The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 24 February 1911

Total Pages: 26
1 159 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. 115 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 cents. Vol. H- Penang, Friday, 24th February, 1911. No. 8.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 335 1 S CONTENTS. x Leaders: page. Miscellaneous: page» x Adversaria 136 157 Municipal Government in the Straits x A Pox On’t 141 Settlements 138 x x The Creed 141 Kuala Kangsar 139 155 x ‘“Abuse” 144 Sir Frank Swettenham on British x The Dream and the Idea 150 Malaya 139 x
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 164 2 '"**.X o y ««I.y J, J —’i nr inilt .i|f j ST KA ITS ECHO MAIL EDITION, I W n Mixjaaw I I Published the day prior to the departure of each mail f for Europe, and contains the latest local and. States news originally published in the daily issues,
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  • 1050 136 1 CL V —p. p. It was on the Bth instant that we had a tilt at some Straits Times stupidities, directed against Dr. Leonard Braddon. We needn’t have bothered. That medico is quite capable of keeping his end up. He has a most amusing throe-column reply in the
    1 CL ▼ V —p. p.  -  1,050 words
  • 3256 136 THE DEFENCE. Accused in the Witness Box. [The aocueed is M. 8. Cowan who is charged with forging a cheque drawn by A. W. Tully In favour of R. C. Gould and with cheating Gould. A Special jury and a Full Bench conaiating of the Ch ef Justice,
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  • Page 136 Advertisements
    • 104 136 The Straits Echo. Xtci l\r Ik vw f HkW J J Justice satisfies everybody and justice alone— Emerson Published daily (except Sundays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LTD., No. 226 —232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL <24 per annum. OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Free) |l5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.”
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  • 60 138 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following were the results of the ties played yesterday:— Single Handicap. Class A. Mercer vs. Henson (unfinished). Double Handicap. Clast A. '-outnam Brown beat Rogers Whitl<x?k 6 —3; 3—6 6—2. The s.s. Zaida, which arrived here this niorning, was sent to the quarantine
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  • 1685 138 The report of the Commission which enquired into the administration of municipal affairs in the Straits Settlements has, savs the Colonial Office Journal, naturally enough, made a deep impression in the Colony, and has a considerable interest for other "places. The establishment of municipalities
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  • 287 139 (From Our Correspondent.) Feb. 15th. Last week, one case of small-pox occurred in Kuala Kangsar at a place across the Pe.ak river called Saiong. The alert Medical department has taken measures to check its outspread. Bishop Montgomery of Australia and Bishop Daires of Singapore together with Mr. 0.
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  • 1596 139 (The Field, Jan. 14.) As to whether or not British Malaya offers to British youths opportunities for a successful career there can be no question. Indeed, it is doubtful whether, at the moment, anv other part of the world holds out Such Immediate Certainty
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  • 179 140 Progress at Penang. Since the epidemic started in June, there had been (to the end of December) 789 cases, with 215 deaths. Of the 789 cases, 319 had been vaccinated, and of the 215 fatal cases, only 36 had been vaccinated. The cases are classified in races as follows
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  • 54 140 (Echo Special.) 510,660 Up to Date. Singapore, 17th February.—The subscriptions towards the King Edward memorial amount to $10,660 of which the Governor has contributed a first instalment of 3500, the Hon. Mr. Tan Jiak Kim $4,000. the Hon. Mr. Hugh Fort, Messrs. Boustead Co., and Messrs. Paterson,
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  • 212 140 (Supplied by Reuter.) Russia's Patience Exhausted. London, 16th Feb. The St. Petersburg Bourse Gazetie states that an important conference will be held by the Ministry of War on the subject of Russia’s relations with China. The journal states that Russia’s patience is exhausted owing to China’s flouting of
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  212 words
  • 55 140 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Regent's Statement. London, 16th Feb. —A telegram from Teheran states that all members of the Mejliss visited the Regent on Sunday, who intimated that he refused to be sworn until a stable majority was formed in the Mejliss. He deprecated the present excessive interference of
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  55 words
  • 23 140 (Supplied by Reuter Doctor Sanguine. London, 16th Feb.—The Doctor is convinced that the Pope will be completely recovered in four days.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  23 words
  • 51 140 (Supplied by Reuter.) No Home Rule After All. London, 16th Feb.—Berlin reports that the Alsace-Lorraine Bill will probably be withdrawn, owing to the repeated adverse votes of the Reichstag Committee, which, despite strong opposition from the Government, adopted the amendment raising Alsace-Lorraine to the rank of an independent Federal
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  51 words
  • 64 140 (Supplied by Reuter.) Hall of Residence. London, 16th Feb.—A Hall of Residence for Chinese students will shortly lie opened in London. The Chinese Minister warmlv supports the scheme, ti e purpose of which is to provide a good social centre for students. Sir McLeavy Brown is
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  64 words
  • 34 140 (Supplied by Router.) Canada Not American Yet. London, 16th Feb.—Washington explains that Congressman Clark’s speech about the American flag soon flying over Canada was regarded as a and received with laughter.
    (Supplied by Router.)  -  34 words
  • 85 140 (Supplied by Raider.) Charted or Not. London. J 7th Feb.— H. M. S. Agamem■non, while entering Ferrol, was also slightly damaged. The British sailors say that the rock was not charted. The Spaniards maintain the contrary. The hydrographic committee are inquiring into the matter. (Yesterday Reuter wired
    (Supplied by Raider.)  -  85 words
  • 47 140 (Supplied by Reuter.) Durand Released. London, 17th Feb—A telegram from Paris states that the Minister of Justice has ordered the striker Durand to lie released. The General Confederation of Labour threatened a general strike if the sentence of seven years’ confinement was not carried •out.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  47 words
  • 38 140 (Supplied by Reuter.) At Peking and Tientsin, London, 17th Feb.—A telegram from Peking states that, after a week of immunity, two deaths took place from plague. There is one death daily from this disease at Tientsin.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  38 words
  • 45 140 (Supplied by Reuter.) Home Rule. London, 17th February.—ln the Hotsj of Commons yesterday* the Home Rule amendment was rejected by 326 vofeg to 213, a majority of 113. Address Adopted. '1 he address in reply to the sfieeeh from tne Throne was adopted.
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  • Page 140 Advertisements
    • 57 140 Absolutely Safe. When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It will on fix you up all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby to an adult.
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    • 77 140 A Reliable Rzmedy. Tot «ire nut experimenting ou vourself when you take Chamberlain's Cough Rem* for a ooM as that preparation has won it great reputation and extensive sale bv it remarkable cures of colds, and ran always f 1- depended upon. It i M equally valuable b*r adults and
      77 words

  • 22 141 f Say; Ji d by Rev ter.J Singapore's 3:or'» London, 17tb Feb.—Singapoc, shooticg ;nr the Walker Trophy, so.ed 167 point.-.
    f Say; Jid by Rev ter.J  -  22 words
  • 107 141 (Supplied by Reuter.) Barnes Appointed. London, 17th Feb. —Mr. W. D. Barnes, Resident of Pahang, has been offered and has accepted the appointment of Colonial Secretary, Hongkong. Mr. B. P. Pereira, Inspector of Weights and Measures, raided McAlister Road and Anson Road district yesterday, but the shop-keeper»
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  107 words
  • 556 141 Tho statistics published in yesterday’s Echo, concerning the epidemic of small-, pox, point a moral very plainly. The point should have been felt long Wore this, but it is amazing how stupid mankind can be, in the face of a plain warning. Noah’s neighbours were of
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  • 554 141 Glancing last night over an anonymous article purporting to give information about Omar Khayyam, we were annoyed by this passage:— That he was an epicurean and a materialist is very difficult to believe when one considers the simple life that he led and the fact that he volui
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  • 521 141 Wan Ch: AriJin, Attorney to Mohamed Arlff, was charged by Mr. W A. Ward, Municipal Salary lusjy or, with failing' to comp’y with the provisions of an abatement of Nuisance Order served on him on the 19th of July, K 10, with respect to the abatement
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  • 264 142 A moving of subscribers to the St. George’s Ball ww held at the Chamber nf Conamrree this afternojn, the Hon. Mr. W. Evans presiding. The other gentleman present were: Mr Justice Thornton, Mr. W. Peel. Mr. W. S. Boteler, Dr. Dane*. Mr. Henson, Mr. W Marsh, and
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  • 290 142 It has been definitely decided to hold the annual meeting of the Penang Football League on Tuesday, February 28 (not 21st as at first intended) at 6 p.m. in the P. C. C. pavilion. This will allow the members of the Free School team, who are at
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  • 387 142 Dtt. Ehoxg—Lam Catw. A weddinst of uausual interest to fljo Chinese community of IVnaug took pl. ce at 31 r. Lain Hor ChoonCs palatial residence in Love Lane yesterday, when D r g q* Khoos. 3A, 51 B Bc (Camb was joined in marriage to Miss Lain Swee
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  • 180 142 QUARANTINE REGULATIONS The following notifications appear in a Government Gazette Extraordinary dated February 15. Information having been received that a dangerous infectious or contagious disease, namely, Plague, exists at Chefoo, it is hereby declared by His Excellency the Governor, in exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 5
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  • 40 142 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following was the result of the ties played yesterday Profession Pairs. Waugh A. Goldie McArthur 4 Jamieson 6-^2; 6*3. dlix.cZ Douses. Mr. 4 Mrs. B Martin beat Mr. Mrs. Anderson 6—2 6 3.
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  • 434 142 (Front Our Correspondent.) 17th Feb. The Acting British Resident, Mr. R. G. Watson, proceeds to Kinta to-morrow morning and will remain at Ipoh till the end of next week. Raja Yusuf, the son of the Raja Muda. has lx*m appointed a Malay Probationer and is to be attached to
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  • Page 142 Advertisements
    • 67 142 Ch’imbsrlain’j Cough Remedy in Africa. Mr. Piet A. Uys, of Lelievlei, Orange River Colony, testifies Io the good qualities of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. He sav« “We have used it several times for our-bddren and ourselves and expect to confute with it as we harp found itexcellent. W- cn recommend it
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  • 255 143 M. M. Aep.ia—Webb. A pretty wedding took place in the Church of St John the Evangelist last Tuesday morning, the contracting parties being Mr. Duns .an Alfred Aeria, the well-knoun civil engineer, architect and contractor of Kuala Lumpur, and Alisa Constance Ursula Webb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
    M. M.  -  255 words
  • 333 143 The Ninety-first report of the Court of Directors says Gentlemen,—The Directors have now to submit to you a General Statement of the affairs of the Bank, and Balance Sheet for the half-year ending 3lst December, 1910. The net profits for that period, including 82,029,390.83, balance
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  • 43 143 (Ec!-n [Special.', Latest Prices. Kun la Lumpur, 17th Feb. —The Planners and Stores London Agency cable the following prices: Sheet Biscuit > 6s. Id. per lb. Fine Hard Para Port wettenham Rubber, Judgment has been reserved in the Port Swettenham Rubber case appeal.
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  • 61 143 (Echo Special.) Dinners and Tributes. Singapore, 18th Feb —The Sporting and Cricket Club here have dinnered the Hon. Mr. Hugh Fort, ami presented him with a silver bowl. Eulogistic speeches marked the occasion. Mr. Fort’s kindliness was specially and honourably mentioned. The Bench ami Bar at Singapore and
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  • 20 143 (Echo Special.) Assistant Superintendent Sheedy. Singapore, 18th Feb.— Inspector Sheedy is appointed Assistant Superintendent of Police at Singapore.
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  • 52 143 (Supplied by Reuter.) Another Jardine Win. London, 18th Feb.—The Waterloo Cup has l>een won by Sir R. W. B. Jardine’s Jabberwoc.k, which though three lengths behind at the last turn, easily beat Silk Scarlet. The betting was 100 to 100 on Jabberwock. (Sir R. Jardine's Leng Span won
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  52 words
  • 166 143 (Echo Special.) Shall She Bully China London, 18th Feb.—Reuter learns that Russia has assured the Powers interested that she has not the least intention of acquiring fresh territory. It will depend greatly on the attitude of China what will l>e the form and scope of the Russian demonstration,
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  • 74 143 (Echo Si erial.) London Wants to Get in, Singapore, 18th Feb.— Ayer Panas share, holders are considering offers to sell their property to London, for £l2O/00 worth of two shilling shares, the total capital to be £140.060, or, alternatively, £', with a working capital of £40,000, £25,000 of
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  • 45 143 (Supplied by Reuter.) Planes Fatal to Dirigibles. London, 18th Feb.—Experiments carried out from the Eiffel Tower at Paris are held to have proved that a dirigible can easily be destroyed by an aeroplane flying higher and launching sharp missiles to burst the gasbag.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  45 words
  • 29 143 ("Supplied by Reuter.) Ratification a Foregone Conclusion, London, 17th Feb. —Interest in the reciprocity debate at Ottawa is flagging. The ratification is apparently regarded as a foregone conclusion.
    ("Supplied by Reuter.)  -  29 words
  • 35 143 (Supplied by Reuter Royal Princes Progressing. London, 17th Feb.—Since the outbreak of measles at Dartmouth two cadets have died. The Prince of Wales and Prince Albert, who contracted the disease, are progressing satisfactorily.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  35 words
  • 35 143 (Supplied by Reuter.) Deliberations Suspended. London, 17th Feb. —A telegram from Berlin states that the Government has asked the committee to suspend deliberations in regard to the Alsace-Lorraine bill pending the Government’s decision.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  35 words
  • 99 143 (Supplied by Reuter.) Russia's Demand. London, 17th February.—The text of the Russian note to 'China which has been published, confirms the provisions which have already been telegraphed. Besides a consul at Kobdo Russia claims the right to establish consulates at Kami. Gutihen, Kuldsha, Tchugutshak, Urg*» Uljasutai, Kashgar, Urumtshi
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  99 words
  • Page 143 Advertisements
    • 56 143 Colds M\y be Avoided.i When your feet are wet and cold, and your body chilled through and. through fro® exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlains Cough Remedy, bathe your feet in hot water before going to bed, and you are almost certain to ward off a severe cold. For
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  • 93 144 The Straits Steamship Company have been advised of the probable date on which they will get delivery of the two new steamers that are being built to their orders in Scotland. The Krian, it is stated, will leave Greenock on April 29, and the Klany
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  • 108 144 News has been received by the German mail of the death of Mrs. Margaret Scott, widow of the late Mr. George Scott of Ayer Rajah, Penang, which occurred at 4, Walker Street, Edinburgh, on the 24th ult., in her 92nd year, says the T. 0.
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  • 192 144 After a lapse of nearly four years the Malaya Medical Journal has again made its appearance, Dr. Gilbert E. Brooke, the editor, expressing the hope that all members of the B. M. A. and medical men in Malaya will support it in future so that it may
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  • 130 144 ORDINARY MEETING, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17. Present. His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson. The Major Genl. Stephenson. the Colonial Secretary E.L. Brockman. the Attorney-General. F. Belfield. the Col Treasurer, W. C. Mid ell, the Col. Engineer, F. J. Pigott. C. J. Saunders. ,t J. B. Elcum, Director of
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  • 475 144 Dividend of Eight per cent, and I RELiminary Expenses Paid. The second ordinary general meeting of j enealy Plantations, Ltd., was held at j ham House, Singapore, on Saturdav, when the directors submitted the accounts tor the period from November 15, 1909 to October 31, 1910. The
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  • 742 144 RECENT ELASTICITY OF METAL MARKET. The Rise in Prices. The recent extraordinary elasticity of the price of tin, more especially since the beginning of this year, baa been a very prominent feature in the metal markets, says a writer in the commercial supplement of The Times. The
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  • 827 145 His Explanation. The deposed Sultan of Rhio sends the following letter to the Strait* Timet: Sir—l «hall feel much obliged if you could spare space in your valuable paper for the following account of the circumstances attending my recent deposition, in reply to the official announcement
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  • 315 145 The Ofiicial Statement as Published at Batavia. The Java Bode gives full particulars of the Rhio affair, which show that formerly that state formed part of the Sultanate of Johore. In 1709 the Sultan of Johore left the mainland and settled at Rhio. In course of time
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  • 50 145 (Supplied by Reuter.) Two British Experts. London, 18th Feb.—Dr. Reginald Farrar, Medical Inspector to the Local Government Board, together with Dr. Petrie start for Harbin on the 20th inst. (to-day). The latter goes at the instance of the Indian Plague Committee to investigate the pneumonic form of plague.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  50 words
  • 31 145 (Supplied by Reuter.) Plague and Cholera. London, 19th Feb. —France has invited the Powers to a Sanitary Conference at Paris in May next to discuss Plague and Cholera.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  31 words
  • 80 145 (Supplied by Reuter.) Stuffed with French Chestnuts. London, 20th Feb.—Paris reports that the Matin states that Turkey is negotiating with the French Bank, with the assent of the French Government, for a loan of five million pounds Turkish at four per cent, per annum. The issue price is not
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  80 words
  • 91 145 (Supplied by Reuter.) Tirpitz on Its Retention. London 18th February.—A telegram from Berlin states that the Reichstag has passed the second reading of the Kiau Chau estimates. The Socialists demanded the return of the territory to China but Minister Tirpitz said that the vast majority of the Chinese
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  91 words
  • 155 145 (Supplied by Reuter.) Russia Shown Up. London, 20th February —Peking reports that China will reply to the Russian Note to-morrow. It is understood that China does not admit any grounds of complaint as regards free trade facilities that China admits that right of extraterritoriality and the right to
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  155 words

  • 40 146 (Supplied by Reuter.) Four New Battleships. London, 18th February.—A telegram from St. Petersburg states that the Council of Ministers have asked the Duma to rote .£12,000,000 for the construction of four new battleships between 1911 and 1915.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  40 words
  • 570 146 We played Bridge last evening, and afterwards listened to conversation. So far as we remember, the talk was of Tooth-pulling, Missionaries, Fever, the Legion of Frontiersmen, West Africa, and the Objectionable Syrrupiness of Liqueurs (which, as usual, were pronounced lick-cures’). We are prepared to swear
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  • 548 146 Everyone who happened to be absent from that meeting yesterday may not have deserved the scolding with which they were favoured on account of their alleged apathv. Some of them may have been misled by our prophecy that the meeting would adopt cut-and-dried resolutions in favour of cooperating
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  • 36 146 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following was the result of the ties played yesterday Championship. Anthony beat Mercer 6—l; 7 5. Double Handicap. Class A. Final. Waugh Goldie beat Southam Brown 2—6; 6—2 6—4.
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  • 95 146 The current issue of the Government Gazette notifies the following appointments: —Dr. F. Croucher to be provisionally an official member of the Legislative Council during the absence from the colony of Dr. W. G. Ellis, and to be a Commissioner of the Peace for Singapore Mr. W. M.
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  • 402 146 Criminal Appeals. (Before Mr. Justice Thornton.) The following appeals were disposed of by Mr. Justice Thornton in the Supreme Court, yesterday:— Causing Hurt. This was an appeal by Yiow Lye |who was convicted by District Judge Hall on the 22nd December last for voluntarily causing hurt to one
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  • 3245 147 PUBLIC MEETING AT THE TOWN HALL. <1 PENANG'S VIEWS. A public meeting was called at the Town Hall bv the Hon. Mr. W. Evans, Resident Councillor, yesterday afternoon, to consider the question of perpetuating the memory of our late King, Edward VII. Although advertisements had lieen inserted
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    • 172 148 To tub Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, I heartily concur with every line of your leader on Dr. Braddon and the editor of the Straits Timet. This self constituted censor moralum and would-be oracle of the Malay Peninsula always thinks people who take the trouble to defend themselves
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    • 312 148 TO THB EOIItB OF IHH BTKAITB ECHO. Sir, Although the Tully-Cowan proceedings liave created a good deal of turmoil firstly in Singapore and secondly in Penang, that is no excuse for the false and malicious statements that have been made, during the last few months,
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  • 509 149 MR. J. de VOOGT'S PRIZE. Ramge 100 Yards. -T S’» Mrs. Liston *BB 32 34’64 W. Motion *B4 31 34’36 Miss Mclntvre *BB 29 34’28 Wemyss 'B4 29 J 44-04 Mrs. Anderson *BB 26 33.92 Miss Thornton *75 30 3375 Mrs. Oxenham ‘B4 27 3372 Hamilton *B5 26 33’65
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  • 27 149 (Echo Special.) To Visit China Next Year. Singapore, 20th Feb.—A telegram from Hongkong states that the German Ciown Prince will visit China in 1912.
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  • 28 149 (Echo Special.) Pepper and Copra. Singapore, 20th Feb. —The market prices to-day are as follows Sundried Copra 9.15, no buyers. Mixed 3 8.90, Black Pepper $15.25, buyers.
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  • 28 149 (Echo Special.) On the Lai Sang.” Singapore, 20th February.—l,6oo Boz. bottles of cocaine and 196 oz. of Morphine were seized on board the Lai Sang.
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  • 37 149 (Supplied by Reuter.) Wide Spread Shocks. London, 2 th Feb.—A telegram from Constantinople states that heavy shocks of earthquake w r ere felt on Saturday night at Monaster. Shocks were also felt in Italy and Spain.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  37 words
  • 44 149 (Supplied by Reuter.) Dealing With Obstruction. London, 20th Feb.—A telegram from Washington states that the House of Representatives by 173 votes to 43, a majority of 130, has suspended the ordinarv rules and has given the Speaker full control, thus stopping obstruction.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  44 words
  • 50 149 (Supplied by Reuter.) Three Uncharted Rocks. London, 20th Feb.—A telegram from Madrid states that the Spanish Hydrographical Society has detected three uncharted rocks in the Ferrol Channel which are dangerous to shipping especially at low tide. They are evidently the rocks which the battleships Collingwood and Agamemnon touched.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  50 words
  • 32 149 (Supplied by Reuter.) Congress and the Agreement. London, 20th Feb.—A telegram from Washington states that it is becoming increasingly improbable that the Canadian agreement will pass the present Congress.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  32 words
  • 54 149 (Supplied by Reuter.) Negotiations Well Advanced. London, 20th February.—A telegram from Constantinople says that it is understood that negotiations between the Turkish Government and the Bagdad Railway Company with a view of the company relinquishing the rights to a final section of the line from Bagdad to the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  54 words
  • 44 149 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Times on the Situation. London, 20th Feb. —The Times regards China’s reply as conciliatory and refuses to accept the suggestion that the ultimatum is the development of a policy of aggression agreed upon between Russia and Japan.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  44 words
  • 401 149 (Supplied by Reuter.) Seriously 111. London, 20th Feb.—A telegram from Sydney announces that Prince Leopold of Battenberg is lying seriously ill in a private hospital. His disease has not been diagnosed. The Corinthians Musical Society,” Penang, has been registered under section 5 of The Societies Ordinance
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  • 72 149 Obituary. (Echo Special.} Mr. James Miller. Singapore, 20th February. —A telegram from home announces that Mr. James Miller, one of the senior partners of Messrs. Adamson, Gilfillan Ltd., died on Thursday last at home after a fortnight’s illness with pneumonia. Mr. Miller, who was living at Mill Hill, was about
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  • 1044 150 We have received for review, and read right through, even to what the author himself calls the happy end,” a pretentious pamphlet entitled God and Man.” An apter title would have been Riddle and Muddle,” for it is clear to us now that Mr. Vichur Mtftukumara Swami Mudaliar,
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  • 212 150 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following were the results of the ties played yesterday Double Handicap. Class B. Brugh Newton beat J dlantyne Harries 6 -3; 6 3. Profession Pairs. Southam A Mero-r Iseat Whitlocks A Syer 6—2 6—2. Calendars. —From Choon Hin and Co., of Ipoh, and
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  • 326 150 The latest addition to the S. S. Detective Force is Mr. Airdale Terrier, who is expected here by the next outward German mail under the charge of D tective Sergeant Taylor. He has been specially trained for Police work by that well-known doggie man, Major Richardson, and comes
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  • 257 150 Ismail, a Malay, going homeward last night, was attacked and murdered at Penn >tanq Janggus, Penaga division, by other Malays. Five is the number suspected, one named Mun being particularly mentioned. The body was brought into Butterworth this morning. Some of the five have been arrested Mun is still
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  • 202 151 From Our Correspondent.) Feb. 26. Larut Malays, captained by Date Sri Maharaja Leia, A.D.0., Matang, have challenged Kuala Kangsar Malays to play a game of football. The match is to be played on the 4th of March next at Kuala Kangsar. The home team will be captained by
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  • 382 151 (From Our Correspondent.) 21st February. A porch is being constructed opposite the entrance to All Saints Church and all churchgoers will be glad that this longfelt want is at last to be supplied. At present, during wet weather, one has to dodge the rain when getting out of or
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  • 398 151 The returns for the quarter ended December 31,1910, show that the value of import* for the fourth quarter of 1910 was >89,712,020 as against >82,340,827 in the same period of 1909, or an increase equivalent to >7,371,193 or i£59,972, and the total value of exports was >82,135,305
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  • 517 151 The Fifth Ordinary General Meeting to be held at Kuala Lumpur next week, will receive the following report: The Directors have the pleasure to pre. sent to the Shareholders the Accounts of the Company —Profit and Loss Accunt Working Account and Balance Sheet
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  • 191 152 Doctor Wu Lien-teh, telegraphing from Harbin, says: “While principally pneumonic, thirty per cent, is secondarily septicaemic, seven percent, primarily septicaemic, rarely enteric. “I have obtained pure cultures bacilli each these types. Dr. Mesny’s case was purely septicaemic. “Microscopical examination shows that the microbe has the
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  • 359 152 Big Haul of Cocaine and Morphia on the Laisang.” The Government Monoplies, says the 8.T., continue unabated their vigorous campaign against the illicit trade which is carried on in opium, cocaine and morphia, and on Saturday succeeded in unearthing a large quantity of contraband stowed on board
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  • 384 152 The fifth directors’ report of the Siam Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., of which the East Asiatic Co. are the Singapore agents, shows a nett profit for the half vear of Ticals 1 0i‘ 460 75 includin g the balance of Ticals 2.215,14 from the preceding half-year,
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  • 27 152 (Echo Special.) Pepper and Copra. Singapore, 22nd Feb. —The market prices to-day were as follows Sundried Copra 8.80, no buyers. Mixed 8.60, Black Pepper $15.00, buyers.
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  • 26 152 (Echo Special.) Cropley Acquitted. Singapore, 22nd February.—Mr. Cropley, who was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of Kempas shares, has been acquitted. AAA
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  • 26 152 (Echo Special.] Both Offers Refused. Singapore, 22nd Feb.—Both offers in regard to the purchase of Ayer Pauas have been unanimously refused by the shareholders.
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  • 54 152 (Echo Special.) Going Home. Singapore, 22nd Feb.—The Chinese community of Singapore presented an address to the Hon. Mr. Hugh Fort and the Hon. Mr. T. Baker who are going home by the Arcadia. The recipients referred to their great friendship with the Hon. Mr. Tan Jiak Kim
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  • 24 152 (Echo Special.) t New Ferry Boat. Singapore, 21st Feb. —The Legislative Council is voting $65,000 for the new Johore Railway ferry steamer.
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  • 46 152 (Echo Special.) How the Balance is Allotted. Singapore, 21st Feb.—The Agri-horticul-tural Show Committee is disposing of its balance towards purchasing portraits of Sir Stamford Raffles and Sir James Brooke ($1,700), reserve for future Show ($3,500), erection of a band stand to improve Raffles Reclamation ($6,000).
    46 words
  • 24 152 (Echo Special.) Boyanese Triplets. Singapore, 21st Feb.—A Boyanese has •given birth to triplets—two boys and a girl. One of the former died.
    24 words
  • 21 152 (Echo Special.) Hongkong's Representatives. Singapore, 21st Feb.—Sir Paul Chater and Mr. Henry Keswick- will represent Hongkong at the Coronation.
    21 words
  • 56 152 (Supplied by Reuter.) Russian Satisfaction. London, 21st Feb.—A telegram from Washington states that the Chinese Foreign Office has informed the Legation that the Russian Minister at Peking expresses satis faction at China’s reply to the Russian Note. Confirmation. A telegram from St. Petersburg states that the Russian Government
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  56 words
  • 40 152 U.S. Canada. {Supplied by Reuter.) Protest Against Reciprocity. London, 21st. February,—A telegram fr<>m Ottawa states that eighteen prominent Liberals of Toronto, including Bank and Tn- trance Company Managers, have forwarded to the Government a strong protest iigt.inst the Reciprocity Agreement.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  40 words

  • 152 153 (Supplied by Reuter.) Surplus Under-Estimated. London, 21st February.—ln the House of Commons yesterday Mr. C. E. H. Hobhouse, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, referring to the reserved portion of the last budget, announced a surplus for 1909-10 of .84,300,000 instead of the estimated .82,970,000. Income Tax. The income
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  152 words
  • 29 153 (Supplied by Reuter.) Improving. London, 21st. February.—A telegram from Sydney states that Prince Leopold of Battenberg is suffering from sciatica and acute throat trouble, lie is improving.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  29 words
  • 919 153 Our usually staid contemporary at the other end of the street has been joking about the alleged button boots of an alleged policeman, and in doing so it seems to have ruffled some tender spirit into demanding an apology. We notice that it apologises, as it jokes, wi* deeficulty.
    919 words
  • 1122 153 Annual General Meeting. The Third Annual General Meeting of the Penang Ladies Rifle Club was held at the Residency yesterday morning at 11 o’clock. Twenty members were present. Mrs. Liston took the chair pending the election of a President. The Annual Report and Balance Sheet were
    1,122 words

  • 2365 154 A letter has reached me from two faithful readers of Reynolds’s away in Penang, a place I know but little about, except that it is a considerable distance from London. My two good friends implore me to write something about the views of a
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  • 2361 155 L. C. Express. Lecture by Mr. F. D. Osborne. A large number of tin mining experts and others gathered at the Chamber of the Royal Society of Arts, London, on 31st ult to listen to a paper read by Mr. F. Douglas Osborne, m. inst. m.
    L. &. C. Express.  -  2,361 words

  • 63 156 A Cup presented by Arthur Young, Esq., will be competed for by match play (18 holes) under usual conditions, i.e. of the difference in handicaps. Entries to close on Saturday, 4th March. Competitors should enter their names on the notice board at the club, or intimate their
    63 words
  • 88 156 At the meeting of the Legislative Council, to-morrow, the Colonial Secretary will move: That this Council approves a vote of $65,000 for the construction of a new ferry steamer for the Singapore Government Railway.” The Acting Treasurer will propose: —“That this Council approves the additions made to the
    88 words
  • 63 156 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following was the result of the ties played yesterday Mixed Double. Handicap. Mis. Wright-Motion A Newitt beat Miss Thornton Henson 6—3; 6 4. Ladiee Double Handicap Final. Mrs. Anderson A Mrs. Bailey feeaf Mrs. Ed wards A Mrs. F. Daniel 3—6; 6—l 6—4.
    63 words

  • 157 157 coming from Port Swettenham are complaining of the inadequate provisions made by the authorities for the discharge of cargo af that port of call. This means unneGfrwacy delay in the departure, so that it is now quite a usual thing for steamers to arrive in rehang six or
    157 words
  • 166 157 In a paper recently read Wore the Society of Ar6r on Motor Transport at Home and in' the Colonies, Mr. Horae M. Wyatt instanced as a line example of j tin? motor omnibus service of the Federated Malay States Kailway. Exclusive of the 'aggregate cost
    166 words
  • 178 157 Captain W. S. Quine. la Lumpur correspondent wired us the following news item this morning: Captain Quine of the Straits Steamship Company’s steamer Perak, died at the European Hospital here at 3 p.m. yesterday. By the death of Captain Quine the local steagisbip service loses
    178 words
  • 75 157 (Echo Special.) London Prices. Kuala Lumpur. 22nd February. The Planters and Stores London agency cable the following prices: Sheet g g gj per lb. Biscuit J Fine Hard Para... 6s. 9d. Messrs. Boustead and Hampshire’s London agents give the price of para to arrive as 7s. per lb. and
    75 words
  • 21 157 {Supplied by Reuter.) Complete Recovery. London, 22nd Feb. —His Holiness the Pope has completely recovered from his recent illness.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  21 words
  • 37 157 {Supplied by Reuter.) International Commission. London, 22nd Feb.—The International Plague Commission assembles at Mukden early in April. 19,000 Deaths. London, 22nd February.—The total number of deaths from the plague in Manchuria is, so far, 19,000.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  37 words
  • 51 157 {Supplied )y Reuter.) Russia’» Reply. London, 22nd Feb. —T ie Times corresg indent at St. Petersburg states that the ussian reply to the British protest to the Fisheries Bill, while asserting the right to extend the three-mile limit, is understood to contain certain points on which negotiation is
    {Supplied )y Reuter.)  -  51 words
  • 61 157 (Supplied by Reuter.) New Treaty. London, 23rd February.—A telegram from Washington states that the Foreign Committee of the Senate has reported favourably on the new treaty with Japan, to replace the commercial treaty of 1894. It does not provides restrictions to Japanese immigiation but leaves it to
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  61 words
  • 115 157 (Supplied by Reuter.) Question in the House of Commons. London, 22nd February.—ln the House of Commons yesterday Mr. R. D. Holt Liberal Member for the Hexham division of Northumberland, asked whether Hongkong and the Straits Settlements will be required to pay as the contribution to their defence 20
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  115 words
  • 41 157 {Supplied by Reuter.) Langford Beats Lang London, 22nd February.—The Negro Langford beat Lang in a fight for a purse of <£3,500 at London. Jjang was disqualified in the sixth round for hitting his opponent when he was down.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  41 words
  • 43 157 {Supplied by Reuter.) Lansdowne’s Bill. London, 23rd Feb.—ln the House of Lords Lord Lansdowne has given notice of his intention to introduce a Bill amending the constitution of the Lords. This is regarded as the Opposition’s answer to the Veto Bill.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  43 words
  • 137 157 (Supplied by Reuter.) Census Figures. London, 23rd February.—The census shows that the population of Germany on December 1, 1910, was 64,896,000, as compared with 60,641,000 in 1905. The figures show an increase of 7’02 per cent, as compared with 7’58 in the previous quinquennium. First-class appraisers’ licences have been
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  137 words
  • Page 157 Advertisements
    • 56 157 Absolutely Safe. When you have a cold get a liottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you up all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an
      56 words
    • 74 157 A Reliable Remedy. Yot are not experimenting on yourself when you take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for a cold as that preparation has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds, and can always be depended "pon. It is equally valuable tor adults an I children
      74 words
    • 75 157 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in Africa. Mr. Piet A. Uys, of Lclievlei, Orang? River Colony, testifies to t le good qualities of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. S 0 says: “We have used it several times for our children and ourselves and expect to continue with it as we have found it excellent.
      75 words

  • 120 158 Penang, 23rd February. By courtesy of the Chartered Bank. London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/41 3 C:edit 2/4|| ,3 Documentary.. 2/41 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 3 days’ sight Private 17of Bombay, Demand Bank 174\ Moulmein, Demand Bank 173| 3 days’sight Private 176| Madras. Demand Bank n
    120 words
  • 204 158 Gold Leaf $64.60 Black Pepper no stock White Pepper 23 1 sales Trang Pepper 16.25 nom. Cloves 43. sellers Mace 95.— nominal Pickings 99. —soZes Nutmegs 110 s. 21. sales fNo. 1 6.— sales Sugar < 2 5.90 sales (.Basket 5. nom. Tapioca Flour 1.55 nominal Cepra (mixed) 8.80
    204 words
  • Page 158 Advertisements
    • 57 158 Commercial Union Assurance Company, Ltd. GUARANTEE DEPARTMENT. bv n ud Company are accepted d e oard Trade, Colonial Office, Local re. Board, Post Office, Customs, Beht 88 oners of Inland Revenue, National Court a ?T^ e ,ldous divisions of the High ur '< oi Justice. or particulars, apply to p
      57 words
    • 614 158 What Her Mothe-, Heard ilcard F-OJFt SALE. WALKER’S EVERYDAY idAl'AA;I,.± cookery iook ner S r A tired languid feeling took the nlrne of federated Malay States. mv former bright and active spirit. AlidaJ mig I want.-d to ]i e down, and felt 1 simple PRICE $l. POSTAGE EXTRA. had nt
      614 words

  • Page 159 Advertisements
    • 257 159 rTTmTrr < T W."—" /»«>*•• > ■/y'J’Z. -ZESfeifi' •7ftbSA*l£i-. -Z*<s?k l?r* X I Ltll T -?r» l The CRITERION P SS, Ltd. I s g E B STABLISHEb 1333. W PRINTERS Pli RUSHERS. 1 4 Mil I Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO and “SIN POE.” Ml I > The most
      257 words