The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 4 February 1915

Total Pages: 34
1 163 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. $l7 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 cti Vol. 13. Penang, Thursday, 4tn FEBRUARY, 1915. No. 5.
    21 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 286 1 CONTENTS. I. S Leaders: page Miscellaneous- I >■l J’ erfmg the Pinch 132 The Prince of Wales’ War Relief 5 Our German Friends ...140 Fund 135 142. 152 L'B i Democracy and War 145 Belgian Relief Fund 135, 152 158 S I Th Or ne. 7 ?l“ e c. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 177 2 s!/ FX ITHE I STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION, UM—— K Published the day prior to the departure of each mail ifor Europe, and contains the latest local and States a news originally published in the daily issues, as well as all important news from various parts of the Far East,
      177 words

  • 956 132 We have heard s) much from various authorities of the vastness of Germany’s resources and her carefully planned economic preparations for war that, the announcement of the seizure of all stocks of corn and flour by the Government comes rather as a surprise. Prince von Bulow has
    956 words
  • 630 132 Mr. 11. Nutter, of Ipoh, is on a visit to Penang. Among the Italian Senators nominated on New Year’s T>»v was Chevalier Marconi. Mr E. S. Cunningham, Consul-General of the U. S. at Sing ipure, has been transferred to Hankow and is succeeded by Mr. Frederick M. Ryder, lately
    630 words

  • 751 133 Bscbivkd 28m< J ,J,J (ReuterT Serria.) BRITISH DIVISION AHACsED. Heavy G*rm*n Lot»**. Ii udon. January 26, 10-25 p m. The Pre*» Bureau »tate« that in the neigh bourbo'xl of Li Ba»*e> toe <ri"my dubverol several voilcot attacks agam-t < Fir»t Divieim which were repulsed with •evere losees.
    (ReuterT Serria.)  -  751 words
  • 111 133 Rkcejveo 28tii of Jan. at 10-20 a.m. (Rater’s Spec al War Servtc?.) Copyright Tel-jgrani. London, January 27. R-ports from the front eulogise the accuracy of th) British artillery lire. They state that on January 23 the Germans instaliel a heavy gun two kilometres behind the trenches east
    (Rater’s Spec al War Servtc?.) Copyright Tel-jgrani.  -  111 words
  • 214 133 Rkckivi d 2Srn oi Jan. at 7 5) a .a. (Reulet’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SPEECH BY MR. HARCOURT. IRIBUTL TO THE COLONIES. London, January 23, 11 pm. >ll. Lt-wis Harcourt, Secretary of State toi thf-C jlook s, in i lu a speech in London last night on
    (Reulet’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  214 words
  • 93 133 Received 28th of Jan. at 10-20 am. Reuter’s Special War Service.] Copyright Telegram. Statement in the DumaPetrograd, January 27. M. Sjz n ff, the Russian Minister for Foreign Ai’fiirs, sp’akiug in the Duma, slid that Great Britain was undertaking a burden far heavier th m had been expected
    Reuter’s Special War Service.] Copyright Telegram.  -  93 words
  • 43 133 Received 28ih of Jan. at 19-10 am. (Reutei’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Cairo, January 27. Fighting to de place east of Kautara yesterday. The British I isses were an officer and four men slightly wounded. The enemy’s losses w?re apparently heavier.
    (Reutei’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  43 words
  • 310 133 Received 28th of Jan. at 7-50 a.m. C’eutei’s Service.) Copyrib t Telegram. ALL oua SHIPS SAFE. THE BRITISH CASUALTIES. ARRIVAL OF GERMAN PRISONERS. London, January 26, 5.15 p.m. Two British destroyers liava arrived at Leith with 50 survivors from the Blather. Splendid preparations had been made
    C’eutei’s Service.) Copyrib t Telegram.  -  310 words

  • 225 134 Received 28th of Jan. at 7-50 a.m (Reuter’s Service.) Copy.ight Telegram. A ZEPPELIN DESTROYED. Russian Offensive in Ea*t Prussia. London, January 26, 10.20 p in. The Press Bureau announcas that the Russians have destroyed a Zippslin at Libau, on the Baltic Sea. Swift Retribution. London, January 26,
    (Reuter’s Service.) • Copy.ight Telegram.  -  225 words
  • 704 134 v\ v o' 'l.lll. EECEIVEU 28 OE J. VS AT 10 2) i M s Special War Service.J Copyright Telegram. N Terril», a| C>n es i»„." Amsterdam, January 27. th Vieuo, Pointer f ur "‘“/'"■’•ro lluDguian thit Austria Affxirs Stated •'oas b It a .'•“’“OrritoriulcoucesG^ay’ s
    s Special War Service.J Copyright Telegram.  -  704 words
  • 280 134 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir,—Now that the festival is fast approaching I would like to draw the attention of the authorities to the hawkers with their kandarans and stall-holders who have on previous years been allowed to utilise the road opposite the temple
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  • 236 134 Our Klang correspondent, writing on January 25, says: Mr. Simpson, Assistant Commissioner of Police, charged Mr. Arishad Ali, until lately chief clerk of the pol ci station. Klang, before Mr. Bryant on the 16th instant, with criminal breach of trust, as a public servant, in regard to three
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  • Page 134 Advertisements
    • 37 134 Sick Hudache. Si k headache is caused Ly a disordered stom ch. Take Chamberlain's Tablets aud the headaches will disappear. They are just whit you need to correct the trouble. Fur aa’o by all Dispensaries and Dealiru»
      37 words

  • 1009 135 Although we hive no de-ire T t--ume th<3 rok; of a prophet —events rn>ve so quickly that the bu*iu«*w of is rather trving jnvt no*-»* -’'‘il not be nurprited if the decoration of Baron Bunan i« follow* d in the neir future by the hitrsnce of Pay and
    1,009 words
  • 38 135 Jin 2G By Bduca ...$76,483.82 27 <Jin Ngoh Bee 2 COO 00 11. Waugh, monthly subscription 50 00 E-t de < f Leong Fee dte-ased 2,0'0 00 Balance Jan 26 ...180,533 82
    38 words
  • 25 135 Jan. 25 By Balance $1,627.70 27 Mrs A’ini Baker 10.00 Balance J m 27. $1,637.70 Amount previously ackuowh dged 6,613.33 Total $8,251.03
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  • 138 135 News Ims been r c**ived from home of the arrival in E gl m 1 of m mbers of the M il iyan contingent who left < iug,ipo!e bv the ►t< nm*r Ph'imnt or>. November 23 Some <-t them travelled ovir’ind f»oin Marseilles and tfi' lw d
    138 words
  • 433 135 B fore Mr. G. A. Hall iu the District CiUrtthis morning the hearing w»s commenced of the erse in which a coloured American, L. F. Alexander, was charge with cheating (three counts) in respect oi different -urns cf money. He claimed trial on all three chargesand
    433 words
  • 192 135 The Avezzang Horror. The Hague, Jan. 22. A survivor of the Avezziuo eaithquake says th it he was in th*a street when the shock came. Everything fell to pieces, v bile in uiense ch uds of dust arose fto n the ruins. Among the killed are all
    192 words

  • 3691 136 advis^’S k .«itfly Comforting Figures. oDE Kpi.ntau Administration RoFr J m the Year 1913, published over the P° rtfol nfMr W Laugh im-Carter, the «tracts. Revenue The revenue figures for the year are only i nr mfortniu while the record ot moderately contorting, w the State’s liabilities
    3,691 words

  • 921 138 alleged robbery BA ru MAU r-hkese namnl Lim Bien, Tan Twelve Chue Yiip Hi, Teh Lim MahSans. Lin R i Yew Chin, lap Lian, G Tin Ton", Lim Siat and Ke(l w/fau I. l*o. nerni)on placed Yew Koh. >] itb assembling fur the bedC f P m nitliu
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  • 87 138 At the Annuil General M jeting held at the Union premise*, Punatig Ro id, last night, the following gentlemei were elected Office bearers for the year 1915 Life President: Rev. G. F. Pykett Vice Mr. Khaw Joo Ohio Hon Secretary: Mr Ong Bung lloog AssZ Mr. O.ig
    87 words
  • 850 138  -  [By Tom Wright. J We can all of us—even the insolently arrogant T. W.—learn from a sermon. With me band across me busom, and a solemn tone, 1 can declare that alone I’ve done it Who’d have thought—none of my Penang congregation would —that I would ever have
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  • Page 138 Advertisements
    • 12 138 Sick hea'krd, «tjunr-L hQ 18 caused by p a ■> “«Pwurie» Mll Dei
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    • 68 138 Croup. Rvery young child is susceptible to croup. Don’t wait until this dreadful disease attacks your little one before you prepare lor it. It comes iu the night when chemists’ shops are usuilly closed, and this alone should be a warning. Get and keep Ch imb rlain’s Cough Remedy on
      68 words

  • 276 139 Quol I ToL'RN AM KM. 11m fullowiig was the rcsu.t of the lie plait d < II ytote daj Double. Il ii licup. Hall and (Meo bed Dunn au 1 Ro*) 21 10 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The fallowing tics bare bom fixed for to morrow Champ ion
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  • 1623 139 —8 F.P. Annual General Me etino. The annual general meeting ot L-inas Rubber Estate», Limited, was held on Saturday at the registered offices, r reach Bank Buildings. Mr. P. M. Robinson, chairhhijol directors, presided, others present be ng Jan Kbeam Hock, Hon. Dr. D J. Galloway. W. M.
    —8 F.P.  -  1,623 words

  • 134 140 Johore Planters to the Front. Following is a list of Johore Planters who have left for the seat of .war:— Begamat R Estate Montague French North Labis R and WG 8 Scott Produce Co. Johore Rubber Lands W K Knott E Barnekow R H Lawrence] W
    134 words
  • 76 140 ENNIa Tournament. “-ties Championship. Bindley H__ 9 6 n e A Boger, 7 1 5,6-3 B>»jfe Handicap -C beat Fettes 6-3, 6-0. Double Handlcap-H. dH A EHi S Sutherland and Hall MePhersou'™" 4 W l6o and fester to-day th‘‘“‘’'l V Jlunteer S* T be total 7 u
    76 words
  • 1270 140 Mr. Bonar Law has hinted pietty plainly to people at home that it is ridiculous to behave as if there were no prospect of business relations ever being resumed in the future between Great Britain and Germany, and his attitude is a perfectly sound one. But it
    1,270 words

  • 557 141 -6’ T Mr. Fas Wing iiu will be Chine**)«»<' iGoc< Mr. Genibiro Nr-bi, a c uncillor of embn«*y, has ju-t b-*n »pp nt«d I *p* n Miniitor to 8 i»m Mr Almi Hiker, who Ih» upending some little t im in Penang, return»* 1 to Perak tbi« «.‘oruing
    -6’ T  -  557 words
  • 1045 141 (RtuUr’i Serv.ce.) VIVID DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGHT. A thrilling story. fjondon, January 2*. TI W the following story of th.. Inttle in the North Sea, obtained Iran all cla«»e» of »bipt engaged in the fight on Tb« Gtrmia Objective. The ac ount nay*: The point
    (RtuUr’i Serv.ce.)  -  1,045 words
  • 215 141 Re hived 2 »ni 01 Jan. at 8 a. -1. (Reuter’s Service.) C >yrigh Telegram. RUSSIANS PRESSING FORWARD. f oud n, Jmu try 2S, 12 10 p m. T Petri communique says: 1 iie lighting in E Ist Prmsii, which J 1 L hduen and Malwischken, i.s
    (Reuter’s Service.) C >yrigh Telegram.  -  215 words

  • 1226 142 Received 29th of Jan. at 8 a.m. (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegraph FIERCE FIGHTING. London, January 28, 2-15 a.m. The Paris evening communique says: “The enemy last night attempted a coup demiinon the wood of Saint Mard in the district of Tracy le Vai. After a sharp fusillade
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegraph  -  1,226 words
  • 269 142 Jw. 27 By Bilance >80,533.82 28 Penang Chamber of Commerce 1,000.00 W. G. Peter, further contribution 100.00 The Staff of Messrs. R. Young. Ut monthly subscription 100.00 Bahnce Jan 28 ~.'81,738.8; Fu'ther evidence was tendered for the nnispcution yesterday afternoon in the case
    269 words

  • 1224 143 Caligula (wasn't it?) made h hone a Consul. Nearly fwo thousand year* later n this year of grace 1911 feir Arthur Young, Governor of the Straits Settlement*, surpassed this achievement of the Romm EmperdV by making a Censor. In a memorandum forwarded to the Secretary of State by
    1,224 words
  • 635 143 FURTHER PROCEEDINGS. The preliminary irqu ry into the case in which a well-known Malay, named Sheik Mohamed Noordin Meih, was charged with criminal intimidation and causing a woman to miscarry, was iesumed yesterday evening before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel in the Second Court. Mr. Isaac Tambyah appeared
    635 words

  • 1260 144 e'obiof ther placas in the Pe r f t has quite as many clubs as it Far East has qu 1 Cricket “.ha Swimm'Z Club, the Penang r “b the Club, and the Turf Club. The monthly subscriptions alone tot up to S, Xful total of
    1,260 words
  • 624 144 Report by the Committee. Mr. R. O. Winstedt, as Secretary to the Cjmmittee for Malay Studies appointed by the F. M. 8. Government, signs the following report of the Committee for 1914 I. The following works were published by the Committee during the year 1914: (a)
    624 words

  • 545 145 WoKKtNO Vhi.ku DIHICVLTIE». The Pr< >n country h working under* very peculiar circumstance*. A veritable «word of Damocle* h ever hinging over the head of the editor, who it 1,, it in i -I any vessels Iv< tr, or of any troop». 1» guih/ of a technical
    545 words
  • 1325 145 Xmong the wanv truths made manifest u the triumph of mViumlnm o'ver <’.,smopoiitanism. There were two great 1 /<,-« JU exigence at the beginning ot the war which, if ordinary iudicaiuns viable in tune of ireice couid bl trusted, would work w tfJ determination although along entirely
    1,325 words

  • 373 146 Mr Henry Dallas, the well-known >mprewdo, was in Penang yesterday. r V J Laville is appointed a CoroM r Mr aod a Deputy Collector of Land Revenue for Penang. The resignation of Captain G. S Carver, Singapore Volunteer Corps, bas been accepted Governor. The Solicitor-General and Mrs. A. B.
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  • 562 146 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. AUSTRIA'S FRESH MOVE. London, January 29. It is reported at Petrograd that the AustroGermans are massing forces in the Carpathians on an eighty mile front. Two Bavarian corps have been definitely located in Hungary and south of Temesvar, in addition to six Austrian
    (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  562 words
  • 2064 146 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. The Kaiser’s Birthday. Good Work by the Allies. London, January 28, G-25 p.m. The Paris communique says The Germans announced that the Kaiser’s birthday would be the occasion of a great effort on their part, but it did not turn out to thqir
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  2,064 words

  • 802 148 Ist of Feb. at 7 50 a m. Received Ist op I Wlr s:r, Copyright Teleg xn. 7 .11 A FURTHER accounts. iN domitable’S” fine London, January 31, 8 4o a.m. t it M battle-cruiser IWoniiJAn officer o f ri end describing the ab ,Q the
    Wlr s:r,“'-) Copyright Teleg xn. 7 .11 A  -  802 words
  • 78 148 Unpaid Officers. London, Januiry 29. The Swedish Gendarmerie officers in Persia, who have long been unpiid, have been ordered by S veden to quit Persia by March 1. Meanwhile, General Iljilmarson has received a cable from the Chinese Government, inviting the Swedes to reorganise the Gendirmerie in China.
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  • 66 148 In accordance with the provisions of the Holidays Ordinance, Monday and Tuesday, February 15 and 16, will be observed throughout the Colonv as Bank Holidays for the Chinese New Year. All Government offices will be closed on these two days. Orders relating to the firing of
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  • 624 148 DECLINE 0E EINANCUL SUPPORT. {From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, January 29. At the annual general meeting of the Sporting Club, S r E. C. Ellis, who presided, commented at length upon the decline of financial support. He dismissed the idea that the exclusion of the bookie was
    624 words

  • 246 149 (Front Oaf <>■. 'orf 'i Kuala Lumpur, r»btuoy At the m-'ing f«! Alon Sunday the Cha r n m. num" i the y®ar* work, I Jaain H xpital hvi m the te-il h of the -r; it irdi-'r t had mo mr h improv! th it it
    246 words
  • 372 149 Paiqual Scully. The wedding of .Mr. Leonard lb ctor Pa*qu»l, Lib-eatery As-istmt, Penang Smelting Woiks, L’d and eldest non ot Mr N. O PaMjid, t> iss Miry Annie Scuilv, tecind daughter < f Mr P. b. S-u !y, wis Btbrnuised at the Church of the Imm»**uht» Couieptiou this
    372 words
  • 944 149 J s t/: •>’« which L ■> •I a pul l C h-- v r y tl ii 1 i j,i e "iiv ur 'I j -,i.' r piUH through '.n-ir toogu-, b.f-, and checks and rows of pmi are nt through tne skin all our
    944 words
  • 173 149 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, —Your Ipoh correspondent seems to be under the iin pres-ion that in the 1914 Stand trd VII. Examinations the Straits Sch" E were given an advantage over those of t S ates. He is quite wrong. Until the fir-t
    173 words
  • 175 149 Th Tiipusam Festival, an annual festival of the members of the chetty communi y, concludes this evening with the ibii'l display of fireworks at the Rice Course. Tim id >1 Subram iniam was conveyed fr< in tlr* t male in Penang Street to the falls (n F
    175 words

  • 717 150 A VETERAN’ 3 WARNING. Ovfr- Production Dl E L ha?e »av doubts 88 ,0 tho T th Tt W be rSr industry a cbat with fu ure I Fizgig odo of the veterans Mr. Samuel Fi*g RuiU Luinpur of,h9 heartening process. b „i, who is the founder
    717 words
  • 175 150 A Fair Turnout. There was a fair turn-out of the Penang Volunteers on Friday night for the route march, about 130 officers and men putting in an appearance. Among the officers were Major The Hon. A R. Adams (Commandant), Captain T. B. Miniken (Adjutant), Lieut. H. A.
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  • 252 150 The following appointments are notified in the F. M. S. Governm- id Gazette of the 29th ult:—Mr. R.W. Munro to be an unofficial member of the Selangor State Council. Mr. Al B. Shelley to be an officer of Class I V, F M.S,, Mr. C- E. Carlos
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  • 612 150 The Editor of the Malay Mail Sir, —This is the question that has been and is still agitating the minds of several members of our planting community. I therefore venture to ventilate the feelings of some who in their position are’not able to do
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  • 638 151 Mkktimo of Cocxmu At the Council rn tmg of t I .M.S. Chamber of Ml h« lon M v following were pr-nent-. Mr 1 E. Mur (President) in the <hur, The H n. Mr. H. F. Nutter, M -nr-, F H Hyurmd-. 0.8. Dawbirn.J B v,
    638 words
  • 1409 151 f>, Aft’'* ‘l “C FllOi Cdnwtvancy Berd and P.racy Gio b ing in Kw.nttuni E.iccuragrt Agriculture lhe Y. M. C. A. (From Our Own Correaponrknt.) Cant» n January 21. Governor Li Kuo-yun. of Canton, review- tions of 1914 in thin pro opmenthit everything his gone satisfactorily It
    1,409 words

  • 325 152 Gold Medal, 1914. Result. 49 4.42 =91 14=77 CM Henderson WB SIXS*. "«..‘“'T ■=»> Messrs \V R Armstrong, II G K Leonard, and G A Hall also played but returned no score. Messrs R R Turner and CM Henderson tie for tbe Gold Medal, 1914, with 77
    325 words
  • 811 152 If Grind-Admiral von Tirpi’z imagines be is going to terrify the British public bv Lis latest methods of frightfulness,” he is once more doomed to bitt r disappointment. His gill mt officers may for a t mo ma lags to sink a few merchant vessels every day
    811 words
  • 102 152 Jan. 29 By Balance $81,809.82 Feb. 1 Hachim 4.00 Staff of George Town Dispensary, Ltd., 3rd monthly instalment 36 50 Mr. and Mrs. O. M monthly subscription 10.00 Part of Asiatic Staff, Asiatic Petroleum Co., S. S. Ld. 10.00 3 Musketeers, monthly subscription
    102 words
  • 143 152 Jan. 29 By Balance $1,065.70 Feb. 1 H B Pike 50.0 J William Dell, monthly 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. O. M monthly 5 00 Balance Feb. 1. $1,73’.70 Am unt previously acknowledged 6,613.33 Total $8,344.03 Mt. S. Figgis, cf the well-known Lane firm, is on a
    143 words

  • 371 153 Rkckivkd Im or Hb. at 7 i (Renter* J Service.) O,irt T* r > TORPEDOED WITHOUT NOTICE. Paris, January 31. The French Minier f Mtrine announces that the Tokwnaru was torp-doed «even mden irewt-Dortb-went of Cap'’ Antifer. The British »t< iin’-r ljir>-i was turp i fifteen raite»
    (Renter* J Service.) O,irt T* *-‘ r>  -  371 words
  • 90 153 (From Our Oicn C rretpon lent.) Singap rc, February 1. The Government has disestablished the Church <4 M da-ci as frun Nov •inlier 30, 1914. but it wan agreed to give 53,u00 yearly o the Church Funds on the underdan ling that the contribution» are not to
    90 words
  • 54 153 (From Our Ou i C> r nt I p b. 1 bt Ull > 2. The lpob-Gy:i u Da C<uo c >mm ttee have decided io Lu 1 iac on \p il 3 tud 5, Easter Siturday ml Ft '-r Mjhllv, in constqu-tree ot the -u cj»«
    54 words
  • 1219 153 Received Ist oe Feb at < P«- (?eu!er’s Service.) O.; yr* hl T«lez am- PROGRESS OF THE RUSSIANS, Petrograd, February 1. A Petrograd cominun que states Ru-.i.n. are adranciag in the fighting north of Gumbinnen and I illkalen. A battle took place on Saturday iu th*- district
    (?eu!er’s Service.) O.; yr* hl T«lez am-  -  1,219 words

  • 1472 154 ALLEGED ROBBERY BVTU MAU. ko.rin/ of the case against Th f Chine” 6rd ctar *H' vili tbetwelve c o f coin.mttiug assembling I tb© aC cused. abet- r bber llterya^ N(lsl 2 33 ujgot of gang hil committing gang ,„d6.and 7i8 ,9, 10 and 11, robbery a^a,ns Friday
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  • 130 154 Government Officers’ Resignations, It is stated on good authority that Major H. B. de Hamel, Chief Police Officer, has tendered his resignation as he wishes to go home and proceed to the front. Major de 4 Hamel has already done some soldiering. He was seconded for service
    130 words
  • 78 154 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dannys &Co. at their 117th sale by auction and private tender to-day. 37.CC0 lbs. were sold Smoked sheet Sill SI 14 plain S9B„SI 10 Unsmoked sheet 93 98 Good pile crepe SI 10 Blanket 3 91
    78 words
  • 70 154 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following were the results of tie ties played off yesterday Chrinipionskip. J R Bennett leal J R Brovin 6 —1,6—1. Single Handicap If. Goatlv bed Reimann 5—7, 6—3, C —l Edwards ro.o. from Ezechul. Single Handicap—C. Smith beat Tiyngr 4 6, 6 1,
    70 words
  • 39 154 The output of the Tongkah II irbour T n D.edgingC mpiny f >r Januaiy was 88 tons. The output of D?ebcok Drelgng wis 522 i iculs, iop.-e,enLng 535 hours work uni 53 t B5O yards dredged.
    39 words

  • 544 155 The fam'ii» Dutch vtor Menmcr on January 23. The death i» announced of B gidierGeneral Walter Haile*. Mr. A W. B Hamilton t »ok the caV" m the Thirds nirt thia morning. Capt. von Muller, of the A'/n-An, is now in a once nt nt ion imp in Wak-».
    544 words
  • 1051 155 Says the Siam Observer: Apnwnlv Grmm aviator» have knrr.ed an- ful I- fro n Hi” cn th fish. When attacked by hn-tileanti aeroplane gun». writes r.-.q, ,n d n* of the AY <">-e lloth-rdauisehe < 1 ,i• ’},<•; thr v *4l a den-e loud <>f hr wn tap
    1,051 words
  • 206 155 Our Klang correspondent, writing on January 30, says A Chinaman was charged with being in possession of more than 12 official doses of morphia and also with possessing a hypodermic syringe. Mr. Bryant fined him $75 on the first count, and $5 on the second court alternatively 21
    206 words

  • 1282 156 (from Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, January 29. I rumour is deadly dull in these Kuala LU P t moment the only d *’Lta of interest are the clergy, who are ittbjoc tn discuss matters within bolding mML 8 prov ince. from the Em±r wS-who, P in
    1,282 words
  • 622 156 Not once, but several times in the past year or two, we have declared in these columns that, from the earnest churchman’s point of view, the disestablishment of the Church of England in the Straits Settlements would not be by any means an unmixed evil.
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  • 653 157 The high rate of infantile mortality in the Straits Settlement* has for a long ime worried the autboritien who looked alxjut them for the cause and appeared to iw i in the unsanitary method* of the na .v<midwife.” There doe*not appear to have been any investigation made into
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  • 598 157 Mr W Hargreaves headmaster cf the Malay Evidential College. Kuala Kangsar, i« paying a flvin/jbit to Penang The F. M. S Appeal Court having finished it- present sittings in Kuala Lumpur, Mr. Justice Edmonds has returned to Ipob Mr F. J. B Dykes, late Senior Warden of Mines, F
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  • 948 157 Much-maligned appears to Ire an appropriate adjective to apply to the ladygamblers of the Penang Golf Club, for a correspondent tells us that they are contributing to the Belgian Relief Fund a sum of over S2O as table-money for the month of January. Bermuda, like other Crown Colonies,
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  • 63 158 Feb. 1 By Balance $82,430.02 Trustee and Scholars of Khoo Kongs i School 100.00 Khoo Kongsi for January 100.00 Khoo Kongsi for b p‘‘ mry 100 00 oP. monthly contribution 10.00 Kalph Gawthorne 25.00 Chinese Recreation lOO.OO Subordinate Staff of Presgrave and Matthews
    63 words
  • 43 158 *By BalancT' 1 2 51,730.70 °yu Gawthorne 25 00 Balance Feb. 2. n o 7 n °wledged 6>***** Total $8,369.03 ,E F a ha, I statione<l Exu. CharKe °f the Ale(l, n to take vj*® o Telegraph C 6 EaBtern
    43 words
  • 553 158 Received 2nd of Feb. at 4-30 p.m. (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. GERMAN ATTACKS REPULSED. Paris, February 2. An evening communique states: The enemy this morning violently attacked tbe trenches north of and the Bethune Road but were repulsed, leaving numerous dead. The German infantry at Beaumont Hamel,
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  553 words
  • 543 158 Received 3rd of Feb. at 8-30 a.m. (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. IMHTMS 6ERMAN ATTACKS. Petrograd, February 2. A Petrograd communique states The attempt of the Germans on Saturday to take the offensive at Lipno and Dobrzyn was repulsed with heavy loss to the enemy who were forced
    (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.  -  543 words

  • 50 159 DivNcsd Rceommcsdation». The fxical Board of the Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. have lieen advised by cable that a 10% I).vidend on tbe Preferred Share, and 5% on the Ordinary Share, will Ire recommended at the Annual Meeting to be held in l/ondon on the 11th inst.
    50 words
  • 63 159 Tbe estimated output of the Menglembu l/ode Syndicate, Ltd. for the* month of January was as follows Output 250 pls. Approximate value 110,300. The output of Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Ltd. during the month of January was 600 pikuls. The output of the Rahman Tin Co., Ltd during
    63 words
  • 57 159 lbs. Bikap Rubtar Plantations, Ltd 29.626 Batu Matamp Rubber Plantations, Ltd 10,54" Jong Lander Rubber Estates, Ltd... 37,746 Kedah KuhtarCo, Ltd. 80,384 Samagaga Rubber Co., Ltd... 9,.500 Karan Rubber Co., Ltd 10.125 Padang Rubtar Co Ltd 22,000 Consolidated Rubber Estates, Ltd 15,894 Rubber Estates of Krian, Ltd.
    57 words
  • 129 159 Lawn Tknnin Tournament. The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday:— Single Handicap—A. 11 A Neubronner wu. from J R Brown C C Rogers beat A V Perrin 7—5, B—6.8 —6. Single Handicap—D. H Muir beat B E Mitchell 6—B, 6—o Gartside w.o. from
    129 words
  • 992 159 PERMATANG DAMAR LAUT TRAGEDY. The ciw anain.t Cheah How. charged with the murder of a Chinese woman named Ah Hoe at Perrnatang Damar Laut on October 6, 1913, was continued in the buprerne Court this morning. Mr. A. B. Voules prosecuted, and Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok, who was
    992 words
  • 262 159 The following were the scores tuide by the PL R.C. in the shooting for tbe Ridgway Challenge Cup. KT 73 JO 75 m 'Z ►.’g O 2 O S Ort s. o r pĔ; H <— <— Mrs Wright-Motion 26 30 23* 79 Miss Mathieu 28 27 22* 77
    262 words

  • 992 160 TO. If. m that we altogether agree ■tb’the ilea by Mr. Darby ut w tb e of the Malacca Planters the “bon over which he pressed, that Associatw»’ n front amoDgBt f rt t r bould be discouraied. Evidently rtnd support to bis contention, be
    TO. If.  -  992 words
  • 214 160 —-S’. T. A correspondent at home, writing by last mail, mentions quite a list of names familiar to people in the Straits, some of the nanus, unhappily, having already figured in the lists of the honoured dead. Among the killed he picks out the names of
    —-S’. T.  -  214 words
  • 105 160 —ALAI. A Remarkable Feat. /X. remarkable score was made by Mrs. G. C. McGregor at a recent weekly practioe shoot of the Selangor Ladies Rifle Association. In a quick-firing practice at 100 yards (seven shots in 35 secs.), at a 3-in. bull with a 2
    —ALAI.  -  105 words
  • 587 160 The Relief Committee at the Hague, ou account of scarcity of funds, has decided in further to give assistance only to unemployed workers. The President of the Intercommunal Committee at at Antwerp Franck visited Minister Cort van der Linden in» order to thank him for the assistance
    587 words

  • 1273 161 At no time for month* pvt (*ay* the Malaya Tribune) ha» the prospect* lor trade in our Maple exports been brighter than the) are to day That 1» what appear* quite evident from what we hive Ireen able to gaflier recently through inquiries it Home, locally,
    1,273 words
  • 690 161 Fori h com I ng Disestablish .m e r. S >ine time ago the Ech» reported and commented upon the forthcoming disestablishment of the Church of England in Malaya, and on M nday we published a telegram from our Singapore cot respondent stating tbit thisp dicy
    690 words

  • 257 162 Ai tbe Cinematograph forma such a large 4 of Penang entertainment everyone Mdewtands the mannerisms of the movie Mr Sims in the Referee thus discusses the method of packing a trunk which -ill amuse our readers when they next "it the Cinema: ‘-When the war is operand
    257 words
  • 267 162 Ahmuil Camp and Inspection. The Corps will go into Camp at Kampong Bahru on the afternoon of Friday, the 12th February, 1915, at 5-20 p.m. All Members arriving in Camp must re* port to their Section Commanders or to the Commander of the Guard if arriving after 10
    267 words
  • Page 162 Advertisements
    • 956 162 What Will Make Me Eat? IflfliPCtinn Loss of appetite is nature’s first warning that something in the complicated machi- Afraid to eat in constant nery of the system has gone wrong. And pain—no Strength, no energy that something is invariably the blood. Good Thoen tki blood helps the digestive organs
      956 words

  • Page 163 Advertisements
    • 237 163 Vtj. V f'r < J," J».» '^U>, .1 > '-'S' •>•-’>. S CRIWIOII PRESS, Ld. v c Mt n tv j No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. B ESTABLISHED 18S3. H PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO” and “PENANG SIN POE.’’ R H H 4. The most enterprising and up-to-date
      237 words