The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 3 February 1911

Total Pages: 22
1 91 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 20 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. ||s Per Annum. Single 4O ceete. Vol. 9. Penang, Friday, 3rd February, 1911, No. 5.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 135 1 :v) a e 3 CT 11 J.. ,ZZZZZZZ Z,,Z/^Z^,^,ZZ,ZZZZZZ Zzzzzzzzzz/zzzzzzzzzzz/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/zzzzzzzzzzzzzz>zzzz/zzzzzzzzz/zzzzz//zzzzzzzz<<>rz/zzzzzzzzzz>. CONTENTS. 'I 1 I Leaders page. Public Opinion (Correspondence): page. x M Off the Chain of Locality 72 Income Tax 88 Knocked ’Em in the Mile-End Road” 77 Income Tax 78 Sports: Penang Mass Meeting 80 5 Lawn Tennis
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 164 2 1 ,y- THE 1 STRAITS ECHO I J MAIL EDITION. I 1 Published the day prior to the departure of each mail r S’ for Europe, and contains the latest local and States 1 news originally published in the daily issues, as well as t •3 all important news from
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  • 1000 72 Thus, in a Daily Mail phrase, does H. G. Wells inform us that mankind is reverting to an earlier habit. Naturally nomadic, circumstances for centuries have chained the man to one locality, and only now is he being let off the chain of locality.” It is
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  • 1182 72 SPECIAL MEETING. V A special meeting of the Municipal Commissionersjßvas held at the Municipal Offices yesterday Afternoon to consider certain bylaws suggested by the Registrar in regard to rickisha pullers. The following gentlemen were present: Mr. W. Peel (President), Mr. W. T. Chapman, Mr. J. W. Hallifax, Mr.
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  • Page 72 Advertisements
    • 105 72 The Straits Echo. 1 •>¥- 'Ax wSJ t/f L Justice satisfies everybody and justice alone.- -Rmernon Published daily (except Sundays.) AT THR CRITERION PRESS, LTD., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL $24 per annum. OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Free) s>s CABLE ADDRESS Echo —Penang.” Telephone No.
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  • 5860 73 monster meeting of protest. UNANIMOUS OPINION AGAINST GOVERNMENT. ALL CLASSES PRESENT. —S.F.P. A monster meeting, called by the Straits Settlements Association, was held m the Victoria Theatre on Tuesday afternoon to oppose the Income Tax. Long before the meeting commenced, every seat was occupied and the verandahs
    —S.F.P.  -  5,860 words

  • 473 76 1 Killed, 26 Wounded. (From Our Special Correspondent.) Particulars are now to hand of a terrible fight between Klings and Chinese which occurred last week on the Silian estate of the Linggi Plantations, Ltd. On the estate in question the Kling and Chinese lines are
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  • 48 76 (Echo Special.) Improvement. Singapore, 27th Jan.—Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s report states that there is considerable improvement in the market, and higher prices generally rule in all sections. Rubber shares have advanced sharply and there is an increase of inquiries for local industrials. Tin is quiet.
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  • 40 76 (Echo Special.) Charge Withdrawn. Singapore, 27th Jan.—A telegram from Hongkong states that the charge of embezzlement against Ravenhill, cashier of the Canadian Pacific Railway Office at Hongkong, has lieen withdrawn and that he has left the Colony.
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  • 567 76 (Echo Special.) Second Day’s Results. Kuala Lumpur, 27th Jan.—The attendance on the second day of the Selangor Races was fair, improving later in the evening. A light shower of rain fell after the first race, stopped, and fell again during the running of the fifth race. Appended are
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  • Page 76 Advertisements
    • 54 76 Advice for Old and Young. Lon t trifle with a cold is good advice for prudent men and women. It may be vital in case of a child. There is nothing bitter than Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for coughs and colds in children. It is safe and sure. For sale by
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  • 26 77 (Echo Special.) Copra and Pepper. Singapore, 27th January. —Following are to-day’s market prices. Sundried Copra $lO.lO, no buyers Mixed S 9.75, Black Pepper 515.25, buyers
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  • 108 77 (Supplied by Reuter.) Protest from Paris. London, 26th Jan. —A telegram from Paris states that, in consequence of the protests of French revolutionaries to the execution at Tok io of the anarchists who were found guilty of plotting against the life of the Mikalo, the Japanese Embassy
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  108 words
  • 22 77 (Supplied by Reuter.) Second Reading Passed. London, 26th Jan.—The Reichstag has passed the second reading of the Unearned Increment Bill.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  22 words
  • 69 77 (Supplied by Reuter.) Our Position in the Pacific. London, 26th Jan.—A series of articles on Inqierial Defence in the Morniny Pont says that the Vital Ocean is the Pacific. Fortunately our position in the Pacific is very strong. We can make the Indian Ocean a British lake and
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  69 words
  • 101 77 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Aim of the Government. London, 27th Jan. In connection with the telegram wired by Reuter on the 22nd inst. to the effect that British and American firms had made proposals to enable Portugal t<> carry out a scheme of reorganisation of her fl<jet
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  101 words
  • 41 77 (Supplied, by Reuter.) Request for American Financiers. London, 26th Jan.—The Washington State Department confirms the report that Persia has asked for American financiers, including a Treasurer and a General Director of Taxation, to disentangle the Customs and Inland Revenue Systems.
    (Supplied, by Reuter.)  -  41 words
  • 39 77 (Supplied by Ileuter.) Lewis Beat Summers. London, 27th Jan. —A telegram from New York states that Harris Lewis, of America, knocked out Johnny Summers, of England, in the fourth round for the World’s Welter Weight Championship.
    (Supplied by Ileuter.)  -  39 words
  • 41 77 (Supplied by Reuter.) On the Increase. London, 27th Jan. —A telegram from Peking states that there is a general increase in the number of plague cases in North China. The regrettable absence of Foreign co-operation still continues.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  41 words
  • 83 77 (Supplied by Reuter.) Successful Shooting Expedition. London, 27th Jan.—The Crown Prince of Germany has arrived at Allahabad after a successful shoot in the Mirzapur jungle. It is announced in the Gazette that the King has l>een pleased to give directions for the appointment of Mr. Frederick Belfield (Attorney-General)
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  83 words
  • 1182 77 While the (local) world is agape at the pitched battle in the Mile-end Road, London, wherein numerous police, aided by a military contingent, with rifles and a Maxim gun, besieged two forlorn bandits in a Whitechapel tenement, it is perhaps too soon to cavil
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  • 323 78 The petition against the Income Tax, in which the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce suggested acceptable alternatives, is reported not to have reached His Excellency the Governor. We learn that it was sent to Mr. Anthonisz when R. C., with a covering letter asking him to forward it
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  • 75 78 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following is the result of the ties played yesterday:— Single Handicap. Class A. A. G. Anthony beat B. Martin 10—8 5—7 7—5. Single Handicap. Class B. E. R. Henderson beat Ezechiel 6 7—5. Single Handicap. Class C. H. Rhodes beat Bochow w. o.
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  • 377 78 The s.s. Deli, of the Eastern Shipping Company, met with an accident while off Tongkah on Monday afternoon. She came into port this morning under tow of the Rotorua. It appears that shortly after leaving Tapmu, her main shaft broke. The Deli was then quite close
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  • 198 78 Serious Rumour from Tokio. Tokio, Jan. 16th. The s.s. Mongolia is rumoured to have sunk near Hawaii. No confirmation of the report is to band, but nevertheless great anxiety prevails, says the 8. C. M. P. What with her double bottom and watertight compartments there would be little
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  • 392 78 Anglo-Malay.— Third int. div. 25 per cent. Bukit Rajah.— Second int. div. 25 per cent., less tax. Bantam (Java). Owing to a discrepancy of 12,000 trees, which transpired on taking over the estate, the vendors have agreed to surrender .£14,000 of shares, which the directors
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  • Page 78 Advertisements
    • 78 78 Croup Prevented. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is not only a certain cure for croup, but it will prevent the attack when freely given as soon as the first symptoms appear. In many thousands of homes it is kept constantly at hand ready for instant use as soon as the croupy cough
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  • 603 79 (Echo Special.) Colony’s Obscure Financial Position. Singapore, 28th January.—At the meeting of the Legislative Council it was reaoHed that a full statement of the finances of the colony, including present and prospective liabilities, will be prepared before any bill imposing additional taxation is considered by the Government.
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  • 161 79 (Echo Special.) Meeting at Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur, 28th January.—A public meeting was held yesterday eveing at the Resident’s Office to consider schemes for a memorial to the late King. Thirty-three were present, Mr. R. G. Watson presiding. The Chairman said that H. E. the Governor wished
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  • 40 79 (Echo Special.) Woodroffe—Stephens. Kuala Lumpur, 28th Jan.—The marriage took place at Colombo of Mr. Hugh Clayton Woodroffe, of Kuala Lumpur, to Miss Norah Helen Stephens, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Walter Stephens of Taynton Manor, Oxford.
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  • 33 79 (Supplied by Reuter.) Antitoxin from Vienna. London, 28th January.—A telegram from Peking says that Government is unable to obtain serum and has oidered 10,000 doses of plague antitoxin from Vienna.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  33 words
  • 37 79 (Supplied by Reuter.) New Treaty Contemplated. London, 28th January.—The New York correspondent of the Times learns from a trustworthy source that America proposes to negotiate a new treaty with Japan eliminating the Exclusion Clause.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  37 words
  • 41 79 (Supplied by Reuter.) Reciprocity Details. London, 27th Jan.—The details of the reciprocity agreement between the United States and Canada have been published. The total amount of duties remitted by the United States was $4,850,000 and by Canada $2,560,000.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  41 words
  • 46 79 (Supplied by Reuter.) Will China and Japan Combine London, 27th Jan.—Lord Curzon, addressing the students of Glasgow University, said that the dismemberment of China appears to be arrested. The question is, will she unite with Japan for the leadership of the Far East
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  46 words
  • 40 79 (Supplied by Reuter.) Suicide London, 27th January.—A telegram from St. Petersburg states that Prince Chin Pommys, the Korean ex-Minister there, was found hanged in his residence. He left a letter for the Emperor of Korea containing 2,500 roubles.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  40 words
  • 24 79 (Supplied by Reuter.) Popularising Consols. London, 27th Jan.—lt is stated that Government is considering proposals to popularise consols for small investors.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  24 words
  • 485 79 Obituary. (Supplied by Reuter.) Sir Charles Dilke. London, 27th Jan.—The death is announced at the age of 68 of Sir Charles Duke. o Charl 8 Dilke, who was born at Chelsea m 3, u C T. IVe bls aca< l”rnical education at 1 unity Hall, Cambridge, of which he was
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  • 47 80 (Supplied by Reuter.) Practical Men. London, 27th January.—A telegram from Berlin states that at a conference of officials and merchants at the Foreign Office it was decided that future candidates for the Consular sendee must have a practical knowledge of commerce, industry, and shipping.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  47 words
  • 64 80 (Supplied by Reuter.) Cross-Country Flight. London, 27th Jan. —It is stated that the aviator Koger made a cross-country Hight with six passengers from Donzy to Ardennes. Curtiss’ Feat. London, 28th January. —The aviator Curtiss, at San Diego, succeeded in flying in an aeroplane equipped with hydroplanes. He ascended from
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  64 words
  • 380 80 We could write more easily about Penang’s monster public meeting if there had been one. Where is the public spirited and patriotic Penangite who should have convened it, where the keen and earnest crowds, as at Singapore, to manifest with uplifted hands the true state of the
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  • 611 80 Two Rattling Good Shows. Penang theatre-goers owe Mr. Henry I Dallas gratitude for importing su h high- i class people as form his Follies company. I That they were trained by the great Pe’dis- sier himself means a lot, no doubt, but to their native ability and gilts
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  • 175 80 The Kedah Gymkhana was a glorious success. Appended are the winners of the various events. Event i.— Tilting at the Ring—--2.45 p.m. Ladiea Airs. Jamieson. Gentlemen,— Mr. Fleury. Event 2. Plat Race — p.m. Mr. 11. Pearson on Demon 1 Mr. R. Scott on Dorothea 2 Event 3.
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  • 324 80 Appeal by the Defendants. Before the Full Court of Appeal, consisting of the Chief Justice, Sir W. Hyndman Jones, Mr. Justice Fisher and Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, the hearing was begun this morning of the appeal by the defendants against the judgment of Mr. Justice Thornton in the
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  • 3829 81 BILL TO BE POSTPONED. Government Recognizes Public Opinion. THE HON. A. R. ADXMS’S SPEECH. a. r. k Present Hi» Eiwlkocr the Governor Sir John Anleraon, His Eiceltoy the Officer ComLnU. th. Troop», Major Gen. Stephenson, c. B The Hon We the a Mieh<Hon the <M Engin^F.'J Pigott,
    a. r. k  -  3,829 words

  • 108 83 > I.r/m S.pirvit Latest Prices. Ku.i’i Lumpur, Ist Feb. The Plmfers SfoH’H and Agency wire that the following prices rule in Lon lon Plantation Sheet 5/3 per lb. Biscuit 5/3 Para 5/5 Big Xcmpsey Crop. Kui’i Lumpur, Lt Feb. —The Kemp'vy Estate’s crop for J m;i:ry was 4,013 lbs.
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  • 196 83 (Echv Special.) Colony States. Kuala Lumpur, 2nd Feb.—The States won th<* cricket match against the Colony, which was played at Kuala Lumpur, by 9 wickets. Following were the scores: Colony.- -let Inning*. Jenkins 64 Haddon 10 Chamberlain 2 Rooke 11 Mugliston 4 Clarke 5 Wedd 0 Futtes 4 Rayner
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  • 135 83 (i.cho Sperial.) Complimentary Dance. Koala Lumpur, Ist Feb. —There was a dance at the Club last night in horiour of K. G. Watson. Over 200 were present, and the affair was most successful, dancing continuing enthusiastically till morning. After supper Travers, as VicePresident of the Club, proposed
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  • 27 83 (Supplied by Reuter.) Driscoll Defeats Robson. Loudon, 81st January.—Jim Driscoll defeated Spike Robson in the seventh round retaining the Lonsdale Belt for the Featherweight Championship.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 79 83 (Supplied by Reuter.) Aistrns. Comme t« hen !>•, om Jdiiuiry.— telug i:n from liiii.j I '-st states that, Baron Alois voa Aehrenthal, 1h j Austrian Foreign .Minister, in a speech in the Austi i m Delegation with satisla-tien oa th* rapprochement lietween Geim.ny and Russia. He lie.ieved that,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  79 words
  • 92 83 (Supplied by Reuter.) Curta'led Owing to the Plague. London,3Dt Jan.—A telegram fromßerlin states that, owing to the plague, the Imperial Chancellor has l>een compelled to advise the Kaiser that the Crown Prince should abandon his tour to the East and return to Germany from Calcutta. Regrets have
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  92 words
  • 27 83 (Sujiplied by Reuter.) Reorganizing by French Officers. London. Ist F.-b.—Athens r q orts the arrival uj eleven French officers, to reor rauue the Greek Army.
    (Sujiplied by Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 48 83 (Supplied by Reuter.) Comment on Rec’procity /agreement. London, 31st January. —Comment is rife concerning the Americo-C madian reciprocity agreement. The Daily Mail says that the sooner we realize that the scheme of Impenal preference, or which Canada is the corner stone, is dead the better.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  48 words
  • 40 83 (Supplied by Reuter.) Provisional Commission Appointee. London, 28th Jan. —A telegram from St. Petersburg states that the Cabinet discussed the question of the Indo-European Railway and recommended the creation of a special commission provisionally to consider the undertaking.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  40 words
  • 61 83 (Supplied by Reuter.) Between Great Britain Japan. London, 28th Jan.—Reuter learns that conferences with regard to a treaty of commerce are being held at the Foreign Office between the Japanese ambassador and the representatives of the Foreign Office and Board of Trade. Secrecy is maintained in regard to
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  61 words
  • 28 83 (Supplied by Reuter.) In North China. London, Ist February.—Peking advises that more favourable reports are coming in from all districts with regard to the plague epidemic.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  28 words
  • 49 83 (Supplied by Reuter.) Won’t Disturb Peace. Lindon, Ist February.—Bitterdam reports that it has been semi-officially intimated that Hofland will decline any proposal for an international conference or any negotiations concerning the fortification of the river Scheldt as the question is too thorny and liable I -ndanger international peace.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  49 words
  • 86 83 (Supplied by Reuter.) 400 Deaths. London, 31 st Jan.—Manila reports an eruption in the Taal region, and a rain’of stones and mud ov< r a radius of twenty miles. Five villages were destroyed by a tidal wave, and at least 300 people killed. Many others were burned by
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  86 words
  • 21 83 (Supplied by Reuter.) To G overn Canada. London, 30th January.—The Duke of Connaught has been appointed GovernorGeneral uf Canada.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  21 words

  • 1897 84 Letter from Sir I hank Swettenham. Sir Frank Swettenham sent the following letter, dated January 6, to the Editor of the Malay Mail: I address you because the Malay Mad is the only newspaper in which I have seen what purports to be a full {recount of the
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  • Page 84 Advertisements
    • 58 84 Absolutely Safe. When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you up all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic 3MI may Is; given as confidently to a baby as to an
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  • 537 85 (ffcho Special.) Third Day’» Result». Kuala Lumpur, 1 wt leb. —Following were the result; o the Third day of the Selangor Race*. 1, Thk iMPOiTEf.H Stakes—2.4s p.m. Value $4OO. A handicap for griffins that have runt? the meeting Distance R. C. The Sodager Kongsi’s Silvia 9.10... 1 L.
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  • 107 85 (Supplied by Reuter.) Nervous About Plague. London, 30th January— Shantung is the worst district. Elaborate precautions are being taken both at the ports and in the interior. St. Petersburg reports that 3,000 Russian workmen on the Eastern Chinese Railway, fearing the plague, struck work because the Administration
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  107 words
  • 36 85 (Supplied by Reuter.) To Invest £14,000,000. London, 29th January.—The Port of London authority has approved plans for a series of improvements involving an expenditure of fourteen millions. The work will occupy twenty years.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  36 words
  • 56 85 (Supplied by Reuter.) A PrapAecy. London, 30th Jan —At Budapest, Minister of Marine Mo-itecu‘coli addressed the Hu igari-in Delegates to the effect that Aus'.-ri i-Hunga-y in 191-5 w mid have 13 battleships nine crui.nrs, 18 destroyers, 48 torpslob t and 12 submarines, but must have, bef re 192 respectively
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  56 words
  • 36 85 (Supplied by Reuter.) At Tokyo. London, 30th January.—Berlin reports that Herr Rex has been designated Ambassador to Tokyo. London, 30th Jan.—Berlin reports that Herr Goltz, now in Siam, will replace Herr Rex at Peking.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  36 words
  • 38 85 (Supplied by Reuter.) Big Prospectus. London, 30th Jan.— A prospectus is issued of a Company with a capital of <£1,312,500, to deal with important deposits of ramous soda at Lake Ma gad i in East Africa.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  38 words
  • 48 85 (Supjdied by Reuter.) Is England Losing Grip? London, 31st January.—Despite tie maintenance of the principle of British preference, the feeling is forcing itself to the front that the American-Canadian Agreement may eventually lead to more extensive relations between them, commercial and otherwise, to the detriment of Britain.
    (Supjdied by Reuter.)  -  48 words
  • 35 85 (Supplied by Reuter.) Ecuador-Peru. London, 30th January.—The longstanding frontier dispute between Ecuador and Peru, which Ecuador refused to submit to the Hague Arbiters, lias culminated in open hostilities at several places on the frontier.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  35 words
  • 25 85 (Supplied by Reuter.) Their Home Rule Bill. London, 30th Jan. —The Reichstag has, by 18 to 12, referred the Alsace-Lorraine Bill to Committee.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  25 words
  • 162 85 Sikh Warder Shoots Another. The little town of Batu Gajah was rudely shocked on Thursday night by the news of a terrible tragedy, which was enacted in the Kinta Gaol, situated in that town. The story, according to the T. 0. M., is to the effect
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  • 973 85 They have put off till to-morrow what they could nut, without much ado, do today. The Income Tax Bill is scotched. It isn’t killed. The Governor says it is bound to come. So long as it is not bound to come in our time Eh Our affection for
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  • 3347 86 TIN CASE. Before the Full Court of Appeal, consisting of the Chief Justice, Sir W. Hyndman Jones, Mr. Justice Fisher and Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, the hearing was begun yesterday morning of the appeal by the defendants against the judgment of Mr. Justice Thornton in the
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    • 418 88 To THB Edi fob of thb Stbaitb Echo. Sir. —I do not wish to enter into the merit» or demerits of the proposed Income Tax though I have strong views about the latter. I wish only to call public attention to some remarks made by our member of
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  • 84 88 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following is the result of the ties pbyed yesterday:— Single Handicap. Class A. A. G. Anthony beat Bailey I—6 6—4 7—5. Single Handicap. Class B. Cobley beat Austin w. o. Mixed Double Handicap. Mrs. Edwards and Reimann beat Mr. and Mrs. Saye 3—6;
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  • 62 88 (Echo Special.) m Reaches New Milieu. Klumpor, Ist Feb.—Sir Arthur and Lady Evelyn Young arrived by special train from Port Swettenham at 3 30 to-day. They were met on the platform by a large gathering of officials and unofficials. Having got through the handshakings, he inspected
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  • 32 88 (Echo Special.) At Singapore. oingapore, 2nd Feb.—The sparks from a traction engine going out of Thomson Road started a fire which destroyed 16 houses and did $B,OOO worth of damage.
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  • 22 88 (Echo Special.) Satisfactory Settlement. Singapore, 2nd Feb.—The Chinese New Year settlement was satisfactory. There was only one small failure.
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  • 14 88 (Echo Special.) Singapore Quotes. Singapore, 2nd February.—Sun-dried copra is $lO and mixed $9.65.
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  • 46 88 (Supplied by Reuter.) Impossible. London, Ist February.—The Daily Mail reiterates that as Canada made her own bargain with the United States following the defeat of Mr. Chamberlain’s policy three elections ago the Unionists must face the fact that Imperial Preference is no longer possible.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  46 words
  • 21 88 {Supplied by Reuter.) Naval Base. London, Ist February.—The Admiralty is considering the creation of Harwich into a strong Naval base.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  21 words
  • 82 88 (Supplied by Reuter.) Canadian Premier's Suggestion. London, Ist Feb.—A telegram from Ottawa states that, speaking in the House of Commons, the Premier, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, said that he favoured the abolition of the head tax of $5OO for Chinese immigrant» and the substitution for it of an arrangement
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  82 words
  • 578 88 (Supplied by Reuter.) Republican Agitator Imprisoned. London, 2nd Feb.—Edward Mylius has ban sentenced by the Lord Chief Justice to twelve months imprisonment for libelling King George V, in the Liberator newspaper, in which he stated that the King’s marriage to the Queen was a sham, a shameful
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  578 words

  • 578 89 (Sai>]/h i/jl by ILuLr.) Reigning Princes Exempted From Tax. Izoridoii, 1-t February. A telegram from Berlin statc-j that the Reichstag by 166 votes 'to 138 passed the amendment to the Increrfirnit Bill exempting the reigning I’rimd and Princesses to the Increment Tax. r Mr. J. Wilson, of Sourabaya,
    (Sai>]/hi/jl by ILuLr.)  -  578 words
  • 119 89 Penang, 2nd February. By courtesy of the Chartered Bank, ft London, Demand Bank 2/4 Aj 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4|£ 3 Credit 3 Documentary.. 2/4|J Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’ sight Private 1754 Bombay, Demand Bann 1744 Moubuein. Bunk I~3| 3 da*.s’ stght Private 1754 Madras. Demand
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  • 125 89 Gold Leaf $64.60 Black Pepp'r no stock White Pepp ,r 24.50 Irahg Pepper 16.25 buyers f doves 42.50 saZes' Mace »e 95— nomined Pickings 104.— sellers Nutmegs 110 s 22,— sellers f No. 1 6.— sales Sugar j 2 5.90 sales (.Basket 5. nom. Tapioca Flour R 55 nominal
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  • Page 89 Advertisements
    • 379 89 The Hunter’s Worst Enemy. Well Known Burma Sportsman Says It Is Malaria. Records His Own Terrible Experience, And TeiS.k How He Was Curel/By Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. t “It was whilst on an expedition after big game some years ago that I fell victim to Malaria, which; as everybody knows,
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    • 200 89 palpitations ceased, my nerves became steadier, and the pains in the heart no longer troubled me. Soon I was able to 1 walk steadily, then I rapidly put on weight i and regained strength, and in due course was restored to a* perfect condition of health.” People with good, rich,
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  • Page 90 Advertisements
    • 415 90 Adif t* ii 1 men t a, MBMMMI MMM^MMIMIIIIII JMMJ. JQ OFt SALE. I POR SALE. ANOTHER NEW CONSIGNMENT -Ruaber Producing "LIM CHEE SAING’S 7 Companies. r r Account Books Stationery (Capitalised in Dollars.) JUST* ARRIVED» PUBLISHED BY FULL REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS. Ledger Books 5 quires Demy folio, |5-5O
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  • Page 91 Advertisements
    • 267 91 T ii' TJie 'CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. i g ESTABLISHED 1883. Bg PRINTERS «ft PUBLISHERS*. I Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO”, and “SIN POE.”-. M fl 1 > S S The most. enterprising and up-to-date printers and 1 BN lithographers in the Orient. r S Our plant is of the very
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