The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 6 October 1911

Total Pages: 26
1 880 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. ||s Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 cents. Vol. V. Penang, Friday, 6th OCTOBER, 1911. No. 40.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 188 1 CONTENTS. X X X -r X X Leaders: page. Planting A M ining (Coidd page Adversaria 857 871 Rubbe r 870 lor Sunday Study 860 Rice Planting 873, 874 A 878 s Our Water Supply 860 The Rahman Tin Company, Limited 873 x The Week End 863 The Tronoh Mines,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 152 2 I STRAITS ECHO < MAIL EDITION. I J J Published the day prior to the departure of each ma.l f .for Europe, and contains ihe latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, as well as all important news from various parts of the Far Last, I
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  • 2270 857 Bishop Welldon addressing the British Association made some interesting points regarding the principles of education. One was the need for equality of opportunity as between rich and poor. He was trenchant concerning the use of scholarships by people who could afford to relinquish them in favour of poorer candidates.
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  • Page 857 Advertisements
    • 424 857 03 3T2A173 A Journal for Educated Folk. if. SOM* L>. ’tufelF Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) at the CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226 —232 Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. tt Oatstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS: ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo)
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  • 685 858 P. C. C. iM. Govt. Wharves. The League match between the P. C. C. and the Govt. Wharves was played off yesterday on the Esplanade Iwfore a large crowd of spectators. Both teams were well represented. Mr. W.E. Mann officiated as referee and the teams lined up as
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  • 368 858 The directors’ report, signed by H Freeman and Tan Cheng Tee, to be present ed to the shareholders of Tambalak Rubber Estates, Limited, at the second ordinary general meeting to be held at Gresham House, Singapore, on October 3, states The directors have the honour to submit
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  • 79 858 General Cargo. s.s. Japan «00 tons from Hongkong. Tin Ore. —The s.s. Pin Seng brought 127 bags of tin ore. Tin Shipment. s.s. Idomeneus Messrs. Guthrie Co 500 tons to London. Boustead Co., 25 Behr Co., 100 Outward Shipment. Messrs. Paterson, Simons A Co. s. s. Sardinia. 80
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  • 853 859 ORDINARY MEETING. An Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Municipal Oflice yesterday afternoon when the following gentlemen were present: Mr. W. Peel |Afchesident), Mr. W. T. Chapman, Mr. G.N. Save and Mr. Quah Beng Kee with Mr. W. S. Dunn (Municipal Engineer) and Mr.
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  • 82 859 Reuter. Borden Welcomed. Sir Frederick William Borden, leader of the Conservative party in Canada, was welcomed at the most imposing political demonstration known. The torchlight procession was a mile long. His Speech. Sir Frederick Borden, in his speech, said that the demonstration markel not a political triumph but
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 44 859 Reuter. A Brave Priest. A telegram from Paris states that eljven were killed and nine injured in the acci lent to the motor bus which fell into the Seine. A priest rescue 1 six fellow passengerj by diving for them.
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  • 30 859 Hnutrr. Old Explosives Removed. A telegram from Paris states that the French Admiralty has ordered the removal from the warships of all expl<?sives xh p[>ed prior Vj 1912.
    Hnutrr.  -  30 words
  • 324 859 Re uter. Feeling In Italy. A*telegram from Milan states that largo Ikxlwb of troops have Iwien sent to Rome, Morence, Milan, and other cities to check the attempts of the Socialists and Anarchists t‘* provoke anti-militarist disorders. There was some rioting in Milan and hundreds of people were arrested.
    Re uter.  -  324 words
  • 121 859 Result. Following wa. tlie remilt of the rar# for the J «key Club stake. (I, whi h was run at Newmarket vesterdav Bted fast (F. Wootton)... Lemberg (O’Neill) Hair Trigger II (Rickaby) ,j Lycaon (Stern)... Cyrano (Clark) Reuter. Fiut—A Dre which took r,l*r. on Tuesday morning in
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  • 841 860 Digging in his garden, and pondering lhe matter of the segregation of avian vertebra», after unearthing a small skeleton, the man suddenly heard a happy voice, reciting When Adam delved, and Eve span Wfy) was then the gentleman The reciter came up to the fence and talked
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  • 1122 860 As we said a month or two ago, there is far too much water wasted in Penang, and we desire to encourage and assist our officials to check that waste, in any way we can. It will be better for the consumers in the long run, and
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  • 451 861 A Meeting of the Committee of the Confucius Temple Fund was held on Thursday »t tfie premises ef the Penang Mutual Improvement Association. Mr. Ong Hun Chong took the Chair and Mr. Gan Teong Tat acted as Secretary. The following sub-Comniittee was appointed to manage the play
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  • 491 861 H F Q Si r9 olu^ nn Speech. at ti T ir .A f tuur Young’s Budget address t the Legislative Council meeting takes six columns of the papers. The revenue for 1910 was $9 336 328 It m 73 n 96 ate Th fl tbat in r
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  • 19 861 Interim Dividend. The Sandycroft Rubber Estate ha*< declared an interim dividend of 30 js r cent. Echo Sjiecial.
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  • 24 861 Resumption of Goods Traffic. Goods traffic only wnll U* n -uined from Tank Road Station on the Siugap »re radway. Echo Spec
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  • 53 861 Captain and Doctor in Trouble. 1 The and doctor of the Russian hip Curonia ware charge i at Singapore with signing a false quarantine certificate stating that there was no rase of infection on board ship. This was untrue. They were let out on a l>ail of
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  • 20 861 £3OO Fine. Lee Cheng was fined $3OO at Singapore for being in possession of illicit chandu. Echo Special.
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  • 22 861 Shareholders Refuse to Sell to London. The shareholders of Jitnah Estate have refused to sell the estate to London. Echo Special.
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  • 55 861 Postmaster’s Statement. Mr. Herbert Samuel, Postmaster-General, is receiving a depu ation representing 70,000 postal employees. He denied that sweating nad increased and pointe 1 out that civil servants and outside workers, if a postal strike occurred in the country, would demand that measures lie taken to render
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  • 25 861 Lord Northeote. The death is announced at the age of 64 of 1/ord Northeote who was GovernorGeneral of Australia from 1903 to 1908. Reuter.
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  • 74 861 Reuter. To Take Place in Paris. The Spoiling Life sUtes that Wells has agreed to box Johnson at Paris un October 14. Champion’# A» novwcicmkwt. Johnson announces that he will retire from the ring on the completion of the present contracts. Ar Bow Street. The promoters of the
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 14 861 Renter. A Fiasco. The Irish railway strike was a complete fiasco.
    Renter.  -  14 words
  • 19 861 Reuter. At Cairo. Lord Kitchener has arrived at Cairo. 1!« was welcomed by huge cro*d» with unprecedented enthusiasm.
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  • 22 861 Reuter. Breaks Foreleg. The race horse Swynford, w bile exercising, broke it* near foreleg. 'Hieru is hope of rav-ug iu life.
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  • 983 862 Reuter. Italy's Decision. A telegram from Rome states that the Marquis San Guiliano, Italian Foreign Minister, on Tuesday night despatched a note to Constantinople reciting the Italian grieraaees, the constant Turkish hostility to Italian enterprises, and the disregard of all remonstrances respecting the disorder and neglect in Tripoli. The
    Reuter.  -  983 words
  • 35 862 Rauter. French Premier’s Assurance. A telegram from Paris states that M. Caillaux, the French Premier, assured a deputation of financiers that there was no fresh disagreement with Germany but only differences of phraseology. ReuUr.
    Rauter.  -  35 words
  • 108 862 T, Le v ts For Australia. Ihe English Cricketers have left for Australia. They had an enthusiastic send-off. Note.— The last place in the V ain for Austral;. to Vine, of Sussex. Assuming that he Hitch got permission, the side will consist of tha ft» thal 15
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  • 41 862 Reuter. “Indomitable” Replaces Minotaur.” JT. Jf. S. Indomitable replaces H M. S Minotaur as flagship of the China Fleet" in January. This is regarded as the first step towards the reconstitution of the British fleet in the Far East.
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 260 862 28th September. Mr. F.A.S. McClelland, Acting District Officer, Batang Padang, is going on three months’ leave early in October. During his absence Mr. M. B. Shelley, the Assistant District Officer, will act in addition to his own duties. Mr. W. Hoste, b.a., of Brighton, who is at present in
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  • 146 862 The “Imperator”. —The Vulcan Shipbuilding Company at Stettin has now for a full year been working on a new vessel for the Hamburg-America line, which will bear the name Imperator, and is, it is claimed, to be larger than any craft afloat. The vessel has a length of
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  • 769 863 (Before Mr. Judice Ebden) THE ASSIZES. Yeo Tian Pitt was charged with (i) forgery and (ii) using knowingly a forged document for the purpose of cheating. The accused claimed to be tried and Mr. P. J. Sproule, Solicitor-General, who conducted the case for the prosecution, in his opening
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  • 1079 863 Studying the proceedings at the Legislative Council, avoiding the rain, gossiping about the war between Italy and Turkey, and several Chinese weddings—that was the week end in our persp ctive. Those are the straws for to-day’s tale of bri -ks. After reading a dozen columns about the
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  • Page 863 Advertisements
    • 78 863 Rheumatism. Chronic rheumatism often attacks the larger joints. Internal treatment of any kind would be worse than useless, but by applying Chamberlain’s Pain Balm freely and Messaging the affected parts three times a day, a cure may be effected. It will afford some relief at once and by continuing the
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  • 47 864 Raffles Girls’ School Success. 11. E. Sir Arthur Young presented Miss Ethel Lea of the Rafll is Girls’ School, Singapore, with the Empire Cup and Lord Meath’s prize open to buys and girls under 14 in any primary school in the Empire. Echo Special.
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  • 40 864 Brigade's Good Work. A serious fire broke out at High Street, Klumpur, at 2 o’clock this morning. Seven shops were destroyed. A Ghee factory was only saved by the brilliant work of the Fire Brigade. Echo Special.
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  • 34 864 Reuter. Socialist Success. A Socialist has been elected to the Reichstag at the second ballot at Dusseldorf, which has hitherto been a Centre stronghold, defeating the Centre candidate by a majority of 3,153.
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  • 67 864 Reuter. McVea Beats Lester. A telegram from Sydney states that McVea beat Lester on points in a twentyround contest. Lester was out-generalled in every department. Wells and Moir Matched. Bombardier Wells and Gunner Moir have been matched for a fight in London ®n the 18th October. The Rev. F.
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 57 864 Reuter Federation Decided Upon. A telegram from Huddersfield says that at a Conference of the textile unions it was decided to federate with a view to common action in the event of trouble arising in any section of the textile trade. The Conference passed a resolution protesting against
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 79 864 Reuter. e—,.... Large Number of Arrests. A telegram from Lisbon states that 155 arrests were made at Oporto in connection with a plot to restore the monarchy. Seven soldiers were among those arrested. Seven arrests were made at Lisbon, where the Monarchist flags and arms were
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 29 864 Reuter. Replacing the Liberte.” A telegram from Paris states that M. Delcasse, French Minister of Marine, proposes the construction of an additional battleship to replace the Liberte.
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  • 1343 864 Reuter. F rSt Fi h t* from Salonika. slates that an Italian cruiser destroyed a Turkish in the harbour of Preveza (AlbaniA landed soldiers there. A Turkish I has been ordered to Preveza British in Turkish Fleet Rpoit. A telegram from Constantinople S that Great Britain has recalled
    Reuter.  -  1,343 words
  • 74 864 Obituary. Sir John Brigg. The death is announced at the age of 77, of Sir John Brigg, Liberal Member of the House of Commons for Keighley. Renter. Necrology. Estate Manager's Death. The death has taken place at Singapore of Air. Simon Anderson, Alanager of the Hevea Estate, Johore. Echo Special.
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  • 24 865 Renter. Resigns. A telegram from Stockholm states that the Cabinet has resigned as the n-u’.t of Socialist successes at the dictions. Reuter.
    Renter.  -  24 words
  • 51 865 Renter. Decrease. The revenue for the i irt“r i- £31,220,019, showing a decrease of £7,320,770, including a decrease in excise of £3,311,000 and in income tax of £3,834/ 00. The decrease for the six months is £25,895,275, including a de-rease in excise of £2,145,000 and income tax of
    Renter.  -  51 words
  • 108 865 Causes 890 Deaths. A. darn burst at Au-tin in Pennsylvania which has a population of 2,700. The death roll is 800. Reuisr. Straits Chinee Receeaji >n < At the annual general in eting of th Straits Chinese Recreation Club, Singapore, h-1-1 at the club’s pav.iion on Wednesday,
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  • 2064 865 -S.T. JEWS oj. the SECRETARY OF STATE. C rrespm rega-ding the repart of M c‘uM>h on the «-a! irie, and clas-.firati-m of the <. vh-t Service in th»» Mday Peninsula was Itil on th- til lent th«* meeting of the L-‘gi> itive Coun-il. I’hn document also include
    -S.T.  -  2,064 words

  • 229 866 Quoits Tournament. Following are the entries for the proposed Quoits Tournament at the Penang CricW Club which closed on Saturday I. Championship. W. Hamilton, W. S. Dunn, E. A. Arnold S. Riley, F. H. Hawkins, E. H. Syer, 8* Harries, A. Mourin, A. W. Harries, R* L Cuscaden, Capt.
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  • 137 866 The following is .the result of the third round for Mr. Justice Thornton’s Prize. Mrs. Peterkin H eap 16 beat Mrs. Ebden (H’cap 3) 2 up 1. M rs. Edwards H’cap 14 beat Mrs. Liston (H’cap 30) 4 up 2. Mrs. Martin H’cap 8 beat Mrs. S
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  • Page 866 Advertisements
    • 35 866 Sprains. Sprains require careful treatment. quiet and apply Chamlierlain’s Pain Ba tn freely. It will remove the soreness an quicklv restore the parts to a healthy con dition.* For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 6067 867 Recapitulation, Anticipation and Estimates. The Opium Position. OUR GROWING TRADE. —S.F.P. The following is the text of Sir Arthur Young’s address to the Legislative Council Friday afternoon: Honourable Members of the Legislative Council In his address to you last year Sir John Anderson stated that the estimates
    —S.F.P.  -  6,067 words

  • 93 870 Butterworth Pier. —The landing stage Bagan Tuan Kechil is under repairs and passengers to Butterworth by the Eastern Shipping Company’s launches will have to land by sampans until these repairs are completed. While on this subject we might mention that if the breakwater in front of the Bigan
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  • 33 870 The Septemlier output of the Tongkah HarUiur Tin Dredging Company was as follows: Dredge No. 1, working 575 hours, 309 pls 3, 534 455 4, 556 824 5, 613 916 T0ta1...2,504
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  • 90 870 The crop for Sept ember of the undermentioned estates was Paxlang Jawa 4,000 lbs. Padang Rubber Estate... 2,000 Karan 734 Rubber Estates of Krian 7,472 How are You Have you ;w questions to ask the witness?” is ofte* a poser for illiterate accused persons. An unlicensed milkman before Mr.
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  • 1184 870 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, Sept. 29. Present. His Excellency the Governor, Sir Arthur Young. His Excellency the Genl. Officer Commanding droops, Maj Gen. Stephenson The Hon. the Act. Col. Sec. Mr 1 J. WLkin son. the Attorney-General, T. M Braddell. the Col. Treasurer, W. C. Michell. the Col. Engineer,
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  • Page 870 Advertisements
    • 31 870 A Good Rule. Make it a rule of your home to keep Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 1855 871 The letter we published yesterday, from Lawyer Ferrers of Klumpur, conveyed a very serious allegation against some official or officials representing the Government. No consideration of expediency excuses disregard of that cherished principle which provides under the British Hag the liberty of the unconvicted individual. Any official who ignores
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  • 124 872 (Before Mr. Justice Ebden.) THE ASSIZES. Rape. The case against Shinnapen for kidnapping a •Tamil girl, aged 10 years, and for rape was concluded yesterday. Several witnesses for the prosecution were called among whom were Sgt. MacNamara and Mr. A. Dutta, Assistant Surgeon, Sungei Bakap Hospital. The jury
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  • 182 872 Quick Firing Practice (7 shots in 35 seconds 7) rf) Mrs. Gore Anderson.... 27 26 53 Mi« Huxley 24 28 52 Mrs. Wright-Motion.... 22 25 47 Miss Joan Smith 23 24 47 Miss Thornton 23 21 41 Mrs. Liston 18 25 43 Miss S. B. Smith 13 29 42
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  • 40 872 (Tor the Fortnight Ended 30th September). United U S. The Kingdom America. Continmt. Tin 1,-80 tons 275 tons. 50 to is. Tapioca—• Flour U’O Pearl 155 2*G 80 Black Pepfier 65 35 t White 115 :0 Copra 1,8; <
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  • 125 872 Cholera Corpses Thrown in Singapore Harbour. Sensational evidence was given in the case against J Laredei and K. A. Anklesaria, master and doctor of the Russian steamer Curonia, who were jointly charged at Singapore with signing a false quarantine certificate. It is alleged that during the voyage from
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  • 35 872 One Death Through Heat. The Garrison manoeuvres at Singapore concluded on Sunday. The heat was intense and there were numerous casualties. Sergeant George of the Garrison artillery succumbed during the operations. Echo Special.
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  • 25 872 An Enjoyable Affair. The dinner of the staff of the Malacca plantations last Saturday night was a very enjoyable affair. Echo Special.
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  • 594 872 Renter. Efforts At Mediation. A telegram from Constantinople says that His Majesty King George has replied to the telegraphic appeal of the Sultan regretting his inability to intervene. The Kaiser has also replied, expressing real friendship and veneration for the Sultan. He had already instructed his ambassador to
    Renter.  -  594 words
  • 19 872 Reuter. Retiring. The Times states that Sir C. P. Lucas, Asst. Under-Secretary, Colonial Office, is retiring.
    Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 92 872 Unveiling Parnell's Statue. A vast Home Rule demonstration took place at Dublin yesterday. Thousands from all parts of Ireland walked in procession through the streets to witness the unveiling of the Statue to Parnell. Mr. John Redmond eloquently eulogised Parnell. Reuter. Post Office, Sungkai. A Post and
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  • 633 873 Mr. G. E. Shaw, whose pamphlet on Rice Planting is the latest of the Papers on Malav Subjects, says: A detailed description of the routine of padi planting is to be found in the 30th volume of the Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.
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  • 362 873 It is hereby notified that Mr. Carl beindel has been appointed German Consuljeneral at Singapore with jurisdiction extending to the Federated Malav States. The appointment of Mr. John Richard Newland to be a Ist Grade Surveyor, topographical Branch, Survey Department iVl 14^0 WitL efTe t fr m the
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  • 80 873 Ayer Etani Intake month B*9B inches. Maximum in one day 166 Numl>er of rainy days 20 Waterfall Intake— During the m >nth 10 69 im h« Maximum in one day 2'o? Number of rainy days 22 BEI’TEM BER Rai n falls. Ayer Elam Intake During the month 12
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  • 443 873 The Sxth Annual Report of the Directors read: The Directors have pleasure in submitting to the Shareholders their Sixth Annual Report, along with the Balance Sheet and Prootit and Loss Account of the Company for the year ending 31st March, 1911, showing a profit of
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  • Page 873 Advertisements
    • 65 873 Worth Twenty Times Its Cost. One bottle of Chamberlain’s Coli Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy goes a long way toward relieving suffering humanity. It is i>etter than any doctor’s prescription, ami worth twenty times its cost in cases of diarrhoea, cramp colic or dysentery, which are liable to come on suddenly
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    • 31 873 A Good Rule. Make it a rule of your home to keep Chatnlxjrlaiu Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard again-t Ijowel complaints. For sale by all Di-.perioarie- and Dealers
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    • 79 873 KheuautuoL Chronic rheumatism often attack* tie, larger joints. Internal treatment of 4 nv kind would lie worae than useless, but bv applying Chaml>erlain’» Pain Balm freely and massaging the affected jsirts three tinws a day, a cure may be effected, ft will afford some relief at on<e and by continuing
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  • 1237 874 We have been trying by meditation to discover the secret of that aloof and unsympathetic attitude which is the most salient characteristic of officialdom, either high or low. Even the humble counter-clerk in a post offige has an official dignity more aweinspiring than he (or she) has in
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  • 1305 874 The following extract is from Mr G r Shaw s interesting pamphlet on Ri ce Plan*"’ ing: n Ihe Calendar. In former days the most important duty of the pawang padi was to determine th» correct time for commencing padi pl antin operations. It is, of course, impossible
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  • 1172 875 [Keforted for the by Little Girl. Gir.s and Loys w isn't it lovely vester'lay at iolet s Fancy Dress Partv I wish some of the other girls here would choose parties like that for their birthdays You know when it rained so on Monday, and the Party
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  • 21 876 $111,115. Subscriptions to the King Edward Memorial Fund, Singapore, now amount to SI IM 15. Echo Special.
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  • 48 876 93 Arrests. Ninety-three Shanghai carpenters and washermen were arrested at Orchard Road, Singapore. The towkays raised their fo«xl prices by 81-50 and the workmen objected ami struck on September 29. A disturbance took place yesterday. The Police were hustled but everything is quiet now. Echo Special.
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  • 49 876 General Meeting. At theTambalak meeting, which was held at Singapore, it was stated that the funds in hand on June 30 were 838,000. It is estimated that the cost of tapping will not exceed 40 cents per lb. A small dividend i« anticipated this year. Echo Special.
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  • 84 876 Reuter. Couceiro at the Head. A telegram from Madrid states it is reported that Couceiro, leader of the Portuguese Royalists, entered Portugal in October 1 at the head of 4,000 men, guns, and 120 mules. All the inhabitants of Santo Tirso have risen and are waving Royalist
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 21 876 Reuter. Shot Dead. A judge of the High Court at Abo, Finland, was shot dead. The murderer committed suicide.
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  • 39 876 Reuter. Men Called Out. The executive of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Workers has passed a resolution calling out all Irish transport workers today (Oct. 3) if the railway companies refuse to reinstate the strikers.
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  • 83 876 Reuter. Long List of Wrecks. A gale on Sunday created havoc on the coasts. The steamer Hatjield, which was assisting a steamer in the North Sea, fouled the latter and sank. Eighteen people were drowned. There was only one survivor. A German trans-Atlantic liner was driven ashore
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  • 447 876 Reuter. Occupation First, then Discussion. It is understood that immediately Italy has definitely occupied the Tripolitan ports she will l>e willing to discuss terms and pay Turkey an indemnity for the occupation. Warned By Austria. The activity of the Italians on the Albanian coast has irritated the Austrian
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  • 33 876 Reuter. Government Defeat. The Government was defeated at the West Australian general election. There are indications that the majority of the Labour party will lie ten. Two Ministers were rejected. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 31 876 Reuter. Another Victim. A telegram from Spokane iW.,.1; U.S.) says that the ainnan Wx™ over the Rockies on Saturday wax k i'l’J*’ Monday by falling 100 ft.
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  • 15 876 Reuter. Madero Elected. General Madero has been elected P res dent of Mexico.
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  • 91 876 Reuter. Impressive Funeral. A telegram from Toulon states that the funeral of the victims of the Liberte took place in the presence of President Fallieres and the French Ministers. Admiral Poe and the officers of H. M. 8. Exmouth represented Great Britain. The bodies were put in 168
    Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 138 876 Coal. —The s. s. Catherine Apcar brought 1,241 bags of Indian coal. Tin Ore. —The ss. Pegu brought 471 bags of tin ore. Rice. —The s.s. Teo Pao arrived here this morning from Rangoon with 13,000 bags of rice. Tin Shipment. —Messrs. Boustead Co. are shipping 75 tons
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  • 50 876 Results of operations during the month of September, 1911. Output Tributer’s Ore Pics. Mine 5,960.80 Total output 6,***** V Trier’s Ore SW» Mine $327,312.00 Total value $331,500.00 Estimated Profit Tributer’s Ore S Mine $177,582.81 Total Profit $l7B, Estimated amount due fer development etc.... Estimated Cash profit
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  • 115 877 Balance Sheet. Receipts. c t s> Rv Bukit Mertajain Subscriptions 222 00 Nebong Tebal 350 00 Government Contribution, Penang 1,500 00 Butterworth Subscriptions... 1,021 50 Total 53,093 50 Expenditure. cts. To Sea Sports Committee 1,000 00 Land Sports 432 70 Fireworks 625 53 Makan Besar for
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  • 1126 877 Tripoli is a Mohamedan country, and Italy is a Christian country. Historically, Italy is the most Christian country in Europe. Politically, it has offended its Christian Church, but it has not abandoned its profession of the tenets of that Church. In effect, we
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  • 379 877 The following is the result of the Ladies’ Presgrave Cup for toiler. Mrs. T. A Martin (H’cap— 8)1 up) F B. P«terkins( 13) I U p j tl Edwards —1 4) all squ ire. Hoefeld -30) 1 down. Ebden —3) 3 Kirk 6) 4 Mr Liston ami
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  • 698 878 The following extract is from Mr. G. E. Shaw’s interesting paper on Rice Planting. Ceremonies Preceding Cultivation. As B<xjd as the time for setting the nurseries has been definitely fixed|there is usually something in the nature of a propitiatory ceremony. The character and style of this depend very
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  • 80 878 Wills Wins His Action. Judgment was delivered at Singapore in the case brought by Mr. Wills against the Jimah Rubber Estate. The judgment was in favour of the plaintiff. An injunction was granted restraining the directors from forfeiting Mr. Wills’ shares and declaring that the resolution of
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  • 28 878 New Policy. Tenders will be called in Selansor FOR GAMING AREAS ON INDIVIDUAL YEARLY LICENCES. The POLICY IS TO HAVE NO MORE FARM. Echo Special.
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  • 21 878 Reuter. Two Items. The Railway Commission has concluded hearing evidence. The Railwaymen Congress at Carlisle unanimously demanded nationalisation. Reuter.
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  • 51 878 Reuter. Contradictory Rumours. The Portuguese Royalists in London say that the North of Portugal, except Oporto, is practically in the hands of the Monarchists who have occupied Chares, Guimaraes, Barra and Barranca. On the other hand telegrams from Lisbon state that all is quiet on the Northern
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  • 26 878 Reuter. Labour Victory. A telegram from Perth states that the General Election in West Australia resulted as follows. Labour Party 31 Ministerialists... 15 Reuter.
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  • 25 878 Reuter Home Secretary's Announcement. Mr. Winston Churchill, Home Secretary, speaking at Dundee, announced that the Government was determined to pass the Insurance Bill.
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  • 81 878 Re titsr. Escorts To Be Strengthened. The Times correspondent at Simla states that, owing to the continued disturbed state of Southern Persia, it is proposed to strengthen the escorts at the various British Consulates. The Sixth Indian Cavalry and the ThirtyNiuth Central Indian Horse have l>een
    Re titsr.  -  81 words
  • 580 878 Reuter. Advice. The Powers are apparently still active their advice to Turkey. 1 in The Austrian Ambassador had a lona in t?rview with the Grand Vizier yenterZT The Russian Ambassador will confer with him to-day. nn Italian Expeditionary Force. It is as officially announced at Rome yesterday evening
    Reuter.  -  580 words

  • 62 879 Reuter. Result. Following was the result of the race for the Newbury Autumn Cup, (2| mile) which wa s run at Newbury yesterday Royal Realm 1 Marajax 2 Yellow Slave 3 Twelve ran. g p.—4 to 1 agst. Royal Realm ;9to 2 agst. Marajax, and 11 to 2
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 351 879 Extraordinary Incident. An extraordinary incident took place at Toulon, during the funeral of the Liberte victims. A horse bolted and charged the funeral cortege. The spectators got into a panic and broke the cordons of the Police and the troops. President Fallieres took refuge behind a
    351 words
  • 201 879 T.s Ore —Tlie ss. J anel NirM ht o/ bags of tin ore. -The s s. i au e l 73 cattle and 182 sheep and goats. General Cargo. s.B. Teesta 400 tons. s.s. Fool- Sang 100 tons 8 s. Lightning due to-morrow 400 tons. Pin Shipment. s
    201 words
  • Page 879 Advertisements
    • 185 879 The Evidence of Police Sergeant Watts. Well over six feet in height, of fine physique, and with fifteen years military service to his credit, during which time he rose to an important non-commissioned rank in his regiment The King’s Own Scottish Borderers,” Sergeant J. B. Watts, now of the Burma
      185 words
    • 574 879 wrought in me I wax but a shadow of my former self, and in such a week state that I was placed upon specially light work. Even this proved too much for me, and the offii-er in charge, noticing how ill I looked, sent me to my quarters with instructions
      574 words

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    • 280 880 mSSHK JfflK 2W®{ I The CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. I 1 i —ttfl »G 1 M I ESTABLISHED 1883. PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. I 1 u Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO” and “SIN POE.” H The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and lithographers in the Orient. I Our plant is of the very
      280 words