The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 20 October 1911

Total Pages: 22
894 915 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 23 894 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. 115 Per A mum. Single Copy, 40 cent» Vol. 9. Penang, Friday, 20th OCTOBER, 1911. No. 4 2
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  • Page 894 Advertisements
    • 229 894 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. CONTENTS. x x X X Leaders; page. x Sports x Adversaria The Confucian Association 898 Volunteer Field I>ay 9.13 5 < China t 902 Rifle Shooting: P. L. R. C. 906 s As it seemed to Us 905 Taiping Bisley 910 A 912 x Malaria 908 i The Chinese
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  • Page 895 Advertisements
    • 155 895 1 1 J THE i STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. i j ■■IJCKW»— 4 t i Published the day prior to the departure of each ma 1 for Europe, and comains rhe latest local and States j news originally published in the daily issues, as well as all important news from
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  • 1109 896 One does not usuilly enjoy intimacy with royalties, so that the very personal gossip of Princess Louisa of Tuscany in the book now being log-rolled will have a charm for the frankly curious as well as for the snob. The mail brought us copious extracts, which have quite satisfied
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  • 141 896 The first Europ»-an case of cholera at Klumpur has proved fatal. A child tolongmg to Mr. Baker, a I'.urtqwtn railway guard, living in High street, Klumpur, «lied on I uesday. T’he previous evening the child was given a iece of cake tought from a < binese hawker.
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  • 51 896 r— A p dice laid on T ««DM* 'F|| No. 202 Carnarvon Street resulted m the arrest of four Chines», and the rapture and confiscation of 21 cents. The four gam biers” wore fined »i fiver wu h this morning by Mr Scott. The informer gets half the
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  • 43 896 —We regret to hear that Mr. B. P. I’eraira, Inspector of Weights and Measures, is in hospital suffering from sprue. We understand that Mr. Pereira has applied-to to allowed to retire on pension» Ha has about thirty years' service.
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  • 45 896 11. W. Taylor, Sanitary .Sub Lmipect»or Municniality w s up tof »re Mr. Colman charge.) with enticing a married wonian, Ilawa, the wife of »nm M»l Noor. Ihe worn »ii wax also utorged With theft. The eaxe has been poxtp'ine I.
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  • 49 896 The wait- er at the Sikli Police Canteen, Fort Cornwallis, who vanished into thin air a fortnight agi without rendeii ig an a «-count of his Stewardship, hax DiateriahAed at Klumpnr where lie has torn arrested. He will D- -ent to Penang to xtaud his trial.
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  • 62 896 .A Greek vovAgeur Called P. J. CbrvsHeros Wa« at the E and O. H»jt>-j on a charge of criminal breach of trust. A lady said her two opals were handed to him to to valued, and that afterwards he ilenie»] getting them Mr. H'jo/ensteyn a ted as
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  • 63 896 Mr B. hit4-,lesi»l, A-.-.’ iSupdt. of Poli<»- r returned fr »m leave yesterday by the GeruUn mail and relieved Asst. Sup It. Ciptain JI. A Anderson at Butterworth Capt. Andurson, who proeeeds to Singapore wiQ be mu :h mused in fiMitball chrlpM iu p-nang. Jt Wd« miui'.v through
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  • 65 896 North E astern Railway Extension. H in stnlxst tbit the preptxsed railway extension from f'ukit Mertajun will run north wards thr.mgh Province Wellesley b, Bungei Patani, tfiene*’ a» ross MirleA somewhere totween »S*ns Sowi Estate and Mirtok b> Gnruk, tlwnre »m to th«- southern end of Wan Mit Canal, them-o
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  • Page 896 Advertisements
    • 424 896 yas S’/wra A Journal for Educated Folk. J w j# published daily (except Sundays aud public holidays) at the CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226 —232 Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local 824 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 815 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing
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  • 58 897 Going Home. Mr. II N. Ridley, c.m.«., will be going home in a fortnight. He returns to Singapore in December, then he retires from the service. The Straits branch of the Royal Asiatic Society is obtaining a large portrait of him. Dr. R. Hanitsch will be secretary of the
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  • 23 897 To Visit Governor. The Raja Muda of Perak will visit H. E. Sir Arthur Young on Monday. Echo Special.
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  • 42 897 A Searching Inquiry. A most searching inquiry into the airship disaster was opened at Barrow in lhe presence of Mr. Reginald Me Kenna, First Lord of the Admiralty, and Lord Haldane, War Minister. Two hundred marines were examined. Reuter.
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  • 50 897 Effect of the Concussion. The papers say that although the trials of the 13-in. guns of the super-Dreadnought Orion were most satisfactory it was found that the concussion seriously interfered with the secondary batteries necessitating a rearrangement. This report, however, is emphatically denied by the Admiralty. Reuter.
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  • 78 897 November 11. Reuter learns on the best authority that there is no ground whatever for the current rumours that the King’s visit to India might l>e delayed or cancelled in consequence of the political s.iiiidion The matti r was never discussed. Their Majesties v. ill sail
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  • 27 897 Message From the King. The King has sent a message to Dr. Mawson wishing success to his Antarctic expedition and a safe return. Reuter.
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  • 50 897 The Last of the Monarchists. A telegram from Lisbon s ates that according to the latest information Captain Councilo and a few hundred Royalists are in the mountains. A mixed force of eavaby, infantry, and bluejackets are making a concerted movement to surround and capture them. leutc.
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  • 410 897 Massacre of Italians. The Italian Government has received news of the massacre of thirty Italians working on the Hedjaz Railway. Tobruk. The Itilian landing at Tobruk on the 19th inst. is considered a most important step n the campaign. The Italians maintain that this gives Italy a port
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  • 375 897 1,000 Troops Expected. A Foreign Office despatch says that a thousand Honan troops are expected to reach Wuchang to-day. The foreign settlements are guarded by bluejackets and volunteers. Gunboats Refused. A telegram from Hankow says that the consuls have refused the request of the Chinese for foreign
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  • 305 897 Butter. —The s. s. Pianen discharged 20 cases of butter yesterday Tftrc Yahagi, a first class cruiser, w is lauuubel at Nagasaki on October 3. Tin Ore. —The s.s. Hok Canton arrived this morning with 375 piculs of tin ore. Tapioca. —Messrs. McAlister Co. shipped 300 bags of
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  • 95 897 Necrology. I Sir William Crossley. The death has taken place at the age of 67 of Sir William Crossley, M. P. for Cheshire Renter. Necrology. X W. Mellor. Th® death hats taken place, at the age of 7C>, of the Rt lion John William Mellor, r.c,, 1>.L k c. E.
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  • 477 898 The following extract is from Mr. G. E. Shaw’s monograph on Rice Planting: In an enquiry into the economic aspects of rice planting in the Peninsula, Sir William Maxwell wrote: “Rice land in Penang yields a return which may not be averaged higher than 75-fold or nearly
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  • 98 898 The King s Thanks. h J Wilkinson, Colonial Secretarv, B jnt the following letterto the CbmeJJ I anj directed by the Governor to inform ‘tk U /!i at a d Spakh has t,eeD stating that the address from the Chinese community.congratulating the King on the occasion i.uVr
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  • 617 898 ORDINARY MEETING. An Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Municipal Office yesterday afternoon when the following gentlemen were present: Mr. W. Peel (I lesident), Mr. W. T. Chapman, Mr. G N. Save, Mr. Quah Beng Kee and Mr. Lim Eu Toh with Mr. W.
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  • 992 898 INTRODUCTION, EXPLANATION. AND JUSTIFICATION. Confucius'. Name of grandeur! If right teaching be the greatest, noblest, worthiest work of man, how proud may not we Chinese l>e, that our country and our race should have produced the greatest, noblest, worthiest Teacher that history can name. The four corners
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  • 1394 899 Last Night’s Dance. The dance given by the German community at the Town Ha 1 last night was an undoubted success.. It could not well be otherwise with Mr. H. Pickenpack as President of the Dance Committee. The decorations were strikingly effective, the floor was in perfect condition,
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  • 553 900 12th October. A Christmas tree for the children of the King Edward VII School, the Convent, the Treacher Girl’s School and the Methodist Schools is to l>e held this year, r lhe tovs are being procured from’ England and donations are invited to meet the necessary expenses. The Hony:
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  • 22 900 Total Loss By Fire inst T)" Items «lien on the Lt The ofh.-ers and crew were picked up Echo Special.
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  • 42 900 C T. nCS e t ClU,i ned an<l Di,charged, chartyp 1 an d Toowchewb, charged at Singapore with participating in an affray a t Boat Quay over dm rijht hLe a landing stage, were cautioned and discharged. Echo Special.
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  • 39 900 Motor Bill. At the meeting of the legislative Council at Singapore yesterday the Motor Bdl was amended so as to bring Chauffeurs under the definition of domestic or menial servants. Council adjourned till November 3. Echo Special.
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  • 21 900 33 Cases. Ihere were thirty-three cases of cholera in Singapore during the week ended October 7. Echo Special.
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  • 74 900 Dr. Watson's Lecture. Dr. Watson’s lecture on malaria at Singapore was largely attended. Sir Arthur Young, in introducing the lecturer, said that Dr. Watson practically carried out the prevention of malaria in the Klang District. The lecturer traced the history of the disease. Too much time, he said, was
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  • 50 900 Official Warning. A telegram from Bombay states that the Lieut.-Governor of the Punjab has issued a severe warning that any paper indulging in inflammatory and indecent language and in religions controversy contrary to law will be rigorously prosecuted. The situation is becoming very serious. li< nter.
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  • 56 900 To be Formed. At a meeting in London, which included Lord Halsbury, the Earl of .Melbourne, th»* Duke of Northumlierland, Lord RoGtG, Mr. Austen Chamberlain, Lord Willoughby »1«* Broke, Lord Hugh Cecil and Sir E. Carson, it was decided to form a Halsl ury Club for the purpose
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  • 30 900 K Dental. The solicitor»,of theStandar 1 Oil Company formally and positively deny that th»*:»* is any agreement between the Standard Oj] Company and the Dutch Shell Cotnpmv
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  • 496 900 Contraband. A telegrun from ('oiiitantmople Bays that the Government has issued an alditioi'a. list of contralmnd artk.d»»s, comprising cereals, preserved food stuffs, banknotes, cheques, and bills of Exchange. Russian Corn A telegram from St. Petersburg states that owing to apprehensions that the Porte will treat corn as costrabnnd
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  • Page 900 Advertisements
    • 33 900 A Good Rule. Make it a rub* of your home to keep < hamberlarn’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy a« a safeguard against bowel complaints. F.-r sale bv all I hsts-m. rw»s and Mere.
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  • 212 901 Aim of the Movement. A telegram from Peking states that the revolutionary movement in Hinkow aims at the establishment of a Republic under the reformer Sun Yat Sen. His brother Sun Yu will be President of the Provincial Assembly and the noted scholar Tang Hua Leng, Viceroy of
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  • 26 901 Dissolution Ordered. The United States District Court has ordered the dissolution of the National Electric Lamp Company and thirty-five subsidiary companies. Reuter.
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  • 65 901 In British Columbia. Attention is aroused by the prospect of a valuable development of immense anthracite coalfields at the headwaters of the Stikine River in British Columbia about 150 miles from the seaboard. The •oalfields are capable of commanding the markets of Siberia, China and Japan and supplying
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  • 49 901 Several Injured. A strike at the British Waggon Works at Swansea caused prolonged rioting. The mob tried to prevent an engine from being shunted into the works. After mu'h stonethrowing they attacked and wre ked the buildings. The Police used iheir batons. Several were injured. Jteulcr.
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  • 64 901 Result. Followifig was the result of the race for the Middle Park Plate (6 furlongs) which was run at Newmarket yesterday Absurd (1) Sweeper II (2) White Star (3) Ten ran. Won by three lengths 1 lengths between second and third. S. P. 7 to 1 agst.
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  • 102 901 Arrival. A telegram from Quebec states that the Duke and Duchess of Connaught arrived on Thursday evening. They will land on Friday morning. Welcome. A telegram from Quebec states that the Duke of Connaught was sworn in as Gover-nor-General at the Provincial Parliament. Replying to the addresses of
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  • 20 901 Completely Off. Jack Johnson has declined to box Wells at Paris. Consequently the match is completely off. Reuter.
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  • 30 901 .—There is so mwch fever in Klumpur at present that no less than seven assistants and clerks employed by one firm alone are down with the complaint.
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  • 35 901 —Three weeks rigorous imprisonment. That was the sentence passed on P. J. Chryseccos the Greek who was found guilty of criminal breach uf trust of two opals, belonging to Johanna 01 re.
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  • 52 901 —The arrears of rent of the Selangor General Farm for the years 1908-9, which proved so disastrous to a syndicate headed by the Perak Towkay Ng 800 Bee have at last been settled, says the Klumpur paper, the Government coffers being enriched by a windfall of something
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  • 62 901 —The friendly game of soccer, which was played on Victoria Green yesterday between the C. R. C. and the Police Recreation Club resulted in a win for the former team by three goals to one. Tiang Liat, Chye Hin and Huan Cheang scored for the C. 11. C. O’Neill,
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  • 113 901 .—The Hongkong Daily Press, of September 28, says: —We announced a week or ten days ago that Lady Lugard was expected to return from Japan by the MM. steamer Caledonien, which came in on Monday last. We regret to learn that the cause of Her Excellency’s non-arrival was
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  • 343 901 Mr. Chow Kwo Hsien, Ph. B. f a u > about Cbitrese Reformation at the AnX w'tb v VeS er Ja talked well With Kang lu We>, the celebrated re former, he did the grand tour of Europe and America. He bad many interesting exne nonces to relate
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  • 32 901 Quoits Tournament. Following were the results of yesterday’s ties Champiunshiy. Sharpe beat t'xenhaiu. (15—4) E. R. Henderson v. o. from B. Mualon. E. Arnold w. o. from F. Hawkins.
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  • 33 901 Tin Shipment. s.s. Theseus Messrs. Boustead Co. 50 tons to London. Guthrie Co. 50 Behn, Meyer Co. 25 Behr Co. 25 s.s. Sunda Messrs. Behr A Co. 50 tons to London.
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  • 284 901 —A correspondent writes to the Sourabaya Handelsblad —lt has again been made apparent that the Bay of Tomini, and especially the south coast of the northern peninsula at the Celebes, is no navigable water for sailing vessels, for within fourteen days of each other two ships, the Takora
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  • 42 902 District Officer, Larut and Matang, his been commissioned to prepare a Federated Malay States railway guide, and for this purpose he will travel through from Penang to Singapore and stop at places where be desires to gather information.
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  • 1364 902 There is no reason why we shouldn't admit that the situation in China has been sprung on us that we have been caught napping. We do not pay very much attention to any of the China newspapers except one, the North China Daily News, and tint usually alert paper
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  • 170 902 PRESGBAVE CUP AMO Dt’HXKJi Ct'l* <>Cr<)BKR, 1911. R'snlt. C. <l. May 9 h’cap) all square 1. E. S. Haslam 20 do. Dr. Park —l6 2 down C. C. Rogers (—1 i< 3 do. C. L. Sarnies (—-12 4 do. G. A. Carmichael 4 4 do. Dr. Dane,
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  • 147 902 Nt:w Tin Paoi*inUTjv*. About a y<»»r and 1 half ago, Mr. kingford, backet] by Messrs. Anthony and Anderson, obtained a concession of 23<) a res airout a couple of miles from Tronoh Railway Station. This land was prospect* ed and bored, ami Mr. Henry Griffiths has made
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  • 74 902 F. M. S. Railw ays. —Since the appoint- ment of Mr. P. A. Authonv as general rnaniger, F M S. railway*, he lias consistent y ur,e<l the recruiting <f the railway ■taff from the Lmdon an 1 North Western Railway, ami the Government Las accepted bis alv VS ith the
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    • 375 903 To THi Editor oj the Straits Ecna Sir, I shall be very thankful if you will kindly spare me a space in your valuable journal to give publicity to the facts anent the article contribute! by Mr. 11. N. Ferrers of Kuala Lumpur under the
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  • 120 903 The inquest touching the death of an 18 years old Chinese girl at No. 15 Leith Street which began on Saturday was concluded this afternoon when a verdict of suicide by opium poisoning was returned. Dr. Francis, Deputy Registrar of Deaths, who held the post mortem, stated
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  • 299 903 A very successful Field Day was held yesterday morning by the members of the Penang Volunteer and Cadet Corps the scene of the skirmish being in the vicinity of Ayer Etam Village. The general idea was that a body of the enemy (Bed Force) had landed at
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  • 261 903 Presentation of Imperial Service Medal. Jn the presence of several heads of departments and practically the whole staff of the Survey Office, Mr. P. W. Richards, retired Senior Surveyor, Penang, was presented with the Imperial Service Medal at the Governor’s Office at noon to-day. The Hon.
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  • 50 903 W ITHDRAWN. .—Frank Clarke was brought up before Mr. Colman to-day on a charge of using criminal force to W. Daniel on the 15th inst. at the Sea View Hotel. The coinphinant asked the Court to allow him to withdraw the charge. The Court consented and the accused was discharged.
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  • 320 903 The Grain Question A telegram from St. Petersburg state, that the reply of the Porte to the Russian representations in regard to grain intimates that grain steamers bound for neutral ports are allowed to pass but c irgoes consigned to Italian war harbours, military authorities and contractors will
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  • 20 903 Two Launched. A telegram from Genoa states that the third and fourth Italian Dreadnoughts have been launched. Reuter.
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  • 71 903 Taft on the Loan Agreements. A telegram from Sacramento says that President Taft, in defending the proposed loan agreements with Honduras and Nicaragua, asserted that the consummation of the loans would strongly influence the peace of Central America. The enormous interests of the United States
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  • 53 903 Spanish Position Attacked. A Madrid telegram states that the tn men attacked the Spanish position at Izha n yesterday. General Ordenez was woun e receiving two bullets in his chest, captain, a lieutenant, and sixteen men also wounded. The enemy within w a nightfall, losing muiv in killed and
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  • Page 903 Advertisements
    • 62 903 Worth Twenty Times Its Cost. One bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy goes a long way toward relieving suffering humanity. It is better than any doctor’s prescription, and worth twenty times its cost incases of diarrhoea, cramp colic or dysentery, which are liable to com on suddenly at
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  • 299 904 Friendly Societies’ Action. A Conference of the Friendly Societies at jjfinburgh resolved by 48 votes to 38 to infuse to assist in administering the Government Insurance scheme unless Government concedes the minimum demands of the Societies for an amendment of the Bill. Lloyd George’s Decision. Mr. Lloyd George,
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  • 23 904 Improvement. The health of the Navy during the year shows continuous improvement. It is notable that tuberculosis is decreasing. Heater.
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  • 43 904 British Makers’ Concessions. At a meeting of the principal English and Scotch steelmakers it was agreed to grant a rebate of five shill ngs per ton for certain classes of material provided the consumers purchase exclusively from certain British steelmakers. Heuter.
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  • 50 904 Financial Scheme Approved. After prolonged negotiations between Great Britain, the United States Germany, and France a scheme has been approved for the financial control of Liberia by America. It provides for an American lieceiver-General of Customs with the cooperation of receivers, one from each of the remaining nationalities. Heater.
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  • 43 904 Clsm Hill To Captain The Australians. A telegram from Melbourne says That the jf'ard of Control had appointed Mr. Clem hh. Captain, and Messrs. Iredale, Hill, and McAlister selectors of the Australian eleven I’’ a v Against the English team. Heab r.
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  • 494 904 Troops 'or Pasting. A t-kyram from Peking tint m<l,t loa.hof tro.p. llTrt eft f r p 4jl j u REVOLUTIONIST Statement. 1 he revolutionist. have inform ,1 the Con- Hankow that they will resort all the treaties and loan agreements. Guarding the Concessions. foreign bluejackets, under the
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  • 50 904 First Chineve Aviator. lx**, a Chine.-*’ Government pupil, has obtained a pilot's certificate from the Air School Wit Salisbury Plain. He is the first Chinaman to do *o. Incinerated. A telegram from Berne «fates that the aviator Schmidt tell from a height of 150 ft. He was incinerated. Heatlr.
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  • 46 904 Anglo-German Negotiations. Ihe Daily Chronicle correspondent at Vienna states that Anglo-German negotiations are proceeding with a view to finding a modur rivendi for the reduction of naval armaments. The negotiations are the outcome of the initiative of Germany in the Spring. Heater.
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  • 55 904 Dissolution Scheme. A telegram fijoni New York states that the American Tobacco Company ha# published the plans for its dissolution under the decision of August 1. I he company divides ißto four companies none of which has a controlling interest in the tobacco business. All the agreements
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  • 29 904 Chersonese Syndicate, Ltd. The ore sales returns from this Syndicate's Mine at Taimuang, Siam, are as follows •lulj Pkls. 244.84 August IdT.ll September 247.5 V
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  • 64 904 .—There was a crowded meeting at the Chinese Chamlier of Commerce, Klumpur, on Friday to consider the hawker question. The Sanitary Board had suggest»! that the number of licen* should Im reduced. Ths meeting decided t<> represent Lithe eoniD’ittes of tlie Siuitan Board that the withdrawal of hawkers
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  • 103 904 —Dug Ee Hoof Chop“ Ban Choon,” 173 Beach Street, was this morning charged tafore Judge Hall with having in his waist lielts to which false trade mark, to wit, Lion ami Globe brand was applied. He was found guilty and fined 1100 and also order»! to
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  • Page 904 Advertisements
    • 79 904 Rheumatism. Chronic rheumatism often attacks the larger joints. Internal tredment of .w kind would lie worse than usetes», but l/v apply ng Clnml-riain’s Pam Balm and massaging the affected parts three timea day, a ure may be efTwted. ft W J „flF or .l some relief at once and by
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  • 520 905 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, Oct. 13th. Present. His Excellency the Governor, Sir Arthur Young. the Genl. Officer Commanding Troops, Maj Gen. Stephenson The Hon. the Act. Col. Sec. Mr. I?. J. Wi.kinson. the Attorney-General, T. M. Braddell. the Col. Treasurer, W. C. Michell. the Col. Engineer, F. J. I’iggott
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  • 422 905 Woman Overboard. —The skipper of the little local steamer, Hong Lee, on his arrival in Singapore from Bengkalis on Friday evening, reported to the Master Attendant an incident that occurred on the voyage. When about 20 or 24 miles off the Karimon islands a cry of man overboard
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  • 987 905 A doften meh were grouped about the E. A O. bar just before dinner last night. Some were in evening dress; some in white tunics; Sarkies himself looked handsome in a white coat cut on Dinner Jacket lines. A smart shower made a noise like
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  • 9 906 —Singapore is under <pa- rantine owing to cholera.
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  • 17 906 Penang, has been duly registered under section 5 of The Societies Ordinance.”
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  • 20 906 —For carrying fire arms without a permit, a Chinaman named Kan Cho was fined $lO and bound over.
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  • 87 906 Gan —Lim. —The marriage took place to-day of Air. Gan Teong Hoon, second son of Air. Gan Ngoh Bee, and Aliss Lim Saw Joo, third daughter of the late Air. Lim Kek Chuan. The families of both the bride and bridegroom are very well known in Penang and a large
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  • 100 906 —Cheah Song Ho was charged before Air. Colman last August with (a) detaining and (b) enticing away a married woman. He was sentenced to six months’ rigorous imprisonment on each charge, the sentences to run concurrently. Against this conviction he appealed. The appeal came before Air. Justice Ebden
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  • 219 906 —A useful looking Vocabulary and Grammar for Malays beginning the study of English reaches us from the author, Abdul Alajid of the Kuala Kangsar College. The Methodist Publishing House at Singapore printed it. It is not, it appears, an official publication, but it will be none the
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  • 266 906 Rahman llydraulk Tin Ltd An extrt-.r inury u n. n r n)H eti nj of the lhe H I t rS f tb ie Utn| "O w» b-M-t in. sOangbai Buik Buildmgs yesterduv atteiuwn, Mr. J. Mitchell presiding. e.I O K Mr 11 K B»». -’«•"Od. by Mr.
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  • 222 906 Chin Seng Co. I ree Advt. and Unsolicited Testimonial. This is the story that the Echo-man told Brother Sarkies last night. Bro. Sarkies is a Director of Chin Seng A Co., carriage builders and repairers. Sent my Saice yesterday to Chin Seng’s, with front wheel of victoria. Rubber tvre had
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  • 36 906 Scores made at Kamp mg Bihru. X X X -3 100 150 2<m> Mrs. Mitchell 26 30 27 HJ Miss Starr 29 30 21 «3 Misi Macuityre 22 2 J 2 1
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  • 25 906 Alfred Hitching. Ihe death t<>>k pli-* in th** Red Sea of Mr. Alfred Kitelung who waa on his way bon>* from Singapire Echo Special.
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  • 20 906 Oar Governor To Attend. H. E Sir Arthur Young k. em. will attend the Delhi Durbar. Echo Special.
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  • 65 906 Being Floated At Singapore. A motor company is Isung floated at Singapore, with a capital of 150,000 in dollar shares, to take over tho cars Isdonging to Lin Tek Pu in. The vendor guarantees a dividend of '2O per cent, for fhe first year ami 9
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  • 139 906 Official Prog amine. Ihe following programme of H. E. the Governor’s trip to Penang ami the F M 8. has been issued Oct. 21. Leaves Singapore For Penang. Ot. ‘23. Arrives At Penang. Addresses f n >m the Chamlier of Commerce, Municipal Conimissioners, and the Chinese Chamlier
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  • 84 906 Business in the States. At the meeting of the Cold Storage Company at Singapore, Mr. Heron presiding, it was announced that the business in the States was far short of exjiectations owing to the heavy expenses. And in Penang. It is lielieved that it will take time
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  • 76 906 General Meeting. At the induing at Singap -re of the sharehold<- of the 15-goh Rubber Company. Mr J M him? pr-s .img, if Wl dialed to transfer the company to Loud m. The Chairman said that the estimated dividend Of I2i per cent was very cX*rvitive A 7;
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  • 248 907 Cholera in Tripoli. A telegram from Malta states that the cholera in Tripoli is slowly spreading. So far six deaths have taken place. Automobiles For Tripoli. The last batch 15,000 troops of the Italian expedition sailed for Tripoli secretly taking a number of automobiles specially equipped to pull
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  • 214 907 The Chinese Minister of Fi iance has issued a million tiels to rel eve the m mey stringency. The price of rice has risen 20 per cent. IrvLiYN Cruisers in Readiness. Three of the fastest Italian cruisers have been ordered to be in readiness for Clfna. Peking
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  • 31 907 Unprecedented Welcome. The Duke and Duchess of Connaught were welcomed at Ottawa with unprecedented enthusiasm. The crowd at several points got beyond the control of the Police. Reuter.
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  • 97 907 Unionist Indignation. The Unionist papers are very indignant at Mr. Lloyd George’s description of the Unionist efforts to improve upon the Insurance Bill as obstruction. They assume that the object of the speech is to make the Bill a purely party measure in view of justifying the use
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  • 80 907 General Ordenez Dead. The Spanish General Ordenez, who was wounded in the attack by the tribesmen on the Spanish position, has died as the result of the wound. Furious Moorish Attacks. Ferocious Moorish attacks on the Spanish positions at the Kert River took the Spaniards by surprise. The Moors
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  • 89 907 Birrell To Retire. The Daily Chronicle foreshadows the following Cabinet changes Mr. Winston Churchill (Home Secretary) to replace Mr. Augustine Birrell (Irish Secretary) whois retiring owing to ill health Mr. Churchill will assist the Premier in piloting the Home Rule Bill. Col. J. E. B. Seely (Under Secretary
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  • 27 907 Twenty Killed. A telegram from Catachia states that twenty were killed and twenty-four injured at an earthquake at Lamacchia on the eastern slope of Etna. Reuter.
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  • 46 907 Surplus. A telegram from St. Petersburg states that in the Russian budget the revenue and expenditure balance at 29,252,552,100 roubles. The ordinary estimates show a surplus of 109,219,336 roubles. This is put as an offset to a similar deficit in the extraordinary estimates. Reuter.
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  • 311 907 The Right Honourable the Secretary State for the Colonies has been pleasit f approve the promotion of the first Grade surveyors to be Asskt.rd Superintendents (Field) in the Revenn* Survey Branch, with effect from thelJ April, 1911 ne lst Mr. G. A. Hodges, Mr. D. 8. Richard Mr.
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  • 91 907 Tin Ore. —The s.s. Hok Canton and the s.s. Pegu brought 650 and 1,000 piculs of tin ore respectively. Penang Export. —Following were the exports from Penang for the fortnight ended 15th October, 1911 To the Vnited. Kingdom. Tin 825 tons Flake Tapioca 25 Pearl 75 Para Rubber
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  • 22 907 passed Cadet, has been appointed to be an officer in Class X of the Straits Settlements Civil Service.
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  • 30 907 —To-morrow (Wednes- day) is the date chosen for the celebration of the 2462nd anniversary of the birthday of Confucius. The Chinese are observing i as a Holiday.
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    • 1451 908 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, 5Jy advent to Penang has roused a good Jeal of interest amongst the residents in Chiromancy, more easily recognized by the ordinary public as Palmistry. Now Palmistrv as I will call it is a science just as much as
      1,451 words
  • 772 908 Dr. Malcolm Watson of Klang is pleasantly moderate in his assertions. On the whole, as we gather from his lecture (reporti d iu yesterday’s L’cAo) he inclines to the b lief that drainage is more important than quinine. He has the right to be more dogmatic than he was.
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  • 167 909 Celebrations in Penang. Beach Street is gay with flags to-day. It is observed by the Chinese community as a holiday in celebration of the 2462nd anniversary of the birthday of Confucius. Among the fligs displayed we noticed before several shops the revolutionary banner —a white sun on
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  • 24 909 —Mr. Kang Sin 00, Clerk and Cashier of the General Hospital, is the latest Penang baba who has done away with his queue.
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  • 109 909 —The re presen- tatives of the various communities in Klumpur including Chinese, Malays and Tamils, met the committee appointed by the Sanitary Board to enquire into the food hawkers’ question at the Sanitary Board Offices, Klumpur, on Saturday. The committee consisted of Messrs. F. W. Douglas, chairman of
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  • 456 909 The Acting Assistant Resident at Brunei, Mr. W H. Lee Warner, had an unusually difficult task when he attempted a census of the Brunei population. It was the first census, and large part of the population is nomadic. Mr. Lee Warner says in his report that the Kedayans, the
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  • 96 909 Penang Successes. The following candidates from Penang, who sat for the Matriculation Examination of the London University in June last, have passed; A. E. J. Barnard, S. A. Gnob, Chong Eang Lim and Subbiah Veerasamy from St. Xavier’s Institution George Pykett and Ung Ban Hoe from the AngloChinese
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  • 32 909 —At Klum- pur Mr. Daly committed for trial on Saturday the Bengali constable charged with having stolen 113,000 from Towkay Wong Fat during the recent big tire there.
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  • 299 909 Mr. J. G. Richey. His many friends in Pnmn.r i Mr. J. G. Biehey, Actin,; A<lv 18er to Government ot Perlis, died a t 9ls t(1 morning at the General Hospital. He w a “a O n“l! atUrday,aBtSUff^ f The sad accident which has terminal»! fatally took place ast
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  • 20 909 Tin. —Messrs. Boustead and Co. are shipping 75 tons of tin to London by the s.s. Aki Maru.
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  • 24 909 .—The s.s. Kenlev which arrived here yesterday is discharging 6,000 tons of Ind an coal at Prai for the Eastern Shipping Co., Ltd.
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  • 22 909 Messrs. Paterson, Simons and Co. per s.s. Japan. 40 tons Pearl tapioca to Winnipeg. 10 Regina. 3 cases mace Winnipeg.
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  • 113 909 B. I Captai ns —Captain Herrington of the 8.1. steamer Thongwa who has been very popular on the Madras-Straits run, retires from the service of the British India Company on a well earned pension. Captain Herrington gives up command of the Thongwa on her return to Madras, and leaves for
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  • Page 909 Advertisements
    • 36 909 Sprains. Sprains require careful treatment. iv*P quiet and applv Chamberlain s Pain Ha freely. It will remove the soreness ana quicklv restore the parts to a healthy con dition." For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      36 words

  • 372 910 17th October, Mr- H. Conway Belfield, c...i.g Resident of Perak, who is bow on leive will not be returning to Perak till after the middle of next year, he having been seconded for special duty in Lagos. In consequence of this arrangement Mr. Oliver M irks, Secretary to Resident,
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  • 206 910 First Day’s Results. Of the 37 entries for the Ladies Bisley at Taiping 35 presented themselves at the range on Monday. Penang entered 14, Taiping 11, Singapore 5. Ipoh 4 and Negri Sembilan 3. The first item on the programme was 1. 100 yards Open and Handicap for
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  • 26 910 It appears to be practically settled that the Singapore Government Railway will be leased to the F* M. S. Railways from January Ist next
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  • 24 910 Going Home on Leave. Slr A KG. Liw, Acting Chief Justice, goes home on leave next Friday. Echo Special.
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  • 29 910 Highest Prices. At the rubber auction at Singapore the highest prices fetched were Sbeet 5213 per picul No. 2 229,, Scrap Crepe... 190 Scrap 193 Echo Special.
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  • 32 910 Death Sentence. A telegram from Labuan states th it Kular, the chief who ran amok, has lieen sentenced to death. His followers have been sentenced to three years’ imprisonment. Echo Special.
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  • 74 910 Straits Times Criticism. r lhe Straits Times criticises the Pulau Jerajak camp. The j<>urnal si vs th it Government failed to realise the nature of its obligations to estate owners, thecooliebaml th“ Indian Government. The men are confined like pigs and fed like dogs. They are not given
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  • 30 910 Senator Lafollette a Candidate. A telegram from Chicago states that the Convention of Progressive Republicans has endorsed the candidature of Senator Lafollette for the Presidency. Reuter.
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  • 51 910 Taft's Escape. A telegram from San Francisco states that thirty-six sticks of dynamite were found lieneath a bridge of the Southern Pacific Railway between El Cipitan and Gavista just before President Taft’s train jass»-l it on Monday morning. An investigation info the matter is taking place. R>*b
    51 words
  • 28 910 Health of the Regent. Anxiety is felt as regards the nonagenarian Regent of Bavaria who hid bron< litis and caught a cold last week while tagshooting. Reuter.
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  • 39 910 On the Northern F.ontier. The Portuguesi troops ar- vigilantly patrolling the northern fr mtier of Portugal Thev report that considerable numlier- of Royalists are intbe township- on that larder. The Spanish cavalry captured aL>ut a hundred. Reuter.
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  • 43 910 Rioters Sentenced A telegram f <>m Sydney ,-tab-s tha’ thr»-«* leaders of the strike <»n SeptemL-r 6 have been sentenced to fifti-en month- hird labour for riotine. Another rioter got three rears’ imprifumnent for attempting to wreck a train. Reiter
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  • 235 910 Turkish Fleet Sails. 1 ne D.idy Mail states th it the Gallip di divi-i>n of the Turkish fl silled <»n Monday m irning for an unkn wn destination. Mediation Over A telegram from Vienna state» it i* semiofficially announ-ed tha! th Powers Lave e»-a-»-d in tluoreft >rt* toward»
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  • 289 910 American Legation Guard Strengthened. A telegram from Peking states that the American Legation Guard has been n-in-forced by ninety marines from Manila PEKINU-I'IENTMIN LINE. A telegram from Peking states that the order suspending passenger traffic between P'-king ami Tientsin has been cam «-lied. A train each way is
    289 words

  • 67 911 Sails For Nyasaland Next Month. Reuter states that a Sleeping Sickness Commission, under the auspices of the Government and the Royal Society, sails for Nyasaland on November 11. One of the principal objects is to discover whether the existence of the fly responsible for the disease depends
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  • 18 911 Compulsory- Winding Up. The compulsory winding-up of the Bank of Egypt has been ordered. Reuter.
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  • 89 911 We are informed that last «week a record shipment of rubber went forward from Port Swettenhara to Colombo and European pbrts by the P. and O. Sunda and Blue Funnel Theseus, these two steamers taking away between them about 4,800 cases of this product, besides other local
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  • 915 911 Yesterday—Confucius day—we went round looking at the flags hung out. We didn’t count, because we didn’t go into every street, but we ended our drive with a feeling that there were fewer revolutionary flags out than we had expected to see. We recognise that the number of
    915 words
  • 59 911 —Arrivals to-day at Runny- mede: Messrs. J. M.C. Koevt, H. E. Mason and G.C. Cuthbert. At the E. <fc O.: Messrs. H. W. Humphry, E. R. Ri«hardson, H. Schmidt, H. C. B. Pech, R. H. S. Scott, C. St. A. Angore, A. A. Hunggem, R. W Neill; Mr. and
    59 words
  • 282 911 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The annual general meeting of the Recreation Club was held a* the P. g yesterday afternoon, Mr. J L (President) occupying the chair After the minutes of the last meeting were the Chair,nan said that the Club had had a very successful year This
    282 words
  • 29 911 Quoits Tournament. Following were the results of yesterday’s ties Championship. Houston beat B. Mitchell, 15-9. Mercer w. o. from Slowe. Davidson beat R, N. Goodwin, 15—10.
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  • 44 911 .—lt is gene- rally believed that on his return from his mission to the West Coast of Africa, Mr. H. Conway Belfield, c. m. g., will receive promotion which will result in bis not returning to the F. M. S.
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  • 37 911 —The marriage took place on Oct. 4 of Mr. Percy W. Parkinson, of Selangor, F. M. S.. and Miss Elma Forrest, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Robert Forrest, of Calderhead, Lanarkshire, at St. Andrew’s. Wells-street.
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  • 59 911 —A meeting of the Planters Association of Malaya will be held at 10 a.m. on October 29th at the Ipoh Club. 1 i® business is as follows: —1. Minutes o Meeting of July 9th, 1911. 2. Labour, 3. Indian Labour, 4. Chinese Labour, o. x Ridley Testimonial,
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    • 87 912 To the Editor of tup Straits Echo pear Sir, I am leaving on Saturday and I feel saving to you that you are absolutely wrong a 3 to your dissecting the Science of Palmistry. A man may l>e as stubborn as a mule but you are worse.-Anyway,
      87 words
  • 86 912 More Prize Winners. 100 Yards Open Miss Huxley 33 Handicap... Airs. Hamilton... 34.42 150 Yards Open Mrs. Cooper 34 1 Miss Wemyss 33 2 Handicap... Miss Wemyss 34.48 150 Yards (b). Open Miss Huxley 31 1 Miss B. Parkes... 32 2 Handicap... Miss Hogan 31.48 Vanishing Target— Miss
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  • 125 912 Palmer —Black all. The marriage of Aliss Cicely Canning Blackall, daughter of Air. F. W. Blackall, of Woodcote, Kenley, Surrey, to Air. John Galbraith Palmer, of Bakap Rubber Plantations, Nibong Tebal, sou of Air. R. G. Palmer, of Penang, took place on Sept. 16, at St.
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  • 18 912 and Coconut Plantations Ltd. produced 721 lbs. of rubber last month.
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  • 100 912 ,—The funeral of Mr. J. G. Richey took place yesterday afternoon "when the remains were removed from ♦he General Hospital to the Protestant Cemetery in Western Road for interment. Among those present were the H n. W. Evans, Resident Councillor, the Hon. R. oung, Mr. Justice
    100 words
  • 551 912 Fall of Nanking Imminent. A telegram from Peking states that the th^f 1 111 r‘?? Ui at an king telegraphs that fal J of is imminent. He requests the despatch of a warship. 1 hose nho Submit Spared. telegram from Hankow states that the s aug itei <»f
    551 words
  • 282 912 Powers Exchange View». t A telegram from Trijmli mentions that a continuous exchange of views is proceeding among the Powers with a view to ending the Turco-Italian War. Turkish Fleet Leaves the Bosphorour. A telegram from Vienna says the cortex pondent of the Die Zeit at Constantinople states
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  • 82 912 No German Statement. A telegram from Berlin states that Dr von Befhinann Hollweg, the Imperial Chancellor, in a letter to the President of the Reichstag, said that he wa* w illing to answer intei|M-llations regarding the foreign policy ol Germany but the Government was unable to make.i statement regarding
    82 words
  • 49 912 7,170,000. The Canadian census shows a population of 7,17 ',o°> tn increase of 1,710,5,54 a» compare! with the figures of ten tears ago. 'This i« considerably Mow the estimate. As parliamentary representation u bv proportion <»f js.pulation the Western provinces gam tiftern mernle.-r. ami <DiUno three. Ksuhr.
    49 words

  • 84 913 Fro and Con. The formation of the Halsbury «Club is the chief topic in Unionist circles. The younger memlxjrs are most enthusiastic and l>eJiere that they have a majority in the House of Commons. They are embarking on a vigorous anti-Home Rule campaigo. Many moderates maintain that
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  • 46 913 Earl Percy Married to Lady Gordon Lennox. The most brilliant wedding of the year took place at St. Peter’s, Eaton Square, lietween Earl Percy and Lady Gordon Lennox. Presents vsere received from Their Majesties the and Queen and members of the Royal family. Reuter.
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  • 38 913 Shot by A Student. A telegram from St. Petersburg states that at Novocherkask, the capital of the Don Cossacks, Prince Trubetzkoi, Councillor of the Empire was fatally shot by a student who is his relation. Reuter.
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  • 36 913 Official Enquiry. It is said that the official enquiry into the loss of the French battleship Liberte showed that the powder causing the explosion was older than the marks on the cases indicated. Reuter.
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  • 123 913 Port Swettenham Pier.—The new passenger jetty at Port Swettenham is almost completed. The iron-work extending from the pier to the pontoon has been fixed in position and only the decking boards have to lie put on. This will be completed in two or three days. Tin Shipment. s.
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  • 23 913 —The new instruments for the Penang Band will arrive from Messrs. Boosey A Co. by the a. s. Palawan next week.
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  • 34 913 —Owing to a small pox on l>oard the s.a. Taroba, which arrived here this morning from Madras, she was ordered to the Quarantine anchorage and the passengers despatched to the Quarantine Camp.
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  • 120 913 Penang, 19th October. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4, 5 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4|| 3 Credit 3 Documentary.. 2/4* J Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’sight Private 17o< Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173$ 3 days’sight Privare 176 Madras, Demand Bank
    120 words
  • 219 913 Gold Leaf $64.60 Black Pepper stock White Pepper 27.50 buyers Trang Pepper 20. nom. Cloves 42. nominal Mace 108— nominal Pickings 106 sellers Nutmegs 110 s. 29 sellers f No. 1 8 20 saleSugar < 2 810 sal-s (.Basket 5.10 nom. Copra (mixed) 11 30 nom. Tahbun 190.
    219 words
  • Page 913 Advertisements
    • 328 913 EUROPEAN AGENCY, Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists’’ Sundries China, Earthenware and Glassware Cycles, Motors and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery and Metals, Jewellery, Plate and Watches, Photographic and Optical Goods, Provisions and Oilmen’s Stores, etc., etc. Commission 2|
      328 words

  • Page 914 Advertisements
    • 704 914 FOR SJkLE. Notes on the management of Cattle m India and Ceylon and their diseases." CONTENTS. Hint- n feeding cattle and the respective f their diff~- T t Grooming and exercise health of 1 i’tie and indications of Health .o. :> cattle (3) -''■'ll» and sheds for cattle and dis
      704 words
    • 470 914 < > J i W W J! bewildering headaches Are Not Woman’s Birthright, Nor Are They A Malady Which Must Be Endured. HAVE YOU A HEADACHE TO-DAY ?If so e rn the Cure recorded below. The facts of Mrs. Richard’*2 kt m fr m you that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills
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  • Page 915 Advertisements
    • 217 915 I The CRITERIONJ>RESS, Ltd. I ESTABLISHED 1883. 1 PRINTERS PURLISHERS. Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO’’ and “SIN POE.” I The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and I lithographers in the Orient. i I mj Our plant is of the very latest pattern and by con- s H stantly supplementing our
      217 words