The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 5 May 1911

Total Pages: 21
360 380 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 565 360 There is another thing which should unjustly affect many people out here, and which we did not dwell upon when we discussed this matter recently. The Imperial Government taxes local incomes, quite apart from such cases as those of people who draw dividends from the London offices of
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  • 420 360 They were perhaps rather shy about discussing their relations with the Automobile Club, when they found public attention on them. Anyway, at yesterday’s meeting of the Municipal Commission, there was no discussion. President Peel merely intimated that the Commissioners had agreed to the erection of danger signals at various
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  • 547 360 ORDINARY MEETING. Present. Mr. W. Peel (President). W. T. Chapman. J. W. Hallifax. Dr. P. V. Locke. Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok. W. S. Dunn (Acting Municipa Engineer). O. V. Thomas (Electrical Engineer). and L. A. C. Biggs (Secretary). Yesterday’s meeting of the Municipal Commission was brief and no
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  • Page 360 Advertisements
    • 112 360 ijlte Straits Echo Jr «L 4 SSS W WWy Justice satisfies every body, and justice alone.— Emerstn. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Bundays.) AT THK CRITERION PRESS, Ltd, No. 226 —232, Beach Streep Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL 8M per aamru OUTSTATION Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) 815
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  • 125 361 Tennis Tournament. The above tournament will com n -nee on Monday, 15th May. Entries, which are now open, will close on Wednesday, 10th May. A book has been provided for the purpose at the Golf Club, but if members so desire they may send their entries to
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  • 383 361 GENERAL MEETING. There was a large attendance at the general meeting of the Penang Choral Society which was held at the Town Hall at 5.30 p. m. yesterday. Among those present were: Mesdames. Phillips, Hogan, Haines, Liddell, Wright, Daniel, and Trengove, Miss Brown, and Messrs. O. V.
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  • 639 361 Wharves Protest Dismissed. A meeting of the Committee of the Penang Association Football League was held in the P. C. C. yesterday evening when there were present: -Mr. M. S. Goldie, P. C. C. (who presided in the unavoidable absence of the President, Dr. I. Hill Jamieson),
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  • 346 361 (From One Correspondent.} April 26th. Mr. E. N. Edwards, Inspector of Police, who is ill in hospital, is recovering. There is a rumour that he is to be transferred to Port Dickson, and if this is so Taiping will lose another very good Cricketer. Messrs. Lochmm and Co. have
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  • 271 361 During the hearing of a police case at Shanghai on April 12, in which Mr. Montagu Harris, formerly of Singapore, was engaged, Mr. Godfrey (for defendant) addressing the c turf said :—I think it would save time if the Court adjourned while Mr. Harris studied
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  • 510 362 gays the writer of Sporting Notes in the a F P. The entries for the Spring Race meeting, which promises to be quite one of the most ooen and interesting of many years, close on Saturday at noon and owners are reminded in order' that there may
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  • 144 362 Our announcement a few days ago that a sum of S 10,000 will be voted towards the Coronation celebrations. in Penang and Province Wellesley is confirmed. The Legislative Council will meet to-day and the Acting Colonial Secretary will move that a vote of 350,000 be
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  • 28 362 U-'ho Special.} Some Dividends. Singapore, 27th April.—Allagar is declaring a 1- percent, dividend; Consolidated Malay a 50 per cent, dividend, making 100 per cent, for the year.
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  • 28 362 (Helio Special.) Pepper and Copra. Singapore, 27th April.—The market prices to-day are as follows Mixed Copra 39-15, no buyers. Sundried 39-35, Black Pepper ...316-12j, buyers. White ...327-37|,
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  • 42 362 (Echo Special.} The Alleged Cause. Singapore, 27th April.—A special telegram to the Straits Times from Klumpur states that it is alleged that Mr. Steward made violent advances to Mrs. Proudlock, who fired on him in defence of her honour.
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  • 123 362 (supplied bj Reuter.} Revolutionary Amendment Thrown Out. London, 27th April.—ln the debate in the House of Commons on the Veto Bill an amendment, enacting that after a bill had been thrice passed by the Commons and rejected by the Lords it will be submitted to a referendum and,
    (supplied bj Reuter.}  -  123 words
  • 40 362 (Supplied by Reuter.) Announcement by Mr. Asquith. London, 28th April.—ln the House of Commons Mr. 11. H. Asquith, the Premier, said that the Budget would be presented as soon as the Veto Bill wa, disposed by the Commons.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  40 words
  • 34 362 (Supplied by Reuter.) French Reply to Germany. London, 27th April.—The French Ambassador has assured Herr von Bethman Hollweg, the German Imperial Chancellor, that France had no intention of contravening the treaty of Algeciras.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  34 words
  • 76 362 (Supplied by Reuter.) First British Navy Airship. London, 28th April.—The Standard gives details of the first British Navy airship, which is 511 ft. long and nearly 50 ft. in diameter. The frame-work is of durahnin, which is an alloy as hard as steel and half its weight. It
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  76 words
  • 40 362 (Supplied by Reuter.) Turkey Warns Montenegro. London, 28th April.—A telegram from Constantinople sajs that Rif aat Pasha states that unless the Montenegrins ceased to aid the Albanian insurgents he would be compelled to call Montenegro to account.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  40 words
  • 237 362 (Supplied by Reuter.) New Scheme. London, 27th April.—The meeting of the Advisory County Committee of the Marylelione Cricket Club in reference to the scheme for the County Championship has agreed that the side behind on the first innings of an unfinished rnitch should score one point. The
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  237 words

  • 1283 363 .—P. P. Mark Twain’s idea was that mankind had a permanent job, in spite of earthquakes, famines, and reformers. He avowed that no matter where it went to school, or who taught it, mankind remained indestructibly content, happy, thankful, proud.” All these things we are at the moment,
    .—P. P.  -  1,283 words
    • 103 363 To tub Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, Will you kindly allow me through the medium of your paper on behalf of Mrs Dyer and her daughter, who left by the s.s. Taroba for Australia, on the 29th instant, to heartily thank all the Ladies and
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  • 399 363 At Home. An “At Home given by the ladies was held last night at the Parish Hall, which was lent by the President and Members of Committee for the occasion. The success of last night’s affair was due to Mrs. C. T. D’Souza, Mrs. J. H. Phipps,
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  • 559 364 tt’e are now able to publish the further nuticulars, we promised some time ago, C this delightful romantic Comedy by Ldeleine Lucette Ryley. Mr. and Mrs. Wright-Motion, under whose personal v *tion it will be produced, have definitely booked the Town Hall for the 20th, 22nd nd
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  • 193 364 The Special correspondent of the Straitu Times at Kuala Lumpur sends the following telegram to that paper in regard to the Kuala Lumpur Tragedy. The officials here are reticent concerning the detalis of Mr. Steward’s death but the facts, according to Mrs. Proudlock’s storv, are understood to
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  • 73 364 {Echo Special.') Sendayan. Singapore, 28th April.—The Sendayan Rubber Company is making a call of two shillings. Changkat Serdang. The Changkat Serdang meeting has been postponed for a week owing to the absence of Mr. Emerson. Latest Prices. Klumpur, 29th April.—The Planters and Stores’ agency in London cable the following
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  • 41 364 (Echo Special.') Assailant at Large. Singapore, 28th April.—A Javanese kebun was stabbed dead and a Javanese constable dangerously wounded at River Valley Road yesterday evening by a Javanese assailant who is known but has not yet been arrested.
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  • 93 364 (Echo Special.) Troops in League with Revolutionists. Singapore, 28th April.—Canton wires state that the foreign-trained soldiers are in league with the Revolutionists and that they intended to seize the city on Saturday. It is rumoured that the Revolutionists bombarded the Viceroy’s Yamen but they only destroyed the
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  • 21 364 (Echo Special.) $83,789. Singapore, 29th April.—The total subscriptions to the King Edward Memorial Fund now amount to $83,789.
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  • 60 364 (Echo Special.) Due at Singapore To-morrow. 1 Singapore, 29th April.—Prince and Princess Fushimi, who are representing the Emperor of Japan at the Coronation, are due here on Sunday. They will stay at the Japanese Consulate. On Monday they will proceed to Johore; on Tuesday, after some
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  • 73 364 (Echo Special.) Dairy Agreed Upon. Singapore, 29th April.—The Municipal Commissioners are starting a dairy at a cost of $8,500. New Sewerage Scheme. They propose to borrow $2,000,000 for a sewerage scheme drawn up by the Municipal Engineer, Mr. Pierce, based on Messrs. Miagley and Taylor’s report. The scheme
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  • 88 364 (Echo Special.) Official Figures. Singapore, 28th April.—The census returns for the Straits Settlements are as follows: Singapore: Municipal Area ...259.578 Country 43,750 Total... 303,328 Penang: Municipal Area ...100,986 North East District 15,111 Balik Pulau 23,279 Total... 139,376 Malacca: Municipal Area 21,213 Central District 34,422 Alor Gajah 37,126 Jasin
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  • 27 365 {Echo Special.) Date of Inquest. Klumpur. 29th April—The inquest into the death of Mr. Stewart, and also the preliminary enquiry, will take place on Monday.
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  • 149 365 {Echo Special.) Coronation Celebrations. Singapore, 28th April.—At the meeting of the Legislative Council the Hon. Mr. E. L. Brockman, Acting Governor, speaking in regard to the Coronation Vote of SSO,(XX), •aid that he proposed to allot the money as follows Penang $lO,OOO Malacca 5,000 Labuan 500 —$1,000 Singapore—the
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  • 32 365 {Echo Special.) Sixfold Increase. Singapore, 29th April.—The report of the Monopolies Department shows that the receipts for 1910 were $6,612,918 as compared with $1,628,684 received by the Farmers in 1909.
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  • 61 365 {Supplied by Reuter.) Result. London, 29th April.—Following was the result of the race for the One Thousand Guineas (1 mile; 3 yd. fillies, 9 st. each) which was run at Newmarket yesteiday Atmah I Radiancy Knockfeerna 3 Won by a short head. S. P. 7to 1 agst.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  61 words
  • 61 365 {Supplied by Reuter.) Its Establishment Proposed. Ixmdon, 28th April.—Mr. H.. 11. Asquith, the Premier, received a deputation who presented a memorial, signed by 292 members on both sides of the House, in favour of the establishment of an Advisory Imperial Council. The Premier was sympathetic an 1
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  61 words
  • 156 365 {Supplied by Reuter.) Bold Attempt to Relieve Bremond. London, 28th April.—A telegram from Tangier says that the bold attempt of M. Boisset, the French Consular Agent at Alcazar, who was escorted by troops, to take money and ammunition to Major Bremond, was unsuccessful. He is there at Fez, and
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  156 words
  • 28 365 {Supplied Uy l.eacer.) Native Reports. London, 28th April.—A telegram from Perira states that according to native reports Iman Yahya was, on January 20, captured at Sanaa.
    {Supplied Uy l.eacer.)  -  28 words
  • 54 365 {Supplied by Reuter.) A Government Defeat. London, 29th April.—A telegram from Teheran states that the Persian Parliament discussed the Imperial Loan contract and rejected the Government motion that the second reading of the contract be passed immediately on the ground of urgency. The result is equivalent to the
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  54 words
  • 222 365 {Supplied by Reuter.) Resolution Passed at the Guildhall. London, 29th April.—The Lord Major presided at a great and representative meeting at the Guildhall at which a resolution, was passed in favour of Anglo-American Arbitration. Mr. H. H. Asquith moved the resolution, which was seconded by Mr. A. J.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  222 words
  • 1053 365 Numbering the people is an important job. When well done, it provides data that are useful in several ways. It were churlish to suggest that it wasn’t well done this time. There were here and there weaknesses practically unavoidable, in view of the character of the population, the limitations
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  • 958 366 P.C.C. v«. B.R.C. The cricket match between the P.C.C. and the B.R.C. was played on the Butterworth pitch on Saturday afternoon and both teams played with one man short. The Butterworth team batted first and Scully and Lungley were sent in to face the bowling of Fettes and
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  • Page 366 Advertisements
    • 65 366 Children Like It. When a medicine must Imj given to young children it should l>e pleasant to take. Chamberlain’s Cough Itemed y is made from loaf sugar, and the roots useu in its preparation give it a flavor similar to maple syrup, making it pleasant to take. It has no
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    • 157 367 To THi Editor of tub strait» Echo. Dear Sir, —You omitted from your diverting essay on the beer mug a very apt quotation from the opera Doris.” Perhaps your casual reading has not embraced ■uch works, so I quote for your benefit: Home pratoe the winn Of the
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    • 52 367 To ths Ediior of ths Hthatts Echo. Sir, —I was pleased to read your leader on this topic. So far as lam aware, the movement has no official sanction. I would like to know what the facts are that Capt. Eades has to offer enquirers. Yours truly,
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    • 310 367 To ths Editor of ths Straits Echo. Dear Sir, I should think that the several friends of Mr. and Mrs. Leong Fee will be pleased to hear that a marriage has been arranged to take place on the 11th May 1911 at 7 Leith Street, Penang, between
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  • 1147 367 ORDINARY MEETING, FRIDAY, APRIL. 28. Present. His Excellency the Acting Governor, E. L. Brockman. His Exc llency Major Genl. T. E. Stephenson, g o.c. Th* Hon’ble the Col Secretary, A. H. Lemon. the Col Treasurer, W. C. Michell. the Col. Engineer, F J. Pigott Dr. F. B Croucher,
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  • 1065 368 vrW ORDINANCE INTRODUCED AT HONGKONG. Custom to be Recognised. bill has been introduced and read a first time in the Legislative Council of Hongkong, to establish registered partnering and to give effect to certain Chinese Partnership customs. The present partnerSis law, it i 6 ex pi aine( i
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  • 317 368 (Echo Special. 1 Annual General Meeting. Klumpur, Ist May.—The annual general meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya was held at the Masonic Hall, Klumpur, yesterday morning, Mr. Skinner presiding. Annual Report. The Secretary read Mr. C. M. Cumming’s annual report which criticised the secession of the Malacca Association
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  • 43 368 (Supplied by Rculer.) Returned Unopposed For East Dorset. London, Ist May.—Captain the Hon. Frederick Guest, who was recently apjiointed a Junior Lord of the Treasury in succession to Mr. E. J. Soares has been returned unopposed for East Dorset.
    (Supplied by Rculer.)  -  43 words
  • 71 368 Cheltenham ByElection. (Supplied by Retder.) Unionist Candidate Returned. London, 29th April.—ln the by-election at Cheltenham, consequent upon the unseating of the last member owing to the illegal practices of his agents, Mr. Gardner the Unionist candidate was returned by a majority of 4 over Major Mathias, the brother of the
    (Supplied by Retder.)  -  71 words
  • 189 368 (Supplied by Reuter.} Latest News Regarding Bremond. London, 29th April.—A telegram from Paris states that M. Cruppi, French Minister for Foreign Affairs, says that, according to the latest despatches, Major Bremond’s Mohalla is intact twelve miles from Fez, He does not believe that Major Bremond is
    (Supplied by Reuter.} .  -  189 words

  • 32 369 (Supplied by Jieuier.) Leaves For the Far East. London, 30th April.—According to a telegram from St. Petersburg M. Sukimlinoff, the Russian War Minister, has proceeded to the Far East.
    (Supplied by Jieuier.)  -  32 words
  • 62 369 (Supplied by Render.) U. S. Gunboat Proceeds Thither. London, 30th April.—A telegram from Washington states that the U. 8. gunboat Wilmington has been ordered from Hongkong to Canton in order to assist the American citizens there. German Gunboat Too. London, May Ist.—A telegram from Berlin states
    (Supplied by Render.)  -  62 words
  • 119 369 (Supplied by Render.') Delegates' Complaint. London, 30th April.—A telegram has reached St. Petersburg from Mukden to the effect that the delegates to the Plague Conference encountered opposition from the Chinese doctors as s >ou as they sought to discuss important questions. The Three CampsLondon, Ist May.—A telegram
    (Supplied by Render.')  -  119 words
  • 47 369 (Supplied by Reuter.) German Crown Prince and Princes to Visit Tsar London, 30th April.—A telegram from Berlin states that the Crown Prince of Germany will visit the Tsa r about the middle of May ami that he will be accompanied by the Crown Princess.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  47 words
  • 20 369 (Supplied by Render.) Return. London, Ist May —President. Fallieres has arrived at Toulon from his trip to Algiers.
    (Supplied by Render.)  -  20 words
  • 41 369 (Su] plied by Reuter.} The Princess Royal Launched. London, 30th April.—The Duchess of Fife launched at Barrow the Super-Dread-nought battleship cruiser, Princees Royal. She is a vessel with a displacement of 26,360 tons and carries twelve 13|in. guns.
    (Su] plied by Reuter.}  -  41 words
  • 458 369 The Chulia Street extension of the Municipal tramways, which was opened to traffic yesterday, completes the through service between Sungei Pinang and Beach Street via Brick Kiln Road and Penang Road. he work was done in record time, the whole 1,030 yards of the new section being laid
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  • 2501 369 (Echo Special. Magisterial Enquiry. Klumpur, May Ist.—Magisterial proceedings opened to-day touching the death of Mr. Steward. 1 Mr. E. A. S. Wagner appeared on behalf of Mrs. Proudlock (the accused) and her husband. Mr. Robinson was present in the interests of the friends of the deceased Mr.
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  • 31 369 Necrology. (Supplied by Render.) Mr. Robert W. Mansfield. London, 30th April.—The death is announced, at the age of 61, of Mr. Robert William Mansfield, c.m.g., British ConsulGeneral at Canton in 1906-8.
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  • 91 370 Echo Paj vn Meeting. Sin-cipor-, ht. M At the mo'tiing of the I’.ijim liublx r Company th' < wIS a discu sion as to why the directors d d not prosecute the late retarios, It was state I that a test rase was coming on. The point was who*her
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  • 552 371 (Echo Special.) Entries. Singapore, Ist May.—Following are the entries for the May meeting FIRST DAY. Tuesday, May J. 1. The Opening Stakes. Bolster, Darby Dale, Tom Lees, Prince Plausible, Chanticleer, Marano, Para King, Brani, Spout, Cantos, Bowhill, Honeybear. 2. The Lawn Stakes. Billet Doux, Chanticleer, Lossie, Bay Ronald,
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  • 29 371 (Echo Special.) Incognito. Singapore, Ist May.—Prince and Princess Fushimi have arrived here. They will leave for Home to-morrow. To-day they proceed to Johore. They are travelling incognito.
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  • 47 371 In/ Letter.} Another Collision with the Police. London, Ist May.—A telegram from Bar •air Aul»e states that, a demonstration in favour of the inclusion of Aube within the Champagne area led to a collision with the police. Several men were injured and several arrests made.
    ( '■ In/ Letter.}  -  47 words
  • 28 371 (Supplied by Reuter.) Eleven Killed. London, Ist May.—Eleven men were killed by the derailment of an excursion train at Martin Creek on the Pennsylvania railroad.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  28 words
  • 21 371 (Si ten Uj hcucr.) In London. London, 2nd May.—The King and Queen of the Belgians are in London.
    ( ten Uj hcucr.)  -  21 words
  • 38 371 (Supplied by Reuicr.) Insurgents Defeated. London, 2nd May.—lt is officially announced that E»lem Pasha’s force encountered ami repulsed the Albanian insurgents losing forty in kilted and wounded. The losses of the insurgents were very heavy.
    (Supplied by Reuicr.)  -  38 words
  • 30 371 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Conqueror.” London, 2nd May.—Lady Pentland launched at Glasgow the twentieth Dreadnought which has been named the Conqueror. She is a vessel of 22,680 tons.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  30 words
  • 29 371 (Supplied by Reuter.) Concerning Jewish Ritual. London, 2nd May.—There is a markfxl revival in Russia of charges of Jewish slaughter of Christian children for ritual purposes.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  29 words
  • 26 371 (Supplied by Reuter.) Won by Barry. London, 2nd May.—ln the English Sculling Championship between Putney and Mortlake Barry beat Albany by seven lengths.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  26 words
  • 265 371 (Supplied by Reuter.) Serious Developments. London, 2nd May.—A telegram from Hongkong says that the recent rioting in Canton has developed somewhat seriously. Seven gunboats of different nations are anchored off Canton. The Brigands Shelled. An unconfirmed Chinese report states that the revolutionaries aided the brigandswho captured three
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  265 words

  • 112 372 Gibbons Cup Competition. The last of the three Races in this Com«tition. the 220 yards handicap was swum *ff on Sunday morning last. The result n a win for A. Frohlich by a couple of <a V a fter a pretty good race between the Sratch men.
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  • 38 372 April Output. The April output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Company was as follows Dredge No. 1. 549 Hrs. 216 Piculs. 2. 516 258 3. 507 388 4. 639 640 5. 85 44 Total 1,546
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  • 324 372 Ayer Etam Intake. During the month 9'52 inches. Maximum in one day I*6o do Number of rainy days 21 Waterfall Intake. During the month 12*11 inches. Maximum in one day 1*95 do Number of rainy days 19 A Chinese tongkang, laden with rice, sank opposite the Railway Pier,
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  • 169 372 Deliberate Quickfiring. o O O eT Mrs. Wright-Motion* 32 26 58 Miss Mclntyret 29 27 56 Joan Smith! 28 24 52 Wemyss 31 16 47 Mrs. Gore. Andersont 29 17 46 Miss S. B. Smith 25 20 45 Mrs. Hamilton 27 18 45 Miss Case 25 19 44 Mrs.
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  • 191 372 We -must make no comment on the evidence in the Klutnpur case—yet. We are writing and publishing out of the jurisdiction of the Court, and night safely do so, but it would not be fair. So we express absolutely no opinion as to the merits of the
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  • 220 372 When in doubt, abuse the Jew. That is the first law in the ancient game of Jewbaiting. And the Russians apparently are playing the game the right way. It is so easy to invent a stupid story such as that wired out by Reuter yesterday. It is so easy’
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  • 91 372 Penang has a healthy climate, whatever the carpers may say. Consider, for instance, how much healthier it is here than at a certain place out of the Colony. Manv a man has made love to manv a married woman here in Penang, but somehow, search our memory
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  • 379 372 We forget which of our contemporaries it was which denounced the new-born Opium Monopoly, and chided the Government for entrusting such a big job to a man and a boy.” Whichever it was, it must now admit that the man and the boy have made
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  • 173 373 The Whole Bar Present. All the members of the liar assembled in the Second Court, Supreme Court, thi» morning to welcome Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden who took his seat at Puisne Judge of the Straits Settlements. Mr. P. J. Sproule, Solicitor-General, in his address
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  • 330 373 Golf. The Mens’ Monthly Medal for April has been won by Mr. C. R. Samuel with 104 24=80. Mr. C. G. May won optional ball sweep with 42—4| 37] second round. The following cards were also handed in. T. A. Godby 474-43= 90- 6= 84 R. H.
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  • 2214 373 A Story of Balik P<;lal. Fortv years ago, when John Company handed over Pulau Pinang to the British Queen a new era of prosperity dawned upon our is-land-folk. The Company’s men belonged to the gaudy days of arrogant opulence, but ten years or so after Mutiny, a new
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  • 323 374 Final Figures for Three Months. Following are the final figures of the export of block tin and tin ore from Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang respectively during the months of January to March, 1911, as compared with the corresponding period of last year Increase or decrease.
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  • 899 374 Y ES IE RDAY ’S PR.+JE E DIN( i S. L/Ao S/xvtia/.) No Bruises on Accused. Klumpur, May 2. —Mr. Wagner Laving examined Detective Inspector Wvatt, the Deputy Public Prosecutor called Dr. Mackintyre. Witness stated that he examined Mrs. Proudlock’s head, face, neck ami chest but did
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  • 45 375 (Echo Special.) Two New Members. Klumpur, 2nd May.—Mr. W. A. H. Chapped, of Messrs. Osborne and Chappel, has been appointed to act as member of the Federal Council vice Mr. H. I). Griffiths, and Mr. E. B. Skinner vice Mr. C. M. Cumming.
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  • 25 375 (Echo Special.) 15 per cent. Klumpur, 2nd May.—At the general meeting of the Federal Dispensary a dividend of 15 p<*r cent was declared.
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  • 38 375 (E<ho Special.) New Bill to be Introduced. Singapore, 2nd May.—At the meeting of the Legislative Council next Fridav a bill will lx? introduced to consolidate the law in relation to the fund for encouraging Taunl immigration.
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  • 233 375 (Echo Special.) Pantai General Meeting. Singapore, 2nd May. —At the annual general meeting of Pantai, Ltd., Mr. Simo suggested that the directors should forego their fees during the period of misappropriation. He had no desire to censure them but thought that a matter of good taste as ■hewing their
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  • 40 375 (Si plied by Heuer.) Shameen Guarded by Marines. London, 3rd May. —British Marines at Canton are guarding the Shameeu (foreign Settlement). Guns have been posted on the canal bunds. The revolutionaries burned four Yamens at Fatshan.
    (Si plied by Heuer.)  -  40 words
  • 42 375 (Supplied by lieu er.) Tribes Excited by French Advance. London, 3rd May.—A telegram from Tangier states that the news that a French column had left Casablanca and Rabat for Fez has excited all the Ghark tribes who are proclaiming a jehad.
    (Supplied by lieu er.)  -  42 words
  • 46 375 (Supplied by Reuter.) Japanese Military Mission's Visit to Versailles. London, 2nd May.— A telegram from Paris states 1 hat a Japanese Military Mission visited the Aeronautical Park at Versailles. Three members of the mission— Yamaguchi, Toyodi, and N ioshi—aeroplaned to Buc, piloted by French officers.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  46 words
  • 70 375 (Supplied by lieu er.) Type of Guns to be Used. London, 3rd May.—A telegram from Constantinople states that the Artillery Commission has returned after visiting the gun-foundries of England, France and Germany for the purpose of deciding the type of artillery to be used for the new battleships.
    (Supplied by lieu er.)  -  70 words
  • 36 375 (Supplied by Heater.) Second Clause Adopted. London, 3rd May.—The House of Commons, sitting in committee, by 299 votes to 195, a majority of 104, adopted the second and principal clause of the Veto Bill.
    (Supplied by Heater.)  -  36 words
  • 75 375 (Supplied by Reuter.) Japanese Expedition Turns Baek. London, 2nd May.—A telegram from Sydney states that the Japanese Antarctic expedition has returned there. It was obliged to turn back on account of icebergs and ice packs and also because of the death of most of the dogs. German Expedition.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  75 words
  • 240 375 (Supplied by Reuter.) Generally Quiet. London, 2nd May. May Day was generally quiet on the Continent except at Paris where demonstrations were prohibited resulting in constant scuffles between the troops and the Police. Prohibition To Be Avenged. London, 3rd May.—At a meeting of the Labour Unions yesterday night
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  240 words

  • 672 376 list of entries. The following are the entries for the pPC. Gymkhana which it is proposed to hold on Saturday, the 13th inst.: D Event 1,— Putting the Shot. w s Dann C. L. Vermont V R. Scully B. A. Burr G. Stothard g vBNT 2.—100 Yards Handicap.
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  • 242 376 The special reporter at Klumpur for the Pinang Gazette, who sends by mail what is practically a duplicate of the exhaustive telegraphic reports, says that There were some thirty Europeans in Court, the native element being excluded. Taking for granted that by native element he means, as
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  • 508 376 We have an unusually wide acquaintance with Far Eastern newspaper offices, and when we say that we have heard Router cussed in everyone of them, the Recording Angel will merely smile and go on sharpening his pencil. It would not be a sinful exaggeration. It may be however, that
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  • 382 376 If we seem to have Router on the brain to-day, readers must excuse It’s an awful thing to have, anyway. It was Reuter who circulated that silly storv about the Chinese doctors at the Plague Conference turning out obsti active. The Chinese have a lot of creditable
    382 words

  • 158 377 We observe that, the Echo was the only paper in Malaya to belittle the s*are messages about Canton. We know Canton, we know Hongkong, and we know Reuter, so it wa i quite easy to anticipate the reassuring despatch of the Commander-in-Chief to the Colonial Office, extra confirmation of
    158 words
  • 231 377 When Mr. Jago, the Singapore Municipal Commissioner, talked disparagingly of our roads a f w m-m His ago as compared with those of Singapore we threatened him with a solid argument. It no less than half a brick. Wh'*n he said that he was struck by the
    231 words
  • 341 377 Admiral Togo Also. J pin’s lepre-ajntativi s for King George's 1 C »<'"nj,iiuii a e through passengers for i orjdon by th N. Y. K. steamer Kamo Maru which arrived in port this morning. They include F. uc<* and Princess Higashi I Fu/himi, His Excellency Admiral
    341 words
  • 94 377 Yesterday we published the list of entries for the P. C. C. Gymkhana, except for the post entries events Up to date the following ladies have entered for the undermentioned events. Ladies’ Race (Potato) Post Entries. Mrs Dunn, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Proctor, Miss Stephen, Miss Campbell, Miss Nolan,
    94 words
  • 108 377 The Chamber’s Representative. The Chamber of Commerce meets on the 15th instant to elect a representative on the Legislative Council during the absence on leave < f the Hon. Mr A. R. Adams. So far only one nomination has been received. Mr George Maebam, Manager of Messrs. Boustad
    108 words
  • 641 377 From the annual report of the Chin. Association for 1910 11 we tale the followicg extract on the subj-ict of opium: Following precedent, it is not proposed in these pages to touch upon the moral aspect of tlie opium question. But in passin r gret may be expressed at
    641 words

  • 734 378 The L. X' 0. Express of April 1 1- says The market for Para bas been very uunJed and prices fluctuated constantly, business difficult. Hard Fine spot d April-June delivery quoted ss. 6d. Sue (last year 12s. 3.d). May-June sold a t ss. Bd. down to ss. 4d. and
    734 words
  • 509 378 Capital and Commerce (Shanghai) says Tn view of the petition that has been presented at the British Court with regard to the winding up of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the following facts may be of interest to our readers It will be patent that the Shanghai StockExchange
    509 words
  • 364 378 Many New pointi brought to Light. Mukden, April 14. Dr. M ang of Mukden read a piper on the ease with which plague infection was carried to mules. It was shown that ten out of twelve mules, and nine men out of twelve died from
    364 words
  • 139 378 (For the Fortnight Ended April 30 Unitel US. The kingdom. America. Continent. Tin 850 tens. 15" tons. J7O ton» Cl* lour 9/ Jo Tapioca < Flake 25 (Pearl 105 461 180 Cop-a 100 135 Black Pepper ’l5 W kite 5 ’2B Jo Acknowlkoomext. Me srs |ji hn V
    139 words

  • 264 379 FIRST DAYS HANDICAPS. The following handicaps for the first day of the Singapore meeting, which opens next Tuesday, we have obtained irregularly. We don’t guarantee them. Our Singapore correspondent is having a nap. The Opening Stakes.—(R. C.) Honey bear 10. 7 Bolster 8. 7 Marano 10. 0 Darbey
    264 words
  • 17 379 (E<kj S, 'VUli.'l Pepper. Singapore, 3rd May.—To-day’s market pi ice of black jepper is $l6-90, buyers.
    17 words
  • 34 379 l.cho S 'CCI (l f Acting Appointment. Singaymre, 3rd May.—Mr. Seal) LiangSeah has been appointed to act as unofficial member of the Legislative Council during the absence of Air. Tan Jiak Kim.
    34 words
  • 100 379 < Slippit.'. tj-J The Bank Loan. London, 3rd May.—A telegram from Teheran states that the Mejliss passed the bank loan after a prolonged and vehement discussion. [Ou the 29th April Reuter wired A telegram from Teheran states that the Persian Parliament discuseed the Imperial Loan contract and rejected the
    < Slippit.'. tj-J  -  100 words
  • 98 379 (Supplied by ileuler.) Six Clauses Passed. London, May 3.—The House of Commons has passed clauses 3,4, 5 and 6 of the Veto Bill. Barnes' Amendment Lost. London, 4th May.—The House of Commons discussed the preamble of the Veto Bill, promising in the future the reform of the Lords.
    (Supplied by ileuler.)  -  98 words
  • 47 379 (Supplied by lleuler.) Admiralty Scheme A Failure. London, May 3 —The papers state that the Admiralty Scheme for the establishment of a reserve of 300 fishermen at Grimsby fora fleet of mine-sweeping trawlers for speci.l war service was a failure. Only eleven men were enrolled.
    (Supplied by lleuler.)  -  47 words
  • 31 379 (Supplied by lieu'er.) To Be Introduced on the Isth Inst. London, 4th May.—Mr. H. H. Asquith announced that Mr. Lloyd George hoped to introduce the Budget un May 15.
    (Supplied by lieu'er.)  -  31 words
  • 23 379 (Supplied, by heu er.) Departure. London, 4th May.—Their Majesties the King and Queen of the Belgians have left for Brussels.
    (Supplied, by heu er.)  -  23 words
  • 53 379 (Supplied by lleuter.) Results. London, 4th May.—The race for the Chester Cup (2j miles) which was run yesterday resulted as follows Will Onyx 1 Toy Shop 2 Anchora 3 Won by length. S. P.—7 to 1 agst. Will Onyx, 33 to 1 agst. Toy Shop and 100 to
    (Supplied by lleuter.)  -  53 words
  • 277 379 (Supplied by Hauler.) We Guessed it All Along. London, 4th May.—ln the House of Commons Mr. Reginald McKenna, First Lord of the Admiralty, stated that the Commander-in-Chief of the China Station has telegraphed to him to the effect that the situation in the vicinity of Canton
    (Supplied by Hauler.)  -  277 words
  • Page 379 Advertisements
    • 63 379 The Best Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with ChamiM'rlain’s Pain Balm and bound on to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. hen troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chest give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with
      63 words

  • 129 380 Penang, 4th May. gy courtesy of the Chartered Bank. London, Demand Bank 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 f 3 Credit 2/4/, 3 Documentary». 2/4| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’ sight Private 175| Bombay, Demand Bank 174| Houlmein, Demand Bank 173 3 days’ sight Private 176 Madras. Demand
    129 words
  • 211 380 Gold Leaf $64.60 Black Pepper no stock White Pepper 24.6 sales Trang Pepper 17.75 buyers Cloves 42. nominal Mace 108— nominal Pickings 99.— nominal Nutmegs 110 s. 22— sellers f No. 1 6.10 sales Sugar &lt; 2 600 sales (Basket 5.10 nom. Copra (mixed) 8.75 buyers fTahbun 190.— seller
    211 words
  • Page 380 Advertisements
    • 46 380 Quinine Does Not Cure Malaria. The Onl? Pkoved Remedy is Hr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Mr u HeRE 18 Further Proof. M*j| rc Havega, an employee at Set van Staveren’s Nationale gazyn at Semarang, Java, nuffer--o&gt;at Malaria at one time “ad U go away for several months
      46 words
    • 696 380 in order to try and si tl The Surprise of the or Quinine, but obtained no permanent o r relief from its use, which is not to be wondered at, seeing that the effects of Quinine are only transitory, and its action, when taken for any length of time, is
      696 words