The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 13 October 1911

Total Pages: 20
1 897 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. >l5 Per Annum. Single Cop}, 40 cents. Vol. V. Penang, Friday, 13th OCTOBER, 1011. No. 41.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 217 1 CONTENTS. 1 J 1 i i I' Leaders page. v Sports The Comic Spirit 880 5 x tl. nun 1 1 X’ -n League FocCball: Free School »>•. 2 The Old Order and the hew 888 r Crescent «80 > De Profeet Van Het Oosten 885 m 5 P. C.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 154 2 1 I 1 THE I STRAITS ECHO fl MAIL EDITION. 1 I s fl Sb I 1 Published the day prior to the departure of each mall -fl 9 -for Europe, and contains «he latest local and States 1 news originally published in the daily issues, as well as 9
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  • 873 880 It was rather gratifying to come across some quotations from an article in the Atlantic Monthly, urging the beneficent use of the Comic Spirit in religion. When we made our a priori discovery of the sense of humoyr in the Nazarene, the idea was original, although about
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  • 612 880 I ree School rx. Crescent. lhe I roe School and the Crescent met »m tjie former s ground yesterday evening ami p.ayed iff their League Fixture. The weather wa< line ami a large crowd watched the match. Both teams were well repreaent«<d and the game fist and
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  • Page 880 Advertisements
    • 424 880 W smm mink A Journal for Educated Folk. Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226 —232 Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) .$l5 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343
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  • 33 881 Swartz Fined. Swartz, alias Dumont, who was arrested at Penang, was charged at Singapore with cheating the Raffles Hotel of $356. He was fined $lOO or six months’ imprisonment. Echo Special.
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  • 37 881 282 Deaths in a Week. 282 deaths took place in Singapore during the week ended September 30. Cholera was responsible for 33 deaths (11 imported), n alaria for 48, and phthisis for 30. Echo Special.
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  • 21 881 Everitt—Coxter. The engagement is announced of Mr. C. Everitt, the Singapore lawyer, and Miss Elsie Coxter of Abingdon. Echo Special.
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  • 17 881 Singapore Score. Shooting for the Walker Trophy, Singapore made a score of 174. Echo Special.
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  • 65 881 Coolie Attempts Suicide. At the Singapore Assizes four alleged gang robliers were discharged upon which a coolie who had $6OO stolen from him and thinking that his money was totally lost rushed at the European constable, snatched his bayonet, and attempted to commit suicide. He was
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  • 40 881 Master and Owner Fined. Captain Mason, master of the Hong Moh, and Lim Peng Soon, owner, were fined $250 and costs at Singapore for carrying 260 passengers more than the vessel was certified to carry. Echo Special.
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  • 28 881 At Sungei Nipah. On the Sungei Nipah track a tiger ate a Chinaman. He returned to the KILL AND DRAGGED IT INTO THE JUNGLE. Echo Special.
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  • 28 881 Reuter. Braid Wins £.400 Tournament. At Walton Heath, in the News <f the IVnrhl X4OO golf tournament, Braid beat Ray in the final tie by one up.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 74 881 licuter. Conversations Still Delayed. A telegram from Berlin states that the resumption of the Moroccan conversation is still delayed presumably because the negotiators are occupied with the Tripoli question. A German Suggestion. The e ZeUutaj thinks that the moment is propitious to break the negotiations and end the
    licuter.  -  74 words
  • 124 881 Reuter. Anniversary Celebrated. Arrests of Monarchist suspects and domiciliary visits continue. The anniversary of the proclamation of the republic was celebrated at Lisbon and Oporto. The President reviewed the troops at Lisbon. Which To Believe It is impossible to ascertain facts concerning the Portuguese Monarchist rising. Official telegrams
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 497 881 Reuter. Moslems Meet in London. B iron Lamington presided at a meeting of Moslems in London in support of Turkey on the Tripoli question. A letter from Ameer Ali was read, protesting against Italy’s aggression but deprecating inflammatory language and dwelling on Turkey’s magnanimity. Bombardment. A telegram from
    Reuter.  -  497 words
  • 32 881 31 acres=s47s. A three and a quarter acre site 1| miles from the coast was sold by auction at Port Dickson for $475. The upset price was $BO. Echo Special.
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  • 53 881 Reuter. Will Lead To Imperial Union. Mr. Alfred Lyttelton, speaking at Selkirk, said that the attempt by Great Britain to maintain a single-handed maritime ascendancy would inevitably end in a few years in a real union between Great Britain and the Dominions, and d fence was the condition
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 47 881 Reuter. To Replace Empress of China.” The Canadian Pacific Steamship Company announces the building of a steamer to replace the Empress of China which was wrecked off Japan on July 27. The new vessel will be twice as large as the Empress of China.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 168 881 Minister Shot At. A telegram from Vienna states that an attack was made on the Minister of Justice in the lower house of the Reichsrath severe sentences on the rioters of the 18t i and 19tn September. This provoked a heated scene during which a man in
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  • 180 881 Necrology. Joseph Bell. The death has taken place at the age of 74 of Joseph Bell, m.d f.r.c s., an Edinburgh Surgeon. He was the original ef Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes.” Reuter. Necrology. Maj.-Gen. Sir John Charles Hoad. A telegram from Melbourne states th it, the death has taken place,
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  • 1223 882 26th—29th July, 1911. Written for the Echo by One Who Was There The University of London gave shelter to a unique congress of the chief races of the world, which met in July from 26—29 this year under the presidency of Lord Weardale. The dreams of
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  • 814 882 The following extract is from Mr. G. E. Shaw's monograph on Rice Planting. > N URSKBIES The propitiatory ceremony over the real work of the cultivator begins. His first concern is his seed-grain, which, if he is a careful planter, he has selected at the last year's harvest
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  • Page 882 Advertisements
    • 60 882 Isffereri Take Notice. There is no necessity of your being constantly annoyed by a tickling in the throat which keeps you coughing a’ u q disturbs your sleep and rest. A do«* or two of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will rub the phlegm *‘lien is the cause of tin* trouble and
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  • 224 883 Three Chinamen named Koh Ah Bong, Moh Tak and Chin Ah Lan were charged before the District tludge yesterday with having in their possession, for sale, waist belts to which a false trade description was applied. The accused claimed to be tried. Mr. Harris appeared for the
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  • 78 883 Tin Shipment.—Messrs. Behr Co. have shipped 50 tons of tin to London by the s.s. Kamo Mani. Tin Ore. —The s. s. Janet Nicoll and the s. s. Hole Canton brought 230 and 475 piculs of tin ore respectively. Cheating the Gallows.—Mohamed bin Haji Salleh, a prisoner condemned
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  • 2270 883 An article with this heading in Thursday’s Strait# Time# provokes us to attempt a retraverse of the same ground, i 1 the hope of circulating at least as much truth as it seems to us to offer of error. Its leading proposition is that
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  • Page 883 Advertisements
    • 67 883 Werth Twenty limes Its Cost. < )ne bottle of Chamlw plain’s Colic, Ch deia and Diarrhoea Remedy goes a long v. ay toward relieving sufferii g humanity. I is better than any doctor’s prescription, and worth twenty times its c< st incases of diarrhoea, cramp toli or dy.-eiitery, which are
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  • 28 884 n t z-. Two Items. t aptam irv-T 1»..., i A-D.C t 11. E. t ,o the Sin r v Poking concert bv XgEr Volun,eera Echo Special.
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  • 17 884 »111.540. Ite K.og „-d Memorial Fund now amounts to $111,5 pj. Echo Special.
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  • 40 884 For Throwing away Postal Articles. oulong, the postman charged with throwing away ,postal articles, was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment at the Singapore Assizes His defence was tint the articles dropped out of a dilapidated bag. Echo Special.
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  • 58 884 Krani s Lateness Saves Lives. Three large godowns in Robertson Quav, 'Singapore, in the occupation of the East Asiatic Company collapsed. The krani being late the coolies had not yet smarted work, otherwise it is certain there would have lieen many deaths. The cause is said to
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  • 66 884 Governor Party To Go Up. Sir Arthur and Lady Young, MajorGeneral T. E. Stephenson, Colonel Livington and a party are going up to Tringganu on Saturday to present the King’s Coronation Honour to the Sultan. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Brockman are going up by the Seabelle.
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  • 23 884 Renter. For Defensive Purposes. Steps are lieing taken to form a federation of London manufacturers for defensive purposes against strikes.
    Renter.  -  23 words
  • 37 884 H eider Leads Tc An Arrest. A telegram from Bombay stites that Bepinchandrapal, on ar.iving from England, was arrested for pul hihing ous literature entitled The Etiology of the B >mb in Bengal.”
    H eider  -  37 words
  • 36 884 Etid‘ r. Latent Betting. The latest betting on the C_>-. uez. <’ h is as follows Mira lor 5 to 1 agst. Martingale 10 1 Papavoro Willony wo Declare Dalmatian 1 0 7 Fort 100 3
    Etid‘ r.  -  36 words
  • 97 884 Reuter. Strong Force Crosses The Frontier. A j fr>in Li-Lm states that it is rum- ured a strong R >valii«t force has cros-». 1 the frontier near Bragauza. News Admitted At Lisbon. A telegram fr mi Lisbon admits that 20» Royalists had crossed the frontier under Captain
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 562 884 Reuter. Greek Mobilisation. Greece has mobilised two Imttalions on the frontier in response to the Turkish mobilisation in the Epirus (N. XV. of Greece). Ultimatum Withdrawn. A telegram from ‘Corfu states that the Italian ultimatum of October 4 has liecn withdrawn in an official despatch. Italian Elag Hoisted.
    Reuter.  -  562 words

  • 156 885 Advance Figures for Seven Months. The advance statement of the export of tin from the Federated Malay States during the months January to September, 1911, as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year is as follows: Total Tin. Increase or Decrease: 1911. 1910. 4-or— Pkls.
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  • 142 885 The September output of The Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited, was 360 pikuls. Heawood 285 pikuls, net revenue $998 Kamuning 709 piks. Fusing Bharu sbo Siputeh 291 Tributers 370 Sungei Gau... 71 The output of clean ore from the Kinta Association, Ltd., was:—mine 300 pkls., tribute 646 pkls., total
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  • 23 885 Tin Shipment. 8.8. Assays. Messrs. Behr Co. 75 tons of tin to London. Messrs. Macbeth Barrett €0 slabs tin to London.
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  • 964 885 He is an agreeable and charming fellow, the Prophet of the East, and he gives his address vaguely as Singapore. He writes to the Medan journal, De Sumatra Post of Oct. 4th, and he cheers us up immensely. Our contemporary was cheered also. He gave
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  • 420 885 Complainant attempts to commit suicide. On Thursday afternoon a sensation was caused in the Supreme Court when the jury acquitted four men charged with gang robbery. Four Chinese were charged with having committed gang robbery, stealing from a coolie from Sarawak, on his way to
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  • 976 886 And the Echo-mak. p r> Perin, the Professor of Palmistry, is here. To him the future is as open as the nahn of one’s hand. He foretold the a»sasiination of President McKinley, and of the Empress of Austria. These achievements are recorded in the greater newspapers, phis morning
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  • 95 886 Rembia:— 2,1001 b». Krubong:— 769 Hay tor: —Sept. 1,642 lbs.; 10,492 lbs. for the year. Pelepah Valley 1,650 lbs. Kola Tinggi— 1,135 Agents Guthrie and Co. Por Dickson: 2,640 Kanaboi: —nine 20 pkls Tribute 2H2 79 pk’» Totil 392 79 pkls. Pegoh Ld. 12,050 lbs. Kempas:—
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  • 73 886 The Commissioner, Trade and Customs, FM.S, intimates that the prices for the period ’from October 6 to 19, inclusive, of cultivated rubber on whi h exjiort duty is leviable in the F.M S. on an ad valorem basis are as under Sheet and biscuit W'* C- r
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  • 97 886 Alarm Not Warranted. The ilarm over the cholera outbreak at Klumpur is unnecessary as the authorities are -till uncertain what the disease is. The .If If of last Saturday says: Two more deaths from cholera have occurred at Kuala Lumpur and two cholera cases an* being treated.
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  • 29 886 Appointed Matron of European Hospital. Miss Reeve, Matron of the General Hospital, Klumpur, has lieen promoted Matron of the European Hospital vice Miss Houghton, retire*!. Echo Special.
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  • 50 886 Adventures By The Way. lhe foot ball team from Klumpur ou the way to Klang on Saturday in a motor-bus, got stuck at tie Purhang Swamp. A relief bus sent from Klumpur also got stuck. The team got through and returned at 3 am. Echo Special.
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  • 65 886 Large Attendance of Officials. At the banquet given by the Sultan of Johore in honour of his birthday there was a large attendance of officials. The Datoh Muntri proposed the toast to the Sultan who replied regretting that he was unable to be prewnt at. tlie banquet
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  • 74 886 Transfer Scheme. lhe Pegoh transfer scheme to Lmdon io as follows The nominal capital wdl £250,090 in pound shares of which XI 11,600 will l>e issued for tlie present, £99,000 in shares will l>« paid to Pegoh Ltd and the remainder offered in London at ten shillings a share.
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  • 28 886 Hauler. Dreadnought Launched. A telegram from St. Petersburg states that the Russian Dreadnought Gawj >ut has been launched. She is a vessel v f 25,000 tons.
    Hauler.  -  28 words
  • 18 886 K'tter. Labour Ministry Formed. A telegram from Perth states that a Ixtlstur Ministry has Ijfjen farmed.
    K'tter.  -  18 words
  • 40 886 E'>dcr. Presented With A T estimonial. A telegram from Nairobi states that the Hon. Galbraith Cole, who was d<»(Mxted t ha* left British East Afri a. A large crowd bale him farewell and gav.- him a testimonial.
    E'>dcr.  -  40 words

  • 42 887 Reuter. September Returns. The exports for September show a decrease of £145,007. Wool decreased by <£144,668; cotton increased <£615,919. The imports show an increase of •£2,153,501, of which the cotton increase was £567,368 wool <£26,839 and the silk increase <£59,726.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 22 887 Reuter. Result. The by-election at North Tyrone resulted as follows Russell (Liberal) 3,104 Herdman (Unionist) 3,086 Liberal Majority 18
    Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 60 887 Reuter. Result. Following was the result of the race for the Duke of York Stakes Trepida 1 Mustapha... 2 Knight of Honour 3 Eleven ran. Won by one an<f a half lengths five lengths between second and third. S.P. 8 to 1 agst. Trepida, 7 to
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 37 887 Reuter. Spanish Losses At Melilla. A telegram from Madrid states that the newspapers contain confused accounts of heavy fighting in the Melilla hinterland and serious Spanish losses. The Moorish Minister of War is personally directing operations.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 39 887 Reuter. Borden to Form a Cabinet. A telegram from Ottawa states that Earl Grey, Governor General of Canada, lias summoned Sir F. W. Borden and that the latter has accepted the task of f irming a Cabinet.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 38 887 Reuter. 6,000 Seceded. A telegram from Southampton states that 6,000 members seceded from the Southampton branch of the Sailors’ and Firemen’s I nion. They allege unsatisfactory management and have formed a Biitish Seafarers’ Union.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 27 887 Reuter. One Month’s Imprisonment. A telegram from Bombay states that Chandra Pal who pleaded guilty to publishing seditious literature has been imprisoned for a month.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 79 887 Reuter. Juristic Zeal Delays Negotiations. A telegram from Berlin states that the few remaining points of difference as regards Morocco are being keenly contested. The papers say that the prospect of a speedy settlement are receding. The delay is mainly due to the zeal of the juristic specialists. Negotiations
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 34 887 Reuter. Staaf Declines Office. A telegram from Stockholm states that the Liberal, Staaf, who formed a Ministry of Socialists on the Ist inst. has declined to be represented on the Government.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 33 887 Reuter. Another Accident to Beaumont. A telegram from Bheims states that M. Beaumont, who broke his leg on July 26, was internally injured owing to premature descent while testing a military aeroplane.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 139 887 Reuter. Ministerial Pronouncement. Mr. Herbert Samuel, Postmaster General, speaking at Belfast said that the Government will not flinch from their resolution to carry Home Rule. The rights of the Ulster protestants will be amply safeguarded. Balfour At Haddington. Mr. A. J Balfour, speaking at Haddington, sai l that
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 289 887 Reuter. At Vinhaes. It is rumoured that a Royalist column at Vinhaes was surrounded by Republican troops. Royalist Defeat. According to a telegram from Lisbon the Government de lares that 8,0 0 troops on the frontier would be sufficient to restore order. A band of Royalists
    Reuter.  -  289 words
  • 46 887 Reuter. And Masters Reply. Owing to the refusal of two non-Unionists to join the Union all the workers at the Yatefield Mill, Burnley, went on strike on Wednesday. The Spinners’ Association in North anti North-East Lancashire, replied threatening a lock out involving 150,000.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 373 887 Reuter. Enthusiasm in Italy. The troops leaving the garrisons at Rome and elsewhere to join the expeditionary force are objects of frenzied enthusiasm. Senor Giolitti, who has arrived at Turin to fulfil a political engagement, was met by crowds who acc aimed him as a “second Cavour.” Italian
    Reuter.  -  373 words

  • 384 888 7th October. An additional appointment has been made to Class I of the Civil Service and it has been conferred on Mr. J. R. C. Aidworth, who will be known as the Protector of Labour, F.M.S. 1 understand that legislation is in contemplation to define the duties and
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  • 123 888 Progress in Kelantan. The Kelantan correspon lent of the M day Mail writing from Kota Bharu, says On Sept. 26th the British Adviser, Director, Works and Surveys, the General Manager and Traffic Manager, and Construction Engineer, left Tumpat te take -t -amer to Singapore on the following
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  • 270 888 bjTof i'ia l>ro 1 462 2 S S 1 orw brought 4 Co" f Cement fOT Ue rB R T Explosives.—The AV.i r i i■ i i rwhich amved this morning, has 95 tons of explosives on board. General Cargo. s.s. Freienftl» 275 tons. s.B. Namur .pjq Coal.
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  • 1343 888 “Young Revolutionary” has written us a letter of very boyish abuse, concerning a reference we recently made (in answer to a Perak correspondent) to Chinese revolutionaries in the Straits. He shows some knowledge of English history, and we cannot help thinking that an extra year at the Mandarin School
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  • 25 889 Quoits Tor kn am ent. Following were the results of the ties played off yesterday. Championth <p. Neubrunner beat Cunningham, 15—3. Dunn l>eat Harrison.
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  • 123 889 The following is the result of the semifinal round for Mr. Justice Thornton’s prize. Mrs. Peterkin—l6 beat Mrs. Edwards 4 by 6& 5. Mrs. Martin 8 beat Mrs. Macbeth —24 by 6 5. Central Finn Station Alterations.— Mr. Justice Thornton gave his decision yesterday in regard to
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  • 411 889 Club Spoon (Handicap.) X R-1 E-* Miss Smith 79 33 34 58 Mrs. Liston -82 32 34 46 Miss Junes ’BO 32 3440 Miss Birch ‘BB 30 34’40 Mrs. Wright-Motion *29 34 34 29 Miss Starr -84 30 34 20 Miss Thornton... ...Scratch 34 34 Miss Huxley 79 30
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  • 370 889 Bth October Miss V elge, a daughter of Mr VnL,o Sultan of Perak’s Englkb clerk,' il as a private tutor to teach English to th* Jjrl members of the Royal Household of Perak There was a fatal case of small rmv the P.W I). Tamil eooiies in during
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  • 272 889 This is the Malay legend in regard to the origin of padi Adam and Hawa, our first parents, say the Malays, had two sons and two daughters. The daughters, to whom they gave precedence, were Normani and Aski: the sons were Soorbani and Aknini. The earth did
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  • Page 889 Advertisements
    • 62 889 Worth Twenty Times Its Cost. One bottle of Chamberlain’s Coli'\ Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy goes a long way toward relieving suffering humanity. It is better than any doctor’s prescription, and worth twenty times its cost incases of diarrhoea, cramp colic or dysentery, which are liable to come on suddenly at
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  • 571 890 Reuter, 'Turkish Reserves Mobilised. A telegram from Salonika states that the Turkish Government is mobilising various classes of reserves giving an additional 42,000 men to the villayet of Salonika alone, BD d commandeering carts wholesale. Bulgaria’s Protest. Four Turkish battalions have left Monastir for Mlassona The Daily Chronicle
    Reuter,  -  571 words
  • 178 890 Reuter. Skirmishing at Vinhaes. A telegram from Lisbon st ites that skirmishing itf proceeding in the vicinity of Vinhaes. The losses are unknown. Minister of War Resigns. A telegram from Lisbon states that the Portuguese Minister of War has resigned office. The Government has asked the President
    Reuter.  -  178 words
  • 60 890 Reuter. The Fight At Melilla. The fighting at Melilla was the result of a fresh advance into the interior. It is officially stated that the enemy was routed after a ten hours’ battle. The Spanish losses were considerable. The m cement aimed at securing certain strategical positions before the
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 30 890 Reuter. King George V Launched. The Seventh Super-Diead nought, King George V, was laun died at Portsmouth. She is a vessel of 21,660 Uns. Princess Christian christened her.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 31 890 Reul- r. Albany Beats Jack Arnst. Iu the sculling match from Putney to Mortlake for £5O a side Albany b-at J v*k Arnst, the English Champion’s brother, by three lengths.
    Reul- r.  -  31 words
  • 22 890 Re'der. Being Edited by Morley. Lord Morley and Professor E. B. England are editing the letter? the lat« George Meredith.
    Re'der.  -  22 words
  • 132 890 Reuter. Praise and Blam*. The Unionist pq*TH w-komfl Mr. B ilfour’s enunciation of his policy. particularly Mm proininen-* giv-n to tariff reform They d-ncritie hi- constructive policy, embracing also a reform 1 second Chamber, a multiplication of sin ill land ownerships and reform of th»* p >or law
    Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 162 890 Messrs. Whittali and Co. write: —We are advised by cable that the directors of this company have issued a circular to shareholders as the exceptionally dry weather experienced this year has had a very noticeable effect on the crop, it has been considered necessary to rest
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  • 180 890 General Cargo. s.s. Coen 170 tons. 8.8. Num Sang 800 tons. Ten. —Messrs. Boustead <t Co. are shipping 20 tons of tin to Genoa by the s.s. Gneiecnau. Mr. George Maxwell, Adviser to the Kedah Government, accompanied by Mrs. Maxwell arrive*! her from Alor Star yesterday afternoon. They
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  • Page 890 Advertisements
    • 37 890 Spraim. Sprains require careful treatuxmt. Keep qm< 4ii l [plv Chamlw-rkiin h Pun Balm !r—lv It will remove tie, soreiu-ss and <iu. kly restore the |*irt« L> <» healthy condition I *>r sale by ail Dii]**nsarien and iJeaier».
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  • 1271 891 —T. U. AL You never heard of him perhaps, byt he is a great min. He landed in Rangoon as a Civil Service cadet on February 4th 1886, and he retires from the Service this year. Last month Methuen published a remarkable book by him, called East
    —T. U. AL  -  1,271 words
  • 102 891 Reuter. Escape of The Darjeeling Mail. A telegram from Calcutta states ft 7 Sunday night a deliberate attempt wj" near Saidpurte wreck the I>a r j.«|’’ mail which was crowded with g including high Police official, Calcutta after the holidays. Eighteen W of rail was removed.
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 65 891 Reuter. Borden's New Ministry. Sir F. W. Borden has formed his Cabinet. It includes as Minister of Works the Nationalist, Monk, who is opposed to a Canadian Navy and Canadian participation in British foreign affairs. The other offices were filled as follows; Minister of Customs Reid Finance White
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 17 891 Reuter. Date of Opening. The Panama Canal will be opened to traffic in July, 1913.
    Reuter.  -  17 words
  • 17 891 Reuter. In London. Their Majesties the King and Queen returned to London from Balmoral.
    Reuter.  -  17 words
  • 63 891 Union Victory. The lock-out of Octolier 7 has been aveited. The non-Unionists have j dined the Union. Reuter. 'On October 7 Reuter wired Owing to the refusal of two non-Unionists to join the Union all the workers at the Yutefield Mill, Burnley, went on strike on Wednesday. The
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  • 120 891 Reuter, Redmond At Swindon. Mr. John Redmond, speaking at Swindon, said that nobody asked for a repeal of the Union Act but merely for a subordinate Parliament, similar to the twenty-eight already existing in the Empire, which has everywhere created loyalty, contentment, an l prosperity. The Religious
    Reuter,  -  120 words

  • 422 892 Reuter. Italians in Turkey. A teDgram from Rome states it is officially announced that at the request of Baron Marschall von Bieberstffin, German Ambassador at Constantinople, the Porte has suspended the expulsion of the Italians. Bulgarian Protest. A telegram from Sofia says that the Bulgarian Government has requested
    Reuter.  -  422 words
  • 97 892 RenJcr. New War Minister. Silveira, Chief of the Lisbon Police, has been appointed Minister of War. Pursuit of Royalists. The latest from Portugal is that the Royalist band is still in the north-west of Vinhaes one and a half miles from the frontier. The Republican force is pursuing All
    RenJcr.  -  97 words
  • 74 892 Progress of Negotiations. A tffiegrun fn.m p K rlin FaVB that t ig stated that the first part of the n gotiations, concerning the status of Morocco h.ui been concluded. Au agreement in regard to that has already been initialed but the formal signature of the parties concerned
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  • 533 892 More War Talk. Although travelling incog., Mr. Doolev” was discovered in Penang, and pressed to say something about the Turco-Italian War, as enlightening as his utterances on other wars. 'Tis imposhible,” he said, for th’ ravson thot I’m still waitin’ fer war to shtart. Thrue for
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    • 289 892 To iiii a o» ihi stbaits Ecao. Dear Sir, I shall lie much obliged if you will let me have a small space m your 'valuable paper. It has been a week ami more since the damage to one of the ferro-concrete pier* of Butterworth Jetty, a
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  • 130 892 Tin.—Messrs. Behn, Meyer Co. are shipping 20 tons of tin Trieste by the ss. Gneitenau. Jin Ore—l be ss. Holt Cai/o/i ami the h.s. Pegu, which arrival here yesterday, brought 675 and 900 piculs of tin ore respectively. General Cargo. *.s. Gneisenatt 75 s.s. Thongwa due to-morrow 150
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  • 78 892 Export <4 tin from Perak for Hen. ternlMT. 1911, (exclusive Upper Per.Ai Adv in<*e figures liaLH to correction Block tin PikuU 7.562 Kattie. St I more 29,475 0» Huty 1426.946.4 ft. Da C. E In- hr ant, Ute resident medical officers of the Oriental Rubl»er Ge. Ltd .of
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  • 1511 893 The observations of aconsi lerable of years have yielded us an it*iin of empirical knowledge which we l>eg leave to present a« a reputable fact. It is that the number of men who, on patting a strange dog, remark All dogs take to me,” is greater than the number
    1,511 words
  • 485 893 French Pereumes and Japanese Imitations. Yesterday at 4.30 Judge Hall gave his decision in the case which his been going on from day to day, the case in which Oh Jin of Chop Ban Ho Seng was charged on two counts with having for sale goods bearing
    485 words

  • 52 894 September Output. Mines’ Output Sale 11-9-11 Pls. 193.65 558.77 511,380.81 Do. 25-9-11 204.06 54 53 11,127.39 Do. (Bee. Sept.) 5-10-11 152.06 57.56 8,752.57 Do. do. do. 16.97 47.50 806.0/ 532,066.81 Pls. 566.74 Working Expenses 510,106.30 Provision for outstanding accounts 1,000.00 12% Tribute to Lessors 3,848.02 514,954.32 Estimated
    52 words
  • 184 894 A meeting of the subscrilwrs to the Province Wellesley Coronation Fund called was held on Tuesday, at the Butterworth Recreation Club. The accounts were presented by the Hon: Treasurer and on his proposal, seconded by Mr. Nunn, were passed. It was decided that the wire netting purchased
    184 words
  • 154 894 —M M. Tin Ore. —The s.s. Ban Whatt Soon brought 511 bags of tin ore. Dishonest Tramway Conductor. De Silva, a Singbalee, employed in the Municipal Tramways as a conductor was charged liefore the District Judtre this morning with (i) criminal breach of trust, and (ii) cheating in
    —M M.  -  154 words
  • 24 894 r Mergui Report. Ibe report M( r E f 15 h G l irl v oil be tappable m Mav, 19,2 Echo Special.
    24 words
  • 116 894 Presentation Ce emony. E. Sir Arthur loung who went to trengganu to present the Sultan with the insignia of the K.C.M.G., which the King conferred upon him on the occasion of his coronation, has returned to Singapore. Kuala Trengganu was reached on Monday. The Seamew was
    116 words
  • 38 894 83 Piculs Sold. At the rubber auction at Singapore the highest prices fetched were Smoked Sheet $213 per picul. Sheet 247 Scrap Crepe 227 Scrap 216 Eighty-eight piculs of plantation rubber were sold. Echo Special.
    38 words
  • 149 894 lleuler. Result. Following was the result of the race for the Cesarewitch Stakes (2| miles) which was run at Newmarket yesterday Willonyx 9st. 51b. (1) Martingale II 7st. 41b. (2) Papavero Gst. 81b. (3) Mirador 7st. 111 b. (4) 8p.9 to 2 agst. Willonyx, 6 to 1 agst. Martingale
    lleuler.  -  149 words
  • 82 894 IS. "Ur. Haldane. Lord Haldane, speaking at Aberdeen, said We have passed a cris s unex tinpFd in foreign allairs. We should l«e -ympathetu towards nations like Germany and Italy who have not had our opportunities for territorial acquisition but at the saint* time we had to consider
    IS. "Ur.  -  82 words
  • 192 894 Reuter. Campaign in Full Swing. Iho Home Rule Campaign is in full Illg. there wore demonstrations against it at Dublin and Gla-i/ow. addre-sed respectively by Sir E. Carson and Mr. F E. Smith The demonstration in favour of Home Rule at lute Chapel was addressed bv Mr. John
    Reuter.  -  192 words
  • 54 894 Reuter. To Settle Trade Disputes. It is officially announced that the Government has established an Industrial Council, representative of employers and workmen, to supplement the Board of Trade for settling trade disputes. The Council has no compulsory powers. Sir G. R Askwith w the Chairman, with the title
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 49 894 R-uler. Favoured by the Labour Party. Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, in a letter to a correspondent, said that it was a mistake to think the Lalioiir jxirty was op|tosed to the Insurance Bill. There were two or three dissentients but the party generally would vote for its adoption.
    R-uler.  -  49 words
  • 27 894 Iteuler. Validity To Be Texted. The Hon. Galbraith Cole is instituting proceedings in order to test the validity of his deportation from South Africa
    Iteuler.  -  27 words
  • 23 894 Reuter. Departing Governor-General. A telegram from Ottawa states that thousands at the station c tvend Earl Grey on his <l>*|nrturw for England.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 34 894 Reuter. I rogrexx of Negotiation». A telegram from Berlin states tint an agreement, granting Fram e a free hand m Monxsco, has Ixmju initiated. Negotiations in regaid te compensation b» German v continue
    Reuter.  -  34 words

  • 314 895 Reuter. Maltese Refugees Returning. A telegram from Malta states that 450 Maltese refugees are returning to Trijxjli to-day. Provisions for Tripoli. A telegram from Rome states that the Italian government has sent a transport with provisions to feed the inhabitants in Tripoli who are starving. Turks Attack Italian
    Reuter.  -  314 words
  • 150 895 Reuter. Revolutionaries Hold the City. A telegram from Hankow states that the revolutionaries killed the commander of the troops with a bomb, burned the Viceroy’s and the Treasurer's Yamens, and now hold Wu :hang. Foreigners Safe. They have issued a proclamation exhorting their followers not to harm foreigners.
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 255 895 A Comparison of DeathRates. The following paper by Dr. W. Marshall Philip, the Medical Officer of Health, Colombo, was laid on the table at a recent meeting of the Colombo Municipal Council: Although the death-rates of the several large port towns in the Tropical East may not be strictly comparable,
    255 words
  • 126 895 Penang, 12t« October. By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 4 months’ sight Bank 2/44-J- 3 Credit 2/4 4 3 Documentary.. ’aHm, Demand Bank R< 174| 3 days’ sight Private 1’,6 loin ba v. tWind Ban’ 174 J Moulmtun, Demand Hard- 1 3* 3 days’ sight Priva.f.
    126 words
  • 219 895 Gold Leaf 561.60 Black Pepper stock White Pepper 28 sales Trang Pepper 20.— notn. Cloves 42. nominal Mace ...108 nominal Pickings 105 sales Nutmegs 110 s. 25 tales No. 1 8 2 sales Sugar < 2 810 salt s (.Basket 5.10 noot. Copra (mixed) IL— fTahbun ion J
    219 words
  • Page 895 Advertisements
    • 34 895 A Good Rule. Make u a mle of your home to keep < 'hamber lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints. For -ale by all 1 fispeus.. ries and Dvalurs.
      34 words
    • 117 895 1 I AC w 1 1 wHIOih |ih'j I: I |fl Idl “I F |V BI) I a M SI? I You Cannot Rub Rheumatics. Out Of The System Because The Cause Is Poisoned Blood. Dispel The Poison-Cura The Pains, As Mr. Opitz did, with Dr. William's Pink Pill»The cause
      117 words

  • Page 896 Advertisements
    • 741 896 «I a in charge of the Govern xir LJ a Kvr Previl Store here at Tjilatjap” W. MANSON. HURA/YrTT» Mr< Of “and rny duty comp ’wvxw, aw uj Cldß ctefi harbour every night in > Dentist boat. J was through making this THE ONnnw A<< lD A K < r
      741 words

  • Page 897 Advertisements
    • 238 897 The. CRITERIONJJRESS, Ltd. I g ESTABLISHED 1883. I PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. I Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO” and “SIN POE.” I g The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and I B lithographers in the Orient. 1 Ig Our plant is of the very latest pattern and by con- I fl stantly
      238 words