The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 25 April 1913

Total Pages: 32
1 407 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. 117.50 Per Aanum. Single Copy, 40 eentt. Vol. 11. Penang, Friday, 25th APRIL, 1913. No. 17.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 237 1 I I CONTENTS. X 1 V I LEADERS’. FAG|. MiSCELLANEO OB PAGR. A Storm in a Tea Cup 378 M. A- P. 379. 38», 399 A 403 The White Slave Traffic 383 The Late Pbya Rasada 379 x Our New Member 389 The Court Card» 379 A 38| J Minister»
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 194 2 >T* i* tr ii i> n !THE > STBS Ail'S ECHO I MAIL EDITION. a Published the day prior to the departure of each mail J for Europe, and contains the latest local and States F» J news originally published in the daily issues, as well as mH IQ m
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  • 1562 378 .S’/'-P- We can, without arriere pengee of any kind, venture to express cordial sympathy with the German gentlemen who have been chivvied through the streets of Nancy by an ill-mannered French mob. Much the same thing happened to the present scribe a good many
    .S’/'-P-  -  1,562 words
  • Page 378 Advertisements
    • 90 378 svaaw Ptblithtd d»ily (except Sunday» and pnblio holidays) at thi CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No, 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Price. Ddy Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Ifrfl Edition (Post Free) >17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” TeUphofi* Nos. ,Echo 586 Printing Department 343 y.J,—All butines» communications »hould ba addressed is TBI
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  • 701 379 Mr. Charlton Maxwell, District Parit Buntar, is proceeding on leave in the near future. Mr. W. Cowan, Protector of Chines*», Kuala Lumpur, now at Home on leave, is shortly retiring from the service. Mr. W. H. Hastings, of the B N. Borneo Service, has been granted two months full
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  • 445 379 {Communicated by an old Resident.) The death of Hit» Excellency Phya Rasada (Khaw Sim Bee) at the early age of 57 recalls the event» that occurred about half a century ago when his father Khaw Soo Cheang, the then Phya Renong or Governor of Renong, who
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  • 931 379 ’Tis nothing if not time well spent To be where jest and song prevail.” These lines of Hood, fittingly quoted in the programme of last night’s most excellent entertainment, aptly express the feeling of all those who have been fortunate enough to attend a performance of Mr.
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  • 59 380 Evidently, there is to be a contest after all for the vacancy on the Legislative Council, created by the departure on leave of the Hon. A. R. Adams, the nominee of the Penang Chamber of Commerce. Mr. D. A. M. Brown has already been proposed by the
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  • 101 380 Dr. Sun Yat Sen told an interviewer in Japan that he expected Yuan Shih-kai to 1)8 the next President of the Chinese Republic but his interlocutor observes that he made the prediction “in a half-whisper, shaking his head slowly.” No doubt this forecast
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  • 769 380 In the Supreme Court this morning, Mr. Justice S. L. Thornton commenced the bearing of the case in which Ong Thuan Chan and Ong Theani Eng are suing Mr. W. M. Miller, Chemist and Factory Manager of Caledonia Estate, P. W., claiming damages or wrongful entry on
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  • 330 380 The preliminary enquiry into the case against T. Abdullah alius Thyriar Abdullah alias Abdullah Effendi, Editor of the Penang Gnanosarian, who is charged with intentionall/ giving false evidence in a stage of judicial proceedings, to wit, a bankruptcy case, was commenced yesterday afternoon before Mr. E. E
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  • Page 380 Advertisements
    • 35 380 The Fruit Season. Bowel complaint is sure to be prevalent fruit season. Be sure to keep a ttle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera an< •arrhoea Remedy on hand. It may save a by all Dispensaries ant
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    • 93 380 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will
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  • 129 381 FINAL DIVIDENDS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, April 17. The following final dividends have been paid: Labu 20%, Ribu 15%>. Aft Absurd Story. The Evening News has an absurd story of the departure of Mr. A. Irving with a party of six native tappers to teach tapping in
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  • 46 381 (Frsm Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, April 18. Messrs. Fraser A Co.’s report for the week states that business on restricted lines continues. The fall in* sterling shares effected the local shares and ouotations are again lower. Industrials and mining shares are scarcely altered.
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  • 189 381 Paris to Berlin Flight. (Reuter.) London, April 17. The French aviator Daucort flew from Paris to Berlin yesterday in 13 hours and 39 minutes. The Projected Trass-Atlantic Flight. Las Palmas (Canary Islands), April 17. The German airship Suchard” was completely inflated yesterday night. The last preparations were being made
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  • 12 381 (Reuter.) London, April 17. Jhe Bank discount n 4‘
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  • 106 381 MOORHOUSE-BLACK. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 17. At the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, Mr. Sydney Moorhouse was married to Miss Winifred Margaret Black, of Belfast. The Rav. W. Runciman cffici ted. There was a large attendance of planters from Malacca and the F. M. S. Mr. G.
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  • 286 381 Debate in the Lords. (Reuter.) London, April 18. On the second reading in the House of Lords of the Army Annual Bill, Lord Lovat said that those interested in the defence of the country viewed with growing anxiety the Government’s attitude towards defence at Home and abroad.
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  • 43 381 (Reuter.) Rome, April 17. A bulletin states that His Holiness the Pope had a quiet day without fever. It is unofficially reported, however, that the Pope had a coughing fit almost causing suffocation. This was followed by extreme weakness.
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  • 136 381 SUSPENSION OF HOSTILITIES. (Reuter.) Constantinople, April 17. While the armistice has not yet been concluded, the suspension of hostilities has been mutually agreed upon between the Turks and the Bulgarians. Sofia, April 17. It is announced that the Turco-Bulgarian suspension of hostilities is merely a verbal agreement for
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  • 25 381 (Reuter.) Sydney, April 17. The Hou. G. E. Foster, the Canadian Trade Commissioner, is returning to Canada via China and Japan.
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  • 31 381 (Reuter.) New York, April 17. Yale and Harvard have invited Oxford and Cambridge to take p irt in the Athletic meeting at the Harvard Stadium in June or July.
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  • 62 381 Opening of First Parliament. Peking, April Bth. The first Republican Chinese Parliament assembled to-day. The opening was marked by general festivities through China. The streets of Peking, which were decorated with flags and triumphal arches, were paraded by vast throngs of people. Yuan-Shi-Kai sent a message, congratulating
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  • 59 381 Next Year’s Venue. (Reuter) Ottawa, April 17. Mr. R. L. Borden, the Premier, interviewed about the Imperial Press Conference in Canada in 1914, believes that it will be of great Imperial importance. It will be given every reasonable official encouragement. Delegates are expected from India and the
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  • 55 381 (Reuter.) Washington, April 17. Mr. Oscar W. Underwood, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, i® confident that the Tariff Bill will be approved by the Caucus of the House of Representatives in three or four days practically unamended. The Democratic Caucus voted decisively to place raw
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  • 284 381 Obituary» (Reuter.) London, April 17. The death has taken place, at the age of 79. of Mr. Gustav William Wolff, one of the founders of the ship-building and engineering business of Harland and Wolff. Obituary. A Famous Rowing Coach. (Reuter.) London, April 18. The death has taken place at St.
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  • 590 382 THE nancy incident. an ANTI-FRENCH OUT3URST (Reuter.) Berlin, April 17. Tbe papers publish columns of indignant rnment on the aft’dr at Nancy where some C W French students discourteously treated a party of Germans. They also blish stories of the ill-treatment of GerP 9 the Riviera and
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  • 88 382 A Noteworthy Speech. (Reuter.) London, April 17. Earl Grey presided at the luncheon at the Colonial Institute given in honour of Sir Lomer Gouin, Prime Minister of Quebec. Sir Lomer said that bis ancestors fought bravely to keep the Union Jack out of Canada but, after
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  • 254 382 The Californian Bill. (Reuter) Washington, April 17. Mr. W. J. Bryan, U. S. Secretary of State, conferred with President Wilson in regard to the developments of the Californian legislature. It appears that the Alien Land-Holding Bill is deemed more difficult than the original measure for Japan to oppose
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  • 116 382 (Reuter.) London, April 17. In the House of Commons Mr. J. King, Liberal member for North Somerset, alluding to a passage in the last report of Mr. Begg, the consulting architect, regarding the increasing number of Chinese workmen in the Indian build ng operations at De hi,
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  • 65 382 (Reuter.) London, April 17. Mr. G. Lansbury, ex-ini mberof the House of Commons, and Mrs. Drummond have been summoned at Bow Street for their recent speeches at the Albert Hall. Mr. Dickinson's Bill. London, April 17. In the House of Commons Mr. Llovd George announced that the
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  • 73 382 372,000 Worker. Out. (Reuter.) Brussels, April 17. The strike committee announces that 372,000 people have struck, including 21,009 at Brussel», 19,000 at Ghent, 65,000 at Liege, 75,000 at Charleroi, 52,009 at Mons and 45,000 in Central Belgium. The Burgomaster of Antwerp admits that tbe traffic of the
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  • 19 382 (Reuter.) London, April 18. H. R. H. the Prince of Wales has returned to London.
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  • 20 382 Sydney, April 11. The increase in the population for the year 1912 is 80,220. This is a record.
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  • Page 382 Advertisements
    • 114 382 Bowel in Children. Parent s Duty. our l>ov is always getting scratched or During tbe summer months children are cut or bruise,]. Because these wounds have subject to disorders of tha bowels arid should h< ale»] all right is no sign rheva’wivs will receive the most careful attention. As soon
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  • 525 383 P.C.C. Vi. G.S.R.C. These tearrs met on the Esplanade yesterday evening to play off their Cup 'Lie, the match resulting in the defeat of the Government Service by five goals to one. XV hile the P C C were strengthened both in the attack and d fence by
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  • 1338 383 It has been stated by people who can speak with authority that Singapore is the clearing-house for the whole of the abom inable white slave traffic of the Far East. What that means only those who know something of the widespread ramifications of this ghastly trade
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  • Page 383 Advertisements
    • 93 383 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of fortv years. ChamImrlain’a Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. Ton will
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  • 190 384 There was a crowded house at the Town flail last night when the “Court Cards” 0 their second per ormance. As on the Lvious evening, every item of the proL am aio was encored and if the audience bad bad its way we might still be sitting
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  • 125 384 While we have every desire to see jouraalistic enterprise in this part of the world properly and adequately supported, encouraged, fostered and extended, we are rather inclined to agree with the shareholders in the Sembrong Rubber Company who appear to regard the action of their directors
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  • 76 384 We have received so many enquiries fiom parties interested in the development of Kedah as to the terms on which land in that State can be taken up for planting, that w<j are publishing as a special supplement to-day the text of the Concessions Enactment recently passed
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  • 138 384 An extraordinary General Meeting o’’ the elluaay Rubber Company Ltd. was held a noon to-day at when the following reso u.ion in regard to the reduction of toe capital was passed of the Company, consistg of $390,000 divided into 390,000 Shares tu? i- An eatdl paid-up, be
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  • 1275 384 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The twelfth annual general meeting of this Association was held at the Chamber of Commerce this morning, among those p esent being Messrs. M. Duncan (Chairman) F. Duxbury (representing the Secretaries and Agents, Messrs. Kennedy Co.), R P. Phillips, D. A M Brown, J. M. Kydd,
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  • 829 385 In the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon Mr. Justice S L Thornton resumed the hearing of the cise in which Ong Thuan Chan and Ong Theam Eng are suing Mr. W. M. Miller, Chemist and Factory Manager of Caledonia Eestate, P. W., claiming damages for wrongful entry on
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  • 178 385 Mr. D. A. M. Brown to be Member. As Mr. D. A. M. Brown was the only person proposed and seconded for the Chamber of Commerce nomination to the Legislative Council, the proceedings on Monday will be purely formal and Mr Brown’s name will in due course
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  • 147 385 AntkJapanaae Amendment». (Reuter.) Sacramento, April 18. Amendments have been introduced in the Californian Senate exempting the operation of the Alien Act against all property held by European capital while barring the Japanese. The amendments permit corporations, the majority of whose stock is held by aliens eligible for citizenship,
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  • 32 385 (Reuter.) Rome, April 18. A bulletin states that His Holiness the Pope had a good day. He hid no fever and the improvement in the bronchial symptoms continues.
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  • 434 385 SALE OF THE SINGAPORE RAILWAY. SOME CRITICISMS. (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, April 19. At the meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday the Hon. J. O Anthonisz, Colonial Treasurer, in moving the transfer of the Singapore Railway purchase monies to the Loan Account, said that it was his
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  • 101 385 The 1912 Report. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, April 19. The report of the Joint Stock registries for 1912 states that thirty-one companies were registered in biugapore with a nominaj capital of $15,987,50J. Eight companies increased their capital and eighteen companies were voluntaiily wound up. At
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  • 306 386 MESSRS. FRASER NEAVE LTD. ACRIMONIOUS discussion. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 19. Jfr H Roland Llewellyn presided at the annual general meeting of Messrs. Fraser {{eave Ltd. The report and accounts were adopted. On the question of the re-electiou of the directors, Mr. Llewellyn, anticipating criticism, expl lined that
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  • 77 386 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 19. Mr. Welsh, who presided at the extraordinary meeting of the Sembrong Rubber Company, detailed the present position of the estate which, he said, was due to mismanagement. A number of shareholders requested the old board to resign and a new
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  • 101 386 Victims’ Story. (Reuter.) London, April 18. Two Germans who were concerned in the Nancy incident have made a categorical statement affirming that they and three other Germans, including ladies, did nothing whatsoever to provoke the assaults and insults to which they were subjected in the presence of
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  • 163 386 SERVIA AND BULGARIA. (Reuter.) Belgrade. April 18. The Servian Press is violently attacking Bulgaria for her attitude towards Servia. M. Nikolas Pashitch, the Servian Premier, refused to reply to the interpellation in the Skupstina regarding the division of the conquered territoiies. This evoked a violent
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  • 41 386 (Reuter London, April 18. The Cunard liner Aquilanit which will be Lunched at the Clyde on April 21, will be 900 ft. long and her speed will be 23 knots. She will have boat accommodation for 4,250 persons.
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  • 62 386 Latest Betting. (Reuter.) London, April 18. The following is the ante-post betting on the City and Suburban Handicap, which will be run next Wednesday: 8 to 1 agst. Lorenzo 9to 1 Jaeger 10 to I Bri nmore 100 to 9 Junior and Bachelor's Hope 100 to
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  • 76 386 (Reuter.) London, April 18. There was an exchange of notes yesterday between the representatives of the Foreign and India Offices and Signor Fonseca, Director-General of the Portuguese Colonial Office, regarding the regulation as to the amount of opium for local consumption in Macao and its
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  • 25 386 (Reuter.) Las Palmas, April 18. The voyage of the German airship, Suchard, from the Cinaries to the WeH Indies, has been abandoned.
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  • 64 386 April 27 Appointed. (Reuter.) Peking, April 18. At the request of the Government a Christian service was held on April 13 to offer prayers for the success of the new parliament. The Government yesterday telegraphed to the Provincial Governors and leaders of the Christian Churches that
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  • 74 386 (Reuter.) London, April 18. Two Suffragettes ascended the Monument, locked the door, and flew large Suffragette flags, on one of which were inscribed the words, Death or Victoiy”. They threw handbills on to the enormous crowds which collected round the Monument to gaze at their antics. The
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  • 1227 386 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, April 19. Mr. Thomas Webster, managing director of the Taiping Rubber Estates, Limited, is in Taiping again upon a visit of inspection. He returns to Shanghai in about a week’s time He is giving up the management of the Ropa Estate in Seremban
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  • 3414 387 I. The Tidings, In the days of Mahmud Shah, before the coming of the*Feringgi of Goa and Alfonso d’ Albuquerque, the Kingdom of Malaka was the most famous of all the Kingdoms below the wind. The hall and palace of the King stood on
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  • 57 389 Leicester— Scully.—On April 19 at the Church of the Assumption by the Rev. L. Duvelle, George Ijeicester, Assistant Surgeon, District Hospital, Penang, son of the late Dr. Andrew Leicester of Singapore to Miss Lydia Rose Scully, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Scully, of Rose Cottage, Burmah
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  • 969 389 While we are still absolutely of the same opinion as we have always expressed regarding the qualifications that should characterise the gentleman nominated by the the Chamber of Commerce for a seat in the Legislative Council of this Colony, and consider that among them an intimate and
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  • 707 389 The Hon. H. M. Darby is appointed a member of the Education Board for the current year. Mr. G. C. G. Muller has been appointed to act as Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court, Penang, with effect from March 1 Mr. A. F. G. Anderson was given a great
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  • 376 390 Nom'nation of Mr. D. A. M. Browa. A special general meeting of the members of the Penang Chamber of Commerce was held at the Chamber this afternoon to elect a nominee for the Legislative Council to act during the absence on leave of Mr. A. R. Adams.
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  • 116 390 A NEW FLOTATION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, April 21. The agitation is reviving against the high export duty on rubber. At the meeting of the Gula-Kalumpong Rubber Estates the Chairman said th it they were contributing to Dreadnoughts at both ends. The Byrne process of rubber-curing has
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  • 66 390 (From Our Own Correspondent), Singapore, April 21. A Chinese syndicate, has been formed to exploit phosphates at Pratas Islands The shares were over subscribed within a few hours; there was no issue to the public. It is reported that there is sufficient work for 40 years and
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  • 56 390 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 17. At the annual general meeting of the Singapore Volunteer Corps, which took pl ce yesterday, Lieut. Col. G. A. Derrick, who presided, remarked that the Corps continued to show satisfactory progress. He was going Home on leave and Captain J. A.
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  • 141 390 The Situation Unehanged. (Reuter.) Brussels, April 18. The Belgian Chamber has adjourned till Tuesday, the 22nd instant. The various parties will meantime confer with a view to arriving at a formula in the suffrage question sitisfactory to the workers. Brussels, April 19. The first weeLof the great
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  • 295 390 ITALY CROWING ANXIOUS. (Reuter.) Washington, April 19. The Italian Government has made enquiries of the United States Department of State as to the probable effect of the Californian Alien Bill on Italians and their interests in California. Similar enquiries are expected from other countries. Meantime diplomats here
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  • 205 390 (Reuter.) Berlin, April 18. In the course of the debate in the Reichstag on the Army Bill, the Socialist leader, Liebkaecht, alleged that Krupp’s and other armament firms resorted to illicit methods in order to induce the French Press to create an anti-German agitation in France. General
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  • 248 391 THE NANCY INCIDENT. LOCAL OFFICIALS PUNISHED. (Reuter.) Paris, April 18. Ah the result of the official inquiry into the incident at Nancy, where a small party of Germans were mobbed and insulted by a French crowd, the Minister of the Interior has dismissed two policemen and transferred
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  • 220 391 (Reuter.) London, April 19. The Timet, in its issue of to-day gives special prominence to an article by its Military Correspondent, severely attacking Colonel Seely, Secretary of State for War. The article quotes Mr. Asquith as saying in 1909 that the business of the War Office was
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  • 34 391 (Reuter.) Rio di Janeiro, April 19. It is repotted that the Brazilian Government will shortly open negotiations in London for the issue of a loan of £7,000,900 it 5 per cent.
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  • 207 391 SERBO-BULGARIAN CONFLICT. A SERIOUS SITUATION. Reuter.) Bukbarest, April 18. A sensation was caused in Parliament here by a Macedonian who tired a revolver at M. Take Jonescu, Minister of the Interior. Fortunately, the Minister was not hit. Trouble in Macedonia. Vienna, April 18. It is reported that
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  • 121 391 Cup Tie Final. (Reuter.) London, April 19. In the Cup tie final this afternoon Aston Villa beat Sunderland by 1 goal to 0. London, April 20. There was a record crowd of 121,919 spectators at the Association Cup tie final at the Crystal Palace yesterday. The conditions were
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  • 148 391 (Reuter.) New York, April 19. The will of the late Mr. Pierpout Morgan has been published with the exception of the bequests to relatives and dependents amounting to §20,000,000 (gold) the great financier’s entire fortune, including his art collection is left tj his only son, Mr. J.
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  • 87 391 (Reuter.) London, April 19. Field-Marshal Lord Roberts is continuing his campaign in the provinces in favour of National Service. Last night he addressed a great demonstration at Leeds Town Hall and said that, while politicians were still blind or indifferent, the revolution in public opinion on the subject
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  • 76 391 (Reuter.) Washington, April 19. The Democratic Caucus in the House of Representatives, by an overwhelming majority, approved the Tariff Revision Bill which removes all tariffs on many articles of food and clothing and reduces the tariffs on all necessaries. The entire bill, as amended, was
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  • 48 391 (Reuter.) London, April 19. The aeroplane on which the well-known British aviator Hamel flew from Dover to Cologne has been acquired by the committee of the Imperial Air Fleet Fund who will present it to New Zealand as the nucleus of a flying squadron.
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  • 30 391 (Reuter.) Lon <lon, April 19. The Times announces that from May 5 the price of the paper will be reduced from three pence to two pence.
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  • 33 391 Reuter) Rome, April 19. His Holiness the Pope continues to improve and it is expected that he will shortly be convalescent; the issue of bulletins has been suspended.
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  • 93 392 H.M. S. "New Zealand." I .teresting Presentation. (Reuter.) London, April 19. Mayor of Wellington presented to Aintaio Halsev of H. M. S. New Zealand Kit Of Sir Joseph Ward formerly Premier of New Zealand who initiated the proposal to present a warship to the British 11 Halsey, in acknowledging the
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  • 31 392 Reuter.) Wiesbaden, April 19. At the Medical Congress here Professor Behring, who discovered the diphtheritic serum, announced the discovery of a new serum which confers prolonged immunity from diphtheria.
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  • 32 392 (Reuter.) Washington, April 21. The entire Atlantic fleet, consisting of twenty-one battleships and including destroyers, wHI make a three months’ cruise in the Mediterranean at tbe beginning of January.
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  • 35 392 (Reuter.) Kaiser’s Visit to Gibraltar. London, April 21. The new great Hamburg Amerika liner, Imperator, after a brief trial trip, will take the Kaiser and other distinguished persons to Gibraltar'and the Canaries.
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  • 39 392 (Reuter.) Port Said, April 21. The Greek squadron is cruising off Port Said apparently with tbe object of preventing another Mediterranean raid by the Turkish warship, Hamid* eh, which is at present in the Red Sea.
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  • 173 392 Millions for ti. Masses. (Reuter.) London. April 18. Mr. Ure, Solicitor-General for Scotland, addressing a political gathering at Bromley, wid that the Budget which is to be introduced in the House of Commons on April .j th would be a repetition of the great udget of 1910
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  • 613 392 To the Editor of ihb straits Echo. Sir, Saturday’s leader of the Pinang Gazette on the above subject bris les with puzzles. First gmzzle The Ratepayers’ petition deals with land held under certain (British) conditions. How does that in a y way allow of a comparison with
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  • 3360 392 DISCUSSION OF THE RAILWAY PURCHASE. Question Of Financial Procedure. A meeting of the Legislative Council was held on Friday afternoon. His Excellency the G ivernor >ir A H Young, K C M G) presided, and the other members present were the Officer Commanding the Troops (Lt-Col A G
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  • 274 394 Leicester—Scully The Church of the Assumption was the scene of a very pretty wedding last Saturday afternoon, the contracting parties being Miss Lydia Rose Scully, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Scully of Rise Cottage, Burma Road, and Mr George Leicester, Assistant Surgeon, District Hospital, and
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  • 392 394 B. R. C. vs C. R. C. Tbe match between clubs was played off on Saturday on the Butterworth ground, resulting in a win for tbe home eleven by 26 runs. Both teams were poorly represented, especially Butterworth considering that W. W. Dean, Dr. Nicholas, M. K. Thomas,
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  • 1096 394 An old Parliamentary hand, writing frum one of the big London clubs a couple of hours or so before this week’s mail left England for the East, says: The one topic of discussion is Rufus Isaac’s dealings in American Marconis and the general opinion is that it
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  • 800 395 It. is a curious fact that although, as we remarked in connection with the recent Marie Hall concerts, people who are regarded and who rrgard themselves as definitely unmusical, because of their lack of the key of technical knowledge, really understand and appreciate good music when finely
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  • 455 395 To the Editor of the Stuaits Echo. Sir, If it is not man the law-maker, the lawgiver and the law-breaker, Who is it I should like to know who is responsible for the present martyrdom of our sex For years women have been trying to share a
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  • 415 396 NJMINATIOM OF MR. D. A. M. BROWN. A special general meeting of the members fthe Penang Chamber of Commerce was held at the Clumber yesterday afternoon to elect a nominee for the Legislative Council to act during the absence on leave of Mr. A R A Ums.
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  • 938 396 AV e have received several letters on the subject of the recent election of an M. L. C. by the Penang Chamber of Commerce. We are, however, not going to publish them and recommend to the attention of their writers the 3rd verse of the 20th chapter of
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  • 119 396 Lord Gurion's Suggestion. {Reuter.) London, April 22. During a discussion in the House of Lords, Lord Curzon, in repudiating Lord Haldane’scharges against compulsory service, said that the Territorials were a complete failure. He suggested a conference between the leaders of both parties to consider the findings of
    {Reuter.)  -  119 words
  • 47 396 Calcutta, April 14. A Deccani Brahmin h is been arrested at Surat in connection with the bomb outrage on the Viceroy at Delhi. Two more attempts to injure Europeans by explosives has been concealed in letters have been frustrated. No one was injured.
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  • Page 396 Advertisements
    • 47 396 Serves the Whole Family. The fame of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy 18 Wor ld wide. It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooplng cough of the children. The same bottle •®fves the whole family. For sale by all and Dealers.
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    • 93 396 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872 From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will
      93 words

  • 37 397 MARKET RISING. (From Our Own Correnpondent London, April 2. The following final divi lends were paid by the under*mentioned companies: Sungei Salak 20 per cent. Grand Central 3 Alor Pongsu 10 The market is rising.
    37 words
  • 94 397 Bartlett O’Brien (From Ou* C)um Correspondent) Singapore, April 22 At St Andrew's CathedrJ yesterday the marriage was solemnised between Mr. R .J Bartlett, Inspector of Schools, Singapore, and Dr. Gertrude O'Brien The Kt. 1 lev. C J Ferguson-Davie, Bishop of Singapore, olli d ited. The bride was
    94 words
  • 59 397 (From Our Own Correeporuleiiß) Singapore, April 22. At the annual general me Ting of the Singapore Football Association it was reported that the accounts showed a balance of 131-50. H. E the Governor was appointed President and arrangements were completed for the Cup competition which is on
    59 words
  • 85 397 Interesting Case In Singapore. (From Our Own < 'orrexpoiulentO Singapore, April 22. Captain Drake, of the s s Gregory Apcir, was charged yesterday with not having a licensed medical man on board while carrying more than twenty immigrants. The ductor to whom exception was taken
    85 words
  • 78 397 I tpired By The Foreign Minister. (Reuter.) London, April 22. The appointment by the Chinese Government of a day of prayer for China among the Christian communities was inspired by Liang Ju-Hao, foreign Minister, who is an ardent Christian. It has evoked very sympathetic interest in
    (Reuter.)  -  78 words
  • 205 397 SERBO-BULGARIAN CONFLICT. London, April 22. According to the accounts which are published, the Bulgaro-Servian tension is becoming dangerous and acute A Bulgarian diplomatist, speaking to the Daily Telegraph'B Vienna correspondent, said “If S»*rvia does not evacuate the towns she occupies belonging to us by treaty, we shall
    205 words
  • 29 397 Reuter) London, April 21. The Frenchman, Captain Le Merle, who was arrested at Speyer (Bavaria) by the German authorities for alleged espionage, has been released.
    ( Reuter)  -  29 words
  • 54 397 Approaching Marriage. (Reuter.) London, April 21. A marriage has been arranged between Dom Manuel of Portugal and Princess Augusta Victoria of Ilohenzollern, a member of the older, non-reigning branch of the house of Hohenzollern. London, April, 22. The news of the approaching marriage of the ex-King
    (Reuter.)  -  54 words
  • 75 397 An Enthusiastic Welcome. (Reuter.) London, April 21. Their Majesties the King and Queen had a veiy enthusiastic welcome on the occasion of their visit to the Crewe railway works. They conversed cordially with the Mayor, who was a signalman, and took the greatest interest in the
    (Reuter.)  -  75 words
  • 234 397 Indfferent To Their Fate. (Reuter.) London, April 22. Callemin, Soudy and Monier, three of the Paris motor bandits who were sentenced to death on February 27, were guillotined yesterday They died shouting greetings to a few spectators of th? scere Dieudonne, who was reprieved at
    (Reuter.)  -  234 words
  • 55 397 Launching of the “Aquitania." (Reuter.) London, April 21. The Cunard liner Aquitania, of 47,000 tons and capable of carrying 3,250 passengers, was successfully launched at Clydesbank. She is the largest vessel carrying the British flag. Large crowds assembled to see the launching and the river was en
    (Reuter.)  -  55 words
  • 47 397 (Reuter.) London, April 22. The Japanese battle-cruiser, Kongo, which was contructed by Vickers, Maxim Co., was berthed at the graving dock at Belfast to-day. She is the largest battle-cruiser in the world, with a displacement of 27,500 tons and a speed of 28 knots.
    (Reuter.)  -  47 words
  • 25 397 Reuter J Rome, April 22. His Holiness the Pope is on the road to convalescence. No further bulletins will be issued.
    ( Reuter J  -  25 words
  • Page 397 Advertisements
    • 65 397 A Parent’s Duty. Your boy is always getting scratched or cut or bruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that every injury is cared for immediate ly. You can get nothing better, and blood
      65 words

  • 991 398 [From Onr Own Correspondent.) Taiping, April 22nd, 1913. p I no i Murray, Commandant of the mXt States Guides, is now at loggerheads „?bthe Malay States Volunteer RfU Wh n the volunteers met on Sunday to in the musketry qualification test, the b rkers and men from the
    991 words
  • 110 398 The following was the result of the shooting by the P. L. R. C. at Kampong Bahru yesterday. Practice Shoot—hO Yards Deliberate. Mrs Wright-Motion 35 Mrs Liston 33 Miss L Smith 32 Miss J Smith... 31 Miss S B Smith 30 Mrs Bayley 30 Miss E
    110 words
  • 522 398 In the Supreme Court yesterday morning Mr. Justice L P. Ebden resumed the hearing of the case in which Messrs. Katz Bros. Ltd applied for a receiving order against Chop Ban Kfat. Mr. S. C. Ambrose appeared for the plaintiffs; Chop Bin Keat and Khaw Choo Huan
    522 words
  • 402 398 Inj J-.ctio Against Defendant. In the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon Mr. Justice S L Tiiorntou resumed the hearing of the case in which Ong Thu »n Chan and O ig Theam Eng aie suing Mr. W. M. Miller, Chemi t ami Factory Manager of Caledonia Estate, P
    402 words
  • Page 398 Advertisements
    • 46 398 Th? Frut Season. B ,wel complaint is sure to be prevalent during the fruit season. Be sure to keep a bo 4 tie of Chamlierlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re me ly on hand. It may save a life. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      46 words

  • 19 399 Bkll—On the 17th inst., at Patrington, Yorks, the wife of H. R. Bell, of a son. (by Cable).
    19 words
  • 395 399 Lord Curzon is gradually coming to occupy a unique position in British politics. He is one ol the few public men capable of looking at national questions from the broad nationtl and not the narrow party point of view. His suggestion that the problem of Defence should be
    395 words
  • 322 399 We have made further enquiries info the case of the Chinese druggists who were arrested recently for stocking cough pills containing opium and it seems clear that under the Ordinance these men are liable to be fined or even imprisoned. But there is no suggestion that the
    322 words
  • 250 399 German military aviators appear to have quite a weakness for descending on French territory and, as De remarked of murder, when this kind of thing becomes a habit it is apt to be a nuisance. Speaking quite seriously, the repetition of such misadventures in the present state uf
    250 words
  • 412 399 Mr. anl Mrs. Yeap Keng Teng are leaving by the N. D. L. Prinz Ludivig for Yokohama on a trip. The Rev. Leong On Tong, one of the best known members of the Chinese Christian community in Hongkong, died on April 2. Mr. P. P. S Pillay, Acting Chief
    412 words

  • 972 400 Mr. Freeman. K. C, speaking to the mbers of the Entente Cordiale Club, said fora long time it was a great mystery to h'mwhothe people were who read Marie Corelli’s books All the people whom he t repudiated them with more or less strong language. At last he
    972 words
  • 271 400 The following is the text of the letter which the sub-committee, app inted at the public meeting held at the Chinese Town Hall on April 14 enquTe into the grievances of the Chinese druggists, has sent to the Chinese Advisory Board Penang, April 21, 1913. Sir, We,
    271 words
  • 168 400 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, April 22. At the meeting of the Ayer Panas Rubber Company Mr. W. M. Sime, who presidfd, remarked on the generally satisfactory condition of the estate The actual planted area at the end of the year was 1,647
    168 words
  • 130 400 Singapore. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 23. 39,925 lb. of rubber were offered for sale at the Singapore Rubber Auction and 38,399 lb. were sold at the following prices: Smoked Sheet ...$162 to $179 per picul. Unsmoked ...$159 $175 First Crepe ...$172 $lB3 Second 1...1157 «169 Third
    130 words
  • 43 400 (From ou* Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 23. Mr. Moeding beat Mr. Gaunt in the S. C. C. Tennis Championship by 4 -6, 6—2 and 6—4. It was a gruelling game and youth outstayed age. The winner will meet the holder.
    43 words
  • 62 400 Visit to the Potteries. (I'euter London, April 22. Their Majes ips the King and Queen received a splendid ovation, when thev vrited the Potteries. It, wan a fine, sun. shiny day and tie* dpco ations were very beautiful Their Maj< sties greatly enjoyed the children’s mny
    (I'euter )  -  62 words

  • 517 401 DISCUSSION IN THE LORDS. Keuter.) Lon lon, April 22. The House of Lords resumed the discussion on the Army Bill. H R. H. the Duke of Connaught was present. Lord Middleton maintained that the position was more serious thafi in 1907 and, therefore, the shortage shoul 1
    ( Keuter.)  -  517 words
  • 507 401 CHANCELLOR'S STATEMENT. NO NEW TAXES. (Reuter.) London, April 23. AL Lloyd George, in his Budget statement for the year, said that it was the most prosperous he had ever known. Every industry was humming and the tide of affluent trade was so high that it overwhelmed three serious
    (Reuter.)  -  507 words
  • 26 401 (Reuter.) London, April 22. Ihe West Australian underwriters have been saddled with 87% of the West Australian which is now quoted at discount.
    (Reuter.)  -  26 words
  • 237 401 The Great Metropolitan Stakes. (Reuter.) London, April 23. The result of the race for the Great Metropolitan Stakes, which was run at Epsom yesterday, was as follows The Great Metropolitan Stakes (Handicap) of 1,000 sovs for three-year-olds and upwards lowest weight not less than 6st.; the second to
    (Reuter.)  -  237 words
  • 85 401 A Mot.on in the House of Deputies. (Reuter.) Brussels, April 22. A motion was introduce into the Chamber of Deputies expressing the hope that a scheme for electoral reform would soon be formulated and condemning the general strike. ’['he Socialists said that the first part of the
    (Reuter.)  -  85 words

  • 47 402 (Reuter.) London, April 22. p» vin «ster Berae of the Naval Aviation q,hool. East Church, was knocked down by oUne yesterday afternoon and died the venins' Before expiring ho said :My consolation is that I have always done tny best for naval 11 v ing.
    (Reuter.)  -  47 words
  • 446 402 In French Territory. (Reuter.) Nancy, April 22. A bi-plane. with two German officers, landed at 7.45 t)-day northward of Arracourt near Luneville. Captain Dewall, who was in charge of the biplane, explained that be left Darmstadt for Metz There was a shortage of petrol and he was
    (Reuter.)  -  446 words
  • 596 402 TO THE EdIIGR OF THE STRAITS ECHO. Sir, This is intended as my final letter on the subject. Not only the tone is deteriorating but because it is hop less to discuss a matter when one side constantly evades the point and persists in dealing with quite different
    596 words
  • 192 402 Vestry Meeting. A vestry meeting of St George’s Church was held at the Governor’s Office at noon to-day with the Rev. F. G. Swindell in the chair. The Chairman addressed the meeting on th* l work of the past year. Mr. R P. Phillips in presenting the
    192 words
  • 29 402 JessEn —On Apr I 24, 1913, at No. 182, Burmah Road, Penang, the wife of Mr. H. Jessen, Resident Director of The Eastern Smelting Co-Ltd., of a son.
    29 words
  • 916 402 We learn from the Japan Chronic'e that the question of women’s rights and wrongs, which is playing such extraordinary havoc with public life in England, is coming much to the fore in Japan, the country which, we have always hitherto been led to believe, produces a
    916 words

  • 586 403 Mr. R H. Lock (formerly of Peradeniya) is publishing a book on rubber-growing. The late Sir W. IL White, formerly Director of Naval Construction, has left £34,599 net We regret to learn that Mr. W. M. Dodds, of Caledonia Estate, is an inmate of the General Hospital. Mr. W.
    586 words
  • 462 403 -M.D.C. The Ladies’ Monthly Medal for April has been won by Miss Mahler. The scores were as follows Miss Mahler 47 43= 90—20= 70 Mrs. May 37 44= 81- 9= 72 Mrs Edwards 39 46= 85 12= 73 Mrs. Oxenham 54 49=103—24= 79 Mrs. A B Bayley...
    -M.D.C.  -  462 words

  • 606 404 SECOND RECITAL. Confronted by a melancholy array of D tf seats in serried rank unbroken, save bv little patcnes of colour which indicated that here and there a few listeners were rouped together, the famous Cherniav.-ky frioonce more essayed to untold for a Penang audience, the wonderful
    606 words
  • 642 404 PROCEEDING POSTPONED. The seventeen Chinese druggists, who were arrested by the Government Monopolies Department for selling a certain brand of pills containing opium, were this morning arraigned before Mr. E E Colman in the Second Court. Mr. F. T. Ellis, superintend nt of the Government Monopolies,
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  • 386 404 In the Second Court yesterday afternoon, before Mr. E. E. Colman, a Chinaman named Ong Bang Leong was charged with enticing away a married woman and with the theft of over 8100. A Burmese girl (the worn in in question) was also charged with
    386 words
  • 194 404 Warm Sympathy in Great Britain. (Reuter.) London, April 23. A letter from the Chinese Minister in London, H. E Lew Yuk-lin, which is published, explains that, in view of the present important juncture in the history of China and the need for calm and wise statesmanship,
    (Reuter.)  -  194 words

  • 67 405 KUALK LUMPUR CELEBRATIONS. (From Our Oivn Correa port dent Kua’a Lumpur, April .4. The Englishmen of Kuila Lumpur celebrated St George’s Day with a Fancy Dress Bill which was largely attended. The dresses were excellent and the arrangement good. The guests spent a most enjoyable evening. Mr.
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  • 62 405 (From Our Own ('orrewondcrih) Singapore, April 24. The Djapoera Indragiii Rubber Company will hold a meeting in June to consider a proposal to sell the estate to London for £112,000 in 2s. shares, the holders receiving twelve shares for each ten-doll »r shares. The nominal capital of
    62 words
  • 239 405 City Suburban Handicap. A Very Exciting Race. (Reuter.) London, April 24. The City and Suburban Handicap, which was run yesterday, resulted as follows: The City and Suburban Handicip of 2,000 sovs., for three-year-olds and upwards the second to receive 200 sovs. ami the third ]OO sov.s. out of the race;
    (Reuter.)  -  239 words
  • 86 405 Mediterranean Squ dron First, (Reuter.) London. April 23. The gun-laying tests of the Navy for 19 2 resulted as f dlows The Meditcrtatieiu Sq ladron first with a heavy-gun average of iOS. the Australim Squadron second with |U2. the F rst Battle Squadron third with 99. The
    (Reuter.)  -  86 words
  • 135 405 THE MONEY STRINGENCY. (Reuter.) London, April 22. Mr. Lloyd George said that he based his estimates of the revenue on the unanimous opinion of I usiness men A disquieting feature was the trouble in the East which, though it had not so far diminished the activity of
    (Reuter.)  -  135 words
  • 22 405 (Reuter.) London, April 24. The House of Commons passed the third reading of Mr. Reginald McKenna’s Suffragette Bill.
    (Reuter.)  -  22 words
  • 43 405 (Reuter.) London, April 23. A bulletin for the pist twenty-four hours stat s that the Duchess of Connaught, who recently underwent an operation for the removal of her appendix, is not very well. Another bulletin is expected in the evening.
    (Reuter.)  -  43 words
  • 43 405 Reuter) London, April 23. The Papal Legate, Cardinal Ferrata, has arrived at Malta on board the British gunboat Hussar to preside at the Eucharistic Congress which opens to-day. There is a great assemblage of Catholics from all countries at Malta.
    ( Reuter)  -  43 words
  • 49 405 (Reuter.) Berlin, April 23. The Budget Committee of the Reichstag has adopted the resolution of the Centre for the appointment of a commission of deputies and experts to investigate the whole question of the Army and Navy contracts, with recommendations for the removal of any abuses.
    (Reuter.)  -  49 words
  • 27 405 (Reuter.) London, April 24. The I louse of Lords passed the third reading of the Ar nA- Annual Bill and the Appellate Jurisdiction Bill.
    (Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 33 405 (Reuter London, April 24. Work is being gradually resumed. The strike co nmittee his decided to propose a Socialist Congress to-morrQW to discuss about au iujuiediiV j resumption of work.
    (Reuter )  -  33 words
  • 283 405 FALL OF SCUTARI. (Reuter.) Cettinje, April 22. It is officially announced that the Montenegrins attacked Scutari on the night of Apiil 2 The battle lasted all night and bayonets were used. Two Turkish posts were capture 1. The Turks made a counterattack the next morning but were
    (Reuter.)  -  283 words
  • 127 405 (Reuter.) Berlin, April 24. Owing to a delay in the sailing, the Crown Prince will take the place of the Kaiser in the trip of the Imperator to the Canaries. Berlin, April L With reference to the report that the Emperor William intends to make a trip
    (Reuter.)  -  127 words
  • 44 405 (Reuter.) London, April 24In conformity with the policy outlined by Mr. Winston Churchill on March 26 the Royal Mail steamer Aarnun, bound for South America on the 25th iust. will carry two mounted guns solely for th j purposes of defence-
    (Reuter.)  -  44 words

  • 242 406 Indent Wilson’» Suggestions. (Reuter.) Washington, April 23. Prt-ident Wilson has telegraphed to Mr nW Johnson, Governor of California, LTrtin* that, if it is necessary to exclude ownership of land in California. Id be done w’thout di-crimination. f/ives that the people and legislators f California generously res Pond
    (Reuter.)  -  242 words
  • 45 406 Proposed Aerial Regulations. (Reuter.) Berlin, April 23. The Norddeutsche Zeitung states that the German Government has already taken measures to prevent landings of German aircraft in France and that negotiations ’itb France are progressing with a vitw to «agreement regulating aerial navigation.
    (Reuter.)  -  45 words
  • 39 406 (Reuter.) London, April 28. The bye-election at Shrewsbury, where a has been created by the death of FS" (Unionist) will be contested ®r. Lloyd (Unionist) ard Mr. Morris Wdent). The Liberals have decided to contest the seat.
    (Reuter.)  -  39 words
  • 176 406 (Reuter.) 1 tT London, April 24. he Use °1 Commons Mr. Lloyd i.JL? 10 6 a res °l u tion guaranteeing the of the interest on the Sudan loan u eent res °l u Uon •nun? 6 U- C. lawn tennis B^l P as oue to a
    (Reuter.)  -  176 words
  • 122 406 Pknang, April 25. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London. Demand Bank 4 months’ «iaht Bank 2/4X 3 Credit 2,4 t 7 k v 3 Document»rv.. 2.4 Calcutta, Demand Bank R. 174$ 3 days’ sight Privm* 175$ Bombay. Demand Ban* 174$ Mouhnpin, Demand Bank 173* 3 days’sigfht Privmi. 175$
    122 words
  • 214 406 Gold Leat 564.60 Black Pepper no st or 1 White Pepper 33,—seller# Trang Pepper 19 25 sxU Cloves 39 ou<o/'«eoon Mace ]2> i nominal Pickings 98 —sales Nutmegs 110 s. 23. buyers (No. 1 8.20 saie Sugar < 2 810 mJ •> (Basket 5.15 buyer* Copra (mixed) 10 6
    214 words
  • Page 406 Advertisements
    • 417 406 i Plain Crutbs 8 or the subject of Health are the only j! acceptable pronouncements. fcxiiß- g Rerated statements end by convinc- g g ingnoone rather do they create sus- g X pieion. and give rise to doubt. Bv.t H «W you may safely listen to universal si H opinion.
      417 words

  • Page 407 Advertisements
    • 243 407 ifi STRAITS ECHO I H ESTABLISHED 1883. <R I PRINTERS PURLISHERS. I fl Proprietors of the ‘‘STRAITS ECHO and “SIN POE.' I fl The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and fl fl lithographers in the Orient. fl fl Our plant is of the very latest pattern and by con- fl
      243 words