaies. But not a bit of it. They are ready to jump in—and
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  • 584 1723 Jump from Tis. 14,371,022 To Tit. 32,125,969 la Fifteen Moaths. HEALTHY GROWTH. I Locally Owned Companies Are TIs. 10,000,000 Above Par. NOT DUE TO BOOM. Better Prices and laerensed Production at Lower Cost. hollows a couple of columns or so of rhapsody
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  • 28 1724 Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following is the quotation for Rubber on Spot in London: Plantation 1st latex ciepe, 3/3 Para to arrive January June 2/11.
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  • 51 1724 Mr. Campbell called attention to the large sale of intoxicants to coolies at present. Before a Tamil festival the Chinese shops appeared to lay in a special stock, which they sold to the coolies, and nothing seemed to be
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  • 59 1724 A Field Se r vice Post Card dated Sept. 6th has been leceived fiom Mr. R. A. bansome “I am quite well “I have received no letter from you —the usual laconics of the F. 8. P. C. Mr. Sansome left the Singapore Free Press shortly after the outbreak of
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  • 58 1724 From Singapore; Mr. D. Rendle, Mr. Wong, Mr. L A. C. Biggs, Mr. Adamson, Mr J. Frost. Mr. K. S. Smith. From Port Swettenham; Mr. T. L. Adamsom, Mr. Wallace, Mr. K. Femingworth, Mr. W. P. de Basagoite, Rev.
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  • 73 1724 From the Straits Times of Wednesday Mr. H. R. W. Lobb, of the Singapore Tramways, and Mrs. Lobb, have returned from home. Congratulations to Mr. Percy Cunliffe, and Miss Blanche Ker on their engagement, which has just been announced. Both are well known and very popular in Singapore. Mr. Cunliffe
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  • 95 1724 occurred in Faiquhar Street, near the junction with Love Lane, yesterday evening which, fortunately, was not attended by any serious results. It appears that Mr. Millard, of the Robinson Piano Compiny, was proceeding home on his motor cycle along Farquhar Street. At the junction of this
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  • 116 1724 We regret to find under Wounded ”in a list of casualties dated Nov. 11th the name of Capt. C. J. Foot, of the Artillery, late of Kuala Lumpur. Lieut. Z. A. Turton, whois now unofficially reported killed, spent ab ut five years in the F.M.S., coming
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  • 1019 1724 The proposals to revive the Kingdom of Jerusalem are a reminder that no less than five European monarchs claim to be monarch of the Holy City. The most valid claim at present is still that of the Sultan of Turkey, but King of Jerusalem figures among the titles
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  • 122 1724 From Dutch Sources. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Tuesday and Wednesday, November 23 and 24 Holland and the War. Tobacco cargoes for neutral ports need no longer be consigned to the Netherlands Oversea Trust. German aircraft have again violated Dutch territory and
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  • 65 1724 In a chat with a representative ot»“ r e tain insurance company the insurance T.O.M. learned that mattery world in these parts explanation beyond expectations tie F o£ being that the enforced economy had resulted 1 month a trifle having at the end o meeting more than
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  • 322 1725 EURASIAN SHOT DEAD. accused charged with murder. A tragedy was enacted at 330 pm. yesterday at 43A, Macalister Road, the residence of Mr. Peter Lmgan resulting in the death of Robert Nelligan, eldest son of Mr. Charles Nelligan, of Messi s Wreford and Thornton, who, it appears, was
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  • 221 1725 A Curious Story. A Chinaman namid Su Hok was this morning arraigned before Mr. V.G Ezechiel in the Third Court, charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to one Lim Teng Hai by shooting him with a revolver. Inspector Bartells stated that he left the question of bail
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  • 10 1725 is 3s 31, slight fall.
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  • 52 1725 (Reuter Senice.) Copyright Telegram. GERMAN VERSION. London, November 24, A German communique states that Mitrovitza has b a en captured by the Austrians and Pristina by the Germans, Serbian Government Moves to Scutari. Paris, November 25. An official telegram from Frizrend states that the Sarbim Government has moved
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  • 328 1725 Mr. Ashmead Bartlett's Criticism. London, November 24, Mr. Ashin a ad Birtlett, in a letter to the Times on Mr. Churchill’s Dardanelles tpeeeh says: ■‘We emb irked on the en-erptise in ignorance of the enemy’s defences, bell >ving that the Queen Elizabeth’s guns would destroy the forts
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  • 31 1725 Strained Relations. Zurich, November 25 A telegram from Sofii states that the Bulgarians are furious because Ruminia is refusing to permit the through transit of goods to Bulgaria,
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  • 44 1725 A Long Stay Contemplated. Zurich, November 25. Austrian reports indicate that the Allies intend to remain a long time at Salonika. Heavy guns and macoinery for anelectric power station have been lauded and contracts made for the erection ot extensive oarracks,
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  • 384 1725 (Reuter Service) C>pyrigbt Telegram. ASSURAN E BY THE KING. London, November 24, 6 35 p m. A telegram from Athens states that King Constantine at a luncheon which he gave in honour of M. Denys Cochin discussed with him the Entente Note. The King assured the French
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  • 100 1725 Important Success. Rome, November 25 A communique issued at Rome 8Ufce8 that violent Austrian counter-attacks on Col-di-Lans, Zigora and Oshvis were all repulsed. Atone point the Austrians left 300 dead. Austrians left The Italians achieved a brilliant succphr in the Monte San Michele region They captured an
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  • 36 1725 London, N ivoin'ier 25. ihe b rank! art ;r Zeitunj statoi that the cotton-spinning and waving mdu-t ies of Germany bin practical y more material, and cm obtain nouu except for army purposes.
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  • 453 1726 Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. NEAR BAGDAD. IMPORTANT BRU ISM SUCCESS. London, November 24. The Press Bureau announces that after a night march from Z ur, whtch was occupied ou November 19, General lownshend’s Division attacked the* Tuikish position at Citesiphon, eighteen miles from Bagdad, on November 22 and
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  • 339 1726 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. TRIBUTE TO THE HAPPY WARRIOR. London, November 24 In the House of Lords, while discussing agricultural recru-ting, the Duke of Marlborough denounced the attacks on FieldMarshal Sir John French who had ♦mdeared himself both to his own and the French officers. Sir John, the
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  • 877 1726 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram Vp av «SURD 0M1W1 ayed in transmission), In the Uuus jof Commons in bir h. A. Cornwall (Liberal ’m 1U W to Bethnal Green) wh/ asked r^ r favourable reports resnecim Ug Uu whether there was an/ inform^ 1 au<1 these being ot enemy
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  • 15 1727 Mr. H. Oxenham is getting on very well indeed.
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  • 27 1727 Wong Kam Soo, of St. Joseph’s Institution, was drowned in the Stamford Canal where he was bathing contrary to the School regulations.
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  • 35 1727 in the mines at Fushun, China, is calculated to contain 800,000,000 tons—-a vast supply which, even if taken out at the rate of 6,500 tons a day would last >56 years.
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  • 39 1727 named Robert Feel, son of Sir Robert Peel, of Drayton Mannor, Tamworth, and Ronald McFarlane, of Bournemouth, who disappeared from Harrow were discovered to have joined the Army. They have been sent back to Harrow.
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  • 49 1727 that recently, while the Belgian Crown Frinoe was proceeding from Eton to Loudon, a bomb dropped from a Zeppelin fell 180 from where the Prince ■tood. He was struck by a bomb splinter *nd received a slight injury to his arm.
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  • 1043 1727 A Case or Murder. I he inquest into the circumstances atending tbe death of a Chinaman named Lim (’boon, which occurred on the 14th losta: o at the General Hospital as the result of a .ow on the head involving the fracture of tin skull, was held yesterday
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  • 27 1727 Nov. 24 By Balance 92,484.23 26 Ladies Bridge win* nings at Golf Club 32 00 26 Balance 92.518.22 Amount previously acknowledged 18,558.21 Total ...921.074.44
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  • 90 1727 in the Settlement of Singapore for the week ended* November 20 was 24.41 per mille of the population. The total number of deaths was 159, of which 110 were male subjects and 49 female. Convulsions claimed 24, phthisis 21 and malaria fever 16. The highest number
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  • Page 1727 Advertisements
    • 62 1727 A Favorite Rub tan. The golfer, the football player and the all round athlete know the value of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It is just the thing for a rub down after a hard game. All soreness disappears like magic and sprains and swellings are cured in one-third less time than
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  • 1084 1728 We were hardly prepared for the information given by the Chief Secretary to a question put by the Hon Mr. W. F. Nutt at the resent session of the Federal Council, that the Director of Education had only be sn thirteen days in the F.M.S. during
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  • 143 1728 I have three boys of exceptional intellectual powers. They could have passed the Junior Cambridge but they are going to leave. Circumstances are such that their parents cannot afford to keep them at school any longer. A little help from the Government at the other end would
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  • 115 1728 is just reported from Goghat in the Hughly District. In this village a beggar, named Nibaran Dome, and his wife had lived together for over fourteen years. Some time since the husband fell a victim to consumption, and died a few days ago. When his dead
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  • 355 1728 F.M.S. Company La w. little yesterday, (said the pendent of the Strait, November 24) when the falXv’?“ g the limited liability eomS below were prosecutid undo..! and Foreign Companies Enani th for having failed We the 8 Ute±‘form of a balance sheet reauiri m the 3of the enactmentZ bj '«««>
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  • 57 1728 —Apropos of a suggested tax on beards, I am reminded that the beard ones had an exaggerated value. When the For* tuguese admiral Juan de Castro wanted w borrow 1,000 pistols from the Indian city Goa, he was able to do so on
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  • 53 1728 among or the Agenzia d hundreds of railway trucks held U P Roumanian frontier en route for lurwy a number containing the parts of four man submarines. Germany was trying get them through to Constantinople, they would be put together at
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  • 83 1728 from Lhasa The latest reports irum du-™- everything is quiet on the K The Chinese are slowly influence and the officials friendly relations with the invite them to picnics and athle tions, and the Tibetan officers themselves of the opportunities t The trend of public °P l
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  • 541 1729 English people do not know very much about Rumania, which Berlin now seems to think is going to come in on the side ot the Allies. When the Balkan wars gave us our first comprehensive chance of learning about the Balkan States, it happened that Rumania was inclined to
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  • 25 1729 that the mail which left Penang on October 29 was delivered in London on the 26th inst.
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  • 654 1729 The engagement is announced of Mr W. H. E Thomas, of the Chartered Bank, Peking, to Miss Lilian Bryson, Count van Limburg-Stirum, GovernorGeneral elect of Netherlands India and at present Dutch Minister to Sweden, is expected to leave his post at Stockholm on December 4 The marriage
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  • 1002 1729 In common with several of uur contemporaries we received the other day from a correspondent in Singapore a letter eulogising in enthusiastic terms the services of an officer in the local government. On general grounds of principle—and particularly because we wished to spare tbo said official’s blushes —we
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  • 182 1730 The Finding. The inquest into the death of Robert Richard Nelligan, eldest son of Mr. Charles Nelligan, who was killed by a bullet on Thursday, was |held this morning in the Second Court before Mr, E. E. Colman, the Coroner, and a jury comprising Messrs. P. Pedley, M.
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  • 24 1730 a couple of days ago at Sitapak. One man who was then injured has since died.— M.M.
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  • 29 1730 the Kuala Lumpur paper understands, for the re-arrest of Kasava Pillay, the Indian who was recently released by the CJ.C. on an extradition case.
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  • 47 1730 Abun of Penghulu Santok’s house, ulu Undup died of dysentery after returning from the Mujong expedition about three months ago. His wife Kupa has now committed suicide by drinking tuba water, having previously killed her two small children by giving it to them.
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  • 431 1730 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. BULGARIAN REPULSE. Paris, November 26, A Paris communique states that the French troops repulsed the Bulgarians east of Krivolak. French Offensive Begun. Paris, November 26. The French have now taken the offensive and have attacked the Bulgarians in the Krivolak region. They occupied an
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  • 399 1730 Renter's Service.) Copyright Telegram RUSSIAN SUCCESSES A Petrograd Russians took a and six machine guns m th« pFl80nw ended in the capture of the hill‘“n e ll i? l! Bersemuende—Riga front. 04 Brisk Fighting. Brisk fighting continued in the and Ivorgon districts, south-west nf p Heavy
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  • 945 1731 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. TURKISH ACTIVITY. ATTACKS REPULSED. Paris, November 26. The Turks are displaying growing activity in the Dardanelles. Thrice they attacked the British front on November 21 in an attempt to retake the lost trenches but failed. Everywhere they were decimated by the Anglo-French fire.
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  • 278 1731 (Reuter Service) Copyright Telegram CHANCELLOR INTERVIEWED. A COMPARISON AND A DIFFERENCE. London, November 26. Mr. Reginald McKenna, Chancellor of the Exchequer, in an interview granted to a representative of the New York Tribune, said that long before Britain’s money runs short the supply of Garmin men will
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  • 34 1731 news has been received of the death of C. A. MacGregor, 2nd Lieut., 9th Gordon Highlanders, who was killed in action at the front on September 25th.
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  • 59 1731 of Holmwood Estate, Kuala Selangor, but during the last few years prior to the outbreak of war he had been at Bruseh Tin Mine, Perak, under the Borneo Company. The late Mr, MacGregor will be remembered by Ceylon men as playing football
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  • 167 1731 was sent up the Batang Lupar to ende tvour to punish the Jingin inhabitants for committing murders in the Sakarang river, having killed 18 women and children about a month ago. On the force arriving at Jingin the people were found to have
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  • 372 1732 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Thursday, November 25: HolUad and the War, Dr. Ort, Dutch Minister of Justice, han ordered the prosecution of the newspaper Het Volk which called Mr. Posthuma, Minister of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry, a rascal
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  • 184 1732 has been received by an Ipoh resident from Lieut. H. F. Waters, of the Queen’s Westminster Rifles, who is Somewhere in France.” Lieut. Waters was given a commission in his old regiment at the beginning of the year. Before going to the front he went through a machine-gun
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  • 992 1732  -  [By Tom Wbimht], What a dreadful cough you have,” said the lady. Are you taking anything for it I said I was taking thought, that I contemplated an essay on coughs and coughers. So I was. My cough had kept me awake part of the night, and as
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  • 288 1732 is regarded by the Kuala Lumpur correspondent of the Straits Times as an act of justice to the public that is particularly gratifying, in ismuch as it shews that the Government is willing to safeguard the
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  • 835 1733 The Fates were kind yesterday afternoon, for the boys of the Penang Free School <«re favoured with fine weather for their Annual Sports. The Sports were held on the School ground which was crowded at an early hour with excited youngsters. Following the custom of .the past
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  • 19 1733 of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co Ltd. for the week ended 27th November was 15 tons.
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  • 36 1733 at the Presbyterian Church tomorrow evening are reminded that the fall in will be on the Esplanade at 515 p.m. move off at 5-30 p.m. and dismiss at the Penang Club
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  • 43 1733 for our soldiers will be glad to know that Mrs. T.O. Woodford, who is collecting subscriptions towards this purpose, is despatching by the homeward mail a sum of 357, being the total amount collected by her in Penang.
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  • 42 1733 An Athens message states the German Minister practically resides at the Palace and King Constantine is in direct wirelessjcommunication with the Kaiser. M. Venizelos is receiving threatening letters and friends are guarding him.
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  • 233 1733 has reached Singapore of the death at the.front of Mr. Charles Munie, agent of the local branch of the Banque de 1’IndoChine, who was killed in Artois on October 9. Mr. Munie, who was only 24 years of age, belonged to the recruitment of IndoChina where he was mobilised,
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  • 1025 1733 No one can be surprised at the severity of the sentences passed upon the Comm mder and second in command of the Russian warship Jemchug which was sunk in Penang harbour in October, 1914. The evidence showed that the chief officers of the ship were absent, that she was
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  • 63 1734 contains the text of a Bill about to te introduced in the Legislative Council to amend the Volunteer Ordinance 1880 so as to make it clear that the active service therein referred to does not mean only active service with His Majesty’s regular forces. The object of
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  • 72 1734 in a leader inspired by recent incidents attributed to Germans resident in the Netherlands Indies, calls for drastic measures to be taken by the Dutch Government in all known cases of German machination. It further states that several suspicious incidents have come to the knowledge of the
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  • 92 1734 on Friday next the Treasurer will move that the Council approves of a vote of $68,628 to meet irrecoverable expenditure on services connected with the war during the current year, The Christian Marriage (Amendment) Bill, the Voluntary Conveyances Bill, the Municipal Ordinance (Amendment)
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  • 514 1734 Although the weather of Saturday morning last suggested anything but the possibility of shooting in the afternoon, it cleared up sufficiently to enable the programme advertised by the above Club to be successfully held. The attendance was good, but the incessant drizzle was annoying, and though,
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  • 349 1734 Amongst the corruptions of Hindwtmi words in common use among theBrtS army in India is one, Blighty which the soldier is the equivalent of England home and beauty,” although itiS more correct to assume that thewJ colloquially Bilaiti,” include all Europe. But as the great bulk of the Europeans
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  • 76 1734 Men’s November 1915 Momthlt JWJj The play for this Competition follows 12—an LV JLaville 484-48= I F W Harris V G Ezechiel 494-49— 98 1 tlin ad Mr f J Sproule also played but re no score. m. v W H&rri 1 Mr LV J Laville and
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  • Page 1734 Advertisements
    • 54 1734 Chronic Constipation. Chamberlain’s Tablets can and do cure constipation. One or two of these tablets taken at bed time will keep the bowels open, and while doing so will invigorate- the stomach and put the disordered liver in a condition to do its work in a natural manner. Fur sale
      54 words
    • 8 1734 For Chronic Chest Complaints. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cue
      8 words

  • 679 1735 Drivel is hardly too strong a word to apply to the comments which an Ipoh correspondent sends to the Malay Mail regarding the Government’s rejection of Mr. Macfadyen’s Bill to amend the Labour Code. Mr. Macfadyen’s Bill was intended, as our readers will remember, to make it a
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  • 21 1735 for the twenty-four hours ended 9 am. yesterday was 1.61 inches as registered by the gauge at Fort Cornwallis.
    21 words
  • 43 1735 reports striking an uncharted rock or heavy wreckage in Latitude 0 deg 46| min. S. Longitude 104 deg. 11 min. E, with Muchi Light bearing N. 33 deg. W. and Berhala Light China Sea S. 67£ deg, E. Admiralty charts-941B, 1739,2757.
    43 words
  • 49 1735 Sir Herbert Tree, has one gift which is generally denied to others of his craft—that of originality. In one of his latest pronouncements he says Each of us has his own part to play, and it all comes down to a question of trench or retrench.”
    49 words
  • 52 1735 will be held in Singapore next year on January 11, March 21, May 16, July 25, September 19 and November 7 at Penang on January 10, March 20, May 15, July 17, September 18 and November 6 and at Malacca on January 24, April 10, July 10, and
    52 words
  • 67 1735 15, the committee record that, despite the losses incurred by the mercantile marine through the war, the tonnage of vessels which were classed in Lloyd’s Register Book at the close of the year ended June 30, 1915,
    67 words
  • 82 1735 we announce the dexth of Mr Cheah Tek Soon, at the age cf 63, which took place at his residence in Rangoon Road, after a prolonged illnes». He leaves a widow, eight sons four daughters and many grand-children to mourn his loss. Much’ sympathy
    82 words
  • 118 1735 the Rev. Frank G Swindell, takes over the editorship of the Cathedral Monthly Paper which was started two years ago by the Rev. H. G. Peile, who is leaving the diocese much to the regret of all those with whom he has come in contact. Mr. H.
    118 words
  • 137 1735 that vigorous efforts are being made by Mr. Henry Ford to cover up the effects of his recent tactless speech against the British War Loan at New York. This caused much indignation in Canada, where the Ford Canadian Company has been making a fortune in supplying
    137 words
  • 522 1735 Inspector L w-< nc > u proceeding on transfer to Singapote. Mr. O dr Vri-t, hexd of the central rubber testing iactuiy in Java, is on a visit to the Straits and F.M.S. Mr. Alfred Reid, of Kuala Lumpur, ba* been elected a non resident Fellow of
    522 words

  • 969 1736 Happy thought! Many happy returns of the day to Sir Francis Burnand who was born on November 29, 1836. Curious that after our suggestion to the F. M. S. Government in these columns a week ago to tax armorial bearings one of the most readable articles in the
    969 words
  • 165 1736 Ab Impressive Function. The Memorial service for Scotsmen who have fallen in the war, which was held yesterday evening at the Presbyterian Church, was conducted by the Rev. W. Murray. The service was a very impressive one andwas attended by about 130 officers, non-commis-sioned officers and men
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  • 88 1736 which took place on the morning of the 24th instant at the residence of his eon-in law, Govt. Quarters, Buffalo Road, Singapore, at the of 74 years after a painful illness. The funeral took place at
    88 words
  • 626 1736 (Router Service.) Copyright Telegram. SERBIANS STILL RESISTING .n. i- Amsterdam, November Sa even attacking in the Mrtrorit» 14 An Early Winter. Salonika, November 27 onNovem?ei t 25. rei fOreem6 t,arr 9d '>«< Winter in the Balkans has begun earl» than usual. Consequently it may te that the miukry
    626 words

  • 521 1737 FRESH NOTE BY THE ALLIES. London, November 27. The Allies have presented a fresh detailed Note to Greece, complementary to their previous Note. Disquieting Situation. London, November 28. The Greek situation is again disquieting. Reuter’s correspondent at Athens says in reference to the new Note, which makes
    521 words
  • 87 1737 Traasfer of Control. London, November 27. The responsibility for the designs, specifications and the testing of arms and ammunition and the inventions thereanent has been transferred from the Army Council to the Ministry of Munitions, which will henceforth be under the control of the Ordnance
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  • 49 1737 Ottawa, November 27. Plans are being prepared for an important extension of the munition works in Canada. Not only will there be a larger output but the banks are accepting British bills of exchange as heretofore and payments will be made direct from British funds.
    49 words
  • 49 1737 Additional Commercial Credit. New York, November 27, Additional British commercial credit has been established here from a loan bearing interest at and running for six months. It is secured by British Government bonds. The credit aggregates 850,000,000 (gold) on a security of £11,000.000,
    49 words
  • 983 1737 Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegran LIVELY CANNONADE. P«rip, November 26. A Paris communique states that all is quiet. A heavy snowfall is reported in the Vosges. Paris, November 27. The Paris communique issued to-day reports a cannonade along the entire front. It was very lively in the Argonne
    983 words

  • 425 1738 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. GORIZIA. FIERCE AND CONTINUOUS FIGHTING. London, November 26. The rumour that Gorizia has fallen is not confirmed by the communique issued at Rome which says thaat fighting continued yesterday on the heights north-west of the town. Repeated stubborn enemy counter-attacks did not prevent
    425 words
  • 438 1738 (Reuter’s Senice.) Cooyriht Telegram, UNCONFIRMED GERMAN emu kondon, November 27 rhe German claim of the Bersemuende, a few miles south ofR; 01 is not confirmed by the Russian onmm R ga which says that there was fighting ST® yesterday which ended indecisively Everything is quiet elsewhere on
    438 words

  • 268 1739 (Reuter’s Senice.) Copyright Telegram. an interesting address. Plea for Closer Co-operatioa. London, November 26. Jn his addiess to the Far Eastern section of the London Chamber of Commerce Mi. Ainscougb, who recently concluded amission of investigation in the interior uf China on behalf of the Board
    268 words
  • 95 1739 Age Limit Raised. London, November 26. The official representative of the British Press with the French armies estimates the German losses during the first fifteen mouth of the war at 4,500,600 of whom 3,000,060 will not return. This confirms Mr. Reginald McKenna’s statement that the German net
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  • 36 1739 Lisbon, November 28. The Unionists and Evolutionists having refused to join the Democrats in forming a National Ministry the Piesident has entrusted Senhor Affonso Costa with the formation of the new ministry.
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  • 39 1739 President Wilsoa Refuses to Participate, London, November 27. It is stated authoritatively that President Wilsoa will refuse to participate in the various campaigns to convoke a conference of the neutral Powers with a view te peace.
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  • 821 1739 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. FURTHER DETAILS. London, November 26. A further telegram from General Nixon regarding the recent fighting at Ctesiphon, near Bigdad, says that General Townshend’s Loops are in possession of the battlefield and that the Turks ar i retiring on Bialah, ten miles above Ctesiphon and
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  • Page 1739 Advertisements
    • 61 1739 A Favorite Rub Down. The golfer, the football player and the all round athlete know the value of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It is just the thing for a rub down after a hard game. All soreness disappears like magic and sprains and swellings are cured in one-third less time than
      61 words
    • 43 1739 Early Colds. B i careful of the colds you take at this time of the year. They are particularly danger*.us. A neglected cold may mean a wintir long cold. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Rome ly at once. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      43 words

  • 1781 1740 CORONER’S INQUEST. Jury’s Finding. The inquest into the cause of death of Robert Richard Nelligan, eldest sou of Mr. Charles Nelligan, who was shot by a Volunteer in Macalister Road on Thursday afternoon was held on Saturday before Mi. E. E Colman, Coroner, and a jury comprising Messrs.
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  • Page 1740 Advertisements
    • 53 1740 Chronic Constipation. Chamberlain’s Tablets can and do cure constipation Oae or two of these tablets taken at bed tim> will keep the bowels open, and while doing so will invigorate the stomach and put the disordered liver in a condition to do its work in a natural manner. For sale
      53 words
    • 9 1740 For Chronic Chest Complaint®» Woods’ Groat Peppermint Cir® 101
      9 words

  • 22 1741 Hoops -On 28 h November at Alor Star, Kedah, the wf 3 of A. L Hoops, m d., of a daughter.
    22 words
  • 1008 1741 There has been a great deal of loose talk lately not only in the German but in the British press, as to the effects of a successful campaign by the Central Powers in the Balkan Peninsula. The Lally Mail, for instance, has published a scare article by
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  • 22 1741 Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following is the quotation for Rubber on Spot in London: Plantation 1st latex ciepe, 3/1.
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  • 26 1741 that tha Malayan Tin Dredging Cimpany h is declared a dividend of a shilling per share less income-tax, payable on November 30
    26 words
  • 47 1741 Messrs. Kennedy Co. have received in- formation from I'he Jeboug (Perak) Rubber Co. Ltd., that they are paying a 3rd interim dividend of 7| per cent, on the 3 d December, aud the transfer books will be closed fiom the 25th inst: to the 3rd December inclusive.
    47 words
  • 38 1741 Mr. R. J. Wilkinson, Colonial Secretary, opened the new branch of St. Andrew’s School, costing $16,000, of which a sum of $6,000 was granted by Government. General Ridout tnanked Mr. Wilkinson for presiding.
    38 words
  • 102 1741 says Truth, Mr. Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett was sent home from the Dardanelles for the military offence of despatching an uncensored letter to Mr. Asquith. This may not be tru but if it is, he seems to be engaged
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  • 625 1741 Mr. J. 11. Rich, manager of Tronoh Mines, return d trom Home by the mail boat. He is accimpauied by Mrs. Rich. The King has approved of the app< intment of Mr. A. A. Jack, formerly Fellow of St. Peter’s College, Cambridge, to the Chair of English
    625 words
  • 16 1741 has been erect- ,h0 (KM 8 > 1’etruleum Company at Assam Tai pmg.
    16 words

  • 1026 1742 Between the Soup and the Savoury there is only one course to-night and that leads to the Town Hall. Has anyone in the-’e days cf the triumph of sea power remarked upon the curious origin of the word admiral The title came into Europe as the result of
    1,026 words
  • 120 1742 A Profitable Year. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, November 30. At the meeting of the Malaka Piuda Rubber Company Mr. Tan Cheng Lock who presided, said that the period under review was the most successful in the Compiny’s history. The all-in cost was three pence less than
    120 words
  • 25 1742 Nov 26 By Balance $2,518.23 29 W. H. Thomson, 13th contribution 10 00 29 Balance $2,528.23 Amount previously acknowledged 18,558.21 Total ...$21,086.44
    25 words
  • 28 1742 have to-day receiv- d a subscrip- tion of $20 from Mr. H. W. Rickeard for the Air Fleet Fund, Ipoh,,
    28 words
  • 428 1742 IReuter Semite.) ««Wrigbl Tele„,„ SERBIAN RETREAT >N FACE OF SVP EWor Fog ts A telegram fro Colonel Vasritch telegranC’f sUt tttt to the Serbian Minister that hn“ P riz '™4 for Scutari. The Serbuns roads from Kossovo Plain th Thousands of refugees on the Rn riz Q f.
    428 words

  • 262 1743 (Neuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. GOVERNMENT A LIES' DEMANDS. Athens, November 29. The Government his not yet replied to the Allies, pending an elucidation of certain points of the deman Is formulated in Friday’s Note. The Government will discuss the proposals in the f-ame spirit inspiring the reply
    262 words
  • 72 1743 We are glad to be able to announce that the Penang Nursing Association is expecting a fully qualified Nurse, Miss Ada Simmons, by the s.s. Novara which is due to arrive here about December 11. Miss Simmons is being sent out by the Colonial Nursing Association to
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  • 55 1743 (From Gw Own Correspondent,') Ipob, November 30. A gang robbery, the details of which are not yet to baud, is reported from Gopeng, a mining village near Ipoh. This is the third outrage of this nature within a few weeks. It is believed that a large
    55 words
  • 62 1743 that the sum of .£450 has been received from the Hon. Mr Lau Ghu-kak on behalf of himself and his son for a motor ambulance to be presented to the St. John Ambulance Corps, together with a subscription of JJ163 19s. 4d.
    62 words
  • 3799 1743 Meeting in Penang. Phere was a very large attendmce at the m f'.mg of the Planters’ Association of x ivt which was held at (he Chamber of Commerce at 10 a.m. yesterday with M W. Du» can in the chair. lhe others present included, from Batu D
    3,799 words

  • 961 1745 The material resources of the British Empire are enormous, so enormous m fact that there is always the danger that people unaccustomed Lu tuink in hundreds of millions mty ba inclined to indulge in tne belief that they are inexhaustible. but the demands of this
    961 words
  • 25 1745 the properties and estate of Low Kim Pong, deceased, were s >ld by Messrs. Powell and Co, and fetched $281,050.
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  • 30 1745 who was charged with criminal misappropriation of a note was adjourned to the 8th instant, bail being allowed in the 8urn of $100.
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  • 40 1745 A Malay na med Mun who was found guilty by Mr. E. E. Colman of a charge of cruelty by working a pony which was in an unfit, state anl also of rash driving, was hued $3 on each charge.
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  • 39 1745 who wt re arraigned this morning on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to one Teoh Su Cheng, were remanded for a week, bail being allowed in the sum of $2Cd each.
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  • 46 1745 the funeral of the late Mr. Cheah Tek Soon, which is fixed to take place on Sunday, 5th iost. at 10 a.m. will be in the reform style but there will however, be Pye Chay” for friends and that day.
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  • 44 1745 are ap- pointed K ithis for the Hauafi Sect in place of Abdul Rahim bin Kathi Samsudin and Syed Kazim bin Abdul Razak whose appointments are cancelled.
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  • 50 1745 r-turmd trom Simanggang in the jj tora 0Q the 14th mat. While His H-gbness was at Simanggang a small forc< o f rangers was sent up the Batang L’.ipar to endeavour to punish the Jingin inhabitants for having committed murders in the Sakarang River.
    50 words
  • 70 1745 r--- IV inclusive, tho value of the highest grade or rubber is fixed at 3s. 4 1. por lb., and the duty (ju cultivated rubber on which export duty is I viable on an ad va'orem basis in accordance with the rules
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  • 481 1746 Mr. J. A. Nelligan, of the Chief Post Office, has been promoted to class I vice Mr. P. P. Selvanayagam Pillay who goes into the Special Grade. The November medal of the Selangor Golf Club was won by Mr. D. M. Barry with 80 nett and the
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  • 78 1746 the local Scotsmen celebrated St. Andrew’s Day with a dinner and a dance at the Grand Hotel. There was a large gathering which was of a semi-private character. Mr. A. Grant Mackie, who presided, proposed the toast of the King, St. Andrew, Scotland and her
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  • 924 1746 December 1 is curiously conivcted with worthies of the ancient British Church. It is the anniversary of Deiniol, commemorated by Mr. Gladstone in St Deiniol’s Library at Hawarden and of Rhystyd, who has been identified with Restitutus, the first-known Bishop of London. Queen Alexandra’s birthday celebrations have invariably
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  • 128 1746 Four Chinese, named Lok Chu Pow, Lim Yan Peng, Lui Chang Siang and Kui Lai were this morning charged before Mr. E. E. Colman with committing the offence of rioting at B ick Kiln Road on November 30. They were all remanded for a week, no bail being
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  • 117 1746 Struggle With Police. A Gang rebb ry is reported to uav taken place at Gopeng on Sunday property stolen being valued at o 1 FroeSi particulars to baud, it that a party of about fifteen armed robW simultaneously attacked J w0 largo chandu shops; and were
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  • 410 1747 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SOUTH OF PR LEP. Salonika, Ncvembir 29. The small Serbian Army is heroically maintaining itself south of Pri’up. Bulgarians Hanging Back. The Bulgarians are still hanging back in the region of Krushev n There is only occasional shelling of the Allied line. Significant Incident.
    410 words
  • 459 1747 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. GERMAN ATTACK REPULSED. London, November 29, 5.5 p.m. I urthor grenade-fighting took place at Artois. The .’aris communique says We defeated a German bayonet attack at Berry lubac, the enemy Hieing, leaving those who fell behind. We made prisoners. Four German aeroplanes bombed
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  • 171 1747 Reuter's Senice.) Copyright Telegram. EMPERORS CONFER. A MOMENTOUS MEETING. Amsterdam, November 29. An official telegram from Berlin states that the Kaifer has started for Vienna on a visit to the Emperor Francis Joseph. This will be their first meeting since the war. Met at the Statioa.
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  • 96 1747 Visit to the Isoazo Froat. Rome, November 29. Lord Kitchener visited parts of the Middle Isonzo front where Gorizia is situated, also the lower Isonzo. King Victor Emmanuel received Lord Kitchener at headquarters and personally conferred on him the Grand Cross of the Savoy. la Paris, London,
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  • 84 1747 AT MONTENERO AND GORIZIA. Rome, November 30. A communique reports severe fighting on the steep Montenero slopes. Strong enemy entrenchments were captured. Furious engagements took place northwest of Gorizia where the enemy wa, strongly reinfjrced, resulting in hand-co-hand fighting in the Italian trenches. Eventually the
    84 words
  • 35 1747 (From Our Own Correspondent.') New Appoiatmeat. Singapore, December 1. It is offi tally announced that the Hon. Mr. K. J. WilkinR/S, Colonial Secretary has bean appointed Governor of Sierra Lune.
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  • 237 1748 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. FINE WORK BY BRITISH AEROPLANE. London, November 30. Field-Marshal Sir John French reports that a British aeroplane destroyed, off Middelkerke, a German submarine which was seen to break in half. Another Submarine Destroyed. A Creta» Claim. Salonika, November 30. Three Cretans claim to
    237 words
  • 165 1748 P. O. Report. The Past Year. London, November 30. The yearly report of the P, 0. Company shows a balance of <£500,000, of which a sum of <£78,000 was carried forward. The report records the loss of the Nile, the Nubia and the India. The cost of the last vessel
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  • 42 1748 Lisbon, November 30. The new Portuguese Ministry has been formed with Senhor Alfonso Costi as Premier and Finance Minister, Senhor Soares as Foreign Minister, Senhor M. de Mattos as War Minister and Senhor Gaspar as Minister for the Colonies.
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  • 565 1748 (Keiflcc’s Service.) Couyrinht Telegram. RUSSIAN VICTORY AT ILLUKST Petrograd, November 30, A communique says that severe fighting took place in the Illukst region where the Gei mans, after taking the offensive, weie hurled back till they were swept by the fire of their own batteiies. Profiling by
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  • 321 1748 Inquest. (.from Our Own Singapore, December 1 m mtOth9 d 3ath Mi M Olive Erhel Pinkerton a verdict of sukide while in an unsound state of mind was turned. Dr. J. Coronal in his evidence stated that he was called to the Riffle Girls’ School shortly after
    321 words
  • 63 1748 which Gsrmau cona- pirators lately tried to destroy, was commenced in 1821, and completed four year later at a cost of $440,( 00. It opanod the way for the shipping of the Great It has since been repeatedly d e P ened -J pace with the requirements
    63 words
  • 49 1748 late of The appeal or mm Messrs Paterson, Simons and Co b against convictions of using \JLnc0of certain forged documents an 8 six years’rigorous impnsmme P the Chief Judicial Commissioner, dismissed by Mr. Justice 1 LuBjpUI Justice Manby in the Kual Supreme Court.
    49 words

  • 647 1749 The Concert at the Town Hall last night was a great success from every point of view. The programme contained a number of glees which were well received they were musical in every case and the voices blended excellently. We had got thus far when a competent
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  • 208 1749 Ordinary Mebting. An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commission was held yesterday afternoon at the Municipal Office. There were present Messrs. W. Peel (President) P. T. Allen, Quah Beng Kee, and Yeoh Guan Sack, with Mr. L.M. Bell (Municipal Engineer) and Mr. L.A.C. Biggs (Secretary) in attendance. The
    208 words
  • 52 1749 lbs. S. S. (Bertam) Rubber Co. Ltd,, 87,500 The Straits Rubb r Co.. Ltd 161,500 The Penang Rubber Estates Co. Ltd. 140,000 The Rubana Rubber Estates Ltd. 50,000 The Tali Ayer Rubber Estates Ltd 55,250 The Batak Rabit Rubb r Estate Ltd 18,500 The Bagan Serai Co.
    52 words
  • 11 1749 for the Penang Veterans Corps are published in the Gazette.
    11 words
  • 285 1749 Messrs. Kennedy <fc Co., as Secretaries to the Malay Peninsula Agtii ulturil Association inform us that they have received the following subscriptions which have been forwarded to the Central Fund. A S Evans, Caledonia Estate $21 43 J Cruickshank, do 16 07 A Forsyth,
    285 words
  • Page 1749 Advertisements
    • 289 1749 Muscular Backache. The muscles of the back do the heavy work of the body. When they are overworked or ilknourished they ache and people who are looking for trouble begin to worry about their kidneys. Backache may be dm to lumbigo, which is rheumatism of the muscles of the back,
      289 words

  • Page 1750 Advertisements
    • 216 1750 1 ®Kim PRESS, Id. i L •J No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. H ESTABLISHED 1883. M 2 PB1NTEBS PUBLISBEBS. I Proprietors of the “STRAUS ECHO” and “PENANG SIN POE” B 3 H The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and K <d ithographers in the Orient. F tf Our plaut is
      216 words