The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 7 April 1911

Total Pages: 24
1 299 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. 115 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 coats. Vol. Penang, Friday, 7th APRIL, 19 tl. No. 14.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 219 1 CONTENTS. Leaders: page. Sports page. Mudge v. Glasgow ~.278 Cup Tie: P.C.C. vg. Police ...279 Oryza... 281 M.R.C. vg. G.W.U. ...293 Estate Coolies 285 That Interport Match 280 Ireland 289 Penang Golf Club 281, 286 296 Veneer ...292 P. V. Rifle,Meeting ...285 The Far East 295 Cricket Tournament: B. R.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 158 2 ,1, i’ii* tiStn»a*— 11 I d r r FHE STRAITS ECHO I MAIL EDITION. *j s J 5 Published the day prior to the departure of each mail m for Europe, and contains the latest local and States J news originally published in the daily issues, as well as 5
      158 words

  • 1868 278 A little science to-day. Not a dangerous thing, except when it is Mr. G. P. Mudge’s. Of him, more anon. Let us first introduce to you: Gregor Johann Mendel, who was a monk, but not a lazy one. In his garden at Briinn he experimented in plant
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  • Page 278 Advertisements
    • 107 278 THe Straits TZcJio w «few 4 MiS X AF?/ Jaftioe jatlsfiee every body, and Justice alone.— Emerson. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd, No. 226 —232, Beach Street Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL 524 per aanuiu OUTSTATION Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Free) 515
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  • 570 279 Mr. Patrick Carbery. We regret to have to announce the death, at the age of 72, of Mr. Patrick Carbery which took place at the residence of his Btep-daughter, Mrs. E. A. B. Jeremiah, in Date Krarnat Road at 10 o’clock last night. The deceased gentleman, who was a
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  • 678 279 P. C. C. vs. Police. An immense and enthusiastic crowd of spectators gathered round the ropes yesterday evening to witness the Cup r I ie Match between the P.C.C. and the Police. The teams were equally matched, and the struggle was very keen right up to the end.
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  • 673 279 ORDINARY MEETING. Present. Mr. W. Peel (President). W. T. Chapman. J. W. Hallifax. Lim Eu Toh. Dr. J. S. Rose (Health Officer). Mr. L. M. Bell (Municipal Engineer) 0. V. Thomas (Electrical Engineer) and L. A. C. Biggs (Secretary). There was only one item on the agenda which
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  • 494 280 We are discovered. The Perak Pink ‘Un has been our undoing. We lifted a local from its columns some few days ago about the Easter Inter-port Cricket Match. We lifted it without acknowledgment, stole it as a matter of fact—“ ‘convey’ the wise call it. It was
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  • 555 280 At the meeting of the Legislative Council to-dav |he following questions will l»e asked by the Hon. E. C. Ellis (1) “Will the Government appoint a Commission to enquire into the desirabilitv of introducing legislation dealing with the distribution of the estates of intestate Chinese and to recommend
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  • 49 280 {Echo Special.) Brought up in Singapore. Singapore, 31st March.—Mr. Farrer Baynes, the advocate and solicitor, was brought up in custody for an alleged breach of the Bankruptcy Ordinance. He was examined to-day. The allegation is in regard to clients’ funds and also for not furnishing accounts.
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  • 66 280 {Echo Special.) Annual General Meeting. Singapore, 31st March.—At the Haytor meeting it was announced that the estimated output from June to December was exceeded by 1,047 lbs. The prices realised this year were 6/9d. for sheet and 6/1 Id. for crepe. The directors w ere granted $2,500 remuneration.
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  • 37 280 (Supplied by A Vote of 300,000 Marks. London, 30th March.—A telegram from Berlin states that the Reichstag has voted 300,000 marks, to be under the Foreign Secretary’s exclusive control, for German news service abroad.
    (Supplied by  -  37 words
  • 38 280 (Supplied by Render.) Late Start. London, 30th March.—The correspondent of the Times at Wellington states that, owing to the late start, it is doubtful whether the Japanese Antarctic Expedition will effect a landing this season.
    (Supplied by Render.)  -  38 words
  • 95 280 (Supplied by Reuter.) An Impracticability. London, 30th March.—A telegram from Berlin states that during the debate in the Reichstag on the estimates of the Imperial Chancellery, Herr von Bethman-Hollweg pointed out that since disarmament was voted at the first Hague Conference nolsxly had produced a practical scheme. Great Britain,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  95 words
  • 61 280 (Supplied by Render.) Dover-Calais Night Boat Beached. London, 30th March. The Dover to Calais night Ixjat ran on the beach midway between Sangatte and Calais owing to the fog and darkness. There were 81 passengers on Ixjard who wore most alarmed. They were safely landed and conveyed to
    (Supplied by Render.)  -  61 words
  • Page 280 Advertisements
    • 40 280 Better than a Plaster. For pains in the side or chest dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bind it on over the seat of pain. There is nothing better. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 26 281 pi/zppiu MJ Parliamentary Committee Formed. London, 30th March.—A Parliamentary Committee of all parties is Izeing formed to advance the principle of unrestricted arbitration treaties.
    pi/zppiu . MJ  -  26 words
  • 49 281 (Supplied by Reuter.) Damage Estimated at J 5,000,000. London, 30th March.—A telegram from Washington says that in the great fire in the State Capitol the damage was estimated at $5,000,000, excluding the value of unique documents in the State Library, which was gutted. Nothing was insured.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  49 words
  • 31 281 (Supplied by Reuter.) Adjourned Indefinitely. London, 30th March.—The debate on the referendum bill, fixed for February 3, has been adjourned indefinitely in accordance with the suggestion of Lord Lansdowne.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  31 words
  • 43 281 (Supplied by Reuter.') To Attend a Music-hall Performance. London, 30th March. —Their Majesties the King and Queen, in reply to Sir Edward Moss, intimated that they would have pleasure in attending a command musicnail performance at Edinburgh in July.
    (Supplied by Reuter.')  -  43 words
  • 1118 281 Eight leading varieties of padi are grown in Krian. In the Calcutta Museum may Ix 3 seen 1,40) different specimens, so that is not very wonderful. The most wonderful thing about Krian padi is that the acreage should have more than doubled since 1904, when only about 20,000 acres
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  • 425 281 Arthur Young Cup. The 2nd round of the above competition has now been concluded with the following results T. A. Martin (—9) beat H. C. Sells (—24) by 2 1. C. C. Rogers (—5) beatG. A. Carmichael (-4) by 2 1. G. A. Halls (—9) beat R.
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  • 1799 282 gr K. S. Koh, Sometime Scholar of St. John’s Coll., Cambridge. 1 Ah Cupid, with thy golden shaft Why didst thou wound me so Oh, heal it that I may forget My niis’ry and my woe. 2. If thou must wound, why didst thou wound Me thus, 0 tell
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  • 1179 283 A meeting of the Penang Rural Board was held yesterday afternoon at the Land Office, the following members being present: —Messrs. J. C. Sugars (Chairman), J. R. Brown, C. S. May, Cheah Choo Yew and Dr. Dane, with Chee Kok Pee (Secretary) in attendance. The minutes
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  • 570 284 List of Colonial Delegates who will Attend. The representation of the self-governing Dominions at the forthcoming Imperial conference, which °P (;DS on J-2, is now olete with the exception of Canada s says the Globe. It is known that Sir Wilfrid Laurier will be present, but lis
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  • 107 284 {Echo Special.} Annual General Meeting. Klumpor, 31st March.—Mr. H. P. Clodd presided at the annual general meeting of the Selangor Chamber of Commerce and in his speech reviewing the past year suggested the consideration of the questions of rubber auctions in Klumpor and more frequent meetings
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  • 91 284 {Echo Special.) London Quotes. Klumpor, 31st Mar.—The Planters’ Stores and Agency have received the following wire from London in regard to the price of rubber. Sheet; [b Biscuit 0/1 P* Fine Hard Para 6/6 Rubber as Pavement. London, Ist April.—A booklet has been issued in connection with the Rubber
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  • 19 284 (Echo Special.) $76,000. Singapore, Ist April.—Subscriptions towards the King Edward Memorial Fund now amount to $76,000.
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  • 110 284 {Echo Special.} Estate Labourers Bill. Singapore, Ist April.—During the discussion in the Legislative Council yesterday on the Estate Labourers Bill, the Hon. Dr. Galloway said that he could not agree to delegating the plans etc., solely to the Health Officers. Moreover he thought that the penalties were excessive.
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  • 23 284 {Echo Special.} An Accountant Appointed. Singapore, Ist April.—The Municipal Commissioners have agreed to appoint an accountant at <£soo per annum.
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  • 68 284 {Supplied by Reuter.} Large Increase. London, Ist April.—The revenue of the British Isles for the past quarter shows an increase of £28,509,046. The total revenue for the year is £203,650,588, an increase of £72,154,132, made up as follows: Income tax £48,600,000, Customs £2,800,000, Excise, Mine and Estate duties
    {Supplied by Reuter.}  -  68 words
  • 23 284 {Supplied by Reuter.) Oxford Favourites, London, Ist April.—Oxford are the favourites for the boat race which takes place to- day.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  23 words
  • 32 284 (Supplied by Reuter.} £.400 a Year. London, Ist April—lt is understood that the Budget provides for the payment of members of Parliament at the rate of £4OO a year.
    (Supplied by Reuter.}  -  32 words
  • 42 284 {Supplied by Reuter.} New Dreadnought Launched. London, 31st March.—The Dreadnought Monarch was launched at Elswick. She is a vessel of 22,680 tons. The feature of the launching was that her boilers, funnels and other equipment were already in place.
    {Supplied by Reuter.}  -  42 words
  • 48 284 {Sujqdied by Reuter.} Lansdowne's Motion. London, 31st March. —In the House of Lords, Lord Lansdowne moved an address asking for the King’s sanction for the introduction of the Lords Reform Bill. Lord Morley said that the Government would advise the King to give his assent.
    {Sujqdied by Reuter.}  -  48 words
  • 108 284 (Su J,plied by Reuter.} Henderson's Recommendations. London, Ist April.—The Australian Government will carry out immediately ViceAdmiral Sir Reginald Henderson’s recommendations in regard to Australian Defence. [On the 14th inst. Reuter wired Admiral Bir Reginald Henderson han presented hi» repor* in regard to Australian Defence and recommend» the construction,
    (SuJ,plied by Reuter.}  -  108 words
  • Page 284 Advertisements
    • 55 284 Danger Avoided. There is little danger from a cold except when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when Charalierlain’s Cough Remedy is used. This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and can be relied upon with implicit confidence. For sale
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  • 1249 285 The information published last week, in our telegraphic report of the meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya, calls attention to the differences in point of view, and the necessarily mixed motives of Government in such matters. The position of the Estate Manager with regard to labour generally
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  • 418 285 There is, of course, a chance that it isn’t the l>est show in the Far East, but when Jimmy Young, with his right hand covering big shirt-stud, swore to us that it is, we were inclined to believe him. He said ApoUo’g Circus would make Penang
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  • 192 285 The Championship Challenge Cup and the Special Prize. Open to 12 highest aggregates and any aggregates of 90 or over in competitions Nos. 5,6, 8, 10 and 12. First Prize, Challenge Cup (vide Rule 14), presented by the Officers, Penang Volunteers, and prize presented by the Corps.
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  • 1038 286 ORDINARY MEETING, FRIDAY, U MAR. 31. Present. His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson. The Ilon’ble Major Genl. Stephenson, goc. 1 the Colonial Secretary, E L. BrockV man. the Attorney-General, T. de M. Braddell. Dr. F. B. Croucher, Acting P. C. M. O. J. B. Elcum, Director of
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  • 202 286 Mr. L P. Ebden has l>een appointed a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. Mr. A. V. Brown, Second Magistrate, Penang, who returned to the Colony from leave on March 24, will act as Inspector of Prisons, S. Mr. Henry Charles Bathurst has been
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  • 47 286 The Competition for the Ladies’ March medal took pl.Lce on Friday and Saturday last with the following result: I Miss Mahler ...=464-44= 90—26=64 Mrs. Heim 444-46 90—24=66 Edwards =414-43= 84—14=70 Peterkin ...=444-46= 90 18=72 Rodyk ...=544-46=100-27=73 Evens ...:=45-f-37= 82— 6=76 Goodrich ...=5l-4-60=111—30 Liston ...=63-4-56=119-30=89
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  • 94 286 An examination for the five Commercial Scholarships, of $l2O each, given by the Government, was held recently by Mr. A. E. Pringle, Inspector of Schools. The competitors were all from St. Xavier’s Institution. The following is the order of merit of the successful candidates (1) Chan Fook Tat.
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  • 79 286 Tiie March output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Company was as follows Dredger No. 1, working 600 hours, 457 pls. 2, 567 419 3, 530 314 4, 162 77 Total 1,859 1,267 3 Pei ak-Avagyee Collision. -Judgment was reserved in the action brought by the Eastern Shipping
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  • Page 286 Advertisements
    • 63 286 Children Like It. When a medicine must lie given to young children it should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is made from loaf sugar, and the roots used in its preparation give it a flavor similar to maple syrup, making it pleasant to take. It has no superior
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  • 579 287 B. R. C. w. P. R. C. This match, which was played at Butterworth, was of a very interesting nature. The visitors, who were several rnen short at the beginning, upon winning the toss, chose to bat first. The first six succeeded in compiling only 28 runs, but
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  • 755 287 Dr. R. Bruce-Low, Medical Officer, Straits Settlements, is appointed to act as Medical Officer, Grade 11, Federated Malay States, with effect from the Ist January, 1911. Dr. C. C. Robinson, Medical Officer, Straits Settlements, is appointed to act as Medical Officer, Grade 11, Federated Malay States, with effect
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  • Page 287 Advertisements
    • 40 287 Better than a Plaster. For pains in the side or chest dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bind it on over the seat of pain There is nothing better. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 61 287 Good for Weak Digestion. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or the youngest child. The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened digestion and
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    • 55 287 Danger Avoided. There is little danger from a cold except when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is used. This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and can be relied upon with implicit confidence. For sale
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  • 269 288 {Echo A' Model Sheds. Singapore, Ist April.—At the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners yesterday it was suggested that model sheds be erected which would be let out to cow-keepers, who would be under proper supervision. [The Singapore Municipal President in bringing the matter forward is reported to have
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  • 579 288 {Echo Special.} Sureties for $7,500. Singapore, Ist April.—Mr. Farrer-Baynes has been ordered to find sureties for $7,500, to furnish the books and documents, and to appear in Court on April 28. If he cannot find the security he will be conveyed in custody to Malacca in
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  • 25 288 {Supplied by Reuter.) Scotland Draws with England. London, 3rd April.—The soccer match ween England and Scotland has resulted u ‘»'lraw of one goal each.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  25 words
  • 35 288 {Supplie I by Reu er.) Oxford Wo». London, 2nd April.—Orford has won the boat race. Record Time. London, 3rd April.—Oxford won by 2| lengths in 18 min. 29 secs., which is record time.
    {Supplie I by Reu er.)  -  35 words
  • 78 288 {Supplied by Reuter.) Spanish Cabinet Resigns. London, 2nd April.—A telegram from Madrid says that the Spanish Cabinet has resigned. It had been placed in a dilemma by the debate on the Republican motion in favour of a revision of the Court martial condemnation of Ferrer,
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  78 words
  • 57 288 {Supplied by Reuter.) Is Universal Suffrage a Failure? London, 3rd April.—A telegram from Vienna states that owing to persistent obstruction preventing the voting of supply the Reichsrath, first elected on the basis of universal suffrage, has been dissolved. Government has issued a communique declaring that the hopes based
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  57 words
  • 44 288 {Supplied by Reuter.) Transfers and Appointments. London, 2nd April.—The following Austro-Hungarian diplomatic changes are reported. Count Thurn has been appointed Ambassador at St. Petersburg. Von Rosthorn, Minister at Teheran, has lieen transferred to Peking. Councillor Otto will replace him at Teheran.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  44 words
  • 40 288 {Supplied by Reuter.) MacVea Draws with Langford. London, 3rd April.—A telegram from Paris states that the heavy weights, Sam Langford and Sam MacVea, met in a twentyrounds contest for a purse of £2,000. The fight ended in a draw.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  40 words
  • 29 288 {Supplied by Reuter.) To Visit Holland. London, 2nd April.—A telegtain from Paris states that President Fallieres will visit Holland in July at the invitation of Queen Wilhelmina.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  29 words
  • 224 288 {Supplied by Reuter.) Sultan’s Troops Defeated. London, Ist April.—A telegram from Fez states that a small force lielonging to the Sultan was defeated by rebels. Twenty were killed and fifty wounded. It is feared that the reverse will lead to the rebels blockading Fez and cutting it off from
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  224 words
  • Page 288 Advertisements
    • 67 288 Children Like It. When a medicine most be givi n tfl yo(mg children it should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is made from loaf sugar, and the roots used in its preparation give it a flavor similar to maple vr up making it pleasant to t ike. ft
      67 words

  • 1343 289 The majority of Englishmen who read no hiitory will feel annoyance when they learn from Benter to-day of the Dublin Corporation’s refusal, by a thumping majority, to present an address of loyalty to King George V. They will say, What mad, bad people those Irish are. What disloyal people.
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  • 465 289 Directors. Chairman. Hon. A. R. Adams. Managing Director H. Jessen, Esq. J. D. Kemp, Esq., F. Duxbury, Esq., J. H. Pye, Esq., Khaw Joo Tok, Esq., Lee Chin Ho, Esq., Ng. 800 Bee, Esq., Chung Thye Phin, Esq., Chu Shu Ming, Esq., Quah Beng Kee,
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  • 1278 290 -S.F.P. the offer of compensation ACCEPTED. Sale to London Approved. An extraordinary general meetin of the port Dickson Rubber Co., Ltd., was held on Friday at Singapore to consider the shortage of area, Mr. J. A. MacGregor’s oiler of compensation and the proposed sale to London. The
    -S.F.P.  -  1,278 words
  • 321 290 XI v J {New York Sun.) I N. rth German Lloyd liner Brandt n- I' n 'he departed for New York from L.<-:i i a r •■•.jti ha 1 a row that had Ixsm n• .g :y di v since she loaded 19,000 ■-ari of
    XI v J {New York Sun.)  -  321 words
  • 298 290 Issue oi a Useful Book of Guidance for the Tropics. A very important and useful work has just been i. sued, says the Madras Times, under th*» title oi Sewage Disposal in the Tropics,” the author being Major W. W. Ciemesha, i. m. s., and the publishers Messrs.
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  • 58 291 Result of operations during the month of March. OufpaZ— Tributers Ore Ph. 43.44 Mine Ore 3,756.56 Total Output 3,800.00 Woluo— Tributers Ore 2,165.00 Mine Ore 8 206,915.00 Total Value 209,080.00 Eoiimaled Profit Tributers Ore 495.00 Mine Ore 8 95,915.00 Total Profit 96,410.00 Karang Treated— From Shaft
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  • 39 291 Ayer Etam Intake— During the month 6.27 inches Maximum in one day 2.21 do Number of rainy days 16. Waterfall Intake— During the month 4.04 inches Maximum in one day 1.09 do Number of rainy days 14.
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  • 42 291 (Echo Special.) The Selangor Team. Klumpur, 3rd April.—The cricket team which will represent Selangor in the match against Singapore at Easter will be composed as follows: Hubback, Bancroft, Mustard, Spooner, Grenier, Wai den, Corbetta, McKenzie, Evans, Pullen Thompson and Tucker.
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  • 29 291 (Echo Special.) 111. Singapore, 3rd April.—Sir A. F. G. Law, Acting Chief Justice, is ill, and in consequence Mr. Justice Fisher will take the Malacca Assizes.
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  • 91 291 S, Galloway—Campbell. Singapore, 4th April.—The marriage was solemnised yesterday betw’een Miss Galloway, daughter of the Hou. Dr. Galloway, and Mr. J. G. Campbell, partner of Messrs. Braddell Bros. The bestman was Mr. J. Robertson. Mrs. Gahagan was Matron of Honour and Miss Kitty Cook flowergirl. The Hon. Dr. Galloway
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  • 35 291 (Echo Special.) Innei—Elcum. Singapore, 4th April. —The engagement is announced of Miss Eunice Elcum, daughter of the Hon. Mr. J. B. Elcum, Director of Education, and Captain G. Innes of the Malay States Guides.
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  • 100 291 (E< ho Special.) Presented with King’s Police Medal. Singapore, 4th April.—On the Esplanade this morning His Excellency Sir John Anderson presented Mr. W. A. Cuscaden, Inspector General of Police, with the King s Police Medal in the presence of a large crowd of Government officials, civilians, and members
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  • 232 291 (Echo Special!) January and February Exports. Klumpur, 3rd April.—The rubber exports for January and February, are as follows Perak 700,445 lbs. Selangor 1,792,231 Negri Sembilan 325,389 Pahang 1,954 The total shows an increase of 1,322,818 lbs. as compared with a corresponding period last year. Latest Prices. Klumpur, 4th April.
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  • 100 291 E<:ho Spec ia I.) Tin. Klumpur, 3rd April.—The final figures the F. M. S. tin exports for January and February are as follows Perak 65,420 pikuls Selangor 39,018 Negri Sembilan 5,295 Pahang 7,745 The exports from all the States, with the exception of Pahang, show a decrease as
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  • 69 291 (Echo Special.) Official List. Klumpur, 3rd April.—lt is officially announced that the M. S. V. R. Coronation Contingent will consist of Major Hubback, Capt. Shaw, Sergt. Grey and Hay, LanceCorp. Fane, and Ptes. Walker and Raffles (Selangor), Pte. Cross (Negri Sembilan), and Ptes. Thornton and Dubois (Perak).
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  • 41 291 (Supplied by Heater.) Committee Stage of Parliament Bill. The London, 4th April.—Commons began the Committee Stage of the Parliament Bill to which there are 100 amendments of which. 80 (eight hundred Reuter says) are from the Opposition.
    (Supplied by Heater.)  -  41 words
  • 28 291 bj ItClUei.) Flat. London, 4th April.—The directors of Messrs. Barclay, Perkins and Co. propose to write off =£2,500,000 representing the depreciation of the Company’s licensed houses investment.
    bj ItClUei.)  -  28 words
  • 27 291 (Supplied by Heuler.) All Night at Aldwych. London, 4th April.—l,soo Suffragists spent a night at the Aldwych Skating Bink in order to evade the census.
    (Supplied by Heuler.)  -  27 words

  • 33 292 (Supplied by Reuter.} Criticised Minister Resigns. London, 3rd April.—A telegram from ox Petersburg states that the Russian Minister of Marine, whose department was much criticised in the Duma, has resigned office-
    (Supplied by Reuter.}  -  33 words
  • 34 292 (Supplied by Reuter.} It’s Irish You Know. London, 4th April—The Dublin Corporation rejected by 42 votes to 9 the resolution to present a loyal address on the occasion of the King s visit.
    (Supplied by Reuter.}  -  34 words
  • 280 292 (Supplied by Reuter.} Its Provisions. London, 3rd April.—A telegram from Washington says that it is understood the Anglo-American Arbitration Treaty will not provide automatic machinery for the arbitration of each dispute as it arises. But the dispute will be referred for arbitration by a special agreement to
    (Supplied by Reuter.}  -  280 words
  • 1122 292 When a Chinese mob makes a demonstration, the papers print accounts of it, and their European readers say within themselves that these people need to be civilized. Reuter’s message to-day about a mob demonstration in Birkenhead suggests the question, What is civilization? It is not, as Truthful James suggested,
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  • Page 292 Advertisements
    • 68 292 Children Like It. > a Medicine must be given to young children it should be pleasant to take am jerlain s Cough Remedy is made from sugar, and the roots used in its preparnal/ Q l Ve a fl avor similar to maple svrup, rim- d to take. It has
      68 words

  • 653 293 Opening Night. We will not «ay that Apollo’s huge tent at the Dato Krarnat Gardens was crowded last night, but considering the weather, which has been wretched these few days,the attendance was good. Seventy-five per cent, of the higher priced seats were occupied and, with more advertising, this
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  • 742 293 M. R. C. vs. G. W. U. In spite of the bad weather yesterday, a fairly good crowd witnessed the Cup fie match Ixstween the Mohamedan Recreation Club and the Government Wharves United. About an hour before the game there was a heavy downpour, hut it cleared up
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  • 436 293 They have been discussing the registration of Chinese marriages in Singapore. Views for and against were expressed. The 8. F. P. thus reports the debate Some 25 members of the Chinese Christian Association and their friends met on Friday night in the Society’s Hall to discuss
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  • Page 293 Advertisements
    • 55 293 Danger Avoided. There is little danger from a cold except when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is used. This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and can be relied upon with implicit confidence. For sale
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  • 458 294 [Suggested by Pope’s Essay on Criticism, lines quoted from which are between inverted commas.] pnkind words have been heaped on me galore, But most of them I’ve chosen to ignore Some I deserve to some extent, I fear The others to have been mere Spite appear,— The
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  • 734 294 {from Our Correspondent.) sth April. By the death of Mr. E. F. Townley, Acting District Officer, Upper Perak, the F.M.S. has lost another of its old and experienced officers and the tragic suddeness of his demise will be greatly regretted, as he appeared to lie in quite good health
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  • 161 294 Refractory Coolies on a Rubber Estate. News came to Singapore several days ago of trouble having arisen with refractory coolies on the estate of the Serangoon Rubber Co., on Pulau Obin, says last Monday’s Straits Times. The coolies had struck work, on the plea, it is
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  • 217 294 The Ipoh correspondent of the Perak Pioneer writes to that journal The Masonic Ceremony in connection with the laying of the foundation stone of Lodge Kinta’s new Temple in Maxwell Road on Saturday afternoon was a most impressive, pleasing and interesting function, carried out admirably by Wor.
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  • Page 294 Advertisements
    • 38 294 Better than a Plaster. For pains in the side or chest dampen a of flannel with Chamberlain’s Pain m and bind it on over the seat of pain is nothing better. For sale by all Dwpemries and Dealers.
      38 words
    • 61 294 Good for Weak Digestion. Chamberlain’s Stomach ap'l Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and may l>e taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or the youngest child. The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened digestion and
      61 words

  • 178 295 Madras, 22nd March. The Mfklras Municipal Corporation has issued a warning to-day, stating that there is a serious epidemic of small-pox in the city, and advising all people to be vaccinated or re-vaccinated. An interesting discussion on the subject took place at the Municipal meeting last
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  • 27 295 (Echo Special.) The Elect. Singapore, sth April—The Coronation Contingent will consist of Captain Llewellyn, Lts. Millard, Kerr, Black, Webb, Blair, and Sergts. Wald and Parr.
    27 words
  • 36 295 (Echo Special.) March Crops. Klumpur, sth April.—The rublier crops of the undermentioned estates for March were as follows Klanang 10,500 lbs. Bukit Cheraka 4.269 Edinburgh 7,815 Inch Kenneth 11,860 Glenshiel 5,070 Balgownie 8,026 Kajang 680
    36 words
  • 50 295 (Su t >■'<.« oj jc/.; Banquet for Overseas Prrliamcntarians. London, 41 h April. Lord Rosebery will preside at tl;»* biivpvt V» welcome the rt-presentativi f "in th»* parliaments of the overseas dominion* to the coronation. Mr. A. .1. Bdf ur and Mr. IL H. Asquith are exjiected to
    (Sut. >■'<.« oj jc/.;  -  50 words
  • 36 295 0" r Post Found for Him at Last. London, 4th April.-The Standard understands that a post will shortly I provided for Lord Kitchener in connection with the organisation and preparation of troops for war.
    0" . . r- :  -  36 words
  • 29 295 (s^.piby Eiii'ii:) Remodelled. London, sth April. —Senor Canalejas, the Spanish Premier, has remodelled his Cabinet, omitting the Ministers of War and Finance who are doubtful supporters.
    (s^.piby Eiii'ii:)  -  29 words
  • 29 295 by Healer.) A Fat Dividend. London, 4th April.—The Selangor Rubber Company is declaring a dividend of 375 per cent. The profits for the year were .£119,206.
    (. by Healer.)  -  29 words
  • 47 295 (SuppHiA by Ileultr.) A Baseless Rumour. London, sth April.—The question of regency during the absence of their majesties the King and Queen in India is being considered. The rumour that the Duke of Connaught will leave Canada to act as Regent is baseless.
    (SuppHiA by Ileultr.)  -  47 words
  • 21 295 (Supplied by Reuter.') Signed. London, 4th April.—A telegram from Tokio states that the Anglo-Japanese Commercial Treaty has been signed.
    (Supplied by Reuter.')  -  21 words
  • 38 295 (Supplied by Reuler.) Japanese This Time. London. sth April.—A telegram from St. Petersburg states that a Japanese has been charged with espionage. He was arrested at Strelua, close to St. Petersburg, with photographs of several fortresses.
    (Supplied by Reuler.)  -  38 words
  • 72 295 (Supplied by Heater.) Anti-Chinese Disturbances. London, 4th April.—Anti-Chinese disturbances have taken place at Birkenhead in consequence of the alleged insults to white women by Chinese. A mob of 3,000 people on Sunday night sma hed the windows of the houses of the Chinese, and stoned and
    (Supplied by Heater.)  -  72 words
  • 676 295 The Balkans, those Balkans in which there was to be trouble in the Spring, have shifted to the Far East. If we took every editoral foreboding seriously, we should be al) the time preparing for troubles that do not come. There was to be serious trouble somehow,
    676 words
  • Page 295 Advertisements
    • 66 295 Keep it at Hand. Keep Chamberlain’s Pain Balm at hand, l&gt;ecome acquainted with its many uses and intrinsic merits and it will save much suffering as well as time and money. It promptly relieves the pain resulting from cuts, bruises, sprains or injuries from any cause and the wound is
      66 words

  • 458 296 Arthur Young Cup. The above Competition has now reached the semi-final stage. The following is the result of the third round. C. C. Kogers (—5) beat T. A. Martin (—9) by 2 up. G A. Hall (—9) beat H. R. Buckland (4-2) by 4 3. G. Macbain
    458 words
    • 90 296 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, ]t has been considered advisable to withdraw the recent appeal made to the public for funds to send the Boy Scouts to England for the Coronation festivities. There are so many appeals being made on the public for funds
      90 words
  • 259 296 Quarantined persons will have no reason to grumble in future, so far as the fixtures ami appointments of the New Quarantine Station are concerned. This important public work was begun some four years ago, Mr. S. E. A Linton being in charge, with Mr. F. X. Holmberg
    259 words
  • 191 296 Mr. Gan Ngoh Bee appeared Wore Mr. G. A. Hall in the District Court this morning to answer a summons issued against him at the instance of the Solicitor-General charging him with making a false declaration some thirteen years ago in connection with the
    191 words
  • 784 296 INSPECrOR-(J ENERAL CUSCADEN DECORATED. Eulogised by the Governor. To no worthier subject of King George could His Majesty’s police medal for meritorious and distinguished service have been presented than to Mr. \V. A. Cuscaden, the Inspector-General of Police, Straits Settlements, who shares the distinction with Mr. J.
    784 words

  • 266 297 The Daily Express of 17th March has this We referred yesterday to the great interest now being taken in various South African tin propositions, and we are informed that Mr. F. Douglas Osborne, of Obsorne and Chappel, who is recognised as one of the greatest living experts
    266 words
  • 496 297 Magistrate’s Action Criticised. We always liked Mr Justice Fisher’s judgments. Hen- vcr attempts to call a spade an agricultural implement. In quashing a conviction by the third Magistrate, Singapore, in a case in which Lim Soh Chwee and Low Qu-e were found guilty of assisting in
    496 words
  • 420 297 Signs of Renewed Activity on the Share Market. From the London and China Express, of March 10, we take the following The market for Para has been dull and easier. Hard Fine, on the spot, sold at 6s. B|d. now 6s. 9d. value (last year 10s. 2d.).
    420 words
  • 694 297 Captain F. A. Turner who presided at the meeting of the Teluk Anson Rubber Estate (Ltd.), which was held at Singapore last Monday, said among other things To those people who look for another boom and expect the price of rubber to go up to the
    694 words

  • 27 298 I Echo Special.) The Hon. Mr. E. L. Brockman. Singapore, sth April.—The Hou. Mr. E. T Brockman. Colonial Secretary, has been appointed the Governor’s deputy.
    27 words
  • 50 298 (Echo Special.) Annual General Meeting. Singapore, sth April. At the meeting of the Royal Johore Tin Co. Mr. Ewald said he would be optimistic about the prospects of the company if tin kept about its present level. Considerable improvement was expected. The present low quotations were unwarranted.
    50 words
  • 48 298 (Echo S t March Crops. Singapore, sth April.—The March crops of the undermentioned estates were as follows: Sungei Salak 4,589 lbs. New Labu 331 Sungei Choh 3,130 Jeram 729 Seremban 21,624 The decrease in the crop is ascribed to dry weather. Kuantan 2,700 Braunston 1,478 Pentamaran 14,105
    48 words
  • 29 298 {Supplied by Reuter.) An Octobrist Elected President. London, sth April.—A telegram from St. Petersburg states that the Octobrist, M. Rodsianko, has been elected President of the Duma.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  29 words
  • 78 298 (Supplied by Reu'er.) Closer Bonds of Union. London, sth April.—A telegram from Washington states that President Taft, pP- v, ng to the cordial message of the ®per°r of Japan on the occasion of the i cation of the Jap-American treaty, joins with the Emperor in the
    (Supplied by Reu'er.)  -  78 words
  • 71 298 (Supplied bj Reuter.) Club for Non-Commissioned Officer s Hon n&lt;^ n sth April.—The stockbroker Mr nry Bourke, brother of the Earl of Mayo eshW for,nerl y Viceroy of India, left «Ute of over £'500,000. of S 011 w *te’s decease, a sum dub f IU trus .t provide
    (Supplied bj Reuter.)  -  71 words
  • 21 298 Supplied by Reuter, j Not Detained." London, sth April.—The alleged Japanese spy arrested at Strelna was not detained.
    Supplied by Reuter, j  -  21 words
  • 43 298 (Supplied by Reuter.) Two New Dreadnoughts Ordered. 1 London, 6th April.—A telegram f-om Constantinople states that the Council of Ministers has definitely decided to order two new Dreadnoughts from Messrs. Armstrong, the firm agreeing to supply them at a reduced price.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  43 words
  • 278 298 (Supplied by Reuter.) Its Provisions. London, 6th April.—The Anglo-Japanese Treaty considerably reduces the new Japanese tariffs in favour of the important classes of textiles and iron ami steel goods in which Great Britain is specially interested. The treaty will remain in force for twelve years but either power
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  278 words
  • Page 298 Advertisements
    • 120 298 Debilitated by Dysentery. Now Full of the Health, Energy and Strength Supplied by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. So many people in the Far East a e acquainted from unhappy personal experien •&lt;* with Dysenterv and the debility resulting therefrom that what Mr. S. W Perera says upon the subject should
      120 words
    • 441 298 &lt; ’olombo, (’eylon. For a long time, he continued, I felt debilitated ,md ill. Previous to the attack ■J Ds-eiiD iy I ]ad ls*en a very stout man, but after that I fell away rapidlv until I Is’caim* almost a skeleton. I had an absolute distaste for food. J 9W'.
      441 words