The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 17 February 1911

Total Pages: 26
1 136 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. 115 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 cents. Vol. 9. Penang, Friday, 17th February, 1911. No. 7.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 204 1 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ, CONTENTS. Leaders: page. Public Opinion {Correspondence) page. “No More Babies 113 Edward Memorial: A Suggestion 134 Sassiety 116 Noises... ...119 Sports: An Unfair Prosecution 123 Lawn Tennis Tournament: P. C. C. The Hongkong Barmaid 126 114 129 134 Our Canadian Peril 130 Negri Sembilan L.R.C. 119 Penang Golf Club
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 165 2 4» J, k—’ &**j3 JS K u 0 s i E i ST BAITS ECHO j MAIL EDITION. »1 >MWH»’ q Published the day prior to the departure of each ma 1 m for Europe, and contains the latest local and Stilus J news originally published in the daily issues,
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  • 963 113 This was the foolish caption of a foolish item that caught our eve in an exchange this morning. We are not so curmudgeonish as to resent the puling and wailing of infants, and might have been alarmed at the threat of a dearth of the little things
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  • 767 113 ORDINARY MEETING. A short agenda list and just sufficient number of Commissioners to form a quorum The President, Mr. J. W. Hallifax and Dr. Locke—made the task of your reporter at yesterday's meeting of the Municipal Commission pleasant and light. The business was gone through with business-like despatch.
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  • Page 113 Advertisements
    • 104 113 The Straits Echo. fc: 1 wraLj» •-s. </ ;y* Justice satisfi ’S everybody and justice atone- .Ener.son Published daily (except Sundays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LTD.. No. 226 —232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL $2l per annum. OUTSTATION'S Postage Extra, MAIL EDITION (Post Free) Sl5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo- Penang.”
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  • 67 114 At the meeting of the Legislative Council to-day the Colonial Secretary will move that a special vote of $9,000 lie sanctioned to provide for the further extension of the nurses’ quarters, at the General Hospital. The bills for consideration are the Bankruptcy Ordinance Amendment, the Labuan bill, the
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  • 202 114 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following were the results of the ties played yesterday: Chainpionshij). Southam beat Rogers B—6; 6 —3. Mixed Double Handicap. Mis. Edwards Reimann vs. Miss Thornton A Henson postponed. The P. A 0. has issued a special passenger sailings list in connection with the
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  • 691 114 All good suburbans going home from the city take to the bosom of their familythe 6.30 edition of The Evening, News. Haven t you brought the papers' is what they hear, if they happen to leave it in the pocket of the overcoat hanging in the hall,
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  • 543 114 Government Charged With Failing to Take Precautions. Telegrams and letters from Manchuria, Tientsin, Peking and Chefoo all bear the same terrible testimony of the ravages of the plague epidemic, says the South-China Morning Post, Hongkong. It would indeed be difficult to exaggerate the gravity of the
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  • 686 115 Cowan’s Appeal Against Committal. Before the Full Bench in the Appeal Court this morning, consisting of the Chief Justice, Sir W. Hyndman Jones, Mr. Justice Thornton, and Mr. Justice Fisher, the hearing was begun of the appeal by M. S. Cowan against the order of his committal by
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  • 577 115 Warrant Issued for the Arrest of a W ell-Known Resident. Mr. H. W. Firmstone, first magistrate, issued on Saturday, a warrant for the arrest of E. Cropley, on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of 3,000 shares in Kempas, Ltd., value 115,000, says the
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  • 42 115 (Er/m Special.) London Prices. Klumpor, 10th Feb. —The Planters Stores Agency quotes plantation sheet and biscuit at ss. 9d. and tine hard Para at ss. lid. Sungei Buloh Crop. The January rubber crop of the Sungei Buloh estate was 7,164 lbs.
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  • 36 115 (Echo Special.} H. E. to Discuss Labour Question. Klumpor, 10th February.— H. E. the High Commissioner is to arrive at Klumpor on Sunday morning. He will meet the planters’ delegates and discuss the Labour Question.
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  • 20 115 (Supplied by Reuter.) Regent Back Again. London, 10th Feb. —Teheran reports that the Regent, Nasr al Mulk, has returned.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  20 words
  • 31 115 (Supplied by Reuter.) Indisposed. London, 10th Feb.—H. M. the Kaiser has been confined to his room for several days with a cold, which is not accompanied by fever symptoms.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  31 words
  • 61 115 (Supplied by Reuter.) To Have First Go. London, 10th Feb.— Premier Asquith has intimated that the Declaration of London and the Naral Prize Bill will not be debated until they have l>een considered by the Imperial Conference. He added that the Crown would not be advised to ratify
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  61 words
  • 46 115 (Supplied by Reuter.) Defaulting Cashier’s Grim Future. London, 10th Feb.-—The absconding cashier of the New York branch of the Rus-so-Chinese Bank has been sentenced to nine years imprisonment, and ordered to be rearrested on the expiry of his sentence to be tried on other indictments.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  46 words
  • 37 115 (Supplied by Reuter.) Premier’s Promise. London, 10th Feb.— Premier Asquith, replying to a deputation from the Trades Lmon Congress, hoped to give effect to the proposal for the payment of Members during the present session.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  37 words
  • 20 115 (Supplied by Reuter.) Growing Bit by Bit. London, 10th FVb.—Australia han ordered two submarines from the Vickers-Maxim, works.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  20 words

  • 27 116 Supplies! by Reuter.) Mare Money Wanted. Londonloth F»b. War Minister Hal(Lnjp, replying to a depot ition, foresh .dow*'d an in T-i>c in the Army L,timites.
    ( Supplies! by Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 23 116 (Supplied by Reuter.) Three Left. London, 9th Feb. —A telegram from Portsmouth says that three submarines have left for Hongkong.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  23 words
  • 109 116 (Supplied by Rev ter.} Question in the Commons. London, 9th Fob. In the Hou.-eof mmons yosteidav Mr. L**v h a-ked what steps 'were b<-ing taken to release China from trentv o’ i’.gations to ribnit < pium. Mr. M Ki’inon Wood, Parliamentary S»<?retary of the Foreign Office, replied that
    (Supplied by Rev ter.}  -  109 words
  • 256 116 (Supplied by Reuter.) Chamberlain’s Views. London, 9th Feb.—Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, in letter to the Tariff Commission concerning the Americo-Canadian reciprocity agreement, expresses the wish that Canada had waited till the Imperial Conference says that Imperial Preference must be abandoned. Liu Yuk-lin, the new Chinese Minister to the Court
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  256 words
  • 614 116 The most, interesting reading brougnt out from Home by this week’s mail is unoou -t--edlv the report of the slander amion brought against Sir Algernon West by Ins daughter-in-law. All the dear snobs and snobbesses everywhere must have revelled in it, for it is a true story of people
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  • 1253 116 Cowan Stands his Trial, Before the Full Bench in the Supreme* Court this morning, consisting of the Chief? Justice, Sir W. Hyndman Jones, Mr. Justijf Thornton and Mr. Justice Fisher, Michaeul Svdney Cowan, a former partner of A. W. 1 Tully in the bookmaking business, was charged as
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  • 666 117 In connection with the Appeal judgment reported in Frid ’y’s Echo, here follows the full text of Mr. Justice Thornton's dissenting judgment: I regret I cannot agree with the view taken by tie other members of the Court. On the contrary in my opinion the law clearly
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  • 654 117 FIRST ANNEXE MEETING. Fails to Realise Expectations. The first annual general m-eringofthe Indragiri (Sumatra) Rubber and (Guttapercha Company, Ltd., was held at Singapore, on Wednesday, in the registered offices of the Company in the Arcade. Mr. Van Rijnbera presided and there was a fairly large attendance of
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  • 1944 118 —S.F.P. part of the ywir th». Board wcr<* unable to avail themselves of his services. Efimts v,ere macle to iwiw th-! service- of one of the well-known Vii-ilmg Agents in th'* F. M. »->• but the Directed bcind the f'*esa- en v ore prohibitive It wa-
    —S.F.P.  -  1,944 words

  • 26 119 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following was the result of'the tie played yesterday Mixed Doubles. Miss Nolan Mercer beat Mr. Mrs. Anderson 6—l; 6—3.
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  • 65 119 The annual general meeting of the Negri Sembilan Ladies’ Rifle Club was held at the Sungei Ujong Club on Tuesday. The accounts for 1910 were passed, three new members admitted, and the following comgnittee appointed for the current year:— President, Mrs. Wallich; Vice-President, Mrs. Rowland Secretary, Mrs.
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  • 11 119 (Echo Special.) Pepper. Singapore, 10th Feb. —Black pepper is $15.50.
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  • 99 119 {Echo Special.) By the Dutch. Singapore, 10th Feb. —The Dutch Government desired the Sultan of Rhio to give up the administration of his territory and accept from them a pension. The Sultan refused, and persisted in his refusal for several months, until finally, on Thursday, a cruiser
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  • 77 119 (Echo Special.) A Dividend. Singapore, Feb. 10. —The Balgownie Rubber Co. is paying a second interim dividend of 30 cents on March 31st. Shares. Frasers’ share report indicates a strong demand for investment stocks. Advanced quotations Straits Trading Co. $54.50 Cold Storage Co. $30.00 Fraser Neave $34.00 Straits Steamships
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  • 29 119 (Echo Special.) Only Possible Verdict. Singapore, 10th February. The inquest ouching the death of Jacob Abed, reported lu the Echo on Thursday, resulted in a verdict of suicide.
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  • 39 119 (Echo Sited'l.) Bankruptcy. Singapore, 11th February.— At the meeting of tlie Legislative Council the unofficial members opposed the giving of greater discretion to the judges in Bankruptcy cases and urged that the law be made more stringent.
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  • 56 119 (Echo Special.) Deposed. Singapore, 11th February.—lt is officially announced in the Batavia Gazette that the Sultan of Rh'O has repeatedly been warned but has refused to fulfil his obligations. He has often derided the Dutch flag and plotted with a hostile party. Therefore the Sultan and his
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  • 79 119 {Supplied by Reuter.) A Perilous Situation. London, 10th Feb.—A fierce fire took place at the house of Lord Crewe at midnight. The flames caught the roof and caused the greatest alarm. The Countess of Crewe and her son, who was born on the Bth inst.,
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  79 words
  • 125 119 (Supplied by Reuter.) By Parliamentary Majority of 102. London, 10th Feb —After two days debate, a fiscal amendment was moved in the House of Commons by Austen Chamberlain, regretting the presistent refusal by the Government to modify the fiscal system of the country. It was rejected by
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  125 words
  • 50 119 (Supplied by Reuter.) Still Spreading. London, 11th February.—Peking reports that the plague is spreading generally over Manchuria and slightly in North China. Its force is weakening in Harbin. The Government will u*e the fhree-quarters-of-a-million sterling allotted Io the entertainment of the German Crown Prince to combat the disease.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  50 words
  • 189 119 (Supptl'd by Reuter.) Finds Difficulties. London, 11th Feb.—Constantinople reports that the Turkish military authoritie are experiencing difficulty in obtaining transports for their great expedition to Yemen. The Right Reverend Bishop Montgomery, General Secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and Prelate of the
    (Supptl'd by Reuter.)  -  189 words
  • 566 119 His name is Normal on the Tanglin hiHs his city fathers ate sour grapes, and Normal’s teeth a r e set on edge most patently in a letter to the Straits Times. Year after year, for twenty years, for Normal is no sinkeh, his neighbourhood has been made intolerable
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  • 283 120 The usual chingay procession took place through the principal streets of the town yesterday. When the various sections met the procession was at least a quarter of a mile in length, and while not so elaborate as those of previous years the show was very picturesque. For
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  • 1206 120 Objections to Police Court Proceedings. Counsel—For the prosecution—Mr. Hastings Rhodes, Solicitor-General, the Bon. A. R. Adams, and Mr. G. Teel i ng. For the defence—Mr. Wright-Motion, Mr. R. St. J Braddell and Mr. F. B. Ivens. On the resumption of the hearing after the luncheon interval on Saturday
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  • 170 121 January. July. Mr. A. Stephen Mr. H. Hilton. Anthony. „L. M. Bell. M. Morrison. August. February. Dr. Jamieson. Mr. J- W. Hallifax. Mr. W.R. McCullum. R. Hendry. September. March. Mr. C. G. May. Captain Mac intyre. Leong Lok Heng. Dr Locke. October. April. Mr. A. D. NeubronMr.
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  • 265 121 The Ladies’ February Presgrave Cup played for on Friday and Saturday the 10th and 11th inst., has resulted as follows Mrs. Kirk 6up Winner Peterkin 4 Samuel 2 Edwards... 2 W. Evans 2., S. F. B. Martin 4 down A. S. Evens made no return. Ladies’ Gold
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  • 951 121 —N. F. P. ORDINARY MEETING, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10. Present. His Exce'lency the Governor, Sir John Anderson. TheHon’nlo the Colonial Secretary E L. Brockman. the Attorney-General, F. Belfield. the Col Treasurer, W. C. Michell. the Col. Engineer, F. J. Pigott. C. J. Saunders. Dr Galloway Dr. F. B. Croucher.
    —N. F. P.  -  951 words
  • 219 121 The champions and runners-up of the past two seasons will lie glad to learn that their medals have now a-rived from Pome and are on view at Mr. W. Daniel’s shop No. 1 Beach Street. The annual meeting of the League, which has been delayed pending tin*
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  • 448 122 Ditch Waji-hips and Troops at Rhio. The Bitavii correspondent of the Strait* Tini‘a wires The Gazette of the ui<lh India G ivernnvnt contains the following official statement: The Sultan of Rhio, though repeatedly warned by the Government, has nlu-.ed to fulfil Ins obligations and has often derided
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  • 353 122 says the S. T. Peruvian Commi.- -joners on a Polk ot the East. Senhors Emilio Castre and Victor F. Ysla, who have Uien deputed by the Peru- vian Government to investigate rubber conJitions in lim Ea-t, and are now in Ceylon, ,given the Timrs o/ Ceyfen some information
    says the S. T.  -  353 words
  • 81 122 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Correction. London, 12th Feb.—Not j£750,000 but 750,000 taels which the Chinese Government allotted to the entertainment of the German Crown Prince will be used towards combatting the disease. France's Care for French. London, 13th February.—Paris reports that M. Broquet of the Pasteur Institute has
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  81 words
  • 42 122 (Supplied by Reuter.) Collapse of Machinery Hall. London, February 12.—A telegram from Brussels states that the great machinery hall m the Gmmin section of the exhibition has co lapsed. So far three dead and seven woun led have been recovered.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  42 words
  • 22 122 (Supplied by Reuter) A House Warming. 13th irotber at th.-ir r,-sideu,-e at 1t;,.1, n>..nd. Their took tea with the
    (Supplied by Reuter)  -  22 words
  • 405 122 (Echo Special.} Governor Attends Meeting. Klumpor, 12th Feb.—The meeting of the Planters Association of Malaya this morning was attended by 46 men, including Mr. Cumming as President, His Excellency Sir John Anderson, Messrs. Watson, Anthonisz, Wilkinson, Young, Clayton and Lemon. Labour. There was a discussion of labour questions. The
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  • 33 122 (Supplied by Reuter.) Our Popular Longitude. London, 13th Feb. Paris reports that the Senate has passed the second reading of the Bui making Greenwich time the official time in France.
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  • Page 122 Advertisements
    • 75 122 C ujh Remedy in Africa. M*. A. I <>> ivi, Orange River Colony, tc to the good qualit u-s of (’jamk< lih’s C iub Remedy. He says: We have nod it several times for o ur children and ourselves .nd exp-ct to confinue with it a- we have foun I
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  • 34 123 (Supplied by Reuter.) Countess and Baby Improving. London, 13th Feb. —The Countess of Crewe and her infant were removed to Lord Rosebery’s town house yesterday morning. Both are progressing satisfactorily.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  34 words
  • 62 123 (Supplied by Reuter.') Imperial Rescript. London, 13th Feb. —Tokyo reports that the Emperor of the Japanese has issued a rescript in which His Majesty dwells on the importance of adapting the Government’s Shcy to the changed economic conditions, is Majesty donates one and a half million yen to the
    (Supplied by Reuter.')  -  62 words
  • 1406 123 A Buddhist missionary has been punished for denouncing Christianity to Buddhist audiences at Moulmein in Burma. We have heard numerous Christian missionaries denounce Buddhism to Asiatic audiences, but we never heard of one being prosecuted for it. This fish-of-one, flesh-of-another aspect of the Burma case is the
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  • 239 123 Club Prize 150 Yards. The monthly club prizes were shot for to-day Miss Wemyss winning first prize and Mrs. W. Motion second. There was a practice afterwards at Wantage. g a 3g Miss Wemyss 'B5 32 34*55 4 Mrs. Wright-Motion... 77 33 34*54 12 Miss Huxley *BO 32 34*4
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  • Page 123 Advertisements
    • 70 123 Chamberlain’s Couth Remedy in Africa. Mr. Piet A. Uys, of Lelievlei, Orange River Colony, testifies to the good qualities of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. He says “We have used it several times for our children and ourselves and expect to continue with it as we have found it excellent We can
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  • 70 123 Obituary. Mr. Lean Shak Wool. We record with sympathy the demise of Mr. Lean Shak Wooi of 102 Macalister Road, which occurred yesterday afternoon at 2-15. The funeral takes place this evening at 5, at Pulo Tikus Cemetery. The condolence of many friends is tendered to the widow, the four
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  • 2043 124 Legal Arguments. The Full Bench resumed the hearing vesterdav of the legal points in connection with the charge of forgery brought by lully against Cowan. After the luncheon interval the SolicitorGeneral, continuing his reply, quoted the case of The Emperor va. Mahe Bwara Kondaia 31 Madras L. R.
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  • 740 125 The Chinese Government the Plague. The Chinese Government has taken a very important step towards the ultimate eradication from amongst mankind of the plague that is now threatening the North of China. The Imperial Government has invited all Foreign Governments to send representatives of the medical profession who are authorities
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  • 169 125 The following offices are declared to be pensionable offices under Regulation 1 (i) of the Regulations made by the Governor in Council under The Pensions Ordinance 1887,” in addition to the offices declared in Notification No. 1067, published in the Gazette of the 9th September, 1910, and subject
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  • 61 125 (Echo Special.) Anniversary Dinner. Singapore, 13th February. —At the Anniversary dinner of the Amateur Drawing Association, Bishop Oldham presiding, there were present the Chinese and American consuls and Messrs. Tan Jiak Kim and Tan Tiang Lew. Mr. Dubois predicted a great future for China. Malaya was an
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  • 43 125 (Echo Special.) Pepper 6’ Copra. Singapore, Feb. 13.—T0-day’s market prices are as follows Sundried Copra S 9.20, no buyers. Mixed 8 9.05, Black Pepper 815.25, buyers. To-day’s Quotations. Singapore, 14th Feb.—Sundried copra is to-day quoted $9.10, mixed $8.90, and white pepper $26.75.
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  • 35 125 (Echo Special In Singapore. Singapore, 13th Feb.—The Sultan of Rhio arrived here yesterday. He d mi°s that he joined any conspiracy against the Dutch He has now’ been forbidden to reside at Rhio.
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  • 24 125 (Echo Special.) Williams Succeeds Revel. Singapore, 14th Feb.—Williams of Tanjong Langsat, Johore, is appointed Revel’s successor as manager of Jimah Estate.
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  • 50 125 (Echo Spedal.) Against European Official. Singapore 14th Feb.—Henry Liddicoat of the Government Monopolies Department has been arrested at.the instance of Mr. Baddeley on three charges of theft, ft is alleged that the accused went into licensed shops and stole from the tills in the presence of the shop-keepers.
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  • 39 125 (Supplied by Reuter.) Illness. London, 13th February.—The Kaiser is recovering from his attack of feverish cold. But he must be careful for some days and consequently the Court Ball fixed for the 15th inst. has l>een postponed.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  39 words
  • 20 125 (Supplied by Reutcr.j Late “Tommy” Loates. London, 14th February.- The late Thomas Loates, the jockey, lcf< h 71,352
    (Supplied by Reutcr.j  -  20 words

  • 27 126 (Supplied by Reuter.) Kainan Maru Saili. London, 11th February.—A telegram from Wellington states that the Japanese expedition ship, Kainan Maru, has sailed for the Antarctic.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 34 126 (Supplied by Reuter.) Russian Troops RecalledLondon, 13th Feb.—A telegram from St. Petersburg states that, in consequence of the restoration of order in Central Persia Government had decided to recall the troops at Kazvin.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  34 words
  • 98 126 (Supplied by Reuter.) Russian Scientific Expedition. London, Uth F<bruiry.—A telegiam from H. Petersburg states that, at the request of China who is aefrayiug the cost, Russia is sending a scientific plague expedition to China headed by Professor Saboicing. One Result. Montagu’s circular ascribes the fall in Silver to
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  98 words
  • 53 126 (Supplied by Reuter.) Reform Bill. London* Feb. 13.—The Unionist papers generally consider that the announcement in the Times of the 11th February to the effect that the Unionist leaders in the House of Ix>rd« have decided not to introduce their own Reform Bill is premature. The leaders are
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  53 words
  • 22 126 (Supplied by Reuter.) Senate Reforming Itself. London, 14th Feb.—The Italian Senate has passed a resolution in favour of its own reform.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  22 words
  • 36 126 (Supplied by Reuter.) If London, 14th Feb.—The Scottish Whip, Gulland, speaking at Edinburgh, said he was busy compiling a list of men who would accept peerages if the Lords rejected the Parliament Bill.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  36 words
  • 54 126 (Supplied by Reuter.) Naval Repairs. London, 14th Feb.-A Toulon telegram states that during the recent finng practice of the French battleship fleet, the turrets of the 12 inch guns or the guns themselves temporarily jammed in five ships out oi six. Admiral Bellue, interviewed, declared that the damage would
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  54 words
  • 35 126 (Supplied by Reuter.) “Times” Favours It. London, 13th Feb.—The Times has an article strongly supporting the Declaration of London, which would improve Great Britain’s position whether as a belligerent or a neutral.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  35 words
  • 33 126 (Supplied by Reuter.) What Rothschild Left. London, 13th Feb. —The Vienna correspondent of the Times estimates the personal estate of Albert Rothschild, who died on Feb. 11th, at over fifty millions sterling.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  33 words
  • 1041 126 The legal conundrum at Penang just now is, When is an order not an order The answer is, When it’s a committal. At Hongkong the conundrum is, When is a jarmaid not a barmaid The answer is not yet forthcoming, but a callow magistrate there has decided
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  • 5100 127 Cowan Stands His Trial. Full Bench and Special Jurt. The appeal of Cowan against the committal order of Mr. Hamilton having failed, and the objections raised by his Counsel against the present proceedings not being sustained, he was arraigned yesterday before the Full Bench, consisting of the Chief
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  • 34 129 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following was the result of the ties played yesterday Profession Pa ire. Southam A Mercer beat Cleaver Seller 7—5; 6—l. Championship. Anthony beat Hodge 6 B;*6—4; 6—3.
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  • 65 129 Going to Dresden. The first queueless Chinese High Commissioner to go to Europe left Penang this morning. His Excellency C. C. Chang, accompanied by two Secretaries, Dr. Tz Keh Nian and Woo Yu Lieng, and by Dr. Boon Keng as expert, arrived in Penang yesterday evening and
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  • 137 129 (Echo Special.) Publishes Protest Against Dutch Perfidy. Singapore, 15th Feb. —The ex-Sultan of Rhio has written a letter to the straits Tinies, in which he avers he was always loyal to the Dutch. Despite the periodical treaties drawn up to curtail his powers, a few months ago
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  • 65 129 (Echo Special.) More January Crops. Klumpor, 14th Feb. —Further crop returns for January are Chersonese 7,058 lbs. Dennistown 2,855 Highlands 49,492 Suamanggis 360 Sungei Krian 1,800 Way 9,857 London Quotations. Kuala Lumpur, 15th Feb. —The Planters Stores Agency’s London cable quotes plantation sheet and biscuit at 6/3, crepe 6/5,
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  • 20 129 (Echo Special.) Serendah Output. Klumpor, 14th Feb.—The January output of the Verendah Hydrauli Tin Mining Co., was 201 piculs.
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  • 54 129 (Supplied by Reuter.) Post—Prandial Banter. London. 14th Feb.—The Scottish Whip, Mr. J. W. Gulland now repudiates the statement that he was busy compiling a list of men who would accept peerages if the House of Lords rejected the Parliament Bill. He now says that it was merely banter
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  54 words
  • 34 129 (Supplied by Reuter.) Reciprocity With All Nations. London, 14th Feb.—President Taft, addressing the Pan-American Commercial Congress, advocated reciprocity not alone with Canada and Central and South America, but with all nations.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  34 words
  • 45 129 (Supplied by Reuteo.) France Will Still Sell. London, 15th Feb.—Replying to a question in the House of Comn ons Mr. Montagu «aid that France felt unable at the Brussels Conference to renounce her rights to unrestricted trade in arms vs ith Muscat.
    (Supplied by Reuteo.)  -  45 words

  • 45 130 (Supplied by Reuter.) Negotiations with China. London, Feb. 14.—Replying to a question in the House of Commons, Mr. Montagu said that any action as a result of Lilley 8 1907 report on the Bhamo-Tengyueh-lalifu route would depend on the negotiations now proceeding with China.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  45 words
  • 43 130 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Reuter Discovery. London, 15th Feb.—Reuter learns that it is not now the intention of the South African Union Government to submit to the Imperial Conference any proposal relating to the substitution of a defence contribution for preference.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  43 words
  • 25 130 (Supplied by Reuter.) Attack Princes. London, 14th February. —The Prince of Wales and Prince Albert have contracted measles. Later. —The princes are doing well.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  25 words
  • 27 130 (Supplied by Reuter.) Disestablishment Postponed. London, 14th Feb.—Premier Asquith has announced that he does not intend to deal with Welsh Disestablishment this Session.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 49 130 (Supplied by Reuter.) Japneae Visitors. London, 15th Feb. —Tokyo reports that Admiral'Togo and General Nogi will accompany Prince Hegashi Fashion to the Coronation. —ag. r t:. We (Af.M.) are informed by Sir Ernest Birch that the marriage arranged between bis daughter and Lieut. McCallum will not take place.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  49 words
  • 815 130 President Taft was astonished when he heard that a Congressman had said that the day is coming when the American Hag will fly over Canada. That is the difference between Taft and us. We weren’t astonished at all, until we read Taft’s assurance that the American Administration
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  • 4389 130 SECOND DAY’S HEARING. Tully Gives Evidence. After his clerk had given evidence Mr. A W Tully was called into the witness box and, examined by the Solicitor-General, said that he was a Turf Commission Agent carrying on business in the Straits Settlemeats, Malay Archipelago generally, and Rangoon, and
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  • 2043 133 -M. M. A meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya was held in the Masonic Hall, Kuala Lumpur, on Sunday morning. Mr. C. M. Cumming was in the chair, and the following delegates were present:— Negri Sembilan P. A. C. M. Cumming, J. B. Douglas, J. le
    -M. M.  -  2,043 words

  • 52 134 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following was the result of the ties played yesterday Mixed Doublet. Miss Thornton A Henson beat Mrs. Edwards Reimann 2—6 6—4 9—7. Mrs. Wright-Motion A Newitt Mrs. Bailey A Whitlock 5—7 6 —4 B—6. Mr A Mrs. B. Martin re. Mr. A Mrs.
    52 words
  • 56 134 It is reported in Malacca that a serious catastrophe occurred on a rubber estate in the neighbourhood of Batu Anam, near Gemas, on Saturday. During the burning of some felled jungle eighteen or twenty Chinese and Malay coolies are said to have been hemmed in
    56 words
  • 327 134 The following were the returns for January:— Output Piculs 201.76 Value $10,204.43 Tribute paid 81.93 Landak purchases 375.72 Working expenses 2,72(k32 Profit 7,026.46 Sir Thomas Lipton left London on 24th ult. for Marseilles, en route for Ceylon, the Straits Settlements, India, and Java.
    327 words
  • 781 134 Important Discovery in Trengganu. Messrs. Sharper Ross and Co. of Singapore sent us the following news item One of the rarest and yet most important metals in the world is tungsten. It is a of wolfram, which is technically described as a tungstate of iron
    781 words
    • 433 134 To lai Editor ox thb Straits Echo. Dear Sir, I see from a notice in the local press that Penang is to be asked to accept the Singapore plan of the Medical chair scheme as a memorial to the late King Edward. My own idea is
      433 words

  • 77 135 [Echo Special.) London Auction. Singapore, loth Feb. The London rub ber auctions showed signs of a strong recovery of prices. There were 325 tons offered, of which 277 tons were Malayan. Export Duty. Kuala Lumpur, 16th February.—The prices on which the rubber export duty is based from the 17th
    77 words
  • 10 135 (Echo Special.) Pepper. Singapore, 16th Feb.—Black pepper is |l6.
    10 words
  • 22 135 (Echo Special.) Squadron Coining. Singapore, 16th Feb.—Prince Tsun is despatching a squadron of Chinese cruisers to visit Borneo and Malaya.
    22 words
  • 41 135 (Echo Special.) Turner Offers <£.2,100. Singapore, 15th Feb. At the meeting of the Mergui shareholders, Mr. Turner, the vendor, offered as compensation for the missing trees 6,000 Heawood shares for realization at seven shillings. Manager Woelber has resigned.
    41 words
  • 44 135 (Echo Special.) Long Disloyal. Singapore, 16th Feb.—The Nieuws van Dendag publishes a full the negotiations betw ?n the -Suita i of Rhio and the Dutc.. Government, H alleges that the ex-bultan has been guilty of a long course of disloyalty.
    44 words
  • 22 135 (Echo Special.) Another Government Resignation. Singapore, 16th Feb.—G. B. Stratton has the Government service to go in lor planting.
    22 words
  • 39 135 (Echo Special.) Passenger Falls Overboard. Kuala Lumpur, 16th Feb.—Shortly after e Ipoh left Penang on Tuesday a young er man, named Weber, fell overboard. The pok searched for 2 hours but could not discover him.
    39 words
  • 30 135 (Supplied by Reuter.) it i T Ten. ann Lumpur, 16th Feb. —It is officially wil]° 11 ie States Contingent 01 eu members representing the at the Coronation.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  30 words
  • 50 135 (Supplied by Renter) Ithree Trains Involved. London, 15th Feb.-A telegram from Courville states that yesterday evening an express train, travelling full speed from 1 ans to Brest, dashed into a goods train and simultaneously a third train crashed into loth of them. Ten were killed and ten injured.
    (Supplied by Renter)  -  50 words
  • 138 135 U.S. Canada. (Echo Special.} The Wooing o’t.” London, 15th Feb.—The Washington House of Representatives has passed the Canadian Reciprocity Bill by 200 votes to 9 u’ The news P a P ers state that Mr. Clark, the Speaker of the new Congress, in the course of the debate on the
    138 words
  • 23 135 (Supplied by Reuter.) Audiences Suspended. London, 16th Feb.—His Holiness the Pope is confined to bed by influenza. Audiences are suspended.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  23 words
  • 33 135 (Supplied, by Reuter.) Fresh Alarms. London, 16th Feb.—St. Petersburg says it is feared the plague has reached Vladivostock, where five Chinese bodies were found which were believed to lie plague cases.
    (Supplied, by Reuter.)  -  33 words
  • 45 135 (Supplied by Renter.) Battleship Damaged. London, 16th Feb.—Madrid reports that when the British fleet was entering Ferrol, the battleship Collingwood. “t< imbed ground.” Thirty-six armoured plates were stove in. Divers are patching her, so that she can go to Devonport for repair.
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  45 words
  • 56 135 (Supplied by Reuter.) Parliamentary Sensation. London, 16th Feb.—ln the House of Commons someone described by Reuter as Malcolo moved an amendment to the Address against Home Rule. Amongst those who have recently qualified at Cambridge for the degre of m. b. is Guan Cheng Lim, B. a.,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  56 words
  • Page 135 Advertisements
    • 422 135 Travelling in the Tropics. An Insurance Agent’s Troubles. 1 ever, Ague, A Chronic Constipation Cured By Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. W hilsf making a tour of the Celelws in the interests of a Life Insurance Co. a few years ago Mr. Alfred D. Oehlers had to visit many unhealthy places,
      422 words

  • Page 136 Advertisements
    • 247 136 S, ■iniHiW kv _> 481 .«s'SMB -a 1 The CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. I B ESTABLISHED 1883, |i 1 PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. I g. Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO” and “SIN POE.” I The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and I i"! lithographers in the Orient. I Our plant is of the
      247 words