The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 5 September 1913

Total Pages: 42
897 938 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 897 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. 117.50 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 eeati. Vol. 11. Penang, Friday, 5th SEPTEMBER, 1913. No. 36.
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  • Page 897 Advertisements
    • 355 897 i I ZZ Z ZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZA zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,zzz^ zzzzzzzzzzzz CONTENTS. j Leaders: page. Miscellaneous: page. J The Wild Women 899 The Unrest in Java 899 905 Excess of Zaal 906 Random Notes 900, 924 &9 4 Affairs in China 912 An Interesting Engagement 9C0 5 Hari Raya 918 Padi and Rice 901
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  • Page 898 Advertisements
    • 184 898 tl THE 1 ST BAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. S i—M—I—m Published the day prior to the departure of /x ach mail fil for Europe, and contains the latest local and States 1 news originally published in the daily issues, as well as t all important news from various parts of
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  • 708 899 If there id one line of action calcul. d to unite men of all shades of political opinion against the Woman Suffrage campii'9 it is such disgraceful tactics as those adopted by the harridans who attacked Mr. piiih at Lossiemouth and assaulted him on the golf links
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  • 25 899 c. m. the British Resi ent of Perak, has gone up the Maxwell’s Hill for a short change. T. 0.
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  • 132 899 From Wednesday’s Malay Mail Four now polo pomes arrived here ye«t‘ rday and have been taken by Sir Edward Brockman and Messrs II. Armstrong, A. Henggeler and Choo Kia Peng. A ma riage has been arranged, and will lake place at the end of the year, between .Mr. Leslie Hall
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  • 162 899 was raised in the case in which the Elphil Rubber Company are suing F. S. Castle in the Ipoh High Court for alleged breach of agreem nt. One clause provided that the agreement should be carried out according to the law of England. The parties bavin
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  • 451 899 None of the local banks oc business houses having branches in Java have received any information tending to confirm the alarmist rumours lately current in the SUa’ts of an imminent rising of the Javanese against the Dutch. We have been in communication with a number of
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  • 16 899 pect to move mto the new Uiuluu (jffi next month x
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  • Page 899 Advertisements
    • 101 899 niK/i LT X\\ Cw H'.S \&nW MliiWd daily (except Sunday! and j sblio holidays) y AT TH! CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang P*icn Daily Local 124 per annum. M Oitatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Poat Free) 117.50 OABLM ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” e Telephone Nos. Echo 586 Printing Department
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  • 1047 900 The Golf Match between Penang and Kinta this week-end ought to furnish an interesting sp rting contest as the two teams are very evenly matched. Perhaps it is a shade of odds on Penang whose representatives will be playing on their native heath. Lawyers and others interested in
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  • 119 900 The engagement is announced of Mr. G. A. Hall, District Judge and First Magistrate, Singapore, lately act ng Director of Education, S S. and F. M. S., and Miss Dorothy Martha Buckle, Principal of Raffles Girls’ School, Singapore. Miss Buckle, who was appointed Assistant Principal of Raffles
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  • 19 900 has taken the name Wang Kuo-hsien, meaning wise man of the country.” Huang Hsing styleshimself Imamura.
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  • 72 900 the licensed Motor Car drivers in Penang are subject to very little control by the authorities. Accidents could be easily avoided if the authorities in question would take steps to place them under more control. The cars plying for hire between Magizine Road and Bayan
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  • 665 900 SECRETARY CHARGED. In consequence of the raid made on th Penang Wanderers Club on June 16 which several persons were arrested gambling, Chin Foo Soong, the H 0 2 r Secretary of the Club, was yesterday afternoon charged before Mr. E. E Colon in the Second
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  • 313 901 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS ECHO.” Si' X know of no language to sufficiently convev mv sincerest thanks for your kindness for publishing my letter together with your leader thereon in your issue of the 12th instant, in as much as that it hastened the payment
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  • 61 901 twenty vagrants, Tamils aud Chinese, appeared before the Magistrate at Klang on the 25th instant, who sent some of the accused to the vagrant ward at Kuala Lumpur and the rest to gaol, for a month. Mr. V. Muthuvale, of Krian, has been appointed to
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  • 65 901 We understand that Mr. H. B. Collinge, Inspector of Schools. Perak, will proceed to England on leave iu September and at the end of he leave will retire. Me understand that Mr. R. S. Jervoise, Assistant Secretary to the Resident, Perak, is b’ be slioitly transferred to
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  • 112 901 ui a uiaiLU ivi >n the High Court at Kuala Lumpur there Was sotne discussion on the question of the itnount of wages usually given to new comers by a inercanti'e firm iu the F. M. S, ind a, witness repudiated the
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  • 710 901 POSITION OF THE COMBINE. A ING XPORE OPINION. In a leader last week the Pinang Gazette referred at some length to the question of native grown lice in connection with the supply of food in the F.M.S. It is customary and very necessary that the idea of
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  • 74 901 POSITION IN NANKING. (From Our Own Correspondent Nanking, August 29. When the Northern cavalry were entering the city gate of Chow Yang Nim in Nanking, a mine which had been laid by Ho Hoi Ming, the rebel le ider, exploded and killed twenty-two of th*m. besides wounded
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  • 192 901 Annual General Meeting. (From Our Own Singapore, August 29. At the annual general meeting of the Nyalas Rubber Company, Mr. Peck, who was in the chair, said that it had been the policy of the company to place quality of tapping before quantity of output. The result was
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  • 65 901 Departure for the Far East. (Reuter.) Dsvonport, August 29. The Japanese battleship Kongo has sailed for the Iar East. The “At Home” given on board on the previous evening was attended by a large number of people, including the Marquis Inouye, Japanese Ambassador in London, Vice-Admiral Sir
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  • 41 901 Serious Illness. Ueuler.) Nairobi, August 28. Mr. Henry Conway Belfield, Governor of the East African Protectorate and formerly Resident of Selangor, is seriously ill. Mr. C. C Bowring, Chief Secretary.'has been appointed Acting Governor of the Protectorate.
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  • 72 901 Committr e’s* Arrangements. fJKeu/erJ London, August The Olympic Games Committee publishes an elaborate programme for the preparation of ath'etes by the various sporting bodies. It enjo ns the necessity of arousing the enthusiasm of schools and the coopeiation of the headmasters. The Committee is rranging a county
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  • 98 902 ATTACK ON THE PREMIER. A DISGRACEFUL AFFAIR. (Reuter.) London, August 28. While Mr. Asquith was golfing at Lossiemouth, he was attached by two Suffragettes who sprang out from a bunker, seiz d the Premier and dragged him about, knocking off his hat. Miss Asquith rushed to her
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  • 138 902 Rumours of Serious evelopments. (Reuter.) London, August 28. The strike position in London to-day is practically unchanged There are many rumours of serious developments, including attempts to paralyse the whole of London’s electric supply. The masons at work on Buckingham Palace rebuffed the pickets who tried to
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  • 85 902 Inauguration Ct emony. (Reuter.) Hague, August 29. The Palace of Peace was solemnly inaugurated in the presence of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, the Queen mother, and the Prince Consort. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Carnegie were presented to Queen Wilhelmina who decorated Mr. Carnegie with the
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  • 98 902 Preference Over Panama. (Reuter.) London, August 28. The British Imperial Exhibition claims British support in preference to the Panama Exhibition in San Francisco in the same year, because the Imperial Exhibition was first in the field. When approached by the San Francisco representatives they informed them that
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  • 386 902 (Reuter.) London, August 28. The Mexican situation is developing rapidly and President Wiison has warned all Americans to leave Mexico immediately. He also instructed the Emba-sy consuls to notify all the civil and military officials that they will be held responsible for harm done to Americans
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  • 131 902 Ghastly Piece of Bad Luck.” (Reuter.) London, August 28. Mr. Hawker, whose unfortunate accident after passing Dublin prevented him from completing the flight round Great Britain within the prescribed time, has quickly recovered from the nervous shock. Interviewed, he said that it was just a ghastly pipce
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  • 138 902 Officer and Seaman Suffocated (Reuter.) an k i a. Y r Au ust 28. A fire broke out on board the Hamburg Amenka giant liner, hnperator, as she lav in the docks here, as a result of which the second officer and a seaman were suffocatedthe
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  • 56 902 (Reuter.) Constantinople, August 27. Tbe Turkish Government will shortly submit to Bulgari i and the Powers definite proposals for the solution of the question of the frontier. The l orte will insist on the retention of Adrianople and Kirk Kilisseh, but will offer in return certain concessions which
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  • 21 902 (Reuter.) London, August 28. The following horses have been scratched for the St. Leger: Day Comet and Hippeastrum.
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  • 148 902 this morning a Japanese named Otumu was charged with being in possession of deleterious drug, to wit, morphia and cocaine. Mr F. T. Ellis, of the Government Monopolies, prosecuted. From the evidence of the prose ution it appeared that on July 31, on receipt of
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  • 150 902 before Mr. R. Scott on the 27th instant a Hokien, named Sim Yioh, was convicted of vagrancy and sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for fourteen days and, a Teochew, named Ng Ah Nya, was convicted of the lame offence and committed to the House of
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  • 80 902 Obituary. (Reuter.) London, August 28. The death has taken placa t of Mr. Quaritch the famous bookseller. The death has taken place of Mr. I. Hickory Wood, the librettist of many Drury Lane pantomimes. Obituary. (Reuter.) London, August 29. The death has taken place of Mr. Leopold Hoffer, the well-known
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  • 601 903 Statutory Meeting. At the statutory meeting of the shareholders of this company which held at the offices of the company, bank buildings, Downing Street on Wednesday, there were present: Me ssrs. H. Jessen, hairman,) Otto Elmenhorst and W. H. Thorne, Directors: Messrs John Mitchell and
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  • 3294 903 GOVERNOR PERFORMS OPENING CEREMONY. Reflections on the Future. at T\° f 0 Pe Q jng the King’s Dock at Keppel Harbour, performed vestenDy by His Excel eucy, the Gove nor, i i ur You ig, K.C MG proved a very nteiesting one to the large number of
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  • 47 904 The following were the result» of ths ties played off jesterday: Prifeenioa p irs. Southam aud Carr beat Cleaver and Sellar 6-3, 6— 3. )'iced Dou'le Handicap Miss Gawthorne aud Hadden beat Mif-s Evans and EII Syer 7- 9, 8—6, 6- 3.
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  • 61 904 The final tie in the Single Handicap. Cliss B, has been fixed for to-morruw wnen Lee Wee lx him —15 1 will meet Ieoh K a Seang scr. The final tie of the Singe Handicap. Cla<s A. has b en fixed for buodav. the 31st instant,
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  • 384 905 The case in which de Ervanda de Wed. J van Nelle, tobacco manufacturer, Rotterdam, U9S ot Go fnHrcliant< > Penang, for infringement of a trade mark, was continued before Mr. Justice S. L. Thornton in the Supreme 0 rnrt this m rni.i; Mr. W E. Cleaver proceeded
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  • 56 905 the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the projected Imperial Exhibitio i for 1915, was at one time Lieutenant-Governor of Penang in the now distant days of 1871. He was born in 1837 and entered the Colonial Office in 1855, gaining experience in a responsible capacity in
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  • 119 905 before Mr. R. Scott on the 28th instant a Malay named Abdul rani bin Mun, driver of motor-car N> 412, was convicted of tbe offence of driving his motor-car in a manner so rash or negligent as to endanger human hie, and fined 850.
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  • 697 905 c C Bc C.U.A.C. nna. 1 6 t- hSt 0 betwe8n tll ab>’0 clubs uodet tbe auspices of the Penang football 'Cuguc was payed off at Victoria Green yesterday eventug and resulted in a win tor the home team by thr-e goals to nt7 1 1J game was
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  • 211 905 By decree of the Governor-General of the Netherlands In lies, article 39 of the '‘Regulations following the res Its of the declaration of war or in a state of siege of the territory of the Netherlands Indies or any pirt there if is modified as follows 1’bs
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  • 158 905 Another Route. To the Editor of the tiiim Observer. Dear Sir, I do not know if you are aware that a road, passable for motor-cars, exists between Chump.) n and Kra, the narrowest point in the Peninsula where it was propped, some years ago, to build
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  • 186 905 On the morning of the 1st, inst, the assistant resident, of Banjoewangi received a telephone message from the manager of the Glenmore estate that, Mr. Goosens, an <mp!oyee of the estate, had beeu attacked and severely wounded by a Madurese coolie, says the h'ourabuyi ('oumnl. The
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  • Page 905 Advertisements
    • 75 905 A r e You Going on a Journey Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera ami Diaruo ‘i Remedy should be packed in your h ind 'tggvge when going on a journey. Change Water, diet, and tempe ature all tend to pro uce bjwel trouble, and this medicine inuut b; secure] on board the
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  • 12 906 Last night to Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Neubronner, a son.
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  • 980 906 We can hardly imagine that, after the recent proceedings in the Appeal Court, the Superintendent of the Government Monopolies in Penang w >ull maintain that he was well-advised in initiating the prosecution against the Chinese druggists who dealt in a certain well-known brand of ciugb-pil s containing
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  • 19 906 Warder of the Penang Prisons, left to-day by the sb. Namur for home on long leave.
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  • 21 906 in the programme at the George Town Kmema to-night is The Black Mask, a very fine detective drama.
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  • 17 906 General Sir O’MoorH Creagh, V. C., Commander-in-Chief in India, contemplates resigning next •piing.
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  • 29 906 has assumed duty as Tamil Interpreter of the District Court in place of Mr. T. A. 8. Pillay who has retired from the service.
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  • 27 906 gaoler of the Criminal Prisons here, left to-day for Home by the s.s. Namier on three mouths’ leave prior to retirement from the service.
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  • 34 906 yesterday evening by the s.s. Kc<lah were the Hon. Mr R. Young, Mr. L Money, Mr VV E Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Dewar and Tunku Abdulla Thani.
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  • 80 906 H.B.M. Minister at Bangkok, will be going on leave to Europe early next year. The Siam Observer hears it is probable that Mr. Peel may be offered a European post in the re-shuffle that is taking place at present in the British diplomatic service, the latest result
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  • 237 906 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS ECHO Dear Sir, In its comments ou an article from tbs Singapore Free Press regarding the .png. tiou of the Rice Combine, the Pinang Gazette of yesterday’s issue says that a few days ago a well-known merchant tabled a member of
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  • 125 906 List night be ng the mala in du a puloh tujok of the bulan puasa all the Mohamedan residences were decorated and illuminated. The Captain Kling mosque iu Chulia Street, which was lately installed with electric lights, presented quite an imposing appearance as did the other mosques
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  • 38 906 will be thrown op<n to the public at least lor ote day during her stay in Port Swettenham and that invitations to visit her will l?e sent •to the Ma’sy nobility.— M.M.
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  • 41 906 superintending engt- neer, Punjab, whose services have been secured by the Siamese (Government, has left Calcutta for Bangkok with a small staff of assistant engineers who wil all be employed on the xlnnam Valley irrigation project.
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  • 65 906 From Thursday s Free Press: The term of office of the Rev. N. T. I au as vicar of the Armenian church of St. Gregory at Singapore, expired last month, and in t ie ordinary way he should have to go away soon but at the request of the community
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  • 988 907 Our Own. Tapping, August 30. The rickisha-pullers’ strike is at an end and most of the men are at work again The conviction ul three agitators long Ching, Lee Chit and Ching Oh Lri, who were charged before Mr. Shelley with intimidation, and ordered to find sureties in
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  • 17 907 wires our eor- respondent, will go out on field manoeuvres with the Brahmans to-morrow.
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  • 29 907 the R G A. new staff officer of the Colonial forces has arrived at Singapore by the Wee Ho y, writes our correspondent in that settlement.
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  • 43 907 told one of the magis- trates yesterday that a Kling who had br-en picked up unconscious "regained his con science” on being taken to the police st.tian. Surely a s ngular place to recover that sort of thing I—&. F. F.
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  • 82 907 this morning into the death of a child, three years old. It appears that the child was left by the mother alone in the kitchen for a short time. There was a basin of hot water in the kitchen. Shortly after she left
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  • 111 907 was this morning arraigned before Mr E. E. Colman on a charge of cruelty to a bullock by working it while it was in an unfit state. Mr. T. W. W. Wright who prosecuted stated that one of the bullocks used by the accused was lame
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  • 56 907 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, August 3 Li Chun, formerly Admiral of the Cantonese fleet under the Manchu Government, has resigned the post of Peace Corn mi «"ion«*r to Canton <iud Pienideut Yuan has accepted his resignation. General Loong Chei Kong, Tutuh of Canton, has accepted ’he
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  • 161 907 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 30. The Hon C. I. Carver, who presided at the annual geneial meeting of the Singapore Cricket Club, said that it might be necessary to spend a considerable sum on a portion of the ground called “the potato patch’’. The total
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  • 38 907 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, August 30. The Malay Mail understands that Mr. F. W. Douglas, Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board since August, 1911, has been appointed British Resident uf Labuan.
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  • 32 907 (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, August oO. Ihe Baud maun Opera Comp my <q>enH<l a short season last night with Autumn Manauvreb” to a large and appreciative house.
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  • 32 907 (Reuter.) London, August 30. The women who made an attack on Mr. Asquith at Loesit mouth were remanded for a week, bail being allowed in the sum of £5.
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  • 38 907 Army Hor»cs Affected. (Reuter,) houdoD, August 2P. In consequence of the outbreak of mango among the army horses, the caval y attending the manoeuvres will be seriously reduced. The horses of several regiments are affected.
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  • 53 907 Renter.; St. Petersburg. August 30. On the occasion of the opening of the Palace of Peace, the Tsar telegraphed t> Queen Wilhelmina h >ping that the Palace would contribute Io pace v which he always laid store and hoping that it would form a fresh b*md
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  • 122 908 CHARGE OF SEDITIOUS LIBEL. (Reuter.) London, August 29. Three of the strike leaders were arrested and committed for trill at Dublin on a charge of seditious libel and inciting tc riot It is alleged that one of them addressing the strikers declared: If Sir Edward Carson is
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  • 87 908 New Conditions. (Reuter.) New York, August 29. The conditions of the yacht race for the America Cup, which have just been announced, do not materially differ from those in previous races. The time limit will be six hours instead of five-and-a-half and the first race will be
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  • 52 908 (Reuter.) New York, August 29. Despite the fact that the water is 35 ft. deep in the hold of the liner Imperator which caught fire in the dock at New York, the officials are confident that the vessel will be able to sail when her regular turn comes
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  • 41 908 (Reuter.) Tokio, August 30. In a typhoon which struck Tokio scores of people were killed and 15,000 houses were submerged in Tokio alone. Seventeen children were lost while climbing Mount Komagatake. The railways and crops suffered great damage.
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  • 49 908 Reuter,) London, August 29. Mr. Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, and Col. Seely, Secretary of State for Wa»/visited the naval flying station at Calshot and went on a flight on a seaplane on the Solent. They helped to pull the seaplane into the rhed.
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  • 73 908 Another Set Back. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 29. Mess a. Fr-ser Co’s share report states that only small business was reported during tie week. Quotations for sterling rubber shares bad again receded in most inst to their previous lowest quotation. LocJ shares shed a portion
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  • 221 908 IMPROVED SITUATION. (Reuter. Washington, August 29. The Treasury has telegraphed to the Customs Agents in the United ctates to lay an embargo on all shipments of arms to Mexico regardl ss as to who are the consignees. A large shipment has been detained opposite the frontier
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  • 128 908 Arrest of a Legislator. (Reuter.) London, August 29. The strike at Vancouver continues and 500 militia remain at the affected centres. The majority of those who were arrested, numbering 160, have been committed to the Assizes Among the prisoners is the legislator Mr John Place who
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  • 80 908 A Suggestion From New Zealand (Reuter.) Wellington, August 29. A banquet was given by the government in honour of the British members of Parliament who are on a visit to New Zealand Mr. F. W Massey, Prime Minister, affirmed the importance of Imperial Statesmen visiting the Dominions and
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  • 53 908 (Reuter.) London, August 29 The following is the betti g for the St Lpger Stakes (1 mile 6 fur. 132 yards) which will be run at Doncaster on berlO: P m 15 to 8 agst. Louvois 9to 2 Bachelor's Wedding j 7to 1 Aghdoe, off ired after
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  • 58 908 (Renter.) London, August 30. Lord Haldane has arrived at New York en route to Montreal to deliver a legal lecture. He was besieged by reporters on landing and was re resented as saying that England w is able to transport troops round the world at
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  • 43 908 Reuter) Paris, August 30. A Sergeant has been arrested on a charge of espionage. It is alleged that the papers were found on him showing that he furnished the Austrian Luxemburg officers with information regarding artillery. The accused denied the charge.
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  • 19 908 several hawkers were charged before the magistrate at Singapore and fined small sums for obstruction.
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  • 23 908 were demolished by a fire caused by a lamp being overturned, wires our correspondent in that settlement.
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  • 34 908 the following officers were elected for the ensuing year Mr. J. R. Nicholson, President Mr. G. R H. Webb, Captain and Mr. Dove, vice-Captain.
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  • 61 908 at the me ting of the Municipal Commissioners yesterday Dr. Fowlie, on behalf of the Boatd, presented Mr. F. J. Hallifax with a pair of silver Chinese rose bowls on the occasion of bis wedding and paid a tribute to the President’s head and heart.
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  • 141 908 between the Gove nment Service Rocreition Club and theOld Farquhars Club, which was played on the Esplanade yesterday evening end d in a comfortable win for the former team by six goals to nil. The Service team had the monopoly of the game all through,
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  • 675 909 ordinary general meeting The Third Ordinary General Meeting of «ubher Comp-.ny Ltd was he’d 1 Abe Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon to trans ct the following busi a ggg /fj to receive the reporta d accounts, p) to elect directors and auditors (3 to declare
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  • 569 909 Io THE Editor of the Straits Times Sir, the unique independence and the straightforward criticism, not to say the wealth of unassailable arguments, that characterised the speech of the newlynominated unofficial member during the recent debate in the Legislative Council on the section of a certain bill
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  • 25 909 in the Monopolies Depart- went, Singapore, has been coinmitte I f»r trial on three counts for fals.fying the liquor» and warehouse ledgers.
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  • 640 909 Evidence of DefeBdaats. The case in which de Ervnda de Wed J. Van Nolle, tobacco manufacturer!, Rotterdam, is suing Messrs. Slot <t Go., merchants of Penang, for infringement of a trade mark was continued before Mr. 8. L. Thornton in the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon. Ou the
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  • 28 909 returned at the private in- qui»y by the coroner into the death of Mr. E I II Ellin, th? Singapore lawyer, suicide white of unsound mind."
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  • 1317 910 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The Annual General Meeting of the Penang Automobile Club was he d at u ion to-day at the Chamber of Commerce. The Hon Mr. R Young took the chair and among those present were Mr L. M. Bell, Dr. R Dane, Captain M Webber,
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  • 433 910 The Langkawi and Kual a Pandan Rubber Estates Ltd. The Statutory Meeting „f this wa held at the offices of the company, Bank Buildings, Downing Street, on August 28 There were present Mr. G. N. Saye, Esq (Chairman), Mr. Yeoh Paik Tatt, (Director) and Messrs. John Mitchell and C. L
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  • 84 910 is likely io be secured by the bogus operation carried out by some of the American delegates to the Medical Congress on board the Bremen. The lay spectators must have been considerably mystified us to the nutuie of the ailment when
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  • 1168 911 (By T. W.) 'fbe Editor of the _£c7to has suggested that 1 try to describe aspects of the Homeland as they strike the eye of a returned t bat sort of thing Such suggestions u v<' a tendency to all cue per versify I’ve got. Probably as
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  • 56 911 The following were the results f the ties p ayed uff yesterday Mired Double Hand''tip It Miss Gawthorne and Haddan MisHeim and H K Adams 6- 8, 6—2, b —I. Single Handicap A. Carr beat Neubronner 6—8, 6—2, 6—4. Double Handicap B. Rickett and Ballantyne W Saye
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  • 81 911 writing to TAe Timet on tbe Amazon Valley, says: I found the clim/e not so trying as that of Java and the So tletHeuts. A word about the plantations—these are nothing serious yet I found on measuring the oun.g trees as I have done in ot
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  • 549 911 Falmouth, Cornwall, August 6. In ease your regular London correspondent does not “cover” this event, I send you a note or two. as I happened to be on the spot when the Kina's yacht won the opening event. Unfortunately for Penang, sailing is a sport not convenable" there,
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  • 114 911 It is s iid that the E tri <»uc«« called a meet ing in connection with certain work, and only two people turned up—himself and a very tat reporter, sass the Ch>/,t‘ck Family Nen'tyaper. Alter waiting and no
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  • 909 912 Tokio is not the source from which we may expect to receive the most authentic news iegarding affairs iu China, aud for the present we aie not disposed to credit without reserve the Daily Telegraph’s story of an almost successful attempt to poison Yuan*8hi Kai in May
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  • 19 912 iu the current issue of the Government Gazette states that the Penang Wanderers Ciub has been dissolved.
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  • 22 912 of the B.itisli India Steam Navi- gatiou Co. mail and Indian Immigration Contract, 1913, is published iu the Government Gazette.
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  • 25 912 a Sikh Police constable, who pleaded guilty before Mr. E, E. Colman this morning to being druuk iu Fort Cornwallis, was fined $7.
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  • 34 912 the Dutch Consul in that Su dement held a reception yesterday in celebration of Queen Wilhelmina’s birthday. The harbour was decorated in honour of the Queeu of the Netherlands.
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  • 44 912 in Kua'a Lumpur lias just received a cable from home asking them to quote for the supply of a million coconuts a mouth This sort of thing looks promising for estates Xvhere coconuts h.vebeen pLiited iu addition to rubber.— M M.
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  • 47 912 running between thisjort and Tongkah, ou arrival here on Saturday afternoon reported a monsoon and high seas in the neighbourhood of the Langkawi Is ands. After that there was a northerly wind blowing, the weather being fine and the sea smooth.
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  • 50 912 with the approval of the Governor, delegated Lis powers under The Estate Labourers (1 rotectiou of Health) Ordinance 1911,” to the Assistant Protect.) s of Chinese at P.-mug aud at Malacca, to be exercised in their respective 8 ttlemeuts during his abteuce from them.
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  • 118 912 before Mr. K. Scott, ou Sal unlay morning, a Hindu named Vailen was convicted of crimping by taking away a female labourer horn the employ of J urn Estate, and fined 825, in defau t of payment, o e month’s rigorous imprisonment. The Accused
    118 words
  • 877 912 Mr C 11 Clarke bas been granted twelve mouths leave of absence Messrs. C. C Brown, A. E Onnna a F M s Eiehards have b, eome Pa8ssd (LSj Mr. E. A P. Helps, Cadet attached to the Indian Immigration Office here wh was sworn in on
    877 words

  • 18 913 of the Tongkah Harbour 7in Dredging Company for the week ended August 30 was thirty tons.
    18 words
  • 18 913 On April 3 0 the excess of assets over liabilities of the F. M 8. Government was $72,595,177.
    18 words
  • 39 913 were ex- pirted from the F M S. as compared with 71,175 piculs during the corrosp mding mouth last year. Tbe estimated value was 86,516.341 and the duty amounted to $8 8 194
    39 words
  • 47 913 8h p et and Biscuit 8120 per pikul. Fine Crepe 125 Best Scrap in Cre e form 11»> Bxrk Scrap in Crepe form 90 Rough untreated Scrap... 65 H Ram bong untreated 85
    47 words
  • 78 913 Class A, final tie 111 the C. R C Liwn Tennis Tournament JJ* played off yesterday when Ho Kim leik (4- 15), aft er a strenuous game, managed to beat the bolder, Foo Joo Wan 1?3), by 5-7; 6-1 6-1. The last tie in the Tournament has
    78 words
  • 85 913 the Governor in council is pleased to prescribe that any net imposed under the authority of the Khq» 0M “The Municipal Ordinance shall subject to any award to v^ n^or, ner be paid
    85 words
  • 501 913 The preliminary inquiry in the can agunst the fi, e Chinese J ho were charge" witn mischief by fire at Chop Chip Eug, id5 Beach Street, was resu .ed this mornCo 8 urt fOre Mr E E C01aUn tbe secoDd Major H. Barry de Hamel,
    501 words
  • 27 913 has been filed in Colombo by Mr. J. C. Walter Pereira, Puisne Judge, against his wife, praying for a divorce on the ground of adultery.
    27 words
  • 95 913 has decided to suppress the Portuguese Legation at Rome (Vatican), to raise the Legation at Rio de Janeiro to the rank of an Embassy, and to create two new Legations at Panama and Guatemala Four military attaches at Paris, Berlin, Madrid and Berne are established as well
    95 words
  • 166 913 Mr. R.W. Hiam to be Engineering Assistant, Engineering Department, FM 8 R. Mr K C Caldicott to be District Engineer, Grade III, F.M S.R. Mr. G C Badington to be Assistant Engineer, P W.D. M. W. 8. Gibson to act as Magistrate, Ipoh. Mr. M. B. Shelley to
    166 words
  • 254 913 A very successful week end match was played with Kinta. Penang won tbe Singles by 8 to 11 on Saturday afternoon and Kinta won the Foursomes by 3 to I on Sunday morning. The Captain of the Kinta Team, Mr. B. W. Elies, was unfortunately stung by
    254 words
  • 39 913 The following ties hare l>neu fixed f tn Wednesday, September 3 Cfui mpi tilth i(>. Southam rx Haslam (Final) (Runnerup) (4). Mired Double Handicap A Mrs Craig and Cunradi vt Mrs Welham and Carr (Final) (5).
    39 words

  • 78 914 A SENSATIONAL STO3 Y. (Renter.) London, August 30 The correspondent of the Daily Telegraph at Tok io gives th it piper a .iHhsational story of the rising in China. He declares that the reason why Ya n Shi Kai massed his troops on the Yangtse and was
    78 words
  • 92 914 Damags Estimated At $190,000. U’m Our Own CorreerwndenR} Kuali Lumpur, September I. A a rious fire bioke out in the early hours of this morning at An.pang Kuala Lumpur. It was discovered at about 2 o’clock but as there was no direct alarm it was over
    92 words
  • 68 914 (Reuter, j Mexico City, August 31. The President of the Mexican Senate has telegraphed to the New York representative of the Mexican Telegraph Company, requesting him to protest to President Wilson against the withdrawal of American citizens from Mexico and declaring that the American
    68 words
  • 39 914 (Renter.) London, August 31. An aeroplane, while Hying from Hendon to Farnborough for delivery to the War Office, fell from a height. <«f a hundred feet, at Maidenhead. The p lot, Debussy, and two passengers sustained fractured limbs.
    39 words
  • 27 914 (Reuter.) London, August 30. 11. R H. Prince Albert, second son of the King. ha» been appointed midihif man uu the battb ship ColltrKjWWil.
    27 words
  • 31 914 (Reuter.) Vienna, September 1 A ea-e of Asiatic cholera is reported in W’oiibi, the patient heiriu a me chant who had rceiitiy arrived fi<in Salonika via Servia.
    31 words
  • 63 914 Saved by the Handy Men. (Reuter.) London, August 31. ( ex'-’Pein mt was rinsed in the afternoon bv a fierce blaze-in the canteen building nt lliulo’ wi.ue Inland. Q-eenstown, in close viciirty ti the lirge Government stores <>( o’l an 1 piwl ir Throe hundred bluejudo
    63 words
  • 133 914 DIRECT TURCO-BULGARIAN NEGOTIATIONS. Reuter London, August 30 The corre poadeut of the Time, at Sofia states that Bulgaria has decided to negotiate direct with Turkey in regaid t Adrianople. Constantinople, August 31. The Bulgarian delegates who hive been appointed to conduct direct negotiations with Turkey anent Adrianople and
    133 words
  • 137 914 Affairs At ublin. Reuter J L ndon, August 30. At a meeting at Dublin last night one of the strike Laders who are out on bail burned the Police proclamation prohibiting a meeting on Sunday to support the strikers He declared that he will hold a meeting
    137 words
  • 208 914 No of Bank Rate. (lie tiler J London, August 30. At the meeting of th-» Reichsbank the Vice-President declared that the reduction of the bank rate is still impossible although in the banks at present the bullion deposit is nearly =£9,000,000 above that, of Au. ust,
    208 words
  • 52 914 (Reuter London, August 31. Surrey beat Leicestershire bv an in and 161 runs. U 1Uui “g« Thmpshire beat bv qv ru'is ol) The match between Sussex a d Ynrl-.i was drawn, pointless. Sulre Kent beat Middlesex bv 5 wickets Worcester beat Somersetshire bv innings and 35 runs.
    52 words
  • 73 914 (Reuter.) London, August 31. >he lawyers continue a fierce struggle over Har.yThaw, the advantage momentarily resting with the Chief of police o f Coaticock, Canada, who first arrested Thaw at the instance of counsel for the State of New York. The Chief of Police has now been
    73 words
  • 91 914 Mr. Mo .tagu’s Request. London, August 15. Asked a question nfleeting on the co patency of Mr. Pundit Lal and Mr. S uart, Mr Montagu declared that they were on the Bench because the Government of India, and Lord Crewe were in every way satisfied that
    91 words
  • 176 914 Cheng Law Co’s Rice Mill. Formal Opening. The formal opening of M ssrs Cheng Law (Jo’s Rice Mill in Maxwell Road took place this miming The cdremony was not a very grand one owing to the family of Mr. Cheng Law being srill iu mourning. Mr. < hmg Law has
    176 words
  • 9 914 lb. Padang Rubber Co., Ltd. 12,000
    9 words
  • 34 914 of the F. M S. fur 1912, which is published as a supplement of the current issue of the F. S. Government Gazette. will be dealt with in these columns to-morruw.
    34 words

  • 2473 915 an INTERESTING report. Th« rep >rt of Mr Lewton-Brain, Director o f Agriculture, for the year 1912, which is ublished as a supplement to the current fipua of the S Gwtto, makes interesting reading an 1 is a tribute to the excellent work wlnffi this department is
    2,473 words

  • 183 916 The Peaacg correspondent of the Ma 1 a; Mml writes to that piper: The Rice Combine and its doings are the subject of much local comment in the Press of late. The millers, who are nex" door to accused of oppressing the agriculturist, maintain that in all
    183 words
  • 363 916 The case in which de Ervnda de Wed J. Van Nvlle, tobacco manufacturers, Rotterdam, is suing Messrs. Slot <fc Co., merchants of Penang, for infringement of a trade mark was continued before Mr. Justice Thornton in the Su reme r ’ourt this morning. Mr J. Martin, cross-examined
    363 words
  • 142 916 Murray Trophy 1913. 2 r 0 Yards Deliberate. Miss J Smith 31 i Mrs Wright-Motion 30 Miss W Gawtborne 25 Mrs Liston 23 1 Miss E Mathieu 20 Miss 8 B Smith 19J Miss Gawtborne 19 This counts for the Murray Trophy. Practice Shoot. 150 Yards
    142 words
  • 503 916 The Singapore Presentation Our Singapore correspondent on Satur'ay the now s of the pr^X,, 0 to Mr. F. J. llallifax bv hi? 00 Municipal ComursMmers Mr F. J llallifax is, however, so well known an popular in Penang where M Halhfax was also resident for some
    503 words
  • 140 916 The Monthly Handicap Shoot took place yesterday morning on the Kampong Bahiu Lange. Owing io the threatening weather the attendance was smaller than usual. Scores wore as follows —u»Mer Usual N. K. A conditions. Ranges 200, 500 and OOO Yards. with hand’p Corpl. J. Dowty .78
    140 words

  • 1204 917 The Campaign of Economy. The present low p ice of rubber is not an uumixed blessing, but th re is something to be said in its favour. So long as the product commanded prices which allowed a very wide margin of profit the industry, so to gpoak,
    1,204 words
  • 191 917 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS ECHO.” Dear Sir, Referring to Mr. Omar Nina Merican’s letter of the 28th August last, it. is therein stated thit on applying for money due him, he was informed by the Commissioner of Stamps that he (the Commissioner of Stamps) had
    191 words
  • 494 917 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS ECHO.” Dear feir, I have been asked by Prof. W. R. Dmstan to bring to the notice of the public in the Straits Settlements th« International Association of Tropical Agriculture and Colonial Development and I write to you to a«k if you
    494 words
  • Page 917 Advertisements
    • 95 917 Chamberlain's Ccu&\ Ready. This remedy has no superior as a cure for colds, croup and wh jopiiig cough. It lias been a favorite with the mothers of young childr-n for almost forty years. Chamlxirl tin’s Cough Remely can aiwavs be «1 pmded upon ami i t pleasant to take. It
      95 words

  • 373 918 Details of a distressing tragedy on the Dutch islands have reached the Strai Timm from well-informed sources. Eirly this year, Mr. John R Murray, a young European, residing at Shanghai where, at one ime, he was in the employ of the British American Tobacco Company, de ided
    373 words
  • 524 918 Bangkok’s Mails from Penang In ihi number of letters it has called forth iron various correspondents there is buili dent evidence, one will ad tn it, that the schtine of getting Bangkok’s mails from Peuaug via 1’iang and Singora which we suggested sometime ago has aroused interest
    524 words
  • 502 918 International Court Judgment at Bangkok. For many years it has been the desire of the European merciutile community of Bangkok that the registration of partnerships and the disclosure of the names of the partners in Asiatic firms be made compulsory. A judgment given on August 22 by the
    502 words
  • 599 918 Mahomedans in Penang, Province Wellesley, and the Diudiugs are much aggrieved, and to our minds with some justification, that the principal festival of their year, the Ha>i Raya Bcsar, which Mr. R. J. Wilkinson, our present Colonial Secretary, defines in his monumental Malay Dictionary as the great festival
    599 words

  • 265 919 Elsewhere to-day our readers will find what is, we believe, a full and accurate account of the hearing of the case at Taiping yesterday in which a person who has been well-known as a bookmaker throughout the country for some years—he would probably repudiate the appellation
    265 words
  • 105 919 Mr. Justice W. \V. Fisher disposed of four appeals yesterday against convic* tions by the magistrates in the lower Courts. Tbe appeal of Tan Seow Eng, who whs fined 8500 by Mr G. C G. Muller for being in possession of chandu other than Government. chandu, was the
    105 words
  • 67 919 lb. Straits Rubber Co., Ltd 160,500 Penang Rubber Estates Co Ltd. 90,600 Kubana Rubber Estates, Ltd. 42.000 Ayer Rubber Estates, Ltd. 34.750 «atak Rabit Rubber Estate, Ltd. 13,300 oagan Serai Co., Ltd 13,000 rubber Estates of Krian, Ltd. 18,588 Columbia Rubber Co Lt 1. 11,146 £Wang Jawa
    67 words
  • 429 919 The further hearing of the prehminarv inquiry into the case against the five Cninese who wer charged with mischief bv nre at Chop Chip Eng, 13\ Beach Street, was resumed yesterday afternoon before Mr. L E Colman in the Second Court. Barry de Hamel prosecuted
    429 words
  • 152 919 The ease in which de Ervnda de Wed J. Van Nelle, tobacco manufacturers, Rotterdam, is suing Messrs. Slot <fc Co., merchants of Penang, for infringement of a trade mark was continued before Mr. Justice Thornton in the Su reme ourt this morning. Mr. W. R Armstrong and
    152 words
  • 18 919 Assistant Superinten- dent of Police, left for tbe bindings last night by the Stagulk
    18 words
  • 109 919 AN ENGINE DRIVER S CLAIM. (From Our Oum Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, September 2. In th*» Supreme Court it. limb Lumpur Mr. R. E. Edmonds Acting Ju licial Commissioner, concluded the hearing of the suit, in which Ephraiu Wilkinson, an En-gine-driver of the F M. S. Rail ays living at Port
    109 words
  • 30 919 (From Our Own Cor respondent.) Singapore, September 1. In the Singapore Golf Championship Mr. J L. Humphreys beat Dr. Fowlie by nine up and eight to play.
    30 words
  • 106 919 American Misg vinga. A* enter) London, September 1. The Americans express alarm at the British Olympic Appeal for £100,000, published on August 18, and grave qualms as to the uses to which the m mev may be put 'I he Secretary of the American Olympic Council says
    106 words
  • 48 919 (Reuter.) London, September 1. The following is the litest betting on the St. Lever: 13 to 8 agst. Louvoif 5,, 1 Bachelor'* Wedding 6,, 1 Aahdoe 10 1 Harry of Hereford 10 6 Night Hawk 110 6» 100 6 Birlingtam 20 1 Curcajh.
    48 words
  • 99 919 The Last Barrier. Reuter.) L nd n, .<-pternber 2. The list barrier between the Pacific and the Pauam i Canal was blown up bv dynamite in the presence of a «re it thronv, inch.din/ th officers of the B itrh bittie. sbip New Zealand The
    99 words

  • 391 920 SERIOUS nlSTING. (Reuter. J London, September 1. The riots in D <Llin still continues and there are two hundred cases in the hospitals owing to injuries received Yesterday Mr Larkin, who is alleged to have stated If Sir Edward Ca r son is right in telling
    391 words
  • 74 920 (Reuter.) London, September 1. K Hi’0 V ‘romA w ich is t >e. sat of’the E«fl <4 IG-mmi’e. his bet-n bu nt «lo'vn It, i- leit-vid that tbe fire miginated in loom o tbe top 11 lor. Priceless art to hsu es wete de-troyd. Killame House is
    74 words
  • 28 920 A>.zi -r.) I .oh 1 »n, Septemb >r I. The mah-h N»t Lampton between N»i ti> iin pt on.* tine tad Warwickshire ended in a d aw.
    28 words
  • 130 920 (Renter.) London, September 1. A number of Americans are leaving Mexico in consequence of President Wilson’s warning against tlmir remaining there. Mexico City, August 31. A wave of patriotism to be sweeping over Mexico. General Huerta is dady receiving offers of services and men, ami
    130 words
  • 41 920 The Coup de Grace. bl eider.) St. Petersburg, September 2 The northern troops captured Nanking after a siege of some days. It is believed that the capture means the coup de (jracs of the rebellion of the southerners.
    41 words
  • 43 920 Visit to the Kaiser. (Reuter London, September 2. II. R. H. the P rince of Wales is on a three days’ visit to the Kaiser who escorted bun to tbe old castle, pointing out to him tbe historic features.
    43 words
  • 41 920 The output of the Tongk ih Harbour Tin Dredging Company for August was as follows: Dredge No. 1, working 108 hours, 63 pels. n2, 514 ,248 3, 562 ,928 h „4, 628 ,403 5, 662 ,478 Total 2,474 2,115
    41 words
  • 19 920 of the Mengleinbu Lode Syndicate, Ltd for August was 450 piculs of the estimated value of 824,550.
    19 words
  • 19 920 has been I anded over to the Government. M D. C.
    19 words
  • 27 920 will act f-»r Dr. It Dane as S.M 0 Penang, when the latter goes on long leave by the Nore eaHy in October.
    27 words
  • 61 920 two privates ul the Yorkshire Regiment were charged with breaking into Messrs. Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co’s premises early on Sunday They broke a window < f tbe watch department and were apprehended on the spit by the occupants of the Van Wijk Hotel opposite. They were
    61 words
  • 4167 920 Mr Lewton Brain, Director o f A culture, part of whose interesting an J* n report we published in our issue LtZ has a great deal to say on tbe sL rubber which should prove of interZ planters throughout Malava W« 1 Cultivation. So far as I
    4,167 words

  • 1568 922 Improved Health Conditions. Dr. C. L. Sansom, who signs the medical report of the Federated Maliy States for the year 1912, at the outset comments upon the difficulty of obtaining a true record of the health of a country where 40% of the population is
    1,568 words

  • 26 923 The following were the results of thu ties played off yesterday Profession Pairs. Southam and Carr beat Proctor and Heaps 8 6,7-5, 6-1.
    26 words
  • 28 923 who had been on sick leave in Penang, returned to the Dindings last night by the Seagull to resume duty as District Officer there.
    28 words
  • 46 923 commenced yesterday morning at the Penang Free School, Mr. A. E. Pringle, Inspector of Schools presiding. There are altogether 50 candidates sitting, six of them for the Hongkong University Matriculation Examination.
    46 words
  • 2042 923 THE LANDER BETTING CASE.* Owr Own Taiping, September 2. It was too late fo- me to wire you the result of the prosecution of Fred Linder under the Betting Enactment, yesterday, as judgment was nut delivered until 3 o’clock in the afternoon. The case was called at 10
    2,042 words
  • Page 923 Advertisements
    • 53 923 hronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoea r« fP- quiet for a few days, dilp 10 1 Possible, be ca'eful of your anln L’hambarlain's Colic, Cholera f Remedy. This medicine has nhv casei °f chr. nic diarrhoea that vou Slei p Db l )aV0 on aD( l will
      53 words

  • 1018 924 There seems to be no real Da au season nowadays Q uiu a 1 euaugites are going Home this ant.. f and winter a thing nobody wou d dreamt of doing except uuder 8 tr e8a circumstances a few years am Al stay on the Riviera or *at
    1,018 words

  • 16 925 Ross.—At Edinburgh, on the 2nd September, the wife of Balfour E. Ross, of a son.
    16 words
  • 1795 925 reat chang ’s are to take place in the supreme command of the Straits Police in tt near future. We therefore seize 6 occasion of directing the attention of the heads of that important department to what constitutes, we believe, a new departure in the U'Jy
    1,795 words

  • 80 926 Batu Matang Rubber Plantations, Ltd 6,793 Kedah Rubber Co, Ltd. 17,265 Bakap Rubber Plantations, Ltd. 18,391 Jong Landor Rubber Estates, Ltd... 21,385 Consolidated Rubber Estates, Ltd. 6,250 Gula Kalumpong Rubber Estates, Ltd 56,854 Juru Estates, Ltd 3,927 Sumatra Consolidated Rubber Estates, L0 21,032 London Sumatra Rubber Produce
    80 words
  • 16 926 of The Ribman Tin Co., Ltd., during the month of August was 724 pikula.
    16 words
  • 28 926 have it that the earth- quake shocks recently experienced almost throughout the whole of western Java had their origin from a vo'cano in Sunda Straits.
    28 words
  • 31 926 will be received with regret by all who have ever heard the Follies, and enjoyed his Potted Plays, says the Times of Ceylon.
    31 words
  • 35 926 Principal of the University of Hongkong, in on a visit to Peking, and has had an in’erview with President Yu in ohih Kai in connection with the affai-8 of the Hongkong University.
    35 words
  • 41 926 of Butterworth, has purchased from Mr. Mawley some of the horses 1 tely in Mr. Toon Tock’s stible and that he will probably enter Mt oval, Bostra and Betting Bill for the forthcoming Singapore Meeting.
    41 words
  • 45 926 The Hon T. de M. L Braddell, Chief Judicial Commissioner of the F.M.S., arrived in Singapore yesterday afternoon by the French ma 1 steamer from Europe. He is quite r-covere i from the breakdown due to overwork which necessitated his furlough.
    45 words
  • 67 926 From Monday ’s Malay Mail:— Mr. J G. T. Pooley, we are sorry to h ar, is iudisp sed. Mr Arthur Bredie Santiers (of Messrs Pooley and Ford) was this morning. on the application of the Hou. Mr. G. H. Day. admitted as a solicitor and advocate of the Supreme
    67 words
  • 758 926 BAZAAR AND cONCZRT IN TAILING. (Erom (Jar Own Correspondent.) Taiping, September 3. The Tai ping Church Workers Association baza r at the Town Hall, Taiping on Saturday afternoon and the concert which followed it in the even ng were au unqualified success which mu-.t have been
    758 words
  • 304 926 Mr. J. L. Humphries’ Victory. The following Additional details of the final for the {Singapore Golf Championship are from the Straits Times of Monday The final tie for the Singapore Golf Championship, over 36 boles, was played off on the Racecourse links during the past weekend, the
    304 words
  • 94 926 which took place on Saturday night in Ipoh She had been ailing for some months p ist and was about to gfl to India foi a change. Miss Light was a daughter of the late Mr. Francis Light, Chief Clerk,
    94 words

  • 206 927 (From Our Own Correspondent,) Hongkong, September 2 Yesterdav a Cantonese named Lee who had concealed a bomb i nder the city eate of Canton with intent to blow up General Loong Cbei Kong, was ai rested and banned over to the Police Authorities. Khve Pin district in
    206 words
  • 78 927 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 3. Another private in theK. 0 Y. L. I. has been arrested in connection with the thelt on Sunday morning in the watch department of Messrs. Whiteway, Laidlaw Co. It will be remembered that two privates belonging to the same regiment
    78 words
  • 65 927 (From Our Own, Correspondent,) Singapore. September 3. At the meeting of the Legislative Council next Friday the Colonial Treasurer will move the approval of a vote for «£250,000. additional to the appropriation of Ji 1,264,000 under the Loan Ordinance of 1907, to meet the current expenditure on
    65 words
  • 23 927 Australia s Citizen Army. Reuter) Melbourne, September 2. Of 17,194 eighteen year old youths due to join the citizen army, 16,849 have responded.
    23 words
  • 23 927 {Reuter.) T Londofi, September 3. 16 London printers Lave rejected the Q er made by tin masters on August 30.
    23 words
  • 62 927 (Brom Our Outn Correspondent.) Singapore, September 3. w rubber auction at Singapore /8,859 lb. were offered for sale and 68,131 lb. were sold at the following prices Smoked Sheet 8113—8134 per picul Unsnioked $117—$125 Fir„t Crepe $126 $132 Second $112 $128 Third 94—$110 Fourth 84—8 91 Bark
    62 words
  • 70 927 (From Ou r Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 3. Mr. W. A. Cuscaden, I. G. P., and Miss Cuscaden had an enthusiastic send off at Johnston’s Pier when they boarded the Miyazaki Maru, en route for home. Many bouquets were presented to them Mr. F. C Harrison,
    70 words
  • 257 927 Conquest of the Air. (Reuter.) Paris, September 2 The French avia'or M. Pegoud, noted for his neck-risking feats, successfully turned a somersault in the air at a height of 3,000 ft Buc, September 3. M. Pegoud repeated his marvellous evolutions before a throng of civilians and military officers. He
    257 words
  • 35 927 Mineralogist s Sad Fate. (Eeu/er.) Brisbane, Septeml)er 2. Papuan advices Gate that Mr. John Warner, a middle-aged mineralogist of German-American descent, while exploring for radium, was killed and eaten. Two of his native companions escape.
    35 words
  • 449 927 COLLISION AT AISGILL. HEARTRENDING SCENES. (Reuter.) London, September 2. Two Midland expre<«PR from Carlisle, both bound south, collided One ran full speed into the rear of the other near Rosgill on a big ascent up Shap It is officially announced that nine persons were killed and ten injured.
    449 words
  • 21 927 for twenty-four hours ended 9 a.rr. this morning as registered by the gauge at Fort Cornwallis was 21 inch.
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  • 23 927 which was ushered in plenty ’of cracker-tiring Business among the Mahometan community was suspended for the day.
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  • 80 928 {Renter.) London, September 2. The fire men who were detaned by the London Police in connec ion with the theft of the famous pearl nick ace will, it is expected, be brought up at Bow Street tomorrow. London, September 3. The accused in the necklace case
    80 words
  • 110 928 (JReu/er.) London, September 2 The Trades Congress of Manchester has resolved to send to Dublin iminediat ly a committee who will address meetings in favour of free speechland inquire into the allegations of Police violence. London, September 3. The Dublin Coal merchants Association have decided to
    110 words
  • 108 928 A Graphic Account. (Reuter.) London, September 2. The Daily Express publishes a letter from Mr. Dunn graphically describing the Somaliland disaster of August 12. He says that the fight began at seven in the morning and lasted five hours. “The Dervishes opened fire at two hundred yards
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  • 54 928 Rubber and Coffee. (Reuter Rio de Janeiro, September 3. The export of coffee for the first seven months of 1913 was 4,7.51,000 bags, a decrease of 274,000 bags as compared with 1912. The export of rubber was 22,798,000 kilos, a decrease of 1,972,000 kilos as compared
    54 words
  • 52 928 The Resident of Perak records with deep regret the death of Inche Wan Husin, Orang Kaia Temonggong, Perak. He was one of the Orang Besar Ampit and hid been a Member of the State Council since
    52 words
  • 1241 928 While in one portion of the report of th? F.M S. Director of Agriculture, just issued as a supp einent to the Government Gazette, it is definitely stated that the Department is fully alive to the seriousness of the danger from the locust p st,
    1,241 words
  • 86 928 TO THE EDITOR OF THE Malay Mail. Sir, —May J through your columns thank Mr. Bandmann for his kindness and enterprise in bringing such a capital company to entertain us jungle-wallahs But please, now we have seen the Gaby Glide, will be drop it out of his
    86 words

  • 654 929 MR. G. T. TICKELL. A notable link with the early days of the F,M S. is broken by the retirement at the age limit of fifty-five of Air. G. T Tickell nn the 1«t September H° the Per.?k service on the tempo ary staff as
    654 words
  • 778 929 8. X R. c. vs. C. U. A C. The St. Xivier’s Recreation Club which played so wed against the P. C C. a week before last met the Central Union vesterdav evening on the E«pl and ptff u a poor snow resu.ting m their being derated by
    778 words
  • 41 929 Inspector-General of Police who is retiring from the Service, is expec ed to arrive here to-morrow from Singapore by the Japanese mail. A dinner will be given to him to-morrow evening at the E. and O. Hotel.
    41 words
  • 43 929 Penang, a case for damages for breach of promise We understand that the laintiff has obtained leive to serve the writ of summons out of the jurisdiction, the defendant being a resident of Taiping.
    43 words
  • 61 929 Our popular D. O.. Mr. V Hill, wai offered the acting appointment of D. Kinta during the absence of Mr. Bowen, but declined it, to the satisfaction and g<>od fortune of Telnk An-on. Mr. Hill has earned universal esteem, for
    61 words
  • 92 929 Dr. Wellington Koo, 8e-rotary of the Waichiaopu, who recently marrie f Mr. Tang '•hao-yi s daughter, is alleged to have committed bigamy. It is alleged that at the time of his marriage to Mr Ta g s daughter he was already married to
    92 words
  • 80 929 was full of Kuomintang people, and none but Kuomintang members were alluwel to li fid olli e of this provincial Government. Upon receipt of the new« of the approach of Government troops, they have almost unauimously resigned their membership of the said tang. Occasionally, notifications sinned by a
    80 words
  • 91 929 same pxcitpuipnt has been created in Chinese j >urnalis*ic circles by the execution of ling Pao-chun, Editor of the Aikuopao, who recently was arrester] and courtmartialled on a charge of conspiring to aid the reb ds and attempting to overthrow the existing
    91 words
  • Page 929 Advertisements
    • 40 929 Tratment for Dysentery. Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrh'wia followed by a «lose of castor od will dTectudly cure tha most stubborn cases <>f dysentery. It is especially good for dimmer diarrhoea m children. For sale by all Dispensaries aud Dealer*.
      40 words

  • 1035 930 Alleged Assauit on Referee. Before Mr E A. P. H *ips Jin the Thiid Court this afternoon was commenced the hearing of the case against seven Malays who were charged with voluntarily causing hurt to Mr. Samsudiu bin Junus, a clerk employed in the General Post
    1,035 words
  • 825 930 Farewell Dinner. Our Singapore correspondent sent us a couple of days ago a brief account of the farewell dinner to Mr. W. A Cuscaden. So many people here ia Penang know, and like the retiri g 1 G. P. that we feel justified in reproducing a
    825 words
  • 48 930 from IL CL til 1JCAO MW Rangoon to M-. R. G. P McDonmll, retired Coministioner of Police, Burma, asking nun to come out as soon as possible to take up the appointment which he has accepted o stipendiary steward, Rangoon Turf Club.
    48 words
  • 69 930 in the district of Kuala Kangsar have decided to presen a congratu’atory address to His Highness 0 Sultan of Perak on the occasion of H receiving the honour of G.CVU. It 11 stated that similar addresses will be pre sented by the Chinese of Kinta andTaipmg. The
    69 words

  • 1471 931 To the traveller visiting the East and the Far East, how evident is the difference between the Chinese of Hongkong and Shanghai and the Chinese of the Straits Settletuent and the Federated Malay Straits These latter left their homes as adventurers
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  • 905 931 One does not need to have lived very long in this delectable little Settlement to be a confirmed laudator temp or it acti so far as Penang and its present race of leading lawn tennis players are concerned. Men, and ladies too, whose form would hardly have been
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  • 232 932 The Year Book of tho Royal Colonial Institute for 1913 is a permanent record of the progress made during the year by this ex eileut society, which is at once a club house where persons fr »m all parts of the Empire may exchange experiences and
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  • 469 932 A Tokio tel gram says that Sun-Yat Sen is going to England via Canada Mr. W. M. Phillips, assistant inspector of Schools, Perak, has been granted twelve months’ have. The late Mr. Lawrence Reynold Yzelman, aged 39, of Lumpur, Selangor. Malay States, left estate of the
    469 words
  • 74 932 It is intended to lay a pipe line between these towns, a distance of some thirty-five miles, the reservoir being at Changkat- Jong. One thousand tons of pipes, ranging from fifteen inches to
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  • 697 932 CHINESE CASHIER CHARGED Before Mr. A. V. Brown in the Court this morning the case was com men 2 a Chinaman, employed as cashier of Chop Eng long Bee, charged with criminal breach of trust of $1,000. Dal Mr. J. J. L. Harvey appeared for th*
    697 words

  • 55 933 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 3. Two privates in the K O.Y.L.I., charged with breaking into the premises of Messrs. Whiteaway, Laidlaw. Co., were found guilty and sentenced to six months’ rigorous imprisonment. The third accused, belonging to the same regiment, was acquitted on the charge
    55 words
  • 61 933 British Preparation. (Reuter London, September 3. The Olympic Games Committ e is continuing the dratting of detailed schemes for the preparation of atnletes. For example, regarding wrestling it recommends cooperating with the existing athletic, gymnastic and boxing clubs so as to attract men to wrestling and enlisting the
    61 words
  • 26 933 (Reuter.) London, September 3. The following matches were drawn Hampshire vs. Leicestershire, and Yorkshire V9. M CO. Sussex beat Surrey by 21 runs.
    26 words
  • 42 933 Reuter) Seoul, September 4. The sentence of eighteen months’ imprisonment passed on Mason, the American mine manager, who killed a Chinese coolie who committed a criminal assault on his daughter, has been suspended. This is equivalent to an acquittal.
    42 words
  • 46 933 (Reuter.) Sydney, September 4. Lord Emmott, speaking at a luncheon given in honour of the members of Parliament, said that it was worth the while of some of Great Britain’s greatest statesman to find time to visit her Overseas Dominions.
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  • 56 933 (Reuter.) Sherbrooke, September 3. A Quebec judge has granted a writ of habeas corpus in regard to Harry lhaw who is thus technically free for the moment, but be immediately afterwards rearrested as an undesirable alien by the immigration authorities. It is expected that this will mean
    56 words
  • 42 933 Spanish King s Generosity. (Reuter.) Madrid, September 4. Alfonso has pardoned the man, who a tempted to take hi» life on April 13 and w bo was sentenced to death. The newspapers applaud it as the generous act of a model king
    42 words
  • 68 933 (Renter.) Vienna, September 3. fi T Sii e T.’'’ bani;s i,a a tak<,n rer ±1.200,000 Rterlmg WO rth o f Chinese 6 per rent oVT 7 f an ™rrency of tour years, guaranteed on the annual receipts from estate transfer duty. Ihe major portion of the money will
    68 words
  • 103 933 Reuter’s Belated Details. (jkeu/er.) London, September 4. The necklace regardingthe theft of which five men were charged at ow Street, was apparently stolen in the post on July 15 bet ween Paris and London. It is valued at XI50,000 Much mystery is attached to the theft
    103 words
  • 147 933 London, August 27. A meeting addressed by General Potha at Rustenburg passed a vote of confidence in General Botha by an overwhelm! u majority. General Botha was afterwards carried shoulder high back to his hotel amid ovations. The whole incident was a great personal triumph. Gem
    147 words
  • 87 933 London, August 27. Acting upon instructions from the Irish Government the Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs has refused the annual application of various Ulster Clubs for th i renewal of affiliation. Lord Aberdeen wai appealed to, but replied that he regretted that in the existing circumstances,
    87 words
  • 51 933 charged with being in possession, selling and importing a de'eterous drug, before Mr. A V. Brown yesterdiy was found guilty of being in possession of and importing the drug and fined $250 on each charge or one in mtb’s imprisonment. The man chose to serve bis
    51 words
  • 330 933 OFFICIAL STATEMENT. (Reuter.) London, September 3. An official statement, issued by the Midland Railway authorities, announces that the fire which broke out after the collision at Aisgill was due to coals scattered from the engine of the Aberdeen-Edinburgh express which dashed into the rear of the stationary
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  • 56 933 Ex-King Manoel s Wedding. (Reuter.) Sigmaringen, September 4 The Prince of Wales has arrived here in order to be present at the wedding of ExKing Manoel of Por ugal which takes place to-morrow. He was cordially welcomed by the members of the Royal Family and was cheered when he drove
    56 words
  • 51 933 (Reuter.) London, Septemlier 3. The funeral took place at Dublin of Nolan, the victim of the riot. The route covered all the main thoiougbfare» and the cortege was followed by a strong force of Police. Everything passed off in a perfectly orderly manner. Many women earned
    51 words
  • 68 933 The Masters Move. London, September 4. The employers of Dublin have carried the war into tho enemy’s country and four hundred masters have adopted a resolution that while they are friendly to the trades unions they are of opinion that the position created by the Irish Transport Union is intolerable
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  • 77 934 THE BREEDERS’ ST. LEGE R DEFEAT OF LOUVOIS. Reuter, j Load m, September 3. The Breeders’ St. Lager at Derby to-day, over an eleven-furlong course, resulted as follows Roseworthy 1 Louvois 2 Night Hawk 3 Four ran. Win by half a length, three lengths between the second and third, SP.
    77 words
  • 187 934 Tarco-Bulgarian Rapprochement {Reuter.) Sofia, September 2. The Bulgarian delegates -compris ng General Savoff, ex-Comminder-in-Chief, M. Tocheff, formerly Minister at Belgrade, and two military advisers—have left for Constantinople to conduct the negotiations regarding Adriano de and other pending questions. Turkish circles are beginning to incline very strongly towards a
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  • 117 934 Lioyd Gears? v». Wolmer. (Reuter.) London, September 3 A long correspondence Viscount Wolmer, Unionist Member for Newton, and Mr. Lloyd George rega ding the latter’s purchase of American Marconi shares is published, Mr Lloyd George took exception to the pub'ic statement of Viscount Wolmer that the Chancellor
    117 words
  • 931 934 We should like to know for pillory purposes —the name of the legal fitm in the F. M S. which advertised iu the Law Times for a qualified assistant at a salary of £170 a year. This is “sweating” of the worst description, and as bad as the
    931 words
  • 23 934 there will be no holiday this month but Mondiy, the 6th October, will ba observed as a holiday.”
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  • 62 934 is to be congratulated on landing the mails more expeditiously this morning than during the past few weeks. The Assays came into port at 5’50 a.m the mail bags were at the Post Office at 6.35 a.m. That is the sort of despatch that makes for equability
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  • 210 934 before Mr. Scott on 1st inst a Hindu named Souten was convicted of being drunk and disorderly in public and sentenced to seven days’ rigorous imprisonment. He is an old offender. Before the same Court a cart driver named Verapen was Hued $2 or
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  • 1033 935 (Front Our Own Correspondent laiping, September 3. Ou the same day that Mr. Shelley, whom the old Perak Pioneer would have called “Oar w nthv M-igistiate, was teaching t. e public when’a highway was not a highway, he was confronted by another conundrum which demanded an answer to
    1,033 words
  • 238 935 T-) THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS ECU).” Sir, The Straits Echo report of TmodaiA Le-igue match—St Xivim’s R c nation Club vs eutral Uni m Athletic Club—leaves the impression that th-* goal scored by the latter club sboull not have been awarded been use the scorer was
    238 words
  • 272 935 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS ECHO.” Sir, I was pleased to r *ad your leading article published in the Echo of the 2nd instant anent the H tri Rivi and beg to thank v 11 h- I'tdy fr hiving kindly painted ’lit ihf uud •ubted grievance of
    272 words
  • 195 935 A Lesson from Singapore. Wh have heard a lot lately from Etrope of str kes and lab jar troubles and the consequent dislocation of trade. In the East, fortunately, we eldom have to resort to such dru'tic npasur. H to obtain a fair hear* injf
    195 words
  • 61 935 wee- i|jp nj phin'.’ a r rai)jried M I lore .dr L. L C c.-an with attempting tobavj the t’o!o y without the permission of the >:uperinh-ijd. nt of Indian Immigration. 1 hey all pLaded ivnorance stating that w-r taken <m bo rd the steamer bv a tiiidal
    61 words
  • 88 935 li'e M Huger of the Dukit Lif ting Estate, was changed befoin Mr. 11 B Ei!“fton at Kutla Kamrar oo I-1 1 y v itb <• imin il l>re a-h <f t ust Then, is a dtoI e a defi-iency of ||U,t 00. i L his
    88 words

  • 120 936 Penang, September 5. (/?y courtesy of the Chartered Hank.') London, Demand Bank 2 4,\ 4 months’ night Bank 2/41 3 Credit 2/4 s > 3 Documentary 2/4 .J Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174} 3 days/sidit Private 176 Bombay. Demand Bank 174} Muulmein, Demand I auk 173} 3 days’sight Private
    120 words
  • 215 936 Gold Leaf ...(64 40 Black Pepper 15 40 buyers White Pepper 30 50 sales Trang Pepper 20 50 biuprs Cloves ...39 out of season Mace 120 no mi nal Pickings 81 seller* Nutmegs II 0s 24. sellers No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar j 2 5,50 sales Basket 5.15 buyers
    215 words
  • Page 936 Advertisements
    • 499 936 irr-K ji A, i ABmA' 1 1 ini IWwf® ///1BJ /W JHdM/ A A Fortunate Visit. For A Hospital Nurse At Rangoon. Nurse Marie E. Jackson, daughter of Captain C. 8. Jackson, of the Indian Medical S D counts the day when she visit» d a sick man in Rangoon
      499 words
      20 words
    • 169 936 notice. LABOUR CODE, 1912. F.M.S Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance ion EMPLOYERS OF INDIAN LABOUR 1 J are hereby reminded that a swssn n returns lor the preceding quarter must he sent to the Office of the Deputy ot Labour Penang, during the months April, July, October and Januarv. Forms for
      169 words

  • Page 937 Advertisements
    • 418 937 rst3B.'£: A5K for: 4»s..0ud ’s’* Hc supreme T\nic Wine Sole Agents -Cheah Kee Ee <& Co., Chop “H1ANG CHUAN,” 56. China Street, Penang. Chop BAN KEE BEE,” Perak, And obtainable at all the leading spirit shops in Pining and Perak Just Landed one 15 30 h.p. (1913 Mode') Single-Sleeve-Valve ARGYLL
      418 words
    • 377 937 Beecham's Pills, they are just the thing as a family medicine. Nothing to be compared with them has yet been put before the public. For over half a century this medicine has been an easy First Favourite in countless households and the name and fame of Beecham's Pills have spread
      377 words

  • Page 938 Advertisements
    • 246 938 *••I-wt* ’$S®8$ «Wi&» >u£SS, CRITERION PRESS, Id. > j No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. B| i I ESTABLISHED 1883. 5 PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. m Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO’’ and “PENANG SIN POE.” B H The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and I! lithographers in the Orient. H y Our plant
      246 words